
来源:深交所 2017-08-12 00:00:00

Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-annual Report 2017

Stock code: 000018,200018 Stock ID : Sino Great Wall,Sino B Announcement No. 2017-075

Summary of 2017 Annual Report of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

I. Important notes

The summary is abstract from full-text of summary of the semi-annual report, for more details information ,

investors should found in the full-text of summary of the semi-annual report that published on website of

Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website appointed by CSRC.

Company Profile

Objections of the directors, supervisors and senior management

Name Title Content


Directors other than the following ones have attended the Board meeting to review the interim report.

Name of absent director Position of absent director Reason Name of proxy

Non-standard auditor’s opinion

□ Applicable √Not applicable

Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the common shareholders or turning the capital reserve into the share

capital for the reporting period, which has been reviewed and approved at the board meeting

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The company will distribute no cash dividends or bonus shares and has no reserve capitalization plan.

The preference share profit distribution pre-plan approved by the Board of Directors

□ Applicable √Not applicable

II. Basic information about the company

1. Company profile

Stock ID Sino Great Wall ,Sino-B Stock code: 000018 200018

Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Contact person and contact manner Board secretary Securities affairs Representative

Name Yang Chunling Liu Guofa

Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu Street, Sino Great Wall Building, No.3 Jinxiu Street,

Contact address Economic Technology Development Zone , Economic Technology Development Zone ,

Beijing Beijing

Tel 010-89045855 010-89045855

Email. 1208806865@qq.com 000018sz@sina.com

2. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the

accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?

□ Yes√ No

Reporting period Same period of last year YoY+/-(%)

Operating income(RMB) 3,025,082,356.80 1,953,574,755.51 54.85%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders

268,606,450.03 202,299,416.64 32.78%

of the listed company(RMB)

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring

gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of 264,902,836.16 175,937,165.15 50.57%

listed company(RMB)


Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-annual Report 2017

Cash flow generated by business operation,

-535,997,580.19 -1,256,615,959.20 57.35%


Basic earning per share(RMB/Share) 0.16 0.12 33.33%

Diluted gains per

0.16 0.12 33.33%


Weighted average ROE(%) 14.39% 14.47% -0.08%

As at the end of the

As at the end of last year YoY+/-(%)

reporting period

Gross assets (RMB) 9,516,720,434.55 7,986,178,961.63 19.16%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of

1,956,577,635.45 1,777,948,117.49 10.05%

the listed company (RMB)

3.Shareholders and shareholding

In Shares

Number of shareholders of

Total Number of common

preferred stocks of which

shareholders at the end of the 60,193 0

voting rights recovered in

reporting period

the report period(If any)

Shareholdings of Top 10 shareholders

Number of Number or share

Shareholders Proportion

Nature of shares held Amount of restricted shares pledged/frozen

of shares

shareholder at period

held(%) held State of share Amount


Domestic Natural

Chen Lue 34.36% 583,454,556 581,722,696 Mortgage 455,260,594


STYLE-SUCCESS Foreign legal

5.47% 92,970,910 0

LIMITED person

Domestic Non-

Union Holdings Co.,

State-owned legal 5.18% 87,935,921 0



Domestic Natural

He Feiyan 3.23% 54,800,458 54,800,458


Jiutai Fund-Bank of


Jiutai Huitong No.2 Other 2.50% 42,479,672 42,479,672

specific customer asset

management plan

Rich Crown Investment Foreign legal

1.37% 23,235,313 0

Co., Ltd. person

Bank of China-Fortis

Income Growth

Other 1.12% 18,961,320 0

Securities Investment


Domestic Non-

Jiangxi Taihao Venture legal person

1.11% 18,791,879 0

Investment Centre(LP) State-owned legal


Qianhai life Insurance

Other 1.04% 17,725,200 0

Co., Ltd-Haley year

Domestic Non-

Qinghai Heyi Industry legal person

0.79% 13,356,984 0

Development Co., Ltd. State-owned legal


Explanation on associated relationship Chen Lue and He Feiyan are consortium officers; Union Development Group Ltd. is

among the aforesaid shareholders the controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned shareholder Shenzhen Union


Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-annual Report 2017

Holdings Ltd. and third shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co., Ltd. The other

tradable shareholders neither knew whether there exists associated relationship

between them.

Notes to the shareholders involved in


financing securities (if any)

4.Changing of controlling shareholder and practical controller of the Company.

Change of holding shareholder

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No change of holding shareholder in the report period.

Change of substantial controller

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No change of substantial controller in the report period.

5.Number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of top 10 of them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No preference shareholders in the reporting period

6.Corporate bonds

Are there any corporate bonds publicly offered and listed on the stock exchange, which were undue before the

approval date of this report or were due but could not be redeemed in full?


III. Performance discussion & analysis

1.Performance Review for Reporting period

Is the company subject to any disclosure requirements for special industries?


Civil Engineering Construction

In the first half of 2017, along with the continuous implementation and further promotion of the three strategies of

the "One belt, one road" construction and the Integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin municipalities and Hebei

Province and The Yangtze River economic belt development, the infrastructure construction and the engineering

construction enjoys a relatively good development opportunity. The company actively seized the opportunity and

strongly expanded the overseas project contracting and investment business of "One belt, one road" projects,

increased the domestic healthcare and infrastructure PPP project investment, thus gained good results.

In terms of the overseas business development, the company has successively signed the major construction

contract with a number of countries and regions in Southeast Asia, signed Strategic Cooperation Framework

Agreement with China Nuclear Industry No. 22 Construction Co., Ltd, signed Memorandum of Understanding on

the Construction of Kampuchea Railway Network with Kampuchea Royal Group and China Railway 17 Bureau

Group Co Ltd, thus those would be conducive to expand the domestic and international engineering contracting

business and to enhance the company's competitive advantage and overall profitability. The overseas business

development maintained a good momentum of development. As of the end of the reporting period, the overseas

in-hand orders have amounted to more than RMB 40 billion.


Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. Summary of the Semi-annual Report 2017

In the field of medical investment, the company, by the means of PPP, won the PPP infrastructure project of

Fugou County high speed rail area, the comprehensive management (adjusted) PPP engineering project of Fugou

county urban section, the fitness center construction project (Phase II) ) of Fugou County, etc, with that the total

investment amounted to RMB 1.061 billion.

In the future, based on the study and judgment of the prospect and the status-quo analysis of the domestic and

international construction market and the health care industry and the infrastructure industry, the company will

continue to strengthen the overseas project contracting and investment related to "One belt, one road", enhance the

investment in domestic health-care and infrastructure PPP business, and ensure the rapid development of the

company's existing business.

Furthermore, in order to ensure the stable development of domestic business, the company responded to the

national call of establishment the Xiongan New Area. For supporting the construction of Xiongan New Area, the

company planned to put the registration addresses of the company's subordinate companies including the building

construction type company-Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd and Sino Great Wall Southwest

Construction Engineering Co. Ltd into the Xiongan New Area. After the move of the registration addresses, the

company can better carry out the business in the region, which is in line with the company's overall development


In the reporting period, the company realized operation income of RMB 3,025,082,356.80, an increase of 54.85%

from the last year; realized the operating profits of RMB 331,347,066.35, an increase of 55.52% from the last year;

and the net profit attributable to the parent company was RMB 268,606,450.03, an increase of 32.78% from the

last year.

2.Maters related to financial report

(1) Reason for changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods as compared to the

financial report for the prior year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.

(2) Reason for retrospective restatement to correct major accounting errors during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.

(3) Reason for changes in scope of the consolidated financial statements as compared to the financial report for

the prior year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.

Legal representative: Chen Lue

Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

August 12,2017



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