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上海石化: 上海石化H股公告-翌日披露表格内容摘要



Next Day Disclosure Return (Equity issuer-changes in issued shares or treasury shares, share buybacks and/or on-market sales of treasury shares)
Instrument:Equity issuer
Status: New Submission
Name of Issuer: Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited
Date Submitted:19 November 2024

  1. Class of shares: Ordinary shares
    Type of shares: H
    Listed on the Exchange: Yes
    Stock code (if listed): 00338

A. Changes in issued shares or treasury shares
Events: Other (please specify) See Part B
Date of changes: 19 November 2024
Opening balance as at (Note 1)18 November 2024: 3,346,414,000
Closing balance as at (Notes 5 and 6) 19 November 2024: 3,346,414,000

B. Shares redeemed or repurchased for cancellation but not yet cancelled as at the closing balance date (Notes 5 and 6) Not applicable

Confirmation Notes to Section l:
1. ease insert the closing balance date of the last Next Day Disclosure Return published pursuant to Main Board Rule 13.25A / GEM Rule 17.27A or Monthly Return pursuant to Main Board Rule 13.25B/ GEM Rule 17.27B, whichever is the later.
2. Please set out all changes in issued shares or treasury shares requiring disclosure pursuant to Main Board Rule 13.25A / GEM Rule 17.27A together with the relevant dates of changes.
3. e pe rcen change in the number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer is to be calculated by reference to the opening balance of the number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares) being disclosed in this Next Day Disclosure Return.
4. In the case of a share repurchase or redemption, the "issue/ selling price per share" shall be construed as "repurchase price per share" or "redemption price per share".
5. The closing balance date is the date of the last relevant event being disclosed.
6. For repurchase or redemption of shares, disclosure is required when the relevant event has occurred (subject to the provisions of Main Board Rules 10.06(4)(a), 13.25A and 13.31/GEM Rules 13.13(1),17.27A and 17.35), even if the repurchased or redeemed shares have not yet been cancelled.
7. ltems (i) to (viii) are suggested forms of confirmation. The listed issuer may amend the item(s) that is/are not applicable to meet individual cases.
8."ldentical"means in this context: the securities are of the same nominal value with the same amount called up or paid up; they are entitled to dividend/interest at the same rate and for the same period, so that at the next ensuing distribution, the dividend/interest payable per unit will amount to exactly the same sum (gross and net);and they carry the same rights as to unrestricted transfer, attendance and voting at meetings and rank pari passu in all other respects.

Repurchase report
Not applicable

Section ll
1. Class of shares: Ordinary shares
Type of shares: H
Listed on the Exchange: Yes
Stock code (if listed): 00338

A. Repurchase report
Trading date: 19 November 2024
Number of shares repurchased: 436,000
Method of repurchase(Note1): COn the Exchange
Repurchase price per share or highest repurchase price per share $: HKD1.19
Lowest repurchase price per share $: HKD1.17
Aggregate price paid s: HKD513,695.2
Aggregate price paid s: HKD513,695.2

Total number of shares 436,000
Aggregate price paid $ HKD 513,695.2
Number of shares repurchased for cancellation: 436,000
Number of shares repurchased for holding C as treasury shares: 0

B. Additional information for issuer who has a primary listing on the Exchange
1). Date of the resolution granting the repurchase mandate: 06 June 2024
2). Total number of shares which the issuer is authorised to repurchase under the repurchase mandate: 347,047,200
3). Number of shares repurchased on the Exchange or another stock exchange under the repurchase mandate (a): 37,874,000
4). As a % of number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares) as at the date of the resolution granting the repurchase mandate (a)x100/number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares) as at the date of the resolution granting the repurchase mandate: 1.091%
5). Moratorium period for any issue of new shares, or sale or transfer of treasury shares after the share repurchase(s) set out in Part A (Note 2): Up to 19 December 2024

We hereby confirm that the repurchases made on the Exchange set out in Part A above were made in accordance with the Main Board Rules / GEM Rules and that there have been no material changes to the particulars contained in the Explanatory Statement dated ......26 April 2024........ which has been filed with the Exchange. We also confirm that any repurchases made on another stock exchange set out in Part A above were made in accordance with the domestic rules applying to repurchases on that other stock exchange.

Add remarks
Notes to Section ll:
1. Please state whether the repurchase was made on the Exchange, on another stock exchange (stating the name of the exchange), by private arrangement or by general offer.
2. Subject to the carve-out set out in Main Board Rule 10.06(3)(a)/ GEM Rule 13.12, an issuer may not (i) make a new issue of shares, or a sale or transfer of any treasury shares; or (ii) announce a proposed new issue of shares, or a sale or transfer of any treasury shares, for a period of 30 days after any purchase by it of shares, whether on the Exchange or otherwise, without the prior approval of the Exchange.

Report of on-market sale of treasury shares
Not applicable

Add remarks

Submitted by:Liu Gang (Name)
Title:.Joint Company Secretary (Director, Secretary or other Duly Authorised Officer)

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