Stock Code: 000026; 200026 Short Form of Stock: FIYTA; FIYTA B Announcement No.: 2021-039
FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
2021 First Quarter Report, SummarySection 1 Important Notice, Table of Contents and DefinitionThe Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby individuallyand collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this reportand confirm that there are neither material omissions nor errors which would render any statement misleading.
All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarter Report.
Huang Yongfeng, the Company leader, Chen Zhuo, chief financial officer, and Tian Hui, the manager of the accounting
department (treasurer) hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this
Quarter Report.
Section 2 Company Profile
I. Summary of Accounting/Financial Data
Does the Company need to make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous year
Reportingperiod Sameperiodoftheprevious Year-on-yearincrease/decreaseinthe
year reportingperiod
OperationrevenueinCNY 1,378,277,735.81 588,361,057.06 134.26%
Net profitattributabletotheCompany’s 118,222,042.23 -12,974,795.53 1,011.17%
Net profitattributabletotheCompany’s
shareholderslessthenon-recurringitems,in 113,576,505.85 -13,738,773.72 926.69%
Net cashflowsarisingfromoperatingactivities, 28,711,219.83 -106,747,751.88 126.90%
in CNY
Basic earningpershare(CNY/share) 0.2780 -0.0294 1,045.66%
Diluted earningpershare(CNY/share) 0.2780 -0.0294 1,045.66%
Return onequity,weightedaverage 4.15% -0.49% 4.64%
Endofthereportingperiod Endofthepreviousyear Increase/decreaseattheendofthe
year overtheendofthepreviousyear
Totalassets(inCNY) 4,412,065,471.64 4,018,712,700.18 9.79%
Net profitattributabletotheCompany’s 2,911,884,821.93 2,799,948,388.09 4.00%
Non-recurring gain/loss items and the amount involved
Items Amountfromyearbeginningto Note
Gain/loss fromdisposalofnon-currentassets,includingthepartwritten- 55,838.26
off withtheprovisionforimpairmentofassets.
The governmentsubsidiesincludedintheprofitsandlossesofthe
current period(excludinggovernmentgrantswhicharecloselyrelated 6,070,986.55
to theCompany’sbusinessandconformwiththenationalstandard
amount orquantity)
Other non-operatingincomeandexpensesotherthantheaforesaid 37,477.18
Less:Amountaffectedbytheincometax 1,518,765.61
Total 4,645,536.38 --
For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items
as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the
Public – Non-recurring Gains and Losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the
II. Total number of shareholders and the statement of the shares held by the top 10 shareholders
1. Total number of the common shareholders and preferred shareholders whose voting rights are restored and shares
held by the top 10 shareholders
In shares
Totalcommonshareholdersattheend 28,331Totalpreferenceshareholderswiththe 0
of thereportingperiod votingpowerrecoveredattheendof
Namesofthe Natureofthe Shareholding Numberofshares Numberofthe Pledgingorfreezing
Shareholders shareholder proportion held restrictedshares Statusofthe Quantity
held shares
AVIC International Statecorporate 37.40% 162,977,327 0
Holding Limited
ICBC -Fuguo
TianhuiSelected Domesticnon-
Growth Hybrid state-ownedlegal 2.75% 12,000,072 0
Securities person
of China-PenghuaDomesticnon-
Huizhi Optimized state-ownedlegal 2.11% 9,211,000 0
Hybrid Securities person
ICBC -FuguoHi- Domesticnon-
tech Industry state-ownedlegal 1.80% 7,829,645 0
Hybrid Securities person
of China-PenghuaDomesticnon-
High Quality state-ownedlegal 1.40% 6,103,406 0
Growth Hybrid person
of China-PenghuaDomesticnon-
ValueSuperiority state-ownedlegal 1.13% 4,943,342 0
Hybrid Securities person
China Merchants
Bank Co.,Ltd.-
InnovationTheme Domesticnon-
3-YearSealed state-ownedlegal 0.68% 2,963,991 0
OperationFlexible person
Hybrid Securities
ConstructionBank Domesticnon-
of China-Penghuastate-ownedlegal 0.61% 2,645,834 0
Selected Growth person
Hybrid Securities
Bank of
Communications- Domesticnon-
CSCL HighQuality state-ownedlegal 0.54% 2,339,400 0
GrowthSecurities person
China Construction
Bank Co.,Ltd.-
FuguoSci-Tech Domesticnon-
Innovation Flexiblestate-ownedlegal 0.53% 2,290,460 0
Configuration person
Hybrid Securities
Shares heldbytop10shareholdersofunrestrictedshares
NamesoftheShareholders Quantityofunrestrictedsharesheld Sharetype
Sharetype Quantity
AVIC InternationalHoldingLimited 162,977,327CNYordinary 162,977,327
ICBC -FuguoTianhuiSelectedGrowth CNYordinary
Hybrid SecuritiesInvestmentFund 12,000,072shares 12,000,072
ConstructionBankofChina-Penghua CNYordinary
Huizhi OptimizedHybridSecurities 9,211,000shares 9,211,000
ICBC -FuguoHi-techIndustryHybrid 7,829,645CNYordinary 7,829,645
SecuritiesInvestmentFund shares
ConstructionBankofChina-Penghua CNYordinary
High QualityGrowthHybridSecurities 6,103,406shares 6,103,406
ConstructionBankofChina-Penghua CNYordinary
ValueSuperiorityHybridSecurities 4,943,342shares 4,943,342
China MerchantsBankCo.,Ltd.-
FuguoSci-TechInnovationTheme3- CNYordinary
YearSealedOperationFlexible 2,963,991shares 2,963,991
ConstructionBankofChina-Penghua CNYordinary
Selected GrowthHybridSecurities 2,645,834shares 2,645,834
Bank ofCommunications-CSCLHigh CNYordinary
Quality GrowthSecuritiesInvestment 2,339,400shares 2,339,400
China ConstructionBankCo.,Ltd.- 2,290,460CNYordinary 2,290,460
Fuguo Sci-TechInnovation Flexible shares
or consistentactionoftheabove Inapplicable
Note tothetop10shareholders
lending (ifany)
Did the top ten common shareholders or top ten shareholders of unrestricted common shares conduct
contractual repurchase during the reporting period?
2. Total Preference Shareholders and the Shareholding by the Top 10 Preference Shareholders
Section 3 Significant Events
I. Financial Data Summary, Statement of Change in the Financial Indicators and the Causes during the Reporting
(I) Items of assets and liabilities
Amountatthe Endofthe Variation
Items endofthe previousyear proportion Causeofthemovement
reporting period (%)
from the growth of the operation revenue, the net
Monetarycapital 515,870,165.61 353,057,285.71 46.12% increase of the bank loans and the increase in
subscriptionpaymentsreceivedfor the implementation
Userightassets 150,191,634.60 0.00 100% Mainlyduetothe influencefromtheimplementationof
Deferredincometax 112,197,900.00 80,913,800.35 38.66% Mainlyduetothe influencefromtheimplementationof
asset thenewstandardsforleaseinthecurrentyear.
Othernon-current 5,216,861.24 13,536,307.13 -61.46% Mainly due to decreaseof the advance payment for
assets refurbishmentofshops.
Advancereceipts: 5,358,910.60 9,991,850.67 -46.37% Mainlyduetothedecreaseinpre-collectedrentfromthe
Payrollpayabletothe 78,191,053.79 132,853,462.20 -41.14% Mainlyduetothedecreaseofthepaymentfortheyear-
employees endperformancebonusduringthereportingperiod.
Mainly due to the increase in repurchaseobligations
Otherpayables 198,715,349.62 128,577,597.94 54.55% brought about by the implementation of the equity
Dividendspayable 1,069,368.55 1,639,513.77 -34.78% incentiveschemePhase II andpaymentof partofthe
Leaseliabilities 152,730,913.89 0.00 100% Mainlyduetothe influencefromtheimplementationof
Deferredincometax 40,474,373.69 3,067,834.55 1219.31% Mainlyduetothe influencefromtheimplementationof
liability thenewstandardsforleaseinthecurrentyear.
Sharesinstock 119,217,908.46 61,633,530.48 93.43% Mainlyduetotheimplementationoftheequityincentive
Othercomprehensive -6,373,398.65 976,871.41 -752.43% Mainly due to the influence from the change of the
income translationbalanceofforeigncurrencystatements.
(II) Profit Statement Items
Sameperiodof Variation
Items Reportingperiod thepreviousyear proportion Causeofthemovement
Operatingrevenue 1,378,277,735.81 588,361,057.06 134.26% Mainly due to the growth of the Company'soperating
Taxesand 7,586,076.81 3,674,419.66 106.46% Mainly dueto the increasein taxes anddues brought
surcharges aboutfromtheincreaseinoperationrevenue.
Salescosts 280,821,158.83 183,463,601.55 53.07% Mainly dueto the correspondingincreasein labor and
channelexpensesresultedfromgrowthofthe operation
Mainly dueto the increasein R&D personnelandthe
R&Dexpenses 13,209,007.18 9,810,864.52 34.64% decreaseinlaborcostsduringtheepidemicinthesame
Financialexpenses 10,191,937.77 7,521,614.69 35.50% Mainlyduetothe increaseofthe bankservicecharges
Otherincome 6,070,986.55 742,609.63 717.52% Mainly due to the increase in governmentsubsidies
Totalprofit 151,948,990.88 -18,524,043.50 920.28% Mainlyduetotheincreaseofgrossprofitmarginbrought
Incometaxexpenses 33,706,891.38 -5,549,247.97 707.41% Mainly due to the increaseof taxes and feesbrought
(III) Items of Cash Flow Statement
Sameperiodof Variation
Items Reportingperiod thepreviousyear proportion Causeofthemovement
Netcashflowsarising Mainly due to the increase of sales receivables
fromoperating 28,711,219.83 -106,747,751.88 126.90% collectedbroughtaboutfromthe increasein operation
activities revenue.
Netcashflowarising Mainlyduetoincreasedinvestmentinrefurbishmentof
frominvestment -45,193,639.61 -24,341,946.96 -85.66% shops.
Netcashflowsarising Mainlydueto the net increaseofthe bank loansand
fromfinancialactivities 179,702,677.16 82,992,799.27 116.53% the subscription payments received for the
implementation oftheEquityIncentivePlanPhase II.
During the first quarter, the domestic mid-to-high-end watch consumption market experienced a continuous growth trend
following the second half of last year. According to the statistics of the Swiss Watch Industry FH, the cumulative value of Swiss
watch exports to China from January to February increased by 90.38% year-on-year, compared with the increase in 2019
which also reached 47.96%. The Company has always adhered to the concept of high-quality development, continued to tamp
basic management, consolidated core competitive advantages, seized market opportunities, and cultivated new growth points.
In the first quarter, the operating revenue reached CNY 1.378 billion, a year-on-year growth of 134.26%, and greatly reversed
the loss in total profit on year-on-year basis.
During the reporting period, the Company continued to focus on the goal of "value creation" and paid close attention to the
implementation of the work. Focusing on “brand power, product power, and channel power”, the Company continued to
strengthen its core competitive advantages. FIYTA Brand unit price per customer, sales discounts, and gross profit margins
continued to increase, series of new products such as MARS 500, Extremity and Heartstrings were successfully launched, and
entered shopping mall channels in an orderly way. The year-on-year revenue growth rate reached 58%; on the basis of the
continuous improvement of single store output, HARMONY World Watch Retail continued to promote channel expansion. The
number of mid-to-high-end channels and brands was further increased. At the same time, it focused on Hainan offshore island
tax-free opportunities to promote channel layout. Some duty-free channel projects have been implemented and operation
revenue continuously keeps rapid growth. The customer-centric digital operation system has been further implemented, and
the contribution to the sales from the potential customer transactions and repurchases of regular customers has been further
improved; the new customers of the precision technology business have expanded smoothly, and the operation revenue has
grown steadily; the technology reserve and product iteration of the smart wearable business have been propelled in an
accelerative way, and the year-on-year operation revenue has experienced a big growth.
During the reporting period, the FIYTA brand was selected as one of the 7th "International Reputation Brands" and was
honorably listed in the "Shenzhen Gifts".
During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China will accelerate the establishment of a “dual circulation” development pattern in
whichdomestic economiccycle plays a leadingrole while internationaleconomiccycle remains its extension andsupplement.
The Company keeps optimistic about the growth prospects of the domestic watch consumer market in the future, and shall
actively seize the opportunities of the times, continue to strengthen its core competitive advantages, and accelerate the
channel layout and structural upgrade; stick to the original aspiration of development, implement the "Big Country Brand"
strategy, strengthen high-end precision technology innovation and R&D investment, accelerate self-centered design and
development and key watchmaking capabilities; continue to cultivate and promote the development of precision technology
and smart wearable businesses. The Company shall take multiple measures simultaneously to enhance the comprehensive
competitiveness of various businesses and continue to push the Company's overall operating performance to a new level.
II. Analysis on and explanation of the progress of important issues and their impacts and solutions
1. Matters in Connection with 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase I)
The 24th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on December 29, 2020 reviewed and approved the Proposal on the
Release Conditions having been Satisfied for the First Release Period of 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase I).
The 1.357641 million restricted shares (accounting for 0.3116% of the Company's total share capital) that could be lifted this
time were listed for trading on February 1, 2021. For the details please refer to the "Indicative Announcement on the First
Release of the Restricted Sales Period and the Listing of the Restricted Shares for Trading Involved in the 2018 A-Share
Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Phase I) 2021-012” disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
According to the “Proposal for Repurchase and Cancellation of the Partially Restricted Shares Involved in 2018 Restricted A-
Share Incentive Scheme (Phase I)” approved at the 26th Sessions of the Ninth Board of Directors held on February 4, 2021
and 2021 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 24, 2021, the Company decided to repurchase and cancel a
total of 51,359 restricted A-shares that were granted with the restriction but not released to the one retired and one deceased
incentive objects in the 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase I). For the details please refer to the
"Announcement on Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Involved in the 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock
Incentive Scheme (Phase I) 2021-019” disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
2. Matters in Connection with 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II)
The 23rd session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on December 4, 2020 and 2021 1st Extraordinary General Meeting held
on January 6, 2021 decided to start 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II) (Draft) and the summary, which was
later on reviewed and approved at the 25th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 15, 2021, and the
Company eventually granted 7.66 million restrictive A-shares to 135 persons eligible for the incentive. This part of restricted A-
shares was all granted by January 15, 2021 and registered for listing by January 29, 2021. After the grant, the Company's total
share capital increased to 435,751,881 shares. For the details please refer to the "Announcement on Completion of the Grant
Involved in the 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II) 2021-011” disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong
Commercial Daily and
According to the “Proposal for Repurchase and Cancellation of the Partial Restricted Shares Involved in 2018 Restricted A-
Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II)” approved at the 26th Sessions of the Ninth Board of Directors held on February 4, 2021
and 2021 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 24, 2021, the Company decided to repurchase and cancel a
total of 150,000 restricted A-shares that were granted with the restriction but not released to the one retired incentive object in
the 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II). For the details please refer to the "Announcement on Repurchase
and Cancellation of Partial Restricted Shares Involved in the 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II) 2021-020”
disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
3. About the Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
The 25th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on January 15, 2021, reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the
Appointment of the General Manager of the Company" and the "Proposal on the Appointment of the Secretary of the Board of
the Company” according to which Mr. Pan Bo was appointed as the General Manager, Mr. Chen Zhuo was appointed as the
Secretary of the Board with the tenure from the date of approval by the Board of Directors to the date of ending of the Ninth
Board of Directors. For the detail, please refer to the “Announcement on the Change of the Senior Executives 2021-010”
disclosed by the Company on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
The 26th session of the Ninth Board of Directors of the Company held on February 4, 2021 and 2021 2nd Extraordinary
General Meeting held on February 24, 2021 reviewed and passed the "Proposal on the Proposed Change of Directors”
according to which Mr. Zhang Zhibiao, Mr. Xiao Yi, Mr. Li Peiyin and Mr. Pan Bo were elected non-independent directors of the
Ninth Board of Directors of the Company with the tenure from the date of the approval by the general meeting to the date of
expiry of the Ninth Board of Directors. For the detail, please refer to the “Announcement on the Proposed Change of Directors
2021-017” disclosed by the Company on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
The 23rd session of the Ninth Board of Directors of the Company held on February 4, 2021 and 2021 2nd Extraordinary
General Meeting held on February 24, 2021 reviewed and passed the "Proposal on the Proposed Change of Supervisors”
according to which Mr. Zheng Qiyuan and Ms. Cao Zhen were elected non-staff supervisors of the Ninth Supervisory
Committee the Company with the tenure from the date of the approval by the general meeting to the date of expiry of the Ninth
Supervisory Committee. For the detail, please refer to the “Announcement on the Proposed Change of Supervisors 2021-018”
disclosed by the Company on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
4. About the Amendment of the Articles of Association
The 26th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on February 4, 2021 reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the
Amendment of the Articles of Association" according to which the relevant articles of the Articles of Association concerning the
practical situation upon completion of the award based on 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II) have been
updated. For the detail, refer to the Proposal on the Amendment of the Articles of Association disclosed on the Securities
Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
5. About the Change of Accounting Policies
The 27th session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on March 8, 2021 reviewed and approved the "Proposal on Change in
the Accounting Policies". According to the relevant provisions of the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21-
Lease" revised by the Ministry of Finance, the Company shall implement the updated standards for lease commencing from
January 1, 2021. For the detail, please refer to the “Announcement on Change of the Accounting Policies 2021-030” disclosed
by the Company on the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
OverviewoftheSignificantEvents Dateofdisclosure InquiryIndexof theWebsiteDisclosingInterimReports
AnnouncementontheResolutionof20211st January07,2021
AnnouncementontheChangeoftheSeniorExecutivesof January16,2021
the Company2021-010
the 2018RestrictedA-ShareIncentiveScheme(PhaseII) January28,2021
Shares forTradingReleasedintheFirstReleasePeriod January29,2021
(Phase I)2021-012”
AnnouncementontheProposedChangeofDirectors February05,2021
AnnouncementontheProposedChangeofSupervisors February05,2021
Partial RestrictedSharesInvolvedinthe2018Restricted February05,2021
A-Share IncentiveScheme(PhaseI)2021-019”
Partial RestrictedSharesInvolvedinthe2018Restricted February05,2021
A-Share IncentiveScheme(PhaseII)2021-020”
Proposal ontheAmendmentoftheArticlesofAssociation February05,2021
AnnouncementontheResolutionof20212nd February25,2021
AnnouncementontheChangeofAccountingPolicies March10,2021
Progress of implementation of the stock repurchase
The 19th Session of the Ninth Board of Directors held on July 6, 2020 and 2020 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting held on
July 23, 2020 reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Repurchase of Partial Domestically Listed Foreign Shares (B- Shares)”,
and subsequently disclosed the repurchase report and a series of progress announcements in accordance with relevant
regulations. For the detail, refer to the relevant announcement disclosed in the Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Ended the reporting period, the Company accumulatively repurchased 8,994,086 shares in the Company through a centralized
bidding method with the special account for the securities repurchased , accounting for 2. 06% of the Company’s total share
capital. The highest transaction price of the repurchased shares was HK$6.74 per share, and the lowest transaction price was
HK$5.93/share, the total amount paid was HK$ 58,207,259.08 (with the stamp duty, commission and other transaction costs
exclusive). The repurchase activity complies with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations as well as the Company's
established repurchase plan.
Progress of implementation of reduction of the holding size of the shares repurchased by centralized bidding
III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company's actual controller, shareholders, related parties,
acquirer, the Company, etc. in the reporting period and commitments unfinished in implementation during the
reporting period
IV. Financial assets investment
1. Portfolio investment
2. Investment in derivatives
V. Progress of the projects invested with the raised capital
VI. Prediction of the performances from January to June, 2021
VII. Important contracts for day-to-day operation
VIII. Finance management on commission
IX. Outward guarantee against regulations
XI. Non-operational occupancy of the company’s capital by the controlling shareholder and its related parties
XI. Registration form of the activities, such as reception of survey, communications, interviews, etc. during the
reporting period
Reception Placeof Wayof Typesof Maincontentsdiscussedand IndexofBasicInformation
time reception reception Visitors VisitorsReceived informationprovided ontheInvestigationand
Received Survey
In ordertoprovideinvestorswitha
Extensive investors’ situation,theCompanyhelda2020
WechatMini participationinthe OnlinePerformanceBriefingand
March25, ProgramTitled Company's2020 conductedcommunicationsand mpany/companyDetail?stockc
2021 “FIYTA Others Others AnnualOnline exchangewithinvestorsonthe ode=000026&orgId=gssz0000
Relationship Performance Company’s2020operatingstatus, 026
withInvestors Presentationby developmentstrategy,watchbrand
network remotenessbusiness,watchretailservice
business, anddevelopmentof
Board of Directors ofFIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
April 13, 2021