
来源:上交所 2017-08-28 00:00:00

2016 Annual Report

Company code: 600618 900908 Short name of the Company: SCAC Chlor-Alkali B share

Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

2016 Annual Report

Important Notice

I. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, Directors, Supervisors and senior

executives of the Company ensure that the content of this Annual Report is true, accurate and

integrative, not having any false statement, misleading representation or significant omission,

and will take joint and several legal responsibilities for the Report.

II. All the Directors of the Company attended the Board meeting.

III. BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP (special ordinary partnership)

issued an auditor's report with standard and unqualified opinion for the Company.

IV. Mr. Huang Dailie, the principal of the Company, Mr. Zhang Weimin, the principal in charge

of accounting of the Company, and Mr. Lai Yonghua, the head of accounting department

(accounting officer) declare to guarantee the truth, accuracy and integrity of the financial

report carried in this Annual Report.

V. The profit distribution preplan or the common reserves capitalizing preplan during the

reporting period reviewed by the board of directors

According to the 2016 annual financial audit report issued by BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified

Public Accountants LLP engaged by the Company, in 2016 the net profit of the parent company was

RMB -320,466,343.92 Yuan and the undistributed profit at beginning of the year was RMB

-614,936,506.51 Yuan, and the profit available for distribution at end of the year was RMB

-935,402,850.43 Yuan. Therefore, the Company had no capability of cash dividend or common reserves


VI. Risk disclaimer of forward-looking statements

√Applicable □Not applicable

The future plan or other forward looking statement included in this Report shall not constitute the

Company's substantial commitment to the investors, and we remind the investors to notice to the

investment risks.

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VII. Is there any non-operational fund occupation by the controlling shareholder or the related



VIII. Does the Company provide the outward guarantees in breach of the stipulated

decision-making process?


IX. Notice on important risks

√Applicable □Not applicable

The company has described the related potential risks in this report. Please refer to the

contents concerning the risk factors that the Company may face in the future development

in Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Business.

X. Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

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Section I Paraphrase ........................................................................................................................... 4

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial indexes .................................................................... 5

Section III Summary on the Company's Business ................................................................................ 8

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Business .......................................................................... 11

Section V Major Events ..................................................................................................................... 34

Section VI Changes of Ordinary Shares and Particulars of Shareholders ........................................... 46

Section VII Particulars of Preferred Shares .......................................................................................... 50

Section VIII Particulars of the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Staff Members ............. 51

Section IX Company Governance ....................................................................................................... 60

Section X Particulars of the Company’s Bonds ................................................................................. 64

Section XI Financial Report ................................................................................................................ 65

Section XII Documents For Reference 93

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Section I Paraphrase

I. Paraphrase

In this Report, except otherwise indicated, these words and expressions shall have the meanings as


Paraphrase for generally-used expressions

CSRC means China Securities Regulatory Commission

SSRB means Shanghai Regulatory Bureau of China Securities Regulatory


Huayi Group means Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company

The Company, Company, or means Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Chlor-Alkali Chemical

Sodium hydroxide means Molecular formula: NaOH; a strong soluble alkali. Sodium

hydroxide is easy to be solved into water, has strong

alkalinity, and can supply Na+ ion. These properties make it

used widely in the industries such as soap-making, textile

industry, printing and dyeing, blanching, papermaking,

petroleum refining, metallurgy and other chemical industries.

Chlorine means Molecular formula: Cl2. As an important chemical raw

material, chlorine gas is widely used in the industries such as

papermaking, printing and dyeing, pigment, bleaching

powder, textile industry, chemical fiber, grease petroleum,

rubber, plastic, pharmacy, disinfection, agricultural pesticide,

metallurgy and electronic industry.

EDC means Ethylene dichloride. Achromatic or yellowish transparent

liquid with specific gravity of about 1.26 and odor similar to

chloroform, insoluble in water, dissolve in ethyl alcohol and

ethyl ether. Mainly used as the solvent for wax, fat and

rubber, and also used in producing vinyl chloride and


EPVC, paste resin means Paste resin. The Company's production for paste resin mainly

adopts two processes, mixing method and seed emulsion

polymerization, and the paste resin is mainly used in the

products such as the artificial leather, floor leather, wall

paper, toy and bottle cap.

TPVC means Special resin. The special resin produced by the Company is

mainly the customer specially-used material, the medical

resin with high polymeric level such as plasma bag, infusion

tube and the seal with high elasticity and the resin specially

used for primary coating in automobiles.

CPVC means Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. Mainly used in various pipes

with different caliber and the related fittings such as elbow

and T-joint, the valve body and the wig.

SLIC means Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanate Co., Ltd

SBPC means Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co., Ltd

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Section II Company Profile and Main Financial indexes

I. Company information

Chinese name of the Company 上海氯碱化工股份有限公司

Short form 氯碱化工


Abbreviation SCAC

Legal representative of the Company Mr. Huang Dailie

II. Contact information

Secretary of the Board of Directors Securities representative

Name Dong Yan Chen Lihua

Contact address No. 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai No. 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai

Tel. 021-23533113 021-64342640

Fax 021-64340817 021-64340817

E-mail dy@scacc.com chenlihua@scacc.com

III. Basic information

Registered address of the Company No. 4747 and 4800 Longwu Rd., Shanghai

Zip code of registered address 200241

Business address of the Company No. 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai

Zip code of business address of the Company 200241

Website www.scacc.com

E-mail dshmss@scacc.com

IV. Information disclosure and filing site

Newspapers for information disclosure selected China Securities News, Shanghai Securities News,

by the Company Securities Post and Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Website appointed by China Securities www.sse.com.cn

Regulatory Commission for carrying annual


Site for filing annual report No. 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai

V. The Company's share

The Company's share

Type of share Stock exchange for listing Share name Share code

of share

A-share Shanghai Stock Exchange Chlor-Alkali Chemical 600618

B-share Shanghai Stock Exchange Chlor-Alkali B Share 900908

VI. Other relevant information

Name BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public

Accountants LLP

Public accounting firm

Business address 4th Floor, New Huangpu Financial Plaza,

engaged by the Company

No.61, East Nanjing Rd., Shanghai, China


Name of the accountant Gu Xuefeng, Chen Luying

for signing

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VII. Main accounting data and financial indexes of the last 3 years

(I) Main accounting data

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Increase or

decrease than

Main accounting data 2016 2015 2014

same period of

last year (%)

Operating income 6,754,397,061.69 6,170,874,223.67 9.46 7,015,409,267.56

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the listed -328,091,761.80 95,615,030.34 -443.14 -592,502,499.95


Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the

-72,743,416.16 -31,416,638.28 N.A. -262,177,332.00

Company, after

non-recurring profit and loss

Net cash flow from

488,856,761.24 305,852,432.45 59.83 -29,059,999.83

operating activities

At the end of At the end of Increase or At the end of

2016 2015 decrease (%) 2014

Net assets attributable to

shareholders of the listed 1,941,720,787.56 2,261,545,045.54 -14.14 2,164,655,507.39


Total assets 4,489,616,046.06 4,847,854,403.79 -7.39 5,754,717,626.22

(II) Main financial indexes

Increase or decrease than same

Main financial indexes 2016 2015 2014

period of last year (%)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.2837 0.0827 -443.05 -0.5124

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.2837 0.0827 -443.05 -0.5124

Basic earnings per share after

non-recurring profit and loss -0.0629 -0.0272 N.A -0.2267


Return on net assets, weighted average Decrease by 19.92 percentage

-15.6113 4.313 -24.4467

(%) points

Return on net assets, weighted average, Decrease by 2.04 percentage

-3.4613 -1.4171 -10.8175

after recurrent profit and loss (%) points

Notes to the main accounting data and financial indexes of the last 3 years before the end of the

reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

VIII. Difference in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(I) The difference between net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company

between the international accounting standard and Chinese accounting standards

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) The difference of net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed Company

in the financial report synchronously disclosed according to the international accounting

standards and Chinese accounting standards

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Explanation for differences between the international and Chinese accounting standards:

□Applicable √Not applicable

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IX. Main financial data by quarters in 2016

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter

(Jan.-March) (Apr.-Jun.) (July-Sept.) (Oct.-Dec.)

Operating income 1,121,594,645.40 1,996,947,639.96 1,902,126,376.36 1,733,728,399.97

Net profit attributable

to shareholders of the 9,426,009.05 2,908,167.36 -58,655,607.08 -281,770,331.13

listed Company

Net profit attributable

to shareholders of the

listed Company after

21,263,550.76 24,316,965.61 4,060,482.46 -122,384,414.99


non-recurring profit

and loss

Net cash flow from

108,726,920.00 94,418,777.05 57,693,400.75 228,017,663.44

operating activities

Note on differences between the data of the quarters and that of the period report disclosed

□Applicable √Not applicable

X. Items of non-recurring profit and loss and amounts

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Items of non-recurring profit Note (if

Amount of 2016 Amount of 2015 Amount of 2014

and loss applicable)

Profit or loss from disposal of 297,935.96 257,772,690.18 1,111,822.13

non-current assets

Government subsidy 22,590,620.20 The rest 30% of 41,118,941.72 5,732,560.40

attributable to profit and loss the government

of current period, except such subsidy for

government subsidy closely industrial

related to the Company's restructuring of

normal business operation, Wujing Base,

meeting the regulation of totally RMB

national policy and enjoyed 15,000,000.00

constantly in certain quota or Yuan

quantity according to a certain


Profit and loss on the changes 13,928,846.49 Yield from sale of

in fair value of the Zhongyida’s

held-for-trading financial shares

assets and liabilities and the

investment yield from the

disposal of the

held-for-trading financial

assets and liabilities and

available-for-sale financial

assets except the valid hedging

business related to the normal

operation business of the


Other non-operating revenue 2,120,604.54 3,081,055.74 6,572,403.12

and expenditure other than

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above items

Other profit or loss items -297,607,371.13 Compensation for -174,731,937.80 -343,652,815.90

meeting the definition of personnel

non-recurring profit and loss placement and

related loss on

work stoppage

caused by

adjustment of the


structure in

Wujing Base

Impact of minority interests 3,119,749.28 -199,632.57 50,515.48

Impact of income tax 201,269.02 -9,448.67 -139,653.18

Total -255,348,345.64 127,031,668.60 -330,325,167.95

XI. Items measured by fair value

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Beginning Change in Impact on the profit

Item Closing balance

balance current period of current period

Salable financial 50,765,875.23 70,138,258.46 19,372,383.23 344,311.88


Total 50,765,875.23 70,138,258.46 19,372,383.23 344,311.88

XII. Others

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section III Summary on the Company's Business

I. Main business, operating mode and industrial status of the Company during the reporting


II. (1) Main business: The Company mainly produces and sells sodium hydroxide, chlorine, chlorine products,

polyvinyl chloride plastics resin and the products. Now the Company's annual production capacity for sodium

hydroxide is 720,000 tons, for ethylene dichloride, 720,000 tons, for liquid chlorine, 600,000 tons, and for paste

and special resin, 80,000 tons.

III. (2) Operating mode: The Company makes close cooperation with the international chemical magnate to

establish an integrated operation mode with completed devices and pipe-line transportation in the shanghai

chemical industrial park. The integrated industrial industry chain model is an interchange and sharing integrated

industry chain which mainly takes the ethylene product from SECCO as the flagship product, the chlor-alkali

product from the Company as the foundation, the refined chemical product such as isocyanate, polyisocyanate

and polycarbonate from BASF SE, Covestro and American HUNTSMAN as the intermediate, and the refined

chemical product such as the paint and the adhesive as the end-product. The structure of the specific industry

chain is described as follows: the Company provides the chlorine and the sodium hydroxide as the raw materials

to MDI/TDI/PC units in the park area, digest the byproduct hydrochloric acid gas and produce the dichloroethane

with the ethylene as the raw material and the secondary chlorine. Therefore, the Company built 720000t sodium

hydroxide unit and 720000t dichloroethane units in the shanghai chemical industrial park as the supporting

facilities, all of the chlorine liquid produced is basically supplied to the downstream of the shanghai chemical

industrial park. The chlorine pipeline and sodium hydroxide pipeline partition wall supply mode is adopted in the

shanghai chemical industrial park to guarantee the stability and safety of the supply and zero the logistics cost.

The integrated operation mode has enhanced the Company's capability of long-term stable existing and

development and has also provided guarantee for the downstream customers to obtain stable and reliable

chlor-alkali products in long period, realizing mutual benefit and win-win. The long-term contract on 10-year's

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supply of chlorine by the downstream enterprises in the shanghai chemical industrial park to the Company

became due in 2016 and the Company initiated the negotiation of the renew of the contract such as SLIC/SBPC

Contract I, II and III and Covestro Contract I and II in time. Both parties of a new round of 10-year's supply and

marketing contract upheld the idea of cooperation and win-win and took the growth, relevance and interaction of

the industry chain into full consideration. Therefore, the profit advantages of the integrated mode of the Company

continued in the shanghai chemical industrial park.

IV. (3) Description of industrial status: in 2016, the sodium hydroxide market turned round. Pushed forward by the

rise of the demand in the downstream and the shortage of the output in the main sodium hydroxide production

area, the operating factor of the enterprise rose and the price increased. In 2016, the output of the sodium

hydroxide in China reached up to 39,450,000t, with a net increment of 720000t compared with the 2015 (a new

increase of 2030000t and a cutting of outdated production capacity of 1310000t). There are totally 158 sodium

hydroxide producers in china, with a decrease of 5 producers compared with the last year. Although the output of

sodium hydroxide increased to a certain extent every year, the outdated production capacity was relatively large,

so the overall production capacity was stable. Due to the average increase in consumption, the average

industrial operating factor rose from 78% in 2015 to 83% in 2016 and the industrial concentration ratio increased.

Affected by the factors such as the supply-side reform for cutting industrial overcapacity, the operating factor of

PVC industry kept the trend of stable rise and the price increased. In 2016, the output of PVC was 23,260,000t,

with a net reduction of 220,000t compared with the end of 2015 (a new increase of 890,000t and a cutting of

outdated production capacity of 1,110,000t). At present, there are 75 PVC producers, with a net reduction of 6

producers compared with the end of the last year. The output of PVC had been in negative growth for 3 years.

Since the overall consumption stably grew, the industrial average operating factor rose from 69% in 2015 to 72%

in 2016 and the industrial concentration ratio rose.

V. Explanation for significant changes in prime assets of the Company during the reporting


□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Analysis on the core competitive power in the reporting period

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. Signed a new-round 10-years supply and marketing contracts

Through 10 years'running in the shanghai chemical industrial park by the Company, the

integrated operating mode has fully demonstrated the merits of the cooperative win-win pricing

mechanism. When the Company signs the long-term contract with the downstream enterprises,

the pricing is based on the cost plus the reasonable profit and adjusts the changes in the price

and cost of the main cost factors including electricity, salt, steam, water, labor force and

industrial products. When the price of the raw material or energy rises, for example, the

electricity price rises, the contract price can be adjusted according to the price formula to make

efforts to eliminate the cost rise factors; with the chlorine bringing along the sodium hydroxide,

in sale of the chlorine, the sodium hydroxide is also sold as per a certain ratio at the same time.

The chlorine pipeline and sodium hydroxide pipeline partition wall supply mode is adopted in the

shanghai chemical industrial park to guarantee the stability and safety of the supply and zero

the logistics cost. It establishes the risk compensation mechanism for the execution of the

contracts. In the signing of long-term contracts,various factors were fully considered, for

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example, when the actual amount purchased of the customer is less than the amount carried in

the contract, the Company will be compensated in accordance with the stipulations of the

contract, thus, the risks from the execution of the contract are greatly reduced. At the same time,

based on the equity of the contract, when the commodity quantity supplied by the Company to

the downstream enterprises is lower than the quantity specified by the contract, the Company

will also compensate the downstream enterprises to guarantee the stable supply between and

by both parties. The integrated operation mode has enhanced the Company's capability of

long-term stable existing and development and has also provided guarantee for the

downstream customers to obtain stable and reliable chlor-alkali products in long period,

realizing mutual benefit and win-win. The long-term contract on 10-year's supply of chlorine by

the downstream enterprises in the shanghai chemical industrial park to the Company expired in

2016 and the Company initiated the negotiation of the renew of the contract such as

SLIC/SBPC Contract I, II and III and SECCO Contract I and II in time. Both parties upheld the

idea of cooperation and win-win and took the growth, relevance and interaction of the industry

chain into full consideration. On Dec. 4, 2016, the company signed the Contract on Supply of

Chlorine/Sodium Hydroxide with Covestro Polymer (China) Co., Ltd (the proposal of this

contract was reviewed and approved by the 6th meeting of the 9th board of directors and was

announced on Dec. 5, 2016) and had reached an agreement on the main clauses of the supply

contract with SLIC/SBPC and it was expected that the contract would be signed in the first half

year of 2017. Therefore, the Company's profitability predominance due to the integrated

operating mode in the shanghai chemical industrial park can continue to exist.

2. New R&D outcome of chlorine preparation technology, accelerating the


In 2016, the advanced chlorine preparation process independently researched and developed

by the state-level technical center of the Company, namely hydrogen chloride to chlorine

through catalysis and oxidation passed the review of the experts from the industry and the

university; meanwhile, the Company optimized and perfected the feasibility study report on the

process package of hydrogen chloride to chlorine through catalysis and oxidation and the

industrialized project, laid a solid foundation of the industrialization of the hydrogen chloride to

chlorine through oxidation and accelerated the building of the circular economy industry chain in

the shanghai chemical industrial park.

3. Reserving a batch of new technology R&D outcomes

The Company independently researched and developed the chlorinated PVC by water phase

process and accomplished the research and application development of low-cost chlorinated

PVC resin and the formula for chlorinated PVC granular material for the particular customers in

2016, as a result, it seriated and customized the chlorinated PVC resin products.

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4. Having a powerful marketing platform

As the enterprise exporting sodium hydroxide earliest in China, the Company owns a powerful

international marketing platform and import base for raw salt and this means it is of distinct

advance predominance. With respect to domestic trade, the Company is at the middle and

down stream of the Yangtze River, the most developed region in China, with the best

consumption and logistics. In 2016, the Company established the trading company to build an

integrated supply and marketing platform and achieve the “supply and marketing linkage,

product linkage and the linkage of the primary business and the trade”. The establishment of the

trading company is the need for achieving the industrial upgrading, transformation of growth

mode and secondary innovation and upgrading of the profit mode of the company.

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Business

I. Discussion and Analysis on the Management

In the first year of the 13th five-year plan, the chlor-alkali industry entered the critical period of industrial restructuring

and growth mode transformation. A series of changes had taken place in the industrial operation characteristics: the

industrial scale expanded continuously, but the speed of growth slowed down; the industrial concentration ratio rose

and the industrial layout became reasonable gradually; the market pattern changed continuously and the trading mode

was diversified; the production process was continuously optimized and the energy-saving and environmental

protection level was continuously improved. Viewed from the operating environment of the Company, the domestic

overall economic growth speed slowed down, the traditional manufacturing industry stepped into the recession cycle,

especially, the manufacturing industry of bulk commodity with severe competition entered into the period of cold winter.

Although the chlor-alkali product market in the second half year of 2016 turned a little better, the overall situation in the

whole year was still severe, the price of ethylene and EDC decreased greatly compared with the annual budget.

Confronted with the market fluctuation and actual difficulties, the Company encompassed the strategic target of

“innovation, upgrading and transformation” proposed in the 13th five-year plan, persisted in the working requirements

of “adjustment and cost cutting for survival and transformation and development for the future”, focused on cost

cutting and benefit increase, settlement and reemployment and going global strategy and preliminarily achieved the

established operation objectives.

(I) Pushing forward the arrangement and implementation of the strategy of the Company in an

all-round way

1. Accomplishing the strategic adjustment of Wujing Zone in an all-round way. According to the relevant policy against

the industrial layout and industrial restructuring issued by Shanghai Municipal Government as well as the strategic

planning of the Company for clustering and upgrading, the Company had implemented the adjustment of Wujing Zone

since 2013, shut down the production units in Wujing Zone in order step by step and actively and stably pushed

forward the reduction and reemployment of the employees in the Company. In 2016, the adjustment of Wujing Zone

entered the into the closing phase, the Company shut down all of the CPVC units and the related utilities in Wujing

Base and stably reduced 696 employees according to the specific proposal, indicating the strategic adjustment in

Wujing Zone had accomplished in an all-round way. The success of in strategic adjustment in Wujing Zone as

scheduled was an important step for the strategic development of the Company and was of milestone significance for

the transformation and development of the Company.

2. Accelerating the cluster and development of the shanghai chemical industrial park. The company further transferred

the production and operation center of gravity to Caojing Chemical Zone in an all-round way strengthen the industrial

layout in the shanghai chemical industrial park and lay a solid foundation for the great-leap-forward development

based on the shanghai chemical industrial park in the future. (1) Quickening the progress of the projects in the

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chemical zone. Firstly, the Company independently researched and developed the chlorine hydride to chlorine through

oxidation, formally launched the preparation of the feasibility study report on this project and accelerated the

industrialization progress of the project of 100000t/a chlorine hydride to chloride through oxidation. Secondly, the

chlorinated polyvinyl chloride project would be settled in Tianyuan Chemical Plant in the chemical zone. It was

originally planned to be settled in the land for the former paste resin unit on Plot D4 in Shanghai Chemical Zone. In

2016, 3rd board meeting of 9th board of directors reviewed and approved Proposal for Alteration of the Contents

Concerning 40000t/a High Performance Perchlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride Project and decided to invest in and build

this project in Tianyuan Chemical Plant to further optimize the investment in this project. Now the project is being

optimized continuously. (2) Strengthening the position of the important chloride supplier in the chemical zone. The

Company scientifically studied and judged the demand for chloride of the downstream enterprises in the chemical

zone in the coming years, did well in balance and assessment of the chloride resource in advance, dealt with the

challenges from the supply of the chloride resource in time and satisfied the demand at the downstream to the utmost

extent. In view that the long-term contract on supply of chloride from the downstream enterprises in the chemical zone

to the Company was due in 2016, it launched the negotiation of the renew of the contracts such as SLIC/SBPC

Contract I, II and III and Covestro Contract I and II. It regarded “business negotiation of major contracts” as the key

management project, strengthened the negotiation with the partners and fully accelerated the negotiation process.

Through many rounds of negotiation and communication between both parties, the Company signed the contract on

supply of chloride/sodium hydroxide with Covestro Polymer (China) Co., Ltd on Dec. 4, 2016 (the proposal for the

contract was reviewed and approved by the 6th board meeting of the 9 th board of directors and was announced on

Dec. 5, 2016) and it was expected the supply contract with SLIC/SBPC would be signed in the first half year of 2017.

3. Accelerating the step of "going global". In 2016, the Company took a material step in the “going global” strategy

and the 5th board meeting of the 9th board of directors of the Company reviewed and approved the proposal for

Investment in Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd on Oct. 28, 2016. According to the proposal,

Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd would be jointly invested and incorporated as per the stock ratio

of Chlor-Alkali Company 40% and Junzheng Energy 60% and the joint venture would plan and build the project of

200000t/a EPVC with seed emulsion process. This project would be implemented by phases and the project (phase I)

planned to put 100000t into production. This joint venture accomplished the industrial and commercial registration on

Jan. 10, 2017 and it was expected that it would be put into production at the end of 2017. The cooperation between

Chlor-Alkali Company and Junzheng Energy could make use of the advantages in local rich resources and rely on the

existing production and living facilities of Junzheng Energy to achieve the resources complementarities and upstream

and downstream linkage as well as combine the advantages in technology and brand with the ones in resources and

cost, as a result, it could effectively reduce the production cost and raise the product competitiveness. This project

conformed to the development planning of “trying for the industrial transfer to other appropriate regions in China,

relying on the more advantageous policy environment, more complete supporting facilities and cheaper cost input,

strengthening the market competitiveness of the products and building the industrial zone with scale effects and

competitiveness advantages” and would become an important step towards the implementation of the “going global”


(II) Optimizing the operation and management of the Company in an all-round way

1. Enhancing HSE management and ensuring safety. The Company adhered to the principle of "building the defense

line firmly, holding the bottom line and consolidating the line", advocated the safety culture of "self awareness,

sensitivity and working efficiently" and enhanced continuously HSE management level to provide powerful guarantee

for its adjustment and development. With propaganda and implementation of the new Production Safety Law and

Environmental Protection Law as the main thread, persisting in the principle that “CPC committees and governments

are held accountable, officials take responsibility for workplace safety in performing their duties, and those who fail to

uphold safety standards are held accountable”, strengthening the consciousness of “bottom line”, “red line” and

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“high voltage line” for safety and environmental protection and ensuring the intrinsic safety of HSE. (1) Defining the

safety responsibility. Carrying out the activity of “my area in the charge of me and my work in the charge of me” and

continuously improving the safety consciousness and the sense of responsibility of the employees. Implementing HSE

responsibility system and signing the HSE responsibility agreement and the letter of commitment in layers, with the

contract signing ratio of 100%. In the context of institutional adjustment and reduction in workforce, adjusting HSE

working organ in time, establishing Safety Committee of Caojing Zone and guaranteeing the implementation of HSE

responsibility. (2) Strengthening safety assessment. Assessing each department and each employee every month.

Preparing Detailed Rules for Assessment of Comprehensive Bonus of HSE for Employees in the Company and

including the implementation of the production safety responsibility into the comprehensive management and

assessment system for the employees in the company for uniform assessment. Revising Detailed Rules for

Assessment of Contractors, aiming at the problems in the management of the contractor in the overhaul, studying the

assessment, rewards and punishment scheme for the contractors and preparing Standard of Chlor-Alkali Company for

Safety Assessment of Construction by the Contractor. (3) Implementing and urging the rectification and improvement.

Aiming at some individual minor accident, formulating and launching the measures for rectification and improvement in

time, strengthening the management of the key equipment and the major hazard sources, putting the management

into place, contracting the management to the specific person, improving the routine patrol quality and guaranteeing

the safety facilities in good condition. Amending the scheme for dumping of the chloride liquid storage tank,

guaranteeing the dumping in the abnormal condition in the controllable safety state, strengthening the emergency

drilling, upgrading the emergency drilling of the leakage of the chloride liquid to the height at the group level and keep

the information unblocked among the related persons.

2. Flexibly adjusting the sales system. (1) Integrating the marketing system, establishing the trade company and

building the efficient business platform. The establishment of the trade company was required for the industrial

upgrading and the secondary innovation and upgrading of the profit mode of the Company. Through the modern

marketing system more closely to the market, on one hand, it could achieve the proper linkage of the purchase and

sale of the self-operating products, do well in the management of two cores including purchase and sale and improve

the market competitiveness of the products; on the other hand, it would make full use of the new mechanism, motivate

the spirit of struggle to expand the market so as to transform the growth mode and cultivate the new profit increase

point. (2) Aiming at the market trend and optimizing the sale of the products. Firstly, optimizing the sale of EDC and

acid absorbent. Viewed from the profit of the chloride per t, the loss of the acid absorbent product was less than the

one of EDC product. In 2016, the Company greatly increased the sales volume of acid absorbent and optimized the

sales radius as well, and expanded the market of East China all out. Compared with the annual budget, the sales

volume of the acid absorbent increased 120000t and the loss was reduced by RMB 19,720,000.00 Yuan in the whole

year. Secondly, optimizing the sales structure of the sodium hydroxide. In 2016, the benefit of 32% alkali was better

than the one of 50% alkali sold at home and abroad. According to the benefit optimization principle, the Company

dynamically adjusted the variety structure of the sodium hydroxide and the regional structure, produced and sold more

32% alkali, increased the sales proportion in Shanghai all out, as a result, the sales proportion of 32% alkali in

Shanghai in 2016 increased remarkably, with an increase of 7% on year-on-year basis. (3) Active communication to

raise the execution rate of the contracts by the downstream enterprises. In 2016, based on the active communication

with the downstream enterprises, the Company closely followed up the execution of the contracts with the downstream

enterprises and raised the execution rate of the contract as much as possible to increase the profit of the Company.

The quantity of chloride received by the downstream enterprises in 2016 was 599,600t, reaching a record high, with an

increase of 23,000t on year-on-year basis.

3. Scientifically strengthening operation and management. (1) Deeply excavating the potential, reducing the cost and

increasing the benefit. The Company strictly implemented the budget, optimized the capital structure and the sales

structure, resulting in the reduction in three charges by 23% on year-on-year basis. Meanwhile, with respect to the

production, the Company strictly controlled the materials and energy consumption, enhanced the management,

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2016 Annual Report

reduced the production fluctuation and optimized the use structure of the raw materials, as a result, the manufacturing

expense fell down on year-on-year basis. (2) Adopting the flat management mode. The production system further

adopted the flat management mode, simplified the management layers, quickened the rate of the information flow,

improved the decision-making efficiency, implemented the refined production and achieved the remarkable

improvement of the cost and operation profit with the minimum input. The main purpose of the refined production was

to make the quickest response with the best quality, the lowest cost and the highest efficiency. With respect to the

organizational structure, it reduced the non-direct production layer, adopted the flat production system and quickly

responded to the market. The production management department was shifted to the economic operation department,

Tianyuan Chemical Plant and Huasheng Chemical Plant were cancelled, sodium hydroxide unit, oxidative chlorination

unit, resin unit and utilities were established and PVC plant was cancelled. Economic operation department, HSE

department and arm safeguard department directly managed them, in this way, they uniformly implemented the

production and operation function together with the four units.

II. Main operating status in the reporting period

In the reporting period, the Company realized the operating income of RMB 6,754,397,100Yuan,

increasing by RMB 583,522,800Yuan or 9.46% year on year, the gross profit of RMB -334,813,600

Yuan, decreasing by RMB 444,375,500 Yuan year on year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders

of the listed Company of RMB -328,091,800 Yuan, decreasing by RMB 423,706,800 Yuan year on year.

(I) Analysis of the main business

Analysis of Changes in Relevant Items in Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Item Current period Amount in the same

Change ratio (%)

amount period of last year

Operating income 6,754,397,061.69 6,170,874,223.67 9.46

Operating cost 6,128,517,218.57 5,559,439,778.97 10.24

Selling cost 184,329,793.95 199,911,085.12 -7.79

Management expenses 480,214,277.58 402,196,032.57 19.40

Financial expenses 74,994,167.59 140,436,053.89 -46.60

Net cash flow from operating activities 488,856,761.24 305,852,432.45 59.83

Net cash flow from investment -32,240,748.36 462,369,445.87 -106.97


Net cash flow from financing activities -266,227,416.76 -930,062,240.97 Not applicable

R&D expenditure 22,218,163.42 36,893,630.81 -39.78

1. Analysis on revenue and cost

√Applicable □Not applicable

(1). Main business divided by sector, product and area

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Main business by sector


Increase or


decrease of


Gross operating Increase or decrease of


Sector Operating income Operating cost profit income gross profit rate than


rate (%) than previous yea (%)

cost than



year (%)

year (%)

Industry 3,825,805,128.74 3,478,929,132.02 9.07 -7.84 -2.18 Decrease by 5.26

percentage points

Constructio 52,384,954.98 50,855,935.65 2.92 57.02 71.53 Decrease by 8.21

n percentage points

14 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Trade 2,834,742,551.50 2,557,264,284.04 9.79 46.13 32.35 Increase by 9.39

income percentage points

Total 6,712,932,635.22 6,087,049,451.71 9.32 9.61 10.30 Decrease by 0.58

percentage points

Main business by product

Increase or Increase or

decrease of decrease of

Gross Increase or decrease of

operating operating

Product Operating income Operating cost profit gross profit rate than

income than cost than

rate (%) previous yea (%)

previous year previous

(%) year (%)

PVC 538,275,093.61 557,330,514.67 -3.54 8.76 -3.11 Increase by 12.69

percentage points

Sodium 1,377,470,326.87 917,255,823.14 33.41 7.38 -2.50 Increase by 6.74

hydroxide percentage points

Chlorine 2,144,285,877.31 2,005,608,343.01 6.47 -0.14 5.79 Decrease by 5.24

products percentage points

Others 2,652,901,337.43 2,606,854,770.89 1.74 20.62 23.75 Decrease by 2.48

percentage points

Total 6,712,932,635.22 6,087,049,451.71 9.32 9.61 10.30 Decrease by 0.58

percentage points

Main business by area

Increase or Increase or

Gross decrease of decrease of

Increase or decrease of

profit operating operating

Area Operating income Operating cost gross profit rate than

rate income than cost than

previous yea (%)

(%) previous previous

year (%) year (%)

China 6,436,295,912.76 5,829,905,849.66 9.42 10.56 11.94 Decrease by 1.11

percentage points

Other 276,636,722.46 257,143,602.05 7.05 -8.75 -17.11 Increase by 9.37

countries percentage points

Total 6,712,932,635.22 6,087,049,451.71 9.32 9.61 10.30 Decrease by 0.58

percentage points

Explanation for the main business by industries, products and regions

√Applicable □Not applicable

1) The Company established the “double-core driven” business development mode and realized the

shift from “production and manufacture” to “manufacture+ service trade”. The service trade has rapidly

developed in the past two years, kept relatively high share in the market, quickened the transformation of

the trade mode and gradually built itself a trade company with relatively strong competitiveness in

purchase of the raw materials and sale of the product;

2) The Company, based on the platform of Shanghai Chemical Products Trading Market and the

platform of the trade company, expanded the business in the primary products and the raw materials,

further expanded the industry chain of the service trade, made use of the information and advantages in

the purchase of the existing primary raw materials including ethylene and vinyl chloride and intensified

the market development of the varieties such as polyethylene to gradually prompt the Company to shift

to the service trade of the varieties in the related industry chain from the main single raw materials

(ethylene and vinyl chloride) so as to further strengthen the discourse right of the Company in the

primary products and the raw materials market. In this stage, the expansion range of polyethylene

business mainly depends on the users in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong and so on.

3) Continuously making full use of the opportunity of the established ethylene tank project, actively

expanding ethylene trade market and seeking for the trade partners in many ways. During this reporting

period, the ethylene trade business mainly concentrates on the main consumption region of the ethylene,

including Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, therefore, the trade business of the ethylene mainly depends

on the users in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai. Considering the safety factors such as the capital, the

ethylene customers of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali are selected according to the standard of stable channel,

capital safety and a certain consumption;

4) Selection of settlement and trade mode: in this stage, this Company mainly concentrates on the

expansion of the market and the business varieties and guarantees the safety of the capital, as a result, as

to the trade mode, it firstly selects the downstream customers and determines the sales intent according

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2016 Annual Report

to the quantity and the price, then purchases the products from the upstream suppliers at a proper price,

so the form of settlement mainly adopts the payment before delivery.

(2). Analysis on production and sale

√Applicable □Not applicable

Increase or Increase or

Increase or

Sales decrease of decrease of

Output Stock decrease of

volume sales volume stock

Main products ('0000 balance output than

('0000 than balance than

tons) ('0000 tons) previous

tons) previous previous

year (%)

year (%) year (%)

PVC product 6.875 7.215 0.217 -10.12 -5.98 -65.69

Sodium hydroxide 101.358 67.981 0.928 47.36 2.61 -39.07


Chlorine product 140.622 144.667 3.727 -1.60 10.04 -54.20

In 2016, the basic chemical industry turned round, the price of the products rose, the market sale was

good and the stock size of the products decreased.

(3). Cost analysis

Unit: Yuan

By sector

Ratio in Ratio

Items of cost Amount in current Amount in the same Change

Sector total in total

structure period period of last year ratio (%)

cost (%) (%)

Industry Direct 2,903,828,396.6 47.71 2,860,008,053.66 51.83 1.53


Direct labor 77,872,144.56 1.28 96,854,436.74 1.76 -19.60

Power 199,367,318.61 3.28 244,563,736.73 4.43 -18.48

Manufacture 297,861,272.25 4.89 355,203,896.99 6.44 -16.14


Total 3,478,929,132.02 57.15 3,556,630,124.12 64.45 -2.18

Construction Direct 1,832,355.52 0.03 2,220,503.52 0.04 -17.48


Direct labor 1,745,672.28 0.03 3,688,472.71 0.07 -52.67

Manufacture 47,277,907.85 0.78 23,738,840.58 0.43 99.16


Total 50,855,935.65 0.84 29,647,816.81 0.54 71.53

Trade income Purchase cost 2,557,264,384.04 42.01 1,932,174,066.11 35.01 32.35

By product

Ratio in Ratio

Items of cost Amount in current Amount in the same Change

Product total in total

structure period period of last year ratio (%)

cost (%) (%)

PVC Direct 387,186,822.81 6.36 382,641,803.88 6.93 1.19


Direct labor 16,674,223.52 0.27 17,460,930.59 0.32 -4.51

Power 82,209,949.13 1.35 95,674,768.66 1.73 -14.07

Manufacture 71,259,519.21 1.17 79,451,927.95 1.44 -10.31


Total 557,330,514.67 9.16 575,229,431.08 10.42 -3.11

Sodium Direct 760,390,751.28 12.49 729,098,699.59 13.21 4.29

hydroxide material

Direct labor 16,548,439.55 0.27 15,627,153.42 0.28 5.90

Power 69,768,678.75 1.15 94,463,749.19 1.71 -26.14

Manufacture 70,547,953.56 1.16 101,539,246.32 1.84 -30.52


Total 917,255,823.14 15.07 940,728,848.52 17.05 -2.50

Chlorine Direct 1,792,188,346.51 29.44 1,690,759,223.40 30.64 6.00

product material

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2016 Annual Report

Direct labor 35,580,679.00 0.58 32,201,251.85 0.58 10.49

Power 50,674,330.48 0.83 43,801,478.39 0.79 15.69

Manufacture 127,164,987.02 2.09 129,158,563.36 2.34 -1.54


Total 2,005,608,343.01 32.95 1,895,920,517.00 34.36 5.79

Explanation for other situation of cost analysis

□Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Main customers and main suppliers

√Applicable □Not applicable

The amount of sales of the first five customers was RMB 2,378,062,500.00 Yuan, accounting for

35.19% of the annual total sales, in which the amount of sales of the related parties of the first five

customers was RMB 0.00 Yuan, accounting for 0% of the annual total sales.

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

No. Customer Amount of sales Percent in annual total sales (%)

1 Covestro 702,663,341.07 10.40

2 Shanghai Daokuan Trade Co., Ltd 513,655,222.22 7.60

3 SLIC 473,681,459.22 7.01

4 BASF 350,184,633.60 5.18

Qingdao Shengtaifeng International

5 Trade Co., Ltd 337,877,863.25 5.00

Total 2,378,062,519.36 35.19

The amount of procurement of the first five suppliers was RMB 3,271,360,400.00 Yuan,

accounting for 59.79% of the annual total amount of procurement, in which the one of the related parties

of the first five suppliers was RMB 0.00 Yuan, accounting for 0% of the annual total amount of


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Amount of Percent in annual total amount

No. Supplier procurement of procurement (%)

State Grid Shanghai Municipal

1 Electric Power Company 1,102,666,883.85 20.16

Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical

2 Company Limited 864,644,799.54 15.80

Shandong Zhongxin Industry Trade

3 Co., Ltd 746,228,292.31 13.64

Qingdao Free Trade Zone

4 Zhongyan Trade Co., Ltd 322,971,615.38 5.90

5 Mitsubishi Corporation 234,848,784.08 4.29

Total 3,271,360,375.16 59.79

Other explanations

1. Covestro is an important downstream customer of the chemical zone and the Company supplies the

chemical products such as sodium hydroxide and chloride liquid to it.

2. State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company is the main electric power supplier for the

Company to produce the main product sodium hydroxide.

3. Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited is the supplier of the main raw materials for the

Company to produce the main product dichloroethane.

4. Shandong Zhongxin Industry Trade Co., Ltd is the supplier of polyethylene for the Company to

expand the market and carry out the main trade business.

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2016 Annual Report

2. Expenses

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB


2016 2015

Item increase/decrease (%)

Selling cost 184,329,793.95 199,911,085.12 -7.79

Management expenses 480,214,277.58 402,196,032.57 19.40

Financial expenses 74,994,167.59 140,436,053.89 -46.60

Income tax expense 1,713,353.49 4,672,427.26 -63.33

Analysis of the reason for changes in the expenses:

1) The management expenses increased by 19.4% year on year, mainly caused by significant increase of

employee’s dismissal benefit than previous year.

2) The financial expenses decreased by 46.6% year on year, mainly caused by the reduction in interest

expenditure due to the optimization of loan portfolio and reduction in loan scale in this period.

3. R&D investment

Details of R&D investment

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan

Expense investment in R&D in current period 17,060,292.79

Capitalized investment in R&D in current period 5,157,870.63

Total of investment in R&D 22,218,163.42

Ratio of total investment in R&D in the operating income (%) 0.33

Number of R&D personnel in the Company 210

Ratio of R&D personnel in total employees of the Company (%) 28.85

Ratio of capitalized investment in R&D (%) 23.21


√Applicable □Not applicable

In 2016, the Company still continued to focus on the advanced chlorine making process and new

material technique to make R&D. The main projects included “the improvement on chlorine making

with hydrogen chloride catalytic oxidation”, “inner quality tracking and process improvement of

chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin” and “the development and application of the power-saving

technology for electrolyzer”. For the project of “the improvement on chlorine making with hydrogen

chloride catalytic oxidation”, the Company, based on the completed process package for the

industrialized unit with the annual capacity of 100,000 tons, completed the optimization of the first

generation of catalyst, determined the technical indexes of the catalyst and magnified the process

parameter of preparation, established the enterprise standard of catalyst; the evaluation unit for the single

column run of Huasheng Chemical Plant was established and the preparations for the startup was made;

the research on the process of the offgas absorption liquid was made and 100000t/a industrialized

process package was further perfected. For the project of “inner quality tracking and process

improvement of the chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin”, the Company conducted quality tracing for

chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin. Comprehensively considering the static thermal stability and

dynamic rheological property as the quality indexes, it analyzed the fluctuation of chlorination process

and the fluctuation among the batches to adjust the chloride flow and the process. Based on the

follow-up and improvement of this project, the static temperature time and the quality product rate of

CPVC resin were risen to above 80%; based on the continuous follow-up, the batches with the quality

defects were retained in the Company and did not come into the market. In this year, good feedback was

get from the customers on CPVC, without any quality complaint. With the stable quality, the sales

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2016 Annual Report

volume rose step by step and the balance of production and marketing was achieved. As to the project of

“development and application of electrolyte tank energy-saving technology”, the electrolyte tank

reconstruction plan was accomplished in 2016. The operation of the unit in the condition of operation

current density of 5.0 KA/㎡, soda concentration of 32% and tank temperature of 90℃ got a very good

effect. In the evaluation, the voltage of the single tank was lower than 2.98V, the power consumption of

the sodium hydroxide per ton was reduced by 140KWH/sodium hydroxide per ton, the power

consumption of 360000t/a unit could be reduced by 50,000,000kWh or so, as a result, based on RMB 0.6

Yuan/KWH, it could save the electricity cost of RMB 30,000,000.00 Yuan, the electric energy saved in

each year was converted into about 16000t standard coal, equivalent to reduction of the emission of

40000t CO2 per year.

4. Cash flow

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Item 2016 2015 Difference

Net cash flow from operating activities 488,856,761.24 305,852,432.45 183,004,328.79

Net cash flow from investment activities -32,240,748.36 462,369,445.87 -494,610,194.23

Net cash flow from financing activities -266,227,416.76 -930,062,240.97 663,834,824.21

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 193,630,445.62 -162,165,661.15 355,796,106.77


1) The increase in net cash flow from operating activities was mainly caused by the great drop of the

stock in trade in this period, resulting in the increase in the net cash flow from the operating activities on

year-on-year basis;

2) The decrease in cash flow from investing activities is mainly caused by the decrease in the cash

inflow due to no equity transfer and sale of buildings in current period.

3) The decrease in net cash flow from financing activities is mainly because the loan returned was

smaller than the outflow of funds in current period.

(II) Note on significant changes in the profit caused by non-main business

√Applicable □Not applicable

The main reasons for the loss of the Company during the reporting period: 1. Provision for impairment.

The provision for impairment of the fixed assets in this period was totally RMB 203,833,414.81 Yuan,

among which: (1) the amount of provision for impairment of paste resin unit in this year was RMB

142,123,801.94 Yuan. The reason for the provision: A. The Company planned to build the 40000t/a

CPVC project, but the original site, namely Plot D4 in the chemical zone was located at No. 168 Yinhe

Road Shanghai Chemical Zone and was adjusted in the planning since the chemical zone carried out the

overall planning of the plot at the north of Central River in the park. Now it is approved for the record

according to Opinion for Record of Shanghai Municipal Enterprise Investment Project by Shanghai

Chemical Zone Management Committee (Project record No.: HHGB [2014] 26). Shanghai Municipal

Bureau of Planning, Land and Resources issued the approval for Releasing Decision about Notice on

Requirements on Planning and Design of Construction Project of 40000t/a PVC Project by Water Phase

Process (HGTZHXF [2016] No. 9) and the site of this project was reselected at Plot B3 of the chemical

zone (the location of paste resin unit) (the alteration of the site selection of this project was announced in

the resolutions of the 3rd board meeting of the 9th board of directors). After the new site of this project

was determined, the Company launched the previous work such as application of the project for record,

environmental impact evaluation, safety evaluation and energy evaluation. B. The Company signed a

joint venture agreement with Ordos Junzheng Energy Chemical Co., Ltd on Dec. 15, 2016 (the

investment was announced in the resolutions of the 5th board meeting of the 9th board of directors) to

jointly invest in Mengxi Industry Zone, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China to establish Inner Mongolia

Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd to produce EPVC products based on the local geological

advantages and 100000t/a EPVC unit technology of the company. In addition, the Company signed the

contract on technical license with Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd, which

stipulated that Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd used EPVC technology in the

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2016 Annual Report

manner of exclusive license, as a result, the production and development of the original paste resin unit

of the company was restricted. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, considering the high energy

consumption cost and the strict requirements on the environmental protection in Shanghai City, the

management of the Company decided to carry out the depreciation test of the paste resin unit. By Dec.

31, 2016, the Company, according to Data of Research Report on Paste Resin Industry in 2017, in

combination with the actual conditions of the Company, based on the net amount of the new cash flow

of the Company in the coming five years, provided RMB 142,123,801.94 Yuan as the provision for

impairment for the paste resin unit.

(2) The amount of provision for the impairment in Wujing Zone in this year was RMB 49,675,281.43

Yuan. The adjustment of the industrial structure of the Company in Wujing Zone entered into the final

stage (the shutdown in Wujing Zone was announced in the resolutions of the 5th board meeting of the 9th

board of directors), the overall production of the Company was entirely transferred to Shanghai

Chemical Zone, Wujing Zone was cleaned up in an all-round way and the production of the last

production unit was terminated in this period, so the provision for impairment of this unit and the

auxiliary facilities in this year was RMB 49,675,281.43 Yuan.

(3)The amount of provision for impairment of F2 electrolyte tank in this year was RMB 11,481,274.95

Yuan, the reasons for provision: with the cleaning-up of Wujing Zone of the Company in an all-round

way, the electrolyte tank in the former F2 unit was confronted with the cleaning-up, as a result,

according to the assessed value of the electrolyte tank confirmed by the Company by Dec. 31, 2016, the

amount of provision for impairment, totally RMB 11,481,274.95 Yuan was made.

2. Employee termination benefits expenditures. Due to the implementation of permanent parking

scheme in Wujing Base and current arrangement of adjustment progress, a large number of employees

terminated labor contract with the company in batches, and the actually diversion expense incurred was

RMB 125,000,000Yuan, the termination benefits withheld was RMB 131,000,000Yuan, and the

personnel diversion cost incurred in current period was totally RMB 256,000,000Yuam.

(III) Analysis on assets and liabilities

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. Status of Assets and Liabilities

Unit: Yuan

Ratio in Ratio in

Closing balance total Closing balance total Change

Item Remark

of current period assets of previous period assets ratio (%)

(%) (%)

Monetary 433,999,695.91 9.67 240,425,945.13 4.96 80.51 Capital recovery

fund in current period is


Notes 448,822,006.32 10.00 336,221,352.79 6.94 33.49 Increase in notes

receivable receivable of the

new subsidiary

New Materials

Trading Company

Advance 50,056,591.51 1.11 136,446,799.31 2.81 -63.31 Decrease in

payments advance project

payments and

dynamic payment

in current period

Other 762,159.00 0.02 3,561,716.78 0.07 -78.60 Collection of

receivables imprest fund

Inventory 159,466,728.86 3.55 384,885,265.71 7.94 -58.57 Falling inventories

of EDC product

Project 97,570,414.69 2.17 305,408,986.91 6.30 -68.05 Carrying forward

under the fixed assets

construction after the

completion of


Engineering 37,478.63 0.00 1,381,336.82 0.03 -97.29 Special materials

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2016 Annual Report

material requisition

Developmen 17,364,046.98 0.39 30,247,277.15 0.62 -42.59 Carrying forward

t intangible assets

expenditure and fixed assets

after the

completion of


Long-term 15,196,164.92 0.34 23,460,981.73 0.48 -35.23 Increase in

fees to be amortization of

apportioned current period

Short-term 1,256,000,000.0 27.98 620,000,000.00 12.79 102.58 Optimized the

loans 0 loan structure and


short-term loans

and reduced



Employees’ 131,471,648.00 2.93 780,802.00 0.02 16,738.0 Increase in

salary 3 dismissal benefit

payable appropriated in

this period

Tax payable 80,270,216.68 1.79 14,824,741.55 0.31 441.46 Increase in unpaid

VAT of current


Other 88,814,552.29 1.98 441,394,365.43 9.10 -79.88 Return the loan of

payables RMB 350,000,000

Yuan for Huayi


Long-term 170,000,000.00 3.79 645,000,000.00 13.30 -73.64 Return the loan of

payables RMB 475,000,000

Yuan for Huayi


2. Restriction of main assets by the end of report period

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Item Final book value Reason of restriction

Fixed assets 5,008,538.28 Mortgage

Intangible assets 1,314,847.65 Mortgage

Total 6,323,385.93

3. Other information

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Analysis on operational information of the industry

√Applicable □Not applicable

In the first year of “the 13th five-year plan”, the chlor-alkali industry entered the key period of

structure adjustment and pattern transformation. The industry operation characteristics experienced a

series of changes: continuous expansion of industry size with slower growth; enhanced

industrial concentration degree and gradually reasonable industrial layout; changing market pattern and

diversified trade mode; continuous optimization of production process and constant improvement of

energy conservation and environmental protection level. In recent years, affected by the pulling effect of

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2016 Annual Report

national economy growth and investment, as the basic material, there are many new expansion projects

constructed and put into operation every year in chlor-alkali industry. However, along with the

intensifying market competition of the industry, although the production capacity of chlor-alkali industry

is increasing, the backward and old production units will be gradually eliminated from the market, which

is the new characteristic of chlor-alkali production capacity growth.

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2016 Annual Report

Business information analysis of chemical industry

1 Basic information of the industry

(1). Industry policy and changes

√Applicable □Not applicable

Targeted policy during “the 13th five-year plan” of the state:

①Establish and improve the market access and exit mechanism to optimize the industrial layout

②Optimize material and technical route to promote the adjustment of product structure

③Utilize independent innovation and technical progress to promote the transformation and upgrading of

chlor-alkali industry

④Strengthen ecological environmental protection construction to promote the green development of the


⑤Further deepen the circular economy development mode

⑥Strengthen the coordinated development of productive service industry

⑦Strengthen the information construction to promote the manufacturing level of transitional industries

⑧Implement responsible care for the industry, and enhance the health, security and environmental

system management.

(2). Basic information of main industry segments and industry status of the Company

√Applicable □Not applicable

The caustic soda production capacity of our country reached 39,450,000t in 2016, with a net

increase of 720,000t (new increase of 2,030,000t and exit of 1,310,000t) compared with that at the end

of 2015. There were totally 158 caustic soda production enterprises in China, decreased by 5 enterprises

compared with last year. There is certain increment in caustic soda every year, but the exit production

capacity is large, and the overall production capacity is stable; due to the average increase in

consumption, the average operating rate of the industry increases from 74% in 2013 to 83% in current

period, and the number of production enterprises reduces from 176 in 2013 to 158 in current period, and

the industrial concentration ratio has been improved. PVC production capacity in 2016 was 23,260,000t,

decreased by 220,000t (new increase of 890,000t and exit of 1,110,000t) compared with that at the end

of 2015. At present, there are 75 PVC production enterprise, decreased by 6 compared with that at the

end of last year. Although the PVC production capacity is negative growth for three consecutive years,

the average operating rate of the industry increases from 62% in 2013 to 72% in current period, and the

number of production enterprises reduces from 93 in 2013 to 75 in current period, and the industrial

concentration ratio has been improved.

The Company is mainly engaged in the manufacturing and sales of caustic soda, chlorine and

chlorine products as well as polyvinyl chloride plastic resin and products. As the main products of the

Company, the production capacity of caustic soda reaches 720,000t, dichloroethane reaches 720,000t,

liquid chlorine reaches 600,000t and paste and special resin reaches 80,000t. Currently, the production

capacity of special resin unit of the Company is 20,000t/a, and the Company is one of the largest special

resin suppliers in east China. The Company has obvious advantages in the fields of professional R&D

and product technology, and is thus an influential enterprise in the industry.

2 Product and production

(1). Main operating mode

√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company has integrated the marketing resources, actively pursued the transformation of

marketing mode, focused on the overall stable operation of the chemical industrial area, firstly ensured

the stable supply of chlorine resources in chemical industrial area, optimized the regional structure and

built differentiated marketing mode.

Caustic soda: internal and external integration operating mode, in combination of the production

operation conditions and domestic and foreign instant market situation, reasonable distribution of

internal and external sales proportion based on the principle of benefit priority, optimizing domestic

regional structure and improving the profitability of products;

PVC: relying on the special resin base, the Company actively implements differentiated marketing

strategy and adhere to the development of domestic high-end resin market to satisfy the customers’

differentiated service requirements, and has maintained the dominant status in domestic high-end resin


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2016 Annual Report

Chlorine products: firstly putting MDI, TDI and similar production enterprises into operation as the

support in the downstream of chemical industrial area, with the rest mainly solvent market and PVC

market, to effectively reduce the product stock and sales cost.

Main conditions of operation mode adjustment in report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(2). Main products

√Applicable □Not applicable

Main upstream raw Main downstream Main price affecting

Product Industry segment

materials application field factors

Caustic Chlor-alkali Industrial salt Dye printing, paper Market supply and

soda making demand

PVC Chlor-alkali Vinyl chloride Leatheret, wall Market supply and

paper, tools demand

Chlorine Chlor-alkali Industrial salt, Solvent, PVC Market supply and

products ethylene demand

(3). R&D innovation

√Applicable □Not applicable

The R&D and development of Company continued to adhere to the main line of advanced chlorine

production process and polymer new material technology in 2016. The main research projects include

“hydrogen chloride catalytic oxidation to chlorine process technology development”, “dichloroethane

oxychlorination to tetrachlorethylene amplification technology research”, “development and application

research on customized CPVC resin”, “solution-method vinyl polymer technology exploration and

mPOE product development” etc.

“Hydrogen chloride catalytic oxidation to chlorine process technology development” project has

completed the optimization of first generation catalyst in multi-channel small testing apparatus and

drafted the first generation of catalyst standards, and the catalyst has been used stably for over 6000h; in

the meanwhile, constructed the single tube test device in chemical area and put into operation,

established the analytical method for components of offgas absorption liquid; on the basis of process

package of completed 100,000t/a industrial unit, cooperated with domestic and foreign specialized

companies to improve the process package and improved the FSR of industrialized projects.

As for the “dichloroethane oxychlorination to tetrachlorethylene amplification technology research”

project, on the basis of preliminary exploration of process conditions, raw material ratio and analytical

method, carried out amplification process research through industry-university-research mode, and

established oxidative chlorination test amplification unit in colleges and universities, which has entered

experimental stage.

As for “development and application research on customized CPVC resin” project, carried out

quality tracing and assessment of CPVC resin and optimized the production process and technology to

improve the quality of CPVC resin; in the meanwhile, carried out the research on low-cost and

high-performance CPVC mixture formulation, reduced the formulation cost of tubs and pipes through

matching adjustment of auxiliary stabilizer system, lubrication system and filling system; developed

high-flow and creep-resistant special aggregate used for all vanadium redox flow battery for specific

customers, which is in specimen evaluation stage.

“Solution-method vinyl polymer technology exploration and mPOE product development” is the

prospective project for exploiting POE new material market, through the implementation of the project,

the Company masters the rules of ethylene solution polymerization process, prepares POE product in

conformity with technical indicators, determines the tentative metallocene catalyst and opens up the

refining process of POE product.

(4). Production process and flow

√Applicable □Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report



Secondary refined 20% alkali

20% alkali

brine Finished product

makeup tank

storage tank

Electrolysis 32% alkali


32% alkali

Finished product

Alkali storage tank

50% alkali

Evaporator 50% alkali Finished product

cooler storage tank

Liquid chlorine

Process water Refrigerated Concentrated

water sulphuric acid


Wet chlorine

refined brine Chlorine

Electrolysis Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine

column compressor

scrubber cooler refrigerator









Hydrochloric Hydrochloric Offgas


acid furnace acid absorber absorber


31% hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric 31% hydrochloric

acid storage acid

tank Storage tank in

tank farm

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2016 Annual Report





Hydrogen 20% alkali


Liquid-vap Crude EDC

Ethylene Oxychlorination storage

quench or separator Decanter Lye tank

reactor tank



Refined EDC

Storage EDC EDC refining EDC refining

tank in tank refining 3# 2# tower 1# tower

farm tower

Emulsion method PVC paste




Chemicals preparation

Polymerization Drying Package

Seed emulsion

Suspension method PVC special




Chemicals Polymerization Stripping Drying Package


(5). Production capacity and work condition

√Applicable □Not applicable

Main plant area or project Designed capacity Capacity utilization (%)

Caustic soda 720,000t 98.98

Dichloroethane 720,000t 56.67

Liquid chlorine 600,000t 100.10

Paste PVC 60,000t 83.37

Special PVC 20,000t 92.24

Increase or decrease in production capacity

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

Adjustment of production line and capacity structure optimization

□Applicable √Not applicable

Abnormal shutdown

□Applicable √Not applicable

3 Raw materials purchase

(1). Basic information about main raw materials

√Applicable □Not applicable

Amount Price Influence of price fluctuation on

Raw material Purchase mode

purchased changes operating cost

The influence of purchase price is in

direct proportion to operating cost, the

Ethylene Long-term contract 1,190,000t Rise

higher the purchase cost, the higher the

operating shall be and vice versa.

Combination of

long-term and The influence of purchase price is in

short-term contract, direct proportion to operating cost, the

Salt 1,090,000t Drop

and combination of higher the purchase cost, the higher the

import and domestic operating shall be and vice versa.


Combination of

long-term and The influence of purchase price is in

Vinyl short-term contract, direct proportion to operating cost, the

68,900t Rise

chloride and combination of higher the purchase cost, the higher the

import and domestic operating shall be and vice versa.


(2). Countermeasures for price fluctuation risk of raw materials

Basic information about holding derivatives and other financial products

□Applicable √Not applicable

Main information about the adoption of periodic reserves and other means

□Applicable √Not applicable

4 Particulars about product sales

(1). Sales model

√Applicable □Not applicable

The sales territories of caustic soda and EDC and other main products of the Company include Shanghai,

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and south regions, adopting the mode combining direct selling and distribution.

(2). Basic information about main business of the Company divided by industry segments

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Increase Increase

Increase or or or

decrease in decrease decrease


Industry Operating operating in in gross

Operating cost profit

segment income income over operating profit


previous cost over over

year (%) previous previous

year (%) year (%)

Industry 3,825,805,128.74 3,478,929,132.02 9.07 -7.84 -2.18 -5.26


52,384,954.98 50,855,935.65 2.92 57.02 71.53 -8.21

n industry

Trade 2,834,742,551.50 2,557,264,384.04 9.79 46.13 32.35 9.39

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2016 Annual Report


Pricing strategy and price changes of main products

√Applicable □Not applicable

Pricing policy: the market price of product shall be adjusted timely according to real-time market

conditions, the changes of raw materials price and supply-demand relations.

Caustic soda: the caustic sola supplied to the downstream of chemical industrial area is contract

pricing, and the price is relatively stable, the overall price of products sold on market was stable in the

first half year and caustic soda was persistent overheating since August in the second half of year,

mainly because that some chlor-alkali enterprises were forced to limit production or even stop

production due to environmental protection reasons; the maximum downstream alumina market of

caustic soda turned better and the caustic soda demand was strong.

PVC: after nearly 5 years’ silence on the market, PVC eventually showed new condition in 2016.

The price began to rise in the middle of June, reached the peak in November and then became stable.

The main reason was that the reform effect of supply side of industrial capacity transfer gradually

appeared, furthermore, the limited production of calcium carbide for environmental reasons and better

export promoted PVC quotation to be better.

Chlorine product: the chlorine product supplied to the downstream of chemical industrial area

belonged to contract price and the price was relatively stable, but the price of chlorine product sold on

the market changed significantly, in excessive supply status for a long term, and the price dropped

greatly compared with 2015.

(3). Basic information about main business of the Company divided by sales channel

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: 10,000Yuan Unit: RMB

Year-on-year increase or decrease

Sales channel Operating income

in operating income (%)

China 6,436,295,912.76 10.56

Other countries 276,636,722.46 -8.75

Description of accounting policy

□Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Basic information about joint product, byproduct, semi-finished product, waste material and

waste-heat utilization product

√Applicable □Not applicable

Proportion of sales

Other output Production in Pricing Main target

of main target

products report period method customers

customer (%)

Recycled material 1634.48 Market price Shanghai Sitaiji 30

of Tianyuan Plant Plastic Cement Co.,


Sulfuric acid used 11385.82 Market price Shanghai Chengtang 100

for fertilizer Industrial Co., Ltd

Solvent ethylene 3927.16 Market price Wuxi Yangshi 29

dichloride Chemical Co., Ltd

Sodium 17371.81 Market price Shanghai Yuanyuan 39

monophosphate for Chemical Co., Ltd



Lye for 48.98 Market price Shanghai Lingtuo 100

neutralization Chemical Co., Ltd

Situation description

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

5 Environmental Protection and Security

(1). Basic information about major safety production accidents of the Company in report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(2). Basic information about environmental input of the Company during report period

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: 104Yuan Currency: RMB

Proportion of invested fund in operating income

Investment in environmental protection


3,892.28 0.58

Basic information about major environmental violations in report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(3). Other information

□Applicable √Not applicable

(V) Analysis on investment status

1. General analysis on the equity investments in outside entities

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. General analysis on the equity investments in outside entities

Unit: 104Yuan Currency: RMB


Closing Beginning Increment or

Item increase or

balance balance decrement

decrease (%)

Long-term equity

investment 36,521.56 28,885.54 7,636.02 26.44

Available-for-sale financial

assets 45,320.96 42,407.82 2,913.14 6.87

Including: measured at fair

value 7,013.83 5,076.59 1,937.24 38.16

Measured at cost 38,307.13 37,331.23 975.90 2.61

Analysis on the reason for change in equity:

1) Long-term equity investment increased by 26.44% year on year, mainly due to the investment

income in Huntsman confirmed in current period.

2) The Available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value increased by 38.16% year on year,

mainly because that the Bank of Shanghai which was measured at cost was transferred to measured at

fair value in current period

(1) Significant equity investment

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. The Company deliberated and passed the proposal on Investment in Inner Mongolia Junzheng

Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. on the 5th board meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on Oct. 28, 2016,

and jointly set up Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. according to the proportion of

shares, i.e. 40% for chlor-alkali company and 60% for Junzheng energy; joint venture corporation

planned and constructed 200,000t/a seed emulsion polymerization paste resin project. The project has

been implemented in phases, and the production capacity of phase I is intended to be 100,000t. The joint

venture corporation completed business registration on Jan. 10, 2017, the fund of 4,000,000Yuan for

Phase I was fully invested on Jan. 24, 2017, and Phase I is predicated to be put into operation at the end

of 2017.

2. The Company participated in capital increase and expansion MDI project of Shanghai Huntsman

Polyurethane Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanate Co., Ltd in 2014. The contributions are as

follows: participation in the project of Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. with the total

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2016 Annual Report

contributions of 36,571,851.75Yuan in 2014 and the contributions of 16,244,815.25Yuan in 2017,

totally 52,816,667Yuan by now. Participated in the expansion project of Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanate

Co., Ltd, with the total contributions of 39,135,000Yuan in 2014, 40,466,400Yuan in 2015 and

18,316,800Yuan in 2016, totally 97,918,200Yuan by now.

(2) Significant non-equity investment

√Applicable □Not applicable

40,000t/a high-performance chlorinated polyvinyl chloride project got the EIA approval issued by

Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau on Feb. 28, 2017.

(3) Financial assets measured at fair value

√Applicable □Not applicable

Change in

Profit or

Initial owner's equity Sourc

Stock Stock Ending book loss in Accounting

investment in the e of

code Name value reporting subject

cost reporting share




Huayi Group Available-for-sal

600623 690,000.00 1,921,920.00 -590,947.50 person

share 15,015.00 e financial assets




600636 3F 360,000.00 7,482,736.80 -1,117,551.60 person

e financial assets



Shanghai Available-for-sal

600688 900,000.00 2,898,000.00 -13,500.00 person

Petrochemical e financial assets



1,272,952.6 16,234,320.0 -11,648,154.4 Available-for-sal

600610 ZYD person

1 0 45,000.00 6 e financial assets



Shenwan 1,250,000.0 14,850,000.0 Available-for-sal

000166 264,000.0 10,200,300.00 person

Hongyuan 0 0 e financial assets

0 share



600637 Oriental Pearl 86,967.00 2,026,331.10 -951,636.40 person

20,296.88 e financial assets



Haitai Available-for-sal

600082 20,000.00 297,200.00 9,000.00 person

Development e financial assets



Bank of 7,307,758.8 24,427,750.5 Available-for-sal

601229 12,839,993.78 person

Shanghai 5 6 e financial assets


11,887,678. 70,138,258.4 344,311.8

Total 8,727,503.82 / /

46 6 8

(VI) Sales of important assets and equities

□Applicable √Not applicable

(VII) Analysis on main controlled companies and participated companies

√Applicable □Not applicable

1) Operating performance of main controlled companies

Unit: 104Yuan Currency: RMB

Registered Assets Net profit

Company name Business nature capital volume

Shanghai Chlor-Alkali New

Materials Trading Co., Ltd. Trade 5,000 21,032.45 60.86

Shanghai Jinyuan Tap Water Co., Tap water 900 1,429.48 85.50

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2016 Annual Report


Maintenance of


devices and

Shanghai Chlor-Alkali machinery engineering

Co., Ltd. construction 3,000 2,743.33 -1,345.17

Shanghai Ruisheng Enterprise Co.

Ltd. Trade 500 6,837.85 340.03

Production of

CPVC tubing and

Shanghai Luwei Plastics Co., Ltd. pipe fittings 5,000 1,480.03 -1,905.73

2) Influence of the net profit of the controlled subsidiary or the income of the participated subsidiary on

the Company's net profit

Unit: 104Yuan Currency: RMB


Main Main income

Business Main products

Company name business business Net profit contributed by

nature or service

income profit the participated



Chlor-Alkali Chemical raw

New Materials materials and

Trading Co., Ltd. Trade product sales 25,295.30 1,611.35 60.86 60.86


Ruisheng Chemical raw

Enterprise Co. materials and

Ltd. Trade product sales 249,549.75 948.94 340.03 340.03



Machinery Co., Machine

Ltd. Industry manufacturing 9,546.30 1,037.27 -1,345.17 -1,120.93


Jinyuan Tap

Water Co., Ltd. Industry Tap water 810.03 411.77 85.50 66.50

Production of

Chemical CPVC tubing

Shanghai Luwei production and pipe

Plastics Co., Ltd. and sale fittings 271.46 -122.69 -1,905.73 -1,334.01


Huntsman Chemical

Polyurethane production MDI refining

Co., Ltd. and sale and polymer 307,342.25 47,305.05 32,451.87 9,735.56


The data of Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. in 2016 is the list of relevant data in DSB

(S) Z (17) No. P00165 Audit Report issued by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. (special general

partnership) for Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd.

(VIII) Particular about structured entity controlled by the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Discussion and analysis on the Company's future development

(I) Industrial pattern and trend

√Applicable □Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

In the first year of the 13th five-year plan, the chlor-alkali industry entered the critical period of

industrial restructuring and growth mode transformation. A series of changes had taken place in the

industrial operation characteristics: the industrial scale expanded continuously, but the speed of growth

slowed down; the industrial concentration ratio rose and the industrial layout became reasonable

gradually; the market pattern changed continuously and the trading mode was diversified; the production

process was continuously optimized and the energy-saving and environmental protection level was

continuously improved. There are still many contradictions and urgent problems in the industry, for

example, overcapacity problem still exists, product homogenized competition is intense, the

competitiveness of high-end product is poor, the technological innovation capacity should be further

enhanced, “zombie enterprises” drags down the industrial development, which should be overall solved

during the “13th Five-year Plan”.

During the “13th five-year plan”, along with the steady progress in new urbanization, the demand of

caustic soda on end product market will maintain rapid growth. The urbanization rate of China will

exceed 60% in 2020, and the new urbanization and consumption upgrading will greatly pull the

construction investment in infrastructure and supporting facilities and promote the demand increase in

building materials, household appliances, clothing and articles for daily use, and then will pull the

continuous increase in the demand of caustic soda product. China’s annual export volume of caustic

soda was about 2,000,000t , basically covering the 64 countries of “the belt and road”. China has always

been the net exporter of caustic soda, the main export flow direction is basically in line with the

countries covered by “the belt and road”. Along with the development of economic construction of the

countries belong to “the belt and road”, the demand on caustic soda will further increase, so the export

volume of domestic caustic soda towards the countries of “the belt and road” will continue to be high. In

the coming years, the demand on caustic soda products of Europe, India, Australia and Southeast Asia

will continue to grow, therefore, the main future export regions of caustic soda will still be these

countries, and the export volume will keep increasing at the same time.

(II) Development strategy of the Company

√Applicable □Not applicable

Strategic thinking of the Company: based on the main battlefield, determined to go out, developing

new business.

Based on the main battlefield —— take the main battlefield of chemical industrial zone as the

support to optimize the operation capacity of units in service, raise the intrinsic safety degree of units

through technological innovation and management innovation to create high-end products and improve

the added value of products, so as to consolidate the main battlefield position of chemical industrial zone

and lay the foundation for innovative development of the Company.

Determined to go out—— implement the strategy of “going out from the chlor-alkali industry,

going out from Shanghai and going out from China”, to deepen the cooperation with well-known

companies both at home and abroad and to explore the optimum allocation of production factors and the

best combination of market, take advantage of corporate brand, management and other intangible assets

to improve the core competitiveness of the Company.

Developing new business—— take “innovation, upgrading and transformation” as the main line to

change the single structure of main products and to promote the Company to transfer to the

technology-based enterprise in advanced material field, with chlor-alkali products as the base, with new

materials and high value-added chemicals as the main body and with strong profitability. strengthen the

opportunity research on field segments of special PVC resin and related downstream products of


(III) Operating plan

√Applicable □Not applicable

Faced with the situation of coexistence between chances and challenges and between pressure

and power, the Company will take advantage of the situation to adapt to the new status of the

economic development, promote the optimization of economic structure, promote the steady growth of

business performance, boost the reform into depth, make steady progress, accelerate the

transformation of development, and strive to achieve more efficient and more sustainable development

of higher quality.

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2016 Annual Report

1. Adhere to the green development as the premise to ensure safety and environmental protection

controlled in all aspects. The Company will reshape the HSE management system to ensure system

running effectively, strengthen the safety management measures and safety to enhance the intrinsic

safety with great efforts, implement the responsibility, strengthen the examination with strict reward and

penalty to enhance the HSE execution force, and improve the environmental management system to

achieve green chemical industry and social caring with responsibility of caring.

2. Strive to remove the loss and get profit and ensure all the measures for reducing cost and

enhancing efficiency implemented. The Company will stabilize the daily production and operation to

ensure the high load operation of the profitable devices, optimize the sales structure to reduce

procurement cost and seek to maximize the benefits, reduce the cost of public utilities costs to strengthen

the efforts for implementing energy-saving and emission reducing projects and control strictly the three

expenses and manufacturing cost to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency.

3. Speed up the industrialization of the key projects to lay a solid foundation for follow-up

development. On the basis of completion of feasibility study report, the environmental impact

assessment of 100,000t hydrogen chloride oxidation to chlorine project has been started; strengthen the

technical upgrading of existing resin products, collect various PVC resins for analysis and evaluation,

select 2 to 3 varieties according to different production characteristics and process for future

development, furthermore, make improvement for the production process, line and technology for

existing PVC products to improve the stability of PVC resin products.

4. Deepen the management to improve operation efficiency. Due to the sharp decrease in the staff

of the Company, the organizational structure, business process, internal control system should be

further organized and improved. The Company will optimize the organizational structure and

personnel structure, establish reasonable incentive mechanism, to deepen the management and

improve the efficiency.

5. Continue to explore the research on go out strategy to ensure the sustainable development.

From the aspects of perfecting the existing industrial chain in Shanghai chemical industrial area,

extending the existing product chain and looking for chemical new material product with high added

value and technical content, in combination with the actual situation of the Company, strengthen the

opportunity research on field segments of special PVC resin and related downstream products of


(IV) Possible risks

√Applicable □Not applicable

1) Risk of microeconomic fluctuation. The downward economic pressure will not decrease in 2017

and the economic situation is still grim.

2) Policy risk and industrial risk. Under the background of deepening the structural reform of

supply side and cutting excessive industrial capacity of the state, there will be greater uncertainty on

chlor-alkali products and its downstream products market in 2017.

3) Raw material risk. Impacted by cold chain transportation, the Company’s main raw material

ethylene is of the unique commercial attributes, high fluctuations in price, and being easy to rise and

difficult to fall. This will deviate from the production cost and bring risk to the control of the production

cost of the Company’s product ethylene dichloride. The electricity needed for sodium hydroxide is made

as part of the raw material, but it is difficult to get policy favor for the price of the electricity for

electrolysis under the guidance of existing location economy.

2. Countermeasures

1) Except for the five points in business plan, the Company shall strengthen the pace of

transformation of scientific research innovation into productivity, and accelerate the process of

industrialization of new technology chlorine hydride catalytic oxidation to chlorine and the amplification

technology research on dichloroethane oxychlorination to perchlorethylene.

2) Continue to explore the research on go-global strategy to look for resource and location

advantages. Aim at the regions with cost advantages to create new production base, and extend the

production chain of the company, so as to realize the transformation and upgrading.

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2016 Annual Report

3) take advantage of supply-marketing integrated platform of trade company to realize the “supply

and marketing linkage, products linkage and main trade linkage” for comprehensive improvement of the

marketing level.

(V) Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Note on the status and causes not disclosed as per criteria due to not being applicable to the

provisions of the criteria or special causes

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section V Major Events

I. Proposal on profit distribution of ordinary shares or transfer of capital reserves

(I) The formulation, implementation or adjustment of the cash dividend policy

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. In 2012, the Company, according to relevant regulations of China Securities Regulatory

Commission, Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau and Shanghai Stock Exchange, made amendment

on relevant provisions related to profit distribution in the Articles of Association, further improved

relevant decision-making process and mechanism, clarified the profit distribution form, the actual

conditions and proportion of the cash dividend, the use principle of undistributed profit and other

specific policies.

2. The cash dividend policy has not been adjusted in reporting period.

(II) The Company’s profit distribution plan for ordinary shares or proposal and the plan for

capital reserves transferred to share capital or proposal in recent 3 years (including the

reporting period)

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Ratio in the net

Net profit

Issued profit

Total attributable to

dividend Shares attributable to

The year Bonus amount of shareholders of the

for every increased shareholders of

for share for cash listed Company in

10 shares for every the listed

dividend every 10 dividend the consolidated

held 10 shares Company in

distribution shares held issued (tax statements in the

(RMB) (tax held the

included) year for dividend

included) consolidated


statements (%)

2016 0 0 0 0 -328,091,761.80 0

2015 0 0 0 95,615,030.34 0

2014 0 0 0 0 -592,502,499.95 0

(III) Repurchase offer of shares in cash and included in cash dividends

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) If the profit is positive in the reporting period and the profit distributable to common

shareholders by the parent company is positive but the Company does not lodge the proposal

for profit distribution in cash for ordinary shares, the Company shall disclose in detail the

reasons and the purpose and use plan of the undistributed profit

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

II. Fulfillment of commitments

(I) Commitments of the actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and the

Company made to other related parties in the reporting period or left to the reporting


Applicable √Not applicable

(II) If there is earnings forecast for assets or project of the Company and the assets and project

are still in forecasted earnings period during the reporting period, the Company shall

explain whether the assets or project have reached the original earnings forecast and give

the reasons

□Reached □Failing to reach √Not applicable

III. Fund occupation and the liquidation in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Note of the Company on the “non-standard auditor’s report” of the public accounting firm

□Applicable √Not applicable

V. The analysis and explanation of the Company on the cause and influence of the changes in the

accounting policy and accounting estimate or correction of significant accounting errors

(I) Analysis and explanation of the Company on the cause and influence of the changes in the

accounting policy and accounting estimate

√Applicable □Not applicable

Follow the Provisions on Accounting Treatment Value-added Tax

The Ministry of Finance published the Provisions on Accounting Treatment Value-added Tax (CK

[2016] No. 22) Dec. 3, 2016 and the Provisions are applicable to the related transaction after May 1,

2016. The influences of the implementation of the provisions are as follows:

Contents and Reasons for the Changes of Approval Name and Amount of the

Accounting Policies Procedures Affected Items

(1) Adjust the item “business tax and surcharges” Approved by the

in income statement to item “taxes and decision of the Taxes and surcharges

surcharges”. Board of Directors

The amount of taxes and

surcharges of this year is

(2) Reclassify the housing property tax, land use

increased by RMB

tax, vehicle and vessel usage tax and stamp duty

6,835,416.74Yuan after

arising from the business activities of the

Approved by the adjustment, and the amount

enterprise since May 1, 2016 in the item

decision of the of administrative expenses of

“administrative expenses” to the item “taxes and

Board of Directors this year is decreased by

surcharges”, and the taxes incurred before May

RMB 6,663,499.58 Yuan

5, 2016 shall not be adjusted. The comparative

after adjustment. The amount

data shall not be adjusted.

of sales expenses of this year

is decreased by RMB

35 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Contents and Reasons for the Changes of Approval Name and Amount of the

Accounting Policies Procedures Affected Items

171,917.16 Yuan after


The adjusted increment in

ending balance of other

(3) Reclassify the value-added tax of income (or

current liabilities is RMB 0

gains) which has been recognized without

Approved by the Yuan, the adjusted increment

fulfillment of VAT obligations and should be

decision of the in other non-current

recognized as output VAT from the item “tax

Board of Directors liabilities is RMB 0 Yuan,

payable” to the item “other current liabilities”.

and the adjusted decrement

The comparative data shall not be adjusted.

in ending balance of tax

payable is RMB 0Yuan.

The adjusted increment in

(4) Reclassify the credit balance of the

ending balance of other

classification items of “VAT payable”, “unpaid

current assets is RMB 0

VAT”, “pending deduct VAT on purchase”,

Approved by the Yuan, the adjusted increment

“input VAT to be recognized” and “VAT

decision of the in other non-current assets is

retained” under the item “taxes payable” to the

Board of Directors RMB 0 Yuan, and the

item “other current assets” (or “other non-current

adjusted increment in ending

assets”). The comparative data shall not be

balance of tax payable is


RMB 0Yuan.

(II) Analysis and explanation of the Company on the cause and influence of the correction of

significant accounting errors

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Communication with former CPA firm

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Other information

□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Engagement and dismissal of the public accounting firm

Unit:104 Yuan Currency: RMB

Now engage

Name of the domestic public accounting firm BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public

Accountants LLP

Reward of the domestic public accounting firm 88

Audit term of years of the domestic public 6

36 / 95

2016 Annual Report

accounting firm

Name Reward

Public accounting firm for audit of BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified 35.2

internal control Public Accountants LLP

Note on the engagement and dismissal of the public accounting firm

□Applicable √Not applicable

Note on reengagement of public accounting firm in audit period

□Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Risk of suspension of listing

(I) Cause for suspension of listing

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Countermeasures to be taken by the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

VIII. Faced with the termination of listing and causes

□Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Events related to bankruptcy and reorganization

□Applicable √Not applicable

X. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

□Existence of significant lawsuits and arbitrations in the year

√No significant lawsuits and arbitrations in this year

XI. Penalties to the listed Company, Directors, Supervisors, senior executives, controlling

shareholder, actual controller and purchaser and the corrections

□Applicable √Not applicable

XII. Credit conditions of the Company and its controlling shareholder and actual controller in

reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

XIII. The Company's equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan and other incentives

to the employees and the influences

(I) Disclosure of related incentive matter in provisional announcement without subsequent

progress or change

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Incentive matters not disclosed in provisional announcement or with subsequent progress

Equity incentive

□Applicable √Not applicable

Other information

□Applicable √Not applicable

Information about employee stock ownership plan

□Applicable √Not applicable

37 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Other incentive measures

□Applicable √Not applicable

XIV. Significant related transactions

(I) Related transactions associated with routine operations

1. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having no subsequent progress

or change

√Applicable □Not applicable

Summary of events Query Index

The 28th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors on Mar. 25, Reviewed and passed on the 28th meeting of the

2016 and 2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Apr. 25, 8th Board of Directors and 2015 Annual

2016 reviewed and passed the Proposal on Daily Related Shareholders’ Meeting

Transactions of the Company. The related transaction of www.sse.com.cn

the Company and related parties are normal business

activities and largely support the day-to-day operations

and development, conforming to the principle public,

justice and fairness.

2. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having subsequent progress or


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed by provisional announcements

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: 104 Yuan Currency: RMB

Ratio in

total amount


Type of Content of Amount of of

Related transaction principle

Relationship related related related transaction

party for related

transaction transaction transaction of the same




Shanghai Huayi Controlled Purchase Material Settled 92.13 0.02

Energy Chemical subsidiary of goods purchase through

Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Purchase Material Settled 84.24 0.02

Tianyuan Chemical subsidiary of goods purchase through

Logistics Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Wholly-owne Purchase Material Settled 140.30 0.03

Chlor-Alkali Creation d subsidiary of goods purchase through

Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Wholly-owne Purchase Material Settled 44.17 0.01

Group Equipment d subsidiary of goods purchase through

Engineering Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Chemical Wholly-owne Purchase Material Settled 10.21 0.00

Supply and d subsidiary of goods purchase through

Marketing Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Chemical Wholly-owne Purchase Material Settled 86.25 0.02

Supply and d subsidiary of goods purchase through

Marketing Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

38 / 95

2016 Annual Report

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Purchase Material Settled 147.01 0.04

Information subsidiary of goods purchase through

Technology Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai White Controlled Purchase Material Settled 0.49 0.00

Elephant & Swan subsidiary of goods purchase through

Battery Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Huayi Group (Hong Wholly-owne Purchase Material Settled 12,285.10 3.06

Kong) Co., Ltd. d subsidiary of goods purchase through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Tiantan Controlled Purchase Material Settled 608.89 0.15

Auxiliaries Co., Ltd subsidiary of goods purchase through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Chemical Wholly-owne Receive Receive Settled 288.42 0.07

Industry Inspection & d subsidiary of service service through

Detection Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Receive Receive Settled 2,474.87 0.62

Tianyuan Chemical subsidiary of service service through

Logistics Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai New Controlled Receive Receive Settled 524.80 0.13

Tianyuan Chemical subsidiary of service service through

Transport Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Wholly-owne Receive Receive Settled 341.32 0.08

Chlor-Alkali Creation d subsidiary of service service through

Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Wholly-owne Receive Receive Settled 846.86 0.21

Engineering Co., Ltd. d subsidiary of service service through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Receive Receive Settled 302.17 0.08

Information subsidiary of service service through

Technology Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Pacific Controlled Receive Receive Settled 11.11 0.00

Chemica Equipment subsidiary of service service through

Engineering Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 475.70 0.11

Energy Chemical subsidiary of sale through

Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai 3F New Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 39.09 0.00

Materials Co., Ltd. subsidiary of sale through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 293.68 0.07

Tianyuan Chemical subsidiary of sale through

Logistics Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

39 / 95

2016 Annual Report

company price

Shanghai Wholly-owne Sell goods Product Settled 119.84 0.03

Chlor-Alkali Creation d subsidiary of sale through

Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Tianyuan Wholly-owne Sell goods Product Settled 880.50 0.21

Group Shengde d subsidiary of sale through

Plastics Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Resin Plant Wholly-owne Sell goods Product Settled 37.76 0.01

Co., Ltd. d subsidiary of sale through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 225.66 0.05

Acrylic Acid Co., subsidiary of sale through

Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Chemical Wholly-owne Sell goods Product Settled 124.29 0.03

Supply and d subsidiary of sale through

Marketing Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Sanaisi Wholly-owne Sell goods Product Settled 0.55 0.00

Reagent Co., Ltd. d subsidiary of sale through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Yiping Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 191.59 0.05

Pigment Co., Ltd. subsidiary of sale through

parent negotiated

company price

Yixing Huayi Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 644.31 0.15

Colourating Science subsidiary of sale through

and Technology Co., parent negotiated

Ltd. company price

Shanghai Tiantan Controlled Sell goods Product Settled 71.44 0.02

Auxiliaries Co., Ltd subsidiary of sale through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Controlled Provide Provide Settled 0.87 0.00

Tianyuan Chemical subsidiary of service service through

Logistics Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Wholly-owne Provide Provide Settled 583.75 0.14

Engineering Co., Ltd. d subsidiary of service service through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Huayi Wholly-owne Provide Provide Settled 46.20 0.01

Polymer Co., Ltd. d subsidiary of service service through

parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Pacific Controlled Provide Provide Settled 5.19 0.00

Chemica Equipment subsidiary of service service through

Engineering Co., Ltd. parent negotiated

company price

Shanghai Coking Controlled Provide Provide Settled 13.16 0.00

Storage and subsidiary of service service through

Transportation Port parent negotiated

40 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Co., Ltd company price

Total / 22,041.92 5.42

Particulars of big sale return

Notes on related transactions The transactions between

the Company and the

related parties is needed by

the Company's routine

operating activities for

purchase of raw material

and sale of products of the

regular business activities,

as well as the expenditures

for payment of service and

custody business produced

from stripping the non

recurring assets and non

core business. These are

necessary supplements for

professional cooperations

and mutual exchange of

merits between the

Company and the

controlled shareholder and

between partial subordinate

enterprises, and such

related transactions shall be

continued in future.

(II) Related transactions from acquisition and sale of assets or equity

1. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having no subsequent progress

or change

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having subsequent progress or


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed by provisional announcements

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. If performance agreement involved, the performance implementation situation in reporting

period should be disclosed

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Significant related transactions of common investment

1. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having no subsequent progress

or change

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having subsequent progress or


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed by provisional announcements

□Applicable √Not applicable

41 / 95

2016 Annual Report

(IV) Related creditor’s rights and debts

1. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having no subsequent progress

or change

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Events already disclosed in the provisional announcement and having subsequent progress or


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed by provisional announcements

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: 104Yuan Currency: RMB

Provide fund to the related The related party provided

party fund to the listed Company

Related party Relationship Beginni

Beginning Closing Closing

Amount ng Amount

balance balance balance


Shanghai Huayi Tianyuan Controlled 33.57 -0.09 33.48 6.35 7.75 14.10

Chemical Logistics Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Wholly-owned 6.03 12.81 18.84 51.65 -39.40 12.25

Creation Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Resin Plant Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned 4.00 1.74 5.74

subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Tianyuan Group Wholly-owned 2,099.51 -1,174.0 925.51

Shengde Plastics Co., Ltd. subsidiary of 0

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Engineering Wholly-owned 28.51 271.04 299.55 11.42 187.21 198.63

Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Controlled 88.84 -81.25 7.59

Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Fine Chemical Wholly-owned 0.47 72.65 73.12

Co. Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Soap Making Co., Controlled 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.54

Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Energy Controlled 144.18 -4.96 139.22

Chemical Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai 3F New Materials Controlled 21.88 -10.18 11.70

Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Polymer Co., Wholly-owned 107.52 -107.52 0.00

Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Tiantan Auxiliaries Controlled 0.81 -0.81 0.00 0.00 53.47 53.47

Co., Ltd subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Yiping Pigment Co., Controlled 6.75 8.82 15.57

Ltd. subsidiary of

42 / 95

2016 Annual Report

parent company

Yixing Huayi Colourating Controlled 303.40 -29.29 274.11

Science and Technology Co., subsidiary of

Ltd. parent company

Shanghai Huayi Information Controlled 65.93 -65.93 0.00 8.71 3.98 12.69

Technology Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Pacific Chemica Controlled 0.00 6.07 6.07

Equipment Engineering Co., subsidiary of

Ltd. parent company

Shanghai Huayi New Controlled 0.00 6.37 6.37

Materials Co., Ltd subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai New Tianyuan Controlled 11.08 49.45 60.53

Chemical Transport Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Chemical Industry Wholly-owned 1.41 46.80 48.21

Inspection & Detection Co., subsidiary of

Ltd. parent company

Shanghai Chemical Supply Wholly-owned 10.36 -1.72 8.64

and Marketing Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Equipment Wholly-owned 12.20 14.89 27.09

Engineering Co., Ltd subsidiary of

parent company

Huayi Group (Hong Kong) Wholly-owned 3,730.85 -2,145.8 1,585.00

Co., Ltd. subsidiary of 5

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Fine Chemical Wholly-owned 0.00 27.77 27.77

Co. Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi (Group) Controlling 0.00 12.55 12.55 99,685.7 -82,683. 17,001.8

Company shareholder 4 89 5

Shanghai Shenyu Medicine Controlled 0.02 -0.02 0.00

Chemical Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huifeng Resin Plant Wholly-owned 5.14 0.00 5.14

subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Group Controlled 0.17 0.00 0.17

Huayuan Chemical Co., Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Sanaisi Reagent Co., Controlled 0.08 -0.01 0.07

Ltd. subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Peony Painting Ink Controlled 0.14 0.00 0.14

Co., Ltd subsidiary of

parent company

Shanghai Huayi Group Affiliated 7.04 1.99 9.03

Finance Co., Ltd. company

2,911.40 -1,081.9 1,829.42 103,542. -84,477. 19,065.3


8 90 58 2

Cause for the related creditor’s rights and debts Caused by purchase and sale in regular production and


Influence of the related creditor’s rights and debts No influence on the Company’s operating results and

on the Company financial status

43 / 95

2016 Annual Report

(V) Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

XV. Important contracts and the implementation

(I) Custody, contracting and leasing

1. Custody

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Contracting

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Leasing

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: 104Yuan Currency: RMB




Amount ted

Starting Income setting

Name of Name of Leased of End date trans Related

date of from leasin

lessor lessee assets leased of leasing actio relation

leasing leasing g

assets n or




Shanghai Shanghai Fixed 3,466.16 01-01-2 12-31-201 1,384.68 Settled Yes Controlled

Chlor-Alkali Huayi asset 016 6 throug subsidiary

Chemical Tianyuan h of parent

Co., Ltd. Chemical negoti company

Logistics ated

Co., Ltd. price

Shanghai Shanghai Fixed 633.35 01-01-2 12-31-201 365.08 Settled Yes Wholly-o

Chlor-Alkali Tianyuan asset 016 6 throug wned

Chemical Group h subsidiary

Co., Ltd. Shengde negoti of parent

Plastics ated company

Co., Ltd. price

(II) Guarantee

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Management on cash assets made through committing others

1. Financing through commitment

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Loan through commitment

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Other financing investment and derivative investment

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Other important contracts

□Applicable √Not applicable

44 / 95

2016 Annual Report

XVI. Notes to other major events

□Applicable √Not applicable

XVII. Fulfillment of social responsibility

(I) Poverty alleviation of listed company

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Work on social responsibility

√Applicable □Not applicable

For details, see 2016 Social Responsibility Report of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

(Summary) announced in the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange: www.sse.com.cn on March 30, 2017.

(III) Information about environmental protection of the company and its subsidiaries belonging

to key pollutant discharging unit published by environmental protection department

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. As for the environmental protection work in 2016, the Company has always adhered to the

sustainable development path, strengthened the awareness of social responsibility, promoted the

management and governance simultaneously based on the concept of green chemical industry, and

the technical and economical indicators of environmental protection have been well fulfilled. The

indicators of “three rates” for environmental protection have been completed, the running rate of

environmental protection treatment facilities was 100%, the industrial wastewater treatment rate was

100 %, and the external monitoring qualification rate of the “three wastes” discharge was 100%. The

environmental protection expenditures of the Company in 2016 was RMB 38,922,800 Yuan,

including RMB 16,720,000Yuan operating expenses, RMB 7,412,300Yuan of environmental

protection maintenance fee and RMB 14,790,500Yuan of effluent charge. The environmental

protection completion acceptance of by-product hydrogen energy project, integrated wastewater

operation project in industrial area and 500m3 finished-product sodium hypochlorite storage tank

construction project have been completed. Through setting goals and targets, operation control and

emergency plan, the environmental management system of the company ensured the control of key

environmental factors throughout the year. After the adjustment of the organizational structure of the

company in July, the environmental management system shall follow the newly adjusted

organizational structure to modify relevant procedure documents and supporting documents, update

and identify the environmental factors of the Company and key environmental factors and

implemented the control means of key environmental factors, and passed the third-party supervision

and examination organized by Shanghai Audit Center of Quality System on November 30 and

December; the environmental management system of the company was in continuous and effective

operation. After optimized operation of wastewater integrated project of the two plants in chemical

area in 2016 and incorporating the organic wastewater of Tianyuan into the organic wastewater

treatment system of Huasheng, the problem that the organic wastewater of Tianyuan exceeded the

takeover standard had been solved in 2016 and the organic wastewater of Huasheng was basically

stable and operated up to standard after operation optimization. 244.22 tons of hazardous wastes

from the two plants in chemical area were treated according to relevant regulations; more than 200

tons of hazardous wastes generated from the removal of production unit have been packed and

stored in accordance with regulations for incineration treatment.

Take the monitoring of environmental protection data of state-controlled enterprise as the basis to

ensure the stability and reliability of the daily operation of environmental protection devices. The

operating ratio and load rate of environmental protection device has reached the discharge standard

specified by laws and regulations; the unplanned shutdown of environmental protection shall be

managed as that of production unit, in case of shutdown for more than four hours, report to the quality,

environmental protection and security department of the company to be put on records and implement

the emergency plan of production unit at the same time to ensure the up-to-standard discharge of

wastewater and waste gas. Organize technical force to strive to make technological breakthrough for

environmental protection unit to ensure the effective operation of environmental protection device.

Since 2016, the comprehensive qualified rate of internal wastewater monitoring of the company

has always been 100%; except for the VCM recovery flue of Tianyuan Chemical Plant, the flue

45 / 95

2016 Annual Report

monitoring comprehensive qualified rate of others is 100%. The comprehensive qualified rate of

rainwater discharge monitoring is 100%. The environmental protective on-line monitoring instrument

for inorganic wastewater runs well, the qualification rate of on-line data transmission is 100% and the

transmission rate is 98% (indicator > 80%).

Promoted the discharge reduction of VOCs, strengthened the management and control of startup

and shutdown of production and the production site and reduced fugitive emission to further cut down

the pollutant discharge from the source. As for VOCs discharge reduction, the Company has conducted

leakage detection and repair (LDAR), quarterly detection and repair and EDC loading exhaust gas

collection facility reconstruction, and the wastewater silo tail gas recovery project has been carried out

as planned. On Dec. 14, 2016, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences organized relevant

technical experts to hold the technical verification and investigation meeting for special support funds of

Shanghai Industrial VOCs emission reduction and enterprise pollution control project in Huasheng

Chemical Plant and Tianyuan Chemical Plant of the Company. After one days’ material examination

and on-site inspection, the assessment of the Company for applying for special support fund for

Shanghai industrial VOCs emission enterprises pollution control project passed.

(IV) Other information

□Applicable √Not applicable

XVIII. Convertible bond of the Company

(I) Convertible bond issuing

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Information about the convertible bond holder and guarantor in reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Changes of convertible bond in reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

Information about cumulative shares transfer of convertible bond in reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Previous adjustments of conversion price

□Applicable √Not applicable

(V) Liabilities, credit change and cash arrangement for debt repayment in future years

□Applicable √Not applicable

(VI) Other information about convertible bond

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section VIChanges of Ordinary Shares and Particulars of Shareholders

I. Changes of ordinary shares

(I) Changes of ordinary shares

1. Changes of ordinary shares

In the reporting period, the total number and share structure of the ordinary share were not changed.

2. Description of the changes in ordinary shares

√Applicable □Not applicable

On July 28, 2016, to support and participate in the establishment of Shanghai state-owned assets

flow platform, Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company purchased Shanghai state-owned enterprises ETF

shares with 34,692,000 Chlor-Alkali shares (accounting for 5.16% of total equity of Huayi Group). After

such exchange and purchase, the direct shareholding ratio of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company reduced

from 50.29% to 47.29%.

46 / 95

2016 Annual Report

3. Impact of changes of ordinary shares on the earnings per share and net asset value per share

in last year and the latest period (if any)

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Other content deemed necessary by the Company to be disclosed or required by the securities

regulatory institution to be disclosed

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Changes of the shares limited to be sold

□Applicable √Not applicable

II. Issuing and listing of securities

(I) Securities issuing in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

Note on the securities issuing in the reporting period (for bonds with different interest rates, state


□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Changes of the total number of the ordinary shares and structure of the shareholders and

changes of the structure of the Company’s assets and liabilities

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Existing internal staff shares

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Particulars of the shareholders and the actual controller

(I) Total number of shareholders

Total number of ordinary shareholders as of end of the reporting 85,244


Total number of ordinary shareholders at end of the previous month 85,677

before the disclosing date of the annual report

(II) Top 10 shareholders, top 10 holders of tradable shares (or shareholders not under restricted

sales condition)

Unit: share

Top 10 shareholders

Shares Pledged or

Increase or Shares held with frozen status Nature

decrease in at end of the Proport restrict of

Name of shareholder (in full)

the reporting reporting ion (%) ed sales Share Numb sharehol

period period conditi status er der


Shanghai Huayi (Group) -34,691,900 546,900,447 47.29 0 0 State

Company owned




SCBHK A/C BBH S/A 0 7,859,532 0.68 0 0 Overseas





Central Huijin Asset 0 7,438,100 0.64 0 0 State

Management Limited Liability owned


Company legal


47 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Industrial and Commercial 6,526,623 6,526,623 0.56 0 0 Unknow

Bank of China Co., Ltd.- n


China Securities Shanghai

State-owned Enterprises ETF

VANGUARD TOTAL 668,901 4,921,701 0.43 0 0 Overseas



Miao Guoqing -730,000 3,000,000 0.26 0 0 Domesti

None c natural


TICO Trust Corporation 2,956,790 2,956,790 0.26 0 0 Unknow

Limited - Qingshan No. 1 n


structured securities investment

assembled funds trust plan

Fang Jianwei -651,781 2,751,206 0.24 0 0 Domesti

None c natural


Bank of China Wuxi Branch 0 2,605,981 0.23 0 0 State





ISHARES CORE MSCI 1,157,500 2,441,900 0.21 0 0 Overseas



Holdings of top 10 shareholders without restricted sales condition

Number of Type and number of shares

shares without

Name of shareholder

restricted sales Type Number


Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company 546,900,447 A share 546,900,447

SCBHK A/C BBH S/A VANGUARD 7,859,532 7,859,532



Central Huijin Asset Management Limited 7,438,100 7,438,100

A share

Liability Company

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., 6,526,623 6,526,623

Ltd.-China Securities Shanghai State-owned A share

Enterprises ETF


B share


Miao Guoqing 3,000,000 B share 3,000,000

TICO Trust Corporation Limited - Qingshan 2,956,790 2,956,790

No. 1 structured securities investment assembled A share

funds trust plan

Fang Jianwei 2,751,206 B share 2,751,206

Bank of China Wuxi Branch 2,605,981 A share 2,605,981

ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING 2,441,900 2,441,900

B share


Note on the related relation or concerted actions The Company’s shares have all been tradable since November

for above shareholders 12, 2009, and none of the shareholder is under restricted sales

condition. It is unknown to the Company whether there is

related relation or the concerted actor specified in the

Management Method on Information Disclosure for

Shareholding Change of the Shareholders of Listed Companies.

Holdings of top 10 shareholders with restricted conditions and the restricted conditions

□Applicable √Not applicable

48 / 95

2016 Annual Report

(III) Strategic investors or general legal person become top 10 shareholders due to rights issue

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Particulars of the controlling shareholder and the actual controller

(I) Particulars of the controlling shareholder

1 Legal person

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company

Unit principal or legal representative Liu Xunfeng

Date of establishment Jan. 23, 1997

Main business Operation and management of state-owned assets within authorized

range, investment on industry, manufacture and sale for chemical

and medical products and equipment, installation, maintenance and

contracted service for projects of chemical and medical equipment.

Shares held in other domestic or During the reporting period, Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company

overseas listed companies during the held 69.79% equity interest of Shanghai Huayi Group Co., Ltd and

reporting period 31.53% equity interest of Shanghai 3F New Material Co., Ltd.

2 Natural person

□Applicable √Not applicable

3 Special description of nonexistence of controlling shareholder in the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

4 Index and dates of the changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

5 Block diagram of property and control relations between the Company and controlling


√Applicable □Not applicable

(II) Particulars of the actual controller

1 Legal person

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

of Shanghai Municipal Government

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2016 Annual Report

2 Natural person

□Applicable √Not applicable

3 Special description of nonexistence of actual controller in the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

4 Index and dates of the changes of actual controller in reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

5 Block diagram of property and control relations between the Company and actual controller

√Applicable □Not applicable

6 Actual controller controls the Company through trust or other assets management modes

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Other information about the controlling shareholder and actual controller

□Applicable √Not applicable

V. Legal person shareholders with the holdings more than 10%

□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Note on the limitation of shares for reduction

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section VII Particulars of Preferred Shares

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

Section VIII Particulars of the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Staff Members

I. Changes in shareholding and particulars of rewards

(I) Particulars of Directors, Supervisors and senior executives (including the ones leaving post during the reporting period)

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: share

Reward got Get reward

from the from the

Shares Shares Company Company's

Position Start date of End date of held at the held at Increase or Reason of during the related party

Name Gender Age

(note) office term office term beginning the end decrease change reporting or not

of year of year period


(before tax)

Huang Chairman of Male 58 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 1,000 1,000 0 0 Yes

Dailie the board

Zhang Director, Male 49 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 10,000 10,000 0 72.40 No

Weimin general


Wang Wei Director, Male 48 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 61.50 No

deputy party


Li Ning Director Female 49 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 0 Yes

Yu Zhaojun Employee Male 58 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 2,000 2,000 0 53.90 No



Zhang Outside Male 46 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 1,000 0 -1,000 Sold 1000 10 No

Wenlei director shares on


market at RMB


Shao Independent Male 52 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 10 No

Zhengzhong director

Wang Independent Male 55 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 5 No

Jinshan director

Zhao Ziye Independent Male 37 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 5 No

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2016 Annual Report


Gu Lili Chairman of Male 45 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 0 Yes



Zhang Hu Supervisor Male 47 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 0 Yes

Tang Liang Supervisor Male 46 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 40.21 No

Zhou Mei Employee Female 48 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 34.92 No



Zhang Employee Male 48 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 0 0 0 37.21 No

Guohua representative


Cao Jinrong CFO Male 41 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 1,000 1,000 0 48.32 No

Yuan Deputy Male 48 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 1,000 1,000 0 56.31 No

Maoquan general


Dong Yan Secretary of Female 44 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 1,000 1,000 0 47.03 No

the board of


Wang General Male 54 04-25-2016 04-25-2019 1,000 1,000 0 64.43 No

Linzao manager


Hu Former Male 61 12-20-2012 04-25-2016 3,000 3,000 41.15 No

Yongkang director,

deputy Party


Wang Former Male 50 12-20-2012 04-25-2016 1,000 1,000 0 Yes

Zengjin director

Li Former Male 42 12-20-2012 04-25-2016 0 0 5 No

Zengquan independent


Zhang Former Male 54 12-30-2014 04-25-2016 0 0 5 No

Guoming independent


Chen Yao Former Male 53 09-17-2013 04-25-2016 0 0 0 Yes

chairman of


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2016 Annual Report


Yu Bin Former Male 42 12-20-2012 04-25-2016 1,000 1,000 0 Yes


Wang Former Female 55 12-20-2012 04-25-2016 10,000 2,000 -8,000 Sold 8000 21.94 No

Mingchun supervisor shares on


market at RMB


Xu Peiwen Former Male 60 12-20-2012 04-25-2016 7,000 7,000 0 44.58 No

secretary of

the board of


Total / / / / / / 663.90 /

Name Main work experience

Huang Dailie He used to be the Deputy Party secretary, executive Director and general manager of Shanghai Huayi Group Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. and

manager of Enterprise Adjustment Department of Huayi Group. Now he is the director and general manager of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company;

director, deputy secretary of CPC Committee and chairman of trade union of Shanghai Huayi Co., Ltd.; Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali

Chemical Co., Ltd.

Zhang He used to be the assistant of general manager and deputy general manager of Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co., Ltd., deputy general manager of economic

Weimin operating department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and general manager of safety & environmental protection department and chief of armed

security department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company. Now he is the Director, general manager and deputy secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai

Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Wang Wei He used to be the deputy general manager of human resources department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and the deputy general manager of

Shanghai Huayi Investmetn Co., Ltd. Now he is the director and deputy secretary (executive) of Party Committee of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co.,


Li Ning She used to be the general manager of financial department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company. Now she is the general manager of capital operation

department of Shanghai Huayi Group Co., Ltd., the director of Shanghai 3F New Materials Co., Ltd and the director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical

Co., Ltd.

Yu Zhaojun He used to be the Party secretary of PVC factory of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the employee representative director, Deputy

Party secretary, secretary of Party discipline committee, chairman of trade union and party secretary of department office of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali

Chemical Co., Ltd.

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2016 Annual Report

Zhang Wenlei He used to be deputy chief of technical operation department, chief of general department and deputy secretary general of China Chlor-Alkali Industry

Association. Now he is vice chairman and secretary general of China Chlor-Alkali Industry Association, routine councilor of China Petrochemical Industry

Association, vice chairman of China Chemical Environment Protection Association, Independent Director of Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Group Co., Ltd.

and outside Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shao He used to be the lecturer of material science department of Fudan University, the lecturer, associate professor, subdean and professor of polymer science

Zhengzhong department of Fudan University and associate professor of biology research institute of Aarhus University in Denmark. Now he is the doctoral tutor in

polymer science department of Fudan University. He is also the councilor of Shanghai Municipal Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Association,

subeditor of Journal of Materials Chemistry-B of Britain Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and member of multiple academic committees and the

Independent Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Wang Jinshan He used to be the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of Nanjing First-O-Lite Co., Ltd.; Chairman of the Board of Directors and

President of Nanjing First New Materials Co., Ltd. Now he is the director and general manager of Nanjing First-O-Lite Co., Ltd. He is the Independent

Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Zhao Ziye He used to be the associate professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the Independent Director of Anshan No. 1 Engineering Co., Ltd

and the Independent Director of Shanghai Jinshan Development Co., Ltd. as well as the Independent Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Gu Lili He used to be the vice secretary of discipline inspection commission and general manager of supervision and examination department of Shanghai Huayi

(Group) Company. Now he is the vice president of Shanghai Huayi Group Co., Ltd. and the Chairman of Supervisory Committee of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali

Chemical Co., Ltd.

Zhang Hu He used to be the CFO of Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co., Ltd. Now he is the deputy general manager of finance department of Shanghai Huayi Group

Co., Ltd. and the supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Tang Liang He used to be the manager of technical development department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the manager of investment

planning department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. and the supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Zhou Mei She used to be the assistant manager of the supervision, examination and security department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now she is the

manager of armed security department and vice-chairman of trade union of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. as well as the supervisor of Shanghai

Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Zhang He used to be the director of party office and the deputy party secretary of department office of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the

Guohua regional secretary of party committee of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. in Caojing, and the supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co.,


Cao Jinrong He used to be the deputy manager of assets department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and deputy general manager of Shanghai Huayi Group

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2016 Annual Report

Investment Co., Ltd. Now he is CFO of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Yuan He used to be the assistant chief and routine deputy chief of technical center of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Company and deputy chief engineer of

Maoquan Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the deputy general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Dong Yan She used to be assistant manager, manager, deputy chief economist of the human resource department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now

she is the Secretary of the Board of Directors and deputy chief economic engineer of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Wang Linzao He used to be the manager of production director department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., deputy general manager of Shanghai Tianyuan

Huasheng Chemical Co., Ltd., secretary of CPC general branch and factory director of Huasheng Chemical Plant, and production controller of Shanghai

Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the employee representative Supervisor and assistant of general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical

Co., Ltd.

Hu Yongkang He used to be general manager, Party secretary and Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Wujin Chemical Co., Ltd. and director, Party secretary and deputy

general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Wang Zengjin He used to be the director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Li Zengquan He used to be the independent director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Zhang He used to be the independent director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.


Chen Yao He used to be the Chairman of Supervisory Committee of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Yu Bin He used to be the supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Wang He used to be deputy Party secretary, secretary of Party disciplinary committee and chairman of trade union of PVC factory of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali

Mingchun Chemical Co., Ltd., vice chairman of trade union of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. and secretary of CPC committee of PVC factory. Now he is

the employee representative Supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Xu Peiwen He used to be the Board Secretary of Shanghai Tianyuan (Group) Co., Ltd., and the Board Secretary and chief of the Board Secretary's office of Shanghai

Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

Presentation of other events

√Applicable □Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

On March 25, 2016, the 28th Conference of the Eighth Board of Directors and the 19th Conference of the Eighth Board of Supervisors reviewed and passed the

proposal for general selection of directors and supervisors, the selections had been conducted on 2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on Apr. 25, 2016, and the

employee directors, employee supervisor were selected on the joint conference of the congress of workers and staff of the Company. On Apr. 25, 2016, the

Chairman of Board of Directors and Chairman of Supervisory Committee were elected on the first conference of the Ninth Board of Director and Board of

Supervisors of the Company, the new session of senior executives were engaged; relevant announcements had been disclosed on the website (www.sse.com.cn) of

Shanghai Stock Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

(II) Equity incentive awarded to the Director and senior executives during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

II. Particulars of Directors, Supervisors and senior executives (including the ones leaving post during the reporting period)

(I) Position in shareholder’s unit

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Name of shareholder’s unit Position in shareholder's unit Start date of office term

Huang Dailie Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company Director, general manager 12-02-2015

(II) Position in other unit

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Name of other unit Position in other unit Start date of office term

Zhang Weimin Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. Director, Vice chairman of the board of 08-20-2015


Zhang Weimin Shanghai Huayi Group Finance Co., Ltd. Director 08-20-2015

Zhang Weimin Shanghai Chlor-Alkali New Materials Trading Executive director 02-18-2016

Co., Ltd.

Wang Wei Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Machinery Co., Ltd. Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan 12-18-2015

chemical Co., Ltd.

Wang Wei Shanghai Tianyuan (Group) Co., Ltd. Director 12-18-2015

Zhang Wenlei Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Group Co., Ltd. Independent director 09-15-2014

Wang Linzao Shanghai Jinyuan Tap Water Co., Ltd. Director 07-01-2011

Wang Linzao Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanic Acid Grease Co., Director 01-10-2016


Cao Jinrong Shanghai Ruisheng Enterprise Co. Ltd. Executive director 03-01-2012

Cao Jinrong Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Chief supervisor 12-14-2016

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2016 Annual Report

Co., Ltd.

Dong Yan Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Director 12-14-2016

Co., Ltd.

Dong Yan Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. Director 01-11-2016

Dong Yan Shanghai LvWei Plasitics Co., Ltd. Director 01-11-2016

Tang Liang Inner Mongolia Junzheng Tianyuan Chemical Director 12-14-2016

Co., Ltd.

III. Rewards of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □Not applicable

Decision-making process for the rewards of the The rewards of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives shall be decided by the Company's salary &

Directors, Supervisors and senior executives examination committee.

Basis for deciding the rewards of the Directors, Issued according to the Examination Measures for the Reward of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives.

Supervisors and senior executives

Actual issuing of the rewards of the Directors, The Board of Directors decided the reward standard for the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives getting

Supervisors and senior executives salary from the Company this year and paid the rewards monthly in accordance with the Company's unified salary

management system and the annual performance review by the salary & checking committee of the Board of

Directors. The standard for allowance to Independent Directors was examined and passed by the shareholders'


Total reward got actually by all the Directors, RMB 6,639,000Yuan

Supervisors and Senior Executives at end of the

reporting period

IV. Changes of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Position Change Reason of change

Li Ning Director Elected Mrs. Li Ning was elected as the director of the Company by voting on 2015 Annual Shareholders’

Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016 and related announcement was disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock

Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Wang Wei Director Elected Mr. Wang Wei was elected as the director of the Company by voting on 2015 Annual Shareholders’

Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016 and related announcement was disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock

Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Wang Jinshan Independent director Elected Mr. Wang Jinshan was elected as the independent director of the Company by voting on 2015 Annual

Shareholders’ Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016 and related announcement was disclosed on the website of

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2016 Annual Report

Shanghai Stock Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Zhao Ziye Independent director Elected Mr. Zhao Ziye was elected as the independent director of the Company by voting on 2015 Annual

Shareholders’ Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016 and related announcement was disclosed on the website of

Shanghai Stock Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Gu Lili Chairman of Elected Mr. Gu Lili was elected as the shareholder representative supervisor by voting on 2015 Annual

supervisory committee Shareholders’ Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016 and was elected as the Chairman of Supervisory Committee after

examination and pass on the first meeting of the 9 th Board of Supervisors on Apr. 25, 2016. Related

announcements was disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Zhang Hu Supervisor Elected Mr. Zhang Hu was elected as the supervisor of the Company by voting on 2015 Annual Shareholders’

Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016, and related announcement was disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock

Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Tang Liang Supervisor Elected Mr. Tang Liang was elected as the supervisor of the Company by voting on 2015 Annual Shareholders’

Meeting On Apr. 25, 2016, and related announcement was disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock

Exchange on Apr. 26, 2016.

Zhou Mei Employee supervisor Elected Elected democratically by staff representatives on the 9 th meeting of the 3rd Congress of Workers and

Staff. Related announcement had bee disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on Mar. 9,


Zhang Guohua Employee supervisor Elected Elected democratically by staff representatives on the 9 th meeting of the 3rd Congress of Workers and

Staff. Related announcement had bee disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on Mar. 9,


Dong Yan Secretary of the board Engaged Engaged by the first meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company on Apr. 25, 2016.

of directors

Wang Linzao General manager Engaged Engaged by the first meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company on Apr. 25, 2016.


Hu Yongkang Director, deputy party Left the post Expiration of the term of office.


Wang Zengjin Director Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

Li Zengquan Independent director Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

Zhang Guoming Independent director Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

Chen Yao Chairman of Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

supervisory committee

Yu Bin Supervisor Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

Wang Mingchun Supervisor Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

Xu Peiwen Secretary of the board Left the post Expiration of the term of office.

of directors

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2016 Annual Report

V. Punishment by the securities regulatory authorities in recent 3 years

□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Employees of the parent company and main subsidiaries

(I) Particulars of employees

Number of in-service employees of the parent company 692

Number of in-service employees of the main subsidiaries 223

Total number of in-service employees 915

Number of retired employees borne by the parent company and main subsidiaries 4,255

Profession structure

Type of profession Number of people

Production personnel 569

Sales people 50

Technical personnel 72

Finance personnel 20

Administrative personnel 204

Total 915

Educational status

Type of educational status Number of people

Bachelor or higher 257

Junior college 345

Senior high school (technical secondary school) 260

Lower than senior high school 53

Total 915

(II) Salary policy

√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company implements the Position Level Salary Measures of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

(III) Training plan

√Applicable □Not applicable

In 2016, the Company made employee training for 4797 men-times. The training includes 3987 men-times for front-line employees, accounting for 83.11% in total

training. The main training content: post operation training (on-the-job training and job-transfer training), special work training (including the training for obtaining

certificate of post), QHSE training, staff skill and skill level training (including skill level and training for employment with certificate), HSE entire staff training,

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2016 Annual Report

team leader training, series training of labor union, degree program training, professional qualification improvement training and young employee cultivation. The

training includes 810 men-times for non front-line employees, accounting for 16.89% in total training. Main training content: professional technical training at the

engineers advanced study and training base in party school, engineering training for professional technical personnel, special topic lecture, management and strategy

course training, title and further education training, QHS training and HSE entire staff training.

(IV) Labor outsourcing

□Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section IXCompany Governance

I. Introduction to Company governance

√Applicable□Not applicable

The Company kept on improving the Company's corporate governance structure, regulating its operation and strengthening its internal management strictly in

accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Company Law, Securities Law and the Management Principle of the Listed Companies and the files for

company's governance issued by China Securities Regulatory Committee and Shanghai Stock Exchange.

1. About the shareholders and the shareholders' meeting

The Company convened the shareholders' meeting strictly according to relevant provisions and procedures in the Articles of Association and the Rules of

Procedure of the Shareholders' Meeting. It can ensure the equal position and lawful rights and interests of all the shareholders, especially the middle and small

shareholders, let them enjoy and exercise fully their rights. All of the Company's related transactions have been made strictly according to the principle of fair and

equitable, the pricing principle are disclosed to the public, and the related Director and related shareholders avoided the voting.

2. Controlling shareholder and the listed Company

The controlling shareholder exercises its right and bears the obligation according to law, not intervening directly or indirectly the Company's decision-making

and operating activities without the authority of the shareholders' meeting. The Company and the controlling shareholder make Five Independence, i.e. assets,

business, organization, finance and personnel. The Company's Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and the internal institutions can all make operation

independently to ensure the Company making and implementing the significant decisions independently.

3. Directors and the Board of Directors

The Company elects the Directors strictly in accordance with the procedure specified in the Company Law and Articles of Association, the Board of Directors

is of scientific composition, clear responsibilities and perfect systems. The Company establishes four special committees, i.e. strategy, audit, nomination and salary

& checking, under the Board of Directors, and all these committees can work earnestly and diligently strictly in accordance with the Articles of Association and the

Work Enforcement Regulations of the Special Committees under the Board of Directors. For the Company's significant decisions and investments all the Directors

can well play their professional role, raise their professional opinions and proposals, provide great support to the Company's scientific policy-making, and perform

their duties loyally, cautiously, earnestly and diligently.

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2016 Annual Report

4. Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee

The Company's Supervisory Committee elects the Supervisors strictly in accordance with the procedure specified in the Company Law and the Articles of

Association, and the convening procedure conforms to the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Committee and has intact and true meeting record. The Company's

Supervisors can perform earnestly their duties, make supervision independently on the Company's finance and operation status and the legitimacy and compliance

of the Company's Directors, managers and other senior executives based on the manner of being responsible to all the shareholders, and safeguard the lawful rights

and interests of the Company and the shareholders.

5. Performance appraisal and incentive and constraint mechanism

The Company has established and gradually improved the performance appraisal standard and incentive and constraint mechanism for the Directors,

Supervisors and senior executives, and the engagement of the senior executives is open and transparent and meets the requirements of relevant laws and statutes.

6. Information disclosure and transparence

The Company has truly, accurately, completely and timely discloses relevant information strictly in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and

codes and its own Management System on the Information Disclosure Affairs and the internal report system on Significant Information, and ensure all the investors

can obtain effective information equally. In the reporting period, the Company totally completed 4 periodic reports and 22 provisional announcements, making the

investors can learn the status of the Company timely, fairly, accurately and completely.

7. Management on insider information

During the reporting period, the Company executed strictly the Management on Registration of the Persons in the Know of Insider Information, got down with

the work on keeping secret of the insider information and required to fill in the record file of the person in the know of the insider information to safeguard the

interest of the shareholders.

If there is significant difference between company governance and the requirements of relevant regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission; if yes, give

the reason

□Applicable √Not applicable

II. Briefing on the shareholders' meeting

Index on the website specified for carrying

The meeting Convening date Date for disclosing the resolutions

the resolutions

2015 annual shareholders’ meeting 04-25-2016 www.sse.com.cn 04-26-2016

Information about shareholders’ meeting

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

III. Duty performance of the Directors

(I) Particulars of the Directors for attending the Board meetings and shareholders meeting

Particulars of

attending the

Particulars of attending the Board Meetings



Name of meeting

Director or

director Number of Number of Whether not attending

not Number of Board Number of Number Number of

attendances attendances of in person the meeting

meetings in attendances attendances in the

through through absence consecutively for 2

current year in person shareholders' meeting

communication commitment times or not

Huang Dailie No 8 8 0 0 0 No 1

Li Ning No 6 5 0 1 0 No 1

Zhang Weimin No 8 8 0 0 0 No 1

Wang Wei No 6 6 0 0 0 No 1

Yu Zhaojun No 8 8 0 0 0 No 1

Zhang Wenlei No 8 8 0 0 0 No 1

Shao Yes 8 8 0 0 0 No 1


Wang Jinshan Yes 6 6 0 0 0 No 1

Zhao Ziye Yes 6 6 0 0 0 No 1

Explanations for not attending the meeting in person consecutively for 2 times:

□Applicable √Not applicable

Number of Board meetings convened in current year 8

Incl.: Number of on-site meetings 2

Number of meetings convened through communication 6

Number of meetings convened on-site and through communication 0

(II) Objection of the Independent Directors on relevant events of the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

IV. Important opinions and proposals raised by the special committees under the Board of Directors while performing their duties in the reporting period,

and if any objection exists, the details shall be disclosed

√Applicable□Not applicable

In 2016, the special committee of the Company's Board of Directors, based on the provisions of the Enforcement Regulations of Special Committees under the Board of

Directors, performed their duties earnestly, conducted work actively, gave full play to their own special skills and played active role on the decision-making of the Board of

Directors for significant events. The audit committee could perform its duty earnestly in the work for annual report and relevant work, raised construction suggestions on the

Company's periodic report, internal control systems, asset disposal and related transactions, and supervised the Company to make healthful, stable and rapid development

furthermore. The salary & checking committee convened meeting to check the salary of the senior executives in 2015, and raised the checking plan on the salary of the

senior executives in 2016. The nomination committee convened the meeting to discuss and make proposal for change of the Company's Directors. The Company lay stress

on exerting the knowledge of the special committees under the Board of Directors in specialty and information to promote the decision-making of the Board of Directors

more scientific and more effective.

V. Note of the Supervisory Committee on discovering the Company’s risk

√Applicable□Not applicable

VI. Note of the Company on being unable to ensure independence and self operation capability in business, assets, organization and finance with the

controlling shareholder

□Applicable √Not applicable

In case of the existence of horizontal competition, the corresponding solutions, job schedule and subsequent wok plan of the Company

□Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Establishing and implementing the check mechanism and incentive mechanism for the senior executives in the reporting period

√Applicable□Not applicable

The Company implements the Checking Method on the Salary of Senior Executives of the Company, and the salary & checking committee under the Board of

Directors made the annual performance review, decided the reward standard for the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives getting salary from the Company

and paid the rewards monthly.

VIII. Whether disclose the internal control self-assessment report or not

√Applicable□Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

For details of the 2016 Internal Control Self-assessment Report of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., see relevant announcement in the website of Shanghai

Stock Exchange www.sse.com.cn on March 30, 2017.

Note on significant deficiencies in the internal control during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Note on relevant status of the auditor's report for internal control

√Applicable□Not applicable

For details of the Auditor’s Report for Internal Control of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. in 2016, see relevant announcement in the website of Shanghai

Stock Exchange www.sse.com.cn on March 30, 2017.

Whether disclose the auditor’s report for internal control or not: yes

X. Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section X Particulars of the Company’s Bonds

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report

Section XIFinancial Report

I. Auditor’s report

√Applicable □Not applicable

XKSHBZ [2017] No. ZA11253

To all shareholders of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.,

We have audited the attached financial statements of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.

(hereafter referred to as Chlor-Alkali Chemical), including the consolidated and the Company’s

balance sheets as of Dec. 31, 2016, the consolidated and the Company’s income statements in

2016, the consolidated and the Company’s cash flow statements, the consolidated and the

Company’s statements of changes in owner’s equity and the notes on the financial statements.

I. The responsibility of the management

To prepare the financial statements and make fair presentation in it is the responsibility of the

management of the Company. Such responsibility shall include: (1) to prepare the financial

statements and make fair presentation in them in accordance with the provisions of the enterprise

accounting standard; (2) to design, execute and maintain necessary internal control to prevent the

financial statements from making significant misreport caused by fraud or error.

II. Responsibility of the certified public accountants

Our responsibility is to express audit opinion to the financial statements based on the execution of

the audit work. We have made the audit work in accordance with the provisions in the audit

standard of China certified public accountant. The audit standard of China certified public

accountant requires us to observe the code of professional ethics of China certified public

accountants, plan and execute the audit work and obtain the reasonable assurance for not making

significant misreport in the financial statements

The audit work involves the implementation of audit procedure to obtain the amount of financial

statements and disclosed audit evidences. The selection of the audit procedure depends on the

judgment of the certified public accountants, including the evaluation to the risk of significant

misreport of the financial statements caused by the fraud or error. While making risk evaluation,

the certified public accountant shall consider the internal control related to the preparing of the

financial statements and the fair presentation to design proper audit procedure, but the purpose is

not to express opinion for the effectiveness of the internal control. The audit work shall also

include to evaluate the suitability of the accounting policy selected by the management and the

reasonableness of the accounting estimate and to evaluate the general presentation of the financial


We believe, the audit evidences we have obtained are adequate and proper and provide basis for

expressing the audit opinion.

65 / 95

2016 Annual Report

III. Audit opinion

We deem that, the financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the

provisions of the enterprise accounting standard in all significant aspects, and have reflected the

consolidated and the Company's financial status on Dec. 31, 2016 and the consolidated and the

Company’s operating results and cash flow in 2016

BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified China certified public accountant:

Public Accountants LLP Gu Xuefeng

China certified public accountant: Chen Luying

Shanghai China March 28, 2017

2. Financial Statement

Consolidated Balance Sheet

December 31, 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets

Cash and cash balances 433,999,695.91 240,425,945.13

Settlement reserve

Lent to banks and other financial institutions

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

66 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Derivative financial asset

Notes receivable 448,822,006.32 336,221,352.79

Accounts receivable 202,272,347.66 259,044,580.24

Prepayments 50,056,591.51 136,446,799.31

Insurance Premium receivable

reinsurance account Receivable

Reserves for reinsurance contract Receivable

Interest receivable

Dividends receivable

Other receivables 762,159.00 3,561,716.78

Financial assets purchased under resale agreements

Inventories 159,466,728.86 384,885,265.71

Assets classified as held for sale

Non-current assets due within one year

Other current assets

Total current assets 1,295,379,529.26 1,360,585,659.96

Non-current assets:

Loans and advances

67 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Available-for-sale financial assets 453,209,607.08 424,078,182.70

Investment held to maturity

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments 365,215,620.38 288,855,432.45

Investment properties

Fixed assets 1,978,086,015.56 2,132,521,000.23

Construction in progress 97,570,414.69 305,408,986.91

Project materials 37,478.63 1,381,336.82

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive biological assets

Oil & gas assets

Intangible assets 267,521,472.23 281,295,016.13

Development expenditure 17,364,046.98 30,247,277.15


Long-term prepaid expenses 15,196,164.92 23,460,981.73

Deferred tax assets 35,696.33 20,529.71

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets: 3,194,236,516.80 3,487,268,743.83

68 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Total assets 4,489,616,046.06 4,847,854,403.79

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowing 1,256,000,000.00 620,000,000.00

Borrowing from the central bank

Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial


Interbank borrowing

Financial assets measured with fair value and having its

changes accounted in current income and loss

Derivative financial assets

Notes payable

Accounts payable 358,647,789.59 376,955,805.82

Receipts in advance 243,595,103.99 253,175,587.07

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Handling fees and commissions payable

Employee benefits payable 131,471,648.00 780,802.00

Taxes payable 80,270,216.68 14,824,741.55

Interest payable 1,955,378.33 2,788,929.31

69 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Dividends payable 2,724,553.75 2,724,553.75

Other payables 88,814,552.29 441,394,365.43

Reinsurance accounts payable

Reserve for insurance contract

Acting trading securities

Acting underwriting securities

Assets classified as available-for-sale assets

Non-current liabilities due within one year

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 2,163,479,242.63 1,712,644,784.93

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowing

Bonds payable

Including: Preferred stock

Debt sustainability

Long-term payables 170,000,000.00 645,000,000.00

Long-term employee benefits payable 181,130,000.00 190,880,000.00

Special payables 11,050,000.00 11,050,000.00

70 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Provisions 1,238,255.07

Deferred income 6,873,750.00 6,650,100.00

Deferred tax liabilities 14,562,645.00 11,653,477.05

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 384,854,650.07 865,233,577.05

Total liabilities 2,548,333,892.70 2,577,878,361.98

Shareholders' equity:

Share capital 1,156,399,976.00 1,156,399,976.00

Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred stock

Debt sustainability

Capital reserve 1,674,270,987.60 1,674,270,987.60

Less :Treasury stock

Other Comprehensive Income 20,585,420.26 12,317,916.44

Special reserve

Surplus reserves 11,329,760.39 11,329,760.39

General risk reserve

Retained earnings -920,865,356.69 -592,773,594.89

71 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Total shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the

1,941,720,787.56 2,261,545,045.54


Minority interests -438,634.20 8,430,996.27

Total shareholders’ equity 1,941,282,153.36 2,269,976,041.81

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equities 4,489,616,046.06 4,847,854,403.79

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

Balance Sheet of Parent Company

December 31, 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets:

Cash and cash balances 371,434,054.50 212,133,296.30

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 256,156,372.62 334,581,352.79

Accounts receivable 323,192,407.70 253,571,576.96

Prepayments 51,172,870.23 137,481,599.22

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other receivables 4,509,657.46 10,766,735.59

72 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Inventories 155,028,612.34 371,277,788.79

Assets classified as held for sale

Non-current assets due within one year 20,000,000.00

Other current assets

Total current assets 1,181,493,974.85 1,319,812,349.65

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets 426,458,325.42 413,190,044.22

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments 473,550,440.36 355,444,207.96

Investment properties

Fixed assets 1,960,644,705.74 2,111,593,701.25

Construction in progress 91,697,502.44 302,075,871.66

Project materials 37,478.63 1,381,336.82

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive biological assets

Oil & gas assets

Intangible assets 254,644,610.18 259,886,963.38

Development expenditure 17,364,046.98 30,247,277.15


Long-term prepaid expenses 15,196,164.92 23,152,249.71

Deferred tax assets

Other non-current assets 20,000,000.00

Total non-current assets 3,239,593,274.67 3,516,971,652.15

Total assets 4,421,087,249.52 4,836,784,001.80

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowing 1,256,000,000.00 620,000,000.00

73 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Financial assets measured with fair value and having its changes

accounted in current income and loss

Derivative financial assets

Notes payable

Accounts payable 341,939,490.32 370,153,498.98

Receipts in advance 232,409,605.46 253,775,506.41

Employee benefits payable 121,407,244.00 513,377.00

Tax payable 75,506,168.49 12,682,879.20

Interest payable 1,955,378.33 2,788,929.31

Dividend payable 1,189,676.90 1,189,676.90

Other payables 81,786,755.91 457,108,038.56

Assets classified as available-for-sale assets

Non-current liabilities due within one year

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 2,112,194,319.41 1,718,211,906.36

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowing

Bonds payable

Including: Preferred stock

Debt sustainability

Long-term payables 170,000,000.00 645,000,000.00

Long-term employee benefits 181,130,000.00 190,880,000.00

Special payables 11,050,000.00 11,050,000.00


Deferred income 6,873,750.00 6,650,100.00

Deferred tax liabilities 9,728,506.05 10,785,123.90

Other non-current liabilities

74 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Item Note Closing balance Opening balance

Total non-current liabilities 378,782,256.05 864,365,223.90

Total liabilities 2,490,976,575.46 2,582,577,130.26

Shareholders’ equity:

Share capital 1,156,399,976.00 1,156,399,976.00

Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred stock

Debt sustainability

Capital reserve 1,690,068,638.82 1,690,068,638.82

Less: Treasury stock

Other Comprehensive Income 7,715,149.28 11,345,002.84

Special reserve

Surplus reserves 11,329,760.39 11,329,760.39

Retained earnings -935,402,850.43 -614,936,506.51

Total shareholders’ equity 1,930,110,674.06 2,254,206,871.54

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 4,421,087,249.52 4,836,784,001.80

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

Consolidated Income Statement

January-December 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Amount incurred in Amount of

Item Note

current period previous period

1. Total Operating income 6,754,397,061.69 6,170,874,223.67

Including: Operating income 6,754,397,061.69 6,170,874,223.67

Interest income

Earned premium

75 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of

Item Note

current period previous period

Fee and commission income

2. Total Operating Cost 7,245,409,457.47 6,427,713,999.83

Including: Operating costs 6,128,517,218.57 5,559,439,778.97

Interest expenditure

Fee and commission expense

Returned premium

Net compensation expenditure

Withdrawn net insurance contract reserve

Dividend expenditure on insurance policies

Reinsurance expenses

Business taxes and levies 28,916,705.72 19,193,727.90

Selling expenses 184,329,793.95 199,911,085.12

Administrative expenses 480,214,277.58 402,196,032.57

Financial expense 74,994,167.59 140,436,053.89

Asset impairment losses 348,437,294.06 106,537,321.38

Plus: Income from fair value changes (for loss, fill in "-")

Investment profit (loss is expressed with "-") 131,189,596.30 147,125,155.93

Including: Income from investments in associates and JCEs 97,360,187.93 44,597,649.84

Exchange gain/loss (for loss, fill in "-")

3. Operating Profit (Indicate Loss with "-") -359,822,799.48 -109,714,620.23

Plus: Non-operating income 26,386,162.15 220,140,784.81

Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets 823,415.34 175,597,261.11

Less: Non-operating expenses 1,377,001.45 864,280.61

Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets 525,479.38 520,754.37

4. Total Profit (Indicate Total Loss with "-") -334,813,638.78 109,561,883.97

Less: Income tax expenses 1,703,353.49 4,672,427.26

76 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of

Item Note

current period previous period

5. Net Profit (Indicate Loss with "-") -336,516,992.27 104,889,456.71

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company -328,091,761.80 95,615,030.34

Profit or loss attributable to minority interests -8,425,230.47 9,274,426.37

6. Net amount of other comprehensive revenues after tax 8,267,503.82 10,397,536.07

Net amount of other comprehensive revenues after tax attributable to

8,267,503.82 10,397,536.07

shareholders of parent company

(1) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified

-460,000.00 -13,980,000.00

subsequently to profit or loss

1) Changes in net liabilities or net assets due to remeasurement of

-460,000.00 -13,980,000.00

defined benefit plans

2) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently

to profit or loss of invested entities under equity method

(2) Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently

8,727,503.82 24,377,536.07

to profit or loss

1) Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently to

profit or loss of invested entities under equity method in future

2) Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 8,727,503.82 24,377,536.07

3) Profit or loss of held-to-maturity investments that are reclassified as

available-for-sale financial assets

4) Effective part of profit or loss of cash flow hedge

5) Exchange differences on translating foreign operations

6) Other

Other comprehensive income (loss) attributable to minority interests

7. Total Comprehensive Income -328,249,488.45 115,286,992.78

Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Company -319,824,257.98 106,012,566.41

Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests -8,425,230.47 9,274,426.37

8. Earnings per Share

(1) Basic earnings per share -0.2837 0.0827

77 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of

Item Note

current period previous period

(2) Diluted earnings per share -0.2837 0.0827

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

Income Statement of Parent Company

January-December 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

1. Operating income 4,221,442,504.36 5,306,202,144.25

Less: Operating cost 3,635,572,923.53 4,779,946,815.88

Business taxes and levies 25,583,943.98 16,200,534.43

Sales expenses 166,289,797.50 184,902,755.30

Administrative expenses 444,945,382.58 352,189,770.28

Financial expense 74,847,579.48 139,259,008.16

Asset impairment losses 350,543,850.73 104,311,645.14

Plus: Income from fair value changes (for loss, fill in "-")

Investment profit (loss is expressed with "-") 132,724,899.42 196,816,182.18

Including: Income from investments in associates and JCEs 97,360,187.93 44,597,649.84

2. Operating Profit (Indicate Loss with "-") -343,616,074.02 -73,792,202.76

Plus: Non-operating income 24,394,366.15 217,277,438.15

Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets 541,341.67 175,459,449.37

Less: Non-operating expenses 1,244,636.05 460,655.84

Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets 512,438.97 376,422.17

3. Total Profit (Indicate Total Loss with "-") -320,466,343.92 143,024,579.55

Less: Income tax expense

4. Net Profit (Indicate Loss with "-") -320,466,343.92 143,024,579.55

78 / 95

2016 Annual Report

5.Net amount of other comprehensive revenues after tax -3,629,853.56 10,389,083.82

(1) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit

-460,000.00 -13,980,000.00

or loss

1) Changes in net liabilities or net assets due to remeasurement of defined benefit

-460,000.00 -13,980,000.00


2) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or

loss of invested entities under equity method

(2) Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or

-3,169,853.56 24,369,083.82


1) Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or

loss of invested entities under equity method in future

2) Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets -3,169,853.56 24,369,083.82

3) Profit or loss of held-to-maturity investments that are reclassified as

available-for-sale financial assets

4) Effective part of profit or loss of cash flow hedge

5) Exchange differences on translating foreign operations

6) Other

6. Total Comprehensive Income -324,096,197.48 153,413,663.37

7.Earnings per Share:

(1) Basic earnings per share

(2) Diluted earnings per share

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

January-December 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

1. Cash flow from operating activities:

79 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services 7,509,526,827.49 7,510,561,650.86

Net increases in customer deposits and peer deposits

Net increases in borrowing from central bank

Net increases in interbank borrowing from other financial institutions

Cash received from premiums on primary insurance contracts

Net cash amount received from reinsurance business

Net increase in deposits from policyholder

Net increase from disposal of financial assets measured in fair value and having its

changes accounted in current profit and loss

Cash collected from interest, handling fees and commissions

Net increases in interbank borrowing

Net increase in repurchase business capital

Receipts of tax refunds 807,011.37 1,550,381.55

Other cash received related to operating activities 101,174,531.77 176,962,786.84

Sub-total of cash inflow from operating activities 7,611,508,370.63 7,689,074,819.25

Cash payments for goods purchased and services received 6,460,589,082.43 6,546,749,918.62

Net increases in customer loans and advances

Net increases in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions

Original insurance contract claims paid

Cash payments for interests, fees and commissions

Policyholder dividend paid

Cash payments to and on behalf of employees 372,744,973.77 392,633,278.07

Payments for various types of taxes 147,418,472.69 209,497,530.89

Other payments relating to operating activities 141,899,080.50 234,341,659.22

Sub-total of cash outflow relating to operating activities 7,122,651,609.39 7,383,222,386.80

Net cash flow from operating activities 488,856,761.24 305,852,432.45

80 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

2. Cash flow from investing activities

Cash receipts from recovery of investments 14,750,893.88

Cash receipts from investment income 40,900,561.88 50,188,256.22

Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other

1,895,801.68 366,988,374.84

long-term assets

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units 201,393,475.46

Other cash received related to investing activities 340,000.00 568,000.00

Sub-total of cash inflow from investing activities 57,887,257.44 619,138,106.52

Cash payment to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other

71,811,205.80 116,302,260.65

long-term assets

Cash payments to acquire investments 18,316,800.00 40,466,400.00

Net increase in pledge loans

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units

Other cash paid related to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities 90,128,005.80 156,768,660.65

Net cash flow from investing activities -32,240,748.36 462,369,445.87

3. Cash flow from financing activities

Cash received from capital contributions

Including: cash receipts from capital contributions from minority shareholders of


Cash received from borrowings 1,718,900,000.00 2,487,739,713.32

Cash received from bond issue

Other cash received related to financing activities

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities 1,718,900,000.00 2,487,739,713.32

Cash repayments of borrowings 1,909,900,000.00 3,277,077,512.61

Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of interest

75,227,416.76 140,724,441.68


81 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

Including: payments for distribution of dividends or profit to minority shareholders of


Other cash payments relating to financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflow relating to financing activities 1,985,127,416.76 3,417,801,954.29

Net cash flow from financing activities -266,227,416.76 -930,062,240.97

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 3,241,849.50 -325,298.50

5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 193,630,445.62 -162,165,661.15

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 240,369,250.29 402,534,911.44

6. Closing balance balance of cash and cash equivalents 433,999,695.91 240,369,250.29

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company

January-December 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

1. Cash flow from operating activities:

Cash receipts from the sale of goods and rendering of services 4,680,256,864.22 6,511,335,605.62

Tax rebate received 807,011.37 279,357.64

Other cash receipts relating to operating activities 83,844,488.95 156,904,899.36

Sub-total cash inflow from operating activities 4,764,908,364.54 6,668,519,862.62

Cash payments for goods purchased and services 3,674,822,963.70 5,714,454,512.78

Cash payments to and on behalf of employees 326,343,263.63 317,693,761.30

Payments for various types of taxes 135,326,338.40 182,897,891.76

Other payments relating to operating activities 129,019,340.43 198,804,795.65

82 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

Sub-total cash outflow relating to operating activities 4,265,511,906.16 6,413,850,961.49

Net cash flow from operating activities 499,396,458.38 254,668,901.13

2. Cash flow from investing activities

Cash receipts from recovery of investments 14,750,893.88

Cash receipts from investment income 42,435,865.00 75,126,857.37

Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

1,520,827.72 366,829,419.15


Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units 224,174,251.71

Other cash received related to investing activities 340,000.00 568,000.00

Sub-total cash flow from investing activities 59,047,586.60 666,698,528.23

Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other

68,748,453.09 75,105,899.49

long-term assets

Cash payments to acquire investments 68,316,800.00 40,466,400.00

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units

Other cash paid related to investing activities

Sub-total cash outflow relating to investing activities 137,065,253.09 115,572,299.49

Net cash flow from investing activities -78,017,666.49 551,126,228.74

3. Cash flow from financing activities

Cash received from capital contributions

Cash received from borrowings 1,739,000,000.00 2,373,595,009.82

Cash received from bond issue

Other cash receipts relating to financing activities

Sub-total cash inflow from financing activities 1,739,000,000.00 2,373,595,009.82

Cash repayments of borrowings 1,930,000,000.00 3,189,876,409.11

Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of interest expenses 74,319,883.19 137,950,238.68

Other cash paid related to financing activities

Sub-total cash outflow relating to financing activities 2,004,319,883.19 3,327,826,647.79

Net cash flow from financing activities -265,319,883.19 -954,231,637.97

83 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Amount incurred in Amount of previous

Item Note

current period period

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents 3,241,849.50 -1,271,463.09

5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents 159,300,758.20 -149,707,971.19

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 212,133,296.30 361,841,267.49

6. Closing Balance of cash and cash equivalents 371,434,054.50 212,133,296.30

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

84 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Consolidated Statement on Changes in Shareholders' Equity

January-December 2016

Current period

shareholders’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other equity

Less: Other Minor Total

Item instruments Common

Share Capital Share Comprehe Special Surplus Attributabl shareholder shareholde

Preferr Sustain risk

capital Other reserve s in nsive reserve reserves e profit s’ equity rs' equity

ed able provision

s stock Income

stock debt

1,156,399,9 1,674,270,9 12,317,916.4 11,329,76 -592,773,59 2,269,976,04

1.Balance at the end of last year 8,430,996.27

76.00 87.60 4 0.39 4.89 1.81

Add: Change of accounting


Correcting of previous


Merger of entities under

common control


2.Balance at the beginning of 1,156,399,9 1,674,270,9 12,317,916.4 11,329,76 -592,773,59 2,269,976,04


this year 76.00 87.60 4 0.39 4.89 1.81

3. Increase/decrease at this

-328,091,76 -328,693,888

term 8,267,503.82 -8,869,630.47

1.80 .45

(for decrease, fill in "-")

85 / 95

2016 Annual Report

(1) Total Comprehensive -328,091,76 -328,249,488

8,267,503.82 -8,425,230.47

Income 1.80 .45

(2) Capital injection and

reduction by shareholders

1) Total comprehensive


2) Investment or decreasing of

capital by shareholders

3) Amount of shares paid and

accounted as shareholders’


4) Others

(3) Profit allotment -444,400.00 -444,400.00

1) Providing of surplus


2) Providing of common risk


3) Allotment to the owners (or

-444,400.00 -444,400.00


4) Others

(4) Internal transferring of

shareholders’ equity

86 / 95

2016 Annual Report

1) Capitalizing of capital

reserves (or to capital shares)

2) Capitalizing of surplus

reserves (or to capital shares)

3) Making up losses by

surplus reserves.

4) Others

(5) Special reserve

13,368,608. 13,368,608.5

1) Provided this term

56 6

13,368,608. 13,368,608.5

2) Used this term

56 6

(6) Other

4. Balance at the end of this 1,156,399,9 1,674,270,9 20,585,420.2 11,329,76 -920,865,35 1,941,282,15


term 76.00 87.60 6 0.39 6.69 3.36

Previous period

Shareholders’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other equity

Commo Minor Total

Item instruments Less: Other

Share Capital Special Surplus n risk Attributabl shareholder shareholders

Prefer Sustain Shares in Comprehensiv

capital Othe reserve reserve reserves provisio e profit s’ equity ' equity

red able stock e Income

rs n

stock debt

1.Balance at the end of last year 1,156,399,9 1,683,394,0 1,920,380.37 11,329,76 -688,388,6 91,606,113. 2,256,261,620

87 / 95

2016 Annual Report

76.00 15.86 0.39 25.23 33 .72

Add: Change of accounting


Correcting of previous errors

Merger of entities under

common control


2.Balance at the beginning of this 1,156,399,9 1,683,394,0 11,329,76 -688,388,6 91,606,113. 2,256,261,620


year 76.00 15.86 0.39 25.23 33 .72

3. Increase/decrease at this term -9,123,028. 95,615,030 -83,175,117.

10,397,536.07 13,714,421.09

(for decrease, fill in "-") 26 .34 06

(1) Total Comprehensive 95,615,030 9,274,426.3 115,286,992.7


Income .34 7 8

(2) Capital injection and -9,123,028. -89,649,543. -98,772,571.6

reduction by shareholders 26 43 9

1) Total comprehensive income

2) Investment or decreasing of

capital by shareholders

3) Amount of shares paid and

accounted as shareholders’


4) Others -9,123,028. -89,649,543. -98,772,571.6

88 / 95

2016 Annual Report

26 43 9


(3) Profit allotment -2,800,000.00


1) Providing of surplus reserves

2) Providing of common risk


3) Allotment to the owners (or -2,800,000.0


shareholders) 0

4) Others

(4) Internal transferring of

shareholders’ equity

1) Capitalizing of capital

reserves (or to capital shares)

2) Capitalizing of surplus

reserves (or to capital shares)

3) Making up losses by surplus


4) Others

(5) Special reserve


1) Provided this term 14,426,417.80


2) Used this term 14,426,41 14,426,417.80

89 / 95

2016 Annual Report


(6) Other

1,156,399,9 1,674,270,9 11,329,76 -592,773,5 8,430,996.2 2,269,976,041

4. Balance at the end of this term 12,317,916.44

76.00 87.60 0.39 94.89 7 .81

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

Statement on Changes in Shareholders' Equity of Parent Company

January-December 2016


Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Current period

Other equity instruments Other Total

Item Share Capital Less: Shares in Special Surplus Attributabl

Preferre Sustainabl Comprehens shareholder

capital Others reserve stock reserve reserves e profit

d stock e debt ive Income s' equity

1,156,399,9 1,690,068,6 11,329,760. -614,936,50 2,254,206,87

1.Balance at the end of last year 11,345,002.84

76.00 38.82 39 6.51 1.54

Add: Change of accounting


Correcting of previous errors


90 / 95

2016 Annual Report

2.Balance at the beginning of this 1,156,399,9 1,690,068,6 11,329,760. -614,936,50 2,254,206,87


year 76.00 38.82 39 6.51 1.54

3. Increase/decrease at this term -320,466,34 -324,096,197


(for decrease, fill in "-") 3.92 .48

(1) Total Comprehensive -320,466,34 -324,096,197


Income 3.92 .48

(2) Capital injection and

reduction by shareholders

1) Total comprehensive income

2) Investment or decreasing of

capital by shareholders

3) Amount of shares paid and

accounted as shareholders’


4) Others

(3) Profit allotment

1) Providing of surplus reserves

2) Allotment to the owners (or


3) Others

(4) Internal transferring of

91 / 95

2016 Annual Report

shareholders’ equity

1) Capitalizing of capital

reserves (or to capital shares)

2) Capitalizing of surplus

reserves (or to capital shares)

3) Making up losses by surplus


4) Others

(5) Special reserve

13,368,608. 13,368,608.5

1) Provided this term

56 6

13,368,608. 13,368,608.5

2) Used this term

56 6

(6) Other

1,156,399,9 1,690,068,6 11,329,760. -935,402,85 1,930,110,67

4. Balance at the end of this term 7,715,149.28

76.00 38.82 39 0.43 4.06

Previous period

Other equity instruments Less: Other Total

Item Share Capital Special Surplus Attributable

Preferre Sustainab Other Shares in Comprehensiv shareholde

capital reserve reserve reserves profit

d stock le debt s stock e Income rs' equity

92 / 95

2016 Annual Report

1,156,399,97 1,690,068, 11,329,76 -757,961,08 2,100,793,2

1.Balance at the end of last year 955,919.02

6.00 638.82 0.39 6.06 08.17

Add: Change of accounting policy

Correcting of previous errors


1,156,399,97 1,690,068, 11,329,76 -757,961,08 2,100,793,2

2.Balance at the beginning of this year 955,919.02

6.00 638.82 0.39 6.06 08.17

3. Increase/decrease at this term (for 143,024,57 153,413,66


decrease, fill in "-") 9.55 3.37

143,024,57 153,413,66

(1) Total Comprehensive Income 10,389,083.82

9.55 3.37

(2) Capital injection and reduction by


1) Total comprehensive income

2) Investment or decreasing of capital by


3) Amount of shares paid and accounted as

shareholders’ equity

4) Others

(3) Profit allotment

93 / 95

2016 Annual Report

1) Providing of surplus reserves

2) Allotment to the owners (or shareholders)

3) Others

(4) Internal transferring of shareholders’


1) Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to

capital shares)

2) Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to

capital shares)

3) Making up losses by surplus reserves.

4) Others

(5) Special reserve

14,426,4 14,426,417.

1) Provided this term

17.80 80

14,426,4 14,426,417.

2) Used this term

17.80 80

(6) Other

1,156,399,97 1,690,068, 11,329,76 -614,936,50 2,254,206,8

4. Balance at the end of this term 11,345,002.84

6.00 638.82 0.39 6.51 71.54

Legal representative: Superintendent responsible for accounting: Superintendent for accountancy firm:

94 / 95

2016 Annual Report

Section XII Documents For Reference

1.Financial statements signed and stamped by legal representative,principal in charge of accounting,CFO and head of accounting

Documents for reference


Documents for reference 2.The original auditor's report stamped by the public accounting firm and signed and stamped by the certified public accountant;

Documents for reference 3.Articles of Association of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Co.,Ltd. during the report period;

4.The formal version of all files and originials of the announcements disclosed in the newspapers appointed by China Securities

Documents for reference

Regulatory Commission during the report period;

5.The company shall furnish the above documents for reference while China Securities Regulatory Commission and the stock exchange

Documents for reference request to provide them and the shareholders request to consult them according to the requirements of the statute or the Articles of


Chairman of the Board :

Presenting date approved by the Board of Directors

March 30,2017

95 / 95

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