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特 力B: 2024年半年度报告(英文版)内容摘要



SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD. 2024 Semi-Annual Report August 2024

Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators - Operating Revenue: RMB 1,580,023,748.85, an increase of 124.17% over the same period of the previous year (RMB 704,836,410.94). - Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Listed Company: RMB 76,662,479.69, an increase of 73.68% over the same period of the previous year (RMB 44,139,962.93). - Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Listed Company After Non-Recurring Gains and Losses Are Deducted: RMB 70,454,786.31, an increase of 87.13% over the same period of the previous year (RMB 37,650,680.93). - Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities: RMB 107,309,488.92, an increase of 1,147.75% over the same period of the previous year (RMB -10,241,941.90). - Basic Earnings Per Share: RMB 0.1778, an increase of 73.63% over the same period of the previous year (RMB 0.1024). - Weighted Average ROE: 4.66%, an increase of 1.77% over the same period of the previous year (2.89%).

Financial Position at the End of the Reporting Period - Total Assets: RMB 2,493,228,681.47, an increase of 3.72% over the end of the previous year (RMB 2,403,851,684.45). - Net Assets Attributable to Shareholders of the Listed Company: RMB 1,667,204,726.70, an increase of 3.95% over the end of the previous year (RMB 1,603,905,054.93).

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