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Philippines Strategy:Interesting observations from our political survey

来源:麦格理证券 作者:Gilbert Lopez 2016-01-18 00:00:00

Roxas takes top spot for both questions. Roxas was viewed as the mostmarket-friendly outcome, garnering 52% of the vote. Meanwhile he alsoachieved the top ranking (although less dominant) with regards to being thevoters’ choice with 44% of the vote. We believe that Philippine fund managersview Roxas as the least risky outcome for May 2016, providing continuity,especially as the hand-picked choice of incumbent Noynoy Aquino.

Duterte has strong appeal, despite not being market friendly. Duterteranked a strong second to Roxas in terms of voter choice at 35%. This isdespite his poor showing with regards to being viewed as good for themarkets, with just 10% of the vote - a lowly fourth ranking. This highlightsDuterte’s strong appeal, which enamored even inherently conservative fundmanagers who may have liked his track record of being a decisive leader asmayor of the third-largest city of Davao.

Binay not preferred personally but viewed as good for markets. Currentvice president Binay is not preferred personally, with just 2% of the voterssurveyed giving him support for a poor 4th place. However, he placed secondto Roxas in terms of being viewed as a market friendly outcome in May 2016,with 25% of the vote. We believe fund managers are forecasting Binay to hitthe ground running but would not vote for him due to being perceived as theepitome of a traditional Philippine politician with all the excess baggage thatentails. Common in patronage politics would be questions related to integrity.

Poe still has supporters despite candidacy questions. Despite questionsover her candidacy due to the residency requirement, Poe continues to haveher fair share of supporters. She ranked third for both questions, getting avote of 13% for the first question and a vote of 19% for the second question.

We think her clean reputation still holds a lot of attraction, especially when itcomes to voters’ personal preference.

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