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Key beneficiary of semiconductor localization

来源:招银国际 作者:Lily Yang,Kevin Zhang 2024-05-29 10:01:00
(以下内容从招银国际《Key beneficiary of semiconductor localization》研报附件原文摘录)
We recently held an NDR with Naura Technology’s management and wemaintain our positive outlook for the Company. We expect Naura to deliverrobust revenue growth on capex expansion from downstream clients andaccelerated semi localization trend. In addition, we believe the Companycould be one of the beneficiaries of the recently launched “Big Fund III”(US$47.5bn) in China. Naura is currently our favourite under the semilocalization theme. Reiterate BUY rating for Naura (002371 CH), with anunchanged TP at RMB405.
Geopolitical tensions have driven major economies worldwide to pursueresilience over efficiency, leading to significant investments to strengthendomestic chip fabrication capabilities. The recently established “Big FundIII” (US$47.5bn) in China is so far the largest phase of the series, withregistered capital of RMB344bn (vs. Phase I/II: RMB139bn/RMB200bn).The phase III underscores yet another Chinese government’s effort toachieve self-sufficiency in semi amid the escalating geopolitical tensions.Previous phases focused on chip fabrication, equipment, materials, etc.,and we expect similar investment interests for Phase III, as well as apotential focus on AI-related areas. We expect Naura to be one of thebeneficiaries.
Looking forward, Naura will likely maintain robust growth on capexexpansion from clients and accelerated semi localization trend. Keydrivers of revenue could be from order wins in CCP, CVD and cleanserproducts. The Company disclosed that new orders signed in 2023 wereRMB30bn, of which 70%+ were for semiconductor equipment and 15%were for new energy/PV. We think these orders will support 40% revenuegrowth in 2024.
We reiterate our BUY rating for Naura (002371 CH), with anunchanged TP at RMB405, based on the same 39x 2024E P/E. Weraise our GPM forecasts by 1.9ppt and 3.9ppt for 2024/25E, consideringlarger revenue contribution from more advanced equipment. Thisaccretive impact on net profit was offset by a higher projection for R&Dspending (~11% of total revenue), as the Company is expanding itsproduct coverage. Risks: 1) intensified competition from overseas anddomestic peers, and 2) escalating geopolitical tensions.


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