Chapter I
Independent R&D ·ATW
InnovativeR&Dsystem 14
InnovativeR&Dinitiatives 18
Chapter V
Message from ATW Contribution to Society • Constant
Intelligent development and
Notes on the Report
Tax payment according to law
About ATW Chapter II 59
Solid Foundation • Characteris- Public interest activities and donations
Reporting period
Overview 03
tic Governance Community building and development
Volunteer activities
Strategy and culture 03 Organization 26 60
Scope of report
Business layout and development 04 Operation of the three meetings 26
Report release
History 05 Protection of shareholders’ rights and
Chapter VI
Honors in 2023 06 interests Close Cooperation • Win-
Performance summary 07 Internal control and risk management 30 win Outcomes
Principles of preparation
Anti-corruption and anti-bribery 31
Party building 32 Sustainable supply chain 63
Support for industrial development 67
Responsible Management
Chapter III
Information sources
Good Faith • Greater Prosperity
ESG working mechanism 08 Chapter VII
Stakeholder communication 09 Employment equity and diversity 37 Green Development • Low-carbon
Identification of material topics 10 Protection of employee rights and interests 38
Promoting employee development 40
Environmental management 70
Care for employee well-being 43
Appendices Protection of employee health and privacy 44
Pollutant management 71
Energy resource management 72
Green operations 73
Chapter IV Carbon emission management
Priority to Safety • Focus on Quality
Production safety management 48
Improving customer service 53
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
Amid the complicated and changing uncertainties in global economy, Autowell have developed complete and standardized models for R&D, procurement,
has maintained rapid development in 2023. The Company’s performance has production, and sales. We are committed to protecting the rights and interests
achieved substantial growth, evidenced by the signing of new orders worth over of shareholders and creditors and fulfilling our obligations for information
CNY 10 billion, year-on-year growth of over 70% in terms of operating income and disclosure. We communicate with investors via multiple channels and promptly
net profit, as well as the market share of over 60% for the Company’s core product, disclose important information to investors and other stakeholders. We have
ultra-high-speed MBB Cell Soldering Stringer. Meanwhile, we have carried out improved operating efficiency through building information system, optimizing
environmental, social and governance responsibilities and integrated the concept management process, and refining production management. We attach great
of sustainability into all aspects of the Company’s operations. importance to internal control and risk management, while further strengthening
information security, clean business practices, and IPR protection, so as to ensure
Adhere to innovative development and
the Company’s stable operation and sustained development.
promote green socio-economic development Fulfill social responsibilities and achieve
Since China’s “dual carbon goals” were proposed, the upgrading of PV power
win-win results for all parties
generation technology has boosted the development of the PV industry. Autowell
has since increased its investment in R&D to continuously improve key technical The Company protects the rights and interests of customers and suppliers,
capabilities and upgrade its product technologies. By the end of 2023, it had delivering goods with guaranteed quality and quantity and making payments in
obtained a total of 1,605 intellectual property rights. New products, such as high- full and on time completely in line with the contract requirements. By the end of
speed welding systems, various 0BB process equipment, XBC equipment, and 2023, the Company had 4,832 employees. The Company has consistently upheld
Year-on-year growth of intelligent ultra-low-oxygen monocrystal growth furnace, have been launched in the people-oriented principle, strictly abides by laws and regulations, adheres
operating income and the market. The process optimization not only improved the performance of new to legal and reasonable employment, resolutely protects the rights and interests
net profit exceeded products, but also reduced the energy consumption of the products. of employees, and promotes the common development of the Company and
Low carbonization is a key link of high-quality development. Autowell has further employees through the implementation of equity incentives. The Company has
established a complete production system and quality system to ensure product
promoted green production and operations. The Company developed a green and
low-carbon sustainability model by utilizing renewable energy, improving energy quality and safety. The Company attaches great importance to shareholder
efficiency, and advocating green offices. Training and other measures were adopted returns. In 2023, apart from cash dividends, there were two share repurchases,
demonstrating the confidence in the Company’s development prospects.
N o. o f i n te l l e ct u a l to improve employees’ awareness of sustainability and environmental protection,
property rights ob- thereby reducing carbon emissions in production and life.
tained by the end of
Optimize the governance structure and
nological innovation, devote to the mission of “Building Smart
No. of employees The Company has set up relevant management and governance systems, strictly Factory With New Technologies, Driving Global Intelligent Man-
observes laws, regulations and industry requirements, sets up effective channels ufacturing”, strive to advance intelligent manufacturing, and
and other stakeholders, shares the corporate achievements and development
inject green momentum into the sustainable development of the
plans, and gives play to the leading role of Party building, in a bid to ensure Company and society.
the Company’s stable operation and sustained development.Standardized
operation lays the foundation of a company. We have established a sound internal
management system. Pillared by internal systems and approval processes, we
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
The Report covers a period from 1 Januar y 2 0 2 3 to 3 1 December 2 0 2 3 . ’sreader
Thefollowingglossaryoftermsisincludedforthe convenience.
However, certain statements may be beyond the aforesaid period to ensure
thecomparabilityoftheReport. Abbreviation Full name
ATW, the Company, our company, we, the group Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Autowell Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.,
ATW Intelligent
a holding subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Autowell Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.,
ATW Supply Chain
ThisReportcentersonAutowell.Unlessotherwisespeci_ed,thescopeofthis a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Autowell Optical Application Co., Ltd.,
ReportisconsistentwiththescopeoftheCompany ATW Optica
a holding subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Songci Electromechanical Co., Ltd.,
a holding subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Autowell Coshin Semiconductor
ATW Coshin
Technology Co., Ltd.,a holding subsidiary of the company
Wuxi Autowell XuRi Technology Co., Ltd.,
This Report is the first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report a holding subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Leddo Technology Co., Ltd.,
Leddo Technology
a holding subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co., Ltd.,
Wuxi Zhiyuan
a holding subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Autowell Jiexin Technology Co., Ltd.,
a holding subsidiary of the Company
Polar Photovoltaics (Bengbu) Co., Ltd. ,
Polar PV
This Report is prepared pursuant to the PRules Governing the Listing of
Stocks on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock ExchangeQ, PGuidelines a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Polar Photovoltaics Co., Ltd.,
Wuxi Polar
a holding subsidiary of the Company
No. ? of the STAR Market of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of
Listed Companies Standardized OperationQ, PGuidelines on Corporate
Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR ?.–)Q- is
sued by the Research Center for Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences, GRI Standards (?–??), and the United Nations ’s public
The qualitative and quantitative information in this Report is sourced from ATW
SustainableDevelopmentGoals(SDGs). information,internaldocumentsandrelevantstatisticaldata.
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
W u x i A u t o w e l l Te c h n o l o g y C o . , L t d . w a s f o u n d e d i n 2 0 1 0 a n d
recognized as a national high-tech enterprise for the _rst time in 2015.
Technology, a Potential Unicorn Enterprise in South Jiangsu National
W h e re ve r t h e re i s a fa cto r y, t h e re
Innovation Demonstration Zone, Wuxi Quasi- Unicorn Enterprise,
i s AT W ’ s i n t e l l i g e n t m a n u f a c t u r i n g
among others. ATW is a renowned intelligent equipment manufacturer
ATW has several subsidiaries, including ATW Intelligent, SCEC, ATW
XuRi, ATW Coshin, and Leddo. Its expanding PV product portfolio now
and Wafer Inspection System are well recognized by the leading
enterprisesinthePVindustryandhavegainedalargemarketshare. Build Smart Factory With New
Technologies Drive Global Intelligent
Following the development trends of new energy vehicles, energy Manufacturing.
storage and consumer electronics markets, the Company has
i n d e p e n d e n t l y d e v e l o p e d L i t h i u m - i o n B a tt e r y M o d u l e , PA C K
Production Line, and Lithium- ion Batter y Appearance Inspection
M a c h i n e , w i n n i n g re p eat o rd e r s f ro m w e l l - k n o w n e n te r p r i s e s i n
the industry. In addition, we have received bulk orders for the self-
’s officially launched onto the
developed product Wire Bonder that Competitive Innovation & Leading
marketin201. Te c h n o l o g y ; S u p e r i o r Q u a l i t y ; E f f i c i e n t
In the future, Autowell will be committed to providing customers with
all- round and intelligent solutions for the industry chain, creating
greater values for customers, and making greater contributions to the
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
Lithium battery business
As a renowned intelligent equipment manufacturer in the sectors of PV, lithium batteries
and semiconductors, ATW’s product portfolio now serves the four major sectors of PV Energy Storage Prismatic cells
industry chain: Rod, Wafer, Cell and Module. The competitive flagship products MBB ESS module & pack Prismatic energy storage mod-
Cell Soldering Stringer and Wafer Inspection System are well recognized by the leading assembly line; ule/PACK production line;
Intelligent assembly line Prismatic dynamics module/
enterprises in the PV industry and have gained a large market share. The Company has
of container-type energy PACK production line
independently developed Lithium-ion Battery Module, PACK Production Line, and Lithium-
storage system
ion Battery Appearance Inspection Machine, winning repeat orders from well-known
enterprises in the industry. In addition, we have received bulk orders for the self-developed
product Wire Bonder that’s officially launched onto the market in 2021. Meanwhile, we Pouch cells Cylindrical cells
have continued to expand product development in the packaging & testing sectors of the
Po u c h m o d u l e / PAC K Cylindrical cells module/PACK
semiconductor industry. production line production line
PV business Semiconductor business
CoveringfourmajorsectorsofthePVindustrychain Coveringfourmajorsectorsofthepackaging&testinginthesemiconductorindustry
Dicing Die bonder
Rod Wafer Cell Module Dicing saw Slicken solder die bonder
Wafer cleaner Automatic epoxy die bonder
Monocrystal Wafer inspection Screen printing MBB cell soldering
growth furnace; system; production line; stringer;
Ingot automation Laser coder/ light-induced Laser dicing saw;
equipment decoder; annealing furnace; Bussing machine;
Silicon wafer Metallization- Layup machine; AOI inspection Wire bonder
packaging annealing High-speed welding
Hybrid module optical Aluminum wire bonder
equipment; integrated furnace; system;
inspection system Hybrid module bonder
Automatic re- Packaging line and Junction box
inspection intelligent logistics welding machine;
packaging line line; PV module
LEM equipment laminator
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
Wafer inspection system
successfully broke the im-
ATW was founded
initiated to enter the The product launch of
Develop PV cell soldering semiconductor industry SCEC’s new generation
stringer to enter the PV era of monocrystal growth
furnace was held suc-
p ro ce s s o f b o n d e rs
Initial public launch was conducted and the
of soldering stringer first set of prototypes
was assembled
Sales hit CNY 200 million
The Phase II workshop
Recognized as a national high- Road was completed and
• Holdings of SCEC
tech enterprise for the first time put into use
• Aluminum wire bonder re-
and began to develop overseas ceived first batch of orders
Merger and acquisition of ATW
Intelligent to enter the sector of
lithium battery equipment ATW Smart Factory was built
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
National honors Provincial honors
National High-tech Enterprises (SCEC, XuRi) Jiangsu Provincial Leading Jiangsu Provincial Jiangsu Province AA-level
Service Providers in Green Factory Quality Credit Enterprise
Intelligent Manufacturing
Industrial honors Municipal honors
“Technical Excellence” and Model” & “Chief Brand Advanced PV Equipment Gathering Unit” in Wuxi
“Advanced Soldering Stringer” Officer” Manufacturing Technology
Top 30 Most Valuable Companies 2023 Best Interactive IR Team The 14th Investor Relations Outstanding Units in Information
Listed on the STAR Market in the “Pegasus Awards” for Listed Disclosure
Companies by Value
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
Governance Environment Society
Index Unit 2023 Index Unit 2023 Index Unit 2023
R&D expenses (including share-
CNY 100 CNY 10,000 32,730.77
Operating income 63.02 based payment)
million Electricity consumption 10,000 KWh 589.45
CNY 100 R&D investment as a share of
Total assets 156.17 % 5.19
million operating income
Net profit attributable to CNY 100
shareholders of listed companies million Fuel consumption Ton 132.83
CNY 100
Total tax paid 6.61 No. of granted IPRs during the
million piece 358
reporting period
Social contribution per share CNY 5.59
Natural gas consumption KNm3 46.26 No. of granted invention patents
piece 32
during the reporting period
No. of board meetings held times 23
No. of employees person 4,832
No. of matters discussed and
times 82 Municipal water supply Ton 72,697
reviewed by Board
No. of Supervisory Board Percentage of female employees % 11.61
times 22
meetings held
No. of matters discussed and No. of employees aged above 40 person 359
times 71 GHG Scope 1 tons C02e 583.53
reviewed by Supervisory Board
No. of shareholders’ meetings No. of employees aged between 31
times 5 person 1,816
held and 40
No. of matters discussed and No. of employees aged 30 and
GHG Scope 2 tons C02e 7,124.93 person 2,657
reviewed at the general meeting times 22 below
of shareholders
No. of performance briefings Labor contract signing rate % 100
times 6
Annual investment in
CNY 10,000 7.36
No. of commercial bribery environmental protection
times 0 Social insurance coverage % 100
litigation cases
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
A solid governance structure constitutes a vital pillar for efficient operations. In 20 3, starting from the preparation of ESG report, ATW set up an ESG
working group and uni_ed the understanding of EGS philosophy between employees and the Company through diversi_ed means, including publicity of
Board of Directors ? The Board of Directors is the Company’s supreme decision-making
body on ESG governance, responsible for the overall planning and
Supreme decision-making body coordination of ESG work.
? The chairman is responsible for supervising and reviewing the
Chairman Audit Committee Company’s ESG strategy, goals and annual work plans, and reporting
ESG implementation results and major plans to the Board.
Supervision and review body
? The Audit Committee also participates in the Company’s review and
decision-making on ESG-related matters such as addressing climate
change and ensuring health and safety.
? The Company headquarter is responsible for coordinating and
promoting the implementation of ESG-related work. The General
Headquarter Management Department, Legal Department, and relevant departments
of each subsidiary are responsible for the management of various
specialized ESG-related matters.
* A separate dedicated executing agency—ESG Working Group is set up
under the General Management Department, comprising the heads of
General Functional the General Management Department and each subsidiary’s functional
Management departments of departments related to social responsibilities.
Department each subsidiary * The ESG Working Group is also responsible for implementing specific
ESG policies and goals. The group includes an environmental, safety and
health specialist responsible for the Company’s environmental-related
affairs. The Company’s Securities Investment Department is responsible
Executive agency for corporate governance matters.
? Each subsidiary is responsible for the execution and implementation
of specific work in line with the ESG management systems and ESG-
related overall plans, targets and tasks.
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
agencies, media, and communities. The Company has established an effective communication mechanism to communicate with stakeholders on a regular basis through variou
Stakeholders Expectations & Communication & Stakeholders Expectations & Communication &
demands response demands response
Compliant protection of
Employee activities; Compliance management;
rights and interests; Government symposium;
Training programs; Government Pay taxes according to law;
Employee Mature salary system; Receive government visits
Salary system; Increase employment
Effective promotion
Promotion mechanism
Information disclosure;
Compliant operations;
Cooperate with
Compliance with
Regulatory supervision;
Product quality; Enhance quality control; regulatory requirements;
authority Submit reports;
Customer Customer service; Customer review; Response to development
Learn the latest policies
Business ethics After-sales service policies
and rules
Economic performance;
Compliance management;
Technical Seminar; Official website;
Development strategy;
Suppliers & Supplier management; Supplier visits; WeChat official account;
Media Labor and human rights;
partners Business ethics Supplier management Media briefing;
Environment and energy
system Press conference
Social responsibilities
Return on investment; Information disclosure Talent employment;
Protection of rights and rating; Official website;
Charity activities;
Shareholders WeChat official account;
interests; Shareholders’ meeting Community Community service;
& investors Community activities;
Corporate governance; Performance briefing; Environment and energy
Investor relations Promotional road show Volunteer activities
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
from internal and external stakeholders through questionnaires. In addition, we constructed the matrix of material topics for analysis based on the Pthe degree of importance to t
Conduct stakeholder interviews to collect feedback
and suggestions from various stakeholders on the
Identify the sustainability- related material topics Company’s sustainability practices and strategies for
in the Company’s industry and establish a library of futuresustainability.
such topics with reference to the relevant evaluation P re pa re a n o n l i n e s u r v e y q u e st i o n n a i re fo r t h e
factors of ESG ratings in the capital market, such as Identify evaluation of material ESG topics and invite various
MSCI,S&PDJSI,CDP,Morningstar,Wind,andSino-Se - topicsto stakeholders to rate the importance of the
- corre
curities Index, in combination with GRI standards, formalibrary spondingESGtopics.
UN SDGs, SASB Standards, and other international oftopics
standards and goals related to sustainability
- man
agement, as well as the material topics identi_ed by
Based on the results of the above questionnaire
Evaluation and the Company’s development situation, evalu
ofmaterial ate the topics from perspectives of Pimportance to
topics ’s devel
stakeholdersQ and Pimportance to ATW -
opmentQ, rate and rank the topics by the degree of
Highly material topics Material topics Related topics Valid questionnaires Engaged stakeholders
Based on the analysis results of material topics, this Report provides detailed disclosure of Internal interviews involve business leaders and employee
highly material topics in response to internal and external concerns. representatives.
股票代码 688516
Message from ATW Notes on the Report About ATW Responsible Management
ESG governance
Related topics Material topics Highly material topics
Shareholders and equity
Sustainable profitability
Compliance management
Sustainable profitability
Risk management and internal control
ESG governance Compliance management
R&D innovation
Waste and hazardous substances Safe production
Employee compensation and benefits
Waste and hazardous substances management
Risk management and internal
Shareholders and equity control Clean manufacturing
Product quality
Clean energy use
Clean manufacturing Information security and Water consumption and management
privacy protection
Green product
Clean energy use
IPR protection Training on environmental protection
Water consumption and management Addressing climate change and carbon emissions
Biodiversity protection
Green design
Green product Anti-discrimination and diversity
Training on environmental Employee development and R&D innovation
protection training
Safe Production
Employee compensation and benefits
Community contribution Green procurement and green supply chain
and charity activities Product quality
Information security and privacy protection
Addressing climate change and carbon emissions IPR protection
Anti-discrimination and diversity management
Biodiversity protection
Industry-university-research Community contribution and charity activities
cooperation Employee development and training
Green design
Green procurement and green supply chain
Industry-university-research cooperation
General Important Highly important
Upholding the philosophy of innovation-driven development,
development based on sci-tech innovation. To this end, the
Company has proactively brought in advanced technologies
and high-caliber talents at home and abroad, deeply engaged
the protection of intellectual property rights, and constantly
strengthened its R& D strength and innovation capabilities.
B u i l d i n g o n t h e co n t i n u o u s l y i m p r o v i n g R & D s y st e m , w e
have further upgraded our product advantages, continuously
expanded R&D areas, enhanced technological applications in
Sustainable Industry,
consumptionand innovationand
production infrastructure
Innovative R& D system
Innovative R& D Initiatives
Innovation achievements
Intelligent development and digital up
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Our achievements
R&D investment Percentage in operating income
CNY 327,307,700 5.19 %
Patent filings Including invention patents Patent filings Including invention patents
Licensed IPRs Including invention patents Licensed IPRs Including invention patents
Manufacturing automation rate Intelligentdevelopmentdeliversthe_rst-passyieldabove
(Note: Overall pass rate)
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Innovative R&D system
Innovative R&D model Product R&D
Sales contract Customization
Corporate Product Independent Project
strategy planning R&D management
Innovative Innovation Product
R&D system optimization
concepts guarantee
Technology Platform
R&D development
Te c h n o l o g i c a l
SalesGeneration ProjectApprovaland
R&DGeneration ManagementProcess;
ReserveGeneration ProjectRewardSystem;
In the practice of innovation projects, we have established an innovation manage
mechanism PerformanceAppraisalSystem;
mechanism featuring Pone focus and five transformationsQ based on product lines an
One focus
Oriented toward technological innovation and customer demand, the Company
One-Focus and Five-
has continued to increase investment in scienti_c research to ensure its sustained
competitiveness. We established the three -pronged approach for product Management
development, ensuring Pthe sales of one generation of product to be followed
by the R&D and reserve for the next generation of productQ. By comprehensively Integratingupstreamanddownstreamquality
Five management,comprehensivecorporate
to gain an in- depth understanding of the main trends in the market and future transformations management;
development trends of emerging technologies. Based on customer needs, we have Panoramicinformationplatform(sap);
constantly adjusted and optimized product routes to ensure that products are
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Innovative R&D system Threemajorinnovativeindustrialization
With the focus on the R& D of PV, lithium batteries, and
The Company has set up the Project Management Committee, Standardization Management Committee, and
semiconductor equipment and the industrialization of
Experimental Center Management Committee to coordinate and make decisions on major technological
k e y p r and
o ce s s e s , a n d w i t h a v i e w t o a tt ra c t i n g e xt e r n a l
managementinnovationprojects. resources for coordinated de velopment , the Company
has successively established the Jiangsu Provinc
Twelvetechnologicalinnovationlabs E n g i n e e r i n g Te c h n o l o g y Re s ea rc h C e n te r, t h e J i a n g s u
Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, and the Jiangsu
ATWhasvigorouslyexploredtogrowintoaglobalsupplierofcoreintelligentequipmentfortheemergingindustries and
Provincial Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base, in a bid
transformation of traditional industries based on the needs and technical characteristics of the three major industries
to jointly promote the Company to develop new products
of PV, semiconductors, and lithium batteries, in combination with the application of comprehensive technical means
and technologies that align with market demands and the
in mechanics, electrics, electronics, optics, machine vision, robotics, and computer. We have established 1 2 major ’s
Company’s development strategy to ensure the Company
laboratories centering on PV, semiconductors, and lithium batteries, fully equipped with advanced testing equipment,
including non- destructive dicing saw, nanosecond infrared lasers, Beckhoff systems, area- array cameras, high-
Laser Lithium
Processing Battery
Technology Technology
Lab PVModule MachineVision Lab
Technology TechnologyLab
GTLab Wafer
Technology SolarCellLab CAELab
PVCell Technology
Technology Lab
R&D Innovation Center (12 major laboratories)
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Innovative technology reserves and products under development
ATW ’sinnovativethinkinghasbeenembeddedintotheproductsthroughoutthelifecycle.BuildingonyearsofcontinuousR&Dinvestmentandtechnologyaccumulation,theCompa
has developed an innovative technology reserve system, comprising four core supporting technologies (4M technology) and eight core application technologies. These technol
In order to achieve high-reliability welding of semiconductor chip leads, the Company comprehensively applied technologies
for ultrasonic welding, high-speed motion control, high-precision optical positioning, and highly sensitive sensor detection
to overcome a number of technical difficulties, including ultrasonic applications, pressure control, wire detection, tension
detection, multi-axis servo linkage, and visual follow-up positioning.
The project was initiated in 2017. It took 4 years to achieve a repeatable positioning accuracy of ±3um, compatible with the
technical indicators of 2-20mil aluminum wires and aluminum strips, and a yield rate above 99.95%, breaking the blockade of
foreign technologies in this field.
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Under research Under development
TOPCon battery equipment Large cell soldering stringer Semiconductor bonder
Lithium battery cell stacking machine Large wafer inspection system Semiconductor chip die bonder
PV high-efficiency back-contact Semiconductor testing equipment
Semiconductor packaging and testing soldering stringer
equipment Semiconductor dicing saw
Complete battery assembly line
Dicing and bussing machine
Complete battery screen printing line
Czochralski monocrystal growth furnace
Battery annealing equipment
Continuous feeding machine
Advanced laser processing equipment
for metallization Semiconductor monocrystal growth furnace
Intelligent logistics packaging line
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Innovation incentive system Cultivation of innovative talents
The Company has established a mature innovation incentive system to stimulate
the enthusiasm of sci-tech personnel, unlock their potential for scientific research,
training system and cultivate talents with innovative thinking and professional ski
facilitatethecommercializationofsci-techachievements,andimprovetheCompany insist on building a highly educated and high-caliber R&D team. As of the end of 203, the
overalltechnicalcapacity,managementcapacityandmarketcompetitiveness. Company has a total of 875 R&D personnel, up by 23.41% year on year, including 170 with
a postgraduate degree or above. They have injected continuous power for the Company
Innovation incentive Targeted
system employees
Talent recommendation
Recommend external
reward system for all All employees
No.ofR&Dpersonnel year-on-yeargrowth
Sci-tech talent training Motivate improvement of
All employees
system technical capabilities
Major technological
Li Wen Craftsman Cup
innovations and All employees
Motivate product
Rational suggestion reward
optimization and All employees
technological upgrade
Solidify and protect technical
Patent reward system R & D personnel
Scientific research project Motivate innovation of R&D
R & D personnel
reward system projects and technologies
Management and No.ofR&Dpersonnelwithapostgraduatedegreeorabove
Talent promotion system professional skills R & D personnel
Reward system for organized
Encourage the transformation
implementation of sci-tech R & D personnel
of sci-tech achievements
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Innovative technical cooperation
In an effort to further deepen industry-university-research ATW and Wuxi Insti-
collaboration, the Company has cooperated with Shanghai tute of Technology
Jiao Tong University in sci-tech R&D, further integrating jointly established
independent innovation with industry-university-research the Wuxi ATW Intelli-
collaboration. By means of industry-university integration gent Manufacturing
and university-enterprise collaboration, we have given full Institute to train
play to the complementary advantages of resources, jointly engineering and
explored new models of cooperation, and strived to create technical personnel
a new trend of industry-university-research collaboration, for ATW.
thereby further elevating the Company’s technological
O n 3 0 N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 3 , AT W C o s h i n
received an order from Hangzhou Taixin
Microelectronics Co., Ltd. for more than
ten IGBT aluminum wire bonders. The two
sides will take advantage of this order to
cooperate closely to overcome industrial
difficulties and make key contributions to the
localized manufacturing of equipment in the
semiconductor packaging sector.
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Innovation achievements
IPR Protection
Committed to innovation-driven sustainable development, ATW attaches great importance to IPR protection in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the
the People’s Republic of China. The Company received the national IPR management system certi_cation for the _rst time in 2016, and it has remained valid ever since. We now have 1
research results. In addition, a patent planning & decision-making mechanism and an early warning & emergency response mechanism have been established to further implemen
To create a favorable environment for technological innovation, ATW has introduced the PIPR Reward SystemQ to reward duty-related inventions, motivate employees to actively e
New addition Cumulative No
Filed patents Filed patents 2,219
Licensed patents 358 Licensed patents
Invention Utility Design Software Others Total Invention Utility Design Software Others Total
patent patent patent copyright patent patent patent copyright
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Industrialization of innovation achievements
As an industry leader in technological innovation, ATW has made remarkable achievements in the industrialization of innovation achievements. It has successfully transformed
scienti_c research results into competitive products in the market, which helped the industry reduce costs and increase eaciency and promoted technological upgrade. Its R&D tea
undertook the PJiangsu Province Sci-Tech Achievements Commercialization ProjectQ and the PJiangsu Province High-end Equipment R&D Forging-ahead ProjectQ, and participated in
replacedimportedequipmentofthekind LEMequipmentraiseseaciencysigni_cantlybyupto0.3%
The Company’s flagship product “Photovoltaic MBB Cell Soldering Stringer” has accounted for over In the field of PV cells, gate line metallization is critical
has completely replaced imported equipment of the kind in China. The product has been certified as metallization (LEM) equipment can significantly reduce
the “National Single Champion Product in the Manufacturing Sector” and the “First Set of Major the contact resistance between the gate line and the
Equipment in Jiangsu Province” and entered the Jiangsu Province New Technology and New Product silicon substrate, and increase the open voltage and
Promotion Catalog. In recent years, it has won the “First Prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology short-circuit current, thereby significantly improving
Progress in the Machinery Industry”, “Award for Contribution to Development of Private Sci-Tech the photoelectric conversion efficiency and fill factor
Enterprise”, “Second Prize of Wuxi Science and Technology Progress Award”, and “Wuxi Phoenix of the battery to elevate the cell efficiency. After one
Award for Outstanding Software Products”. year of repeated testing and optimization, the ATW
technical team has confirmed that the efficiency can be
raised by up to 0.3% or more, which greatly improved
Market share of over the power generation efficiency of TOPCon modules.
The cost-effectiveness of PV power generation and the
Raise efficiency by up to
returns on investment of power stations will be further
As the size of the furnace and monocrystal becomes larger, it takes longer to stabilize As the PV wafers get larger and thinner, there are higher requirements for soldering stringer and
the temperature of the silicon liquid, resulting in relatively poor stability of the oxygen wafer inspection system. The Company has developed ultra-high-speed soldering stringer and wafer
content in monocrystal. Based on the market development needs, SCEC has focused on inspection system that meet the needs of larger and thinner wafer production. The production capacity
this technical difficulty to develop, verify, and test multiple technologies, came up with of the wafer inspection system has reached 13,500 pieces per hour, which is 60% faster than the
a solution for reducing the oxygen content of monocrystal silicon wafers, and launched previous generation of equipment in the industry. It is not only used for discharging large and ultra-thin
the low-oxygen monocrystal growth furnace: SC-1600-LO2. The R&D team mastered wafer, but also features higher-precision detection capabilities. Since its launch, it has gained market
the correlation between the probability of concentric defects and the oxygen content in recognition and received bulk orders from customers.
monocrystal, employed the low-oxygen ingot technology, and optimized the software
and hardware design of the monocrystal growth furnace, thereby significantly reducing
the proportion of concentric defects. Compared with the oxygen content of mainstream
silicon wafers, under the same conditions, the low-oxygen monocrystal growth furnace
can reduce the oxygen content by more than 24% and improve the cell efficiency by 0.1%
based on the test wire verification data.
The production capacity of wafer faster than previous generation of
Oxygen content reduced by more than Improved cell efficiency by inspection system has reached equipment in the industry
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
During the reporting period, ATW actively advanced the overall strategic goals (visualization, digitization, and intelligence) of Psmart manufacturingQ factories with the help o
and intelligent technologies. Based on interactive innovation of digitalization, technologies, processes, and organization, we have upgraded process techniques and optimize
Intelligent logistics center
Optimize management Logisticsandtransportation
Integrateresourcesforcentralizedallocationtoimprove Uni_edallocation,eacientdistributionplusGPSpositioning.
Improvequality Improve5Smanagement
Eliminatequalityhazardscausedbystorageenvironment Integratefactorysitesandensurestandardandtidysurrounding
andmanagestorageofmaterialsinthe_rst-in,_rst-out environment.
Independent Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
R&D ATW Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
Innovation governance Constant Dedication Practices
Process intelligence Digital upgrade
We piloted the phased implementation of intelligence (mechanizedautomatic
During the reporting period, the Company opened a new chapter in digital transformation
IT- based intelligent development) at XuRi. During the phase of automation,
and upgrade. With SAP at the core, the Company simultaneously launched and optimized
we made progress in 1 8 automation projects in 2 0 2 3 , including 9 sets of self-
five IT systems, namely OA, SRM & MCS, WMS, HRM, and E-learning systems, to achieve
developed equipment and 9 sets of imported equipment, in a bid to improve
In addition, to provide strong data support for operational management and decision
As of the end of 2 0 3 , a total of 9 projects had been implemented, including 5
making, the Company integrated the above- mentioned IT system data through the BI
sets of self-developed equipment and 4 sets of imported equipment, with 2 items
system and generated data analysis reports ( including trend charts, ring compari
charts, etc. ) , enabling relevant personnel to view the data results more intuitivel
Operation Health CheckQ and other regulations on data quality management, in a bid to
Thanks to the intelligence, the first- pass yield of products exceeded monitorthedatasituationinatimelymanner.
to promote the implementation of intelligent supply to elevate overall
Committed to compliant operation with integrity, ATW
has continued to improve the corporate governance
structure, optimize internal management, perfect the
risk management and control mechanisms, maximize
shareholder interests and corporate value, and create
Governance structure
Operation of the three meetings
Protection of shareholders’ rights and interests
Internal control and risk management
Anti-corruption and anti-bribery
Party building
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Our achievements
Shareholders’ meetingsin203 MeetingsofBoardofDirectors MeetingsofSupervisoryBoard Passrateofreviewedmatters
’ rights
Protectionofinvestors Informationdisclosure Returntoshareholders
Annualnumberofinvestorsreceived Creditrating
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Shareholders’ meeting
Strategy and ESG D u r i n g t h e re p o r t i n g p e r i o d , t h e C o m pa n y h a s co n sta n t l y
improved the corporate governance system and structure in
Supervisory Board Remuneration and
Appraisal Committee
strict accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Code
Board of Directors
of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies, Rules Governing
Nomination Committee
the Listing of Stocks on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock
Secretary of the
Audit Committee Exchange, and other regulatory documents on the governance
Board of Directors
of listed companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory
General Manager Commission.
Shareholders and shareholders’
Securities Investment Dept
AT W I n te l l i ge n t
AT W O pt i c a l
AT W S u p p l y C h a i n
X u R i Te c h n o l o g y
C o s h i n Te c h n o l o g y
L e d d o Te c h n o l o g y
Wuxi Zhiyuan
AT W J i e x i n
Polar PV
R&D Center
Strategic Procurement Dept
Sales Center
Manufacturing Center
Quality Dept
Process Information Dept
Engineering ser vice center
General Management Dept
HR Dept
Finance Center
Risk Control & Audit Dept
’ meetings in strict
The Company has convened shareholders
the General Meeting of Shareholders, and other relevant laws and
regulations. Both on-site and online voting was implemented to
ensure that all shareholders, especially small and medium-sized
controlling shareholders and actual controllers ea
performed their duty of good faith, with no case of harming the
Shareholders’ meetings Reviewed proposals
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Directors and Board of Directors
’s directors have actively attended the meetings of Board of Directors and special committees and shareholders
other relevant laws and regulations. The Company ’ meetings to master
the Working Rules for the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. During the reporting period, the Company convened a total of 23 meetings of Board of Directors that reviewed 82
Meetings of Board of Directors Reviewed proposals No. of directors No. of independent directors No. of female directors
Supervisors and Supervisory Board
The Board of Supervisors, comprising 3 supervisors, earnestly performs its duties in accordance with the Articles of Association, Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors, an
other relevant laws and regulations. The Board of Supervisors supervises the’s
_nance, major asset restructuring, related transactions, and compliant performance of duties
No. of supervisors Meetings of the Supervisory Board No. of reviewed proposals
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Investor relations management Information disclosure management
In the principles of compliance, equality, initiative, and honesty and integrity as stipulated in the PGuidelines
In strict compliance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the
for the Investor Relations Management of Listed CompaniesQ, we have formulated the PInvestor Relations
Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure by Listed
’s communication with investors and potential investors,
Management SystemQ to strengthen the Company Companies, Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the STAR Market
e^ectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially the broad public, andof
the Shanghai
a Stock Exchange, Articles of A ssociation, and other
long-term,stableandharmoniousrelationshipbetweentheCompanyandinvestors. relevant regulations, Autowell has formulated internal control syst
During the reporting period, we have actively communicated with investors on statutory information
such as the
forPManagement System for Information DisclosureQ and the
disclosure, corporate development strategy, operation and management information, and corporatePManagement
culture System for Suspension and Exemption of Information
’s environmental, social DisclosureQ, stressing the quality and standardized procedures fo
development. Meanwhile, we took the initiative to make public more of the Company
information disclosure to ensure the truthful, accurate, complete, timely
anddimensions. and fair disclosure of major information. Meanwhile, we aim to ensure
that all shareholders have fair access to information, all stakehold
’s operation and progress of
could promptly understand the Company
Offline communication communication
major events, and the legitimate rights and interests of investors ar
Shareholders’ meeting Companywebsite
’ meetings,
Performancebrie_ngs,analysts Telephoneandemail 2023
on-sitevisits,roadshows consultation
Mediainterviews,pressconferences SSEInfoE-platform
No. of Disclosure Notice
Disclosure Rating
No. of investors
No. of performance
No. of phone calls
from investors
Penalties relating to information disclosure
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Sustained shareholder returns
’s IPO, we have formulated a cash dividend plan in strict accordance
While focusing on our own development, we attach great importance to shareholder returns. Since the Company
withtheCompany ’sArticlesofAssociation,enablingshareholderstobene_tfromtheCompanyOsdevelopmentandpromotingtherationaldevelopmentofcapitalmarket.
Shareofcashdistributionsintheyearlypro_tsover Amountofcashdistributionoverthelastthreeyears
CNY157,872,000 CNY245,942,100 CNY 448,184,300
Protection of creditors’ interests
In the principle of Pintegrity and honestyQ, the Company has formulated the PRules on the Meetings of Convertible Corporate Bond HoldersQ and highly values the protection
’ legitimate rights and interests. In 203, apart from raising funds from commercial banks, the Company publicly issued convertible corporate bonds worthy of CNY 14
of creditors
million to unspeci_ed entities, in a bid to further improve the corporate R&D capabilities, enrich product lines, optimize product portfolio, upgrade capital structure, enhanc
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Autowellregardsinternalcontrolandriskmanagementasanimportantpartofthe Company ’s
Internal control system
In accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, Autowell has put in place a sound internal control system and the essential internal supervision mec
’s internal control mechanisms functioned e^ectively, with no major or material defects in _nancial or non-_nancial internal control,
During the reporting period, the Company
Risk management system
Risk management goals Protect corporate assetsImprovedecision-makingcapacityPromotebusinesscontinuityEnsurecompliancewithlawsandregulations
Threelinesofdefense Riskwarningmeasures
Buildingonacomprehensive 1 Functional departments
To scientifically and accurately identify, evalua
risk management organiza
- A s the first line of defense for risk management, each functional
department should start from combing through their respective business
and predict the Company ’s major compliance risks,
tional system, the Company
First line of defense p r o c e s s e s , e v a l u a t e b u s i n e s s r i s k s u n d e r t h e g u i d a n c e o fwte
h ec
R iosn
k duct in-depth review and evaluation of
has clari_ed the positioning ManagementDepartment,andranktherisksbythedegreeofimportance.
compliance risks in various business sections, closely
Securities Investment Department
and responsibilities of each
functional department, the
Second line of defense compliance policies, and form a major risk database
B o a r d S e c r e t a’ sr y
Office, ’s
As the second line of defense for risk management, the Board Secretary
and early warning indicators. We have conducted
Office follows the established risk response strategies and management
the Risk Control and Audit
measures to conduct inspections and reviews of the risk management
dem onstrations on quantitative indicato
Third line of defense
Department, and other situation and response capabilities, evaluate the effectiveness of risk
qualitative indicators, and early warning thresholds
departments in the risk management of major responsible departments, provide professional
guidance,andfollowupontheprogressofrecti_cations. for risks in market, finance, strateg y, operations,
l ega l a n d ot h e r m o d u l e s . W e h a ve st re n g t h e n e d
g u a rd t h e P t h re e l i n e s o f 3
Risk Control and Audit Department compliancegovernanceinkeyareas,doneagoodjob
defenseQ for risk manage
- As the third line of defense for risk management, the Risk Control and Audit Department
in early warning and response to compliance risks,
ment. supervises, evaluates and issues reports on the risk management in line with relevant
regulations and the e^ectiveness of the risk management by functional departments, withspeci_ed responsibilities of various departments
referencetotheeconomicresponsibilityaudits,internalcontrolauditsorspecialfor risksmanagement.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
The Company has consistently abided by national laws, regulations and rules on combating corruption and upholding integrity, standardized the business operations and empl
conducts, reinforced integrity- related risk prevention and control, and carried out anti- corruption activities regularly, thereby creating a favorable env
Integrity system building Anti-corruption and integrity training
The Company upholds business ethics, strictly The Company regularly carries out publicity activities, training sessions, and w
observes laws and regulations, including the PLaw education among all employees to combat corruption, in addition to a variety of integri
forCounteringUnfairCompetitionQandthePInterim educationactivities.
Provisions on the Prohibition of Commercial
commercialbriberyinallforms. The Company organized employees to study “Conflicts of Interest Management System”,
engaging over 500 employees.
In 2 0 2 3 , the Company successively unveiled the The Company held two training sessions on the “Anti-Fraud and Reporting Management System”,
PAnti-Fraud and Reporting Management SystemQ, “Regulations on Reporting and Handing Over the Gifts and Cash Gifts”, and “Autowell Red Lines
for Business Integrity”, engaging more than 50 employees.
PConflicts of Interest Management SystemQ, The Company provided themed lectures on prevention of duty-related crime risks among
employees, attended by more than 80 employees.
PRegulations on Reporting and Handing Over the
Gifts and Cash GiftsQ, and PAutowell Red Lines
Effective reporting channels
fo r B u s i n e s s I n teg r i t y Q , l a y i n g t h e i n st i t u t i o n a l
foundation for combating corruption and upholding
We encouraged our employees and related external parties to report the fraud or relevan
Develop the culture of combating corruption
cases of employees via the above reporting channels. We have set up reporting channels,
and upholding integrity
including email, corporate website, official WeChat account, and mailing. Meanwhil
we have prioritized the confidentiality of reporting information, combined with releva
Autowell advocates honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, and self- discipline among
Reporting to Discipline Inspection Department:
Reporting to the chairman:
On 15 June 2023, the “Integrity in Autowell” official WeChat account was created. The number Corporate website:
of subscribers has exceeded 1,000. We posted 20 articles through the account, covering holiday WeChat official account: Integrity in Autowell (WeChat ID:
reminders on integrity, interpretation of the Company’s systems, articles on the prevention of lianjieATW) Email:
corporate duty-related crimes, publicity of Integrity Publicity Month, and knowledge contests, in Mailing address: Discipline Inspection Department, Wuxi Autowell
a bid to facilitate the sound and steady development of the Company. Technology Co., Ltd., No. 3 Xinhua Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City,
During the Integrity Publicity Month in December 2023, the Company organized three themed Jiangsu Province
activities in the forms of essay writing, knowledge contest, and lectures.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Autowell is committed to strengthening the’s
Party ’s Party branches have given full play to their central and leading
leadership in promoting and improving corporate governance. The Company
’s thesuperiorb
requirements on Party building, stepped up innovation, further promoted the scienti_c, standardized and institutionalized development of the Party branches, thereby giving better pl
Institutional building CPC Party Committee
The corporate Party branch was established in 2 0 1 6 and elevated to a Party
committee in 2017. We have been committed to cultivating high-caliber talents
Publicity Organization
Deputy inspection
from among employees to be Party members and promoting them into leaders, Secretary: 1 Committee: 2 Committee: 2
Secretary: 1 committee: 1
members members
The Party committee currently comprises 4 Party branches (the 1st branch mainly
consists of R& D personnel, the 2 nd branch of engineering service personnel, 1st Party branch 2st Party branch 3st Party branch 4st Party branch
Engineering Functional Manufacturing
R&D personnel service personnel
the 3 rd branch of functional personnel, and the 4 th branch of manufacturing personnel personnel
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧
Party group
Party group
Party Group
Party Group
Party Group
Party Group
Party Group
Party group
Party members have played a pioneering and exemplary role, inspired positivity,
and contributed to an enterprising working environment in their posts across
various departments. During the reporting period, we have convened 6 Party
member meetings, 1 3 Party branch committee meetings, and 1 2 Party group To create a Party-building atmosphere in the patriotic workshop, Autowell set up the Fourth
Party Branch—Manufacturing Department. As such, we build the Party branch on the front
line of production to give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of front-line Party
members, boost the productivity of the Manufacturing Department, and stimulate the sci-tech
Party member Party branch Party group innovation with the cohesive power of Party building, thereby safeguarding the Company’s
meetings 6 committee 13 meetings 12 high-quality development. .
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Party building activities
In203,undertheleadershipoftheCompany ’sPartyCommittee,allPartybrancheshavethoroughlystudiedandimplementedtheXiJinpingThoughtonSocialismwithChineseCharacteristicsfo
a New Era and the guiding spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, in combination with in-depth themed education. Meanwhile, we have made solid progress in the activities of PYear of Capacity
Themed education programs Party-building alliance activities
We ’ve made solid progress in themed In the principles of joint Party- building, joi
education, incorporating PXi Jinping: pursuit for excellence and common progress of
, ’s Party committee
the alliances, the Company
ReadingsfromtheWorksofXiJinpingQ, Themed Party Day Visits to revolutionary has signed Party-building alliance responsibilit
’s im-
and General Secretary Xi Jinping activities bases letters with relevant enterprises and institution
Awareness education
for Party members
portant speeches into the study plan for Through daily work exchanges in Party building,
By integrating the themed To carry forward the tradition
the branch Party committees. Based on we have developed a new Party-building pattern
Party day activities with o f re vo lution an d learn t he
the system of Pholding Party branch The Company is committed to featuring Pjoint construction and management,
the Compan ’ sy c o r e great spirit of persistence and
ge n e ra l m e e t i n g s , m e e t i n g s o f Pa r t y Party building and ideological s h a r i n g o f r e s o u r ce s , a n d co m m o n d e v- e l o p
business, Party- building re v o l u t i o n f ro m o u r a- n ce s
branch committees, Party group meet - education for cadres and- em mentQ.
brand creation, and Party to rs , we v i s i te d t h e re vo
- lu
ings, and Party lecturesQ, coupled with ployees through the official During the reporting period, the Company and
member education, the tionary bases, including Wuxi
the themed Party Day activities, we con - W e C h at a cco u n t . D e d i cate d the alliance units successively held large- sc
Company carried out ?? LearningBaseofYan’anSpirit,
ductedtwosessionsofgroupstudies,?? personnel has been assigned hiking activities to promote environmental - pro
themed Party Day activ - Maoshan Memorial Hall of
sessions of self- study, and five themed to review and publish articles tection themed on PRemain true to our original
i t i e s i n a n i n - d e pt h a n d N e w Fo ur th Arm y, Jian g yin
Partylectures. on the website, along with aspiration and follow the Party leadershipQ, an
practicalmanner. Memorial Hall of Dujiang- Bat
The Company distributed books such promptinformationdisclosure anti- corruption education activity themed on
as PSelected Readings from the Works and updates. In addition, we integrity,andtheactivitytoenhancethesenseof
in?–?·.Suchvisitshavee^ec -
of Xi JinpingQ and PAnswers to ?–– h a v e b u i l t a Pa r t y - b u i l d i n g national security themed on PFollow the histori -
tively strengthened our ideals
Questions about the Report of the ?–th activity room, revolutionar y calfootprintstoexperiencethestormyjourneyQ.
and beliefs to better perform
CPC National CongressQ to all Party workshops,andParty-building
duties, fulfill promises, and
members and strengthened the assess - publicity bulletin to create a
take on responsibilities at
ment m e c h a n i sm fo r Par ty me mbe rs g r e a t a t m o s p h e r e f o r Pa r t y
and cadres ’ daily study. By now ?· party building.
members and cadres have passed the
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516 governance Constant Dedication Practices
Improve Party conduct and corporate integrity
We have always attached great importance to prevention of violations of Party conduct and government integrity, while striving to create a clean and upright working environ
Company conducted warning education through typical real-life cases of combating corruption and upholding integrity to enhance the persuasiveness and effectivenes
Strengthen Carry out in- Improve
Address root
causes 01 oversight over and 02 depth integrity 03 transparency in 04
restraint on power campaigns Party affairs
We organized lectures and held
We strictly uphold the principle
face- to- face talks on integrity,
of democratic centralism. All the
organized sta^ to watch videos All Party members signed a- let We develop intra- Party democracy
three categories of major issues
on anti-corruption for three ter of commitment to integrity and strengthen intra- Party supervi
and the issues involving large
times, and kept abreast of the to further strengthen the
- pre sion for Party members to better-un
funds are subject to collective
- dis
work and life conditions of mid
- vention and control of integri
- derstand and engage in intra- Party
cussion for decision making. The
dle managers and executives, ty-relatedrisks. a^airs.
branch Party committee held four
so as to ensure unwavering
Upholding the people philosophy of PActing in Good
Faith for Shared Prosperity, Q Autowell opens its arm to
’ s bright minds and empowers them to fully tap
the world
into their potential and realize their aspirations. We have
relatively complete human resources management systems
for employee rights and interests, employee development,
employee care, and workplace safety. We make continued
efforts to attract and train talents, improve employee
benefits, protect employee rights and interests, promote
employee development, and enhance team building, so that
Good health Quality Gender equality Decent work
and well-being education and economic
Employment equity and diversity
Protection of employee rights and interests
Promoting employee development
Care for employee well-being
Protection of employee health and privacy
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Performance by the Numbers
Total headcount as of the end of the reporting period Labor contract signing rate Number of new hires in 2023
Number of employees offered Percentage in total Coverage of additional commercial insurance for
restricted stock units number of employees employee and one child
Number of employees who got a Promoted to team leader Promoted to management Promoted to higher technology role
promotion in 2023
Training Health
Employee training expenditures Total training hours Coverage of physical checkups for Incidence of occupational disease
RMB13,269,000 55,000 100 % 0 %
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the
Autowell strictly complies with the Labor Law of the PeopleOs Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People
discrimination. The Company constantly improves internal systems and regulations, provides an equal and open platform for the development of employees regardless of their ge
Performance in diversity
Gender Age Education
Number of male Number of female ≤ 30 31–40 > 40 PhD Master’s College Junior Under
employees employees degree degree degree college junior
Professionals Financial personnel Other
R&D personnel 19.37%
roportion of female Number of Number
managers ethnic minority of foreign
employees employees
In line with the principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness, we established a sound recruitment
system and constantly improved internal documents on the recruitment of experienced hires, campus Number of recent Number of new
recruitment, and internal recruitment. We have diverse recruitment channels such as online recruitment, During the student hires experienced hires
campus recruitment, onsite recruitment, headhunting, school-enterprise cooperation, internal period:
recommendation, and social media recruiting so as to bring in multidisciplinary talent meeting the needs 130 2,000
of our business development.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
bene_ts systems where employees are paid based on their performance and contributions, and better bene_ts are o^ered to attract and retain talent and enhance team cohesion
Compensation system
We seek to build a competitive compensation system where a compensation framework is built on the value of posts and skill levels through post classi_cation and post val
Benefits system
The Company pays five social insurance premiums (pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance, work injury insurance) and the housing
provident fund for employees who have signed official labor contracts. On top of that, the Company provides additional commercial insurance for the employee and one
child of theirs.
The Company implements a flexible working system. Particular departments allow flexible work arrangements, while other departments work on an eight-hour
schedule. Arrangements for the weekends and public holidays conform to applicable laws and regulations.
In addition to statutory holidays and leaves, the Company offers additional paid annual leave and paid sick leave to eligible employees. It also provides parental
leave, only-child care leave, incentive leave, and overseas family member employment leave and sees to it that employees are entitled to rest breaks and leaves.
In order to help employees commute to and from work conveniently, the Company offers a wide range of shuttle bus routes plus travel allowances.
Airtime stipend, ravel allowance, and other subsidies are available.
Education benefits for employees’ children
To grow together and share fruits of development with employees, the Company pays high attention to the education of employees’ children so employees
and their family can prosper. In the autumn of 2023, through school-enterprise cooperation, the Company introduced the high-quality educational resources
and teachers of Jinqiao Education Group in Wuxi to carry out activities aimed at promoting the well-rounded development of employees’ children.
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Employee incentives
The Company recognizes the contributions of employees and gives incentives to outstanding employees in di^erent positions such as sales, R&D, and operations through equit
人 Equity incentives to boost employee enthusiasm
In order to further improve its long-term incentive mechanism, attract and retain high-caliber talent, and inspire the enthusiasm and creativity of core personnel,
Autowell launched a restricted stock unit scheme for 2023 during the reporting period.
Scope of the incentive scheme: The Company planned to award restricted stock units (RSUs) to 1,283 employees for 2023, accounting for 26.55% of the total
employees (4,832 as of December 31, 2023).
Total RSUs awarded: The Company planned to award 756,214 RSUs to select employees, accounting for about 0.49% of the total amount of the share capital
(15,4827,300) at the time when the scheme was announced.
Number of recipients of RSUs Percentage in total number of As of December 31, 2023 Total RSUs awarded
Democratic rights
’ right to know, participate, express, and
We actively implement domestic management and safeguard employees - su
pervise. In order to better regulate internal communication management, provide smooth communication channels for
’s corporate culture and strategic objectives,- we updat
employees, and e^ectively convey and implement the Company
ed and released the Employee Handbook (?–?·) in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations, established diverse
communication channels between management and employees, gathered opinions from employees on the Company
- topro
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’s education according to the characteristics and needs of di^erent posts. The Company implements a dual-sequence career development scheme to facilitate persona
and children
In order to encourage employees to upskill themselves, the Company o^ers reimbursements to employees if they are granted post-related vocational quali_cations certi_cates, suc
Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) certi_cation and the Project Management Professional (PMP) credential. Guidance is also provided to help employees develop caree
Employee training
Autowell has a personalized training system and provides targeted training programs according to the needs of di^erent employees. online
learning platform o^ers a wealth of
Target trainees Training content
Provide induction training, occupational safety training, corporate culture training, and skills training on a regular basis to help new comers fit in as soon as
New experienced possible, learn about corporate culture, get familiar with the Company’s operation and management models and various rules and regulations, and improve
their professional qualities, thus laying a solid foundation for doing their jobs.
Recent graduate The “Qingsong Program” for recent graduates aims to help them get a comprehensive understanding of the Company, improve their professional qualities,
hires and ensure smooth transition from campus to corporate life.
Current Carry out special upskilling programs regularly according to business needs; organize open lecturers or seminars based on business scenarios; and provide
employees abundant learning resources on the online learning platform for employees to learn by themselves.
Organize a series of courses on manager role transition, how to discover and use the right people, strategy decoding, target management and plan execution,
coaching leadership, high-quality decision-making, team canvas, and other topics for supervisor- and manager-level personnel, so as to upskill managers at
different levels and serve the Company’s business development.
The HiPo Program for High-Potential Talent aims to select and cultivate high-caliber talent with a great potential, so as to build a talent pool and provide human
Talent pool
resources support for the sustainable development of the Company.
The annual skill improvement camp for frontline team leaders is held both online and offline and involves the processes of learning, examination, and
Frontline team evaluation. It offers special courses such as frontline production management, refined management, and quality management to improve the onsite
management ability of frontline team leaders.
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HiPo Program: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People sharing reading session
Books can take us to the places where our feet can’t and present us what our eyes can’t see.
Reading a book is like having a dialog with an intelligent person and dealing with a master. On
July 25, 2023, Manager Yang Houzhong, head teacher of Class 01 of the HiPo Program, chaired a
shared reading session, where colleagues from the class were gathered to share what they felt after
reading the popular book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Training by the numbers
Averagetraininghours Proportionofnewemployees Averagetraininghours ProportionofR&Dpersonnel
fornewemployees whoreceivedtraining forR&Dpersonnel whoreceivedtraining
Averagetraininghoursfor Averagetraininghoursfor Averagetraininghoursfor
middle-levelmanagers seniorexecutives femaleemployees
managerswhoreceivedtraining whoreceivedtraining whoreceivedtraining
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Autowell o^ers multi-dimensional talent development paths, endogenous career development paths, and customized skills matrices. The Company devises a career development pl
Employees in the management sequence take on more Manager
responsibility to get a promotion and become a higher- Supervisor
levelmanager. Sta^Member
at speci_ed posts to grow into a specialist in a particular
field. For the purpose of growing with employees, the
SeniorSta^ PrincipalEngineer
Company fully exploits various resources and conditions
to provide training and development opportunities Growthfor
path Middle-level SeniorEng(teer
employeeshelpthemexerttheirpotentialcompletely. Engineer
M6 P12
Senior Manager
M10 P11
M5 P16
Deputy General Manager Senior Staff Engineer/Specialist
M4 M9 P10
Deputy General Manager Senior Director
M11 Management Specialist
M8 P18 P14
M3 General Manager
Senior supervisor Director Expert
M7 P8
M2 Chief Expert
Vice Director Senior Engineer/Specialist
M P7
Associate Manager
Manager in an organization: Perform planning, organizing, Specialists: Specialists are the pivot of corporate development.
leadership, control, and other functions to coordinate and lead They have an impressive educational background, rich professional
team members towards meeting the set targets. knowledge and experience, and a great capacity to learn.
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’ senseofbelongingandidentitywiththeCompany.
Team building activities
Te a m b u i l d i n g a c t i v i t i e s a r e d e s i g n e d t o f o s t e r a
h ea l t h y, h a r m o n i o u s , p l ea s a n t , a n d p o s i t i v e w o r k
environment and further strengthen interdepartmental
communication, solidarity, and cooperation, enhance
team cohesion, and increase the work enthusiasm and
efficiency of staff. The Company organized a sports
Sports carnival
Interest activities
In order to enrich the life of
employees and improve their
ny sets up interest groups and
conducts internal and external
competitions, mountaineering,
Autowell staff participate in a Calligraphy club
Flower arrangement Badminton competition
race walks, and sports meet
ings on a regular basis. Colorful district-level sports meeting
activities are also carried out
to ce l e b rate t h e I n te r n
- at i o n
’s Day, the World
al Women
Reading Day, the Dragon Boat
Festival, the Qixi Festival, the
Teachers’ Day, the Mid-Autumn
Baking Basketball competition Table tennis competition Hiking
Celebrations on the Sports meetings Interest activities
International Women’s Day
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Occupational health and Precautionary measures for occupational diseases
We strive to build a healthy and safe work environment
for employees. Following the management policy of
Phaving prevention as the main concern and
- com Educationand
bining prevention with remedying,Q we improved the trainingon Invite experts in occupational disease prevention and control to provide training on- health mana
occupationalhealthandsafety(OHS)management- sys occupational mentforemployeesandincreasetheirawarenessofoccupationalhealth.
tems, implemented the system of responsibility for the diseases
prevention and control of occupational hazards, and
took various measures such as occupational health risk
assessment, risk management and control, personal Carry out pre-job health checkups, regular on-the-job health checkups, health checkups when
protection, publicity, and training to ensure
- occupa leaving the post, as well as ad-hoc health checkups, and establish occupational health surveillan
tionalhealthandsafetyforemployees. Internalhealth records.
practices Periodically evaluate and update the occupational hazards, check the processes and production
equipment on a regular basis, promptly identify and evaluate the occupational hazards, and ensure
- Invite third-party organizations to conduct occupational health and safety assessments on a regul
ments basistoensureproductionsafety.
Carry out technical transformations for special types of work or post involving occupational
- ha
- Ensure that the purchased personal protective gears, equipment, and facilities comply
- with ap
posuresinthe plicableregulations,andaremaintainedandupdatedonaregularbasis.
workplace Continuously improve operations involving toxic and hazardous substances, dust, and noise to
Autowell OHS management system accreditation
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Emphasis on mental health
’ mentalhealth.In?–?·,onlineandobinetrainingprogramsonmentalhealthwereheldtohelpemployeeslearntoseefromapsychological
Wepayhighattentiontoemployees - perspec
Thiscourse,whichstartedonJune?,?–?·,primarilytargetedsuper- Numberoftrainees
Thiscourse,whichstartedonDecember?,?–?·,primarilytargeted Numberoftrainees
Protection of employee privacy
Privacy protection is fundamental to mutual trust between a company and its employees. In accordance with pertinent laws
and regulations, Autowell has laid down stringent employee privacy protection systems, including the nondisclosure
- agree
’ personal information and privacy are strictly managed
In terms of HR management, the Company ensures that employees
according to laws and regulations. With regard to IT system construction, the Company adopts strict information security
also provides training on employee privacy protection for the entire sta^ to increase their awareness of privacy protection
- ofoccu
- Ev 323031
ery employee has their exclusive medical record which is managed by dedicated personnel and may not be accessed by any
At Autowell, product quality and production safety are
considered the Pballast stoneQ of corporate development.
In pursuing high- quality de velopment , the Company takes
solid measures to manage production safety, strictly control
product quality and project quality, strengthen customer service
Responsible Partnerships for
consumption the Goals
and production
Production safety management
Product quality management
Improving customer services
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Performance by the Numbers
Sessions of production safety training Items included in production safety training Items rectified
Our customer-oriented workshop boasted a continuous production capacity of over 35,000 pieces per day,
ranking first among production bases worldwide, and the reworking rate stood within 1.2%.
Product pass rate
Customer satisfaction Number of customers who received training Total participants
Testimonials, banners, and trophies received from customers
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股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Organizations responsible for production
The Company places great emphasis on emergency management of accidents in production. In
order to improve the ability to deal with risks and prevent accidents, ensure the safety and health
of employees as well as people living in surrounding areas, and minimize the property losse
environmental damage, and social impact caused by production accidents and environment
Through the Job Description, the System of Responsibility for Production Safety,
emergencies, the Company has developed the System of Responsibility for Production Safety, the
work norms of the general manager, department heads, team leaders, and frontline
based on its realities. A crisis response taskforce comprising the management, the Genera
personnel. A top- down management model extending to the departmental level
Management Department, manufacturing centers, and the Finance Department is responsible for
is formed, where trade unions and safety supervisors oversee safety production
promptly handling major events related to safety, environmental protection, and product qua
m a n a ge m e n t , a n d 1 1 f u n ct i o n a l d e pa r t m e n ts s u c h a s t h e H u m a n Re s o u rce s
Department, the General Management Department, and the Product Management
Production safety education
Department implement safety production management and strictly perform safety
OrganizationalstructureoftheProductionSafetyCommittee According to China’s Law on Work Safety and production safety standards, Safety emergency
the Company has formulated a series of production safety management drills
systems, de veloped a system of safety standards, the classified risk
management system, and the risk identification and prevention system,
and put up warning signs and posters on safety knowledge at workshops
and factories. Safety emergency drills are carried out on a regular basis to
’sabilitytorespondtoemergencies.In203, Totalparticipants
the Company organized two emergency drills, which were attended by
Tradeunions Safetysupervisors
Human Resources
General Management
Product Management
R&D centers
Manufacturing centers
Engineering Ser vices
Sales Department
Finance Department
Strategic Procurement
Process and Information
Quality A ssurance
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Three-levelsafetytrainingsystem Forkliftoperation Emergencyrelief Manufacturingandlogisticssitesafety
Sessions of training for new hires Sessions of training for forklift operators Sessions of ad-hoc training for employees Sessions of training for manufacturing and logistics
Hours of training for new hires Hours of training for forklift operators Hours of ad-hoc training for employees Hours of training for manufacturing and logistics
EHStraining Productionsafetytraining Logisticsoperationsafetytraining
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
A sound
Autowell strictly complies with the Law on Product Quality and other laws andquality responsibility system and a three-level quality commitment mechanism
Company, just as the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.Q All
employees follow the PThree NosQ principle of quality management. The Company Three-levelqualitycommitmentmechanism
implements the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) model for quality assurance, has established
a full- process quality management mechanism from supply chain management to
No Nodelivery
PThreeNosQprinciple nonconforming Nodefective ofdefective
General Manager of
ofqualitymanagement rawmaterials products products
the Company: Person
Improving quality management systems
who takes primary
Department manager:
responsibility for quality Person who takes Second-line
main responsibility for management and
We advanced the construction and improvement of quality management systems
and established and passed the ISO9 0 1 quality management system certification; frontline employees
Persons directly
responsible for quality
continued to efficiently apply information technology to business and production
system in accordance with the GB/ T2 3 0 1 - 2 0 1 7 Integration of informatization and
The Company embeds quality management in the whole process from customer
of informatization and industrialization management systems Requirements for
requirements analysis, R& D, process, procurement, and manufacturing to the end
enhanced capability grading, and received the Integration of Informatization and
of the product lifecyle. It has a complete set of quality assurance systems to fulfil
Supplier Procurement Materials
Management Management Inspection
ProcessQuality DeliveryQuality Nonconforming
Control Control ProductManagement
Traceability Aftersales Improvementon
Management Service CustomerFeedback
Integration of Informatization and ISO9001 quality management system
Industrialization Management System certificate
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Multi-level quality audit mechanism
Level1:Processmonitoring Level2:Internalaudit Level3:Certi_cationandlicensing
Autowell integrates quality control into the I n o r d e r t o e n s u r e t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s Autowell always conforms to relevant standards for quality
- mana
whole process of production and exercises of quality management systems, the ment systems. The Company and its subsidiaries (Autowell Intelligent
strict control over supply quality, processCompany audits every process and link Equipment, SCEC, ATW XuRi, and ATW Coshin) have passed the GB/
quality, delivery quality, and aftersales
- ser r e l a t e d t o p r o d u c t q u a l i t y a n d w h e n T?ü––?-?–?•qualitymanagementsystemcerti_cation.
vicequalitysoastopreventproductquality problems are identified, takes rectifying Our products meet international standards including those in Europe
issues. and preventive measures immediately to and the U.S., are certi_ed by international testing and certi_cation
- pro
putthingsrightandensurethatthesame viders agencies like T?V S?D and Intertek, and hold the European Con
problemsdon formityCE)
( andEurasianConformityEAC)
( certi_cates.Additionally,our
GB/T190-26qualitymanagementsystemcerti_cate Productcerti_cate
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Quality management measures
ImplementingtheChief Quality management
QualityOacersystem campaigns
The Company has In order to further improve quality manage-
Setting up designated The Company strength-
ment, the Company forms an “end-to-end”
Quality commitment
established the Chief postforqualitycontrol mechanism ened its ability of process
Quality Officer system, business process oriented towards business
assurance and zero de-
giving the Chief Quality performance, analyzes the value chain on The Company signs fect management, and
Officer the power to In order to ensure each end, straightens out its management technical agreements continuously improved
veto matters that may product quality and process, business process, and support pro- with customers based product quality by orga-
affect product quality safety, the Company cess, and gradually refines the institutional on the characteristics nizing quality improve-
and safety in the pro- has an important post framework, the hierarchy of business author- of our products, which ment activities and col-
cess of product realiza- called “process in- ity, and the implementation of the system contain corresponding lecting opinions, among
tion. spector” to oversee solidification process. Moreover, it achieves provisions and commit- other efforts.
key processes that may chain quality across the entire value chain by ments regarding the key
concern product qual- a management system integrating process technical performance
ity and safety in the and quality system metrics, aftersales service
process of production. and training, and quality
Quality improvement campaigns Collecting opinions Vocationalskillcompetitions
During the reporting period, the Company carried out quality
- imIn?–?·,morethan?,?––opinionswerecollectedthrough
Since ?–??, the Company has held manufac-
ofCompany ’sOAsysteminane^orttoimproveproduct
provement campaigns in response to potential risks in the usethe
turing and logistics skills competitions for
related equipment. For example, it launched a campaign to reducequality and operational eaciency, helping reduce costs
two consecutive years to call for the pursuit
the attrition of cell soldering stringers and a campaign aimed at•?million.
of superior workmanship and further improve
bonders. It set up special project teams, used professional- measur
Opinions collected Reduced costs
in 2023
ing devices, and applied problem analysis tools ( MSA, ?W, brain
storming) to develop solutions and rectify potential risks. Based on
the actual use of customers, improvement measures were taken 5,700+ RMB25.62 million
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Reputational risk management
In order to meet compliance requirements in marketing campaigns, the Company
strictly complies with national and local laws and regulations, maintains honesty
in operations, abides by industry norms, and consciously maintains the industrial
operation order. We uphold moral norms centered on honesty, and have developed
the bidding management system, the supplier management system, and integrity
agreementtoensurecomplianceande^ectivenessintheprocessofmarketing. STANDARD
The Company has a legal affairs department and hires legal counsels to provide
The company has put in place a brand crisis response mechanism and process in
Autowell has stayed alert to brand crises, and no brand crisis has
occurred since its inception.
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Protection of customer rights and
Upholding the service concept of Phumbleness, carefulness, and professionalism,Q
the Company takes multiple measures such as day-to- day maintenance, key point
analysis, and timely review to improve individual service items. Additionally, the
Company organizes internal and external training for speci_c product lines, weekly
meetings, sales case and experience sharing sessions, and the like to improve the
Annual sales review meeting in 2023 Sales sharing session
We attach great importance to the management of customer information security, continuously hone our ability to maintain information con_dentiality and data security
the full-process management of customer information, and take solid measures to prevent disclosure of customer information. In 203, the Company introduced the ISO 2701 system
management methodology, oacially started the construction of an information security system, and established or improved the con_dentiality system, access control system
We sincerely respond to customer concerns and make continued efforts to improve the aftersales service system and enhance customer satisfaction and experience thr
◆ A special team is responsible for providing presales training and introducing the service process to customers.
◆ Set up a project team and develop the project plan and objectives based on the project status.
◆ The project manager coordinates and dispatches personnel on the site, makes plans, and communicate on project progress and problems.
◆ The project supervisor provides support throughout the process to facilitate the attainment of targets and goals.
◆ Set commissioning standards and ensure that the standards are met through training, random inspections, tour of inspection, and other methods. Standardizing
equipment commissioning helps locate operational issues quickly and improve the operational stability.
◆ Keep track of the use of equipment by the customer in real time and update onsite project progress, core issues, resource requirements, and other information every week
through engineering, sales, and customer WeChat groups; improve customer experience, make use of third-party communication channels, and promptly rectify any deviation
during use; follow up with the customer from time to time (home visit, WeChat, telephone, online meeting, etc.) to stay up to date with the production status and actual needs
of the customer.
◆ Provide remote support within 24 hours.
◆ For domestic urgent requirements, arrive at the scene within 24 hours, and for overseas urgent requirements, within 72 hours.
◆ Pay follow-up visits on a regular basis to learn about the equipment running status, customer needs, and maintain customer relationships.
◆ Publish posts on how to solve common issues through WeChat official account to provide technical information support.
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
In order to better regulate the onsite customer service and problem feedback and handling processes and ensure that problems in each process are identified, report
Customer complaint Step1 Step2 Step3
response process
The project manager responds to the Maintain effective communication
The aftersales team
complaint immediately, identifies the between the customer, the
communicates with the person in
level of severity, and escalates to a onsite team, and the back office
charge on the customer side.
higher level. (engineering, sales, R&D).
Step7 Step6 Step5 Step4
In response to the customer
Determine the solutions and
complaint, the Company draws up Push forward the progress until
Follow up with the customer send them to the customer on
improvement and optimization plans the issue is solved.
and reflect on ourselves. the same day.
at an opportune time and implements
them effectively.
’s regulations on nonconforming product management, if any defects
According to the Company
are found in products delivered to customers, a taskforce will be established immediately, onsite During the reporting period, no incident violating the Company ’s
inspections will be carried out to evaluate and analyze the situation, and then, practical solutions q u a l i t y co m m i t m e n t s o cc u r r e d d u r i n g a n d a f te r t h e p r o d u c
willbedevelopedpromptlytoensurethattheproblemsaree^ectivelysolved. deliveryprocess.
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Empowering customers
Customer training – Autowell Training Camp
In order to help customers better understand and use our products, we held
a two-month Autowell Training Camp in 2023. The participating customers
included Tongwei Group, JA Solar, LONGi, JinKo Solar, Chint, HY Solar, DAS
Solar, and DMEGC. During the training, the Company refined the training system
and content based on customer suggestions and did our best to meet their
improvement plans and needs. Some trainees from Tongwei Group hold their Trainees from JA Solar hold
training certificates their training certificates
Performance of customer training
Training content: Knowledge about 050E/F/EH/FH/K, 027X, Automatic Bussing Machine, and
other models, as well as their operation, installation, commissioning, and troubleshooting
Number of customers who received training: 550 participants from 60+ enterprises.
Number of training certificates and outstanding trainee certificates: 550.
Number of customers who Total Number of training certificates and
received training: outstanding trainee certificates:
While pursuing our own high- quality development, we take
concrete actions to fulfill our social responsibility and give
back to society. We actively engage in public interest activities
and support the development of education, spreading positive
vibes in society. In particular, we constantly put energy and
back to society. We encourage employees to volunteer and get
involved in public interest activities, bringing more love into
No poverty Zero hunger Good health Quality Reducing
and well- education inequality
Tax payment according to law
Contribution to community development
Public interest activities and donations
Volunteer activities
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ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Performance by the Numbers
Total amount of tax paid in 2023
RMB 661 million
Total donations made to support education development, public emergency Donation to Wuxi Educational Development Foundation
response, and people in need in the past three years
RMB9,699,900 RMB 1 million
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Tax payment according to law Public interest activities and donations
The Company pays speci_ed types of taxes at the set tax rates within The company is actively involved in public interest activities, cares for the
the time limit, contributing to national and local fiscal revenue
and of vulnerable groups, and works hard to help build a better world. In
promotingfairnessandjusticeintaxation. the past three years, we have donated a total of RMB9,69 0 to support
education development, public emergency response, and people in need.
We work with loving people from all sectors of society to promote the
Taxstatusinthepastthreeyears developmentofsocialundertakings.
RMB100 million 203 20 201 203 20 201
HiPo Program: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People sharing reading session
In April 2023, the Company donated RMB 1 million to Wuxi Educational Development Founda-
tion in a bid to support the high-quality development of education.
Au to w e l l w o r k s c l o s e l y w i t h t h e co m m u n i t y to t ra i n a n d a d va n ce
talent. The Company provides job opportunities for local people, which
helps increase local employment, promote the development of the
local economy, and enhance the sense of belonging of our employees,
enabling them to witness the great changes in their community. On
the Company’s part, this also serves the purpose of growing with the
Donation certificate Commemorative badge
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
“Walk side by side”
To d e l i v e r h i g h - q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s t o o u r
customers, we must ensure that the products provided
b y o u r s u p p l i e r s h a v e s t a b l e q u a l i t y. To t h i s e n d , w e
continuously strengthen centralized management of the
supply chain system, promote businesses along the supply
chain to do their due diligence, so as build a safe, green,
Responsible Sustainable Partnerships
consumption cities and for the Goals
and production communities
Sustainable supply chain
Support for industrial development
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Performance by the Numbers
Proportion of local purchasing (within Jiangsu Growth in pass rate of materials compared with 2022 Number of new standard parts suppliers
Number of domestic exhibitions we participated in Number of overseas exhibitions we participated in Number of professional forums we sponsored (speech)
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Supplier management
Supplier development and selection
In order to ensure the safety of raw materials and improve product quality, Autowell has established the principles of supplier development and laid down regulations on
basic qualifications, capital status, operating qualifications, scale of production, and technical strength. The Company signs the Non- Disclosure Agreement, Sup
A supplier used by a competitor can become our Any supplier recommended or operated by for-
supplier in principle, but that must be clarified. mer employees shall not be selected in princi-
Types of Supplier Types of
The qualifications of a potential supplier which
potential businesses
acts as an agent must be verified with the autho-
suppliers not eligible
rizing organization before it’s selected as a sup- Any business that was formed less than one
plier. year shall not be selected in principle.
In principle, the company purchases parts
and components for our equipment directly
from manufacturers.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Definition Management strategy
Type1 Type2 Type3 Type1 Type2 Type3
Suppliers from which Suppliers from which S u p p l i e r s f r o m Maintain supplier Emphasize quality, Suppliers from which the
t h e a m o u n t o f p- r o t h e a m o u n t o f p- r o which the amount relationships, empha
- g u a r a n t e e i n v e n t o raym o u n t o f p r o c u r e m e n- t a c
c u r e m e n t a cco u n t s c u r e m e n t a cco u n t sof procurement- ac size quality and costs, safety, implement cen
- counts for no more than ?% of
fornomorethan?–% fornomorethan??% counts for no more implement centralized tralizedpurchasing,- en t h e tota l p ro c u re m e n t i n t h e
of the total procure
- of the total procure
- than ?% of the total purchasing, carry out sure sufficient supply,
ment and is greater ment and is greater procurement in the j o i n t R & D a c t i v i t i e sand
, lowercosts. Emphasize costs, reduce the
than RMB· million in than RMB? million in evaluationperiod. andlowercosts. Suppliers with an n u m b e r o f s u p p l i e r s , i- m p l e
the evaluation - peri the evaluation - peri A l l s u p p l i e r s a r MRB
e NPLratioofabove ment centralized purchasing,
od. od. s u b j e c t t o p - e r f –.o?% during
r the perfor - and reduce procurement man
manceevaluation. mance evaluation peri
- agementcosts.
od shall be evaluated, Suppliers with an MRB NPL
w h i l e ot h e r s u p p l i e rs ratio of above –. ?% during the
not. performance evaluation period
shall be evaluated, while other
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
In order to ensure that the procurement capacity meets the needs of its sustainable development, the Company conducts semi-annual performance evaluation on suppliers based on t
Supplier Performance Evaluation Form (Standard Parts/Processed Parts), classi_es suppliers into four levels (A, B, C, and D) according to the grading rules (B is the qualifying criterion), and a
Level Level A Level B Level C Level D
Score A ≥ 80 65 ≤ B < 80 50 ≤ B < 65 D < 50
(1) Suspend new product development; (1) Suspend new product development;
(2) Ask the supplier to make improvements (2) Ask the supplier to make improvements
Give priority to the Lower the level of
and discuss with the supplier on the and discuss with the supplier on the
model supplier in new product priority in new product subsequent product quality management
subsequent product quality management
development development plan and improvement plan. If the supplier
plan and improvement plan.
fails to move to Level C, it will be dismissed as
a qualified supplier.
Compared with standard parts suppliers, Autowell focuses on the information security management ability of machining equipment suppliers, and conducts an info
Holddiscussionsanddrawupcontinuous SQEkeepsrecordsorvisitsthesupplierto Accordingtotheimprovementstatus,update
improvementplans,whichcanbeimplemented verifywhethertheimprovementsmeetspeci_c theListofQuali_edSupplierssoastobuilda
afterbeingcon_rmedbySQE. requirements. harmonioussupplychainecosystem.
Step1 Step2 Step3
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Attention to supplier ESG performance
The company insists on green procurement and ensures that the materials used, including packaging (such as materials, components, and equipment) meet the requirements of nationa
environmental policies. The Company gives priority to suppliers with the ISO901 quality management system certi_cation, the ISO1401 environmental management system certi_cation,
and the ISO450 1 occupational health and safety management system certi_cation, and pays constant attention to supplier performance in labor relations, employee rights prote
Supply chain stability
The Company takes forward-looking and flexible measures to ensure supply chain stability and efficiency and avoid supply chain disruptions. Meanwhile, amid the trend of do
Number of new standard parts suppliers
Develop inventory plans for
- bottle
I m p l e m e n t m u l t i p l e s o u r c i n g a nRegularly
d assess supplier capacity,
- ad
neck materials and materials with a
reserveforsuppliersofcorematerials just purchasing strategies, and ensure during the reporting period
long delivery period based on annual
andfewstructures. suppliesaredeliveredontime.
Empowering suppliers
Regular communication Management empowerment
While improving our own management ability, the Company
In order to improve our supplier management and quality control capabilities to
regularly communicates with suppliers of main and auxiliary
- ma
meet the needs for sophisticated and key materials in our rapid development,
terials through onsite meetings. The topics mainly cover analysis
we took _eld trips to industry-leading suppliers, learned about advanced
- experi
ence and summarized ? practical improvement measures, and provided them
promotion and e^ectiveness of new products, and overall
- prod
to other suppliers so they could choose to use according to their own reality. To
- su
During the reporting period, in order the Company held the- an
- evalu
nual supplier conference themed PA Better ?–? and a Winning
?–??Q to help suppliers get a deeper understanding of our- strat
egies and development plans. A total of ü· suppliers participated
This management empowerment event greatly improved the overall
- manage
in the conference, and the amount of procurement from the
ment ability and pass rate of suppliers. In particular, the pass rate of materials
’s total
Autowell 2023 Supplier
purchasesintheyear. Conference
Suppliers present at our supplier Percentage in total purchases Number of key suppliers Growth in pass
rate over 2022
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Autowell is an active player in the industr y. We participate in various
exhibitions, carry out project cooperation with other enterprises, and play Number of domestic exhibitions we Number of overseas Number of professional forums
a role in national key R& D programs. Exchanges and collaboration withparticipated in during the reporting exhibitions we participated in we sponsored (speech)
industry peers can spur innovation vitality, enabling us to work together to
boostthewholeindustry. 9 5 3
International exchanges
period, we participated in a variety of exhibitions held in Indonesia, Türkiye, Germany, the United States, and India, continuously strengthened international exchanges and coop
Autowell attends Intersolar Europe held in Munich, Germany Autowell attends the International SolarEX Istanbul Fair in Türkiye
In June 20 3, Intersolar Europe, the world’s leading exhibition InAprilthe
,320 annualInternationalSolarEXIstanbulFairtook
for t he so l a r i nd ustr y was h e l d i n Trade Fair Ce nte r Me s s e place, which is the largest and most influential solar energy
München, Germany, bringing together a cohort of well- known and energy storage event in Türkiye and even the Middle East.
solar photovoltaic enterprises from around the world. At this As a reputed intelligent photovoltaic equipment manufacturer,
exhibition, Autowell presented its latest intelligent photovoltaic Autowell came under the spotlight by showcasing a range of
+ energy storage manufacturing solutions, drawing attention intelligent photovoltaic devices and solutions. The delegation
fromlargeaudiencesathomeandabroad. also interacted with professionals from around the world and
shared experience and views with one another to promote
Involvement in industry events
Autowell shows off intelligent photovoltaic manufacturing technology at SNEC 2023 Autowell attends the second EESA China International Energy Storage Expo
At the International Photovoltaic Power Generation and In August 203, the 2nd China International Energy Storage
Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition ( SNEC 2 0 3 ) in ExpohostedbyChinaLeaderEnergyStorageAllianceEESA) (
,320 showedo^itsintegratedsolutionsof was held in Suzhou International Expo Center. Autowell
photovoltaicintelligentmanufacturingandhadin-depth presented its ESS Cell Module/ PACK Automatic Assembly
discussions and exchanges with visitors on products Lineinthe_eldofenergystorage.
and technologies, innovation and R&D, industrial
the responsibilities and obligations for eco- environmental
protection, actively carries out environmental management,
keeps improving its environmental management capabilities,
a n d co o rd i n ate s t h e e f fo r ts to re d u ce ca r b o n e m i s s i o n s ,
cut pollution, go green, and achieve growth. It makes great
efforts to promote a green and low-carbon lifestyle and way
of production and achieve concerted progress of economic
Good health Sustainable Climate action Clean water
and well-being cities and and sanitation
Environment management
Pollutant management
Energy resource management
Green operations
Carbon emission management
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Performance by the Numbers
Investmentinenvironmentalprotection Energyconservationmanagement
Investment in environmental protection Investment in energy-saving technology Comprehensive energy consumption per
transformation RMB10,000 of output value
RMB73,600 RMB345,400 0.0015 tons of stand coal equivalent
GHGemissionsreduction Pollutantmanagement
? GHG emission intensity ? Passed the green factory certification audit and was certified as a green factory in Jiangsu Province.
? The Company meets the Type 3 standard set forth in the GB 12348-2008 Emission standard for
? Wafer Inspection System (018F) received the carbon footprint certification.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT To ensure the effective operation of its environmental and safety management system and continuousl
its environmental management system, the Company sets up the post of environmental and safety speciali
Environmental management
system Management system for accidents Safety and health management system
Production safety inspection system OHS education system for construction projects
involving heavy casualties
Safety management system for special- Stakeholder safety management Fire safety management system Dangerous operations approval system
Instrictcompliancewithlaws purpose equipment and personnel system
and regulations such as the Hazardous chemicals management Management system on traffic safety Management system on occupational
Temporary wiring approval system
system at factory disease prevention
Environmental Protection
Law of the Peoples Republic Rewards and punishments system Protective equipment management Dust and virus control equipment Management system on labor
concerning safety system management system protection articles
of China, Environmental
System on the protection of female Management system for places with “Five-Point” production safety Safety organization and personnel
Impact A ssessment Law, workers and minors flammable or explosive articles management system appointment and management system
the Water Law, and the
Production safety target management Production safety responsibility Group and post target performance Change management system
Law on the Prevention and system management system management system
Equipment operation card Management system on the Management system on the
Control of Environmental
implementation of laws, regulations, “Three Violations” management
management system standards, and norms system implementation of rules and regulations
Pollution by Solid Wastes,
Management system on chemical Performance evaluation management Warning marks and safety
the Compa n y co n t i nuo us l y Onsite leadership system
property risk assessment and control system management system
improves the construction of
Equipment and facility Equipment and facility inspection and Construction and maintenance safety
maintenance management system Emergency relief management system
environmental management safety management system management system
systems based on actual Document and file
Hazardous chemicals Source of danger Fire safety management system
needs of businesses and day- management system management system management system
Management system on Management system on the operation
to-dayoperations.Itobtained Work-related injury insurance Operating safety management system the withdrawal and use of
management system production safety funds of environmental protection equipment
the ISO1 4 0 certification in
Classified safety risk
April203. Production safety meeting system
management system
Environmental emergency management
Alcohol leakage emergency drill
The Company carried out an alcohol
In order to better regulate emergency response to environmental emergencies,
leakage emergency drill in February
the Company has developed the Contingency Plan for Environmental
Emergencies, conducted a systematic analysis of environmental risks and
potential environmental emergencies, devised targeted environmental s a f erisk
t y a w a r e n e s s a n d t e st e d t h e
preventionandcontrolmeasures,establishedaninternalearlywarningsystem, response and cooperation capabilities
and put in place emergency response resources. In addition, the Companyof staff at relevant departments during
organizes emergency response training and drills every year, prepares emergencies.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
POLLUTANT MANAGEMENT Discharge of three wastes
The Company attaches great importance to environmental safety and protection, incorporates
the concept of green development in its daily operations, continuously strengthens pollutant
in machining workshops and oil smokes in the kitchen. Waste gas
management and the rational use of resources and energy, regularly organizes third-party agencies
treatment devices are installed at the waste gas outlet to mee
to carry out testing at factories involving occupational-disease-inductive factors, and takes e^ective
the emission standards, and the discharged waste gas is tested by
Waste gas
Cleaner production
No industrial wastewater is generated during production. There
In203,Autowellparticipatedinandpassedthevoluntarycleanerproductionaudit,passedthegreen is only domestic sewage, which is pretreated by septic tanks 4
factory certification audit, and was certified as a green factory in Jiangsu Province. The Company meters deep at the factory and then discharged to the municipal
furtherimproveditsgreenproductiontechnologytoreducetheconsumptionofenergyandmaterials pipe networks and centrally treated by Wuxi Xincheng Water
Waste water
during production and lower the generation and emission of pollutants, thus achieving both TreatmentPlant.
TheCompanyintroducestheconceptofecologicaldesign(Reduce,Recycle,Reuse)toproductdesign. In order to minimize environmental impact , solid waste is
InaccordancewiththerequirementsinGB/T2456,itdevelopsecologicaldesignsforproductstaking collected in a classified way and centrally handled before it
intoaccountresourceconservationandcomprehensiveuseintheselectionofrawmaterials,product transferredtoquali_eddepartmentsforpropertreatment.
energy efficiency design, reduction or substitution of hazardous substances, cleaner production The company entrusts quali_ed agencies to handle the hazardous
processandtechnology,packagingandtransportation,recourserecycling,hazardlesstreatment, andwaste cutting‘uidgeneratedduringproduction.
Autowell passes green factory certification audit and is certified as a green factory in
Jiangsu Province
Noise management
Two strengths
environment and employees. The Company is located in an industrial park, with no
residential buildings and living quarters around it. We take multiple measures suc
Five features Sustainability
D u r i n g t h e r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d , t h e C o m p a n y m e t t h e Ty p e 3
Autowell green standard set forth in the GB 1 2 3 4 8 - 2 0 8 Emission standard for
design concept industrialenterprisesnoiseatboundary.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Energy management system
energy saving and lower consumption, science-based development,
and continuous improvement, Q Autowell continued to improve the
energy management system, promote the application of the online
energy consumption monitoring system and on the basis of analysis
and use of energy consumption big data, advance refined energy
management, adopt new energy management methods, and fully tap
into the energy saving potential, thus ensuring the effectiveness of
ISO 50001:2018 energy Energy monitoring and management system
management system certification
Energy resource use
Electricity Fuel Natural gas
Municipal water Total energy consumption Comprehensive energy consumption per
RMB10,000 of output value
Note: The direct energy mainly includes fuel and natural gas, and the indirect energy is purchased electricity. Comprehensive energy consumption is calculated based on the conversion
factors in the GB/T2589-2020 General rules for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Green office
Set air conditioners at proper- tem Tu r n o f f a i r co n d i t i o n e r s , l i g h t s , Choose energy- saving lamps for- out Advocatepaperlessoace.Percapitapaper
perature according to the season, computers, printers, and other door and indoor lighting, use natural consumption: In ?–??, per capita paper
avoid using air conditioners while equipment after work to reduce- en light as much as possible, reduce the consumption at the Company was ?•–.•?
leaving doors and windows open, ergyconsumptionandavidwaste. number of lamps when there is suffi
- pieces,andthe_guredeclinedto•?.·üin
andadvocateusingairconditioners cient lighting, and adjust the duration ?–?·,down?.••%yearonyear.
onehourless. oflightingaccordtotheseason.
Publicity and training on environmental protection
The Company pays high attention to promoting energy conservation and environmental protection. During the reporting period, we promptly shared and promoted the latest l
’ awareness
in environmental protection activities and promote new energy-saving products and technologies that with lower carbon emissions, increasing employees
of energy
In July 2023, to celebrate the National Energy-Saving Publicity Week, the Company produced and put up banners and posters advocating energy conservation and
further strengthened work in this regard. Solid measures were taken to reduce the consumption of water, electricity, and other energy sources, advocate civilized,
economical, green, and low-carbon consumption and lifestyles, and foster a good atmosphere for energy conservation among all employees.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Upholding the green concept, we lead the electronics industry to actively perform social responsibility. In 203, the Company set up a carbon veri_cation working group to manage
carbon emissions according to the ISO 1406 standard. In May 203, the Company released its 20 greenhouse gas veri_cation report, setting an example for China ’s special-purpose
Working group on greenhouse gas verification
In order to ensure the e^ectiveness of GHG emission veri_cation, accounting, and other work, the Company has established a carbon emission management architecture headed by the
General manager, where representatives of the management and the General Management Department take charge of the implementation, and other functional departments act as the
implementing departments. Steps are taken to build a well-regulated carbon emission management system, engage the entire sta^, and keep the Company on the course of clean, low-
Determine the general direction of work on environmental protection.
Review environmental management documents on a regular basis.
Organize and lead the identification of Be responsible for the identification, summary, and
GHG sources. GeneralManager evaluation of GHG emission sources; guide the following
Coordinate the development, work:
implementation, and archiving of Coordination GHG reviews by relevant departments.
environmental management systems GHG emission data collection and aggregation, emission
and GHG management files according Management GeneralManagement calculation report preparation and management.
to the IS014064 standard. representatives Department The preparation, review, revision, and distribution of GHG
...... management documents
Specific implementation ......
Identify GHG emission sources at the department.
Implement emission reduction projects and GHG emission control during production and in life.
Provide data on the department’s GHG inventory and a list of GHG-related equipment.
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Development Appendices
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Greenhouse gas emissions in 2023
During the reporting period, we carried out verification of GHG emission sources within the boundaries according to law, so as to do a better job in GHG emission reduction and
accurately grasp and manage the situation of GHG emissions. According to the results, major GHG emission sources include purchased electricity, natural gas, gasoline, diesel oil, an
some refrigeration units. Among them, indirect emission (i.e., Scope 2) is the most important source of greenhouse gas emissions of the Company, which is mainly generated from
Scope 1 Scope 2
Scopes 1 and 2* GHG emissions intensity
* Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope 2) are calculated according to 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the GB/T2589-2020
General rules for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption, where power grid emission factors are calculated according to the Notice on Strengthening the Management of
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting of Enterprises in Power Generation Industry 2023–2025.
Wafer Inspection System holds carbon footprint certification
During the reporting period, we established the product lifecycle assessment (LCA) management system, introduced the product carbon footprint accounting
method, analyzed the carbon footprint of Wafer Inspection System (018F), calculated GHG emissions in its lifecycle, and developed an LCA carbon footprint
report. The equipment obtained the green footprint evaluation certificate from the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) in June 2023.
According to the report, the system boundaries in the lifecycle of Wafer Inspection System include five stages: raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, use,
and waste disposal/recycling. Among them, functional units in the raw materials stage have the highest carbon emissions at 7,484.29 kg CO2e, accounting for
over 90% of the total. In response, we identified and evaluated the impact factors and developed improvement measures to go greener.
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ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon
governance Constant Dedication Practices
股票代码 688516
Energy conservation and carbon reduction management
Energy-savingtechnologytransformation Total investment in
energy-saving technology
TheCompanycontinuedtolowerenergyconsumptionbystrengtheningenergyconservationmanagementduringmanufacturing,optimizingtheproduction transformation
process, and reducing unit kinetic energy consumption of products. We further promoted the application of the online energy consumption monitoring
system and on the basis of analysis and use of energy consumption big data, advanced re_ned energy management, adopted new energy management RMB 345,400
Using energy-saving equipment Revamping the air conditioning system Optimizing the production process to reduce
to improve energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption unit kinetic energy consumption of products
Energ y-saving and efficient air The Company optimized the production process of automated
During the reporting period,
pressurizers are used to improve Reduction in power equipment to reduce energy consumption. The original method
the Company optimized
energy efficiency. The frequency consumption of using compressed air to achieve automatic operations is
the air conditioning system,
conversion technology for energy replaced with a vacuum regulation system to reduce energy
which turned out effective
saving is applied to adjust the load consumption. As to the production process of Automatic Solar
s p e e d a n d i m p ro v e t h e p o w e r
in saving energy. Electricity 50,0000 Kwh Module, the previous method of oil heating is changed to
of 500,000 kWh was saved a
efficiency of centrifuges, centrifugal electromagnetic heating, reducing energy consumption by 50%.
Energy-saving air pressurizer year.
pumps, and other equipment.
Area of rooftop solar PV
’s call for clean energy, the Companypower station in Xinhua
In response to the country
pushed for ward the construction of solar photovoltaicRoad Phase I plant
power Installed capacity
generation projects in the production base, providing clean energy
into for our green and low-carbon development. As of the end of 17,000 sq.m 1,599.4 KWP
Estimated annual power
the reporting period, the rooftop solar photovoltaic power station
Reduction in carbon Using more clean energy to
generating capacity dioxide emissions
in our Phase I plant on Xinhua Road covered an area of 1 7 , 0 0
improve the energy mix
square meters, with an installed capacity of 1 , 5 9 . 4 kWp and an
estimated annual generating capacity of 1 , 7 6 4 . 0 6 MWh. This can
all street lamps at the factory were replaced
(Note: GHG accounting is carried out according to the Guidelines on the Methods
Thesolarphotovoltaicpowergenerationsystemnotonlyoptimizes with solar-powered lamps, and a total of 51
of Accounting and Reporting on Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Enterprises in Other
the energy mix of the Company but is also conducive to insulationIndustry Segments (for Trial Implementation) issued by China’s National Development such lamps were installed. A number of smart
and Reform Commission, where the emission factors for power generation are
and sun shielding of buildings. Especially in the scotching summer, charging piles were installed at the factory to
calculated based on the power grid carbon emission factors in the Notice on
facilitate charging on a staggered schedule and
it can effectively reduce the indoor temperature and lessen Strengthening
the the Management of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting of Enterprises
encourage employees to use electric vehicles,
burden of air conditioners, further improving the energy eaciencyin Power Generation Industry 2023–2025 released by the Ministry of Ecology and
Environment and the research report China Regional Power Grids Carbon Dioxide reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
andenvironmentalbene_ts. Emission Factors (2023).
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon Appendices
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Appendix 1. Definitions
Terms Description
Packaging & Testing sectors in the semiconductor industry is the final process of integrated circuit manufacturing. They refer to the process in which the tested wafers are processed
Packaging & Testing sectors
into independent integrated circuit according to the product model and functional requirements
PV Cell Soldering Stringer It is a type of soldering equipment used to solder electronic components, circuit boards, cells, or other small metal parts.
Laser Dicing It refers to the process in which high energy laser beams are used to irradiate on the surface of the workpiece so the irradiated area is melted and vaporized for the purpose of dicing
Annealing Furnace It is a type of heat treatment device used to improve the physical and chemical properties of materials
It refers to simultaneous processing on multiple coordinate axes (including rectilinear coordinates and rotational coordinates) on the same machine tool, and coordinated motion
Multi-axis Linkage
under the control of a computer numerical control (CNC) system
Monocrystal Growth Furnace It is a device used for growing single crystals to manufacture monocrystal materials
PACK Automatic Assembly Line It is an automatic assembly line where multiple batteries of cells are connected to form a battery pack with larger current capacity
Laser Enhanced Metallization It refers to the process in which high energy laser beams are used to heat metal powder
Scope 1 Emissions Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organization
Scope 2 Emissions Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling.
Semiconductor Packaging It refers to the process in which the tested wafers are processed into independent integrated circuits according to the product model and functional requirements
Wire Bonding It is a semiconductor packaging technique used to connect the integrated circuits to the electrical appliances
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
TOPCon Thin Oxide Passivated Contact
ISO9001 quality management systems A complete set of international standards developed by the ISO/Technical Committee
Technischer überwachungs-Verein (T?V) is a leading technical monitoring association based in Germany, which functions similar to the bureau of quality and technical supervision in
ETL The ETL Mark is Intertek’s most prominent certification in North America
CE Certificate European Conformity (CE) is a safety certification mark that is regarded as a licensing or manufacturers to enter the European market
The Eurasian Conformity (EAC) certificate (or declaration of conformity) is a document used to prove that the exported goods meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations of
EAC Certificate
Customs Union (TRCU)
MSA Measurement System Analysis (MSA) refers to the process in which the method of statistical analysis is used to evaluate and improve the process of measuring systems
A Material Review Board (MRB) is a group of people who review nonconforming material that has been referred to this board when all inspection workstations are unable to determine
whether it is nonconforming
SQE Supplier Quality Engineer
ISO14000 A series of environmental management standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO45001 The occupational health and safety management system is used to help organizations around the world protect the health and safety of their staff
ISO14064 A series of international standards that provides the world’s best models for GHG information and data management, reporting, and validation
LCA Lifecycle Assessment
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon Appendices
股票代码 688516
governance Constant Dedication Practices
Appendix 2. GRI Index
Topics Standards Disclosure Items Pages
Organization and its reporting practices
G2-1 Organizational profile About ATW
G2-2 Entities included in organizational sustainability reporting Notes on the Report
G2-3 Reporting period, reporting frequency, and contacts Notes on the Report
G2-4 Information restatement Notes on the Report
Activities and workers
G2-6 Activities, value chains, and other business relations About ATW
G2-7 Staff Member Employment equity and diversity
G2-9 Governance structure and composition Organization
G2-12 Supervisory role of the highest governing bodies in impact management Operation of the three meetings
G2-15 Conflict of interest Information disclosure management
G2-17 Common knowledge of the highest governing bodies Employee training
Strategies, policies, and practices
G2-23 Policy commitment Internal control system; employment equity and diversity
G2-24 Integration policy commitment Employment equity and diversity
G2-25 Procedures to remedy negative impacts Smooth reporting channels; protection of customer rights and interests
G2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns Smooth reporting channels; protection of customer rights and interests
G2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations Information disclosure management
G2-28 Membership qualifications of societies Support for industrial development
G2-29 Participation methods for stakeholders Communication of stakeholders
Substantive topics
G3-1 Process of identifying substantive topics Identification of material topics
G3-2 List of substantive topics Identification of material topics
Economic performance
G201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Performance summary; tax payment according to law
G201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans Benefits system
Indirect economic impacts
G203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported Contribution to community development
G203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts Innovation achievements
Procurement practices
G204-1 Proportion of expenditure on procurement from local suppliers Sustainable supply chain
G205-2 Communication and training of anti-corruption policies and procedures Anti-corruption and anti-bribery; smooth reporting channels
Independent R&D Solid Foundation Good Faith Priority to Safety Contribution to Close Cooperation Green Development
ATW Innovation Characteristic Greater Prosperity Focus on Quality Society Win-win Outcomes Low-carbon Appendices
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governance Constant Dedication Practices
Topics Standards Disclosure Items Pages
G207-3 Stakeholder involvement and management of tax-related issues Stakeholder identification
G207-4 Country report Performance summary
G302-2 Energy consumption outside the organization Energy resource use
Water and effluents
G303-1 Interaction between organizations and water as a common resource Discharge of three wastes
G303-2 Management of drainage related impacts Discharge of three wastes
G305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Greenhouse gas emissions in 2023
G305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Greenhouse gas emissions in 2023
G305-4 GHG emissions intensity Greenhouse gas emissions in 2023
G305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Greenhouse gas emissions in 2023
G306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts Discharge of three wastes
G306-2 Management of waste related significant impacts Cleaner production
Environment assessment of suppliers
G308-1 New suppliers screened using the environmental assessment dimension Attention to supplier ESG performance
G401-1 New employee hiring rate and employee turnover rate Employment equity and diversity
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary
G401-2 Benefits system
or part-time employees
Occupational health and safety
G403-1 Occupation health and safety management system Occupational health and safety
G403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and accident investigation Occupational health and safety
G403-3 Occupational health service Occupational health and safety; employee privacy protection
G403-6 Promoting worker health Occupational health and safety
Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly
G403-7 Occupational health and safety; care for mental health
related to business relationships
Training and education
G404-1 Average annual training hours per employee Employee training
G404-2 Employee skills upgrading programs and transition assistance programs Employee training
Diversity and equal opportunity
G405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Employment equity and diversity
Public policy
G415-1 Political contribution Public interest activities and donations
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