Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
In recent years, China's capital market continues to open to the outside world and encouraged
foreign investors to participate in the financial market of China. Guangdong Dongfang Precision
Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ”the company”) discloses its Q1 2020
Report in English, that we believe can enables for foreign investors to obtain information about the
company's operation and finance more conveniently, and fully convey the investment value of the
company to them, and at the same time help continuously improving the company's international
As the report involves many professional terms translation of Corrugated packaging machinery
industry and financial accounting, the company has made great efforts to ensure the accurate
translation of the original content, but there may still be some inadequacies.
The company hereby declares that in case of any ambiguity in your understanding of the Chinese
version and English version of the Q1 2020 Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.
Q1 2020 Report
April 2020
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Section 1 Important Notice
The company's board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors,
and senior management ensure that the contents of the quarterly report are true,
accurate, and complete, that there are no false records, misleading statements,
or major omissions, and if there are any, we shall bear individual and joint legal
All the directors attended the board meeting to review this quarterly report.
Tang Zhuolin, person in charge of the company, Qiu Yezhi, person in charge of
accounting work, and Qiu Yezhi, person in charge of accounting institutions
(accounting officer) hereby confirm that the financial report in the quarterly
report is true, accurate and complete.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Section 2 Basic information of the company
I. Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
Does the company need to retroactively adjust or restate previous year's accounting data
□ YES √ NO
Increase or decrease
Current Period Same period of last year
by...than the previous period
Operating income (yuan) 618,374,944.67 1,199,609,998.96 -48.45%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
47,491,377.77 26,225,836.51 81.09%
listed companies (yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
listed companies after deducting 25,666,651.19 23,381,604.22 9.77%
non-recurring gains and losses (yuan)
Net cash flow from operating activities
-85,471,622.64 419,627,201.97 -120.37%
Basic earnings per share (yuan / share) 0.03 0.01 200.00%
Diluted earnings per share (yuan / share) 0.03 0.01 200.00%
Weighted average return on net assets 1.09% 0.66% 0.43%
Increase or decrease
At the end of the reporting At the end of last year
by...than the previous period
Total assets (yuan) 6,367,537,031.88 6,273,516,157.31 1.50%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of
4,384,368,109.33 4,337,064,607.87 1.09%
listed companies (yuan)
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Non-recurring items and amounts
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: yuan
Amount from year-begin
Item Explanation
Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss
(closely related to the business of the enterprise, except for
government subsidies that are fixed or quantified according to the
national unified standard)
In addition to the effective hedging business related to the
company's normal business operations, holding transactional
financial assets, derivative financial assets, transactional financial
Mainly for the bank wealth
liabilities, fair value changes in derivative financial liabilities, and 23,139,327.66
management income
disposal of transactional financial assets and derivative financial
investment income from assets, trading financial liabilities,
derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above 2,008,464.03
Deduct: the amount of income tax impact 3,857,143.82
Minority shareholders' equity impact (after tax) 13,987.37
In total 21,824,726.58 --
For the company's non-recurring gains and losses items defined by the "Announcement No. 1 of Information Disclosure by
Companies Offering Securities to the Public — Non-recurring Gains and Losses" and the non-recurring gains and losses items
defined by "Announcement No. 1 of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public —Non-recurring Gains
and Losses" as recurring gains and losses, the reasons should be explained
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there were no situations in which the non-recurring gains and losses items listed in
accordance with the definition of "Announcement No. 1 of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public —
Non-recurring Gains and Losses" were defined and listed as recurring gains and losses
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
II. Total shareholders at the end of the reporting period and the top ten shareholders'
shareholding table
1. The total number of ordinary shareholders and the number of preferred shareholders with voting rights
restored and the top 10 shareholders' shareholding table
Unit: shares
Total number of preferred
Total number of ordinary
shareholders with voting rights
shareholders at the end of the 50,278 0
restored at the end of the reporting
reporting period
period (if any)
The top 10 shareholders
Nature of Shareholding Number of shares Pledge or freeze situation
Name of shareholder Number of shares with limited sales
shareholders ratio conditions Share status Quantity
Tang Zhuolin natural 17.52% 270,737,568 203,053,176 Pledge 187,000,000
Tang Zhuomian natural 8.79% 135,885,134 0
Pulead Technology State-owned
4.97% 76,810,172 76,810,172 Pledge 76,810,172
Industry Co.,Ltd. legal person
Beijing Automotive
Group Industry 3.14% 48,511,689 48,511,689
legal person
Investment Co.,Ltd.
Amperex Technology 3.01% 46,490,368 46,490,368
ned legal
Co. Limited
Ruan Huili natural 2.92% 45,087,232 0
Investment Investment 2.54% 39,215,685 0
legal person
Co., Ltd.
Luzhou Industrial
Investment Group 2.06% 31,770,010 0
legal person
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Securities-Huarong Other 2.03% 31,372,549 0
Youzhi No. 1
Collective Asset
Management Plan
Qinghai Puren Domestic
Intelligent Technology non-state-ow
1.72% 26,628,340 26,628,340 Pledge 22,110,216
R & D Center ned legal
(Limited Partnership) person
Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders with unlimited sales
Types of shares
Name of shareholder Number of shares with unlimited sales held
Types of shares Quantity
RMB common
Tang Zhuomian 135,885,134 135,885,134
RMB common
Tang Zhuolin 67,684,392 67,684,392
RMB common
Ruan Huili 45,087,232 45,087,232
Construction Investment Investment RMB common
39,215,685 39,215,685
Co., Ltd. stock
Luzhou Industrial Investment Group RMB common
31,770,010 31,770,010
Co., Ltd. stock
Huarong Securities-China
Merchants Securities-Huarong RMB common
31,372,549 31,372,549
Youzhi No. 1 Collective Asset stock
Management Plan
Sheng Ji Equity Investment Fund RMB common
19,607,843 19,607,843
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. stock
RMB common
Ruan Weixing 14,704,108 14,704,108
RMB common
Liang Tongcan 11,000,000 11,000,000
Hong Kong Securities Clearing 10,871,293 RMB common 10,871,293
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Company Limited stock
Mr. Tang Zhuolin and Mr. Tang Zhuomian are brothers. On August 18, 2010, the two signed a
"Consistent Action Agreement."Pulead Technology Industry Co.,Ltd. and Qinghai Puren
Explanation of the relationship or
Intelligent Technology R & D Center (Limited Partnership) belongs to the consistent actionist
concerted action of the aforesaid
relationship. Beijing Automotive Group Industry Investment Co.,Ltd. and Beiqi Foton Motor
Co., Ltd. belongs to the consistent actionist relationship.The company is not aware of whether
there is an associated relationship or a concerted action other aforesaid shareholders.
Explanation of the top 10 common
stock shareholders' participation in
financing and securities lending
business (if any)
Whether the top 10 ordinary shareholders of the company and the top 10 ordinary shareholders of unrestricted shares in the report
period conducted agreed repurchase transactions
□ Yes √ No
The top 10 common stock shareholders of the company and the top 10 common stock shareholders with unrestricted sales conditions
did not engage in agreed buyback transactions during the reporting period.
2. The total number of preferred shareholders of the company and the top 10 preferred shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Section 3 Important matters
I. The main financial data and financial indicators during the reporting period have changed and the reasons
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: yuan
1.Balance sheet items
Ending Opening Change
Sheet items Change amount Explanation of the reason for the change
balance Balance rate
-46.30% Mainly due to the recovery of due wealth
Trading financial assets 625,117,440.46 1,164,039,381.59 -538,921,941.13
management products.
-39.10% Mainly due to the maturity of some bank
Receivable financing 33,766,966.67 55,447,099.32 -21,680,132.65
acceptance bills.
Prepayments 34,587,322.69 25,901,123.85 8,686,198.84 33.54% Mainly due to increased procurement.
426.61% Mainly due to the prepayment of corporate income
Other current assets 117,677,005.17 22,346,314.29 95,330,690.88 tax, it will be refunded after the completion of the
corporate income tax settlement.
Short-term loan 75,568,139.52 117,888,353.14 -42,320,213.62 -35.90% Mainly due to loan repayment.
Bills payable 60,169,018.21 43,973,859.51 16,195,158.70 36.83% Mainly due to increased procurement.
Non-current liabilities due within 34.19% Mainly due to reclassification of long-term loans
474,214,939.69 353,399,238.29 120,815,701.40
one year due within one year.
Long-term loan 32,406,010.94 224,146,667.48 -191,740,656.54 -85.54% Mainly due to reclassification of long-term loans
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
due within one year.
2.Income statement items
This period Previous period
Sheet items (January to (January to Change amount Explanation of the reason for the change
March 2020) March 2019)
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Operating income 618,374,944.67 1,199,609,998.96 -581,235,054.29 -48.45% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Operating cost 457,636,080.05 992,610,812.80 -534,974,732.75 -53.90% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Management fees 55,671,100.82 74,708,510.39 -19,037,409.57 -25.48% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
R&D expenses 13,749,361.22 26,167,032.77 -12,417,671.55 -47.46% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Financial expenses 3,624,557.98 10,543,314.24 -6,918,756.26 -65.62% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Income tax expense 15,109,392.60 22,903,255.15 -7,793,862.55 -34.03% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
3.Cash flow statement items
This period Previous period
Sheet items (January to (January to Change amount Explanation of the reason for the change
March 2020) March 2019)
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Net cash flow from operating
-85,471,622.64 419,627,201.97 -505,098,824.61 -120.37% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
The main reason is that the scope of consolidated
Net cash flows from investing
485,264,213.23 -953,714,856.61 1,438,979,069.84 -150.88% statements for the same period last year contains
Pride's January-March 2019 data.
This is mainly due to the fact that the scope of the
consolidated statement for the same period last
Net cash flow from financing year contains Pride's data for January-March 2019,
-92,031,901.83 -140,352,574.44 48,320,672.61 -34.43%
activities and that the company implemented its own funds
to buy back shares during the same period last
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
II. Analysis of the progress of important matters, their impact and solutions
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Overview of the company's overall operations in the first quarter of 2020
In the first quarter of 2020, the occurrence of a new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak had a negative impact on the
health and safety of the people across the country and the normal development of economic activities in all aspects of
society. Under the strong leadership of the Party and the government, Dongfang Precision actively deployed the
epidemic prevention and control work, and worked together with all walks of life and the people of the country to fight
the epidemic together. Under the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control and ensuring the
safety of all employees, the company actively promotes the resumption of work and production in accordance with the
overall arrangement of governments at all levels. During the reporting period, the overall main business maintained a
relatively stable trend, and there was no significant change in main business income due to the epidemic.
The epidemic has only a short-term, temporary impact on the normal business activities of the company's domestic
business entities, mainly due to the delay in resumption of work compared with previous years, the temporary delay in
procurement and supply, and the temporary obstruction of marketing services due to inconvenient transportation. The
above factors have little impact on the normal operations of business entities in various countries in the first quarter of
In the first quarter of 2020, within the scope authorized by the board of directors, the investment income obtained
by the company using idle self-owned funds to purchase wealth management products increased significantly
year-on-year, which had a positive impact on the company's overall profit and loss in the first quarter of 2020.
2. Summary of the progress of the company's major events in the first quarter of 2020
(1) Launch the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan
In order to improve the company's long-term incentive mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the company's
management personnel and core backbones at all levels, effectively promote the company's long-term development, and
achieve the purpose of "stabilizing the team, invigorating morale, gathering talents, and improving performance", in the
first quarter of 2020 the company launched restricted stock incentive plan, using 27 million A shares of common stock
repurchased by the company from the secondary market as incentive shares, of which 22.85 million shares were granted
for the first time, accounting for 1.48% of the total share capital; 4.15 million shares were reserved, accounting for
0.27% of the total share capital, and the reserved portion accounted for 15.37% of the total equity granted this time. The
grant price of restricted stock is 1 yuan / share. The total number of incentive objects granted for the first time is 42
persons, which are the directors, senior management personnel and core technical (business) personnel who served in
the company (including subsidiaries, same as below) when the company announced this incentive plan.
The 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan has been reviewed and approved by the 43rd (Interim) Meeting of the
3rd Board of Directors of the Company and the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 11,
2020 and March 27, 2020 . The company held the forty-fourth (interim) meeting of the third session of the Board of
Directors on March 27, 2020, and reviewed and approved the Proposal on Granting Restricted Stocks to Incentives on
March 27.
(2) The investment project of the non-public offering of funds raised in 2017 is terminated and the surplus funds
are permanently replenished
The company's original planned investment project of “Pride Liyang Base New Energy Automobile Battery R & D
and Industrialization Project” in 2017 by the non-public offering of shares to raise supporting funds, as the company
transferred 100% equity of Pride, no longer has any level of relationship with Dongfang Precision, and the continued
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
implementation of the fundraising project no longer has any commercial rationality and feasibility. In view of this, the
investment project of the non-public offering of funds raised in 2017 has in fact been automatically terminated at the
end of 2019 when the company's sale of Pride's equity was completed.
In view of the fact that the non-public offering of funds raised in 2017 has been terminated, in order to effectively
use funds to optimize resource allocation, enlarge and strengthen the main business of listed companies, enhance the
value creation capabilities of listed companies and create more value for shareholders, the company decided to use the
surplus raised funds of approximately 1.10779 billion to permanently supplement working capital. This matter has been
reviewed and approved by the 2020 First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 27, 2020.
(3) Revision of the articles of company
Based on the changes in the company's actual situation (such as total share capital, etc.), as well as the revision of
the higher-level laws such as the "Company Law" and "Listed Company Governance Guidelines" from 2018 to 2019,
combined with the actual needs of the company, promoting the creation of a relatively stable internal and external
development environment of the company allows the company to focus on the development of its main business of
“high-end intelligent equipment”. The Company's 43rd (Interim) Meeting of the 3rd Board of Directors and the 1st
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 11, 2020 and March 27, 2020 respectively reviewed and
approved the motion on "Revision of
Interim report disclosure website query
Overview of important matters Disclosure date
"Restrictive Stock Incentive Plan 2020 (Draft)" and its
March 12, 2020
"Announcement on Granting Restricted Stocks to
March 28, 2020
"Announcement on the Termination of the Fund-raising
Investment Project and the Permanent Replenishment of March 12, 2020
the Raised Funds to Replenish the Working Capital"
"Announcement on Amending the Articles of Company" March 12, 2020
Implementation progress of share repurchase
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of centralized bidding to reduce holdings of repurchased shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III. The actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, purchasers and the company's
commitments related to the company's commitments that were not fulfilled during the
reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there were no actual commitments of the company's actual controllers, shareholders,
related parties, purchasers, companies, and other related parties that failed to fulfill their commitments during the reporting period.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
IV. Securities investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no securities investments in the company during the reporting period.
V. Entrusted financial management
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: ten thousand yuan
Source of funds for Entrusted financial Overdue amount not
Specific type Outstanding balance
entrusted financing management recovered
Bank wealth
Own funds 167,300 48,300 0
management products
Bank wealth
Funds raised 65,000 15,000 0
management products
In total 232,300 63,300 0
The specific situation of high-risk entrusted financial management with large single amount or low security, poor liquidity and
non-guaranteed capital
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The entrusted financial management has expected that the principal cannot be recovered or there are other situations that may cause
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. Derivatives investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no derivative investment during the reporting period.
VII. External guarantees in violation of regulations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company had no violations of external guarantees.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
VIII. Non-operating capital occupation of listed companies by controlling shareholders and
their related parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there was no non-operating capital occupation of the listed company by the controlling
shareholder and its related parties.
IX. Registration form for reception of research, communication, interviews and other
activities during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company did not receive reception research, communication, interviews and other activities.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Section 4 Financial Statements
I. Financial Statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by: Guangdong Dongfang Precision aScience&Technology Co., Ltd.
March 31, 2020
Unit: yuan
Item March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019
Current assets:
Money funds 2,655,577,430.72 2,356,703,434.60
Settlement provisions
Dismantling funds
Trading financial assets 625,117,440.46 1,164,039,381.59
Derivative financial assets
Bill receivable
Accounts receivable 673,374,745.46 597,431,210.02
Receivable financing 33,766,966.67 55,447,099.32
Prepayments 34,587,322.69 25,901,123.85
Premium receivable
Receivable reinsurance account
Provision for reinsurance contract
Other receivables 89,605,064.33 79,573,114.49
Among them: interest receivable 13,401,884.49 721,935.36
Dividend receivable
Buy back resale financial assets
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Stock 760,559,444.35 671,432,701.11
Contract assets
Holding assets for sale
Non-current assets due within one year 356,983.48
Other current assets 117,677,005.17 22,346,314.29
Total current assets 4,990,265,419.85 4,973,231,362.75
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances
Debt investment
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment 72,375,114.41 72,372,355.03
Investment in other equity instruments
Other non-current financial assets 16,548,312.44 20,559,159.34
Investment real estate
Fixed assets 575,909,823.91 585,754,900.75
Construction in progress 4,530,801.79 4,839,241.48
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas asset
Right-of-use asset
Intangible assets 314,561,462.16 249,882,429.53
Development expenditure
Goodwill 329,151,254.50 306,633,631.93
Long-term prepaid expenses 8,769,493.33 8,699,236.33
Deferred tax assets 52,893,166.43 49,025,021.61
Other non-current assets 2,532,183.06 2,518,818.56
Total non-current assets 1,377,271,612.03 1,300,284,794.56
Total assets 6,367,537,031.88 6,273,516,157.31
Current liabilities:
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Short-term loan 75,568,139.52 117,888,353.14
Borrowing from the Central Bank
Borrowed funds
Transactional financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Bills payable 60,169,018.21 43,973,859.51
Accounts payable 548,347,360.71 472,862,744.45
Advance payment 336,881,113.13 286,511,724.62
Contract liabilities
Selling back financial assets
Deposits and Interbank deposit
Agent trading securities
Agent underwriting securities
Staff payable 111,654,441.27 106,677,329.95
Taxes payable 56,773,113.39 48,928,229.51
Other payables 76,911,742.74 90,950,443.16
Of which: interest payable 1,513,311.86 1,410,745.58
Dividend payable
Fees and commissions
Reinsurance accounts payable
Holding liabilities for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one
474,214,939.69 353,399,238.29
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities 1,740,519,868.66 1,521,191,922.63
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long term loan 32,406,010.94 224,146,667.48
Bonds payable
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Of which: preferred stock
Perpetual debt
Lease liability
Long-term payables
Long-term payable employee
16,796,539.98 12,252,657.36
Estimated liabilities 96,931,864.44 78,650,466.48
Deferred income 17,922,228.74 18,275,808.90
Deferred income tax liabilities 15,186,840.20 16,915,692.91
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities 179,243,484.30 350,241,293.13
Total Liabilities 1,919,763,352.96 1,871,433,215.76
Owners' equity:
Share capital 1,545,126,957.00 1,838,647,096.00
Other equity instruments
Of which: preferred stock
Perpetual debt
Capital reserve 4,155,897,976.84 3,862,377,838.84
Minus: treasury shares 160,088,925.60 160,088,925.60
Other comprehensive income 24,783,210.01 24,971,085.32
Special reserves
Surplus reserve 51,830,974.45 51,830,974.45
General risk preparation
Undistributed profit -1,233,182,083.37 -1,280,673,461.14
Total equity attributable to owners of
4,384,368,109.33 4,337,064,607.87
parent company
Minority shareholder interest 63,405,569.59 65,018,333.68
Total owner's equity 4,447,773,678.92 4,402,082,941.55
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity 6,367,537,031.88 6,273,516,157.31
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Legal representative: Tang Zhuolin Chief in charge of accounting work: Qiu Yezhi Head of accounting institution: Qiu Yezhi
2. Parent Company Balance Sheet
Unit: yuan
Item March 31, 2020 December 31, 2019
Current assets:
Money funds 2,287,934,652.30 1,899,380,375.38
Settlement provisions 614,797,561.65 1,163,000,000.00
Derivative financial assets.
Notes receivable.
Accounts receivable. 155,333,368.60 151,096,214.10
Receivable financing. 26,843,377.48 51,139,322.12
Advance payment. 6,342,475.76 3,233,763.27
Other receivables. 139,739,058.62 36,670,496.12
Among them: interest receivable.
Dividend receivable.
Inventory. 121,497,216.14 111,225,290.10
Contract assets.
Hold assets for sale.
Non current assets due within one year. 356,983.48
Other current assets. 111,430.05 4,961,417.06
Total current assets. 3,352,599,140.60 3,421,063,861.63
Non-current assets:
Debt investment.
Other creditor's rights investment.
Long-term receivables.
Long-term equity investment. 439,644,635.72 439,638,782.00
Investment in other equity instruments.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Other illiquid financial assets.
Investment real estate.
Fixed assets. 334,765,818.28 340,791,611.76
Project under construction. 106,248.16 83,070.80
Productive biological assets.
Oil and gas assets.
Right to use assets.
Intangible assets. 60,378,747.78 60,733,612.10
Development expenditure.
Long-term prepaid expenses. 3,300,976.43 3,335,014.92
Deferred income tax assets. 4,923,465.18 4,923,465.18
Other non-current assets. 585,189.00 585,189.00
Total non-current assets. 843,705,080.55 850,090,745.76
Total assets. 4,196,304,221.15 4,271,154,607.39
Current liabilities:
Short-term loan. 90,000,000.00
Transactional financial liabilities.
Derivative financial liabilities.
Notes payable. 54,311,385.48 43,843,859.51
Accounts payable. 42,861,601.13 70,687,704.41
Advance payment. 31,445,797.73 17,451,789.10
Contractual liability.
Salary payable to staff and workers. 23,048,395.99 26,144,254.56
Taxes payable. 6,468,515.35 1,921,575.57
Other payables. 44,781,046.66 50,214,415.95
Among them: interest payable.
Dividend payable.
Hold unsold liabilities.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Non-current liabilities due within one
Other current liabilities.
Total current liabilities. 202,916,742.34 300,263,599.10
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan.
Bonds payable.
Among them: preferred stock.
Perpetual debt.
Lease liability.
Long-term payable.
Long-term salary payable to staff and
Estimated liability.
Deferred return. 14,144,466.66 14,423,631.66
Deferred income tax liability.
Other non-current liabilities.
Total non-current liabilities. 14,144,466.66 14,423,631.66
Total liabilities. 217,061,209.00 314,687,230.76
Owner's equity:
Capital stock. 1,545,126,957.00 1,838,647,096.00
Other equity instruments.
Among them: preferred stock.
Perpetual debt.
Capital reserve. 3,902,111,740.42 3,608,591,602.42
Minus: inventory stock. 160,088,925.60 160,088,925.60
Other comprehensive income.
Special reserve.
Surplus reserve. 51,830,974.45 51,830,974.45
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Undistributed profit. -1,359,737,734.12 -1,382,513,370.64
Total owner's equity. 3,979,243,012.15 3,956,467,376.63
Total liabilities and owners' equity 4,196,304,221.15 4,271,154,607.39
3. Consolidated Income Statement
Unit: yuan
The occurrence amount of the previous
Item Current occurrence amount.
1 Total operating income 618,374,944.67 1,199,609,998.96
Of which: operating income 618,374,944.67 1,199,609,998.96
Interest income
Premiums earned
Fee and commission income
2. Total operating cost 581,488,481.66 1,152,880,053.50
Among them: operating cost. 457,636,080.05 992,610,812.80
Interest expense.
Payment of fees and commission.
Surrender fund.
Net indemnity expenditure.
Draw the net reserve of insurance
liability contract.
Policy dividend expense.
Reinsurance cost.
Taxes and surcharges. 3,914,520.73 3,818,024.80
Selling expenses. 46,892,860.86 45,032,358.50
Administrative expenses. 55,671,100.82 74,708,510.39
Research and development expenses. 13,749,361.22 26,167,032.77
Financial expenses. 3,624,557.98 10,543,314.24
Among them: interest expense. 4,578,253.59 13,397,170.73
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Interest income. 5,541,448.43 9,974,322.98
Plus: other income. 548,066.08 1,432,189.66
Investment income (loss with "-" sign). 21,624,480.68 3,533,941.09
Among them: the return on investment in
5,853.72 877,146.30
collaborative ventures and joint ventures.
Termination of recognition of income
from financial assets measured at
amortized cost.
Exchange gain (loss with "-" sign).
Net exposure hedging gain (loss with "-"
Fair value change income (loss with "-"
Loss of credit impairment (loss is listed
with "-" sign).
Loss on impairment of assets (loss with
-1,594,314.49 -653,989.02
"-" sign).
Income from asset disposal (loss with "-"
3 Operating profit (losses are listed with
58,979,542.26 51,078,938.61
"-" sign).
Plus: non-operating income. 2,379,749.43 799,361.91
Minus: non-operating expenses. 371,285.41 1,652,114.06
4 The total profit (the total loss shall be
60,988,006.28 50,226,186.46
filled in with the sign "-").
Minus: income tax expenses. 15,109,392.60 22,903,255.15
5. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-"
45,878,613.68 27,322,931.31
(1) Classified by business sustainability.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
1. Net profit from continuing operations
45,878,613.68 27,322,931.31
(net loss with "-" sign).
2.Net profit from termination of
operation (net loss with "-" sign).
(2)Classification according to ownership.
1.Net profit attributable to the owner of
47,491,377.77 26,225,836.51
the parent company.
2.Minority shareholders' profit and loss. -1,612,764.09 1,097,094.80
6 Net after tax of other comprehensive
-187,875.31 -8,376,849.01
Net after tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to the owner of the -187,875.31 -8,377,294.20
parent company.
(1) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss.
1. Re-measure the change in the benefit
2 Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method.
3. Changes in fair value of investments in
other equity instruments.
4. Fair value change of enterprise's own
credit risk.
(2) Other comprehensive income
-187,875.31 -7,762,015.01
reclassified into profit or loss.
1. Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred to profit or loss under the
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
equity method.
2.Changes in fair value of other creditor's
rights investments.
3.The amount of financial assets
reclassified to other comprehensive
4.Provision for credit impairment of other
creditor's rights investment.
5.Cash flow hedging reserve. -1,590,667.99
6.Translation difference of foreign
-187,875.31 -6,171,347.02
currency financial statements.
Net after tax of other consolidated
income attributable to minority 445.19
7 Total comprehensive income. 45,690,738.37 18,946,082.30
Total consolidated income attributable to
47,303,502.46 17,848,542.31
the owner of the parent company.
Total consolidated income attributable to
-1,612,764.09 1,097,539.99
minority shareholders.
8. Earnings per share:
(1) Basic earnings per share. 0.03 0.01
(2) Diluted earnings per share 0.03 0.01
In the case of a business merger under the same control in the current period, the net profit realized by the merged party before the
merger is: yuan, and the net profit realized by the merged party in the previous period is: yuan.
Legal representative: Tang Zhuolin Chief in charge of accounting work: Qiu Yezhi Head of accounting institution: Qiu Yezhi
4. Parent company profit statement
Unit: yuan
Item Current occurrence amount. The occurrence amount of the previous
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
I. Business income. 62,887,114.38 68,814,402.33
Minus: operating cost. 37,107,803.20 47,277,204.62
Taxes and surcharges. 3,010,272.32 2,388,328.74
Selling expenses. 5,190,034.53 4,451,112.02
Administrative expenses. 12,720,151.52 19,302,391.12
Research and development expenses. 4,486,308.96 2,384,477.64
Financial expenses. -841,953.60 -2,055,941.98
Among them: interest expense. 1,200,483.33 1,497,825.01
Interest income. 4,074,411.00 7,683,073.12
Plus: other income. 279,165.00 959,165.00
Investment income (loss with "-" sign). 21,579,176.54 3,206,549.49
Among them: the return on investment
in joint ventures and combined 5,853.72 550,566.03
Termination of recognition of gains on
financial assets measured at amortised
cost (loss with "-" sign).
Net exposure hedging gain (loss with
"-" sign).
Fair value change income (loss with "-"
Loss of credit impairment (loss is listed
with "-" sign).
Loss on impairment of assets (loss with
"-" sign).
Income from asset disposal (loss with
"-" sign).
2. Operating profit (loss shall be listed
24,870,400.39 -767,455.34
with "-" sign).
Plus: non-operating income. 2,243,761.00 7,081.21
Minus: non-operating expenses. 316,600.00 123,933.13
3. The total profit (the total loss shall be
26,797,561.39 -884,307.26
filled in with the sign "-").
Minus: income tax expenses. 4,021,924.87 16,786.67
4. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-"
22,775,636.52 -901,093.93
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
(1) Net profit from continuing operation
(net loss with "-" sign).
(2) Net profit from termination of
operation (net loss with "-" sign).
5. Net after tax of other comprehensive
(1) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss.
1. Re-measure the change in the benefit
2 Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method.
3. Changes in fair value of investments
in other equity instruments.
4. Fair value change of enterprise's own
credit risk.
5. Other.
(2) Other comprehensive income
reclassified into profit or loss.
1. Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred to profit or loss under the
equity method.
2 Changes in fair value of other
creditor's rights investments.
3.The amount of financial assets
reclassified to other comprehensive
4.Provision for credit impairment of
other creditor's rights investment.
5.Cash flow hedging reserve.
6.Conversion difference of foreign
currency financial statements.
6. Total comprehensive income. 22,775,636.52 -901,093.93
7. Earnings per share:
(1) Basic earnings per share.
(2) Diluted earnings per share
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
5.Consolidated statement of cash flows
Unit: yuan
The occurrence amount of the previous
Item Current occurrence amount.
1 Cash flow generated by business
Cash received from the sale of goods
695,219,287.09 2,589,521,846.32
and the provision of services.
Net increase in customer deposits and
interbank deposits.
Net increase in borrowing from the
central bank.
Net increase in funds transferred to
other financial institutions.
Cash received from the premium of the
original insurance contract.
Net cash received from reinsurance
Net increase in depositors' deposits and
investment funds.
Cash that collects interest, commission
and commission.
Net increase in borrowed funds.
Net increase in funds for repurchase
Net cash received by agents buying and
selling securities.
Tax refund received. 10,664,890.52 12,253,710.66
Receipt of other cash related to business 13,948,141.53 17,676,031.71
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Subtotal cash inflows from operating
719,832,319.14 2,619,451,588.69
Cash paid for the purchase of goods and
536,072,255.86 1,657,037,695.71
Net increase in customer loans and
Net increase in central bank and
interbank deposits.
Cash to pay the indemnity of the
original insurance contract.
Net increase in loan funds
Cash for the payment of interest, fees
and commissions.
Cash for the payment of policy
Cash paid to and for employees. 55,012,239.65 159,977,929.19
Taxes and fees paid. 16,347,988.73 314,173,332.24
Payment of other cash related to
197,871,457.54 68,635,429.58
business activities.
Subtotal cash outflow from operating
805,303,941.78 2,199,824,386.72
Net cash flow from operating activities. -85,471,622.64 419,627,201.97
2. Cash flow generated by investment
Recover the cash received from the
Cash received from investment income. 2,655,983.46
Net cash recovered from disposal of 63,805.26
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets.
Disposal of net cash received by
subsidiaries and other business units.
Receipt of other cash related to
593,724,030.96 280,400,666.67
investment activities.
Subtotal cash inflows from investment
593,724,030.96 283,120,455.39
Cash paid for the purchase and
construction of fixed assets, intangible 74,459,817.73 11,780,285.08
assets and other long-term assets.
Cash paid for investment.
Net increase in pledged loans.
Obtain net cash paid by subsidiaries and
other business units.
Payment of other cash related to
34,000,000.00 1,225,055,026.92
investment activities.
Subtotal cash outflow from investment
108,459,817.73 1,236,835,312.00
Net cash flow from investment
485,264,213.23 -953,714,856.61
3 Cash flow generated by fund-raising
Absorb the cash received by the
Among them: the subsidiary absorbs the
cash received from the investment of
minority shareholders.
Cash received for obtaining loans. 71,352,693.86 21,558,182.17
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Receipt of other cash related to
fund-raising activities.
Subtotal cash inflows from fund-raising
71,352,693.86 21,558,182.17
Cash paid to repay debts. 158,504,233.87 83,635,533.03
Cash paid for the distribution of
4,553,361.82 4,233,859.20
dividends, profits, or interest payments.
Among them: dividends and profits
paid by subsidiaries to minority
Payment of other cash related to
327,000.00 74,041,364.38
fund-raising activities.
Subtotal cash outflow from fund-raising
163,384,595.69 161,910,756.61
Net cash flow from fund-raising
-92,031,901.83 -140,352,574.44
4 The impact of exchange rate changes
2,796,271.09 -12,740,459.76
on cash and cash equivalents.
5 net increase in cash and cash
310,556,959.85 -687,180,688.84
Plus: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of the 2,312,190,271.56 2,057,997,442.35
6 Balance of cash and cash equivalents
2,622,747,231.41 1,370,816,753.51
at the end of the period
6.Parent company cash flow statement
Unit: yuan
The occurrence amount of the previous
Item Current occurrence amount.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
1. Cash flow generated by business
Cash received from the sale of goods
97,293,624.68 108,030,115.83
and the provision of services.
Tax refund received. 2,998,393.83 5,625,311.50
Receipt of other cash related to business
12,528,235.40 4,355,488.72
Subtotal cash inflows from operating
112,820,253.91 118,010,916.05
Cash paid for the purchase of goods and
61,587,839.41 65,526,119.93
Cash paid to and for employees. 20,666,974.47 18,246,855.74
Taxes and fees paid. 3,753,566.40 2,157,584.77
Payment of other cash related to
103,647,802.56 6,914,608.77
business activities.
Subtotal cash outflow from operating
189,656,182.84 92,845,169.21
Net cash flow from operating activities. -76,835,928.93 25,165,746.84
2. Cash flow generated by investment
Recover the cash received from the
Cash received from investment income. 2,655,983.46
Net cash recovered from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets.
Disposal of net cash received by
subsidiaries and other business units.
Receipt of other cash related to 569,686,288.46 230,200,000.00
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
investment activities.
Subtotal cash inflows from investment
569,686,288.46 232,855,983.46
Cash paid for the purchase and
construction of fixed assets, intangible 1,080,828.80 4,076,013.51
assets and other long-term assets.
Cash paid for investment.
Obtain net cash paid by subsidiaries and
other business units.
Payment of other cash related to
investment activities.
Subtotal cash outflow from investment
1,080,828.80 774,076,013.51
Net cash flow from investment
568,605,459.66 -541,220,030.05
3. Cash flow generated by fund-raising
Absorb the cash received by the
Cash received for obtaining loans.
Receipt of other cash related to
fund-raising activities.
Subtotal cash inflows from fund-raising
Cash paid to repay debts. 90,000,000.00 50,000,000.00
Cash paid for the distribution of
1,075,452.00 1,256,935.00
dividends, profits, or interest payments.
Payment of other cash related to
327,000.00 74,041,364.38
fund-raising activities.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Subtotal cash outflow from fund-raising
91,402,452.00 125,298,299.38
Net cash flow from fund-raising
-91,402,452.00 -125,298,299.38
4. The impact of exchange rate changes
on cash and cash equivalents.
5.Net increase in cash and cash
399,923,473.47 -641,352,582.59
Plus: balance of cash and cash
equivalents at the beginning of the 1,770,491,895.62 1,432,283,149.36
6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
2,170,415,369.09 790,930,566.77
at the end of the period
II. Explanation of the adjustment of financial statements
1. For the first time since 2020, the implementation of the new income standard and the new leasing
standard will be adjusted for the first implementation of the financial statements at the beginning of the
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Consolidated balance sheet
Unit: yuan
Item December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020 Adjust integer
Current assets:
Money funds 2,356,703,434.60 2,356,703,434.60
Trading financial assets 1,164,039,381.59 1,164,039,381.59
Accounts receivable 597,431,210.02 597,431,210.02
Receivable financing 55,447,099.32 55,447,099.32
Prepayments 25,901,123.85 25,901,123.85
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Other receivables 79,573,114.49 79,573,114.49
Among them: interest
721,935.36 721,935.36
Stock 671,432,701.11 671,432,701.11
Non-current assets due
356,983.48 356,983.48
within one year
Other current assets 22,346,314.29 22,346,314.29
Total current assets 4,973,231,362.75 4,973,231,362.75
Non-current assets:
Long-term equity investment 72,372,355.03 72,372,355.03
Other non-current financial
20,559,159.34 20,559,159.34
Fixed assets 585,754,900.75 585,754,900.75
Construction in progress 4,839,241.48 4,839,241.48
Intangible assets 249,882,429.53 249,882,429.53
Goodwill 306,633,631.93 306,633,631.93
Long-term prepaid expenses 8,699,236.33 8,699,236.33
Deferred tax assets 49,025,021.61 49,025,021.61
Other non-current assets 2,518,818.56 2,518,818.56
Total non-current assets 1,300,284,794.56 1,300,284,794.56
Total assets 6,273,516,157.31 6,273,516,157.31
Current liabilities:
Short-term loan 117,888,353.14 117,888,353.14
Bills payable 43,973,859.51 43,973,859.51
Accounts payable 472,862,744.45 472,862,744.45
Advance payment 286,511,724.62 286,511,724.62
Staff payable 106,677,329.95 106,677,329.95
Taxes payable 48,928,229.51 48,928,229.51
Other payables 90,950,443.16 90,950,443.16
Of which: interest payable 1,410,745.58 1,410,745.58
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Non-current liabilities due
353,399,238.29 353,399,238.29
within one year
Total current liabilities 1,521,191,922.63 1,521,191,922.63
Non-current liabilities:
Long term loan 224,146,667.48 224,146,667.48
Long-term payable employee
12,252,657.36 12,252,657.36
Estimated liabilities 78,650,466.48 78,650,466.48
Deferred income 18,275,808.90 18,275,808.90
Deferred income tax
16,915,692.91 16,915,692.91
Total non-current liabilities 350,241,293.13 350,241,293.13
Total Liabilities 1,871,433,215.76 1,871,433,215.76
Owners' equity:
Share capital 1,838,647,096.00 1,838,647,096.00
Capital reserve 3,862,377,838.84 3,862,377,838.84
Minus: treasury shares 160,088,925.60 160,088,925.60
Other comprehensive income 24,971,085.32 24,971,085.32
Surplus reserve 51,830,974.45 51,830,974.45
Undistributed profit -1,280,673,461.14 -1,280,673,461.14
Total equity attributable to
4,337,064,607.87 4,337,064,607.87
owners of parent company
Minority shareholder interest 65,018,333.68 65,018,333.68
Total owner's equity 4,402,082,941.55 4,402,082,941.55
Total Liabilities and Owner's
6,273,516,157.31 6,273,516,157.31
Adjustment description.
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Parent company balance sheet
Unit: yuan
Item December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020 Adjust integer
Current assets:
Monetary fund. 1,899,380,375.38 1,899,380,375.38
Transactional financial
1,163,000,000.00 1,163,000,000.00
Accounts receivable. 151,096,214.10 151,096,214.10
Receivable financing. 51,139,322.12 51,139,322.12
Advance payment. 3,233,763.27 3,233,763.27
Other receivables. 36,670,496.12 36,670,496.12
Inventory. 111,225,290.10 111,225,290.10
Non current assets due within
356,983.48 356,983.48
one year.
Other current assets. 4,961,417.06 4,961,417.06
Total current assets. 3,421,063,861.63 3,421,063,861.63
Non-current assets:
Long-term equity investmen 439,638,782.00 439,638,782.00
Fixed assets. 340,791,611.76 340,791,611.76
Project under construction. 83,070.80 83,070.80
Intangible assets. 60,733,612.10 60,733,612.10
Long-term prepaid expenses. 3,335,014.92 3,335,014.92
Deferred income tax assets. 4,923,465.18 4,923,465.18
Other non-current assets. 585,189.00 585,189.00
Total non-current assets. 850,090,745.76 850,090,745.76
Total assets. 4,271,154,607.39 4,271,154,607.39
Current liabilities:
Short-term loan. 90,000,000.00 90,000,000.00
Notes payable. 43,843,859.51 43,843,859.51
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Q1 2020 Report
Accounts payable. 70,687,704.41 70,687,704.41
Advance payment. 17,451,789.10 17,451,789.10
Salary payable to staff and
26,144,254.56 26,144,254.56
Taxes payable. 1,921,575.57 1,921,575.57
Other payables. 50,214,415.95 50,214,415.95
Total current liabilities. 300,263,599.10 300,263,599.10
Non-current liabilities:
Deferred return. 14,423,631.66 14,423,631.66
Total non-current liabilities. 14,423,631.66 14,423,631.66
Total liabilities. 314,687,230.76 314,687,230.76
Owner's equity:
Capital stock. 1,838,647,096.00 1,838,647,096.00
Capital reserve. 3,608,591,602.42 3,608,591,602.42
Minus: inventory stock. 160,088,925.60 160,088,925.60
Surplus reserve. 51,830,974.45 51,830,974.45
Undistributed profit. -1,382,513,370.64 -1,382,513,370.64
Total owner's equity. 3,956,467,376.63 3,956,467,376.63
Total liabilities and owners'
4,271,154,607.39 4,271,154,607.39
Adjustment description.
2. The first time to implement the new income standard and the new leasing standard retrospectively adjust
the comparative data in the previous period from 2020
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III. Audit report
Whether the first quarter report has been audited
□ Yes √ No
The company's first quarter report has not been audited.