比亚迪: H股公告(2023年中期报告)

来源:证券之星 2023-08-29 00:00:00
BYD Company Limited (“BYD” or “the Company”, together with its                   比 亞 迪 股 份 有 限 公 司(「比 亞 迪」或「本 公 司」, 連 同 其
subsidiaries, “the Group”; stock code: H shares: 01211 (HKD counter);            附屬公司統稱「本集團」或「集團」;股份代號:H 股:
automobile business which mainly includes new energy vehicles,                   002594)主要從事以新能源汽車為主的汽車業務、手機
handset components and assembly services, rechargeable batteries and             部件及組裝業務,二次充電電池及光伏業務,同時利用
photovoltaics business. Meanwhile, with its technological superiority, the       自身的技術優勢積極拓展城市軌道交通業務領域。
Group actively develops urban rail transportation business segment.
As a pioneer and leader in the global new energy vehicle industry, relying       作為全球新能源汽車行業先行者和領導者,集團憑藉在
on its strong technological accumulation in the fields of power batteries,       動力電池、電機、電控等領域的雄厚技術積累,通過技
motors and electronic control and through continuous technological               術的持續創新,打造出長期、可持續的核心競爭優勢,
innovation, the Group has developed its long-term and sustainable core           奠定了本集團於全球新能源汽車行業的領導地位,加速
competitive advantages which established the leading position of the             推動全球汽車產業轉型升級進程。
Group in the global new energy vehicle industry and accelerated the
transformation and upgrade of the global automobile industry.
BYD is one of the leading rechargeable battery manufacturers in the global       本集團為全球領先的二次充電電池製造商之一。消費類
arena. As to the field of consumer batteries, the Group’s li-ion batteries are   電池領域,本集團生產的鋰離子電池廣泛應用於各類消
widely used in various consumer electronics products and new intelligent         費類電子產品及新型智能產品領域,主要客戶包括三
products, major clients of which include leading consumer electronics            星、Dell等消費類電子產品領導廠商,以及科沃斯等全
manufacturers such as Samsung and Dell, as well as global leading                球領先的機器人專業智造品牌廠商。動力電池領域,本
professional robot brands such as Ecovacs. As to the field of power              集團開發了高度安全的磷酸鐵鋰電池 –「刀片電池」,更
batteries, the Group has developed “Blade Batteries”, the highly safe LFP        好解決市場安全痛點,加速磷酸鐵鋰電池重回動力電池
batteries, to better meet the urgent demand of safety in the market, and         主流賽道。儲能電池領域,本集團在電網儲能、工商業
to speed up the pace of LFP batteries returning to the mainstream market         儲能、家庭儲能等應用領域發力,為客戶提供更加清潔
of power batteries. As to the field of energy storage batteries, the Group       可持續的儲能解決方案。
focuses on applications such as power grid energy storage, industrial
and commercial energy storage and household energy storage to provide
cleaner and more sustainable energy storage solutions to customers.
As an important move of the Group in the field of clean energy, the              光伏業務作為本集團在清潔能源領域的重要佈局之一,
photovoltaics business has a complete industrial chain layout covering           擁有矽片、電池片、光伏組件、光伏系統應用等全產業
silicon wafer, solar cells, photovoltaic modules and photovoltaic system         鏈佈局,打通能源從吸收、存儲到應用的各個環節。本
application, etc. It connects all processes from energy collection, storage      集團將積極佈局新技術,推動產品不斷升級。
to application. The Group will proactively develop new technologies to
promote the continuous upgrade of its products.
As a global leading high-end platform-based manufacturing enterprise,            作為全球領先的平台型高端製造龍頭廠商,本集團為全
the Group provides world-renowned customers with one-stop services               球知名客戶提供新材料開發、產品設計與研發、零組件
including new materials development, product design, research and                及整機製造、供應鏈管理、物流及售後等一站式服務,
development, components and machine manufacturing, supply chain                  產品涵蓋智能手機、平板電腦、智能家居、遊戲硬件、
management, logistics, after-sales and other etc. The Group engages in           無人機、物聯網、機器人、通信設備、醫療健康設備等
diversified market segments, such as smart phones, tablet computers,             多元化的市場領域,公司的高度垂直整合能力使得公司
smart home devices, game hardware, drones, Internet of Things, robots,           可以為客戶提供全面的服務,更快和更有效率地回應市
communication equipment and medical and health equipment. The                    場不斷變化的需求。
competence of the Company in highly vertical integration enhances its
ability to provide customers with a full range of services, and quickly and
efficiently respond to changing demands.
Urban rail transportation business is an important area for the Group’s          城市軌道交通業務是本集團未來發展的戰略方向之一。
future development. With its technology and cost advantages in the area          憑藉在新能源業務領域業已建立的技術和成本優勢,
of new energy, the Group has successfully developed medium-capacity              集團成功研發出高效率、低成本的中運量「雲軌」和低運
“SkyRail” and low-capacity “SkyShuttle” with high efficiency and low cost,       量「雲巴」產品,配合新能源汽車實現對城市公共交通的
which, together with new energy vehicles, achieves the three-dimensional         立體化覆蓋,在幫助城市解決交通擁堵和空氣污染的同
coverage of urban public transportation, and drives the long-term and            時,實現集團的長遠及可持續發展。
sustainable development of the Group while helping alleviate urban traffic
jam and air pollution.
    BYD Company Limited
    EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                    執行董事
    Wang Chuan-fu                         王傳福
    NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS               非執行董事
    Lv Xiang-yang                         呂向陽
    Xia Zuo-quan                          夏佐全
    Cai Hong-ping                         蔡洪平
    Zhang Min                             張敏
    Jiang Yan-bo                          蔣岩波
    SUPERVISORS                           監事
    Dong Jun-qing                         董俊卿
    Li Yong-zhao                          李永釗
    Wang Zhen                             王珍
    Tang Mei                              唐梅
    Huang Jiang-feng                      黃江鋒
    COMPANY SECRETARY                     公司秘書
    Li Qian                               李黔
    AUDIT COMMITTEE                       審核委員會
    Lv Xiang-yang                         呂向陽
    Zhang Min (Chairman)                  張敏(主席)
    Cai Hong-ping                         蔡洪平
    Jiang Yan-bo                          蔣岩波
    REMUNERATION COMMITTEE                薪酬委員會
    Wang Chuan-fu                         王傳福
    Xia Zuo-quan                          夏佐全
    Cai Hong-ping (Chairman)              蔡洪平(主席)
    Zhang Min                             張敏
    Jiang Yan-bo                          蔣岩波
    NOMINATION COMMITTEE                  提名委員會
    Wang Chuan-fu                         王傳福
    Lv Xiang-yang                         呂向陽
    Jiang Yan-bo (Chairman)               蔣岩波(主席)
    Cai Hong-ping                         蔡洪平
    Zhang Min                             張敏
    STRATEGY COMMITTEE                    戰略委員會
    Wang Chuan-fu (Chairman)              王傳褔(主席)
    Lv Xiang-yang                         呂向陽
    Xia Zuo-quan                          夏佐全
    Cai Hong-ping                         蔡洪平
    Zhang Min                             張敏
                                                                                 Interim Report 2023
                                                                                  二零二三年中期報告            3
                                                      CORPORATE INFORMATION
AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES                                授權代表
Wang Chuan-fu                                             王傳福
Li Qian                                                   李黔
LEGAL ADDRESS                                             法定地址
No. 1 Yan’an Road                                         中國
Kuichong Sub-district                                     廣東省
Dapeng New District                                       深圳市
Shenzhen                                                  大鵬新區
Guangdong Province                                        葵涌街道
The PRC                                                   延安路一號
AUDITORS                                                  核數師
Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP                                安永華明會計師事務所(特殊普通合夥)
PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG                            香港營業地點
Unit 1712, 17th Floor                                     香港
Tower 2 Grand Central Plaza                               新界
No. 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road                       沙田鄉事會路138號
New Territories                                           新城市中央廣場二期
Hong Kong                                                 17樓1712室
HONG KONG SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER                    香港股份過戶登記處
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited         香港中央證券登記有限公司
Shops 1712–1716                                           香港
Hopewell Centre                                           皇后大道東183號
Wanchai                                                   17樓
Hong Kong                                                 1712–1716號鋪
iPR Ogilvy Ltd.                                           iPR奧美公關
Tel: (852) 2136 6185                                      電話:(852) 2136 6185
Fax: (852) 3170 6606                                      傳真:(852) 3170 6606
Email: byd@iprogilvy.com                                  電郵:byd@iprogilvy.com
WEBSITE                                                   公司網址
www.bydglobal.com                                         www.bydglobal.com
STOCK CODE                                                股票代碼
H Shares: 01211 (HKD counter); 81211 (RMB counter)        H股:01211
(The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited                 (香港聯合交易所有限公司
(“Hong Kong Stock Exchange”))                            (
                                                         「香港聯交所」    )
A Shares: 002594 (Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“SZSE”))       A股:002594(深圳證券交易所(「深交所」
    BYD Company Limited
    INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30                                截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月中期業
    JUNE 2023 (THE PERIOD)                                                     績(期內)
    Turnover                                                                  72.72%          to RMB260,124 million
    營業額                                                                                      至人民幣260,124百萬元
    Gross profit                                                              134.36%          to RMB47,673 million
    毛利                                                                                        至人民幣47,673百萬元
    Profit attributable to owners of the parent                               204.68%          to RMB10,954 million
    母公司擁有人應佔溢利                                                                                至人民幣10,954百萬元
    Earnings per share                                                        204.03%                 to RMB3.77
    每股盈利                                                                                            至人民幣3.77元
    HIGHLIGHTS                                                                 摘要
         rank first in the world with increasing market share and expanding         率進一步提升,品牌影響力持續擴大。
         brand influence.
         multi-brand hierarchical deployment, which has brought the                 公司新能源汽車業務打造新高度。
         Company’s new energy vehicle business to a new level.
         speeded up the development of its new energy passenger vehicle             海,進一步拓展市場空間。
         business in overseas markets, so as to further expand market
         cooperation with major overseas customers, actively expanded               業務領域,不斷優化產品結構。
         into new business segments and kept optimizing product
         and strong ability to control industrial chain cost, the Company           和強大的產業鏈成本控制能力,有效應對行業
         has effectively dealt with intensified industrial competition and          競爭加劇及新能源汽車補貼取消帶來的挑戰。
         challenges brought by the withdrawal of new energy vehicle
                                                                                           Interim Report 2023
                                                                                            二零二三年中期報告            5
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AND REVIEW                                              行業分析及回顧
Automobiles and Batteries Business                                        汽車及電池業務
In the first half of 2023, the political and economic situation across    二零二三年上半年,世界政治經濟形勢仍舊錯綜複
the world remained complex. Central banks of various countries            雜。各國央行為對抗通脹壓力,延續加息政策,對
continued their policy of raising interest rates to combat inflationary   經濟活動產生一定壓制。在俄烏衝突、極端高溫天
pressures, which exerted a certain degree of suppression on               氣等不確定因素籠罩下,全球經濟的復甦進程仍不
economic activities. Clouded with uncertainties such as the Russia-       明朗。儘管國際環境複雜嚴峻,中國經濟仍展現出
Ukraine conflict and extreme high-temperature weather, the recovery       強大的韌性,市場需求逐步恢復,宏觀政策顯效發
progress of the global economy remained uncertain. Despite the            力,國民經濟恢復向好。雖然需求收縮、供給衝擊
complexity and severity of the international environment, China’s         和預期轉弱的「三重壓力」得到緩解,但市場積極性
economy still demonstrated strong resilience, with market demand          和經濟增長的內生動力仍顯不足。根據國家統計局
gradually recovering, macro policies showing their effectiveness,         公佈的數據,二零二三年上半年國內生產總值實現
and the national economy maintaining a recovery and positive trend.       同比增長5.5%。
Although the “triple pressures” of shrinking demand, supply shock and
weakening expectations have been alleviated, the market enthusiasm
and endogenous momentum of economic growth are still insufficient.
According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics,
the GDP in the first half of 2023 achieved a year-on-year increase of
    BYD Company Limited
    In the first half of the year, China’s automobile market experienced      上半年,中國汽車市場經歷了一季度促銷政策切換
    the combined impact of factors such as the changes in promotional         和市場價格波動等因素的影響,需求受到壓制。隨
    policy and market price fluctuations in the first quarter, demand has     着中央和地方促消費政策、汽車國六排放標準等
    been suppressed. With the clarification of central and local policies     政策逐一明確,叠加極具競爭力的新車型陸續推
    to promote consumption and the China VI Emissions Standard for            出,市場需求逐步恢復。根據中國汽車工業協會的
    Vehicles, coupled with the successive launch of highly competitive        數據,二零二三年上半年中國汽車產銷量分別為
    new models, market demand gradually recovered. According to the           1,324.8萬輛和1,323.9萬輛,同比分別增長9.3%和
    statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers,        9.8%。其中,新能源汽車增長持續亮眼,再創歷史
    the production and sales volume of automobiles in China were              新高,產銷量分別為378.8萬輛和374.7萬輛,同比
    and 9.8%, respectively. In particular, the growth of new energy           自主品牌緊抓汽車電動化、智能化、網聯化轉型機
    vehicles remained outstanding and achieved a record high, with            遇,在激烈的市場競爭下脫穎而出、不斷壯大,品
    its production and sales volume amounting to 3.788 million units          牌影響力快速提升,品牌高端化實現突破,助力中
    and 3.747 million units, respectively, representing a year-on-year        國自主品牌汽車的競爭力從「量變」向「質變」轉化,
    increase of 42.4% and 44.1%, respectively, and its penetration rate       邁入國際化發展新階段。據中國汽車工業協會整理
    rising steadily to 28.3%, representing an increase of 2.7 percentage      的海關總署數據顯示,二零二三年上半年,中國汽
    points as compared to 2022. During the first half of 2023, Chinese        車出口234.1萬輛,同比增長76.9%,超越日本成
    automakers capitalized on the shift towards electrified, intelligent      為全球第一大汽車出口國。其中,新能源汽車出口
    and networked vehicles, emerging as strong competitors in a fierce        79.5萬輛,同比增長1.2倍。新能源汽車業務在產業
    market. They rapidly increased their brand influence and achieved         化、市場化的基礎上,正逐步邁入規模化、全球化
    breakthroughs in premiumization. The competitiveness of Chinese           的高質量發展的新階段。
    local brands has been driven to transform from “quantitative
    change” to “qualitative change”, and has entered a new stage of
    internationalized development. According to the statistics from the
    General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China
    consolidated by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers,
    in the first half of 2023, China’s auto exports amounted to 2.341
    million units, representing a year-on-year increase of 76.9%,
    surpassing Japan to become the world’s largest automobile exporter.
    In particular, 795 thousand units of new energy vehicles were
    exported, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.2 times. On top of
    industrialization and marketization, the new energy vehicle business is
    gradually stepping into a new stage of high-quality development on a
    large scale and globalization basis.
                                                                                          Interim Report 2023
                                                                                           二零二三年中期報告            7
The development of new energy vehicles is a strategic choice for the     發展新能源汽車是新時代中國汽車產業高質量發展
high-quality development of China’s automobile industry in the new       的戰略選擇,也是邁向綠色發展的必由之路,對實
era and is also an inevitable path towards green development, which      現碳達峰、碳中和目標亦具有重要作用。為進一步
also plays an important role in realizing the goals of carbon peaking    鞏固和擴大新能源汽車產業發展優勢,國家出台系
and carbon neutrality. In order to further consolidate and expand        列產業政策,不斷完善基礎設施建設、優化購置使
the development advantages of the new energy vehicle industry, the       用體驗、夯實消費基礎。二零二三年五月,國家發
State has introduced a series of industrial policies to continuously     展改革委聯合國家能源局印發《關於加快推進充電基
improve infrastructure construction, optimize the purchasing and         礎設施建設 更好支持新能源汽車下鄉和鄉村振興
using experience, and strengthen the consumption foundation. In          的實施意見》,優化新能源汽車購買使用環境,積極
May 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission and             推動新能源汽車在下沉市場滲透。六月,財政部等
the National Energy Administration jointly issued the Implementing       三部門聯合發佈《關於延續和優化新能源汽車車輛購
Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Charging Infrastructure     置稅減免政策的公告》,再度延長新能源汽車購置稅
and Better Supporting New Energy Vehicles to the Countryside Policy      減免政策期限至二零二七年十二月三十一日,減免
and Rural Revitalization 《
                         ( 關於加快推進充電基礎設施建設 更好支持新能                         力度分年度逐步退坡,穩定市場預期,促進新能源
源汽車下鄉和鄉村振興的實施意見》) to optimize the environment for the                    汽車消費潛力進一步釋放。同月,國務院辦公廳印
purchase and use of new energy vehicles, and to proactively promote      發《關於進一步構建高質量充電基礎設施體系的指導
the penetration of new energy vehicles into the lower-tier markets. In   意見》,更好滿足人民群眾購置和使用新能源汽車需
June, three government authorities including the Ministry of Finance     要,助力推進交通運輸綠色低碳轉型與現代化基礎
jointly issued the Announcement on Continuation and Optimization of      設施體系建設。
Policies for Reduction and Exemption of Vehicle Purchase Tax on New
Energy Vehicles 《   ( 關於延續和優化新能源汽車車輛購置稅減免政策
的公告》), further extending the period of the policy to 31 December
phased out on an annual basis to stabilize the market expectation
and promote the further release of the consumption potential of new
energy vehicles. In the same month, the General Office of the State
Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Construction of a
High-quality Charging Infrastructure System 《 ( 關於進一步構建高質量
充電基礎設施體系的指導意見》) to better meet the needs of the public
in purchasing and using new energy vehicles, which is conducive to
promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of transportation
and the construction of a modernized infrastructure system.
In terms of rechargeable batteries, traditional consumer electronics     二次充電電池方面,傳統消費類電子上半年市場消
saw weak market consumption and sluggish demand for products             費疲軟,產品需求不振,其上游電池需求亦受影
in the first half of the year, which affected the demand for upstream    響;儲能領域方面,得益於儲能政策體系不斷完
batteries. In terms of the energy storage field, benefiting from the     善、技術取得重大突破、全球市場需求旺盛、商業
consistent perfection in the energy storage policy system, significant   模式持續改善、儲能標準制定進程加快,上半年儲
breakthroughs made in technology, strong demand in the global            能產業延續高增長態勢。光伏方面,在碳中和的浪
market, continuous improvement in business models and the                潮引領下,全球光伏需求持續旺盛,中國光伏產業
acceleration of the energy storage standard development process,         繼續平穩向好的發展態勢,產業鏈主要環節產量均
the energy storage industry continued its high growth momentum           實現高速增長。
in the first half of the year. As for the photovoltaic industry, under
the guidance of the carbon neutrality wave, the global demand
for photovoltaics continued to be strong, China’s photovoltaic
industry maintained a robust momentum with achieving growth while
maintaining stability, and the production volume in key procedures of
the industrial chain has achieved high growth.
    BYD Company Limited
    Handset Components and Assembly Business                                    手機部件及組裝業務
    According to the statistics from IDC, a market research institute, in the   根據市場研究機構IDC統計,二零二三年上半年,全
    first half of 2023, the shipment of global smart phones reached 0.53        球智能手機出貨量為5.34億部,較上一年度同比下
    billion units, representing a year-on-year decline of 11.3%, declining      降了11.3%,連續八個季度下滑。中國智能手機行
    for eight consecutive quarters. China’s smart phone industry continued      業持續承壓,需求依舊疲弱。中國信息通信研究院
    to be under pressure and its demand remains weak. According                 發表的數據顯示,二零二三年上半年,國內手機市
    to the data released by the China Academy of Information and                場整體出貨量累計1.30億部,同比下降4.8%,其中
    Communications Technology, in the first half of 2023, the shipment          5G手機出貨量為1.02億部,同比下降6.4%,佔同期
    of domestic mobile phones reached 130 million units, representing a         手機出貨量的78.9%。根據IDC數據,二零二三年上
    year-on-year decline of 4.8%; in particular, the shipment of 5G smart       半年,全球PC出貨量同比下降21.7%至1.19億台,
    phones was 102 million units, representing a year-on-year decline of        與二零一九年新冠前水平相若;全球平板計算機出
    corresponding period. According to the statistics from IDC, in the
    first half of 2023, global PC shipments fell 21.7% year-on-year to 119
    million units, similar to the level before the 2019 epidemic. The global
    tablet computers shipments reached 59 million units, representing a
    year-on-year decline of 24.6%.
    BUSINESS REVIEW                                                             業務回顧
    BYD Company Limited (“BYD” or “the Company”, together with its              比亞迪股份有限公司(  「比亞迪」或「本公司」及其附
    subsidiaries, “the Group”) is principally engaged in the automobile         屬公司統稱「本集團」  )主要經營包括以新能源汽車
    business which mainly includes new energy vehicles, handset                 為主的汽車業務,手機部件及組裝業務,二次充
    components and assembly business, rechargeable batteries and                電電池及光伏業務,並積極利用自身技術優勢拓
    photovoltaic business. Meanwhile, with its technological superiority,       展城市軌道交通及其他業務。於二零二三年上半
    the Group actively develops urban rail transportation and other             年,本集團實現收入約人民幣260,124百萬元,同
    business segments. In the first half of 2023, the Group recorded a          比增長72.72%,其中汽車、汽車相關產品及其他產
    revenue of approximately RMB260,124 million, representing a year-           品業務的收入約人民幣208,824百萬元,同比增長
    on-year increase of 72.72%, among which, the revenue from the               91.11%;手機部件、組裝及其他產品業務的收入約
    automobiles and related products, and other products amounted               人民幣51,090百萬元,同比增長24.40%;佔本集團
    to approximately RMB208,824 million, representing a year-on-year            總收入的比例分別為80.28%和19.64%。
    increase of 91.11%; the revenue from the handset components,
    assembly service and other products amounted to approximately
    RMB51,090 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 24.40%.
    These business segments accounted for 80.28% and 19.64% of the
    Group’s total revenue, respectively.
                                                                                                  Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                   二零二三年中期報告            9
Automobiles and Batteries Business                                           汽車及電池業務
As a pioneer and leader in the global new energy vehicle industry,           本集團作為全球新能源汽車行業先行者和領導者,
relying on its precise strategic layout, leading technical strength,         憑藉精準的戰略佈局、領先的技術實力、深刻的市
and profound market insights, the Group has achieved substantial             場洞察,在行業競爭日趨激烈的大背景下,實現業
business development against the background of increasingly fierce           務的長足發展,穩步推進品牌力提升及出海戰略佈
competition in the industry and steadily promoted the upgrading of           局。根據中汽協數據,二零二三年上半年本集團新
brand power and the strategic layout of going abroad. According to           能源汽車市佔率進一步擴大至33.5%,較二零二二
data from the China Automobile Association, in the first half of 2023,       年增長6.5個百分點,持續鞏固中國新能源汽車行業
the market share of the Group’s new energy vehicles further expanded         龍頭地位,同時蟬聯全球銷量第一寶座,品牌影響
to 33.5%, an increase of 6.5 percentage points compared with 2022,           力繼續擴大。
continuing to consolidate its leading position in China’s new energy
vehicle industry, and it also continued to rank No. 1 in global sales,
spreading its brand influence continuously.
In the field of new energy passenger vehicles, relying on the                在新能源乘用車領域,本集團依託核心技術的持續
continuous application of core technologies and precise market               應用以及精準的市場策略,二零二三年上半年銷量
strategies, the Group took the lead in sales in the first half of 2023,      強勢領跑,實現同比近一倍的大幅增長,持續創歷
achieving a substantial growth of nearly double that of the same             史新高,穩居中國車企乘用車銷量第一。
period last year, and continued to hit a record high, ranking first in the
sales volume of passenger vehicles among Chinese auto companies.
Technology innovation is the core driver of high-quality development.        技術創新是推動業務高質量發展的核心驅動力,本
Relying on its strong research and development genes, the Group              集團依託強大的研發基因,在持續推動現有技術應
further launched a series of world-leading forward-looking and               用的基礎之上,進一步推出一系列全球領先的前瞻
revolutionary technologies based on continuously promoting the               性、顛覆性技術。二零二三年上半年,本集團發佈
application of existing technologies. In the first half of 2023, the         「易四方」及「雲輦」技術,進一步增強本集團的綜合
Group released the “e 4 Platform (易四方) ” and “DiSus (雲輦)”                    競爭力,助力業務發展向更高層次邁進。「易四方」
technologies, which further enhanced the Group’s comprehensive               技術以四電機獨立驅動為核心,從感知、控制、執
competitiveness and lifted its business development to a higher              行三個維度圍繞新能源汽車的特性進行了全面重
level. Based on the four-motor independent driver as the core, the           構,為消費者帶來極致安全、極致性能和極致體驗
“e4 Platform” technology completely reconstructs the characteristics         的跨時代產品。「雲輦」技術作為全球首個新能源專
of new energy vehicles in three aspects of perception, control and           屬的智能車身控制系統,打破碎片化的開發模式,
execution, providing consumers with a cross-era product featuring            系統化考量新能源汽車的垂向控制問題,以高智
ultimate safety, performance and experience. As the world’s first            能、護安全、穩駕乘、全覆蓋的技術優勢,為用戶
intelligent body control system dedicated to new energy vehicles,            帶來兼顧舒適性與操控性的極致駕乘體驗。「雲輦」
the “DiSus” technology breaks the fragmented development model               系統的產品矩陣包括「雲輦-C」、「雲輦-A」及「雲輦-P」
and systematically considers the vertical control of new energy              等,將陸續搭載於本集團各品牌車型,從舒適、操
vehicles, aiming to bring users the ultimate driving experience that         控、安全、越野等維度大幅提升消費者的駕乘體
takes into account both comfort and controllability with the technical       驗。
advantages of high intelligence, safety and protection, stable driving
and full coverage. The product matrix of the “DiSus” system includes
“DiSus-C”, “DiSus-A” and “DiSus-P”, and it will also be installed
in various brand models of the Group one after another, greatly
improving the driving experience of consumers in terms of comfort,
controllability, safety, off-road performance and other dimensions.
     BYD Company Limited
     Relying on the continuous iteration and innovation of the Group’s          依託於本集團核心技術的持續迭代與創新,本集
     core technologies, the Group’s passenger vehicle business has              團乘用車業務逐步形成由「比亞迪」品牌、「騰勢」品
     gradually formed a multi-brand gradient layout consisting of the           牌、「仰望」品牌及「方程豹」品牌所構建的多品牌梯
     “BYD” brand, the “Denza” brand, the “Yangwang” brand and the               度佈局,覆蓋從家用到豪華、從大眾到個性化,全
     “FANGCHENGBAO” brand, covering from home to luxury, from                   面滿足用戶多方位全場景的用車需求。期內,本集
     mass to personalized, fully satisfying users’ automobile needs in          團各品牌發展穩步推進,多品牌策略初見成效。
     all scenarios. During the period, the Group steadily promoted the
     development of various brands, and the multi-brand strategy achieved
     initial results.
     In the first half of 2023, relying on precise insights into consumer        二零二三年上半年,依託對消費者需求的精準洞
     demand, the Group actively optimized the product matrix of the “BYD”        察,本集團積極優化「比亞迪」品牌產品矩陣,推出
     brand and launched several iterative and new models, and it also            多 款 迭 代 及 全 新 車 型 , 進 一 步 推 進「油 電 平 價」,
     further promote the “price parity between fuel-engine vehicle and           持 續 鞏 固 競 爭 優 勢 。「比 亞 迪」品 牌 作 為 本 集 團 首
     electric vehicle” initiative to continuously consolidate the competitive    個乘用車品牌,形成了以朝代命名的「王朝」系列和
     advantage. As the Group’s first passenger vehicle brand, the “BYD”          以「海洋生物」及「軍艦」命名的「海洋」系列等兩大系
     brand has formed two series of products, including the “Dynasty”            列產品。「王朝」系列將領先的科技與國潮文化完美
     series named after dynasties and the “Ocean” series named after             融合,打造國潮、智能的新能源汽車,旗下擁有
     “Marine Life” and “Fleet”. The “Dynasty” series perfectly integrate        「漢」、「唐」、「宋」、「秦」和「元」五大家族式產品。
     the leading technology and Chinese fashion trend to create Chinese         「漢」作為中國自主品牌高端化的旗幟之一,自上市
     fashion and smart new energy vehicles, with five family products of         以來持續熱銷,熱度不減。期內,「漢」家族全面煥
     “Han”, “Tang”, “Song”, “Qin” and “Yuan”. As one of the signature            新,「漢EV冠軍版」、「漢DM-i冠軍版」和「漢DM-p戰
     products of domestic brands’ high-end process, “Han” has continued          神 版」正 式 上 市 , 產 品 力 全 面 提 升 , 顛 覆 主 流 B級
     to be popular since its launch. During the period, the “Han” family         轎車市場。「唐」作為本集團中大型旗艦SUV系列產
     was completely rejuvenated, and “Han EV Champion Edition”, “Han             品,「唐DM-i冠軍版」的推出,進一步加強「唐」家族
     DM-i Champion Edition” and “Han DM-p Ares Edition” were officially          的產品競爭力。「宋」家族中,「宋PLUS」作為中國汽
     launched. The product strength was comprehensively improved,                車品牌最快實現50萬銷量的新能源SUV,「宋PLUS
     subverting the mainstream B-segment sedan market. “Tang” is the             冠軍版」煥新推出;「宋Pro冠軍版」亦於期內上市,助
     Group’s medium/large flagship SUV series product, and the launch of         力「宋」家族以強大的產品力持續引領新能源SUV市
     “Tang DM-i Champion Edition” has further strengthened the product           場。「秦」家族中,「秦PLUS DM-i冠軍版」作為本年度
     competitiveness of the “Tang” family. For the “Song” family, “Song          首個迭代車型,上市即引爆市場,助力「秦」家族成
     PLUS” is the fastest new energy SUV among Chinese auto brands               為中國首個累銷百萬的新能源A級轎車IP。「元」家族
     to achieve sales of 500,000 units, and the “Song PLUS Champion              中,「元PLUS」作為搭載「e平台3.0」的首款A級潮跑
     Edition” has been newly launched; and the “Song Pro Champion                SUV,持續熱銷,領跑純電SUV市場。
     Edition” was also launched during the period, helping the “Song”
     family continue to lead the new energy SUV market with strong
     product strength. For the “Qin” family, “Qin PLUS DM-i Champion
     Edition”, as the first iterative model of the year, shocked the market
     immediately after its launch, helping the “Qin” family to become
     China’s first new energy A-class sedan IP with cumulative sales of one
     million. For the “Yuan” family, “Yuan PLUS”, as the first A-class SUV
     equipped with “e-Platform 3.0”, maintains hot sales, leading the pure
     electric SUV market.
                                                                                                           Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                            二零二三年中期報告            11
The “Ocean” series adopts the design concept of ocean aesthetics,           「海洋」系列採用海洋美學的設計理念,以更年輕的
with a product position aimed at younger generations, to further             產品定位,進一步滿足客戶多元化消費需求。「海
satisfy the diversified needs of consumers. Among the “Marine Life”          洋生物」系列中,純電新物種「海豚」繼續領跑,獲
series, the pure electric vehicle product “Dolphin” continued to take        得二零二三年上半年純電轎車及A0級汽車累銷雙料
the lead, winning both championships of pure electric sedan and A0-          冠軍。首搭「CTB電池車身一體化」技術的純電動運
class vehicle in the first half of 2023. The first pure electric sports      動轎跑「海豹」亦於五月煥新上市,進一步豐富消費
activity coupé “Seal” equipped with “CTB Cell-to-Body Integration”           者的選擇。新一代主流代步車「海鷗」於四月正式上
technology was launched in May, further enriching consumers’                 市,基於「e平台3.0」的技術賦能,在激烈的A00級轎
choices. The new-generation mainstream vehicle “Sea Gull” was               車市場脫穎而出,銷量表現逐月走高。「軍艦」系列
officially launched in April. Based on the technical empowerment of         中,「驅逐艦05冠軍版」四月上市,持續滿足用戶多
“e-platform 3.0”, it stood out in the fierce A00-class sedan market, and    樣化的用車需求,在A+級轎車市場中實現銷量口碑
its sales performance increased month by month. In the “Fleet” series,      齊頭並進。
“Destroyer 05 Champion Edition” was launched in April, continuing to
meet the diverse needs of users for cars, and receiving good sales
and reputation in the A+ class sedan market.
As the Group’s brand focuses on the new energy luxury vehicle               「騰勢」品牌作為本集團專注於新能源豪華汽車市場
market, the “Denza” brand builds its core competitiveness with               的品牌,以領先的新能源與安全技術、智慧豪華產
leading new energy and safety technologies, smart luxury product             品品質以及用戶生態服務體系,構建品牌核心競爭
quality, and user eco-services system. “Denza D9” has been a hot             力。「騰勢」品牌首款豪華MPV「騰勢D9」集豪華、智
seller since its launch, which is the first luxury MPV under the “Denza”     能、動力、安全於一身,上市即熱銷,二零二三年
brand, integrating luxury, intelligence, power, and safety. In the first     上 半 年 穩 居 30萬 以 上 豪 華 MPV市 場 銷 量 第 一 , 牢
half of 2023, “Denza D9” ranked first in the sales of luxury MPVs worth      牢佔據中國豪華MPV新價值標桿的引領地位。隨着
more than RMB300,000, firmly occupying the leading position in the           品牌勢能的穩健迸發,「騰勢」品牌以深刻的市場洞
new value benchmark of luxury MPVs in China. With the steady growth          察和超卓的技術創新,推出智能豪華獵跑SUV「騰
of the brand force, the “Denza” brand launched the smart and luxury          勢N7」。「騰勢N7」作為一款面向年輕用戶群體的獵
shooting-brake SUV “Denza N7” with profound market insight and              跑SUV,搭載與法國潮奢音響品牌帝瓦雷合作的專
outstanding technological innovation. “Denza N7”, as a shooting-brake       屬車載音響,並首搭「雲輦-A」智能空氣車身控制系
SUV for younger users, is equipped with exclusive car audio system in       統,從智能座艙、智能駕駛、智能底盤等三大方
cooperation with the French luxury audio brand Devialet. The “DiSus-A”      面,全面提升「騰勢N7」的豪華格調。「騰勢N7」於四
intelligent air body control system is also installed for the first time,   月上海車展亮相,其顛覆傳統視角的設計、智能、
which comprehensively enhances the luxurious style of “Denza N7”            操控、舒適等創新突破,得到消費者的積極認可。
from the three aspects of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and
intelligent chassis. “Denza N7” was unveiled at the Shanghai Auto
Show in April. Its innovative breakthroughs in design, intelligence,
control and comfort that subvert the traditional perspectives have
been positively recognized by consumers.
     BYD Company Limited
     During the period, with the maturity and application of core                 期內,伴隨着「易四方」等核心技術的成熟與應用,
     technologies such as “e4 Platform”, the Group officially launched a          本集團於年初正式發佈全新高端品牌「仰望」,以顛
     new high-end brand “Yangwang” at the beginning of the year, which            覆性的技術和產品開拓百萬級新能源市場,並重塑
     will open up the million-RMB-worth new energy market with subversive         新能源時代高端品牌價值觀。四月,百萬級新能源
     technologies and products, and reshape the high-end brand values in          硬派越野「仰望U8」和百萬級純電動性能超跑「仰望
     the new energy era. “Yangwang U8”, a million-RMB-worth new energy            U9」亮相上海車展,引爆市場關注,成為最矚目的焦
     hardcore SUV and “Yangwang U9”, a million-RMB-worth battery                  點。「仰望U8」同步開 預售,搭載「易四方」技術及
     electric performance supercar were unveiled at the Shanghai Auto             「雲輦-P」智能液壓車身控制系統,實現對車身的全
     Show in April, receiving a lot of market attention and becoming the           方位智能控制,真正做到了極致越野、舒適奢享的
     most eye-catching focus. “Yangwang U8” started the pre-sale at the            完美平衡,讓駕乘體驗更具想象力。
     same time. It is equipped with “e4 Platform” technology and “DiSus-P”
     intelligent hydraulic body control system to realize all-round intelligent
     control of the body, and it truly achieved the perfect balance of
     extreme off-road capability, comfort and luxury, making the driving
     experience more imaginative.
     In addition, the professional and personalized brand was officially          此 外 , 專 業 個 性 化 品 牌 於 六 月 正 式 定 名 為「方 程
     named “FANGCHENGBAO” in June. The “FANGCHENGBAO” brand                       豹」。「方程豹」品牌基於消費者日益增長的個性化
     is based on the growing individual needs of consumers and integrates         需求,並凝聚本集團強大的新能源科技,通過具有
     the Group’s powerful new energy technologies. Through a technical            專業標準、專注純粹的技術平台,打造更極致、獨
     platform with professional standards and pure focus, the Group will          特、自由的新物種產品,攜手用戶不斷解鎖汽車個
     create more extreme, unique and free new species products, and               性化生活的未來。
     work with users to continuously unlock the future of personalized life of
                                                                                                   Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                    二零二三年中期報告            13
While consolidating and expanding its development advantages in              在鞏固和擴大國內市場發展優勢的同時,本集團依
the domestic market, the Group has been accelerating overseas                託「科技領先、安全領先、品質領先、市場領先」的
market expansion by relying on its comprehensive strength of “leading        全面實力,加速海外市場拓展。本集團新能源乘用
technology, leading safety, leading quality and leading market”. The         車已進入日本、德國、澳大利亞、巴西、阿聯酋等
Group’s new energy passenger vehicles have entered more than 50              50多個國家和地區,躋身多個市場熱銷前列,深受
countries and regions including Japan, Germany, Australia, Brazil            全球消費者青睞。期內,本集團於三月攜八款新能
and the United Arab Emirates, ranking among the top sellers in many          源汽車亮相第44屆曼谷國際車展,並發佈標準續航
markets, and gaining recognition of consumers all over the world.            版「海豚」。同月,本集團在墨西哥城舉行品牌發佈
During the period, the Group exhibited eight new energy vehicles at          暨新車型上市發佈會,推出「漢EV」、「唐EV」、「元
the 44th Bangkok International Motor Show in March, and released the         PLUS」三款純電動車型,開 墨西哥乘用車市場的
standard range version “Dolphin”. In the same month, the Group held          新格局。六月,本集團在阿聯酋推出通過本地化和
a brand release and new model launch conference in Mexico City, and          高溫測試的「元PLUS」,以確保用戶能夠獲得最佳的
launched three pure electric models, “Han EV”, “Tang EV” and “Yuan           駕駛體驗,開 中東乘用車市場全新篇章。作為本
PLUS”, opening up a new pattern in the Mexican passenger vehicles            集團首款全球化車型,「元PLUS」(又名「BYD ATTO
market. In June, the Group launched “Yuan PLUS” in the United Arab           3」)憑藉設計、技術、性能和用戶體驗等方面的卓越
Emirates, which had passed localization and high-temperature tests           體現,在國際市場上獲得銷量和市場口碑雙豐收,
to ensure that users can get the best driving experience, opening a          多次獲得泰國、以色列、新西蘭、新加坡純電動車
new chapter in the Middle East passenger vehicles market. As the             月銷冠軍,並奪得泰國二零二三年上半年純電動汽
Group’s first global model, “Yuan PLUS” (also known as “BYD ATTO             車銷量冠軍。此外,本集團秉承合作共贏的理念,
experience, has achieved both good sales and market reputation in            作,攜手眾多全球優質經銷商,為當地消費者提供
the international market. It won the monthly sales champion of pure          優質的新能源汽車產品及服務,推動全球汽車電動
electric vehicles in Thailand, Israel, New Zealand and Singapore many        化轉型。隨着海外佈局的持續深化,三月,本集團
times, and also won the sales champion of pure electric vehicles in          首個海外乘用車生產基地在泰國奠基,為當地新能
Thailand in the first half of 2023. In addition, adhering to the concept     源汽車市場發展注入新的活力。
of win-win cooperation, the Group continued to strengthen cooperation
with international partners in the development of vehicle electrification,
and joined hands with many high-quality global dealers to provide
local consumers with high-quality new energy vehicle products and
services, thereby promoting the transformation of global vehicle
electrification. With the continuous deepening of overseas layout, in
March, the foundation stone of the Group’s first overseas passenger
vehicle production base was laid in Thailand, injecting new vitality into
the development of the local new energy vehicle market.
In the first half of 2023, despite the challenges such as intensified        二零二三年上半年,儘管面對汽車行業競爭加劇、
competition in the auto industry and cancellation of subsidies for           新能源汽車補貼取消的挑戰,本集團憑藉不斷提升
new energy vehicles, the Group’s new energy passenger vehicle                的品牌力、持續擴大的規模優勢和強大的產業鏈成
business continued to maintain good profitability with the continuous        本控制能力,叠加上游原材料價格回落,本集團新
improvement of brand power, continuous expansion of scale                    能源乘用車業務繼續保持良好的盈利能力。
advantages and strong cost control capabilities of the industrial chain,
coupled with the decline in prices of upstream raw material.
     BYD Company Limited
     In the field of battery electric buses, the Group carried out in-             純電動大巴領域,本集團深化市場佈局、以領先技
     depth market development, launched quality products with leading              術推出優質產品,優化經營模式,攜手眾多合作夥
     technology, optimized its business models, worked with various                伴持續提升城市公交服務質量,引領全球公交電動
     partners to continuously improve the quality of urban public                  化改革。本集團持續開拓海外市場,助力出海大巴
     transportation services and lead the transformation of electrification of     銷量持續增長。
     global public transportation. The Group continued to explore overseas
     markets, which contributed to the continuous growth of the sales of
     overseas buses.
     In the field of urban rail transit, the Group focused on solving urban        城市軌道交通領域,本集團圍繞解決城市微循環和
     microcirculation and last-mile problems by launching the medium-              最後一公里問題,穩步推進具有完全自主知識產權
     capacity “SkyRail” and low-capacity “SkyShuttle” with proprietary             的中運量「雲軌」和低運量「雲巴」發展,為全球城市
     intellectual property rights, providing effective solutions to traffic jams   治理交通擁堵提供有效方案。「雲巴」項目方面,五
     in cities all over the world. For the “SkyShuttle” project, in May, the       月,首條定位休閑旅遊的湖南大王山歡樂雲巴已正
     first “Happy Sky Shuttle (歡樂雲巴)” in Dawang Mountain, Hunan,                   式開通,將有效帶動區域旅遊產業升級,推動都市
     which was positioned as leisure tourism, has been officially opened,          休閑旅遊產業融合發展。
     which would effectively promote the upgrading of the regional tourism
     industry and promote the integrated development of the urban leisure
     tourism industry.
     In terms of external cooperation, the Group actively strengthened             對外合作方面,本集團積極與全球不同專業領域領
     cooperation with leading partners in different professional fields            先的夥伴加強合作。二零二三年上半年,本集團與
     around the world. In the first half of 2023, the Group deepened its           全球領先的人工智能計算製造商英偉達深化合作,
     cooperation with Nvidia, the world’s leading artificial intelligence          雙方強強聯手,為廣大消費者打造更加安全且智能
     computing manufacturer, to jointly develop vehicles that are safer            的汽車;本集團亦與濰柴動力簽署戰略合作協議,
     and intelligent for consumers. The Group also signed a strategic              利用雙方優勢在新能源領域建立更加全面、深度的
     cooperation agreement with Weichai Power to establish a more                  戰略合作關係,助力我國新能源商用車產業化發展
     comprehensive and in-depth strategic cooperation relationship in the          邁向新階段;此外,本集團與跨國銀行集團桑坦德
     new energy field by utilizing the advantages of both parties, thereby         達成戰略性合作,為墨西哥、巴西當地經銷商或消
     helping China’s new energy commercial vehicle industrialization               費者提供汽車金融方案,積極推動當地綠色交通消
     develop toward a new stage. In addition, the Group reached a                  費升級。
     strategic cooperation with Santander, a multinational banking group,
     to provide auto finance solutions for local dealers or consumers in
     Mexico and Brazil, and actively promote the upgrading of local green
     transportation consumption.
                                                                                         Interim Report 2023
                                                                                          二零二三年中期報告            15
In terms of rechargeable batteries, the Group continued to carry out    二次充電電池方面,本集團持續深耕,技術規模國
in-depth development and maintained its leading position in domestic    內領先,年內產品研發及產能提升進展順利,助力
technology. Product R&D and capacity expansion went smoothly            電池業務穩步發展。在保障自身動力電池需求的同
during the year, which contributed to the steady development of the     時,本集團亦持續積極拓展外部客戶,加速市場化
battery business. While protecting our own power battery demand,        佈局。本集團儲能業務全面覆蓋電網儲能、工商業
the Group also continued to actively expand external customers and      儲能、家庭儲能等領域,為全球客戶提供全面的、
accelerate the market-based deployment. The Group’s energy storage      先進的技術和產品解決方案,推動新型儲能產業實
business covered grid energy storage, industrial and commercial         現跨越式發展。光伏業務方面,在「雙碳」目標的引
energy storage, household energy storage, providing global              領下,本集團加速新技術研發佈局,進一步構建綜
customers with comprehensive and advanced technology and product        合競爭優勢,為行業的快速發展做好準備。
solutions and facilitating the new energy storage industry to achieve
leapfrog development. In respect of the photovoltaic business, under
the guidance of the “dual carbon” goal, the Group accelerated new
technology R&D to further build up its comprehensive competitive
advantages and prepare for the rapid development of the industry.
Handset Components and Assembly Business                                手機部件及組裝業務
The Group is a global leading high-end platform-based manufacturing     本集團是全球領先的平台型高端製造企業,專注於
enterprise, providing customers with one-stop services including        為客戶提供產品設計與研發、零組件及整機製造、
product design, research and development, components and machine        供應鏈管理、物流及售後等一站式服務。本集團業
manufacturing, supply chain management, logistics, after-sales and      務廣泛,涵蓋消費電子、新型智能產品等多元化領
other etc. With a wide range of businesses, the Group engages in        域。依託於業界領先的研發和製造實力、高效規模
diversified market segments, such as consumer electronics and new       化的生產經驗、多元的產品組合以及豐厚的客戶資
intelligent products. With industry-leading R&D and manufacturing       源,本集團積極提升市場份額,持續優化業務結
strength, efficient mass production experience, diversified product     構,在嚴峻的市場環境下業務彰顯強勁韌性,已邁
portfolio and abundant customer base, the Group actively increased      入新一輪的高質高速成長週期。
its market share and continued to optimize its business structure.
Under the severe market environment, its business still showed strong
resilience and had entered a new cycle with high-quality and high-
speed growth.
With respect to the consumer electronics business, the Group, relying   消費電子業務方面,本集團憑藉頂尖的研發及堅實
on top-notch R&D and solid product design and manufacturing             的產品設計製造實力,持續深挖大客戶需求,強化
capabilities, continued to explore key customers’ needs and             與大客戶的戰略合作,故此在市場不景氣下仍實現
strengthen strategic cooperation with them. As a result, despite        市場份額提升及收入增長,進一步夯實其行業龍頭
the market downturn, it still achieved an increase in market share      地位。本集團積極拓展海外大客戶業務,持續提升
and growth in revenue, further consolidating its leading position in    了市場份額和出貨量,強化在其供應鏈中的地位,
the industry. The Group actively expanded its business with major       新品類的結構件項目量產進展良好,業務保持增長
overseas customers, continuously increased its market share and         動力。本集團亦持續為安卓客戶提供服務,然而智
shipments, and strengthened its position in its supply chain. The       能手機市場需求疲軟,本集團安卓業務收入受到一
mass production of new categories of structural components was          定影響。
progressing well, and the business maintained growth momentum.
The Group also continued to serve Android customers, but its revenue
from the Android business was affected by the weak demand of the
smartphone market.
     BYD Company Limited
     In terms of the new intelligent product business, with the Group’s well-   新型智能產品業務方面,本集團憑藉在海內外市場
     established business network and excellent customer reputation in          的完善業務網絡及卓越的客戶口碑,出貨量及收入
     domestic and overseas markets, it achieved strong growth in both           規模取得強勁增長。本集團亦持續與各行業頂尖客
     shipments and revenue scale. The Group also continued to maintain          戶保持緊密合作,無人機、智能家居、遊戲硬件等
     close cooperation with top customers in various industries, and            業務板塊延續穩健發展勢頭。
     business sectors such as drones, smart homes and game hardware
     continued to develop in a steady manner.
     PROSPECT AND STRATEGY                                                      前景及策略
     Looking forward to the second half of 2023, due to the continued           展望二零二三年下半年,通脹、地緣政治等多重不
     multiple uncertainties such as inflation and geopolitical risks, major     確定風險持續,主要經濟體增長動能不足,全球經
     economies are under insufficient growth momentum and global                濟衰退的壓力不斷升溫。中國經濟亦受到複雜嚴峻
     economic recession pressure is on the rise. China’s economy, in a          的外部環境影響,但中國經濟韌性強、潛力大、活
     way, is affected by the severe and complicated external environment.       力足,長期向好的基本面沒有改變。七月,中央政
     However, given the strong resilience of China’s economy with great         治局會議強調,着力擴大內需、提振信心,推動經
     potential and infinite vitality, China’s bright long-term prospects        濟運行持續好轉。同月,國家發展改革委等部門印
     remain unchanged. In July, the meeting of the Political Bureau of the      發《關於促進汽車消費的若干措施》,進一步穩定和
     CPC Central Committee emphasized that efforts should be made               擴大汽車消費,加強新能源汽車配套設施建設,營
     to stimulate domestic demands, boost confidence and promote a              造有利於汽車消費的政策和市場環境。預期二零二
     sustained improvement in economic performance. Also in July, the           三年下半年,中國新能源汽車產業將延續良好的增
     National Development and Reform Commission and other departments           長勢頭,滲透率亦有望繼續突破。
     issued “Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption 《      ( 關
     於促進汽車消費的若干措施》” in order to further stabilize and expand
     automobile consumption, strengthen the construction of supporting
     facilities for new energy vehicles, and offer a policy and market
     environment conducive to automobile consumption. In the second half
     of 2023, China’s new energy vehicle industry is expected to continue
     its sound growth momentum. The new energy vehicle penetration rate
     is also expected to make continued breakthroughs.
     Automobiles and Batteries Business                                         汽車及電池業務
     The Group will adhere to its development strategy, strengthen              本集團將堅定發展戰略,強化核心技術的自主可
     the independency and controllability of its core technologies, and         控,持續提升產品競爭力;深度觸達市場,以消費
     continue to enhance the competitiveness of its products; it will reach     者需求為導向,持續推進多品牌矩陣建設;加速推
     out to the market in depth, and continue to promote the construction       進出海進程,以新能源汽車領域的全面實力,為全
     of a multi-brand matrix in line with consumer demands; and with            球消費者提供卓越的新能源汽車體驗。八月,本集
     its comprehensive strength in the field of new energy vehicle, it will     團第500萬輛新能源汽車下線,成為全球首家達成這
     accelerate the step in going abroad to provide consumers around the        一里程碑的車企,為全球汽車工業變革注入中國汽
     world with an excellent experience in new energy vehicles. In August,      車力量。
     the Group rolled off its 5 millionth new energy vehicle, making it the
     first automaker in the world to achieve this milestone and injecting
     momentum from China’s automobile into the global automobile
     industry transformation.
                                                                                                  Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                   二零二三年中期報告            17
In the field of new energy passenger vehicles, the Group will continue       在新能源乘用車領域,本集團將繼續深化新能源汽
to deepen the R&D of core technologies for new energy vehicles               車核心技術研發,強化行業領先實力。七月,本集
and strengthen the industry-leading strengths. In July, the high-end         團發佈的高階智能駕駛輔助系統,以自研硬件、軟
intelligent driving assistance system released by the Group, with its        件以及算法構建全棧自研整車系統級解決方案,為
self-research hardware, software and algorithms to build a full stack of     安全而生,實現全場景的陪伴、輔助、救助,開
self-research system-level solutions for the entire vehicle, is born for     智能化的新篇章。八月,本集團發佈「DMO」超級混
safety, enables a whole scenario of companionship, assistance and            動越野平台,通過全新混動非承載式架構和越野專
rescue, and opens up a new chapter of auto-intelligence. In August,          用混動架構的極致融合,充分發揮本集團在高性能
the Group launched “DMO”, a super hybrid off-road platform, which            底盤、智能電四驅及越野專用動力總成等方面的領
makes full use of the Group’s leading advantages in high-performance         先優勢,成就整車安全之上超強動力、強悍越野與
chassis, intelligent electric four-wheel drive and off-road-specific         極致能耗之間的最佳平衡。
power-train system through the ultimate integration of new hybrid non-
load-bearing frame structure and off-road-specific hybrid structure
to achieve a perfect balance among super power, strong off-road
strength and the least energy consumption while ensuring vehicle
The Group continues to advance its multi-brand strategy, constantly           本集團持續推進多品牌策略,不斷完善產品矩陣,
refines its product matrix and initiates new product cycles to satisfy the    開 全新產品週期,滿足消費者差異化的需求。「比
differentiated needs of consumers. With respect to the “BYD” brand,           亞迪」品牌方面,「海洋」系列首款B+級超混轎車「海
“BYD-Seal DM-i”, the first B+ super-hybrid sedan of the “Ocean”               豹DM-i」基於海洋美學設計理念,搭載「DM-i超級混
series, is equipped with the “DM-i Super Hybrid” based on the design          動」,首批量產車已於七月正式下線。「騰勢」品牌方
concept of oceanic aesthetics, with the first batch of mass-produced          面,豪華獵跑SUV「騰勢N7」於七月正式上市,以全
vehicles getting off the assembly line in July. Also in July, the “Denza”     新理念打破設計邊界、以超感交互打破豪華邊界、
brand officially launched its luxury sports SUV “Denza N7”, aiming to         以尖端技術打破電動邊界、以創新科技打破智能邊
redefine pure electric luxury with cutting-edge intelligent technologies      界,得到數萬消費者的積極認可和持續追捧。八
and provide an unparalleled travel experience for its users, which            月,智能豪華全場景SUV「騰勢N8」正式上市,進一
has gained positive recognition and sustained popularity among tens           步完善「騰勢」品牌產品矩陣。「仰望」品牌方面,「仰
of thousands of consumers. “Denza N8”, an intelligent and luxurious           望U8」車型亮點持續解鎖,引得市場廣泛關注。此
SUV designed for all scenarios, was officially launched in August,            外,「方程豹」品牌於八月正式發佈,以兼具「野心、
further complementing the product matrix of the “Denza” brand.                悅心、玩心」的多樣化強悍產品,讓不同人群的個性
With respect to the “Yangwang” brand, the new model “Yangwang                 化用車需求擁有更專屬的承載,旗下首款硬派SUV
U8” continues to unveil its feature highlights, attracting widespread        「豹5」將搭載超級混動越野平台「DMO」及「雲輦-P」,
attention in the market. In addition, the “FANGCHENGBAO” brand was            為用戶帶來前所未有的新能源個性體驗。
officially released in August, which is catering to a range of individual
preferences with diversified powerful products featuring “ambition, joy
and fun (野心、悅心、玩心). Its first hardcore SUV, “BAO 5”, will be
equipped with “DMO”, a super hybrid off-road platform, and “DiSus-P”
to provide owners with unique personalized experience of new energy
     BYD Company Limited
     In the field of overseas passenger vehicle business, the Group has           海外乘用車業務領域,本集團憑藉新能源領先優
     leveraged its leading strengths in the new energy vehicle sector to          勢,加速開拓海外市場,推進出海進程,繼續攜手
     accelerate its overseas markets expansion and advance the progress           合作夥伴深耕海外各地市場,為全球消費者提供差
     of going abroad. The Group will continue to work together with its           異化、有競爭力的產品和優質的服務。七月,本集
     partners to develop overseas markets and provide global consumers            團為進一步推動全球化進程,宣佈將在巴西設立大
     with differentiated, competitive products and quality services. In July,     型生產基地綜合體,加速新能源汽車在當地的普及
     in order to further promote globalization, the Group announced that it       與應用。
     would establish a large-scale manufacturing base complex in Brazil to
     accelerate the popularization and application of new energy vehicles
     in the country.
     In the field of battery electric buses, the Group will continue to           純電動大巴領域,本集團將繼續助力全球公交系統
     empower low-carbon upgrades in global public transportation                  的綠色升級,為不同國家和地區帶來可持續、零污
     systems, provide sustainable, zero-pollution and intelligent public          染、智能化的公共交通解決方案,通過高效領先的
     transportation solutions to different countries and regions, launch          創新技術,推出受市場認可的零排放高質量綠色環
     zero-emission, high quality, green and environmentally friendly public       保公共交通產品及服務,促進低碳社會快速普及健
     transportation products and services recognized by the market                康發展。
     through efficient and leading-edge innovative technologies, and
     promote rapid and healthy development of a low-carbon society.
     In terms of urban rail transit, the Group will continue to innovate in the   城市軌道交通方面,本集團將在綠色低碳、智能智
     areas of green and low-carbon, intelligent and smart, integrated and         慧、集成高效等方面不斷創新,將電動車產業鏈延
     efficient development, extend the electric vehicle industry chain to the     伸到軌道交通領域,着力推廣低碳環保的城市軌道
     field of rail transit, focus on promoting low-carbon and environmentally     交通產品 –「雲軌」及「雲巴」,不斷開拓城市應用和國
     friendly urban rail transit products, namely “SkyRail” and “SkyShuttle”,     際合作,助力城市打造低碳交通,實現綠色智能交
     and continuously expand urban applications and international                 通可持續發展。
     cooperation to help cities build low-carbon transportation and achieve
     sustainable development of green and intelligent transportation.
     In terms of rechargeable batteries, the Group will actively promote the      二次充電電池方面,本集團將積極推進創新技術應
     application of the innovative technologies, further expand its customer      用,進一步擴大客戶基礎和業務範圍,推動相關業
     base and business coverage, and facilitate sustainable development           務持續發展。光伏業務方面,本集團將積極把握行
     of relevant businesses. In terms of photovoltaics business, the Group        業發展脈絡,集中資源,着力技術研發,推動產品
     will actively grasp the development trend of the industry, concentrate       轉型升級,以優質的產品迎接行業爆發性增長機
     resources, focus on technology R&D, promote product transformation           遇。
     and upgrading, to usher in the explosive growth opportunities of the
     industry with high-quality products.
                                                                                         Interim Report 2023
                                                                                          二零二三年中期報告            19
Handset Components and Assembly Business                                 手機部件及組裝業務
In the second half of 2023, the Group will closely monitor the           二零二三年下半年,本集團將密切注視市場發展趨
market development trend and continue to capitalize on the market        勢,繼續把握市場機遇,加大佈局核心技術研發及
opportunities by stepping up its efforts in core technology research     創新,進一步鞏固垂直整合優勢,強化大客戶策
and development and innovation, further consolidating its vertically-    略。在保持傳統業務的行業領先地位的同時,加快
integrated strengths and reinforcing its key account strategy. While     完善前瞻佈局的新興業務相關產品線,全速推動業
maintaining our industry-leading position in the traditional business,   務發展,帶動本集團業務及收入規模持續增長。
the Group will accelerate the improvement of its forward-looking
deployment in the relevant product lines of emerging businesses, so
as to promote the business development at full speed and drive the
sustained growth of the Group’s business and revenue scale.
In terms of consumer electronics business, the Group will continue       消費電子業務方面,本集團將繼續鞏固綜合競爭優
to consolidate its comprehensive competitive advantages and              勢,進一步提升市場份額。本集團將繼續深入挖掘
further increase its market share. The Group will continue to deeply     海外大客戶的核心業務潛力,持續提高核心產品的
explore the core business potential of its major overseas customers,     份額,積極開拓新品類領域,進一步壯大業務規
continue to increase the core products share in those customers and      模。同時,本集團將加強與安卓領域在中高端產品
actively expand into new categories of products to further expand        的戰略合作,持續擴大技術領先優勢,進一步鞏固
its business scale. At the same time, the Group will strengthen its      本集團的市場領導地位。
strategic cooperation with the Android customers in the mid-to-high-
end products to continue to expand its technological leadership, thus
further consolidating the Group’s market leadership position.
In terms of new intelligent product business, the evolving development   新型智能產品業務方面,人工智能及機器人等新興
of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robots,    技術發展一日千里,推動應用場景多元化發展,同
is driving the diversified development of application scenarios, while   時催生更多新市場需求,本集團前瞻佈局的智能家
also generating more new market demands. Therefore, the Group’s          居、遊戲硬件、無人機等領域將迎來發展新機遇。
forward-looking deployment in the areas of smart homes, game             依託行業領先的研發實力、全球化佈局和垂直整合
hardware and drones, etc., will face new development opportunities.      的綜合能力,本集團將持續深化與各細分領域頭部
Relying on its industry-leading research and development strength,       客戶的合作,充分把握市場龐大商機,並拓展有發
global presence and comprehensive vertically-integrated capabilities,    展潛力的新品類和新市場,藉此搶佔高增量市場先
the Group will continue to deepen its cooperation with leading           機及培育新增長點。
customers in various segments, fully seize the huge business
opportunities in the market, and expand potential new categories and
markets to capture opportunities in high-incremental markets and
nurture new growth points.
     BYD Company Limited
     FINANCIAL REVIEW                                                              財務回顧
     Revenue and Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent                       營業額及母公司擁有人應佔溢利
     During the Period, revenue increased by 72.72% as compared with               期內,營業額較二零二二年上半年上升72.72%,主
     that of the first half of 2022, mainly attributable to the rapid growth in    要是新能源汽車業務增加所致。母公司擁有人應佔
     the new energy vehicle business. The profit attributable to owners of         溢利較去年同期上升204.68%,主要是新能源汽車
     the parent company increased by 204.68% as compared to the same               銷量增長所致。
     period of previous year, mainly attributable to the increase in the sales
     volume of new energy vehicles.
     Segmental Information                                                         分部資料
     Comparisons of the Group’s revenue by product categories for the six          以下為本集團於截至二零二三年及二零二二年六月
     months ended 30 June 2023 and 2022 are illustrated as follows:                三十日止六個月按產品類別分析的營業額比較:
      Mobile handset                                                         Mobile handset
       components,                                                            components,
      assembly and                                                           assembly and
      other products                                                         other products
     手機部件、組裝及                 2023H1                                        手機部件、組裝及
       其他產品                                           80%                     其他產品                            73%
                                                  Automobiles and                                         Automobiles and
                                                  related products,                                       related products,
                                                 and other products                                      and other products
                                                汽車、汽車相關產品                                                汽車、汽車相關產品
                                                  及其他產品                                                    及其他產品
                           二零二三年上半年                                                           二零二二年上半年
     Gross Profit and Margin                                                       毛利及邊際利潤
     The Group’s gross profit for the Period increased by approximately            本集團期內的毛利上升約134.36%至約人民幣
     increased from approximately 13.51% for the first half of 2022 to             13.51%上升至期內約18.33%。毛利率上升主要是新
     approximately 18.33% for the Period. The increased in gross profit            能源汽車業務增加所致。
     margin was mainly due to the increase in the new energy vehicle
                                                                                               Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                二零二三年中期報告            21
Liquidity and Financial Resources                                           流動資金及財務資源
During the Period, the Group recorded an operating cash inflow of           期內,本集團錄得經營現金流入約人民幣81,971百
approximately RMB81,971 million, as compared to an operating cash           萬元,而去年上半年則錄得經營現金流入約人民幣
inflow of approximately RMB43,185 million in the first half of last year.   43,185百萬元,本集團期內現金流入增加主要是經
The increase in cash inflow of the Group during the Period was mainly       營活動銷售商品及提供服務收到的現金增加所致。
attributable to the increase in cash generated from the sales of goods      於二零二三年六月三十日的總借貸包括全部銀行貸
and provision of services in operating activities. Total borrowings         款,約為人民幣23,910百萬元,而二零二二年十二
as at 30 June 2023, including all bank loans, were approximately            月三十一日總借貸包括全部銀行貸款及債券,約為
RMB23,910 million, as compared to the total borrowings as at 31             人民幣18,517百萬元。銀行貸款的到期還款期限
December 2022, including all bank loans and bonds, of approximately         分佈在五年期間,分別須於一年期內償還約人民幣
RMB18,517 million. The maturity profile of bank loans spread over a         16,149百萬元,於第二至第五年期內償還約人民幣
period of five years, with approximately RMB16,149 million repayable        7,761百萬元。本集團持有足夠的現金以滿足日常流
within one year, approximately RMB7,761 million repayable within the        動資金管理及資本開支需求,並控制內部經營現金
second to fifth years. The Group holds sufficient cash to meet daily        流量。
liquidity management and capital expenditure requirements, and
controls internal operating cash flows.
For the six months ended 30 June 2023, the turnover days of                  截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月,應收類款項
receivables (including trade receivables, contract assets and               (含應收賬款,合同資產,應收款項融資)週轉期約
financing receivables) were approximately 46 days as compared                46日,而截至二零二二年同期則約為68日,變化的
to approximately 68 days for the corresponding period in 2022.               主要原因為應收賬款平均餘額的同期增幅比營業收
The change was mainly due to the fact that the increase of trade             入的同期增幅小所致。存貨週轉期截至二零二三年
receivables balance in average was lower than that of sales revenue          六月三十日止六個月約為72日,截至二零二二年同
over the same period. The inventory turnover days were approximately         期則約為71日,無明顯變化。
approximately 71 days for the corresponding period in 2022, which
had no significant change.
Capital Structure                                                           資本架構
The Group’s financial division is responsible for the Group’s financial     本集團財務處的職責是負責本集團的財務風險管理
risk management which operates according to policies implemented            工作並根據高級管理層實行批核的政策運作。於二
and approved by senior management. As at 30 June 2023, borrowings           零二三年六月三十日,借貸主要以人民幣結算,而
were mainly settled in RMB, while its cash and cash equivalents were        其現金及現金等價物則主要以人民幣及美元持有。
mainly held in RMB and USD. The Group maintained an appropriate             本集團於期內維持適當的股本及債務組合,以確保
mix of equity and debt to ensure an effective capital structure during      具備有效的資本架構。於二零二三年六月三十日,
the Period. As at 30 June 2023, all of the Group’s outstanding loans        本集團尚未償還貸款均為人民幣貸款,該等尚未償
were RMB loans, of which approximately 44% (31 December 2022:               還貸款中約44%(二零二二年十二月三十一日:43%)
The Group monitors its capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt     本集團透過使用資本負債比率(即負債淨額除以權
divided by equity. The Group’s policy is to maintain the gearing ratio      益)監管其資本。本集團的政策為盡量維持低資本負
as low as possible. Net debt includes debt capital less monetary            債比率。負債淨額包括債務資本減去貨幣資金。權
funds. Equity represents equity attributable to owners of the parent        益為母公司擁有人應佔權益。故本集團於二零二三
company. Therefore, the Group’s gearing ratio as at 30 June 2023 and        年六月三十日及二零二二年十二月三十一日的資本
     BYD Company Limited
     As at 30 June 2023, there were no land and buildings of the Group           於二零二三年六月三十日,本集團無(二零二二年十
     which were pledged as collateral for long-term borrowings (31               二月三十一日:無)以土地及房屋建築物作為抵押取
     December 2022: nil). As at 30 June 2023, cash and bank balances             得長期借款。於二零二三年六月三十日,賬面價值
     with book value of RMB151,000 (31 December 2022: RMB880,000)                為人民幣151千元(二零二二年十二月三十一日:人
     were subject to restrictions as deposits of bank acceptance bills;          民幣880千元)的貨幣資金作為銀行承兌匯票出票保
     cash and bank balances with book value of RMB197,785,000 (31                證金而受限,另有人民幣197,785千元(二零二二年
     December 2022: RMB166,291,000) were subject to restrictions as              十二月三十一日:人民幣166,291千元)為信用保證
     guarantee deposits, bid bond and others.                                    金、投標保證金及其他受限性質而受限。
     Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risk                                           外匯風險
     Most of the Group’s income and expenditure are settled in RMB               本集團大部分收入及開支以人民幣及美元結算。期
     and US dollar. During the Period, the Group did not experience any          內,本集團並無因貨幣匯率的波動而令其營運或流
     significant difficulties in or impacts on its operations or liquidity due   動資金出現任何重大困難或影響。董事相信,本集
     to fluctuations in currency exchange rates. The Directors believe that      團將有充足外幣應付其外匯需要,並將採取切實有
     the Group has sufficient foreign exchange to meet its own foreign           效的方法防範外匯匯兌風險。
     exchange requirements and will adopt practical measures to prevent
     exposure to exchange rate risk.
     Employment, Training and Development                                        僱用、培訓及發展
     As at 30 June 2023, the Group had approximately 631.5 thousand              於二零二三年六月三十日,本集團僱用約63.15萬
     employees. During the Period, total staff cost accounted for                名員工。期內,員工成本總額佔本集團營業額約
     approximately 15.54% of the Group’s turnover. Employees’                    15.54%。本集團按僱員的表現、資歷及當時的行
     remuneration was determined based on performance, qualifications            業慣例釐定給予僱員的報酬,而酬金政策會定期檢
     and prevailing industry practices, with compensation policies               討。根據年度工作表現評核,僱員或會獲發花紅及
     being reviewed on a regular basis. Bonuses were also awarded to             獎金。發放獎勵乃作為個人推動力的鼓勵。
     employees, based on the appraisal on their annual performance.
     Incentives were offered to encourage personal motivation.
     In addition, the Group also adopted 2022 Employee Share Ownership            此外,本集團亦已採納二零二二年員工持股計劃
     Plan (the “Employee Share Ownership Plan”) and Share Option                 (
                                                                                 「員工持股計劃」 )及比亞迪半導體股份有限公司股權
     Incentive Scheme (the “Subsidiary Share Option Scheme”) of BYD               期權激勵計劃(「子公司股權期權計劃」),均已獲本公
     Semiconductor Company Limited (比亞迪半導體股份有限公司), which                          司股東分別於二零二二年五月二十七日及二零二一
     were approved by the shareholders of the Company at the EGM held             年六月十六日舉行的臨時股東大會上批准。有關員
     on 27 May 2022 and 16 June 2021, respectively. For further details of        工持股計劃及子公司股權期權計劃的進一步詳情,
     the Employee Share Ownership Plan and the Subsidiary Share Option            請分別參閱本報告以下標題為「二零二二年員工持股
     Scheme, please refer to the sections headed “2022 Employee Share             計劃」及「子公司股權期權計劃」章節。
     Ownership Plan” and “Subsidiary Share Option Scheme” in this report.
                                                                                                          Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                           二零二三年中期報告            23
References are made to the announcement dated 22 April 2022 and            茲提述本公司日期為二零二二年四月二十二日的公
the circular dated 5 May 2022 (the “Circular”) of the Company in           告及日期為二零二二年五月五日的通函(該通函),
relation to, among others, the adoption of Employee Share Ownership        內容有關(其中包括)採納員工持股計劃(草案)。本公
Plan (draft). The adoption was approved by the shareholders of the         司股東於本公司於二零二二年五月二十七日舉行的
Company at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held           臨時股東大會上批准採納。
on 27 May 2022.
The Employee Share Ownership Plan is a discretionary employee              本次員工持股計劃為本公司的一項酌情員工持股計
share ownership plan of the Company and does not involve the grant         劃,並不涉及授出發行新股份或本公司任何其他新
of options to issue new Shares or any other new securities of the          證券的期權。本次員工持股計劃有利於本公司建立
Company. The Employee Share Ownership Plan is beneficial for the           和完善利益共享機制,提高員工凝聚力和本公司競
Company to establish and improve the benefit sharing mechanism,            爭力,實現企業的長遠可持續發展。參與對象包括
enhance the cohesion of employees and the competitiveness of               本公司的職工代表監事、高級管理人員以及比亞迪
the Company, realizing its long-term sustainable development.              集團的中層管理人員、核心骨幹員工,不包括本公
Participants include employee representative supervisors, senior           司董事及最高行政人員及其聯繫人,參與本次員工
management of the Company, middle level management and core                持股計劃的總人數不超過12,000人。本次員工持股
backbone employees of BYD Group (other than the Directors and              計劃通過非交易過戶等法律法規允許的方式受讓公
chief executives of the Company and their respective associates). The      司 回 購 的 公 司 A股 股 票 , 受 讓 價 格 為 人 民 幣 0元 ╱
total number of participants of the Employee Share Ownership Plan          股,參與對象無需出資。
shall not exceed 12,000 persons. The Employee Share Ownership
Plan transfers the A shares of the Company repurchased through non-
trading transfer and other methods permitted by laws and regulations.
The transfer price is RMB0 per share, and the participants do not
need to make any payments.
The 5,511,024 A shares held by the designated securities repurchase        公司回購專用證券賬戶所持有的5,511,024股公司
account of the Company have been transferred to the designated             A股股票已於二零二二年七月十五日以非交易過戶
securities account for the Employee Share Ownership Plan in the form       形式過戶至本次員工持股計劃專用證券賬戶,並全
of non-trading transfer and granted in full on 15 July 2022, and the       部完成授予,緊接授予日前一交易日公司A股股票
closing price of the Company’s A shares was RMB323.00 per share on         收盤價為人民幣323.00元╱股。於本報告日期,上
the trading day immediately preceding the grant date. The aforesaid        述過戶股票數量約佔公司已發行的總股本的比例為
number of shares transferred accounted for approximately 0.189%            0.189%。
of the total issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this
The first lock-up period of the Employee Share Ownership Plan had          本次員工持股計劃第一個鎖定期已於二零二三年七
expired on 15 July 2023, and 30% of the total number of shares of          月十五日屆滿,已解鎖比例為本次員工持股計劃
the Company maintained under the Employee Share Ownership Plan             持有公司股票總數的30%,對應的標的股票數量為
were vested, which corresponds to 1,653,307 A shares, representing         1,653,307股A股股票,佔本公司與本報告日期總股
shares as at the date of this report. The closing price of the Company’s   日,本公司A股股票的收盤價為人民幣264.41元╱
A shares was RMB264.41 per share on the trading day immediately            股。
preceding the vesting date.
     BYD Company Limited
     The term of the Employee Share Ownership Plan shall be 48 months                                            本次員工持股計劃的存續期為48個月,自本次員工
     from the date on which the Employee Share Ownership Plan is                                                 持股計劃經股東大會審議通過且本公司公告最後一
     considered and approved at the general meeting and the Company                                              筆標的股票過戶至本員工持股計劃名下之日起算。
     announces that the last batch of the underlying shares is transferred                                       因此,截至二零二三年六月三十日,本次員工持股
     to the Employee Share Ownership Plan. Thus, the remaining life of the                                       計劃剩餘期限約為37個月。
     Employee Share Ownership Plan is about 37 months as at 30 June
     For details of the Employee Share Ownership Plan and repurchase of                                          有關本次員工持股計劃及回購本公司A股股票的具
     A shares of the Company, please refer to the table below and note 13                                        體內容分別詳見下方表格以及本報告財務報表附註
     to the financial statements in this report, respectively.                                                   13。
     List out below are the details of movement of the A shares under the                                        下文載列於本報告期內及直至本報告日期本次員工
     Employee Share Ownership Plan during the reporting period and up                                            持股計劃項下A股股票的變動詳情:
     to the date of this report:
                                                                                                                                                                                   No. of A shares
                                           No. of A shares                              No. of unvested                                                                               available for
                                              available for        No. of unvested    A shares granted         No. of A shares        No. of A shares         No. of A shares      grant/unvested
                                                grant as at               A shares           during the         vested during    cancelled during the          lapsed during        A shares as at
     Type of participants                  1 January 2023     as at 1 January 2023     reporting period   the reporting period       reporting period    the reporting period        30 June 2023
                                             於二零二三年               於二零二三年                  於本報告期內                                                                                        六月三十日
                                           一月一日可供授予                 一月一日                  授予的未解鎖              於本報告期內                 於本報告期內                  於本報告期內             可供授予的A股股票╱
     參與對象類別                                  A股股票數目            未解鎖A股股票數目                  A股股票數目           解鎖的A股股票數目              註銷的A股股票數目               失效的A股股票數目              未解鎖A股股票數目
     Employee participants (note 1)
     Employee representative supervisors         0 (note 2)              0 (note 2)                  0              0 (note 3)              0 (note 4)             0 (note 4)             0 (note 5)
      and senior management of the
      Company, middle level management
      and core backbone employees of BYD
     本公司職工代表監事及高級管理人員、                            0(附註2)                 0(附註2)                      0               0(附註3)                 0(附註4)                  0(附註4)                 0(附註5)
                                                                                                                                  Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                                   二零二三年中期報告            25
                             MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
Notes:                                                                                           註:
(1)      The participants of the Employee Share Ownership Plan do not                            (1)   本次員工持股計劃參與對象不含本公司董事、
         include directors, chief executives or substantial shareholders of                            最高行政人員或主要股東又或其各自的聯繫
         the Company or their respective associates; or any related entities                           人;亦不含本公司關連實體參與者或服務提供
         or service providers of the Company.                                                          者。
(2)      All the 5,511,024 repurchased A shares were granted on 15                               (2)   5,511,024股 回 購 A 股 股 票 已 於 二 零 二 二 年 七
         July 2022. The closing price of the Company’s A shares was                                    月十五日全部授予。緊接授予日前一交易日本
         RMB323.00 per share on the trading day immediately preceding                                  公司A股股票收盤價為人民幣323.00元╱股。
         the grant date. The fair value of the granted shares as at the date                           於授予日期,授予股票的公允價值為人民幣
         of the grant was RMB1,863,773,000.                                                            1,863,773,000元。
         The A Shares under the Employee Share Ownership Plan will be                                  本次員工持股計劃持有的本公司A股股票分三批
         unlocked in three tranches:                                                                   解鎖:
         (a)    T h e f i r s t u n l o c k i n g p e r i o d s h a l l b e o f 12 m o n t h s         (a)   第一個解鎖期,自本公司公告最後一筆
                commencing from the date of the last transfer of A Shares                                    A股股票過戶至本次員工持股計劃名下
                by the Plan and the relevant announcement by the                                             之日起滿12個月,解鎖數量為本次員工
                Company, with the number of shares unlocked being 30%                                        持股計劃所持有A股股票總數的30%;
                of the total number of A Shares under the Employee Share
                Ownership Plan;
         (b)    The second unlocking period shall be of 24 months                                      (b)   第二個解鎖期,自本公司公告最後一筆
                commencing from the date of the last transfer of A Shares                                    A股股票過戶至本員工持股計劃名下之
                by the Plan and the relevant announcement by the                                             日起算滿24個月,解鎖數量為本次員工
                Company, with the number of shares unlocked being 30%                                        持股計劃所持有A股股票總數的30%;
                of the total number of A Shares under the Employee Share                                     及
                Ownership Plan; and
         (c)    The third unlocking period shall be of 36 months                                       (c)   第三個解鎖期,自本公司公告最後一筆
                commencing from the date of the last transfer of A Shares                                    A股股票過戶至本次員工持股計劃名下
                by the Plan and the relevant announcement by the                                             之日起算滿36個月,解鎖數量為本員工
                Company, and the number of shares unlocked being 40%                                         持股計劃所持有A股股票總數的40%。
                of the total number of A Shares under the Employee Share
                Ownership Plan.
         The vesting of the shares granted is subject to the fulfillment                               授予股票需滿足相關具體條件才可解鎖。關於
         of relevant specific conditions. For the specific conditions for                              授予股票解鎖的具體標準詳見本報告財務附註
         the vesting of the shares granted, please refer to note 13 to the                             13。
         financial statements of this report.
(3)      No A shares were granted during the reporting period.                                   (3)   於本報告期內,並無任何A股股票被授予。
(4)      No A shares were cancelled or lapsed during the reporting period.                       (4)   於本報告期內,並無任何A股股票被註銷或失
(5)      As none of the A shares are vested during the reporting period,                         (5)   由於本報告期內未解鎖任何A股股票,因此本報
         the number of shares that may be transferred in respect of A                                  告期內根據員工持股計劃授予的A股股票可轉讓
         shares granted under Employee Share Ownership Plan during the                                 的股份數量為0。
         reporting period is 0.
     BYD Company Limited
     SUBSIDIARY SHARE OPTION SCHEME                                              子公司股權期權計劃
     References are made to the announcement dated 11 May 2021 and               茲提述本公司日期為二零二一年五月十一日的公
     the circular dated 31 May 2021 (the “Circular”) of the Company in           告及日期為二零二一年五月三十一日的通函( 「該通
     relation to, among others, the proposed adoption of the Subsidiary          函」
     Share Option Scheme. The adoption of the Subsidiary Share Option            計劃。本公司股東於本公司於二零二一年六月十六
     Scheme was approved by the shareholders of the Company at the               日舉行的臨時股東大會上批准採納子公司股權期權
     extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on 16 June 2021.          計劃。
     The purpose of the Subsidiary Share Option Scheme is to, among              子公司股權期權計劃旨在(其中包括)進一步建立及
     others, further establish and improve the incentive mechanism of BYD        完善比亞迪半導體的激勵機制、挽留及激勵人才以
     Semiconductor, retain and motivate talents, and allow all participants      及允許全體參與方聚焦比亞迪半導體的長期發展並
     to focus on the long-term development of BYD Semiconductor and              共同促進其可持續發展。
     jointly promote its sustainable development.
     There are 36 participants in the Subsidiary Share Option Scheme,            子公司股權期權計劃有36名參與者,包括比亞迪半
     including directors (excluding independent non-executive directors),        導體董事(不包括獨立非執行董事)、高級管理層及
     senior management and key personnel (excluding supervisors) of BYD          關鍵人員(不包括監事)。子公司股權期權計劃乃僅
     Semiconductor. The Subsidiary Share Option Scheme is tailored to be         為上述36名參與者量身定制的一次性激勵安排。概
     a one-off incentive arrangement for the aforesaid 36 participants only.     無子公司股權期權計劃的36名激勵參與者乃本公司
     None of the 36 incentive participants of the Subsidiary Share Option        層面的關連人士。有關上述參與者的身份及職位,
     Scheme is a connected person at the Company level. For details of           請參閱該通函。
     the identity and positions of the aforesaid participants, please refer to
     the Circular.
     The number of shares of BYD Semiconductor in respect of which the           涉及股權期權的比亞迪半導體股份數目為
     share options involved is 33,088,235 shares (representing 7.353%            33,088,235股(於本報告日期佔比亞迪半導註冊股本
     of the registered share capital of BYD Semiconductor as at the date         的7.353%)。子公司股權期權計劃項下涉及的比亞迪
     of this report), and the cumulative total number of shares of BYD           半導體累計股份總數及比亞迪半導體所有其他計劃
     Semiconductor involved under the Subsidiary Share Option Scheme             不應超過比亞迪半導體於二零二一年六月十六日(本
     and all other schemes of BYD Semiconductor shall not exceed 10%             公司臨時股東大會批准子公司股權期權計劃之日)已
     of the total share capital of BYD Semiconductor in issue as at 16 June      發行股本總額的10%。於本報告日期,根據子公司
     Scheme by the extraordinary general meeting of the Company. As              4.54元授予比亞迪半導體36名僱員合共33,088,235
     at the date of this report, an aggregate of 33,088,235 share options,       份股權期權(即子公司股權期權計劃項下可授予的所
     representing all the share options which could be granted under the         有股權期權)。截至二零二三年六月三十日,已授
     Subsidiary Share Option Scheme, were granted to 36 employees                予的33,088,235份股權期權中,由於僱員辭任導致
     of BYD Semiconductor pursuant to the terms and conditions of the            314,627份股權期權已失效並註銷。
     Subsidiary Share Option Scheme at the exercise price of RMB4.54
     per share. As of 30 June 2023, 314,627 share options out of the
     of the resignation of an employee.
                                                                                                        Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                         二零二三年中期報告            27
The validity period of the Subsidiary Share Option Scheme shall            子公司股權期權計劃的有效期自股權期權授予日起
commence from the grant date of the share options and end on               至激勵對象獲授的股權期權全部行權或注銷之日
the date on which all the share options granted to the incentive           止,最長不超過十年。根據子公司股權期權計劃授
participants have been exercised or cancelled, which shall not be          予的股權期權應分三期行使,相應等待期應自授予
longer than 10 years. The share options granted under the Subsidiary       日期起分別為24個月、36個月及48個月。截至二
Share Option Scheme shall be exercised in three tranches, and the          零二三年六月三十日止,子公司股權期權計劃第一
corresponding vesting periods shall be 24 months, 36 months and            個行權期的可行權股權期權為9,826,411份,其中
there were 9,826,411 exercisable share options for the first exercise      權期權因逾期未行權已注銷。有關行使期、作為股
period of the Subsidiary Share Option Scheme, of which 6,218,756           權期權行使條件的績效考核目標的詳情及子公司股
share options had been exercised and the remaining 3,607,655 share         權期權計劃的進一步詳情,請參閱該通函及本報告
options had been cancelled as they were not exercised during the           的財務報表附註13。
exercise period. For further details of the exercise period, performance
appraisal objectives (as conditions of the exercise of the share
options) and further details of the Subsidiary Share Option Scheme,
please refer to the Circular and note 13 to the financial statements in
this report.
SHARE CAPITAL                                                              股本
As of 30 June 2023, the share capital of the Company is as follows:        於二零二三年六月三十日,本公司的股本如下:
                                                                                       Number of       Approximate
                                                                                   shares in issue   percentage (%)
                                                                                   已發行股份數目            約佔百分比(%)
A Shares                                      A股                                    1,813,142,855                 62.28
H Shares                                      H股                                    1,098,000,000                 37.72
Total                                         總數                                    2,911,142,855               100.00
     BYD Company Limited
     SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT HELD AND MATERIAL                                     所持重大投資及重大收購及出售附屬公司、
     ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS OF SUBSIDIARIES,                                  聯營公司及合營公司
     During the reporting period, there was no significant investment held,       於本報告期內,概無所持重大投資及重大收購及出
     material acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries, associates and joint      售附屬公司、聯營公司及合營公司。
     CAPITAL COMMITMENT                                                           資本承擔
     Please refer to note 15 to the financial statements for details of capital   有關資本承擔業務的詳情,請參閱財務報表附註
     commitments.                                                                 15。
     CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                       或有負債
     Please refer to note 14 to the financial statements for details of           有關或有負債的詳情,請參閱財務報表附註14。
     contingent liabilities.
     EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE                                          資產負債表日後事項
     Please refer to note 18 to the financial statements for details of events    有關資產負債表日後事項的詳情,請參閱財務報表
     after the balance sheet date.                                                附註18。
                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            29
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                                                     企業管治
COMPLIANCE WITH THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE                            遵守企業管治守則(
The board of directors of the Company (the “Board”) is committed to      本公司董事會(
maintaining and ensuring high standards of corporate governance          規處於高水平。
The Board emphasises on maintaining a quality Board with a balance       董事會強調維持董事會的素質,各董事須具備不同
of expertise, transparency and accountability in order to enhance        的專長,透明度高而問責制度有效,務求提升股東
shareholders’ value. In the opinion of the Board, the Company has        價值。董事會認為,本公司於期內符合上市規則附
complied with the applicable code provisions as set out in Appendix      錄十四所載的適用守則條列,除以下所述的偏離行
Code Provision C.2.1                                                     守則條文C.2.1
Code provision C.2.1 stipulates that the roles of chairman and chief     守則條文C.2.1規定主席與行政總裁的角色應有區
executive should be separate and should not be performed by the          分,並不應由一人同時兼任。
same individual.
Mr. Wang Chuan-fu is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of         王傳福先生為本公司的主席兼行政總裁。董事會認
the Company. The Board considers that this structure will not impair     為此架構不會影響董事會與管理層兩者之間的權利
the balance of power and authority between the Board and the             和職權的平衡。本公司董事會由極具經驗和才幹的
management. The Board of the Company comprises experienced               成員組成,並定期開會,以商討影響本集團運作的
and high caliber individuals and meets regularly to discuss issues       事項。透過董事會的運作,足以確保權利和職權得
affecting operations of the Group. The balance of power and authority    到平衡。董事會相信此架構有助於建立穩健而一致
is ensured by the operation of the Board. The Board believes that this   的領導權,使本集團能夠迅速及有效地作出及實施
structure is conducive to strong and consistent leadership, enabling     各項決定。董事會對王先生充滿信心,相信委任他
the Group to make and implement decisions promptly and efficiently.      出任主席兼行政總裁之職,會有利於本公司的業務
The Board has full confidence in Mr. Wang and believes that his          發展。
appointment to the posts of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is
beneficial to the business development of the Company.
Code Provision C.1.6                                                     守則條文C.1.6
Code provision C.1.6 stipulates that independent non-executive           守則條文第C.1.6條規定,獨立非執行董事及非執行
directors and non-executive directors should attend general meetings.    董事應出席股東大會。鑒於部分非執行董事在相關
Some of the non-executive Directors did not attend the annual general    時間因有個人公務,無法全數出席於二零二三年六
meeting held on 8 June 2023 due to personal affairs at the relevant      月八日舉行的股東週年大會。
     BYD Company Limited
     COMPLIANCE WITH THE MODEL CODE FOR SECURITIES                            遵守上市公司董事進行證券交易的標準守則
     The Company has adopted the Model Code for Securities Transactions       本公司已採用上市規則附錄十所載的上市公司董事
     by Directors of Listed Issuers (the “Model Code”) as set out in          進行證券交易的標準守則(
     Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules as the code of conduct regarding        證券交易的操守守則。經向全體董事作出特定查詢
     securities transactions by the Directors. Having made specific enquiry   後,各董事確認在本期間內已遵守標準守則的規定
     of all Directors, each of the Directors has confirmed compliance with    標準。
     the required standard set out in the Model Code during the Period.
     DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO RULE 13.51B(1) OF THE LISTING                     根據上市規則第13.51B (1)條進行的披露
     Mr. Cai Hong-ping has no longer served as an independent non-            蔡洪平先生已自二零二三年二月二十七日起不再擔
     executive director of COSCO SHIPPING Development Co., Ltd. (中遠           任中遠海運發展股份有限公司(一間於香港聯交所
     海運發展股份有限公司) (a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock                     及深交所上市的公司,股份代號:H股:02866;A
     Exchange and the SZSE, stock code: H shares: 02866; A shares:            股:601866)的獨立非執行董事。
     Mr. Zhang Min has no longer served as an independent non-executive       張敏先生已自二零二三年五月十九日不再擔任北京
     director of Beijing SPC Environment Protection Tech Co., Ltd. (北京清       清新環境技術股份有限公司(一間於深交所上市的公
     新環境技術股份有限公司) (a company listed on the SZSE, stock code:                  司,股份代號:002573)的獨立非執行董事。
     Save as disclosed above, there is no information required to be          除上文所披露者,於本報告期內,概無資料須根據
     disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51B(1) of the Listing Rules during the     上市規則第13.51B(1)條予以披露。
     reporting period.
     PURCHASE, SALE OR REDEMPTION OF THE COMPANY’ S                           買賣或贖回本公司上市證券
     Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries had purchased, sold      於截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月,本公司或
     or redeemed any of the listed securities of the Company for the six      其任何附屬公司均概無買賣或贖回本公司任何上市
     months ended 30 June 2023.                                               證券。
     THE BOARD’S DIVERSITY POLICY                                             董事會多元化政策
     The Board has adopted the Board Diversity Policy, which sets out         董事會已採用多元化政策,其中載有董事會多元化
     the approach to the diversity of Board. The Company recognises the       之方針。本公司認同董事會成員多元化對企業管治
     importance of diversity to corporate governance and an effective         及董事會行之有效的重要性,董事會成員多元化政
     Board. The Board Diversity Policy aims to set out the approach to        策旨在列載為達致董事會成員多元化而採取的方
     achieve Board diversity, so as to ensure that the Board members          針,以確保董事會根據本公司業務所需具備適當的
     possess appropriate skills, experience and diverse views necessary       技能、經驗及多元化觀點。本公司董事會及提名
     for the business of the Company. In determining the Board                委員會在設定董事會成員組合時,會從多方面考慮
     composition, the Board and Nomination Committee of the Company           董事會成員多元化,包括但不限於性別、年齡、文
     consider a range of diversity elements, including but not limited to     化及教育背景、專業經驗、技能及知識。董事會所
     gender, age, cultural and educational background, professional           有委任均以用人唯才為原則,並以客觀準則考慮人
     experience, skills and knowledge. All appointments of the Board will     選,充分顧及董事會多元化的裨益。
     be made based on merit and objective criteria while taking into full
     account the interest of the Board’s diversity.
                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                               二零二三年中期報告            31
The selection of candidates will be based on a range of diversity          甄選人 選將基於一系列多元化觀點及將定期審閱的
elements and measurable objectives which will be reviewed regularly.       可計量目標。這些可計量目標包括但不限於性別、
Such measurable objectives shall include, but be not limited to,           年齡、文化背景、教育背景、專業經驗、技能、知
gender, age, cultural and educational background, professional             識及╱或服務年期等。最終將按所選人 選的優點及
experience, skills, knowledge and/or terms of service. The final           其將為董事會帶來的貢獻而作出決定。此外,根據
decision will be made according to the strengths of the candidate          守則第B.1.3守則條文,董事會應每年檢討發行人的
and his/her contribution that would bring to the Board. Furthermore,       董事會多元化政策的實施情況及有效性。提名委員
pursuant to code provision B.1.3 of the Code, the Board should             會已履行其年內上述職責,包括甄選人 選及審閱公
review the implementation and effectiveness of the issuer’s policy on      司的董事會多元化政策的實施情況及有效性。經考
board diversity on an annual basis. The Nomination Committee has           慮本公司業務及發展需求,提名委員會認為現任董
performed the above duties in terms of selection of candidates and         事會在技能、經驗、知識、服務年限及獨立性方面
review of the implementation and effectiveness of the Company’s            充分表現多樣化格局。
diversity policy during the year. Having considered the business
and development needs of the Company, the Nomination Committee
considers that the current Board is sufficiently diversified in terms of
its skills, experience, knowledge, length of service and independence.
There were female members in the previous sessions of the Board            本公司歷屆董事會不乏女性董事成員。但截至本報
of the Company. However, as at the date of this report, all members        告發佈之日,第七屆(本屆)董事會成員均為男性。
of the Seventh Session (current session) of the Board are male.            本屆董事會董事經股東提名,於二零二零年八月二
The Director for this session of the Board were nominated by the           十一日經提名委員會及第六屆董事會審核通過,並
shareholders, and have been considered and approved by the                 提交公司股東於二零二零年九月八日的臨時股東大
Nomination Committee and the Sixth Session of the Board on 21              會上審議通過並予以委任(合稱「本屆董事會委任程
August 2020. In addition, they were appointed after consideration and      序」,本屆董事會成員任期為自二零二零年九月八日
approval at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held          起三年。本公司於本屆董事會委任程序實施期間,
on 8 September 2020 (collectively, the “Appointment Procedures for         委任董事考慮的因素包括但不限於年齡、文化及教
this Session of the Board”). This session of the Board has a term of 3     育背景、專業經驗、技能及知識等,本公司並未將
years with effect from 8 September 2020. During the implementation         性別作為限制選擇董事會候選人人 選的重要因素。
of the Appointment Procedures for this Session of the Board, when
appointing the Directors, factors to be taken into consideration by the
Company are not limited to age, cultural and educational background,
professional experience, skills and knowledge, etc., and gender is not
regarded as an important restriction on the candidate selection for the
To comply with Rule 13.92 of the Listing Rules, the Company is             為遵守上市規則13.92,本公司正考慮於二零二四年
contemplating to include a female director to join the Board by 31         十二月三十一日之前通過不同渠道(如聘請人力資源
December 2024 via different channels such as by engaging human             機構為董事會物色潛在的繼承人並在未來數年內增
resources agencies to identify potential successors for the Board and      加性別多元化(如適用) )新添女性董事加入董事會,
enhance gender diversity in the coming years, if necessary, and will       並著重將性別納入本公司實現董事會多元化的考量
emphasize to include gender as a factor to be taken into consideration     因素之一。
for achieving the Board diversity.
     BYD Company Limited
     AUDIT COMMITTEE                                                         審核委員會
     A meeting was convened by the Company’s audit committee on              本公司審核委員會於二零二三年八月二十八日召開
     adopted by the Group and to discuss auditing, internal control, risk    核數、內部監控、風險管理及財務申報事宜(包括截
     management and financial reporting matters (including reviewing the     至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月的財務報表),其
     financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2023) before      後方向董事會建議批准有關事宜。
     recommending them to the Board for approval.
     The audit committee has reviewed the results of the Group for the six   審核委員會已審閱本集團截至二零二三年六月三十
     months ended 30 June 2023.                                              日止六個月的業績。
     INTERIM DIVIDEND                                                        中期股息
     The Board does not recommend the distribution of interim dividend for   董事會不建議派付截至二零二三年六月三十日止六
     the six months ended 30 June 2023 (for the six months ended 30 June     個月期間的中期股息(截至二零二二年六月三十日止
                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                               二零二三年中期報告            33
DIRECTORS’, SUPERVISORS’ AND CHIEF EXECUTIVES’                              董事、監事及最高行政人員權益
As at 30 June 2023, the interests and short positions of each of the        於二零二三年六月三十日,本公司董事、監事及最
Directors, supervisors and chief executives of the Company in the           高行政人員各自於本公司或任何相聯法團(定義見香
shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company or any              港法例第571章證券及期貨條例(
associated corporation (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities     第XV部)的股份、相關股份及債券中擁有根據證券及
and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“SFO”))           期貨條例第XV部第7及8分部須知會本公司及香港聯
which were required to be notified to the Company and the Hong              交所的權益及淡倉(包括根據證券及期貨條例有關條
Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the         文持有或被視為擁有的權益),或根據證券及期貨條
SFO (including interests which he is taken or deemed to have under          例第352條須記錄於指定登記冊,或根據香港聯交所
such provisions of the SFO) or were required, pursuant to Section 352       證券上市規則的上市公司董事進行證券交易的標準
of the SFO, to be entered into the register referred to therein, or which   守則須知會本公司及香港聯交所的權益(就此目的而
were required, pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions       言,證券及期貨條例的相關條文將詮釋為適用於監
by Directors of Listed Issuers under the Rules Governing the Listing        事)如下:
of Securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, to be notified to the
Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (for this purpose, the
relevant provisions of the SFO will be interpreted as if they applied to
the supervisors) were as follows:
A shares of RMB1.00 each                                                    每股面值人民幣1.00元的A股
                                                                                           Approximate      percentage of
                                                                                          percentage of     shareholding
                                                                                          shareholding            in total
                                                                                         in total issued     issued share
                                                                                           A shares (%)        capital (%)
                                                                            Number of    持股量佔已發行           持股量佔已發行
                                                                             A shares         A股總數的            股本總額的
Name                                  姓名                                      A股數目       概約百分比(%)          概約百分比(%)
Wang Chuan-fu                         王傳福                              513,623,850 (L)          28.33%               17.64%
 (Director and President)             (董事兼總裁)                                 (Note 1)
Lv Xiang-yang                         呂向陽                              394,378,222 (L)          21.75%               13.55%
  (Director)                          (董事)                                    (Note 2)
Xia Zuo-quan                          夏佐全                               82,635,607 (L)            4.56%                2.84%
  (Director)                          (董事)
(L) – Long Position                                                         (L) – 好倉
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes:                                                                         附註:
              held by Mr. Wang in No.1 Assets Management Plan through E                     過易方達資產比亞迪增持1號資產管理計劃持有
              Fund BYD.                                                                     的3,727,700股A股股份。
              Mr. Lv in his personal capacity and 155,149,602 A shares were                 股由呂先生以個人身份持有及155,149,602股A
              held by Youngy Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (融捷投資                       股由融捷投資控股集團有限公司(     「融捷投資」,
              控股集團有限公司) (“Youngy Investment”, formerly known as                             前稱為廣州融捷投資管理集團有限公司)持有。
              Guangzhou Youngy Equity Investment Co., Ltd (廣州融捷股權投資                         融捷投資則由呂先生及其配偶分別持有89.5%
              有限公司)). Youngy Investment was in turn held by Mr. Lv and his                  及10.5%股權,因此根據證券及期貨條例,呂
              spouse as to 89.5% and 10.5% of equity interests, respectively.               先生被視為於該155,149,602股 A股中擁有權
              Mr. Lv was therefore deemed to be interested in the 155,149,602 A             益。
              shares under the SFO.
     H shares of RMB1.00 each                                                       每股人民幣1.00元的H股
                                                                                                    Approximate      percentage of
                                                                                                   percentage of     shareholding
                                                                                                   shareholding            in total
                                                                                                  in total issued     issued share
                                                                                                    H shares (%)        capital (%)
                                                                                    Number of     持股量佔已發行           持股量佔已發行
                                                                                     H shares          H股總數的            股本總額的
     Name                                   姓名                                        H股數目        概約百分比(%)          概約百分比(%)
     Wang Chuan-fu                          王傳福                                   1,000,000 (L)            0.09%             0.03%
       (Director and President)             (董事兼總裁)
     Xia Zuo-quan                           夏佐全                                    500,000 (L)             0.05%             0.02%
       (Director)                           (董事)                                        (Note)
     (L) – Long Position                                                            (L) – 好倉
     Note:                                                                          附註:
     Of the 500,000 H shares, 195,000 H shares were held by Mr. Xia as a            於500,000股 H股之中,夏先生以實益擁有人身份
     beneficial owner and 305,000 H shares were held by Sign Investments            持有195,000股H股,而由夏先生全資擁有的Sign
     Limited, which was wholly-owned by Mr. Xia.                                    Investments Limited則持有305,000股H股。
                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                               二零二三年中期報告            35
Saved as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2023, none of the Directors,     除上述披露者外,於二零二三年六月三十日,概無
supervisors or chief executives of the Company had any interest or       本公司董事、監事或最高行政人員於本公司或其任
short position in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the     何 相 聯 法 團(定 義 見 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第 XV部)的 股
Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning        份、相關股份或債權證中擁有權益或淡倉而須(a)記
of Part XV of the SFO) which was required to be (a) recorded in          錄於本公司根據證券及期貨條例第352條存置的登記
the register to be kept by the Company pursuant to Section 352 of        冊內;或(b)根據上市公司董事進行證券交易的標準
the SFO; or (b) notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock          守則須知會本公司及香港聯交所。
Exchange pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions by
Directors of Listed Issuers.
SHAREHOLDERS WITH NOTIFIABLE INTERESTS                                   擁有須予知會權益的股東
As at 30 June 2023, to the knowledge of the Directors of the Company,    於二零二三年六月三十日,就本公司董事所知,以
the following persons (other than the Directors, supervisors and chief   下人士(不包括本公司董事、監事及最高行政人員)
executives of the Company) had interests or short positions in the       於本公司股份及相關股份中擁有根據證券及期貨條
shares and underlying shares of the Company which were required          例第XV部第2及3分部須向本公司及香港聯交所披露
to be disclosed to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange          或根據證券及期貨條例第336條載入本公司存置的登
under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or      記冊的權益或淡倉:
were required to be entered in the register kept by the Company
pursuant to Section 336 of the SFO:
                                                                                         Approximate         Approximate
                                                                                        percentage of       percentage of
                                                                                      shareholding in       shareholding
                                                                                          total issued     in total issued
                                                                                         A shares (%)    share capital (%)
                                                                         Number of     持股量佔已發行            持股量佔已發行
                                                                          A shares            A股總數             股本總額的
Name                                名稱                                     A股數目       的概約百分比(%)            概約百分比(%)
Youngy Investment (Note)            融捷投資(附註)                        155,149,602 (L)             8.56%                  5.33%
(L) – Long Position                                                      (L) – 好倉
Note:                                                                    附註:
Youngy Investment is owned by Mr. Lv Xiang-yang, a non-executive         融捷投資由本公司非執行董事呂向陽先生擁有89.5%權
Director of the Company, as to 89.5%. Mr. Lv is therefore deemed to be   益。因此,根據證券及期貨條例,呂先生被視為於融捷
interested in the 155,149,602 A shares held by Youngy Investment under   投資持有的155,149,602股A股中擁有權益。
the SFO.
     BYD Company Limited
                                                                                                            Approximate             percentage of
                                                                                                           percentage of            shareholding
                                                                                                           shareholding                   in total
                                                                                                          in total issued            issued share
                                                                                                            H shares (%)               capital (%)
                                                                                       Number of          持股量佔已發行                  持股量佔已發行
                                                                                        H shares               H股總數的                   股本總額的
     Name                                  名稱                                            H股數目             概約百分比(%)                 概約百分比(%)
     Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (Note 1)      Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
                                                                (附註1)               98,603,142 (L)                  8.98%                    3.39%
     Berkshire Hathaway Energy (Note 1)    Berkshire Hathaway Energy
                                                                   (附註1)            98,603,142 (L)                  8.98%                    3.39%
     Western Capital Group LLC (Note 1)    Western Capital Group LLC
                                                                   (附註1)            98,603,142 (L)                  8.98%                    3.39%
     BlackRock, Inc. (Note 2)              BlackRock, Inc.
                                                         (附註2)                      56,981,853 (L)                  5.19%                    1.96%
     (L) – Long Position                                                              (L) – 好倉
     Notes:                                                                           附註:
              Energy Company (formerly known as MidAmerican Energy                            Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company(原名
              Holdings Company) is deemed to be interested in 98,603,142                      為MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company)
              H Shares (L) through 98,603,142 H Shares directly held by its                   分別被視為透過其間接控制公司及全資持有公
              indirectly controlled corporation and wholly-owned corporation,                 司Western Capital Group LLC所直接持有的
              Western Capital Group LLC, respectively.                                        98,603,142股H股,於98,603,142股H股(L)之中
              controlled corporations, and of which 306,500 long positions were               有,其中306,500股好倉為現金結算非上市衍生
              cash settled unlisted derivatives, and 348,500 short positions were             工具,及348,500股淡倉為現金結算非上市衍生
              cash settled unlisted derivatives.                                              工具。
     The total issued share capital of the Company as at 30 June 2023 was             於二零二三年六月三十日,本公司已發行股本總額
     RMB2,911,142,855, divided into 1,813,142,855 A shares of RMB1.00                 為人民幣2,911,142,855元,分為1,813,142,855股每
     each and 1,098,000,000 H shares of RMB1.00 each, all fully paid up.              股面值人民幣1.00元的A股及1,098,000,000股每股
                                                                                           Interim Report 2023
                                                                                            二零二三年中期報告            37
                                                       Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                  RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                              二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                              六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                      Note   (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                      附註     (未經審計)         (經審計)
Assets                                       資產
Current assets                               流動資產
 Monetary funds                               貨幣資金                            79,811,263    51,471,263
 Financial assets held for trading            交易性金融資產                         13,064,442    20,626,930
  Trade receivables                           應收賬款                     9      49,058,860    38,828,494
 Receivables financing                        應收款項融資                           7,682,528    12,894,284
 Prepayments                                  預付款項                             4,279,607     8,223,567
 Other receivables                            其他應收款                            2,011,167     1,910,009
 Inventories                                  存貨                              86,900,482    79,107,199
 Contract assets                              合同資產                             5,081,675    13,552,998
 Long-term receivables due within one year    一年內到期的長期應收款                      3,375,928     1,052,562
 Other current assets                         其他流動資產                          14,741,182    13,136,201
Total current assets                         流動資產合計                          266,007,134   240,803,507
Non-current assets                           非流動資產
 Long-term receivables                        長期應收款                            4,985,692     1,118,637
 Long-term equity investments                 長期股權投資                          16,473,886    15,485,402
 Other equity instrument investments          其他權益工具投資                         5,197,914     4,418,584
 Other non-current financial assets           其他非流動金融資產                        2,429,094     2,147,140
 Investment properties                        投資性房地產                              83,757        85,005
  Fixed assets                                固定資產                           181,104,955   131,880,369
  Construction in progress                    在建工程                            51,589,600    44,621,935
  Right-of-use assets                         使用權資產                            3,488,015     3,137,327
  Intangible assets                           無形資產                            30,614,510    23,223,497
  Development expenditures                    開發支出                             1,592,627     1,683,000
  Goodwill                                    商譽                                  65,914        65,914
  Long-term deferred expenditures             長期待攤費用                             796,848       458,108
  Deferred tax assets                         遞延所得稅資產                          5,206,915     3,686,905
  Other non-current assets                    其他非流動資產                         21,496,546    21,045,316
Total non-current assets                     非流動資產合計                         325,126,273   253,057,139
Total assets                                 資產總計                            591,133,407   493,860,646
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial   後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
     BYD Company Limited
     Consolidated Balance Sheet
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                   二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                   六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                          Notes   (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                          附註      (未經審計)         (經審計)
     Liabilities                                     負債
     Current liabilities                             流動負債
       Short-term borrowings                          短期借款                          9,835,141     5,153,098
       Financial liabilities held for trading         交易性金融負債                         140,697        54,605
       Bills payables                                 應付票據                 10       3,603,387     3,328,419
       Trade payables                                 應付賬款                 11     165,489,829   140,437,310
       Contract liabilities                           合同負債                         35,084,866    35,516,571
       Employee benefits payables                     應付職工薪酬                       14,584,427    12,037,011
       Tax payables                                   應交稅費                          4,452,682     4,326,394
       Other payables                                 其他應付款                       159,018,267   122,123,841
       Provision                                      預計負債                          2,040,652     1,287,452
       Non-current liabilities due within one year    一年內到期的非流動負債                   7,225,482     6,464,828
       Other current liabilities                      其他流動負債                        2,214,171     2,615,032
     Total current liabilities                       流動負債合計                       403,689,601   333,344,561
     Non-current liabilities                         非流動負債
      Long-term borrowings                            長期借款                          7,760,844     7,593,596
      Bond payables                                   應付債券                                  –             –
      Lease liabilities                               租賃負債                          2,852,484     2,617,274
      Deferred tax liabilities                        遞延所得稅負債                       2,612,819     2,018,530
      Other non-current liabilities                   其他非流動負債                      43,816,503    26,896,848
     Total non-current liabilities                   非流動負債合計                       57,042,650    39,126,248
     Total liabilities                               負債合計                         460,732,251   372,470,809
     The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial   後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
                                                                                                      Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                       二零二三年中期報告            39
                                                                 Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                            RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                       二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                       六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                            Note      (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                            附註        (未經審計)         (經審計)
Shareholders’ equity                              股東權益
Shareholders’ equity                              股東權益
  Share capital                                    股本                       12          2,911,143       2,911,143
  Capital reserve                                  資本公積                                62,265,717      61,705,893
  Less: Treasury shares                            減:庫存股                                1,809,920       1,809,920
  Other comprehensive income                       其他綜合收益                                 870,198         428,332
  Special reserve                                  專項儲備                                    17,011          12,078
  Surplus reserve                                  盈餘公積                                 6,838,541       6,838,541
  Undistributed profit                             未分配利潤                               48,572,852      40,943,232
Total shareholders’ equity attributable to        歸屬於母公司股東權益合計
  the parent company                                                                  119,665,542     111,029,299
Non-controlling interests                         少數股東權益                               10,735,614      10,360,538
Total shareholders’ equity                        股東權益合計                              130,401,156     121,389,837
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity        負債和股東權益總計                           591,133,407     493,860,646
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial         後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
The financial statement was signed by the following persons:            財務報表由以下人士簽署:
Legal representative:                        Chief Financial Officer:        Head of Accounting Department:
Wang Chuan-fu                                 Zhou Ya-lin                    Liu Hui
法定代表人:                                       主管會計工作負責人:                      會計機構負責人:
王傳福                                          周亞琳                             劉惠
     BYD Company Limited
     Consolidated Income Statement
     Six months ended 30 June 2023
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                                 For the         For the
                                                                                            six months       six months
                                                                                                  ended          ended
                                                                                                    截至             截至
                                                                                            二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                          六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                            六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                                  Notes    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                                  附註       (未經審計)           (未經審計)
     I.     Operating revenue                             一、 營業收入                  5       260,124,143      150,607,252
            Less: Operating costs                            減: 營業成本               5       212,451,556      130,265,478
                  Tax and surcharge                             稅金及附加                        4,648,323        2,380,322
                  Selling expenses                              銷售費用                        10,838,054        4,722,663
                  Administrative expenses                       管理費用                         6,818,637        3,670,510
                  Research and development expenses             研發費用                        13,834,648        5,424,256
                  Finance expenses                              財務費用                        (1,102,954)        (898,445)
                    Including: Interest expenses                 其中:利息費用                       977,473          652,684
                                Interest income                     利息收入                     1,168,146          844,379
            Add: Other income                                加: 其他收益                         1,857,641          649,549
                  Investment gain/(loss)                        投資收益╱(損失)                      590,770         (369,664)
                  Including: Investment gains/(losses)          其中:對聯營企業和合營企業
                                in associates and                    的投資收益╱(損失)
                                joint ventures                                                 597,938         (404,634)
                              Loss on derecognition of             以攤餘成本計量的
                                financial assets measured            金融資產終止確
                                at amortised cost                    認損失                             –          (11,267)
                  Gains/(losses) from changes                   公允價值變動收益╱(損失)
                    in fair value                                                               86,896          (16,041)
                  Impairment losses on credit                   信用減值損失                        (610,523)        (228,157)
                  Impairment losses on asset                    資產減值損失                        (905,154)        (431,992)
                  Gains/(losses) from disposal of assets        資產處置收益╱(損失)                     75,774          (24,047)
     II.    Operating profit                    二、 營業利潤                                     13,731,283        4,622,116
            Add: Non-operating income              加:營業外收入                                     305,965          211,760
            Less: Non-operating expenses           減:營業外支出                                     637,328          192,395
     III.   Total profit                        三、 利潤總額                                     13,399,920        4,641,481
            Less: Income tax expenses              減:所得稅費用                         6         1,960,201          708,345
     IV.    Net profit                          四、 淨利潤                                      11,439,719        3,933,136
     The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial   後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
                                                                                                    Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                     二零二三年中期報告            41
                                                      Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                           Six months ended 30 June 2023
                                                                                    RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                          For the         For the
                                                                                     six months       six months
                                                                                           ended          ended
                                                                                             截至             截至
                                                                                     二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                   六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                     六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                           Notes    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                           附註       (未經審計)           (未經審計)
V.     Classified by continuity of operation        五、 按經營持續性分類
       Net profit from continuing operations           持續經營淨利潤                       11,439,719          3,933,136
VI.    Classified by ownership                      六、 按所有權歸屬分類
       Net profit attributable to shareholders of      歸屬於母公司所有者的淨利潤
         the parent company                                                          10,954,145          3,595,279
       Non-controlling interests                       少數股東損益                           485,574            337,857
VII.   Earnings per share (RMB/share)               七、 每股收益(元╱股)
       Basic earnings per share                        基本每股收益               8              3.77                 1.24
       Diluted earnings per share                      稀釋每股收益               8              3.77                 1.24
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial    後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
     BYD Company Limited
     Consolidated Income Statement
     Six months ended 30 June 2023
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                              For the         For the
                                                                                         six months       six months
                                                                                               ended          ended
                                                                                                 截至             截至
                                                                                         二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                       六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                         六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                               Notes    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                               附註       (未經審計)           (未經審計)
     VIII. Other comprehensive income/(loss)               八、 其他綜合收益╱(虧損)                   450,683          (27,754)
           Other comprehensive income/(loss) that             不能重分類進損益的其他綜合
             cannot be reclassified to profit or loss          收益╱(虧損)
           Changes in fair value of other equity              其他權益工具投資公允價值變動
             instrument investments                                                         496,027           94,158
           Income tax impact                                 所得稅影響                         (122,515)         (17,589)
            Other comprehensive income/(loss)                將重分類進損益的其他綜合收益╱
              that will be reclassified to profit            (虧損)
              or loss
            Exchange difference on foreign currency          外幣報表折算差額
              translation                                                                    29,382          (91,727)
            Changes in fair value of receivables             應收款項融資公允價值變動
              financing                                                                      41,092          (10,850)
            Provision for credit impairment of               應收款項融資信用減值準備
              receivables financing                                                          (2,120)           1,698
            Other comprehensive income/(loss)                歸屬於少數股東的其他綜合收益╱
              attributable to non-controlling interests,     (虧損)的稅後淨額
              net of tax                                                                      8,817           (3,444)
     IX.    Total comprehensive income                     九、 綜合收益總額                     11,890,402        3,905,382
            Among which:                                     其中:
             Total comprehensive income                       歸屬於母公司股東的綜合
               attributable to shareholders of                 收益總額
               the parent company                                                       11,396,011         3,570,969
               Total comprehensive income                     歸屬於少數股東的綜合收益總額
                 attributable to non-controlling
                 interests                                                                  494,391         334,413
     The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial    後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
For the six months ended 30 June 2023 (Unaudited)                                                              截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月期間(未經審計)
                                                                                           Shareholders’ equity attributable to the parent company
                                                                                               Less:         Other                                                                           Non-          Total
                                                                     Share       Capital    Treasury comprehensive            Special         Surplus Undistributed                    controlling shareholders’
                                                                    capital     reserve       shares       income             reserve         reserve         profit      Sub-total      interests        equity
                                                                                                          其他綜合                                                                           少數股東           股東權益
                                                                      股本       資本公積        減:庫存股              收益             專項儲備            盈餘公積         未分配利潤                小計             權益            合計
I.    Opening balance for the period   一、 本期期初餘額                  2,911,143   61,705,893    1,809,920         428,332          12,078       6,838,541     40,943,232    111,029,299    10,360,538    121,389,837
II.   Amount of change in the current period   二、 本期增減變動金額
      (I) Total comprehensive income             (一) 綜合收益總額              –            –            –          441,866               –                –    10,954,145     11,396,011       494,391     11,890,402
      (II) Capital contribution and reduction    (二) 股東投入和減少資本
              by shareholders
                      by shareholders                                    –            –            –                –               –                –             –              –             –              –
                      in shareholders’ equity            權益的金額           –      559,798            –                –               –                –             –       559,798          8,057       567,855
      (III) Profit distribution                  (三) 利潤分配
      (IV) Special reserve                       (四) 專項儲備
            Appropriation for the period             本期提取                –            –            –                –           4,933                –             –          4,933             –          4,933
III. Closing balance for the period    三、 本期期末餘額                  2,911,143   62,265,717    1,809,920         870,198          17,011       6,838,541     48,572,852    119,665,542    10,735,614    130,401,156
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Six months ended 30 June 2023
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements                                     後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
For the six months ended 30 June 2022 (Unaudited)                                                               截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月期間(未經審計)
                                                                                             Shareholders’ equity attributable to the parent company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                BYD Company Limited
                                                                                               Less:         Other                                                                                Non-            Total
                                                                     Share       Capital    Treasury comprehensive               Special          Surplus   Undistributed                   controlling   shareholders’
                                                                    capital      reserve      shares          loss               reserve          reserve            profit    Sub-total      interests         equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                                          其他綜合                                                                               少數股東             股東權益
                                                                      股本       資本公積        減:庫存股              虧損               專項儲備              盈餘公積         未分配利潤                 小計            權益              合計
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Six months ended 30 June 2023
I.    Opening balance for the period   一、 本期期初餘額                  2,911,143   60,807,219            –          (124,055)          10,369        5,009,088     26,455,907      95,069,671    9,174,538      104,244,209
II.   Amount of change in the current period   二、 本期增減變動金額
      (I) Total comprehensive income             (一) 綜合收益總額              –            –             –           (24,310)               –               –       3,595,279       3,570,969      334,413        3,905,382
      (II) Capital contribution and reduction    (二) 股東投入和減少資本
              by shareholders
                      by shareholders                                    –             –            –                 –                –               –                 –             –      178,625          178,625
                      in shareholders’ equity            權益的金額           –       36,918             –                 –                –               –                 –        36,918       14,144           51,062
      (III) Profit distribution                  (三) 利潤分配
      (IV) Special reserve                       (四) 專項儲備
            Appropriation for the period             本期提取                –            –             –                 –            5,474               –                 –         5,474             –           5,474
      (V) Others                                 (五) 其他
            Repurchase rights of minority            子公司少數股東
              shareholders of subsidiaries            回購權                –       30,200             –                 –                –               –                 –       30,200      (106,848)         (76,648)
III. Closing balance for the period    三、 本期期末餘額                  2,911,143   60,885,736    1,809,920          (148,365)          15,843        5,009,088     29,745,516      96,609,041    9,631,225      106,240,266
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements                                      後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
                                                                                                 Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                  二零二三年中期報告            45
                                                Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                         Six months ended 30 June 2023
                                                                                  RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                       For the         For the
                                                                                  six months       six months
                                                                                        ended          ended
                                                                                          截至             截至
                                                                                  二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                  六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                         Note    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                         附註      (未經審計)           (未經審計)
I.   Cash flows from operating activities:        一、 經營活動產生的現金流量:
     Cash received from sales of goods and          銷售商品、提供服務收到的現金
       provision of services                                                     251,313,806      152,837,481
     Tax rebates received                           收到的稅費返還                        7,798,280        4,698,994
     Cash received from other activities            收到其他與經營活動有關的現金
       relating to operations                                                     11,038,425          2,756,183
     Sub-total of cash inflows from operating       經營活動現金流入小計
       activities                                                                270,150,511      160,292,658
     Cash paid for goods and services               購買商品、接受服務支付的現金               125,042,780        86,459,497
     Cash paid to and on behalf of employees        支付給職工以及為職工支付的現金               37,357,054        21,597,732
     Cash paid for various types of taxes           支付的各項稅費                       14,055,372         5,947,505
     Cash paid for other activities relating to     支付其他與經營活動有關的現金
      operations                                                                  11,724,128          3,102,757
     Sub-total of cash outflows from operating      經營活動現金流出小計
       activities                                                                188,179,334      117,107,491
     Net cash flow from operating activities        經營活動產生的現金流量淨額                 81,971,177        43,185,167
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial   後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
     BYD Company Limited
     Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
     Six months ended 30 June 2023
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                             For the         For the
                                                                                        six months       six months
                                                                                              ended          ended
                                                                                                截至             截至
                                                                                        二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                      六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                        六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                               Note    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                               附註      (未經審計)           (未經審計)
     II.    Cash flows from investing activities:      二、 投資活動產生的現金流量:
            Cash received from disposal of                收回投資收到的現金
             investments                                                                         –           13,779
            Cash received from disposals of               處置合營或聯營公司所收到的現金
             joint ventures or associates                                                   72,968                –
            Cash received from gains in investment        取得投資收益收到的現金                      154,379           45,062
            Net cash received from disposals of           處置子公司及其他營業單位收到的
             subsidiaries and other operating entities     現金淨額                             73,840                –
            Net cash received from disposals of fixed     處置固定資產、無形資產和其他
             assets, intangible assets and other           長期資產收回的現金淨額
             long-term assets                                                              241,715         182,747
            Cash received from other activities           收到其他與投資活動有關的現金
             relating to investments                                                    18,467,236        7,602,965
            Sub-total of cash inflows from investing        投資活動現金流入小計
              activities                                                                19,010,138        7,844,553
            Cash paid for purchase and construction         購建固定資產、無形資產和其他
             of fixed assets, intangible assets and          長期資產支付的現金
             other long-term assets                                                     65,936,866       36,128,310
            Cash paid for investments                       投資支付的現金                        960,274        2,463,808
            Cash paid for other activities relating to      支付其他與投資活動有關的現金
             investments                                                                10,649,269       12,060,000
            Sub-total of cash outflows from investing       投資活動現金流出小計
              activities                                                                77,546,409       50,652,118
            Net cash flows used in investing activities     投資活動使用的現金流量淨額              (58,536,271)     (42,807,565)
     III.   Cash flows from financing activities:         三、 籌資活動產生的現金流量:
            Cash received from capital injection             吸收投資收到的現金                           –          276,625
            Cash received from borrowings                    取得借款收到的現金                  17,114,038       19,435,013
            Cash received relating to other financing        收到的其他與籌資活動有關的現金
             activities                                                                     28,233                –
     The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial   後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
                                                                                                 Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                  二零二三年中期報告            47
                                                  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                         Six months ended 30 June 2023
                                                                                  RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                       For the         For the
                                                                                  six months       six months
                                                                                        ended          ended
                                                                                          截至             截至
                                                                                  二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                  六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                         Note    (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                         附註      (未經審計)           (未經審計)
      Sub-total of cash inflows from financing       籌資活動現金流入小計
        activities                                                                17,142,271        19,711,638
      Cash paid for repayment of debts               償還債務支付的現金                    11,667,955        23,418,888
      Cash payments for distribution of              分配股利、利潤或償付利息支付
       dividends, profits or interest expenses        的現金                            853,406            736,927
      Cash paid relating to other financing          支付其他與籌資活動有關的現金
       activities                                                                    570,698          4,558,149
      Sub-total of cash outflows from financing      籌資活動現金流出小計
        activities                                                                13,092,059        28,713,964
      Net cash flows from/(used in) financing        籌資活動產生╱(使用)的現金
       activities                                     流量淨額                         4,050,212         (9,002,326)
IV.   Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 四、 匯率變動對現金及現金等價物
        on cash and cash equivalents              的影響                                560,785            141,750
V.    Net increase/(decrease) in cash and       五、 現金及現金等價物淨增加╱
        cash equivalents                           (減少)額                          28,045,903         (8,482,974)
      Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents    加:期初現金及現金等價物餘額
             at the beginning of the period                                       51,182,457        49,819,860
VI.   Balance of cash and cash equivalents         六、 期末現金及現金等價物餘額
       at the end of the period                                                   79,228,360        41,336,886
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial   後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              BYD Company Limited (the “Company”) is a joint stock limited             比亞迪股份有限公司(「本公司」
              company registered in the People’s Republic of China (the                民共和國(
              “PRC”). The Company’s H shares have been listed on The                   公司的H股自二零零二年七月三十一日起在
              Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited since 31 July 2002. The              香港聯合交易所有限公司上市。本公司的註
              registered office of the Company is located at Yan An Road,              冊辦事處位於中國廣東省深圳市大鵬新區葵
              Kuichong, Dapeng District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province,                 涌鎮延安路。
              the PRC.
              The financial statements have been prepared in accordance                本財務報表按照財政部頒佈的《企業會計準
              with the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises- Basic           則 – 基本準則》以及其後頒佈及修訂的具體
              Standard” issued by the Ministry of Finance and the specific             會計準則、應用指南、解釋以及其他相關規
              accounting standards, application guidelines, interpretations            定(統稱「企業會計準則」)編製。
              and other relevant regulations issued and revised thereafter
              (collectively known as the “ASBE”).
              The financial statements are prepared on a going concern                 本財務報表以持續經營為基礎列報。截至二
              basis. As at 30 June 2023, the Group had net current liabilities         零二三年六月三十日,本集團淨流動負債為
              of RMB137,682,467,000. In view of such circumstances, the                人民幣137,682,467千元,鑒於這種情況,
              management of the Company has given consideration to the                 本公司管理層在評估本集團是否具備足夠財
              future liquidity and financial resources available to the Group,         務資源以持續經營時,已考慮本集團的未來
              which mainly include the net cash flows generated from the               流動資金狀況以及可動用的財務資源,主要
              Group’s operating activities and sufficient financial credit             包括本集團經營活動產生的現金流量淨額和
              facilities, in assessing whether the Group will have sufficient          擁有充足的金融信貸額度,不會因營運資金
              financial resources to continue as a going concern, and will             的短缺而面臨有關持續經營方面的問題,因
              not have any going concern issue as a result of the shortage of          此,本公司管理層認為以持續經營為基礎編
              working capital. Therefore, the management of the Company                製本財務報表是適當的。
              is of the opinion that it is appropriate to prepare the financial
              statements on a going concern basis.
              In the preparation of the financial statements, all items are            編製本財務報表時,除某些金融工具外,均
              recorded by using historical cost as the basis of measurement            以歷史成本為計價原則。資產如果發生減
              except for some financial instruments. Impairment provision              值,則按照相關規定計提相應的減值準備。
              is made according to relevant regulation if the assets are
                                                                                                   Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                    二零二三年中期報告            49
                                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                          RMB’000 人民幣千元
     Changes in accounting policies                                              會計政策變更
     Recognition of deferred income tax relating to the leases                   與租賃有關遞延所得稅的確認
     The interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business              二零二二年十一月發佈的《企業會計準則解
     Enterprises issued in November 2022 provides that the                       釋第16號》規定,對於不是企業合併、交易
     exemption from the requirement to initially recognize deferred              發生時既不影響會計利潤也不影響應納稅所
     income tax does not apply to a single transaction that is not a             得額(或可抵扣虧損)、且初始確認的資產和
     business combination, that affects neither the accounting profit            負債導致產生等額應納稅暫時性差異和可抵
     nor taxable income (or deductible tax losses) at the time of the            扣暫時性差異的單項交易,不適用豁免初始
     transaction, and that results in the creation of an equivalent              確認遞延所得稅的規定。本集團自二零二二
     amount of taxable temporary differences and deductible                      年一月一日執行解釋16號的該項規定,對於
     temporary differences as a result of the initial recognition of             在首次執行解釋16號的財務報表列報最早期
     an asset or liability. The Group has applied the provision of               間的期初,對單項交易涉及的租賃負債和使
     the interpretation No.16 since 1 January 2022 that deferred                 用權資產分別確認遞延所得稅資產和負債,
     income tax assets and liabilities will be recognized for liabilities        遞延稅資產和負債互抵後淨額與原先按淨額
     and right-of-use assets in relation to a single transaction,                確認的金額相等,對於按互抵後淨額列示的
     respectively, at the beginning of the first accounting period               合併資產負債表項目沒有影響。
     that adopts the interpretation No.16, and the net deferred
     income tax assets and liabilities after offsetting will be equal to
     the amounts previously recognized according to net amounts.
     The consolidated balance sheet presented according to the
     net amounts after offsetting will not be affected.
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              Changes in accounting estimates                                          會計估計變更
              Changes in accounting estimates and their reasons                        會計估計變更事項及原因
              As the update and iteration of new energy vehicle technologies           由於新能源汽車技術升級迭代持續加快,對
              continue to accelerate, the requirements of power batteries on           應動力電池在產品結構及性能等方面的要求
              product structure and performance continue to update. The                不斷升級。原先部分技術平台下的動力電池
              original power battery production equipment under some of                生產設備已經無法滿足新產品的生產,其壽
              the technology platforms is not able to meet the requirements            命已經低於原有折舊年限。為了更加客觀、
              for the production of new products, therefore, its useful life           準確地反映公司財務狀況和經營成果,公司
              is below the original depreciation life. To reflect the financial        根據自身固定資產的使用現狀和使用壽命,
              condition and operating results of the Company in a more                 上述動力電池長期資產折舊╱攤銷年限擬統
              objective and accurate way, the Company proposed to change               一變更為3年。
              the long-term asset depreciation and amortization lives of the
              above power batteries to 3 years based on the current use
              condition and useful lives of its fixed assets.
              The changes in accounting estimates, with effect from 1                  此次會計估計變更已於二零二三年三月二十
              January 2023, have been approved at the 31st meeting of                  八日經本公司第七屆董事會第三十一次會
              the Seventh Session of the Board and the 14th meeting of the             議、第七屆監事會第十四次會議決議通過,
              Seventh Session of the Supervisory Committee on 28 March                 自二零二三年一月一日起執行。
              Effects of accounting estimates on financial data                        會計估計對財務數據的影響
              The changes in accounting estimates were accounted for                   本次會計估計變更採用未來適用法進行會計
              based on the prospective application method and did not have             處理,對本公司二零二三年一至六月合併財
              any material effect on the consolidated financial statements of          務報表無重大影響。
              the Company for the six months ended 2023.
                                                                                                 Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                  二零二三年中期報告            51
                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                        RMB’000 人民幣千元
     Operating segment                                                        經營分部
     For management purposes, the Group is organised into                     出於管理目的,本集團根據產品和服務劃分
     business units based on their products and services. With                業務單元。随着電動汽車業務的增長,二次
     the growth of the electric vehicle business, the increase                充電電池主要業務和電動汽車業務關聯度增
     in correlation between the main business of rechargeable                 加,管理層將二次充電電池及光伏分部與汽
     batteries and the electric vehicle business, the management              車、汽車相關產品及其他產品分部合併列
     consolidated the rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic                 示。本集團目前有二個報告分部,分別如
     segment with the automobile, automobile-related products                 下:
     and other products segment. The Group currently has two
     reportable segments as follows:
     a)     the mobile handset components, assembly service and               a)   手機部件、組裝及其他產品分部包括
            other products segment comprises the manufacture                       製造和銷售外殼等手機及電子產品部
            and sale of mobile handset components such as                          件並提供整機組裝服務;
            housings and electronic components and the provision
            of assembly services;
     b)     the automobiles and related products and other                    b)   汽車、汽車相關產品及其他產品分部
            products segment comprises the manufacture and sale                    包括製造和銷售汽車、汽車相關的模
            of automobiles and auto-related molds and components                   具及零部件、汽車租賃和汽車的售後
            and automobile leasing and after sales services,                       服務、汽車動力電池、儲能產品、消
            automobile power batteries, energy storage products,                   費類電池以及光伏產品、軌道交通及
            consumer batteries and photovoltaic products, rail                     其相關業務。
            transport and its related business.
     Management monitors the results of the Group’s operating                  管理層出於配置資源和評價業績的決策目
     segments separately for the purpose of making decisions                   的,對各業務單元的經營成果分開進行管
     about resources allocation and performance assessment.                    理。分部業績以報告的分部利潤為基礎進行
     Segment performance is evaluated based on reportable                      評價。該指標系對利潤總額進行調整後的指
     segment profit. The adjusted profit before tax is measured                標,除不包括公允價值變動損益、財務費用
     consistently with the Group’s profit before tax except that gains        (除租賃負債利息支出和匯兌損益)、營業外
     or losses arising from changes in fair value, finance costs               收入、其他收益、資產處置損失、營業外支
     (excluding interest expenses on lease liabilities and exchange            出、投資收益(除對聯營企業和合營企業的投
     gains or losses), non-operating income, other income, losses              資收益外)、銷售房產收入、對應的成本和稅
     on disposal of assets, non-operating expenses, investment                 費以及本公司作為集團總部發生的管理費用
     income (excluding investment income from associates and joint             之外,該指標與本集團利潤總額是一致的。
     ventures), income from sales of properties, the corresponding
     costs and tax, as well as administrative expenses incurred by
     the Company as the Group’s headquarter are excluded from
     such measurement.
     Segment assets exclude deferred tax assets, goodwill, financial          分部資產不包括遞延所得稅資產、商譽、交
     assets held for trading, other equity instrument investments,            易性金融資產、其他權益工具投資、其他非
     other non-current financial assets, investment properties and            流動金融資產、投資性房地產和本公司作為
     assets occupied by the Company as the Group’s headquarter                集團總部佔用的資產,原因在於這些資產均
     as these assets are managed on a group basis.                            由本集團統一管理。
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              Operating segment (continued)                                                  經營分部(續)
              Segment liabilities exclude deferred tax liabilities, tax payable,             分部負債不包括遞延所得稅負債、應交稅
              other current liabilities, other non-current liabilities, short-term           費、其他流動負債、其他非流動負債、短期
              borrowings, long-term borrowings, bonds payable, interest                      借款、長期借款、應付債券、其他應付款中
              payable and dividends payable in other payables, financial                     的應付利息和應付股利、交易性金融負債和
              liabilities held for trading and liabilities assumed by the                    本公司作為集團總部而負擔的負債,原因在
              Company as the Group’s headquarter as these liabilities are                    於這些負債均由本集團統一管理。
              managed on a group basis.
              Transfer pricing in operating segments is determined with                      經營分部間的轉移定價,按照經營分部間的
              reference to the agreed price among operating segments.                        協議價格制定。
                                                                                       components,      Automobiles
                                                                                          assembly       and related   Adjustments
                                                                                        service and    products and             and
                                                                                     other products   other products   eliminations          Total
                                                                                         手機部件、                汽車、
              For the six months ended 30 June 2023            截至二零二三年六月三十日                  組裝及        汽車相關產品
              (Unaudited)                                      止六個月期間(未經審計)                其他產品           及其他產品         調整和抵銷                 合計
              Revenue from external trading                    對外交易收入                    51,090,165     208,823,603         210,375    260,124,143
              Revenue from inter-segment trading               分部間交易收入                    5,248,582       2,924,979      (8,173,561)             –
              Total                                            合計                        56,338,747     211,748,582      (7,963,186)   260,124,143
              Investment loss/(income) in joint ventures and   對合營和聯營企業的投資
                associates                                      損失╱(收益)                          –          -597,938              –       -597,938
              Depreciation and amortization                    折舊和攤銷                      1,561,892       16,563,268              –     18,125,160
              Total profit/(losses)                            利潤╱(虧損)總額                  1,425,768       12,355,046       (380,894)    13,399,920
              Income tax expense                               所得稅費用                        178,588        1,781,613              –      1,960,201
              Capital expenditure                              資本性支出                      2,078,439       81,517,697              –     83,596,136
              As of 30 June 2023                                截至二零二三年六月三十日
              (Unaudited)                                      (未經審計)
              Total assets                                     資產總額                      62,118,380     518,685,011      10,330,016    591,133,407
              Total liabilities                                負債總額                      23,443,124     399,274,267      38,014,860    460,732,251
              Other disclosures                                其他披露
              Long-term equity investments in joint ventures   對合營和聯營企業的長期股權投資
                and associates                                                                   –        16,473,886              –     16,473,886
                                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                               二零二三年中期報告            53
                                                                 Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                              RMB’000 人民幣千元
     Operating segment (continued)                                                  經營分部(續)
                                                                            Mobile handset
                                                                              components,      Automobiles
                                                                                 assembly       and related    Adjustments
                                                                               service and    products and             and
                                                                            other products   other products    eliminations                Total
                                                                               手機部件、                 汽車、
     For the six months ended 30 June 2022                截至二零二二年六月三十日              組裝及       汽車相關產品
     (Unaudited)                                          止六個月期間(未經審計)            其他產品          及其他產品           調整和抵銷                       合計
     Revenue from external trading                        對外交易收入               41,069,650      109,267,418         270,184         150,607,252
     Revenue from inter-segment trading                   分部間交易收入               2,915,152        1,865,967      (4,781,119)                  –
     Total                                                合計                   43,984,802      111,133,385      (4,510,935)        150,607,252
     Investment loss in joint ventures and associates     對合營和聯營企業的投資損失                 –          404,634               –             404,634
     Depreciation and amortization                        折舊和攤銷                  1,554,151       7,601,059               –           9,155,210
     Total profit/(losses)                                利潤╱(虧損)總額                674,802       3,856,265         110,414           4,641,481
     Income tax expense                                   所得稅費用                     56,114         569,730          82,501             708,345
     Capital expenditure                                  資本性支出                  2,275,406      37,751,788               –          40,027,194
     As of 31 December 2022                                截至二零二二年十二月三十一日
     (Audited)                                            (經審計)
     Total assets                                         資產總額                 54,625,520      419,691,469      19,543,657         493,860,646
     Total liabilities                                    負債總額                 22,020,698      326,023,534      24,426,577         372,470,809
     Other disclosures                                    其他披露
     Long-term equity investments in joint ventures and   對合營和聯營企業的長期股權投資
       associates                                                                       –       15,485,402               –          15,485,402
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              Other information                                                       其他信息
              Geographical information                                                地區信息
              Operating revenue                                                       營業收入
                                                                                                    For the         For the
                                                                                               six months       six months
                                                                                                     ended          ended
                                                                                                       截至             截至
                                                                                               二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                             六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                               六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                                              (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                                              (未經審計)           (未經審計)
              PRC (including Hong Kong, Macau and              中國(包括港澳台地區)
                Taiwan)                                                                       195,714,569      117,224,189
              Overseas                                         境外                              64,409,574       33,383,063
              Revenue from external transactions is attributed to the location        對外交易收入歸屬於客戶所處區域。
              of customers.
              Total non-current assets                                                非流動資產總額
                                                                                               二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                               六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                              (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                              (未經審計)         (經審計)
              PRC (including Hong Kong, Macau and              中國(包括港澳台地區)
                Taiwan)                                                                       303,415,350      238,541,045
              Overseas                                         境外                               3,825,394        3,078,914
              Non-current assets exclude goodwill, other equity instrument            非流動資產歸屬於該資產所處區域,不包括
              investments, other non-current financial assets, long-term              商譽、其他權益工具投資、其他非流動金融
              receivables and deferred tax assets attributed to the region            資產、長期應收款和遞延所得稅資產。
              where the assets are located.
                                                                                                                 Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                  二零二三年中期報告            55
                                                    Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                  RMB’000 人民幣千元
     Other information (continued)                                            其他信息(續)
     Information about major customers                                        主要客戶信息
     For the six months ended 30 June 2023, operating revenue                 截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月期間,
     of RMB27,246,971,000 (for the six months ended 30 June                   營業收入人民幣27,246,971千元(截至二零
     customer.                                                                17,888,497千元)為對某一單個客戶的收入。
                                                                    For the six months ended      For the six months ended
                                                                   截至二零二三年六月三十日止                 截至二零二二年六月三十日止
                                                                            六個月期間                        六個月期間
                                                                           (Unaudited)                   (Unaudited)
                                                                           (未經審計)                       (未經審計)
                                                                     REVENUE              COST     REVENUE               COST
                                                                           收入              成本           收入                成本
     Revenue from principal operations   主營業務收入                    254,744,317     208,184,122    146,774,501       127,333,625
     Other operating revenue             其他業務收入                      5,379,826       4,267,434      3,832,751         2,931,853
     Operating Revenue is as follows:                                         營業收入列示如下:
                                                                                                   For the            For the
                                                                                              six months          six months
                                                                                                    ended             ended
                                                                                                      截至                截至
                                                                                              二零二三年               二零二二年
                                                                                            六月三十日止              六月三十日止
                                                                                              六個月期間               六個月期間
                                                                                             (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)
                                                                                             (未經審計)              (未經審計)
     Sale of goods and construction services      銷售商品及建造服務                                  258,701,798         150,395,902
     Rendering of services                        提供服務                                         1,266,532             211,350
     Rental income                                租賃收入                                           155,813                   –
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers is as           與客戶之間合同產生的營業收入分解情況如
              follows:                                                                下:
                                                                               components,     Automobiles
                                                                                  assembly      and related
                                                                                     service     products,
                                                                                  and other      and other
                                                                                   products       products    Others          Total
                                                                                 手機部件、               汽車、
              January to June 2023 (Unaudited)              二零二三年一至六月(未經審計)           組裝及      汽車相關產品
              Reportable segments                           報告分部                   其他產品         及其他產品            其他            合計
              Principal place of operation                  主要經營地區
              PRC (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   中國(包括港澳台地區)          13,659,142     181,706,895   209,894   195,575,931
              Overseas                                      境外                   37,403,329      26,989,070         –    64,392,399
              Major product types                           主要產品類型
              Sale of goods and construction services       銷售商品及建造服務            51,040,237     207,451,667   209,894   258,701,798
              Rendering of services                         提供服務                     22,234       1,244,298         –     1,266,532
              Timing of revenue recognition                 收入確認時間
              At a point in time                            在某一時點確認收入            51,053,339     207,560,428   209,894   258,823,661
              Over time                                     在某一時段內確認收入                9,132       1,135,537         –     1,144,669
                                                                                                                    Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                     二零二三年中期報告            57
                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                      RMB’000 人民幣千元
     Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers is as          與客戶之間合同產生的營業收入分解情況如
     follows (continued):                                                   下(續):
                                                                      components,      Automobiles
                                                                         assembly       and related
                                                                            service       products,
                                                                         and other        and other
                                                                          products         products        Others                Total
                                                                       手機部件、                 汽車、
     January to June 2022 (Unaudited)              二零二二年一至六月(未經審計)          組裝及       汽車相關產品
     Reportable segments                           報告分部                  其他產品           及其他產品                其他                   合計
     Principal place of operation                  主要經營地區
     PRC (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   中國(包括港澳台地區)         15,062,768      101,891,237        270,184        117,224,189
     Overseas                                      境外                  26,006,882        7,376,181              –         33,383,063
     Major product types                           主要產品類型
     Sale of goods and construction services       銷售商品及建造服務           41,003,536      109,122,959        269,407        150,395,902
     Rendering of services                         提供服務                    66,114          144,459            777            211,350
     Timing of revenue recognition                 收入確認時間
     At a point in time                            在某一時點確認收入           41,003,536      108,532,875        268,788        149,805,199
     Over time                                     在某一時段內確認收入              66,114          734,543          1,396            802,053
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              Sales of goods                                                           銷售商品
              The performance obligation is satisfied when delivering                  向客戶交付商品時履行履約義務。部分合同
              goods to customers. Some contract customers are entitled                 客戶有權享受返利,因此需要估計可變對價
              to rebates, which require estimation of variable consideration           並考慮可變對價金額的限制。合同價款結算
              and consideration of constraint on the amount of variable                以合同約定為準。
              consideration. The settlement of the contract price is subject to
              the arrangement in the contract.
              Construction services                                                    建造服務
              The performance obligation is satisfied over time as services            在提供服務的時間內履行履約義務,合同價
              are rendered and are billed based on construction progress.              款通常隨工程進度支付。通常客戶保留一定
              The customers usually retain a certain percentage of the                 比例的質保金,質保金通常在質保期滿後支
              retention money, which is usually paid after the expiration of           付。
              the warranty period.
              Rendering of services                                                    提供服務
              The performance obligation is satisfied over time as services            在提供服務的時間內履行履約義務,合同價
              are rendered and the settlement of the contract price is subject         款結算以合同約定為準。
              to the agreement in the contract.
                                                                                                     For the         For the
                                                                                                six months       six months
                                                                                                      ended          ended
                                                                                                        截至             截至
                                                                                                二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                              六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                                六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                                               (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                                               (未經審計)           (未經審計)
              Current income tax expenses                       當期所得稅費用                          3,008,479        1,149,820
              Deferred income tax expenses                      遞延所得稅費用                         (1,048,278)        (441,475)
                                                                                                       Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                        二零二三年中期報告            59
                                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                           RMB’000 人民幣千元
     The relationship between income tax and total profit is as                 所得稅費用與利潤總額的關係列示如下:
                                                                                            For the         For the
                                                                                       six months       six months
                                                                                             ended          ended
                                                                                               截至             截至
                                                                                       二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                     六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                       六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                                      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                                      (未經審計)           (未經審計)
     Total profit                                        利潤總額                          13,399,920         4,641,481
     Income tax at the statutory tax rate (Note 1)                 (註1)
                                                         按法定稅率計算的所得稅                    3,349,980         1,160,370
     Effect of different tax rates applicable to         某些子公司適用不同稅率的影響
       certain subsidiaries                                                            (1,024,471)          (422,542)
     Profit or loss attributable to joint ventures and   歸屬於合營企業和聯營企業的損益
       associates                                                                        (146,874)             24,056
     Non-deductible expenses                             不可抵扣的費用                          189,501             (34,461)
     Tax losses and temporary differences not            未確認的稅務虧損及暫時性差異
       recognised                                                                       1,545,087            988,442
     Deductible tax losses utilised from                 利用以前年度可抵扣虧損
       previous years                                                                    (709,162)          (397,667)
     Effect of changes in tax rate on the balance        稅率變動時對期初遞延所得稅餘額
       of deferred income tax at the beginning of         的影響
       the period                                                                          49,946                2,598
     Super-deduction of research and                     研發費加計扣除
       development expenses                                                            (1,293,806)          (612,451)
     Income tax charge at the Group’s effective          按本集團實際稅率計算的所得稅
       tax rate                                           費用                            1,960,201            708,345
     Note 1: The Group’s income tax has been provided at the statutory    註1:   本集團所得稅按在中國境內取得的估計應納稅
             rate based on the estimated taxable profits arising in the         所得額及法定稅率計提。
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                  For the         For the
                                                                             six months       six months
                                                                                   ended          ended
                                                                                     截至             截至
                                                                             二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                           六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                             六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                            (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                            (未經審計)           (未經審計)
              Final dividend declared – RMB1.142      已宣派末期 – 每股普通股           3,324,525         305,670
                (2022: RMB0.105) per ordinary share    人民幣1.142元
                                                                                  For the         For the
                                                                             six months       six months
                                                                                   ended          ended
                                                                                     截至             截至
                                                                             二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                           六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                             六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                            (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                            (未經審計)           (未經審計)
              Basic earnings per share                基本每股收益
                Continuing operations                  持續經營                        3.77             1.24
              Diluted earnings per share              稀釋每股收益
                Continuing operations                  持續經營                        3.77             1.24
                                                                                                Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                 二零二三年中期報告            61
                                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                       RMB’000 人民幣千元
     Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net              基本每股收益按照屬於本公司普通股股東的
     profit for the Period attributable to ordinary shareholders             當期淨利潤,減去對其他權益工具持有者的
     of the Company, less distribution to holders of other equity            分配,除以發行在外的普通股的加權平均數
     instruments by the weighted average number of ordinary                  計算。新發行普通股股數,根據發行合同的
     shares outstanding. The number of newly issued ordinary                 具體條款,從應收對價之日(一般為股票發行
     shares shall be calculated and determined from the date of              日)起計算確定。
     consideration receivable (generally the date of share issuance)
     according to the specific terms of the issuance contract.
     The numerator of diluted earnings per share is determined               稀釋每股收益的分子以歸屬於本公司普通股
     based on the net profit for the Period attributable to ordinary         股東的當期淨利潤,調整下述因素後確定:
     shareholders of the Company after adjusting for (1) interest on         (1)當期已確認為費用的稀釋性潛在普通股的
     dilutive potential ordinary shares recognized as an expense             利息;(2)稀釋性潛在普通股轉換時將產生的
     for the Period, (2) gains or expenses that will be incurred upon        收益或費用;以及(3)上述調整相關的所得稅
     conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares and (3) the            影響。
     income tax effects of the above adjustments.
     The denominator of diluted earnings per share is equal to the           稀釋每股收益的分母等於下列兩項之和:(1)
     sum of (1) the weighted average number of ordinary shares in            基本每股收益中母公司已發行普通股的加權
     issue of the parent company in basic earnings per share and (2)         平均數;及(2)假定稀釋性潛在普通股轉換為
     increase in the weighted average number of ordinary shares              普通股而增加的普通股的加權平均數。
     assuming conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares into
     ordinary shares.
     In calculating the weighted average number of ordinary shares           在計算稀釋性潛在普通股轉換為已發行普通
     increased upon conversion of dilutive potential ordinary                股而增加的普通股股數的加權平均數時,以
     shares into ordinary shares in issue, the dilutive potential            前期間發行的稀釋性潛在普通股,假設在當
     ordinary shares issued in previous periods are assumed to be            期期初轉換;當期發行的稀釋性潛在普通
     converted at the beginning of the Period; the dilutive potential        股,假設在發行日轉換。
     ordinary shares issued in the Period are assumed to be
     converted on the issue date.
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              The calculations of basic and diluted earnings per share are           基本與稀釋每股收益的具體計算如下:
              based on:
                                                                                                  For the         For the
                                                                                             six months       six months
                                                                                                   ended          ended
                                                                                                     截至             截至
                                                                                             二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                           六月三十日止           六月三十日止
                                                                                             六個月期間            六個月期間
                                                                                            (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                                            (未經審計)           (未經審計)
              Revenue                                                 收益
               Net profit for the Period attributable to               歸屬於本公司普通股股東
                 ordinary shareholders of the Company                   的當期淨利潤               10,954,145        3,595,279
                 Adjusted net profit for the Period attributable to   調整後歸屬於本公司普通股股東的
                   ordinary shareholders of the Company                當期淨利潤                 10,954,145        3,595,279
              Shares                                            股份
                Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary  本公司發行在外普通股的加權
                 shares of the Company (thousands)                平均數(千股)                      2,905,632       2,910,225
                                                                                                Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                 二零二三年中期報告            63
                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                      RMB’000 人民幣千元
     The credit terms offered to major customers of the Group are          本集團提供給主要客戶的信用期通常為30天
     generally 30 to 360 days. Trade receivables are non-interest-         至360天。應收賬款並不計息。應收賬款賬
     bearing. The aging of trade receivables is recognized based           齡按收入確認的時間予以確認。
     on the time of revenue recognition.
     The aging analysis of trade receivables is as follows:                應收賬款的賬齡分析如下:
                                                                                   二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                   六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                  (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                  (未經審計)         (經審計)
     Within 1 year                                     1年以內                       41,929,050     27,927,498
     Over 3 years                                      3年以上                        4,220,620      3,656,999
     Total                                             合計                         51,901,229     41,618,192
     Less: Provision for bad debts of trade            減:應收賬款壞賬準備
             receivables                                                           2,842,369       2,789,698
     The subsidies for new energy vehicle sales are included in the        上述應收賬款含應收新能源汽車補貼款。
     above trade receivables.
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                                                      Amount of    Percentage of
                                                                                    Book balance Percentage (%)       bad debts    provision (%)
                                                                                        賬面餘額            比例(%)          壞賬金額          計提比例(%)
              Individually assessed expected credit losses       單項評估預期信用損失計提壞賬準備
                provision for bad debts                                                  1,057,964          2.04       1,043,340           98.62
              Provision for bad debts based on expected credit   按信用風險組合評估預期信用
                losses assessed by credit risk portfolio          損失計提壞賬準備             50,843,265          97.96       1,799,029            3.54
                                                                                                                       Amount of Percentage of
                                                                                     Book balance Percentage (%)       bad debts  provision (%)
                                                                                         賬面餘額            比例(%)          壞賬金額      計提比例(%)
              Individually assessed expected credit losses       單項評估預期信用損失計提壞賬準備
                provision for bad debts                                                  1,058,458          2.54       1,037,179           97.99
              Provision for bad debts based on expected credit   按信用風險組合評估預期信用
                losses assessed by credit risk portfolio          損失計提壞賬準備             40,559,734          97.46       1,752,519            4.32
                                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            65
                                                   Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                              RMB’000 人民幣千元
     The Group’s trade receivables with provision for bad debts        本集團按信用風險組合計提壞賬準備的應收
     based on credit risk portfolio are as follows:                    賬款情況如下:
                                                                        Book balance          Expected       Credit loss
                                                                         of estimated        credit loss     throughout
                                                                               default          rate (%)     the lifetime
                                                                                 估計                                  整個
                                                                           發生違約的               預期信用             存續期間
                                                                             賬面餘額             損失率(%)            信用損失
     Within 1 year (inclusive)            1年以內(含1年)                        41,920,962              0.79              332,609
     Over 5 years                         5年以上                                761,803            100.00              761,803
                                                                        Book balance          Expected        Credit loss
                                                                         of estimated        credit loss      throughout
                                                                               default          rate (%)      the lifetime
                                                                       估計發生違約的                預期信用              存續期間
                                                                             賬面餘額             損失率(%)            信用損失
     Within 1 year (inclusive)            1年以內(含1年)                        27,915,925              1.12              313,871
     Over 5 years                         5年以上                                299,643            100.00              299,643
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              As at 30 June 2023, the individual provision made for bad          於二零二三年六月三十日,單項計提壞賬準
              debts of trade receivables is as follows:                          備的應收賬款情況如下:
                                                              Book     Provision for   credit loss
                                                            balance       bad debts       rate (%)   Reason of provision
                                                            賬面餘額           壞賬準備         損失率(%)       計提理由
              Customer 1               客戶一                   156,202        156,202        100.00    Expected to be
              Customer 2               客戶二                   110,377        110,377        100.00    Expected to be
              Customer 3               客戶三                    84,616         84,616        100.00    Expected to be
              Customer 4               客戶四                    80,034         80,034        100.00    Expected to be
              Customer 5               客戶五                    74,601         74,601        100.00    Expected to be
              Others                   其他                    552,134        537,510         97.35
              Total                    合計                  1,057,964      1,043,340
                                                                                                         Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                          二零二三年中期報告            67
                                                   Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                               RMB’000 人民幣千元
     As at 31 December 2022, the individual provision made for             於二零二二年十二月三十一日,單項計提壞
     bad debts of trade receivables is as follows:                         賬準備的應收賬款情況如下:
                                                      Book       Provision for   credit loss
                                                   balance         bad debts        rate (%)     Reason of provision
                                                   賬面餘額             壞賬準備          損失率(%)         計提理由
     Customer 1               客戶一                  156,202           156,202        100.00       Expected to be
     Customer 2               客戶二                  110,377           110,377        100.00       Expected to be
     Customer 3               客戶三                    84,616           84,616        100.00       Expected to be
     Customer 4               客戶四                    74,601           74,601        100.00       Expected to be
     Customer 5               客戶五                    69,488           69,488        100.00       Expected to be
     Others                   其他                    563,174          541,895         96.22
     Total                    合計                  1,058,458        1,037,179
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              The movements of provision for bad debts of trade receivables                  應收賬款壞賬準備的變動如下:
              are as follows:
                                                          Balance at                                                    differences       Balance
                                                          beginning        Charge        Reversal        Write-off    on translation    at the end
                                                              of the        for the         for the     during the        of foreign         of the
                                                         Period/year   Period/year     Period/year     Period/year       operations    Period/year
                                                           期╱年初          本期╱年            本期╱年            本期╱年               外幣報表         期╱年末
                                                                餘額            計提              轉回              轉銷            折算差額              餘額
                (Unaudited)      (未經審計)                    2,789,698      441, 321         (376,161)       (13,829)           1,340      2,842,369
                (Audited)        (經審計)                     2,154,399       999,965         (270,293)       (99,036)           4,663      2,789,698
              There was no significant change in the balance of provision for                本期應收賬款壞賬準備餘額無重大變動。(二
              bad debts of trade receivables during the Period. (2022: There                 零二二年:本年應收賬款壞賬準備餘額無重
              was no significant change in the balance of provision for bad                  大變動。)
              debts of trade receivables during the year.)
              For the period ended 30 June 2023, there was no significant                    於截至二零二三年六月三十日期間,無重大
              reversal or recovery of trade receivables.                                     應收賬款轉回或收回情況。
              In 2022, there was no significant reversal or recovery of trade                於二零二二年度,無重大應收賬款轉回或收
              receivables.                                                                   回情況。
                                                                                                         Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                          二零二三年中期報告            69
                                                      Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                           RMB’000 人民幣千元
     As at 30 June 2023, the top five trade receivables (excluding        於二零二三年六月三十日,應收賬款(不含新
     new energy subsidies) amounts are as follows:                        能源補貼款)金額前五名如下:
                                                                                         Provision     Percentage
                                                                                           for bad   of total trade
                                                                            Amount           debts receivables (%)
                                                                               金額      壞賬準備金額 總額的比例(%)
     The largest customer in balance of trade    應收賬款餘額第一大客戶
       receivables                                                         3,097,515           6,849                 5.97
     The second largest customer in balance of   應收賬款餘額第二大客戶
       trade receivables                                                   1,543,712         13,276                  2.97
     The third largest customer in balance of    應收賬款餘額第三大客戶
       trade receivables                                                   1,485,170           2,504                 2.86
     The fourth largest customer in balance of   應收賬款餘額第四大客戶
       trade receivables                                                   1,114,954           2,646                 2.15
     The fifth largest customer in balance of    應收賬款餘額第五大客戶
       trade receivables                                                    968,890            2,132                 1.87
     As at 31 December 2022, the top five trade receivables               於二零二二年十二月三十一日,應收賬款(不
     (excluding new energy subsidies) amounts are as follows:             含新能源補貼款)金額前五名如下:
                                                                                            Provision    of total trade
                                                                             Amount    for bad debts receivables (%)
                                                                               金額      壞賬準備金額 總額的比例(%)
     The largest customer in balance of trade    應收賬款餘額第一大客戶
       receivables                                                         1,947,047           3,284                 4.68
     The second largest customer in balance of   應收賬款餘額第二大客戶
       trade receivables                                                   1,016,648           5,148                 2.44
     The third largest customer in balance of    應收賬款餘額第三大客戶
       trade receivables                                                    916,048            1,989                 2.20
     The fourth largest customer in balance of   應收賬款餘額第四大客戶
       trade receivables                                                    840,657          80,649                  2.02
     The fifth largest customer in balance of    應收賬款餘額第五大客戶
       trade receivables                                                    748,966            1,672                 1.80
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              In the ordinary course of business, the Group has factored a          本集團在日常業務中因短期融資需求將部分
              part of receivables to financial institutions without recourse        應收賬款以無追索權方式轉讓予金融機構,
              for its short-term financing needs, and has entered into              與金融機構訂立無追索權的應收賬款保理協
              nonrecourse receivables factoring agreements with financial           議(以下簡稱「應收賬款保理」  )。在若干應收
              institutions (the “Receivables Factoring”). Under certain             賬款保理協議下,本集團不需要承擔應收賬
              receivables factoring agreements, the Group is not required           款轉讓後的債務人違約風險和延遲還款風險
              to undertake the risks of debtors’ default and delayed                以及已轉移應收賬款所有權之所有的風險和
              repayment after the transfer of receivables, and all risks and        報酬,符合金融資產終止確認條件,本集團
              rewards relating to the ownership of receivables transferred,         對該保理協議下的應收賬款按照賬面價值終
              which satisfies the condition of derecognising financial              止確認。於二零二三年六月三十日,無因相
              assets, and the Group derecognises the receivables under              關保理協議而轉讓的應收賬款(二零二二年十
              such factoring agreements at their carrying amounts. As at            二月三十一日:人民幣14,210,487千元),
              under such factoring agreements (31 December 2022:                    十一日:人民幣22,719千元)。
              RMB14,210,487,000) or loss related to derecognition (31
              December 2022: RMB22,719,000).
                                                                                            二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                            六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                           (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                           (未經審計)         (經審計)
              Commercial acceptance bills                     商業承兌匯票                         3,011,021     2,724,260
              Bank acceptance bills                           銀行承兌匯票                           592,366       604,159
              As at 30 June 2023, the outstanding balance of notes                  於二零二三年六月三十日,到期未付的應付
              payable due was RMB13,108,000 (31 December 2022:                      票據餘額為人民幣13,108千元(二零二二年十
              RMB15,900,000).                                                       二月三十一日:人民幣15,900千元)。
                                                                                                 Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                  二零二三年中期報告            71
                                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                        RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                    二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                    六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                   (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                   (未經審計)         (經審計)
      Within one year                                 1年以內                         164,483,002   139,585,845
      Over 3 years                                    3年以上                             344,207       327,434
      The trade payables are non-interest-bearing and are normally         應付賬款不計息,並通常在6個月內清償。
      settled within six months. The aging of trade payables is based      應付賬款的賬齡是以購買材料、商品或接受
      on the time of recognizing the purchase of materials and             勞務等確認的時間為基準。
      goods or accepting services.
      As at 30 June 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Group had no            於二零二三年六月三十日及二零二二年十二
      significant trade payables aged over one year.                       月三十一日,無賬齡超過1年的重要應付賬
      The registered and paid-in capital of the Company is analysed        本公司註冊及實收股本分析如下:
      as follows:
                                                                                    二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                    六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                   (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                   (未經審計)         (經審計)
      Registered and paid-in capital                  註冊及實收股本                        2,911,143      2,911,143
      Nominal value per share                         每股面值                              RMB1              RMB1
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              The class and structure of shares are as follows:                        股份種類及其結構如下:
                                                                                         Number of shares increased
                                                                                        (decreased) during the Period
                                                                          of shares                                              Number
                                                                              at the                                            of shares
                                                                         beginning       Non-public                            at the end
                                                                      of the Period        offering                Others   of the Period
                                                                           期初股數          非公開發行                       其他          期末股數
              Restricted shares                           有限售條件股份
                Shares held by domestic corporate          境內法人持股                 –                –                    –              –
                Shares held by domestic natural persons    境內自然人持股     648,378,251                 –                    –    648,378,251
              Total restricted shares                     有限售條件股份合計    648,378,251                 –                    –    648,378,251
              Non-restricted shares                       無限售條件股份
               RMB ordinary shares                         人民幣普通股     1,164,764,604                –                    –   1,164,764,604
               Foreign shares listed overseas              境外上市的外資股   1,098,000,000                –                    –   1,098,000,000
              Total non-restricted shares                 無限售條件股份合計   2,262,764,604                –                    –   2,262,764,604
              Total number of shares                      股份總數        2,911,142,855                –                    –   2,911,142,855
                                                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            73
                                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                            RMB’000 人民幣千元
                                                                                      Number of shares increased
                                                                                        (decreased) in the year
                                                                          Number                                                      Number
                                                                         of shares                                                  of shares
                                                                 at the beginning     Non-public                                   at the end
                                                                       of the year      offering                   Others          of the year
                                                                         年初股數         非公開發行                          其他             年末股數
      Restricted shares                           有限售條件股份
        Shares held by domestic natural persons    境內自然人持股           658,084,620                –           (9,706,369)          648,378,251
      Total restricted shares                     有限售條件股份合計          658,084,620                –           (9,706,369)          648,378,251
      Non-restricted shares                       無限售條件股份
       RMB ordinary shares                         人民幣普通股          1,155,058,235                –            9,706,369         1,164,764,604
       Foreign shares listed overseas              境外上市的外資股        1,098,000,000                –                    –         1,098,000,000
      Total non-restricted shares                 無限售條件股份合計        2,253,058,235                –            9,706,369         2,262,764,604
      Total number of shares                      股份總數             2,911,142,855                –                       –      2,911,142,855
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                           Equity-settled share-based payments are as follows:                 以權益結算的股份支付如下:
                                                                                                      二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                                      六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                                     (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                                     (未經審計)         (經審計)
                           Accumulated balance of equity-settled     以權益結算的股份支付計入資本
                             share-based payments credited to         公積的累計餘額
                             capital reserve                                                           1,349,851       781,996
                           Total expenses recognised for equity-settled 本期╱年以權益結算的股份支付確認
                             share-based payments in the Period/year     的費用總額                           567,855       591,309
                           (1)    2022 Employee Share Ownership Plan of the                    (1)   二零二二年本集團之員工持股
                                  Group                                                              計劃
                                  On 22 April 2022, BYD Company Limited held                         二零二二年四月二十二日,比
                                  the twenty-first meeting of the seventh session of                 亞迪股份有限公司召開比亞
                                  the board of directors of BYD Company Limited                      迪股份有限公司(以下簡稱「公
                                  (the “Company”), at which the resolution in                        司」
                                  relation to the 2022 Employee Share Ownership                      會議,審議通過了《比亞迪股
                                  Plan (Draft) of BYD Company Limited and its                        份有限公司二零二二年員工持
                                  summary was considered and approved. It was                        股計劃(草案)》及其摘要的議
                                  proposed to implement the 2022 Employee                            案,擬對比亞迪股份有限公司
                                  Share Ownership Plan of BYD Company Limited                        職工代表監事、高級管理人員
                                  (the “Employee Share Ownership Plan”) for the                      以及比亞迪集團的中層管理人
                                  employee representative supervisors and senior                     員、核心骨幹員工實施《比亞
                                  management of BYD Company Limited and                              迪股份有限公司二零二二年員
                                  the mid-level management and core backbone                         工持股計劃》(以下簡稱「員工
                                  employees of BYD Group. The Employee Share                         持股計劃」)。公司於二零二二
                                  Ownership Plan was considered and approved                         年五月二十七日召開二零二二
                                  at the 2022 First Extraordinary General Meeting                    年第一次臨時股東大會,審議
                                  of the Company held on 27 May 2022. The                            通過了員工持股計劃。公司通
                                  Company repurchased a total of 5,511,024                           過回購專用證券賬戶以集中競
                                  A shares through the designated securities                         價交易的方式累計回購A股股
                                  account for repurchase by way of centralised                       份的數量為5,511,024股,佔
                                  bidding transactions, accounting for 0.189%                        公司總股本的0.189%,並於
                                  of the total share capital of the Company. The                     二零二二年六月完成回購,二
                                  repurchase was completed in June 2022 and                          零二二年七月完成過戶登記。
                                  the transfer registration was completed in July
                                                                                               Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                二零二三年中期報告            75
                                                     Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                      RMB’000 人民幣千元
           (1)   2022 Employee Share Ownership Plan of the                  (1)   二零二二年本集團之員工持股
                 Group (continued)                                                計劃(續)
                 The term of the Employee Share Ownership Plan                    本員工持股計劃的存續期為
                 shall be 48 months from the date on which the                    48個 月 , 自 本 員 工 持 股 計 劃
                 Employee Share Ownership Plan is considered                      經股東大會審議通過且公司公
                 and approved at the general meeting and the                      告最後一筆標的股票過戶至本
                 Company announces that the last batch of the                     員工持股計劃名下之日起算。
                 underlying shares is transferred to the Employee
                 Share Ownership Plan.
                 The underlying shares held by the Employee                       本員工持股計劃持有的標的股
                 Share Ownership Plan will be unlocked                            票分三期解鎖,解鎖時點分別
                 in three tranches, namely 12 months, 24                          為自公司公告最後一筆標的股
                 months and 36 months from the date of the                        票過戶至本員工持股計劃名下
                 Company’s announcement of the last transfer                      之日起滿12個月、24個月、
                 of the underlying shares to the Employee                         36個 月 , 每 期 解 鎖 的 標 的 股
                 Share Ownership Plan, and the percentage                         票 比 例 分 別 為 30%、 30%、
                 of the underlying shares to be unlocked in                       40%。
                 each tranche will be 30%, 30% and 40%,
                 The company performance indicator for                            股票解鎖的公司業績指標為營
                 the unlocking of shares is the growth rate                       業收入增長率,個人業績指標
                 of operating income and the individual                           須達到「待改進」級別及以上。
                 performance indicator should reach the “to be
                 improved” level or above.
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                           (1)   2022 Employee Share Ownership Plan of the                             (1)       二零二二年本集團之員工持股
                                 Group (continued)                                                               計劃(續)
                                 The specific conditions for the vesting of share                                授予的股票各鎖定期可行權的
                                 options granted during each lock-up period are                                  具體條件如下:
                                 as follows:
                                                                   Proportion of
                                                                  the number of
                                                             shares unlocked to
                                                             the total number of
                                                              underlying shares
                                                            transferred under the
                                                                Employee Share                                       Performance appraisal
                                                                Ownership Plan Unlocking date                        indicators
                                 Unlocking Period                   受讓標的股票
                                 解鎖期                                  總數的比例 解鎖時點                                     業績考核指標
                                 First Unlocking Period                  30%    12 months from the date of the        Based on the operating income
                                 第一個解鎖期                                           Company’s announcement of             in 2021, the growth rate of
                                                                                  the last transfer of the underlying   operating income in 2022 shall
                                                                                  shares to the Employee Share          not be lower than 30%
                                                                                  Ownership Plan
                                                                                自公司公告最後一筆標的股票過戶 以二零二一年營業收入為基數,
                                                                                  至本員工持股計劃名下之日起算                        二零二二年的營業收入增長率
                                                                                  滿12個月                                 不低於30%
                                 Second Unlocking Period                 30%    24 months from the date of the        Based on the operating income
                                 第二個解鎖期                                           Company’s announcement of             in 2022, the growth rate of
                                                                                  the last transfer of the underlying   operating income in 2023 shall
                                                                                  shares to the Employee Share          not be lower than 20%
                                                                                  Ownership Plan
                                                                                自公司公告最後一筆標的股票過戶 以二零二二年營業收入為基數,
                                                                                  至本員工持股計劃名下之日起算                        二零二三年的營業收入增長率
                                                                                  滿24個月                                 不低於20%
                                 Third Unlocking Period                  40%    36 months from the date of the        Based on the operating income
                                 第三個解鎖期                                           Company’s announcement of             in 2023, the growth rate of
                                                                                  the last transfer of the underlying   operating income in 2024 shall
                                                                                  shares to the Employee Share          not be lower than 20%
                                                                                  Ownership Plan
                                                                                自公司公告最後一筆標的股票過                        以二零二三年營業收入為基數,
                                                                                  戶至本員工持股計劃名下之日起                        二零二四年的營業收入增長率
                                                                                  算滿36個月                                不低於20%
                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            77
                                                   Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                   RMB’000 人民幣千元
           (1)   2022 Employee Share Ownership Plan of the                (1)   二零二二年本集團之員工持股
                 Group (continued)                                              計劃(續)
                 The fair value of shares to be issued upon the                 授予的員工持股計劃份額在
                 exercise the share options granted under the                   授予日公允價值為人民幣
                 Employee Share Ownership Plan at the date                      1,863,773千元,以比亞迪股
                 of grant was RMB1,863,773,000, which was                       份有限公司二零二二年七月
                 calculated based on the closing price of the                   十五日股票收盤價338.19元╱
                 shares of BYD Company Limited of RMB338.19                     股為基礎計算。本員工持股計
                 per share on 15 July 2022. The subscription                    劃認購價0元╱股,參與對象
                 price of the Employee Share Ownership Plan is                  無需出資。其中,本集團於二
                 RMB0 per share, and no capital contribution is                 零二三年一至六月確認的股
                 required to be made by the participants. Among                 份支付費用為人民幣538,768
                 them, the share-based payment fee recognized                   千元(二零二二年一至六月:0
                 by the Group in January-June 2023 was                          元)。
                 RMB538,768,000 (January-June 2022: RMB0).
           (2)   2020 Share Option Incentive Scheme of the                (2)   二零二零年本集團之子公司比
                 Group’s subsidiary BYD Semiconductor                           亞迪半導體股權期權激勵計劃
                 O n 10 M a y 2021 a n d 16 J u n e 2021, t h e                  二零二一年五月十日及二零二
                 Company held the 11th Meeting of the Seventh                    一年六月十六日,本公司分別
                 Session of the Board and the extraordinary                      召開第七屆董事會第十一次會
                 general meeting, respectively, at which the                     議及臨時股東大會,審議通過
                 Resolution on the Proposed Share Option                         了《關於比亞迪半導體股份有
                 Scheme of BYD Semiconductor Company                             限公司擬實施股權激勵計劃的
                 Limited was considered and approved, and                        議案》,批准採納比亞迪半導
                 the adoption of the 2020 Share Option Scheme                    體股份有限公司二零二零年股
                 of BYD Semiconductor Company Limited                            權期權激勵計劃( 「子公司股權
                 (the “Subsidiary Share Option Scheme”)                          期權計劃」)。子公司期權激勵
                 was approved. The Subsidiary Share Option                       計劃向包括比亞迪半導體的董
                 Scheme granted 33,088,200 share options to                      事(不包括獨立非執行董事)、
                 (excluding independent non-executive                           (但不包括監事)在內的36個激
                 directors), senior management and core                          勵對象授予3,308.82萬份股權
                 personnel (excluding supervisors) of BYD                        期權,佔比亞迪半導體當時註
                 Semiconductor, representing 7.353% of the                       冊資本的比例為7.353%。
                 then registered capital of BYD Semiconductor.
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                           (2)   2020 Share Option Incentive Scheme of                       (2)   二零二零年本集團之子公司比
                                 the Group’s subsidiary BYD Semiconductor                          亞迪半導體股權期權激勵計劃
                                 (continued)                                                       (續)
                                 The share options granted under the Subsidiary                    本次子公司股權期權計劃授予
                                 Share Option Scheme shall be exercised in                         的股權期權分三次行權,對應
                                 three tranches, and the corresponding vesting                     的等待期分別為自授予日起
                                 periods shall be 24 months, 36 months and 48                      24個月、36個月、48個月。
                                 months from the Date of Grant, respectively. The                  授予的股權期權於授予日開
                                 share options granted shall commence from the                     始,在之後的三個行權期分次
                                 date of grant and shall be exercised in tranches                  行權。第一、第二和第三個行
                                 during the following three exercise periods. For                  權期分別有30%、30%、40%
                                 the first, second and third exercise periods,                     的期權在滿足業績條件前提下
                                 exercisable subject to the satisfaction of                        為5元人民幣╱股,未滿足業
                                 performance conditions. The exercise price is                     績條件而未能獲得行權權利的
                                 RMB5 per share. Options which fail to obtain                      期權或者行權期結束後當期未
                                 the right to exercise due to failure to meet                      行權的股權期權將立刻作廢,
                                 the performance conditions or those which                         由比亞迪半導體無償收回並統
                                 have not been exercised in the current period                     一註銷。
                                 after the end of the exercise period shall
                                 become null and void and be repurchased
                                 without consideration and cancelled by BYD
                                 Performance indicators for the exercise of                         股權期權行權的業績指標包括
                                 share options include company performance                          公司業績指標及個人業績指
                                 indicators and individual performance                              標,其中個人業績指標須達到
                                 indicators. In particular, individual performance                 「待改進」級別及以上,公司業
                                 indicator should reach the “to be improved”                        績指標包括:
                                 level or above and company performance
                                 indicators include:
                                 (1)    Revenue from operations;                                   (1)   營業收入;
                                 (2)    Net profit.                                                (2)   淨利潤。
                                                                                                                   Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                    二零二三年中期報告            79
                                                    Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                     RMB’000 人民幣千元
           (2)   2020 Share Option Incentive Scheme of                                (2)    二零二零年本集團之子公司比
                 the Group’s subsidiary BYD Semiconductor                                    亞迪半導體股權期權激勵計劃
                 (continued)                                                                 (續)
                 Specific conditions for each exercise period of                              授予的股權期權各行權期可行
                 the share options granted:                                                   權的具體條件:
                 Exercise period                 proportion   Exercise time      Exercise conditions
                 行權期                               行權比例           行權時間           行權條件
                 First exercise period                 30%         2022.5.12–    The growth rate of operating revenue and
                    (“Phase I”)                                     2023.5.11      net profit for the accounting year prior to the
                                                                                   exercise date of the first exercise period
                                                                                   shall not be less than 20% as compared
                                                                                   with the previous year
                           )                           30%         2022.5.12–    第一個行權期可行權日前一會計年度的營業收
                 Second exercise period                30%         2023.5.12–    The growth rate of operating revenue and
                   (“Phase II”)                                     2024.5.11      net profit for the accounting year prior to the
                                                                                   exercise date of the second exercise period
                                                                                   shall not be less than 20% as compared
                                                                                   with the previous year
                           )                           30%         2023.5.12–    第二個行權期可行權日前一會計年度的營業收
                 Third exercise period                 40%         2024.5.12–    The growth rate of operating revenue and
                   (“Phase III”)                                    2025.5.12      net profit for the accounting year prior to
                                                                                   the exercise date of the third exercise
                                                                                   period shall not be less than 20% as
                                                                                   compared with the previous year
                           )                           40%         2024.5.12–    第三個行權期可行權日前一會計年度的營業收
                 As at 30 June 2023, the exercise conditions                                  截至二零二三年六月三十日,
                 of the first exercise period of the Subsidiary                               子公司股權期權計劃第一個行
                 Share Option Scheme had been fulfilled, and                                  權期的行權條件成就,可行權
                 there were 9,826,400 exercisable share options                               的股權期權合計982.64萬份,
                 in total, of which a total of 6,218,800 share                                共計621.88萬份股權期權獲行
                 options had been exercised and the remaining                                 權,剩餘360.77萬份股權期權
                 as they were not exercised during the exercise
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
                           (2)   2020 Share Option Incentive Scheme of                            (2)     二零二零年本集團之子公司比
                                 the Group’s subsidiary BYD Semiconductor                                 亞迪半導體股權期權激勵計劃
                                 (continued)                                                              (續)
                                 The appraised value of the equity-settled share                          授予的以權益結算的股權期權
                                 options granted was RMB337,098,000. Among                                的評估價值為人民幣337,098
                                 them, the Group recognised a share option                                千元。其中本集團於本期確
                                 expense of RMB29,087,000 for the Period                                  認的股權期權費用為人民幣
                                 (January-June 2022: RMB51,062,000).                                      29,087千元(二零二二年一至
                                 The appraised value of the Share Options                                 股權期權於授予日的評估價
                                 on the Date of Grant is estimated using the                              值,採用二項式模型,結合授
                                 binomial model, taking into account the terms                            予股權期權的條款和條件,作
                                 and conditions upon which the Share Options                              出估計。下表列示了所用模型
                                 were granted. The following table lists the input                        的輸入變量:
                                 variables to the model used:
                                                                                                Phase I     Phase II   Phase III
                                 Exercise period                  行權期                            第一期         第二期         第三期
                                 Expected volatility              預計波動率                         52.80%       51.99%     57.88%
                                 Risk-free interest rate          無風險利率                          1.60%        1.81%      2.02%
                                 Expected volatility is an assumption based on                            預計波動率是基於歷史波動率
                                 the future trend reflected by historical volatility,                     能反映出未來趨勢的假設,但
                                 and hence may not be the actual result. No                               並不一定是實際的結果。公允
                                 other feature of the options granted was                                 價值未考慮所授予股票期權的
                                 incorporated into the measurement of fair value.                         其他特徵。
                                                                                                Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                 二零二三年中期報告            81
                                                     Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                       RMB’000 人民幣千元
           (2)   2020 Share Option Incentive Scheme of                       (2)   二零二零年本集團之子公司比
                 the Group’s subsidiary BYD Semiconductor                          亞迪半導體股權期權激勵計劃
                 (continued)                                                       (續)
                 Pursuant to the Subsidiary Share Option                            子公司股權期權計劃約定如公
                 Scheme, if the Company is converted into a                         司改制為股份公司,將根據股
                 joint stock company, the number and exercise                       份制改制後的股數比例對期權
                 price of the share options will be adjusted                        數量及行權價格進行調整。二
                 according to the proportion of the number of                       零二零年十二月三日,比亞迪
                 shares after the conversion. On 3 December                         半導體第一屆董事會決議通過
                 of BYD Semiconductor passed the Resolution                         股權期權激勵計劃和股權期權
                 in relation to the Company’s Adjustment on                         激勵計劃實施考核管理辦法的
                 the 2020 Share Option Incentive Scheme                             議案》,該議案對比亞迪半導
                 and the Implementation, Assessment and                             體有限公司實施的首次股權激
                 Management Measures of the Share Option                            勵計劃進行了調整。該議案根
                 Incentive Scheme, which adjusted the First                         據公司股份制改制的股數變動
                 Share Option Incentive Scheme implemented                          比例,將授予員工的股權期權
                 by BYD Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The resolution                      數量由「30,019,760份」變更為
                 changed the number of share options granted                       「33,088,235股」,並將期權的
                 to employees from “30,019,760” to “33,088,235”                     行權價格由「5.00元╱每1元出
                 and the exercise price of the share options                        資」變更為「4.54元╱每股」。
                 from “RMB5.00/per each contributed yuan”
                 to “RMB4.54/per share” according to the
                 movement in the percentage of shares
                 converted as a result of the conversion of BYD
                 Semiconductor into a joint stock company.
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              Contingent liabilities arising from pending litigation or               未決訴訟或仲裁形成的或有負債及其財務
              arbitration and its financial impact                                    影響
              Action against Foxconn                                                  富士康訴訟案件
              On 11 June 2007, an action (the “June 2007 Action”) was                 於二零零七年六月十一日,富士康國際控股
              commenced in the Hong Kong High Court (the “Court”) by a                有限公司旗下一間下屬子公司及一間與其同
              subsidiary of Foxconn International Holdings Limited and a              受最終控股公司控制的公司(  「原告」
              company jointly controlled by its ultimate holding company (the         高等法院(「法院」)展開訴訟(
              “Plaintiffs”) against the Company and certain subsidiaries of           月訴訟」),指控本公司及本集團若干下屬子
              the Group (the “Defendants”) for using confidential information         公司(
              alleged to have been obtained improperly from the Plaintiffs.           機密資料。原告已於二零零七年十月五日停
              The Plaintiffs discontinued the June 2007 Action on 5 October           止二零零七年六月訴訟,針對被告的二零零
              day, the Plaintiffs initiated a new set of legal proceedings in         令被告承擔任何責任。同日,原告向香港高
              the Hong Kong High Court (the “October 2007 Action”). The               等法院提起新一輪的法律程序(  「二零零七年
              Defendants named in the October 2007 Action are the same                十月訴訟」)。二零零七年十月訴訟的被告與
              as the Defendants in the June 2007 Action, and the claims               二零零七年六月訴訟的被告相同,且原告在
              made by the Plaintiffs in the October 2007 Action are based             二零零七年十月訴訟中提出的申索均基於二
              on the same facts and grounds in the June 2007 Action. The              零零七年六月訴訟中的相同事實及理由。原
              remedies sought by the Plaintiffs in the October 2007 Action            告在二零零七年十月訴訟中提出的補救方法
              include an injunction restraining the Defendants from using the         包括強令禁止被告使用有關機密資料、強令
              alleged confidential information, an order for the disgorgement         被告交出因使用機密資料所獲得的利潤以及
              of profit made by the Defendants through the use of the                 賠償原告遭受的損失及支付懲罰性賠償金。
              confidential information, damages based on the loss suffered            原告在二零零七年十月訴訟中主張的賠償金
              by the Plaintiffs and exemplary damages. The total damages              總金額尚未確定。二零零九年十月二日,被
              sought by the Plaintiffs in the October 2007 Action have not            告對富士康國際控股有限公司及其某些附屬
              been quantified. On 2 October 2009, the Defendants instituted           子公司提起反訴,對該等公司自二零零六年
              a counter-action against Foxconn International Holdings                 以來利用不合法手段干涉本公司及控股子公
              Limited and certain of its subsidiaries for their intervention,         司的經營、共謀行為、書面及口頭誹謗,導
              by means of illegal measures, in the operations involving the           致經濟損失的行為提出訴訟請求。
              Company and certain of its subsidiaries, collusion, written and
              verbal defamation, and the economic loss as a result of the
              said activities since 2006.
              As at the reporting date, the case remains in the process of            截至本報告日,該案件仍在訴訟程序中。在
              legal proceedings. With the assistance of the legal adviser             代表本公司負責該案件的法律顧問協助下,
              responsible for the case on behalf of the Company, the Board            董事會認為,該訴訟的最終結果及賠償義務
              is of the view that the estimate ultimate outcome and amount           (如有)不能可靠的估計。
              to settle the obligation, if any, of the litigation cannot be made
              reliably up to date.
                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            83
                                                     Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                   RMB’000 人民幣千元
      The contingent liabilities arising from the guarantee          本集團提供擔保形成的或有負債及其財務
      provided by the Group and its financial impact are as          影響列示如下:
                                                                               二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                               六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                              (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                              (未經審計)         (經審計)
      Guarantees that the Company can provide to     就授予子公司的融資能夠向銀行           106,016,296   102,279,134
       banks for financing granted to subsidiaries    提供的擔保
      As at 30 June 2023, the actual guarantees provided by          於二零二三年六月三十日,本公司為其
      the Company for its subsidiaries and related parties were      子公司及關聯方實際提供的擔保為人民
      RMB33,764,846,000 and RMB16,677,101,000 (31 December           幣33,764,846千元及人民幣16,677,101千
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              The Group entered into cooperation contracts and documents               本集團與某些客戶(含終端客戶)及第三方或
              with certain customers (including end customers) and third               關聯融資機構簽訂合作合同及文件,根據相
              parties or related financial institutions. According to the              關合作合同及文件的安排,本公司向該等融
              arrangements of the relevant cooperation contracts and                   資機構承擔回購義務,若客戶違約或發生合
              documents, the Company undertakes repurchase obligations                 同約定的特定條件,本公司繼承全部債權以
              to these financial institutions. If a customer defaults or specific      及相關權益,並有權自行採取收回並變賣新
              conditions stipulated in the contract occur, the Company                 能源汽車等救濟措施,以償付客戶對融資機
              inherits all the creditor’s rights and related interests, and has        構的剩餘欠款,並保留任何對剩餘欠款債權
              the right to take relief measures such as recovery and sale of           餘額進行追索的權利。管理層認為,收回的
              new energy vehicles to repay the remaining debts owed by                 資產能夠變賣,而變賣收入基本能夠支付對
              the customer to the financing institution, and reserves the right        融資機構的剩餘欠款。截至二零二三年六月
              to claim the remaining creditor’s rights. Management believes            三十日,本集團對該等義務的最大敞口為人
              that the recovered assets can be sold, and the proceeds of the           民幣2,591,253千元(二零二二年十二月三十
              sale will basically cover the remaining arrears to the financing         一日:人民幣3,395,512千元),且未發生因
              institutions. As of 30 June 2023, the Group’s maximum                    客戶違約或合同約定的特定條件而令本公司
              exposure to these obligations was RMB2,591,253,000 (31                   需予以支付任何款項的情況。
              December 2022: RMB3,395,512,000), and there was no
              customer default or specific conditions as stipulated in the
              contracts which the Company was required to make any
              The Group recognised a loss allowance of RMB96,246,000                   本集團以預期信用損失為基礎,對財務擔保
              (2022: RMB78,794,000) for financial guarantee contracts                  合同進行減值處理並確認損失準備人民幣
              based on expected credit losses.                                         96,246千元(二零二二年:人民幣78,794千
                                                                                                 二零二三年        二零二二年
                                                                                                 六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                                (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                                                (未經審計)         (經審計)
              Contracted, but not provided for                   已簽約但未撥備
               Capital commitments                                資本承諾                          40,602,694     41,434,155
               Investment commitments*                            投資承諾*                            681,633        759,139
              *   The commitments above do not include investment                      *   以上承諾事項不含對合營企業的投資承諾。
                  commitments to joint ventures.
                                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                               二零二三年中期報告            85
                                                                 Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                                  RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (1)   Related party transactions of goods and services                                 (1)      關聯方商品及勞務交易
            Sales of goods and rendering of services to related                                       向關聯方銷售商品及提供勞務
                                                                                                              January-June     January-June
                                                                                                              二零二三年           二零二二年
                                                                                                                 一至六月            一至六月
                                                                  Details of transactions                       (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                                  關聯交易內容                                      (未經審計)          (未經審計)
            Shenzhen DENZA New Energy Automotive Co., Ltd.        Sales of goods and rendering of services
            深圳騰勢新能源汽車有限公司                                         出售商品和提供勞務                                             –              240,971
            Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.                      Sales of goods and rendering of services
            天津比亞迪汽車有限公司                                           出售商品和提供勞務                                             8                   191
            Shenzhen Shell BYD Electric Vehicle Investment        Sales of goods and rendering of services
              Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                      出售商品和提供勞務
            深圳殼牌比亞迪電動汽車投資有限公司及其子公司                                                                                   1,409              10,510
            Shenzhen BYD International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Rendering of services
            深圳比亞迪國際融資租賃有限公司                                        提供勞務                                                15                    13
            BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.                            Sales of goods and rendering of services
            比亞迪汽車金融有限公司                                           出售商品和提供勞務                                        194,223             206,856
            Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd.           Sales of goods and rendering of services
            杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                                      出售商品和提供勞務                                            34                   439
            Guangzhou Guang Qi BYD New Energy Bus Co., Ltd. Sales of goods and rendering of services
            廣州廣汽比亞迪新能源客車有限公司                                出售商品和提供勞務                                                1,623                2,723
            Shenzhen Didi New Energy Vehicle Technology           Sales of goods and rendering of services
              Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                      出售商品和提供勞務
            深圳市迪滴新能源汽車科技有限公司及其子公司                                                                                    6,138                4,599
            Shenzhen Energy Sales & Service Co., Ltd. and         Sales of goods and rendering of services
              its subsidiaries                                    出售商品和提供勞務
            深電能科技集團有限公司及其子公司                                                                                          419                 1,814
            Xi’an Infrastructure Yadi Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Sales of goods and rendering of services
            西安城投亞迪汽車服務有限責任公司                                       出售商品和提供勞務                                            –                    17
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (1)          Related party transactions of goods and services                              (1)      關聯方商品及勞務交易(續)
                           Sales of goods and rendering of services to related                                    向關聯方銷售商品及提供勞務(續)
                           parties (continued)
                                                                                                                         January-June     January-June
                                                                                                                         二零二三年           二零二二年
                                                                                                                            一至六月            一至六月
                                                                              Details of transactions                      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                                              關聯交易內容                                     (未經審計)          (未經審計)
                           Shenzhen Faurecia Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. and   Sales of goods and rendering of services
                             its subsidiaries                                 出售商品和提供勞務
                           深圳佛吉亞汽車部件有限公司及其子公司                                                                                 221,970         155,944
                           Shenzhen UBTECH Robotics Co., Ltd.                 Sales of goods and rendering of services
                           深圳市優必選科技股份有限公司                                     出售商品和提供勞務                                          971             240
                           Beijing Hualin Loading Co., Ltd.                   Sales of goods
                           北京華林特裝車有限公司                                        出售商品                                                 –             367
                           Tianjin Hongdi Financial Lease Co., Ltd.           Sales of goods and rendering of services
                           天津宏迪融資租賃有限公司                                       出售商品和提供勞務                                            4              39
                           Meihao Travel (Hangzhou) Automotive Technology     Sales of goods and rendering of services
                            Co., Ltd.                                         出售商品和提供勞務
                           美好出行(杭州)汽車科技有限公司                                                                                     1,393          26,246
                           BYD TOYOTA EV Technology Co., Ltd.                 Sales of goods and rendering of services
                           比亞迪豐田電動車科技有限公司                                     出售商品和提供勞務                                       572,385           1,249
                           Dongguan Tec-Rich Engineering Co., Ltd.            Rendering of services
                           東莞市德瑞精密設備有限公司                                      提供勞務                                                 7               6
                           Youngy Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.          Sales of goods and rendering of services
                           融捷投資控股集團有限公司                                       出售商品和提供勞務                                            3               9
                           ONYX International Inc. Co., Ltd.                  Sales of goods and rendering of services
                           廣州文石信息科技有限公司                                       出售商品和提供勞務                                            –             752
                           Shenzhen Microgrid Digital Technology Co., Ltd.    Sales of goods and rendering of services
                           深圳市微網數電科技有限公司                                      出售商品和提供勞務                                          278            9,849
                                                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            87
                                                                Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                                RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (1)   Related party transactions of goods and services                                (1)      關聯方商品及勞務交易(續)
            Sales of goods and rendering of services to related                                      向關聯方銷售商品及提供勞務(續)
            parties (continued)
                                                                                                            January-June     January-June
                                                                                                            二零二三年           二零二二年
                                                                                                               一至六月            一至六月
                                                                 Details of transactions                      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                                 關聯交易內容                                     (未經審計)          (未經審計)
            Shenzhen Dipai Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd.          Sales of goods and rendering of services
            深圳市迪派智行科技有限公司                                        出售商品和提供勞務                                         7,640                  330
            LA SkyRail Express Holding LLC                       Sales of goods and rendering of services
                                                                 出售商品和提供勞務                                        61,725                     –
            Sichuan Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd.              Sales of goods
            四川路橋建設集團股份有限公司                                       出售商品                                             64,652                     –
            Chengxin Lithium Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries Sales of goods
            盛新鋰能集團股份有限公司及其子公司                                     出售商品                                               945                     –
            Shenzhen Shangshui Intelligent Co., Ltd.             Sales of goods
            深圳市尚水智能股份有限公司                                        出售商品                                                 26                     –
            Guangdong CHNBEL Energy Technology Co., Ltd.         Rendering of services
            廣東中貝能源科技有限公司                                         提供勞務                                                 99                     –
            YOUNGY Co., Ltd.                                     Sales of goods
            融捷股份有限公司                                             出售商品                                                208                     –
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (1)          Related party transactions of goods and services                           (1)      關聯方商品及勞務交易(續)
                           Purchase of goods and accepting service from related                                向關聯方採購商品和接受勞務
                                                                                                                         January-June    January-June
                                                                                                                            二零二三年          二零二二年
                                                                                                                              一至六月           一至六月
                                                                            Details of transactions                        (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
                                                                            關聯交易內容                                         (未經審計)         (未經審計)
                           Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.                 Purchase of goods and accepting service
                           天津比亞迪汽車有限公司                                      採購商品和接受勞務                                             19          15,596
                           Shenzhen DENZA New Energy Automotive Co., Ltd.   Purchase of goods and accepting service
                           深圳騰勢新能源汽車有限公司                                    採購商品和接受勞務                                               –            190
                           Guangzhou Guang Qi BYD New Energy Bus Co., Ltd. Purchase of goods and accepting service
                           廣州廣汽比亞迪新能源客車有限公司                                採購商品和接受勞務                                             768          29,428
                           Shenzhen Energy Sales & Service Co., Ltd. and    Accepting service
                             its subsidiaries                               接受勞務
                           深電能科技集團有限公司及其子公司                                                                                         –              5
                           BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.                       Accepting service
                           比亞迪汽車金融有限公司                                      接受勞務                                              458,636        188,200
                           Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd.      Accepting service
                           杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                                 接受勞務                                                1,612            325
                           Shenzhen Faurecia Automotive Parts Co., Ltd.     Purchase of goods
                             and its subsidiaries                           採購商品
                           深圳佛吉亞汽車部件有限公司及其子公司                                                                               3,974,100      2,362,462
                           Shenzhen Shell BYD Electric Vehicle Investment   Accepting service and purchase of fuel and
                             Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                   power such as water, electricity and gas
                           深圳殼牌比亞迪電動汽車投資有限公司及其子公司                           接受勞務及購買水電燃氣等燃料和動力                                       –          1,381
                           Chengdu Youngy Lithium Technology Co., Ltd.      Purchase of goods
                           成都融捷鋰業科技有限公司                                     採購商品                                               30,654         86,137
                                                                                                                    Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                     二零二三年中期報告            89
                                                               Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                       RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (1)   Related party transactions of goods and services                              (1)   關聯方商品及勞務交易(續)
            Purchase of goods and accepting service from related                                向關聯方採購商品和接受勞務(續)
            parties (continued)
                                                                                                    January-June      January-June
                                                                                                       二零二三年            二零二二年
                                                                                                         一至六月             一至六月
                                                                Details of transactions               (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                關聯交易內容                                (未經審計)           (未經審計)
            Meihao Travel (Hangzhou) Automotive Technology      Accepting service
             Co., Ltd.                                          接受勞務
            美好出行(杭州)汽車科技有限公司                                                                               2,231                     –
            Sichuan Changhehua Lithium Technology Co., Ltd.     Purchase of goods
            四川長和華鋰科技有限公司                                        採購商品                                           –             202,028
            Dongguan Tec-Rich Engineering Co., Ltd.             Purchase of goods
            東莞市德瑞精密設備有限公司                                       採購商品                                        878                   144
            Foshan Greifen New Energy Co., Ltd. and its         Purchase of goods
              subsidiaries                                      採購商品
            佛山市格瑞芬新能源有限公司及其子公司                                                                           192,055                     –
            Chengxin Lithium Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries Purchase of goods
            盛新鋰能集團股份有限公司及其子公司                                     採購商品                                 1,137,775                     –
            Guangdong CHNBEL Energy Technology Co., Ltd.        Purchase of goods
            廣東中貝能源科技有限公司                                        採購商品                                      21,062                     –
            Shenzhen Shangshui Intelligent Co., Ltd.            Purchase of goods
            深圳市尚水智能股份有限公司                                       採購商品                                        927                      –
            BYD UZBEKISTAN FACTORY LLC                          Accepting service
                                                                接受勞務                                      55,990                     –
            Wuxi Yiwen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd           Purchase of goods
            無錫邑文電子科技有限公司                                        採購商品                                          16                     –
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (2)          Leases with related parties                                                 (2)       關聯方租賃
                           As lessees                                                                            作為承租人
                           January-June 2023 (Unaudited)                                                         二零二三年一至六月(未經審計)
                                                                                       payments for       Variable
                                                                                         short-term          lease
                                                                                         leases and    payments
                                                                                           leases of not included
                                                                                          low-value         in the                Interest
                                                                                        assets with measurement                 expenses      Additions to
                                                                         Type of          simplified      of lease     Rental    on lease     right-of-use
                                                                         leased assets     approach     liabilities      paid   liabilities         assets
                                                                                         短期租賃和             未納入
                                                                                         低價值資產           租賃負債                     承擔的
                                                                         租賃資產            租賃的租金        計量的可變                      租賃負債            增加的
                                                                         種類                     費用    租賃付款額           支付的租金      利息支出          使用權資產
                           Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd.   Housing                  –              –       555            36              –
                           杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                              房屋
                           Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.              Housing                  –              –      1,718           35          3,442
                           天津比亞迪汽車有限公司                                   房屋
                                                                                                  –              –      2,273           71          3,442
                                                                                                                                           Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                                            二零二三年中期報告            91
                                                                     Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                                            RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (2)   Leases with related parties (continued)                                                  (2)         關聯方租賃(續)
            As lessees (continued)                                                                               作為承租人(續)
            January-June 2022 (Unaudited)                                                                        二零二二年一至六月(未經審計)
                                                                                   payments for           Variable
                                                                                      short-term              lease
                                                                                     leases and        payments
                                                                                        leases of    not included
                                                                                       low-value              in the               Interest
                                                                                    assets with     measurement                 expenses         Additions to
                                                                     Type of           simplified          of lease    Rental    on lease        right-of-use
                                                                     leased assets     approach          liabilities    paid     liabilities           assets
                                                                                    短期租賃和               未納入
                                                                                    低價值資產              租賃負債                      承擔的
                                                                     租賃資產           租賃的租金             計量的可變            支付的      租賃負債               增加的
                                                                     種類                     費用        租賃付款額             租金      利息支出             使用權資產
            Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd.              Housing                   –                  –    1,666           111                  –
            杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                                         房屋
            Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.                         Housing                   –                  –      733            78                  –
            天津比亞迪汽車有限公司                                              房屋
            Xi’an Infrastructure Yadi Automobile Service Co., Ltd.   Equipment                 –                  –       19              –                 –
            西安城投亞迪汽車服務有限責任公司                                         設備
                                                                                               –                  –    2,418           189                  –
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (3)          Providing guarantees to related parties                             (3)   為關聯方提供擔保
                           Loan guarantees                                                           借款擔保
                                                                             Commencement            Maturity          guarantee
                                                              Guarantee      date of                 date of           has been
                                                                amount       guarantee               guarantee         performed
                                                               擔保金額          擔保起始日                   擔保到期日             履行完畢
                           BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.         16,555,000     12 July 2022–  27 October 2023– No
                           比亞迪汽車金融有限公司                                         28 June 2023   28 June 2027
                                                                             二零二二年七月十二日至    二零二三年十月二十七日至 否
                                                                               二零二三年六月二十八日    二零二七年六月二十八日
                           Tianjin Hongdi Financial Lease        62,545      30 June 2023            N/A               No
                             Co., Ltd.                                       二零二三年六月三十日              不適用               否
                           MCC Ramu New Energy                   56,000      11 January 2019         4 April 2030      No
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                             二零一九年一月十一日              二零三零年四月四日         否
                           Hubei Energy Storage Co., Ltd.            3,556   1 February 2019         1 February 2026   No
                           儲能電站(湖北)有限公司                                      二零一九年二月一日               二零二六年二月一日         否
                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                               二零二三年中期報告            93
                                                   Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                   RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (3)   Providing guarantees to related parties                             (3)   為關聯方提供擔保(續)
            Loan guarantees (continued)                                               借款擔保(續)
                                                              Commencement            Maturity
                                               Guarantee      date of                 date of            Whether guarantee
                                                 amount       guarantee               guarantee          has been performed
                                                擔保金額          擔保起始日                   擔保到期日              擔保是否履行完畢
            BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.         13,292,650     28 January 2022–   27 October 2023 –  No
            比亞迪汽車金融有限公司                                         16 December 2022   15 December 2026
                                                              二零二二年一月二十八日至 二零二三年十月二十七日至 否
                                                                二零二二年十二月十六日        二零二六年十二月十五日
            Tianjin Hongdi Financial Lease       112,788      31 December 2022 N/A                       No
              Co., Ltd.                                       二零二二年十二月三十一日 不適用                           否
            MCC Ramu New Energy                   57,500      11 January 2019         4 April 2030       No
             Technology Co., Ltd.                             二零一九年一月十一日              二零三零年四月四日          否
            Hubei Energy Storage Co., Ltd.            5,824   1 February 2019         1 February 2026    No
            儲能電站(湖北)有限公司                                      二零一九年二月一日               二零二六年二月一日          否
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (4)          Transfer of related parties assets                                  (4)      關聯方資產轉讓
                                                                                                         January-June    January-June
                                                                                                            二零二三年          二零二二年
                                                                                                              一至六月           一至六月
                                                                             Details of transaction        (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
                                                                             交易內容                          (未經審計)         (未經審計)
                           Shenzhen Shangshui Intelligent Co., Ltd.          Purchase of fixed assets         371,360              –
                           深圳市尚水智能股份有限公司                                     購買固定資產
                           Dongguan Tec-Rich Engineering Co., Ltd.           Purchase of fixed assets         258,704         66,163
                           東莞市德瑞精密設備有限公司                                     購買固定資產
                           Tianjin Sanying Precision Instruments Co., Ltd.   Purchase of fixed assets          15,230              –
                           天津三英精密儀器股份有限公司                                    購買固定資產
                           Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.                  Purchase of fixed assets           2,294              –
                           天津比亞迪汽車有限公司                                       購買固定資產
                           Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd. Purchase of fixed assets                 2,751          5,422
                           杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                            購買固定資產
                           Shenzhen DENZA New Energy Automotive              Disposal of fixed assets
                             Co., Ltd.                                                                              –          5,100
                           深圳騰勢新能源汽車有限公司                                     出售固定資產
                           Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd. Disposal of fixed assets                     –             61
                           杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                            出售固定資產
                                                                                                           Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                            二零二三年中期報告            95
                                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (5)   Others                                                            (5)   其他
                                                                                          January-June    January-June
                                                                                             二零二三年          二零二二年
                                                                                               一至六月           一至六月
                                                                                            (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
                                                                                            (未經審計)         (未經審計)
            Key Management Compensation                         關鍵管理人員薪酬                        50,636             35,791
            Notes:                                                                  註釋:
            (1)      The share-based payment expense recognised                     (1)     本公司關鍵管理人員獲授的二
                     from January to June 2023 for the 2022 Employee                        零二二年員工持股計劃於二零
                     Share Ownership Plan granted to key management                         二三年一至六月確認的股份支
                     personnel of the Company was RMB29,555,000.                            付費用為人民幣29,555千元,
                     The above compensation does not include this                           上述薪酬未包含該項金額。
            (2)      Related party transactions of goods: During the                (2)     關聯方商品交易:本期本集團
                     period, the Group conducted transactions of goods                      以市場價為基礎與關聯方進行
                     and services with related parties based on market                      商品交易。
            (3)      Assets transfer of related parties: The pricing                (3)     關聯方資產轉讓:本集團本年
                     principle of the Group’s sale and purchase of fixed                    向關聯方出售、購買固定資產
                     assets to and from related parties during the year                     的交易定價原則依據市場價格
                     was determined based on the market price.                              確定。
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (5)          Others (continued)                                                   (5)   其他(續)
                           Notes:                                                                     註釋:
                           (4)      Repurchase obligation                                             (4)   回購義務
                                    The Group entered into cooperation contracts and                        本集團與部分關聯方及第三方
                                    documents with certain related parties and third                        或關聯融資機構簽訂合作合同
                                    parties or related financing institutions. According                    及文件。根據相關合作合同及
                                    to the arrangements of the relevant cooperation                         文件的安排,本公司向該等融
                                    contracts and documents, the Company undertakes                         資機構承擔回購義務,若關聯
                                    the repurchase obligations to these financing                           方違反約定或合同約定的特定
                                    institutions. If the related parties violated the                       條件,本公司繼承全部債權以
                                    contracts or the specific conditions stipulated                         及相關權益,並有權自行採取
                                    in the contracts occurred, the Company would                            收回並變賣新能源汽車等救濟
                                    inherit all the creditor’s rights and relevant rights                   措施,以償付客戶對融資機構
                                    and interests, and have the right to take recovery                      的剩餘欠款,並保留任何變賣
                                    and sale of new energy vehicles and other relief                        收入不足償付剩餘欠款的債權
                                    measures on its own to repay the remaining arrears                      餘額進行追索的權利。管理層
                                    owed by the customers to the financing institutions,                    認為,收回的資產能夠變賣,
                                    and would reserve the right to pursue recourse for                      而變賣收入基本能夠支付對融
                                    the balance of the creditor’s rights if the proceeds                    資機構的剩餘欠款。截至二零
                                    from sales were insufficient to repay the remaining                     二三年六月三十日,未發生關
                                    arrears. Management believes that the recovered                         聯方違約或合同約定的特定條
                                    assets can be sold, and the proceeds of the                             件而令本公司支付款項的情
                                    sale will basically cover the remaining arrears                         況。
                                    to the financing institutions. As at 30 June 2023,
                                    there was no default of related parties or specific
                                    conditions agreed in the contract that required the
                                    Company to make payments.
                                    a.      A s a t 30 J u n e 2023, t h e C o m p a n y’s                  a.   截至二零二三年六月三
                                            maximum exposure of such obligations                                 十日,本公司對深圳市
                                            to Shenzhen Didi New Energy Vehicle                                  迪滴新能源汽車科技有
                                            Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                            限公司及其子公司該等
                                            was RMB188,785,000 (31 December 2022:                                義務的最大敞口為人民
                                            RMB465,489,000).                                                     幣188,785千元(二零二
                                    b.      A s a t 30 J u n e 2023, t h e C o m p a n y’s                  b.   截至二零二三年六月三
                                            maximum exposure of such obligations                                 十日,本公司對融捷股
                                            to YOUNGY Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                             份有限公司該等義務的
                                            was RMB0 (31 December 2022:                                          最 大 敞 口 為 人 民 幣 0元
                                            RMB16,215,000).                                                      (二零二二年十二月三十
                                                                                                                                            Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                                             二零二三年中期報告            97
                                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                                             RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (6)   Balance of related parties receivables                                                (6)       關聯方應收款項餘額
                                                                                                二零二三年六月三十日                     二零二二年十二月三十一日
                                                                                                    (Unaudited)                      (Audited)
                                                                                                    (未經審計)                           (經審計)
                                                                                                                Provision                        Provision
                                                                                                  Book                 for         Book                 for
                                                                                                balance         bad debts       balance         bad debts
                                                                                                賬面餘額             壞賬準備           賬面餘額             壞賬準備
            Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.                 天津比亞迪汽車有限公司                         629,473            31,936       727,819                32,011
            Shan Mei Ling Qiu Bi Xing Industry               山煤靈丘比星實業開發有限公司
              Development Co., Ltd.                                                                8,500             8,500         8,500                 8,500
            BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.                       比亞迪汽車金融有限公司                          76,787             2,253       204,548                 6,026
            Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd.      杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司                     24,472            16,262        24,489                15,585
            Guangzhou Guang Qi BYD New Energy Bus            廣州廣汽比亞迪新能源客車
              Co., Ltd.                                       有限公司                               764,900          211,416        842,536                80,909
            Tianjin Hongdi Financial Lease Co., Ltd.         天津宏迪融資租賃有限公司                            529              524            541                   524
            Beijing Hualin Loading Co., Ltd.                 北京華林特裝車有限公司                          31,355            3,471         35,035                   677
            Dongguan Tec-Rich Engineering Co., Ltd.          東莞市德瑞精密設備有限公司                        34,074                –         91,246                     –
            Shenzhen Dipai Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd.      深圳市迪派智行科技有限公司                         8,125              236         14,664                   430
            Shenzhen Shell BYD Electric Vehicle Investment   深圳殼牌比亞迪電動汽車投資
              Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                  有限公司及其子公司                              264                36             64                    1
            Yinchuan Sky Rail Operation Co., Ltd.            銀川雲軌運營有限公司                           33,358            33,358         33,358               33,358
            Shenzhen Faurecia Automotive Parts Co., Ltd.     深圳佛吉亞汽車部件有限公司及
              and its subsidiaries                            其子公司                               152,059             1,227       262,369                 1,808
            Shenzhen BYD International Financial Leasing     深圳比亞迪國際融資租賃有限公司
              Co., Ltd.                                                                            3,466             3,466          3,466                3,466
            Shenzhen Didi New Energy Vehicle Technology      深圳市迪滴新能源汽車科技有限公司
              Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                  及其子公司                               15,757            14,267         16,077               14,124
            Shenzhen Energy Sales & Service Co., Ltd. and    深電能科技集團有限公司及其子公司
              its subsidiaries                                                                       290                 9             24                    1
            BYD TOYOTA EV Technology Co., Ltd.               比亞迪豐田電動車科技有限公司                      164,860             4,713         12,708                  110
            Meihao Travel (Hangzhou) Automotive              美好出行(杭州)汽車科技有限公司
              Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                 1,145                7           6,323                   50
            Wuxi Yiwen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.       無錫邑文電子科技有限公司                         19,075                –          14,294                    –
            Shenzhen Shangshui Intelligent Co., Ltd.         深圳市尚水智能股份有限公司                        51,761                –          82,390                    –
            LA SkyRail Express Holding LLC                   LA SkyRail Express Holding LLC        9,493               82          18,727                  162
            Chengxin Lithium Group Co., Ltd. and its         盛新鋰能集團股份有限公司
              subsidiaries                                                                        69,281                –               –                    –
            BYD UZBEKISTAN FACTORY LLC                       BYD UZBEKISTAN FACTORY LLC          239,639             2,061              –                    –
            Foshan Greifen New Energy Co., Ltd. and its      佛山市格瑞芬新能源有限公司及
              subsidiaries                                     其子公司                                   17                –               –                    –
            The amounts due from related parties are interest-free,                                         應收關聯方款項均不計利息、無抵
            unsecured and have no fixed terms of repayment.                                                 押、且無固定還款期。
     BYD Company Limited
     Notes to Financial Statements
     RMB’000 人民幣千元
              (7)          Balance of related parties payables                                (7)    關聯方應付款項餘額
                                                                                                         二零二三年           二零二二年
                                                                                                         六月三十日        十二月三十一日
                                                                                                        (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                                                        (未經審計)            (經審計)
                           Shenzhen BYD International Financial Leasing            深圳比亞迪國際融資租賃有限公司
                             Co., Ltd.                                                                      93,214           93,214
                           Tianjin BYD Automobile Co., Ltd.                        天津比亞迪汽車有限公司              37,035           33,076
                           Shenzhen Energy Sales & Service Co., Ltd.               深電能科技集團有限公司                 969              614
                           BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.                              比亞迪汽車金融有限公司              31,043              133
                           Guangzhou Guang Qi BYD New Energy Bus Co., Ltd.         廣州廣汽比亞迪新能源客車有限公司        204,293          236,880
                           Hangzhou BYD Xihu New Energy Auto Co., Ltd.             杭州西湖比亞迪新能源汽車有限公司          7,138            4,637
                           Shenzhen Shell BYD Electric Vehicle Investment Co.,     深圳殼牌比亞迪電動汽車投資有限公司
                             Ltd. and its subsidiaries                              及其子公司                        –            1,172
                           Dongguan Tec-Rich Engineering Co., Ltd.                 東莞市德瑞精密設備有限公司           297,649          184,967
                           Shenzhen Microgrid Digital Technology Co., Ltd.         深圳市微網數電科技有限公司             2,503            2,680
                           Shenzhen Faurecia Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. and        深圳佛吉亞汽車部件有限公司及
                             its subsidiaries                                       其子公司                  2,067,949       2,787,171
                           Shenzhen UBTECH Robotics Co., Ltd.                      深圳市優必選科技股份有限公司                 –             270
                           Shenzhen Didi New Energy Vehicle Technology Co.,        深圳市迪滴新能源汽車科技有限公司及
                             Ltd. and its subsidiaries                              其子公司                       339               67
                           BYD TOYOTA EV Technology Co., Ltd.                      比亞迪豐田電動車科技有限公司           33,560           41,818
                           Shenzhen Dipai Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd.             深圳市迪派智行科技有限公司                 –               43
                           Shenzhen Shangshui Intelligent Co., Ltd.                深圳市尚水智能股份有限公司           449,921          300,699
                           Chengxin Lithium Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries   盛新鋰能集團股份有限公司及其子公司             –          471,605
                           Sichuan Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd.                 四川路橋建設集團股份有限公司           17,924           89,670
                           Youngy Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.               融捷投資控股集團有限公司                  –                4
                           Foshan Greifen New Energy Co., Ltd. and                 佛山市格瑞芬新能源有限公司及
                             its subsidiaries                                       其子公司                   330,333          402,003
                           Wuxi Yiwen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.              無錫邑文電子科技有限公司              1,009           14,170
                           Tianjin Sanying Precision Instruments Co., Ltd.         天津三英精密儀器股份有限公司           25,165                –
                           Hebei Haiwei Electronic New Material Technology         河北海偉電子新材料科技股份有限公司
                             Co., Ltd.                                                                      16,185                –
                           Guangdong CHNBEL Energy Technology Co., Ltd.            廣東中貝能源科技有限公司             20,316                –
                                                                                                  Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                   二零二三年中期報告            99
                                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                       RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (8)   Monetary funds deposited with related parties                (8)   存放關聯方的貨幣資金
                                                                                   二零二三年          二零二二年
                                                                                   六月三十日 十二月三十一日
                                                                                    (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                                                                    (未經審計)           (經審計)
            BYD Auto Finance Co., Ltd.                  比亞迪汽車金融有限公司                 7,066,214        4,738,542
            The annual interest rate of the above deposits for the             本期上述存款年利率按照中國人民銀
            current period is 3.1%-3.2% above the benchmark                    行公佈的同期存款基準利率上浮為
            interest rate published by the People’s Bank of China              3.1%-3.2%,二零二三年一至六月確
            for deposits of the same period, and an interest income            認利息收入人民幣129,476千元(二零
            of RMB129,476,000 was recognised in January to                     二二年度:3%-3.2%,二零二二年一
            June 2023 (2022: 3%-3.2%, and an interest income of                至六月確認利息收入人民幣194,163
            RMB194,163,000 was recognised in January to June                   千元)。
      BYD Company Limited
      Notes to Financial Statements
      RMB’000 人民幣千元
               (1)          Assets and liabilities measured at fair value                (1)       以公允價值計量的資產和負債
                                                                                                   Fair value measurement using
                                                                                 Quoted prices       Significant     Significant
                                                                                      in active      observable    unobservable
                                                                                       markets           inputs          inputs
                                                                                                         重要可           重要不可
                                                                                  活躍市場報價             觀察輸入值           觀察輸入值
                                                                                     Level 1            Level 2         Level 3         Total
                                                                                    第一層次               第二層次            第三層次              合計
                            Financial assets held for trading        交易性金融資產                   –     13,064,442               –    13,064,442
                            Other equity instrument investments      其他權益工具投資        1,306,210        2,121,852        1,769,852    5,197,914
                            Other current assets                     其他流動資產                  –           46,090                –       46,090
                            Other non-current financial assets       其他非流動金融資產               –        1,102,693        1,326,401    2,429,094
                            Receivables financing                    應收款項融資                  –        7,682,528                –    7,682,528
                            Financial liabilities held for trading   交易性金融負債                   –        140,697               –      140,697
                                                                                               –        140,697               –      140,697
                                                                                                                    Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                     二零二三年中期報告            101
                                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                   RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (1)   Assets and liabilities measured at fair value                (1)       以公允價值計量的資產和負債(續)
                                                                                   Fair value measurement using
                                                                 Quoted prices       Significant      Significant
                                                                      in active     observable     unobservable
                                                                       markets           inputs           inputs
                                                                                        重要可            重要不可
                                                                 活躍市場報價             觀察輸入值            觀察輸入值
                                                                    Level 1             Level 2          Level 3                 Total
                                                                   第一層次               第二層次             第三層次                      合計
            Financial assets held for trading        交易性金融資產                   –    20,626,930                 –          20,626,930
            Other equity instrument investments      其他權益工具投資          912,173       1,679,286        1,827,125            4,418,584
            Other current assets                     其他流動資產                  –         213,257                –              213,257
            Other non-current financial assets       其他非流動金融資產               –         908,294        1,238,846            2,147,140
            Receivables financing                    應收款項融資                  –      12,894,284                –           12,894,284
            Financial liabilities held for trading   交易性金融負債                   –        54,605                 –               54,605
                                                                               –        54,605                 –               54,605
      BYD Company Limited
      Notes to Financial Statements
      RMB’000 人民幣千元
               (2)          Assets and liabilities disclosed at fair value         (2)       以公允價值披露的資產和負債
                                                                                             Fair value measurement using
                                                                                    prices    Significant       Significant
                                                                                 in active    observable      unobservable
                                                                                  markets         inputs            inputs           Total
                                                                                                  重要可             重要不可
                                                                              活躍市場報價          觀察輸入值             觀察輸入值
                                                                                 Level 1         Level 2           Level 3
                                                                                第一層次            第二層次              第三層次               合計
                            Long-term receivables               長期應收款                    –      4,985,692                   –    4,985,692
                            Other non-current liabilities       其他非流動負債                  –      3,160,311                   –    3,160,311
                            Bank borrowings and bond payables   銀行借款及應付債券                –     23,909,600                   –   23,909,600
                                                                                         –     32,055,603                   –   32,055,603
                                                                                             Fair value measurement using
                                                                                    prices      Significant      Significant
                                                                                 in active     observable     unobservable
                                                                                  markets           inputs           inputs          Total
                                                                                                   重要可            重要不可
                                                                              活躍市場報價           觀察輸入值            觀察輸入值
                                                                                 Level 1           Level 2          Level 3
                                                                                第一層次             第二層次             第三層次               合計
                            Long-term receivables               長期應收款                    –      1,118,637                   –    1,118,637
                            Other non-current liabilities       其他非流動負債                  –      3,079,533                   –    3,079,533
                            Bank borrowings and bond payables   銀行借款及應付債券                –     18,517,461                   –   18,517,461
                                                                                         –     22,715,631                   –   22,715,631
                                                                                               Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                二零二三年中期報告            103
                                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                      RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (3)   Fair value valuation                                           (3)   公允價值估值
            Management has assessed that the fair values of                      管理層已經評估了貨幣資金、應收賬
            monetary funds, trade receivables, other receivables,                款、其他應收款、應付票據、應付賬
            bills payables, trade payables, bank borrowings and                  款、銀行借款、其他應付款等,因剩
            other payables approximate to their carrying amounts                 餘期限不長,公允價值與賬面價值相
            due to short term to maturities.                                     若。
            Management measures long-term receivables, lease                     對於長期應收款、租賃負債和其他非
            liabilities and other non-current liabilities using their            流動負債,管理層以現值計量,公允
            present values. The fair values approximate to their                 價值與賬面價值相若。
            carrying amounts.
            The Group’s finance department is responsible for                    本集團的財務部負責制定金融工具公
            determining the policies and procedures for the fair                 允價值計量的政策和程序,並直接向
            value measurement of financial instruments and                       主管會計機構負責人報告。每個資產
            reports directly to the person in charge of accounting               負債表日,財務部分析金融工具價值
            institution. At each balance sheet date, the finance                 變動,確定估值適用的主要輸入值,
            department analyses the movements in the values of                   並經主管會計機構負責人審核批准。
            financial instruments and determines the major inputs
            applied in the valuation. The valuation is reviewed
            and approved by the person in charge of accounting
            The fair values of the financial assets and financial                金融資產和金融負債的公允價值,以
            liabilities are determined at the amount at which the                在公平交易中,熟悉情況的交易雙方
            assets could be exchanged or the liabilities settled                 自願進行資產交換或者債務清償的金
            between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s                   額確定,而不是被迫出售或清算情況
            length transaction, other than in a forced or liquidation            下的金額。以下方法和假設用於估計
            sale. The following methods and assumptions were                     公允價值。
            used to estimate the fair values.
            The fair values of the long-term receivables, long-term              長期應收款、長期借款、應付債券採
            borrowings and bond payables have been calculated                    用未來現金流量折現法確定公允價
            by discounting the future cash flows using market                    值,以有相似合同條款、信用風險和
            rate of return currently available for other financial               剩餘期限的其他金融工具的市場收益
            instruments with similar contractual terms, credit risk              率作為折現率。二零二三年六月三十
            and remaining maturities. On 30 June 2023, the Group’s               日,針對長期借款、應付債券等自身
            own non-performance risk for long-term borrowings and                不履約風險評估為不重大。
            bond payables was assessed to be insignificant.
      BYD Company Limited
      Notes to Financial Statements
      RMB’000 人民幣千元
               (3)          Fair value valuation (continued)                                (3)   公允價值估值(續)
                            The fair values of listed equity instrument investments               上市的權益工具投資,以市場報價確
                            are based on quoted market prices. For restricted                     定公允價值。對於限售股票、非上市
                            shares and unlisted equity instrument investments,                    的權益工具投資,利用近期交易法或
                            the Group adopts recent transaction method or the                     者採用估值技術來確定其公允價值,
                            valuation techniques to determine the fair values.                    估值技術包括市場乘數法、期權定價
                            Valuation techniques include market multiples and                     模型等。其公允價值的計量採用了重
                            option pricing model, etc. The fair value measurement                 要的不可觀察參數,比如企業價值╱
                            of these financial instruments may involve important                  收入(
                            unobservable inputs such as enterprise value/revenue                  扣等。持續第三層次公允價值計量的
                            (“EV/Revenue”) ratio and liquidity discount. The fair                 金融工具對這些不可觀察輸入值的合
                            value of the financial instruments measured in Level 3                理變動無重大敏感性。本集團相信,
                            on a recurring basis was not significantly sensitive to a             以估值技術估計的公允價值及其變
                            reasonable change in these unobservable inputs. The                   動,是合理的,並且亦是於資產負債
                            Group believes that the estimated fair values resulting               表日最合適的價值。
                            from the valuation technique and the related changes
                            in fair values are reasonable, and they were the most
                            appropriate values at the balance sheet date.
                            The Group enters into derivative financial instruments                本集團與銀行訂立了衍生金融工具合
                            contracts which are the foreign currency forward                      同,為外匯遠期合同,採用類似於遠
                            contracts with banks and adopts valuation techniques                  期定價以及現值方法的估值技術進行
                            similar to forward pricing and present value methods                  計量。模型涵蓋了多個市場可觀察到
                            for measurement. The model incorporates various                       的輸入值,包括交易對手的信用質
                            market observable inputs including the credit quality                 量、即期和遠期匯率和利率曲線。外
                            of counterparties, spot and forward foreign exchange                  匯遠期合同的賬面價值與公允價值相
                            rates and yield curve. The carrying amounts of foreign                同。
                            currency forward contracts are the same as their fair
                            For the wealth management products at fair value                      以公允價值計量且其變動計入損益的
                            through profit or loss, the Group will estimate their fair            理財產品,本集團會利用條款及風險
                            values by using a discounted cash flow valuation model                相類似的工具之市場利率按照貼現現
                            based on the market interest rates of instruments with                金流量估值模型估算公允價值。
                            similar terms and risks.
                                                                                                                       Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                        二零二三年中期報告            105
                                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                           RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (4)   Unobservable inputs                                                      (4)     不可觀察輸入值
            Below is the summary of significant unobservable                                 如下為主要的第三層次公允價值計量
            inputs for main fair value measurement in Level 3:                               的重要不可觀察輸入值概述:
                                              Fair value
                                          at the end of    Valuation
                                             the Period    technique            Unobservable inputs        Effects on fair value
                                          期末公允價值           估值技術                 不可觀察輸入值                    對公允價值的影響
            Other equity instrument            223,242     Market approach      Average EV/Revenue         The higher the ratio, the
            investments                                                         ratio                      higher the fair value
            其他權益工具投資                                       市場法                  平均企業價值╱收入比率                比率越高,公允價值越高
            Other equity instrument          1,546,610     Option pricing       Volatility of underlying   The higher the volatility,
            investments                                    model                asset price                the lower the fair value
            其他權益工具投資                                       期權定價模型               標的資產價格的波動率                 波動率越高,公允價值越
            Other non-current financial      1,326,401     Investment           Net value of investment    The higher the net value,
            assets                                         underlying net value underlying                 the higher the fair value
            其他非流動金融資產                                      投資標的淨值法              投資標的的淨值                    淨值越高,公允價值越高
                                              Fair value
                                          at the end of    Valuation
                                               the year    technique            Unobservable inputs        Effects on fair value
                                          年末公允價值           估值技術                 不可觀察輸入值                    對公允價值的影響
            Other equity instrument          1,413,857     Market approach      Average EV/Revenue ratio   The higher the ratio, the
            investments                                                                                    higher the fair value
            其他權益工具投資                                       市場法                  平均企業價值╱收入比率                比率越高,公允價值越高
            Other equity instrument            413,268     Option pricing       Volatility of underlying   The higher the volatility,
            investments                                    model                asset price                the lower the fair value
            其他權益工具投資                                       期權定價模型               標的資產價格的波動率                 波動率越高,公允價值越
            Other non-current financial      1,238,846     Investment           Net value of investment    The higher the net value,
            assets                                         underlying net value underlying                 the higher the fair value
            其他非流動金融資產                                      投資標的淨值法              投資標的的淨值                    淨值越高,公允價值越高
      BYD Company Limited
      Notes to Financial Statements
      RMB’000 人民幣千元
               (5)          Adjustment of fair value measurement                                                   (5)         公允價值計量的調節
                            Below is the adjustment information of continuous fair                                             持續的第三層次公允價值計量的調節
                            value measurement in Level 3:                                                                      信息如下:
                            January-June 2023 (Unaudited)                                                                      二零二三年一至六月(未經審計)
                                                                                                                                                                          Changes in
                                                                                                                   Total gains or losses                               gains or losses
                                                                                                                    當期利得或損失總額                                          of assets held
                                                                                                                                    Through                                at the end
                                                                                                       Transfer    Through             other                            of the period
                                                                              Opening      Transfer      out of       profit comprehensive                  Closing    through profit
                                                                              balance     to Level 3    Level 3     or loss          income    Purchases    balance            or loss
                                                                                  期初         轉入          轉出                       計入其他                         期末          未實現利得
                                                                                  餘額       第三層次        第三層次        計入損益           綜合收益              購買         餘額       或損失的變動
                            Other equity instrument investments   其他權益工具投資    1,827,125           –     (24,670)          –        (32,603)            –   1,769,852               –
                            Other non-current financial assets    其他非流動金融資產   1,238,846      13,710           –     (25,353)             –        99,198   1,326,401         (25,353)
                                                                                                                                               Interim Report 2023
                                                                                                                                                二零二三年中期報告                  107
                                                                    Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                RMB’000 人民幣千元
      (5)   Adjustment of fair value measurement                                                (5)         公允價值計量的調節(續)
                                                                                                                                                           Changes in
                                                                                                  Total gains or losses                                gains or losses
                                                                                                  當期利得或損失總額                                             of assets held
                                                                                                                    Through                                 at the end
                                                                                     Transfer    Through               other                                of the year
                                                              Opening     Transfer     out of       profit comprehensive                    Closing     through profit
                                                              balance   to Level 3    Level 3      or loss           income    Purchases    balance              or loss
                                                                 年初       轉入           轉出                         計入其他                         年末          未實現利得
                                                                 餘額     第三層次         第三層次       計入損益              綜合收益              購買         餘額       或損失的變動
            Other equity instrument investments   其他權益工具投資    803,387    257,797     (33,257)           –          679,603       119,595   1,827,125                  –
            Other non-current financial assets    其他非流動金融資產   194,787     40,000           –      23,269                 –       980,790   1,238,846            23,269
      (6)   Transfers among fair value hierarchies                                              (6)         公允價值層次轉換
            During the Period from January to June 2023, the fair                                           於二零二三年一至六月期間,本集團
            value of other equity instrument investments held by                                            持有的其他權益工具投資因限售期解
            the Group was transferred from Level 3 to Level 1 due                                           除,其公允價值從第三層次轉入第
            to the release of lock-up period, with a transfer amount                                        一層次,轉移金額為人民幣24,670千
            of RMB24,670,000. Certain financial instruments of the                                          元。本集團部分金融工具因無法獲取
            Group were valued using Level 3 valuation techniques                                            可觀察輸入值而采用第三層次技術予
            as there were no observable inputs available, and their                                         以估值,並將其公允價值從第二層次
            fair values were transferred from Level 2 to Level 3,                                           轉移到第三層次,轉移金額為人民幣
            with a transfer amount of RMB13,710,000. Except for                                             13,710千元。除此之外,本期本集團
            this, there were no other significant transfers among fair                                      金融工具的公允價值層次之間無其他
            value hierarchies of financial instruments of the Group                                         重大轉移。
            during the Period.
            In 2022, the other equity instrument investment held                                            於二零二二年度,本集團持有的其他
            by the Group had quotations in an active market                                                 權益工具投資因限售期解除,存在活
            due to the release of lock-up period, and its fair                                              躍市場報價,其公允價值從第三層次
            value was transferred from Level 3 to Level 1, with a                                           轉入第一層次,轉移金額為人民幣
            transfer amount of RMB33,257,000. Certain financial                                             33,257千元。本集團部分金融工具因
            instruments of the Group were valued using Level 3                                              無法獲取可觀察輸入值而採用第三層
            valuation techniques as there were no observable                                                次估值技術予以估值,並將其公允價
            inputs available, and their fair values were transferred                                        值從第二層次轉移到第三層次,轉移
            from Level 2 to Level 3, with a transfer amount of                                              金額為人民幣297,797千元。除此之
            RMB297,797,000. Except for this, there were no other                                            外,二零二二年度本集團金融工具的
            significant transfers among fair value hierarchies of                                           公允價值層次之間無其他重大轉移。
            financial instruments of the Group in 2022.
      BYD Company Limited
      Notes to Financial Statements
      RMB’000 人民幣千元
               On August 26, 2023, the Company held the 34th meeting                  二零二三年八月二十六日,公司召開第七屆
               of its seventh board of directors and agreed to sign an                董事會第三十四次會議,同意控股子公司比
               acquisition framework agreement between its controlling                亞迪電子(國際)有限公司與Jabil Inc.或其下
               subsidiary BYD Electronics (International) Co., Ltd. and Jabil         屬子公司簽訂收購框架協議,以約人民幣
               Inc. or its subsidiaries, to acquire certain business with a cash      158億元(等值22億美元)現金收購其旗下成
               consideration of approximately RMB15.8 billion (equivalent             都、無錫的產品生產製造業務,包括現有客
               to US$2.2 billion). The business primarily comprises the               戶的零部件生產製造業務。該協議於二零二
               product manufacturing business in Chengdu and Wuxi,                    三年八月二十六日簽署。
               China, including the manufacturing of components for existing
               customers. This agreement was signed on August 26, 2023.
               The financial statements were approved and authorised for              董事會已於二零二三年八月二十八日審批及
               issue by the Board on 28 August 2023.                                  授權刊發財務報表。

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