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江 铃B: 江铃汽车十一届六次董事会决议公告(英文版)内容摘要



1Share’s code: 000550 Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors No.: 2024-036 200550 Jiangling B Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. Public Announcement on Resolutions of the Sixth Session of the Eleventh Board of Directors

I. Informing of the Meeting The Board of Directors of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘JMC’ or the ‘Company’) sent out a written meeting notice to all the Directors, Supervisors, the members of the Executive Committee and relevant persons on September 13, 2024.

II. Time, Place & Form of Holding the Meeting The Board meeting was held in the No.1 Meeting Room, 20th floor, JMC Building, Nanchang on September 24, 2024.

III. Status of the Directors Attending the Meeting Nine Directors shall attend this Board meeting and seven Directors were present. Vice Chairman Shengpo Wu did not attend this meeting due to other official arrangements, and has authorized Director Ryan Anderson to exercise voting rights on his behalf; Director Yuan Mingxue did not attend this meeting due to other official arrangements, and has authorized Chairman Qiu Tiangao to exercise voting rights on his behalf.

IV. Resolutions The Directors present at the meeting approved the following proposal based on their discussion: 1. Proposal on the Adjustment of the Company’s External Auditor and C-SOX Auditor Arrangements The Board of Directors recommended the dismissal of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP, re-selecting the Company’s external auditor and C-SOX auditor for the period from 2024 to 2026, and shall perform the approval process in accordance with relevant regulations. The Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company has considered the proposal and unanimously agreed to submit the proposal to the Board of Directors of the Company for review. The dismissal of the accounting firm is subject to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company. 2 There were 9 votes in favor of the proposal, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention. The appointments of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP (hereinafter referred to as “PwC”) as the Company's external auditor and C-Sox auditor for the years 2024-2027 were approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company respectively in June 2021 and in April 2024. In view of the possible impact of the penalties against PwC, recently issued by Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, on the work of the Company’s 2024 annual report, and on the principle of prudence, the Board of Directors of the Company recommended dismissal of PwC. And subsequently, the Company shall re-select an accounting firm in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Selecting Accounting Firms for State-owned Enterprises and Listed Companies (Caikuai(2023) No.4) and relevant laws and regulations, and shall conduct review and disclosure according to relevant regulations.

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