Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2019-74
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
Resolutions of the 1st Session of the 8th Term of Board
The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.
The notice for calling of the 1st Session of the 8th Term of Board of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,
Ltd. was served on December 5, 2019, and the meeting was held in the Afternoon of December 10,
2019 in the 6th meeting room of Steam turbine building of the Company. The meeting was held by
way of onsite meeting and telecommunication voting as well. All of the 10 directors attended the
meeting and examined and voted on the proposals on the meeting. The supervisors and senior
executives of the Company observed the meeting. The meeting procedures are legal and
complying with the Company Law and Articles of Association.
The meeting was hosted by Chairman Zheng Bin.
The following proposals were examined at the meeting and passed by open ballot:
1. The meeting examined the proposal to elect Mr. Zheng Bin the Chairman of the 8th
Term of Board
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;2. The meeting examined the proposal to elect Mr. Yang Yongming the Vice Chairman of
the 8th Term of Board
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;3. The meeting examined the proposal of list of members of the 8th professional committee
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;4. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Mr. Ye Zhong the General Manager
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;5. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Ms. Li Guiwen the Secretary of the Board
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;6. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Mr. Kong Jianqiang the Deputy General
Manager and Chief Engineer
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;7. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Mr. Li Jiansheng the Deputy General
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;8. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Mr.Wang Zhengrong the Deputy General
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;9. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Mr.Zhao Jiamao the Deputy GeneralManager and Chief Accountant
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed;10. The meeting examined the proposal to engage Mr. Wang Caihua the Securities Affair
10 votes in favor, 0 objection, 0 waive, the proposal was passed.
The term of office of the above elected and hired persons shall be from the date of the eighth ses
sion of the board of directors of the Company to the date of expiry of the eighth board of directors.
For the resumes of the above personnel, please refer to Attachment 1; for the composition of the
8th professional committee, please refer to Attachment 2.
This announcement is hereby made.The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.December 10, 2019
Attachment 1: Resumes
Mr. Zheng Bin, born in November 1964, CCP member, university graduate, senior economics
professional certification. He served as vice chairman and Vice General Manager of Hangzhou
Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. He used to be chairman and General Manager of Hangzhou
Dongfeng Shipyard Co., Ltd. He was engaged the vice Chairman at the 4th term of Board on
March 2009 ,Vice Chairman at the 5th term of Board on June 2010, He was engaged the Director
and General Manager of the Company on June 2013, He was engaged the Chairman at the 6th term
of Board on December 2014. He was elected as director of the 7th term of board of directors on
May 18, 2016. He is currently a director of the eighth board of the Company.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Yang Yongming, born in November 1964, CCP member, university graduate, certified senior
economist. Currently he’s the vice general manager of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co.,
Ltd. He used to be the vice director and director of Sales Administration Departments of the
Company; Since 2013, he served as vice general manager, general manager, and vice chairman of
Hangzhou Dongfeng Shipyard Ltd. Currently he’s the vice general manager of Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd . and the Vice Chairman of the 6th term of Board of the Company.
He was elected as Vice Chairman of the 7th term of board of directors on May 18, 2016.
He is currently a director of the eighth board of the Company.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Ye Zhong: born in April 1968, CCP member; bachelor degree; professor and seniorengineer. Started working in July 1990. he was the director of the 2nd term of Board, ChiefEngineer; director of the 3rd term of Board, Vice General Manager; Director of the 4th and 5thterms of Board, Vice General Manager, and Chief Engineer. He’s the Standing Vice GeneralManager, director and Chief Engineer of the 6th term of Board of the Company, and GeneralManager of the 4 Company since December 2014. He was elected as director and GeneralManager of the 7th term of board of directors on May 18, 2016.He is currently a director of the eighth board of the Company.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Ms. Li Guiwen, born in September 1970, member of the Communist Party of China, postgraduate
degree, senior engineer. In 1992 the company entered the company, She served as Deputy director
General office and Deputy Minister of Economic Management of Hangzhou Steam turbine Power
Group, Since August 2007, She Served as Minister of Strategic Development of Hangzhou Steam
turbine Power Group, Since November 2017,She served as Secretary of the Board of Directors
Since January 2019, She served as Director of the Company.
She is currently a director of the eighth board of the Company.
She does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonest person to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrative regulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and otherrelevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Kong Jianqiang, born in May 1970, CCP member, Master of Engineering, certified seniorengineer. Started working in July 1992. He used to be technician, head of workshop, vice director,and director of Steam Turbine Institute of the company. He’s the director of the 6th term of Boardsince June 2013, and Engineer General of the Company since December 2014. He was elected asdirector of the 7th term of board of directors on May 18, 2016. Appointed as deputy generalmanager and Chief engineer of the company.He is currently a director of the eighth board of the Company.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Li Jiansheng,born January 1963, CCP member, master of engineering, certified seniorengineer of professor level.Mr. Li started working for the Company in February 1982. He has beenin the positions of chief of No.4 section, vice head of the Institution, and vice head of theIndustrial Turbine Institute. He has been the assistant of Deputy general manager and head ofproduction unit of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Mr. Li was engaged the Deputy generalmanager of the Company since December 2014.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Wang Zhengrong, born in October 1970, member of the Communist Party of China,university degree, Bachelor of Engineering, Zhejiang University, senior engineer. In 1992 to enterthe company work, served as deputy director of the company sales, director, marketing partybranch secretary. Since March 2010, he has been a member of the Party Committee of theCompany. He has been Assistant General Manager of the Company and Director of Steam TurbineMarketing since June 2015. Mr. Wang was engaged the Deputy general manager of the Companysince June 2017.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Zhao Jiamao, born in March 1975, member of the Communist Party of China, universitydegree, certified public accountant and senior accountant. He joined Hangzhou Steam TurbinePower Group Co., Ltd. Finance Office in 1995 and was once the Vice Minister of Finance ofHangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd., Chief Accountant, Deputy General Manager andGeneral Manager of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Technology Co., Ltd. In December 2014, hewas the Deputy Chief Accountant and Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Since March 2016,he has been the General Manager Assistant, the Director of Asset Management Department andthe Finance Department and the Contract Department. Mr. Zhao was engaged the Deputy generalmanager and Chief accounting of the Company since January 2018.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Mr. Wang Caihua, born in January 1982, is a member of the Communist Party of China, with a c
ollege degree; he has obtained the qualifications of secretary to the board of directors. He has been
working in the Securities Law Office of Electric Power Co., Ltd since May 2007, mainly engaged
in securities affairs and legal affairs. Since March 2016, he has been the Companys securities affa
irs representative.
He does not hold any shares of the Company; has no affiliated relationship with other directors, supervisors and senior management of the company; there is no situation where no one can benominated as a senior management, and has not been punished by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and other relevant departments and the stock exchange; Not classified as a dishonestperson to be executed; a qualif ication that meets the requirements of relevant laws, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, the "Stock Listing Rules" and other relevant regulations of the Exchange.
Attachement 2: Members of the professional committees of the 8th term of Board
I. Members of the Strategy Committee
Chairman of Committee: Zheng Bin
Members: Zheng Bin,Gu Xinjian,Zhang Hejie, Zhao Xiaoyan and Yang Yongming.
II. Members of the Nomination Committee
Chairman of Committee: Zhang Xiaoyan
Members: Zhang Xiaoyan, Gu Xinjian,Chen Danhong, Zheng Bin and Yang Yongming
III. Members of the Auditing Committee
Chairman of Committee: Chen Danhong
Members: Chen Danhong,Zhang Hejie, Zhang Xiaoyan,Yang Yongming and Wang Gang
IV. Members of the Remuneration & Assessment Committee
Chairman of Committee: Zhang Hejie
Members:Zhang Hejie, Gu Xinjian, Chen Danhong, Zheng Bin and Ye Zhong.