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US Daily:What to Watch on Election Day (Phillips)


We continue to expect Sec. Clinton to win the White House, with a slimDemocratic majority in the Senate and a somewhat smaller Republican majorityin the House.

National polling in the presidential contest has stabilized at a lead of around 2ppfor Sec. Clinton. Early voting data favors the Democrats in the states that mightprovide the marginal electoral votes to the winner, Nevada and Colorado. Thatsaid, early voting in other states like North Carolina and Ohio leans to theRepublicans, and Florida’s early voting data suggests a race as close as the pollsdo.

We provide an hour-by-hour guide of what to watch for on Election Day (andnight). With tight polling in several states, it looks quite possible that a finaloutcome in the presidential race might not become clear until early on November9. The same holds true in the Senate races, where a delayed outcome in oneseat could keep either party from winning an outright majority on election night.

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