联影医疗: United Imaging Healthcare 2022 ESG Report

来源:证券之星 2023-05-27 00:00:00
      Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.
About           Key Performance     About               Sustainable Development   Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented            Green           Convey Health     Appendix                    2
the Report      in 2022             United Imaging      Management                Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success          Development     and Warmth
Introduction to                           Sustainable Development                   Products with Ingenuity                   Green                                         Convey Health                          Appendix
the Report                                Management                                and Excellent Quality                     Development                                   and Warmth
       Management Team                                                                                                            System                                                                               and Contribution to UN SDGs
       in 2022                                                                                                                49  Tackle Climate Change
                                          Responsible                               People-oriented
                                          and Win-Win Cooperation
About           Key Performance      About                 Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity    People-oriented          Green              Convey Health       Appendix                             3
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging        Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality      and Share Success        Development        and Warmth
Message from the Management Team
In 2011, with favorable timing, geographical advantages,            valuable organizational resilience, responding quickly,        the industry and served medical institutions in more than         corruption governance within the industry, complying
and the unity of human , Shanghai United Imaging                    being agile and innovative, and working together with          50 countries around the world. At the same time, we               with international trade rules and external regulatory
Healthcare Co., Ltd. was established. In the past twelve            teams and external institutions to cope with complex           have deepened our cooperation with global universities,           requirements. In addition, we have established effective
years, we have broken through the boundaries of medical             situations. At the same time, in the face of uncertainty,      hospitals, research institutions, and industry partners,          communication channels between employees, users,
technology innovation with creativity. From complete                we have always grasped our own determinate strength,           accelerating the promotion of precision diagnosis and             and shareholders, and encourage employees to actively
machine systems to core components, and then to key                 firmly and continuously innovating, constantly breaking        treatment and forward-looking research exploration.               participate in the Company's governance and decision-
components, we have driven the continuous improvement               through, and achieving steady growth. In August 2022,          Innovation has never stopped.                                     making processes.
of product performance and the continuous reduction                 United Imaging successfully landed on the capital
of costs, and have comprehensively reshaped the                     market, entering a new stage of development. It also           We take the deep-seated demands and clinical needs of             The core of all our actions is people. We regard
standards of the industry in technology, design, service,           brings us more attention and expectations, and we must         patients and users as the focal point of innovation. We           employees as the most valuable asset and are committed
and process, as well as witnessed and promoted the                  assume greater social responsibility to repay this trust.      cross mountains and seas, travel to every corner of the           to creating a united, friendly, and harmonious workplace
decade-long transformation of China's high-end medical                                                                             world, and approach every life with our hearts. Moreover,         environment for them. We strive to create a positive
equipment industry.                                                 Therefore, as a global medical high-tech enterprise,           we empower technology with innovation, regardless of              corporate culture, oppose discrimination based on
                                                                    we always adhere to the mission of "To Bring Equal             wealth and geography, so that the value of innovation can         race, ethnicity, region or social background, nationality,
Imaging employees. The global situation is tumultuous,              Nations' 2030 Agenda that we integrate the concept of          into the construction of the world health community.              status, and understand, appreciate and encourage
with the Russian-Ukrainian war, the global public                   sustainable development into our company's strategy                                                                              differences in the workplace, and hope to provide a
health crisis, and other factors exacerbating economic              and operation, promoting enterprise development and            To create a low-carbon and environmentally friendly               stage for everyone to realize their personal value.
uncertainty. At the same time, the global technology                contributing to the enhancement of social well-being.          production and operation mode, we have optimized
innovation has entered an unprecedentedly intense                                                                                  our energy use structure, actively promoted green                 The new journey is a journey for dream chasers. There
and active period, and a new round of technological                 We regard innovation as the foundation of our business,        awareness among employees, advocated for green office             is no plain road to achieving great ideals. The new era is
revolution and industrial transformation is emerging,               and we have kept high R&D investment and a high level          initiatives, and organized activities related to World            an era for strivers, with countless new challenges for us
with competition and constraints becoming even more                 of innovative talent as the driving forces to promote          Environment Day. In addition, we have gradually built             to face. In 2023, we will forge ahead with courage and
intense. The times are changing, the industry is changing,          the process of medical technology and medical model            the green innovation competitiveness of our company               faith and continue to strive to shoulder the responsibility
but the persistence and dedication of our employees to              innovation. We have built a professional team of more          while pursuing economic benefits to contribute to global          for customers, employees, and shareholders, as well as
innovation and change remain unchanged.                             than 7,300 people worldwide. A number of industry-             climate action and carbon neutrality.                             the responsibility for the industry and society, bringing
                                                                    leading products, such as the world's first 2-meter PET/                                                                         equal healthcare for all to China and the world.
"Resilience" and "Vitality" are the two key words for us            CT, 5.0T MRI, 75cm large aperture 3.0T MRI, and the            We always prioritize transparency and fairness in
in 2022. Faced with new challenges, we have shown                   world's first integrated CT-linac have filled the gap in       corporate governance. We insist on promoting anti-
About           Key Performance      About               Sustainable Development       Responsible         uInnovation-Driven              Products with Ingenuity         People-oriented             Green         Convey Health         Appendix                           4
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging      Management                    Governance          and Win-Win Cooperation         and Excellent Quality           and Share Success           Development   and Warmth
About                                                                   Reporting Standards                                                      Reporting Scope and Boundary                                        Access to the Report
the Report                                                              The Report is prepared mainly in accordance
                                                                        with the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on
                                                                        the Science and Technology Innovation Board of
                                                                                                                                                 Reporting scope of the Group: The performance
                                                                                                                                                 indicators in the Report cover all main businesses of
                                                                                                                                                 the Group. Unless otherwise stated, both the economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Report is published in both English and simplified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Chinese. In case of any inconsistency in content, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     simplified Chinese version shall prevail. To support
                                                                        Shanghai Stock Exchange and the GRI Sustainability                       performance indicators and social performance                       environmental protection, the Report is published
                                                                        Reporting Guidelines (GRI Standards) issued by the                       indicators herein cover all entities within the reporting           in electronic form, which can be accessed and
The 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report                    Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), to                         scope of the Company’s consolidated financial                       downloaded on United Imaging’s official website
of United Imaging Healthcare (hereinafter “the Report”)                 continuously improve the disclosure transparency                         statements, while the environmental performance                     (https://www.united-imaging.com/).
                                                                        of the Group’s sustainability-related information                        indicators cover 4 main office/production/R&D sites
is the first environmental, social and governance
                                                                        and respond to the stakeholders’ concern about the                       of the Group, including Shanghai Headquarters,                      Suggestions are welcomed through the following
(hereinafter “ESG”) report issued by Shanghai United                    Group’s ESG management and performance.                                  Shanghai Production Factory, Changzhou Production                   contact details. Your opinions will help us further
                                                                                                                                                 Base and Wuhan Production Base.                                     improve the Report and enhance the Group’s ESG
Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. The Report aims to
disclose the Group’s management strategies, practice
and achievements in view of the ESG sustainability to                                                                                                                                                                E-mail:IR@united-imaging.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Address: 2258 Chengbei Road, Jiading District,
the stakeholders including shareholders and investors,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shanghai 201807, China.
employees, customers, governments, partners, and the
public in an objective and truthful way.
                                                                        Abbreviation                                                 Reference
                                                                        The Group, We, United Imaging, UIH                           Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                                        The Company                                                  Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.
                                                                        Changzhou Production Base                                    United Imaging (Changzhou) Healthcare Co., Ltd.                                 Data of the Report
                                                                        Wuhan Production Base                                        Wuhan United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Data and cases in the Report are derived from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     official documents and statistical reports of the
                                                                        US Production Base                                           UIH Technologies LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Group, and reviewed by relevant departments. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     currency in the Report is RMB. As some amounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and percentage numbers in the Report have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     rounded, the total amounts may not be the sum of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the figures in some tables.
                                                                        Reporting Period                                                         Confirmation and Approval
                                                                        Report publication frequency: The Report is released                     The Report was approved for release by the Board
                                                                        annually.                                                                of Directors (“the Board”) of the Group on 26
                                                                        Reporting timescale: from 1 January 2022 to                              April, 2023. The Board commits to supervising the
                                                                        comparability and completeness of the Report,                            include any false records or misleading statements,
                                                                        some contents are retroactive to previous years, as                      and is responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and
                                                                        appropriate.                                                             completeness of the content.
About              Key Performance        About                Sustainable Development         Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity         People-oriented           Green             Convey Health        Appendix                           5
the Report         in 2022                United Imaging       Management                      Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality           and Share Success         Development       and Warmth
Key Performance                                                         Economic Performance
                                                                                                                                                          Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                                                                                                                                               listed company      YOY increase by
Indicators                                                              Indicators
                                                                                                                                                                     RMB   1.656                       billion     16.86                       %
in 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                            Under public scrutiny, the Company has given back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to customers, shareholders, employees, and society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with long-term, sustainable value creation through
                                             Operating revenue          YOY increase by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   standardized governance and efficient communication.
                      RMB  9.238                           billion      27.36                                %                                    R&D investment (including capitalized expenditure)               YOY increase by
                                                                        During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to
                                                                        strengthen its core competitiveness in R&D, technology,
                                                                        quality, marketing, service and supply chain, and etc.,
                                                                                                                                                                     RMB                               billion     39.89                        %
                                                                        as well as made scientific decisions and promoted the                                                                                      The Company upholds the principle of "uinnovation-
                                                                        implementation of the Company's various strategic                                                                                          driven and win-win cooperation", and is guided by
                                                                        plans and business layouts in a rational and orderly                                                                                       clinical needs and market trends to keep increasing its
                                                                        manner, thus continuously optimizing and enhancing its                                                                                     R&D investment and strengthening the technological
                                                                        global supply chain management system and marketing                                                                                        development, thus continuously launching innovative
                                                                        system, and providing a solid foundation for the stable                                                                                    products for the market and breaking through a series
                                                                        and healthy growth of various financial indicators.                                                                                        of industry technological problems.
                    All taxes and fees paid by the Company              Number of countries in which products are launched                                  Net profit after deduction of parental profit          YOY increase by
                            RMB      0.70                  billion      59               countries                                                                   RMB   1.328                       billion     13.91                      %
               In 2022, the Company actually paid RMB 0.7               With our competitive and innovative technology and                                                                                         In the face of an uncertain environment, the Company
             billion in taxes and fees, effectively fulfilling its      total solutions, the Company's overseas sales have                                                                                         took advantage of certainty to quickly respond, innovate
                                           social responsibility        been growing at a high rate, accounting for 11.94%                                                                                         with agility, and work together, which displayed valuable
                                                                        of its operating revenue, up from 7.15% in the same                                                                                        organizational resilience and maintained stable growth in
                                                                        period last year.                                                                                                                          net profit during the Reporting Period.
About        Key Performance         About             Sustainable Development   Responsible       uInnovation-Driven         Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented        Green            Convey Health       Appendix           6
the Report   in 2022                 United Imaging    Management                Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation    and Excellent Quality              and Share Success      Development      and Warmth
                               Social Performance                                              Environmental
                               Indicators                                                      Performance Indicators
                               Donated                                                         Water consumption                                                                     Water consumption intensity
                               RMB 10.35                         million                       206,359.00                                                      tons                  22.34                       tons/million RMB
                               By donating medical equipment and sharing high quality
                               medical resources, we are able to collaborate and
                               interconnect hospitals, promote the accessibility of            Energy consumption                                                                    Energy consumption intensity
                               medical services, and contribute to the revitalization of
                               rural areas. Therefore, the residents in townships and
                               counties can be treated without leaving the township.                                                                        GJ                                                  GJ/million RMB
                               Products certified                                              Greenhouse gas emissions                                                              Greenhouse gas emissions intensity
                               indicators are certified and launched to the market,            carbon and environmental protection development. We
                               creating a new scene of medical treatment integration.          continuously promote green production in response to                                  Through process cooling water system renovation projects
                                                                                               the national strategic objectives of achieving "carbon                                and ground source heat projects
                                                                                               peaking" by 2030 and "carbon neutrality" by 2060.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tons CO2e
About        Key Performance        About             Sustainable Development   Responsible     uInnovation-Driven        Productswith
                                                                                                                          Products  withIngenuity
                                                                                                                                          Ingenuity   People-oriented     Green         Convey Health   Appendix
the Report   in 2022                United Imaging    Management                Governance      and Win-Win Cooperation   andExcellent
                                                                                                                          and  ExcellentQuality
                                                                                                                                          Quality     and Share Success   Development   and Warmth
About United Imaging
                               Adhering to the corporate vision of “Leading Healthcare Innovation”, United Imaging
                               has always taken innovation as the cornerstone of its survival and committed to
                               promoting the innovation of medical technology and medical model with the farsighted
                               scientific and technological innovation. Driven by huge investment in R&D, high-level
                               innovative talent team and in-depth collaboration, we accelerate the exploration of
                               cutting-edge precise diagnosis and treatment technology, and constantly improve the
                               global accessibility of high-end medical equipment and services, bringing the benefit
                               to more people.
                               Leading Healthcare Innovation
                               To Bring Equal Healthcare for All
                               BRAND PROMISE
                               Passion for Change
About        Key Performance   About            Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented              Green                 Convey Health     Appendix                   8
the Report   in 2022           United Imaging   Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success            Development           and Warmth
                                                                                                                  Company Profile
                                                                                                                                                  Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. (stock code: 688271.SH), founded in 2011,
                                                                                                                                                  is dedicated to providing global customers with high-performance advanced medical
                                                                                                                                                  imaging equipment, radiotherapy equipment, life science instruments, medical digital
                                                                                                                                                  and intelligent solutions. Though in-depth cooperation with universities, hospitals,
                                                                                                                                                  research institutions, and industry partners all over the world, we accelerate precise
                                                                                                                                                  diagnosis and treatment and farsighted scientific research exploration by making
                                                                                                                                                  continuous breakthroughs in various aspects of scientific and technological innovation,
                                                                                                                                                  thus constantly improving the global accessibility of high-end medical equipment
                                                                                                                                                  and services. Headquartered in Shanghai, the Group has Regional Headquarters and
                                                                                                                                                  Research and Development Centers in America, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates,
                                                                                                                                                  Poland, etc., and extends production presence in Shanghai, Changzhou, Wuhan, and
                                                                                                                                                  Houston. The Group has built a global R&D, production and service network.
                                                                                                                                                  Since the establishment, we have kept large-scale investment in R&D, and strive to
                                                                                                                                                  overcome the core technologies in the field of large medical equipment such as medical
                                                                                                                                                  imaging equipment and radiotherapy products. After years of efforts, the complete
                                                                                                                                                  product line including medical imaging equipment, radiotherapy products and life
                                                                                                                                                  science instruments has been well established. By the end of the Reporting Period, the
                                                                                                                                                  Group had accumulatively launched more than 90 products on the market, including
                                                                                                                                                  magnetic resonance imaging system (MR), X-ray computed tomography system (CT),
                                                                                                                                                  X-ray imaging system (XR), molecular imaging system (PET/CT and PET/MR), medical
                                                                                                                                                  linear accelerator system (RT), and life science instruments. For digital diagnosis and
                                                                                                                                                  treatment, we provide UIHCloud services through UIHCloud system, realizing the cloud
                                                                                                                                                  collaboration of equipment and applications for shared medical resources, thereby
                                                                                                                                                  providing integrated solutions for end customers.
                                                                                                                                                  For more information, please visit the Company's official website and official WeChat.
                                                                                                                                                  Official website: www.united-imaging.com
                                                                                                                                                  Official WeChat: QR code
                                                                                                                                                  Official WeChat                 Official WeChat
                                                                                                                                                  Subscription Account            Video Account
About          Key Performance    About            Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity     People-oriented          Green             Convey Health      Appendix                          9
the Report     in 2022            United Imaging   Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality       and Share Success        Development       and Warmth
United Imaging                                                                                                             2016
                                                                                                                           Changzhou Production Base was formally put into use,
Development Milestones                                                                                                     functioning as the world's largest intelligent device
                                                                                                                           manufacturing base, covering an area of approximately
                                                                                                                           Series A financing of RMB 3.333 billion was completed,
                                                                                                                           with a post-investment valuation of approximately 33.333
                                                                                                                           billion, marking the largest single private financing in
                                                                                                                           China's medical device industry in the current year.
Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. was
                                                            UIH High-end Medical Device Industrial Base was built
                                                                                                                           UIH North American Headquarters was established in
                                                                                                                                                                                              Wuhan Production Base was officially open, the base
formally founded.                                           in Shanghai, covering an area of 120,000 square meters,        Houston, Texas, with an area of approximately 9,000                integrates R&D, production and operation, with a total
                                                            which provides powerful support to the upgrading and           square meters.                                                     area of more than 200,000 square meters.
                                                            development of medical health industry in China.
                                                                                                                           Debuted at the Radiological Society of North America
                                                                                                                           (RSNA) with our full line of products, and our exhibition
                                                                                                                           scale, exhibit variety and number of listed papers
                                                                                                                           were the historical records in China's medical imaging
North America Research and Development Center was           The first official launch of the entire line of products of                                                                       UIH was listed on Science and Technology Innovation
                                                                                                                           equipment industry.
established in Houston, Texas, USA.                         the United Imaging Medical brand, as well as the official                                                                         Board (STAR Market) of Shanghai Stock Exchange.
                                                            launch into the market.
                                                            U+ online medical strategy was established to provide
                                                                                                                           The Company has used its professionalism and hard work
                                                            a series of high-performance imaging products and              to write the mission and responsibility of a big country
                                                            medical information solutions, thereby promoting the           enterprise by sending emergency aid to all provinces
                                                            development of precision medicine.                             in China and more than 30 countries around the world,
                                                                                                                           fighting against the global public health challenges.
About        Key Performance   About            Sustainable Development            Responsible            uInnovation-Driven                   Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented            Green            Convey Health   Appendix             10
the Report   in 2022           United Imaging   Management                         Governance             and Win-Win Cooperation              and Excellent Quality               and Share Success          Development      and Warmth
Awards and                                               R&D and Innovation
Recognitions                                             Awarded the "First Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress" by the State Council of the People's Republic of China(2020)
                                                         Awarded the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, to establish the "National High-performance Medical Equipment Innovation Center"(2020)
                                                         Awarded the "18th China Patent Award" jointly presented by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)(2016)
                                                         Won the "18th, 19th, 21st, and 22nd China Patent Excellence Awards" jointly presented by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the National Intellectual Property Administration(2017,
                                                         Awarded the "Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award" presented by the Beijing Municipal People's Government(2022 ), Awarded the "First Prize of Shanghai Intellectual Property Innovation Award"
                                                         by the Shanghai Intellectual Property Bureau(2022)
                                                         Awarded the "Second Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award" by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government(2022)
                                                         Awarded the "Shanghai Intellectual Property Innovation Award (Innovation)" jointly by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration(2019)
                                                         Rewarded by All-China Federation of Trade Unions "The National May Day Labor Medal"(2022)
                                                         Selected as the "National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China(2022)
                                                         Selected as a "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise" by the National Intellectual Property Administration(2022)
                                                         In November 2021, the project "Independent Development and Industrialisation of High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Equipment" that was jointly completed by UIH,
                                                         leading research institutes and clinical institutions in China, was awarded the "First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress in 2020".
About        Key Performance   About            Sustainable Development            Responsible             uInnovation-Driven                   Products with Ingenuity              People-oriented          Green           Convey Health   Appendix        11
the Report   in 2022           United Imaging   Management                         Governance              and Win-Win Cooperation              and Excellent Quality                and Share Success        Development     and Warmth
                                                         Product Quality and Service
                                                         The first prize in the Survey Report on After-sales Satisfaction of Medical Devices in Shanghai, with a grand slam for the consecutive four years(2016-2022)
                                                         Awarded the title of "Shanghai Intelligent Factory" (High-end Medical Imaging Equipment Intelligent Factory)(2020)
                                                         Awarded "Shanghai Quality Gold Award" by the People's Government of Shanghai(2020)
                                                         Awarded the "First Prize in Shanghai Key Product Quality Improvement Achievements" jointly by the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of
                                                         Economy and Informatization(2020)
                                                         With the service concept of "promptness, quality and trust" and innovative service solutions, the Company ranked first in the 2016-2022 Shanghai Medical Equipment
                                                         After-Sales Service Satisfaction Survey for multiple product lines and continued to lead the industry in service satisfaction.
About        Key Performance   About            Sustainable Development            Responsible            uInnovation-Driven                   Products with Ingenuity               People-oriented           Green               Convey Health        Appendix                         12
the Report   in 2022           United Imaging   Management                         Governance             and Win-Win Cooperation              and Excellent Quality                 and Share Success         Development         and Warmth
                                                         Brand Impact
                                                         Selected as a "National-level Industrial design Center" by the Ministry of Industry and Information                               "Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2018” rewarded by the Physical World
                                                         Technology of the People's Republic of China(2021)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Selected for Forbes' 2019 China's Most Innovative Companies list
                                                         "The Best Design Award for the 16th Shanghai Silver Pigeon Award" rewarded by Shanghai Municipal
                                                                                                                                                                                           Win the Asia-Pacific Medical Imaging Excellence Innovation Leadership Award presented by Frost &
                                                         Propaganda Office of the Communist Party of China(2021)
                                                                                                                                                                                           "Top 10 Medical Devices - uMR Omega 3.0T Magnetic Resonance Imaging System" issued by
                                                                                                                                                                                           manufacturing industry" rewarded the Daily Economic News
                                                         The four product lines MI, MR, CT, and XR have won nearly 20 industrial design awards for more
                                                         than ten products, including the German Red Dot Best Design Award, German Design Award, China                                     Selected as one of the "2022 Most Valuable Investment Companies on the Sci-Tech Innovation
                                                         Excellent Industrial Design Award Gold Award, and China International Industry Fair Industrial Design                             Board" by Caijing Magazine and the Science and Technology Innovation Data Research Center
                                                         Gold Award, etc.
                                                         UIH continues to explore the value of design innovation to maximize the life science and technology with beautiful visual
                                                         enjoyment and comfortable interaction experience, and deliver humanistic care with every detail.
Development Management
As a high-end medical device enterprise in China, UIH always upholds the mission “To     management, establish sound risk control mechanisms, with a view toward actively
Bring Equal Healthcare for All ” and the vision of “Leading Healthcare Innovation”,      promoting the construction of a responsible business system.
strongly supporting for the UN 2030 Agenda. We integrate sustainability in the
Company’s strategy and operation, and are committed to promoting the business            The Board of the Group assumes ultimate responsibility for UIH’s ESG management
development while contributing to better social wellbeing.                               and reporting, and ensures effective ESG management through regular supervision
                                                                                         and review. Our management is responsible for breaking down ESG decisions made
We firmly believe that a sound ESG management mechanism is crucial to implement          by the Board of Directors into specific tasks by regularly reporting the execution and
the Group’s sustainability strategy thoroughly. Meanwhile, in accordance with relevant   progress of ESG-related work to the Board. Such tasks are implemented by main
laws and regulations and the governance requirements of listed companies, the            functional departments.
Company continues to improve our corporate governance structure, optimize internal
About          Key Performance       About               Sustainable Development   Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity        People-oriented         Green                  Convey Health   Appendix   14
the Report     in 2022               United Imaging      Management                Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality          and Share Success       Development            and Warmth
Stakeholders                                                                                     Stakeholders                  Expectations and demands                           Communication and response
Engagement                                                                                       Governments
                                                                                                 and regulators
                                                                                                                               Compliance Operation
                                                                                                                               Economic development
                                                                                                                                                                                  Operating in compliance with the laws
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tax compliance
                                                                                                                               Environmental protection                           Green operation
                                                                                                                               Social responsibility                              Response to policies
The identification and engagement of and
communication with stakeholders are the key to the                                               Shareholders                  Governance structure                               Standard governance
Group’s sustainability strategy. Our main stakeholders                                           and investors
                                                                                                                               Operating performance                              Profit distribution
include governments and regulators, shareholders                                                                               Investor relations                                 Information disclosure
and investors, customers, suppliers and partners,                                                                              Intellectual property                              Intellectual property protection
employees, communities and media. We make active                                                                               Innovative products                                R&D and innovation system
and good communication with stakeholders through
multiple channels to understand their expectations and                                           Customers                     Product quality                                    Quality and safety system establishment
                                                                                                                               Safe use                                           Responsible marketing
demands in a timely manner. Accordingly, we respond
                                                                                                                               Quality service                                    Customer service management
to the topics concerned by parties in the value chain,
                                                                                                                               Innovative products                                R&D and innovation system
and take it as a direction for continuous improvement
of the sustainability performance.
                                                                                                 Suppliers                     Fairness and transparency                          Fair opportunity
                                                                                                 and partners
                                                                                                                               Supplier management                                Responsible purchasing
                                                                                                                               Marketing management                               Integrity
                                                                                                                               Mutual benefit and win-win results                 Industry communication activities
                                                                                                 Employees                     Protection of essential rights and interests       Legal and compliant employment
                                                                                                                               Health and safety                                  Work safety management
                                                                                                                               Talent introduction and retention                  Remuneration performance and promotion management
                                                                                                                               Diversity and equal opportunity                    Employee care activities
                                                                                                                               Employee training and development                  Diversified employee training
                                                                                                 Communities                   Information disclosure                             Proactively releasing information
                                                                                                 and media
                                                                                                                               Public communication                               Media and public communication
                                                                                                                               Social responsibility                              Support of rural revitalization
                                                                                                                                                                                  Provision of inclusive products
                                                                                                                                                                                  Medical assistance services
About          Key Performance       About                Sustainable Development   Responsible                                    uInnovation-Driven               Products with Ingenuity         People-oriented                Green                 Convey Health          Appendix   15
the Report     in 2022               United Imaging       Management                Governance                                     and Win-Win Cooperation          and Excellent Quality           and Share Success              Development           and Warmth
Materiality                                                                                                                                                                        United Imaging's Materiality Matrix
                                                                                                  Extremely High
Assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Product Quality and Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quality of Product Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Research and Development and Innovation
To clarify the focus areas of the Group’s ESG work,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Precision Healthcare           Security
we identify the ESG topics related to the Group in                                                                                                           Industry-University-Research-Hospital Cooperation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Property Protection
consideration of the global sustainability trend, UIH’s                                                                                                                                       Innovative Smart Healthcare
development situation, material topics in medical device                                                                                                                                                                             Business Ethics
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Inclusive Healthcare                          Customer Service
industry and survey results of internal and external
stakeholders for potential topics. We have finally                                                                                                                                                                                                  EHS Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Responsible Marketing
                                                                                                  Importance to the Stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Employee Rights and Benefits
identified 21 material topics crucial to the Group and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Industry Development                Compliance Operation
stakeholders by assessing the materiality of topics
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Risk Management
to our business development and their impact on
stakeholders. The materiality matrix and priorities are                                                                                                                                                            Responsible Supply Chain
as below.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Inclusion and Diversity
                                                                                                                                                                                              Resource Usage Management
                                                                                                                                                                                 Carbon Emission and Energy Management
                                                                                                                                          High                                          Importance to the Company                                                   Extremely High
Responsible Governance
                  Abiding by the highest ethical standards and honest operation and advocating the compliance culture, United
                  Imaging is dedicated to building a complete and efficient compliance management system to boost its long-term
                  and steady development. Moreover, we highly value the stakeholders’ rights and interests. We enhance our risk
                  prevention and control ability by reinforcing information security governance, practicing responsible marketing and
                  protecting intellectual property, thus ensuring the Company’s compliant operation in an all-round way.
About            Key Performance       About              Sustainable Development       Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented                 Green                  Convey Health    Appendix                          17
the Report       in 2022               United Imaging     Management                    Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality              and Share Success               Development            and Warmth
We strictly abide by local laws and regulations in the             of corruption, fraud, extortion, fraud and money                 We encourage employees and the public to report clues                              We make efforts to promote the compliance culture.
places where we operate, such as the Anti-Unfair                   laundering. Therefore, we manage our employees,                  of suspected violations by compliance hotline, E-mail,                             Specifically, we provide regular compliance training on
Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China, the             suppliers, distributors and other partners in light of           department feedback and other channels, to effectively                             anti-corruption and anti-bribery, anti-fraud and conflict
Anti-monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China,               professional ethics and business behaviour. We specify           supervise the corruption and other conducts in an all-                             of interest for the employees and partners, to enhance
the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China,                 the employees’ code of business conduct and ethical              round manner. Upon receipt of clues, we file records for                           their sense of integrity and strengthen the soft power
and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).                 standards in the Employee Handbook , and employees               analysis and investigation, and deal with reported issues                          of compliance management. During the Reporting
Accordingly, we clarify the Company’s code of ethics,              are required to sign the Employee Integrity Statement            seriously and take rectification measures respecting to the                        Period, we provided a total of 19 compliance training
and establish a sound compliance system by developing              when they join the Company. Moreover, personnel in key           investigation results and the Company’s rules. In addition,                        sessions for employees and 1 for distributors. Besides,
a series of policies such as the Anti-corruption Policy,           positions such as procurement operation should sign              to protect the legitimate rights and interests of whistle-                         we establish a special “Compliance Policy” page on
the Business Conduct Guidelines, and the Conflict                  the Integrity and Self-discipline Commitment to prohibit         blowers, we specify the protection rules for whistle-blowers                       the Company’s official website, to facilitate partners’
of Interest Policies , to provide a solid institutional            their misconduct. We also require employees to fill in the       in the Anti-corruption Policy, and prohibit any form of                            understanding of our compliance requirements, thus
guarantee for the Company’s compliance management.                 Questionnaire on Conflict of Interest to prevent potential       retaliation to them. During the Reporting Period, the Group                        reaching a consensus on compliance culture.
To strengthen the compliance management, we set                    risks of compliant operation. Our compliance policies            had not involved in any related corruption litigation case.
up the Compliance Committee consisting of data                     and rules are applicable to all employees. We take the
compliance group, anti-corruption working group and                punishment management measures against the violations
export control group, which is fully responsible for               detected, thus forming an effective clean closed-loop
the Company’s compliance management. In doing so,                  management throughout the Company.
we ensure that employees always bear in mind the
United Imaging’s rules, regulations and requirements in            We actively incorporate business partners into our
respect of anti-corruption and anti-commercial bribery,            compliance management system, and suggest the
anti-unfair competition, data and privacy protection,              suppliers and distributors to comply with United
prevention of conflict of interest and anti-fraud, adhere          Imaging’s management policies and compliance rules.
to high ethical standards, and act in good faith.                  Furthermore, we require them to sign the Supplier Ethics
                                                                   and Compliance Commitment and the Distributor Code of
We regard integrity and honesty as fundamental to                  Ethics , and provide relevant management tools to ensure
our business, and with zero tolerance for any form                 that they fulfill the compliance obligations faithfully.
                                                                                                                                    We have placed integrity and honesty as the fundamental principles of our compliance operations,
                                                                                                                                    holding ourselves to high ethical standards and operating in compliance.
About            Key Performance       About                Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven                                         Products with Ingenuity                             People-oriented                                       Green                                  Convey Health                     Appendix   18
the Report       in 2022               United Imaging       Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation                                    and Excellent Quality                               and Share Success                                     Development                            and Warmth
Information                                                                                               Decision-making level
                                                                                                       Information Security and Privacy Protection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Develop the information security and privacy protection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               development strategy of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Approve relevant policy files
Security                                                                                                 Supervision and Management Committee                                                                                                  Assign and assess the information security and privacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               protection work
We attach great importance of the information security and
privacy protection. To be specific, we strictly abide by the
laws and regulations in places where we operate, such as
the Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China ,                                                                                                                                                                                      Plan and build information security and privacy protection
the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s                                             Management and review level                                                                                                                management system of the Company
Republic of China , the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s                                                    Company Information Security                                                                                                      Develop relevant internal polices
                                                                                                          and Privacy Protection Leading Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Organize, coordinate, supervise and check specific work
Republic of China , and the EU General Data Protection
                                                                                                              Product Information Security                                                                                                     Report to the Supervision and Management Committee
Regulation (GDPR) , and actively act upon the regulatory                                                  and Privacy Protection Leading Group                                                                                                 the implementation of the work
requirements such as the Guidelines for Registration
Review of Medical Device Cybersecurity in China .
The Group has set up a three-tier information security
management organization structure, in which the
Information Security and Privacy Protection Supervision
and Management Committee serves as the supreme
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Executive level
decision-making organ, the Company and Product
Information Security and Privacy Protection Leading Groups
                                                                                                          Privacy Protection Officers
                                                                                                          Information Security and
                                                                                                                                        Information Security
                                                                                                                                                                   Information Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                            Legal and Compliance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Protection Leading Groups
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Security and Privacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Product Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Capability Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               U+ Information Security
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Privacy Protection Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Information Security and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Application Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Platform Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Quality Management
serve as the management and review organ, while the
departments and employees serve as the executive level,
to systematically promote the relevant management affairs,
thus achieving the Group’s information security work
objective. We have formulated the Management Policy for
Information Security and Privacy Protection , which specifies
the responsibilities of employees in the information security
and privacy protection, to ensure the continuous and
effective operation of the information security and privacy
protection management system.
                                                                                                                                                               Information Security Management Organization
                                                                                                                                                                        Structure of United Imaging
About          Key Performance      About              Sustainable Development   Responsible                   uInnovation-Driven                                                                                                                    Products with Ingenuity                                                                                                                                                  People-oriented                                                                                                                         Green                                  Convey Health         Appendix   19
the Report     in 2022              United Imaging     Management                Governance                    and Win-Win Cooperation                                                                                                               and Excellent Quality                                                                                                                                                    and Share Success                                                                                                                       Development                            and Warmth
Information Security                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
                                                                                                 Certificate No:                                    Initial certification date:                           Valid:                                         Certificate no.:                                          Initial certification date:                              Valid:                                                     Certificate No:                                           Initial certification date:                              Valid:
                                                                                                 This is to certify that the management system of                                                                                                        This is to certify that the management system of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This is to certify that the management system of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare                                                                                                                      No. 2258, Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China                                                                                                                    Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate
                                                                                                 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         has been found to conform to the Privacy Information Management System standard:
                                                                                                 No. 2258, Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China                                                                                              ISO/IEC 27701:2019                                                                                                                                                            No. 2258, Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
                                                                                                 and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         This certificate is valid for the following scope:
                                                                                                 has been found to conform to the Information Security Management System standard:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     has been found to conform to the Code of practice for information security controls:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Privacy Information Management System for Research and Development, Manufacturing,
                                                                                                 ISO/IEC 27001:2013                                                                                                                                      Sales and Service of large-scale medical imaging equipment such as CT, PET-CT, PET-MR,                                                                                        ISO/IEC 27017:2015
System and Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MR, X-Ray, RT and Ultrasound. Research and Development, sales and services of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         products in the field of medical digital diagnosis and treatment. Medical cloud services are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This certificate is valid for the following Scope:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         provided via UIHCloud to realize the collaboration of devices and applications in the cloud
                                                                                                 This certificate is valid for the following scope:                                                                                                      and the sharing of medical resources and to offer end user comprehensive solutions.                                                                                           Cloud Security Management Covers the Research & Development, Sales, and
                                                                                                 Information Security Management Covers the Development, Manufacture,                                                                                    Sales and service of medical equipment, medical consumables and medical service                                                                                               Services of Products in the Field of Medical Digital Diagnosis and Treatment;
                                                                                                 Sales and Services of Large Medical Imaging Equipment such as CT, PET-CT,                                                                               solutions. With the role both as PII Controller and PII Processor, this is in Accordance with                                                                                 Medical Cloud Services are Provided Via UIHCloud to Realize the
                                                                                                 PET-MR, MR, X-Ray, RT, ultrasound (Ultrasound), etc. R&D, Sales and                                                                                     the Statement of Applicability, Version 02                                                                                                                                    Collaboration of Devices and Applications in the Cloud and the Sharing of
                                                                                                 Services of Products in the Field of Medical Digital Diagnosis and Treatment;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Medical Resources and to Offer End User Comprehensive Solutions.
                                                                                                 Based on the United Imaging Cloud, We Provide Medical Cloud Services to                                                                                 This certificate depends on the validity of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate number: 248808-2017-AIS-RGC-UKAS                                                               ISO27017:2015 -Code of Practice for Information Security Controls for Cloud
                                                                                                 Realize the Collaboration of Equipment and Applications in the Cloud and the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Services is Applied. This is in Accordance with the Statement of Applicability,
                                                                                                 Sharing of Medical Resources, and Provide Comprehensive Solutions for End                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Version 02. Associated with ISO 27001 Certificate
                                                                                                 Customers. Sales and Services of Medical Equipment, Medical Consumables                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               248808-2017-AIS-RGC-UKAS
                                                                                                 and Medical Service Solutions. Consistent with the Applicability Statement of
                                                                                                 Version V02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Place and date:                                                                                                      For the issuing office:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         London, 19 December 2022                                                                                             DNV - Business Assurance
                                                                                                 Place and date:                                                                                             For the issuing office:                                                                                                                                                                                                   Place and date:                                                                                                     For the issuing office:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              London, SE1 9LQ, United Kingdom
                                                                                                 Shanghai, 26 December, 2022                                                                                 DNV - Business Assurance                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shanghai, 26 December, 2022                                                                                         DNV - Business Assurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Suite A, Building 9, No.1591 Hongqiao                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Suite A, Building 9, No.1591 Hongqiao
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Road, Changning District, Shanghai
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Road, Changning District, Shanghai
                                                                                                                                                                                                             TEL: +86 21 32799000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TEL: +86 21 32799000
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Zhu Hai Ming                                                                                                                                                     Erie Koek                                                                                                                                                                     Zhu Hai Ming
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Management Representative                                                                                                                                        Management Representative                                                                                                                                                     Management Representative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.                                                               Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
                                                                                                 Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
                                                                                                 ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV Business Assurance UK Limited, 4th Floor, Vivo Building, 30 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LQ, United Kingdom.                      ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV Business Assurance UK Limited, 4th Floor, Vivo Building, 30 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LQ, United Kingdom - TEL: +44(0) 203 816 4000.                 ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE (CHINA) CO., LTD. BUILDING 9, NO.1591, HONGQIAO ROAD, CHANGNING DISTRICT, SHANGHAI 200336,
                                                                                                 TEL:+44(0) 203 816 4000. www.dnv.co.uk/assurance                                                                                                        www.dnv.co.uk                                                                                                                                                                 P.R.CHINA TEL: +86 21 32799000 www.dnv.com
                                                                                               ISO 27001                                                                                                                                             ISO 27701                                                                                                                                                                      ISO 27017
                                                                                               Information Security                                                                                                                                  Personal Privacy Protection                                                                                                                                                    Cloud Service Information
By the end of the Reporting Period, United Imaging had obtained                                Management System                                                                                                                                     System                                                                                                                                                                         Security Management System
the following certifications regarding information security
management system, privacy protection system, and IT service
management system:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
                                                                                                 Certificate No:                                    Initial certification date:                           Valid:                                        Certificate No:                                           Initial certification date:                              Valid:                                                      Certificate no.:                                           Initial certification date:                             Valid:
                                                                                                 This is to certify that the management system of                                                                                                       This is to certify that the management system of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This is to certify that the management system of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare                                                                                                                     Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare                                                                                                                                             No. 2258, Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate
                                                                                                 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                              Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       has been found to conform to the IT Service Management System Standard:
                                                                                                 No. 2258, Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China                                                                                             No. 2258, Chengbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China                                                                                                                     ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
                                                                                                 and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate                                                                               and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This certificate is valid for the following scope:
                                                                                                 has been found to conform to the Code of practice for information security controls:                                                                   has been found to conform to the information security management in health:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The IT service management system of Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 ISO/IEC 27018:2019                                                                                                                                     ISO/IEC 27799:2016                                                                                                                                                             supports the provision of information system services and related SaaS services from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shanghai and Wuhan data centers to internal and external contracted clients in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       accordance with the service catalogue
                                                                                                 This certificate is valid for the following Scope:
                                                                                                 Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Protection Management in Public                                                                              This certificate is valid for the following Scope:
                                                                                                 Clouds Covers the Research & Development, Sale, and Services of Products in                                                                            Provision of Research and Development, Manufacturing, Sales and Service of
                                                                                                 the Field of Medical Digital Diagnosis and Treatment; Medical Cloud Services                                                                           Large-scale Medical Imaging Equipment such as CT, PET-CT, PET-MR, MR,
                                                                                                 are Provided Via UIHCloud to Realize the Collaboration of Devices and                                                                                  X-Ray, RT and Ultrasound. Research and Development, Sales and Services of
                                                                                                 Applications in the Cloud and the Sharing of Medical Resources and to Offer                                                                            Products in the Field of Medical Digital Diagnosis and Treatment. Medical
                                                                                                 End User Comprehensive Solutions. ISO27018:2019 -Code of practice for                                                                                  Cloud Services are Provided Via UIHCloud to Realize the Collaboration of
                                                                                                 protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Public Clouds                                                                               Devices and Applications in the Cloud and the Sharing of Medical Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and to Offer End User Comprehensive Solutions. Sales and Service of Medical
                                                                                                 acting as PII Processors is Applied. This is in Accordance with the Statement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        equipment, Medical Consumables and Medical Service Solutions. Application
                                                                                                 of Applicability, Version 02. Associated with ISO 27001 Certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of ISO 27799:2016- Information Security Management in Health using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Version 02. Associated with ISO 27001 Certificate
                                                                                                 Place and date:                                                                                             For the issuing office:                    Place and date:                                                                                                     For the issuing office:
                                                                                                 Shanghai, 26 December, 2022                                                                                 DNV - Business Assurance                   Shanghai, 26 December, 2022                                                                                         DNV - Business Assurance                                    Place and date:                                                                                                     For the issuing office:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Suite A, Building 9, No.1591 Hongqiao                                                                                                                          Suite A, Building 9, No.1591 Hongqiao                       Shanghai, 27 December 2022                                                                                          DNV - Business Assurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Road, Changning District, Shanghai                                                                                                                             Road, Changning District, Shanghai                                                                                                                                              Building 9, No. 1591 Hongqiao Road,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             TEL: +86 21 32799000                                                                                                                                           TEL: +86 21 32799000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Zhu Hai Ming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Management Representative
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Zhu Hai Ming                                                                                                                                                    Zhu Hai Ming
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Management Representative                                                                                                                                       Management Representative
                                                                                                 Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.                                        Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.                                                                 Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
                                                                                                 ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE (CHINA) CO., LTD. BUILDING 9, NO.1591, HONGQIAO ROAD, CHANGNING DISTRICT, SHANGHAI 200336,                     ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE (CHINA) CO., LTD. BUILDING 9, NO.1591, HONGQIAO ROAD, CHANGNING DISTRICT, SHANGHAI 200336,                                              ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV Business Assurance UK Limited, 4th Floor, Vivo Building, 30 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LQ, United Kingdom - TEL: +44(0) 203 816 4000.
                                                                                                 P.R.CHINA TEL: +86 21 32799000 www.dnv.com                                                                                                             P.R.CHINA TEL: +86 21 32799000 www.dnv.com                                                                                                                                      www.dnv.co.uk
                                                                                               ISO 27018                                                                                                                                             ISO 27799                                                                                                                                                                      ISO 20000                                                                                                                                                           CCRC
                                                                                               Public Cloud Privacy Security                                                                                                                         Medical Health and Safety                                                                                                                                                      IT Service Management                                                                                                                                               Information Security Service
                                                                                               Management System                                                                                                                                     Management System                                                                                                                                                              System                                                                                                                                                              Qualification
About                Key Performance              About                  Sustainable Development             Responsible           uInnovation-Driven            Products with Ingenuity              People-oriented         Green             Convey Health      Appendix                       20
the Report           in 2022                      United Imaging         Management                          Governance            and Win-Win Cooperation       and Excellent Quality                and Share Success       Development       and Warmth
Through the systematic construction of information security organization and mechanism, UNI provides customers with services that meet international standards
of information security and privacy protection.
We have built a multi-layer and multi-measure                                                                                                                                                               Our product R&D and design also embody the requirements for information security
                                                                                                                             Data security protection            Data integrity and authenticity
information security control system targeting four major                                                                                                         protection                                 and privacy protection. With the principle of “Privacy by Design” and “Privacy by
aspects, including data security, application security,                                                                                                          Anonymity of sensitive information         Default”, we serve customers with products and services that are resilient and
host security and network security. Furthermore, we                                                                                                              Hard disk data encryption                  resistant to network threats by incorporating the Security Development Lifecycle
conduct strict risk assessment of information security                                                                                                           Data transmission encryption               (SDL) philosophy into the product development process, thus consolidating the line of
and privacy protection as required by the ISO/IEC                                                                                                                                                           defence of information security and privacy protection.
                                                                                                                             Application security                User authentication and
Risk Mitigation Plan according to the assessment                                                                                                                 User access security protection            To effectively address information security events such as information leakage,
                                                                                                                                                                 Emergency access supported
results and three-level (high, medium and low)                                                                                                                                                              we have established the Handling Process for Critical Information Security Events ,
                                                                                                                                                                 Application whitelisting
information security risk mitigation strategy, to reduce                                                                                                                                                    which specifies the process to handle information security events and defines the
                                                                                                                                                                 Audit log
the risk to the acceptable level in a scientific and                                                                                                                                                        responsibilities of departments and relevant personnel. We also conduct emergency
reasonable way.                                                                                                                                                                                             drills for information security events on a regular basis to enhance employees’
                                                                                                                             Host security protection            Operating system security
                                                                                                                                                                 reinforcement                              emergency handling capabilities. During the Reporting Period, the Group had no
                                                                                                                                                                 Antivirus software                         leakage of customer information.
                                                                                                                                                                 Regularly updated virus database
                                                                                                                                                                 Regularly updated security patches
                                                                                                                                                                                                            In addition, we provide the training on information security and privacy protection for
                                                                                                                                                                 Trusted machine certificates
                                                                                                                                                                                                            employees through the combination of online information security warning platform
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and offline on-site teaching, aiming to improve their awareness and ability and reduce
                                                                                                                             Network security                    Firewall
                                                                                                                             protection                                                                     the risks of information leakage. During the Reporting Period, the Group provided a
                                                                                                                                                                 Secure encrypted connection
                                                                                                                                                                 Network whitelisting
                                                                                                                                                                                                            total of 17 training sessions on information security and privacy protection.
About          Key Performance      About               Sustainable Development   Responsible         uInnovation-Driven                   Products with Ingenuity              People-oriented                  Green              Convey Health        Appendix                            21
the Report     in 2022              United Imaging      Management                Governance          and Win-Win Cooperation              and Excellent Quality                and Share Success                Development        and Warmth
In strict compliance with the laws and regulations                                                                                                                                                                             To guarantee the legal and compliant marketing, our
                                                                                                Consistency                                The promotion information on intended use, functions and performance
in places where the Company operates, such as the                                                                                          indicators of the products should be consistent with the registered                 products are subject to the domestic registration and filing
Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China                                                                                                                                                                              process, FDA pre-marketing submission procedures and
and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the                                                                                                                                                                           international market verification process to ensure that
                                                                                                Accuracy                                   Where the products or functions have not obtained relevant marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               they meet the marketing requirements of medical devices
Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests , United                                                                                       authorization or registration approval, their safety and effectiveness could
                                                                                                                                           not be externally publicized, and their marketing authorization or registration     at home and abroad in terms of safety, effectiveness and
Imaging is dedicated to conducting promotion and                                                                                           status should be marked.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               quality controllability before being externally promoted.
marketing practices in line with domestic and foreign
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Furthermore, we conduct the standardized management for
laws and regulations, social norms and ethical standards                                        Traceability                               Where the promotion information includes data indicators, the effectiveness
                                                                                                                                           of data source should be determined, to prohibit the unfair competition of          the external publicity channel and information. Specifically,
to protect the consumers’ rights and interests.                                                                                            advertising.                                                                        we have formulated the News Spokesman Policy , which
We have developed the Marketing and Promotion                                                                                                                                                                                  clarifies the news publicity guidelines to be abided by the
Document Control Process and preparation principles                                                                                                                                                                            news spokesman. We also carry out the external exchange
for promotion documents to specify the process to                                                                                                                                                                              activities in an efficient and compliant way, to create a
prepare, review, publish and archive the promotion                                                                                                                                                                             good public opinion environment and brand image.
documents and ensure their consistency, accuracy and
traceability, thereby avoiding any exaggeration and
deceitful or misleading information. Meanwhile, we have
formulated the Trademark Management Policy and the
Implementation Rules for Trademark Use to ensure the
consistency of trademark used externally and prevent
the infringement of consumers’ rights and interests.
                                                                                                UIH strives to create a responsible brand image by conducting advertising and marketing activities in compliance with
                                                                                                laws, regulations, social norms and ethical standards.
About            Key Performance       About                Sustainable Development   Responsible         uInnovation-Driven                  Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented                  Green                    Convey Health              Appendix                                  22
the Report       in 2022               United Imaging       Management                Governance          and Win-Win Cooperation             and Excellent Quality               and Share Success                Development              and Warmth
Intellectual Property                                                                               With focus on patent right, trademark right and software copyright, we take various management measures to consolidate the intellectual property
                                                                                                    protection. Besides, we identify intellectual property risks at regular intervals to protect the Company’s intellectual property while preventing
                                                                                                    infringement of others’ intellectual property.
United Imaging firmly believes that intellectual property
                                                                                                    Protection of                             Cover all product lines and technology R&D cycle in the patent applications for all products, achieving all-round planning of patent right
protection is essential to stimulate driving force
                                                                                                    patent right                              Adopt systematic and strategic approach for patent protection of core technologies and key products
for innovation, and also the key to keep the strong
                                                                                                                                              Carry out pre-research patent protection for the most cutting-edge technology in the industry
international competitiveness. We strictly comply with
the laws and regulations in places where we operate,
including the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of                                                Protection of                             Standardize the trademark use process to safeguard the validity of trademark
China, the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic                                                   trademark right                           Monitor trademark in real time, and take timely measures against others’ registered trademark which is the same as or similar to the Company’s trademark
of China , and the Enterprise Intellectual Property
Management Standards . We have set up the intellectual
property management structure consisting of Intellectual                                            Patent risk warning                       Analyse and evaluate the industry patent trends regularly, and identify the potential risks; and take relevant measures to avoid the risk of patent infringement
Property Management Committee, Innovative Product
Evaluation Committee, Intellectual Property Department,
and emergency group for major intellectual property
disputes to ensure the effective intellectual property
management of the Group. We have also, according
to the Intellectual Property Management Manual ,
established the continuously effective intellectual
property management system suitable for the Company’s
development. Specifically, we have formed 9 policies
or guidelines including the Basic Policy for Intellectual
Right Management, the Guidelines for Trademark
Management, and the Guidelines for Software Copyright
Registration , and built up 11 intellectual property
control processes, to realize the lifecycle management
of intellectual property. Moreover, we have strictly
protected the technological innovation achievements, and
safeguarded the independent innovation and competitive
advantage. During the Reporting Period, United Imaging
was awarded the honor of “National Intellectual Property                                            The Company takes the patent layout strategy as an important instrument to strengthen its competitiveness, combining its own technology path, industry frontier
Demonstration Enterprise”.                                                                          technology and market expansion direction to continuously build patent barriers.
About           Key Performance       About                Sustainable Development   Responsible         uInnovation-Driven                   Products with Ingenuity     People-oriented        Green                 Convey Health    Appendix                            23
the Report      in 2022               United Imaging       Management                Governance          and Win-Win Cooperation              and Excellent Quality       and Share Success      Development           and Warmth
We also lay emphasis on the protection of business                                                 List of intellectual property rights obtained by the end of the Reporting Period
secret. In specific, we conduct the classified management
for the business information documents with different
confidentiality levels according to the related information                                                                                   Data In 2022                                                     By the End of 2022
security management policies. Besides, we standardize
the employees’ action of sending out confidential                                                                                             Number of                         Number of                      Number of                           Number of
information, and require employees to sign the                                                                                                Applied (Pieces)                  Authorized (Pieces)            Applied (Pieces)                    Authorized (Pieces)
Confidentiality and Non-compete Agreement when they
                                                                                                   Invention Patent                           946                               533                            5,914                               2,309
join the Company, to ensure the security of the technical
documents and sensitive business information of the
Company. During the Reporting Period, we also carried                                              Utility Model Patent                       141                               189                            1,032                               793
out 20 employee training activities regarding intellectual
property protection, allowing the employees to obtain
                                                                                                   Design Patent                              69                                60                             313                                 239
the understanding of compliance obligations and
responsibilities of intellectual property protection and
business secret.
                                                                                                   Software Copyright                         20                                14                             287                                 281
To stimulate the creativity of talents and encourage the
output of intellectual property achievements, we have
formulated and implemented the Incentive Management                                                Others                                     266                               103                            1,131                               735
Policy for Intellectual Property . Employees are rewarded
based on the registration of patent applications and
computer software copyright. We also give rewards
                                                                                                   Total                                      1,442                             899                            8,677                               4,357
to the employees whose inventions or designs are
determined by the Intellectual Property Department as
                                                                                                   Note: Others include "copyright in works", "trademarks", and etc.
the technology secret. As at the end of the Reporting
Period, the cumulative number of patent and other
intellectual property applications filed by UIH exceeded
"8,600" pieces, of which more than "5,900" pieces were
for application of inventions patents. Furthermore, we                                             Number of                                            Number of                             Cumulative number of                     Cumulative number of intellectual
                                                                                                   invention patent applied                             invention patents authorized          intellectual property rights applied     property rights authorized
have received more than "4,300" intellectual property
authorizations, of which more than "2,300" pieces were
for inventions patents. The specific intellectual property
                                                                                                                                      pieces                                         pieces                                  pieces                                pieces
statistics are as follows:
About        Key Performance    About            Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented        Green             Convey Health       Appendix                         24
the Report   in 2022            United Imaging   Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success      Development       and Warmth
                                                                                                                   With the principle of "innovation-driven, win-win cooperation", United Imaging has blazed a path of win-win
                                                                                                                   cooperation, a path of mutual respect and trust, and a path of deep integration within the industry. Through
                                                                                                                   integrating the strengths of industry, clinical and scientific research and other multiple fields, we comprehensively
                                                                                                                   promote the overall improvement of medical and health care on a global scale.
                               and Win-Win Cooperation
About           Key Performance      About              Sustainable Development           Responsible            uInnovation-Driven                Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented               Green              Convey Health        Appendix                             25
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging     Management                        Governance             and Win-Win Cooperation           and Excellent Quality              and Share Success             Development        and Warmth
Core of                                                          R&D Management                                                                                                                                                   R&D Talents
                                                                 We regard R&D and innovation as the driving force for corporate                                                                                                  We have set up a high-quality R&D team with global vision
                                                                 development, and highly value the R&D management. Therefore, we have                                                                                             through independent cultivation and talent introduction to
                                                                 created a platformed and high-efficiency R&D innovation system regarding                                                                                         consolidate the foundation of talents for the Company’s
                                                                 our deep understanding of the industry and our own R&D strategy.                                                                                                 continuous innovation and R&D. By the end of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Reporting Period, the Group had 3,088 in-service R&D-
                                                                 Product Layout: building a sound technical and market foundation for the development of next-generation products though realized                                 related employees, accounting for 42% of the total
uInnovative Concept and                                          industrialization of a variety of high-end medical equipment and radiotherapy equipment                                                                          workforce, among which 74% had master’s degree or
Mechanisms                                                       Project Management: establishing a relatively mature R&D project management process at multiple control stages, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  above. With the support of these talents, we gather a solid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  force for enterprise innovation.
                                                                 requirements management, technology pre-research, project initiation, and clinical research
                                                                 Structure of R&D: improving the quality and efficiency of Company’s R&D management through the efforts that the High-Power                                       To attract and foster more talents for innovation, we launch
To practice the brand promise of “Passion for Change”,
                                                                 Components Department, the Public Components Department, the Medical Software Department, and the Product Line Department
we take the deep demands of patients and users as                                                                                                                                                                                 various university-enterprise cooperation programs on
                                                                 collaborate to develop product and upgrade the technology
well as clinical needs as the focuses of innovation,                                                                                                                                                                              talent training to enrich the sources of talent introduction
and build a multi-faceted innovation matrix that                 R&D Process: formulating R&D policy such as the Product Development Process with reference to medical device regulatory                                          and enhance our independent innovation ability. Meanwhile,
covers forward-looking research innovation, industry-            requirements and ISO quality system standards                                                                                                                    we cooperate with many universities in building the practice
university-research-medicine collaborative innovation,                                                                                                                                                                            bases to enhance the practical ability of R&D talents.
                                                                 R&D Ethics: we also concern about R&D ethics. Our experiments are conducted in strict compliance with ethical principles and
customization innovation, and design innovation to               operation requirements of medical research at home and abroad, such as the Nuremberg Laws , the World Medical Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Besides, we set up “United Imaging Assistantship” to
develop diversified, digital intelligence and precise            Declaration of Helsinki , the Good Clinical Practice for Medical Devices , and the Measures for the Administration of Registration and                           reward in-school students with outstanding innovation
innovative products and medical solutions. Meanwhile,            Recordation of Medical Devices , to ensure the safety and rights and interests of clinical subjects. Furthermore, we standardize animal                          performance in biological and medical engineering, and
we proactively explore the potential technological               experiment operations to ensure that the animal experiments meet the regulations on management of experimental animals                                           enhance the cultivation of top-notch innovative personnel.
innovation of high-end medical devices, thereby
providing better and more accessible high-end medical
equipment and services for more people.
The Group has built the only vertical innovation system
in the industry that covers “the whole system-core
components-critical components”, which provides
a foundation for autonomous and controllable core
technologies. Besides, relying on underlying R&D
architecture and software and hardware design
principles, we enhance R&D efficiency through general
software and hardware R&D platform across the
product line, thus accelerating product iterations.
                                                                 The Company has built a strong foundation for product development with its vertical R&D system and platform-based R&D model, as well as actively conducting
                                                                 forward-looking technology research layout and global talent reservations.
About                Key Performance             About                  Sustainable Development            Responsible            uInnovation-Driven          Products with Ingenuity     People-oriented             Green             Convey Health       Appendix                          26
the Report           in 2022                     United Imaging         Management                         Governance             and Win-Win Cooperation     and Excellent Quality       and Share Success           Development       and Warmth
Product                                                                           uEXPLORER, the Industry's First Total-Body
                                                                                  Panoramic Dynamic Scanning PET/CT. uEXPLORER,
                                                                                                                                                              The Industry's First All-Digital PET/CT System with
                                                                                                                                                              Continuous Bed Motion – uMI Panorama. uMI Panorama,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    uMR Jupiter, the Industry's First 5.0T Whole-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Body Magnetic Resonance System. In the pursuit of
                                                                                  known as the human body’s “Hubble Telescope”, can                           as the world's first all-core and pole-free digital PET/CT            higher signal-to-noise ratio, resolution, contrast, and
Innovation                                                                        realize 4D real-time total-body dynamic scanning and
                                                                                  can capture dynamic metabolic processes of all organs,
                                                                                                                                                              system from United Imaging, achieves "pseudo 2-meter"
                                                                                                                                                              whole-body high-resolution imaging on the short axis and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    faster imaging speed in clinical applications, the main
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    magnetic field strength of MRI equipment in clinical
                                                                                  bringing great support to clinical diagnosis, drug                          "pseudo MRI-like" high-definition anatomical structure                applications is getting higher and higher. To achieve
                                                                                  research and human biological mechanism research. In                        imaging of the brain for the first time in the global                 perfect compatibility between clinical applications and
                                                                                  addition, our 2-meter PET/CT is also named as “Top                          molecular imaging field. Compared with traditional PET/               scientific exploration at high field strengths, United
Technology Innovation                                                             10 Science Breakthroughs of 2018” by the Physics                            CT, these two achievements significantly improve the                  Imaging has faced the three major challenges of RF
                                                                                  World, which has received industry attention and praise.                    refinement level of molecular imaging, not only filling the           field uniformity, RF field safety, and site deployment
                                                                                                                                                              gap in anatomical imaging, but also implementing the                  accessibility in the field of high-field MRI whole-body
United Imaging takes technological innovation as the                              The epoch-making uEXPLORER can conduct green                                detection of cell movement in the brain and whole body.               imaging. Adhering to the "0-to-1" innovation concept,
core, and we continue to promote the evolution of                                 examination and low-dose care, minimizing the                                                                                                     United Imaging has launched the uMR Jupiter. uMR
medical technology with world-class medical innovation                            radiation risk of pediatric patients. The clinical                          As the industry's first product that supports free expansion          Jupiter opens a new era of ultra-high field whole-body
products and solutions of the whole healthy ecosystem,                            application results show that, uEXPLORER can meet                           of PET detector axial field of view, uMI Panorama can                 imaging, opening up a new field for the mechanism
including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and                                    the clinical diagnosis and scanning requirements                            seamlessly upgrade hardware and software on site by                   research and diagnosis of difficult diseases in all parts
rehabilitation, so that high-end medical resources can                            with 1/20 of conventional drug dose while remaining                         users, and is equipped with the latest generation of uExcel           of the body, breaking the limit that ultra-high field MRI
be shared by a wider population and realize our mission                           examination time unchanged. uEXPLORER is 40                                 Technology, United Imaging's free-evolving molecular                  can only be used for neuroimaging, and achieving the
of "To Bring Equal Healthcare for All".                                           times more sensitive than traditional equipment, with                       imaging technology platform. With the help of the                     first ultra-high field whole-body clinical imaging.
                                                                                  radiation dose reduced to 1/40. It is also applicable to                    Company's strong technical research and development
                                                                                  mothers and babies, adolescents and children, greatly                       system, uMI Panorama develops modular applications                    The shielded large aperture magnet carried by the
                                                                                  contributing to clinical health diagnosis.                                  to meet users' needs at different levels, from detector               product eliminates the need for hospitals to prepare
                                                                                                                                                              hardware, scanning workflow, image reconstruction,                    special sites for uMR Jupiter, reduces site barriers
                                                                                                                                                              system quality control to scientific research exploration,            and improves equipment accessibility, while the SAR
                                                                                                                                                              providing an all-round, no dead angle ultimate guidance,              calibration monitoring system ensures the safety of
                                                                                                                                                              and setting a new benchmark for molecular imaging                     high-field whole-body MRI imaging.
                                                                                                                                                              product technology in the industry.
                                                                                                                                                              With the highest time resolution of 196ps in the industry,
                                                                                                                                                              uMI Panorama significantly improves PET/CT image quality,
                                                                                                                                                              opening up a new era of early diagnosis and screening for
                                                                                                                                                              serious illnesses. In addition, uMI Panorama fundamentally
                                                                                                                                                              optimizes patient scanning conditions, realizing the
                                                                                                                                                              effective reduction of both PET and CT radiation dose for
                                                                                                                                                              the first time, bringing safe, comfortable, and warmer PET/
                                                                                                                                                              CT examinations for patients.
The company has a well-rounded and integrated product layout as well as leading product performance, with more than 90 products certified and launched into
the market with international leading performance indicators.
About           Key Performance      About              Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity          People-oriented               Green                  Convey Health            Appendix                                27
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging     Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality            and Share Success             Development            and Warmth
The Industry's First 75cm Large Aperture 3.0T uMR                "uCT 960+" combines cutting-edge AI technology to              uRT-linac, the Industry's First Integrated CT.                                  precision radiotherapy, we expands new applications
Omega - This Time, Embracing "Bigger" Freedom.                   break through the traditional examination mode, overcome       Radiotherapy is one of the best treatment methods for                           of radiotherapy and opens up the era of individualized
In response to the scanning needs of patients with               the cumbersome workflow of manual positioning, lesion          cancer in the world. As precise radiotherapy advances,                          precision radiotherapy 2.0
larger body sizes, athletes, claustrophobic patients,            search, bed movement, contrast agent injection, and re-        the survival rate of patients is increased year by year.
extremely obese individuals, pregnant women, and                 scan in the scanning process of traditional CTs, and           However, in the face of the increasing anxiety of
those with osteoporosis, United Imaging Healthcare               avoids the occurrence of lesion displacement, missed           patients before treatment and many bottlenecks in                               uCT 960+ combines cutting-edge AI technology to
has introduced the industry's first 75cm ultra-large             scanning, and motion artifacts caused by bed movement,         radiotherapy technology, how to fundamentally optimize                          reduce examination time by nearly
aperture 3.0T MRI uMR Omega. With its enlarged                   patient breathing, and scanning range limitations. The         the radiotherapy process to achieve both efficiency and
a "first-class cabin" spacious scanning experience,              reduces 80% of X-ray radiation dose and about 58% of                                                                                                           %
accommodating super-obese patients and large                     contrast agent dosage, greatly reducing the possibility of     Therefore, United Imaging launched the world's first
athletes weighing up to 600 pounds. The system also              inducing other diseases.                                       integrated CT-linac, which combines simulated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Direct reduction
opens up a broader application space for off-center                                                                             positioning CT with radiotherapy through the integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                in X-ray radiation dose about
imaging of body parts such as the shoulders, elbows,             The Industry's First Smart Bionic Minimally Invasive           design of linear accelerator and diagnostic CT. The
and hips that are far from the center of the body and
for MRI examinations.
The uMR Omega engineers have explored the technical
                                                                 Interventional Surgery System uAngio 960 - Smart
                                                                 Bionics, Subverting Evolution. Cardiovascular disease,
                                                                 cerebrovascular disease, and malignant tumors are the
                                                                 three diseases with the highest mortality rates worldwide.
                                                                                                                                application of artificial intelligence greatly simplifies
                                                                                                                                the radiotherapy process and greatly improves the
                                                                                                                                radiotherapy efficiency In addition, our integrated
                                                                                                                                precision radiotherapy system uRT-linac 506c
source to challenge engineering limits and adopted a             Minimally invasive interventional therapy guided by imaging    redefines precision radiotherapy, creating a cross-                             The maximum amount
new technical path of "breaking through with strength".          systems has gradually become one of the mainstream             border integration of diagnostic-level spiral CT                                of contrast agent used is about
By combining cutting-edge technologies such as ultra-            treatment methods for these three diseases due to its          and linear accelerator. Meanwhile, relying on high-
large aperture net magnet architecture, gradient power           many advantages. With a large number of interventional         definition diagnostic-level images to guide innovation
amplifier, and intraoperative MRI integration, they              treatment patients in China, tackling "bottleneck"             of intelligent clinical workflow to reach a new height of                                      %
focus on patient care and fast, accurate imaging, while          technologies and achieving independent control of high-
maintaining high-quality imaging effects and system              end interventional systems is urgent to make high-end
stability while expanding the aperture.                          medical equipment accessible to more patients.
China's First 320-Row Ultra-High-End “uCT 960+”.                 As the industry's first intelligent biomimetic minimally
With a strong advocate of building Chest Pain Centers,           invasive interventional surgical system, uAngio 960
Stroke Centers, Cancer Centers, Trauma Centers in                provides a full-process clinical solution for these three
China, as well as the increasing demand for precise              key diseases, supporting one-stop multidisciplinary
and intelligent diagnosis of respiratory diseases,               diagnosis and treatment. Drawing on forward-looking
cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, and              clinical expertise, demands, and unique application
musculoskeletal system diseases, United Imaging                  scenarios in China, uAngio 960 not only develops
Healthcare has launched the first domestically produced          the system into an imaging and treatment platform
"uCT 960+" 640-slice CT equipment. This equipment                but also turns it into an information fusion node in
pioneers a three-dimensional dynamic imaging                     multidisciplinary cross-diagnosis and treatment.
acquisition method that covers human organs in a single          The open system architecture can fully meet diverse
scan, with fast scanning speed, intelligent features, and        needs of different medical institutions, development
low radiation. It can reproduce the three-dimensional            stages, and clinical emphases and achieve sustainable
structure of human organs and achieve accurate                   upgrading, thus establishing a new paradigm for one-           The industry's first 4D panoramic dynamic PET/CT uEXPLORER was selected as one of the "World's Top 10 Technology Breakthroughs" by the World Physics
                                                                                                                                Magazine in 2018.
diagnosis and anatomical localization of lesions.                stop multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment.
About                 Key Performance              About                      Sustainable Development      Responsible           uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity     People-oriented          Green              Convey Health       Appendix                         28
the Report            in 2022                      United Imaging             Management                   Governance            and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality       and Share Success        Development        and Warmth
Application Innovation                                                                  tracer for the AIDS virus. With the help of United                 Natural Science Foundation of China, "Development of               own "gold standard" for the diagnosis of ischemic heart
                                                                                        Imaging's Total-body PET/CT uEXPLORER, for the first               MR Diagnosis and Treatment Integrated Equipment Based              disease and coronary heart disease, and to facilitate early
We actively collaborate with universities, hospitals, and                               time, humans can directly and clearly see the distribution         on Mental Image System". The project creatively applies            and accurate diagnosis of coronary heart disease patients.
research institutions both domestically and overseas,                                   of the AIDS virus throughout the body with the naked               medical imaging technology to the analysis of mental
deeply engaging in clinical application development                                     eye. This breakthrough greatly promotes the accurate               illnesses, jointly explores the brain mechanism of mental          Promoting Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Major
research at universities, exploring new technologies                                    efficacy evaluation and treatment development of AIDS,             illnesses, and opens up a new chapter for the accurate             Brain Diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
and scenarios for clinical research, comprehensively                                    benefiting countless patients.                                     diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of mental illnesses.          Based on advanced multimodal imaging equipment and
improving medical technology application capabilities,                                                                                                                                                                        intelligent analysis applications, United Imaging has
and promoting technology innovation and transformation.                                 Making Mental Illness "Visible to the Naked Eye”. Due              Helping to Establish the "Gold Standard" for the                   collaborated with top institutions such as Zhongshan
By leveraging our own resource advantages, we hope                                      to unclear causes, unknown mechanisms, and lack of                 Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease and Coronary                   Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Huashan Hospital
to support relevant clinical specialties in continuously                                diagnostic and therapeutic tools, mental illnesses such            Heart Disease in China. In July 2022, with the support             affiliated to Fudan University and Xuanwu Hospital of
expanding their diagnosis and treatment methods,                                        as depression and schizophrenia have long been a major             of molecular imaging equipment from United Imaging                 Capital Medical University to conduct research in the
improving overall medical technology capabilities and                                   burden on the Chinese population. In 2020, West China              Healthcare, the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University        field of major brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease,
diagnosis and treatment effects.                                                        Hospital of Sichuan University led a collaboration with            led 28 domestic tertiary hospitals to collect and establish        Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, epilepsy, cerebral
                                                                                        Sichuan University of Electronic Science and Technology,           a nuclear medicine imaging database for coronary heart             small vessel disease, and others. They aim to explore
Making HIV No Place to Hide. In December 2020, the                                      Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, and United             disease that conforms to the characteristics of the Chinese        early diagnosis, lesion prediction, and the implementation
University of California, San Francisco and Davis jointly                               Imaging Healthcare to participate in a major research              population and clinical diagnostic and treatment standards.        and evaluation of new personalized treatment plans for
developed a new type of targeted monoclonal antibody                                    instrument development project funded by the National              This project aims to promote the establishment of China's          major brain diseases.
As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Company has more than 10 software products certified and introduced to the market, and more than 60 advanced
applications that cover all parts of the body, helping to diagnose accurately and efficiently.
About          Key Performance      About               Sustainable Development       Responsible         uInnovation-Driven          Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented                  Green                   Convey Health          Appendix                                   29
the Report     in 2022              United Imaging      Management                    Governance          and Win-Win Cooperation     and Excellent Quality               and Share Success                Development             and Warmth
Design Innovation                                                uEXPLORER - Creating a Relaxing Scanning                             uMR Omega - The Coexistence of Technology and                                           uRT-linac - Creating a Safe, Comfortable, Precise,
                                                                 Experience. uEXPLORER reinterprets United Imaging’s                  Professionalism. uMR Omega features a minimalist design                                and Efficient Radiotherapy Experience. uRT-linac
United Imaging Creative Design Innovation Center                 minimalism through architectural methods and "changes                that creates a pure sensory experience, removing all visual                            creates a safe, comfortable, precise, and efficient
(CDIC) has continuously explored the maximization                with heart" to make operation and use more natural                   noise and conveying professionalism. The new upgraded                                  radiotherapy experience through its fully digitalized
of design innovation value in the most demanding                 and simple. Our design and engineering team worked                   software interaction and visual design highlight the                                   system design, which can monitor and intelligently warn
field of medical equipment, endowing life science                together to create soft and even ambient lighting, which             product's technology and professional attributes through a                             against collisions in real-time, giving patients more
and technology with beautiful visual enjoyment and               guides users to complete the scan easily with a gentle               deep theme. The 75cm large aperture 3.0T MRI provides                                  peace of mind. The product also achieves high-speed,
comfortable interactive experience, and conveying                breathing effect. While helping patients relax, they also            more space compared to traditional large aperture devices,                             fully digitalized real-time control design, using design
humanistic care through every detail. CDIC created the           feel hope and care. With the combination of micro-                   creating a more comfortable scanning environment for                                   to create a safe, comfortable, precise, and efficient
design gene of UIH from scratch, redefined the design            apertures and gentle and beautiful music, we hope to                 patients. The introduction of a new starry sky lighting                                radiotherapy experience, with the entire process
and process standards of large medical equipment,                create a natural scanning experience for users, helping              environment design, combined with the ACS intelligent light                            completed in 23 minutes, greatly reducing the time
and has continuously provided experience and support             patients overcome the fear of confinement.                           shuttle imaging, achieves silent scanning and enhances the                             needed for radiotherapy.
in the field of medical and health care. In 2014, United                                                                              patient scanning experience. In addition, the uMR Omega
Imaging won two iF Industrial Design Awards, which are           uEXPLORER creatively applies the visual interaction                  adopts a 13.3-inch large touch screen combined with
known as the "Oscars" of the design world, becoming              system "aperture projection", which allows patients to               piano-style keys, making the operation more intuitive.
the first Chinese high-end medical equipment brand to            communicate conveniently with technicians, doctors,
win world-class industrial design awards.                        and even family members. "Connection" with patients
                                                                 brings greater peace of mind, and at the same time
As of the end of the Reporting Period, United Imaging            opens up new ideas for scientific research on brain
has won more than ten products across four major                 functional imaging, bringing significant added value.
product lines, including MI, MR, CT, and XR, which have          A total of 153 patents have been applied for around
been awarded the highest honor in the world of industrial        uEXPLORER Explorer, including 90 domestic patents
design (iF Design Award and "Red Dot" Award).                    and 63 international patents.
                                                                 Major Awards and Honors:
                                                                 Named one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs of 2018 by
                                                                 the Physics World magazine
                                                                 In June 2019, the Nature magazine reported on the potential of
                                                                 uEXPLORER explorers in clinical medical research
                                                                 In June 2019, became the "cover star" of the professional journal
                                                                 Radiology Today
                                                                                                                                      The uMR Omega creates a new balance between technological innovation and system stability, and its extra-large aperture also provides more possibilities for
                                                                                                                                      radiotherapy simulation and positioning, building a firm foundation for precision radiotherapy.
About            Key Performance         About                Sustainable Development       Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented                Green              Convey Health       Appendix                       30
the Report       in 2022                 United Imaging       Management                    Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality              and Share Success              Development        and Warmth
Promote                                                                Middle East and other top clinical and research institutions
                                                                       around the world to build a global innovation ecology of
                                                                       industry-academia-research-medicine integration.
Industry                                                               We believe that we can provide inexhaustible power for
                                                                       industrial development in an all-round and multi-dimensional
Development                                                            way through the innovation of industry-academia-research-
                                                                       medical integration beyond the single development mode,
                                                                       the innovation of multidisciplinary crossover beyond a
                                                                       single vertical field, and the innovation of future scenario
Industry-University-Research-                                          exploration beyond the simple technology form.                   The directors of the US NIH-approved "Explorer" research project visited UIH.
Hospital Cooperation
                                                                       China’s 14th Five Year Plan-National Key R&D Program             universities to lead 10 national-level research projects, the                   collaborative innovation platforms. Morrerover, we also
United Imaging has been committed to building an                       " Medical Equipment and Biomedical Materials " Key               highest level of scientific research in China, in the "Digital                  aim to build a national high quality mdeical equipment
innovative collaboration platform covering “basic research -           Project. United Imaging took the lead in the "14th Five-         Diagnosis and Treatment Equipment" R&D special project                          in the field of life safety and biosafety, to provide
clinical application - translational medicine - industrialization”     Year Plan" National Key R&D Program "medical equipment           of the 13th Five-Year Plan. This filled the gap in China's                      technical support for the public health emergency
together with industry-university-research-medicine                    and biomedical materials" key special projects including         high-end medical equipment in the cutting-edge field.                           system and the national strategic system for disease
partners for a long time. We have also established a global            photon counting energy spectrum CT development,                                                                                                  prevention and control, and to help realize the
innovation community in close cooperation with well-                   magnetic resonance-guided radiotherapy linear gas pedal          The industry's first 5.0T whole-body imaging high-                              implementation of the "Healthy China" strategy.
known universities and clinical and scientific research                system development and clinical validation.                      field MRI uMR Jupiter, the industry's first PET and MR
institutions all over the world, to form a strong force for                                                                             synchronized data and imaging "space-time integrated"                           High-field Magnetic Resonance Medical Imaging
industrial technology transformation, prospective scientific           We co-operate with upstream and downstream                       ultra-clear TOF PET/MR, China's first 320-row                                   Equipment Independent Development and
research innovation, basic scientific research innovation,             patterners, universities and clinical units to break             640-layer CT Tianhe 640, China's first high-definition                          Industrialization Project. United Imaging and the
and upstream and downstream industry development.                      through the difficulties of photon counting energy               low-dose 3D tomosynthesis breast machine uMammo                                 Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the
                                                                       spectrum CT, promoting the localization of photon                890 and many other innovative devices have been fully                           Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhongshan Hospital
Our partners include scientific research institutions and              counting detectors and key components, thus filling the          industrialized and put into the market.                                         affiliated to Fudan University and other top research
institutions of higher education represented by the Chinese            technology gap in this field in China.                                                                                                           and clinical institutions in China, around the key areas
Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong University                                                                                       National Innovation Centre for Advanced Devices.                                of core technology to carry out joint research that
and Tsinghua University, as well as top clinical research              We work with clinical partners to address technical              Approved by the State Ministry of Industry and Information                      successfully created a hardware and software synergy
institutions in China such as Peking Union Medical College             challenges such as the development of large-aperture             Technology, the Company took the lead in building the first                     of magnetic resonance fast imaging technology system
Hospital, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Ruijin            magnets, the design of gradient/radio frequency                  Chinese national innovation and transformation platform,                        and constructed image data technical innovation path
Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of          coils customized for gas pedals, the development of              the "National Innovation Center for High Performance                            of MRI technology with the characteristics of "sparse
Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University,           accelerator tubes and multi-leaf collimators under               Medical Devices", with industry enterprises and scientific                      acquisition, fast scanning, and accurate reconstruction".
and Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University.                   magnetic field conditions, fast MR imaging methods,              research institutions to promote the transformation of                          Moreover, the project was awarded the "First Prize of
                                                                       and automatic tumor target area sketching to achieve             scientific research achievements through industrialized                         the National Science and Technology Progress Award
At the same time, we are actively working with Yale                    localization of core components and fill the gaps in the         operation, thus linking the innovation chain, industry chain                    2020" in 2021 for its leadership in the key technologies
University, University of Washington School of Medicine,               field of MR-guided radiotherapy products in China.               and capital chain together.                                                     of signal excitation and fast scanning, including high-
University of California, Davis (UC Davis), University of                                                                                                                                                               power high-precision gradient and radio-frequency
California, San Diego, University of Texas, McGovern                   China’s 13th Five Year Plan-"Digital Diagnosis and               The mission of the Company is to become a strategic                             amplifier.
Medical School, Fujita Health University Hospital in Japan,            Treatment Equipment" Research and Development                    scientific and technological innovation force in the
Southern TOHOKU Hospital Group in Japan, Sacred Heart                  Special Project. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period,          field of high-performance medical devices that has
Calabria Hospital in Italy, King Hussein Cancer Center in the          UIH worked with top hospitals, research institutes, and          the ability to make breakthroughs, lead and integrate
About                Key Performance              About                     Sustainable Development              Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity      People-oriented           Green              Convey Health         Appendix                              31
the Report           in 2022                      United Imaging            Management                           Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality        and Share Success         Development        and Warmth
                                                                                                                                                         facilitate original research and results transformation in           head motion correction and realize real-time imaging of
                                                                                                                                                         prospective fields such as cardiovascular, cerebrovascular,          drugs in the carotid artery of the brain.
                                                                                                                                                         geriatric, brain science research, artificial intelligence
                                                                                                                                                         modules and medical big data mining. We hope to                      Create a New Cooperation Model of "Huaxi Hospital-
                                                                                                                                                         undertake the historical mission of building a leading               United Imaging". The Company has cooperated with
                                                                                                                                                         national translational medicine research to reach the                West China Hospital affiliated to Sichuan University to
                                                                                                                                                         international advanced level, thus making a greater                  focus on four main channels of innovation, deep co-
                                                                                                                                                         contribution to promoting major medical innovation                   creation, and promote the implementation of a series of
                                                                                                                                                         capabilities independently and controllably as well as               achievements. Firstly, the Company has created a model
                                                                                                                                                         enhancing people's health and welfare.                               of specialist medical consortium based on key diseases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              such as lung cancer, creating a national pioneering model
                                                                                                                                                         "Shanghai Jiaotong University-Ruijin Hospitl-United                  of "early diagnosis and screening - regional linkage -
                                                                                                                                                         Imaging" Institute of Advanced Medical Imaging                       treatment linkage - clinical research linkage". On the one
                                                                                                                                                         Technology Establishment Project. The Company                        hand, by building a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment
In November 2022, the National Medical Center Construction Project of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University was
                                                                                                                                                         works with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Ruijin                  system for major disease specialties, we realize timely and
officially launched, which is the first comprehensive national medical center construction project approved in China.                                    Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University                 intelligent diagnosis and treatment of patients with difficult
                                                                                                                                                         School of Medicine to establish the "Advanced Medical                emergency conditions in hospitals of all levels within the
                                                                                                                                                         Imaging Technology Research Institute", which aims to                medical consortium, so that high-quality medical resources
National Medical Center Construction Project. The                                     pharmaceutical enterprises and research institutions, the          develop world-leading high-end medical diagnosis and                 can be decentralized to the grassroots. On the other hand,
Company and Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan                                    project structures a channel for the full flow of innovative       treatment technology. By making full use of the basis of             based on big data and artificial intelligence technology, we
University have joined hands to complete the first                                    elements and the full exchange of medical talents,                 their respective advantages in science and technology                will jointly build a scientific innovation platform for major
comprehensive national medical center construction                                    realizing the domestic substitution of a number of key             innovation, the Company aims to create an innovative                 specialties across histologies, so as to promote front-line
project in China. By constructing a national medical                                  core medical technologies.                                         ecological environment for industry, academia, research              clinical and scientific research innovation such as research
center, we can solve key problems such as disconnection                                                                                                  and medical innovation, thus to attract a group of world-            on mechanism of major specialties, formulation of diagnosis
between clinical medicine and scientific research                                     National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure               class leading talents and teams to achieve innovative                and treatment standards, and development of new drugs.
innovation as well as the low level of medical science and                            Project for Conversion Medicine. Working together with             research and technology transformation in medical imaging            Secondly, we will build a demonstration base to address
technology innovation, thus improving the quality and level                           Peking Union Medical College Hospital, the Company will            and radiotherapy technology, cultivate high-end talents in           the "neck" and "gatekeeper" technologies challenges, and
of people's health services.                                                          establish an innovative resource hub around the whole              the field of medical diagnosis and treatment technology. By          promote the source innovation and industrial transformation.
                                                                                      system of clinical research facilities for translational           the end, we aim to improve the overall medical health level          Based on the world's first Total-body PET/CT, the world's
The project is expected to extend the innovative model to                             medicine to realize the whole chain of "basic research -           as well as the to integrate high-level medical resources,            first whole-body 5.0T MRI, one-stop multi-modality
more hospitals and enterprises and to enhance Chinese                                 clinical application - translational medicine - industrial         which creates a new mode of cooperation and development              composite operating room and other innovative products, we
original ability to solve major scientific problems in                                transformation" and break the barriers of collaboration            for the construction of national health.                             will carry out application demonstrations and jointly promote
medicine. At the level of medical resources, the project                              between industry, academia, research and medicine                                                                                       a series of world-class application innovations. Thirdly, we
promotes the reconfiguration and expansion of high-                                   as well as the information barriers between multiple               The US National Institudes of Health (NIH) Brain                     create an integrated diagnosis and treatment ecology and
quality medical resources. At the level of medical science                            departments of hospitals.                                          Initiative. The Company, as an industrial partner in NIH             explore new technologies, new scenarios, as well as new
and technology innovation, the project breaks the shackles                                                                                               Brain Initiative, took responsibility with Yale University           models for integrated precision diagnosis and treatment
of institutional mechanisms and gathers high-quality                                  The project will systematically carry out translational            and the University of California, Davis to establish a new           of major diseases. Fianlly, we create a gravitational field of
resources in the field. In addition, by taking the clinical                           medicine research at the molecular, cellular, tissue,              high-sensitivity brain-specific PET system for the brain             innovation resources radiating by building a "Belt and Road"
needs of hospitals as the lead to bring in R&D-oriented                               individual and population levels for major diseases, and           initiative. With this innovative device, it can better improve       international exchange demonstration center.
About           Key Performance        About                Sustainable Development      Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity      People-oriented          Green               Convey Health         Appendix                           32
the Report      in 2022                United Imaging       Management                   Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality        and Share Success        Development         and Warmth
Industrial Communication                                             the field of health, focusing on exploring cutting-edge
                                                                     technologies in the health industry, and jointly promoting             As a leading company in the industry, United Imaging has always upheld the concept of "leading technology,
                                                                     the high-quality development of the health industry.
                                                                                                                                            extraordinary quality, satisfied customer service" and is committed to promoting the standardization and
                                                                                                                                            development of the medical device industry. At the same time, the Company also actively participates in
To promote our brand to be internationally recognized,               United Imaging Debuts Top Molecular Imaging
                                                                                                                                            the formulation and revision of many national standards and industry standards to promote the overall high
United Imaging actively participates in the exchange                 Technologies at World Congress of Nuclear Medicine
                                                                                                                                            quality and standardized development of the industry. Among these standards, the Medical Device Reliability
activities at home and abroad. Devoted to international              and Biology. On September 7 to 11, 2022, the 13th
cooperation, we endeavor to bring Chinese wisdom and                                                                                        Management Standards and other standards aim to improve the reliability and stability of medical devices,
                                                                     World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology
vitality to the community of common health for mankind.              (WFNMB) was held in Kyoto, Japan. United Imaging                       protect patient safety and treatment results, and provide patients with more efficient, accurate and safe
                                                                     brought its self-developed TOF PET/MR uPMR 790 and                     medical services. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the national standards and industry standards that
                                                                     the world's first whole-body PET/CT uEXPLORER to                       the Company participated in formulating, revising and releasing are mainly listed as follows:
Co-construction of the Medical Cooperation Model                     the conference, and exchanged ideas with experts and
under the “Belt and Road Initiative”. On January 24                  scholars in the field of nuclear medicine from around the
to 27, 2022, the Arab International Medical Devices                  world to share the latest research results and promote
Exhibition (Arab Health) was held in Dubai, United                   the rapid development of nuclear medicine and biology.          Name of Standards
Imaging brought a series of high-performance medical
imaging equipment such as uEXPLORER and uMR                          United Imaging's Overseas Official Brand Launched at            YY/T 1643-2018 Functional and compatibility test methods for remote medical imaging equipment
Omega, as well as 9.4T ultra-high field magnetic                     2022 AOCR & KCR. On September 20-24, 2022, the
                                                                                                                                     YY/T 0595-2020 Medical devices - Quality management system Guidance on the application of YY/T 0287-2017
resonance imaging equipment.                                         2022 Asia Oceania Congress of Radiology and Korean
                                                                     Congress of Radiology (2022 AOCR & KCR) was held                YY/T 1708.2-2020 Basic requirements of communication and conformance for medical X-ray image equipment - Part 2: X-ray
                                                                                                                                     equipment for computed tomography
We look forward to taking this opportunity to jointly build          in Seoul, South Korea. UIH attended the event with a
the medical cooperation model under the “Belt and Road               range of high-performance medical imaging equipment             YY/T 1711-2020 Gating interface used in radiation therapy
Initiative”, promote the industry-academia-research-                 and innovative MRI systems, such as uMR Omega, to
                                                                                                                                     GB 9706.201-2020 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of
medicine close collaboration in the world. To this end,              share and exchange product development concepts with            electron accelerators in the range 1 MeV to 50 MeV
we can help countries along the “Belt and Road” solve                radiology industry experts and scholars, promoting the
                                                                                                                                     YY 9706.233-2021 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-33: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of
difficult problems in people’s livelihood, and improve               exchange of innovative technologies in the high-end
                                                                                                                                     magnetic resonance equipment for medical diagnostic
local medical standards with efficient Chinese solutions.            medical equipment industry.
                                                                                                                                     YY/T 1712-2021 Assisted surgical medical equipment and assisted medical system employing robotic technology
Focus on the 2022 World Health Expo to Promote                       United Imaging Participates in the European                     YY/T 1708.3-2021 Basic requirements of communication and conformance for medical X-ray image equipment - Part 3: Digital
China's Health Industry to Enter the Global Value                    Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress (EANM).                radiography system
Chain. On August 5, 2022, the 2022 World Health                      On October 15-19, 2022, United Imaging participated in
                                                                                                                                     T/CSBME 025-2021 Medical devices - Reliability management specification
Expo with the theme of "Health Community, Technology                 the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
Innovation" was held in Wuhan. United Imaging                        Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, for the first time with      GB/T 42062-2022 Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices
showcased a series of world-first products and                       its PET/CT and uEXPLORER systems. At the congress,
innovative solutions, including the ultra-high-definition            United Imaging had in-depth discussions with industry
TOF PET/MR uPMR 790 and the PET/CT uMI Panorama                      experts and enterprise representatives from all over the
with the self-developed "China chip".                                world on the latest research and development trends
                                                                     and cutting-edge technologies in molecular imaging
We engaged in in-depth discussions on innovative research            and nuclear medicine. The participation in the congress
and development concepts with representatives from the               aimed to accelerate the construction of an innovative
academic, industrial, and scientific research sectors in             ecology in the industry.
Products with Ingenuity and
Excellent Quality
                    United Imaging pursues excellence and constantly improves the quality of products and
                    services. Through lifecycle product quality management, digital technology empowerment,
                    and expanding supply chain collaboration, United Imaging deepens the quality and service
                    management and control of products from raw materials to terminals and post-listing.
                    United Imaging provides the society with high-quality medical equipment and innovative
                    solutions with excellent products and services devoted to craftmanship.
About           Key Performance      About              Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity      People-oriented               Green             Convey Health         Appendix                        34
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging     Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality        and Share Success             Development       and Warmth
Product                                                          Quality Management
                                                                 Quality management system. We strictly comply with
Quality                                                          relevant regulations and standards, continuously improve
                                                                 the quality management system and ensure its effective
                                                                 operation. With high standards and strict specifications
                                                                 of R&D and production management, as well as scientific        Shanghai Factory ISO 13485                       Wuhan Production Base ISO 13485             Changzhou Production Base ISO 13485
                                                                 and efficient workflow, we ensure quality management           Certification                                    Certification                               Certification
United Imaging regards quality as the foundation of              work of high quality. We have established a quality
our products, the source of customer trust, and the              management organization structure and set up a special
cornerstone of our survival. We ensure the product               quality committee to coordinate and supervise product
safety and stability with sound lean management                  quality assurance. Departments responsible for product
and explore the intelligent integration of various               R&D, supplier management and after-sales quality
digital cutting-edge technologies and production and             management are all involved to perform their functions
operation processes, striving to bring safe and high-            independently. We have formulated a series of internal
quality products and services to our customers.                  management process and procedures such as the Quality
                                                                 Manual, the Management Review Procedures and the               US Production Base ISO 13485                     Shanghai Factory ISO 9001                   Wuhan Production Base ISO 9001
                                                                                                                                Certification                                    Certification                               Certification
                                                                 Product Development Process, providing action guidelines
                                                                 for the Company in establishing and maintaining a quality
                                                                 management system. By the end of the Reporting Period,
                                                                 our Shanghai Factory, Wuhan Production Base, Changzhou
                                                                 Production Base and US Production Base had obtained ISO
                                                                 with 100% certification coverage for production bases and
                                                                 factories all over the world. Shanghai Factory and Wuhan
                                                                 Production Base had also obtained ISO 9001 Quality
                                                                                                                                uMR580、uMR588 NRTL                               uMR770、uMR780 NRTL
                                                                 Management System Certification. A number of products
                                                                                                                                Certification                                    Certification
                                                                 had been certified by Nationally Recognized Testing
                                                                 Laboratory (NRTL) in the United States.
                                                                 Our main Production Bases have obtained ISO 13485
                                                                 Medical Device Management System Certification, with
                                                                 certification coverage of
                                                                                                                                uGD2390 NRTL
                                                                                                                                                                                 uXD1180 NRTL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             uCT 760、uCT 780 NRTL
About           Key Performance       About                Sustainable Development      Responsible        uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented                Green                     Convey Health              Appendix                                 35
the Report      in 2022               United Imaging       Management                   Governance         and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality               and Share Success              Development               and Warmth
Quality-Oriented Culture. To ensure that quality
                                                                    Digital Empowerment                                              Process automation                        Using welding robots to improve welding accuracy
awareness is deeply rooted in the hearts of our people,
                                                                                                                                                                               Introducing the power arm to the final assembly line, and applying heavy-duty AGVs to transfer large products in the
Shanghai Factory and other production bases carry out               United Imaging closely follows the digital development                                                     factory to protect staff safety and to improve installation and transfer efficiency
meetings and trainings on quality, as well as a variety             trend and adopts cutting-edge technology to drive
                                                                                                                                                                               Using automatic dispenser to optimize the dispensing process and reduce unnecessary chemical products usage
of quality-related activities from time to time, such as            business transformation. We settle in smart parks, and
quality months, quality forums and skill competitions.              apply process automation, information-based production
                                                                                                                                     Information-based                         Based on lean production process analysis, we realize balanced and punctual production, reduce work-in-progress
Those activities help effectively cultivate a rigorous              and management process, refined monitoring and other             management process                        inventory and shorten production cycle, thus making rapid delivery of configured orders
and pragmatic quality culture. We have set up a quality             processes to comprehensively improve the automation                                                        With the help of ERP, PLM, CRM, MES and other systems, we realize the whole process management of procurement
                                                                                                                                                                               orders, production orders, sales orders and after-sales orders
improvement proposal box to encourage employees to                  and intelligent management of production and operation.
contribute ideas and suggestions on comprehensive                   Thus, we drive business growth with improved quality,                                                      Through continuous optimization and development of new system modules, we realize deep lean, intelligent and
                                                                                                                                                                               standardized management
quality improvement. In addition, we also actively share            safety, cost and other management quality and efficiency.
quality management experience with peer companies,
                                                                                                                                     Refined monitoring                        We achieve process iteration and updating by implementing real-time monitoring of process parameters for key
external organizations and other partners to promote                To effectively enhance the Company’s independent R&D                                                       processes and analyzing historical data
industry quality standards and awareness.                           and production capabilities for the future, we increase
                                                                    our investment in the field of digit-intelligence to drive
Medical Device Regulations and Standards Summit                     automation and intelligent lean manufacturing. We are
Forum. Since 2018, United Imaging has held the “Medical             accelerating progress toward a world-class company
Device Regulations and Standards Summit Forum”                      with global influence.
every year. 2022 marked its fifth consecutive sessions.
Through this forum, we shared the latest regulatory and             The Phase II of the United Imaging Medical
standard updates with colleagues of United Imaging,                 Industrialization Demonstration Base Officially Started.
peers in the medical device industry, inspectors of                 On January 6, 2022, the phase II of the United Imaging
regulators and teachers and students of colleges and                Medical Industrialization Demonstration Base was officially
universities. With experience shared, we hope to promote            launched, with a planned construction area of approximately
the standardization and normalization of industry quality           420,000 square meters. It will be built into a smart park
management, and promote the development of the                      that integrates technology R&D, intelligent manufacturing,
industry and raise social awareness, thus jointly shaping           international exchange and training, global brand display,
a new pattern of the industry.                                      life services, central park and other functions.
                                                                    Our new base will also comprise a digital intelligence
                                                                    super factory. With the help of cutting-edge technologies
                                                                    such as industrial Internet of Things, big data, and
                                                                    artificial intelligence, we can realize the comprehensive
                                                                    monitoring and control of elements in various links such as
                                                                    manufacturing, warehousing and logistics. With these efforts,
                                                                    we will greatly improve the global supply capacity and speed
                                                                    of all high-end products with lean, automated and intelligent
                                                                    production and operation management. The overall project is      The completion of the high-end medical imaging equipment industrialization base will integrate and expand our existing production capacity, which will significantly
                                                                    expected to be officially put into operation in 2025.            enhance our production capacity, enrich our product line series, thus realizing our product technology upgrade and enhancing our comprehensive competitiveness.
About           Key Performance      About                  Sustainable Development    Responsible      uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented                Green                    Convey Health              Appendix                            36
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging         Management                 Governance       and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality               and Share Success              Development              and Warmth
Optimize                                                             Post-Marketing Supervision and
Customer                                                             We uphold the responsible attitude for our customers
                                                                     and attach importance to quality and safety risk
                                                                     management of the product end use. Therefore, we
                                                                     establish a post-marketing supervision system, and
                                                                     continuously improve the recall decision-making
                                                                     mechanism. After the products are launched, we still
                                                                     conduct constant monitoring of product safety-related
United Imaging always sticks to the “customer-                       risks, and update risk management reports once a year.
centred” approach. We strive to provide sound                        Meanwhile, we follow the Post-Marketing Supervision
service management for customers by establishing                     Procedures and relevant regulatory requirements
and continuously improving the customer service                      to implement active and passive monitoring, collect
management mechanism. We make every effort to                        feedback, and take timely and effective measures to
                                                                                                                                  We serve every customer with the attitude of perfection and build high-end manufacturing industry with the spirit of building high-end service industry.
safeguard the interests of customers, constantly meet                reduce safety risks. Moreover, we also regularly provide
their increasingly diversified needs, and win their trust            monitoring and evaluation reports on our products to
and recognition with high-quality services.                          regulatory agencies or announcement organizations,
                                                                     and openly accept quality inspection work.
                                                                                                                                  Customer Service                                                                     system, which enables electronic management of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       entire chain of comprehensive service business, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       customer request for repair, information recording, online
                                                                     We have established an adverse event and crisis              We abides by laws and regulations like the Law of                                    technical support, after-sales personnel management.
                                                                     management team consisting of R&D, production,               the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of
                                                                     service, sales and quality related personnel, and            Consumer Rights and Interests in the places where it                                 Feedback or complaint information received from
                                                                     along with complaint handling engineers who are              operates. We are committed to providing customers                                    customers will be entered into the system for follow-up
                                                                     responsible for collecting and timely reporting adverse      a “fast, quality, and reliable” service experience. We                               by relevant responsible persons. Moreover, we will provide
                                                                     events truthfully to the supervising agency. When a          have formulated several documents and procedures,                                    follow-up services such as telephone interview, customer
                                                                     serious injury event or group adverse event occurs,          including the Complaint Handling Procedures, the Service                             care follow-up, or feedback on complaints investigation
                                                                     the complaint handling engineer will immediately             Management Procedures , and the Service Engineer                                     after the customer complaint has been resolved.
                                                                     report to the management of the Company and we will          Manual . These documents clearly stipulate the complaint
                                                                     commence investigation of the issue within 3 working         handling process and engineer service specifications,                                Through management improvement and technological
                                                                     days and take necessary management initiatives timely,       so as to create industry-leading after-sales service                                 innovation, our customer satisfaction has been effectively
                                                                     such as suspending use, stopping sales and recalling.        management and improve customer satisfaction. We                                     improved. From 2016 to 2022, we have participated in
                                                                     During the Reporting Period, the Group did not               collect customer feedback through various channels                                   the Shanghai Medical Equipment Service Satisfaction
                                                                     experience any non-compliance incidents regarding the        including hotline, WeChat, email and on-site visits, and                             Survey and won the first place in the categories of
                                                                     quality and safety of products and services.                 promptly responded to customer demands. During the                                   radiological imaging MR, CT and PET/CT equipment
                                                                                                                                  Reporting Period, we have not received any complaints                                after-sales customer satisfaction for seven consecutive
                                                                                                                                  about our products and services.                                                     years. In addition, we received a total of 1,875 hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       commendations during the Reporting Period through
                                                                                                                                  To achieve more efficient customer service management,                               letters, phone calls, return visits and other channels, and
                                                                                                                                  we have established customer relationship management                                 our customer satisfaction has reached 100%.
About           Key Performance       About                 Sustainable Development            Responsible            uInnovation-Driven                   Products with Ingenuity           People-oriented                Green              Convey Health       Appendix                            37
the Report      in 2022               United Imaging        Management                         Governance             and Win-Win Cooperation              and Excellent Quality             and Share Success              Development        and Warmth
Upgrade Service Quality                                              Product Training for Customer Service Engineers.                                      remote technical support system that can monitor the                           systematic panoramic training platform from installed
                                                                     From July 12 to September 2, 2022, we conducted a                                     operation of equipment in real time. Moreover, we                              training to practical application, from clinical foundation
We regard service as the extension of product vitality               Headquarters’ Customer Service Training Center. A                                     using condition of equipment and implement equipment
and build high-end manufacturing industry with the                   total of 59 trainees participated in the training. Training                           and information management at anytime and anywhere.                            Live Training for MR Medical Customers. On October
spirit of building high-end service industry. Therefore,             courses run from early theoretical explanations, to                                                                                                                  20, 2022, United Imaging launched the live training
we make unceasing efforts to provide customers                       classic case analysis in the mid-term and to hands-on                                 Special Medical Training. After a hospital purchased                           themed on “UIH MR Water-Cooled Unit and Magnetic
high value-added quality service through diversified                 training of product practical operation in the end. The                               the medical products of United Imaging, we will conduct                        Resonance Relationship” for MR medical customers.
and innovative internal management mechanism                         courses enabled regional customer service engineers                                   special medical training, which combines rich courses,                         The training was carried out with the help of the online
and service models. Specifically, we have set up an                  to master the product knowledge and applicable skills                                 professional instructor teams and full range equipment                         platform named Yihu Baiying to break the geographical
engineer training mechanism to offer a series of                     in an all-round way. In this training, all trainees passed                            to improve the use skills of doctors and nurses.                               limitation. Thus, the training gained a large number of
theoretical and practical training including corporate               the assessment. We successfully delivered a group of                                                                                                                 views, effectively enhanced the clinical service skills of
culture and product training. We have also adopted a                 qualified customer service engineers to various regions.                              Customized Solutions. We provide overall planning and                          the participants, and provided a strong safeguard for the
mentoring mechanism to effectively enhance engineers’                                                                                                      customized solutions for departments and large imaging                         health of patients.
communication skills, product expertise, etc., to help               Remote Technical Support. We have well-established                                    centers, providing customers with a one-stop and
them better meet the diversified needs of customers.
In order to muti-dimensionally improve the service quality
for our clients, we implement the whole life cycle of
service management and help our clients to better utilize
the value of our products through technical innovation
and refinement of training system. During the Reporting
Period, we conducted a number of medical training
sessions through the Training Center, successfully
organized the “Peking University Third Hospital - United
Imaging” technical training communication meeting,
Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province quality control
offline training activities. Meanwhile, we carried out 16
online courses, with nearly 4,000 views.
                                                                     We practices our service commitment by maintaining a high level of customer service quality, responding to customer needs in a timely and efficient manner,
                                                                     contributing to the well-being and health of the population, and providing a strong guarantee for patient health.
About            Key Performance       About                Sustainable Development      Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity           People-oriented                Green                  Convey Health             Appendix                                  38
the Report       in 2022               United Imaging       Management                   Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality             and Share Success              Development            and Warmth
Responsible                                                          Supplier Quality Management                                     make rectification according to the inspection feedback.
                                                                                                                                     Otherwise, we will consider terminating the cooperation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Assessment/Evaluation Coverage Rate of Suppliers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       at Different Levels in 2022
Supply Chain
                                                                     We introduce the Supplier Management Procedures                 On the premise of ensuring the quality of supply, we have
                                                                     for efficient procurement activities. Based on the              also made clear that suppliers shall fulfill their society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Supplier                  Coverage             Evaluation
                                                                     procedures, we regulate the management processes of             responsibilities by incorporating various elements such as                        Categories                Rate                 Frequency
                                                                     supplier selection, qualify certification, monitoring and       labor standards and human rights, occupational health and
                                                                     development, and supplier elimination. In the stage of          safety, environmental protection and business ethics into                         Tier 1 Supplier           100%                 An evaluation is conducted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      once a year
United Imaging is well aware that a high-quality,                    supplier admission, we organize relevant personnel of           the supplier social responsibility management system. In
sustainable and resilient supply chain plays an important            the quality and R&D department to conduct a preliminary         the Supplier Code of Conduct , we specify requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tier 2 Supplier           100%                 An audit is conducted every
                                                                     assessment of the supplier. All suppliers are required          for suppliers on compliant employment and integrity                                                                              two years
role for the steady development of its business. We
                                                                     to sign the Ethics and Compliance for Supplier . Key            management, and include relevant indicators in the
have established an comprehensive and sound supplier                 suppliers are also required to sign quality assurance           evaluation of supplier admission. At the same time, we also                       Tier 3 Supplier           100%                 An evaluation is conducted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      every two years
management system, and incorporated the environmental                agreements and provide quality-related qualifications           make supplier review for compliance on conflict of interest,
and social responsibility of suppliers into the management           and certifications. All these efforts aim to ensure that the    anti-corruption and anti-commercial bribery, employee
                                                                     quality of materials and services provided meets United         working hours, health and safety, etc. By guiding suppliers
requirements to comprehensively improve supply chain
                                                                     Imaging’s standards. Environmental protection and               to manage their responsibilities in environment, safety and
risk response capabilities. We also strengthen supplier              control of environmentally hazardous substance are also         business ethics, we comprehensively improve supply chain
exchanges to achieve common development. We ensure                   among the important indicators for our early evaluation         performance and sustainability. By the end of the Reporting
the stable and sustainable development of our business               of suppliers. Under the same conditions, we prefer              Period, 93.9% of the Group's suppliers had passed ISO
                                                                     suppliers with relevant environmental system certification      9000, ISO14001, ISO45001 and other occupational health
by building resilient supply chain.
                                                                     as candidate suppliers. During the Reporting Period, all        and safety related management system certifications.
                                                                     of our new suppliers were certified with management
                                                                     systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 13485 or ISO 14001.
Distribution of suppliers domestic
                                                                     After establishing cooperation with suppliers, we
                                                                     adopt the principles of classification management that
                                                                     manage them by types and grades. We conduct irregular
                                                                     inspections and visits to suppliers, and carry out review
                                                                     on quality system and products for long-term cooperative
                                                                     suppliers, as well as inspection of high-risk material
Distribution of suppliers overseas
                                                                     suppliers. By adopting these conventional approaches,
                                                                     we can continuously ensure material safety and improve
                                                                     the quality of supply. We also lay emphasis on supplier
                        %                                            evaluation and assessment. The Procurement Department
                                                                     evaluates suppliers every year, and comprehensively
                                                                     assesses the service level of the supplier in terms of
                                                                     cost of supply, quality of products, delivery time, etc.
                                                                     If any supplier fails to meet the Group’s cooperation
                                                                     requirements or the relevant management requirements            UIH has established a comprehensive procurement control system to ensure compliant procurement as well as an efficient procurement decision and execution
                                                                     in quality, environment and safety, we will require them to     process.
About           Key Performance      About                 Sustainable Development      Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented                Green                   Convey Health             Appendix                                    39
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging        Management                   Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality              and Share Success              Development             and Warmth
Supply Chain Risk Management                                        Promote Supplier’s Growth                                       Driving the Upgrading and Development of the Industrial Chain to Consolidate the
                                                                                                                                    Foundation of the Industry. In order to enhance the resilience of the supply chain
                                                                                                                                    and facilitate the Group's business development, United Imaging has focused on
United Imaging attaches great importance to the                     Taking suppliers as important partners, United Imaging          accelerating the collaborative development of local supply chain enterprises in a
stability and safety of supply chain, and identifies and            actively shares industry knowledge and best practices           comprehensive manner. We have gradually realized localized production and supply
manages supply chain risks in all respects to provide               with them, so as to promote them for better management          by cooperating with domestic manufacturers for key components or devices of our
high-quality products and services to the society on                and thus to improve the quality of materials and services.      products and joint innovation, typical cases include:
a continuous basis. To this end, we have established                To empower industry development, we deepen our
and continuously improved the supply chain risk                     cooperation with the upstream and downstream of the
identification and management system. Meanwhile,                    industry in different ways. For example, we hold annual         DR Flat Panel Detector: We have established a strategic partnership with iRay Technology Company, and now our core DR products
we have effectively monitored and managed key risk                  supplier conference, reward outstanding suppliers and           have been fully localized for flat panel detector.
elements of the supply chain, including quality, safety             provide them with quality and environment protection            Large Precision Bearings: cooperation with C&U Bearing and Shanghai United Bearing, helping local manufacturers to achieve
and environment. In order to effectively reduce the                 training on a regular basis.                                    technological breakthroughs and enter the mass production stage.
environmental risk of the supply chain, we set up
the ROSH environmental protection online platform,                  Besides, we strive to increase proportion of local
implement the whole life cycle control and full chain               procurement to drive local industry chain development
traceability of hazardous substances and carried out                while ensuring supply chain stability, efficiency and
online and offline training.                                        sustainability. For many years, the domestic industry
                                                                    chain has very limited manufacturers with the production
To systematically prevent, monitor and control the                  capacity of key components of high-end medical
global supply chain risks we have been exposed to in                equipment, and the upstream technology reserve of the
recent years, such as production disruption, supply                 industry chain is very limited compared with developed
shortage and shipping capacity reduction, we have set               countries and regions. Therefore, with the technical
up a materials support team and a supply chain security             strength of independent research and development,
decision making team to effectively reduce potential                United Imaging has cooperated deeply with more than
supply disruption risk. We have formulated business                 200 upstream partners to realize the local production and
continuity plan and timely adjusted our production                  supply of a series of high precision parts and components,
plan based on market trend analysis and observation,                filling the technology deficiency of the domestic
so as to reduce the uncertainty of supply chain and                 industry chain, and achieving international leadership in
ensure stable production and timely delivery. In the past           some technology and process level. Moreover, we also
three years, we took various management measures to                 place promoting high-end medical industry to be fully
ensure the business continuity and supply stability of              independent and controllable as one of the long-term
the Company, such as optimizing logistics management,               developments of United Imaging. For this purpose, we are
adopting diversified transportation solutions and setting           working to incubate a number of world-class enterprises
multiple delivery sites for multiple production bases.              in the upstream industrial fields such as semiconductor
With our quick reaction and risk perception capabilities,           chips, core raw materials of imaging chain, medical core
we secure stable growth of our business.                            components, electromechanical system components,                The Company strengthens deep communication and cooperation with partners upstream and downstream of the industry chain. Trough deep synergistic
                                                                                                                                    cooperation, we stimulate diversified production, service and supply of domestic medical device industry from raw materials to components and key core parts.
                                                                    etc., and to jointly promote the advancement of domestic
                                                                    medical devices forward with us.
About        Key Performance        About             Sustainable Development    Responsible      uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented     Green         Convey Health   Appendix   40
the Report   in 2022                United Imaging    Management                 Governance       and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success   Development   and Warmth
                               People-oriented and
                               Share Success
                               Always adhering to the core value of “customer-centered, innovation-driven and strivers
                               oriented”, United Imaging takes employees as the core competitiveness for sustainable
                               development. We respect and protect employees’ basic rights and interests, and
                               safeguard their occupational health and safety. We also endeavor to create a diversified
                               and inclusive workplace where employees can realize career aspirations, achieve their
                               personal value, and share the fruits of sustainable development.
About            Key Performance        About                  Sustainable Development      Responsible          uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented         Green              Convey Health         Appendix                            41
the Report       in 2022                United Imaging         Management                   Governance           and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success       Development        and Warmth
Employees’                                                              United Imaging official recruitment WeChat platform, live offering of job opportunities, online and offline recruitment lectures, university employment websites and groups. We have attracted
                                                                        thousands of outstanding graduates from those channels, bringing new vitality for our growth.
Rights and                                                              Diversity, Inclusion and Equality
Interests                                                               We firmly believe that a corporate culture of diversity, inclusion, and equality is an important driving force for the sustainable development of an enterprise. Being opposed to any
                                                                        discrimination based on race, ethnicity, region or family background, nationality, descent, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation and marital status, we understand, admire and
                                                                        encourage difference at workplace, and hope to provide everyone with a stage to realize personal value. To create a diversified and equal work environment, as an international
                                                                        medical device enterprise, we set bilingual (Chinese and English) signs at office areas, and adopt a conference system that can be translated from Chinese to English, French,
At United Imaging, we strictly adhere to the Labor Law of               Spanish and other languages simultaneously. In addition, we fairly hire veterans and individuals with disabilities that meet corresponding job requirements. By the end of the
the People's Republic of China , the Labor Contract Law of              Reporting Period, we had regularly paid social security expenses for more than 30 employees among the Group who are with disabilities.
the People's Republic of China , the Employment Promotion
Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws
                                                                        Employee Statistics in 2022
and regulations in the places where we operate. And we
also have formulated the Leave Management Policy and                    By position level                 Senior management                27
                                                                                                                                                                          Total number of employees                       Labor contract signing rate
other internal policies to standardize the Group’s labor                                                  Middle management                479
practices for recruitment and dismissal, remuneration and                                                 General employees                6,796
promotion, working hours, holidays and benefits. With the
establishment of a complete labor management system,                                                                                                                                                                                             %
we fully protect employees’ essential rights and interests.             By gender                         Female                           1,905
We strictly prohibit child labor and forced labor, and                                                    Male                             5,397
                                                                                                                                                                          Employees with master’s degree or               Employees with physical disabilities who meet
prevent illegal labor practices through various measures,                                                                                                                 above accounting for about                      the requirements of the corresponding job
including the verification of identity information at the
                                                                        By educational                    Master’s degree or above         2,835
interview and induction stage.                                          background                        Bachelor’s degree                2,622
                                                                                                          Associate degree                 836                                           %
Talent Recruitment                                                                                        Technical degree or below        1,009
                                                                                                                                                                          Employees under 30 years old
                                                                                                                                                                          accounting for about
We have formulated the Recruitment Management Policy to
regulate talent employment management and standardize                   By age                            Under 30 years old               3,548
recruitment process, so as to fully improve recruitment                                                   31 to 40 years old               2,932
efficiency. To attract diverse and versatile quality talents                                              41 to 50 years old               679                                           %
in the industry, we keep sourcing more broadly through                                                    Over 50 years old                143
campus recruitment, social recruitment and internal referral.
To provide opportunities for more ambitious and potential
fresh graduates, we launch the campus recruitment project               By geographical region            Chinese mainland                 7,059
                                                                                                          Overseas                         243
and publicize through a variety of channels, such as
About           Key Performance      About                 Sustainable Development     Responsible     uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity      People-oriented          Green               Convey Health            Appendix                                 42
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging        Management                  Governance      and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality        and Share Success        Development         and Warmth
Employee                                                            Training and Development                                     During the Reporting Period, the training statistics for different
                                                                                                                                 types of employees in United Imaging
Career Growth                                                       Keen on innovation and talent cultivation, we actively
                                                                    support our employees at every stage of growth.
                                                                                                                                                                   Employee types                    Training coverage rate                    Average training hours
                                                                    With the focus of the Company’s development and              By position level                 Senior Management                 1%                                        0.78
                                                                    employees’ career development needs, we have                                                   Middle Management                 2%                                        0.78
Adhering to the talent management strategy of                       developed an employee learning and development                                                 General employees                 97%                                       7.11
“putting people first, forging an elite workforce, and              system with United Imaging characteristics to provide
promoting common development of employees and the                   all employees with adequate and equal training and
                                                                                                                                 By gender                         Female                            30%                                       7.76
Company”, United Imaging attaches great importance                  promotion opportunities, so as to continuously unlock
                                                                                                                                                                   Male                              70%                                       6.28
to talent team building during business development.                their potential, and promote the business development
With a value chain-based and process-oriented                       of the Group at the same time.
organization and a diversified and systematic innovation
incentive mechanism, a team of professionals with                   To encourage employees to develop the good habit of
qualified business capability, rich industry experience,            self-learning and support their careers with sufficient
refined management competency and international                     resources, we have developed an innovative and               During the Reporting Period, the total duration of
perspective in various fields such as R&D, marketing,               complete training system with diversified training           employee training
manufacturing, service and function has been built to               modules. Based on a systematic training platform, we
help the Company promote sustainable development                    work to build a sustainable learning organization with
and forges as an industry pioneer.                                  well-organized training programs that cover all aspects                                            hours
                                                                    from new employee training to management leadership
                                                                    development, so as to help employees quickly grow up
                                                                                                                                 Employee training coverage rate
                                                                    as a strong force to boost the business development of
                                                                    the Company.
                                                                    We have designed a dual-path career development
                                                                    system encompassing the management channel and the
                                                                    professional expertise channel for our employees, which      Average training hours for employees
                                                                    provides them with sufficient growth and development
                                                                    space to achieve professional value through a fair and
                                                                    clear career development path. We also guide employees                                 hours
                                                                    to make plans for their career development according
                                                                    to their advantages and the sustainable development
                                                                    requirements of the Company, so that we can help them
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The senior designer of United Imaging is conveying the concept and system
                                                                    gain sustainable advantages for competition 9in career
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to the new employees.
                                                                    and achieve their career development goals.
About                Key Performance               About                     Sustainable Development          Responsible        uInnovation-Driven            Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented         Green             Convey Health        Appendix            43
the Report           in 2022                       United Imaging            Management                       Governance         and Win-Win Cooperation       and Excellent Quality     and Share Success       Development       and Warmth
Remuneration and                                                                          of welfare and non-material incentives, the Company
                                                                                          continues to improve the welfare security of employees to
Incentives                                                                                stimulate their subjective initiative and value creation.
Adhering to the core values of "customer-centered,
innovation-driven and striver-based", the Company                                              The Company has established a performance management system of "guided by strategy and encouraging                              During the Reporting Period, key personnel
has built and continuously optimized a comprehensive                                           value creation". Each organization of the Company takes strategic planning as the core input to formulate                       retention rate
compensation incentive system that combines basic                                              the annual core performance targets of the department and make a link between strategic planning and
compensation, long-term incentive, welfare and non-                                            performance targets. In the setting of performance objectives, the direction and objectives are coordinated
material incentive. In terms of basic compensation, the                                        through the interlocking of upstream and downstream departments. The Company dynamically tracks                                              %
Company comprehensively compares the medical device                                            performance targets and adjusts them according to changes in internal and external environment. The
industry and high-tech industry to maintain the market                                         achievement result of performance goal is related to salary incentive and talent development, which provides                    Employee turnover rate
competitiveness of compensation incentive. At the same                                         effective input for salary incentive to "tilt toward strivers".
time, through the performance appraisal and evaluation
mechanism, we strengthen the short-term incentive to                                           Reasonable and effective performance management is implemented at United Imaging. Through a management
those with excellent performance, set up a differentiated                                      process involving individual goal setting, performance implementation, performance assessment, performance
and diversified bonus incentive system, and improve the                                        feedback and result application, we give our employees fair and impartial evaluation and feedback, so as to
bonus return to outstanding contributors. In terms of                                          ensure fair allocation and further motivate their initiative and creativity. Meanwhile, we actively communicate                 Turnover rate of male employees
long-term incentives, the company carries out long-term
                                                                                               with our employees about their performance in an attempt to keep the organization’s development peace with
incentive plans for core talents to share the benefits                                         employees’, thus realizing the value unity of individuals and the Company’s.
of long-term development of the enterprise. In terms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Turnover rate of female employees
The Company dynamically tracks performance targets, adjusts them according to changes with internal and external environment, continuously improves employee
welfare protection, and stimulates employees' subjective initiative and value creation.
About               Key Performance             About                   Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity    People-oriented       Green              Convey Health       Appendix                       44
the Report          in 2022                     United Imaging          Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality      and Share Success     Development        and Warmth
Create an                                                                        thus to enhance their sense of identity and happiness.
                                                                                 We provide diverse and comprehensive welfare and
                                                                                                                                                we provide employees with annual physical examination,
                                                                                                                                                supplementary commercial insurance, gym, etc. We also
                                                                                                                                                organize multiple rounds of psychological counseling and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               During the Reporting Period, the labor union prepared
                                                                                                                                                                                                               relief supplies to deliver care to those participating in
Inclusive                                                                        care for employees, pay attention to the physical and
                                                                                 mental health of employees, and organize a variety
                                                                                                                                                online warmth sending activities, and provide employees
                                                                                                                                                and their families with free cardiopulmonary check-ups.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               volunteer activities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and assistance and aid were provided to nearly
                                                                                 of team building and sports activities after work to
Workplace                                                                        enhance personal happiness and team cohesion.                  To help employees cultivate their interests and hobbies
                                                                                                                                                and create a healthy workplace, the labor union of the                                        employees
                                                                                 The Company provides employees with meal allowance,            Company has actively organized basketball games,
                                                                                 shuttle buses, wedding and birth gifts, birthday gifts,        badminton games and other sports events. Meanwhile,
Regarding employees as the most valuable asset,                                  holiday benefits, league building funds, etc., as well as      a smart fitness station for employees has been built
                                                                                                                                                                                                               living materials
United Imaging strives to develop a united, friendly                             canteen, coffee bar, convenience store and diversified         under the instruction of the superior labor union to
and harmonious workplace for employees, and works                                and humanized service facilities, aiming to help               provide employees with smart fitness equipment and
hard to create a positive corporate culture. As we                               employees relax after work.                                    fitness intelligence services.
value our employees’ feedback, we have established
smooth and transparent channels to communicate with                              In 2022, the labor union organized and arranged                In addition, the labor union has organized a fellowship
employees and collect their feedback and suggestions.                            material assistance, cared for and comforted employees         campaign themed on “Innovating with Action, more than
Each department is required to hold employee townhall                            participating in volunteer activities, helped and rescued      a heartbeat” that involved hundreds of participants,           The "United Imaging Cup" basketball and badminton
meeting on a quarterly or semi-annual basis to hear                              nearly 1,000 employees in need, and provided a total of        creating a relaxed and friendly working environment.           competitions have been consecutively held for
employees’ voice and respond to their demands, and                               977 pieces of material assistance. In terms of health,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Innovating with Action, More Than a Heartbeat”
At the Company sports day, employees were having a fierce tug of war.
About           Key Performance      About               Sustainable Development        Responsible     uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented             Green         Convey Health   Appendix   45
the Report      in 2022              United Imaging      Management                     Governance      and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality              and Share Success           Development   and Warmth
Occupational                                                      hazards, and ensure that the safety and occupational
                                                                  health hazard prevention and treatment facilities are
                                                                  installed properly.
Health and                                                        In respect of positions exposed to occupational
                                                                  disease hazards, we have independently developed an
Safety                                                            occupational health examination management system and
                                                                  established employee occupational health examination
                                                                  file to strictly carry out pre-post, in-post and off-
                                                                  post physical examinations. Employees are informed of
Taking employees’ health and safety as the foundation             and trained for occupational hazards before taking the
of business activities, United Imaging strictly abides            position, and are provided with labor protection supplies
by the Work Safety Law of the People’s Republic of                to ensure their occupational health and safety.
China , the Law of the People’s Republic of China on
the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases               To prevent safety accidents, each of our production             The Company provides safety and health guidance for employees to
and other laws and regulations in the places where the            bases has formulated relevant emergency plans and               safeguard their occupational health and safety.
Company operates. The Company constantly improves                 set up safety hazard reporting channels to realize top-
the occupational health and safety management                     down comprehensive safety risk management. During the
system, and endeavors to provide employees with a                 Reporting Period, we had zero work-related fatality, and
safe and hazard-free working environment.                         total lost hours due to work-related injury was 3,640 hours.    During the Reporting Period, the number of work-
                                                                                                                                  related fatalities
Based on the organizational structure of occupational             We are devoted to strengthening the building of EHS
health management, each of the major production                   safety culture. We regularly carry out various forms of
bases and factories has formulated and released the               cultural activities on occupational health and safety to
EHS Management Responsibilities , the Occupational                enhance all employees’ awareness and skills, so that
Health Management Policy and other policies, to guide             they can consciously prevent safety and health risks
their health and safety management correspondingly.               in production and operation, and thus reduce work-
                                                                                                                                  Total lost hours due to work-related injury
                                                                  related injuries and occupational diseases. Our Wuhan
The Group’s occupational health management system                 Production Base has formulated the EHS Training
covers all employees exposed to occupational disease              Management Procedure to define the three-level safety
hazards, including interns, dispatched personnel and              education requirements for new employees, so as to
regular employees. By the end of the Reporting Period,            ensure that all new employees are informed of the
our production bases in Shanghai and Wuhan had                    Company’s occupational health requirements when
passed the certification of ISO 45001 Occupational                boarding and can protect themselves at work. During the
                                                                                                                                  Shanghai Production Factory provided nearly
Health and Safety Management System. To ensure work               Reporting Period, Shanghai Factory provided nearly 50
safety and minimize safety hazard and occupational                pre-post EHS training sessions for new employees, and
disease risk, we conduct regular occupational health              held a number of company-level EHS training sessions
                                                                                                                                                   pre-post EHS training sessions
and safety risk assessment based on the cycle of                  themed on AED use, hazardous waste management,
project to fully identify safety and occupational disease         hazardous chemicals management and fire safety.
About        Key Performance   About            Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented        Green              Convey Health     Appendix   46
the Report   in 2022           United Imaging   Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success      Development        and Warmth
                                                                                                                  In response to global action on climate change, United Imaging promotes green development
                                                                                                                  as an important part of its sustainable development. Keen on environmental management, we
                                                                                                                  strive to develop a low-carbon and eco-friendly production and operation model, so that we
                                                                                                                  can gradually build our competitiveness in green innovation while pursuing economic benefits,
                                                                                                                  and thus make contribution to the global action of carbon neutrality.
                               Green Development
About          Key Performance      About               Sustainable Development          Responsible           uInnovation-Driven                 Products with Ingenuity           People-oriented              Green             Convey Health       Appendix                  47
the Report     in 2022              United Imaging      Management                       Governance            and Win-Win Cooperation            and Excellent Quality             and Share Success            Development       and Warmth
Environmental                                                    Clean Production and
                                                                                                                                                  Water and Effluents                                                                                                          2022
                                                                                                                                                  Water Withdrawal                                                             Water Discharge
Management                                                       Water Resource Management                                                        Total water use in all regions                                               Total water discharge in all regions
System                                                           Strictly observing the Water Law of the People's
                                                                 Republic of China and other laws and regulations in the
                                                                 places where the Company operates, United Imaging
                                                                 performs environmental impact assessment and takes
Strictly adhering to the Environmental Protection Law            into full consideration the local water resources in the
                                                                                                                                                  Water Consumption
of People's Republic of China , the Law of the People’s          initial stages of site selection and factory construction.
                                                                                                                                                  Total water consumption in all regions                                       Water consumption intensity
Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of               Our water is mainly sourced from municipal water,
Atmospheric Pollution and other laws and regulations
in the places where we operate, we have established
a sound environmental management system on the
                                                                 and we strictly control the water consumption in every
                                                                 stage of operation and actively improve our utilization
                                                                 efficiency of water resources. To save water, our Wuhan
prerequisite of clean production, and actively undertake         Production Base builds a rainwater recycling system to
environmental governance responsibility.                         supply water to the green pipeline, and adopts water-
                                                                 saving equipment for the sanitary facilities in toilet.
To achieve the goal of green factory, our Shanghai
Factory has established the PDCA management model,
and the production bases in Changzhou and Wuhan
have established the EHS management system. Taking
into account the EHS Management Manual, EHS
procedure documents, EHS system documents, SOP
and records, we have set up environment-related goals
and constantly monitored the achievements on them.
In 2021, our Shanghai Production Factory was included
in the list of the third batch of Green Manufacturing
System Demonstration Units as a green factory in
Shanghai. By the end of the Reporting Period, our
Shanghai Factory and Wuhan Production Base had
passed the certification of ISO 14001 Environmental
Management System.
                                                                 The Company has established a sound environmental management system and is committed to bringing positive environmental benefits with a clean
                                                                 production model.
About           Key Performance       About                 Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity    People-oriented            Green             Convey Health      Appendix                  48
the Report      in 2022               United Imaging        Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality      and Share Success          Development       and Warmth
Clean Production and                                                 of particulate matter and non-methane hydrocarbon for
                                                                     waste gas, so as to ensure that all indicators meet the
                                                                                                                                    Waste                                                                                                              2022
Operation                                                            emission standards.
                                                                                                                                    Hazardous Waste
Pollutants and Noise                                                 For non-hazardous wastes, we have formulated the
                                                                                                                                    Total hazardous waste                                               Hazardous waste intensity
Management                                                           General Solid Waste Management Policy , and hand
                                                                     over the classified and collected office and domestic
                                                                     wastes to qualified suppliers for recycling. The harmful                                          tons                                                         tons/million RMB
In respect of the pollutant discharges from the production,          wastes we generated are mainly hazardous wastes and
United Imaging strictly complies with the Water Pollution            industrial wastes. For industrial wastes, we collect and
Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of               store separately according to the General Industrial Waste
China , the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the             Management Policy before we contact the material
                                                                                                                                    Non-Hazardous Waste
Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution , the Law            department for recycling. For hazardous wastes, we
of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and              comply with the Hazardous Waste Management Policy              Total non-hazardous waste                                           Non-hazardous waste intensity
Control of Environment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes              to supervise the whole process of waste disposal from
and other laws and regulations in the places where the               on-site collection, transfer to storage and leakage
Company operates, and has formulated the Pollutant                   response. Wuhan Production Base has built a professional                                                      tons                                     tons/million RMB
Management Policy and other internal policies and systems            hazardous waste storage site with an area of 50 square
to implement standardized management. While ensuring                 meters, and the storage room is designed in accordance
compliant discharge of wastewater and waste gas and                  with the explosion-proof requirements. The procedures
waste management, we strengthen noise management and                 of warehousing, storage and transfer are declared and
                                                                                                                                    Environmental Compliance                                                                                           2022
take various measures to reduce pollution and minimize the           registered in the Internet of Things Supervision System for
negative effects on the surrounding environment.                     Hazardous Waste in Hubei Province, and the wastes are
                                                                     finally transferred and disposed of by the organizations       Total amount of environmental protection-related taxes and fees (including taxes and fees on air pollutants, water
The domestic wastewater we produce is conducted                      that have signed contracts and are qualified for disposal      pollution, solid waste and industrial noise)
with grease filtration before being discharged into the              and transportation. To reduce the wastes generated from
municipal sewage pipelines. Wuhan Production Base has
set up the goal of “0” discharge of wastewater, and has
developed a wastewater treatment and recycling system
to turn the production wastewater into pure water for
                                                                     production, Shanghai Factory has set a waste reduction
                                                                     goal of reducing the annual waste resin generated by a
                                                                     single magnetic resonance system to less than 204 kg,
                                                                     which has been achieved in 2022. In addition, we take
reuse, which significantly reduces wastewater flow.                  various measures to improve the utilization efficiency of
                                                                     materials and reduce wastes. To do this. we constantly         Others                                                                                                             2022
Our exhaust pollutants mainly comprise particulate matter            improve the design and use of packaging materials,
and non-methane hydrocarbon, and are all washed by                   engage the on-site staff of third-party packaging
                                                                                                                                    Waste Gas Emission
environmental treatment facilities and filtered by activated         company to keep refining the design, and update pallet
                                                                                                                                    Total waste gas emission                                            Waste gas emission intensity
carbon medium before discharging. The filtration medium              materials and reduce empty-loading ratio.
is changed regularly, and the treatment facilities are
operated in accordance with the Pollutant Management                 In terms of noise management, all equipment newly
Policy and the Equipment Maintenance Policy . In addition,           purchased are required to be implemented with noise                                                           tons                                      tons/million RMB
Wuhan Production Base engages a third-party institution              reduction measures, and noise testing for plant boundary
to regularly monitor the environment of the factory as well          should be conducted on a quarterly basis to ensure
as the indicators of organized and disorganized emission             compliant noise emissions.
About                Key Performance             About                    Sustainable Development          Responsible            uInnovation-Driven          Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented           Green                 Convey Health             Appendix                                     49
the Report           in 2022                     United Imaging           Management                       Governance             and Win-Win Cooperation     and Excellent Quality     and Share Success         Development           and Warmth
Tackle Climate                                                                      Carbon Emissions and Energy
                                                                                                                                                              Renovation of Process Cooling Water System. To lower
                                                                                                                                                              energy consumption and realize environmental benefits,
                                                                                                                                                              Shanghai Factory of United Imaging invested RMB 1,155
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Upgrading of Geothermal Heat Pump. To better guarantee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the supply of domestic water and energy conservation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Shanghai Factory of United Imaging upgraded the
                                                                                                                                                              thousand to renovate the process cooling water system,            geothermal heat pump unit. By upgrading the equipment,
                                                                                   In response to the national strategic goals of achieving                   including changing pipelines, optimizing the system,              it realized remote monitoring on the start/shutdown of the
                                                                                   "carbon peaking" by 2030 and "carbon neutrality" by 2060,                  upgrading the circulating pumps for cooling water and             system, intelligent switchover at multiple modes, energy-
                                                                                   United Imaging is actively exploring a low-carbon and                      air conditioner, and adding communication modules                 saving operation of circulating water, real-time transmission
                                                                                   environmentally friendly development path and continuously                 to realize automatic and intelligent monitoring. The              of alarm information, as well as automatic control over the
                                                                                   promoting green production. We strictly comply with the                    project can help Shanghai Factory save 910,462 kWh of             liquid level, temperature and water supply pressure in the
Climate change has become a global challenge across                                Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China                  electricity every year.                                           water tank. After completing the project, the factory can
countries, industries and enterprises all over the world.                          and other relevant laws and regulations in our operating                                                                                     save about 420,000 kWh of electricity every year.
At United Imaging, we have always been committed                                   locations. We attach great importance to optimizing our
to green development by reducing the environmental                                 energy use structure and implement a number of energy-
footprints left by our operation and the upstream and                              saving initiatives to reduce energy consumption and carbon                 Our Shanghai Production Factory invested                          Annually saving electricity about
downstream activities of our value chain. Through energy                           emissions arising from our operations.
conservation, emission reduction and green office, we
hope to join hands with all stakeholders to promote                                 Energies needed in the production and operation of the
sustainable production and lifestyle, and to turn the                               Group include electricity, natural gas, gasoline and diesel,                                        thousand RMB                                                                                        kWh
challenges into opportunities to safeguard our homeland                             among which electricity is the main energy source. We have
of Earth.                                                                           established the energy management system, which defines
                                                                                    the responsibility of relevant personnel and requires to                  Annually saving electricity about
                                                                                    investigate and trace abnormal energy use to avoid waste.                                                                                   Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction
                                                                                    Our Shanghai Factory and all production bases actively                                                                                      Initiatives in Wuhan Production Base. Besides energy
                                                                                    carry out energy conservation and consumption reduction                                                                                     conservation project, Wuhan Production Base of United
                                                                                    projects to maximize energy efficiency.                                                                                 kWh                 Imaging also incorporates the concept of energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                conservation in its daily production and operation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                including but not limited to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Using LED lights for the base
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Using the solar water heating system for the dormitory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adopting acoustic control, light control and time control for all lights in public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Building a cooling water storage system which uses electricity in the trough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                period at night to cool down water for use in the daytime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Conducting central control for temperatures and operation time of air
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Selecting energy-saving equipment such as the SCB13 transformer and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                frequency conversion equipment (e.g., air conditioning units, air compressors)
The Company actively responds to the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, continuously promotes green production and operation, and reduces
the environmental footprint caused by upstream and downstream activities of the value chain.
About          Key Performance      About                 Sustainable Development     Responsible         uInnovation-Driven         Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented          Green             Convey Health   Appendix          50
the Report     in 2022              United Imaging        Management                  Governance          and Win-Win Cooperation    and Excellent Quality     and Share Success        Development       and Warmth
To achieve sustainable development in a green and                  Energy Consumption                                                                                                                                                     2022
low-carbon way, employees’ participation is also
indispensable. United Imaging attaches importance                  Total Energy Consumption Within the Organization
to publicizing the idea of green development among
employees and advocates green office initiatives. In
addition, United Imaging requires all new employees
to participate in relevant EHS training and carries out
activities related to the World Environment Day to
enhance their awareness on sustainable development                 Total Consumption of Non-Renewable Fuel
and environmental protection.
                                                                   Gasoline                                                          Diesel                                                           Piped Natural Gas
                                                                   Power Purchased for Consumption
                                                                   Power consumption
                                                                   Energy Intensity
                                                                   Internal energy intensity
About               Key Performance             About                    Sustainable Development            Responsible           uInnovation-Driven           Products with Ingenuity          People-oriented     Green             Convey Health      Appendix                         51
the Report          in 2022                     United Imaging           Management                         Governance            and Win-Win Cooperation      and Excellent Quality            and Share Success   Development       and Warmth
GHG Emissions                                                                                                                                                                            2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cope with
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Extreme Weather
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  To mitigate the adverse effects of extreme weather,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  our Shanghai Factory and all production bases have
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions                                                                                                                                                                                           formulated internal management documents, such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Emergency Plan for Flood Control , to standardize
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prevention, monitoring and early warning mechanisms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for extreme weather events, and to define measures for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  emergency handling, rescue and rehabilitation work for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  meteorological disasters.
Total GHG emissions                                                                                                  GHG emissions intensity                                                                                      During the Reporting Period, to respond to severe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  weather events such as typhoon, we conducted work on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  emergency supplies storage and emergency drills, etc.
                                                                 tCO2e                                                                             tCO2e/million RMB                                                              to guarantee business continuity.
The Company actively explores measures to optimize the use of energy structure, focuses on cultivating employees' awareness of environmental protection and
sustainable development, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and jointly protects the homeland that human beings depend on for survival.
About        Key Performance    About            Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented         Green             Convey Health      Appendix                          52
the Report   in 2022            United Imaging   Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success       Development       and Warmth
                               Convey Health and
                                                                                                                                                   United Imaging upholds the mission of “To Bring Equal Healthcare for All” and
                                                                                                                                                   actively performs social responsibilities. We utilize our own resources and industrial
                                                                                                                                                   advantages to empower technologies via innovations and accelerate precise diagnosis
                                                                                                                                                   and treatment. Through these efforts, United Imaging aims to provide more people
                                                                                                                                                   and communities with efficient, safe and affordable high-end medical equipment and
                                                                                                                                                   services, delivering love and care to the society.
About                 Key Performance              About                         Sustainable Development      Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity            People-oriented                Green                  Convey Health        Appendix   53
the Report            in 2022                      United Imaging                Management                   Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality              and Share Success              Development            and Warmth
Access to                                                                                 Tibet Shigatse
                                                                                          Remote Imaging Center
                                                                                                                                                          Qinghai Guoluo Prefecture
                                                                                                                                                          Regional Imaging Center Aid Project
Medical                                                                                   Deji Cuomu, a 3-year-old Tibetan girl from Xialu Village        Guoluo Prefecture is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau, with high
Treatment                                                                                 in Jiacuoxiong Township, Shigatse, was diagnosed with
                                                                                          developmental hip dislocation, and patients with this kind
                                                                                                                                                          mountains and inconvenient traffic. The average altitude of the prefecture is more than 4,200
                                                                                                                                                          meters above sea level, which brings the large local medical service radius, weak medical
                                                                                          of disease will be disabled for life without immediate          foundation, and a serious shortage of clinician resources to Guoluo Prefecture.
                                                                                          treatment. After completing the operation in Shanghai
United Imaging Healthcare crosses mountainous barriers                                    with the help of a public welfare project, she had to           Relying on the Shanghai counterpart support platform, the Guoluo Prefecture closely followed
and travels to large cities and towns to help build the                                   return to Shigatse due to financial difficulties and receive    the urgent needs of the pastoral population for "difficulties in seeking medical treatment"
national hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system,                                     limited rehabilitation treatment at the local hospital.         and established a smart medical cloud platform covering the entire prefecture by connecting
which allows hospitals to collaborate and interconnect,                                                                                                   with the Shanghai Jiading regional imaging center. With cloud technology, it has improved
share high-quality resources, and continuously promote                                    It wasn't until October 2017 when the "United Imaging -         the treatment rate of difficult and severe diseases in the prefecture, and promoted the
the accessibility of medical services.                                                    Shigatse Remote Imaging Center" was completed and put           development of medical health career in Guoluo Prefecture.
                                                                                          into use, that a "sky road" carrying high-quality medical
                                                                                          resources arrived on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, crossing
                                                                                          medical resources to reach the foot of Mount Everest,
The tiered diagnosis and treatment projects supported                                     where the doctor who performed the surgery on Deji
by United Imaging Healthcare have covered                                                 Cuomu participated in the diagnosis of the rehabilitation
                                                                                          critical period through a remote medical platform for the
                                                                                          first time. After several months of precise rehabilitation
                 provinces                                                                treatment, her recovery progressed rapidly, and she was
                                                                                          soon able to walk and run normally like other children.
                                                                                          The "United Imaging - Shigatse Remote Imaging Center" is
                                                                                          centered around the Shigatse People's Hospital, connected
                                                                                          to more than 20 third-class hospitals in Shanghai, and
                                                                                          linked to five counties and five townships in the local area,
benefited nearly                                                                          with only more than 100 kilometers from Mount Everest,
                                                                                          supporting remote consultations, training, meetings, and
                                                                                          live surgeries covering all departments. Through this
                           million citizens                                               remote medical platform, local doctors in Tibet can more
                                                                                          conveniently access cutting-edge medical knowledge, and
Primary hospitals have been gradually activated, effectively alleviating the
problems of difficult and expensive medical treatment for patients in remote
                                                                                          more and more patients can receive high-quality medical
                                                                                                                                                          With the help of the United Imaging Remote Medical Platform, Deji Cuomu smiled happily after the treatment.
areas, allowing local patients to enjoy the services of higher-level hospitals            assistance in a timely manner "at their doorstep."
right at their doorstep.
About          Key Performance      About             Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented                 Green                    Convey Health              Appendix                                    54
the Report     in 2022              United Imaging    Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality               and Share Success               Development              and Warmth
For the First Time, Malava Town                                Shaanxi Baihe                                                  With the cooperation between village doctor and superior
                                                                                                                              doctor, the doctor quickly made a diagnosis: "high blood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hubei Zhijiang
in Southwest Kenya Has a CT                                    Regional Medical Collaborative                                 pressure, must be checked regularly, otherwise it is likely                           Digit-Intelligence Integrated
                                                                                                                              to cause myocardial infarction, or cerebral haemorrhage."
Technicia                                                      Platform                                                       This is like "timely rain" like diagnosis, also let Qin Lu feel                       Program for Apoplexy Diagnosis
                                                                                                                              released. "Without such good medical care, there is a good                            and Treatment
                                                                                                                              chance that I would not be there." Qin Lu Xin kept thanking.
As the largest country in East Africa, Kenya has vast          Baihe County of Shaanxi Province is located at the border                                                                                            China's rural population structure is rising, and the young
African grasslands, developed agriculture, animal              of Shaanxi and Hubei provinces. On the map, a dozen            No one had ever thought that a small screen could "level"                             and middle-aged population outflow, as well as the
husbandry, tourism and rich mineral resources. However,        mountains including Tianchi Ridge, Hanjiashan, land ridge,     the mountain that they had been "immobile" for decades --                             left-behind elderly monomer medical demand is huge,
the living environment is not good, and the local area         Pingdingshan and savage mountain criss-cross, and the          "Baihe County Regional Medical Cooperation Platform". Led                             with the incidence of central cerebrovascular disease
is plagued by malaria, typhoid fever, cholera and other        small county is separated into two "parallel world." The       by Baihe County People's Hospital and assisted by United                              significantly higher than the urban areas In the vast rural
diseases. However, there is a general shortage of local        very special geographical environment makes "seeing a          Imaging, it integrates five functions: remote outpatient                              areas, the tragedy of "one stroke, the whole family goes
medical resources, a huge gap between urban and rural          doctor" the most difficult problem in the minds of 200,000     service, remote consultation, remote diagnosis, audio and                             crazy" occurs every day. It is urgent to solve the problem
medical services, and inconvenient transportation makes        people in Baihe Country. Surrounded by mountains, large        video conference and distance education. Covering the                                 of grassroots stroke.
it even more difficult for residents to seek medical           medical equipment cannot be transported, and even              county, town and village medical system, 12 town hospitals
treatment. The remote town of Marawa, 150km from               basic daily medicine is difficult to guarantee. To "out of     and 113 village clinics have benefited 200,000 people in                              Therefore, United Imaging actively launched the “digit-
the nearest city, Eldoret, faces a similar dilemma, a          the mountain" to the nearest county registration, villagers    Baihe County. Expert resources from county-level medical                              intelligence integrated program for apoplexy diagnosis
journey of two to three hours each way. "Because there         often have to cross dozens of kilometers of mountain           institutions are transferred to the grassroots through the                            and treatment”. The introduction of CT to the grassroots
has been no CT equipment in this town, particularly for        road, taking more than two hours by car.                       platform, so that people in mountainous areas can enjoy                               level opens a new paradigm for stroke prevention and
stroke patients, treatment is often delayed, and when                                                                         high-quality services from higher-level hospitals without                             treatment in China, alleviates the heavy burden of
it is treated, the prognosis is often poor." Jofery, a         Qin Luxin, who lives in Shiguancun, Baihe County, Shaanxi      leaving their homes.                                                                  "returning to poverty due to illness and disabling due
technician at the Royo Medical Center in Marawa town,          Province, is 67 years old this year, suffering from coronary                                                                                         to illness", and brings examples and references for
said.                                                          heart disease, hypertension and other diseases for more        "Well, it's different now." Qin Renxiu looked at the screen                           the construction of the national stroke prevention and
                                                               than 10 years, complete necrosis of the femoral head, every    in his hands and said with emotion, "I feel a sense of                                treatment system. So far, it has helped Zhijiang Township
In 2021, Jofery and Metina became the first professional       step is extremely difficult, and "out of the mountain" to      accomplishment that I can help the county doctors really                              complete more than 30,000 CT examinations, carried out
technicians at Royo Medical Center, the first general          the nearest county to see a doctor, it takes more than two     help the patients."                                                                   thrombolysis in 31 cases, and saved 31 families.
hospital in the region. But more of their operating            hours by car, bringing much inconvenience. "In his case,
experience was based on DR, so Dr Khaled, senior               coronary heart disease can lead to myocardial infarction
clinical application specialist at United Imaging, flew        and high blood pressure can lead to cerebral haemorrhage
to Kenya from Egypt to train them. To help them learn          if he doesn't get regular check-ups." A village doctor in
how to operate the equipment more quickly, Dr. Khaled          Baihe County called Qin Renxiu said. She is the village
also prepares a large number of clinical cases and sets        doctor of Shiguan village, Cangshang Town, Baihe County,
up tests. After five days of intensive training, both of       guarding the health of nearly two thousand villagers.
the technicians were able to operate the equipment
proficiently. "We send the scans through the PACS              If in the past, Qin Renxiu can only ask for a car to send
system to the hospital in Eldoret and they diagnose and        patients to the county hospital. But this time, One Screen
report back." Jofery said. "We are proud that our work         has brought a new solution to the puzzle. She calmly
can benefit more patients here."                               measured the body temperature, blood pressure and other
                                                               conditions for Qin Luxin, took out the mobile phone, and
                                                               clicked on the Baihe County regional medical cooperation
                                                               platform, issuing a "remote outpatient" request. Not long,
                                                               the county hospital doctor connected the video, and
                                                               opened the past medical records of the patient, performing
                                                               the diagnosis for Qin Luxin.                                   A villager living in a town in Zhijiang City, Hubei Province, was rushed to the local township health center for a sudden stroke and has recovered through timely
About           Key Performance     About                Sustainable Development     Responsible       uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity             People-oriented                 Green                    Convey Health             Appendix                     55
the Report      in 2022             United Imaging       Management                  Governance        and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality               and Share Success               Development              and Warmth
Additional                                                        Public-Welfare Art Exhibition
                                                                  on Medical Imaging of
                                                                                                                                 experience of a woman's life. From infancy and
                                                                                                                                 independence to motherhood and to aging, how women
                                                                                                                                 gradually move toward fullness and depth of personality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       University, introduced the real appearance of breasts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and encouraged Chinese women to face breast health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and participate in early screening prevention.
Health Care                                                       Mammary Gland                                                  and complete self-construction through physiological
                                                                                                                                 changes and role changes."                                                            We hope to appeal to more people to enhance the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       awareness of early screening and early treatment of
                                                                  Breast cancer has overtaken lung cancer to become              "Asian women are born with more glands and less fat                                   breast health through this public benefit exhibition, and
                                                                  the number one cancer in the world, according to the           in their breasts, which we medically call 'dense breasts,'                            at the same time, to care for women's health through
As a leading enterprise engaged in high-end medical               WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer              but it's actually a dangerous bug. Studies have found                                 artistic presentation beyond medical images and
equipment, we always attentively consider the demand              (IARC) 2021. Breast cancer patients in China account           that dense breasts are four to six times more likely                                  diseases, so as to transfer more positive energy and
of every patient and user. We not only conduct in-depth           for 19% of the global cases, and breast cancer ranks           to become cancerous than non-dense ones. Another                                      warmth to female breast cancer patients.
studies on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of             the first in the incidence of female malignant tumors          disadvantage is that dense breasts can make it harder
                                                                  in China. What is urgent is that the incidence rate is         for X-rays to detect early tumors, delaying the disease."                             May more women find the courage to look in the mirror,
various special diseases, but also care for the health
                                                                  increasing year by year, and the incidence group is            Gu Yajia, director of the Department of Radiology and                                 rebuild their faith with the fortitude to be refined gold in the
of women and children. We are dedicated to providing
                                                                  becoming younger, with the average age of onset 10             Diagnosis at the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Fudan                                  baptism of time like fire, and walk into the Promised Land.
the public with meticulous health care and serving the
                                                                  years earlier than that in Western countries. Women in
society with a loving heart.
                                                                  their prime, who are the mainstay of society and family,
                                                                  have also entered the high incidence list.
                                                                  October is the International Month of Breast Cancer
                                                                  Prevention and Treatment. On October 21, 2022, Pink
                                                                  Ribbon Care Day, the first public-welfare art exhibition
                                                                  on medical imaging of mammary gland and salon named
                                                                  "Breast Monologue: Women's Self-Construction" was
                                                                  officially launched in Shanghai, co-sponsored by United
                                                                  Imaging and New Moon Alliance, specially supported
                                                                  by Southern Weekly, and directed by Fudan University
                                                                  Shanghai Cancer Center.
                                                                  "In the past, breasts were obscure in the public's
                                                                  impression. The charity exhibition uses three-
                                                                  dimensional tomography technology to observe breasts
                                                                  from a new perspective, allowing us to see their internal
                                                                  structure closely: healthy, beautiful, or dying, fighting
                                                                  against disease, either way, is full of life power."
                                                                  Yu Yeheng, senior vice president of United Imaging and
                                                                  the exhibition's curator, said the "Breast Monologue"
                                                                  is not just science popularization, but also aimed at
                                                                  promoting women's self-awareness. "We want to
                                                                                                                                 Through the breast sectioning device, visitors can clearly see the tiny lesions hidden underneath the normal tissue.
                                                                  go beyond medical imaging to capture the unique
About                Key Performance             About                     Sustainable Development            Responsible           uInnovation-Driven            Products with Ingenuity    People-oriented        Green             Convey Health        Appendix                     56
the Report           in 2022                     United Imaging            Management                         Governance            and Win-Win Cooperation       and Excellent Quality      and Share Success      Development       and Warmth
Young “Career Experience                                                            "Why does it keep rumbling when doing MRI scans?"                             The first occupation that the young 'Officers' engaged          a new definition of programmers. "Our job is to convert
                                                                                    "Do engineers write code in C++ or Python?"                                   in was clinical doctor, who can read and understand             ordinary two-dimensional black-and-white flat maps
Officer”, When a 12-Year-                                                                                                                                         medical imaging films. When An Shaohui, Vice President          into lifelike three-dimensional color maps to help
Old “Tech Star” Meets a PhD                                                         We hope to expand the children's knowledge of the                             of the Molecular Imaging Division of UNI as well as a           doctors make more accurate diagnoses."
                                                                                    medical field by bringing them up close to high-end                           postdoctoral fellow, used a vivid analogy of "who loves
Managing Director                                                                   medical equipment to understand the basic technical                           to eat sugar" to explain how PET/CT can detect the              "I want to design surgical robots when I grow
                                                                                    principles, thus inspiring them to understand and aspire                      location of tumors in the human body by marking the             up." Unlike the others' novelty, there is a special
                                                                                    to technology and innovation, as well as providing them                       relevant nuclides, the children were transformed into           determination in the choice of Liu Longze, who is from
                                                                                    with an additional career choice in their future life path.                   front-line "experts". The children were like frontline          Class 1, Grade 6 at Shanghai Jiading World Foreign
                                                                                    Therefore, we co-organized an off-campus outreach                             "experts", carefully examining the scanned images.              Language School. "Usually I read some extracurricular
                                                                                    activity with Shanghai Jiading World Foreign Language                                                                                         books on the subject, and in the future I want to make
                                                                                    School.                                                                       Everyone's intrinsic impression of programmers still            my own robot that can treat all tumors so that no one
                                                                                                                                                                  rests on labels such as bald heads and checkered                will ever get sick again." Having experienced the death
                                                                                    When the young 'Officers', with an average age of 12,                         shirts, but some explanations by Liu Wenqing, R&D               of a loved one from a tumor, Liu Longze with an age
                                                                                    entered the field of high-end medical equipment, what                         manager of the visualization department of the Medical          of 12, has a deeper understanding of his future choices
                                                                                    would their 'first career experience' be like?                                Software Division of United Imaging, gave the children          and his dreams.
Through the introduction of Dr. An Shaohui, Vice President of the Molecular Imaging Division of UIH, the children realized that the MRI machine rumbled because
the noise was made by the violent vibration of the metal wire under pressure.
About           Key Performance    About             Sustainable Development     Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity    People-oriented     Green         Convey Health   Appendix   57
the Report      in 2022            United Imaging    Management                  Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality      and Share Success   Development   and Warmth
GRI Standards Content Index
and Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
Instructions for the use of GRI standard: UIH reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period January 1, 2022 to December
direction of the Company is consistent with the global sustainable development vision in 2030, and to achieve the global goals in 2030.
Context                                                       GRI Standards                                                                               SDGs
                                                              Disclosure Title
Message From the                                              2-11
Management Team
About the Report                                              2-1, 2-2, 2-3
Key Performance                                               201
Indicators in 2022
About United Imaging                                          2-6
Sustainable Development                                       2-9, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-16, 2-29, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3
Responsible Governance                                                                                                                                                  Goal 16:
                                                                                                                                                                        PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG
Compliance Operation                                          2-23, 2-24, 2-26, 2-27, 3-3, 205, 206                                                                     INSTITUTIONS
Information Security                                          3-3, 418
Responsible Marketing                                         3-3, 417
Intellectual Property                                         3-3
About         Key Performance         About            Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented          Green            Convey Health        Appendix                58
the Report    in 2022                 United Imaging   Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success        Development      and Warmth
Context                         GRI Standards                   SDGs                                                     Context                         GRI Standards                    SDGs
                                Disclosure Title                                                                                                         Disclosure Title
uInnovation-Driven and                                                           Goal 3:                                 People-oriented and                                                                 Goal 3:
Win-Win Cooperation                                                                                                      Share Success
                                                                                 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING                                                                                                  GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Core of uInnovation             3-3                                                                                      Employees’ Rights and           2-3, 2-7, 3-3, 201, 402,
                                                                                                                         Interests                       405, 406, 408, 409
Product Innovation              3-3
                                                                                                                         Employee Career Growth          3-3, 401, 404
Promote Industry
Development                     3-3                                                                                      Create an Inclusive             3-3, 401
                                                                                 Goal 9:                                 Workplace                                                                           Goal 4:
                                                                                 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND                                                                                                    QUALITY EDUCATION
                                                                                                                         Occupational Health and         3-3, 403
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Goal 5:
Products with Ingenuity                                                          Goal 3:                                                                                                                     GENDER EQUALITY
and Excellent Quality
                                                                                 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Product Quality                 3-3, 416
Optimize Customer               3-3, 416
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Goal 8:
Responsible Supply Chain        3-3, 204, 308, 414
                                                                                 Goal 9:                                                                                                                     DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC
                                                                                 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Goal 10:
                                                                                 Goal 12:                                                                                                                    REDUCED INEQUALITIES
                                                                                 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND
                                                                                 Goal 17:
                                                                                 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
About         Key Performance         About            Sustainable Development   Responsible   uInnovation-Driven        Products with Ingenuity   People-oriented          Green            Convey Health        Appendix                59
the Report    in 2022                 United Imaging   Management                Governance    and Win-Win Cooperation   and Excellent Quality     and Share Success        Development      and Warmth
Context                         GRI Standards                   SDGs                                                     Context                         GRI Standards                    SDGs
                                Disclosure Title                                                                                                         Disclosure Title
Green Development                                                                Goal 3:                                 Convey Health and                                                                   Goal 3:
                                                                                 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING                                                                                                  GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Environmental                   3-3                                                                                      Access to Medical               3-3, 203
Management System                                                                                                        Treatment
Clean Production and            3-3, 301, 303, 306                                                                       Additional Health Care          3-3, 203
Climate Change                  3-3, 201, 302, 305                               Goal 6:                                                                                                                     Goal 9:
                                                                                 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION                                                                                                  INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND
                                                                                 Goal 7:                                                                                                                     Goal 17:
                                                                                 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY                                                                                                 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
                                                                                 Goal 11:
                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND
                                                                                 Goal 12:
                                                                                 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND
                                                                                 Goal 13:
                                                                                 CLIMATE ACTION

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