Stock Code:20077 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2019-64
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
Resolutions of the 18th Meeting of the 7th Supervisory Committee
The members of the Supervisory Committee acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.
The notice for calling of the 18th session of the 7th term of Supervisory Committee of Hangzhou
Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. was served on November 17,2019, and the meeting was held in the
morning of November 22, 2019 in the 6th meeting room of Steam turbine building. All of the 5
supervisors presented the meeting. The supervisors examined and voted on the proposals at the
meeting. Mr. Wang Gang, secretary of the Board, observed the meeting. The meeting procedures
are legal and complying with the Company Law and Articles of Association.
The meeting was hosted by Chief Supervisory Mr. Li Shijie. The following proposals were
examined at the meeting and passed by open ballot.
I. The Proposal of electing candidates for the 8th term of supervisory Committee
The Proposal was examined and adopted by voting:
Mr.Li Shijie was nominated candidate of the 8th term of Supervisory Committee with 5 votes in
favor, 0 vote objection, and 0 vote waiving;
Mr Wang Xiaohui was nominated candidate of the 8th term of Supervisory Committee with 5 votes
in favor, 0 vote objection, and 0 vote waiving;
Mr.Ying Gonghua was nominated candidate of the 8th term of Supervisory Committee with 5 votes
in favor, 0 vote objection, and 0 vote waiving;
Resumes of the above candidates are attached hereinafter.
This proposal is subject to examination of the Second Provisional Shareholders’ GeneralMeeting 2019.
This announcement is hereby made.
The Supervisory Committee of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
November 22, 2019
Attachment: Resume of the non-employee supervisor of the 8th Board of SupervisorsMr. Li Shijie, born in July 1969, CCP member, university graduate, certified senior engineer. headof supplying department of the Company, general manager and chief secretary of CCP committeeof Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd. Currently he’s the vice chief secretaryof CCP committee and chief secretary of discipline committee of Hangzhou Steam Turbine PowerGroup Co., Ltd. Currently he’s the Chairman of the 6th term of Supervisory Committee. He waselected as Chairman of the 7th term of Supervisory Committee on May 18, 2016.
He does not hold any shares of the Company and has no related relationship with otherdirectors, supervisors and senior management personnel; and there was no situation of him beingpunished by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other relevant departments and/orbeing punished by stock exchanges with disciplinary actions taken in the past three years, and heis not at any situation been determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for thosewho are banned by the market and have not yet been lifted; nor he is at any situation of suspectedcrime being investigated by the judicial organ or suspected of violating the law and being
investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission; he is not a credit defaulter person
who is applied to; not the object of dishonesty body or the object of disciplinary punishment; nor
at any situation rendering he shall not be nominated as a director, and the qualifications are in line
with the requirements of laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, regulatory
documents, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange "Stock Listing Rules" and other rules of the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange and the Company's articles of association.
Mr. Wang Xiaohui, born in December 1967, CCP member, university degree, certified senior
accountant, certified taxation accountant, certified internal auditor. External Chief Finance Officer
of Hangzhou State-owned Property; Chief Accountant and Director of Accounting Dept. of
Hangzhou Dongfeng Shipyard Co., Ltd. Currently he’s the vice director of Accounting Dept. of
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. Currently he’s the supervisor of the 6th term of
Supervisory Committee. She was elected as supervisor of the 7th term of Supervisory Committee
on May 18, 2016.
Holding 100,676 shares of the Company and has no related relationship with other directors,supervisors and senior management personnel; and there was no situation of him being punishedby the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other relevant departments and/or being
punished by stock exchanges with disciplinary actions taken in the past three years, and he is not
at any situation been determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for those who
are banned by the market and have not yet been lifted; nor he is at any situation of suspected crime
being investigated by the judicial organ or suspected of violating the law and being investigated
by the China Securities Regulatory Commission; he is not a credit defaulter person who is applied
to; not the object of dishonesty body or the object of disciplinary punishment; nor at any situation
rendering he shall not be nominated as a director, and the qualifications are in line with the
requirements of laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, regulatory documents, the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange "Stock Listing Rules" and other rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
and the Company's articles of association.
Mr. Ying Gonghua, born in August 1965, member of the Communist Party of China, holdinguniversity degree, is master of engineering and senior engineer. He is currently the deputy ministerof the Company's manufacturing department, secretary and director of the rotor workshop branch.In July 1988, he joined the Company and started the career, successively served as the technicianof the Company's blade workshop, the technical leader, the secretary of the blade branch, and thedirector of the branch factory. In June 2014, he served as secretary and director of the Company'ssecond automobile branch; since September 2016, he has served as the Company’s DeputyMinister of Manufacturing, Secretary and Director of the Rotor Workshop Branch.
Holding 43,403 shares of the Company;There is no situation of him working in theCompany's shareholders’ and/or actual controllers’ units; and he has no related relationship withthe Company's controlling shareholder, actual controller and shareholders holding more than 5%of the Company's shares, nor has related relationship with other directors, supervisors and seniormanagement of the Company ; and there was no situation of him being punished by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission and other relevant departments and/or being punished by stock
exchanges with disciplinary actions taken in the past three years, and he is not at any situation
been determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for those who are banned by the
market and have not yet been lifted; nor he is at any situation of suspected crime being
investigated by the judicial organ or suspected of violating the law and being investigated by the
China Securities Regulatory Commission; he is not a credit defaulter person who is applied to; not
the object of dishonesty body or the object of disciplinary punishment; nor at any situation
rendering he shall not be nominated as a director, and the qualifications are in line with the
requirements of laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, regulatory documents, the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange "Stock Listing Rules" and other rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
and the Company's articles of association.