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Still positive, but wait for a better entry point after 3Q24E results

    We trim our HDT engine sales volume forecast by 7%/7%2% in 2024E/25E/26E,after incorporating our new industry HDT sales forecast (for details, please referto our sector report “China Heavy-duty Truck – Headwinds in 4Q24 in bothChina & export; Eyes on policy-driven recovery in 2025”). In the near term, webelieve the narrowed LNG/diesel price spread will be unfavourable to Weichai’sgas engine segment. While our earnings forecast in 2024E-26E is only reviseddown by 1-3% due to a relatively solid margin outlook, our new forecastssuggest profit growth to decelerate from 51% in 1H24 to 7%/2% in2H24E/2025E. Our SOTP-based TP for A/H (rolled over to 2025E) is reviseddown to RMB17.9/HK$17.7 (from RMB18.0/HK$19.5). We still maintain BUYrating as valuation (10.7x 2025E P/E) is not excessive even under our newearnings forecast, but we see a better entry point after the upcomingannouncement of 3Q24E results (30 Oct).
    Risk factors: 1) weakness in engine exports; 2) lower-than-expectedreplacement demand in China; (3) further contraction of diesel/gas priceratio.

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