虹美菱B: 2023年第三季度报告

来源:证券之星 2023-10-24 00:00:00
                                                  CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
Stock Code: 000521, 200521               Stock Abbreviation: Changhong Meiling, Hongmeiling B
Announcement No.: 2023-059
                                    Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.
                              The Third Quarterly Report of 2023
The Company and whole members of the Board guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and
complete and there are no fictitious records, misleading statements or material omissions carried in the Report.
Important Note:
the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and
completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important
omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or joint.
Jun ,person in charger of accounting organ (accounting officer) hereby confirm that the financial information of
this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
□Yes √No
I. Main financial data
(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□ Yes√ No
                                                                                                    Increase/decrease from
                                                  Increase/decrease in the
                                                                                                         year-begin to
                                                   period compared with         Year-begin to
                             Current period                                                          period-end compared
                                                   the same period of the        period-end
                                                                                                    with the same period of
                                                        previous year
                                                                                                       the previous year
 Operating income
 (RM B)
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the       140,719,309.64                     38.20%        498,774,154.38                    207.51%
 listed company (RM B)
                                                           CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the
 listed company after
 non-recurring gains
 and losses (RM B)
 Net cash flow arising
 from operating                          —                          —              2,406,267,035.85                        30.83%
 activities (RM B)
 Basic earnings per
 share (RM B/Share)
 Diluted earnings per
 share (RM B/Share)
                                                               Increase by 0.61                                 Increase by 5.95
 Weighted average ROE                          2.69%                                           9.26%
                                                              percentage points                                percentage points
                                                                                  Changes of this period-end over same period-end
                                  End of this period         End of last period
                                                                                                    of last year
 Total assets (RM B)          19,316,478,659.62             16,200,361,212.80                                              19.23%
 Owners’ equity
 attributable to
 shareholders of listed
 company (RM B)
(ii)Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                                    Year-begin to
                           Item                                Current amount                                       Note
 Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset                                                    See "Proceeds from Asset
 (including the write-off that accrued for impairment             1,379,107.45        1,379,107.45
 of assets)
 Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains
 and losses(while closely related with the normal
                                                                                                        See "Other Earnings" for
 business of the Company, the government subsidy
 that accord with the provision of national policies
 and are continuously enjoyed in line with a certain
 standard quota or quantity are excluded)
 Gain and loss from change of the fair value arising
 from transactional monetary assets, transactional
 financial liabilities as held as well as the investment                                                See "Fair value Change
 income arising from disposal of the transactional                                                      income" and "Investment
                                                               -16,349,602.74      -75,564,024.77
 monetary assets, transactional financial liabilities                                                   Income" for details.
 and financial assets available for sale excluding the
 effective hedging transaction in connection with the
 Company’s normal business
 Reversal of the account receivable depreciation                                                        See "Accounts
 reserves subject to separate impairment test                                                           Receivable" for details.
                                                       CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
                                                                                                            See "Non-operating
  Other non-operating income and expenses other                                                             Income" and
  than the above                                                                                            "Non-operating
                                                                                                            Expenses" for details.
  Less: impact on income tax                                       252,305.52          -602,437.72
  Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)          2,117,236.68               7,132,204.16
  Total                                                      9,440,210.09             -14,494,788.99                      --
Details of other profit and loss items that meet the non-recurring profit and loss definition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.
Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public
--- Extraordinary Profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public
--- Extraordinary Profit/loss
(iii)Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement financial index and
explanations of reasons
√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB
          Item              Ending balance   Opening balance                                       Reasons of changes
                                                                                  M ainly due to the purchase of wealth management
Trading financial assets    422,556,947.00      57,660,588.67        632.83%
                                                                                  products by the Company in the current period.
                                                                                  M ainly due to the Company's newly increased
Notes receivable                 38,674.50                     -              -
                                                                                  commercial acceptance bills in the current period
                                                                                  M ainly due to the growth of operation revenue in the
Account receivable         1,707,094,454.29 1,306,871,945.85          30.62%
                                                                                  current period
                                                                                  M ainly due to the company's new project quality
Contract assets              29,701,096.48        3,530,922.13       741.17%
                                                                                  guarantee fund in the current period
Non-current asset due                                                             M ainly due to the increase in debt investment due
within one year                                                                   within one year of the current period
                                                                                  M ainly due to the increase in time deposits in the
Other current assets        262,155,370.10     120,589,431.85        117.39%
                                                                                  current period
                                                    CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
Creditor's rights                                                          M ainly due to the increase in the Company's large
investment                                                                 certificates of deposit in the current period
                                                                           M ainly due to the increase in the Company's asset
Long-term amortization      22,192,272.11      14,900,600.59      48.94%
                                                                           overhaul in the current period
Other non-current                                                          M ainly due to the increase in the Company's prepaid
assets                                                                     project payment in the current period
                                                                           M ainly due to the increase in bank borrowings in the
Short-term loan           1,069,166,879.76    674,143,916.67      58.60%
                                                                           current period
                                                                           M ainly due to the non cancelable orders and change
Trading financial
                                                                           M ainly due to the increase in VAT payable by the
Taxes payable              105,393,081.13      80,287,878.62      31.27%
                                                                           Company in the current period
Non-current liabilities                                                    M ainly due to the increase in long-term borrowings
due within one year                                                        due within one year of the current period
                                                                           M ainly due to the Company's provision of safety
Special reserve             13,238,702.97       2,467,205.78     436.59%
                                                                           production expenses in the current period.
                                                                                                                           In RMB
              Item           Current period     Amount at the same    Changes
                                                                                                Reasons of changes
                                                period of last year      ratio
                                                                                  M ainly due to the YOY increases in interest
Financial expenses           -107,571,987.60        -79,277,613.98      -35.69%
                                                                                  M ainly due to the non cancelable orders and
Income from fair value
                              -63,928,733.56          6,783,043.30 -1042.48% change of the fair value of forward foreign
                                                                                  exchange contract changes
                                                                                  M ainly due to the Company's forward foreign
                                                                                  exchange contract delivery loss in the current
Investment earnings             6,121,002.68         19,970,558.55      -69.35%
                                                                                  period and the profit in the same period of the
                                                                                  previous year
                                                                                  M ainly due to the YOY increase in impairment
Credit impairment loss        -93,458,661.22        -61,885,204.97       51.02%
                                                                                  loss from account receivable
                                                                                  M ainly due to the YOY decrease in the
Loss of asset impairment      -19,904,174.33        -35,044,901.69      -43.20% provision for the Company's inventory price
                                                                                  decline in the current period
                                                                                  M ainly due to the YOY decrease in the
Gains on disposal of
                                                                                  current period
                                                      CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
                                                                                     M ainly due to the YOY increase in revenue
Non-operating income           13,003,292.01            7,725,531.66        68.32% such as liquidated damages received by the
                                                                                     Company in the current period
                                                                                     M ainly due to the increase in income tax
Income tax expenses             4,446,696.74            -9,091,804.45      148.91% expense due to the increase in the Company's
                                                                                     taxable income in the current period
                                                                                                                              In RMB
             Item             Current period       Amount at the same
                                                                         Changes ratio               Reasons of changes
                                                   period of last year
Other cash received                                                                      M ainly due to the YOY decrease in
concerning operation            73,343,301.56         172,312,892.42         -57.44% government subsidies received by the
activities                                                                               Company in the current period.
                                                                                         M ainly due to the YOY increase in the
Cash received from
recovery of investment
                                                                                         management products in the current period
Net cash received from
                                                                                         M ainly due to the YOY decrease in cash
disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other
                                                                                         assets in the current period.
long-term assets
                                                                                         M ainly due to the receipt of raised funds by
Cash received from                                                                       its subsidiary Zhongke M eiling in the same
                                               -      368,459,272.52        -100.00%
absorbing investment                                                                     period of the previous year, and there was no
                                                                                         such receipt in this period.
                                                                                          M ainly due to the YOY
Cash received from
                                                                                         company in this period
Other cash received                                                                      M ainly due to the limited recovery of the
concerning financing           250,002,913.48          11,404,482.95       2092.15% Company's guarantee deposits in the current
activities                                                                               period
Other cash paid                                                                          M ainly due to the YOY decrease in the
concerning financing           107,503,081.30         869,994,470.14         -87.64% Company's guarantee deposits restriction in
activities                                                                               the current period
Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to                                                                       M ainly due to the change of exchange rate in
fluctuation in exchange                                                                  the current period
                                                             CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
       II. Shareholders
       (i) Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and
       top ten   shareholders
                                                                                                                                   In Shares
                                                                        Total preference shareholders
Total number of common
                                                                        with voting rights recovered at
shareholders at the end of report                            50,291                                                                                 0
                                                                        end of reporting period (if
                                                               Top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                           Information of shares
                                                                            Proportion                      Amount of       pledged, tagged or
                                                          Nature of                         Amount of
                 Shareholder’s name                                          of shares                       lock-up              frozen
                                                         shareholder                        shares held
                                                                               held                         shares held    State of
                                                    State-owned legal
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.                                            24.12%        248,457,724              0       -               --
Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co.,      State-owned legal
Ltd.                                                person
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIM ITED                     Foreign legal person         2.63%         27,077,797              0       -               -
                                                    Foreign natural
CAO SHENGCHUN                                                                    1.43%         14,766,086              0       -               -
Bank of China-Investment quantitative selection
                                                    non-state-owned              0.96%          9,847,692              0       -               -
of stock initiated securities investment fund
                                                    legal person
China construction Bank-Bank of                     Domestic
Communications Schroeder consumer new drive         non-state-owned              0.85%          8,715,868              0       -               -
equity securities investment fund                   legal person
Agricultural bank of China-Bank of
Communications Schroder domestic demand
                                                    non-state-owned              0.76%          7,843,800              0       -               -
growth of a year holding period of hybrid
                                                    legal person
securities investment fund
Bank of China-Jiashi theme selected hybrid
                                                    non-state-owned              0.68%          7,046,809              0       -               -
securities investment fund
                                                    legal person
Phillip Securities( HK) Co., Ltd.                   Foreign legal person         0.61%          6,296,913              0       -               -
                                                    Domestic natural
Wu Lili                                                                          0.57%          5,875,000              0       -               -
                                                Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                                    Type of shares
                 Shareholder’s name                       Amount of unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                            Type                    Amount
                                                            CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
                                                                                                          RM B ordinary
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.                                                  248,457,724                                    248,457,724
Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co.,                                                            RM B ordinary
Ltd.                                                                                                               shares
                                                                                                     Domestically listed
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIM ITED                                                         27,077,797                                     27,077,797
                                                                                                           foreign shares
                                                                                                     Domestically listed
CAOSHENGCHUN                                                                            14,766,086                                     14,766,086
                                                                                                           foreign shares
Bank of China-Investment quantitative selection                                                           RM B ordinary
of stock initiated securities investment fund                                                                      shares
China construction Bank-Bank of
                                                                                                          RM B ordinary
Communications Schroeder consumer new drive                                              8,715,868                                         8,715,868
equity securities investment fund
Agricultural bank of China-Bank of
Communications Schroder domestic demand                                                                   RM B ordinary
growth of a year holding period of hybrid                                                                          shares
securities investment fund
Bank of China-Jiashi theme selected hybrid                                                                RM B ordinary
securities investment fund                                                                                         shares
                                                                                                     Domestically listed
Phillip Securities( HK) Co., Ltd.                                                        6,296,913                                         6,296,913
                                                                                                           foreign shares
                                                                                                          RM B ordinary
Wu Lili                                                                                  5,875,000                                         5,875,000
                              Among the above shareholders, CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIM ITED (hereinafter referred to as Hong
                              Kong Changhong) is the wholly -owned subsidiary of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.; except the shares of
                              the Company directly held of the B shares of the Company, 6,296,913 shares of B-stock are also held through
                              Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., the foregoing shareholders constitute persons of uniform action. There
Explanation on associated
                              existed no associated relationship or belong to the concerted actors as specified in the M easures for the
relationship among the
                              Administration of Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies among Sichuan
aforesaid shareholders
                              Changhong Electric Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Changhong and other top 7 shareholders, The company neither knows
                              whether there is any association among other shareholders, nor knows whether other shareholders belong to the
                              persons acting in concert that is stipulated in the “Administrative M easures on Information Disclosure of
                              Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies”.
Explanation on top ten
                              As of September 30,2023, among the top 10 common shareholders, Wu Lili Holds 5,500,000 shares of the
shareholders involving
                              Company through Customer credit trading secured account of Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd., and 375,000
margin business (if
                              shares hold through common securities account, thus 5,875,000 shares of the Company are held in total.
                                                                CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
       (ii) Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred
       stock held
       □ Applicable √ Not applicable
       III. Other important matters
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Information index for temporary report
                                   Overview                                         Date for disclosure
After the resolution adopted by the board of directors , the board of
supervisors and shareholders General M eeting of the Company
                                                                                                          Juchao website
, it’s agreed that the Company will with its own funds of 45 million yuan
                                                                                 January 18, 2023,April   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
participate in the establishment of "Sichuan Hongyun Information
Technology Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)"
(tentative name, subject to the approval and registration of the market
regulatory department), and serve as a limited partner of the fund.
After the resolution adopted by the board of directors , the board of
supervisors and shareholders General M eeting of the Company, it’s agreed
that the Company and its subsidiaries will make a single provision for bad
debts for receivables of the customer Changhong RUBA Electric Appliance
Co., Ltd(an associate of Zhongshan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd-a
                                                                                                          Juchao website
subsidiary to the Company) in the fourth quarter of 2022, and agreed that the
                                                                                 January 18, 2023,April   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Company, its subsidiaries Hefei M eiling Group Holdings Co., Ltd. and
Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd and Sichuan Zhiyijia Network
Technology Co., Ltd-an associate of the Company, made a single provision
for bad debts for the receivables of Gome System (Gome System is the
collective name of Gome's subsidiaries, branches, offices and agencies at all
levels), with the total amount for the aforementioned single provisions for
bad debts of 101,962,546.44 yuan.
After the resolution adopted by the board of directors , the board of
supervisors and shareholders General M eeting of the Company, The Profit
Distribution Plan of 2022 was deliberated and approved, meanwhile,
independent director of the Company expressed their independent approval
of the Plan. By focusing on the investor’s interest and long-term development
needs, Based on the total share capital of the Company of 1,029,923,715
                                                                                                          Juchao website
shares on December 31, 2022,distributed 0.9 yuan (tax included) in cash for
                                                                                 M arch 31,2023, April 26, http://www.cninfo.com.cn
every 10 shares to whole shareholders, no bonus shares and no share capital
increased from public reserves. After distribution, total share capital of the
Company remains unchanged. The remaining accumulated retain profit of the
parent company amounted to 971,443,732.63 yuan, and the remaining
retained profit will carry forward for distribution in later years. On June
Implementation Announcement" and imp lemented the aforementioned profit
distribution plan.
                                                                 CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
After the resolution adopted by the board of directors , the board of
                                                                                                              Juchao website
supervisors and shareholders General M eeting of the Company, it’s agreed to M arch 31,2023, April 26,
renew the appointment of ShineWing CPA (LLP) as the auditor of the                2023
Company's 2023 annual financial report and internal control for one year.
After the resolution adopted by the board of directors and shareholders
General M eeting of the Company, it’s agreed that the Company and its
subsidiaries will carry out forward foreign exchange fund trading business                                    Juchao website
                                                                                  M arch 31,2023, April 26,
from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, with a transaction balance of not more                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
than USD 1.046 billion (mainly including: USD, AUD, EURO, and all other                                       (No.:2023-011,2023-016,2023-030)
foreign currencies converted into USD), and the delivery period of a single
business shall not exceed 1 year.
After the resolution of the board of directors and the resolution of the board
of supervisors of the Company, in accordance with the principles of legal
                                                                                                              Juchao website
compliance, standardized operation, one-by-one examination and approval,
                                                                                  M arch 31,2023              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
and account write-off records, Zhongshan Changhong Electric Appliance
Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, was agreed to write off a total of
After the resolution adopted by the board of directors of the Company, it’s
approved that the Company and its subsidiaries will apply for a special credit
line of up to 400 million yuan for the bill pool from Hefei Branch of                                         Juchao website
                                                                                  M arch 31,2023, April 26,
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd; will apply for a special credit line of up to 300                                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
million yuan for the bill pool from Hefei Branch of Ping An Bank Co., Ltd;                                    (No.:2023-011,2023-018,2023-030)
and will apply for a special credit line of up to 400 million yuan for the bill
pool from Hefei Branch of Jiujiang Bank Co., Ltd.
From April 17, 2023 to April 19, 2023, the Company's stock closing price
rise for three consecutive trading days had accumulated more than 20%
deviation from the stock index. According to the relevant regulations of the                                  Juchao website
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company issued the "Announcement of                                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                                  April 20,2023
Abnormal Fluctuation in Stock Trading". According to the Company's                                            (No.:2023-029)
self-examination, the Company, the controlling shareholder and the actual
controller did not have any material matters about the Company that should
be disclosed but have not been disclosed or were in the planning stage.
After the resolution of the Company's board of directors and the resolution of
shareholders' general meeting, according to the Company's operation and                                       Juchao website
                                                                                  April 20,2023, M ay
management needs, and combined with the actual situation of the Company,                                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
it’s agreed to amend some articles of the Articles of Association of the                                      (No.:2023-023,2023-027,2023-033)
On April 27, 2023, the Company received a notice from M r. Tang Youdao,
Vice President of the Company, that based on his firm confidence in the
                                                                                                              Juchao website
Company's future development prospect and recognition of the Company's
                                                                                  April 29,2023               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
long-term investment value, M r. Tang Youdao increased his holdings by
centralized bidding through the trading system of the Shenzhen Stock
                                                               CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
In order to establish a variety of shareholder return mechanisms, thank
shareholders for their long-term care and support for the Company, and
                                                                                                   Juchao website
meanwhile let shareholders experience the Company's new products and
                                                                                  M ay 18,2023     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
services, and improve investors' understanding and recognition of the
Company's intrinsic value, the Company held the "M eiling 40th Anniversary
Shareholder Gratitude Giving Festival" from M ay 20, 2023 to M ay 28, 2023.
M r. Liu Hongwei, former executive vice president of the Company, applied
                                                                                                   Juchao website
to resign from his position as the executive vice president of the Company
                                                                                  M ay 25,2023     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
due to personal reasons; After resigning from Executive Vice President, M r.
Liu Hongwei still works for the Company.
After the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it’s agreed to
adjust the equity structure of Sichuan Hongmei Intelligent Technology Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hongmei Company"), that was, the total
Conditioning Co., Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, which                            Juchao website
holds 99% of the equity of Hongmei Company) and M ianyang M eiling                August 18,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (a wholly -owned subsidiary of the Company, which                          (No.:2023-040)
holds 1% of the equity of Hongmei Company) was transferred to the
Company-which thus directly holds it, with the equity transfer price was
based on the audited net asset value of 22,725,052.60 yuan of Hongmei
Companyas of December 31, 2022.
After the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it’s agreed to                      Juchao website
cancel Hefei M eiling Electric M arketing Co., Ltd., a wholly -owned              August 18,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
subsidiary of the Company.                                                                         (No.:2023-040)
After the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it’s agreed that
its subsidiary, Zhongshan Changhong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., will                             Juchao website
invest 36.526 million yuan by its own funds to carry out technical                August 18,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
transformation of its production line to improve its manufacturing capacity,                       (No.:2023-040)
reduce costs and improve efficiency, and enhance product competitiveness.
Approved by the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, in
accordance with the Company's development strategy and the business
development needs of Hongyuan Geoenergy Heat Pump Technology
(Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Heat Pump Zhongshan")-a
subsidiary to the Company’s subsidiary -Sichuan Changhong Air
                                                                                                   Juchao website
Conditioning Co., Ltd., in order to solve the problem of insufficient
                                                                                  August 18,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
production capacity of the Heat Pump Zhongshan production and
manufacturing base, further improve its production and manufacturing
capacity, and enhance the competitiveness and profitability of its products,
it’s agreed that Heat Pump Zhongshan will implement the relocation and
expansion project with its own funds of 34.62 million yuan to ensure its
future business development.
                                                                CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
After the resolution of the Company's directors and he resolution of
shareholders' general meeting of the Company, it’s agreed to provide an
                                                                                                      Juchao website
additional credit guarantee line of not more than RM B 80 million for M eiling
                                                                                   August 18,2023     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
life Appliances, with a guarantee period of one year, for its daily production
and operation.
Sichuan Hongyun New Generation Information Technology Venture Capital
Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), jointly funded by the Company and
its controlling shareholder Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "Sichuan Changhong"), and the controlling shareholder’s
subsidiary Sichuan Changhong Jiahua Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Juchao website
(hereinafter referred to as "Jiahua Digital") and other investment institutions,
                                                                                   September 8,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
was established in October 2015 with a duration of 8 years and will expire in
October 2023. After the resolution of the board of directors and the resolution
of the board of supervisors of the Comp any, it’s agreed to extend the
existence of the fund for 1 year (the specific expiry date shall be subject to
the industrial and commercial registration), that is, the cumulative duration of
the fund after this extension is 9 years.
After the resolution of the board of directors and the board of supervisors of
the Company, it’s agreed that the Company will increase the estimated
amount of not to exceed 25 million yuan (excluding tax) of routine related
party transactions such as the purchase of commodities and raw materials
                                                                                                      Juchao website
between the Company and its subsidiaries and Sichuan Changhong
                                                                                   September 8,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries in 2023 ; and will
increase the estimated amount of not to exceed 10 million yuan (excluding
tax) of routine related party transactions such as the purchase of goods
between the Company and its subsidiaries and Sichuan Changhong
Electronic Parts Co., Ltd. in 2023.
After the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, in order to
further improve the production and manufacturing capacity of Sichuan
Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"Changhong Air Conditioning") and meet its business development needs,
it’s agreed to Changhong Air Conditioning to implement the capacity
                                                                                                      Juchao website
improvement and transformation project with its own funds of 32,206,700
                                                                                   September 8,2023   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
yuan; M eanwhile, in order to further improve the production and
manufacturing system capacity of Changhong Air Conditioning and meet its
needs for improvement in production efficiency, product quality, on-site
image, and prevent potential safety hazards, it’s agreed to Changhong Air
Conditioning to carry out technical transformation with its own funds of
                                              CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
IV. Quarterly financial statements
(i) Financial statement
Prepared by Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      In RMB
                        Item                    September 30,2023                   January 1, 2023
 Current assets:
      M onetary fund                                      8,646,007,671.31                    6,839,421,779.13
      Settlement provisions
      Capital lent
      Trading financial assets                             422,556,947.00                        57,660,588.67
      Derivative financial assets
      Note receivable                                           38,674.50
      Account receivable                                  1,707,094,454.29                    1,306,871,945.85
      Receivable financing                                1,527,554,388.08                    1,446,358,719.88
      Account paid in advance                               34,714,711.68                        45,859,491.55
      Insurance receivable
      Reinsurance receivables
 Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable
      Other account receivable                              65,938,030.81                        88,354,803.24
 Including: Interest receivable
      Dividend receivable
 Buying back the sale of financial assets
      Inventory                                           1,800,812,409.17                    1,710,306,933.71
      Contract assets                                       29,701,096.48                         3,530,922.13
      Assets held for sale
 Non-current asset due within one year                     292,244,708.33                       170,167,638.89
      Other current assets                                 262,155,370.10                       120,589,431.85
 Total current assets                                    14,788,818,461.75                   11,789,122,254.90
 Non-current assets:
   Loans and payments on behalf
   Creditor's rights investment                            235,314,579.15                       121,543,750.00
   Other Creditor's rights investment
 Long-term account receivable
 Long-term equity investment                               105,834,056.10                       100,384,428.50
 Investment in other equity instrument
 Other non-current financial assets                        675,882,782.31                       628,549,448.31
      Investment real estate                                51,414,881.00                        52,898,060.89
      Fixed assets                                        2,188,206,930.45                    2,229,553,866.96
                                              CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
     Construction in progress                               50,553,531.15                       66,522,492.77
     Productive biological asset
     Oil and gas asset
     Right-of-use assets                                    31,014,133.24                       36,646,135.10
     Intangible assets                                     877,640,437.55                      900,568,008.21
Expense on research and development                        121,489,620.31                      102,148,390.57
Long-term expenses to be apportioned                        22,192,272.11                       14,900,600.59
     Deferred income tax asset                             165,468,434.03                      161,565,695.30
     Other non-current assets                                 2,648,540.47                        893,238.57
Total non-current asset                                   4,527,660,197.87                   4,416,174,115.77
Total assets                                             19,316,478,659.62                  16,205,296,370.67
Current liabilities:
     Short-term loans                                     1,069,166,879.76                     674,143,916.67
     Loan from central bank
     Capital borrowed
     Trading financial liability                            80,786,616.67                       41,961,524.78
     Derivative financial liability
     Note payable                                         6,393,336,445.87                   4,964,374,512.60
     Account payable                                      3,607,840,583.74                   2,917,997,138.00
     Accounts received in advance
     Contract liabilities                                  309,609,196.24                      358,755,397.77
     Selling financial asset of repurchase
Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit
     Security trading of agency
     Security sales of agency
     Wage payable                                          376,298,673.25                      348,154,915.13
     Taxes payable                                         105,393,081.13                       80,287,878.62
     Other account payable                                1,003,782,295.20                     828,207,568.21
Including: Interest payable
  Dividend payable                                            5,384,407.44                       4,978,994.16
Commission charge and commission
     Reinsurance payable
     Liability held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year                 40,071,769.96                       30,287,099.08
  Other current liabilities                                 17,880,068.15                       22,605,269.51
Total current liabilities                                13,004,165,609.97                  10,266,775,220.37
Non-current liabilities:
     Insurance contract reserve
                                                CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
      Long-term loans                                        128,000,000.00                      148,000,000.00
      Bonds payable
 Including: Preferred stock
 Perpetual capital securities
      Lease liability                                         23,432,385.40                       28,164,287.97
      Long-term account payable                                  886,582.50                        1,145,286.48
      Long-term wages payable                                 11,909,163.22                       10,790,859.64
      Accrual liability                                       31,667,667.06                       32,685,631.78
      Deferred income                                        140,348,297.22                      161,013,911.91
      Deferred income tax liabilities                         13,557,581.74                       17,509,503.08
      Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                               349,801,677.14                      399,309,480.86
 Total liabilities                                         13,353,967,287.11                  10,666,084,701.23
 Owner’s equity:
      Share capital                                         1,029,923,715.00                   1,029,923,715.00
      Other equity instrument
 Including: Preferred stock
 Perpetual capital securities
      Capital public reserve                                2,806,493,904.30                   2,806,493,904.30
      Less: Treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                                 -19,571,555.60                     -20,881,462.63
   Special reserve                                            13,238,702.97                        2,467,205.78
      Surplus public reserve                                 441,218,691.48                      441,218,691.48
      Provision of general risk
      Retained profit                                       1,315,330,385.82                     909,249,365.79
 Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent
      M inority interests                                    375,877,528.54                      370,740,249.72
 Total owner’ s equity                                      5,962,511,372.51                   5,539,211,669.44
 Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                     19,316,478,659.62                  16,205,296,370.67
Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang
Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao
Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun
                                                                                                  In RMB
                                  Item                              Current period           Last period
 I. Total operating income                                             19,167,615,833.84      15,375,374,318.73
      Including: Operating income                                      19,167,615,833.84      15,375,374,318.73
               Interest income
                                                        CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
              Insurance gained
  Commission charge and commission income
II. Total operating cost                                                      18,542,771,945.98       15,220,350,623.36
       Including: Operating cost                                              16,590,072,964.21       13,432,282,408.89
              Interest expense
  Commission charge and commission expense
              Cash surrender value
Net amount of expense of compensation
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve
              Bonus expense of guarantee slip
              Reinsurance expense
              Tax and extras                                                    144,925,448.61           121,545,023.40
              Sales expense                                                    1,234,618,461.71        1,082,452,911.29
              Administrative expense                                            265,996,948.80           276,767,176.89
              R&D expense                                                       414,730,110.25           386,580,716.87
              Financial expenses                                                -107,571,987.60          -79,277,613.98
                Including: Interest expenses                                     19,220,542.10            24,006,944.91
                        Interest income                                         138,087,696.57           112,113,274.51
       Add: other income                                                         58,843,835.36            78,117,281.45
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                                        6,121,002.68           19,970,558.55
Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint
The termination of income recognition for financial assets
                                                                                 -21,839,275.77          -21,020,148.10
measured by amortized cost
Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)                       -63,928,733.56            6,783,043.30
Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)                              -93,458,661.22          -61,885,204.97
Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)                         -19,904,174.33          -35,044,901.69
Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)                              1,379,107.45            9,653,201.02
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                                 513,896,264.24           172,617,673.03
       Add: Non-operating income                                                 13,003,292.01             7,725,531.66
       Less: Non-operating expense                                                 3,477,731.10            4,890,597.15
IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                                      523,421,825.15           175,452,607.54
       Less: Income tax expense                                                    4,446,696.74           -9,091,804.45
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                                     518,975,128.41           184,544,411.99
    (i) Classify by business continuity
    (ii) Classify by ownership
                                                        CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
 VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                                  1,562,287.57              733,928.17
   Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
 owners of parent company
       (i) Other comprehensive income items which will not be
 reclassified subsequently to profit of loss
 transfer to gain/loss
  (ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified
 subsequently to profit or loss
 transfer to gain/loss
 financial statements
 Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
 minority shareholders
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                                520,537,415.98           185,278,340.16
 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                20,453,354.57            22,413,468.14
 VIII. Earnings per share:
 (i) Basic earnings per share                                                          0.4843                   0.1567
 (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                                       0.4843                   0.1567
Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0.00 Yuan
before combination, and realized 0.00 Yuan at last period for combined party.
Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang
Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao
Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun
                                                       CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                 Item                                    Current period             Last period
 I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
 Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor
 Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit
  Net increase of loan from central bank
 Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution
 Cash received from original insurance contract fee
 Net cash received from reinsurance business
 Net increase of insured savings and investment
 Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission
 Net increase of capital borrowed
 Net increase of returned business capital
 Net cash received by agents in sale and purchase of securities
 Write-back of tax received                                                   545,575,086.82             526,357,420.68
 Other cash received concerning operating activities                           73,343,301.56             172,312,892.42
 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities                 20,309,712,655.70          17,105,301,021.23
 Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service          15,509,311,028.48          13,083,886,564.95
 Net increase of customer loans and advances
      Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank
 Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation
 Net increase of capital lent
 Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission
 Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip
 Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                         1,443,348,831.94           1,262,282,443.43
 Taxes paid                                                                   402,056,677.82             429,330,130.27
 Other cash paid concerning operating activities                              548,729,081.61             490,575,495.74
 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities                17,903,445,619.85          15,266,074,634.39
 Net cash flows arising from operating activities                           2,406,267,035.85           1,839,226,386.84
 II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
 Cash received from recovering investment                                     630,000,000.00             323,322,268.35
 Cash received from investment income                                          34,088,250.87              34,407,108.44
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other
 long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units
 Other cash received concerning investing activities                          135,312,830.48             110,063,532.63
 Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                            803,428,693.81             484,446,181.35
 Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term               177,289,681.51             202,669,585.70
                                                       CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
 Cash paid for investment                                                   1,427,333,334.00          1,150,000,000.00
 Net increase of mortgaged loans
 Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained
 Other cash paid concerning investing activities                              73,130,700.88              66,344,241.47
 Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                         1,677,753,716.39          1,419,013,827.17
 Net cash flows arising from investing activities                            -874,325,022.58           -934,567,645.82
 III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
 Cash received from absorbing investment                                                                368,459,272.52
 Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’
 investment by subsidiaries
 Cash received from loans                                                   1,135,721,085.04            868,040,918.37
 Other cash received concerning financing activities                         250,002,913.48              11,404,482.95
 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                          1,385,723,998.52          1,247,904,673.84
 Cash paid for settling debts                                                753,250,888.06             695,000,000.00
 Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying           126,145,172.10             102,939,182.56
 Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by
 Other cash paid concerning financing activities                             107,503,081.30             869,994,470.14
 Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                          986,899,141.46           1,667,933,652.70
 Net cash flows arising from financing activities                            398,824,857.06            -420,028,978.86
 IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in
 exchange rate
 V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                               1,932,361,362.02            532,626,963.29
 Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-begin              6,113,222,069.76          5,840,194,931.57
 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-end                 8,045,583,431.78          6,372,821,894.86
Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang
Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao
Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun
(ii)The information of the adjusting items related to the financial statements at the beginning of the
year of first implementation due to the first implementation of new accounting standards from 2023
Adjustment description
√Applicable□ Not applicable
     Explanation of Adjustment
     The Company made the accounting policy change in accordance with the "Accounting Standard for
Bus iness Enterprises Interpretation No. 16" issued by the Ministry of Finance on November 30, 2022: "The
deferred income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction is not subject to the
accounting treatment of the initial recognition exemption", and chose to implement from January 1, 2023.
                                                 CHANGHONG MEILING CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2023
Based on the cumulative impact as firstly implemented according to the Interpretation, the retained earnings and
other relevant financial statement items at the beginning of the year were adjusted for first implementation,
which was as follows:
                                                                     Consolidated statements
                Affected items                   2022-12-31                                         2023-1-1
                                                                       Adjustment amount
                                             (Before adjustment)                               (After adjustment)
   Deferred income tax asset                        156,630,537.43              4,935,157.87         161,565,695.30
   Deferred income tax liability                     12,750,747.30              4,758,755.78          17,509,503.08
   Surplus reserves                                 441,201,471.98                 17,219.50         441,218,691.48
 Retained profit                                    909,082,037.66               167,328.13          909,249,365.79
 M inority shareholders’ equity                     370,748,395.26                 -8,145.54         370,740,249.72
(iii)Auditor’ report
Is the Third Quarterly Report be audited?
□ Yes    √No
The Third Quarterly report is not audited.
                                                          The Board of Directors of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  October 24,2023

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