卫星化学: 2022年环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告(英文版)

来源:证券之星 2023-06-15 00:00:00
Address:No. 196 Fuqiang Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China
Zip code:314050
Telephone:(+86)573-8222 9096
Official website:https://www.stl-chem.com/
                                     Quality to Foster an Excellent                Governance to Seek Long-Term
   About This Report            01   Brand                                         Steady Growth
   About STL                    03   Creating Premium Products                13   Insisting on Business Compliance    37
   Message from the Chairman    03   Improving Customer Service               29   Intensive ESG Governance            48
   Company Profile              06   Practicing Responsible Procurement       30
   Our 2022                     07   Boosting Industry Development            32
   Annex                             Eco-friendliness to Create a Better           People-Centricity to Build a
                                     Home                                          Harmonious Society
   Future Prospects             95   Strengthening Environmental Management   55   Empowering Employees’ Development   80
   ESG Performance Indicators   96   Optimizing the Use of Resources          61   Fulfill Social Responsibility       92
                                     Pollution Emissions Control              68
About This Report
     Overview                                              Boundaries                                        Information Sources
     This is the third annual Environmental, Social        Temporal boundaries of the Report: January        The information and data disclosed in the Report are from the Company’s statistical
     and Governance (ESG) report of Satellite              1, 2022, to December 31, 2022 (hereinafter        information or official documents. The currency amounts involved are measured by the
     Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as        referred to as the "Reporting Period"). Some      Renminbi (hereinafter referred to as the "RMB").
     the "Report"). The Report provides a factual          information may extend beyond the Reporting
     and objective account of Satellite Chemical           Period. The Report is the annual report.
     Co., Ltd.’s sustainability activities in 2022,        Organizational boundaries of the Report: The
     with a focus on its social, environmental, and        Report covers Satellite Chemical Co., Ltd.
     governance performance.                               unless otherwise specified.
     Preparation Basis                                                                                       Confirmation and Approval
     Shenzhen Stock Exchange Guide No.1 on Self-Regulation of Listed Companies: Standardized Operation       The Report was prepared by Satellite Chemical’s ESG report compilation team and approved
     of Companies Listed on the Main Board                                                                   by the Board of Directors for release on April 28, 2023, upon confirmation by the management.
     Shenzhen Stock Exchange Guideline No.1 on Self-Regulation of Listed Companies: Business Matters
     (Revised in February 2023)
     Shenzhen Stock Exchange Guide on the Environmental, Social and Governance Disclosure of Listed
     Companies (Consultation Paper)
     References                                                                                              Access and Feedback
     For the convenience of presentation and reading, the "Company", "STL" and "we/us" in the Report refer   The Report is available in both simplified Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies
     to "Satellite Chemical Co., Ltd." and its subsidiaries. Other references are as follows:                between the two versions, the simplified Chinese version shall prevail.Your comments are
                                                                                                             valuable to us and will help us improve our ESG performance. Please feel free to contact us.
     Lianyungang Petrochemical        refers to       Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
     Satellite Energy                 refers to       Zhejiang Satellite Energy Co., Ltd.                        Telephone: (+86) 573-8222 9096
     Pinghu Petro Chemical            refers to       Pinghu Petro Chemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 E-mail: esg@weixing.com.cn
     Satellite Science & Technology   refers to       Satellite Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Official website: https://www.stl-chem.com/
     Hubei Satellite                  refers to       Hubei Satellite New Materials Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Address: No. 196 Fuqiang Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China
     STL USA                          refers to       Satellite Chemical USA Corp.
 About STL
Message from the Chairman
The year 2022 was one of recovery and resumption. From a start-up on the shores of the South Lake, we
have remained true to our original mission of "chemicals make a better life" and have insisted on green and
low-carbon development. Following national industrial development strategies and the business philosophy
to "contribute STL quality products, create a better life", we have realized numerous major technological and
product innovation results and comprehensive, in-depth, and fundamental management innovations and
changes. Now, we are firmly moving forward with our Double Five-Year Plans, aiming to "create a future with
science and technology and build a low-carbon chemical sci-tech company of new materials based on the
light hydrocarbon integration", among other accomplishments.
Throughout the year, all STL employees worked together with unified wisdom and strength under the               In the year, STL stayed firmly true to its original aspiration of green development.
strong leadership of the Company’s Board of Directors. We followed green and low-carbon development
principles and guided our business with the concepts of "technology leading" and "management leading". We       We adhered to the safety and environmental protection principles that "safety is more important than profit"
accelerated project development and technological innovation by fully leveraging our advantages provided by     and "taking environmental protection seriously as our products". As the largest company of the green and
industrial chain integration. We achieved satisfactory results through hard work and perseverance in the face   low-carbon comprehensive utilization of raw materials in China, STL acted in accordance with the carbon
                                                                                                                peaking and carbon neutrality strategies and implemented numerous carbon-reduction measures for green
of adversity. The Company’s operating income in 2022 was RMB        37 billion , and its net profit exceeded    and sustainable development. These initiatives led to STL’s inclusion on the "Green Manufacturing List 2022"
RMB  3  billion, indicating steady progress toward the strategic goal of "building a low-carbon chemical sci-   of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China and infused the
tech company of new materials".                                                                                 Company’s high-quality development with a strong green impetus.
In the year, STL made solid progress in project development.                                                    In the year, STL added vigor and vitality to its workforce.
The Lianyungang Petrochemical Olefin Comprehensive Utilization Project was fully operational as a result of     We put the development concept to "create a future with science and technology" into action by introducing
our determination and hard work day and night, creating a benchmark and model for safe, environmentally         leading and high-caliber experts and deepening our collaboration with universities. We maintained the core
friendly, and low-carbon development in the chemical industry. Simultaneously, we continued to strengthen       values that "the company grows together with its employees and society" and established a comprehensive
our industrial presence, with a strong emphasis on expanding the comprehensive utilization of light             human capital management system. We increased recruitment channels and provided intensive and targeted
hydrocarbons such as C2 and C3. Furthermore, we increased the capacity of our three major business              training for our workforce to build capacity, relying on the Company’s strengths. This change enabled STL
segments: functional chemicals, polymer new materials, and new energy materials. As a result, we boosted        employees to develop a strong sense of vitality, cohesion, and influence, as well as realize the common goal
STL’s high-quality development and raised the industry’s standard.                                              of achieving happiness through struggle.
                                                                                                                 Company Profile
In the year, STL rolled out its strategy for internal and external governance.
We investigated the design and implementation of a high-level corporate governance system and established
the business concepts of "technology leading" and "management leading". We created a three-in-one
corporate governance structure, a solid ESG governance structure, and a corporate governance mechanism           STL began its business with acrylic acid polymer new materials. New chemical materials have dominated our
with clearly defined responsibilities, efficient operation, and seamless synergy, resulting in a comprehensive   evolution since then. We have stayed true to our mission that "chemicals make a better life" over the years,
and solid three-dimensional governance network of STL.                                                           focusing on the real economy and our profitable business. We have extended to the upstream to secure
                                                                                                                 upstream raw materials, paving an innovative path not taken by our peers, and set a development strategy
                                                                                                                 to "build a low-carbon chemical sci-tech company of new materials based on light hydrocarbon integration".
                                                                                                                 We have launched applications in aerospace, rail transport, infrastructure engineering, automobiles, new
                                                                                                                 energy, semiconductors, furniture, textile, and home care while working in functional chemicals, new energy
In the year, STL achieved innumerable fruits in public welfare.                                                  materials, and polymer new materials, creating colorful fine products for a better life.
We took the initiative to assume responsibility for common prosperity in response to the guiding principles of
General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on common prosperity. We launched the Jiaxing STL Public
                                                                                                                 With science and technology, we shape the future. STL invested over RMB        1.238         billion in R&D
Welfare Fund, the first named after the Company, as well as ongoing programs to assist the elderly, students,    in 2022, a 15.14       % increase year on year. We achieved technological innovation and optimization,
                                                                                                                 ensuring the completion of the Lianyungang Petrochemical Phase II project in August 2022. We also
people with disabilities, and the needy. All of this was part of STL’s efforts to promote common prosperity.
                                                                                                                 made significant advances in developing key and core technologies and completing the construction of a
We achieved satisfactory results in 2022 while remaining pragmatic and putting the diligence, innovation,        1,000-metric-ton/year α-olefin           industrial pilot plant. We hastened the construction of STL’s future
and foresight of STL staff members into action. We demonstrated through high-quality development that            R&D center in order to create a new platform to "create a future with science and technology".
"integrating the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) into corporate governance is a right
direction for STL" and "injected impetus for STL’s business" with a quality improvement.                         We have worked hard to increase our human capital. STL had a technical R&D team of        992      people in
According to a proverb in Chinese, "In a boat race, those who row the hardest will win". At a new starting
                                                                                                                 human resources as capital for future growth. Since its initial public offering, the Company has introduced
point in 2023, STL will work to achieve qualitative changes. We will work harder to advance "management
leading" and "technology leading", with the goal of fostering the "H?" culture. We will continue to provide      3 restricted stock award schemes, 1 employee stock ownership scheme, 1 business partner stock
the Chinese manufacturing sector with role models of green, low-carbon, and high-tech development by             ownership scheme, and 3 virtual equity awards for business units. It has established a modern management
firmly focusing on industry and practice. Closely adhering to China’s solemn pledge to "peak carbon dioxide      mechanism with value incentives and responded to the national policy on demonstration zones for common
emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060", we will contribute the STL power to            prosperity by establishing a value platform for employee common prosperity.
addressing global climate and environmental issues. We will live up to our corporate mission that "chemicals
make a better life" and share the "beauty of chemistry" with the world.                                          "Never forget why you started, and you will be able to complete your mission". STL has developed an
                                                                                                                 advantage of industrial chain integration, beginning with polymer new materials. We are going deeper
                                                                                                                 with innovations in the field of new low-carbon chemical materials, striving to be a sci-tech company that
                                                                                                                 generates taxes for society, benefits for shareholders, and income for employees, and realizing the mission
                                                                                                                 that "chemicals make a better life"!
     February 15, 2022                   February 21, 2022                       March 5, 2022                       May 28, 2022                           July 21, 2022                            August 8, 2022
 The 2# plant for superplastic        Lianyungang Petrochemical's             STL and Jiaxing Xiuzhou High        STL’s refined acrylic acid             STL's new product promotion              Aceremony was held in
 new materials was put into           Green Chemical New Material             School held a signing ceremony      project with an annual capacity        conference, with the theme               Lianyungang for the contract
 operation, marking STL’s             Industrial Park project was             for the pairing agreement,          of 200,000 metric tons saw             of "Always Be with You", was             signing the 40,000-metric-ton/
 official entry into differentiated   officially launched. The project is     under which SLT donated             the contract officially signed,        concluded in Changsha. More than         year high-end packaging new
 and high-end fine chemical           a downward extension of the light       RMB 1 million to promote            enhancing the comprehensive            100 representatives, experts, and        material project (EAA) jointly
 new material products derived        hydrocarbon integration industry        education and training for ethnic   strength of the integrated             researchers from the construction,       launched by STL and SK Group.
 from ethylene oxide.                 chain to further deep processing of     minority students, improve          industrial chain of acrylic acid       energy, and macromonomer                 It marks the first EAA production
                                      Lianyungang Petrochemical's C2          their education facilities, and     and downstream new materials.          industries gathered together to          base being launched in Asia.
                                      products, effectively increasing the    establish an education incentive                                           explore the road of development
                                      added value of the products.            mechanism.                                                                 of the polyether macromonomer
                                                                                                                                                                                                     August 26, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A work conference on the C6
         Our 2022                                                                                                                                                                                 macromonomer standards and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the second plenary session of the
             Milestones in 2022                                                                                                                                                                   working group on the preparation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the VPEG and VBPEG organization
                                                                                                                                                                                                  standards were hosted at STL
                                                                                                                                                                                                  headquarters. The Company led the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  setting of the organization standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                  for C6 macromonomer, adding new
                                                                                                                                                                                                  momentum to industry development.
     December 29, 2022                   December 29, 2022                       December 8, 2022                    November 10, 2022                      November 9, 2022                         August 27, 2022
 STL proposed to establish a          Lianyungang Petrochemical’s             STL continued to advance            The Company invited experts            S T L U S A w a s e l e c t e d Vi c e   STL’s Lianyungang Petrochemical
 Common Prosperity Public             styrene plant was put into operation.   its growing together program        and partners in the acrylic acid       President of the China General           Olefin Comprehensive Utilization
 Welfare Fund to promote the          It strengthened the industrial chain    by granting virtual equity          and ester industries to gather on      Chamber of Commerce (CGCC)               Project was fully operational,
 deep integration of the real         and made up for its shortcomings,       to Satellite Science &              the shores the South Lake. The         Houston at its General Membership        injecting surging power into
 economy and public welfare.          extending to the high value-added       Technology’s employees.             event aimed to promote industry        Meeting and Board Meeting 2022.          higher-quality development of the
                                      industry with huge potential and                                            interaction and exchanges and to                                                regional economy and China’s
                                      broad development prospects in                                              better provide quality solutions for                                            goals of carbon peaking and
                                      the downstream market.                                                      industry chain customers.                                                       carbon neutrality.
     Highlights in Performance in 2022
                General                                                                                    Social Responsibility
         National Manufacturing Individual          201st among China Top 500 Manufacturers         Green Factory of the Petroleum           Green Supply Chain of the Petroleum
         Champion Demonstration Enterprise                                                          and Chemical Industry for 2022           and Chemical Industry for 2022
                                                    China Enterprise Confederation and
         Ministry of Industry and Information       China Enterprise Directors Association          China Petroleum and Chemical Industry    China Petroleum and Chemical Industry
         Technology of the People’s Republic of                                                     Federation                               Federation
         China and China Federation of Industrial
                                                                                                    Recruitment Operations Benchmark         Zhejiang Province’s List of Leading Enterprises
                                                                                                                                             for a Community of Happiness 2022
                                                                                                    China Digital Human Resources
         Hurun China 500 Most Valuable              2022 Fortune China 500                          Association                              Zhejiang Federation of Trade Unions, Publicity
         Private Companies 2022
                                                    Fortune and CICC Fortune                                                                 Department of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial
         Hurun China                                                                                                                         Committee and other five ministries and commissions
         Zhejiang Top 100 Enterprises               Zhejiang Province’s List of "Forerunner"        Enterprise Cultural Center of Zhejiang   National-Level Green Supply Chain Management
                                                    Enterprises in the Integration of Domestic      Province                                 Enterprise
         Zhejiang Enterprise Confederation,         and Foreign Trade
         Zhejiang Enterprise Directors                                                              Publicity Department, Organization       Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of
                                                    Department of Commerce of Zhejiang
         Association, and Zhejiang Federation of                                                    Department and other Departments of      the People’s Republic of China
         Industrial Economics                                                                       the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee
         Export Brands of Zhejiang 2022-2024        Yangtze River Delta 100 Enterprises             Top 50 Sustainable Development Industrial
         Department of Commerce of Zhejiang         Yangtze River Delta Enterprise Federation and   Enterprises
         Province                                   Yangtze River Delta Entrepreneur Federation     Forbes China
                Human Resources
         Outstanding Collective in the Reform of Zhejiang’s Industrial Workforce
         Construction in the New Era
         CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province
         China Top 10 Employers in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry
         Chenhr.com and Yingcai Wanglian (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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quality and satisfactory products and services and
work with suppliers for win-win results.
  Creating Premium Products
  Improving Customer Service
  Practicing Responsible Procurement
  Boosting Industry Development
Creating Premium Products
STL regards product quality as the Company's foundation. To ensure product quality, we always
prioritize our internal quality management system. We also invest in innovation and R&D to accelerate
the digital transition. We promote the qualitative change of the Company to a low-carbon chemical sci-
tech company of new materials based on light hydrocarbon integration and continuously contribute to
the transition and upgrading of China's chemical industry by increasing our intrinsic safety and clean
production capacity and accelerating the quality, efficiency, and power changes in the chemical industry.
                                                                                                                     STL practices "technology leading" to drive the Company's high-
Furthermore, we are stepping up our efforts to protect intellectual property rights and promote the
                                                                                                                     quality development in order to improve its presence in the
growth of the digital economy.
                                                                                                                     industry chain. We take the initiative to establish organizational
                                                                                                                     standards, demonstrating our commitment and responsibility
                                                                                                                     to the orderly development of the C6 macromonomer industry
                                                                                                                     and extending and intensifying industrial exchanges and
                                                                                                                     collaboration. More importantly, it allows for resource sharing,
                                                                                                                     complementing each other's advantages, a win-win ecosystem,
Quality Management System                                                                                            and synergistic development in the industry, as well as bringing
                                                                                                                     new energy to industry development.
STL is constantly working to improve its quality management system. We strictly adhere to the Product Quality
Law of the People's Republic of China and the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China.                                                                                            STL’s quality management system certificate
We have formulated Quality Management System, an Incident Management System , Quality Management
Regulations, and Critical Activities and Key Quality Control Points in place. These internal management
                                                                                                                     Engaged in setting of the organization    Conducting unscheduled               Advancing the work of the joint
documents establish criteria for product quality, critical activity acceptance, and other processes. STL has also
                                                                                                                     standards for C6 macromonomer             application performance tests        laboratory
established a quality management system with "centralized leadership, hierarchical management, and division of
responsibilities". The Company is assigns the responsibility of quality management to the general project manager,    STL has worked with China                STL conducts irregular               The Company’s joint
and the responsibilities of quality management and customer quality to the deputy manager of production and           National Chemical Information            application performance              laboratory continuously
related personnel. The roles and responsibilities of quality personnel at all levels are clearly defined.             Center to progress the setting           tests on products and has            conducts tests to expand
                                                                                                                      of the organization standards            developed a database                 the application of C6
STL accelerates the transition and upgrading of traditional industries, vigorously develops new chemical materials    for C6 macromonomer. With                of product indicators and            macromonomer and has
and fine chemicals, and catalyzes the industry's digital transition to promote high-quality development. We adhere    the support of Tongji University,        application performance              developed a polycarboxylate
to the basic principles of market-oriented, innovation-driven, green and safe, open and collaborative, and draw       Beijing University of Technology,        correlation indices. Moreover,       water-reducing agent for
fundamental impetus from reform and innovation in this course, which follows the Guiding Opinions on Boosting         and Shanxi University, the               the customer-centric                 gypsum-based self-leveling
the High-Quality Development of the Petroleum and Chemical Industries During the 14th Five-Year Plan                  Company has developed a test             Company coordinates                  mortar. It features a fast flow
Period.                                                                                                               method for the double bond               production plants to                 rate and good flow retention,
                                                                                                                      retention of C6 macromonomer,            continuously optimize                which can effectively improve
We carry out quality management in accordance with the ISO 9001 quality management system, which
                                                                                                                      filling a quality gap in the industry,   process parameters and               the construction efficiency
includes annual internal and external reviews as well as monthly special inspections of the quality system. We
                                                                                                                      and completed the standard test          improve product quality.             and ensure the construction
supervise the rectification of existing problems to ensure closed-loop management. Furthermore, we assess the
                                                                                                                      and preparation. The standards                                                quality. The laboratory has
Company's identification and compliance with laws and regulations, with a focus on key product quality control
                                                                                                                      are expected to be released in                                                filed a patent application and
points. We conduct process inspections and have several quality-related systems in place to ensure quality and
                                                                                                                      May 2023.                                                                     has been granted.
continuously improve quality issues.
           Improving product quality control in collaboration with                                                               Boosting the Company’s technological innovation in collaboration
 案例                                                                                                                     Case
           universities and research institutes                                                                                  among enterprises, universities, and research institutes
     To promote product performance improvement and sustainable development, the Company has                              To facilitate the effective combination of necessary production factors for technological innovation,
     established a joint laboratory with Tongji University. The partnership aimed to develop application                  STL collaborates with higher education institutions. In 2022, the Company established a postdoctoral
     processes dedicated for polyether macromonomer customers, such as the synthesis process of viscosity-                workstation with Zhejiang University to gain a forward-looking scientific perspective with the strength of
     reducing polycarboxylate water-reducing agents. This move has not only solved the pumping problem of                 the university’s supervisory team. Moreover, STL collaborates with Dalian University of Technology on a
     high-grade concrete but also broadened the application of vinyl polyethylene glycol ether. Moreover, the             project to recover hydrocarbon-containing carbon dioxide tail gas from the production process of the EO/
     Company has developed an iodine value test method for vinyl polyethylene glycol ether and ethylene oxy-              EG plant, which is now under construction. The project captures and utilizes the carbon dioxide tail gas
     butyl polyethylene glycol ether, which provides effective support for product quality control.                       from the production process which has been directly emitted into the air. The successful implementation
                                                                                                                          of such projects mark Lianyungang Petrochemical’s contribution to China’s strategy of carbon peaking
                                                                                                                          and carbon neutrality.
R&D and Innovation Capabilities
                                                                                                                                 Setting footprints in the high-end polyolefin industry chain with
                                                                                                                                 breakthroughs in the supply of key and core new materials
     Innovation System Construction
                                                                                                                          To build a product R&D system based on industrial chain integration, STL has set footprints in the R&D ofα-olefin
STL is constantly improving its science, technology, and innovation (STI) system. We developed and implemented            and POE in the downstream ethylene industry chain. At the beginning of 2023, the Company’s α-olefin industrial
management systems for R&D, knowledge, and the security of human resources, funds, and supplies to support                pilot plant achieved stable operation, reaching the intended target of the industrial pilot plant. Specifically, the quality
product and technology innovation, using the Management Measures of the Research Institute for Polymer New                of 1-hexene products has reached China’s industry standards. For 1-octene, there has been no production plants
Materials as the overarching management rules.                                                                            in China and all products had to be imported. The new plant’s 1-octene products have met the standards against
                                                                                                                          imported samples, marking the successful start-up of the Company’s independently developed α-olefin industrial
We are committed to the development philosophy of "prioritizing innovation and focusing on three qualities". Under        pilot plant. In the future, STL will continue to strive for the mission that "chemicals make a better life" and leverage
our talent philosophy to "assess the talents based on their abilities and contributions in addition to educational        the advantages in the industrial chain to accelerate the advancement in new energy. We will make solid progress
background and work experience", we have a set of talent management policies and measures tailored to the                 in our basic business, low carbon products, and set footprints in the high-end polyolefin industry chain. Seizing the
industry and our workforce. Furthermore, we have a dual-channel development model of "technology" and                     market space brought by the new development pattern whereby domestic and foreign markets boost each other,
"management" to provide more opportunities for employees at all levels to advance their careers. We create a              we will meet people’s pursuit of a better life.
"specialized, professional, and international" workforce while also expanding and improving R&D personnel's ability
to innovate. In this manner, we created a permanent mechanism for attracting, training, and incentivizing scientific
and technological personnel, as well as a graded personnel training mechanism and a career planning system.
                                                                                                                         Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
     Innovation Management Measures                                                                                    STL places a premium on the management of scientific and technological outcomes. To strengthen STI
STL is dedicated to product innovation and the digital empowerment of production management. With the use              management and catalyze STI progress, we have established the Corporate Patent Management System ,
of intelligent digital technologies such as DCS, SAP, and MES, we have optimized and promoted the "five-in-            the Information Confidentiality Management System , and other internal system documents. In the process of
one" safety management platform, as well as improved production efficiency and management capabilities.                patent filing, we make explicit requirements in internal process codes and at meetings for all production bases,
Simultaneously, we advance the development of digital factories and improve the application scenarios of               business units, research institutes, and other relevant units to conduct necessary surveys before filing a patent.
"Intelligence+, Robot+", and the industrial internet.
STL has created a three-tiered digital intelligence system comprised of an intelligent operation platform,                                                                                                            The year-on-year increase of
intelligent factories, and intelligent equipment, with the SAP+ industrial Internet platform serving as the              In 2022, patents filed:                         Patents granted:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the number of patents filed:
                                                                                                                         including invention patents: 39                                                  27
foundation. We advance the subsystems of digital and intelligent R&D, marketing, supply chain, manufacturing,
finance, human resources management, HSE management, and process, with which we construct a "digital
and intelligence-driven enterprise" and develop the Company's new competitiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                         including invention patents:
We offer instruction in intellectual property rights (IPRs) laws and regulations and the compliance with them.
                                                                                                                          Promoting green and low-carbon processes and technologies to
The Legal Affairs Department of the Company invites law firms to interpret IPRs laws and regulations and          Case
                                                                                                                          boost high-quality development of the manufacturing industry
analyze relevant cases. The IPRs management commissioner trains departmental IPRs managers and
answers their questions about the Management Code of Corporate Intellectual Property Rights, handbooks,
                                                                                                                    To further enhance enterprises’ scale advantage and
and procedure documents. Following that, the departmental IPRs managers provide training for their
                                                                                                                    market competitiveness, a centralized signing ceremony
departments, with approximately 70% of the training focusing on IPRs compliance.
                                                                                                                    for high-quality manufacturing projects in Pinghu was held
                                                                                                                    in May 2022, which was themed by "Gathering Intelligence
                                                                                                                    Power for Manufacturing in Pinghu for a New Future". The
     Commercialization of Innovation Results                                                                        event was attended by Zhong Xudong, Secretary of the
                                                                                                                    CPC Pinghu Municipal Committee, Zhou Junbo, Deputy
STL invests continuously in R&D and innovation, commercializing innovation results and improving its                Secretary of the CPC Pinghu Municipal Committee and
research capability for key general technologies for enterprises. Under the concept of "technology leading",        Mayor of Pinghu, and other leading officials, as well as Gao
we continuously optimize our processes and seek cost-effective innovations. We are also expanding our               Jun, Vice President of STL and General Manager of Pinghu
high-value industry chain in order to bring differentiated products to market.                                      Base, and other enterprise representatives. The Company’s
                                                                                                                    project in the event applied the green low-carbon process
                                                                                                                    and technology developed by the Company independently.
                                                                                                                    It enriched the Company’s acrylic acid and ester products
 Case      Launching leading projects to ensure energy security                                                     and will contribute to the higher-quality development of the
                                                                                                                    regional economy and the national goals of carbon peaking
                                                                                                                    and carbon neutrality.
     STL provided additional impetus for Lianyungang to accelerate its "late-mover's catch-up" by launching
     the Lianyungang Petrochemical olefin comprehensive utilization project. It is a key project of Jiangsu
     Province as well as the base, leading, and flagship project of the Lianyungang national petrochemical
     base. It is critical in promoting Lianyungang's development of a world-class petrochemical industrial
     base and in boosting China's chemical industry's high-quality development. As the project is
     implemented, STL will focus on creating a benchmark and model for safe, environmentally friendly, and       Work Safety Management
     low-carbon development in the chemical industry, as well as making greater contributions to ensuring
     China's energy security.                                                                                    STL believes that work safety is the lifeblood of an enterprise's steady development, a guiding principle
                                                                                                                 for an enterprise's survival, and the foundation for an enterprise's long-term growth. We insist on the work
                                                                                                                 safety principles of "safety first, focusing on prevention, integrated control, and all engaged", and we put the
                                                                                                                 safety concept "safety is more important than profit" into practice. Furthermore, we are constantly evolving
                                                                                                                 and improving our HSE management system. We focus on work safety management under the HSE
           Progressing innovation based on research projects to boost                                            management system framework, move faster to address hidden dangers, improve our risk control ability, and
           industry development                                                                                  strengthen our contractors' safety qualification management.
     STL is involved in scientific research and innovation to help drive industry development. We
     conducted preliminary research on the dechlorination of raw material water in the production base
     and obtained some results. We developed an innovative separation process to minimize the chloride             Safety Security Management System
     ion content through a series of operations and analyses. The success of this experiment implies that
                                                                                                                 STL implements the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Interim Measures for
     the recycling efficiency of raw material water will be greatly improved, empowering the industry in
                                                                                                                 the Screening, Identification, and Control of Work Safety Accident Hazards. We adhere to the safety and
     recycling and reusing.
                                                                                                                 environmental protection concept that "safety is more important than profit" and assume responsibility for
                                                                                                                 the ecological environment, as well as the work safety principles of "safety first, focusing on prevention,
                                                                                                                 integrated control, and all engaged". We have developed a Work Safety Accountability System for all
                                                                                                                 employees and established reputable organizations and institutions for safety management. We have
                                                                                                                 enhanced our systems for ensuring work safety and advanced the standardization of work safety. At the end
                                                                                                                 of the reporting period, all of our production bases and business units held the Level 2 Certificate of Work
                                                                                                                 Safety Standardization for Enterprises.
STL pursues HSE management objectives and controls exhaustively all facets of production and operations                  Work Safety Risk Identification
using organizational, systematic, and funding assurance measures. We have created a comprehensive
responsibility chain with no loopholes and assigned each level the primary responsibility for ensuring                 STL focuses on regulating safety risk management and hazard identification, screening, and control. In
workplace safety. We evaluate and monitor the performance of the work safety accountability system using               accordance with the Guiding Rules for the Screening and Management of Potential Risks in Enterprises
an evaluation mechanism. In addition, we conduct routine safety management evaluations and reviews                     Engaging in Hazardous Chemicals , we develop annual safety inspection plans that outline the frequency
of the safety standardization system's operation. We analyze the process based on the audit's findings to              and scope of potential risk inspections for each department. We have initiated professional inspections of
identify and eliminate safety and environmental risks. We use the PDCA method to enhance the operational               processes and equipment in an effort to prevent and reduce workplace accidents.
efficiency of safety standardization in a scientific, regulated, and efficient manner.
                                                                                                                       We have implemented rigorous risk screening for all aspects of production, identified a number of safety
                                                                                                                       risks, and taken targeted steps to bolster our response, ensuring regular screening and strict control of
                                                                                                                       safety risks. In addition, we have developed a safety risk screening APP and entered the Guiding Rules for
                                                                                                                       the Screening and Management of Potential Risks in Enterprises Engaging in Hazardous Chemicals and
                                                                                                                       the Guiding Rules for Standardization Reviews into the system's backend. We push the inspection items
                                    STL had   51 registered                                                            to designated inspectors via the WeCom to increase the effectiveness and quality of risk screening and to
                                                                                                                       advance the development of risk identification systems and standards.
                                    safety engineers
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unfavorable factors of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the environment
         firefighters               firefighters by 2022
                                                                                                                          Related to the work                   Lack of or defects in                 Poor environment of the
                                                                                                                          experience, technical capacity,       protection and signal devices         production (construction) site
                                                                                                                          safety awareness, and
                                                                                                                          physical condition of the actor       Defects in equipment,
                                                                                                                                                                facilities, tools, accessories
        Organizational Assurance                                     Systematic Assurance
                                                                                                                                                                And sub-standard personal
     A work safety management structure with the                  Work safety management systems have
                                                                                                                                                                protective equipment
     general manager of the base as the principal                 been developed, including the Work Safety
     person in charge, which extends to primary-                  Accountability System for All, the Hazard
     level teams, has been established. Safety                    Screening and Investigation System, the
     management institutions have been set up. Full-              Risk Management System, and the Major                                                        STL’s safety risk identification
     time safety management positions have been                   Hazard Management System. They define
     set up. Every workshop has safety managers to                the responsibilities and work requirements of
     ensure the implementation of safety measures.                departments and promote their compliance
                                                                  with safety management requirements.
                                                                                                                         Work Safety Assurance
                                                                                                                       We place a high value on work safety management and control, and we take steps to ensure it based on the results
        Funding Assurance                                                                                              of our safety risk assessments. To ensure the Company's long-term development, we perform safety management
     The Company has established a sound internal management system for corporate work safety expenses in              throughout production and operations. To prevent and reduce work safety accidents, we have implemented a
     strict accordance with the Management Measures for the Drawing and Use of Corporate Work Safety                   top-down safety assurance system, as well as measures such as increased supervision and management, an
     Expenses . It defines the procedures, responsibilities, and authority for the drawing and use of corporate work   emergency response mechanism, and hazard screening and identification.
     safety expenses, assigns responsibilities, and ensures that corporate work safety expenses are drawn and
     used according to regulations.
                                    STL’s safety assurance management system
     Safety Supervision
                                                                                                                          Building a dedicated information platform to facilitate safety
     and Inspection                                                                                                Case
        A top-down safety supervision system is established. The safety management department and
        professional departments observe the principle that "industry overseers, business overseers, and            To facilitate the IT-enabled management of work safety, we have improved the functions of the IT-enabled
        production and operation overseers must oversee safety". They supervise and assess safety issues from       platform for work safety and achieved process-based and systematic regulation and constraints, focusing
        the safety management and professional management perspectives, respectively, to ensure that the            on solving the problems that have been unclear, unexpected, or under poor management. Lianyungang
        issues are addressed and a closed loop is formed.                                                           Petrochemical has established systems for safety hazard screening and identification, safety training,
                                                                                                                    field inspection, GDS classified warning, electronic operation permits, and change management, which
                                                                                                                    significantly facilitate work safety management.
     Improvement to
     Emergency Management
                                                                                                                                                                                     Precise Guidance for Field Operation
                                                                                                                              Paperless Management
        An emergency management system under unified command and with intra-level coordination: The                                                                                  Management
        work safety emergency rescue command center leads and commands process handling, emergency
        rescue, alert and evacuation, emergency repair, environmental monitoring, and logistical support. Each
                                                                                                                       Since the IT-enabled management platform               Each business module is capable of
        department establishes its own emergency response organization to deal with work safety accidents
                                                                                                                       for work safety was put into operation, all            automatic data collection and displaying the
        within the department.
                                                                                                                       work safety activities have been put online,           results in bar charts or pie charts according
        A sound emergency organization system: The responsibilities of emergency teams are well defined. A 24-         which has improved the safety management               to specific business or attributes, thus
        hour emergency contact line is available and managers and HSE personnel are arranged for night duty            system with data flow.                                 providing intuitive and accurate guidance for
        for emergency response and external contact in case of emergency.                                                                                                     safety management for field operations.
        Revision of accident emergency plans: Emergency plan training and emergency drills are held regularly
        to test employees’ emergency handling ability. Based on the results of the drills, emergency plans are
        revised and improved from time to time to develop an emergency handling operation procedure that is                                                                          Digital Construction of Dual
                                                                                                                              One-Click Information Push
        more practical and feasible.                                                                                                                                                 Prevention Mechanism
                                                                                                                       In the warning system of major hazards, a              Improvements are made to the functions of
     Work Safety Performance
     Management                                                                                                        corresponding responsible person can be set            dynamic monitoring of the implementation of
                                                                                                                       for each warning level, and the abnormality            risk control measures, tracking and supervision
        Production bases and business units develop environmental protection and safety assessment indicators.         warning information will be pushed to the              of hazard screening and control, assessments
        These indicators are broken down and assigned to relevant divisions of each department and production          person at the first time to guide them to take         of the effectiveness of the mechanism,
        plants, and included in the monthly and annual assessments of all relevant managers. That way, graded          countermeasures.                                       automatic warning of abnormal conditions, and
        systematic management is performed, which enables tracking, implementation, and closed-loop management.                                                               assessments, rewards, and punishments.
                                                                                                                                       Lianyungang Petrochemical’s IT-enabled platform for work safety
     IT-Enabled Platform
        Information technology is applied to build a five-in-one platform for the Company, which integrates the
        information about major hazard monitoring, flammable and toxic gas detection and alarm, corporate safety
        risk zoning, production personnel attendance, and corporate production process management. Advanced
        technology is applied for closed-loop hazard management and IT-enabled risk control, to practice the
        Company’s safety management concepts of "technology leading" and "management leading" in all aspects.
                                        STL’s safety assurance initiatives
            Holding emergency drills to enhance work safety emergency
 Case                                                                                                                          We regularly register hazardous chemical                        We conduct regular chemical risk identification
            response capacity
                                                                                                                               information on the Registration Information                     and evaluation, and risk and hazard screening
     In the national Work Safety Month, Jiaxing Base hosted the 2022 Integrated Emergency Drill of Nanhu District
                                                                                                                               Management System for Hazardous Chemicals                       for key chemicals under regulation. For chemical
     and Chemical Clustering Areas for Hazardous Chemical Accidents, which was attended by heads of regulatory
                                                                                                                               and the Work Safety Risk Monitoring and Early                   safety risk issues, we develop countermeasures
     departments and enterprises. Jiaxing Base demonstrated emergency response in coordination with surrounding
                                                                                                                               Warning System for Hazardous Chemicals                          and emergency plans
     areas in a Class-1 major hazard accident to enhance the ability to respond to safety emergency and display STL’s
                                                                                                                               of the Ministry of Emergency Management.
                                                                                                                               We register hazardous chemicals in strict
     social responsibility.
                                                                                                                               accordance with applicable national regulations
     Lianyungang Petrochemical develops annual work safety accident emergency drill plans and carries out                      and established procedures, and apply for
     emergency drills for EO/EG spherical tank fire and explosion accidents and ethylene spherical tank fire accidents         administrative permits such as the work safety
     accordingly. In addition, it carries out emergency drills from time to time and organizes professionals to carry out      production license for hazardous chemical
     evaluation, forming a pattern of regular and extraordinary emergency drills.                                              manufacturers
                                                                                                                                                                 Chemical                     Chemical Risk
                                                                                                                                                                Registration                  Assessments
                                                                                                                                                                    Chemical                     Chemical
                                                                                                                                                                   Supervision                   Phase-Out
            Constructing a risk grading and control system to strengthen safety
            risk control
                                                                                                                               We register the chemicals used in the                           We strictly comply with the Catalog of
                                                                                                                               production process and mark the corresponding                   Backward Work Safety Production Processes,
     To improve its safety management, Pinghu Base has conducted comprehensive risk identification
                                                                                                                               safety information on the products and update                   Technologies, and Equipment of Hazardous
     and completed a risk grading and control system according to the Implementation Guidelines of the
                                                                                                                               them dynamically in compliance with national                    Chemicals to Be Phased Out (First Batch)
     Emergency Management Department of Zhejiang Province for Enterprises in Zhejiang Province to
                                                                                                                               standards such as the Classification and Code                   and the Catalog of Toxic Chemicals Prohibited
     Construct Safety Risk Control Systems.
                                                                                                                               of Dangerous Goods, the List of Dangerous                       or Strictly Restricted in China. We conduct
     During the reporting period, Pinghu Base established a change review team. The team used hazard and                       Goods, and the Classification and Labels of                     regular chemical screening to ensure that
     operability (HAZOP) analysis, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), and other analysis methods                        Dangerous Chemical Substances Commonly                          our production and operation activities never
     to conduct risk assessments, develop control measures, and strengthen risk control according to the                       Used                                                            involve chemicals that are explicitly prohibited,
     content and scope of changes.                                                                                                                                                             mandated to be phased out, or mandated to be
                                                                                                                                                                                               replaced by the state
     Chemical Safety
                                                                                                                            We rigorously manage the transfer and storage of chemicals, as well as the risks associated with the transportation of
STL places a high priority on chemical safety. We strictly adhere to all applicable national regulations, such as the       chemicals in various forms. According to national standards, we have technical safety instructions and safety labels for
Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals and the Regulation on the Administration                        hazardous chemicals for transporters, warehouses, and end users. The IGC code must be adhered to when transporting
of Precursor Chemicals. We manage the entire chemical process, including registration, supervision, storage and             chemicals via ship. The design, construction, and equipment of transport vessels are governed. In addition, we use ethane
transportation, use, and disposal, considering all potential health and environmental risks associated with chemical use.   as the primary energy source for ship operations, thereby establishing a sustainable and environmentally friendly maritime
                                                                                                                            supply chain.
     Contractor Safety Management
                                                                                                                                 Special inspections of work equipment to improve contractors’
                                                                                                                                 safety management
We attach importance to contractor safety management. We put all aspects concerning contractors, including
qualification review, assessments and inspections, and daily supervision, under a people-centric supervision and          To standardize the management of tools and apparatus in special operations, the HSE Management
management model. We have strengthened communication with contractors, focusing on enhancing their safety                 Department, together with the Equipment Maintenance Department and contractors’ persons in charge (PIC),
skills and awareness, and built a strategic contractor team. In 2022, no contractor safety accidents occurred in our      inspected tools and apparatus on construction sites. They verified item by item against the standards. Once
production bases and business units.                                                                                      a problem was identified, they communicated promptly on the site and obtain the contractor PIC’s warrant
                                                                                                                          to rectify, with clear rectification standards and timetable. That way, continuous improvements were made to
                                                                                                                          contractors’ safety management.
     Review of Contractors’
     Safety Qualifications
        Contractors must have their safety qualifications and personnel qualifications reviewed before working at
        plant and sign the Agreement on Safe and Environmentally-Friendly Engineering Construction.
        Contractors must have their safety performance and reputation evaluated every year, which includes
        the fulfillment of contractor’s responsibilities and obligations, organized construction, and safety
        management. The results will be used as the basis for contract renewal.
                                                                                                                                                HSE Management Department’s special inspection on tools and apparatus
     Safety Supervision
     for Contractors
        Monthly safety meetings are held for contractors to summarize and evaluate their on-site safety                   Creating a Safety Culture
        management. Contractors’ safety managers must develop preventive measures for continuous
        improvement and upgrading.                                                                                     In the belief that "rigor is care, self-discipline is protection", we employ objective and scientific investigation
                                                                                                                       techniques to determine the underlying causes of past accidents in order to draw lessons from them. We
        Contractor sites undergo monthly comprehensive safety inspections. Hazards in electrical wiring,               have established an HSE training system to increase employee safety consciousness. Based on the strict
        environmental protection, and fire management must be rectified in a timely manner.                            implementation of the safety management system and safe operation procedures, we have improved the
                                                                                                                       HSE training matrix for all employees and enhanced the progress toward safety KPI targets.
        Responsibilities are broken down, including putting contractors under departmental management and
        implementing a three-tier contractor blacklist.                                                                Throughout the reporting period, we conducted numerous safety training sessions and safety knowledge
                                                                                                                       competitions to promote the safety culture, increase all employees' safety awareness, establish a corporate
        Contractors’ health and safety systems and their certifications are included in contractor audits.             safety environment, and contribute to sustainable development.
        Contractors will be recognized for their initiatives to improve operational facility safety and good safety
                                                                                                                             In 2022,
     Safety Training                                                                                                         Number of hours on safety training conducted                         Participants in safety training
     for Contractors
        Contractors’ managers are organized to study laws and regulations and cases of work safety accidents
        in the industry to avoid similar accidents. They are also advised to conduct daily pre-shift safety meetings
        and check the implementation of training.
                                                                                    Emergency Drills and Training          Work Safety Open Day to promote the safety culture of chemical
 Study of Work Safety Regulations               Safety Culture Competitions                                         Case
                                                                                    for Safety Accidents                   enterprises
      External experts are invited                Safety culture and knowledge        Training is provided on
                                                                                                                     To promote the corporate safety culture and deepen the public’s understanding of the chemical industry,
      to train managers above the                 competitions are held. The          the physical and chemical
                                                                                                                     Pinghu Base held a Work Safety Open Day in June 2022, on which employees from member enterprises
      middle level of production                  online exercises and exams          properties of hazardous
                                                                                                                     of the Pinghu Association of Work Safety Technology visited Pinghu Base’s HSE Culture Experience Hall
      bases and business units                    stimulate employees’ learning       chemicals and emergency
                                                                                                                     and Central Control Room. The Open Day brought the public up close to chemical plants. It also served
      on the Work safety law                      enthusiasm. The winners will        first aid in daily contact
                                                                                                                     as a window for Pinghu Base to the public, which was helpful for deepening the public’s understanding of
      of the people's republic                    be awarded.                         and sessions are held for
                                                                                                                     the chemical industry and changing their traditional perception of chemical enterprises.
      of China and the Fifteen                                                        accident case and safety
      hard measures for work                      Firefighting competitions           experience sharing to
      s a f e t y. T h e m a n a g e r s          for emergency ability are           improve employees’ safety
      are promoted to prioritize                  held to enhance employees’          awareness.
      work safety and act as the                  emergency response ability,
      primary responsible person                  strengthen their awareness
      for work safety within their                of fire safety, and test the
      management.                                 emergency response ability
                                                  through practical exercises.
                                                    STL’s work safety training
                                                                                                                                                     Pinghu Base’s Work Safety Open Day
           Safety management training to increase the awareness of
           safety responsibilities
     During the reporting period, we hosted the second guardian training session to regulate the safety             案例
                                                                                                                    Case   HEC’s visit for exchanges in work safety
     management in the operation process, improve the operation skills, and control operational risks for
     all employees. In that session, we improved employees’ awareness of safety responsibilities and on-
                                                                                                                     For better exchanges in work safety, Pinghu Base’s HSE Director led a delegation from Hangzhou
     site guardianship skills, standardized safety management in the operation process, and identified and
                                                                                                                     Electrochemical Group (HEC) to visit the Central Control Room and the HSE Culture Experience Hall
     controlled operational risks.
                                                                                                                     of the base in December 2022.The director made a brief introduction to STL’s history, production scale,
                                                                                                                     and other general information to the guests, focusing on the base’s safety management experience in
                                                                                                                     production management, safety operation procedures, and hardware facility configuration. In this visit,
                                                                                                                     the two sides shared their experience in work safety and laid a solid foundation for better work safety
                                                                                                                     exchange activities in the future.
                                           STL’s second guardian training session
We are committed to fostering the expansion of a culture of safety and assuming corporate responsibility.                                                 HEC’s visits and exchanges
In addition to fulfilling our safety commitment, we contribute to bringing the public closer to the chemical
industry, sharing our experience in safety management with our peers and fostering a culture of work safety.
                 SATELLITE CHEMICAL CO., LTD.
        Safety Recognitions and Awards                                                                                   We provide our service personnel with training to improve their management, leadership, and decision-making
                                                                                                                         skills, thereby ensuring that our products will receive superior after-sales service. In 2022, STL conducted
   During the reporting period, we took part in many competitions on work safety and strengthened our safety             31 internal service training sessions for a total audience of 1,578. They included training on integrity, special
   management, which was recognized and well-received by all sectors.                                                    onboarding training, and sales and customer service skills.
                 Award Winner                                                 Award                                      Customer Satisfaction Management
        Lianyungang Petrochemical Co.,
                                               First prize in the "Blue Flame" Firefighting Skill Competition 2022       In an effort to provide customers with high-quality, efficient, and professional
                                                                                                                         services, STL has established a complaint feedback processing system. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In 2022, Complaint
                                              Top 10 Model Entities in Basic Work Safety Management in Jiaxing           are committed to addressing customers' concerns, resolving their complaints
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     resolution rate
                                                                                                                         on the first attempt, and providing timely feedback on the outcomes to
        Zhejiang Satellite Energy Co., Ltd.
                                               Emergency (Safety) Publicity and Education Experience Hall of Zhejiang
                                                                                                                         improve the customer experience. In addition, we place a premium on our                     100%
                                                                                                                         customers' requirements and engage them in yearly, in-depth dialogues. A
                                                                                                                         customer satisfaction survey was conducted by STL in 2022. We modified the                  Customer
                                                       Model for Operations in Limited Space of Pinghu
                                                                                                                         questionnaires based on each business unit's characteristics, including STL's               Satisfaction
                                                                                                                         brand, sales service, ethical integrity, technical support, after-sales service,
                                                                                                                         logistics service, and future collaboration expectations. Following this, we
                                                                                                                         sent them to our customers as URLs or QR codes. Customers filled out the
                                                                                                                         questionnaires and returned them to the Company for processing.
                                                                                                                                                                            Practicing Responsible
Improving Customer Service                                                                                                                                                  STL strives for whole-chain quality management by
                                                                                                                                                                            continually shifting the focus of quality management to the
SLT is dedicated to providing friendly, professional, and efficient services to customers while also
                                                                                                                                                                            early stages. We collaborate with our partners to ensure
developing a high-quality and dependable service system. We listen to our customers' needs and
                                                                                                                                                                            quality through quality management and technology
respond quickly, optimize the customer experience, and improve customer satisfaction in all areas,
                                                                                                                                                                            development for mutual benefit. To continuously optimize
resulting in a stable and long-lasting relationship of trust with our customers.
                                                                                                                                                                            the supply chain, we admit new suppliers based on the
                                                                                                                                                                            Company's operations and procurement needs, and we
                                                                                                                                                                            provide suppliers with production and operations training
                                                                                                                                                                            throughout the year.
   Customer Service Management
   STL strictly adheres to the Civil code of the people's republic of China, the law of the people's republic of China
   on the protection of consumer rights and Interests, and the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China.
                                                                                                                         Green Procurement
   We have developed and revised the Management Regulations on the Applied Technology Service of the
   Marketing Center and enhanced the quality of our services and internal structure. In addition, in accordance          STL has created the Management system for supplier performance assessments, the management system
   with the principle of "making decisions and preventing risks based on the trend", we are constantly enhancing         for supplier acquirement and the verification, management measures for supplier field Inspections, and the
   our market analysis and research and developing differentiated marketing strategies. Focusing on customers,           management measures for green supplier assessments. These internal systems factor ESG performance
   we enhance the added value of our products, expand our stable and loyal key account base, and increase our            of suppliers into supplier admission, evaluation, and other aspects, promoting sustainable supply chain
   industry influence, thereby enhancing our market standing.                                                            management.
                                                                                                                       Smart Procurement
STL has revised the Management measures for green supplier assessments for supplier admissi on, giving
priority to suppliers on the Green Manufacturing List issued by the Ministry of industry and Information
Technology or those who have passed the environmental management system certification and the energy
management system certification. We assess green suppliers on a regular basis, sign the Agreement on                   STL works hard to create a smart procurement platform as well as an ecological supply chain platform that
green development and ecological civilization with key suppliers, and recognize and reward outstanding green           covers all scenarios. STL established an SRM procurement system in 2022 in order to achieve all-around
suppliers. We are also involved in the application process for green parks, green supply chains, and green             collaboration and interaction with suppliers, improve procurement management, increase procurement
products. In 2022, Lianyungang Petrochemical was put on the List of Green Factories in Jiangsu Province (Third         efficiency, and shorten the procurement cycle. The system disseminates bidding information, broadens
Batch) 2022 and ranked among the Leading Enterprises in Green Development for 2022; STL was recognized                 the scope of sourcing, and assists management throughout the lifecycle of suppliers, from admission to
as a national-level Green Factory and Green Supply Chain Management Enterprise; Satellite Energy was put               performance management. As a result, it is constantly improving its internal pool of qualified suppliers and
on the List of Green Factories in Jiaxing (First Batch) 2022, and Pinghu Petro Chemical was put on the List of         acquiring high-quality suppliers from the industry. STL also offers online quotation, bidding, and tendering
Green Factories in Jiaxing (Second Batch) 2022.                                                                        tools to maintain reasonable control in an open, fair, impartial, and legally competitive environment.
STL always maintains a positive relationship with its suppliers in order to develop the supply chain. We
communicate with our suppliers through environmental protection, integrity and anti-corruption training, and
warehouse and delivery management to help them improve the quality of their products and grow alongside the                                              Business Process                                                Enabling Process
value chain.                                                                                                                   Procurement                  Procurement                                                     Procurement
                                                                                                                         intervention in the early          requirements                Seeking potential suppliers
                                                                                                                                  stage                     management
Sunshine Procurement                                                                                                                                                       Supplier verification
                                                                                                                                                                                 Document system verification
                                                                                                                            Signing a basic                                                                                 Procurement
                                                                                                                              agreement                                          Site investigation                           internal
STL ensures that its procurement is fair and impartial and that its supply chain is open and transparent. We have                                                                                                              control
a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and strictly prohibit commercial bribery. We expect our suppliers to strictly                                                             Sample and material verification
adhere to the Management system for supplier performance assessments, the Notice on integrity responsibility,
and the Management measures for procurement risk prevention, as well as to strengthen supplier management.
                                                                                                                         Supplier selection           Procurement                          Supplier performance
                                                                                                                                                      execution                            management
We prioritize suppliers who have passed applicable environmental system certifications when selecting them. We
                                                                                                                           Competition evaluation        Procurement execution             Establishing a
sign the Notice on Integrity Responsibility with suppliers in order to convey the concept of "sunshine procurement"                                                                        supplier performance
to them. Furthermore, we distribute questionnaires on the implementation of sunshine procurement in order to gain          Bidding                       Payment Settle
                                                                                                                                                                                           assessment system                Procurement
a thorough understanding of the supply chain and establish a clean supplier management system.                                                           Contract/order changes                                              document
                                                                                                                                                                                           Assessing supplier               management
                                                                                                                             Signing a procurement                                         Supervising suppliers’
                                                                                                                              contract of business
           Integrity and anti-corruption training for suppliers to create a                                                                                                                rectification
 Case                                                                                                                              agreement
           clean supply chain system
     To further prevent corruption, STL hosted an                                                                                                       Services and functions of the SRM system
     online training session on the Code of Conduct
     for Suppliers/Contractors in February 2023, which
     was attended by over 200 key and core suppliers/
     contractors. We require all STL suppliers/
     contractors to fully comply with applicable laws,                                                                 Boosting Industry Development
     internationally recognized human rights standards,
     and ESG standards as specified in international                                                                   We are acutely aware that corporate development is inextricably linked to industry development, and we are
     conventions, so that they can progress and grow                                                                   active participants in industry exchange events and members of several associations. As a result, we improve
     with STL and build a clean supply chain.                 STL’s online training session on integrity and           our business capabilities, foster industry information exchanges, and continue to deepen our collaboration with
                                                                                                                       universities and research institutes. More importantly, we are assisting ourselves and the industry in meeting
                                                                                                                       China's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.
                                                                                            Level of the
     Serial No.                               Name                                Title                           Hosting a work conference on the C6 macromonomer standards
                                                                                            Association    Case
                                                                                                                  to boost industry development
                  Advisory Committee of Light Hydrocarbons and Aromatics,       Deputy
                     China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation           Director                    In August 2022, a work conference on the C6 macromonomer standards and the second plenary session
                                                                                                            of the working group on the preparation of the VPEG and VBPEG organization standards were hosted at
                                                                                Executive                   STL headquarters, which added new momentum to industry development. Bai Jie, General Manager of
                                                                                 Director                   STL’s Marketing Center and a professor at China Building Materials Academy, attended the conference.
                                                                                                            At the meeting, STL organized discussions on the product indicators and testing methods used by the
                       Chemical Standardization Sub-Committee, China
                              Association for Standardization
                                                                                                            STL fully demonstrated its determination and responsibility to maintain the orderly development of the
                                                                                Executive                   C6 macromonomer industry, extend and intensify industry exchanges and collaboration, and achieve
                                                                                                            development in the industry.
                          Zhejiang Federation of Industrial Economics
                        Zhejiang China Enterprise Directors Association
                                                                                                                  China’s first EAA project launched, driving high-quality industry
                                                                                                            In August 2022, a ceremony was held in Lianyungang for the contract signing the 40,000-metric-ton/year
                                         STL’s Association Membership in 2022                               high-end packaging new material project (EAA) jointly launched by STL and SK Group from South Korea.
                                                                                                            It marks the first EAA production base being launched in Asia, which will contribute to the high-quality
                                                                                                            development of the industry. This project is of great significance. The two sides are highly compatible and
                                                                                                            complementary in development strategy, business growth, and business philosophy. This collaboration
             STL Cup Contest 2022 concludes, empowering technological
 Case                                                                                                       will further promote STL to optimize its industrial structure, strengthen and extend the industrial chain,
             iteration in the industry
                                                                                                            and fill the gaps in the chain, and enhance its scale advantage and market competitiveness.
     In August 2022, the Admixture Industry Technology
     Contest 2022, which aimed to accelerate the
     technological iteration of macromonomer, was
     concluded in the factory of Chaoli (Jiangsu)
     Construction Materials Co., Ltd. More than 30
     companies from all over China participated in the
     competition, in which they competed fiercely for four
     champions. STL, as a leading C2 light hydrocarbon
     cracking enterprise, encouraged the participating
     teams to use C6 macromonomer, thus boosting the
     rapid development of the industry.
Governance to Seek
Long-Term Steady
A science-based and sound governance system is
the basis for a company's long-term, steady business
growth. STL adheres to compliance principles,
consolidates the corporate governance structure, and
upholds the political leadership of Party building in
addition to business integrity and self-discipline. In
addition, it optimizes the internal control management
system in great detail to reduce risks in all aspects.
By constructing an ESG governance structure and
advancing ESG work, STL addresses the concerns
of stakeholders and enhances the Company's
sustainability capacity and performance.
  Insisting on Business Compliance
  Intensive ESG Governance
                                                                                                                      Meetings held in 2022:
Insisting on Business                                                                                                   Unit: Time
Compliance                                                                                                            General Meeting of
                                                                                                                          Shareholders                          5                Nomination Committee              1
Business compliance is essential for a company's continued growth.                                                     Board of Directors                            7               Strategy Committee            1
STL continually enhances its governance structure, maintains the
leadership of Party building, and intensifies its integrity education                                                                                                                Remuneration and
                                                                                                                    Board of Supervisors                             7             Appraisal Committee                       4
and oversight. It optimizes its risk control management system
and takes every precaution to protect the Company's information                                                                                                                         Audit Committee                           5
security in an effort to improve the Company's overall governance.
Corporate Governance                                                                                                 Investor Relations Management
     Governance Structure                                                                                          STL places a high value on investor communication and information disclosure. We avoid selective disclosure by
                                                                                                                   disclosing the Company's information faithfully, accurately, and completely in strict accordance with the Measures
STL adheres strictly to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China , the Code of Corporate Governance
                                                                                                                   for the Administration of Information Disclosure by Listed Companies . Every year, we train directors, supervisors,
of Listed Companies , and all other applicable statutes, rules, and regulations. We have drafted the Articles of
                                                                                                                   and senior management in this area in order to improve the quality and transparency of the Company's
Association of Satellite Chemical Co., Ltd. and constructed a governance structure that consists of the General
                                                                                                                   information disclosure and to fully protect minor shareholders' equal access to the Company's information.
Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors and its special committees, the Board of Supervisors, and the
senior management. We continually improve our governance system and enhance our management, thereby                We investigate novel approaches to investor relations management. Emails, phone calls, Shenzhen Stock
constructing an effective governance system in which authorities and responsibilities are clearly delegated.       Exchange's IRM platform, the WeChat official account, annual performance roadshow and on-site surveys are all
                                                                                                                   ways we communicate with institutional and individual investors. On our official website, we also have an Investor
Under the Board of Directors, there are four special committees: Audit, Nomination, Strategy, and Remuneration
                                                                                                                   Relations section. We are constantly broadening the channels through which investors can obtain information,
and Appraisal. We fully consider the independence and diversity of the Board of Directors and consider the
                                                                                                                   deepening their understanding and recognition of the Company, and attempting to maximize shareholder interests.
directors' experience and professional level. Among the current directors, there are three professors, two with
a doctoral degree, and two with a master's degree. The directors are from different professional fields, such as
finance, law, and the chemical industry, providing a more comprehensive perspective to improve the Board's
decision-making and reduce the Company's risk exposure.
     Composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors:
                                                                                                                         In 2022
      Unit: Person
           Total number of directors                                                          7
                                                                                                                         we answered over
              Independent directors                              3                                                       1,000 calls from
                                                                                                                         investors                                   STL's 2021 Online Annual Performance Roadshow
                     Female directors                            3
        Total number of supervisors                              3
                                                                                                                         held   1 online annual          answered   103 inquiries on the                   received   6 visits and
               Employee supervisor                  1
                                                                                                                         performance roadshow            Shenzhen Stock Exchange's IRM platform            surveys of investors
Leadership of Party Building
STL always follows the leadership of Party building and integrates it into the corporate culture. Led by the
CPC Committee of the Company, we transform Party building into the driving force of corporate operations
and development, and internalize the advantages of Party building into the Company’s productivity,
competitiveness, and cohesion. The CPC STL Committee has two general branches and nine branches.
We provide regular and long-term Party history studies and education. We require all CPC members and
cadres at the Company to continue their efforts in ideological studies, live up to the Party’s standards, and
preserve Party membership’s advanced nature. In 2022, we held more than 100 theme Party Day events,
organized CPC members to watch the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National Congress and attend
more than 50 sessions for studying and implementing the guiding principles from of the report to the 20th
CPC National Congress. Moreover, we supervised CPC members of primary-level branches to carry out
collective and individual self-study.
                                              STL had     499                  29 probationary                  In the year,   73 people
         As of December 31, 2022              members of the CPC               members of the CPC               submitted applications
                                                                                                                to join the CPC
                                                                                                                                           We emphasize Party conduct and vigorously promote the Party building brand, STL Joining. We proceed with integrating
           Party members practicing their original aspirations by taking the                                                               the corporate culture and Party building. We strive to foster a highland of honesty and integrity and create a Party branch
           lead in public welfare initiatives for low carbon                                                                               image that is ideologically advanced, ethnically progressive, and responsible, laying a solid foundation for the Company’s
                                                                                                                                           high-quality development to a higher level.
     To encourage CPC members to live up to the Party’s standards and play a pioneering role, STL’s production
     bases and business units jointly organized a large-scale Party building volunteer campaign with the theme
     of "Collecting Garbage to Promote Low Carbon" to progress regular and long-term Party building education.                                               Joining Hearts:
     The campaign was about clearing and collecting industrial and domestic wastes scattered in industrial parks                                                                                                In May 2022, the Working Committee for
                                                                                                                                                             creating cohesion for the
     and the grain wharf in Dushangang Town, and sorting and transporting them. More than 200 employees                                                                                                         Non-public Economic Organizations and
                                                                                                                                                             Company's development
     participated in the campaign, in which they collected more than 20 bags of garbage for centralized delivery,                                                                                               Social Organizations of the CPC Municipal
     restoring clean installation areas and coastlines. The campaign demonstrated that STL integrates Party                                                                                                     Committee launched the first "One Brand for
     education into daily life and maximizes the value of CPC members.                                                                       Joining                                                            One Enterprise" selection for special Party
                                                                                                                                                                                              Beauty:           building brands of listed enterprises. STL’s
                                                                                                                                             driving the     STL Joining,                                       Party building brand, STL Joining, became the
                                                                                                                                                                                           leading the
                                                                                                                                             Company          the Party                   Company's             only selected enterprise in Nanhu District.
                                                                                                                                             to grow        Building Brand                      green
                                                                                                                                             bigger and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                On December 29, 2022, Satellite Group held
                                                                                                                                                                                                                an inauguration ceremony for the Party Building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Culture Center to create a solid position for
          Collecting garbage on the coastline                             Collecting garbage in an installation area                                                                                            the Party building to lead the high-quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                development of the enterprise.
Integrity Supervision
     System Construction                                                                                                Training and Education
STL values business integrity and has a zero-tolerance policy toward corruption. We created a Management              We provide regular integrity education and publicity
System for Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial Bribery, as well as Management Measures for Reports and                sessions for all members of the Company, including
Complaints, and optimized the Management Measures for Integrity, Self-Discipline, and Punishment and                  the Board of Directors, key departments, suppliers
Prevention of Corruption, Integrity Management Measures for Gifts of All Kinds, and Integrity and Self-Discipline     and contractors, and part-time employees, to increase
Guidelines for Employees. These management systems require all employees to follow professional ethics                all employees' integrity awareness. We have also
consciously and to practice in a fair and self-disciplined manner.                                                    launched online integrity courses on the STL Business
                                                                                                                      School platform. Every employee must attend at
To ensure integrity management and supervision, we established the Working Group of the Corruption Punishment         least two integrity training sessions per year. We use
and Prevention System (hereinafter referred to as the "CPPS Group"), which is in charge of the Company's anti-        positive and negative typical cases to educate and
corruption and integrity efforts. Yang Yuying, Vice Chairperson of the Company, leads the group, which is made        guide middle and senior managers and directors to act
up of the heads of headquarters departments as well as key departments of subsidiaries, production bases,             with integrity and self-discipline, to devote themselves
and business units. The group conducts integrity assessments of the management and conducts anti-corruption           to their jobs, and to be impartial. They are required
publicity and education.                                                                                              to review their performance in the annual integrity
                                                                                                                      report. For employees at departments with a high risk
The Audit and Supervision Department of the Company conducts special anti-corruption audits for major business
                                                                                                                      of corruption, such as procurement, marketing, and            An integrity conference of Lianyungang Base
segments such as procurement, sales, logistics, warehousing, quality inspection, and engineering construction
                                                                                                                      engineering project management, we hold integrity
every year. It performed 30 special audits in 2022. Furthermore, the department continuously monitors and                                                                        The CPPS Group uses bulletin boards, seminars, and
                                                                                                                      conferences, morning meetings, practice exchanges,
advances the rectification of risk points to ensure integrity in all company operational aspects and improve                                                                     integrity warning posters to raise employee integrity
                                                                                                                      seminars, anti-corruption and summary conferences,
operational efficiency and quality. The Audit and Supervision Department also holds integrity investigations and                                                                 awareness and prevent corruption and other business
                                                                                                                      and provide integrity education videos and corruption
seminars. It thoroughly investigates and verifies complaints, reports, and suspected corrupt practices and strictly                                                              ethics violations.
                                                                                                                      cases from peer companies. As a result, we promote
handles confirmed cases. During the reporting period, we sent the Integrity Questionnaire to our suppliers
                                                                                                                      and enhance integrity awareness while also advocating
and customers, collected problems from supplier and customer feedback, and conducted investigations and                                                                          All of our suppliers must sign the Notice on Integrity
                                                                                                                      honor for integrity and shame for corruption.
verifications. There were no major violation cases in the Company.                                                                                                               Responsibility . We make clear to our suppliers the
                                                                                                                                                                                 principles of business conduct and the complaint
                                                                                                                                                                                 and reporting channels, and we conduct an annual
                                                                                                                                                                                 integrity questionnaire survey for all suppliers. During
                                                                                                                                                                                 the reporting period, we provided two integrity and anti-
                                                                                                                                                                                 corruption training sessions to all suppliers. The Audit
                                                                                                                                                                                 and Supervision Department provided contractors
                                                                                                                                                                                 with offline integrity training to help them communicate
                                                                                                                                                                                 STL's demands and attitudes toward integrity to
                                                                                                                         Integrity education of the marketing center             upstream and downstream partners.
                                                                                                                                                   Integrity courses on the STL Business School platform
     Reporting Channels                                                                                                   Protection of Whistleblowers
We have established a reporting telephone line, a reporting email, and a reporting mailbox as unblocked                 STL established the Management Measures for Reports and Complaints in place, which contains clear provisions
communication channels for employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. We encourage anyone in the          on whistleblowers' confidentiality and privacy. To protect the whistleblower from retaliation, the whistleblower's
know to report all discipline and law violations, fraudulent, and improper conduct via these channels. We promote the   personal information and the content of the report must be kept strictly confidential and not published without the
reporting channels internally and externally on promotional and communication occasions and posting posters.            whistleblower's consent. We promote whistleblower rewards but will not disclose personal information about them
                                                                                                                        unless they consent. We will take firm action if retaliation against whistleblowers is discovered and confirmed. If
                                                                                                                        it is determined to be a crime, it will be forwarded to judicial authorities, who will hold the offender accountable in
Reporting Telephone
     Number                    0573-82058220                                                                            accordance with the law. The Company was not involved in any litigation or administrative punishment related to
                                                                                                                        corruption during the reporting period.
                                                                                                                          Supervision and Accountability
                               Reporting mails should be sent to the CPPS Group; the address is No. 196
                               Fuqiang Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China                          We have developed Management System for the Accountability of Work Errors to encourage all employees to
                                                                                                                        perform their duties and to increase their sense of responsibility. Employees who cause economic loss or other
      Reporting                In the headquarter building and the office buildings of subsidiaries, production
                                                                                                                        adverse effects to the Company by failing to perform their duties or performing their duties improperly will be
       Mailbox                 bases, and business units, there are reporting mailboxes, which is managed by
                                                                                                                        punished once the case has been confirmed and the responsibility has been determined through investigations. We
                               the CPPS Group
                                                                                                                        determine and locate the responsible person based on the nature of the error, the level of discipline, the category
                                                                                                                        of discipline, and the definition of responsibility, and we hold accountability strictly in accordance with the incident
                               The Company’s internal network work platform has a Chairperson’s Mailbox and a
                                                                                                                        investigation process. As the permanent management body for accountability, the President's Office revises and
                               supervision and reporting mailbox
                                                                                                                        improves the system on a regular basis, as well as oversees, examines, and assesses its implementation. All
                                                                                                                        employees have the authority to supervise problems in the Company's operations and management and report
                                                                                                                        them to superiors, executives, the Disciplinary Commission, and the Audit and Supervision Department. We insist
      The Company must reply to a report within 48 hours after receiving it.
                                                                                                                        on objective and impartial responsibility determination and hold accountability strictly by rank and level.
      After receiving a report, the Audit and Inspection Department shall conduct an in-depth investigation of
      the incident after a preliminary assessment.
      External auditors or other institutions and functional departments may be engaged to assist in the
      investigation as necessary.
                                                                                                                        A special            The incident is    The level of         The                  The investigation   Rectification of
      In the course of the investigation, the investigator has the right to review relevant information of the entity   investigation        investigated,      responsibility       responsible                              the responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                                          results will be
      or department under investigation on the site and to request the departments and people involved in the           team is              the facts are      is defined and       parties may                              individuals or
                                                                                                                                                                                                          finalized and
      investigation to make explanations and clarifications on matters covered by the investigation.                    established          recorded, and      recommendations      appeal                                   departments
                                                                                                                                                                                                          reported and
                                                                                                                        to investigate       information is     are raised for       and further          disciplinary        will be
                                                                                                                        the involved         collated.          disciplinary         investigations       recommendations     monitored.
      After the investigation is concluded, the Audit and Supervision Department compiles a written report              departments                             actions.             will be
      and treatment opinions and submit them to the Chairperson, the head of the CPPS Group, and                                                                                                          will be raised.
                                                                                                                        and individuals                                              conducted.
      relevant managers.                                                                                                according to the
      After the investigation report is approved by the Chairperson, the Corporate Management Department                determined.
      will draft the punishment opinion according to the investigation report and applicable systems of the
      Company, and publicize it in the Company's work platform after approval.
                                        The report handling mechanism                                                                                Process of error investigation and holding accountability
Risk Control                                                                                                            Information Security Risk                              Work Safety Risk
In accordance with the Basic Internal                                                                                   All system administrators must log in to the           In the production area, monitoring hardware and
Control Norms for Enterprises , STL has             Coordinating and managing the                                       system through the bastion host and files are          software are installed, and security thresholds
                                                                                                  Board                 encrypted with software to keep information            are set in the software system, with the
established an internal control management          overall risk control                             of
system for all business activities, which falls                                                  Directors              secure.                                                automatic alarm mode on. Regular inspections
under the purview of the Board of Directors                                                                                                                                    are carried out by dedicated personnel to timely
                                                    Monitoring the progress of internal                                                                                        screen and identify safety hazards.
and is directly supervised by management.
                                                    control and risk management         Audit Committee
Business Departments, the Department of
Corporate Management, and the Audit and
Supervision Departments constitute three            Monitoring the implementation
                                                                                          Audit and Supervision
"lines of defense". In addition, we strengthen      of internal control system
                                                                                             Departmment                                                            Checklist
the mechanisms for work coordination                documents and submitting
and information sharing and continue to             quarterly written reports to the                                                                                 for Risk
consolidate the risk control system, which          Audit Committee                                                                                               Identification
integrates prevention, responses, and                                                                                                                                  and
reviews.                                                       The internal control management system                                                             Rectification
     Business Departments                   Corporate Management                   Audit and Supervision
                                            Department                             Department
       Evaluate and identify key               Prepare and review system                Audit business activities       Risk of Raw Material                Risk of Market Price
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Outward Investment Risk
       points and difficulties in              texts submitted by business              whose results do not meet       Price Fluctuations                  Fluctuations
       business                                units                                    expectations
                                                                                                                        Collective decision-making          The marketing management                 A tiered decision-making
       Optimize operational and                Request business                         Assess the                      is adopted to reduce the risk       team conducts weekly collective          system is implemented.
       process standards and                   departments to prepare                   implementation of               of misjudging market trends.        discussions based on market              Investments are tracked
       prepare management                      relevant system documents                existing systems and their      Hedging futures trading is          conditions and sets weekly               after being made and the
       regulation drafts or raise              according to the system                  deficiencies                    conducted for major bulk            standard sales p ri ce s for             results are sent to the
       system construction needs               construction needs                                                       raw materials.                      products.                                Company's management on
                                                                                        Appraise the performance                                                                                     a regular basis.
       Report to the Corporate                 Collect data on KPIs every               of business operators
       Management Department                   six months to analyze and                and make rationalization
       to prepare and review                   evaluate the effectiveness               suggestions for the
       documents                               of the system                            Company to modify the
                                                                                        system process               Information Security
                                    The three "lines of defense" for internal control                                  Measures and Systems
In terms of risk management, STL adheres to the business philosophy of "making decisions and preventing              STL prioritizes information security and business information protection. We strictly comply with the
risks based on the trend". As the primary responsible entity, a business department identifies, tracks, and          Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China and have internal systems in place, including the
controls key risks within its business boundaries and develops risk prevention and response strategies to            Management Measures for Cyber and System Security, the Management Measures for Media and Data
prevent the occurrence of major risks. During the reporting period, the Company identified a number of risks         Security, and the Management Measures for Security Incident and Emergency Response. In addition,
in information security, work safety, raw material procurement, product sales, and outward investment and            we continuously optimize our information regulation and protection system to improve our information
then tracked and managed them to reduce the risk level in a timely manner.                                           governance and security management.
                                                Measures for
                                              Personnel Security
                              Measures for
                                                                 Measures for Media
                            Cyber and System
                                                                  and Data Security
                                          Information Security                 Measures for
                                                                              Security Incident
                Measures for Asset       Management Measures                  and Emergency
                                              and Systems                       Response
                                                                                                                                   The certificate of STL’s classified protection of information system security
                       STL’s information security management measures and systems
                                                                                                                    Risk Management
     Security Initiatives
                                                                                                                  We assessed information security risks in the year and identified 13 of them. In response to problems like
To ensure the effectiveness of the Company's information and data security management, we have adopted            uncontrolled account authority management, bad emergency response for system security, omissions in the
a number of technical and human security measures to protect the information and privacy of all employees,        backup review mechanism, and a weak network anti-virus system, we have implemented an assignment
customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, and we are certified for the classified protection of information   management model for account authority, made emergency response plans, changed the backup strategy,
system security.                                                                                                  and rolled out an equipment upgrade and iteration plan to make sure the security and stability of our
                                                                                                                  information system.
          Technical Initiatives
                                                                                                                            An attack and defense exercise in collaboration with a professional company to
                                                                                                                            comprehensively improve the Company’s emergency response to information security
          The core production operation control network is physically isolated from the office network.
          A firewall is deployed at the core exit of the external network to reduce the external exposure.          To increase the Company’s risk prevention awareness and systematically enhance its security emergency
                                                                                                                    strength, the Company’s Information Security Center worked with a third-party professional company to
          Traffic probes and a state sensing platform are deployed to monitor network traffic and security          launch a simulation exercise of malicious tampering attacks against the WEB page to examine employees’
          dynamics and provide timely alerts.                                                                       emergency response in daily operation and maintenance. Through the exercise, it has been established
                                                                                                                    that when the WEB page is maliciously tampered, the security working team will immediately report to the
          Antivirus software is installed on all PC terminals, and all files are encrypted in the ground.           command team, who will start the initial response mechanism of the emergency plan. The security operation
                                                                                                                    and maintenance team makes the correct disposal to restore the WEB page to the normal state as soon
                                                                                                                    as possible. A summary of the emergency exercise was made afterwards. The exercise optimized the
          Human Initiatives                                                                                         Information Security Center’s emergency disposal process and improved STL’s ability to respond to cyber
                                                                                                                    and information security emergencies.
          Access authority is assigned according to position responsibilities and materials are
          watermarked to ensure information security.
          Servers and backend management can only be logged in to via the bastion host, and the login
          log is regularly reviewed.                                                                              Intensive ESG Governance
          Every important password is divided and kept by two people. The two people must enter the               ESG governance is an essential component of corporate governance and a critical factor in an enterprise's
          password simultaneously to enter the system background.                                                 long-term development. STL places a premium on integrating ESG development with business operations.
                                                                                                                  We are advancing ESG in a systematic manner by establishing an ESG governance structure and defining
          The Company has developed security and prevention systems and improved the information
                                                                                                                  the roles and responsibilities of each level. To provide clear guidance for deepening ESG governance, we
          security management system.
                                                                                                                  actively communicate with stakeholders and comprehensively identify material ESG topics.
                 SATELLITE CHEMICAL CO., LTD.
   ESG Governance Structure                                                                                             Communication with Stakeholders
   STL has established an ESG governance structure consisting of the Board of Directors, the Strategy
                                                                                                                        We are committed to developing strong partnerships and mutually beneficial relationships with our internal
   Committee, and the ESG Working Group to systematically promote the coordination and supervision of
                                                                                                                        and external stakeholders, with the goal of achieving win-win outcomes. Shareholders and investors,
   the Company's sustainable development and improve all employees' understanding and awareness of
                                                                                                                        governments and regulators, customers, employees, suppliers, and the general public are among our most
   and awareness of ESG issues. As the highest decision-making body, the Board of Directors is ultimately
                                                                                                                        important stakeholders. We maintained active communication with our stakeholders during the reporting
   responsible for ESG issues. It deliberates and approves ESG strategies and objectives and monitors
                                                                                                                        period in order to understand their demands and concerns, and we responded to them with practical actions.
   and inspects ESG policy implementation and goal progress. The Strategy Committee, which guides and
   supervises the Company's ESG management and practices, is responsible for the core ESG management.
   The ESG Working Group, comprised of departments of the headquarters, subsidiaries, production bases, and
   business units, is in charge of carrying out day-to-day ESG work and improving the Company's performance
   in all areas of ESG. The Strategy Committee and the ESG Working Group report and provide feedback on
   the progress of ESG work on a regular basis to the Board of Directors, allowing it to better understand and            Stakeholders             Key Topics of                                  Communication
   evaluate the current state of the Company's ESG development and make more scientific and effective ESG                                           Concerns                                        Channels
                                                                                                                                                                                  General Meeting of          Annual
                            Coordinating, overseeing, and deciding on ESG matters:                                                       Corporate governance                     Shareholders                performance
         Board of                 Deciding on and examining the             Approving ESG reports and relevant            Shareholders                                            Company
                                                                                                                                         Risk management
         Directors                Company’s sustainable development         information disclosure                       and investors                                            announcements               Hotline
                                  strategies and goals                                                                                   Business ethics
                                                                            Deliberating and confirming the risks and                                                             Investor surveys            E-mail
                                  Monitoring and reviewing the progress     significance of ESG-related risks of the
Authorizing                       of ESG related policies and objectives    Company
                   Reporting to
                                  Managing, supervising, and progressing ESG matters:                                                    Product safety and quality
                                                                                                                                                                                  Hotline                     Visits to customers
               Strategy              Involved in advising on the Company’s ESG          Reviewing and advising on the                    Innovation and R&D
              Committee                                                                                                                                                           E-mail                      Satisfaction surveys
                                     strategy                                           Company’s ESG reports
                                                                                                                          Customers      Customer relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                  WeChat official account     Customers’
                                     Identifying and assessing substantial ESG          Implementing other matters                       management
                                     risks and opportunities                            authorized by the Board of                                                                Company’s official
                                                                                        Directors                                        Privacy and information security
   Supervising                                                                                                                                                                    website
                                     Overseeing the progress of ESG matters
                      Reporting to
                                      Coordinating and implementing ESG matters:
               ESG Working                                                                                                               Public welfare                           Public welfare campaigns
                 Group                   Coordinating and progressing ESG          Preparing ESG reports
                                                                                                                             The         Responding to climate change
                                         work across the Company                                                                                                                  News coverage
                                                                                   Completing other ESG-related             public
                                         Managing ESG risks in day-to-day          matters                                               Energy management                        Open days
                                             STL’s ESG governance structure
                                                                                                                                                            Through peer benchmarking analyses, external policy research, and industry trend
                                                         Employees’              Employees’ seminars                                   Identifying          surveys, and based on our own business development strategy and corporate
                                                         Conference                                                                     potential           characteristics, we identify potentially material topics that reflect the impact of our
                                                                                 Hotline for employees’
                   Employee rights and benefits                                                                                          topics             business on the internal and external environment.
                                                         Chairperson’s Mailbox   supervision and
                   Employee training and                                         suggestions
     Employees                                           Employees’ events
                   development                                                                                                             Assessing           Taking into account of peer practices, stakeholders’ concerns, and the Company’s
                                                                                 Bulletin boards                                            priority
                                                         Talks with employees                                                                                  business development direction, we analyze the key areas of the Company’s ESG
                   Occupational health and safety                                                                                            topics            undertakings, assess priority topics, and draw up a materiality matrix.
                                                                                 Employees’ Suggestion
                                                         engagement surveys
                                                                                                                                       Reporting            We verify and confirm the materiality matrix based on the Company’s strategic plan
                                                                                                                                        material            and submit it to the Board of Directors for review and approval. In addition, we disclose
                                                                                                                                         topics             the Company’s performance on the topics in our reports.
                                                                                                                                                                        Process of the material topic analysis
                   Business ethics                       Suppliers’               WeChat official
                   Supply chain management               conferences              account
     Suppliers                                           Company’s official       Regular visits                                                                                                         Extremely Important
                   Boosting industry development
                                                         website                                                                                                                                            Safety                      Waste
                   Protection of intellectual property                            Integrity reports                                                                                                         management of               management
                   rights                                Hotline                                                                                                                                            chemicals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Responding to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        climate change
                                                                                                                                         Environmental         Social           Governance                  Occupational                Supply chain
                                                                                                                                         topics                topics           topics                      health and safety           management
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Product safety              Innovation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and quality                 R&D
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Employee training and development
                   Corporate governance                                                                                                                                          Extremely
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Risk management             Corporate
                                                         Information             Company’s official                                                                                                                                     governance
                                                                                                          Importance to stakeholders
                   Boosting industrydevelopment
 Governments                                             disclosure              website
        and        Energy management                                                                                                                                                                      Important
                                                         Press releases          Regular
     regulators                                                                                                                                                                                            Clean energy
                   Clean technology development                                  communication                                                                                                                                          Water
                                                                                                                                                                                                           development                  management
                   Responding to climate change                                                                                                                                                            Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Customer                     Promoting
                                                                                                                                                                                                           elationship                  industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                           management                   development
Material Topics                                                                                                                             Relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Protection of intellectual   Public welfare
                                                                                                                                                                                                           property rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Privacy and                  Employees
The impact of the Company's operations on the internal and external environment has been highlighted                                                                                                       information                  rights and
by STL through peer benchmarking analyses, external policy research, and industry trend surveys.                                                     Importance to STL’s operations                        security                     interests
Furthermore, we have screened out 21 ESG topics, including six environmental topics, 11 social topics,                                                                                                     Sustainable                  Business
and four governance topics, and drawn them into a materiality matrix in consideration of the Company's                                                                                                     operations                   ethics
characteristics, the state of sustainable development at the time, and stakeholders' priorities.                                                                              STL’s materiality matrix
Eco-friendliness to
Create a Better Home
STL adheres to the business philosophy of "contribute
STL quality products, create a better life", further
implements green development, continuously
strengthens environmental management, and
improves environmental protection. We focus on
the prevention and control of "Three Wastes" (i.e.
wastewater, waste gas, and solid waste), strengthen
the control for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,
and contribute to the development of ecological
civilization. We always see environmental protection,
energy conservation, and emission reduction as a
crucial component of our social responsibility, follow
the environmental protection philosophy of "taking
environmental protection seriously as our products",
and devote ourselves to developing into a green and
ecological modern chemical enterprise.
  Strengthening Environmental Management
  Optimizing the Use of Resources
  Pollution Emissions Control
Strengthening Environmental                                                                                             STL's environmental management inputs in 2022
                                                                                                                          Total investment         Time invested in        Environmental
STL has always viewed sophisticated environmental management as the cornerstone of its green                              in environmental         environmental           punishment
development, with a focus on "building an environmentally-friendly enterprise". Encouraged by relevant                    treatment RMB            treatment               payments RMB
national and local policies, we have made concrete efforts to fulfill our commitment to reducing environmental            1,428.57 million         62,130 hours            0
impact, revised and improved our environmental protection system, and integrated environmental
management into all aspects of our daily operations.
                                                                                                                          Number of environmental               Number of environmental
                                                                                                                          protection training hours             protection training sessions
Environmental Management System                                                                                           4,821                                 1,826
We strictly abide by all applicable laws and regulations in the locations where we conduct business, including the        Number of environmental               Environmental punishment
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on           protection training participants      accidents                          STL's HSE Management
Environmental Impact Assessment. To standardize and limit our routine production and operations, we implement             31,255                                0                                   Manual (environmental
industry standards like the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Chemistry Industry and the Emission                                                                                            protection)
Standard of Pollutants for Synthetic Resin Industry. The Company collects, identifies, and evaluates compliance
with applicable environmental protection laws and regulations every year and created a number of Health, Safety,
and Environmental (HSE) management systems, such as the Environmental Protection Responsibility System                ?Environmental Management Initiatives
and the Safety and Environmental Protection Facilities Management System, in order to standardize the entire
production and operations process.
                                                                                                                     The Company has implemented a number of initiatives in its business operations to reduce environmental
While implementing national standards and regulations, we strictly stick to local standards, including the Ultra-    impact according to the environmental management requirements by stepping up environmental monitoring,
low Emission Transformation (In-depth Treatment) Work Plan for Key Industries and Facilities in Lianyungang          ensuring clean production, and putting in place pollution prevention measures to enhance its environmental
City, the Notice on Leakage Detection and Repair (LDAR) , the Emission Standards for Major Water Pollutants in       management and pursue green development.
the Chemical Industry , the Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds the Chemical Industry in Jiangsu
Province , and other control requirements that are much more demanding than national standards.                         Implement
                                                                                                                                              Commission third-party institutions to conduct monthly emission data monitoring
We implement environmental management under the environmental protection philosophy of "taking                                                of environmentally friendly facilities
environmental protection seriously as our products". The Board of Directors has set up a Strategy Committee,
which manages and guides matters related to environmental management such as strategic planning,                      Regulate pollution      Implement the relevant requirements in the emission permit, meet pollutants
environmental target setting, environmental policy formulation and implementation management, climate                    emissions            emission standards and control the total emissions in 2022
change risk assessment, environmental performance, and environmental information disclosure, and reporting
to the Board of Directors. During the reporting period, all the Company's production bases and business units
                                                                                                                       Identify pollution     Conduct in-depth investigations and rectification of VOCs and odor sources, and
strengthened the mode in which everyone engages in management. They have both built an environmental
                                                                                                                           sources            LDAR testing
management structure with the general manager fulfilling the overall responsibility under the management of
the Safety and Environmental Committee through the inter-departmental collaboration, and formed a thorough
environmental management system with a clear division of labor and responsibility among all departments.              Strengthen special      Conduct daily environmental inspections and monthly special environmental
                                                                                                                          inspections         inspections to implement corrective measures
                                                                                                                                              Enhance the control capabilities of pollutant treatment processes, transfer and
                                                                                                                       Enhance control
                                                                                                                                              treat wastewater promptly, and implement compliant transfer and disposal of
                                                                                                                                              hazardous waste
                                                                                                                                                       STL's environmental management initiative
                                                                                                                     ?Honors and Awards in Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                    During the reporting period, the Company was recognized and praised by various parties for its impressive
     Environmental Management System Certification                                                                  records in environmental management and green development, and earned a number of green awards:
During the reporting period, the Company passed the ISO 14001 environmental management system                             Awardee                          Award                                    Awarded by
certification audit, applied for and received the Pollutant Discharge Permit and Sewage Drainage Permit,                                     Green Factory in the Petroleum and           China Petroleum and Chemical
continued to optimize the effectiveness of pollution control and emission reduction, and concentrated                                             Chemical Industry 2022                       Industry Federation
on the project implementation requirements of "economic benefits, legal compliance, and environmental
                                                                                                                                            Green Supply Chain in the Petroleum           China Petroleum and Chemical
improvement". We took a number of steps to strengthen our environmental management capabilities. All
                                                                                                                                                and Chemical Industry 2022                     Industry Federation
production bases and business units had obtained environmental management system certification by the
end of the reporting period.                                                                                                                    National Green Supply Chain             Ministry of Industry and Information
                                                                                                                      Satellite Chemical
                                                                                                                                                  Management Enterprise                              Technology
                                                                                                                          Co., Ltd.
The Company actively promotes and conducts external third-party system certification and review. Our                                       Top Ten "Beautiful Factory Development
                                                                                                                                                                                       Jiaxing Municipal Federation of Trade
production bases and business units conduct internal audit and external review once a year, and a thorough                                 Demonstration Entity" in Jiaxing City in
external audit to renew the system certification every three years, with both internal and external audits                                                  2022
covering all of our business areas.                                                                                                               Outstanding Enterprise in            Jiaxing Municipal Federation of Trade
                                                                                                                                                  Environmental Protection                            Unions
                                                                                                                                              Lianyungang Ethylene Derivatives
                                                                                                                                                                                       Lianyungang Municipal Science and
                                                                                                                                               Green New Material Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                              Technology Bureau
                                                                                                                                                 Technology Research Center
                                                                                                                     Petrochemical Co.,
                                                                                                                                                        Province                       Industry and Information Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                        Jiangsu Provincial Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ecology and Environment and Jiangsu
                                                GB/T 24001-2016/ISO 14001:2015
                                                                                                                                                                                      Federation of Industry and Commerce
                                                                                                                      Zhejiang Satellite    Jiaxing Green Factory (The First batch    Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Economic
                                                                                                                      Energy Co., Ltd.                    in 2022)                          and Information Technology
                                        核并经审核合格的情况下保持有效,本证书可在本机构网站 http://www.nsyglobal.com、中国国家认监委官
                                        方网站 http://www.cnca.gov.cn 和 IAF 全球统一数据库 http://www.iafcertsearch.org 查询。
                                                                                                                       Pinghu Petro          Jiaxing Green Factory (The second        Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Economic
                                                                                                                     Chemical Co., Ltd.                batch in 2022)                       and Information Technology
                                                                                                                                           Niche-sector Leaders with High Market        Ministry of Industry and Information
                                                                                                                     Hubei Satellite New
                                                                                                                                           Share and Strong Innovation Capacity       Technology of the People's Republic of
                                                                                                                     Materials Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                     in Hubei Province                                  China
                                                                                                                    Environmental Objective Setting
                                                                                                                    To establish its brand in environmental protection, STL has set environmental objectives based on its
                                                                                                                    business development and operations to continuously improve its environmental management capabilities,
                                                                                                                    prioritized ecological protection and pursued green development throughout its production and operations
                                                                                                                    processes, and accelerated the transition from passive management to active planning.
                                                                                                                    The Company set environmental objectives for 2022 to manage water use, energy consumption, toxic
                                                                                                                    emissions, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions, respectively. To actively promote green development,
                                                                                                                    strict quantitative targets have been established for environmental discharge volume, the pollutant process
                          STL's environmental management system certification                                       treatment pass rate, and the LDAR rate.
      Ensure a 3% reduction in
      total water consumption,
                                                                                 Ensure a 3% reduction in
                                                                                 total energy consumption,
                                                                                                                      Environmental Impact Monitoring
                                                                                                                      STL integrates environmental factor identification and environmental monitoring throughout its production
      Ensure a pollutant           Toxic emissions        Greenhouse             Reduce greenhouse gas                and operations according to the principles of "economic efficiency, legal compliance, and environmental
      process compliance rate        and waste            gas emission           emissions by 180,000                 improvement". The Company adheres strictly to national industry standards, including the Self-Monitoring
      of 100%                       management            management             metric tons of carbon                Technology Guidelines for Pollution Sources: General Rule and the Self-Monitoring Technology Guidelines
                                                                                 dioxide equivalent                   for Pollution Sources: Petroleum Chemistry Industry , and the management requirements of the Pollutant
                                  STL's environmental objectives in 2022                                              Discharge Permit. We developed annual monitoring programs and monitored pollutant emissions in real-
                                                                                                                      time using manual testing, online environmental protection monitoring devices, environmental protection
                                                                                                                      monitoring platforms, the MES system, and the LIMS system to ensure pollutant emissions up to standards.
           Comprehensively improved environmental management and accelerated the
           achievement of environmental goals                                                                         In the meantime, the Company commissions qualified third-party CMA testing organizations to conduct tests
                                                                                                                      on plant wastewater, rainwater, organized and unorganized exhaust gases, noise at the plant boundary, soil,
     In 2022, to fully implement environmental management and promote the achievement of environmental
                                                                                                                      and groundwater in accordance with the Pollutant Discharge Permit's management requirements, ensuring
     targets, Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd. optimized its management of the "Three Wastes" to
                                                                                                                      that all monitoring points and testing factors are covered.
     meet the emission standards, extensively tapped into its emission reduction capacity, and actively
     implemented key tasks such as VOC rectification, LDAR, and establishing data platforms for
                                                                                                                      During the reporting period, the Company established
     environmental protection facilities. The company made full use of advanced environmental monitoring
                                                                                                                      a three-dimensional environmental management and
     means and the environmental data monitoring system to fully realize the real-time supervision of                                                                                       The Company organized
                                                                                                                      supervision network under the guidance and supervision
     pollutant emissions and dynamic emission reduction adjustment to achieve emission reduction targets.
                                                                                                                      of third-party environmental monitoring and maintenance
                                                                                                                      entities, government authorities, and environmental experts
As of the end of the reporting period, all environmental objectives for 2022 had been met, including total            to be subject to the joint supervision of the surrounding             environmental monitoring in 2022
emissions of wastewater, waste gas, and solid waste, the LDAR rate, and the pollutant process treatment               citizens and businesses. These efforts are designed to
compliance rate. In the future, the Company will further deconstruct each of its goals, map out the                   ensure environmental protection compliance operations.
implementation strategy, and monitor the progress of goal attainment.
     Environmental Performance Management
                                                                                                                      Emergency Management System
STL places a strong emphasis on environmental performance. We have established a strict target achievement
responsibility system and performed performance appraisal in accordance with the HSE Performance
Appraisal Management Measures , which link environmental benefits to the remuneration of the responsible.             STL prioritizes the improvement of its emergency plan for environmental emergencies and preparing
We have strictly implemented requirements such as the Incident Management System, the Ten Zero Tolerance              environmental safety emergency materials and equipment to enhance its capacity for preventing and
Principles, and the Ten Safety Disciplines to clarify responsibilities, enforce rewards and punishment, and           responding to environmental incidents. The Company has prepared an emergency plan for environmental
motivate our employees to actively perform their environmental responsibilities.                                      emergencies and submitted it to the Ecology and Environment Department for the record. The plan specifies
                                                                                                                      the emergency organization, preparation, response, disposal, recovery, and other accident-related matters
To make comprehensive deployment in this area throughout the year, the Company issued the STL [2022] No.              and standardizes the Company's process for responding to and disposing of environmental emergencies.
the start of 2022. To fulfill the environmental protection responsibility at all levels, the Company requires that    To enhance our employees' ability to respond to environmental emergencies, we have worked to raise their
the president, as the first person responsible, take full responsibility for the corporate safety and environmental   risk awareness. During the reporting period, the production bases and business units organized various
protection work and that the leadership sign the safety and environmental protection responsibility letter. We        emergency drills to respond to environmental emergencies according to the annual plan. The drills were
have also put in place a comprehensive safety and environmental performance assessment system and                     successfully completed and yielded the desired results.
annual KPI assessment indexes related to HSE in the performance of production executives in charge, eight
of which are concerned with environmental protection. We have put in place a "one-vote veto" system, linked           All production bases are outfitted with a full-time firefighting department and a pool designed to keep the
environmental benefits to managers' pay, and delegated responsibilities to frontline teams and employees. Any         polluted water in the event of an accident, which can effectively respond to and handle environmental
violations of HSE regulations or Safety Committee requirements will be held accountable in accordance with            accidents in a timely manner.
relevant national laws and corporate systems, according to the Company.
                                                                                                                    Energy Management
                During the reporting period, the
                Company conducted
                                                          with   6,153                  and   5,982
                                                          participants in safety        participants in emergency   STL strictly adheres to the Energy Conservation Law
                                                                                                                    Law of the People's Republic of China, the Energy
                                                                                                                    Industry Standardization Management and other
                                                                                                                    regulations. We identify the requirements of energy
                                                                                                                    laws and regulations for the Company, and translate
           Conducted environmental emergency drills to strengthen the capability to                                 them into control indicators and requirements
           respond to emergencies                                                                                   in our operations. We have formulated internal
                                                                                                                    policies such as the Control Procedures for Energy
     To further enhance the emergency response speed and rescue capability of employees, Lianyungang                Management Programs and the Control Procedures
     Petrochemical Co., Ltd. organized two company-level environmental emergency drills in 2022, including          for Energy Evaluation and Review, practiced energy
     one for district-level radiation accidents in cooperation with the Xuwei New District authority, which         management commitments in processes such as
     comprehensively tested its emergency response speed and capability in the event of emergency                   new project energy evaluation and acceptance,
     environmental incidents. It also tested the effectiveness and applicability of its emergency response plan.    obsolete equipment elimination, and energy
                                                                                                                    consumption limits, and implemented standardized
                                                                                                                    energy-saving supervision and management for the
                                                                                                                    entire production and operations.
                                                                                                                    The production bases and business units have
                                                                                                                    actively responded to the Company's call for
                                                                                                                    energy management by implementing measures
                                                                                                                    such as optimizing their energy mix, phasing out
                                                                                                                    obsolete equipment, enhancing energy efficiency,
                                                                                                                    and optimizing production processes. We have
                                                                                                                    taken multiple measures to coordinate energy
                                                                                                                    consumption and strengthen the foundation of
                                                                                                                    energy management. As of the end of the reporting
                                                                                                                    period, all production bases and business units had
                                                                                                                    obtained certification for their energy management
                      An emergency response drill at Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    STL adopts lightweight raw materials to produce
                                                                                                                    olefins and leads the industry in comprehensive
                                                                                                                    energy consumption.
Optimizing the Use of Resources                                                                                             Our energy intensity is less      than
The Company actively promotes green and clean development, strives to strike a balance between corporate
development and environmental protection, continuously improves the development of energy management                        which is significantly lower      than
systems, actively develops and deploys clean energy, and works to become a green and economical enterprise in
all aspects.
                                                                                                                            the national benchmark of    590 kg of
                                                                                                                            standard oil per metric ton.
 Case      Application of lithium bromide to recover condensate and improve energy efficiency
                                                                                                                  Water Conservation Management
                                                                                                                  STL places great emphasis on the management of water
     To improve the efficiency of steam condensate
                                                                                                                  resources in the entire industrial chain, strictly complies
     recycling, Satellite Science & Technology Co.,
     Ltd. has designed a set of in-depth waste heat                    It is expected to save       1.849         with the Water Law of the People's Republic of China
                                                                                                                  and other pertinent laws and regulations, has formulated
                                                                                                                                                                                     Among them, Pinghu Base adopted
     utilization absorption refrigeration unit, to recycle             million kWh of electricity                                                                                    water reuse measures in 2022, saving
                                                                                                                  internal policies such as the Energy Management System
     the heat of steam condensate generated by
     the obsolete facilities and to replace the plant's
                                                                                                                  and the Water Quality Management System, improves
                                                                                                                  water efficiency, and effectively conserves water resources
     purchased pure water by recycling the steam
     condensate after cooling down to turn into the                    reduce 1,862                 metric tons
                                                                                                                  through multiple initiatives such as equipment optimization
                                                                                                                  and technological transformation and innovation.
     pure water required for our production. The project               of CO2 emissions annually
     recycles waste heat, solves heat pollution to the                                                                                                                               Lianyungang Base adopted measures to
                                                                                                                  The Company implements water conservation
     environment, recycles the steam condensate to
                                                                                                                  management in all aspects of production and operations.            recycle and reuse process condensate in
     save energy, and protects the environment.
                                                                                                                  We reduce fresh water consumption at the source, actively
                                                                                                                  promote advanced water conservation technologies and               2022, saving   286,800 metric tons of
                                                                                                                  equipment in production, enforce a number of water                 water;
                                                                                                                  recycling initiatives, and bolster water conservation
                                                                                                                  promotion to raise the awareness of water conservation
                                                                                                                  among all our employees. During the reporting period,
                                                                                                                  the Company implemented the entire process of water                reclaimed water reuse measures saved
     Build an energy management platform to                   Phase out obsolete motors and chillers and          resource management from water saving at the source
     track energy consumption and production                  replace them with energy-efficient ones that        to wastewater reuse in all business areas and achieved             4,932,600 metric tons of water.
     data and analyze them to find the                        meet energy efficiency rating requirements          remarkable results, and was awarded "Water Saving
     problematic areas and make adjustments                                                                       Benchmark Enterprise in Zhejiang Province".
                                                                                                                                       Enhance the recovery of steam condensate and conductive heat flow to achieve recycling
                                                                                                                                       Collect rainwater around the fire fighting pool, pump it to the water treatment station, and
     Conduct LDAR testing as planned,                         Optimize production process, and organize             recycling
                                                                                                                                       then use it for replenishing the fire fighting pool
     complete repair timely, reduce leakage,                  the technical reform of the hot water tank of
     and promote cost reduction and efficiency                liquid chlorine vaporizers and refrigeration
     initiatives                                              machines, etc.                                                           Strengthen the pelletization process control and reduce the frequency of pelletizing water
                                                                                                                     Process           replacement
                                                                                                                     upgrade           Use of surface evaporative air cooler and circulating cooling water air for cooling device
                                                                                                                                       in the circulating cooling technology
                                                                                                                                       Replace outdated bypass filters with energy-saving ones
     Provide energy saving and low carbon                     Reasonably arrange the production plan,               Equipment
                                                                                                                                       Strengthen the inspection of various water supply pipelines in plants, and conduct prompt
     training, hold cost reduction and efficiency             adjust the schedule of plant maintenance,            optimization
                                                                                                                                       maintenance to avoid leakage
     promotion meetings, follow up projects                   and reduce unnecessary energy
     implementation, and solve identified                     consumption
                                                                                                                                       Use backwash water for pharmaceutical dilution to improve the water recycling rate
     difficulties promptly
                                                                                                                  Improve water        Use phosphorus-free/low phosphorus water treatment chemicals for circulating cooling
                                                                                                                    efficiency         water treatment technology, which can make the circulating water system reach a 7-time
                                        STL's energy management initiatives                                                            concentration and achieve a water-saving rate of 12.5%
                                                                                                                The Company is planning to use lithium bromide absorption chillers and waste heat-based and steam-driven
     Water Risk Assessment                                                                                      water pump units to consume surplus steam produced at its bases and implement the green power and
                                                                                                                photovoltaic use. So far, some production bases have signed preliminary technical agreements on photovoltaic
The Company has conducted relevant identification and risk assessment to identify potential risks in access     power generation projects, actively made deployment in clean energy, and promoted the low-carbon transition.
to water resources for each production base and business unit.
                                                                                                                 Case    Actively developed photovoltaic systems to respond to the call for clean energy
Clean Energy
                                                                                                                  To further implement our "H?" culture, the SAP Business Unit has implemented energy control, energy
                                                                                                                  saving, and consumption reduction measures, and adopted photovoltaic power generation to realize
STL adheres to the concept of green development, responds actively to the Cleaner Production Promotion            electricity self-production and self-consumption. With these efforts, it ensured functioning production
Law of the People's Republic of China , increases energy structure adjustment, focuses on low-carbon energy       despite a power shortage.
transformation, gradually develops and utilizes clean energy, and is committed to becoming a leader in clean
energy supply and contributing to the improvement of the ecological environment. In 2022, the Company
stated in the STL [2022] No. 01: Notice on the Implementation of 2022 Key Work Requirements for Safety
and Environmental Protection that the company has made clean production one of its key work requirements           Project Background                        Project Development                       Project Results
to improve its clean production capabilities with advanced and applicable process technology and equipment.
To promote the transition to clean energy and reduce air pollutant emissions, Jiaxing Base has incorporated        According to the "three-year action       The project made comprehensive            The project can result in an
clean technology innovation into its overall development strategy and has implemented the transition               document", the Energy Conservation        use of the roof space of                  annual average reduction of
from diesel to natural gas substitution in the waste gas incinerator; Lianyungang Base, based on their             Office of Jiaxing Science City            individual buildings (plants) in          85.7 metric tons of standard
technical characteristics, has made full use of hydrogen, a by-product of ethane cracking and propane              strengthened the inspections of           the SAP Business Unit plant to            coal, 93.58 metric tons of
dehydrogenation processes, to realize the recycling of clean energy.                                               enterprises, strictly implemented         build photovoltaic power plants. It       carbon dioxide emissions,
                                                                                                                   national laws and regulations on          involved the roofs of 7 buildings,        0.71 metric tons of sulfide,
The Company supplies downstream businesses in the park with hydrogen. With the continuous improvement              resource conservation, environmental      with a total construction area            and 0.24 metric tons of
of the hydrogen pipeline network and supporting facilities, we have achieved a comprehensive utilization           protection, production safety, product    of 14,000 square meters, and              nitrogen oxides.
capacity of 21.81 million standard cubic meters of hydrogen energy per year, which will improve the                quality, and other pertinent industrial   the installed capacity can
conditions for realizing the circular economy and enhancing the quality of the park. Simultaneously, we are        policies, stepped up law enforcement      reach 1,343.52kw according to
negotiating with several companies to provide new business opportunities for using hydrogen energy through         efforts, and promoted the corporate       professional PV manufacturers.
hydrogen cooperation.                                                                                              improvement and upgrading in
                                                                                                                   accordance with the law.
 Case      Made deployment in hydrogen energy to lead the industry in low-carbon development
     In order to guide green and low-carbon deployment in the industry and promote low-carbon development,
     STL has further made deployment in hydrogen energy based on the existing C2&C3 industry chain. A
     large amount of by-product hydrogen produced in the ethane cracking and propane dehydrogenation
     process, with a purity of 99.999%, can be used directly as hydrogen energy, and the process route can
     reduce about 5.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year compared with traditional coal hydrogen
     production. The Company plans to take the following measures to make full use of green hydrogen energy:
        Plan hydrogen energy utilization   Work to implement the circular       Plan the development of
        demonstration projects in          economy and renewable energy         chemicals with hydrogen as
        the park, including hydrogen       utilization in the park, providing   a raw material to form the
        energy shuttles for employee       green hydrogen supply for            industrial chain synergy and
        commuting and hydrogen             enterprises, and reducing carbon     create a green and low-carbon
        energy storage projects            dioxide emissions caused by          production demonstration base
                                           hydrogen production                                                                                    STL SAP Business Unit's photovoltaic project
Raw Material Management
STL values resource utilization highly. To continuously improve the utilization rate of raw materials, we
promote industrial materials recycling through technical transformation. We developed a raw material
consumption strategy and integrated raw material consumption into departmental performance evaluation.
Key personnel in relevant production departments have been motivated to reduce production costs and
implement raw material management through the cost control and incentive mechanism.
During the reporting period, the Company's production bases and business units implemented a variety
of initiatives to improve raw material management by reducing raw material losses in storage and the
production process and increasing raw material utilization.
     STL's energy management initiatives
                                                                                                            Pollution Emissions Control
                                                                                                            STL places a high value on pollution emission management, eliminates
                                                                                                            environmental protection weaknesses, makes consistent pollution prevention
       Spray cold        Improve       Increase the         Upgrade           Strengthen     Increase the
                                                                                                            and control efforts, enhances the control capabilities of pollutant treatment
         water on        process         output by         the glycol          process        production
                                                                                                            processes, and establishes a full life-cycle pollutant management process. We
      raw material    stability and     preventing         distillation         control,       volume of
                                                                                                            have bolstered environmental protection monitoring and management at each
     storage tanks     reduce raw     leakage in our        recovery           optimize       renewable
                                                                                                            discharge outlet, which regulates the emission and treatment of various pollutants
        to reduce        material       workshops          system to           process         resource
                                                                                                            and promotes sustainable social and environmental development.
          volatile    consumption                         improve the        parameters,        products
     losses during                                       recovery rate      and reduce by-
         storage                                                            product output
                                                                                                            "Three Wastes" Management
     STL's Major Resource Consumption in 2022
                                                                                                            STL strictly adheres to the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of
                                                                                                            China, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the
                                      Natural gas             Ethane                  Propane               People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid
           Major direct energy
           consumption                152 million cubic 94.7 thousand                 10.4 thousand         Wastes, and the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China , and other
                                                                                                            pertinent laws and regulations on environmental protection, as well as industry standards such as the
                                      meters                  metric tons             metric tons           Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Chemistry Industry and the Emission Standard of Volatile
                                                                                                            Organic Compounds for Chemical Industry . We strive to strengthen pollutant emission management,
                                                              Purchased steam                               establish pollutant treatment models, further optimize the treatment process, ensure that wastewater and
                                      Purchased electricity
           Indirect energy                                                                                  exhaust gases are discharged in accordance with the standards and that solid waste is disposed of in a
           consumption                2.188 billion           1.47 million                                  standardized manner to ensure green operations.
                                      kWh                     metric tons
                                                                                                            The Company has formulated internal policies such as the Safety and Environmental Protection Facilities
                                                                                                            Management System , and implements the full-process pollutant management of pollutants such as
                                      Total water consumption                                               wastewater, waste gases, and solid waste from generation, treatment to standard emissions in accordance
           Water consumption                                                                                with the requirements of standard emission and total volume control. We have implemented the principle of
                                                                                                            protection and realize the overall sustainable development.
                SATELLITE CHEMICAL CO., LTD.
     Wastewater Discharge Management                                                                                 Waste Gas Emission Management
The Company actively responds to the call for "zero and direct sewage discharge" by investigating the              The Company's air pollution mainly includes volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur dioxide (SO 2),
wastewater discharge thoroughly, renovating the facilities that separate rainwater and sewage, and installing      nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter generated in production and operations. We have strictly
several sets of wastewater treatment equipment to manage wastewater across production processes such               practiced air pollution prevention and improvement in all production bases and business units, and built
as wastewater generation, collection, reuse, and discharge. These efforts are aimed at minimizing the              several sets of high-efficiency industrial waste gas recycling and treatment facilities to reduce air pollution
negative impact on nearby surface water and groundwater, as well as strengthening the prevention and               emissions while recycling materials. During the reporting period, there were no cases in which emissions did
control of water pollution risks and reducing water pollution caused by our business operations. Following         not meet the standards in any production base and business unit of the Company.
the implementation of these wastewater reduction initiatives, the Company reduced emissions by 6,996,000
                                                                                                                   The Company actively responds to the national emission reduction requirements to strengthen the
metric tons in 2022.
                                                                                                                   control of VOCs unorganized emissions in production waste gases, further LDAR testing, conduct routine
                             Conduct real-time monitoring of water pollutant discharge through online              environmental protection inspections and monthly special environmental protection inspections, and
      Control                environmental monitoring devices to ensure real-time monitoring of all water          implement corrective measures to ensure that waste gas emissions meet the standards. All production bases
       at the                quality data                                                                          and business units are equipped with RCO treatment systems, RTO treatment systems, alkali sprayers,
      Source                                                                                                       activated carbon adsorption and other environmental protection facilities for exhaust pollutants treatment to
                             Optimize production process, strengthen process control, and reduce wastewater
                                                                                                                   ensure that the emission concentration is less than the required level in corresponding standards.
                                                                                                                   The Company has taken targeted measures to efficiently control the exhaust gases generated across the
                                                                                                                   production process:
                             Collect wastewater, including production wastewater, clean wastewater, and
     Classified              rainwater, according to the principle of "separation of rain and sewage"
     collection              Wastewater, after being effectively collected, is sent to the sewage station for         Fill exhaust gas to                    Adopt the "water spraying + honeycomb carbon adsorption"
                             centralized treatment                                                                    absorbent products                     collection and treatment process
                                                                                                                     Exhaust gas from the
                             Adopt the "combination + blending + anaerobic + aerobic" biological process             operational space of                    Collect and treat exhaust gases through honeycomb carbon
     Enhanced                                                                                                        grease washing and                      adsorption devices
                             to treat acrylic acid wastewater
     treatment                                                                                                        packing positions
                             Treat the wastewater through devices and then reuse it to reduce wastewater
                                                                                                                    Crack furnace flue gas                   Treat the gas with SCR denitrification and remove dust with trap
                             Improve the wastewater treatment capacity and closely monitor water quality            Exhaust gas from the
                             indicators such as chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, and total                operational space of the                  Adopt water spraying to emission standards
                             nitrogen of the treated wastewater to ensure the discharge up to standards              drum washing room
                                                                                                                       Exhaust gas after                     Treat the gas with the "SNCR denitrification + heat waste
 Case      Reuse acrylic acid wastewater to reduce cost and increase efficiency                                      incineration of waste                   recovery + cyclone dust removal + compound rapid cooling
                                                                                                                             liquid                          absorption + electrostatic dust removal"
     To reuse wastewater and improve resource utilization efficiency while reducing pollution emissions,
                                                                                                                       Waste gas from
     Pinghu Base has installed a wastewater recycling unit for butyl acrylate with a capacity of a 30
                                                                                                                    organic storage tanks                    Incinerate the gas through RTO furnaces
     metric tons per hour, which pre-treats high concentration neutralized wastewater from butyl acrylate
                                                                                                                        and process
     facilities and recovers p-toluenesulfonic acid, acrylic acid and dilute alkali solution which are difficult
     to treat from the wastewater. The recovered p-toluenesulfonic acid and acrylic acid are reused                   Odor and exhaust
     as raw materials in the production of butyl acrylate, and the dilute alkali solution is reused for the                                                  Adopt "biofilter + acid spray + alkali spray + activated carbon
                                                                                                                     gas from wastewater
     neutralization process of butyl acrylate. The concentration of neutralized wastewater drops significantly                                               adsorption (emergency)" treatment
                                                                                                                      treatment stations
     after pretreatment by the recycling unit, which effectively reduces the workload of wastewater
     treatment station and realizes emission reduction, cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
                                                                                                                                                     STL's main waste gas treatment initiatives
                                                                                                               The Company has enforced the whole process control from solid waste generation, collection, storage,
 Case      Full process control of production waste gas to promote high-quality and
                                                                                                               transportation to disposal and utilization, improved the standardized hazardous waste management, established
           clean production
                                                                                                               a solid waste supervision platform, strictly supervised the hazardous waste with information technology, and
                                                                                                               effectively prevented and controlled the environmental risks caused by hazardous waste. During the reporting
     To actively fulfill its commitment to ultra-low emission, Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has
                                                                                                               period, the Company managed solid waste according to the Pollutant Discharge Permit's management
     continuously promoted air pollutant emission reduction and leakage prevention management through
                                                                                                               requirements, and there were no solid waste disposal violations.
     initiatives such as technology optimization and enhanced management, focusing on emission sources,
     strengthening the control of the full-production process, and monitoring exhaust gas emissions in real
     time. In terms of project design, the company has selected mature and advanced process technologies
     at home and abroad, which are in line with clean production and can achieve the goal of high-value,                                                                                      Set up special warehouses
     clean, and intelligent plant development.                                                                                                                                                to collect solid wastes, and
                                                                                                                                                                                              conduct anti-corrosion and
                                                                                                                  Set up temporary storage                                                    anti-permeation treatment
          Clean raw materials                 Process optimization              Real-time monitoring
                                                                                                                  warehouses for hazardous                                                    on the warehouse floor to
                                                                                                                  waste to ensure that the                                                    prevent waste leaks from
                                                                                                                  hazardous waste is collected                    General                     contaminating soil and
       Use ethane with little sulfur      Ethylene crackers adopt            Actively use LDAR testing                                                                                        groundwater
                                                                                                                  by type and source according                   solid waste
       as raw material which              the Lummus technology.             and repair tools for
                                                                                                                  to the requirements of
       is clean and has a high            The exhaust gas generated          production facilities, and                                                                                       Actively reduce solid waste,
                                                                                                                  hazardous waste management
       recovery rate in cracking          in the operation process           complete leak testing for                                                                                        dry the sludge, and reduce the
       units, simple process flow,        is given priority to full fuel     operational facilities on a                                                                                      water content of the sludge
       and low comprehensive              gas recovery, and those            quarterly basis. A total of          Contact qualified professional
       energy consumption.                that cannot be reused are          142,228 points have been             waste disposal entities for
                                                                                                                  waste transfer in accordance                                                Uniformly arrange special
       Ethane crackers have               disposed of by incineration        registered and a total of                                                                                        vehicles to transport waste
       lower sulfur emissions and         after condensation and             four LDAR tests and retests          with relevant national solid
                                                                                                                                                                  Hazardous                   to landfills or hand it over to
       less environmental impact          adsorption to meet the             have been conducted                  waste transfer regulations
                                                                                                                                                                    waste                     qualified entities for disposal
       and are more advanced              pertinent emission limit           throughout the year                                                                                              on a regular basis
       compared to other similar          standards, reducing pollutant                                           Install waste liquid incinerators
       pollutant emission projects        emissions from the source,                                              to dispose of heavy alcohols,
                                          process, and the end of the                                             tar, and other hazardous
                                          whole process                                                           wastes, and WAO devices to
                                                                                                                  dispose of waste lye
                                                                                                                Case     Installed waste liquid incineration devices to reduce hazardous waste generation
                                                                                                                  To strictly control the amount of waste generation, Pinghu Petro Chemical Co., Ltd. has built six sets
                  Lianyungang Petrochemical's whole process control of production waste gas
                                                                                                                  of catalytic combustion devices while establishing production facilities. The devices adopt secondary
                                                                                                                  catalytic combustion treatment, with the treatment rate of pollution factors reaching over 97%.
                                                                                                                  Pinghu Petro Chemical Co., Ltd.'s hazardous waste primarily includes acrylic acid and ester heavy
                                                                                                                  constituents. Through the waste liquid incineration system, the liquid distillation residue of acrylic acid
  ?Solid Waste Management                                                                                         and of acrylic ester can be treated, and after incineration and disposal, it can be turned into steam
                                                                                                                  through the heat exchange in the waste heat boiler to provide energy. With the construction of the
STL complies with the requirements of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and
                                                                                                                  supporting incineration systems, the liquid distillation residue can be reduced by 25,000 metric tons
Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes , adheres to the principle of "Reduce, Reuse and
                                                                                                                  per year.
Recycle" in solid waste management, and has formulated the Management Regulations on Solid Waste to
regulate the management and disposal of solid waste and to continuously promote its reduction and recycling.
 Case      Chemical method recycling technology is adopted efficiently to improve the resource                  Soil and Noise Management
           recycling efficiency
     Based on its advantages in R&D, production and sales of environmentally-friendly water-soluble poly-         ?Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention and Control
     solid slurry, Hubei Satellite New Materials Co., Ltd. has applied its core technologies with independent
     intellectual property rights to material recycling and reuse, improved its product performance, and
                                                                                                                Every year, the Company prepares an annual environmental monitoring program in accordance with the
     expanded the new degradable and recyclable material business.
                                                                                                                requirements of the Pollutant Discharge and project environmental assessment, and pertinent technical
     As the first high-tech enterprise producing water-soluble environmental protection polyester from waste    specifications such as the Guidelines on the Identification of Potential Soil Pollution Hazards in Key
     plastic bottles, Hubei Satellite New Materials Co., Ltd. has adopted chemical recycling technology         Supervision Entities (for Trial Implementation) and the Technical Guidelines of Soil and Groundwater
     which introduces hydrophilic groups and some high-performance monomers into polyester molecules            Self-monitoring for Industrial Enterprises. We have also hired qualified third-party environmental testing
     to improve its water-solubility and film-forming properties, and produce degradable environmentally        companies to keep an eye on the soil and groundwater. Simultaneously, we implemented anti-corrosion
     friendly protection slurry, which has been certified by Global Recyled Standard (GRS) Certification.       and anti-leakage ground treatment measures in the production area, storage and transportation area, raw
                                                                                                                material tank area, and other key areas, as well as strengthened daily inspection and inspection to prevent
     Hubei Satellite New Materials Co., Ltd.'s DCS automatic production line with an annual production          leakage contaminants from polluting the soil and groundwater.
     capacity of 30,000 metric tons of water-soluble polyester slurry continues to run stably, providing a
     recycling capacity of 26,000 metric tons of waste plastics per year. The company will continuously         Groundwater pollution prevention and control measures are implemented on the basis of the "control at the
     strive to build a more complete eco-friendly new material ecosystem.                                       source, control at the end, pollution monitoring, and emergency response" principle in order to control the
                                                                                                                entire process, including pollutant generation, leakage, diffusion, and emergency response.
                                                                                                                                  Take appropriate measures to prevent and reduce pollutant leakage in the process,
                             Indicator                                         Unit                   2022
                                                                                                                   Control at     pipelines, equipment, sewage storage, and treatment structures; and lay pipelines as
         Waste                     Total Solid Waste                   10,000 metric tons             9.42        the source      visually as possible. This means that pipelines should be installed on the ground as far
                          Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX)        metric ton/10,000 metric                                      as possible so that pollutants can be detected and early detection as early as possible
                          per 10,000 metric tons of products                  tons
                         Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) per      metric ton/10,000 metric
     Exhaust gas                                                                                                  Pollution       including establishing a comprehensive monitoring system, installing advanced detection
      emissions              Emissions of volatile organic                                                        monitoring
                                                                    metric ton/10,000 metric                                      instruments and equipment, and building scientifically and reasonably designed
                            compounds (VOCs) per 10,000                                               0.20
                                                                              tons                                                groundwater pollution monitoring wells to ensure timely pollution detection and control
                               metric tons of products
                         Emissions of particulate matter (PM)       metric ton/10,000 metric
                          per 10,000 metric tons of products                  tons
                                                                                                                                  Implement impermeable treatment on the ground in the polluted area to prevent spilled
                          Chemical oxygen demand (COD)                                                            Control at      pollutants from seeping into the ground, and collect the pollutants left on the ground and
                                                                    metric ton/10,000 metric
                         emissions per 10,000 metric tons of                                         41.72         the end        transfer them to the sewage treatment station for treatment; impermeable treatment is
                                     products                                                                                     conducted by area type in exercising control at the end
      Wastewater           Ammonia nitrogen emissions per           metric ton/10,000 metric
      discharge             10,000 metric tons of products                    tons
                                                                                                                                  Once the groundwater pollution accident occurs, immediately start the emergency plan,
                             Total organic carbon (TOC)                                                          Emergency
                                                                    metric ton/10,000 metric                                      and take emergency measures to control groundwater pollution so that pollution can be
                         emissions per 10,000 metric tons of                                          0.52        response
                                                                              tons                                                treated well
 Greenhouse gas          Greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions per            metric ton of CO2
    emissions                   metric ton of product                 equivalent/metric ton                                      STL's soil and groundwater pollution prevention and control measures
  ?Noise Control
STL strictly adheres to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of
Pollution from Environmental Noise , strengthens the identification, analysis and evaluation of noise
hazards, and enforces noise pollution control from noise sources, transmission channels, and noise
receptors in all aspects. During the reporting period, the Company conducted regular noise monitoring
at the plant boundary, and ensured that the sound environment at the plant boundary of our production
bases and business units met the requirements for third-class zone quality and had no negative impact on
the surrounding environment.
The Company has considered noise control during its plant planning and design, and arranged production
devices in zones according to their noise intensity if the process allows, with noisier devices placed or
buildings without sound sources (such as auxiliary plants, warehouses, large facilities such as towers,                Carbon             Produce olefins with lightweight raw materials, leading the industry in comprehensive
tanks and containers that do not produce noise, and green belts) built as far as possible on the side away          reduction at          energy consumption of products
from noise sensitive areas outside the plant as barriers to separate them from noise sensitive areas.                the source           Use higher energy-efficiency equipment
Noise-intensive machinery and equipment, such as large machine pumps and molding and packaging
machinery, are installed within the plant workshops and the machine base is damped to reduce the noise
impact on the environment inside and outside the plant.                                                                                   Conduct clean production review to achieve energy saving, carbon reduction, and
                                                                                                                                          pollution reduction
According to the 2022 Annual Noise Inspection Report, the Company's plant boundary meets the standard               reduction in
                                                                                                                    the process           Optimize product process, improve production output, and reduce greenhouse gas
limit value of a third-class zone in the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB
time standards of a third-class zone of the Environment Quality Standard for Noise (GB 3096-2008).
                                                                                                                                          Build carbonate facilities to maximize the use of carbon dioxide
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction                                                                                   reduction at
                                                                                                                      the end
                                                                                                                                          Actively recover and reuse waste heat, to reduce the workload of heating furnaces to
                                                                                                                                          save fuels
STL actively responds to the national strategies of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, implements
Zhejiang's "14th Five-Year" Plan for Industrial Green Development and the "Made in China 2025" Action              STL uses lightweight raw materials to produce olefins, and its carbon intensity is significantly lower than that
Plan, and views "green and low-carbon development" and "scientific and technological innovation" as drivers        of coal-to-olefins. The Company has two sets of facilities that crack ethane to ethylene with a capacity of 1.25
of high-quality development. The Company places a high value on greenhouse gas emissions management                million metric tons per year, which can reduce CO2 emissions by about 22.8 million metric tons per year, and
and has established feasible carbon reduction targets based on its business type and operating conditions to       two sets of propane dehydrogenation to propylene facilities with a capacity of 450,000 metric tons per year,
accelerate its transition into a low-carbon, technology-driven chemical and new material enterprise.               which can reduce CO2 emissions by about 7.7 million metric tons per year. We can reduce CO2 emissions by
                                                                                                                   more than 30 million metric tons per year.
The Company's main greenhouse gas sources are fossil fuels, industrial production processes, and net
purchased electricity and heat consumption. The Company places a high value on carbon examination and
                                                                                                                    Case    Implemented CO2 refining and recovery to help accelerate energy saving
                                                                                                                            and carbon reduction
accounting efforts, considers independent accounting units to be legal persons, and accounts for greenhouse
gases generated by the production system in accordance with the Guidelines for Accounting and Reporting
of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Chemical Production Enterprises in China (for Trial Implementation)                  To accelerate the progress in energy saving, carbon reduction and pollution reduction, Lianyungang
and technical guidelines issued by the relevant state departments. Its scope includes all production units of         Petrochemical Co., Ltd. implemented a CO2 refining and recovery project with a capacity of 300,000
manufacturing bases and business units.                                                                               metric tons per year in 2022. The project establishment and design were completed in January 2022,
                                                                                                                      and the preparation of the project environmental impact assessment report was completed and
As the largest green and low-carbon raw material comprehensive utilization enterprise in China, STL has               approved by the competent environmental protection authorities in the same year, and construction
positioned itself as an industry leader in the strategic transition to new energy and new materials, focusing on      was started. During the reporting period, the project equipment procurement, civil construction and
energy-saving and carbon-reduction efforts from three angles: at the source, in the process, and at the end,          plant construction tasks were all completed. The project was at the equipment installation stage at the
continuously empowering low-carbon factories with technology and implementing green manufacturing and                 end of 2022, and can recycle up to 300,000 metric tons of CO2 per year after it is put into operation.
clean production.
 ?Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Promotion and Training                                                        Green Office
To improve understanding and comprehension of the national strategies of carbon peaking and carbon                Through the green office initiative, STL supports the concept of living a low-carbon life and has developed
neutrality, the Company organized a variety of carbon emission management-related publicity and training          the Implementation Rules for Seven Basic Employee Behaviors and other policies to strengthen green
activities in 2022, calling on all employees to contribute to the carbon reduction and emission reduction
                                                                                                                  office management in the office and guide all employees to practice a green and low-carbon office style. We
targets and to practice the green development concept.
                                                                                                                  encourage our employees to begin with small steps to save resources, reduce waste, strengthen the green
In the meantime, the Company educated all employees on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality through               concept with a focus on details, and collaborate to create a zero-carbon future.
seminars, team meetings, and conferences held in the office daily, during shifts, and on Environment Day. As
a result of the training, the participants better understood green production, travel, office, and other carbon    Encourage              Air conditioners         Promote the
                                                                                                                   double-sided           should not be            paperless office
reduction actions, and they expressed their intention to contribute to reducing global warming.                    printing to make       kept lower than          initiative by adopting
                                                                                                                   full use of paper      26 degrees               the OA approval
In 2022, the Company compiled training materials on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and conducted             resources              Celsius, and be          system and
                                                                                                                                          shut down at a           OUTLOOK e-mail for
carbon emission management-related training activities for managers, covering topics such as the types
                                                                                                                                          required time            daily communication
of greenhouse gases, climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, carbon verification, carbon                                                                in the office
trading, and global carbon reduction targets.
                                                                                                                   Improve the          Strengthen water            Implement waste
                                                                                                                   electricity          and electricity             classification and
 Case      Conducted "dual carbon" training to strengthen the "dual carbon" concept                                management           conservation efforts        recycle and sell
                                                                                                                   system, such as      and promotion, raise        all kinds of paper
                                                                                                                   the time to turn     our employees'              products for
     To enhance the understanding and grasp of the dual carbon strategy among all our employees,                                        awareness, and
                                                                                                                   on the lights                                    secondary use
     the Polymer Emulsion Business Unit and SAP Business Unit of Jiaxing Base hired Hangzhou WIT                   and ACs, and         incorporate water
     Assessment Co. Ltd. to provide on-site training sessions themed "Interpretation of China's Carbon             the time to turn     and electricity
     Peaking Target and Carbon Neutrality Vision", "Carbon Market, Carbon Trading, and Enterprises'                on and off the       conservation into
     Carbon Asset Management", "Carbon Accounting and Verification" and "Carbon Peaking and Carbon                 equipment            their daily behavior
     Neutrality Path Planning". Through the above-mentioned training, all employees have grasped the
     basic concept of pertinent knowledge such as "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", had a basic                                                                     STL's green office initiatives
     knowledge of the carbon tax, carbon emission rights, and carbon verification, laying the foundation for
     the future dual carbon efforts.
                                                                                                                  Biodiversity Conservation
                                                                                                                  STL recognizes the importance of protecting natural resources and biodiversity. We strictly adhere to
 Case      Promoted carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in new employees' onboarding
           training and carbon reduction for all                                                                  national ecological protection related requirements, implement ecological protection during the initial project
                                                                                                                  construction assessment, production, and operations, avoid projects in ecologically vulnerable areas, and
     To actively carry out clean production review and practice low-carbon goals, Lianyungang                     implement efficient measures to lessen impacts on the ecological environment and protect biodiversity.
     Petrochemical put efforts in carbon peaking and carbon neutrality during new employee onboarding
                                                                                                                  The Company's production bases and business unit projects adhere to the ecological environment control
     training and environmental protection training days. The company promoted the low-carbon life from
                                                                                                                  programs, the main functional area plan and the general land use plan, and do not cross the ecological
     the daily habits and lifestyles to corporate carbon reduction efforts, so as to ensure that all employees
     have a clear understanding of the strategic objectives of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality after         protection red line.
     their join the company.
                                                                                                                  The Company continuously improves the monitoring mechanism of ecological protection and restoration
                                                                                                                  protection, implements effective measures to prevent the impact on biodiversity throughout the entire
           Organized our employees to learn the latest laws and regulations to strengthen                         process of production, ensures the quality of ecological environment protection and biodiversity, and realizes
           their cognitive awareness of                                                                           sustainable development. The Company had no significant incidents that harmed biodiversity during the
     To strengthen the awareness of energy saving and emission reduction of all employees, Pinghu Base            reporting period.
     organized internal learning and training on Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emissions
     Trading (Trial Implementation) and the 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Saving, Consumption
     Reduction, and Optimization of Energy Resources Allocation in Zhejiang Province. The training                     Make active soil and water                          Use APEOS-free auxiliaries           Develop aldehyde-free
     covered energy engineers, environmental protection engineers, accountants in all positions in the                 c o n s e r v a t i o n e ff o r t s i n            to ensure that the products          products with formaldehyde
     financial management department, and leaders in charge of the relevant departments. Several                       construction projects, prepare                      are non-biotoxic and meet            content lower than 16 mg/kg
     external experts were invited to explain the trading process, precautions and future trends. This                 soil and water conservation                         environmental requirements           to meet the requirements of
     training raised the awareness of all employees and enhanced their knowledge of basic concepts, so                 reports, and report for the                                                              Class A textile applications
     that this work was prioritized internally and made the cognitive preparation for an entry into the carbon         record
     trading market in the future.
                                                                                                                                                                  STL's biodiversity conservation initiatives
People-Centricity to
Build a Harmonious
STL adheres to the guiding principle that "the
company grows together with its employees and
society". We care for our employees by safeguarding
their fundamental rights and interests according to the
law and by prioritizing their growth and development
as we pursue the STL Dream with them.
  Empowering Employees’ Development
  Fulfill Social Responsibility
Empowering Employees’ Development
                                                                                                                                                      Percentage of
                                                                                                                            Number of                 Employees Signing                   Coverage of                       Major Dispute
                                                                                                                            Employees                 a Labor Contract                    Social Insurance                  Case Involved
STL regards people as the Company’s most valuable asset and seeks out high-caliber employees through a                      3,964                     100%                                100%                              0
variety of channels. We keep open promotion channels for employees based on the needs of the Company’s
development, and we provide the necessary support for employees’ career development and personal                                                               STL’s employee data in 2022
growth. Furthermore, we continue to improve our employees’ happiness at work and in life and to create a
favorable environment for their development.
                                                                                                                   Introduction of Talent
Employees’ Rights and Interests                                                                                    STL adheres to the concept to "assess the talents based on their abilities and contributions in addition
                                                                                                                   to educational background and work experience" in employment. We are constantly broadening talent
                                                                                                                   introduction channels to attract high-caliber overseas technicians, senior business operators and managers
STL protects employees’ rights and interests in strict accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s
                                                                                                                   in the industry, and technical experts for production base projects, in order to build a solid talent pool for the
Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the Regulation on Work-
                                                                                                                   development of STL, according to the Company’s strategy.
Related Injury Insurance. To fulfill our commitment to creating a legal and fair workplace and protecting our
employees’ rights and interests, we take a zero-tolerance approach to child labor and oppose all forms of
forced and compulsory labor. Furthermore, we follow national regulations regarding employees’ working
                                                                                                                           Talent Fairs
hours, national holidays, paid leaves, and overtime pay, manage employees’ occupational health and safety,
and protect female employees’ labor rights and interests. Continuous efforts are made to improve internal                  We participate in job fairs for candidates with a master’s or doctoral degree and overseas candidates to
supervision and communication mechanisms to ensure the rights and interests of employees.                                  seek overseas R&D and operation management candidates with high academic qualifications.
                                                                                                                           We support employees in applying for talent projects at the provincial level or above on the Candidate +
                                                                                                                           Enterprise Platform collaborative program.
                                                                                                                           During the reporting period, STL supported four employees to be included in the national Overseas Talent
                                                                                                                           Attraction Program, one employee to be included in the national Special Support Program, and one to be
                                                                                                                           included in the Provincial Leading Talent List.
Physical Examinations          Care                Labor             Prevention of           Female
   for Employees             Priorities          Protection          Occupational        Employees’ Rights                 Recruitment Team
                                                                       Diseases            and Interests
                                                                                                                           We have set up a dedicated recruitment team for professional recruitment.
     STL leads the        Employees            Safety protection     Production            Female employees
                                                                                                                           We have optimized and expanded our recruitment channels by introducing three headhunting suppliers,
     industry with        in front-line        accessories           employees             are entitled to
                                                                                                                           resulting in a larger platform for talent supply and more candidates of higher quality.
     its physical         production           such as labor         are provided          marriage leave,
     examination          positions            protection            with a physical       maternity leave,                We are pilotting virtual headhunting recruitment and employees are encouraged to complete difficult talent
     standards.                                clothing, helmets,    examination for       and special                     recruitment tasks.
     In 2022, we                               goggles, ear          occupational          preferential policies
                          employees                                                                                        During the reporting period, we recruited 39 people at the manager level or above and 154 people at the
     offered a new                             plugs, and labor      diseases              for the periods
     premium physical     Employees over       protection shoes      every year            of pregnancy,                   supervisor and engineer level, all of whom have a bachelor’s degree or above.
     examination to       40                   are provided          and leaving-          childbirth, and
     our employees                             to production         position physical     breastfeeding
                          Employees                                                                                        Diversity in Employees
     and discounted                            employees. They       examinations to       according to the
                          with more than
     paid physical                             are available         safeguard their       law                             STL fully respects the differences in our employees’ cultural backgrounds and is committed to creating a
     examinations to                           in summer and         health                Nursing rooms,                  fair and diverse workplace.
                          experience at the
     employees’ family                         winter versions                             diapers, wet
     members                                   for different                               wipes, sofas, and               Discrimination based on nationality, race, social class, religion, and gender is prohibited in employment,
                                               seasons in the                              other necessary                 salary and compensation, job assignment, and promotion.
                                               year                                        items are provided              As of the end of the reporting period, STL employed 123 people of foreign nationalities and from minority
                                                                                           for breastfeeding
                                                                                                                           ethnic groups.
                         STL’s measures to protect employees’ rights and interests                                                                        STL’s talent introduction measures
Compared to that in            Number of                 Case Advancing collaboration with universities
                                                                to expand talent introduction channels            STL’s Employee Training Management Model
in 2022 increased by           national programs:           STL is active in broadening channels for talent
                                                            introduction. We have launched projects in
                                                            collaboration with Zhejiang University, Tongji        Training Planning         Training Management       Training Implementation        Training Evaluation
                                                            Science and Technology and built platforms for        The Human                  The HR Center              Training sessions are         Training effects are
                                                            the collaboration with universities and research      Resources (HR)             places training            delivered as per to the       evaluated at the
                                                            institutes. We have established provincial            Center develops            attendance,                annual training plan.         levels of reaction,
                                                            research institutes, enterprise postdoctoral          annual training plans      disciplines, and files                                   learning, behaviors,
Number of new                  Number of                                                                                                                                Training that requires
                                                            workstations, enterprise academician                  for all departments at     under centralized                                        and results.
employees with a               applicants                                                                                                                               funding shall to be
                                                            workstations, and national joint laboratories.        the beginning of each      management. It
master's or doctoral           for provincial                                                                                                                           approved by the HR
                                                            In addition, we have set up scholarships              year and issue them        makes an overview
degree:                        programs:                                                                                                                                Department.
                                                            at East China University of Science and               to the departments         of training in the
                                                                                                                  for implementation         Company’s based            Training that does
                                                            Technology and Jiaxing University to enhance
                                                                                                                                                                        not require funding
                                                            at established universities and enhance our
                                                                                                                  after being approved
                                                                                                                  by the President
                                                                                                                                             on monthly training
                                                                                                                                             information provided       shall be organized
                                                                                                                  of the Company.            by departments.            and delivered by the
                                                            appeal to talented people.
     STL’s talent introduction data for 2022                                                                      In the process of                                     department, who
                                                                                                                  implementation, the                                   shall submit training
                                                                                                                  plan may be revised                                   materials to the HR
                                                                                                                  according to actual                                   Department.
Employee Growth
STL promotes employees’ continuous development, shared growth with the Company, and invests in their
development. To that end, we are constantly pursuing more diverse, science-based, and efficient training,
broadening employee promotion channels, and stimulating their enthusiasm through various means, thereby
empowering them to grow in all aspects.
                                                                                                                  STL’s employee training data for 2022
 ?Employee Training
                                                                                                                                                               Training Coverage   100%
STL is dedicated to developing a world-class workforce. We organize a variety of training sessions in order
to improve our employees’ quality and professional skills, as well as to progress regulated and standardized                   Total Training Attendance                               Total Training Duration
                                                                                                               Guided by our strategic goals and based on position needs, we launch diversified training courses to improve
                                                                                                               employees’ professional skills and job competency and support new employees in fitting in their positions
                                                                                                               and the Company in training marketing personnel.
     Star Class                                             Sailing Class                                   ?Employee Incentives
     STL offers the Star Class, an onboarding               STL started the second phase of the            STL has a solid compensation and incentive system in place. We incentivize our employees in various ways
     training program for new employees, to help            Sailing Class program in June 2022 to          to increase their work enthusiasm and motivation and encourage them to achieve the position’s value and
     fresh graduates change from students to                strengthen the management workforce,           self-worth.
     workers, understand the Company’s history              consolidate basic management, and
     and corporate culture, and master the                  enhance managers’ professional
                                                                                                              STL’s compensation system
     methods and basic skills in the workplace.             knowledge and management practice.
     Star Class has enriched the training content           After four months of study and practice,
     and form by adding courses on culture case             30 trainees passed the examination.
     sharing, workplace stress relief, workplace                                                              A differentiated            Compensation              The rank is aligned with        Compensation is
     etiquette, and time management. They                                                                     compensation                surveys on the            the compensation level          given play to as
     facilitate the trainees to transform, integrate,                                                         system is in place,         market, the industry,     based on position value,        incentives and
     and be enhanced through learning,                                                                        with the range              the region, and           ability, competency,            guidance. More pay
     engagement, and experience.                                                                              determined by               competitors are           performance, and                for more work is
                                                                                                              position value and          regularly conducted       results.                        advocated. No cap is
                                                                                                              the level determined        to ensure that            The principles of               put on compensation
                                                                                                              by personal value.          the Company’s             distribution according          incentives.
                                                                                                                                          compensation is           to work, efficiency
                                                                                                                                          competitive and in        first, and fair and
                                                                                                                                          the leading position      sustainable development
                                                                                                                                          in the industry.          are upheld and a
                                                                                                                                                                    sound compensation
                                                                                                                                                                    broadband system is in
     Marketing Elite Training                               Employees’ Skill Competitions
                                                            During the reporting period, STL sent          STL is constantly expanding its employees’ career development opportunities and promotion channels.
     During the reporting period, STL launched
     special marketing training courses for
                                                            competitions at the district level or above.   of promotion programs. We also motivate employees by establishing incentive mechanisms like the Spot
     employees at the director ’s assistant
                                                            Among them, four won first prizes, six won     Premium and the Eagle Plan and promoting incentive schemes like the Precise Value Incentive, Profit
     level and above, regional managers, and
                                                            second prizes, and two won third prizes.       Sharing Scheme, Equity Incentive Scheme, and Academic Advancement Reimbursement. These initiatives
     supervisors, to strengthen marketing
                                                                                                           provide enough motivation and support for our employees’ ongoing development.
     personnel training. The courses were
     about marketing strategies, key account
     acquisition, and customer maintenance and                                                             Employee Care
                                                                                                           STL places a high value on its employees’ physical and mental health, shows concern for their well-being,
                                                                                                           and lends a helping hand when they need it in both work and personal situations. During the report period, by
                                                                                                           giving our employees more unrestricted communication channels and regularly hosting a variety of employee
                                                                                                           events, we put employee care into practice during the reporting period.
                                                                                                            ?Communication with Employees
                                                                                                           In order to listen to employees, offer them emotional support, and help them with their work and personal
                                                                                                           problems, we have resources like employee seminars, the Chairperson’s Mailbox, employee supervision, and
                                                                                                           suggestion hotlines. STL conducted more than 1,400 employee interviews over the course of the reporting
                                                                                                           period and collected 4,343 samples from the Gallup Q12 engagement survey, yielding a grand mean score
                                  STL’s employee training programs in 2022                                 of 4.26, which is higher than the 75% quartile score for international businesses.
                 SATELLITE CHEMICAL CO., LTD.
                                                           Assistances for                       Assistances for School
                                                                                                                               Tree Planting Day
Percentage of                    Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sports meeting
                                                           Employees' Medical                    Attending of Employees'
Performance Interviews           Interviews                Treatment                             Children
                                  STL’s employee communication results in 2022
                                                                                                                           counseling room
                                                                                                                                                                              Staff canteen
              Holding regular employee representatives’ conferences to listen to employees
              The organizational function of the trade union is given full play. Employee representatives’
              conferences are held regularly to let employee representatives’ opinions be heard and to
              deliberate major decisions such as adjustments to the Company’s compensation and benefits
              and labor discipline system.                                                                                                                                   STL’s employee events in 2022
                                                                                                                            STL actively incorporates environmental initiatives into employee events. In honor of the 30th anniversary
                                                                                                                            of the founding of Satellite Group, STL organized employees to hold fundraising walks and fitness walks
                                                                                                                            around the idea of environmentally friendly and low-carbon development. These actions communicated STL’s
              Collecting employees’ needs in employee interviews                                                            commitment to environmentally friendly and low-carbon practices while promoting the idea of science-based
                                                                                                                            lifestyles among employees.
              Executives communicate with employees to enhance their sense of integration and belonging.
                                                                                                                                          On December 10, 2022, a fitness walking event themed by "Leading a Green, Low-Carbon, and
              A regular communication mechanism between executives and employees is in place. Employees’                                  Healthy Lifestyle and Sharing the Beauty of Chemistry with the World" was held to celebrate the
              needs at work are collected at new employees’ probationary interviews and monthly and annual                                30th anniversary of the founding of Satellite Group, STL’s controlling shareholder. Nearly 300 people
              performance interviews, where assistance and counseling are provided.                                                       participated in the event.
                                                                                                                                          On December 11, more than 300 employees from Lianyungang Base 700 kilometers away participated
                                     STL’s employee communication measures                                                                in the first "Green Petrochemical Fitness" Walk in Xuxu New District, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province.
                                                                                                                                          They interacted with STL employees in Jiaxing in a unique way,to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the
                                                                                                                                          founding of Satellite Group.
   ??Employee Events
In order to further boost their happiness and sense of belonging, we occasionally hosted a wide variety of
recreational events during the reporting period, including birthday parties, the New Year’s Eve dinner, and
sporting events. For employees to experience the warmth and care of the Company, we also offer a variety
of benefits tailored to their needs both at work and in their personal lives.
                                                                                Gifts for the needy
                                                                                at theMid-Autumn
                                                                                                                                                   STL's fitness walk to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of Satellite Group
Dragon Boat
                                                                                                                                      Employee Benefits
                                                                                                                           STL is committed to providing a wide range of benefits to its employees. They include free housing,
                                                                                                                           commuter shuttles, and family visit allowances designed to meet employees’ needs at work and in their
                                                                                                                           personal lives, such as housing, commuting, health, and family visits. These benefits demonstrate the
                                                                                                                           Company’s warmth and concern for its employees.
   Safety and            Employees are provided with safety allowances, health care allowances, and             Occupational Health and Safety
 health benefits:        physical examinations for occupational diseases.
                                                                                                                STL prioritizes the health and safety of its employees. We strictly adhere to the Work Safety Law of the
     Commercial           Employees are provided with employer’s liability insurance, work safety liability     People’s Republic of China and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control
     insurance:           insurance, and group accident insurance.                                              of Occupational Diseases . We created and improved internal occupational health and safety policies and
                                                                                                                systems and established a solid occupational health and safety management system. Clear standards for
                                                                                                                the Company’s internal occupational health and safety management have been established and validated in
     Work-related         Employees are provided with night shift and duty allowances and full attendance       order to protect employees’ health and safety in all aspects.
      benefits:           bonus.
                                                                                                                We have always considered "strengthening occupational safety management" to be an HSE priority, and
The Five Hearts                                                                                                 we follow the occupational health policy of "putting emphasis on prevention and combining prevention
                          Employees are provided with the Company’s own canteen and meal subsidies.             with treatment". We effectively control occupational health and safety risks and continuously improve our
                                                                                                                occupational health management by developing soft power and installing hardware on-site.
                          Employees are provided with fully equipped accommodation for free.
                                                                                                                   Special inspections,                Regular training is provided                 Each team must have
                                                                                                                   workshop self-inspections,          on safety, environmental                     at least one employee
      Commuter                                                                                                     cross-inspections, team             protection, occupational                     representative sent to be
                          Employees at production bases are provided with free commuter shuttles.                  self-inspections, and routine       health, fire safety, and traffic             trained and certified for
                                                                                                                   inspections by managers             safety.                                      the Red Cross first-aiders.
                                                                                                                   are performed to eliminate                                                       The representatives shall
       Housing                                                                                                     hidden dangers.                                                                  provide training for their
                          Employees are provided with housing subsidies.
       benefits:                                                                                                                                                                                    teammates to improve their
                                                                                                                                                                                                    first aid knowledge.
     Family visit
                          Employees are provided with family visit allowances.
                                                                                                                   All employees are equipped         Regularly occupational                     For special positions involving
                                                                                                                   with sound labor protective        physical examinations are                  dust, eight measures are taken,
                                     STL’s employee benefits in 2022
                                                                                                                   equipment based on to the          provided according to the                  namely technical innovation,
                                                                                                                   occupational health risk and       hazard factors of employees’               wet operation, confined dust
     Promotion of Corporate Culture                                                                                safety risk of the site.           operation sites. Third-party               sources, ventilation and dust
                                                                                                                                                      professional organizations are             removal, personal protection,
To increase our employees’ awareness of "sincerely caring for the enterprise and working hard" and                                                    regularly engaged to conduct               strengthening management,
"pragmatic, committed, and result-oriented", we practice our culture in our daily work and have realized                                              occupational hazard tests and              publicity and education,
that "culture must be internalized in mind, externalized in action". Throughout the reporting period, we held                                         issue official test reports for the        occupational health inspection.
several sharing sessions to practice our culture and gave emphasis to managers’ core roles in culture                                                 Company’s on-site operation                With effective technical, physical,
identification, inheritance, and practice.                                                                                                            sites.                                     and human prevention, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                 protect employees’ health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 safety at work.
     STL’s data of sharing sessions for practicing corporate culture in 2022
                                                                                                                                       STL’s measures for securing occupational health and safety
                                                                                                                In 2022, we increased our occupational health and safety promotion and provided occupational health
                                                                                                                training to increase employees’ occupational health awareness. The training sessions covered laws,
     The number of      The number of          The number of      Total attendance      Attendance of           regulations, and policies concerning occupational disease prevention and control; occupational health
     sharing sessions   sharing sessions for   typical cases      to the sharing        executives and          guardianship management and occupational disease management; personal protective equipment
     for supervisors    managers                                  sessions              managers                management; and the detection and daily monitoring of occupational disease hazard factors. By preparing
                                                                                                                measures in order to create a safe and secure workplace for employees.
                                                                                                                                                          Strengthening occupational health promotion to enhance employees’ health
     Training on Laws and Regulations                               Safety Training on Personal Protection                   Case
                                                                                                                                                          and safety awareness
 Training is provided on the prevention and                         Tr a i n i n g i s p r o v i d e d o n p e r s o n a l
                                                                                                                                    To draw employees’ attention to health and safety and strengthen their awareness of protecting
 control of occupational diseases, with a                           protective equipment (PPE), including
                                                                                                                                    occupational health, Jiaxing Base implements the occupational health policy of "putting emphasis
 focus on the Law on the Prevention and                             the functions of PPE and how to wear,
                                                                                                                                    on prevention and combining prevention with treatment". It has developed Provisions on the
 Control of Occupational Diseases, the                              inspect, maintain, and dispose of it.
                                                                                                                                    Administration of Occupational Health , in which it sets the procedures of occupational disease
 Administrative Measures for Diagnosis
                                                                                                                                    hazards, prevention and control, emergency response, training and education. Before the Promotion
 and Identification of Occupational
                                                                                                                                    Week for the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases every year, Jiaxing Base
 Diseases, and the Classification and
                                                                                                                                    provides training for all employees on the prevention and control of occupational diseases and the use
 Catalog of Occupational Diseases.
                                                                                                                                    of labor protective equipment, as well as Red Cross first-aid training, to improve employees’ first aid
                                                                                                                                    skills. At present, Jiaxing Base has 149 certified first-aiders.
     Training on Fault Identification and                           Training on Emergency Handling
                                                                    It includes self-help and mutual aid                     As of the end of the reporting period, 100% of STL’s employees had gone through occupational physical
     The training, which is about fault identification              knowledge and precautions, emergency                     examinations, and all production bases and business units had passed the occupational health management
     and handling of engineering protective                         treatment, and first aid methods for                     system (ISO 45001) certification.
     equipment, is designed to ensure proper                        common work-related injuries.
     operation of the equipment and reduce
     occupational disease and safety risks.
                                   STL’s training on occupation health and safety
                                                                                                                                     GB/T 45001-2020/ISO 45001:2018
                                                                                                                             核并经审核合格的情况下保持有效,本证书可在本机构网站 http://www.nsyglobal.com、中国国家认监委官
                                                                                                                             方网站 http://www.cnca.gov.cn 和 IAF 全球统一数据库 http://www.iafcertsearch.org 查询。
                                    STL’s training on occupation health and safety                                                                                               STL’s certificates for the occupational health and safety management system
Fulfill Social Responsibility                                                                                        STL’s education assistance undertakings in 2022
                                                                                                                                         March 5,2022                                                 August 19,2022
STL values social responsibility and strives for the Company’s and society’s harmonious development.
We use our influence in social welfare to carry out the development mission "chemicals make a better life"                               STL and Jiaxing Xiuzhou High                                 STL’s Mother Yang Charity
through practical actions, injecting continuous STL power into the construction of a better society.                                     School held a signing ceremony                               and the Nanhu District Charity
                                                                                                                                         for the pairing agreement, under                             Federation launched the
                                                                                                                                         which SLT donated RMB 1 million                              Realizing Micro Wishes charity
Social Welfare                                                                                                                           to promote education and training                            event to present gifts to 300
                                                                                                                                         for ethnic minority students and                             students in Kashgar, Xinjiang,
An old Chinese proverb states, "Never forget those who fought to make the present possible for us". STL                                  improve their education facilities.                          at the start of the school year.
stays focused on its mission and is concerned about people’s well-being. We have developed and grown as
a result of the state’s and society’s support. As a result, we are always grateful and repay society with love,                          May 31,2022                                                  September 5,2022
bringing warmth and hope to those in need and promoting society’s healthy and virtuous development.
                                                                                                                                         STL celebrated the Children’s                                STL donated money for 105
                                                                                                                                         Day at Mingde Primary School                                 needy students from Xinjiang
     Targeted Assistance                                                                                                                 i n D a q i a o To w n , J i a x i n g ,                     for their university entrance
                                                                                                                                         Zhejiang Province, bringing                                  exam.
"Nothing, not even mountains and oceans, can                                                                                             gifts and blessings to students.
separate people with shared goals and vision".
STL is always looking for new ways to help the
public. We provide targeted assistance to people in
impoverished areas in order to help them achieve
                                                                                                                  Care Through Blood Donation
common prosperity.                                           STL provides a start-up fund to Danzhen, a           STL shows great love in blood donation by conveying care in every drop of blood. As a publicly traded company,
                                                                                                                  we fulfill our social responsibility by organizing employee blood donations on a yearly basis. This initiative helps
On January 14, 2022, STL worked with Jiaxing
                                                                                                                  those in need of blood while also demonstrating STL members’ positive energy and selfless dedication.
Women’s Federation and the charity Jiaxing Nanhu
Care Station to make a targeted donation, offering
a start-up fund to Danzhen, a 23-year-old Tibetan                                                                  Case    Blood donation conveys STL’s love
college student in Ruo’ergai, at the Picturesque
Ruo’ergai Tibetan Culture Experience Hall in                                                                         During the reporting period, the STL headquarters, Jiaxing Base, and Pinghu Base launched the 10th
Yuehe Historical District of Jiaxing. The initiative                                                                 blood donation campaign, respectively, which received positive responses from employees. With
aimed to to consolidate the achievements of                                                                          the assistance of medical workers and volunteers, the employees participating in the blood donation
poverty allieveiationi in western China and to make                                                                  proceeded in an orderly manner with information registration, medical examination, blood test, blood
Jiaxing a model city in Zhejiang’s common wealth            Nutritious meals for needy children in Houston           donation, and registration for blood stem cell donation. The Company canteens prepared nutritional
demonstration area.                                                                                                  food and soup to replenish the energy of the employees who donated blood.
                                                            ?Education Assistance                                    Led by the Board of Directors and the CPC Committee, STL has organized blood donation campaigns
                                                                                                                     for ten consecutive years and received many awards such as the Blood Donation Model. In 2022, STL
     Employees’ Engagement
                                                                                                                     was awarded the Blood Donation Promotion Award of Jiaxing.
                                                          The report to the 20th CPC National Congress
STL encourages its employees to take part in public       advocated for promoting educational equity and
                                                          allocating educational resources to impoverished                  The number
welfare undertakings. They can motivate people
                                                                                                                            of employess                                            Blood donations
around them with their actions and convey the spirit
of great love of STL members with their strength.
                                                          areas, underperforming schools, and people in
                                                          need. STL continues to promote education and                      donating blood       279                                since 2012            979 donations
                                                          training for students from ethnic minorities and
In March 2022, all STL USA employees participated         impoverished areas in response to the CPC and                                                                             Cumulative amount
                                                                                                                            The total blood                                         of blood donated
in the Houston Food Bank’s charity program to pack
food and deliver it to local people in need of food
                                                          the state’s call. We protect the future hopes of the
                                                          country and the nation by encouraging students in                 donation             88,900 ml                          since 2012            356,200 ml
assistance.                                               impoverished areas to strive for excellence.                                                       STL’s blood donation data in 2022
                                                                                                      ESG Performance Indicators
                                                                                                                    Disclosure Indicator                                 Unit            2022
                                                                                                                                                Business Performance
                                                                                                                     Operating income                              RMB billion          37.04
                                                                                                         Year-on-year growth in operating income                          %             29.72
                                                                                                                         Total profit                              RMB billion            3.44
                                                                                                          Net profit attributable to listed company
                                                                                                                                                                   RMB billion            3.06
                                                                                                                        Total assets                               RMB billion          56.39
Future Prospects                                                                                       Net assets attributable to the parent company
                                                                                                                Number of R&D personnel
                                                                                                                                                                   RMB billion
                                                                                                              Percentage of R&D personnel                                 %             25.03
Wave after wave, the mighty river of history advances. Only actions that are grounded in reality                     R&D investment                                RMB billion            1.24
can guide us to our goals as we progress. Never wavering in our pursuit of excellence, we                 Year-on-year growth of R&D investment                           %             15.14
are pursuing high-quality development with rock-solid confidence, a willingness to seize every
                                                                                                        Percentage of R&D investment to operating
opportunity, and unyielding persistence. We are advancing to a higher level of sustainable                                                                                %               3.34
development in order to protect the environment and contribute to society. We will seize the
                                                                                                                                              Governance Performance
opportunity presented by the low-carbon transition of the chemical industry and accelerate the
                                                                                                             General Meeting of Shareholders                            session             5
rate of chemical innovation and change. Moreover, we will fulfill our social responsibility and
                                                                                                            Meetings of the Board of Directors                          session             7
contribute to China’s goals of peaking carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon
neutrality before 2060, thereby creating a better future for our employees, investors, and society.        Meetings of the Board of Supervisors                         session             7
                                                                                                                       Special audits                                    item              30
                                                                                                                                                   Social Performance
                                                                                                              Coverage of employee training                               %               100
                                                                                                           Total attendance to employee training                        trainee       159,099
                                                                                                            Total duration of employee training                          hour         516,154
                                                                                                           Percentage of occupational physical
                                                                                                                                                                          %               100
                                                                                                                       Patents filed                                     piece            107
                                                                                                                    Patents authorized                                   piece             93
                                                                                                            Year-on-year growth of patents filed                          %             50.70
                                                                                                                   Customer satisfaction                                  %               100
                                                                                                                Blood donations since 2012                              donator           979
                                                                                                      Cumulative amount of blood donated since 2012                       ml          356,200
                                                                                                                                             Environmental Performance
                                                                                                        Total investment in environmental treatment                RMB million        1,428.57
                                                                                                          Time spent in environmental treatment                          hour          62,130
                                                                                                           Attendance to environmental training                         trainee        31,255
                                                                                                       Water saved through reuse of reclaimed water            thousand metric tons   4,932.60
                                                                                                              Wastewater discharge reduced                     thousand metric tons   6,996.00
                                                                                                      Cumulative number of participants in emergency
                                                                                                                                                                        person          6,153
                                                                                                                 Environmental monitoring                               session           115

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