Stock Code: 002607 Stock Abbr.: OFFCN EDU No.: 2024-008
Performance Estimate for 2023
The Company and all the directors confirm that the information disclosed is true, accurate, complete
and with no false recording, misleading statement or material omission.
The Company’s Performance Estimate for 2023 is prepared and published in Chinese version, and the
English version is for reference only. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese version
and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
I. Performance estimate
? the estimated net profit is negative
Item Current reporting period Same period of last year
Net profit
attributable to theLosses: RMB 175 million - RMB 225 Losses: RMB 1,102.0598
shareholders of the million million
listed Company
Net profit after
deducting non- Losses: RMB 179.8 million - RMB 229.8 Losses: RMB 1,113.0773
recurring gains million million
and losses
Losses: RMB 0.03 / share - RMB 0.04 /
Basic earnings per
Losses: RMB 0.18 / share
share (RMB/share) share
II. Pre-audit of the estimated performance
The Company has pre-communicated with the accounting firm on the major matters related
to the estimated performance. There are no significant differences between the Company
and the accounting firm on the estimated performance of this reporting period. The
estimated result above is only preliminary calculation performed by the financial
department of the Company. It has not been pre-audited or reviewed by certified accountants.
III. Statement for performance variation
The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company in 2023 is estimated to be a
loss of RMB 175 million to RMB 225 million, a reduction of RMB 927.0598 million to
RMB 877.0598 million (equivalent to 84.12% to 79.58%) compared with the loss of RMB
reporting period, with a improved business environment, the Company stuck to the business
boost plan which has been in practice since 2022, proactively adjusted market strategy to
transform from pursuing large scale to pursuing big profits, focused on profit received and
further optimized product mix to improve the Company’s profitability; meanwhile, the
Company enhanced refined management, reshaped organizational structure and continued
to strengthen cost control and optimize the Company’s operating efficiency.
IV. Other remarks
The estimated result above is only preliminary calculation performed by the financial
department of the Company. For the specific financial information, please refer to the
Annual Report 2023 to be duly disclosed by the Company. Investors are reminded to
exercise caution when making investment decisions.
Hereby announced.
The Board of Directors of OFFCN Education Technology Co., Ltd.
January 30, 2024