
来源:上交所 2017-06-23 12:05:08

2016 Annual Report

Stock code: 600320 900947 The company referred to: Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy, Zhenhua B share

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Annual Report 2016

Important Notice

I. Hereunder, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, directors, supervisors and senior executives of the

Company guarantee that the Annual Report is of authenticity, accuracy and integrity; it contains no major omission,

false record or serious misleading statement; they will be responsible both individually and jointly for any of above


II. All the directors of the company attend meeting of the board of directors.

III. Ernst & Young LLP. (Special general partnership) issued standard unqualified audit report for the Company.

IV. The Company′s responsible person Song Hailiang, accounting responsible person Huang Qingfeng and accounting

responsible person (accounting chief) Wang Jue hereby declare that the financial reports in this Annual Report are

true, accurate and complete.

V. Report period profit distribution preplan or preplan for capital reserve transfer to increase capital stock as audited

by the board not to distribute profit; not to convert reserve into capital stock.

VI. Risks declaration of prospective statements

□Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Whether non-operational fund occupancy by the controller and its related parties exists with the Company?


VIII. Whether there is external guaranty provision violating regulation or procedural decision-making within the



IX. Significant risk remind

√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company has described the risks in the annual report in details and the investors shall pay attention to that. Refer

to the related chapters in the directors’ report for the description of the risk of the Company.

X. Others

□Applicable √Not applicable

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2016 Annual Report


Chapter I Definition ............................................................................................................................. 3

Chapter II Company Profiles and Key Financial Indicator .................................................................. 3

Chapter III Business Profile ................................................................................................................. 9

Chapter IV Discussion and Analysis of the Board of Directors ........................................................ 10

Chapter V Substantial Events ............................................................................................................ 23

Chapter VI Equity Movement and Shareholder′s Profile ............................................................... 46

Chapter VII Preferred stock information ........................................................................................... 53

Chapter VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees .......................................... 54

Chapter IX Company Governance ..................................................................................................... 64

Chapter X Company Bond Information ............................................................................................. 68

Chapter XI Financial Statements ....................................................................................................... 71

Chapter XII Backup Documents Contents ....................................................................................... 507

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Chapter I Definition

I. Definition

Terms used in this report means the following except for otherwise specified:

Definition of frequently used terms

The Company Refers to Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

CCCC, controlling shareholder Refers to China Communications Co., Ltd.

Effective controller Refers to China Communications Construction Group

Chapter II Company Profiles and Key Financial Indicator

I. Company information

Statutory company name in Chinese Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Statutory Chinese Abbreviation of the Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy



English Abbreviation of the Company ZPMC

Legal representative Song Hailiang

II. Contact information

Board secretary Securities Affair Agent

Name Wang Jue Li Min

Address 3261 Dongfang Road, Shanghai 3261 Dongfang Road, Shanghai

Tel. 021-50390727 021-50390727

Fax 021-31193316 021-31193316

Email IR@zpmc.com IR@zpmc.com

III. Basic information of the Company

Registered address 3470, South Pudong Road, Shanghai

Post code 200125

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Office address 3261 Dongfang Road, Shanghai

Post code 200125

Website http://www.zpmc.com

Email zpmc@public.sta.net.cn

IV. Information disclosure and reference

Designated media for information Shanghai Securities News, Hong Kong Wen Wei Po

Website designated by China Security Regulatory www.sse.com.cn

Commission for disclosure of annual report

Annual report available at of the Company Securities and Law Affairs Office

V. Stock Profiles of the Company

Stock Profiles of the Company

Short form of Stock Stock exchange listed Short form of stock Share code Stock before change

type at

A-share Shanghai Stock Shanghai Zhenhua 600320 ZPMC Industries

Exchange Heavy

B-share Shanghai Stock Zhenhua B-share 900947 -


VI. Others

Title Ernst & Young (special general partnership)

CPA’s employed by the Office address Room 01-12, 17th Floor, No.1 Dongfang

Company(Domestic) Dongcheng District, Beijing

CPAs to sign Yang Lei, Tao Baiyi

VII. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators in Last Three Years

(I) Major accounting data

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Growth 2014

Major over same

2016 2015

accounting data period prior

After adjustment Before adjustment

year (%)

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Operating 24,348,087,928 23,272,394,677 4.62 25,477,011,081 25,069,421,487


Net Profit 212,419,946 212,411,967 0.004 202,223,273 199,386,986

attributable to

shareholders of

the Company

Net Profit after 157,445,435 -214,409,604 Not -79,581,135 -79,581,135

deducting applicable



Net cash 1,658,422,636 -1,831,961,473 Not -863,628,925 -873,383,052

generated from applicable



Growth End of 2014

over same

End of 2016 End of 2015 period prior

year After adjustment Before adjustment


Net asset 15,196,736,263 14,869,572,883 2.20 14,990,495,511 14,780,603,810

attributable to

shareholders of

the Company

Total assets 60,823,819,098 59,020,752,259 3.05 58,024,869,184 56,145,227,254

(II) Major Financial Indicators


Growth over same

Major financial index 2016 2015

period prior year (%) After Before

adjustment adjustment

Basic EPS (Yuan/share) 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05

Diluted EPS (Yuan/share) 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05

Basic EPS after deducting 0.04 -0.05 Not applicable -0.02 -0.02



Weighted average net assets earnings 1.41 1.41 0.00 1.36 1.36


Weighted average net assets earnings 1.05 -1.45 Increase 2.5 base -0.54 -0.54

ratio after deducting non-recurring point


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Description of the main accounting data and financial indicators for the first three years at the end of the reporting


√Applicable □Not applicable

1. The company changed its accounting policies about methods on taxes calculation and report according to the

Provision on Value-Added Tax issued by Ministry of Finance in Dec. 2016. It had no impact on the consolidation of

2016 and 2015 financial statement, as well as the net profit and owner’s equity. It can be seen on the 19th board

meeting announcement.

2. This year, the company acquired 32.51% of the equity of CCCC Tianhe Co., Ltd, and obtained its control rights

through a concerted action agreement. Since China Communication Construction Co., Ltd is the controlling

shareholder of the Company and CCCC Tianhe Co., Ltd before the acquisition, so this is the acquisition under the

same control. The assets and liabilities of CCCC Tianhe acquired are accounted as the historical cost and included in

the consolidated financial statements, namely regarded CCCC Tianhe as a part of the Company and the presented in

the earliest period. Accordingly, the company has relisted the beginning balance of the corresponding data.

VIII. Accounting data difference in domestic and international accounting standards

(I)Difference of net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed company in the financial report disclosed

according to international accounting standards and domestic accounting standards.

□Applicable√Not applicable

(II) Difference of net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed company disclosed in accordance with

the foreign and domestic accounting standards.

□Applicable√Not applicable

(III) Description of the difference between accounting standards at home and aboard.

□Applicable√Not applicable

IX. Quarterly Major Financial Indicator in 2016

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

(Jan-Mar) (Apr-June) (July-Sept) (October-December)

Operating Income 4,635,581,695 7,166,060,906 6,590,100,486 5,956,344,841

Net Profit attributable to

53,657,723 58,635,638 43,276,720 56,849,865

shareholders of the Company

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of listed company

33,458,662 77,209,410 27,270,343 19,507,020

after deducting non-recurring

gains and losses

Net cash generated from

384,687,691 -279,931,650 4,210,477 1,549,456,118

operating activities

Description of difference between quarterly data and disclosed periodic data

□Applicable√Not applicable

X. Items and amount of non-recurring gains/losses

√Applicable □Not applicable

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Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Items of non-recurring gains/losses 2016 2015 2014

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current 1,340,612 9,338,797 13,948,136


Government subsidy on current profit and loss 45,042,910 22,847,200 20,316,889

statement except for those closely related to the

Company′s operation, enjoyed by certain state

standard or certain quota

Current net profit and loss of the subsidiary 0 55,523,666 15,289,013

under the same control of the company from the

beginning to the consolidated day

Gains/losses on fair value movement of tradable 23,420,959 445,766,951 286,253,779

financial assets, tradable financial liabilities

held except for valid hedging business related

with company’s normal operation, and

investment income acquired from disposal of

tradable financial assets, tradable financial

liabilities and financial assets available for sale

Non-operation revenue/expense apart from 6,435,660 15,490,536 15,164,034


Minor shareholder′s equity impact -6,708,080 -31,568,397 -9,922,714

Income tax impact -14,557,550 -90,577,182 -59,244,729

Total 54,974,511 426,821,571 281,804,408

XI. Items calculated by fair value

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Current Impact on

Item name Beginning Balance Closing Balance

movement Current Profit

Forward foreign exchange contract-Fair

676,082 4,615,775 3,939,693 3,939,693

Value appraisal income

Forward foreign exchange contract-Fair

-24,918,115 0 24,918,115 24,918,115

Value appraisal income loss

Equity Instrument available for

337,650,826 313,612,402 -24,038,424 1,112,890

sale-Jiangxi Huawu

Equity Instrument available for

298,821,560 340,253,175 41,431,615 13,058,634

sale-Qingdao port

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Equity Instrument available for

530,976,235 615,346,381 84,370,146 2,814,813


Equity Instrument available for

1,734,399 1,366,388 -368,011 24,291

sale-Shenwan Hongyuan

Equity Instrument available for sale-

46,000,000 0 -46,000,000 2,101,669

financial products

Total 1,190,940,987 1,275,194,121 84,253,134 47,970,105

XII. Others

□Applicable√Not applicable

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Chapter III Business Profile

I. The Company engaged in the main business, operation model and industry profile of the Company during the

reporting period

The company is a well-known enterprise of heavy equipment manufacturing industry, and state-owned listed company

holding A, B shares, headquartered in Shanghai, There are ten production bases in Shanghai, Nantong and other cities.

Since 1998, it has been in the first place in global container crane order ranking. To seek for further development, the

company actively explored the large steel structure and offshore heavy equipment market while consolidated the port

machinery market. The company business scope includes: design, construction, installation and contracting of large

port loading system and equipment, offshore heavy equipment, engineering machinery, engineering ships and large

metal structural parts and their components and spare parts, ship repair; self-produced crane rental business, sales of

the company products; international shipment by available machine special transportation ships, steel structure

engineering professional contracting (operate the business if the related license is required).

II. Description of the massive change in main assets of the company during the reporting period

□Applicable√Not applicable

III. Analysis on the core competence during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not applicable

There is no significant change in core competitiveness of the Company during the reporting period.

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Chapter IV Discussion and Analysis of the Board of Directors

I. Discussion and analysis of the Board

During the reporting period, facing the complicated situation both at home and abroad, the Company Board of

Director and the management led all the employees to deeply implement “4321” and “1521” strategy and fully apply

the 24 letters principle: “firm foundations, always innovate, adjust structure, change mode, integrate resources,

reinforce management, develop culture and increase quality”. With focus on the enhancement of operation quality and

core competitiveness, the Company aim to build a world-class company with international competition strength base

on the assurance of the company’s stable and healthy continuous development in new state, reform and development.

During the reporting period, the market structure was effectively adjusted, and the reform as deepened, the layout was

gradually optimized and the ability to allocate the global resources was improved. Various business sectors achieved

remarkable results while the profit increased steadily. The company made new records in the port machinery market,

now the products were sold in 97 countries and regions in the world. Especially, the Quay Cranes occupied the 82%

market share in the global market counted by a famous English magazine-World Cargo News, which saw the peak

since the company was founded in 1992.Though the global marine industry still developed slowly, the Company even

made progress by strategies adjustment, the Company successfully produced 1000t wind turbine installation vessels,

crane ships with autopilot and all-direction propeller system as well as programs like the two SEP-650 gained

marvelous attention in this market. The big heavy special steel structure projects had more expansion and layout.

There were highlights in the system integration and general contracting market. Our investment Portfolio has achieved

gradual improvement, the shipping, installation and offshore wind power market have a higher level of potential the

electrical market under going a steady development. The layout of the integrated services market was improved


II. Operation performance during reporting period

In period of report, the Company realized operation revenue 24.348 billion RMB, increased by 4.62%; realized net

profits 212 million RMB which belongs to parent company, nearly the same to 2015.

(I)Major business analysis

P&L and Cash Flow Statement related item movement analysis

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Item Report Year Prior Year Growth (%)

Operating Income 24,348,087,928 23,272,394,677 4.62

Operating Cost 19,727,663,875 19,717,314,855 0.05

Selling expenses 100,435,778 79,388,743 26.51

Management expenses 1,759,032,746 1,551,222,564 13.4

Financial expenses 1,218,992,788 1,532,851,096 -20.48

Net cash flow from operating activities 1,658,422,636 -1,831,961,473 Not applicable

Net cash flow from investment activities -726,215,078 2,565,598,510 -128.31

Net cash flow from financing activities 152,344,993 -318,811,177 Not applicable

R&D expenses 851,544,356 717,412,492 18.70

Operation taxes and surcharges 152,175,837 24,550,179 519.86

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Changes in fair value gains and losses - net 1,221,116,175 637,391,199 91.58

Gain on investment 118,513,425 498,236,958 -76.21

Net profits 307,344,236 194,205,688 58.26

Balance arising from the translation of 25,605,643 10,400,161 146.20

foreign currency financial statements

Total comprehensive income attributed to 327,163,380 100,532,162 225.43

parent company owners

Minority interest 94,924,290 -18,206,279 -

1. Revenue and cost analysis

√Applicable □Not applicable

1.The operation revenues and costs increased because the selling of new projects increased. The average of gross

margin in products increased because of the increase of operating income and the improvement of our management.

2. The sales expenses increased due to the expansion on global market.

3. The management expenses increased because the R&D expense increased this year.

4. The financial expenses decreased because of the decrease of exchange loss and interest cost.

5. The cash flow net amount in operation changed because the raw materials purchasing expenses and payment of

engineering expenses increased.

6. The cash flow net amount in investment changed because our bank financial products became due and the profits


7. The cash flow net amount in financing changed because the repayment of bank loan increased this year.

8. The R&D expenses increased because the important R&D projects like automated terminal increased this year.

9. The operation taxes and surcharges increased because the management expenses now are included in the operation

taxes and surcharges according to the new accounting rules.

10. The fair value gains and losses – net amount increased because the increase of the products and account receivable

depreciation reserves as well as the predictable losses that bring by contracts.

11. The gain on investment decreased because the restriction on bank financial products purchasing which led to profit


12. The net profit increased because the gross profit of the product increased.

13. The balance arising from the translation of foreign currency financial statements increased due to the changes of

exchange rate.

14. The total comprehensive income attributed to parent company owners increased because the fair value of financial

assets available for sale increased.

15. The minority interest changed because the total net profit of the non-wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company


(1) Major business by industry, product and region

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

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Major business by products

Operation Operation

Gross revenue cost

Gross margin increase

By product Operating Income Operation cost margin increase increase

(%) over prior over prior over prior year (%)

year(%) year(%)

Container cranes 17,082,391,036 13,067,811,357 23.50 13.92 8.54 Increase 3.80

percentage points

Bulk-cargo 3,154,983,915 3,054,772,000 3.18 56.70 64.02 Decreased by 4.32

machinery parts percentage points

Heavy equipments 1,284,872,909 1,279,775,256 0.40 -67.76 -67.60 Decreased by 0.48

percentage points

Steel structure and 1,035,829,290 938,105,979 9.43 25.38 17.78 Increase 5.83 percentage

related income points

Construction-transfer 1,005,087,825 1,019,082,565 -1.39 95.52 127.63 Decreased by 14.30

projects percentage points

Vessel shipping and 580,231,787 166,282,313 71.34 -14.77 -55.84 Increase 26.65

others percentage points

Major business by region

Operation Operation

Gross revenue cost

Gross margin increase

By region Operating Income Operation cost margin increase increase

(%) over prior over prior over prior year (%)

year(%) year(%)

Mainland, China 9,057,171,421 7,486,770,441 17.34 9.51 11.28 Decreased by 1.31

percentage points

Asia (excluding 8,774,618,285 7,454,726,034 15.04 49.88 55.99 Decreased by 3.33

Mainland, China) percentage points

America 1,660,773,333 1,025,270,894 38.27 -63.54 -75.11 Increase 28.68

percentage points

Europe 1,694,807,875 1,564,465,012 7.69 -25.15 -29.01 Increase 5.02 percentage


Mainland, China 1,939,957,027 1,250,525,343 35.54 80.9 45.75 Increase 15.55

(export) percentage points

Africa 814,524,109 605,690,798 25.64 -2.51 -7.64 Increase 4.13 percentage


Oceania 201,544,712 138,380,948 31.34 24.44 6.17 Increase 11.81

percentage points

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Description of main business by industry, product, and region

√Applicable □Not applicable

Note: the amounts in the “Mainland, China (export)” means operation income exported to the overseas subsidiaries or

affiliates, and then sold to the domestic customers.

(2) Production volume and sales volume analysis table

Description of production volume and sales volume

The Company mainly manufactures and sells the large port equipment, heavy equipment and steel structure, the

"Accounting Standards- Construction Contract" is applicable.The income shall be confirmed according to the

completion percentage method, so this table is not applicable.

(3) Cost analysis statement

Unit: Yuan

Product category



Report Total cost amount

Cost Report period period rate Amount in the same in the same compared


composition amount in total period last year period last with the

cost (%) year (%) same period

last year


Container cranes Raw material, 13,067,811,357 66.93 12,039,998,425 61.83 8.54


production costs

Bulk-cargo machinery Raw material, 3,054,772,000 15.64 1,862,388,384 9.56 64.02

parts labor,

production costs

Heavy equipments Raw material, 1,279,775,256 6.55 3,950,151,042 20.29 -67.60


production costs

Steel structure and Raw material, 938,105,979 4.80 796,465,278 4.09 17.78

related income labor,

production costs

Construction-transfer Subcontracting 1,019,082,565 5.22 447,701,799 2.30 127.63

projects expenses, raw


Vessel shipping and Labor, fuel 166,282,313 0.85 376,525,357 1.93 -55.84

others consumption,

depreciation etc.

Other description of cost analysis

□Applicable√Not applicable

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(4) Main clients and suppliers statement

√Applicable □Not applicable

The sales of the first five clients reached to 6,245.59 million yuan which accounted for 26% of the whole sales, and the

related sales among them were 0.

The purchase amount of the first five suppliers reached to 1,839.73 million yuan which accounted for 10.13% of the

whole, and the related purchase amount among them were 0.

II. Cost

□Applicable√Not applicable

III. R&D expenses

R&D expenses breakdown

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan

R&D into cost expenses in reporting year 851,544,356

R&D into capital expenses in reporting year 0

R&D expenses total 851,544,356

Total R&D expenses ratio in operation revenue 3.5


R&D employees quantity 1617

R&D employees’ ratio in the total employees 18.25


R&D expenses ratio in capital (%) 0


√Applicable □Not applicable

During the reporting period, the company was honored “Key industrial enterprises in well using intellectual property”

by MIIT, the "Project of American New Bay Bridge" won the first prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological

Progress. Also, the company founded Shanghai Off-shore Engineer Research Institute with Shanghai Maritime

University. This year our center of Lifting and Pipe laying Engineer Offshore was evaluated by the national Ministry

of Science and Technology as well the assessments on Shanghai Intelligent Welding and Port Machinery Engineer

centers by Shanghai STCSM.

4. Cash flow

√Applicable □Not applicable

The net cash flow from operating activities was 1.658 billion Yuan, mainly due to increase orders and payment for the

purchase of raw materials and engineering costs. The net cash flows from the investment activities was -0.726 billion

Yuan,mainly due to increase payment of the bank financial product due. The net cash flow from the financing

activities is 0.152 billion Yuan, mainly due to the increasing repayment of bank loan, and the changes of exchange

rate contributed 0.075 billion Yuan changes.

(II) Description of non-major business causing significant change to profit

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□Applicable√Not applicable

(III) Assets and liabilities analysis

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. Assets/liabilities statements

Unit: Yuan



period end

period Prior period

amount over

Closing balance at end over Closing balance at end over

Prior period

Item total total assets

reporting period end prior period end end amount

assets (%) change ratio



Cash and cash equivalents 3,597,044,199 5.91 2,458,333,716 4.17 46.32

Non-current assets due within 1,384,438,569 2.28 2,625,135,212 4.45 -47.26

one year

Long-term equity investment 2,201,421,453 3.62 1,597,134,817 2.71 37.84

Advance payment 292,941,206 0.48 423,603,129 0.72 -30.85

Interest payable 140,195,803 0.23 289,590,733 0.49 -51.59

Non-current liabilities due within 799,574,356 1.31 6,837,115,692 11.58 -88.31

one yea

Other current liabilities 3,996,025,335 6.57 1,995,655,739 3.38 100.24

Long term loans 3,925,335,497 6.45 1,761,904,000 2.99 122.79

Long-term payable 1,618,361,164 2.66 719,861,943 1.22 124.82

Provision 293,115,783 0.48 220,141,178 0.37 33.15

Other comprehensive income 322,403,671 0.53 207,660,237 0.35 55.26

Minority equity 1,290,413,687 2.12 917,076,421 1.55 40.71

Other statement

1. The cash and cash equivalents increased because the account receivable was due and the external payment


2. The non-current assets due within one year are increased mainly because the receivable of the long-term receivables

of the NanjingNing High-tech “construction-transfer” project was due.

3. The long-term equity investment is increased mainly because the Company had more investment in overseas


4. The deposit received decreased because this item was due, the company closed an account.

5. The interest payable decreased mainly because the Company paid the loan interest this year.

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6. Non-current liabilities due within one year decreased because the long-term loan that due within one year was due.

7. The other current liabilities increased because of the issue of short-term bonds.

8. The long-term loan increased because the meet the long-term development,

9. The long-term payable increased because the increase of equipment Leasing.

10. The provision increased because the company accrued the expense of services after sale.

11. The other comprehensive income increased because the fair value of financial assets available for sale increased.

12. The minority equity increased because the capital investment of the minority shareholders increased this year.

2. Restriction on main assets at the reporting period end

√Applicable □Not applicable

Restriction on main assets at the reporting period end

Item Reporting period end book value Reasons of restriction

Cash and cash equivalents 99,839,013 Open L/Cs and bond of L/Gs

Fixed assets 2,438,314,390 For mortgage of loans

Restricted long-term account payable 2,996,201,650 For pledge of loans

Total 5,534,355,053

3. Others

□Applicable√Not applicable

(IV) Industry operating conditions analysis

In 2016, the Company signed the new contract of port machinery with amount of 2.617 billion USD, decreased by

20.46% on yearly basis. The Company signed new contracts of marine engineering products and steel structure with

amount of 537 million USD, decreased by 35% on yearly basis. The Company signed new contracts of PPP

investment with amount of 10.021 billion Yuan.

The global shipping market is readjusted, the port machinery market is maintaining an usual level, the domestic

market needs time to develop. We can see that the needs of traditional port machinery reached saturation when the

automatic equipments need is rising. The global market of ore and oil development keeps declining, and it won’t be

recovered in a short time. When it comes to the situation of steel structure market, it benefits from the blueprint of

One Belt One Road. In the meanwhile, the company investment and exploration both at home and aboard are rising

that will contribute a lot to the traditional major works.

(V) Investment analysis

1. External equity investment overall analysis

√Applicable □Not applicable

Investment amount of period 3,514,993,959


Investment amount movement 705,681,962

Investment amount same 1,428,141,461

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period prior year

Investment amount movement -50.59

ratio (%)

(1) Major equity investment

□Applicable√Not applicable

(2 )Major non-equity investment

□Applicable√Not applicable

(3) Finance assets measured by fair value

√Applicable □Not applicable

Invested companies

Unit: RMB

Equity Equity


ratio ratio Gains and

Short Initial equity

of of Book value of losses of Accounting Source of

Stock code form of investment movement of

period period period end reporting account equity

stock cost reporting

begin end period


(%) (%)

300095 Huawu Finance assets Pay in

11,071,606 7.22 5.90 313,612,402 1,112,890 -24,038,424

share available-for-sale currency

06198 Qingdao Finance assets Market

308,515,588 2.16 2.16 340,253,175 13,058,634 41,431,614

(H-share) Port available-for-sale purchasing

03969 CRSC Finance assets Market

617,854,000 1.4 1.4 615,346,381 2,814,813 84,370,147

(H-share) available-for-sale purchasing

Total 937,441,194 / / 1,269,211,958 16,986,337 101,763,337 / /

Share-participating condition of financial companies

Unit: RMB


Equity equity

Equity Gains and

Name of Initial ratio of Book value movement

ratio of losses of Accounting Source of

invested investment period of period of

period reporting account equity

company (Yuan) begin end (Yuan) reporting

end (%) period (Yuan)

(%) period


Shenwan Less Less Finance assets

200,000 1,366,388 24,291 -368,011 Subscription

Hongyuan than 0.01 than 0.01 available-for-sale

Total 200,000 / / 1,366,388 24,291 -368,011 / /

(VI) Major assets and equity sales

□Major assetsot applicable

(VII)Key subsidiaries and share-participating companies

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2016 Annual Report

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Company Major product or service Registered Asset scale Net

capital profit/(loss)

Shanghai Zhenhua Design, manufacturing and sales of port

Port Machinery machinery, engineering vessel, steel 50,000,000

10,427,736,759 3,352,889

(Hong Kong) Co., structure and other parts HKD


Shanghai Zhenhua Operation of sea transportation in coastal

Shipping Co., Ltd waters; ordinary transportation in the

120,000,000 2,299,892,178 54,894,998

middle and lower reaches of Yangtze

River; transportation of port machinery.

Nantong Zhenghua Installation of heavy port equipment,

Heavy Equipment engineering vessels, heavy metal

Manufacturing Co., structure and its parts; Gear box,

Ltd container yard crane, super heavy-duty

854,936,900 2,422,076,284 -59,150,920

bridge steel structure, heavy marine

machinery equipment, weaving,

installation; lease of cranes; contracting

of steel structures etc

Shanghai Zhenhua Construction and installation of

Heavy Industries large-scale port equipment, engineering

Group (Nantong) vessels, offshore heavy equipment,

Transmitter Co., Ltd machinery and equipment, wind power

generation equipment to use gear box; 300,000,000 2,742,735,527 22,259,257

large slewing bearings, transmission,

dynamic positioning, large anchor cutter,

offshore oil platform lifting device and

components, accessories related weaving.

Shanghai Zhenhua International land, air, maritime freight

marine engineering forwarding, business, domestic freight

service Co., Ltd forwarding, undertaking large-scale port

(Primitive name: equipment, marine equipment, marine

Shanghai Zhenhua engineering materials sales, marine

100,000,000 304,927,252 -18,779,615

Heavy Industries construction and engineering and ship

Vessel Transport Co., leasing, engaged in import and export of

Ltd) goods and technologies, transit trade,

trade between enterprises and trade

agents within the free trade zone.

Zhenhua Pufeng Offshore wind turbine installation 16,326,531

Wind Energy 17,510,018 -19,659,559

(HongKong) Co., Ltd USD

CCCC Tianhe Co., Integration design, R&D and

Ltd manufacturing of shield machine system

with diameter of over 6m;integration 681,627,100 2,722,807,116 85,197,056

design, R&D and manufacturing of

tunnel boring machine (TBM) system

18 / 507

2016 Annual Report

with diameter of over 5m; design, R&D

and manufacturing of marine machinery

and parts, cranes and parts, bridges and

high damping bracket for buildings; sales

of self-produced products. whole sales

and import & export business of marine

machinery and parts, cranes and parts,

bridges and high damping bracket for

buildings (if the state-operated trade

commodities, design quota and license

management is not involved, the related

national rules will prevail);installation,

maintenance, leasing, consulting,

technical services for our

products.(foreign capital proportion is

less than 25%) (as for the items requiring

the approval, carry out the business

activities after obtaining the approval

from the authorities)

Shanghai Zhenhua Sales of port loading machine, bulk cargo

Heavy Port and container machine, port engineering

Machinery General vessels (including floating engineering

Equipment Co.,Ltd. crane), material handling mechanical

products and parts, sales and technical 2,184,730,000 2,273,914,423 12,569,775

services, installation and maintenance,

technical consultation of all types of

machine and equipment, key parts of the

raw materials and accessories equipment.

Nanjing Ninggao Engaged in construction, investment and

New Channel management of Ninggao NewChannel 100,000,000 3,140,658,145 109,557,250

Construction Co.,Ltd project.

Shanghai Zhenhua Machinery manufacturing

Heavy Industries

303,000,000 1,894,868,401 -6,401,505

Qidong Marine Co.,


Jiangsu LongYuan Steel structure fabrication and

Zhenhua Marine installation, Foundation construction of

Engineering Co.,Ltd offshore wind power facilities, equipment

installation and maintenance, submarine

260,000,000 1,278,961,358 46,943,972

cable system construction, maintenance,

marine construction, equipment

installation and maintenance, and

installation of equipment leasing.

CCCC Estate Yixing Engaged in real estate development.

900,000,000 1,364,677,410 4,801,514

Co., Ltd.

CCCC Financial Financing lease

5,000,000,000 22,840,873,119 251,014,262

Leasing Co., Ltd

China Construction of port, waterway, highway 50,000,000 315,835,115 -16,452,070

19 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Communications and bridge. USD

Construction USA


(VIII) Conditions of the structure of and share-participating companies

□Applicable√Not applicable

III. The Company’s discussion and analysis of the Company’s future development

(I) Sector competition pattern and development trend

√Applicable □Not applicable

According to the analysis of port machinery market about purchase orders, the company reached to a peak in 2015

because of the major projects of automatic-port equipment sets. And it back blended to normal amount since changes

of global economic and trends of trade. The domestic market keep steady, the Asia market remain firm, the North

America market is still in the adjustment period,and markets in Africa and Latin America are full of potentiality,

but the Europe and Australia ones are declining.

The world economic and trades conditions are in downturns, Britain exited from EU and other members want to

follow it, which makes the situation more puzzling. Many shipping lines are in dilemma. The Hanjin shipping Co.

bankrupted, the MAERSK Group needed to be reorganized, the three top shipping companies must consolidated as

well as Zhongyuan and Zhonghai. These changes had an influence on the market and investment on port construction.

So, the port machinery market will definitely be in huge pressure. The global shipping market is readjusted, the port

machinery market is maintaining an usual level, the domestic market needs time to develop. We can see that the needs

of traditional port machinery reached saturation. The total needs are declining, so the operation and competitiveness

will be worsening.

Though the global needs are declining in the port machinery market, but there are some hot-spots some area. The

trend of world economic center transformation to the Asian-Pacific region is more apparent. Chinese economic

growth will still remain at about 6.5% in 2017.And the economic growth Southeast Asia will reach to 4.8%, predicted

by Asian Development Bank in 2017.With the consolidation of ASEAN economic speeding up and the One Belt One

Road strategy, the trading level of 65 countries of Asia, Africa and Europe will be enhanced, that will produce a lot of

demands on port machinery. The company thinks that the market will still be in the adjustment, the port machinery

work will increase slightly.

The marine market has kept declining over two years, the company now is facing huge pressure on difficulties in

manufacturing ships, financing and making new orders. The world economic development is still in the deep

adjustment period, the consumption of oil and gas is not so good, now we can see that the supply exceeds demand.

The rental of marine equipments became lower and lower so do the newly made ships and the used ones. Even the

price of oil and gas increase and the explosion of oil and gas became better, the recovery weak state will continue for

a long time because of the surplus of oil platforms and marine supported ships. In general, the low oil price that led to

the decline of demand of equipments, the surplus of equipments and huge amount of orders make the world marine

equipment market’s recovery weak state will continue for a long time. Delay, be put on ice and even cancel projects

and orders will become common.

With One Belt One Road strategy and Yangtze River economic belt improvement, solid foundation at home and

aboard, the recovery of offshore wind power facilities market, the capacity steel structure market are enhancing.

Although the company has its advantage on the steel structure of bridge in high-end market, but it still in the middle

and lower reach to the industry chain. There is cut-throat competition in the steel structure of bridge market, and the

price of offshore wind power facilities nearly reach to the cost. Also there are some exacting terms in contracts. The

lack of structural supply, technology and manufacturing experience in high-end marine region, on advantages in

low-end marine region. The financial sector’s protection, transportation cost and etc. bring challenges to the steel

structural industry.

(II) The Companyial sector’s protection,

√Applicable pplicapplicable

20 / 507

2016 Annual Report

The Board systematically and scientifically studied the basic situation both at home and abroad, analyzed domestic

reform status, analyzed major competitions and self-owned advantages and disadvantages. The Board clearly set the

overall development concept, key tasks and guarantee measures in 2017, focusing on innovating drive, transformation

and upgrade, improving the quality and efficiency, which ensures the stable development of the Company in new

common state, reform and development.

1. Strategic position: to build the Company into an excellent international company. Build the industry layout of

vertical integration, horizontal correlation limited diversification and internationalization. Build No. 1 general

contractor of port machinery manufacturing and automated port system; world-famous and domestic leading marine

engineering equipment integrator; world-famous and Asia No. 1 marine engineering services and new energy

engineering general contractor; world-famous and domestic leading electrical system general contractor;

world-famous special overseas developer and industry well-known equipment manufacturer and transit infrastructure

investment operator.

2. The overall working concept for 2017: Establish innovative, coordinative, green, open and sharing development

concept, surrounding “one center”, promote “three industrialization” target, emphasize the “4 main lines”, establish “6

driving forces” and improve “6 capacities”, insist on “24 word′s principle”, continue to act as a powerful player, lay

foundation to become the world excellent company with international competition.

3. 2017 major tasks:

(1)Continuously develop eight major works and make sure for the stable growth.

(2)Continuously center on reform and innovation principle and make the business strategies done.

(3)Continuously center on overall cost efficiency and focus on basis management and benefit increasing.

(4)Continuously center on solid foundation and improve the operation quality

(5)Continuously strengthen team building and improve the human resources management ability.

(6)Continuously strengthen party buildings as a state-own enterprise and fight for corruption.

(III) Business planning

√Applicable □Not applicable

In 2017, the Company plans to achieve steady growth in revenue, and signs more new orders, implements “insist on

the innovation and development, the coordinated development, the green development, open development and sharing

development” ; insist on five development concepts to accelerate the innovation, mergers and acquisitions,

digitalization and internationalization development r, focus on reform and innovation, deepen the organizational

structure adjustment, reduce the cost and improve the efficiency, consolidate the foundation, enhance the operation

quality, accelerate the integration of resources, increase the gross profit margin, to ensure the stable development of

the company in new common state, reform and development.

(IV) Possible risks

√Applicable □Not applicable

Market risk: the international economy is still in the declining state with limited growth, the slow economic

development may become the “new ordinary state” in the domestic market. The industry trend is impacted by the

decreasing ore and oil prices. The shipping capacity is excessive and the port machinery market increased a little. The

marine heavy industry is in the low position in the market. As for the offshore oil and gas service, the large piece

handing and movement transportation market decreases with excessive capacity. The port machinery market is still in

main position in scale and profit contribution, but other markets are still being cultivated.

Solution: facing the market challenges at home and abroad, the Company will deepen the reform, consolidate the

basic management and enhance the risk resistance, focus on “”for optimal adjustment of market and business

structure; to promote the four transition from selling products to sell excellent products (Technology); from selling

equipment to selling system; from selling hardware to selling software (service); from the production mode,

management mode, the business model in Industry 2.0 change to new model, profit model innovation in Industry 4.0,

promote structure adjustment and resources integration, drive structure adjustment and resource integration; drive

enterprise sustainable development by transformation and upgrade.

21 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Financial risks: credit risk and exchange rate risk, increased volatility of the RMB bidirectional fluctuation of

exchange rate and large load capacity.

Solution: Develop rational planning for forward rate look, control exchange rate risk, emphasis on research on policies

and strategies of foreign exchange risk management, pay close attention to change in exchange rates, regularly

complete analysis of exchange rate movements, conduct strict implementation of financial derivatives related to the

approval process, produce good statistics on product current exchange rate, further reinforce the basic work of foreign

exchange management, and reduce the company’s exchange rate risk. By arranging favorable settlement terms in the

contract (such as the signing of a contract with the RMB exchange rate pegged, increase the prepayments proportion

plus early settlement, etc.), or within the range permitted by the country’s financial foreign exchange policy, make use

of hedging, foreign exchange factoring and other appropriate financial instruments or means to control and lock the

exchange rate risk.

As for credit risk, by reducing raw material reserves, compression of infrastructure spending, adjusting the company’s

debt structure through a variety of ways (such as medium-term notes, short-term bonds), reducing financing costs,

strengthening the collection of accounts receivable, gradually reducing the amount of bank debt, reduce business risks.

(V) Other

□Applicable√Not applicable

IV. Explanation of the case and reasons that company does not disclose due to rules not applicable or special reasons

□Applicable√Not applicable

22 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Chapter V Substantial Events

I. The plan for the distribution of ordinary profits or the transfer of capital accumulation fund

(I) The formulation, implementation or adjustment of the cash dividends policy

√Applicable □Not applicable

According to CSRC Notification on further implementation of issues concerning listed company cash dividends

sharing (Zhengjian Fa [2012]37), as proposed by the 10th meeting of the Company’s fifth session of Board held on

August 21, 2012, amendment would be made to the Articles of Association of the Company concerning profit

distribution and cash dividends policy, and as result dividends sharing standard and proportion are clear, related

decision making program and mechanism compete, with full maintenance of small shareholders’ legitimate rights and

interests, giving them full excess to expressing their views and demands.

(Ⅱ) Profit distribution pre-plan or plan, capital reserve converted into share capital plan or preplan of the Company

for last three years (including report period)

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

The ratio of net

Net profit

Dividend for Shares Cash dividend attributable to listed profit attributable to

Bonus Bonus share

every 10 shares converted for amount listed company

for every 10 company

Year (Yuan) (before every 10 shares shareholders in

shares (share) (before tax) shareholders in

tax) (share) profit-sharing year

profit-sharing year


2016 0 0 0 0 212,419,946 0

2015 0 0 0 0 212,411,967 0

2014 0 0 0 0 202,223,273 0

(III) Share repurchase is included in the cash dividend by cash offer

□Applicable√Not applicable

(IV) The profit in the report period and the profit that can be distributed by common shareholders of parent

company are positive, if the cash profit distribution plan of common stock is not proposed, the company shall

disclose the reasons, purpose and use plan of the profit not distributed in details

√Applicable □Not applicable

Reason for profit in the report period and the profit that can be

distributed by common shareholders of parent company are

Purpose and use plan of profits not distributed

positive but the common stock cash profit distribution plan is

not proposed

Although the company made profit in 2016 the company was

in the important period of adjustment of the business structure.

The bank liability with interest is still large, accounting for a

higher proportion of the total liabilities. In order to effectively For the daily operation of the company

reduce the turnover of capital and operating risk, and maintain

the long-term interest of shareholders. The profits distribution

plan in 2016 is:, not distributed or capital reserve for capital


II. Commitment performance

23 / 507

2016 Annual Report

(I) Note of the board of directors and the board of supervisors for "non-standard audit report" of the accounting


□Applicable√Not applicable

(II) Analysis of the reasons and impact of the board of directors on the changes of accounting policies, accounting

estimates and accounting methods

Whether to achieve the original profit forecast and the analysis for reasons

□Achieved □Not Achieved √Not applicable

III. Capital occupied situation and clearing arrears progress in the report period

□Applicable√Not applicable

IV. Notes of the board of directors for "non-standard audit report" of the accounting firm

□Applicable√Not applicable

V. The analysis of reasons and effects on the changes of accounting policies, accounting estimates and the major error


(I)The analysis of reasons and effects on the changes of accounting policies and accounting estimates

√Applicable □Not applicable

In December 2016, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the Treatment Provisions for Value-added Tax (Cai Kuai

[2016] No. 22, relevant taxes accounting documents and accounting policy for presentation shall be changed

according to the provisions.

I. The title of “Business tax and Charges” is changed to “Tax and Charges”, which accounts consumption tax, urban

maintenance and construction tax, resource tax, education surcharges and the property tax, land use tax, vehicle use

taxes, stamp duty and other relevant taxes for enterprise ' s business activities; the project “Business tax and Charges”

is adjusted to “Tax and Charges”. Since May 1, 2016, “Tax and Charges” listed in the profit statement is no longer

listed in "Management Fee"; the charges produced before May 1, 2016 (with the exception of the the property tax and

land use tax have been included in the “Business tax and Charges” related to the investment real estate), are still listed

in "Management Fee". Due to the above requirements, the content of the presentation is different between the year

2016 and 2015 of "Tax and Charges" and "Management Fees", but had no effect on for the year 2016 and 2015

merger and net profit and the merger and shareholders' equity.

2. "VAT Payable" account under the "Taxes Payable", "VAT Unpaid", " Pending Deduct VAT on Purchase", “Input

Tax on Pending Certification" and "Left the Deductible Tax" shall be listed in the "Other Current Assets" in the

balance sheet or "Other Non-current Assets"; the same as "Taxes Payable, Stay - recognition Tax ". Due to the above

requirements, the content of the presentation is different between the year 2016 and 2015 of "Other Current Assets" in

the balance sheet or "Other Non-current Assets", but in the end of 2015 the merger and the company had no effect on

the balance sheet.

(II) The analysis of reasons and effects on the changes of the major error correction

□Applicable√Not applicable

(III)Communicate with former accounting firm

□Applicable√Not applicable

(IV)Other statement

□Applicable√Not applicable

VI Appointment and dismissal of accounting firm

Unit: (10,000) Yuan Currency: RMB

Original appointment Current appointment

24 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Domestic accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs Ernst & Young

Co. Ltd.

(Special general partnership)

(Special general partnership)

Domestic accounting firm payment 340

Domestic accounting firm audit 1



Name Payment

Internal control audit accounting Ernst & Young (special general partnership) 40


Appointment and dismissal of accounting firm

√Applicable □Not applicable

In accordance with relevant provisions of SASAC, the audit team of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs Co.

Ltd. (Special general partnership) has provided audit services for the company for many years. By the decision for

11th meeting of the Board of Directors and 2015 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Ernst & Young (special

general partnership) is hired as compay’s domestic auditing institution in 2016.

Change to appointment accounting firm during auditing period

□Applicable√Not applicable

VII. Face with the risk for suspended marketing

(I) Reasons for suspended marketing

□Applicable√Not applicable

(II) To make measures for the company

□Applicable√Not applicable

VIII The situations and reasons for delisting

□Applicable√Not applicable

VI. Bankruptcy reorganization related matters

□Applicable√Not applicable

X. Substantial lawsuits, arbitrations

√The Company has major litigation and arbitration. The Company has no major litigation and arbitration.

(I) Lawsuits, arbitrations disclosed in the provisional announcement without subsequent progress

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Lawsuits, arbitrations not disclosed in the provisional announcement with subsequent progress

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

In the report period

25 / 507

2016 Annual Report


Party (arbitratio Suit

Type of Suit Suit Suit

with Suit n) (arbitration)

Prosecut or Defenda suing or (arbitration (arbitratio (arbitratio

joint (arbitration) constitutes ruling

(applicant) nt arbitratio ) amount n) n) ruling

liabilitie profiles) project implementati

n involved progress and impact

s liabilities on

or not

In 2013, the

Company has

signed the


and sales


about a 6000

ton piping

ship with





referred to as

Petrofac). On

October 9,

2015, We stand

Petrofac for about

issued $200

Contract million;

Termination Petrofac's

Shanghai Letter with counterclai

Zhenhua the reason m calls for Court to

Arbitratio Not yet

Heavy Petrofac No that the $182 0 be open Not yet ruled

n ruled

Industries Co., project is million or soon

Ltd delayed and $213

meets the million in

termination two

article. different

Petrofac ways.

asked for


the contract

and requested

the Company

to return the


payment and

interest, as

well as

assumed the


of the loss

caused by the


of the

contract. The

26 / 507

2016 Annual Report


rejected the



honored the



from the

opening bank

in December

2015, with

total amount

of 44,720,000

USD. The



special team

and hired

senior legal

team both at

home and

abroad to


advocate the


rights and

protect the


rights from

damaged. The

Company has

applied for

arbitration to

the London



Court in

January and


Petrofac to

return the

payment of

Letter of




for the loss of

$200 million.


receiving the


applicant of

the Company,


filled a


27 / 507

2016 Annual Report

and asked the

Company for


about 182

million USD

or 213

million USD

under the


of continuing

built ship or



built ship.

In 2008 the

Company and

Flour Limited


referred to as


signed an

agreement of

sales and


for wind

power steel

pipe pile

products for

the British

Wind Power

Project. In the The

Shanghai project quantitativ The

Zhenhua construction e quantitative

Flour Heavy process, the About Court to

examinatio examination

No Lawsuits Company and 250 0 be open

Company Industrie n of a case of a case has

s Co., Fluor, by way million soon

has not yet not yet been

Ltd of friendly been rendered

consultations rendered

and in the

spirit of good









In 2010, for



on of the

contract, after

review by the

board of

28 / 507

2016 Annual Report

directors of


Company, the


signed a



letter with

Fluor, and in

2011 settled

the remaining





claim to the

Company for



, and

requested the

Company to

cash the




bond, while

the Company

rejected the

claim. On

March 20,

2014, Flour

cashed the

above amount

of 23,409,750

euro letter of

guarantee to

the bank

opened the

letter of

guarantee. In


2014, Flour



for the breach

caused by the


related to the


quality to

High Court of




Division, The

29 / 507

2016 Annual Report






referred to as

“TCC Court

of Britain


Bench”) and

asked the

Company for



of 250


Pounds for

additional test

and repair

cost, project

period delay

and related


(including the

cashed letter

of guarantee

amount of


Euro). The




the claim for



from Flour.

Since then,

the Company

prepared the






work and



work before

the court.


February to

March, April,

June of 2016,

British High

Court TCC

court was in

30 / 507

2016 Annual Report

trial for first

instance on


part. The

court trail

plan of the




part will be in

trail in

May, 2017.

At the end of


2014, the


completed the


assets for



Daoda Ocean


Co., Ltd, the

capital of

67% stake, at

the same

time, before

Shanghai February 28,

Zhenhua 2014, the

Nantong losses of the


Huafu company is in RMB


Port Co., charged of by 368.722 Court to

p) Co., Ltd, Not yet

Ltd, Li No Lawsuits the original 0 be open Not yet ruled

Shanghai million ruled

Aidong, shareholders - Yuan soon

Zhenhua Port

Zhao Li Aidong,


Xiaohua Zhao

Heavy Industry

Co., Ltd. Xiaohua of


Huafu Port

Co., Ltd.

During the



process, find

the disclose

false of

parts of the



matters or

debt leading

to produce a

series of


31 / 507

2016 Annual Report

through the

related audit



etc, that loss

of RMB


million Yuan

should be in

charged in the



and the

lawsuit again

after an


(III) Other statements

□Applicable √Not applicable

XI. Punishment and correction of listed company and its directors, supervisors and senior executives, the controlling

shareholder, actual controller and purchasers

□Applicable √Not applicable

XII. During the period of report, the credit statement for the company, holding shareholder and actual controller

□Applicable √Not applicable

XIII. Company equity incentive plan, employee ownership plan or other employee incentive situations and its


(I) Incentive awarded for events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of

following-up implementation

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Incentive awarded for events not disclosed in the provisional announcement

Stock ownership incentive awarded

□Applicable √Not applicable

Other descriptions

□Applicable √Not applicable

Employee stock ownership plan

□Applicable √Not applicable

Other incentive awarded

□Applicable √Not applicable

XIV.Magnificent related transactions

(I) Related transactions in connection with routine operations

1. Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of following-up


√Applicable □Not applicable

32 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Events overview Index

The twelfth meeting of sixth Board of Directors on June Shanghai Stock Exchange website: www.sse.com.cn and

30, 2016approved “Proposal to Invest and Establish Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po on

Chengdong District of Huaiyin and PPP project of Jul 2, 2016.

surround port”, “Proposal to Invest and Establish Urban

life support and infrastructure of Zhenjiang,Jiangsu ”

The seventeenth meeting of sixth Board of Directors on Shanghai Stock Exchange website: www.sse.com.cnand

Dec. 26, 2016approved “Proposal toPhase I Project of Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po on

Investemnt in Building Xiangtan Xiashesi Jingyisu River December 27, 2016.

to Huashi Road”.

2. Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of following-up


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed in the provisional announcement

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB


Type of related Related

Related party Incidence Type of related principle of Price of related

party transaction

transaction relation transaction related transaction

transaction amount (%)


CCCC Second Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 389,557,043 1.60

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd. subsidiary Company

CCCC Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 233,003,192 0.96

International company ′ s machinery market price

Shipping Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd subsidiary Company

CHUWA Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 193,053,287 0.79

BUSSAN company ′ s machinery market price

company limited wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

China Road and Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 179,013,839 0.74

Bridge Co., Ltd company ′ s machinery market price

wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

CCCC Third Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 175,876,344 0.72

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering wholly-owned from the

Investigation subsidiary Company

and Design

33 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Institute Co., Ltd

CCCC Tianjin Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 155,198,269 0.64

Waterway company ′ s machinery market price

Bureau Co., Ltd. wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

China Harbor Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 147,800,178 0.61

Engineering Co., company ′ s machinery market price

Ltd wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

CCCC Tunnel Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 144,526,777 0.59

Engineering Co., company ′ s machinery market price

Ltd wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

CCCC Fourth Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 121,403,077 0.50

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering wholly-owned from the

Investigation subsidiary Company

and Design

Institute Co., Ltd

Road & Bridge Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 81,639,431 0.34

International company ′ s machinery market price

Co., Ltd. wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

CCCC Third Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 81,407,370 0.33

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd. subsidiary Company

No.3 Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 69,043,050 0.28

Engineering Co., company ′ s machinery market price

Ltd. of CCCC wholly-owned from the

Second Harbor subsidiary Company

Engineering Co.,


No.2 Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 62,720,000 0.26

Engineering Co., company ′ s machinery market price

Ltd. of CCCC wholly-owned from the

Second Harbor subsidiary Company

Engineering Co.,


No.2 Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 42,279,112 0.17

Engineering Co., company ′ s machinery market price

Ltd. of CCCC wholly-owned from the

First Harbor subsidiary Company

Engineering Co.,


34 / 507

2016 Annual Report

CCCC-SHEC Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 37,101,137 0.15

Second company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd. subsidiary Company

Friede & Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 26,755,168 0.11

Goldman, Llc company ′ s machinery market price

wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

CCCC Fourth Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 26,568,685 0.11

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering wholly-owned from the

Institute Co., subsidiary Company


CCCC Third Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 22,068,890 0.09

Highway company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering wholly-owned from the

Bureau Co., Ltd subsidiary Company

CCCC Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 20,652,755 0.08

Financing company ′ s machinery market price

Rental Co., Ltd. wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

Hainan CCCC Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 19,279,683 0.08

Fourth Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Construction wholly-owned from the

Co., Ltd subsidiary Company

CCCC Fourth Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 17,389,362 0.07

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd subsidiary Company

Jiangsu Joint venture Sell goods Purchase port Based on 16,648,649 0.07

LongYuan machinery market price

Zhenhua Marine from the

Engineering Company


CCCC Second Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 11,802,499 0.05

Highway company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering wholly-owned from the

Bureau Co., Ltd. subsidiary Company

China Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 11,627,327 0.05

Communications company ′ s machinery market price

Corporation wholly-owned from the

subsidiary Company

CCCC East Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 10,697,446 0.04

China company ′ s machinery

35 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Investment Co., wholly-owned from the market price

Ltd subsidiary Company

CCCC First Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 8,219,845 0.03

Harbor company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd. subsidiary Company

CCCC Highway Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 4,829,060 0.02

Bridges National company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering wholly-owned from the

Research Centre subsidiary Company

Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong Parent Sell goods Purchase port Based on 134,656 0.00

Zhenhua company ′ s machinery market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned from the

Ltd. subsidiary Company

Zhenhua Marine Joint venture Other Lease the ships Based on 169,580,194 0.70

Energy (Hong from the market price

Kong) Co., Ltd Company

CCCC Tunnel Parent Other Lease the Based on 125,440,000 0.52

Engineering Co., company ′ s shield from the market price

Ltd wholly-owned Company


China Parent Other Lease the ships Based on 1,606,804 0.01

Communications company ′ s from the market price

Corporation wholly-owned Company


CCCC Third Parent Other Lease the Based on 501,755 0.00

Harbor Second company ′ s shield from the market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned Company

Ltd subsidiary

CCCC Tianjin Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 331,677,108 1.83

Waterway company ′ s labor company for market price

Bureau Co., Ltd. wholly-owned processing


CCCC Second Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 91,221,324 0.50

Highway company ′ s labor company for market price

Consultant wholly-owned processing

Co., Ltd. subsidiary

CCCC Fourth Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 75,048,039 0.41

Highway company ′ s labor company for market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned processing

Ltd. subsidiary

CCCC Third Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 64,290,666 0.35

36 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Harbor company ′ s labor company for market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned processing

Ltd. subsidiary

No.1 Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 22,573,250 0.12

Engineering Co., company ′ s labor company for market price

Ltd. of CCCC wholly-owned processing

First Harbor subsidiary

Engineering Co.,


Shanghai Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 21,633,168 0.12

Communications company ′ s labor company for market price

Construction wholly-owned processing

Contracting Co., subsidiary


Jiangsu Joint venture Accepting Entrusting Based on 14,565,939 0.08

LongYuan labor company for market price

Zhenhua Marine processing



China Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 13,661,221 0.08

Communications company ′ s labor company for market price

Corporation wholly-owned processing


CCCC Second Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 7,079,715 0.04

Highway company ′ s labor company for market price

Engineering wholly-owned processing

Bureau Co., Ltd. subsidiary

CCCC Tianjin Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 296,154 0.00

Industry and company ′ s labor company for market price

Trade Co., Ltd. wholly-owned processing


CCCC East Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 247,863 0.00

China company ′ s labor company for market price

Investment Co., wholly-owned processing

Ltd subsidiary

CCCC Third Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 56,913 0.00

Harbor company ′ s labor company for market price

Engineering wholly-owned processing

Investigation subsidiary

and Design

Institute Co. Ltd.

Shanghai Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 25,173 0.00

Jiangtian company ′ s labor company for market price

Industrial Co., wholly-owned processing

Ltd subsidiary

37 / 507

2016 Annual Report

CTTIC Parent Accepting Entrusting Based on 17,094 0.00

Shanghai Co., company ′ s labor company for market price

Ltd wholly-owned processing


CHUWA Parent Purchase Supply Based on 182,477,645 1.01

BUSSAN company ′ s goods materials to market price

company limited wholly-owned Company


Shanghai Joint venture Purchase Supply Based on 120,664,901 0.66

Zhenhua Heavy goods materials to market price

Industries Company



Paint Co., Ltd.

CCCC Shanghai Parent Purchase Supply Based on 100,037,221 0.55

Equipment company ′ s goods materials to market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned Company

Ltd subsidiary

CCCC Fourth Parent Purchase Supply Based on 2,993,504 0.02

Highway company ′ s goods materials to market price

Engineering Co., wholly-owned Company

Ltd. subsidiary

CCCC Tianjin Parent Purchase Supply Based on 1,084,615 0.01

Port & company ′ s goods materials to market price

Waterway wholly-owned Company

Prospection & subsidiary

Design Research

Institute Co.,


CCCC Tianjin Parent Purchase Supply Based on 1,084,615 0.01

Port Prospection company ′ s goods materials to market price

& Design wholly-owned Company

Research subsidiary

Institute Co.,


Nanjing CCCC Parent Purchase Supply Based on 72,175 0.00

Weisanlu River company ′ s goods materials to market price

Tunnel Co., Ltd wholly-owned Company


China Parent Purchase Supply Based on 14,248 0.00

Communication company ′ s goods materials to market price

Materials & wholly-owned Company

Shipment Co., subsidiary


Total / 3,658,247,435 8.61

38 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Details about the returned sales with high amount

Explanation of related trade Note: May 9, 2016, the Company

2015 Annual General Meeting

approved ”Motion on the Company

Signing Framework Agreement

with CHINA



Routine Related Transactions.”

In 2016, our company

and its subordinate units and the

China Communications

Corporation and its subsidiary

bodies could undertake related

party transactions in the daily

operation on annual basis with

transaction amount not exceeding

11 billion Yuan. The

Annual General Meeting has

authorized the Company ′ s

management to handle relevant

specific matters.

(Ⅱ) Associated transactions of asset or equity acquisition, sales

1.Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of

following-up implementation

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of following-up


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed in the provisional announcement

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. When the performance agreement is concerned, the performance during the reporting period shall be disclosed

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) Major related transactions of common foreign investment

1. Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of

following-up implementation

√Applicable □Not applicable

Events overview Index

The thirteenth meeting of sixth Board of Directors on Shanghai Stock Exchange website: www.sse.com.cnand

Aug. 30th, 2016 approved “Proposals for the Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po on

Establishment of Zhenhua Huigu (China) Geological August 31, 2016.

Services Co., Ltd”, “Proposal for Joint Stock to Latin

American’s Regional Company”

The thirteenth meeting of sixth Board of Directors on Shanghai Stock Exchange website: www.sse.com.cnand

39 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Aug. 30th, 2016 approved “Proposals for the Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po on

Establishment of Zhenhua Huigu (China) Geological October 29, 2016.

Services Co., Ltd”, “Proposal for Joint Stock to Latin

American’s Regional Company”

The thirteenth meeting of sixth Board of Directors on Shanghai Stock Exchange website: www.sse.com.cnand

Aug. 30th, 2016 approved “Proposals for the Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po on

Establishment of Zhenhua Huigu (China) Geological December 20, 2016.

Services Co., Ltd”, “Proposal for Joint Stock to Latin

American’s Regional Company”

2. Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of following-up


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed in the provisional announcement

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Current accounts of credits and liabilities with related parties

1.Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of

following-up implementation

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Events disclosed in the provisional announcement and without changes or progresses of following-up


□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Events not disclosed in the provisional announcement

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Related party providing fund to the

The Company providing fund to Company

related party

Incidence providing fund

Related party


Opening Current Closing Opening Current Closing

balance amount balance balance amount balance

CCCC Financial Parent

Co., Ltd company ′ s

134,534,649 528,772,323 663,306,972 0 300,000,000 300,000,000



CCCC Parent

Financing company ′ s

Rental Co., Ltd. wholly-owned 0 0 0 1,118,000,000 2,120,845,793 3,238,845,793


CCCC Leasing Parent

Jiahuayi Co., company ′ s 0 0 0 383,838,000 -383,838,000 0

Ltd wholly-owned

40 / 507

2016 Annual Report


CCCC Leasing Parent

Jiahuayi Co., company ′ s

Ltd 0 0 0 383,838,000 -383,838,000 0



China Parent

Communications company ′ s

Corporation 0 0 0 104,440,235 -1,112,929 103,327,306



Shanghai Parent

Jiangtian company ′ s

0 0 0 17,586,085 -831,502 16,754,583

Industrial Co., wholly-owned

Ltd subsidiary

Tianjin Parent

Waterway Co., company ′ s

Ltd 0 0 0 25,079,494 0 25,079,494



CHUWA Parent

BUSSAN company ′ s

company limited wholly-owned 0 0 0 6,269,873 0 6,269,873


Hong Kong Parent

Zhenhua company ′ s

0 0 0 346,005 0 346,005

Engineering Co., wholly-owned

Ltd. subsidiary

Macau Zhenhua Parent

Bay Engineering company ′ s

Co., Ltd. 0 0 0 6,593 0 6,593



Total 134,534,649 528,772,323 663,306,972 2,039,404,285 1,651,225,362 3,690,629,647

Reasons of related credits and Dividends payable by the Company to related parties, investment of the cancellation

liabilities of s subsidiary and current amount loan.

(V) Other

□Applicable √Not applicable

XV. Major contracts and their implantation

(1)Entrusting, contracting and leasing

1. Entrusting

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Contracting

□Applicable √Not applicable

41 / 507

2016 Annual Report

3. Leasing

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Rental Rental


Amount income revenue

Lease d Lease start Lease term Rental related

Lessor Lessee involving determined impact on

assets date nation date income party

leased assets by the


Protocol company


Zhenlong Asset

The Management Housing Aug 10, Protocol

284,337,357 2025/07/09 46,314,775 46,314,775 No

Company Co., Ltd, and Rental 2012 agreed



Related transactions

(II) Provide guarantee to related parties

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Currency: RMB

Total guaranties for subsidiaries incurred in report period (excluding those for held subsidiaries)


Guaranty Guaranteed

between Whether Whether

current Guaranteed Whether the Whether

guaranty Guarantee Guaranty Guaranty there is guarantee Related

(2)Guaranty Guaranteed party date Guarantee is guaranty

party and amount classification counter to related Relate

(agreement Start date terminal implemented overdue

listed date guarantee party

sign date)


The Home office Jiangsu Yanwei 19,184,000 2014 2014 2017 Joint and No No No No

Company Port Co., Ltd several

Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 11 liability

The Home office Zhenhua Marine 177,247,287 2015 2015 2017 General No No Yes Yes Joint

Company Energy guarantee venture

(Hongkong) Co., September September April 14

Ltd. 14 14

Total guaranties for subsidiaries incurred in report period 0

(excluding those for held subsidiaries)

Total Guarantee balance at the end of report period (A) 196,431,287

Guaranty of the company and subsidiaries

Total guaranties for subsidiaries incurred in report period 1,016,850,000

Total guaranties for subsidiary balance at the end of report period 3,210,021,000


Company guaranty total amount (guaranty for subsidiaries )

Total guarantee amount (A+B) 3,406,452,287

Proportion of net assets of the Company (%) 20.66

In which:

42 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Amount guaranties to shareholders, effective controller and its 0

related parties (C)

Amount guaranties to shareholders, effective controller and its 3,387,268,287

related parties (C)

Amount of guaranties exceeding 50% of net assets (E) 0

Total of the above 3 kinds of guarantee(C+D+E) 3,387,268,287

Note: the first interim general meeting of stockholders held on September 22, 2008 approved "Proposal of Company Providing

Financing Guarantee to Subsidiary Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.", and agreed to provide financing support

Guarantee status explanation to Hong Kong subsidiary. The bank will issue guarantee for the loan with the upper limit of 500 million USD. The Company will

provide the guarantee to Hong Kong subsidiary in the report period. The twenty-ninth and thirtieth meeting of fifth Board of Directors

meeting approved other guarantees.

(III) Non-financial companies entrusted investment financing and derivatives

1. Entrusted financing

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB


Principal Principal Related amount of Related Suit

Financing Financing Starting

Partner Ending day Reward actually actually trade provision party involved

product type product amount day

covered covered or not for transaction? or not


Bank Interest


Financial 100,000,000 2016/5/24 2016/11/22 upon 100,000,000 1,969,590 Yes 0 No No


Product maturity



B proceeds

44,000,000 2015/12/31 2016/1/12 upon 44,000,000 32,547 Yes 0 No No

Bank financial





B proceeds

2,000,000 2015/12/31 2016/3/21 upon 2,000,000 11,984 Yes 0 No No

Bank financial





B proceeds

14,000,000 2016/1/8 2016/3/31 upon 14,000,000 87,548 Yes 0 No No

Bank financial



Total / 160,000,000 / / / 160,000,000 2,101,669 / 0 / /

Principal not withdrew overdue and


accumulated income amount (Yuan)

Note: the tenth meeting of sixth Board of Directors meeting and 2015 general meeting of shareholders approved the

Description of the entrusted financing

relevant amount of the entrusted financing issues in the table above by the report day.

2. Entrusted loans

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Investment in other financing investments and derivatives

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Other substantial contracts

√Applicable □Not applicable

43 / 507

2016 Annual Report

1. On Jan. 9, 2016 the Company published announcement signed general contracting contract of automation loading

system with PSA, details see Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po.

2. On July 2, 2016, the Company published announcement signed sales contract of automation container crane with

Huaiyin Port East Area and PPP etc., details see Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po.

3. On Jul 2, 2016, the Company published announcement signed sales contract of Zhenjiang School Life Support and

Infrastructure, details see Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po.

4. On Dec. 27, 2016, the Company published announcement winning the bid of the First phase of the project of Yisu

River to Huashi Road in Xiangtan with Sangong Ju, and CAUPO, details see Shanghai Securities News and Hong

Kong Wen Wei Po.

XVI.Other current liabilities

√Applicable □Not applicable

1. The Company issued 2,000,000,000 Yuan First short-term financing bonds in April 28, 2016, with term of 1 year

and the fixed annual interest rate of 3.7%, principal and interest paid at one time on Appril 29, 2017.

2. The Company issued 2,000,000,000 Yuan First short-term financing bonds in October 28, 2016. The note term is

270 days, and the annual interest of face value is 3.2%, capital with interest shall be repaid at one time on Friday, July

28, 2017.

Note: The bonds above have no mortgage or security.。

XIII. Active fulfillment of social responsibilities

(I) Poverty alleviation work situation of listed company

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Social responsibility work

√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company actively fulfills its social responsibilities, effectively adjusts industrial structure and business

arrangement, optimizes development strategy, forms 8 business sectors arrangements; increases investment in R&D;

enhances the innovation capacity; promote technological progress; actively promote the overseas center construction,

improve the service response speed to the global customers and provide customers with high quality and rapid


Company always adheres to the "people-oriented", to safeguard employees' rights and interests, actively build

development platform for the worker, encourage the staff innovation, establish the typical innovation, forming a good

enterprise atmosphere; attach great importance to link with the community and schools, strengthen smooth and

friendly development situation between social enterprises and colleges, promote enterprise culture to further integrate

into society; advocate green sustainable development, advocate green production, green office, green propaganda

(III) The explain for environmental protection of the environmental protection department of the company and its


□Applicable √Not applicable


□Applicable √Not applicable

XVIII. Negotiable company bond

(I) The issuance of bond transfer

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) The status for holder and guarantor of bond transfer during the report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

44 / 507

2016 Annual Report

(III) The status for bond transfer

□Applicable √Not applicable

The status for bond transfer during the report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(IV) Adjustment of the bond transfer

□Applicable √Not applicable

(V) The company's liabilities, the change of credit and the cash arrangement for the repayment of the debt in the next


□Applicable √Not applicable

(VI) Other information about transfering debt

□Applicable √Not applicable

45 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Chapter VI Equity Movement and Shareholder′s Profile

I. The sheet for change of common stock shares

(1) The sheet for change of common stock shares

1. The sheet for change of common stock shares

During the reporting period, the total number of shares and share capital structure of the Company have not changed.

2. The explain for change of common stock shares

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. The impact of the common stock changes on financial indicators such as earnings and net asset per share in the last

year and recently (if yes)

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Other content that the company considers necessary or securities regulator to require disclosure

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Stock with sales limit change

□Applicable √Not applicable

II. Issuance and listing of securities

(I) The issuance of securities by the time of the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

Description of securities issuance as of the time of reporting period (different interest rates for the period of maturity)

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) The total number of common shares and the changes in the structure of the shareholders and the structure of the

company's assets and liabilities

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) The status of existing internal employment stocks

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Particulars about shareholder and effective controller of the Company

(I) Number of shareholders

Number of shareholders at period end 269,424

Total shareholders end of 5th trading day prior to release day of 265,667

current annual report

(II) End to report period, shareholding profile of top 10 shareholders and top 10 current shareholders (or Tradable


Unit: share

Shareholding profile of top 10 shareholders

Movement Total shares Shares Share pledged or

Shareholder′s Name % Shareholder

During the held held frozen

46 / 507

2016 Annual Report

(Full name) Year subject to Nature


conditional Amount

sales status

China Communication 0 State legal

0 1,265,637,849 28.83 0 No

Construction Co., Ltd

ZHEN HUA 0 Overseas

ENGINEERING 0 749,677,500 17.08 0 No legal person


Central Huijin Assets Unknown

0 74,482,200 1.70 Unknown

Management Co., Ltd

China Securities Finance Unknown

0 56,788,474 1.29 Unknown

Co., Ltd


agricultural bank -

BOSARE China 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

Dacheng Funds - Unknown

agricultural bank -

Dacheng China Securities 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Financial Assets

Management Plan

ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Unknown

- agricultural bank -

ICBC CreditSuisse China 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

GF Fund - agricultural Unknown

bank - GF China 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

China Asset Management Unknown

agricultural bank -

China Asset Management 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

China Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

Harvest Fund- agricultural Unknown

bank- Harvest Fund China

0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

Southern Fund - Unknown

agricultural bank - 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Southern Fund China

47 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

E fund management - Unknown

agricultural bank-E fund

management China 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

Yinhua Fund - Unknown

agricultural bank -

Yinhua Fund China 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Securities Financial

Assets Management Plan

Lombarda China Fund Unknown

Management -

agricultural bank -

Lombarda China Fund 0 16,546,600 0.38 Unknown

Management China

Securities Financial

Assets Management Pla

Particulars about top 10 shareholders of shares not subject to conditional sales

Shares not Type and quantity of shares

subject to

Shareholder name

conditional sales

Type Amount

held at periodv

China Communication Construction Co., 1,265,637,849

RMB common shares


ZHEN HUA ENGINEERING COMPANY 749,677,500 Shares with foreign investment

LIMITED listed on domestic market

Central Huijin Assets Management Co., Ltd 74,482,200 RMB common shares

China Securities Finance Co., Ltd 56,788,474 RMB common shares

BOSARE FUNDS - agricultural bank - 16,546,600

BOSARE China Securities Financial Assets RMB common shares

Management Plan

Dacheng Funds - agricultural bank - 16,546,600

Dacheng China Securities Financial Assets RMB common shares

Management Plan

ICBC Credit Suisse Fund - agricultural bank

- ICBC Credit Suisse China Securities 16,546,600 RMB common shares

Financial Assets Management Plan

GF Fund - agricultural bank - GF China 16,546,600 RMB common shares

48 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Securities Financial Assets Management Plan

China Asset Management agricultural bank - 16,546,600

China Asset Management China Securities RMB common shares

Financial Assets Management Plan

Harvest Fund - agricultural bank - Harvest Fund 16,546,600

China Securities Financial Assets Management RMB common shares


Southern Fund - agricultural bank - Southern 16,546,600

Fund China Securities Financial Assets RMB common shares

Management Plan

E fund management-agricultural bank-E fund 16,546,600

management China Securities Financial Assets RMB common shares

Management Plan

Yinhua Fund-agricultural bank-Yinhua Fund 16,546,600

China Securities Financial Assets Management RMB common shares


Zhongou Fund - agricultural bank - Zhongou 16,546,600

Fund China Securities Financial Assets RMB common shares

Management Plan

Explanation 1. Among above top 10 shareholders, CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.

on the Constitutes related party relationship with ZHEN HUA ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED,


related being China Communications Group Corporation. The Company is not aware of whether they have

relationship associated relationship among them or belong to the consistent actionists as defined in

or Administrative Rules on Disclosure of Information on Stock Change of Listed Company′s

consistent Shareholders.


On January 8, 2014, the Company disclosed the “Announcement on Changes in Shareholders’ Equity”,

according to which Hong Kong (ZHEN HUA ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED) was to

transfer all the shares it held to CCCC International (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited. After the transfer

of shares, the controlling shareholder of the Company and the actual controller remain unchanged. The

share transfer is required to obtain the SAC of the State Council and other department for approval.

Particulars about top 10 shareholders of shares not subject to conditional sales

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III) A strategic investor or a general legal person shall be the top 10 shareholder because of new stocks

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Controlling shareholders and actual controllers

(I)Particulars about the corporate controlling shareholder

1 Legal representative

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name China Communication Construction Co., Ltd

49 / 507

2016 Annual Report

The person in charge of the unit/legal Liu Qitao


Date of incorporation October 8, 2006

Principal business Engaging in the general contracting of construction projects for ports,

channels, highways and bridges both home and abroad, including technical

and economic consultation of engineering, feasibility study, survey,

construction, supervision, procurement and supply for related complete set of

equipment or materials, and equipment installation: undertaking the general

contracting of the construction of industrial and civil works, railway,

metallurgy, petrochemical, power and water conservancy facilities, channel,

mine and municipal works; import and export business; real estate

development and property management, investment and management of

logistics, transportation, hotel and tourist industries.

2. Natural person

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Special status of actual controllers not existed

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Changes index and date for actual controllers during the report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

5. Block diagram of property right and control relationship between Company and controlling shareholders

√Applicable □Not applicable


持股 100% 持股 100%

香港振华工程有限公司 澳门振华海湾工程有限公司

持股 17.08% 持股 28.83%

持股 0.33%


(III) Particulars about the actual controllers

1 Legal representative

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name China Communication Construction Co., Ltd

Legal representative: Liu Qitao

Date of establishment December 8, 2005

Main operating business Engaging in the general contracting of construction projects for ports,

channels, highways and bridges both home and abroad, including

technical and economic consultation of engineering, feasibility study,

survey, construction, supervision, procurement and supply for related

complete set of equipment or materials, and equipment installation:

50 / 507

2016 Annual Report

undertaking the general contracting of the construction of industrial and

civil works, railway, metallurgy, petrochemical, power and water

conservancy facilities, channel, mine and municipal works; import and

export business; real estate development and property management,

investment and management of logistics, transportation, hotel and tourist


2. Natural person

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Special status of actual controllers not existed

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Changes index and date for actual controllers during the report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

5. Block diagram of property right and control relationship between Company and actual controllers.

√Applicable □Not applicable




持股 100% 持股 100%

香港振华工程有限公司 澳门振华海湾工程有限公司

持股 17.08% 持股 28.83%

持股 0.33%


6. The actual controller controls the company through a trust or other asset management style

□Applicable √Not applicable

(III). Controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□Applicable √Not applicable

V.Other corporate shareholders holding over 10% of the Company′s shares

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

The person in

charge of the Organization Registered Main operating

Corporate shareholders Date of establishment

unit/legal code capital business


ZHEN HUA Wang Yan May 14, 1982 - 35,000,000 Marine works, roads

ENGINEERING and bridges, dredging

COMPANY LIMITED and site formation,

port machinery,

51 / 507

2016 Annual Report

survey and design.

Description China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. Holds 100% stake of ZHEN HUA

ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, the ultimate shareholder is China

Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd

VI. Share limit reduction

□Applicable √Not applicable

52 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Chapter VII Preferred stock information

□Applicable √Not applicable

53 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Chapter VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees

I. Change of holdings and remuneration

(I) Shareholding changes and remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives under employment or retired during report period.

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: share

Total paid

by the Whether

Shares Change Company paid by

held at the Shares at in during related

Name Title (note) Sex Age Start of Tenure End of Tenure Reason

beginning end of year report report parties of

of year period period the

(RMB Company



Chairman of theBoard M 52 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 0 Yes


Zhu Vice Chairman of the

M 47 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 100.04 No

Lianyu Board, Party Secretary


Director, President M 42 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 100.04 No


Chen Qi Director F 55 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 0 Yes


Director,Chief Engineer M 58 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 83.03 No



Director, Vice President M 53 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 88.04 No



Director, Vice President M 50 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 80.03 No


Director, CFO, Board

Wang Jue M 53 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 83.03 No


54 / 507

2016 Annual Report

She Lian Independent Director M 58 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 12 No

Gu Wei Independent Director M 60 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 12 No

Ling He Independent Director M 65 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 12 No

Yang Jun Independent Director M 60 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 12 No

Supervisor, deputy

secretary of the Party

Cui Wei committee, commission for M 41 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 80.03 No

Discipline Inspection, trade

union chairman


Supervisor M 55 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 20,259 20,259 0 N/A 72.08 No



Supervisor M 41 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 69.92 No


Liu Jianbo Vice president M 54 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 83.03 No

Zhou Qi Vice president M 45 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 80.03 No

Chen Bin Vice president M 43 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 89,440 89,440 0 N/A 80.03 No


Vice president M 53 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 80.03 No



Vice president M 48 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 80.03 No


Fei Guo Chief engineer M 55 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 78.03 No


Chief economist M 42 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 83.03 No


Sun Li General counsel M 45 April 21, 2015 April 20, 2018 0 0 0 N/A 78.03 No

55 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Former Independent

Ge Ming M 66 April 21, 2015 November 25, 2016 0 0 0 N/A 11 No


Total / / / / / 109,699 109,699 0 / 1,457.48 /

Name Main work experience

born in 1965, male, Ph.D., professor-level senior engineer, began his career in July 1987, served as engineer, Design Office director, Vice President,

President, member of Party Committee, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board and simultaneously General Manager with


CCCC Water Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.; current vice President of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. and


simultaneously General Manager of Equipment Manufacturing Marine Heavy Industry Department and Chairman of the Board of Zhenhua Heavy


born in 1970, male, Ph.D., professor-level senior engineer; began his career in September 1992, served as engineer, equipment leader of overseas

Zhu project, vice chief of Marine Machine Department, manager of Enterprise Development Department of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd;

Lianyu general manager of CCCC International Shipping Co., Ltd, general manager of Equipment Manufacturing Marine Heavy Industry Department of

China Communications Construction Co., Ltd.; current vice Chairman of the Board and secretary of Party Committee.

born in 1972, male, EMBA, senior engineer; began his career in August 1996, used to be quality project chief, director of field bridge office of quality

management department; deputy manager of after-sales department, general manager of Quality Inspection Company; vice director of off-shore


office, director of Quality Safety Department, director of Product Service Center and assistant president of the Group; from Jan. 2005 on is VP of the


Company and executive vice president and director of Production and Project Management Center since 2014, current director and president of the


born in 1962, female, master degree, senior engineer, was project manager of China Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. Import and Export Port Machinery

Division, China Harbor (Group) Co., Ltd. Industry and Trade Business Unit deputy general manager, General manager; China Communications

Chen Qi

Construction Co., Ltd Industry and Trade Business Unit general manager; has been director of the Company since 2011, current executive general

manager of Equipment Manufacturing Marine Heavy Industry Department of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd.

born in 1959, male, EMBA, professor-level senior engineer; served as Vice Chief of Technical Department, Manager of Mechanical Design


Department, Vice General Engineer, General Engineer and VP of the Company, President of Land Heavy Industry Equipment Design Institute, is


director of board of the Company since 2004, current director and general engineer.

Liu born in 1964, male, bachelor degree, senior economist; was Vice Manager, Manager of Operating Department, was director of the Company since

Qizhong 1997, current director and VP of Company.

Dai born in 1967, male, master of physics, EMBA, senior engineer. Began his career in 1993, was Vice Manger and Manager of Operating Department,

56 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Wenkai Vice Chief Economist, Chief Economist; current director and VP of the Company.

born in 1964, male, MBA, CPA and senior accountant, successively held the posts of director and General Accountant of the Financial Office of No.3

Wang Engineering Co., Ltd. Of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., Chief of Audit Department, Chief of Financial Department and Vice General

Jue Accountant; is the Chief Financial Executive and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company since November of 2005; director of Company

from 2006 to 2011, current director, CFO and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company.

born in 1959, male, professor, doctoral tutor; from 1995 on, enjoys special government allowances from the State Council since 1995; deputy director

and Party Secretary of the Department of Business Administration, Wuhan University of Communications Science; chief editor of "Transportation

Enterprise Management" magazine run by Ministry of Transportation; director of Early Warning Management Research Center, Wuhan University of

She Lian

Technology, Professor of Management, doctoral tutor; director of Early Warning Management Research Center, Huazhong University of Science and

Technology, Professor of Management, doctoral tutor; Professor of CEIBS Emergency Management Institute incumbent National School of

Administration, doctoral tutor, current independent director of the Company.

born in 1957, male, Ph.D., professor and doctoral tutor; since 1982, has been teaching at Shanghai Maritime University; since the year 2000, enjoys

special government allowances from the State Council, and the IEEE Society member, MTS Society member and the British Royal Physical Society

member, senior member of China Electro technical Society, senior member of Chinese Society of Naval Architects, senior member of Chinese

Gu Wei Mechanical Engineering Society; is currently director of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Transportation's Shipping Technology and Control

Engineering; member of China Electro technical Society's Vessel Electrical Committee; member of the Committee of Experts of Shanghai Jiaotong

Electronics Industry Association; procurement consulting expert of Shanghai Municipal Government; member of the Committee of Experts of

Ministry of Transport East China Sea Rescue Bureau and other duties; current independent director of the Company.

born in 1952, male, professor, senior editor (Senior professional title) of Liberation Daily, director of Shanghai Journalists Association, director of

Shanghai Institute of Essays, served as member, assistant chief editor, director of Editing Department of the democratic and legal magazine agency,

Ling He vice director and director of Comment Department of Liberation Daily, main editor of Liberation Daily, chief editor of Liberty Forum; with honor of

the first National 100 Journalists, China News first prize for three times, Shanghai News first prize for 15 times, current independent director of the


born in 1957, male, master degree, served as intermediate and Senior court judge of Shanghai Court, president and members of the judicial committee

member, Property Trade Operation Director of Shanghai United Property Rights Exchange, now is the assistant president of Shanghai United

Property Rights Exchange, general manager of Beijing HQ, director of Financial Property Rights Trade Center, arbitrator of China International

Yang Jun Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, arbitrator of Shanghai

Arbitration Commission, Shanghai Financial Arbitration Court, expert of China domain name dispute resolution center, director of Intellectual

Property Association of China Law Society, director of Company Law Research Society of Shanghai Law Society, director of Shanghai Patent /

Trademark / Copyright Association, current independent director of the Company.

born in 1976, male, bachelor degree, began his career in 2000, served as deputy director (hosting) of general manager office, legal consultant office of

Cui Wei CCCC First Harbor Co., Ltd, director and minister of Party Work Department and President Affair Office of Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd,

current chief supervisors, deputy secretary of the Party committee, secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection, chairman of Trade Union

57 / 507

2016 Annual Report

born in1962, male, master degree, professor-level senior engineer; formerly Shanghai Port Machinery Plant Technology Division engineer;

mechanical office deputy manager, deputy chief engineer, general manager of Mechanical Office Shore Bridge First Company, of the machinery

Zhang to do the shore bridge, general manager of Land-base Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. with Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries (Group) Co., Ltd.; currently

Minghai Land-based Heavy Industry Research Design vice president and also Shore Bridge Design Institute director; chief supervisor of the Company since


born in 1976, male, bachelor degree, senior engineer; served as Vice Director and Vice Manager of Quality Department, General manager of Zhenhua


Heavy Industry Inspection Co., Ltd, current employee representative supervisor, Party Secretary and Vice General Manager of Zhenhua Heavy


Industry Changxin branch.

born in 1963, male, master degree,senior engineer; was engineer at technological office of Shanghai Port Machinery Plant; assistant director in


Jianbo engineering with Technology Office of Shanghai Container Dock Co. Ltd., deputy general manager and general manager of ZPMC Changxing Base;

current VP of the Company and chairman of board of Shanghai Zhenhua Marine Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

born in 1972, male, EMBA, senior engineer; was manager and deputy general engineer, general manager and chief engineer of the Electric Appliance

Zhou Qi

Office of the Company; current VP of the Company and chairman of Company Electric Group.

born in 1974 , male, EMBA, senior engineer; project quality leader of Quality Control office, deputy manager of tire crane office of quality control

office, manager of quality control office, deputy general manager and general manager of quality control company, vice director of quality and

Chen Bin safety office, manager of Quality Safety Office; supervisor of the Company, general manager of Shanghai Zhenhua Shipment Co., Ltd, president

assistant of the Company, current VP of Company and general manager of Shanghai Zhenhua Marine Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

born in 1964, male, bachelor degree, served in Shanghai Port Machinery Manufacturing Plant, started to work in Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery


Co., Ltd from 1992, served as engineer, chief engineer of Machinery Office, general manager of Design company, deputy director and director of


Machinery Office, manager of budget assessment department, is now the VP and president of Land Heavy Industry Institute.

born in 1969, male, MBA, served as technician, production planner and assistant of director of No. 2 Panel beater of Shanghai Port Machinery

Zhang Manufacturing Plant, chief of Changzhou Plant of Shanghai Port Machinery Manufacturing Plant, vice general manager of Shanghai Port Machinery

Jian Co., Ltd, vice general manager of Shanghai Port Machinery Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, general manager, assistant of president of Port Machinery Co.,

Ltd, current VP.

born in 1962, male, EMBA, professor level senior engineer, served as engineer of Shanghai Port Machinery Plant, director of No. 5 electrical office,

Fei Guo vice chief engineer, director of Development Office of Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co., Ltd, VP and executive director of Shanghai Zhenhua

Heavy Industry Electric Co., Ltd, current chief engineer of Company.

Li born in 1975, male, bachelor degree, served as vice manager of Manufacturing Department, vice director of Quality Safety Office of Zhangjiagang

58 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Ruixiang Base of Shanghai Machinery Plant; manager of Quality Inspection Company, vice director of Quality and Safety Office, vice general manager,

generally manager, of machinery supporting base, Party branch secretary and president assistant, current chief economist and general

manager of budget assessment department

1. born in 1972, male, EMBA, senior engineer; was project supervisor of Operating Department, vice manager and assistant of General Manager of the

Sun Li Company, Vice President and director of the Company , current Chief Legal Counsel of Company

Other description

□Applicable √Not applicable

(II) Stock ownership incentive awarded for the directors, supervisors and senior executives during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

Office-holding of directors, supervisors and senior executives under employment or retired during report period.

(I) Particulars about office-holding with shareholding companies

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Name of shareholder Title in the shareholding company Starting date of service term

China Communication Construction

Song Hailiang Vice president January 27, 2014

Co., Ltd

China Communication Construction General manager of Industry and

Chen Qi December 29, 2009

Co., Ltd Trade Department

Particulars about office-holding with

shareholding companies

(II) Particulars about office-holding with other companies

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Name of companies Title

59 / 507

2016 Annual Report

CEIBS Emergency Management Institute Incumbent National School

She Lian Professor, doctoral tutor

of Administration

Shipping Technology and Engineering key Lab of Ministry of

Transportation, Vessel Electrical Committee of China Electro technical

Society, Control Committee of Experts of Shanghai Jiaotong Electronics Director, professor, doctoral tutor, council

Gu Wei

Industry Association; procurement consulting expert of Shanghai Municipal member, committee member

Government; Committee of Experts of Ministry of Transport East China

Sea Rescue Bureau and other duties

Liberation Daily, Shanghai Journalists Association, Shanghai Institute of

Ling He Senior editor (Senior professional title), director


Shanghai United Property Rights Exchange, Financial Property Rights

Trade Center, Chin International Economic and Trade Arbitration

Commission, Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration

Commission, Shanghai Arbitration Commission, Shanghai Arbitration Assistant president, general manager, director,

Yang Jun

Institute of finance, the Chinese domain name dispute solution center, arbitrator, expert, director

jurisprudence of China Intellectual Property Association, Company Law

Association of Shanghai Law Society, Shanghai

Patent/Trademark/Copyright Association.

Description of position held in

other companies and


III. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □Not applicable

In accordance with the Articles of Association, the remuneration of Directors and Supervisors are subject to

Decision-making procedures for remuneration of

the Annual Shareholder’s General Meeting and the remuneration of the management are assessed and

Directors, Supervisors and senior executives

approved by the President.

Calculation basis for remuneration of Directors, Basic salary plus performance bonus, combined with assessment utilizing quantizing index of production and

Supervisors and senior executives operation.

Total remuneration received by all directors, Chairman Song Hailiang, vice chairman Zhu Lianyu and director Chen Qi are not paid by the Company,

60 / 507

2016 Annual Report

supervisors and senior executives whereas all other director, supervisor and senior executives are paid by the Company

Total remuneration received by all directors,

14.5748 million yuan

supervisors and senior executives at period end

IV. Particulars about changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Title Change Reason

Zhu Lianyu Deputy director Election Job demand

Ge Ming Independent Director Leaving post Personal reason

V. Punishment in the recent three years by securities regulatory agencies

□Applicable √Not applicable

61 / 507

2016 Annual Report

VI. Employee status of the Parent Company and its key subsidiaries

(I) Particulars about employee

Number of employees of Parent Company in service 3,200

Number of employees of key subsidiaries in service 5,661

Total headcount in employment 8,861

Number of retired employees with the costborne by the parent


company and subsidiaries

In specialties

Classification Number

Production staff 3,301

Production staff 211

Technical staff 4,524

Financial staff 125

Administrative staff 700

Total 8,861

Educational level

Education Number (person)

Doctor 27

Master 522

Undergraduate 3,731

Junior College 2,684

Technical secondary school 1,897

Total 8,861

(II) Remuneration policies

√Applicable □Not applicable

In line with the Company′s development strategy, continuously perfect distribution incentive system, perfect

performance assessment system, establish a system linking performance distribution and unit or office performance,

staff performance, industrial characters and post value; establish a salary incentive system linking staff achievement,

position duty and value contribution and establish a distribution mode integrating with market.

62 / 507

2016 Annual Report

(III) Training program

√Applicable □Not applicable

At each year start, the Company sets up all-staff annual educational and training plan and implements according to the

plan to improve the competence level and professional quality of staff at various levels. In line with the Company′s

development strategy, gradually establish a rigid staff training system with systematic, directional and continuous


(IV) Labor outsourcing situation

√Applicable □Not applicable

Labor outsourcing hours 10058048 hours

Total Labor outsourcing remuneration 324.49 million yuan

VII. Others

□Applicable √Not applicable

63 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Chapter IX Company Governance

I. Company governance profile

√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company strictly followed the regulations specified in “Company law”, “Securities Law”, “Stock Listing Rules”,

Company Articles of Association” and the legal requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission in the

report period, to standardize the company’s daily operation, further establish and improve the internal control

system, improve the internal control management and corporate governance structure, strengthen the insider

information management, strengthen the information disclosure, continuously improve the company governance,

making efforts to improve the construction of legal person governance structure, and gradually establish a modern

enterprise system, earnestly protect the legal rights and interests of the company and all the shareholders, ensuring the

sustainable and stable development.

After the inspection, the staffs who know the insider information didn’t trade the stocks of the company before

significant price information is disclosed. After the inspection, the staffs who know the insider information didn’t

trade the stocks of the company before significant price information is disclosed.

Whether there is any difference between the company governance and the regulation of the China Securities

Regulatory Commission, if any, the reason should be explained.

□Applicable √Not applicable

II. Shareholders conference

Query index of the specified website with Disclosure date of

Session Date

resolution published resolution publication

2015 shareholders www.sse.com.cn,

May 09, 2016 May 10, 2016

conference Enter the stock code

Description of General Meeting

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Directors duties performance

(I) Participation of directors in the Board of Directors and the shareholders conference


n in the

Participation in the Board of Directors



Director Independen Not

t director or

Name Desired participate

not Participation Participatio

participatio Participatio Entrusted Absenc d in the

numbers in e n time in

n time in n time in participatio meeting in

communicatio shareholders

the Board of person n numbers times person for conference

n way

Directors continuous

two times?

Song No 9 1 8 0 0 No 1

64 / 507

2016 Annual Report



No 9 1 8 0 0 No 1



Qingfen No 9 1 8 0 0 No 0


Chen Qi No 9 1 8 0 0 No 1


No 9 1 8 0 0 No 0



No 9 1 8 0 0 No 0



No 9 1 8 0 0 No 0



No 9 1 8 0 0 No 1


She Lian Yes 9 1 8 0 0 No 1

Gu Wei Yes 9 1 8 0 0 No 1

Ling He Yes 9 1 8 0 0 No 0


Yes 9 1 8 0 0 No 0


Ge Ming Yes 6 1 5 0 0 No 0

Explanation for not participated in the meeting in person for continuous two times

□Applicable √Not applicable

Number of directors meeting held in the year 9

In which: onsite meeting 1

Meetings held in communication method 8

Combined with onsite meeting and meetings held in


communication method

(II) Objection proposed by independent director to the company issues

□Applicable √Not applicable

During the report period, the independent directors didn’t propose any objection to the proposals of from the board of

directors of the year and other proposals not from the board of directors meeting.

65 / 507

2016 Annual Report

(III) Others

□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. The special opinions and suggestions put forward by the special committee of the board of directors during the

reporting period shall disclose the specific situation

□Applicable √Not applicable

V. Description of risk found by the Board of Supervisors

□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. If the Company is unable to guarantee its independence and cannot maintain its independent operating capability

in respect of its business, personnel, assets, institutions and finance, etc.

□Applicable √Not applicable

Corresponding solution, work progress and follow - up work plan exist for the company with competition in the


□Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Evaluation system of senior executives, the establishment and implementation of incentive system in the report


√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company appoints the directors, supervisors and senior executives in accordance with the provisions of Company

Law and the Articles of Association, has built up a preliminary the cultivation, selection, supervision, assessment,

reward and punishment, constraint system for the company’s senior executives suitable for the actual situation. The

Company formulated the administrative methods for relevant senior executives. According to the production and

development need of the Company, the senior executives are appointed, resigned and assessed following the

principles of “from top to bottom integrating the virtue and talent”. The Company assessed the senior executives

according to the due diligence and job performance, the company will gradually improve the existing performance

evaluation system and salary system, promote medium- and long term incentive system for all senior executives and

the core technical personnel of the company, to continue to stimulate the enthusiasm of the senior executives, to create

new performance, and ensure the benefit maximization and standardize the operation of the company.

VIII. Disclose the internal control self-assessment report

√Applicable □Not applicable

“2016 Company Annual Internal Control Evaluation Report” is published in the Shanghai Stock


Significant defect of internal control in the report period

□Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Internal control audit report description

√Applicable □Not applicable

The Company hired Ernst & Young LLP (special general partnership) to audit the effectiveness of the internal control

of the financial report on December 31, 2016, issued a standard internal control audit report without advice (see

66 / 507

2016 Annual Report


Disclose the internal control audit report or not: Yes

X. Others

□Applicable √Not applicable

67 / 507

2016 Annual Report

Chapter X Company Bond Information

□Applicable √Not applicable

68 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Financial statement (audited)

December 31, 2016

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.



I. Audit Report 1 - 2

II. Financial statement (audited)

Consolidated and Company’s B/S 3 - 5

Consolidated statement of income 6 - 7

Consolidated Statement of Change in Equity 8 - 9

Consolidated statement of cash flow 10 - 11

Consolidated and company assets balance sheet 12 - 13

Profit statement of the parent company 14

Statement of Change in Equity of the parent company 15 - 16

Parent company statement of cash flow 17 - 18

Financial Statements Notes 19 - 194

Supplementary Information

1. Details of non-recurring profit and loss for current period 1

2. Return on equity and earnings per share 1

Audit Report

Ernst & Young (2017) Shenzi No.61249778_B01

To the Shareholders of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.,

We have audited the accompanying consolidated as well as company’s financial statement

of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., including the company’s and the

consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2016, 2016’s P&L and company’s income

statement, shareholders’ equity movement statements, cash flow statements and notes to

the financial statements.

I. The Management Responsibilities on the Statements

Preparing and fairly stating financial statements are the responsibilities of the

management of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.. These responsibilities

include: (1) The preparation of financial statements in accordance with the provisions

of the corporate accounting standards, and to achieve a fair reflection; (2) Design,

implement and maintain the necessary internal controls, to material misstatement due

to fraud or error in the financial statements.

II. The CPA’s Responsibilities

Our responsibilities are to provide audit opinions based on our auditing. We conducted

the audit on the basis of China CPA Norms, which requires us to abide by professional

virtues and norms to plan and conduct audit to ensure there exist no serious reporting

errors in the financial statements.

The audit includes implementing the audit procedures to acquire financial statements

figures and disclosed audit evidence. Audit procedures are chose based on CPA’s judgment,

including the estimate of risks for possible misreports due to cheating or errors. When

estimating risks, certified public accountants consider internal control related to the

financial statements preparation and fair presentation, in order to design audit

procedures that are appropriate. The audit also includes the evaluating of the

appropriateness of utilization of accounting policies and accounting estimates by the

management, and the evaluating of the total reporting of the financial statements.

We believe that we have acquired sufficient and appropriate audit evidences, which

provide the basis for the auditor’s opinions.

71 / 507

Audit Report (continued)

Ernst & Young (2017) Shenzi No.61249778_B01

III. Auditor’s Opinions

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements of Zhenhua Heavy Industries has

been prepared according to stipulations of the enterprise accounting norms and present

fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Consolidation and Zhenhua

Heavy Industries as of December 31, 2016 and of the results of its operations and its

cash flows in 2016.

Ernst & Young Global Limited CPA:

The accounting firm (special general partnership) CPA:

Beijing, China March 27, 2017

72 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

Assets Note V December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

Current assets

Monetary capital 1 3,597,044,199 2,458,333,716

Financial assets measured at fair 2 4,615,775 676,082

value with the change

accounted in current profit and 3 296,920,781 243,159,622

loss Notes receivable

Receivables 4 4,230,746,458 3,894,762,468

Prepayment 5 900,422,234 1,226,345,632

Other Receivables 6 736,554,593 667,660,167

Stock 7 6,776,086,014 5,785,699,346

Construction completed account 8 11,105,813,767 11,217,591,856

yet has not been settled

Non-current assets due within one 9 1,384,438,569 2,625,135,212


Other current assets 10 553,363,139 553,205,272

Total current assets 29,586,005,529 28,672,569,373

Non-current assets

Financial assets available-for 11 1,313,572,506 1,212,177,180


Long-term receivables 12 3,791,218,020 3,558,501,537

Long-term stock ownership 13 2,201,421,453 1,597,134,817


Real estate as investment 14 473,380,251 361,172,808

Fixed assets 15 15,022,782,366 15,655,536,876

Projects in process 16 4,025,449,461 3,577,371,504

Intangible assets 17 3,744,448,606 3,819,437,866

Goodwill 18 149,212,956 149,212,956

Long-term prepaid expenses 19 10,881,263 4,592,043

Deferred corporate tax 20 505,446,687 413,045,299

73 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

Total non-current assets 31,237,813,569 30,348,182,886

Total assets 60,823,819,098 59,020,752,259

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

74 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

Liabilities and stockholders’

Note V December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015


Current liabilities

Short term loans 22 21,485,919,393 18,216,928,490

Financial liabilities measured

at fair value with the change

23 - 24,918,115

accounted in current profit and


Notes payable 24 1,905,121,706 1,785,201,236

Payables 25 5,103,018,897 5,471,141,022

Pre-received payment 26 292,941,206 423,603,129

Construction not completed

8 2,393,446,122 2,866,437,832


Employee remuneration payable 27 264,549,756 257,822,610

Tax payables 28 251,000,724 251,551,006

Interest payable 29 140,195,803 289,590,733

Dividend payable 30 31,701,965 32,237,912

Other payables 31 1,225,135,428 1,604,523,386

Non-current liabilities due

32 799,574,356 6,837,115,692

within one year

Other current liabilities 33 3,996,025,335 1,995,655,739

Total current liabilities 37,888,630,691 40,056,726,902

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans 34 3,925,335,497 1,761,904,000

Bond payables 35 1,618,361,164 719,861,943

Predicted liabilities 36 293,115,783 220,141,178

Deferred profit 37 451,036,024 405,425,947

Deferred corporate tax

20 104,164,573 70,042,985


Other non-current liabilities 38 56,025,416 -

75 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

Total non-current liabilities 6,448,038,457 3,177,376,053

Total liabilities 44,336,669,148 43,234,102,955

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

76 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

Liabilities and stockholders’

Note V December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015


Shareholders' equity

Share capital 39 4,390,294,584 4,390,294,584

Contributed surplus 40 5,526,978,575 5,526,978,575

Other comprehensive profits 41 322,403,671 207,660,237

Surplus reserves 43 1,603,122,982 1,576,100,786

Profit not distributed 44 3,353,936,451 3,168,538,701

Total shareholders’ equity

15,196,736,263 14,869,572,883

attributed to parent company

Minority equity 1,290,413,687 917,076,421

Total shareholders’ equity 16,487,149,950 15,786,649,304

Total liabilities and

60,823,819,098 59,020,752,259

shareholders’ equity

77 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated balance sheet (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

Financial statements signed by:

Enterprise principal: Accounting principal: Accounting firm


78 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated income statement

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note V 2016 2015

Operating revenue 45 24,348,087,928 23,272,394,677

Less: Operating cost 45 19,727,663,875 19,717,314,855

Operation taxes and surcharges 46 152,175,837 24,550,179

Selling expense 47 100,435,778 79,388,743

Management expense 48 1,759,032,746 1,551,222,564

Financial expenses 49 1,218,992,788 1,532,851,096

Assets impairment loss 50 1,221,116,175 637,391,199

Add: Changes in fair value gains

51 28,857,808 (21,225,034)

and losses

Gain on investment 52 118,513,425 498,236,958

In which: Investment gains to

affiliated companies and joint


Investment gains 99,395,952 55,252,057

Operating profit 316,041,962 206,687,965

Add: Non-operating income 53 63,643,243 70,713,471

In which: Non-current assets

6,649,827 14,128,543

disposal income

Less: Non-operating expense 54 10,824,061 5,665,872

In which: Non-current assets

5,309,215 4,789,746

disposal loss

Total profit 368,861,144 271,735,564

Less: Corporate income tax expense 56 61,516,908 77,529,876

Net profit 307,344,236 194,205,688

In which: Net profit achieved

before the merging

by the consolidated under the same

- 42,357,907


Net profit attributable to the 212,419,946 212,411,967

79 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated income statement (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

parent company shareholders

Minority interest 94,924,290 (18,206,279)

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

80 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated income statement (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note V 2016 2015

Net amount after tax of other

comprehensive income

Other comprehensive income that

will be reclassified into gains

and losses subsequently

Portion of other comprehensive 4,801,990 1,256,397

income to be reclassified as

profit or loss under equity method

Fair value change profit or loss of 84,335,801 (123,536,363)

financial assets available for


Conversion difference of foreign 25,605,643 10,400,161

currency statements

41 114,743,434 (111,879,805)

Net amount after tax attributed to 41 7,765,004 5,309,103


Total comprehensive income 429,852,674 87,634,986

In which:

Total comprehensive income 327,163,380 100,532,162

attributable to the parent company


Total comprehensive income 102,689,294 (12,897,176)

attributable to the minority

Profit per share 57

Basic earnings per share 0.05 0.05

Diluted earnings per share 0.05 0.05

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

81 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated statement of change in stockholder equity

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Shareholders’ equity attributed to parent company Minority stockholders’


Share capital Contributed Other Surplus Special Undistribute Subtotal Equity Total

surplus comprehensi reserves reserve d profit

ve income

I. Balance at the 4,390,294,584 5,526,978,5 207,660,237 1,576,100,78 - 3,168,538,70 14,869,572,88 917,076,421 15,786,649,30

beginning of 75 6 1 3 4

current year

II. Amount of


ed in this year

(I) Total - - 114,743,434 - - 212,419,946 327,163,380 102,689,294 429,852,674



(II) Capital

increased and

reduced by


1. Capital - - - - - - - 273,048,439 273,048,439

increased by


(III) Profit


1. Picking surplus - - - 27,022,196 - (27,022,196) - - -


2. Distribution to - - - - - - - (2,400,467) (2,400,467)


(IV) Special


1. Picking in this - - - - 26,851,099 - 26,851,099 - 26,851,099

82 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated statement of change in stockholder equity (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan


2. Use in this year - - - - (26,851,09 - (26,851,099) - (26,851,099)


III. Balance at the 4,390,294,584 5,526,978,5 322,403,671 1,603,122,98 - 3,353,936,45 15,196,736,26 1,290,413,68 16,487,149,95

end of current year 75 2 1 3 7 0

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

83 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated statement of change in stockholder equity

Year 2015

RMB Yuan

Shareholders’ equity attributed to parent company Minority stockholders’


Share capital Contributed Other Surplus Undistributed Subtotal Equity Total

surplus comprehensive reserves profit


I. Balance at the 4,390,294,584 5,738,241,686 319,540,042 1,554,606,025 2,987,813,174 14,990,495,511 618,105,524 15,608,601,035

beginning of current


II. Amount of


in this year

(I) Total - - (111,879,805) - 212,411,967 100,532,162 (12,897,176) 87,634,986

comprehensive income

(II) Capital

increased and reduced

by shareholders

1. Capital increased - - - - - - 273,402,314 273,402,314

by shareholders

(III) Profit


1. Picking surplus - - - 21,494,761 (21,494,761) - - -


2. Distribution to - - - - (10,191,679) (10,191,679) (31,383,031)

shareholders (21,191,352)

(IV) Business - (211,263,111) - - - (211,263,111) 59,657,111 (151,606,000)

Combination under

Common Control

84 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated statement of change in stockholder equity (continued)

Year 2015

RMB Yuan

III. Balance at the 4,390,294,584 5,526,978,575 207,660,237 1,576,100,786 3,168,538,701 14,869,572,883 917,076,421 15,786,649,304

end of current year

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

85 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note V 2016 2015

I. Cash generated from operating


Cash receipt from products sales 21,354,693,208 19,506,900,429

and labor provision

Tax return received 917,117,592 984,630,764

Net cash from other operating 58 437,301,182 447,191,781


Subtotal of cash receipt from 22,709,111,982 20,938,722,974

operation activities

Cash payment of purchase 18,154,428,952 20,174,319,424

commodity and receiving labor

Cash payment to and for the 1,782,356,763 1,753,695,004


Tax payment 525,276,408 269,565,520

Other cash payments relating to 58 588,627,223 573,104,499

operating activities

Subtotal cash disburse of 21,050,689,346 22,770,684,447

operating activities

Net cash flows from operating 59 (1) 1,658,422,636 (1,831,961,473)


II. Cash flow of investment

Cash receipt of investment return 160,000,000 8,014,070,972

Cash receipt of obtaining 53,350,539 444,664,901

investment gains

Losses on disposal of fixed

assets, intangible assets and

other long-term assets

Net cash received 13,381,153 51,566,366

Other cash receipts relating to 58 852,787,742 93,974,040

investing activities

Subtotal of investment cash 1,079,519,434 8,604,276,279

86 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan


Cash payment of construction of 1,157,412,752 2,068,707,329

fixed assets, project in process

and intangible assets

Cash payment of investment 1,157,412,752 2,068,707,329

Net cash paid for acquiring 59 (2) - 76,606,000

subsidiaries and other business


Subtotal of cash disburse of 1,805,734,512 6,038,677,769

investment activities

Net cash flows from operating (726,215,078) 2,565,598,510


The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

87 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note V 2016 2015

III. Cash flow of financing


Cash received from borrowings 36,889,288,147 31,419,366,773

Cash received from issuing bonds 4,000,000,000 2,000,000,000

Receipt of other cash related to 58 3,038,684,232 4,740,276,534

financing activities

Subtotal of cash receipt of 43,927,972,379 38,159,643,307

financing activities

Cash to pay the debts 40,386,569,653 35,746,949,298

Cash payment of dividend 1,247,523,244 1,591,961,686

distribution or interest

Payment of other cash related to 58 2,141,534,489 1,139,543,500

financing activities

Subtotal of cash disburse of 43,775,627,386 38,478,454,484

financing activities

Net cash flows from operating 152,344,993 (318,811,177)


IV. Influence of exchange rate 74,727,024 40,816,432

changed to cash

V. Net increase in cash and cash 1,159,279,575 455,642,292


Add: Cash and cash equivalent 2,337,925,611 1,882,283,319

Closing balance

VI. Cash and cash equivalent 59 (3) 3,497,205,186 2,337,925,611

Closing balance

88 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

89 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Balance sheet of the company

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Assets Note XII December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

Current assets

Monetary capital 1,972,249,599 1,905,662,392

Financial liabilities

measured at fair value with

the change accounted in

current profit and loss 4,615,775 192,133

Notes receivable 259,055,935 226,205,622

Receivables 1 6,476,087,696 6,782,715,639

Prepayment 1,960,350,424 2,237,777,316

Other receivables 2 13,878,003,016 11,305,096,974

Stock 5,589,869,550 6,093,661,038

Construction completed 8,583,910,209 8,529,348,226

account yet has not been


Non-current assets 10 173,417,465 170,144,226

Total current assets 38,897,559,669 37,250,803,566

Non-current assets

Available-for-sale 356,606,562 380,644,986

financial assets

Long-term stock ownership 3 8,582,775,282 7,390,184,826


Real estate as investment 473,380,251 361,172,808

Fixed assets 5,633,993,352 6,084,245,840

Projects in process 761,374,018 759,763,993

Intangible assets 1,664,941,415 1,691,754,895

Deferred corporate tax 474,102,945 398,842,987

Total non-current assets 17,947,173,825 17,066,610,335

Total assets 56,844,733,494 54,317,413,901

90 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Balance sheet of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

91 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Balance sheet of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Liabilities and stockholders’ Note XII December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015


Current liabilities

Short term loans 18,095,748,393 14,899,812,954

Financial liabilities measured

at fair value with the change

accounted in current profit and

loss fair value with the change - 22,611,400

Notes payable 1,860,260,636 1,804,985,262

Payables 6,072,079,752 7,717,863,159

Pre-received payment 291,785,327 221,831,681

Construction not completed 3,989,249,948 3,564,886,225


Employee remuneration payable 253,913,374 247,867,168

Tax payables 101,878,736 33,357,053

Interest payable 128,368,841 274,442,941

Dividend payable 352,598 352,598

Other payables 1,852,554,158 1,623,119,170

Non-current liabilities due 407,455,030 5,514,245,635

within one year

Other current liabilities 3,996,025,335 1,995,655,739

Total current liabilities 37,049,672,128 37,921,030,985

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans 2,891,136,000 778,404,000

Long-term payables 905,899,355 -

Predicted liabilities 284,982,328 213,158,056

Deferred profit 327,313,110 274,380,601

Total non-current liabilities 4,409,330,793 1,265,942,657

Total liabilities 41,459,002,921 39,186,973,642

Shareholders' equity

92 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Balance sheet of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Share capital 4,390,294,584 4,390,294,584

Contributed surplus 5,792,527,600 5,792,527,600

Other comprehensive income 264,075,193 279,006,839

Surplus reserves 1,602,614,709 1,575,592,513

Profit not distributed 3,336,218,487 3,093,018,723

Total shareholders’ equity 15,385,730,573 15,130,440,259

Total liabilities and 56,844,733,494 54,317,413,901

shareholders’ equity

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

93 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Income statement of the company

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note XII 2016 2015

Operating revenue 4 24,248,483,693 21,869,889,813

Less: Operating cost 4 20,545,946,108 19,069,970,322

Operation taxes and surcharges 62,382,292 10,246,519

Selling expense 81,744,285 63,655,157

Management expense 1,163,620,534 1,054,137,881

Financial expenses 1,029,965,201 1,311,666,888

Assets impairment loss 1,208,850,889 634,618,962

Add: Changes in fair value gains

and losses 27,035,042 (19,402,267)

Gain on investment 5 102,879,065 499,257,330

In which: Investment gains to

affiliated companies and joint


Investment gains 99,395,952 61,885,725

Operating profit 285,888,491 205,449,147

Add: Non-operating income 8,682,882 24,915,350

In which: Non-current assets

disposal income 1,376,710 2,991,948

Less: Non-operating expense 7,961,979 1,940,975

In which: Non-current assets

disposal loss 4,373,646 1,931,654

Total profit 286,609,394 228,423,522

Less: Corporate income tax

expense 16,387,434 13,475,916

Net profit 270,221,960 214,947,606

Net amount after tax of other

comprehensive income

Other comprehensive income that

will be reclassified into gains

and losses subsequently

94 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Income statement of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Portion of other comprehensive

income to be reclassified as

profit or loss under equity

method 4,801,990 1,256,397

Fair value change profit or loss

of financial assets available

for sale (20,432,661) (73,498,300)

Conversion difference of

foreign currency statements 699,025 158,108

(14,931,646) (72,083,795)

Total comprehensive income 255,290,314 142,863,811

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

95 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Statement of change in stockholder equity of the company

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Share Contributed Other Special Surplus Undistribut Total

capital surplus comprehensi reserve reserves ed profit shareholder’s

ve income equity

I. Balance at the

beginning of 4,390,294,5 5,792,527,6 1,575,592,5 3,093,018,7 15,130,440,2

current year 84 00 279,006,839 - 13 23 59

II. Amount of


ed in this year

(I) Total

comprehensive (14,931,646

income - - ) - - 270,221,960 255,290,314

(II) Profit


1. Picking surplus (27,022,196

reserves - - - - 27,022,196 ) -

Special reserve

1. Picking in this

year - - - 14,726,377 - - 14,726,377

2. Usage in this (14,726,37

year - - - 7) - - (14,726,377)

III. Balance at 4,390,294,5 5,792,527,6 1,602,614,7 3,336,218,4 15,385,730,5

the end of current 84 00 264,075,193 - 09 87 73

96 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Statement of change in stockholder equity of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan


The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

97 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Statement of change in stockholder equity of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Share capital Contributed Other Surplus Undistributed Total

surplus comprehensive reserves profit shareholder’s

income equity

I. Balance at the

beginning of current

year 4,390,294,584 5,789,984,601 351,090,634 1,554,097,752 2,899,565,878 14,985,033,449

II. Amount of


in this year

(I) Total


income - - (72,083,795) - 214,947,606 142,863,811

(II) Profit


1. Picking surplus

reserves - - - 21,494,761 (21,494,761)

(III) Business

Combination under

Common Control - 2,542,999 - - - 2,542,999

III. Closing balance 4,390,294,584 5,792,527,600 279,006,839 1,575,592,513 3,093,018,723 15,130,440,259

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

98 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Statement of cash flows of the company

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note XII 2016 2015

I. Cash generated from operating


Cash receipt from products sales

and labor provision 18,091,209,000 17,397,816,931

Tax return received 822,041,413 977,076,832

Description of obtained net cash

from other operating activities: 395,515,334 389,419,585

Subtotal of cash receipt from

operation activities 19,308,765,747 18,764,313,348

Cash payment of purchase

commodity and receiving labor 17,894,901,564 19,747,089,361

Cash payment to and for the

employee 965,476,776 980,395,055

Tax payment 91,325,029 47,632,264

Description of other obtained

cash payments relating to

operating activities: 432,920,475 560,532,424

Subtotal cash disburse of

operating activities 19,384,623,844 21,335,649,104

Net cash flows from operating

activities 6 (75,858,097) (2,571,335,756)

II. Cash flow of investment

Cash receipt of investment return 100,000,000 7,822,070,972

Cash receipt of obtaining

investment gains 37,716,179 439,051,605

Losses on disposal of fixed

assets, intangible assets and

other long-term assets

Net cash received 8,290,642 39,046,255

Other cash receipts relating to

investing activities - 98,461,064

99 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Statement of cash flows of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Subtotal of investment cash

receipt 146,006,821 8,398,629,896

Cash payment of construction of

fixed assets, project in process

and intangible assets 257,016,945 462,866,404

Cash payment of investment 1,222,623,689 3,301,502,230

Net cash paid by obtaining

subsidiary and other business

entities - 165,000,000

Subtotal of cash disburse of

investment activities 1,479,640,634 3,929,368,634

Net cash flows from operating

activities 1,333,633,813 (4,469,261,262)

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

100 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Statement of cash flows of the company (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Note XII 2016 2015

III. Cash flow of financing


Cash received from borrowings 32,313,411,400 25,288,627,079

Cash received from issuing bonds 4,000,000,000 2,000,000,000

Receipt of other cash related to

financing activities 1,817,635,793 2,418,923,970

Subtotal of cash receipt of

financing activities 38,131,047,193 29,707,551,049

Cash to pay the debts 35,132,081,497 28,697,183,212

Cash payment of dividend

distribution or interest 1,032,636,806 1,263,355,113

Payment of other cash related to

financing activities 526,482,447 1,139,543,500

Subtotal of cash disburse of

financing activities 36,691,200,750 31,100,081,825

Net cash flows from operating

activities 1,439,846,443 (1,392,530,776)

IV. Influence of exchange rate

changed to cash 35,989,736 28,442,821

V. Net increase in cash and cash

equivalents 66,344,269 533,837,551

Add: Cash and cash equivalent

Closing balance 1,806,066,316 1,272,228,765

VI. Cash and cash equivalent

Closing balance 6 1,872,410,585 1,806,066,316

The notes of the financial statements are part of the financial statements.

101 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Notes to financial statements

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

I. Basic information of the group

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”) was

established in Shanghai, on September 8, 1997 as part of an exercise to reorganize its

predecessor, Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company Limited. The Company is registered

in P. R. China’s Shanghai.

As approved by Zheng Wei Fa Zi (1997) No.42 document issued by the Securities Commission

under the State Council, the Company issued 100 million listed foreign investment shares

(B-shares) to overseas investors from July 15, 1997 till July 17, 1997. The B-shares

were listed for trading at Shanghai Stock Exchange on Aug. 5, 1997.

As approved by Gongsi Zi (2000) No. 200 of China Securities Regulatory Commission, the

Company added issuing of 88 million RMB common shares (A- shares) to domestic investors

in Dec. 2000. The A-shares were listed for trading at Shanghai Stock Exchange on Dec

21, 2000.

In accordance with Zhen Jian Fa Xing Zi (2004) No.165 by China Securities Regulatory

Commission, the Company issued 114,280,000 A-shares to domestic investors on Dec. 23,

2004.The said issuances were listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange respectively on Dec. 31,

2004 and Jan 31, 2005 for trading.

In accordance with Zhen Jian Fa Xing Zi (2007) No.3466 by China Securities Regulatory

Commission, the Company issued 125,515,000 A-shares to domestic investors on October

15,2007.The said issuances were listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange respectively on

October 23, 2007 and January 23, 2008 for trading.

As approved by CSRC Zheng Jian Xuke (2009) No.71 document, the Company issued

non-publicly 169,794,680 A-shares on Sep. 22, 2008, to its controller China

Communications Construction Co., Ltd. (“China Communications Corporation”).A-shares

issued non-publicly are circulation stock with limited sale conditions. From Mar. 20,

2012 on, limitation term expires for above-mentioned A-shares which are listed at

Shanghai Stock Exchange for trading.

As of 2016 and Dec. 31, 2015, after all issues of shares and bonus shares distribution,

capital stock of the Company is increased to 4,390,294,584 shares, par value per share

1 Yuan, totally 4,390,294,584 Yuan.

102 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

I. Basic information of the group

On Dec. 18, 2005, China Road and Bridge Construction Group General Company combined with

the company’s controlling holder China Harbor Construction (Group) General Company after

reorganization into China Transportation Construction (Group) Co. Ltd. (hereafter

called Communications Group).In accordance with the Reply to Issue Concerning Listing

of China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. Entirely after Reorganization on Both

Domestic and Overseas Market (Guozi Gaige [2006] No.1063) by State Assets Commission

on Aug. 16, 2006, Reply to Issue Concerning Management of State Stock of China

Communications Construction Co. Ltd. (Guozi Chanquan [2006] No.1072) on Sep.30, 2006,

which granted the reorganization proposal of Communications Group, and in

addition to the Reply to Approve China Communications Construction Co.

Ltd.’s Announcement of Purchase Report of Road and Bridge Construction Co. Ltd. and

Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co. Ltd. and the Exemption of Purchase Offer

Obligations (Zhengjian Gongsi Zi [2006] No. 227), on Oct.8, 2006 Communications Group

solely initiated the establishment of China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.

(hereinafter called Communications Company), and invested the stock rights of the

Company it held into the newly established Communications Company. With completion of

reorganization, Communications Company thus becomes the controlling shareholder of the


The company and subsidiaries (hereinafter called “the Company”) mainly engage in: design,

construction, installation and contracting of large port loading system and equipment,

offshore heavy equipment, engineering machinery, engineering ships and large metal

structural parts and their components and spare parts; ship repair; self-produced crane

rental business, sales of the company products; international shipment by available

machine special transportation ships, steel structure engineering professional


The financial statements have been approved by the company's board of directors on Mar.27,


The scope of consolidation of the consolidated statements is confirmed based on the

control, refer to the footnote for the year’s changing situation and the consolidated

subsidiaries consisted in the scope.

II. Basis of preparation of financial statements

The financial statements are prepared on the basis of Enterprise Accounting Standards

– Basic Standards issued by the financial department and the subsequently issued and

revised guidelines, explanation of the accounting standards, and other related

103 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

stipulations (hereinafter totally called “Enterprise Accounting Standards”).

104 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

II. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements (continued)

As of December 31, 2016, the Group's current liabilities exceed current assets by about

83 billion Yuan. In the preparation of the financial statements for the year, given the

amount of bank credit, financing record the Group has achieved to obtain, good

cooperation relationship with banks and financial institutions and the operating

performance, the board of directors of the Company considers that the Group is able to

continue to acquire sufficient operating cash flow and sources of financing, to ensure

funds required for repayment of debt maturity and capital expenditure. Therefore, the

board of directors of the Company ensures that the Group will continue to operate, and

thus to base the preparation of the financial statements for the year on sustainable


The preparation of the financial statements, in addition to certain financial

instruments, are based on the principle of historical cost valuation. If an asset is

impaired, the impairment provision shall be made in accordance with the relevant


III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

The Company determines specific accounting policies and accounting estimates based on

actual operating characteristics, which mainly reflects in the provision for bad debts

receivable, inventory valuation methods, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of

intangible assets, investment real estate measurement model and income recognition and

measurement and so on.

1. Declaration on Abiding by the Enterprise Accounting Standards

The financial statements follow the requirements of enterprise accounting standards,

which authentically and completely reflect the consolidated and the Company’s financial

status on Dec. 31 of 2016 and the consolidated and the Company’s operating result and

cash flow during 2016.

2. Accounting Period

The Group's accounting period is the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31 each


3. Recording Currency

RMB is the monetary currency of the Group and in the preparation of the financial

statements. Unless otherwise specified, the amount unit is RMB.

105 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

3. Recording Currency

The subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Group shall, on the

basis of the main economic environment in which they operate, decide on their own standard

currency, and convert them into RMB when preparing financial statements.

4. Corporate Merger Increase

The term "business combination" refers to a transaction or event in which a merger of

two or more than two individual enterprises forms a reporting entity. The enterprise

merger is divided into enterprise merger under the same control and enterprise merger

not under the same control.

Business Combination under Common Control

The merger of enterprises under the same controller refers to the enterprises involved

in the merger will be controlled by the same party or the same multiple parties before

and after the merger, and which is not temporary. The merger of the enterprise under

the same control, the party who gains the control of other enterprises involved in the

merger on the combination day shall be the merging party, and the other enterprises

involved will be the merged party. The combination date refers to the date on which the

merging party actually obtains control of the merged party.

The assets and liabilities the merging party obtains in the merger of enterprises under

the same control (including the goodwill formed by the acquisition of the ultimate

controlling party of the merged party), shall be processed with relevant accounting

treatment according to the date of merger on the basis of the book value of the financial

statements from the ultimate controlling party. The difference between the book value

of the net assets acquired by the merger party and the merger consideration paid is

adjusted to the capital reserve. When capital reserve is not sufficient to compensate,

retained interest is thus adjusted.

Corporate Merger under Different Control

The merger of enterprises not under the same controller refers to the enterprises

involved in the merger will not be controlled by the same party or the same multiple

parties before and after the merger. The merger of the enterprises not under the same

control, the party who gains the control of other enterprises involved in the merger

on the combination day shall be the purchaser, and the other enterprises involved will

be the acquiree. The combination date refers to the date on which the purchaser actually

obtains control of the acquiree.

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The identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained by the

purchasers of the merger of enterprises not under the same controller on purchase day

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

4. Corporate Merger Increase (continued)

Corporate Merger under Different Control (continued)

The summation of the fair value of the combined consideration paid by the merger (or

fair value of the issued equity securities) and the held fair value of the equity of

the acquiree before the purchase day larger than the difference in the fair value of

the identifiable net assets of the acquiree is confirmed as goodwill, and subtract the

accumulated impairment losses with cost for subsequent measurement. The summation of

the fair value of the combined consideration paid by the merger (or fair value of the

issued equity securities) and the held fair value of the equity of the acquiree before

the purchase day less than the difference in the fair value of the identifiable net assets

of the acquiree, firstly double-check the fair value of the identifiable assets,

liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree, and the fair value of the

combined consideration paid (or fair value of the issued equity securities), and the

measurement of the held fair value of the equity of the acquiree before the purchase

day, after review, if the summation of the fair value of the combined consideration paid

by the merger (or fair value of the issued equity securities) and the held fair value

of the equity of the acquiree before the purchase day still less than the difference

in the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree, the difference shall

be recorded in the current profits and losses.

5. Preparation of Consolidated Statements

The consolidated scope of consolidated financial statements is based on control,

including the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries as of December

31, 2016.A subsidiary is a subject which is controlled by the Company (including the

enterprise, the separable part of the invested entity, and the structural entity

controlled by the Company)

When preparing consolidated financial statements, the subsidiary adopts the accounting

period and accounting policies consistent with the Company. Assets, liabilities, equity,

income, expenses and cash flows arising from all transactions between the Group's

internal companies are fully offset at the time of the merger.

The current loss of the minority shareholders of the subsidiary exceeds the share enjoyed

by the minority shareholders in the initial shareholders' equity of the subsidiary

company, and the balance still reduces the number of shareholders' equity.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

5. Preparation of Consolidated Statements (continued)

The current loss of the minority shareholders of the subsidiary exceeds the share enjoyed

by the minority shareholders in the initial shareholders' equity of the subsidiary

company, and the balance still offsets the equity of minority shareholders. When

preparing consolidated financial statements, the subsidiary company's financial

statements are adjusted on the basis of the fair value of identifiable assets,

liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the date of purchase.

For the subsidiaries acquired through the merger of enterprise under the same control,

the operating results and cash flows of the merged party shall be included in the

consolidated financial statements at the beginning of the merger period. When preparing

the consolidated financial statements, relevant items of the financial statements of

the previous period shall be adjusted and the reporting entity formed after the merger

is regarded as having been in existence since the ultimate controlling party began to

implement control.

If changes in the relevant facts and circumstances lead to changes in one or more of

the elements of the control, the Group will reevaluate whether or not the investee is


6. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash refers to the Group's cash in stock and deposits that are available for payment

at any time; Cash equivalents refer to investments held by the Group of short-term, highly

liquid and readily convertible to known amounts of cash, with an insignificant risk of

changes in value.

7. Translation of Foreign Currency Business and Foreign Currency Statements

In the case of a foreign currency transaction, the Group changes the amount of foreign

currency into the amount of the recording currency.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

7. Translation of Foreign Currency Business and Foreign Currency Statements


At the time of initial confirmation, the foreign currency transaction shall convert the

amount of the foreign currency into the amount of the recording currency at the spot

rate of the transaction. At the balance sheet date, the currency exchange rate of the

currency denominated items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at sight on

the balance sheet date. The resulting settlement and monetary items, except for the

translation differences, which belongs to the purchase and construction of qualified

assets of specialized foreign currency in accordance with the principle of processing

the capitalization of borrowing costs, are included in the current profits and losses.

Non-currency items of foreign currency calculated on historical cost basis are still

translated at the rate at sight on the date of transaction, not changing the amount of

its recording currency. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value

shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the basis of the fair value determination

date, and the resulting difference shall be recorded in the current profits and losses

or other comprehensive income according to the nature of the non-monetary items.

In the case of overseas operations, the Group changes its recording currency into RMB

in preparing the financial statements: for Assets/liabilities items in the

Assets/liabilities statements, exchange rate at sight on the Assets/liabilities

statements date is used for translation. In the shareholders ' equity, except retained

earnings items, other items are translated using the spot exchange rate at the time of

incurrence; the income and expense items in the income statement shall be translated

at the spot exchange rate of the transaction. Translation of foreign currency financial

statements in accordance with the above translation difference is recognized as other

comprehensive income. When dealing with overseas operations, other comprehensive income

related to the overseas operation shall be transferred into the current profits and

losses, part of the disposal is calculated according to the proportion of disposal.

Foreign currency cash flow are translated by the spot exchange rate on the day of cash

flows incurrence. Cash flow from offshore subsidiaries are translated by the spot

exchange rate on the day of cash flows incurrence. Effect of exchange rate changes on

cash amount is shown separately in the cash flow statements as an adjustment item.

8. Financial Instruments

A financial instrument is a contract that forms the financial assets of an enterprise

and forms financial liabilities or equity instruments of other enterprises.

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Confirmation and Termination of Financial Instruments

The Group identifies a financial asset or financial liability when becomes a party to

a financial instrument contract.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

Satisfying the following conditions, derecognise a financial asset (or part of a

financial asset or a group of similar financial assets), which is to be transferred from

its account and balance sheet:

(1) the right to receive cash flows from financial assets expires;

(2)The right to receive the cash flow of the financial asset has been transferred, or

have assumed the obligation in the "pass-through agreement" to take timely collected

cash flow to the third party in full payment; and (a) has transferred substantially almost

all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, or (b) although does not

transfer or retain substantially nearly all of the risks and rewards of ownership of

the financial asset, but has given up the control over the financial asset.

In the event that the liability of a financial liability has been fulfilled, withdrawn

or expired, the financial liabilities will be derecognised. If the existing financial

liability is replaced by the same creditors with another financial liabilities of

virtually entirely different terms, or the terms of the existing liabilities are almost

entirely modified substantially, such substitutions or modifications shall be used for

the termination of the original liability and the recognition of the new liabilities

and the difference shall be included in current profits and losses.

Buying and selling financial assets in a conventional manner, confirm and terminate the

transaction on the basis of trade-date accounting. The conventional way to buy and sell

financial assets refers to collecting or delivering financial assets within the time

limit prescribed in the law or the prevailing practice in accordance with the terms and

conditions of the contract. Trading day is the date on which the Group commits to buy

or sell financial assets.

Classification and Measurement of Financial Assets

The Group’s financial assets are classified at the beginning of recognition into:

Financial assets calculated by fair value whose movement booked into current income

statement, held to maturity investment, loans and Receivables, Available-for-sale

financial assets. Financial assets are measured at fair value at the time of initial

recognition. Of the financial assets whose amount initially recognized fair value and

changes into current profit or loss statement, related transaction costs incurred at

acquisition are included directly in current profit or loss, other financial assets

transaction costs are included in the initially recognized amount. The Group does not

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held maturity investment.

Subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

Financial assets measured at fair value and whose variation is included in the current

profits and losses

Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in the profits

and losses of the current period shall include the trading financial assets and the

financial assets designated at the time of initial recognition, which are measured at

fair value and whose changes are recorded in the profits and losses of the current period.

Trading financial assets are financial assets that meet one of the following conditions:

getting the financial assets for the purpose of selling in the short term; belonging

to the part of a combination of identifiable financial for centralized management, and

there is objective evidence that the company has recently adopted a short-term profit

approach to manage the portfolio; belonging to the derivatives, but the derivatives that

are designated and are effective hedging tool, the derivatives which belong to financial

guarantee contracts and the derivatives that are linked to equity instrument investment

which has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably

and shall be settled through the delivery of the equity instrument must be excluded.

For such financial assets, use fair value to have subsequent measurement, all realized

and unrealized gains and losses are included in the current profits and losses. Dividends

or interest income related to the financial assets measured at fair value and whose

changes are included in the current profits and losses shall be recorded in the profits

and losses of the current period.

Classification and measurement of financial assets (continued)

The equity instrument investment that has no offer in the active market and whose fair

value cannot be measured reliably shall not be designated as a financial asset that is

measured at fair value and its changes are recorded in the current profits and losses.

An enterprise shall not be reclassified as other financial assets after a financial asset

is divided at the time of initial confirmation into financial assets measured at fair

value and whose changes are recorded in the current profits and losses; other types of

financial assets may also not be reclassified as financial assets measured at fair value

and whose changes are recorded in the profits and losses of the current period.

In accordance with the above conditions, the Group's financial assets mainly include

forward foreign exchange contracts.

Loads and Receivables

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

Loads and receivables are non-derivative financial assets which have no quotation on

active market, whose collectable amount is fixed or can be determined. For such financial

assets, adopt the actual interest rate method in accordance with the amortized cost to

have subsequent measurement, gains or losses arising from its amortization or impairment

are included in the current profits and losses.

Fair value changes of Available for sale financial assets refer to the non-derivative

financial assets that are designated as available for sale at the time of initial

recognition, and the financial assets other than those listed above. For such financial

assets, use fair value for subsequent measurement. The discount or premium is amortized

using the effective interest method and recognized as interest income or expense. In

addition to the impairment loss and foreign currency financial assets exchange balance

is recognised in profit or loss for the period, the changes in fair value of available

for sale financial assets are recognised as other comprehensive income, and the

cumulative gain or loss is transferred to the current profits and losses until the

financial asset has been derecognised or impaired. Dividends or interest income related

to the available for sale financial assets shall be included in the current profits and


Equity instrument investments that are not quoted in an active market and whose fair

value cannot be reliably measured shall be measured at cost.

Classification and Measurement of Financial Liabilities.

The Group's financial liabilities are classified at the time of initial recognition as:

financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in the

current profits and losses, other financial liabilities, and derivative instruments that

are designated as effective hedging instruments. For the financial liabilities measured

at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses, the

relevant transaction costs shall be directly included in the current profits and losses,

and the related transaction costs of other financial liabilities shall be included in

the initial recognition amount. The Group has no derivative instruments designated as

effective hedging instruments.

Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:

Measured at fair value and the changes are recorded into the profits and losses of the

current financial liabilities

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

Financial liabilities measured at fair value and the variations included in the current

profits and losses include the financial liabilities of trading financial liabilities

and those specified at fair value and whose variations are included in the current profits

and losses in the initial recognition. Trading financial assets are financial assets

that meet one of the following conditions: undertaking the financial liabilities in order

to repurchase in the near future; belonging to the part of a combination of identifiable

financial for centralized management, and there is objective evidence that the company

has recently adopted a short-term profit approach to manage the portfolio; belonging

to the derivatives, but the derivatives that are designated and are effective hedging

tool, the derivatives which belong to financial guarantee contracts and the derivatives

that are linked to equity instrument investment which has no offer in the active market

and its fair value cannot be measured reliably and shall be settled through the delivery

of the equity instrument must be excluded. For such financial liabilities, have

subsequent measurement in accordance with the fair value, all realized and unrealized

gains and losses are included in the current profits and losses.

An enterprise shall not be reclassified as other financial liabilities after a financial

liability is divided at the time of initial confirmation into financial liabilities

measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in the current profits and losses;

other types of financial liabilities may also not be reclassified as financial

liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in the profits and

losses of the current period.

In accordance with the above conditions, the financial liabilities designated by the

Group include the forward foreign exchange contracts.

Other financial liabilities

For such financial liabilities, use the actual interest rate method in accordance with

the amortized cost to have subsequent measurement.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

Financial Instruments Offset

When meet the following conditions simultaneously, the net amount after financial assets

and financial liabilities offsetting shall be listed in the balance sheet: having the

legal right to offset the recognised amount, and that legal rights are currently

enforceable; the plan is to be settled in net, or at the same time, realise the financial

assets and pay off the financial liabilities.

Financial Guarantee Contract

A financial guarantee contract is a contract signed between the guarantor and the

creditor, when the debtor fails to perform the obligations, the guarantor shall perform

the obligation or bear the liability in accordance with the contract. The financial

guarantee contract is measured at fair value at the time of initial confirmation, does

not belong to the financial guarantee contract designated as the financial liabilities

measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses,

after initial recognition, in accordance with the amount confirmed by the current best

estimate of the expenditure required to perform the relevant obligations at the balance

sheet date and the balance of the initial recognition amount deducing the accumulative

amortization determined in accordance with the revenue recognition principle, have

subsequent measurement with the higher of which two.

Derivative Financial Instruments

The Group uses derivative financial instruments such as forward exchange contracts to

hedge against exchange rate risk. Derivative financial instruments are measured on the

basis of the fair value of the derivative trading contract on the signing day, and have

subsequent measurement with its fair value. The derivative financial instrument whose

fair value is positive is recognized as an asset, and the one whose fair value is negative

is recognised as a liability. However, for the derivative financial instruments that

are linked to equity instrument which has no offer in the active market and its fair

value cannot be measured reliably and shall be settled through the delivery of the equity

instrument shall be measured at cost.

In addition to the part of an effective hedge in a cash flow hedge included in other

comprehensive income, and rolled out from the current profits and losses in the event

that the hedged item affects the profit or loss, gains or losses arising from changes

in fair value of derivative instruments are directly included into the current profits

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and losses.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial instruments (continued)

Financial Assets Impairment

The Group checks up over the carrying value of the financial assets on balance sheet

date. If there is objective evidence that particular financial assets are impaired,

provision for impairment is made. The objective evidence to prove financial assets

impairment refers to the items which actually happened after initial confirmation of

financial assets, influenced the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets,

and its impact can be reliably measured by the enterprise. Objective evidence of

impairment of financial assets, including serious financial difficulties,

debt occurred to the issuer or debtor.

Violating the terms of the contract (such as payment of interest or principal default

or late), the debtor is likely to collapse or have other financial restructuring, and

public data shows the expected future cash flow has been reduced and measurable.

Financial assets measured at amortised cost

In the event of impairment, the book value of the financial asset is reduced through

the allowance for project value to the current value of estimated future cash flows

(excluding the future credit losses that have not yet occurred), the amount of write

downs shall be recorded in the current profits and losses. The present value of the

expected future cash flow is determined in accordance with the original effective

interest rate of the financial asset discounting (the actual interest rate determined

at the time of the initial confirmation), and the value of the underlying collateral

is taken into account. The impaired Interest income uses the discount rate used to

discount future cash flows in the light of the determination of impairment losses as

the interest rates to calculate and determine. For loans and receivables, if there is

no real expectation of future recovery and all collateral has been realized or

transferred to the Group, transfer the loans and receivables and have associated

impairment provision.

If the amount of individual financial assets is significant, individual impairment test

is conducted. If there is objective evidence to prove that the impairment has occurred,

the impairment loss is calculated in current profit and loss after confirming. The

financial assets that are not significant for the individual amount shall include an

impairment test or a separate impairment test in a portfolio of financial assets with

similar credit risk characteristics. Separate testing of financial assets that have not

been impaired (including a single amount of significant and non-significant financial

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assets), shall have an impairment test for a portfolio of financial assets with similar

credit risk characteristics. The financial assets that have been recognised for

impairment losses are not included in the impairment test of a portfolio of financial

assets with similar credit risk characteristics.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

Devaluation of Finance Assets (continued)

After the Group confirms the impairment losses on financial assets measured at amortised

cost, if there is objective evidence that the financial assets value has been restored,

and it is objectively related with the events incurred after the confirmation of the

loss, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed into current profit or loss.

However, the book value after the reversal does not exceed the amortized cost of the

financial asset at the reversal date, assuming that the impairment provision is not


Fair value changes of

If there is objective evidence that the financial asset impairment has occurred, the

cumulative losses originally included in other comprehensive income due to the decline

in the fair value, shall be transferred out and included in the current profits and losses.

The transferred cumulative loss refers to the initial acquisition cost of the financial

assets available for sale deduct the retrieved principal and the amortized amount, the

balance between the current fair value and the original value of the impairment loss

which has been included in the profits and losses.

Objective evidence proving impairment of available-for-sale equity instruments

investments includes serious or non-temporary decline in fair value. "Serious" is judged

on the basis of the fair value below the cost, and "non-temporary" is judged according

to the length of period when the fair value is lower than the cost. If there is any

objective evidence of impairment, the roll-out accumulated loss shall be the balance

of the acquisition cost after deducting the current fair value and the impairment loss

which has been included in the profits or losses. Impairment losses on equity instrument

investment available for sale are not reversed through profit or loss, and the increase

in fair value after impairment is recognised directly in other comprehensive income.

It needs to judge when determining what is "serious" or "non-temporary". The Group judges

on the basis of the level or duration of the fair value below cost combined with other


For the debt instruments investment available for sale, the impairment is assessed in

the same manner as the financial assets measured at amortised cost. However, the roll-out

accumulated loss is the balance of the amortized cost after deducting the current fair

value and the impairment loss that has been included in the profits or losses. The

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impaired Interest income uses the discount rate used to discount future cash flows in

the light of the determination of impairment losses as the interest rates to calculate

and determine.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

8. Financial Instruments (continued)

For the debt instruments available for sale that have recognized impairment losses, in

the subsequent accounting period, the fair value has risen and objectively related to

events that occur after the impairment losses were recognised, the previously recognised

impairment losses shall be reversed and included in the current profits and losses.

Financial assets measured at cost

If there is objective evidence that shows the impairment of the financial assets, the

book value of the financial assets and the balance between the market return rate then

in accordance with the similar financial assets and the discounted present value of

future cash flows is recognized as impairment loss and shall be included into the profits

and losses of the current period. The occurred value decrease loss is not returned in

the next period.

Transfer of Financial Assets

When substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets are

transferred to the transferee, the Group derecognizes the financial asset; when such

risks and rewards retains, the financial asset is not derecognized.

When the Group has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and

rewards of ownership of financial assets, they're disposed by the following

circumstances: when the control of the financial asset is given up, derecognize the

financial assets and recognize assets and liabilities arising; when the control is not

given up, recognize the financial assets and liabilities accordingly by the extent of

its continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets.

By continuing to involve in the manner in which financial security is provided for the

transferred financial assets, confirm the assets formed by the continuing involvement

in accordance with the lower between the book value of the financial asset and the amount

of the financial guarantee. The amount of the financial guarantee refers to the maximum

amount to be asked to repaid in the received consideration.

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III. Major Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (continued)

9. Accounts Receivable

Receivables include accounts receivable, other receivables, prepayments and others. The

fair value of the contract or agreement receivable from the buyer or the service receiver

shall be regarded as the initial recognition amount.

(a) Accounts receivable

Big single amount, provided for bad debt separately

As of accounts receivable with single big amount, individual test is made on value

depreciation. When proof shows the Group is not able to collect the account receivable

as prescribed, bad debt provision is made.

Standard of single big amount: top 5 of the receivable from third party

Method of bad debt provision being made with big single amount: based on the difference

of the present value of the expected future cash flow of the account receivable lower

than its book value.

Reason for individual accrual of bad debt provision: proof shows the Group will not be

able to the accounts receivable on the basis of former clauses.

Method of accrual of bad debt provision: accrued according to the difference between

the present value of its expected future cash flow lower than its book value

Bad debt reserve is calculated as per the credit risk combination

Accounts receivable not with big single amount, together with accounts receivable whose

value is not decreased after being individual test, are classified into groups by credit

risk features and bad debt provision is made, on the basis of actual loss rate of prior

period accounts receivable of the same or similar kind, with similar credit risk features,

combining present situation.

Credit risk groups are determined by the following criteria:

Group 1 Accounts receivable from related party

Group 2 Accounts receivable from third party

Method of bad debt provision being made by credit risk groups:

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9. Accounts Receivable (continued)

Group 1 Bad debt provision shall not be made of accounts receivable from related party

except proof shows the Group is not able to collect them.

Group 2 Debt age analysis method (considering future collection)

Accounts receivable (continued)

Bad debt reserve is calculated as per the credit risk combination (continued)

Among the groups, proportion of accrual on aging analysis basis is listed as follows:

Debt age Provision proportion

One to six months -

Seven to twelve months 1%

One to two years 15%

Two to three years 30%

Three to four years 50%

Four to five years 75%

Above five years 100%

(b) Other receivables

Big single amount, provided for bad debt separately

As for other receivables of big single amount, individual impairment test is made. When

proof exists to show the Group will not be able to collect them according to prescribed

clauses, bad debt provision is made.

Standard of single big amount: top 5 of the receivable from third party

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9. Accounts Receivable (continued)

Method of bad debt provision being made with big single amount: based on the difference

of the present value of the expected future cash flow of the other receivables lower

than its book value.

(b) Other receivables (continued)

Other accounts receivable for insignificant single amount and single Provision for bad


Reason for individual accrual of bad debt provision: proof shows the Group will not be

able to the other receivables on the basis of former clauses.

Reason for individual accrual of bad debt provision: proof shows the Group will not be

able to the other receivables on the basis of former clauses.

Group assessment for provision for bad debts

Other accounts receivable not with big single amount, together with accounts receivable

whose value is not decreased after being individual test, are classified into groups

by credit risk features and bad debt provision is made, on the basis of actual loss rate

of prior period accounts receivable of the same or similar kind, with similar credit

risk features, combining present situation.

Credit risk groups are determined by the following criteria:

Group 1 Guarantee deposit (excluding quality guarantee deposit)

Group 2 Employee individual loans and reserve funds

Group 3 Other accounts receivable

Method of bad debt provision being made by credit risk groups:

Group 1 Except for that the objective evidence proves that the Group can’t retake

the payment according to the original articles of other receivables, the

Group shall not make bad debt provision for the cash deposit (excluding

quality cash deposit)

Group 2 Bad debt provision shall not be made of accounts receivable from employee’s

loan and reserve fund except proof shows the Group is not able to collect

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Group 3 Debt age analysis method

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III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

9. Accounts receivable (continued)

(b) Other receivables (continued)

Group assessment for provision for bad debts (continued)

Among the groups, proportion of accrual on aging analysis basis is listed as follows:

Debt age Provision proportion

One to six months -

Seven to twelve months 1%

One to two years 15%

Two to three years 30%

Three to four years 50%

Four to five years 75%

Above five years 100%

10. Inventories

Stock includes raw materials purchased spare parts and semi-products, reported in the

lower between cost and cashable net value.

Inventories are initially measured at cost. Inventory costs include purchase costs,

processing costs and other costs. The actual cost is determined by the weighted average

method when sending out the stock. Turn-over materials include perishables and packing

materials etc. Perishables are amortized by turns while packing is amortized at one time.

The inventory system uses a perpetual inventory system.

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Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

10. Inventories (continued)

At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net

realizable value, for the cost that is higher than the net realizable value, the provision

for depreciation of inventories shall be included in the current profits and losses.

If the influence factors of the provision for depreciation of inventories before have

disappeared, making the net realizable value of inventories higher than the book value,

in the amount of original provision for depreciation of inventories, the previously

reduced amount shall be recovered and the reversed amount shall be recorded in the current

profits and losses.

Net realizable value is the amount that the estimated selling price of the stock minus

the cost that would incur at the time of completion, the estimated cost of sales, and

the amount of the relevant taxes and fees in the daily activities. For the provision

for loss on decline in value of inventories, raw materials are classified by category,

and finished goods are accounted for by a single inventory item.

11. Construction contract

For customized large port equipment with fixed price, because the start and the finishing

of the project are in different accounting years, the Company uses building-contract

method to calculate the revenue and the cost.

(a) If the selling result of individual building contract can be reliably estimated,

the revenue and expenses can be recognized in proportion of completeness on the day of

balance sheet. The result of the construction contract can be estimated reliably, which

means that the economic benefit associated with the contract is likely to flow into the

group. The actual cost of the contract can be measured clearly and reliably. In the case

of a fixed cost contract, the following conditions must be satisfied: the total contract

revenue can be measured reliably, and the contract completion progress and the cost to

be taken for the completion of the contract can be reliably determined. The amount of

the total contract income, including the initial revenue stipulated in the contract and

income resulting from contract change, claim, award, etc. The Group determines the

progress of the Contract Completion by the following methods:

(i) Project progress proportion is made on the report day according to the revenue

recognition stage stipulated in the contract. The Company confirmed the following 3

revenue recognition stages:

Stage 1: body steel structure completed and erected;

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Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

Stage 2: manufacturing, installation and initial testing completed, product ex-plant

qualification certificate issued, shipping documents acquired, product ready to be


Stage 3: product finally delivered after being checked and approved by purchaser, final

delivery certificate issued by purchaser acquired.

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements (continued)

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

11. Construction contract (continued)

The Group will analyze the building contracts completed in prior year and recognize

progress proportion of each revenue recognition stage on the basis of the proportion

of the cost of the revenue recognition stage in real total costs and recognize it as

the progress proportion at various stages in current period.

(ii) For heavy equipment and construction project, progress of completeness is

recognized by the proportion of accumulated cost incurred in total expected cost. The

accumulated cost does not include that related to contract future activities.

(iii) Progress of completeness of steel structures is determined by the proportion

of cumulative tons of processing completed in total tons of processing.

(b) When individual building contract result is not able to be reliably estimated, the

following methods are used:

(i) When contract cost can be covered, contract revenue is recognized according to real

contract cost that can be covered, contract cost is recognized as expenses in the period

when cost incurs.

(ii) When contract cost cannot be covered, it can be recognized as expenses

immediately when it incurs; no contract revenue is confirmed.

(c) When expected total contract cost exceeds total revenue, the expected losses should

be immediately recognized as expenses in current period.

(d) When contract value is settled in installments, the settled installment is

recognized as settled value, which will be transferred and set off with related

accumulated costs and confirmed margin on the day of building contract completed. On

the balance sheet day, when the addition of accumulated costs and confirmed margin

exceeds the accumulated settled value, the difference is listed as completed but not

yet settled item in current assets. Otherwise, it will be listed in settled but not

completed item in current liabilities.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12. Long-term equity investments

Long term equity investment including: Long term equity investment into the Company’s subsidiaries, joint

venture and associate.

Long term equity investments are initially measured by the initial investment cost on acquisition. Long term

equity investments obtained by the merger of the enterprises under the same control take the share of the

book value in the consolidated financial statements acquired by the merging party owner on the

combination day as the initial investment cost; The difference between the initial investment cost and the

book value of the combined consideration is adjusted to the capital reserve.(When capital reserve is not

sufficient to compensate, retained interest is thus adjusted); Other comprehensive income of the prior to

the date of the merger, when handling the investment, it shall carry out the accounting treatment on the

same basis of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed of by the invested entity, the investment, it

shall carry out the accounting treatment on the same basis of the relevant assets or liabilities directly

disposed of by the invested entity, the shareholders’ rights and interests recognized by the other changes in

the equity of the invested entity other than net gains/losses, other comprehensive income and profit

distribution shall be transferred fully into the current profits and losses when handling the investment; In

which, if it is still long term equity investment after the disposal, carry forward in proportion, if it is

converted to the financial instruments, then carry forward fully.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Long term equity investments obtained by the merger of the enterprises not under the same control take the

combined cost as the initial investment cost(the merger of enterprises not under the same control realized

by two or more transactions of exchanges take the combination costs of the book value of equity

investments held by acquiree prior to purchase date and newly increased investment cost on purchase day

as the initial investment cost, the costs of consolidation include the summation of the assets paid by the

purchaser, the liabilities incurred or assumed, the fair value of the equity securities issued; other

comprehensive income of the prior to the purchasing date recognized by the equity method accounting,

when handling the investment, it shall carry out the accounting treatment on the same basis of the relevant

assets or liabilities directly disposed of by the invested entity, the shareholders’ rights and interests

recognized by the other changes in the equity of the invested entity other than net gains/losses, other

comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred fully into the current profits and losses

when handling the investment; In which, if it is still long term equity investment after the disposal, carry

forward in proportion, and if it is converted to the financial instruments, then carry forward fully; when

equity investments held prior to the purchasing date as financial instrument included in the cumulative

changes in fair value of other comprehensive income is counted according to the cost method, it shall be

transferred fully into the current profit and loss. Long term equity investments acquired other than long

term equity investments formed by the business combination, shall determine the initial investment cost

according to the following methods: obtained by making payment in cash, it shall take the actual purchase

price paid and the directly related costs and taxes with the acquisition of long term equity investment and

other necessary expenses as the initial investment cost; obtained by issuing equity securities, it shall take

the fair value of the issuance of equity securities as the initial investment cost.

The Company can measure the long term equity investments which can be controlled by the investment

enterprises with the cost method in the individual financial statements of the Company. Control means

having the power to decide on investee, and thus obtaining the variable gains from its operation, with the

ability to utilize the power of the investee to influence the gains amount.

When the cost method is used, the long-term equity investment is determined by the initial investment cost. The

cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted if the investment is added or withdrawn. The

cash dividends or profits declared by the invested entity shall be recognized as the current investment


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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12. Long-term equity investments (continued)

If the group has a joint control or significant influence on the invested entity, the long-term equity investment

shall be accounted by the equity method. Co-control means enjoying control over certain arrangement

according to contract. Such arranged activities must be decided upon agreement of the Group and the

other participants that share the control rights. Significant effect means that the company possesses the

right of decision-making participation in the financial and operating policies of the investee but is not able

to control or co-control with other party the making of such policies.

When using the equity method, if the initial cost of a long-term equity investment larger than the share of fair

value of identifiable net assets of the invested enterprise, it shall be included in the initial investment cost

of long-term equity investment; if the initial cost of a long-term equity investment less than the share of

fair value of identifiable net assets the invested enterprise, the difference shall be included in the current

profits and losses and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted.

When using the equity method, after obtaining a long-term equity investment, in accordance with the share of

other comprehensive income and net income achieved by the invested enterprise which should be enjoyed

or shared, respectively confirm the investment profit and loss and other comprehensive income, and

adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment. In confirmation of the share of the net profit or

loss of the invested entity, based on the fair value of the identifiable assets of the invested entity when

obtaining the investment, in accordance with the Group's accounting policies and accounting periods,

offset the internal transaction gains and losses between affiliated enterprises and joint ventures and

attribute to the investing party in accordance with the enjoyed proportion (but the loss of internal

transactions is an impairment loss of assets, which should be fully recognized), confirm the net profit of

the invested entity after adjustment, except for the assets that are invested or sold to form a business. In

accordance with the portion of the profits or cash dividends declared by the investee entity, the book value

of the long-term equity investment shall be reduced accordingly. The Group confirms the net losses of the

invested enterprise, the book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term interests in the

net investment of the invested entity is reduced to zero, except for which the Group bears extra liability for

loss. For the other changes in the equity of the invested entity other than net gains/losses, other

comprehensive income and profit distribution, the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be

adjusted and included in the shareholders' equity.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12. Long-term equity investments (continued)

For the disposal of long term equity investment, the difference between the book value and the actual purchase

price shall be included in the profits and losses of the current period. Long term equity investments

accounted for using the equity method, terminating the equity method, other comprehensive income

related with the original equity accounting shall carry out the accounting treatment on the same basis of

the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed of by the invested entity, the shareholders’ rights and

interests recognized by the other changes in the equity of the invested entity other than net gains/losses,

other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be it shall be transferred fully into the current

profits and losses; Still using the equity method, other comprehensive income related with the original

equity accounting shall carry out the accounting treatment on the same basis of the relevant assets or

liabilities directly disposed of by the invested entity and transfer into the current profits and losses in

proportion, the shareholders’ rights and interests recognized by the other changes in the equity of the

invested entity other than net gains/losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be

transferred into the current profits and losses in proportion.

13. Real estate as investment

Investment real estate refers to real estate held for purposes of earning rentals or capital gain, including

leased-out land use right and leased-out buildings.

Initial measurement is made by cost. Subsequent expenditure relating to investment real estate, when economic

benefits related to such assets are likely to flow into the Group and its cost can be measured reliably, is

accounted into the cost of investment real estate. Otherwise, it is included in the current profits and losses

statements at the time of incurrence.

Cost models for all investment property are adopted by the Group to undertake follow-up measures.

Depreciation or amortization is made for buildings and land use rights according to their estimated useful

life and residual value rate. Investment real estate rate and years of estimated useful life and residual

value depreciation (amortization) rates are listed below:

Estimated useful life Estimated residual value rate Annual depreciation (amortization) rate

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

13. Real estate as investment (continued)

Building 30 years 0% 3.3%

Land use rights Land use years 0% Decided by estimated net

residual value and

land use years

The anticipated service life of investment real estate, estimated net residual values and depreciation

(amortization) method is reviewed and made appropriate adjustments at least at each year end.

When purpose of investment property changes to self-use, from the date of change, convert the investment

properties to fixed assets or intangible assets. When self-use property changes to the purpose of earning

rentals or for capital appreciation from the date of change, convert the fixed assets or intangible assets to

investment properties. Upon conversion, book value before the conversion is the recorded as the converted


14. Fixed assets

Fixed assets are confirmed when financial benefits related will probably flow into the Group and their costs

can be reliably valued. Subsequent expenditure relating to fixed assets, when passing validation, is

accounted into the cost of fixed assets, and related book value for the replaced part ceases confirmation.

Otherwise, subsequent expenses are booked into current income statement at the time of incurrence.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

14. Fixed assets (continued)

In addition to the formation of the extracted safety production cost, the depreciation of fixed assets is

calculated and withdrawn by the average method of years, and the service life, expected net residual value

rate and annual depreciation rate of the fixed assets are as follows:

Useful life Estimated residual value Annual depreciation rate


House and building 20-40 years 0% 2.5%-5%

Manufacturing 3-20 years 0%/Based on the price of Calculated in estimated

equipment wasted vessel steel net residual value

and estimated

service life

Office equipment and 3-5 years 0% 20%-33.3%

electrical equipment

Transportation means 5 years 0% 20%

(other than vessels)

Vessels 10-25 years 5%/10% 3.6%-9.5%

Depreciation for fixed assets under financing lease is calculated in accordance with policy for fixed assets. If the

acquisition of ownership of the leased asset at the expiration of the lease period can be confirmed

rationally, depreciation shall be accrued within the service life of the leased asset. If not, depreciation shall

be accrued within lease term or the service life of the leased asset, whichever is shorter.

Double check is made by the group to the estimated life of use, estimated net residual value and method of

depreciation at least at the end of each report year and necessary adjustment is made.

15. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is booked as project costs in real expenditure, which includes necessary project

expenditure occurred in construction period, capitalized loan expenses which make the construction in

progress reach expected status of use and other relevant expenses.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

15. Construction in progress (continued)

When the project under construction reaches the expected condition for use, it is transferred into fixed assets


16. Loan expenses

Loan expenses refers to the interest and other relevant costs arising from the loan of Group, including the loan

interest, the amortization of the discount or premium, auxiliary expenses and the exchange difference

arising from the foreign currency loan.

Loan expenses borrowed to purchase, construct or manufacture assets applicable to be capitalized shall be

capitalized. Other loan expenses shall be taken into current profit/loss statement. Assets applicable to be

capitalized refers to assets such as fixed assets and investment real estates which take rather long period of

time to purchase, construct or manufacture in order to reach their expected state of use or sale.

Loan expense can be capitalized when it meets the following conditions:

(1) Asset expenditures have incurred;

(2) Loan expenses have incurred;

(3) Purchasing, building or manufacturing activities start as a necessity to make that asset reach expected

usable or salable condition.

When the purchased, built or manufactured fixed asset reached expected usable or salable condition, stop

capitalization. Loan expenses that follow are taken into current profit/loss statement.

The amount of interest capitalization in each accounting period during the capitalization period is determined

by the following method:

(1) Amount of expenses of special loans is determined by the interest expense actually incurred in the current

period to less the temporary deposit interest income or the investment income.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

16. Loan expenses (continued)

(2) Amount of expenses of general loans is determined by the weighted average amount of expenses of

accumulated asset expenses exceeding that of special loans to multiply the weighted average actual interest

rate of the general expenses.

In case purchasing, building or manufacturing activities of assets ceases accidentally for reasons other than

reaching expected usable or salable status and term of cease exceeds 3 months on end, capitalization of

loan expenses shall be stopped. Loan expenses occurring during the term of cease shall be confirmed and

taken into profit/loss statement until purchasing, building or manufacturing activities resume.

17. Intangible assets

Intangible assets are confirmed when financial benefits related will probably flow into the Group and their

costs can be reliably valued, and initial measure is taken by cost. However, intangible assets acquired in

merger under the same control can be measured reliably, that is, intangible assets are recognized as

intangible assets and measured at fair value. The evaluation value confirmed by the state-owned

administration department acts as the book value for the intangible assets invested by the state-owned

shareholders at the re-structuring of the Company.

Service life of intangible assets shall be confirmed as the term in which they can bring benefits to the company.

If the term in which intangible assets bring benefits to the company can be expected, such assets shall be

confirmed as intangible assets with uncertain service life.

Service life of intangible assets are as follows:

Expected years for use

Rights of land use Years of land use

Software use cost 5 years

Patented technologies 10 years

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

17. Intangible assets (continued)

Land use right obtained by the Group is usually accounted for as intangible assets. For self-developed and

self-constructed buildings, relevant land use right and the buildings shall be regarded as intangible assets

and fixed assets respectively. If the price paid for outsourced land and building is difficult to distribute in

a reasonable way between the land use rights and the building, they are all regarded as fixed assets.

Intangible assets with limited service life are amortized in straight line method in the expected years for use.

Double check is made by the group at least at the end of each year to expected life in use and amortization

method of intangible assets with limited use of life and adjustment is thus made.

The Group classifies the expenses of the internal R & D project into expenses in research phase and expenses in

development phase. Expenditure in research phase shall be included in the current profits and losses

statements at the time of incurrence. Expenses in development stage are capitalized when simultaneously

satisfying the following conditions: It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets to make them

usable and marketable; the management has the intention to complete the intangible assets and to use

them or to sell them; the ways intangible assets yield financial benefits. It’s able to prove the products

manufacturing by intangible assets exist in the market, or intangible assets are in the market, or intangible

intended to be used for interior; Enough technology and financial resources and other resources support

and will enable the completion of the development of the intangible assets and make them to be used to sell;

Expenses belonging to the intangible assets can be reliably measured. Expenses of development stage not

satisfying the conditions are put into current P&L.

18. Assets impairment

The impairment of assets except inventories, deferred income tax and financial assets is determined as follows:

The Group will determine whether there is sign of impairment for assets on the balance sheet date. If there is

sign of impairment, the Group will estimate recoverable amount and conduct impairment test.

Impairment test is made at least once at the end of each year for goodwill formed because of enterprise

merger no matter whether there is sign of impairment. Impairment test is made at least once each year for

the intangible assets not reaching the usable state.

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

18. Assets impairment provision (continued)

The collectible amount is the higher between net amount of asset’s fair value deducting disposal expenses and

the present value of expected future cash flow. Collectible amount is estimated by individual piece of asset.

In case collectible amount of individual asset is difficult to value, collectible amount of asset group to

which they said individual asset belongs is confirmed. An asset group can be confirmed on the basis that

its main cash in-flow is generated independently of other assets or asset groups.

When the collectible amount of the asset or asset group is lower than its carrying value, the Group reduces its

carrying value to the recoverable amount, the amount written down is included in the current profits and

losses, and the corresponding asset impairment provision is withdrawn.

In terms of goodwill impairment test, the carrying value of goodwill formed by the merger of the enterprise

shall be amortized to the relevant asset group by reasonable means from the date of purchase; it shall be

amortized to relevant combination of asset groups when it is difficult to amortize the relevant asset group

to the relevant asset group. The relevant asset group or combination of asset groups is an asset group or

combination of asset groups that can benefit from the synergy effect of the enterprise merger, and is not

larger than the reporting subsection determined by the group.

For impairment test of relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups that contain goodwill, if there is a

sign of impairment, the impairment test on the asset group or the asset group that does not include

goodwill is performed first. Then calculate the recoverable amount and confirm corresponding

impairment loss. Next, impairment test is made to relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups

that contain goodwill. If the collectible amount is lower than carrying value of the asset. The impairment

loss is firstly to compensate the book value of the goodwill amortized in the asset group or portfolio, and

then to compensate the book value of other assets in the proportion of the book value of other assets except

for the goodwill in the asset group or portfolio.

Once asset impairment provision is made, it shall not be transferred back in the following accounting period.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

19. Long-term unamortized expenses

The long-term unamortized expenses shall be amortized by straight-line method, and the amortization period

is as follows:

Amortization period

Improve operation of leased fixed asset

20. Employee remuneration

The employee compensation means all forms of remuneration or compensation that the Group pays for

obtaining the service to be provided by the employees or severing labor relation, mainly including

short-term compensation, post-employment benefit, dismission welfare and other long-term employee

benefits. The benefits provided by the Group to the employee’s spouse, children, dependent, survivor of

the deceased employee is also contained in the employee compensation.

Short-term pay

The Group takes the actual short-term remuneration as debt during the accounting period when the employees

provide service. It will be booked in the current profit and loss or related assets cost, in which the

non-currency benefit is accounted according to the fair value.

Welfare after resignation - defined drawing plan

The Group shall buy endowment insurance and unemployment insurance managed by the local government

and open annuity for employees. The corresponding expenditure is included in the current profits and

losses statements at the time of incurrence.

21. Estimated liabilities

In addition to contingent consideration or contingent liability of an enterprise merger under non-unitary

control, when a contingency related liability meets the following conditions, the Group recognizes it as an

estimated liability:

(1) This liability is the current liability of the Group;

(2) The fulfillment of the liability may cause outflow of financial Interest;

21. Estimated liabilities (continued)

(3) The amount of the liability can be measured reliably.

Expected liabilities are initially valued by the best estimates to be spent on fulfillment of related present

obligation, combining risks and uncertainty with probabilities and time value of currency. The book value

of expected liabilities is double-checked and thus adjusted on B/S day to reflect present best estimates.

Where there is conclusive evidence that the carrying value does not reflect the current best estimate, the

book value is adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate.

22. Revenue

Revenue is confirmed when related benefits may flow into the Group, sales can be reliably

calculated, and the following conditions are met.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(a) Revenue from sales of large port equipment, ocean heavy equipment, product of steel structure and

construction project is recognized by the proportion of completeness.

(b) Income from ship transportation is recognized at the completion of the voyage.

(c) Income is recognized at the time of delivery for the sale of spare goods or parts.

(d) Interest income is recognized by deposit term and real interest rate.

(e) Operating leasing income is recognized in leasing period by straight line method.

(f) Activities under the construction and transfer of contracts usually include construction and transfer. As

for constructing item the Group responsible for, in the construction phase, in accordance with the

construction contract standards, when the results can be estimated reliably, the construction contract

revenue should be valued by the fair value of consideration chargeable, at the same time to confirm the

"Long term receivables", to be written off when payment received from the owners.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

23. Government subsidy

Government subsidies are recognized when they are able to meet the conditions attached and can be received.

Where government subsidies are monetary assets, they are measured in amounts received or receivable.

Where the government subsidies are non-monetary assets, they shall be measured at fair value; if the fair

value cannot be reliably obtained, it shall be measured in nominal amount.

According to government documents, for long-term assets for the purposes of purchasing and constructing or

formed in other ways, relevant subsidy shall be recognized as government subsidy related to assets; if it is

not clear in the government documents, judgment shall be based on the basic conditions necessary to

obtain the subsidy. If the basic condition is that long-term assets are for the purposes of purchasing and

constructing or formed in other ways, the subsidy is recognized as government subsidy related to assets.

Otherwise, it shall be recognized as government subsidy related to income.

Government subsidy related to the income when used to compensate related expenses or losses in future

periods is recognized as deferred income and is booked into current P&L in the period when related

expenses are recognized. That used to compensate paid expenses or losses is booked directly into current

P&L. If the government subsidy related to the assets is recognized as deferred income and distributed

within the life time of the assets, it is booked into current P&L. If the government subsidy is accounted in

namely amount, it is booked directly into current P&L

24. Income tax expense

Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. In addition to the goodwill adjustment

arising from the merger of the enterprise, or transactions or relevant matters directly included in the

shareholder's equity, the income tax expenses or income shall be included in the current profits and losses.

The Group’s income tax liabilities or assets formed during the current period and previous period shall be

measured by the amount of income tax payable or returned in accordance with the provisions of the Tax


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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

24. Income tax expense (continued)

For the margin between the book value and tax base of some asset, liability items and the temporary

differences generated from the difference between the book value and tax base of the item that is not

recognized as the asset and liability but which tax base can be determined according to tax law, the

deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities are recognized by using the balance sheet

liability method.

The deferred income tax liabilities are recognized on the basis of various taxable temporary differences unless:

(1) Taxable temporary differences arise from the following transaction: The initial recognition of

goodwill, or the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from transactions with the following

characteristics: the transaction is not an enterprise merger, and the accounting profits, taxable income

and deductible loss are not affected when the transaction occurs.

(2) For investment-related taxable temporary differences of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, the

time of the temporary difference reversal can be controlled and the temporary difference will not likely be

transferred back in the foreseeable future.

For deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be carried over to future years, and

the Group will confirm the deferred income tax assets arising therefrom to the extent that it is likely to

obtain the amount of future taxable income that is used to offset temporary differences, deductible losses

and tax credits, unless:

(1) Deductable temporary differences arise from the following transaction: the transaction is not an

enterprise merger, and the accounting profits, taxable income and deductible loss are not affected when

the transaction occurs.

(2) Deferred income tax assets generated from investment-related provisional difference of

subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are confirmed as deferred income tax assets, when the

temporary difference is able to be transferred back in the foreseeable future and when possible taxable

income which is used to compensate the provisional difference can be possibly obtained in future.

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Note for financial statements (continued)

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RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

24. Income tax expense (continued)

On B/S day, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are calculated by tax rate applicable

to the period of term the assets or liabilities are expected to be collected back in accordance with

regulations of tax law, and reflect income tax effect from the way that assets or liabilities are expected to

be collected back.

On B/S day, the Group reviews the carrying value of the deferred income tax assets, and if it is likely that

taxable income obtained in future periods is not enough to deduct the benefits from carrying value of the

deferred income tax assets, the carry value of deferred income tax assets shall be written down. On the

balance sheet date, the Group reevaluates unrecognized deferred income tax assets and recognizes the

deferred income tax assets to the extent that sufficient taxable income is likely to be transferred back to all

or part of the deferred income tax assets.

If there is a legal right to netting the current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities and the

deferred income tax is relevant to the same subject of tax and the same tax administration department,

then the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be presented in net amount

after offset.

25. Leases

The finance lease criteria: transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset leased.

Act as a tenant of operating lease

The rental expenses of operating leases are included in the asset cost or the current P&L according to

straight-line method in the lease period.

Act as a leaser of operating lease

The rental income of the operating lease is included in the asset cost or the current P&L according to

straight-line method in the lease period.

Act as a tenant of financing lease

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

25. Leases (continued)

The lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the minimum rental payment the present value is

accounted in the book as the leased assets. The minimum lease payment is the carrying value of long term

payable. The difference between the booking value of leased assets and the minimum lease payment is not

confirmed as the financing charges. It is amortized within the leasing period according to the actual

interest method. Contingent rental is included in the current profits and losses statements at the time of



Leaseback for financing purposes will be treated as a whole, which is accounted by mortgage loan, on the

condition that asset sale is related to lease transaction and can be repurchased when the lease term


26. Profit distribution

Cash dividends of the Company are recognized as liabilities after approval by the general meeting of


27. Safety production costs

The safety production expense extracted in accordance with the regulations shall be included into the cost of

relevant products or current profit or loss, and shall also be included into the special reserve; if safety

production expense is disbursement cost, it shall deduct the special reserve directly; if safety production

expenses are forms into fixed assets, the fixed assets shall be confirmed when reaching expected usable

status, deducting equivalent special reserve and the accumulated depreciation shall be confirmed.

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

28. Fair Value Measurement

The Group measures derivative financial instruments and listed equity instruments investments at fair value

on B/S day. Fair value refers to the price that a market participant gains or pay for sale of an asset or

transfer of a liability in an orderly transaction occurring on the measurement date. For relevant assets or

liabilities measured by fair value, the orderly transaction for sale of an asset or transfer of a liability is

assumed to be conducted in the main market. If it relevant assets or liability measured by fair value do not

exist in the market, the transaction is assumed to be conducted in the most advantageous market for

relevant assets or liabilities. The main market (or the most advantageous market) is the trading market in

which the Group is able to enter on the measurement date. The Group assumes that market participants

intend to realize their maximize economic benefits when pricing the assets or liabilities.

For non-financial assets measured by fair value, the ability of market participants to put the assets in best use

for economic benefits, or to sell the assets to other market participants that can put the assets in best use

for economic benefits.

Estimation technique that is applicable and supported by sufficient available data and other information is

adopted. Priority is given to the observed input value, and the unobservable input value is used only if the

observable input value cannot be obtained or is not practicable.

For assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements, fair value level shall be

determined by the input value of lowest level, which is important for the fair value measurement as a

whole: the input value of the first level is the unadjusted quotation on the active market of the same assets

or liabilities that can be obtained on the measurement date; the input value of the second level is the input

value that may be observed directly or indirectly by the relevant assets or liabilities except the first level

input value; the input value of the third level is the unobservable input value of the relevant assets or


On B/S day, the Group reevaluates the assets and liabilities that continue to be measured at fair value as

recognized in the financial statements to determine whether a conversion has occurred at the fair value


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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

29. Major accounting judgments and estimates

For the preparation of financial statements, the management is required to make judgments, estimates and

assumptions that will affect the presentation amount of income, costs, assets and liabilities and disclosure

thereof, as well as disclosure of contingent liabilities on B/S day. However, the results of these assumptions

and uncertainties may result in significant adjustments to the carrying amount of future affected assets or


Uncertainty of estimates

The following key assumptions about the future on the balance sheet date and other key sources of estimate

uncertainty may lead to significant adjustments in the carrying amount of assets and liabilities during

future accounting periods.

Construction contract

Construction contract is adopted to calculate its revenue and cost for large port equipment and construction

projects. During the course of the project, the group shall continuously review and revise the expected

total cost of the construction contract based on the situation of actual cost of the construction contract and

the actual cost of the similar products in the reference, so that the expected total cost of the contract is

approximate to its final actual cost. If there is a discrepancy between the expected total cost and the actual

total cost of contracts in the future, the discrepancy will affect the cost confirmed by the Group this year.

At the same time, the Group management regularly performs impairment testing on construction contracts. If

the expected total cost of the construction contract exceeds the total contract income, the contract expected

loss shall be calculated and withdrawn. Changes of the expected total cost due to continuous review and

revision may affect the carrying value of the construction completed amount not closed/construction

uncompleted amount closed and impairment losses during the estimated changes.

149 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

29. Major accounting judgments and estimates (continued)

Uncertainty of estimates (continued)

Impairment of receivables

The management of the Group continues to pay attention to the recoverable extent of the receivables, and

estimates the bad debt reserves of the accounts receivable based on the analysis of the actual conditions

(including but not limited to the repayment capacity of the debtor, the age of the accounts receivable, the

collection after the period),In case of any event or change, if the estimate adopted is changed, the estimate

shall be adjusted accordingly, and the appropriate bad debt reserve for receivables shall be accrued. If the

expected amount is different from the original estimate, the difference will affect the carrying value of the

receivable and the impairment loss during the estimated change.

Inventory impairments

The management shall estimate the net realizable value of inventories in time so as to estimate inventory falling

price reserves. If any event or circumstance changes, it is necessary to use the estimate to prepare the

inventory falling price if the inventory is not likely to realize the relevant value. If the expected amount is

different from the original estimate, the difference will affect the carrying value of the inventories and the

impairment loss during the estimated change.

Service life and the net residual value of fixed assets

Expected service life and the net residual value of fixed assets are estimated by the Group. These estimates are

based on the actual service life and net residual value of fixed assets similar in nature and function.

Technological innovation and the actions taken by competitors due to severe industry cycles may cause

major changes to such estimates; changes in the economic environment, technical environment and other

environmental changes in service life of fixed assets may also lead to significant changes in the expected

implementation of the economic benefits associated with fixed assets.

150 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

29. Major accounting judgments and estimates (continued)

Uncertainty of estimates (continued)

Impairment of non-current assets except financial assets (except goodwill)

The Group determines whether there is any indication of possible impairment of non-current assets other than

financial assets on the B/S day. For non-current assets except financial assets, when there are indications

that its carrying amount is not recoverable, an impairment test is conducted. Impairment is indicated

when the carrying value of the asset or asset group is higher than the recoverable amount, that is, the

higher one between the net amount of the fair value lessing the disposal expenses and the present value of

the expected future cash flows.Net amount gained by fair value lessing disposal expenses shall be

determined by the price in sale agreement of similar assets in fair transaction or market price observed

lessing the incremental cost attributable to the assets. The management must estimate the expected future

cash flow of the asset or asset group and select the appropriate discount rate to determine the present

value of the future cash flow when estimating current value of future cash flow.

Goodwill impairments

Impairment test for goodwill shall be conducted at least annually. This requires estimate of the present value of

the future cash flows of the asset group or the asset group to which goodwill is distributed. The Group

shall estimate the expected future cash flow of asset or asset group and select the appropriate discount rate

to determine the present value of the future cash flow when estimating current value of future cash flow.

Income tax and deferred income tax

The Company was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in 2014. The company calculated and paid the

enterprise income tax at the rate of 15% according to the relevant income tax laws. According to the

relevant regulations, one condition for the qualification of high-tech enterprises is that the proportion of R

& D expenditure in sales income must not be lower than the specified proportion, in which the proportion

is 3% for enterprise with annual sales income more than 200 million Yuan. If the final determination

result given by tax authority in charge is different from that of the company, the difference will affect the

income tax expenses of the year.

151 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

29. Major accounting judgments and estimates (continued)

Uncertainty of estimates (continued)

Income tax and deferred income tax (continued)

In addition, the Group calculates enterprise income tax and deferred income tax in accordance with current

tax laws and takes into consideration applicable income tax provisions and tax preferences. There is

uncertainty in the final tax treatment for some of the transactions and events involved in normal

operations. The Group needs to make significant judgments when the income tax is calculated and

withdrawn. The Group shall estimate whether additional taxes need to be paid in respect of future tax

adjustments for tax purposes so as to confirm corresponding income tax liabilities. If the final

determination result of these tax matters is different from the originally entered amount, the difference

will affect the amount of income tax and deferred income tax for the period of final determination.

When evaluating temporary differences, the Group also considers the possibility that deferred income tax

assets can be recovered. The temporary differences mainly include the effects of deductible losses, asset

impairment provision, unrealized profits of internal transactions, expected liabilities that have not been

approved before tax, interest not yet paid, wages and salaries, financial assets whose changes are

measured at fair value and included in current profits and losses, and changes in the fair value of liabilities.

The confirmation of the deferred income tax assets is based on the estimation of the Group and assumes

that the deferred income tax assets are reversed through the Group’s continuous operation in the

foreseeable future. At the same time, the Group also takes into account the deferred tax assets and the tax

rate at which the deferred income tax liabilities are reversed. Based on the experience gained by the

Company for many years, as well as the continuous input into the research and development projects, the

Company is expected to obtain the qualification of high-tech enterprises the year and beyond, and hereby

calculate and confirm the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities at the preferential

tax rate.

The Group has calculated and withdrawn income tax liabilities and deferred income tax items of this year

based on current tax laws and current best estimates and assumptions. In the future, tax liabilities and

deferred income tax items may need to be adjusted due to changes of tax laws or related circumstances.

152 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

30. Change to accounting policies and accounting estimates

Change to accounting policies

Change to tax presentation

In 2016, the Group will adjust the “Business tax and additional” items in the income statement to “tax and add

- on” items in accordance with the requirements of “VAT Accounting Disposal Regulations” (Financial

Accounting[2016] No.22); the taxes on house property, land use tax, vehicle and vessel use tax, stamp duty,

etc. arising from the operation activities of the enterprise shall be listed in the “tax and add - on” project

as of May 1, 2016, and shall not be listed in the “administrative expenses” project; (except that it was

originally included in “Business Tax” and “Additional”) The real estate tax and land use tax related to

investment real estate of the project are still listed in the project of “administrative expenses”. The credit

balance of the detailed accounting items (“tax for goods to be transferred” etc.) in the accounting item of

“tax payable” shall be classified by “tax payable” to “other non - current liabilities” in the balance sheet

by the end of 2016; the credit balance of the above detailed items at the end of 2015 shall be presented in

the original presentation. As a result of the above requirements, the contents of the “tax and plus” and

“overhead” items in 2016 and 2015, the “overhead”, the “tax payable” at the end of 2016 and at the end of

2015 and “other non - current liabilities” are presented differently, but there is no impact on the merger of

2016 and 2015 and the net profit and consolidation of the company and the Company’s Membership


153 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Notes to financial statements

Year 2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes

1. Main tax types and the ratio

VAT – The Group’s product sales business is applicable to VAT. Among which,

the domestic product sales output tax ratio is 17%, export sales output tax

ratio is subject to “exemption, counteraction, refund”, the applicable

refunding ratio is 17%, 15% and 13%.The Group’s vessel transport

business revenue is applicable to VAT with the tax ratio of 11%; the

equipment rental is applicable to VAT with tax ratio of 17%; the equipment

rental is applicable to the VAT’s simple collection method, and the tax

ratio halved is 2%; the Group’s rental housing is applicable to the VAT’s

simple collection method since May 1, 2016, the ratio is 5%; the

“Construction-Transfer” project is applicable to VAT, the ratio is 11%. The

above output tax shall calculate and pay VAT after deducting the amount of

input tax deductible, except for the applicable VAT’s simple collection


Business tax – Business tax applied to revenues of the Group from rental housing with rate

of 5%. Business tax is applicable to the revenues of

“Construction-Transfer” projects with rate of 3%. Business tax shall be

replaced by VAT since May 1, 2016.

Urban maintenance – The Group calculates and pays by 7% and 3% of the actual payment of

and construction tax turnover tax.

and educational


Corporate income – Corporate income tax is calculated and paid in accordance with P.R. China

tax Corporate Income Tax Law (“Income Tax Law”).According to the

High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management Approaches (Guo Ke Fa

Huo [2016] 32,) and the High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management

Work Guidelines (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] 195) and the Notification on

Announcing List of Second Batch of Shanghai Municipality 2014

High-tech Enterprises Recognition, the Company was recognized as a

high-tech enterprise in the year2014, and was awarded the High-tech

Enterprise Certificate (certificate number: GR201431001646). The

certificate is valid for 3 years. According to Article 28 of the Income Tax

Law, the Company actually applied a 15% corporate income tax rate this

year (2015: 15%).

154 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

The applicable income tax rates of the Company and the controlling subsidiaries are as follows:

Registration place 2016 2015

Applicable tax Applicable tax

rate rate

The Company Pudong New District 15% 15%

Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Heavy Chongming 25% 25%

Industry Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Hongkong 16.5% 16.5%

(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (Note 1)

Shanghai Zhenhua Shipping Co. Ltd. Pudong New District 25% 25%

Nantong Zhenhua Heavy Industry Nantong, Jiangsu 25% 25%

Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Nantong, Jiangsu 15% 15%


(Nantong) Transmission Machinery

Co.,Ltd.(Note 2)

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Pudong New District 25% 25%

Electric Co.,Ltd.

Nantong Zhenhua Heavy Industry Steel Nantong, Jiangsu 25% 25%

Structure Processing Co., Ltd.

Jiangyin Zhenhua Port Machinery Steel Jiangyin, Jiangsu 25% 25%

Structure Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Steel Pudong New District 25% 25%

Structure Co., Ltd.

155 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Yangshan, Shanghai 25% 25%

Vessel Transport Co., Ltd

Bonded Port

Shanghai Zhenhua Testing Technology 25% 25%

Consulting Co., Ltd.Pudong New


Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Pudong New District 25% 25%

General Equipment Co., Ltd

Shanghai Port Machinery Heavy Pudong New District 25% 25%

Industries Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Jingang, Jiangsu 25% 25%


Zhangjiagang Port Machinery Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Nantong, Jiangsu 15% 15%

Qidong Ocean Engineering

Co., Ltd. (Note 2)

Jiangsu Daoda Marine Engineering Co., Nantong, Jiangsu 25% 25%


Jiahua Shipment Co., Ltd (Note 1) Hongkong 16.5% 16.5%

Zhenhua Pufeng Wind Power (Hong Hongkong 16.5% 16.5%

Kong) Co.,Ltd (Note 1)

Zhenhua Shende Offshore Hongkong 16.5% 16.5%

Installation Co.,Ltd (Note 1)

CCCC Tianhe Changshu, Jiangsu 15% 25%

156 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Registration place 2016 2015

Applicable tax Applicable tax

rate rate

CCCC Investment Development Qidong Nantong, Jiangsu 25% 25%

Co., Ltd

CCCC Liyang City Investment Liyang, Jiangsu 25% 25%

Construction Co., Ltd

CCCC (Huaian) Construction Huaian, Jiangsu 25% N.A.

Development Co., Ltd.

CCCC Zhenjiang Investment Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 25% N.A.

Construction Management

Development Co., Ltd

ZPMC Netherlands B.V. (Note 3) Rotterdam, the 20% 20%


Hotel de Herberg B.V. (Note 3) Rotterdam, the 20% 20%


ZPMC Espana S.L.(Note 4) Spain 28% 28%

Los Barrios

ZPMC GmbH Hamburg(Note 5) Hamburg Germany 32.28% 32.28%

ZPMC Lanka Company Colombo, Sri Lanka 17.5% 17.5%

(Private) Limited(Note 6)

ZPMC North Amercia Inc.(Note 7) Delaware, USA 15% 15%

Co., Ltd. (Note 2)

157 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Fujian CCCC Qianda Heavy Industry Co., Minhou, Fujian 25% 25%


Nanjing Ninggao New Channel Nanjing, Jiangsu 25% 25%

Construction Co., Ltd.

The applicable income tax rates of the

Company and the controlling

subsidiaries are as follows


ZPMC Korea Co., Ltd.(Note 8) Pusan, Korea 10% 10%

ZPMC Engineering Africa The Republic of South 28% 28%


(Pty) Ltd.(Note 9) KwaZulu - Natal

ZPMC Engineering Mahala, India 30% 30%

(India) Private Limited(Note 10) Strabang

ZPMC Southeast Singapore 17% 17%

Asia Holding Pte. Ltd.(Note 11)

ZPMC Southeast Singapore 17% 17%

Asia Pte. Ltd.(Note 11)

ZPMC Engineering Malaysia 20% 20%

(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.(Note 12)

ZPMC Australia Company Australia 30% 30%

(Pty) Ltd.(Note 13) New South Wales

ZPMC Brazil Holdings Ltda.(Note 14) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 25% 13%

ZPMC Limited Liability Moscow, Russia 20% 20%

158 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Company(Note 15)

ZPMC NA East Coast Inc.(Note 7) Delaware, USA 15% 15%

ZPMC NA Huston Inc.(Note 7) Delaware, USA 15% 15%

ZPMC Middle East FZE(Note 16) Dubai, UAE 0% N.A.

The applicable income tax rates of the Company and the controlling subsidiaries are as follows (continued):

Registration place 2016 2015

Applicable tax Applicable tax

rate rate

ZPMC UK LTD(Note 17) Cardiff, UK 20% N.A.

ZPMC Brazil Service Brazilian Santos 25% N.A.

Portuarios LTDA (Note 18)

Note 1: Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., Jiahua Shipping Co., Ltd,

Zhenhua Pufeng Wind Power(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd and Zhenhua Shende Offshore Engineering

Installation Co., Ltd. are legal entities registered in Hong Kong, China. Based on Hong Kong’s taxation

regulations, the Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Hong Kong) Co., Ltdactually fits in a profit tax

rate of 16.5% (2015:16.5%).

Note 2: Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Group (Nantong) Drive Machinery is recognized as hitech

enterprise in August, 2013 and won Hi-tech Enterprise Certificate (No. GR201632001352) in 2016

with the valid terms of 3 years. Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Qidong Ocean Engineering

Company is recognized as hi-tech enterprise in November, 2015 and won Hi-tech Enterprise Certificate

(No.GF201532000832) with the valid terms of 3 years. CCCC Tianhe Company is recognized as hitech

enterprise in August, 2015 and won Hi-tech Enterprise Certificate (No. GF201532000389) with the

valid terms of 3 years. According to Article 28 of the Income Tax Law, the Company actually applied a

15% corporate income tax rate this year (2015: Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Group(Nantong)

Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Qidong Ocean Engineering

Co., Ltd. is 15%, and CCCC Tianhe Company is 25%).

159 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Note 3: ZPMC Netherlands B.V, Hotel de Herberg B.V. and Daoda (Holland) Marine

Technology Co., Ltd are private limited liability companies registered in Holland.

According to related provisions of the income tax in Holland, the enterprise revenue tax

is collected with the progressive tax rate in excess of specific amount for the profit of

the Company. The tax rate is 20% for the profit less than 200000 Euro, and 25% for the

profit over 200000 Euro. The actual income tax rate is 20% this year (2015: 20%).

Note 4: ZPMC Espaa S.L. is the limited liability company registered in Spain. According to

related provisions of the income tax in Spain, the enterprise revenue tax is collected with

the progressive tax rate in excess of specific amount for the profit of the Company. The

tax rate is 25% for the consolidated profits of the Company less than 300000 Euro, and

28% for the profit over 300000 Euro. The actual income tax rate is 28% this year. (2015:

The tax rate is 25% for the consolidated profits of the Company less than 300000 Euro,

and 30% for the profit over 300000 Euro. The actual income tax rate is 28% in 2015).

Note 5: ZPMC GmbH Hamburg is registered in Germany, a limited liability company;

according to Germany’s related provisions of the income tax act, applicable income tax

rate for the year is 30.6%, and on the basis of the corresponding income tax amount, 5.5%

of solidarity surcharge is imposed; the actual total income tax rate applicable to 32.28%

(2015: 32.28%).

Note 6: ZPMC LANKA COMPANY (PRIVATE) LIMITED is a limited liability company

registered in Sri Lanka; according to the related income tax provisions of Sri Lanka, the

applicable income tax rate is 17.5% (2015: 17.5%).

Note 7: ZPMC North Amercian Inc., ZPMC NA East Coast Inc., ZPMC NA Huston Inc., are the

limited liability companies registered in USA; according to the related income tax

provisions of USA, the applicable income tax rate is 15% (2015: 15%).

160 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Note 8: ZPMC Korea Co., Ltd. is limited liability company registered in Korea. According to

related provisions of the income tax in Korea, the enterprise revenue tax is collected

with the progressive tax rate in excess of specific amount for the profit of the Company.

The tax rate is 10% for the profit less than 200 million won, and 20% for the profit

between 200 million won and 20,000 million won, and 22% for the profit over 200

million won. The actual income tax rate is 10% this year (2015: 10%).

Note 9: ZPMC Engineering Africa (PTY) LTD. is a limited liability company registered in

Republic of South Africa; according to the related income tax provisions of Republic of

South Africa, the applicable income tax rate is 28% (2015: 28%).

Note 10: ZPMC Engineering (India) Private Limited is a limited liability company registered in

India; according to the related income tax provisions of India, the applicable income tax

rate is 30% (2015: 30%).

Note 11: ZPMC Southeast Asia Holding PTE. LTD. is a limited liability company registered in

Singapore; according to the related income tax provisions of Singapore, the applicable

income tax rate is 17% (2015: 17%).

Note 12: ZPMC Engineering (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.is a limited liability company registered in

Malaysia; according to the related income tax provisions of Malaysia, the applicable

income tax rate is 20% (2015: 20%).

Note 13: ZPMC Australia Company (PTY) LTD. is a limited liability company registered in

Australia; according to the related income tax provisions of Australia, the applicable

income tax rate is 30% (2015: 30%).

Note 14: ZPMC Brazil Holdings Ltda. is a limited liability company registered in Brazil;

according to the related income tax provisions of Brazil, the applicable income tax rate

is 25% (2015: 13%).

161 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IV. Taxes (continued)

1. Main tax types and the ratio (continued)

Note 15: ZPMC Limited Liability Company is a limited liability company registered in Russia;

according to the related income tax provisions of Russia, the applicable income tax rate

is 20% (2015: 20%).

Note 16: ZPMC Middle East FZE is a limited liability company registered in Dubai, United

Arab Emirates; according to the related income tax provisions of Dubai, United Arab

Emirates, the applicable income tax rate is 0%.

Note 17: ZPMC UK LTD is a limited liability company registered in Cardiff; according to the

related income tax provisions of Cardiff, the applicable income tax rate is 20%.

Note 18: ZPMC Brazil Service Portuarios LTDA is a limited liability company registered in

Santos Brazil; according to the related income tax provisions of Santos Brazil, the

applicable income tax rate is 25%.

162 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital

2016 2015

Cash on hand 774,626 746,967

Bank deposit 3,496,430,560 2,318,579,147

Other monetary capital 99,839,013 139,007,602

3,597,044,199 2,458,333,716

As of Dec, 31, 2016, the other monetary capital with restricted is RMB 99,839,013 Yuan, which is the margin

deposit that our Group applied to banks for letters of credit and bank guarantees (Dec, 31, 2015: the other

monetary capital with restricted is RMB 120,408,105 Yuan, which is the margin deposit that our Group

applied to banks for letters of credit and bank guarantees and the foreign exchange settlement capital

deposited in bank of RMB 18,599,497 Yuan).

As of Dec, 31, 2016, the monetary capital deposited abroad by the Group is RMB 621,197,660 Yuan (Dec, 31,

2015: RMB 299,033,408 Yuan).

Interest income from bank deposits shall be obtained in accordance with the current interest rate. Deposit term

for the short term fixed deposit is 7 days, and the interest income shall be obtained in accordance with the

fixed time deposit interest rate.

2. Financial assets measured at fair value and whose variation is included in the current profits and loss

2016 2015

Trading financial assets

Derivative assets 4,615,775 676,082

163 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2016, in the forward foreign exchange contract established by the derivate financial instruments

held by the Group with bank but not due: Total amount of principal in Won for USD contract is Won

15,018,200,000 (2015: USD for RMB contract is USD 50,000,000); agreed exchange rate is 1,145.45 to

1,145.50 (6.3604 to 6.7470, 2015contract is due between Jan. 25, 2017 and Dec. 29, 2017 (January 20, 2016

and August 25, 2016).

Closing fair value estimated gains/losses of above forward foreign exchange contracts are shown in

transactional bank confirmed amount or the amount based on end-of market exchange rate.

3. Notes receivable

2016 2015

Bank acceptance draft 286,220,781 230,959,622

Commerce acceptance draft 10,700,000 12,200,000

296,920,781 243,159,622

As of December 31, 2016, no bill receivable is pledged to the Bank.

2. The final has been endorsed or discounted, and notes receivable that the balance sheet date has not expired


2016 2015

Termination Termination Termination Termination

confirmed unconfirmed confirmed unconfirmed

Bank acceptance 471,132,348 4,390,096 302,708,598 -


164 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable

Long-term receivables analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Within 6 months 2,412,791,452 2,579,542,464

7 to 12 months 762,252,912 553,868,900

1 to 2 years 864,213,900 621,512,391

2 to 3 years 363,374,243 501,080,688

3 to 4 years 383,314,678 172,256,976

4 to 5 years 136,097,550 106,602,535

Over 5 years 648,577,646 496,747,275

5,570,622,381 5,031,611,229

Less: receivables - provisions for bad debt 1,339,875,923 1,136,848,761

4,230,746,458 3,894,762,468

Change of receivables - provisions for bad debt:

Opening Provision in this Change back Write-Off in Closing balance

balance in year this year this year in current

current year


2016 1,136,848,761 209,863,641 (4,997,815) (1,838,664) 1,339,875,923

2015 858,128,277 287,019,897 (8,299,413) - 1,136,848,761

165 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable (continued)

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for bad debts Closing balance Provision for bad debts

Amount Proportio Amount Withdraw Amount Proportio Amount Withdraw

n ing n ing

% % % %

Accounts 159,594,037 3 159,594,037 100 257,212,586 5 257,212,586 100


that are




nt but


for bad


Bad debt

reserve is


as per the

credit risk



-Related party 567,576,374 10 - - 716,117,651 14 -

-Non-related 4,557,809,557 82 895,607,566 20 3,895,457,967 78 716,813,150 18




that are




nt but


for bad

debts is



166 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


285,642,413 5 284,674,320 100 162,823,025 3 162,823,025 100

5,570,622,381 100 1,339,875,923 24 5,031,611,229 100 1,136,848,761 23

167 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable (continued)

As of Dec, 31, 2016, situation of the accounts receivables that are individually insignificant but provision for

bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Provision reasons

Accounts receivable 159,594,037 159,594,037 100% Contract dispute


As of Dec, 31, 2015, situation of the accounts receivables that are individually insignificant but provision for

bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Provision reasons

Accounts receivable 149,393,086 149,393,086 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 107,819,500 107,819,500 100% Counter-party

2 seriously lacks


257,212,586 257,212,586 100%

Accounts receivable for which the bad debt reserve is calculated as per the aging analysis method:

2016 2015

Closing Provision for bad debts Closing Provision for bad debts

balance balance

Amount Amount Proportion Amount Amount Proportion

Within 6 2,127,697,593 - - 2,039,019,778 - -



7 - 12 691,765,805 6,917,658 1 486,194,724 3,811,519 1



168 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable (continued)

1 - 2 years 668,819,686 100,322,953 15 540,630,618 79,588,609 15

2 - 3 years 302,286,737 90,686,021 30 173,228,095 51,968,428 30

3 - 4 years 101,304,733 50,652,291 50 115,657,539 56,328,769 49

4 - 5 years 75,625,443 56,719,083 75 51,739,809 36,128,421 70

Over 5 590,309,560 590,309,560 100 488,987,404 488,987,404 100


4,557,809,557 895,607,566 20 3,895,457,967 716,813,150 18

As of Dec, 31, 2016, situation of the other accounts receivables that are individually not insignificant but

provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Reason

Accounts receivable 107,819,500 107,819,500 100% Counter-party

1 seriously lacks


Accounts receivable 50,365,000 50,365,000 100% Counter-party

2 seriously lacks


Accounts receivable 27,748,069 27,748,069 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 21,932,297 21,932,297 100% Contract dispute


169 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable (continued)

Accounts receivable 19,480,920 18,512,827 95% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 17,735,070 17,735,070 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 10,049,240 10,049,240 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 7,664,629 7,664,629 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 7,421,237 7,421,237 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 7,306,800 7,306,800 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 4,557,644 4,557,644 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 3,562,007 3,562,007 100% Contract dispute


285,642,413 284,674,320 100%

170 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable (continued)

As of Dec, 31, 2015, situation of the other accounts receivables that are individually not insignificant but

provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Provision reasons

Accounts receivable 50,365,000 50,365,000 100% Counter-party

1 seriously lacks


Accounts receivable 25,974,465 25,974,465 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 20,530,426 20,530,426 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 18,235,736 18,235,736 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 16,150,830 16,150,830 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 9,758,221 9,758,221 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 7,260,803 7,260,803 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 6,946,886 6,946,886 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 4,266,328 4,266,328 100% Contract dispute


Accounts receivable 3,334,330 3,334,330 100% Contract dispute


162,823,025 162,823,025 100%

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the accounts receivable summary analysis of top 5 arrears is shown as following:

171 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

4. Accounts receivable (continued)

Accounting for balance of receivables

Balance Bad debt provision Proportion in total

amount accounts receivable

Balance of top 5 account 862,228,750 382,166,701 15%


As of Dec. 31, 2015, the accounts receivable summary analysis of top 5 arrears is shown as following:

Accounting for balance of receivables

Balance Bad debt provision Proportion in total

amount accounts receivable

Total amount of top 5 1,045,784,935 382,306,518 21%

account receivables

account receivables

5. Advanced payment

Long-term payables analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Booking balance % Booking balance %

Within one year 743,820,095 83 994,457,189 81

1 to 2 years 72,700,327 8 118,979,425 10

2 to 3 years 41,846,911 4 25,983,355 2

Over 3 years 42,054,901 5 86,925,663 7

900,422,234 100 1,226,345,632 100

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the Company’s prepayment with age over a year is RMB 156,602,139

Yuan (Dec.31, 2015: RMB 231,888,443 Yuan), mainly prepayment for the procurement of

imported parts, which has not been yet settled because purchased imported parts not


172 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

5. Advanced payment (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the summary analysis payment with top five ending balance collected

by the party in debt is shown as following:

Advanced payment

Amount Proportion in total

Total advances balance of 265,464,546 29%

top 5

As of Dec. 31, 2015, the summary analysis payment with top five ending balance collected

by the party in debt is shown as following:

Advanced payment

Amount Proportion in total

Total advances balance of 497,490,559 41%

top 5

6. Other accounts receivable

Other accounts receivables analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Within 6 months 722,015,188 552,591,379

7 to 12 months 3,320,248 30,829,138

1 to 2 years 5,050,048 60,426,009

2 to 3 years 17,396,586 6,649,212

3 to 4 years 3,690,767 1,069,700

4 to 5 years 223,263 4,944,478

173 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Over 5 years 22,533,895 39,212,788

774,229,995 695,722,704

174 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

6. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Less: other receivables - 37,675,402 28,062,537

provisions for bad debt

736,554,593 667,660,167

Change of other receivables - provisions for bad debt:

Opening Provision in Change back Write-Off in Closing

balance in this year this year this year balance in

current year current year

2016 28,062,537 9,612,865 - - 37,675,402

2015 27,148,264 914,273 - - 28,062,537

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for bad Closing balance Provision for bad

debts debts

Amount Proportion Amount Withdrawing Amount Proportion Amount Withdrawing

% % % %

Accounts 23,410,851 3 7,023,255 30 - - - -

receivables that

are individually

insignificant but

provision for bad


175 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

6. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Bad debt reserve is 227,641,09 30 - - 153,602,04 22 - -

calculated as per 5 9

the credit risk


ty deposit

(excluding quality

guarantee deposit)

-Employee 119,097,93 15 - - 141,150,87 20 - -

individual loans 6 1

and reserve funds

reserve funds

-Others 386,333,01 50 12,905,04 3 383,162,68 55 10,255,43 3

1 5 2 5

Accounts 17,747,102 2 17,747,10 10 17,807,102 3 17,807,10 10

receivables that 2 0 2 0

are individually

insignificant but

provision for bad

debts is assessed


774,229,99 10 37,675,40 5 695,722,70 10 28,062,53 4

5 0 2 4 0 7

As of Dec, 31, 2016, situation of the other accounts payables that are individually

insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Provision

balance provision reasons

Other accounts 23,410,851 7,023,255 30% Contract

176 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

payables 1 dispute

In combination, other payables for which the bad debt reserve is calculated as per the

aging analysis method:

177 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

6. Other accounts receivable (continued)

2016 2015

Closing Provision for bad debts Closing Provision for bad debts

balance balance

Amount Amount Proportion Amount Amount Proportion

Within 6 357,174,789 - - 353,228,089 - -


7 - 12 2,872,043 28,720 1 3,927,262 39,271 1


1 - 2 1,530,100 229,515 15 15,680,501 2,352,075 15


2 - 3 14,946,482 4,483,945 30 3,203,485 961,037 30


3 - 4 3,203,035 1,601,517 50 180,855 90,427 50


4 - 5 180,855 135,641 75 519,460 389,595 75


Over 5 6,425,707 6,425,707 100 6,423,030 6,423,030 100


386,333,011 12,905,045 3 383,162,682 10,255,435 3

As of Dec, 31, 2016, situation of the other accounts receivables that are individually

insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Provision

balance provision reasons

178 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Other 5,540,286 5,540,286 100% Contract

receivables1 cancelled

Other 4,214,642 4,214,642 100% Bankruptcy of

receivables2 the opposite


Other 3,037,042 3,037,042 100% Contract

receivables3 cancelled

Other 1,692,765 1,692,765 100% Contract

receivables4 cancelled

179 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

6. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Others 3,262,367 3,262,367 100%

17,747,102 17,747,102 100%

As of Dec, 31, 2015, situation of the other accounts receivables that are individually

insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Provision

balance provision reasons

Other 5,540,286 5,540,286 100% Contract

receivables1 cancelled

Other 4,214,642 4,214,642 100% Bankruptcy of

receivables2 the



Other 3,037,042 3,037,042 100% Contract

receivables3 cancelled

Other 1,692,765 1,692,765 100% Contract

receivables4 cancelled

Others 3,322,367 3,322,367 100%

17,807,102 17,807,102 100%

Category of other payables by nature of payment

2016 2015

Unsettled tax and surtax receivable 169,252,637 138,270,252

Bid bond payments 153,797,532 45,724,321

180 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Products or field service temporary loans 93,565,532 93,107,920

Customs guaranty deposit 71,148,199 104,071,196

Export tax rebate 63,023,350 101,381,047

181 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

6. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Employee’s loans receivable 43,553,963 48,042,951

Payments deposit for third party receivable 39,969,061 36,490,744

Lease receivables 33,434,668 33,484,980

Deposit receivable 6,742,361 13,806,532

Others 99,742,692 81,342,761

774,229,995 695,722,704

Other receivables with top five ending balance collected by the party in debt as of

December 31, 2016

Closing Proportion Nature Account age Provision

balance in other for bad debts

total ending Closing

balance balance



Other 71,148,199 9 Customs Within 1 year -

receivables guarantee

1 deposit

Other 50,000,000 6 Bid bond Within 1 -

receivables year


Other 50,000,000 6 Bid bond Within 1 year -



Other 33,434,668 5 Lease fund Within 1 year -

182 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)



Other 23,410,851 3 Advance 2 to 3 years 7,023,255

receivables money for

5 another

227,993,718 29 7,023,255

Other receivables with top five ending balance collected by the party in debt as of

December 31, 2015

183 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

6. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Closing Proportion Nature Account age Provision

balance in other for bad debts

total ending Closing

balance balance



Other 90,780,980 13 Customs Within 1 year -

receivables guarantee

1 deposit

Other 33,484,980 5 Lease fund Within 1 year -



Share 1-2 years


Other 12,444,088 2 and sale of and over 5 3,944,088

receivables equipment years


Other 10,000,000 1 Fixed assets 2-3 years -

receivables disposal

4 fund

Other 5,540,286 1 Advance over 5 years 5,540,286

receivables payment of

5 materials

152,250,334 22 9,484,374

7. Inventories

2016 2015

184 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Booking Falling Booking Booking Falling Booking

balance price balance balance price balance

reserves reserves

Raw 2,851,653,92 141,839,752 2,709,814,17 4,063,294,03 324,784,79 3,738,509,24

materials 6 4 2 2 0




Unfinishe 5,190,856,98 1,124,585,14 4,066,271,84 2,279,404,26 232,214,15 2,047,190,10

d products 6 6 0 4 8 6

185 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

7. Inventories (continued)

Merchandis 11,153,985 11,153,985 - 11,153,985 11,153,985 -



8,053,664,89 1,277,578,88 6,776,086,01 6,353,852,28 568,152,93 5,785,699,34

7 3 4 1 5 6

The Group is in the manufacture of marine heavy equipment products that are already under

construction but have not yet signed sales orders.

Conditions of inventory revaluation reserve are as follows:


Opening balance Provision in Deduction in Closing balance

in current year this year this year Return in current year

or resell

Raw materials 324,784,792 4,565,125 (187,510,165) 141,839,752

and purchased


Unfinished 232,214,158 892,370,988 - 1,124,585,146


Merchandise 11,153,985 - - 11,153,985


568,152,935 896,936,113 (187,510,165) 1,277,578,883


Opening balance Provision in Deduction in Closing balance

in current year this year this year Return in current year

or resell

Raw materials 373,339,801 - (48,555,009) 324,784,792

186 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

and purchased


Unfinished 130,810,331 158,448,216 (57,044,389) 232,214,158


187 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

7. Inventories (continued)

Merchandise 11,153,985 - - 11,153,985


515,304,117 158,448,216 105,599,398 568,152,935

Conditions of inventory revaluation reserve are as follows:

Reason for impairment

Particular basis of

provision of the returned or

determining net realizable

resold inventory in the


report year

Raw materials and purchased the difference between the

parts realizable value of raw

Steel prices rose or sold

material and purchased parts


due to lower product sales

price and the book value

Inventories goods the difference between the

realizable value of


inventories goods and the

book value

Semi products the difference between the

realizable value of semi None

products and the book value

8. Construction completed but account not settled/Construction not completed and

account settled

Construction completed account yet has not been settled

2016 2015

188 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Accumulated cost incurred 41,699,798,181 36,191,103,411

Accumulated margin 4,502,784,376 3,630,893,816


Less: Accumulated accounts 34,669,961,103 28,302,110,279


189 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

8. Construction completed but account not settled/Construction not completed and

account settled (continued)

Accumulated expected 426,807,687 302,295,092

contract losses confirmed

11,105,813,767 11,217,591,856

Construction not completed account

2016 2015

Accumulated accounts 18,189,689,578 22,695,320,583


Less: Accumulated margin 2,105,056,605 2,354,514,459


Accumulated cost incurred 13,716,197,938 17,575,517,723

Add: Accumulated expected 25,011,087 101,149,431

contract losses confirmed

2,393,446,122 2,866,437,832

Expected contract losses

2016 Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Construction 302,295,092 315,817,045 (191,304,450) 426,807,687


account not


Account closed 101,149,431 73,576,110 (149,714,454) 25,011,087


not completed

190 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

403,444,523 389,393,155 (341,018,904) 451,818,774

191 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

8. Construction completed but account not settled/Construction not completed and

account settled (continued)

2015 Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Construction 292,239,376 191,716,159 (181,660,443) 302,295,092


account not


Account closed 20,778,569 113,191,465 (32,820,603) 101,149,431


not completed

313,017,945 304,907,624 (214,481,046) 403,444,523

As of Dec. 31, 2016, amount of contracts still in construction (VAT not included) is

about 38,629,601,047 Yuan (Dec. 31, 2015: 40,657,492,935 Yuan).

Probable fines in case of delay in delivery as contracted:

2016 2015

Bank issued valid guaranty 19,456,969,669 17,808,442,159


Bank didn’t issue guaranty 281,462,898 1,875,250,415


19,738,432,567 19,683,692,574

9. Non-current asset due within 1 year

2016 2015

Long-term receivable due

within one year

192 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(Note V.12) 1,384,438,569 2,625,135,212

193 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

10. Other current assets

2016 2015

The input tax amount to be 553,363,139 507,205,272


Bank short-term financing - 46,000,000


553,363,139 553,205,272

11. Financial assets available for sale

2016 2015

Booking Provision Booking Booking Provision Booking

balance for balance balance for balance

impairment impairment

Available-for-sale equity instruments

To be 1,270,578,346 - 1,270,578,346 1,169,183,020 - 1,169,183,020


per fair


To be 72,994,160 30,000,000 42,994,160 72,994,160 30,000,000 42,994,160


per cost

1,343,572,506 30,000,000 1,313,572,506 1,242,177,180 30,000,000 1,212,177,180

Financial assets available for sale and measured by fair value:

2016 2015

Cost of the equity 937,641,194 937,641,194

instrument/amortized cost

194 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

of debt instrument

195 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

11. Financial assets available for sale (continued)

Amounts from changes of fair 332,937,152 231,541,826

value to be included in other

comprehensive income


Fair value 1,270,578,346 1,169,183,020

The available-for-sales equity instruments measured at fair value include:

(I) The Group holds 5.9% shares of stock of Jiangxi Huawu Brake Co., Ltd (Dec 31, 2015:

7.22%) and the initial investment cost is 11,071,606Yuan.

The available-for-sales equity instruments measured at fair value is confirmed by the

closing price of the last trading day of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. As of Dec 31, 2016,

the Company has confirmed the profit of RMB 302,540,796 Yuan available for-sales equity

instruments, accounted in other comprehensive profit.

The Group received RMB 1,112,890 Yuan cash dividends from Jiangxi Huawu Brake Co., Ltd,

accounted in investment income.

(ii). The Group holds 2.16% (Dec 31, 2015: 2.16%) shares of stock of Qingdao Port

International Co., Ltd and the initial investment cost is 308,515,588 Yuan.

The available-for-sales equity instruments measured at fair value is confirmed by the

closing price of the last trading day of Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As of Dec 31, 2016,

the Company has confirmed the profit of RMB 31,737,587 Yuan available for-sales equity

instruments, accounted in other comprehensive profit.

The Group received RMB 13,058,634 Yuan cash dividends from Qingdao Port International

Co., Ltd, accounted in investment income.

(iii) The Group holds 1.40 (Dec 31, 2015: 1.40%) shares of stock of CRSC and the initial

investment costs RMB 617,854,000 Yuan.

The available-for-sales equity instruments measured at fair value is confirmed by the

closing price of the last trading day of Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As of Dec 31, 2016,

the Company has confirmed the loss of RMB 2,507,619 Yuan available for-sales equity

instruments, accounted in other comprehensive profit.

196 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

The Group received RMB 2,814,813 Yuan cash dividends from CRSC, accounted in investment


197 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

11. Financial assets available for sale (continued)

Financial assets available for sale and measured by fair value (continued):

(iv). The Group holds less than 0.01% shares of stock of Shenwan Hongyuan Group and the

initial investment cost is RMB 200,000 Yuan.

The available-for-sales equity instruments measured at fair value is confirmed by the

closing price of the last trading day of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. As of Dec 31, 2016,

the Company has confirmed the profit of RMB 1,166,388 Yuan available for-sales equity

instruments, accounted in other comprehensive profit.

The Group received RMB 24,291 Yuan cash dividends from Shenwan Hongyuan Group, accounted

in investment income.

Financial assets available for sale and measured by cost:


Booking balance Shareholding Cash bonuses

Opening This This Closing ratio in this year

increase decrease

21st Century

Science and



Co., Ltd. 30,000,000 - - 30,000,000 8.96% -

CCCC Highway





Centre Co.,

Ltd. 13,000,000 - - 13,000,000 10% -

CCCC Dredging



198 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)




199 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

11. Financial assets available for sale (continued)

Center Co.,

Ltd. 6,400,000 - - 6,400,000 3.2% -




Co., Ltd. of


Zhenhua Port


(Group) 800,000 - - 800,000 10% -


Elevator Co.,

Ltd of


Zhenhua Port


(Group) 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 10% -




Co., Ltd of


Zhenhua Port


(Group) 1,296,000 - - 1,296,000 10% -

Hunan Fengri

Power &

Electric Co.,

Ltd. 19,998,160 - - 19,998,160 6.38% -

72,994,160 - - 72,994,160 -

200 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

201 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

11. Financial assets available for sale (continued)


r-sale equity

instruments -

Provision for


21st Century (30,000,00 - - (30,000,00

Science and 0) 0)



Co., Ltd.

42,994,160 - - 42,994,160

Financial assets available for sale and measured by cost (continued):


Booking balance Shareholding Cash


Opening This Reclassification Closing ratio in this

increase year


equity instruments

- cost

21st Century

Science and


Investment Co.,

Ltd. 30,000,000 - - 30,000,000 8.96% -

CCCC Highway

Bridges National



202 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Center Co., Ltd. 13,000,000 - - 13,000,000 10% -

203 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

11. Financial assets available for sale (continued)

CCCC Dredging


Equipment State



Center Co., Ltd. 6,400,000 - - 6,400,000 3.2% -



Equipment Co.,

Ltd. of Shanghai

Zhenhua Port


(Group) 800,000 - - 800,000 10% -


Elevator Co.,

Ltd of


Zhenhua Port


(Group) 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 10% -



Machinery Co.,

Ltd of Shanghai

Zhenhua Port



740,000 556,000 - 1,296,000 10% 9,465,520

Shenwan less than

Hongyuan Group 200,000 - (200,000) - 0.01% -

Hunan Fengri - 19,998,160 - 19,998,160 6.38% -

204 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Power & Electric

Co., Ltd.

52,640,000 20,554,160 (200,000) 72,994,160 9,465,520

205 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

11. Financial assets available for sale (continued)


equity instruments

- Provision for


21st Century

Science and


Investment Co.,

Ltd. (30,000,000) - - (30,000,000)

22,640,000 20,554,160 (200,000) 42,994,160

The available-for-sale financial assets measured in cost are the non-listed stock

investment held by the Group. There is no active market quotation for the investment.

The change range of the reasonable count of fair value is higher. The probability of

the fair value estimate can’t be reasonably confirmed, so the fair value can’t be reliably

measured. The Group has no plan to dispose the investment.

12. Long-term receivables

2016 2015


project accounts receivable

- Capital 5,142,731,788 5,594,243,805

- Interest receivable 32,924,801 589,392,944

5,175,656,589 6,183,636,749

Less: long-term receivable

due within one year

(Note V.9) 1,384,438,569 2,625,135,212

206 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

3,791,218,020 3,558,501,537

207 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

12. Long-term receivables (continued)

The Group in 2013 undertook the Nanjing to Gaochun New Channel project and

Nanjing-Gaochun Inter-city Rail Transit Phase II (cross-lake section) project (referred

to as "Nanjing High Speed 'Construction - transfer' Item"); total investment of the

project 5,918,800,000 Yuan, the construction of Item for a period of 2 years, repurchase

period is 2.5 years, return on investment 3 - 5year, bank loans surface 30% over benchmark

interest rate. The Group established a wholly owned subsidiary Nanjing Ninggao New

Channel Construction Co., Ltd. responsible for the financing and construction management

of the said project. By October, 2015, the entire line was open to traffic. The returned

payments shall be reclassified to the long term accounts receivable in 2017 according

to the contract terms.

The Group undertook Jiangsu Qidong Lvsi port surrounded PPP project in 2015, with total

investment of 2 billion Yuan. The project construction period is 2 years, and the

repurchase period is 10 years, the return on investment is the bank loans benchmark

interest rate increased by 30% for over 5 years. The Group, CCCC Tianjin Waterway Bureau

Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Qidong Lvsi Port Economic Development Zone Management Committee

jointly established CCCC Qidong Investment Development Co., Ltd. responsible for the

project investment, financing and construction management.

The Group undertook the Phase I of infrastructure and public utilities projects of

Jiangsu Zhongguancun Science and Technology Industrial Park in 2015. The project total

investment is 3.7 billion Yuan, with project construction period of 2 years, the purchase

back period is 4 years, the return on investment is the bank loans benchmark interest

rate increased by 30% for over 5 years. The Group, CCCC Shanghai Waterway Bureau Co.,

Ltd., CCCC East China Investment Co., Ltd., CCCC Second Highway Survey Design and

Research Institute Co., Ltd. And Jiangsu Zhongguancun Science and Technology Industrial

Park Administrative Committee jointly established CCCC Liyang City Investment

Construction Co., Ltd. responsible for the project investment, financing and

construction management.

The Group undertook Zhenjiang campus life mating project in 2016, with total investment

of 6 billion Yuan. The project construction period is 2 years, and the repurchase period

is 3 years, the return on investment is the annual rate 7%.The Group, CCCC The Second

Harbor Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., CCCC East China Investment Co., Ltd., CCCC Highway

Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., CCCC East China Investment Co., Ltd., and

208 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Zhenjiang Higher Education Investment Development (Group) Co., Ltd. jointly established

CCCC Zhenjiang Investment Construction Management Development Co., Ltd. responsible for

the project investment, financing and construction management.

209 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

12. Long-term receivables (continued)

The Group undertook the Huaian City, Huaiyin port east district and transportation

infrastructure projects in 2016.The total investment of 2.855 billion Yuan. The project

construction period is 2 years, and the repurchase period is 6 years, the return on

investment is the bank loans benchmark interest rate for over 5 years. The Group, CCCC

The Third Harbor Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., CCCC The First Highway Survey and Design

Institute Co., Ltd., CCCC East China Investment Co., Ltd. and Huaian City Huaiyin Traffic

Investment Co., Ltd. jointly established CCCC Huaian Construction Development Co., Ltd.

responsible for the project investment, financing and construction management.

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the long-term receivables refer to the investment amount as principal

the Group invested in "Construction - Transfer" project, interest receivable subject

to confirmation of financing return according to the contract.

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the long-term receivable RMB 2,996,201,650 Yuan is the pledged in

full amount to the bank as the guarantee of long-term loan of RMB 727,000,000 Yuan and

(Dec 31, 2015: RMB 5,680,467,098 Yuan and long-term loan of RMB 2,187,000,000 Yuan (Note

V (34 (ii))).

Long-term receivables analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Within one year 1,956,609,083 844,466,601

1 to 2 years 518,450,490 3,121,550,855

2 to 3 years 2,700,597,016 2,217,619,293

5,175,656,589 6,183,636,749

Less: long-term receivable 1,384,438,569 2,625,135,212

due within one year

3,791,218,020 3,558,501,537

13. Long-term equity investments

210 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

13. Long-term equity investments (continued)

2016 2015

Joint venture 200,209,849 175,387,196

Associates 2,001,211,604 1,421,747,621

2,201,421,453 1,597,134,817

Joint venture:


Opening This change Closing Closing

balance balance impairment


Increase Decrease Investmen

investmen investmen t profit

t t and loss

Jiangsu LongYuan

Zhenhua Marine

Engineering 25,046,72

Co.,Ltd 171,577,489 - - 2 196,624,211 -





Ticaret Anonim

Sirketi 3,059,427 - - (224,069) 2,835,358 -

Zhenhua Marine

Energy (Hong

Kong) Co.,

Ltd(i) - - - - - -

Cranetech Global 750,280 - - - 750,280 -

211 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Sdn. Bnd.


175,387,196 - - 3 200,209,849 -

212 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

13. Long-term equity investments (continued)


Opening This change Closing Closing

balance Increase Decrease Investment balance impairment

investment investment profit and loss reserve

Opening This change Closing Closing

balance balance impairment


Increase Decrease Investment

investment investment profit and






Engineerin 162,922,64 171,577,48

g Co., Ltd 1 - - 8,654,848 9 -



ean Liman




Sirketi 327,639 - - 2,731,788 3,059,427 -






6,633,668 - - ) - -

Kong) Co.,

213 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


214 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

13. Long-term equity investments (continued)




Bnd.(ii) - 750,280 - - 750,280 -

169,883,94 175,387,19

8 750,280 - 4,752,968 6 -

Joint venture (continued):

(i) On May 5, 2014, the subsidiary of the Company and the partner invested to establish

Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd (Zhenhua Marine Energy).The registered

capital is 5,969,998 USD;, the subsidiary of the Company contributed 3,044,699 USD,

holding 51% of the shares. The company focused on the vessel transportation business.

Based on the regulations of the shareholder agreement, the significant issues of the

company shall be agreed by at least 75% shareholders via voting. The Group has no control

rights but joint controls the company together with the partner.

On January 20, 2016, the Group and RBF HK Limited (other shareholder of Zhenhua Marine

Energy) singed the exit contract about Zhenhua Marine Energy. The Group has the rights

to sell 51% of the total shares of Zhenhua Marine Energy to RBF HK Limited when meeting

the related articles of the exit contract; or purchased 32.5% of the total shares of

Zhenhua Marine Energy from RBF HK Limited. RBF HK Limited began to execute its right

of holding 51% shares of Zhenhua Marine Energy on June 2, 2016, in accordance with the

signed exit contract, but ultimately failed to meet all the share delivery conditions

of exiting the contract agreement, the purchase rights has been expired on November 23,

2016.As of Dec, 31, 2016, the Group has not exercised its purchasing right to purchase

32.5% shares of Zhenhua Marine Energy held by RBF HK Limited.

The Group considered that the purchasing right of purchasing 32.5% shares of joint

venture held by the RBF HK Limited (other shareholder of Zhenhua Marine Energy) was unable

to control Zhenhua Marine Energy. As of Dec, 31, 2016, the Group considered that this

fair value of this purchasing right wasn’t significant.

(ii) On July 30, 2015, the subsidiary of the Company and the partner invested to establish

Cranetech Global Sdn. Bhd..The registered capital is 1,000,000 MYR;, the subsidiary of

215 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

the Company contributed 499,999 MYR, holding 49.99% of the shares. The company focused

on the spare parts sales. Based on the regulations of the shareholder agreement, the

significant issues of the company shall be agreed by both parties. Therefore, the jointly

controls the company together with the partner.


216 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

13. Long-term equity investments (continued)


Opening This change Closing Closing

balance balance Impairmen

t reserve

Increase Investment Other Declaration

investment profit and comprehensiv of cash

loss e income dividend or

adjustment profit

CCCC Marine





Centre Co.,

Ltd 15,269,200 - 376,318 - - 15,645,518 -


Zhenhua Heavy




Paint Co.,

Ltd. 14,626,156 - 1,978,952 - (1,833,066) 14,772,042 -

CCCC Estate

Yixing Co.,

Ltd. 174,697,785 - 916,743 - - 175,614,528 -

CCCC Financing

Rental Co., 1,141,740,69 420,000,00 (32,400,000 1,605,244,85

Ltd.(i) 8 0 75,648,845 255,310 ) 3 -




Construction (4,347,559

USA Inc. 75,413,782 - ) 4,546,680 - 75,612,903 -

CCCC South


217 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)



SARL (ii) 114,321,76

- 0 - - - 114,321,760 -

1,421,747,62 534,321,76 (34,233,066 2,001,211,60

1 0 74,573,299 4,801,990 ) 4 -

218 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

13. Long-term equity investments (continued)


Opening This change Closing Closing

balance balance Impairment


Increase Investment Other Declaration

investment profit and comprehensive of cash

loss income dividend or

adjustment profit

CCCC Marine





Centre Co., Ltd 15,079,243 - 189,957 - - 15,269,200 -


Zhenhua Heavy




Paint Co., Ltd. 14,349,607 - 1,956,549 - (1,680,000) 14,626,156 -

CCCC Estate

Yixing Co.,

Ltd. 174,686,810 - 10,975 - - 174,697,785 -

CCCC Financing

Rental Co.,

Ltd.(i) 551,350,475 540,000,000 50,390,223 - - 1,141,740,698 -




USA Inc.(iii) - 76,206,000 (2,048,615) 1,256,397 - 75,413,782 -

755,466,135 616,206,000 50,499,089 1,256,397 (1,680,000) 1,421,747,621 -

(i) As of May 29, 2015, the Company increased the capital to CCCC Financial Rental Co.,

Ltd of RMB 540,000,000 Yuan. After the capital increased, the Group’s investment costs

219 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

to CCCC Financial Rental Co., Ltd increased to RMB 1,080,000,000 Yuan. The holding

proportion is the same, that is 30%. As of May 31, 2016, the Company increased the capital

to CCCC Financial Rental Co., Ltd of RMB 420,000,000 Yuan. After the capital increased,

the Group’s investment costs to CCCC Financial Rental Co., Ltd increased to RMB

1,500,000,000 Yuan. The holding proportion is the same, that is 30%.

220 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

13. Long-term equity investments (continued)

(ii) As of Dec. 15, 2016, the Company invested 16,480,000 USD (in RMB 114,321,760 Yuan)

to share CCCC South American Regional Company SARL. The registration capital is

103,000,000 USD, in RMB 114,321,760 Yuan, holding 16% of the share. The company focuses

on port construction business. Based on the regulations of the shareholder agreement,

the Company has the right to designate one director to that company and implement

significant impact to that company.

(iii) As of Oct. 8, 2015, the Company invested to establish China Communications

Construction USA Inc.. The registration capital is 50,000,000 USD, and the Company’s

investment is 12,000,000 USD, in RMB 76,206,000 Yuan, holding 24% of the share. The

company focuses on port construction business.

14. Investment property

Investment property measured at cost:


Premises and Land use right Total


Original book value

Opening balance 260,039,373 209,845,794 469,885,167

Fixed assets 137,781,316 - 137,781,316


Closing balance 397,820,689 209,845,794 607,666,483



Opening balance 63,874,113 44,838,246 108,712,359

Fixed assets 9,647,865 - 9,647,865

221 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


Provision or 10,601,341 5,324,667 15,926,008


Closing balance 84,123,319 50,162,913 134,286,232

Book value

222 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

14. Real estate as investment (continued)

Book value at the end 313,697,370 159,682,881 473,380,251

of year

Book value at the 196,165,260 165,007,548 361,172,808

beginning of year


Premises and Land use right Total


Original book value

Opening and closing 260,039,373 209,845,794 469,885,167




Opening balance 55,489,717 39,513,581 95,003,298

Provision or 8,384,396 5,324,665 13,709,061


Closing balance 63,874,113 44,838,246 108,712,359

Book value

Book value at the end 196,165,260 165,007,548 361,172,808

of year

Book value at the 204,549,656 170,332,213 374,881,869

beginning of year

223 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

14. Real estate as investment (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2016, real estate as investment of not completing the certificate of title

is as follows:

Book value Reasons for not completing

the certificate of title

House and building 284,337,357 Property application

procedures are still under


15. Fixed assets


Houses and Machinery Office Transportati Vessel Total

buildings equipment electroni on tools

c (except for

equipment vessel)


book value

Opening 11,616,605,3 6,773,564,9 230,069,1 263,556,659 7,044,013,0 25,927,809,1

balance 96 36 74 15 80

Purchase 151,768,037 35,813,084 16,754,53 25,392,444 96,717,619 326,445,719


Constructi 21,998,269 28,683,570 - - 299,120,833 349,802,672

on in





ut to

the (137,781,316 - - - - (137,781,316

224 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

investment ) )


Dispositio (1,607,253) (119,329,31 (5,728,31 (15,671,365) (9,995,664) (152,331,912

n or 6) 4) )


Closing 11,650,983,1 6,718,732,2 241,095,3 273,277,738 7,429,855,8 26,313,944,3

balance 33 74 95 03 43

225 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

15. Fixed assets (continued)

Accumulated depreciation

Opening 2,733,703,55 4,473,964,11 159,312,83 183,537,690 2,721,754,11 10,272,272,30

balance 0 2 5 7 4

Provision 381,944,729 428,237,329 17,429,109 16,885,021 324,332,721 1,168,828,909


t to

the (9,647,865) - - - - (9,647,865)



Disposition (481,275) (111,702,878 (5,448,937 (15,331,361 (7,326,920) (140,291,371)

or ) ) )


Closing 3,105,519,13 4,790,498,56 171,293,00 185,091,350 3,038,759,91 11,291,161,97

balance 9 3 7 8 7

Book value

Book value 8,545,463,99 1,928,233,71 69,802,388 88,186,388 4,391,095,88 15,022,782,36

at the end 4 1 5 6

of year

Book value 8,882,901,84 2,299,600,82 70,756,339 80,018,969 4,322,258,89 15,655,536,87

at the 6 4 8 6


of year


226 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

15. Fixed assets (continued)

Houses and Machinery Office Transportati Vessel Total

buildings equipment electronic on tools

equipment (except for



book value

Opening 11,604,062,9 7,619,840,7 224,037,85 299,095,591 5,787,470,5 25,534,507,7

balance 41 61 6 98 47

Purchase - 92,012,999 22,587,196 10,147,948 92,568,573 217,316,716

Constructi 22,188,417 79,192,802 348,905 806,376 1,163,973,8 1,266,510,34

on in 44 4




Projects in


transfer-i - (854,863,28 - - - (854,863,281

n this year 1) )

Dispositio (9,645,962) (162,618,34 (16,904,78 (46,493,256) - (235,662,346

n or 5) 3) )


Closing 11,616,605,3 6,773,564,9 230,069,17 263,556,659 7,044,013,0 25,927,809,1

balance 96 36 4 15 80





Opening 2,367,995,92 4,298,721,1 147,156,90 216,008,230 2,434,066,3 9,463,948,57

balance 8 60 7 53 8

227 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Provision 368,126,953 553,828,270 22,112,064 3,396,292 287,687,764 1,235,151,34


Projects in


transfer-i - (233,392,84 - - - (233,392,840

n this year 0) )

228 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

15. Fixed assets (continued)

Dispositio (2,419,331) (145,192,478 (9,956,136 (35,866,832 - (193,434,777)

n or ) ) )


Closing 2,733,703,55 4,473,964,11 159,312,83 183,537,690 2,721,754,11 10,272,272,30

balance 0 2 5 7 4

Book value

Book value 8,882,901,84 2,299,600,82 70,756,339 80,018,969 4,322,258,89 15,655,536,87

at the end 6 4 8 6

of year

Book value 9,236,067,01 3,321,119,60 76,880,949 83,087,361 3,353,404,24 16,070,559,16

at the 3 1 5 9


of year

As of Dec. 31, 2016,the fixed assets are regarded as loan mortgage:


Original price Book value Property Amount

Machinery 1,403,907,681 555,450,350 Long term 575,223,848

equipment payable

Vessel 2,532,724,844 1,882,864,040 Long term 1,507,146,538


3,936,632,525 2,438,314,390 2,082,370,386

As of Dec. 31, 2015,the fixed assets are regarded as loan mortgage:


Original price Book value Property Amount

229 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Machinery 688,768,652 542,853,378 Short term loan 500,000,000


230 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

15. Fixed assets (continued)

Vessel 1,050,416,521 1,036,238,241 Long term 779,232,000


1,739,185,173 1,579,091,619 1,279,232,000

As of Dec. 31, 2016 and Dec. 31, 2015, book value of the fixed assets for operating lease:

2016 2015

Vessel 1,882,864,040 1,036,238,241

As of Dec. 31, 2016, fixed assets status of not completing the certificate of title is

as follows:

Book value Reasons for not completing

the certificate of title

House and building 3,579,676,294 Property application

procedures are still under


16. Construction in progress

Dec. 31, 2016 Dec. 31, 2015

Booking Provision Booking Booking Provision Booking

balance for balance balance for balance

impairment impairment

Nantong base 53,892,601 - 53,892,601 29,440,311 - 29,440,311



Changxing base 16,743,055 - 16,743,055 32,251,760 - 32,251,760


231 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


232 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

16. Construction in progress (continued)

Base heavy 3,202,580,355 - 3,202,580,355 2,889,709,277 - 2,889,709,277

machinery and


equipment in


Office - - - 606,274 - 606,274

buildings and



Shield machine 55,402,134 - 55,402,134 - - -

parts project

Nanhui base 5,888,313 - 5,888,313 3,893,441 - 3,893,44






and upgrading 690,943,003 - 690,943,003 621,470,441 - 621,470,441


4,025,449,461 - 4,025,449,461 3,577,371,504 - 3,577,371,504

Changes of the important projects under construction in 2016 are as follows:

Budget Opening This Transfer-in Fixed assets Intangible Closing

balance increase of fixed transfer-in assets balance

assets this year transfer-in

this year

(note V.15) (note V.17)

Nantong base 6,465,698,0 29,440,311 28,515,986 - (4,063,696) - 53,892,601

infrastruct 00



233 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


234 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

16. Construction in progress (continued)

Changxing 8,645,540,0 32,251,760 6,100,428 - (21,609,133 - 16,743,055

base 00 )





Base heavy 3,916,155,8 2,889,709,2 639,000,626 - (322,437,12 (3,692,425) 3,202,580,3

machinery 61 77 3) 55



equipment in



Office 5,000,000 606,274 - - (606,274) - -





Shield 99,956,500 - 55,402,134 - - - 55,402,134




Nanhui base 504,500,500 3,893,441 1,994,872 - - - 5,888,313





Large 700,000,000 621,470,441 70,559,008 - (1,086,446) - 690,943,003



ion and



3,577,371,5 801,573,054 - (349,802,67 (3,692,425) 4,025,449,4

04 2) 61

235 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Changes of the important projects under construction in 2015 are as follows:

236 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

16. Construction in progress (continued)

Budget Opening This Transfer-i Fixed assets Intangible Closing

balance increase n of fixed transfer-in assets balance

assets this year transfer-in

this year

(note V.15) (note V.15) (note V.17)

Nantong base 6,465,698,0 22,012,970 20,262,621 - (12,835,280) - 29,440,311

infrastruct 00




Changxing 8,645,540,0 361,078,310 152,687,101 - (17,014,084) (464,499,56 32,251,760

base 00 7)





Base heavy 3,419,155,8 2,422,182,7 1,699,302,5 - (1,231,776,00 - 2,889,709,2

machinery 61 64 21 8) 77



equipment in



Office 5,000,000 355,140 5,136,106 - (4,884,972) - 606,274





Nanhui base 504,500,500 3,157,532 735,909 - - - 3,893,441









237 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

and 630,699,732 - - 621,470,41 - - 621,470,441

upgrading 1


Information 5,581,847 - 5,581,847 - - (5,581,847) -



2,808,786,7 1,883,706,1 621,470,44 (1,266,510,34 (470,081,41 3,577,371,5

16 05 1 4) 4) 04

238 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

16. Construction in progress (continued)

Changes of the important projects under construction in 2016 are as follows:

Proport Project Accumula Among Interest Financia

ion of progress tive which: capitali l

project (Note 1) amount interest zation sourcing

investm of capitali rate for

ent to interest zation the

budget capitali for the current

zation current year


99% 99% - - - Owned funds

and bank

Nantong base infrastructure



Changxing base infrastructure 82% 82% 23,531,836 - - Owned funds

construction and bank


Base heavy machinery and 87% 87% 96,492,705 - - Owned funds

engineering equipment in and bank

construction loans

Owned funds and bank loans

Office buildings and ancillary 100% 100% - - - Owned funds


Shield machine parts project 55% 55% 268,297 268,297 4.75% Bank loans

Nanhui base infrastructure 91% 91% - - - Owned funds


Large mechanical transformation

and upgrading project 99% 99% - - - Owned funds

120,292,83 268,297


239 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

16. Construction in progress (continued)

Proporti Project Accumula Among Interest Financia

on of progress tive which: capitali l

project (Note 1) amount interest zation sourcing

investme of capitali rate for

nt to interest zation the

budget capitali for the current

zation current year


Nantong base infrastructure 99% 99% - - - Owned funds


Changxing base infrastructure 82% 82% 23,531,836 - - Owned funds


Base heavy machinery and 82% 82% 96,492,705 - - Owned funds

engineering equipment in


engineering equipment in


Office buildings and ancillary 99% 99% - - - Owned funds


Nanhui base infrastructure 90% 90% - - - Owned funds


Large mechanical transformation

and upgrading project 0% 0% - - - Owned funds

Information system development 100% 100% - - - Owned funds

120,024,54 -


240 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

16. Construction in progress (continued)

Note 1: Project progress is estimated based on budget and accumulated input.

17. Intangible assets


Land use right Software usage fee Patent right Total

Original book


Opening balance 4,246,345,484 46,219,868 65,201,810 4,357,767,162

Construction in - 3,692,425 - 3,692,425



Purchase 16,129,485 2,206,555 - 18,336,040

Closing balance 4,262,474,969 52,118,848 65,201,810 4,379,795,627


amount of


Opening balance 467,548,195 33,094,826 37,686,275 538,329,296

Provision or 87,762,464 2,667,970 6,587,291 97,017,725


Closing balance 555,310,659 35,762,796 44,273,566 635,347,021

Book value

Book value at the 3,707,164,310 16,356,052 20,928,244 3,744,448,606

end of year

Book value at the 3,778,797,289 13,125,042 27,515,535 3,819,437,866

241 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

beginning of year

242 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

17. Intangible assets (continued)


Land use right Software usage Patent right Total


Original book


Opening balance 3,781,845,917 38,176,745 65,201,810 3,885,224,472

Projects in 464,499,567 5,581,847 470,081,414


Purchase - 2,461,276 - 2,461,276

Closing balance 4,246,345,484 46,219,868 65,201,810 4,357,767,162


amount of


Opening balance 381,984,998 31,798,450 31,098,984 444,882,432

Provision or 85,563,197 1,296,376 6,587,291 93,446,864


Closing balance 467,548,195 33,094,826 37,686,275 538,329,296

Book value

Book value at 3,778,797,289 13,125,042 27,515,535 3,819,437,866

the end of year

Book value at 3,399,860,919 6,378,295 34,102,826 3,440,342,040

the beginning of


243 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

17. Intangible assets (continued)

In 2016, the Group totally expended RMB 851,544,356 Yuan on R&D (2015:717,412,492 Yuan,

see Note V (48)).The expenses are not capitalized. Above mentioned intangible assets

do not include any expenditure on R&D.

As of Dec. 31, 2016, there is no mortgage of the loan in the intangible assets.

As of Dec. 31, 2016, intangible assets of not completing the certificate of title is

as follows:

Book value Reasons for not completing

the certificate of title

Land use rights 463,005,986 Property application

procedures are still under


18. Goodwill


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Shanghai 149,212,956 - - 149,212,956

Zhenhua Heavy


Qidong Marine

Co., Ltd


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Shanghai 149,212,956 - - 149,212,956

Zhenhua Heavy


244 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Qidong Marine

Co., Ltd

245 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

18. Goodwill (continued)

The goodwill added in report period is caused by purchase shares of Shanghai Zhenhua

Heavy Industries Qidong Ocean Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2014.

As of Dec, 31, 2016, the Group did not accrue the goodwill impairment preparation. In

impairment testing, the book value of the goodwill is allocated to asset group benefited

from synergistic effect of expected enterprise consolidation.

The collectable amount in assets group is measured based on five-year period approved

by management and in cash flow forecast method. Cash flow over 5-year period is calculated

based on estimated growth rate.

Key hypotheses of future cash flow discount method:

Growth rate in predictive period 7.41%-12.50%

Sustainable growth rate 3%

Gross profit rate 11.75%-13.70%

Discount rate 11%

The weighted average growth rate adopted by management is in accordance with the forecast

data in industrial report and does not exceed the industrial long-term average growth

rate. The management determines gross rate according to forecast to historical

experience and market development and adopts pre tax rate which can reflect related

assets group with specific risks as discount rate. Above hypothesis is used to analyze

collectable amount of assets group.

19. Long-term unamortized expenses


246 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

19. Long-term unamortized expenses (continued)

Opening Addition Deduction Other Closing

balance report year report year decrease balance

Fixed assets 4,592,043 9,545,510 (3,256,290) - 10,881,263





Opening Addition Deduction Other Closing

balance report year report year decrease balance

Fixed assets - 4,604,044 (12,001) - 4,592,043




20. Deferred corporate tax assets and liabilities

Deferred corporate tax assets before offset

2016 2015

Deductible Deferred Deductible Deferred

temporary corporate tax temporary corporate tax

difference and assets difference and assets

losses losses

Assets 3,034,109,090 455,116,363 2,071,800,834 310,888,702



Profit not 141,961,692 22,041,889 - -

realized in

247 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)



Expected 285,223,845 42,783,577 214,619,364 32,339,037


248 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

20. Deferred corporate tax assets and liabilities (continued)

Salaries and wages 27,802,006 4,170,301 286,998,209 43,049,731


Unpaid interest 128,368,841 19,255,326 274,442,941 41,166,441

Fair value change

that the financial

debts are measured

at fair value

change with its

change accounted in

current profit and

loss - - 24,918,115 3,772,318

Fair value changes - - 96,571,793 15,934,346



financial assets

Deferred income 47,536,247 7,130,437 53,508,679 12,307,170

Deductible deficit 6,815,216 1,022,282 123,919,655 18,918,211

3,671,816,937 551,520,175 3,146,779,590 478,375,956

Deferred corporate tax liabilities before offset:

Tax payable Tax payable Tax payable Tax payable

provisional corporate tax provisional corporate tax

difference liabilities difference liabilities

Fixed assets 409,482,226 74,116,286 359,472,141 59,312,902

249 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


250 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

20. Deferred corporate tax assets and liabilities (continued)

Fair value change

that the financial

debts are measured

at fair value

change with its

change accounted in

current profit and

loss 4,615,775 692,369 676,082 108,672

Fair value changes



financial assets 332,937,152 50,495,661 328,113,620 49,370,483

Asset evaluation

increment from

enterprise merger

not under the same

control 166,224,963 24,933,745 177,210,567 26,581,585

913,260,116 150,238,061 865,472,410 135,373,642

Net value of deferred corporate tax assets and deferred corporate tax liabilities after


2016 2015

Deferred Deferred Deferred Deferred

corporate tax corporate tax corporate tax corporate tax

assets and assets and assets and assets and

liabilities liabilities liabilities liabilities

closing offset closing balance closing offset closing balance

amount after offset amount after offset

251 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


corporate tax

assets 46,073,488 505,446,687 65,330,657 413,045,299


corporate tax

liabilities 46,073,488 104,164,573 65,330,657 70,042,985

252 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

20. Deferred corporate tax assets and liabilities (continued)

Details of unacknowledged deferred corporate tax assets:

2016 2015

Deductible deficit 1,276,126,566 1,352,502,582

Deductible loss of unacknowledged deferred corporate tax assets will be mature in the

year as follows:

2016 2015

2016 - 132,359,784

2017 185,000,368 239,989,509

2018 262,745,183 262,745,183

2019 341,404,744 341,568,548

2020 373,462,715 375,839,558

2021 113,513,556 -

1,276,126,566 1,352,502,582

21. Assets impairment provision


Opening This This decrease Closing

balance provision balance

transfer-back Reseller/cancel



Provision 1,164,911,298 219,476,506 (4,997,815) (1,838,664) 1,377,551,325

253 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

for bad


254 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

21. Assets impairment provision (continued)

In which: 1,136,848,7 1,339,875,9

Receivables 61 209,863,641 (4,997,815) (1,838,664) 23


receivables 28,062,537 9,612,865 - - 37,675,402

Expected (186,569,70 (154,449,19

contract loss 403,444,523 389,393,155 6) 8) 451,818,774


falling price (93,122,078 (94,388,087 1,277,578,8

reserves 568,152,935 896,936,113 ) ) 83

Provision for

impairment of

financial assets


le 30,000,000 - - - 30,000,000

2,166,508,7 1,505,805,7 (284,689,59 (250,675,94 3,136,948,9

56 74 9) 9) 82


Opening This This decrease Closing

balance provision balance

transfer-back Reseller/cancel




for bad

debts 885,276,541 289,433,716 9,798,959 1,164,911,298

255 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

In which:

Receivables 858,128,277 287,019,897 (8,299,413) - 1,136,848,761


receivables 27,148,264 2,413,819 (1,499,546) - 28,062,537

256 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

21. Assets impairment provision (continued)

Expected 304,907,62 (214,481,04

contract loss 313,017,945 4 - 6) 403,444,523


falling price 158,448,21 (105,599,39

reserves 515,304,117 6 8) - 568,152,935

Provision for

impairment of

financial assets


le 30,000,000 - - - 30,000,000

1,743,598,6 752,789,55 (115,398,35 (214,481,04 2,166,508,7

03 6 7) 6) 56

22. Short term loans

2016 2015

Pledged loans(i) 4,390,096 -

Mortgage loans(ii) 2,863,171,000 2,842,115,536

Guaranteed loans(iii) - 500,000,000

Credit loans 18,618,358,297 14,874,812,954

21,485,919,393 18,216,928,490

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the annual interest rate of the above loans is from 0.81% - 5.65%,

(Dec. 31, 2015: 1.12% - 6.00%).

(i). As of Dec. 31, 2016, RMB 4,390,096 Yuan (Dec. 31, 2015: none) of bank pledged loan

is the bank acceptance bill discount, see Note V (3).

257 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(ii). As of Dec. 31, 2016, bank guarantee loan USD 191,500,000 in RMB1,328,435,500 Yuan

(Dec. 31, 2015: USD 207,260,000, in RMB 1,345,863,536Yuan), is the bank loan by the

Company’s subsidiary guaranteed with the letters of guarantee issued, within the credit

lines awarded to the Company.

As of Dec. 31, 2016, bank guarantee loan USD 91,500,000, in RMB634,735,500 Yuan (Dec.

31, 2015: USD 195,000,000, in RMB 1,266,252,000Yuan), is the bank loan of the Company’s

subsidiary, guaranteed by the Company, and the Company will provide the credit guarantee.

258 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

22. Short term loans (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the bank guarantee loan of 900,000,000 Yuan is the loan borrowed

from the subsidiary, and the Company provides the guarantee (Dec. 31,2015: 230,000,000

Yuan is the loan borrowed from the subsidiary, and the Company provides the credit


(iii). As of Dec. 31, 2015, the bank mortgage loan of 500,000,000 Yuan is obtained by

mechanical equipment with book value of 542,853,378 Yuan (Original price of688,768,65

Yuan) (Note V (15)) selling to CCCC Financial Rental Co., Ltd and bank in way of rental

after sales. The loan term is 1 year. The loan has been paid back on Dec. 6, 2016.

23. Measured at fair value and the changes are recorded into the profits and losses of

the current financial liabilities

2016 2015

Trading financial


Financial derivative assets - 24,918,115

24. Notes payable

2016 2015

Bank acceptance draft 1,905,121,706 1,785,201,236

25. Accounts payable

2016 2015

Material purchase and 4,853,217,936 5,221,670,634

product manufacturing


Equipment purchase payables 121,413,650 136,011,638

Infrastructure building 86,257,192 73,171,633

259 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


Retention payables 37,826,248 34,726,344

Port use payables 4,303,871 5,560,773

5,103,018,897 5,471,141,022

260 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

25. Accounts payable (continued)

Accounts payable analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Amount Proportion in Amount Proportion in

total total

Within one year 3,749,654,509 73% 4,233,618,165 77%

Above one year 1,353,364,388 27% 1,237,522,857 23%

5,103,018,897 100% 5,471,141,022 100%

By Dec. 31, 2016, accounts payable aging above 1 year mainly being payables of imported


26. Prepayment received

2016 2015

Goods sale prepayment 292,941,206 423,603,129


Prepayment received analyzed by age:

Dec. 31, 2016 Dec. 31, 2015

Amount Proportion in Amount Proportion in

total total

Within one year 268,730,790 92% 348,798,640 82%

Above one year 24,210,416 8% 74,804,489 18%

292,941,206 100% 423,603,129 100%

By Dec. 31, 2016, accounts payable aging above 1 year mainly being payables of hull

261 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

construction payments and spare parts payments received in advance that has not been

settled yet.

262 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

27. Salary payable

2016 2015

Short-term pay 263,414,249 256,306,845

Welfare after resignation - 1,135,507 1,515,765

defined drawing plan

264,549,756 257,822,610

Short-term pay listing:


Opening balance in Addition report Deduction report Closing balance in

current year period year current year

Salary, bonus,

allowance and

subsidy 222,647,867 1,223,482,995 (1,217,155,923) 228,974,939

Staff welfare - 24,847,047 (24,847,047) -

Social security 747,129 123,657,388 (123,783,841) 620,676


medical insurance 614,763 104,976,902 (105,076,510) 515,155

Labor injury fund 98,397 8,787,233 (8,812,499) 73,131

Birth insurance 33,969 9,893,253 (9,894,832) 32,390

Housing fund 435,294 113,233,900 (113,205,494) 463,700

Labor union fund

and staff


expenditure 32,476,555 19,136,815 (18,258,436) 33,354,934

Others - 8,424,852 (8,424,852) -

263 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

256,306,845 1,512,782,997 (1,505,675,593) 263,414,249

264 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

27. Salary payable (continued)


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Salary, bonus,

allowance and

subsidy 210,975,170 1,147,483,869 (1,135,811,172) 222,647,867

Staff welfare - 31,565,042 (31,565,042) -

Social security 928,094 112,537,032 (112,717,997) 747,129



insurance 757,763 95,224,571 (95,367,571) 614,763

Labor injury

fund 111,984 9,306,893 (9,320,480) 98,397

Birth insurance 58,347 8,005,568 (8,029,946) 33,969

Housing fund 512,785 97,350,291 (97,427,782) 435,294

Labor union fund

and staff


expenditure 31,121,189 16,234,764 (14,879,398) 32,476,555

Others 188,225 11,997,705 (12,185,930) -

243,725,463 1,417,168,703 (1,404,587,321) 256,306,845

Listings of setting drawing plan:

265 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

27. Salary payable (continued)


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Basic pension 1,429,703 216,311,014 (216,661,564) 1,079,153


Unemployment - 48,394,936 (48,394,936) -



Enterprise’s 86,062 11,665,639 (11,695,347) 56,354

annuity payment

1,515,765 276,371,589 (276,751,847) 1,135,507


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Basic pension 1,719,925 194,575,647 (194,865,869) 1,429,703


Unemployment - 66,460,214 (66,460,214) -



Enterprise’s 117,547 13,541,199 (13,572,684) 86,062

annuity payment

1,837,472 274,577,060 (274,898,767) 1,515,765

266 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

28. Taxes and charges payable

2016 2015

VAT 72,920,316 36,379,940

Business tax - 105,775,332

Corporate income tax 142,223,431 46,989,244

Individual income tax 4,734,973 4,664,656

Urban maintenance and 2,720,271 8,832,871

construction tax

Educational surtax 2,561,018 6,664,267

Others 25,840,715 42,244,696

251,000,724 251,551,006

29. Interest payable

2016 2015

Interest on corporate bond 61,068,417 197,867,828

Interest on loan payable 79,127,386 91,722,905

140,195,803 289,590,733

30. Dividends payable

2016 2015

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 25,079,494 25,079,494


CHUWA BUSSAN company limited 6,269,873 6,269,873

267 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

268 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

30. Dividends payable (continued)

Hong Kong Zhenhua 346,005 346,005

Engineering Co., Ltd

Macau Zhenhua Harbor 6,593 6,593

Engineering Co., Ltd

China Communications - 502,283


Access Engineering Plc. - 33,664

31,701,965 32,237,912

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the dividends payable over one 1 year is RMB 31,701,965 Yuan (Dec.

31, 2015: RMB 542,540 Yuan) is the Group actual payments that the minority shareholders

of related party’s required.

31. Other payables

2016 2015

Related parties loans 523,000,000 1,118,000,000

Construction deposit 278,510,650 205,692,211

CCCC investment payment(i) 100,971,833 100,971,833

Related parties payables 308,637,187 50,158,344

Tax to be carried forward - 25,997,127

Others 14,015,758 103,703,871

1,225,135,428 1,604,523,386

(i). The Group completed the cancellation of a subsidiary during the year 2011.The

balance of 25,971,833 Yuan shall be accounted into the payable by the Group attributable

269 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

to shareholders of the subsidiary of another CCCC liquidation of the investment;

meanwhile, the Group completed the acquisition of subsidiary of CCC in 2015. The balance

of 75,000,000 Yuan is the payment of the Group to CCC.

270 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

31. Other payables (continued)

Other accounts payable analyzed by age:

Dec. 31, 2016 Dec. 31, 2015

Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

Within one year 978,705,261 80% 1,468,169,962 92%

Above one year 246,430,167 20% 136,353,424 8%

1,225,135,428 100% 1,604,523,386 100%

As of Dec. 31, 2016, other payables aged over one year mainly payables to related parties,

deposits to outsourced construction team and quality guarantee deposit received.

32. Non-current liabilities due within one year

2016 2015

Less: long-term loan within 270,000,000 2,977,796,000

one year (Note V.34)

Less: bonds payable due - 3,799,949,635

within 1 year

Non-current liabilities due 529,574,356 59,370,057

within one year (Note V.35)

799,574,356 6,837,115,692

Bonds payable

Approved by the Z.S.X.Z. (2011) MTN25 Document “Acceptance Notice of the National

Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors” of National Association of

Financial Market Institutional Investors, the Company issued a medium - term note of

RMB 3,800, 000.00 Yuan on February 24, 2011. The term of this medium - term note is 5

years, and the annual interest rate is 5. 85% each year. The bond issue costs are paid

annually. The bond has no collateral or security and is fully repaid in February 2016.

271 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

As of December 31, 2016, the balance of bonds payable is as follows:

272 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

32. Non-current liabilities due within one year (continued)

Total face Issue cost Opening Amortization This repayment Closing

value balance of this year's balance

issuance cost

Issued in 2011

Note of first 3,800,000,000 (56,450,000) 3,799,949,635 50,365 (3,800,000,00 -

mid-term 0)

As of December 31, 2015, the balance of bonds payable is as follows:

Total face Issue cost Opening Amortization This repayment Closing

value balance of this year's balance

issuance cost

Issued in 2011

Note of first 3,800,000,000 (56,450,000) 3,799,615,401 (11,400,000) 11,734,234 3,799,949,635


33. Other current liabilities

2016 2015

Short-term financing 1,998,695,891 -

securities of the first term

of 2016

Super short-term financing 1,997,329,444 -

securities of the first term

of 2016

Short-term financing - 1,995,655,739

securities of the first term

of 2015

3,996,025,335 1,995,655,739

273 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Related detail of short-term bonds payable is as follow:

274 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

33. Other current liabilities (continued)

Face value Issue cost Amortization of December 31,

issue cost 2016

Issued in 2016

Short-term 2,000,000,000 (4,000,000) 2,695,891 1,998,695,891


securities of

the first term

Super 2,000,000,000 (3,450,000) 779,444 1,997,329,444



securities of

the first term

Face value Issue cost Amortization of December 31,

issue cost 2015

Issued in 2015

Short-term 2,000,000,000 (5,000,000) 655,739 1,995,655,739


securities of

the first term

As approved by the No.CP47925 "China Inter-bank Market Dealers Association File

Receiving Registration Notice" issued by China inter-bank market dealers association

in the City Association (2014) , the Company can issue registered amount of RMB

5,000,000,000Yuan short-term financing bonds, the registered amount shall be valid for

2 years from Dec. 3, 2014.

As approved by the No.SCP321 "China Inter-bank Market Dealers Association File Receiving

Registration Notice" issued by China inter-bank market dealers association in the City

275 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Association (2016) , the Company can issue registered amount of RMB 10,000,000,000Yuan

super short-term financing bonds, the registered amount shall be valid for 2 years from

Oct. 19, 2016.

The Company issued RMB 2,000,000,000 Yuan short-term financing bonds on Nov. 11, 2015,

the note term is 1 year, and the fixed annual interest is 3.5%, capital with interest

shall be repaid at one time at maturity. The short term financing bonds has been expired

in November 2016 and has been paid up.

276 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

33. Other current liabilities (continued)

The Company issued RMB 2,000,000,000 Yuan short-term financing bonds of the first term

on April 28, 2016, the note term is 1 year, and the annual interest of face value is

3.7%, capital with interest shall be repaid at one time on April 29, 2017.

The Company issued RMB 2,000,000,000 Yuan super short-term financing bonds of the first

term on Oct. 28, 2016.The note term is 270 days, and the annual interest of face value

is 3.2%, capital with interest shall be repaid at one time on Friday, July 28, 2017.

The bonds above have no mortgage or security.

34. Long term loans

2016 2015

Credit loans 3,121,485,497 2,492,700,000

Mortgage loans(i) 346,850,000 60,000,000

Pledged loans(ii) 727,000,000 2,187,000,000

4,195,335,497 4,739,700,000

Less: long-term loan within

one year

Guaranteed loans - (60,000,000)

Credit loans - (1,714,296,000)

Mortgage loans (270,000,000) (1,203,500,000)

(270,000,000) (2,977,796,000)

3,925,335,497 1,761,904,000

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the annual interest rate of the above loans is from 1.20% - 6.89%,

(Dec. 31, 2015: 1.20% - 6.91%).

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the bank guarantee loan of 346,850,000 Yuan is the loan borrowed

277 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

from the subsidiary, and the Company provides the guarantee. The interest is paid

quarterly; the principal shall be paid on July 27, 2018.

278 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

34. Long term loans (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2015, the bank guarantee loan of 60,000,000 Yuan is the loan borrowed

from the subsidiary, and the Company’s related company (CCCC Tianjin Waterway Bureau

Co., Ltd.) provides the guarantee. The interest is paid quarterly, the principal shall

be paid on Feb. 22, 2016 and August 22, 2016.

(ii). As of Dec. 31, 2016, multiple pledge loans of the bank is 727,000,000 Yuan (Dec.

31, 2015: RMB 2,187,000,000 Yuan) in total as pledge of the wholly-owned subsidiary of

the Group - Nanjing Ninggao New Channel Construction Co., Ltd. “construction-transfer”

project long-term receivable in whole amount (Note V (12)).The interest is paid quarterly,

the principal shall be paid between June 21, 2017 and Nov. 25, 2018 (Dec 31, 2015: the

principal shall be paid between June 21, 2016 and Nov. 25, 2018).

35. Long-term payable

2016 2015

Sale-leaseback financing 2,082,370,386 779,232,000


“Construction-transfer” 65,565,134 -

project funds(ii)

Less: sale-leaseback (529,574,356) (59,370,057)

financing funds due within

one year (Note V.32)

1,618,361,164 719,861,943

(i). As of Dec. 31, 2016, the long-term payable of RMB 2,082,370,386 Yuan (Dec. 31, 2015:

779,232,000) is obtained by vessel with book value of RMB 1,882,864,040 Yuan (Dec. 31,

2015: RMB 1,036,238,241 Yuan) (Note V (15)) and the mechanical equipment with book value

of RMB 555,450,350 Yuan (Dec. 31, 2015: None (Note V (15)) selling to financing lease

company and bank in way of rental after sales. The financing term is 4 to 6 years (Dec.

31, 2015: 6 years).The Group pays the sale-leaseback financing funds to financing lease

company every year on schedule in accordance with the Contract terms. The Group will

take the trade as the mortgage loan.

279 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(ii). The Company’s subsidiary and the Construction Party of “construction-transfer”

project construction agreed that part of the project payments will be paid to the

Construction Party after the final acceptance of the “construction-transfer” project

within a certain term. The Group expects that the above “Construction-transfer” project

funds will be paid in 2019.

280 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

36. Estimated liabilities


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Estimated 216,306,557 235,780,889 (161,871,330) 290,216,116


service cost

Product quality 1,176,471 - (934,954) 241,517


Others 2,658,150 - - 2,658,150

220,141,178 235,780,889 (162,806,284) 293,115,783


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Estimated 200,563,933 183,742,973 (168,000,349) 216,306,557


service cost

Product quality 2,466,240 306,368 (1,596,137) 1,176,471


Pending 5,725,890 - (5,725,890) -

litigation or


Others 3,488,353 - (830,203) 2,658,150

212,244,416 184,049,341 (176,152,579) 220,141,178

37. Deferred income

281 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


282 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)

Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Government 323,237,563 70,020,819 (22,478,059) 370,780,323


Land 82,188,384 - (1,932,683) 80,255,701


405,425,947 70,020,819 (24,410,742) 451,036,024


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Government 256,227,380 115,204,307 (48,194,124) 323,237,563


Land 84,120,528 - (1,932,144) 82,188,384


340,347,908 115,204,307 (50,126,268) 405,425,947

As of December 31, 2016, the liabilities projects involved government grants are as


Opening New Amounts Other Closing

balance subsidies of included in changes balance

the current non-operating

period income in the




283 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


Lifting cable 92,500,000 - - - 92,500,000

layout vessel

R&D project

284 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)


pipeline laying

R&D project 43,125,500 - (2,000,000) - 41,125,500

Automated dock

R&D project 25,620,000 - - - 25,620,000

Floating crane

R&D project 19,510,000 - - - 19,510,000


equipment for

container yard 5,985,000 12,600,000 - (640,000) 17,945,000

Research project

of deep water

drilling ship and


equipment 5,360,000 9,500,000 - - 14,860,000

50000 ton


ship R&D projects 14,000,000 - - - 14,000,000




project 13,650,000 3,040,000 - (3,880,000) 12,810,000



system R&D

project 8,000,000 2,000,000 - - 10,000,000

285 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)



of intelligent


for marine 5,300,000 4,700,000 - - 10,000,000





equipment R&D 7,000,000 3,000,000 - (792,000) 9,208,000




system R&D

project 10,250,000 - (1,057,661) - 9,192,339


package R&D

project 8,000,000 400,000 - - 8,400,000





R&D project - 8,000,000 - - 8,000,000

Nantong Drive

R&D projects 17,900,000 - (10,700,000) - 7,200,000

286 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)



system of

Automatic Guided

Vehicle (AGV) - 6,000,000 - - 6,000,000

CCC DCM ship



project - 7,000,000 (1,093,750) - 5,906,250

Development and


of large deep

water crane piping

ship 5,340,000 232,000 - - 5,572,000


platform central

control system - 3,500,000 - - 3,500,000

Special gear shaft

for port machinery



production line - 3,200,000 - (640,000) 2,560,000




traction bridge

crane - 2,030,000 - (586,000) 1,444,000

287 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)

Other R&D

projects 41,697,063 4,818,819 (960,751) (127,897) 45,427,234

Other R&D

projects 323,237,563 70,020,819 (15,812,162) (6,665,897) 370,780,323

As of December 31, 2015, the liabilities projects involved government grants are as


Opening New Amounts Other Closing

balance subsidies of included in changes balance

the current non-operating

period income in the





Lifting cable

layout vessel

R&D project 94,050,000 - - (1,550,000) 92,500,000



laying R&D

project 23,901,800 25,100,000 - (5,876,300) 43,125,500


dock R&D

project 21,900,000 4,320,000 - (600,000) 25,620,000


crane R&D

project 19,510,000 - - - 19,510,000

288 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Nantong Drive

R&D projects 8,700,000 9,200,000 - - 17,900,000

289 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)

50000 ton


ship R&D projects - 14,000,000 - - 14,000,000




project 13,850,000 - (200,000) - 13,650,000




system R&D

project 10,250,000 - - - 10,250,000



system R&D

project 8,000,000 - - - 8,000,000

Drilling package

R&D project 8,000,000 - - - 8,000,000

Large underwater


system equipment

R&D - 7,000,000 - - 7,000,000


equipment for

container yard - 7,200,000 - (1,215,000) 5,985,000

290 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

37. Deferred income (continued)

Research project

of deep water

drilling ship and

related equipment - 16,000,000 - (10,640,000) 5,360,000

Development and


of large deep

water crane piping

ship 5,340,000 - - - 5,340,000



of intelligent

manufacturing for

marine - 10,000,000 - (4,700,000) 5,300,000

Other R&D projects 42,725,580 22,384,307 (21,569,924) (1,842,900) 41,697,063

256,227,380 115,204,307 (21,769,924) (26,424,200) 323,237,563

The above-mentioned government subsidy is related to the income.

Other changes in this year are the research and development subsidies allocated to the

partners under the cooperative R & D agreement.

Land compensation funds shall be compensated by the Company’s subsidiaries. The amount

of compensation shall be amortized on average for 50 years.

38. Other non-current liabilities

2016 2015

Stay - recognition tax 56,025,416 -

291 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

38. Other non-current liabilities (continued)

During the “Construction - Transfer” project, the Group adopts the construction contract

to calculate its income. At the date of the balance sheet, the income of part of the

construction contract and interest income have not reached the time point of the value

- added tax obligation. The end - of - term credit balance of such accounting items as

“tax for tax payable - to - transferred output tax” shall be classified by the “tax payable”

to “other non - current liabilities” in the balance sheet at the end of 2016 in, accordance

with the requirements of “Provisions on Treatment of Value - added Tax Accounting” in

2016 (according to the Accounting Regulations 2016).

39. Capital stock


Opening Change in this year Closing

balance balance

issuing stock Accumulation Other subtotal

new dividend fund turn add



shares sold


-RMB 2,768,331,384 - - - - - 2,768,331,384



- Foreign 1,621,963,200 - - - - - 1,621,963,200


4,390,294,584 - - - - - 4,390,294,584


Opening Change in this year Closing

balance balance

292 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

issuing stock Accumulation Other subtotal

new shares dividend fund turn add

293 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

39. Capital stock (continued)





-RMB 2,768,331,384 - - - - - 2,768,331,384



-Foreign 1,621,963,200 - - - - - 1,621,963,200


4,390,294,584 - - - - - 4,390,294,584

40. Capital reserve


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Capital stock 5,415,833,470 - - 5,415,833,470


Other capital


-Business (16,203,111) - - (16,203,111)


under Common


-Purchasing of (711,345) - - (711,345)


interest of


294 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

-Transfer-in of 128,059,561 - - 128,059,561

capital reserve

5,526,978,575 - - 5,526,978,575

295 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

40. Capital reserve (continued)


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Capital stock 5,415,833,470 - - 5,415,833,470


Other capital


-Business 195,060,000 - (211,263,111) (16,203,111)


under Common


-Purchasing of (711,345) - - (711,345)


interest of


-Transfer-in of 128,059,561 - - 128,059,561

capital reserve

5,738,241,686 - (211,263,111) 5,526,978,575

41. Other comprehensive income

Accumulative balance of other comprehensive income attributable to the parent company

in the balance sheet:

296 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

41. Other comprehensive income (continued)

January 1 Change December 31, Change December 31

2015 2015 2016



income that

will be


into gains and



-Portion of - 1,256,397 1,256,397 4,801,990 6,058,387



income to be


as profit or

loss under

equity method

-Fair value 321,642,049 (123,536,363) 198,105,686 84,335,801 282,441,487

change profit

or loss of



available for


-Converted (2,102,007) 10,400,161 8,298,154 25,605,643 33,903,797

difference in



297 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


319,540,042 (111,879,805) 207,660,237 114,743,434 322,403,671

298 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

41. Other comprehensive income (continued)

Amount incurred by other comprehensive income in the income statement:


Amount Less: it was Less:income Parent Minority

incurred included in stockholder's


before tax comprehensive tax company interest

income at prior


and was


into profit and

loss at current




income that

will be


into gains and



-Portion of



income to be


as profit or

loss under

equity method

Fair value 4,801,990 - - 4,801,990 -

change profit

or loss of

299 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)



available for


300 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

41. Other comprehensive income (continued)

-Fair value 101,395,326 - 17,059,525 84,335,801 -

change profit

or loss of



available for


-Converted 33,370,647 - - 25,605,643 7,765,004

difference in




139,567,963 - 17,059,525 114,743,434 7,765,004


Amount Less: it was Less:income Parent Minority

incurred included in stockholder's


before tax comprehensive tax company interest

income at prior


and was


into profit and

loss at current




income that

will be


301 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

into gains and



302 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

41. Other comprehensive income (continued)

-Portion of



income to be


as profit or

loss under

equity method

Fair value 1,256,397 - - 1,256,397 -

change profit

or loss of



available for


Fair value 280,878,768 363,049,437 41,365,694 (123,536,363) -

change profit

or loss of



available for


-Converted 15,709,264 - - 10,400,161 5,309,103

difference in




297,844,429 363,049,437 41,365,694 (111,879,805) 5,309,103

42. Specialized reserve


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

in current year period report year in current year

Safety - 26,851,099 (26,851,099) -



According to the relevant requirements of the “Administrative Measures for the

Extraction and Use of Safety in Production of Enterprises”, enterprises engaged in large

- scale machinery manufacture, construction engineering construction, etc., shall draw

safe production costs according to the standards. Increase and decrease the safety

production cost of this year in accordance with relevant requirements.

304 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

43. Surplus reserve


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Surplus 1,283,722,118 27,022,196 - 1,310,744,314


Other surplus 292,378,668 - - 292,378,668


1,576,100,786 27,022,196 - 1,603,122,982


Opening balance Addition report Deduction Closing balance

in current year period report year in current year

Surplus 1,262,227,357 21,494,761 - 1,283,722,118


Other surplus 292,378,668 - - 292,378,668


1,554,606,025 21,494,761 - 1,576,100,786

According to P. R. China Company Law, the Company’s Article of Association and board

meeting decisions, the Company accrues 10% of its net profit as statutory surplus reserve.

When statutory surplus reserve accumulated reached50% of the Capital stock, the Company

can stop accruing. Statutory surplus reserve can be used to compensate loss upon approval,

or to increase Capital stock. The Company′s statutory surplus reserve is RMB 27,022,196

Yuan in 2016(2015: RMB 21,494,761 Yuan).

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

44. Undistributed profit

2016 2015

Undistributed profit at 3,168,538,701 2,987,813,174

beginning of the period

Net profit attributable to 212,419,946 212,411,967

parent company

Less: statutory surplus (27,022,196) (21,494,761)


Common stock dividends - (10,191,679)


Undistributed profit at end 3,353,936,451 3,168,538,701

of the period

45. Operating income and operating cost

2016 2015

Income Cost Income Cost

Main operations 24,143,396,762 19,525,829,470 23,014,315,324 19,473,230,285

Other 204,691,166 201,834,405 258,079,353 244,084,570


24,348,087,928 19,727,663,875 23,272,394,677 19,717,314,855

Major operating income and operating cost are listed as follows:

306 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

45. Operating income and operating cost (continued)

2016 2015

Major operating Major operating Major operating Major operating

income cost income cost

Container 17,082,391,036 13,067,811,357 14,994,515,929 12,039,998,425


Bulk machinery 3,154,983,915 3,054,772,000 2,013,370,826 1,862,388,384

Heavy equipment 1,284,872,909 1,279,775,256 3,985,411,881 3,950,151,042

Steel 1,035,829,290 938,105,979 826,175,120 796,465,278

structures and

related income

“Construction – 1,005,087,825 1,019,082,565 514,064,790 447,701,799

transfer” Item

Vessel shipping 580,231,787 166,282,313 680,776,778 376,525,357

and others

24,143,396,762 19,525,829,470 23,014,315,324 19,473,230,285

Other operating income and other operating cost

2016 2015

Other operating Other operating Other operating Other operating

income cost income cost

Sales of 81,273,472 139,919,381 132,403,534 146,110,137


Equipment 123,417,694 61,915,024 125,675,819 97,974,433

leasing and

307 / 507

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Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)


204,691,166 201,834,405 258,079,353 244,084,570

308 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

46. Business taxes and surcharges

2016 2015

Business tax 47,494,080 10,974,073

Urban maintenance and 15,645,413 6,074,911

construction tax

Educational surtax 12,504,639 5,496,235

House property tax 48,028,255 -

Land use tax 16,874,815 -

Stamp tax 9,661,367 -

Others 1,967,268 2,004,960

152,175,837 24,550,179

47. Selling expenses

2016 2015

Employee remuneration 53,604,675 44,644,978


Travel expenses 24,261,692 22,084,463

Office expenses 5,063,286 3,739,877

Sales service expenses 3,561,444 285,529

Exhibition expenses 2,866,724 2,176,378

Tender expenses 1,582,134 1,797,466

Advert expenses 1,370,622 1,651,244

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

310 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Maintenance costs 574,737 179,725

(including materials)

Fixed assets depreciation 135,265 135,960

Others 7,415,199 2,693,123

100,435,778 79,388,743

48. Administrative expenses

2016 2015

R&D expenses 851,544,356 717,412,492

Employee remuneration 435,509,342 344,563,366


Intangible assets 97,017,725 93,446,864


Expenses on employing 76,540,843 54,836,758


Fixed assets depreciation 73,752,507 67,811,262

Office expenses 43,843,424 43,037,316

Taxes 39,216,370 109,946,415

Travel expenses 21,821,209 16,708,445

Consulting fees 18,030,885 5,869,779

Business entertainment 15,921,003 14,853,947


Informatization expenses 13,574,204 10,445,654

311 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Insurance expenses 7,865,652 8,582,832

Maintenance expense 6,483,287 3,626,881

(To be continued)

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

48. Administrative expenses (continued)

(Continued) 2016 2015

Conference expenses 1,723,476 1,589,710

Others 56,188,463 58,490,843

1,759,032,746 1,551,222,564

49. Finance expenses

2016 2015

Interest expenditure 1,095,191,900 1,279,031,963

Less: interest income 308,686,445 369,131,564

Less: capitalized amount of 268,297 -


Foreign exchange loss 369,552,810 562,525,676

Amortization of issue cost 7,869,961 12,389,973

of intermediate term bills

Others 55,332,859 48,035,048

1,218,992,788 1,532,851,096

The capitalization amount of loan expenses is included in the construction in progress.

50. Impairment on assets

2016 2015

Loss on inventory (Note 803,814,035 52,848,818


313 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Loss on bad debt (Note V.21) 214,478,691 279,634,757

314 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

50. Impairment on assets (continued)

Expected contract losses 202,823,449 304,907,624

(Note V.21)

1,221,116,175 637,391,199

51. Gain/loss from fair-value changes

2016 2015

Measured at fair value and 3,939,693 (25,058,919)

the changes are recorded

into the profits and losses

of the current financial

asset (Note V.2)

Measured at fair value and 24,918,115 3,833,885

the changes are recorded

into the profits and losses

of the current financial

liabilities (Note V.23)

28,857,808 21,225,034

52. Investment income

2016 2015

Investment gains from 99,395,952 55,252,057

long-term equity verified by

equity method (Note V.13)

Investment gains from - 9,465,520

disposal financial assets


tool period (Note V.11)

315 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Investment income of 17,010,628 6,402,396


financial assets (Note V.11)

316 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

52. Investment income (continued)

Bank financial products 2,101,669 393,033,507

investment income

Investment income from 5,176 34,083,478

disposal of


financial assets





53. Non-operating income

2016 2015 Accrued in current



profit and loss

Gains from disposal 6,649,827 14,128,543 6,649,827

of non-current


Among which: gains 6,649,827 14,128,543 6,649,827

on the disposal of

fixed assets

Government grants 45,042,910 40,881,189 45,042,910

Donation obtained - 2,549,000 -

Others 11,950,506 13,154,739 100%

63,643,243 70,713,471 63,643,243

Government subsidy included in the current profits and losses:

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

2016 2015 Related to


Financial 39,982,226 36,449,045 Related to income


318 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

53. Non-operating income (continued)

Science and 3,128,000 2,500,000 Related to income

technology subsidy

Land compensation 1,932,684 1,932,144 Related to assets

(Note V.37)

45,042,910 40,881,189

54. Non-operating expenses

2016 2015 Accrued in current



profit and loss

Non Current assets 5,309,215 4,789,746 5,309,215

disposal loss

Among which: losses 5,309,215 4,789,746 5,309,215

on the disposal of

fixed assets

External donation 20,000 530,000 20,000

External donation 3,474,664 39,593 3,474,664

Others 2,020,182 306,533 2,020,182

10,824,061 5,665,872 10,824,061

55. Cost classification by nature

Further information about the Group’s operating costs, sales expenses and management

expenses are classified by nature as follows:

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

55. Cost classification by nature (continued)

2016 2015

Expendable raw material and 14,371,771,965 14,623,452,686

low value consumables

Employee remuneration (Note 1,789,154,586 1,691,745,763

V (27))

Depreciation and

amortization expenses

(Note V (14), (15),(17), 1,285,028,932 1,342,307,268


External coordination costs 1,277,245,080 911,640,427

Transportation expenses 671,016,351 749,214,023

Technical R & D expenses 851,544,356 717,412,492

(Note V (48))

Energy expenses 298,219,379 280,917,025

On-site installation 216,944,442 194,104,215


Rental fee 172,780,365 162,684,322

After-sales costs 127,301,003 125,219,471

Expenses on employing 76,540,843 54,836,758


Office expenses 48,906,710 51,688,823

Travel expenses 46,082,901 38,792,908

320 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Taxes (Note V (48) 39,216,370 109,946,415

Business entertainment 15,921,003 14,853,947


321 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

55. Cost classification by nature (continued)

Informatization expenses 13,574,204 10,445,654

Bidding fee 1,582,134 1,797,466

Other expenses 284,301,775 266,866,499

21,587,132,399 21,347,926,162

56. Income tax expense

2016 2015

Income tax expenses in 136,856,233 49,477,423

current period

Deferred income tax expense (75,339,325) 28,052,453

61,516,908 77,529,876

The relationship between income tax expense and total profit is as follows:

2016 2015

Total profit 368,861,144 271,735,564

Income tax expense 55,329,171 40,760,335

calculated according to the

applicable tax rate (15%)

Subsidiaries applied to the 21,202,805 20,241,955

influence of different tax


Gains and loss gains and (14,966,483) (8,287,809)

loss joint venture and

jointly run enterprise

322 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Non-taxable income (108,251) (2,876,713)

323 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

56. Income tax expense (continued)

Non-deductible costs, 2,972,594 3,305,801

expenses and losses

Income tax before adjusting (8,933,223) (47,286)

Use the deductible deficit (10,334,298) (2,795,677)

of the previous year

Effect of the deductible 39,776,493 50,070,071

temporary difference or the

deductible loss of the

deferred income tax assets

which wasn’t conformed at

current period

Deduction of technological (23,421,900) (22,840,801)

development expenses

Income tax expense 61,516,908 77,529,876

57. Earnings per share

The basic earnings per share shall be calculated in accordance with the current net

profits of the ordinary shareholders of the company divided by the weighted average of

the common stock issued.

The basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are calculated as follows:

2016 2015

Net profit attributive to 212,419,946 212,411,967

holders of common shares of

the Company

Weighted average of 4,390,294,584 4,390,294,584

outstanding common stock

324 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Basic earning per share 0.05 0.05

In 2016 and 2015, the Company does not have a diluted potential common stock, so diluted

earnings per share are equal to the basic earnings per share.

325 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

58. Cash flow statements notes

2016 2015

Net cash from other

operating activities

Customs deposits received 297,589,755 288,908,075

Cash receipt of government 97,318,883 132,383,428

allowance and bonus

Employee’s loans received 4,488,988 10,574,725

Cash receipt from income 532,240 7,958,851

from fines

Others 37,371,316 7,366,702

437,301,182 447,191,781

Other cash payments relating

to operating activities

Customs guarantee deposit 264,666,758 323,819,681


Selling and administrative 201,911,238 188,362,388


Financial expenses 55,332,859 48,035,048

formality cost

R&D subsidy paid to 26,613,797 6,476,300

cooperation units

Others 40,102,571 6,411,082

326 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

588,627,223 573,104,499

327 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

58. Cash flow statements notes (continued)

2016 2015

Other cash receipts relating

to investing activities

Interest income 852,787,742 93,974,040

Cash receipts related to

other financing activities

Recovery of restricted bank 344,790,000 2,681,198,220


Related parties loans 2,420,845,793 1,785,676,000


Capital invested by minority 273,048,439 273,402,314


3,038,684,232 4,740,276,534

Other cash payments relating

to financing activities

Restricted bank deposits 326,925,000 1,123,143,500


Short and super short term

notes issuance cost expenses

7,450,000 16,400,000

Offshore financing against 38,776,961 -

domestic guarantee expenses

328 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Compensative related 1,768,382,528 -

parties loans

2,141,534,489 1,139,543,500

329 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

59. Supplementary information of cash flow statements

(1) Supplementary information of cash flow statements

Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:

2016 2015

Net profit 307,344,236 194,205,688

Add: Assets impairment 1,221,116,175 637,391,199


Depreciation of fixed 1,184,754,917 1,248,860,404

assets, depletion of oil gas

assets, depreciation of

productive living assets

Intangible assets 100,274,015 93,446,864


Net gain on disposal of fixed (1,340,612) (9,338,797)

assets, intangible assets

Changes in fair value gains (28,857,808) 21,225,034

and losses

Financial expenses 1,256,194,822 1,752,677,447

Investment gains (118,513,425) (498,236,958)

Increase/decrease in (75,339,325) 28,052,453

deferred income tax asset

(increase was filled in with


Inventory reduction (1,794,200,703) (1,371,334,146)

Increase of construction (409,587,873) (3,108,564,518)

330 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

contract price

Decrease/increase in 94,234,166 (902,563,051)

operating receivables

331 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

59. Supplementary information of cash flow statements (continued)

Decrease/increase in (77,655,949) 82,216,908

operating payables

Net cash flows from 1,658,422,636 (1,831,961,473)

operating activities

2016 2015

Endorsement of bank

acceptance received from

sales and services

Net alteration of cash and 2,038,671,320 1,629,629,350

cash equivalents:

2016 2015

Cash balance at end of year 3,497,205,186 2,337,925,611

Less: cash at beginning of 2,337,925,611 1,882,283,319


Net increase in cash and cash 1,159,279,575 455,642,292


(2) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units

Information of acquiring subsidiaries

2016 2015

Price of acquiring - 211,263,111


332 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Less: Cash and cash - (134,657,111)

equivalents for acquiring


Net cash paid for acquiring - 76,606,000

subsidiaries and other

business units

333 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

59. Supplementary information of cash flow statements (continued)

(3) Cash and cash equivalents

2016 2015

Cash 3,497,205,186 2,337,925,611

Among which: Cash on hand 774,626 746,967

Deposits that can be readily 3,496,430,560 2,318,579,147


Other monetary capitals that - 18,599,497

can be readily paid

Cash equivalents - -

Cash and cash equivalent 3,497,205,186 2,337,925,611

Closing balance

60. Assets with restricted ownership and right of use

2016 2015

Monetary capital 99,839,013 120,408,105 Note 1

(note V.1)

Fixed assets (note 2,438,314,399 1,579,091,619 Note 2


Long-term 2,996,201,650 5,680,467,098 Note 3

receivables (note


5,534,355,062 7,379,966,822

Note 1: As of Dec, 31, 2016, the monetary capital with restricted is RMB 99,839,013 Yuan,

334 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

which is the margin deposit that our Group applied to banks for letters of credit and

bank guarantees (Dec, 31, 2015: RMB 120,408,105 Yuan).

Note 2: As of Dec. 31, 2016, the vessel with book value of RMB 1,882,864,040 Yuan (Dec.

31, 2015: RMB 1,036,238,241 Yuan) (Note V (15)) and the mechanical equipment with book

value of RMB 555,450,350 Yuan (Dec. 31, 2015: None (Note V (15)) selling to financing

lease company and bank in way of rental after sales. The financing term is 4 to 6 years.

335 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

60. Assets with restricted ownership and right of use (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2015, the mechanical equipment with book value of RMB 542,853,378 Yuan

selling to financing lease company and bank in way of rental after sales. The borrowing

term is 1 year, and the borrowings have been paid on Dec. 31, 2016.

Note 3: As of Dec. 31, 2016, the Nanjing Highway “construction-transfer” project

long-term receivable with book value RMB 2,996,201,650 Yuan (Dec. 31, 2015: RMB

5,680,467,098 Yuan) is used for obtaining bank loan pledge.

61. Foreign currency monetary items:

2016 2015

Original Exchange Equivalent RMB Original Exchange Equivalent RMB

rate rate



USD 356,373,402 6.9370 2,472,162,288 137,115,012 6.4936 890,370,042

EUR 25,423,957 7.3068 185,767,768 57,367,233 7.0952 407,031,992

SGD 20,744,399 4.7995 99,562,745 1,592,667 4.5875 7,306,360

NZD 625 4.8191 3,012 625 4.4426 2,777

HKD 18,540,418 0.8945 16,584,404 221,140 0.8378 185,271

Pound 1,462,267 8.5094 12,443,017 2,514,663 9.6159 24,180,748

South Korean 2,038,285,822 0.0058 11,822,058 668,453,325 0.0055 3,676,493


Oman riyal 567,011 18.0060 10,209,598 580,139 16.8966 9,802,377

JPY 144,285,734 0.0596 8,598,131 521,999 0.0539 28,136

Rand 14,635,312 0.5083 7,439,129 3,036,362 0.4174 1,267,377

Sri Lankan 168,823,164 0.0463 7,816,513 201,277,172 0.0460 9,258,750


AUD 1,190,016 5.0157 5,968,763 310,654 4.7276 1,468,648

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

Indian rupee 23,686,064 0.1023 2,422,824 11,372,514 0.0977 1,111,095

Real 708,428 2.1357 1,512,989 937,867 1.6483 1,545,886

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Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

61. Foreign currency monetary items: (continued)

Rupee 12,938,990 0.1161 1,502,217 53,495,135 0.0885 4,734,319

Malaysian 838,089 1.5507 1,299,625 - - -


CAD 423 5.1406 2,176 15,452 4.6814 72,337

2,845,117,257 1,362,042,608



USD 382,943,787 6.9370 2,656,481,050 284,106,383 6.4936 1,844,873,209

EUR 50,412,079 7.3068 368,350,979 50,889,618 7.0952 361,072,018

SGD 62,524,894 4.7995 300,088,229 36,803,153 4.5875 168,834,464

Pound 3,311,616 8.5094 28,179,865 87,474 9.6159 841,141

CAD 5,248,147 5.1406 26,978,624 5,267,000 4.6814 24,656,934

AED 6,268,825 1.8890 11,841,810 - - -

Saudi riyal 5,865,574 1.8497 10,849,552 6,132,462 1.7356 10,643,501

Sri Lankan 67,543,175 0.0463 3,127,249 50,964,343 0.0460 2,344,360


AUD 272,129 5.0157 1,364,917 326,303 4.7276 1,542,630

Rand 1,631,102 0.5083 829,089 9,836,195 0.4174 4,105,628

South Korean 142,923,050 0.0058 828,954 501,139,157 0.0055 2,756,265


HKD 196,859 0.8945 176,090 206,025 0.8378 172,608

Rupee 481,395 0.1161 55,890 - - -

Indian rupee 181,114 0.1023 18,526 5,413,116 0.0977 528,861

Real 4,828 2.1357 10,311 65,200 1.6483 107,469

338 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

3,409,181,135 2,422,479,088

339 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

61. Foreign currency monetary items: (continued)

2016 2015

Original Exchange Equivalent RMB Original Exchange Equivalent RMB

rate rate



USD 3,989,080 6.9369 27,671,849 8,784,474 6.4936 57,042,860

Pound 195,990 8.5094 1,667,757 8,346 9.6159 80,254

AUD 103,710 5.0157 520,178 375,870 4.7276 1,776,963

EUR 12,329 7.3070 90,088 3,930,049 7.0952 27,884,484

South Korean 5,285,609 0.0058 30,657 45,916,744 0.0055 252,542


SGD - - - 652,109 4.5875 2,991,550

Omani rial - - - 33,018 16.8966 557,892

CAD - - - 3,500 4.6814 16,385

29,980,529 90,602,930



USD 120,343,389 6.9370 834,822,091 135,530,187 6.4936 880,078,822

EUR 38,684,841 7.3068 282,662,394 42,578,241 7.0952 302,101,136

JPY 161,884,564 0.0596 9,648,320 10,150,520 0.0539 547,113

Pound 67,565 8.5094 574,938 22,236 9.6159 213,819

SGD 20,934 4.7995 100,475 2,848,622 4.5875 13,068,053

AUD 10,018 5.0157 50,247 40,888 4.7276 193,302

Dirham - - - 2,136,087 1.6719 3,571,324

340 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

South Korean - - - 44,915,818 0.0055 247,037


341 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

61. Foreign currency monetary items: (continued)

HKD - - - 78,850 0.8378 66,061

Rupee - - - 85,295 0.0885 7,549

1,127,858,465 1,200,094,216

Other payables

USD 4,985,404 6.9370 34,583,748 4,456,481 6.4936 28,938,605

HKD 8,074,953 0.8945 7,223,045 - - -

EUR 10,092,794 7.3509 74,191,119 3,144,887 7.0952 22,313,602

SGD - - 982,209 4.5875 4,505,884

Pound - - 36,849 9.6159 354,336

115,997,912 56,112,427



USD 837,000,000 6.9370 5,806,269,000 1,767,690,890 6.4936 11,478,677,563

Euro 67,901,197 7.3068 496,140,465 15,961,626 7.0952 113,250,929

6,302,409,465 11,591,928,492

2016 2015

Original Exchange Equivalent RMB Original Exchange Equivalent RMB

rate rate


loans due

within one year

USD - - - 110,000,000 6.4936 714,296,000


payables due

342 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

within one year

343 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

V. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements (continued)

61. Foreign currency monetary items: (continued)

USD 17,604,054 6.9370 122,119,326 9,142,857 6.4936 59,370,057



USD 50,000,000 6.9370 346,850,000 - - -

Euro 20,000,000 7.3068 146,136,000 20,000,000 7.0952 141,904,000

492,986,000 141,904,000



USD 93,253,088 6.9370 646,896,674 110,857,143 6.4936 719,861,943

344 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VI. Consolidation scope change

1. Change in scope of consolidation for other reasons

The Company’s subsidiary company was renamed as Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Vessel

Transport Co., Ltd. on February 5, 2016.

The Company established the wholly-owned subsidiary ZPMC UK LD with cash of 300,000 pond

on March 10, 2016.

The Company set up a wholly - owned subsidiary ZPMC Middle East FZE on June 12, 2016.

The controlling subsidiary ZPMC Brazil Service Portuarios LTDA was jointly established

by the Company’s subsidiary and Port Side Construction LTDA with 90,000 Real of cash

on April 25, 2016.As of December 31, 2016, the Group’s shareholding ratio to the

subsidiary is 80%.

The Company paid USD10,000,000 in cash on July 15, 2016 to Huaian Huaiyin Transportation

Co., Ltd., Zhongjiao Huadong Investment Co., Ltd., CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co.,

Ltd. and CCCC First Highway Investigation and Design Research Institute Co., Ltd. jointly

contributed and established Sino - intersection (Huaian) Construction Development Co.,

Ltd. As of December 31, 2016, the Group’s shareholding ratio to the subsidiary is 66%.

The Company has set up the controlling subsidiary company (Zhenjiang) Construction

Development Co., Ltd. with RMB 6,300,000 in cash, RMB 560,700, 000.00 Yuan, China - AC

East China Investment Co., Ltd., CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., CCAC Highway

Planning & Design Co., Ltd. and Zhenjiang University Investment Construction Development

(Group) Co., Ltd. As of December 31, 2016, the Group’s shareholding ratio to the

subsidiary is 63%.

The original subsidiary of the Company, ZPMC - OTL Marine Contractor USA USA, was

cancelled on November 30, 2016 and changed into the office of the subsidiary of the


The Company and its subsidiaries Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Machinery Companion

Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Group (Nantong ) Co., Ltd. have cancelled

the industrial and commercial enterprises on December 23, 2016, and changed into

subsidiary companies of the Company.

Jiangsu Taoda Marine Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., an atomic company, cancelled the

industrial and commercial cancellation on December 16, 2016.

345 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities

1. Interests in subsidiary

The information of the Company’s subsidiaries are as follows:

Main Shareholding ratio(%) Gain


Subsidiary name operating Registered in

nature mode

address Direct Indirect

Shanghai Chongming Chongming Machinery 94.76% Investment to

Zhenhua Port District, District, manufacturing set up

Machinery Heavy Shanghai Shanghai

Industry Co.,


Shanghai Hongkong Hongkong Trade selling 99.99% Investment to

Zhenhua Port set up

Machinery (Hong

Kong) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Pudong New Pudong New Ship 55% Investment to

Zhenhua District, District, transportation set up

Shipping Co., Shanghai Shanghai


Nantong Zhenhua Nantong, Nantong, Machinery 100% Investment to

Heavy Equipment Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing set up


Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Nantong, Nantong, Machinery 100% Investment to

Zhenhua Heavy Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing set up


Group (Nantong)


Machinery Co.,


Shanghai Pudong New Pudong New Electrical 100% Investment to

Zhenhua Heavy District, District, equipment set up

Industries Shanghai Shanghai research and

Electric Co., development


346 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)

Nantong ZPMC Nantong, Nantong, Machinery 75% 25% Investment to

Steel Structure Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing set up



Jiangyin ZPMC Jiangyin, Jiangyin, Machinery 75% 25% Investment to

Steel Structure Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing set up


Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Pudong New Pudong New Machinery 49% Investment to

Zhenhua Heavy District, District, manufacturing set up

Industries Shanghai Shanghai

Steel Structure

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Yangshan Free Yangshan Free Ship 100% Investment to

Zhenhua Heavy Trade Port Trade Port transportation set up

Industries Area, Area,

Vessel Shanghai Shanghai

Transport Co.,


Shanghai Pudong New Pudong New Technology 100% Investment to

Zhenhua Testing District, District, consulting set up

Technology Shanghai Shanghai

Consulting Co.,


ZPMC Rotterdam Rotterdam Trade selling 100% Investment to

Netherlands B.V set up

Hotel de Herberg Rotterdam Rotterdam Trade selling 100% Investment to

B.V. set up

ZPMC Espana S.L Spanish Los Spanish Los Trade selling 100% Investment to

Barrios Barrios set up

ZPMC GmbH Germany Germany Trade selling 100% Investment to

Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg set up

347 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

348 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)

ZPMC Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Trade selling 70% Investment to

Company set up



ZPMC North USA Delaware USA Delaware Trade selling 100% Investment to

America Inc. set up

ZPMC Korea Co., South Korea South Korea Trade selling 70% Investment to

Ltd. Busan Busan set up

ZPMC Kwazulu-Natal Kwazulu-Natal Trade selling 100% Investment to

Engineering Province, Province, set up

Africa (Pty) Republic of Republic of

Ltd. South Africa South Africa

ZPMC Maharashtra Maharashtra Trade selling 100% Investment to

Engineering State State set up

(India) Private


ZPMC Southeast Singapore Singapore Trade selling 100% Investment to

Asia set up

Holding Pte.


ZPMC Southeast Singapore Singapore Trade selling 70% Investment to

Asia Pte. Ltd. set up

ZPMC Malaysia Malaysia Trade selling 70% Investment to

Engineering set up

(Malaysia) Sdn.


ZPMC Australia New south New south Trade selling 100% Investment to

Company (Pty) wales, wales, set up

Ltd. Australia Australia

Shanghai Pudong New Pudong New Machinery 100% Corporate

Zhenhua Heavy District, District, manufacturing merger under

Industry Shanghai Shanghai different

General control

Equipment Co.,

349 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)


350 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)

Shanghai Port Pudong New Pudong New Machinery 74.02% Corporate

Machinery Heavy District, District, manufacturing merger under

Industries Co., Shanghai Shanghai different

Ltd. control

Shanghai Zhangjiagang, Zhangjiagang, Machinery 90% Corporate

Zhenhua Heavy Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing merger under

Industries different

(Group) control


Port Machinery

Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Ninggao Nanjing, Nanjing, Trade selling 100% Investment to

New Channel Co., Jiangsu Jiangsu set up


Shanghai Nantong, Nantong, Machinery 67% Corporate

Zhenhua Heavy Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing merger under

Industries different

Qidong Marine control

Co., Ltd

Jiahua Shipment Hongkong Hongkong Ship 70% Investment to

Co., Ltd (Note transportation set up


Zhenhua Pufeng Hongkong Hongkong Ship 51% Investment to

Wind Power (Hong transportation set up

Kong) Co.,Ltd

Zhenhua Shende Hongkong Hongkong Ship 70% Investment to

Offshore transportation set up



ZPMC Brazil Rio DE Rio DE Trade selling 99% 1% Investment to

Holdings Ltda. Janeiro, Janeiro, set up

Brazil Brazil

ZPMC Limited Moscow, Moscow, Trade selling 85% Investment to

Liability Russia Russia set up


351 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

ZPMC NA East Virginia Delaware Trade selling 100% Investment to

Coast lnc. set up

ZPMC NA Huston Texas Delaware Trade selling 100% Investment to

lnc. set up

352 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)

The information of the Company’s subsidiaries are as follows (continued):

Main Registered in Business Shareholding ratio(%) Gainmode

operating nature


Direct Indirect

CCCC Tianhe Co., Changshu, Changshu, Machinery 32.51% Corporate

Ltd. (Note 2) Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing merger under



Fujian CCCC Fuzhou, Fuzhou, Machinery 51% Corporate

Qianda Heavy Fujian Fujian manufacturing merger under

Industry Co., different

Ltd. control

CCCC Investment Nantong, Nantong, Engineering 47.50% Investment to

Development Jiangsu Jiangsu construction set up

Qidong Co., Ltd

(note 3)

CCCC Liyang City Liyang, Liyang, Engineering 48% Investment to

Investment Jiangsu Jiangsu construction set up


Co., Ltd (Note


ZPMC UK LD Cardiff Cardiff Trade selling 100% Investment to

set up

ZPMC Middle East AED AED Trade selling 100% Investment to

Fze set up

ZPMC Brazil Santos, Santos, Trade selling 80% Investment to

Servio Brazil Brazil set up

Portuários LTDA

CCCC (Huaian) Huaian, Huaian, Engineering 5% 61% Investment to

Construction Jiangsu Jiangsu construction set up


Co., Ltd.

353 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

CCCC Zhenjiang Zhenjiang, Zhenjiang, Engineering 63% Investment to

Investment Jiangsu Jiangsu construction set up




Co., Ltd

354 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)

Note 1: Based on constitution of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Steel Structure Co.,

Ltd, Company has right to appoint and dismiss most members in board of directors. In

fact, Company obtains control right, so Company is included in Group financial statements

consolidation scale.

Note 2: the Group has completed the procedures of stock change of CCCC Tianhe Co., Ltd.

The Group obtained 55.98% of the shareholders' meeting and 80% of the board's voting

rights via amendment of Articles of Association of CCCC Tianhe Co., Ltd, reconstruction

of Board of directors and signing the agreement of the concerted action with China

Communications Corporation, one of the shareholders of CCCC Tianhe Co., Ltd. Based on

the Articles of Association, the Group has obtained the control rights of the company

and includes it into the consolidation scope.

Note 3: The Group obtained 95% of the shareholders’ meeting and 100% the voting rights

of the board of directors by signing concerted action agreement with CCCC Tianjin

Waterway Bureau Co., Ltd. Based on the Articles of Association; the Group obtained the

control rights of the company and includes it into the consolidation scope.

Note 4: The Group obtained 76% of the shareholders' meeting and 71% the voting rights

of the board of directors by signing concerted action agreement with CCCC Shanghai

Waterway Bureau Co., Ltd. and CCCC East China Investment Co., Ltd... Based on the Articles

of Association, the Group obtained the control rights of the company and includes it

into the consolidation scope. Based on the Articles of Association, the Group obtained

the control rights of the company and includes it into the consolidation scope.

The information of the Company’s subsidiaries is as follows (continued):

Important minority subsidiary company exists as follows:


Proportion of Minority Dividend Accumulated

shareholding shareholders' payments to minority

for minority interests minority shareholders'

shareholders equity

355 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

CCCC Tianhe Co., 67.49% 57,388,211 - 561,643,011


356 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)


Proportion of Minority Dividend Accumulated

shareholding shareholders' payments to minority

for minority interests minority shareholders'

shareholders equity

CCCC Tianhe 67.49% 28,251,819 31,349,367 504,254,800

Co., Ltd

Main financial information of above subsidiary this information is the amount of mutual

offset between the enterprises within the Group:


Current asset Non-current Total assets Current Non-current Total

asset liabilities liabilities liabilities

CCCC Tianhe 1,498,862,582 1,224,395,571 2,723,258,153 (1,660,805,16 (230,591,014) (1,891,396,18

Co., Ltd 6) 0)


Operating revenue Net profit Total comprehensive Operating cash flow


CCCC Tianhe 1,101,425,520 85,197,056 85,197,056 35,261,157

Co., Ltd


Current asset Non-current Total assets Current Non-current Total

asset liabilities liabilities liabilities

CCCC Tianhe 1,134,335,686 1,118,330,758 2,252,666,444 (1,462,753,598) (43,115,047) (1,505,868,645)

357 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

Co., Ltd

358 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

1. Interests in subsidiary (continued)


Operating Net profit Total Operating cash

revenue comprehensive flow


CCCC Tianhe Co., 804,955,947 42,357,907 42,357,907 68,610,363


2. Gains and loss gains and loss joint venture and jointly run enterprise

Main operating address Registered in Business nature Registered capital

Shareholding ratio (%) Accounting treatment

Direct Indirect

Joint venture

Jiangsu LongYuan Jiangsu Jiangsu Ocean 50% - Equity

Zhenhua Marine Nantong Nantong engineering method

Engineering construction


ZPMC Istanbul Istanbul Port equipment 50% - Equity

Mediterranean Turkey Turkey technical method

Liman Makinalari services

Ticaret Anonim


Zhenhua Marine Hongkong Hongkong Ship 51% - Equity

Energy transportation method

(Hongkong) Co.,


Cranetech Global Malaysia Malaysia Port equipment 49.99% - Equity

Sdn. Bhd. technical method


359 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

2. Gains and loss gains and loss joint venture and jointly run enterprise (continued)


CCCC Marine Pudong, Pudong, Ship 25% - Equity

Engineering Shanghai Shanghai technology method

Vessel development

Technology consulting

Research Centre

Co., Ltd

CCCC Estate Wuxi, Wuxi, Real estate 20% - Equity

Yixing Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Jiangsu development method

Shanghai Zhenhua Changzhou, Changzhou, Paint 20% - Equity

Heavy Industries Jiangsu Jiangsu manufacturing method


Changzhou Paint

Co., Ltd.

CCCC Financing Pudong, Pudong, Finance lease 30% - Equity

Rental Co., Ltd. Shanghai Shanghai fund method

China USA USA Port, Channel 24% - Equity

Communications Highway and method

Construction USA Bridge

Inc. Construction

CCCC South USA USA Port, Channel 16% - Equity

American Highway and method

Regional Company Bridge

SARL Construction

(Note 2)

2. Gains and loss gains and loss joint venture and jointly run enterprise (continued)

Note 1: On May 5, 2014, the subsidiary of the Company and the partner invested to establish

Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. The registered capital is 5,969,998 USD;,

the subsidiary of the Company contributed 3,044,699 USD, holding 51% of the shares. The

company focused on the vessel transportation business. Based on the regulations of the

360 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

shareholder agreement, the significant issues of the company shall be agreed by at least

75% shareholders via voting. The Group has no control rights but joint controls the

company together with the partner.

361 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

2. Gains and loss gains and loss joint venture and jointly run enterprise (continued)

Note 2: As of Dec. 15, 2016, the Company invested 16,480,000 USD (in RMB 114,321,760

Yuan) to share CCCC South American Regional Company SARL. The registration capital is

103,000,000 USD, in RMB 114,321,760 Yuan, holding 16% of the share. The company focuses

on port construction business. Based on the regulations of the shareholder agreement,

the Company has the right to designate one director to that company and implement

significant impact to that company.

The significant financial information of the main jointly run enterprise:

The amount in the consolidated financial statements of the joint venture takes into

account the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the consortium in

the acquisition of investments and the impact of the harmonization of accounting


CCCC Financing Rental Co., 2016 2015


Current assets 9,420,615,029 3,409,763,003

Non-current assets 13,727,208,395 8,353,597,281

Total assets 23,147,823,424 11,763,360,284

Current liabilities (10,051,593,074) (4,441,872,270)

Non-current liabilities (7,249,806,724) (3,515,685,686)

Total liabilities (17,301,399,798) (7,957,557,956)

Owners’ equity 5,846,423,626 3,805,802,328

The share of net assets 1,605,244,853 1,141,740,698

calculated by the share

holding ratio

The book value of the 1,605,244,853 1,141,740,698

investment for joint

362 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)


CCCC Financing Rental Co., 2016 2015


363 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

2. Gains and loss gains and loss joint venture and jointly run enterprise (continued)

Operating revenue 780,323,172 456,990,739

Finance expenses - interest 5,790,545 2,876,941


Finance expenses - interest 8,495,925 1,568,222


Income tax expense 85,261,887 55,688,952

Net profit 251,014,262 167,967,410

Other comprehensive income 580,861 270,171

Total comprehensive income 258,329,639 168,237,582

Dividend received 32,400,000 -

The non-significant joint venture and associates of the summary financial information:

Joint venture

2016 2015

Total book value of 200,209,849 175,387,196


The share of net assets

calculated by the

Net profit(i) 24,822,653 4,752,968

Other comprehensive income - -

Total comprehensive income 23,247,916 4,752,968

364 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

365 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31, 2016

RMB Yuan

VII. Interests in Other Entities (continued)

2. Gains and loss gains and loss joint venture and jointly run enterprise (continued)


2016 2015

Total book value of 395,966,751 280,006,923


The share of net assets

calculated by the

Net profit(i) (1,075,546) 108,866

Other comprehensive income 4,546,680 1,256,397

Total comprehensive income (3,471,134) 1,365,263

(i) Net profits and other comprehensive benefits have taken into account the fair value

of identifiable assets and liabilities and the adjustment impact of the harmonization

of accounting policies at the time of investment.

On December 31, 2016, the Group provided USD 25.551 million of loan guarantee of overseas

loan under domestic guarantee to the joint venture Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong)

Co., Ltd. The total converted guarantee amount in RMB is 177,247,287yuan which will be

due on April 14, 2017.The amount above reflects the max loss caused to the Group once

it breaches the agreement. The joint venture Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

has health finance with no predicted significant debt breach risk. The Group didn’t

confirm the debt related to the financial guarantee.

366 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks

1. Financial instruments

The booking value of the various financial instruments on the balance sheet date is as


December 31, 2016

Financial assets

Financial assets Loans and financial assets Total

measured at fair receivables available-for-sale

value and whose

variation is

included in the

current profits

and losses

Monetary capital - 3,597,044,199 - 3,597,044,199

Measured at fair

value and the

changes are

recorded into the

profits and losses

of the current

financial assets

4,615,775 - - 4,615,775

Notes receivable - 296,920,781 - 296,920,781

Accounts - 4,230,746,458 - 4,230,746,458


Other receivables - 433,130,407 - 433,130,407

Non-current asset - 1,384,438,569 - 1,384,438,569

due within 1 year

Available-for-sale - - 1,313,572,506 1,313,572,506

financial assets

367 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

Long-term - 3,791,218,020 - 3,791,218,020


4,615,775 13,733,498,434 1,313,572,506 15,051,686,715

368 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

1. Financial instruments (continued)

Financial liabilities


Financial liabilities

Short term loans 21,485,919,393

Notes payable 1,905,121,706

Payables 5,103,018,897

Interest payable 140,195,803

Dividend payable 31,701,965

Other payables 1,225,135,428

Non-current liabilities due within one year 799,574,356

Other current liabilities 3,996,025,335

Long-term loans 3,925,335,497

Long-term payables 1,618,361,164


369 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

1. Financial instruments (continued)

December 31, 2015

Financial assets

Financial assets Loans and financial assets Total

measured at fair receivables available-for-sale

value and whose

variation is

included in the

current profits

and losses

Monetary capital - 2,458,333,716 - 2,458,333,716

Measured at fair

value and the

changes are

recorded into the

profits and losses

of the current



676,082 - - 676,082

Notes receivable - 243,159,622 - 243,159,622

Accounts - 3,894,762,468 - 3,894,762,468


Other receivables - 667,660,167 - 667,660,167

Non-current asset - 2,625,135,212 - 2,625,135,212

due within 1 year

Other current - 46,000,000 - 46,000,000


Available-for-sale - - 1,212,177,180 1,212,177,180

370 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

financial assets

Long-term - 3,558,501,537 - 3,558,501,537


676,082 13,493,552,722 1,212,177,180 14,706,405,984

371 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

1. Financial instruments (continued)

December 31, 2015 (continued)

Financial liabilities

Financial assets Loans and receivables Total

measured at fair value financial assets

and whose variation is available-for-sale

included in the current

profits and losses

Short term loans - 18,216,928,490 18,216,928,490

Measured at fair value

and the changes are

recorded into the

profits and losses of

the current financial


24,918,115 - 24,918,115

Notes payable - 1,785,201,236 1,785,201,236

Payables - 5,471,141,022 5,471,141,022

Interest payable - 289,590,733 289,590,733

Dividend payable - 32,237,912 32,237,912

Other payables - 1,604,523,386 1,604,523,386

Non-current - 6,837,115,692 6,837,115,692

liabilities due within

one year

Other current - 1,995,655,739 1,995,655,739


Long-term loans - 1,761,904,000 1,761,904,000

372 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

Long-term payables - 719,861,943 719,861,943

24,918,115 38,714,160,153 38,739,078,268

373 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

2. Transfer of financial assets

Transfer transferred financial assets that have been globally terminated but continue

to be involved

On December 31, 2016, the book value of the bank acceptance bill that the Group has

endorsed to the supplier for clearing accounts payable is RMB 471,132,348 (December 31,

2015: RMB 302,708,598 ).On December 31, 2016, its maturity date is 1 to, 11 months, and

in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Notes Law, if the acceptance bank

refuses to pay, its holder is entitled to recourse to the Group (”continue to be

involved”).The Group considers that the Group has transferred almost all of its risks

and rewards and therefore terminates the carrying value of its settled accounts payable

in connection with it. The maximum losses and undiscounted cash flows that continue to

be involved and repurchase are equal to their book value. The Group considers that it

is not important to continue to engage in fair value.

Transfer transferred financial assets that have been globally terminated but continue

to be involved (continued)

In 2016, the Group shall not be involved in any gains or expenses that have ceased to

be recognized in the current year and in aggregate due to continued involvement.

3. Financial instruments

The Group’s operations face various financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and

market risk (mainly exchange rate risk and interest rate risk).The Group’s overall risk

management plan addresses the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to reduce

the potential adverse impact on the Group’ s financial performance.

Credit risks

The Group manages credit risks by portfolio classification. Credit risks mainly

originate from notes receivables, accounts receivable, other receivables,

available-for-sale financial assets and long-term receivables etc.

Other financial assets of the Group include available - for - sale financial assets,

other receivables and certain derivatives, whose credit risk arises from counterparty

default and the maximum exposure is equal to the carrying amount of these instruments.

The Group also faces credit risk for providing financial security, as disclosed in Note


374 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

Since the Group is trading only with a recognized and credibility third party, no

collateral is required. Since the Group is trading only with a recognized and credibility

third party, no collateral is required. Since the Group’s accounts receivable are widely

dispersed across sectors and industries, there is no significant credit risk

concentration within the Group. The Group does not hold any collateral or other credit

enhancements to the balance of accounts receivable.

Credit risks (continued)

Bank deposits of the Group and other current assets -bank financial products are mainly

put in state-owned banks and other large or medium-sized listed banks.

In addition, speaking of notes receivable, other accountant receivables, and other

receivable, the Group established related policies to control credit risks. The Group

evaluates clients’ credit qualification and sets corresponding credit terms on the basis

of clients’ financial status, possibility of obtaining guaranty from a third-party,

credit record and other factors including current market status rating. The Group

monitors clients’ credit record on regular basis. When client is found with bad credit

record, the Group will sent out written calls, shorten credit terms or cancel credit

terms, in an attempt to ensure that the Group’s overall credit risks be within control.

On December 31, 2016, the term analysis of financial assets with maturity due to no

impairment of either individual or combination has been analyzed as follows:


Total not overdue Overdue time

overdue within 1 1-2 years 2-3 years over 3 years


Notes 296,920,781 296,920,781 - - - -


Accounts 2,695,273,967 2,405,484,652 70,487,107 18,329,699 58,173,966 142,798,542


Other 703,913,820 703,913,820 - - - -


375 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

Non-current 1,384,438,569 1,384,438,569 - - - -


due within

one year

Long-term 3,791,218,020 3,791,218,020 - - - -


376 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)


Total not overdue Overdue time

overdue within 1 1-2 years 2-3 years over 3

year years

Notes 243,159,622 243,159,622 - - - -


Accounts 2,755,137,429 2,420,391,157 60,727,290 78,154,461 177,744,854 18,119,667


Other 647,981,009 647,981,009 - - - -


Non-current 2,625,135,272 2,625,135,272 - - - -

assets due

within one


Other 46,000,000 46,000,000 - - - -



Long-term 3,558,501,537 3,558,501,537 - - - -


Credit risks (continued)

As of December 31, 2016, accounts receivable that have not been past due and impaired

are related to a large number of decentralized customers who have not recently been


As of December 31, 2016, accounts receivable that have been overdue but not impaired

are related to a large number of independent customers who have good transaction records

with the Group. Based on past experience, the Group considers that no provision for

impairment is required since the credit quality has not changed significantly and is

still considered recoverable.

377 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

Liquidity risks

Subsidiaries within the Group are responsible for their own prediction of cash flow.

The financial section of the head office continues to monitor the capital demand for

short-term and long-term capital at the group level after collecting all predictions

of subsidiaries, to ensure sufficient cash reserve and cashable securities. Meanwhile,

the financial section of the head office continues to monitor the financial and

non-financial factors prescribed in credit agreements and loan agreements, to ensure

the Group should get sufficient line of credit from key financial institutions to satisfy

capital demand both in short term and long term.

On Dec. 31, 2016, as of B/S day, various financial assets and liabilities of the Group

are listed as follows by due dates in undiscounted contracted cash flow (principal and

interest included):


Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years Total

Short term 21,839,991,371 - - - 21,839,991,371


Notes payable 1,905,121,706 - - - 1,905,121,706

Payables 5,103,018,897 - - - 5,103,018,897

Interest 140,195,803 - - - 140,195,803


Dividend 31,701,965 - - - 31,701,965


Other payables 1,244,199,969 - - - 1,244,199,969

Non-current 835,619,032 - - - 835,619,032


due within one


378 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

Other current 4,123,027,778 - - - 4,123,027,778



379 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

Long-term - 1,869,935,509 2,202,260,025 58,345,000 4,130,540,534


Long-term - 543,599,402 1,219,108,721 - 1,762,708,123


Financial 196,431,287 - - - 196,431,287


35,419,307,808 2,413,534,911 3,421,368,746 58,345,000 41,312,556,465

Liquidity risks (continued)

On Dec. 31, 2015, as of B/S day, various financial assets and liabilities of the Group

are listed as follows by due dates in undiscounted contracted cash flow (principal and

interest included):


Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years Total

Short term 18,503,526,869 - - - 18,503,526,869


Notes payable 1,785,201,236 - - - 1,785,201,236

Payables 5,471,141,022 - - - 5,471,141,022

Interest 289,590,733 - - - 289,590,733


Dividend 32,237,912 - - - 32,237,912


Other payables 1,604,523,386 - - - 1,604,523,386

Non-current 6,951,051,584 - - - 6,951,051,584


due within one

380 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)


Other current 2,061,250,000 - - - 2,061,250,000


Long-term 75,597,542 726,184,434 1,076,400,504 - 1,878,182,480


381 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

Long-term 32,465,774 149,197,695 415,462,011 253,938,352 851,063,832


Financial 185,101,974 - - - 185,101,974


36,991,688,032 875,382,129 1,491,862,515 253,938,352 39,612,871,028

Market risks

Interest rate risks

Interest rate risks of the Group mainly originate from long-term liabilities with

interest including long term bank loans and long-term payables. Financial liabilities

with flexible rates confront the Group with cash flow interest rate risks, while

financial liabilities with fixed rates put the Group against fair value interest rate

risks. The Group fixes the fraction of contracts with fixed rates and those with flexible

rates based on corresponding market environment. As of Dec. 31, 2016, the Group’s

long-term liabilities with interests include only contracts with flexible rates priced

in RMB, USD and Euro and contracts with fixed rates priced in RMB and USD.

Market risks (continued)

Interest rate risks (continued)

The risk of market interest rate changes which the Group faces is mainly related to the

long-term liability of the Group for interest-bearing interest rates.

The financial division of the Group keeps close watch over the interest rates level of

the Group. Since the rise of interest rates will increase the cost of newly added

liabilities with interests, interest expenses on unpaid liabilities with interests

priced in flexible rates, and will significantly impact the financial results of the

Group, the management will lower the rate risks via swap contracts based on current market

status. In 2015 and 2016, the Group had no such swap arrangements.

382 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

The following table shows the sensitivity analysis of the interest rate risk, reflecting

the effect of the reasonable and possible changes in the interest rate on net income

after tax (through the impact of floating interest rates) and other consolidated income

when interest rates are reasonable and possible under other variables.


Base point Net profit or loss Net amount after total

tax of

other comprehensive stockholders'

income equity

Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease)

RMB +100 (19,483,309) - (19,483,309)

RMB -100 19,483,309 - 19,483,309


Base point Net profit or loss Net amount after total

tax of

other comprehensive stockholders'

income equity

Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease)

RMB +100 (20,670,010) - (20,670,010)

RMB -100 (20,670,010) - (20,670,010)

Exchange rate risk

383 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

The Group is exposed to transactional currency risk. Such risks are due to sales or

purchases made by the operating entity in currencies other than its currency. The Group’s

main production is located in China, but the main business is settled in USD and EUR.

Therefore, the foreign currency assets and liabilities recognized by the Group and the

future foreign currency transactions (foreign currency assets and liabilities and the

pricing currency denominated in foreign currency transactions are mainly USD and EUR).

The Financial Department of the Group’s headquarters is responsible for monitoring the

size of the Group’ s foreign currency transactions and foreign currency assets and

liabilities to minimize the exposure to foreign currency risks; to that end, the Group

has signed forward foreign exchange contracts to achieve the purpose of circum

circumvention of a partial foreign exchange risk. On December 31, 2016 and December 31,

2015, the Group’s outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts are disclosed in Notes

V.2 and 23.

The following table shows the sensitivity analysis of the exchange rate risk, reflecting

the impact on net gains (due to changes in the fair value of currency assets and monetary

liabilities) and net after - tax (due to changes in the fair value of forward exchange

contracts) of net gains and losses (due to changes in the fair value of monetary assets

and monetary liabilities) and other consolidated gains in the case of reasonable and

possible changes in the United States dollar under other variables.


Dollar currency Net profit or loss Net amount after tax Total

rate of

other comprehensive stockholders'

income equity

Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease)

Depreciation (1%) 26,232,074 - 26,232,074

of RMB against


Appreciation 1% (26,232,074) - (26,232,074)

of RMB against

384 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)



Dollar currency Net profit or loss Net amount after Total

rate tax of

other stockholders'

comprehensive equity


385 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

VIII. Financial risks (continued)

3. Financial instruments (continued)

Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease) Increase/(decrease)

Depreciation (1%) 94,255,964 - 94,255,964

of RMB against


Appreciation 1% (94,255,964) - (94,255,964)

of RMB against


4. Capital management

The objective of the Group’s capital management policy is to ensure that the Group is

able to operate on a continuous basis to provide returns to shareholders and to benefit

other stakeholders while maintaining the best capital structure to reduce capital costs.

To maintain or adjust capital structure, the Group may adjust the dividend amount paid

to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to

reduce debt.

The total capital of the Group is the Membership Interests listed in the consolidated

balance sheet. The Group is not subject to mandatory external capital requirements and

utilizes debt ratio monitoring capital. This ratio is calculated by dividing the net

debt by total capital. Net debt is reduced by cash and cash equivalents for total

borrowing (including short - term loans included in the consolidated balance sheet),

other non - current liabilities that are due within one year, other current liabilities,

long - term loans, bonds payable, and other payable and long - term payables. The total

capital is Membership Interests total plus net debt).

As of December 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015, the ratio of liabilities of the Group

is as follows:

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

Ratio of liabilities 64% 64%

386 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement

The tire attributed to the fair value measurement results is determined by the min tire

of the input value with significant meaning to the fair value measurement.

Tier One: quotation of the same kind of assets or liabilities on activating market.

Tier Two: input value of assets or liabilities observable directly or indirectly except

for market quotation at Tier One.

Tier Three: unobservable input value of related assets and liabilities

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

On Dec. 31, 2016, continuous financial assets measured by fair value are listed as follows

based on above 3 tiers:

To be measured per fair value

Active market Important observa Important

quotation ble input value non-observable

input value

(Tier One) (Tier Two) (Tier Three) Total

Financial assets

Financial assets

measured at fair

value with the

change accounted in

current profit and


Forward foreign - 4,615,775 - 4,615,775

exchange contracts


financial assets

Available-for-sale 1,270,578,346 - - 1,270,578,346

equity instruments

1,270,578,346 4,615,775 - 1,275,194,121

387 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

On Dec. 31, 2015, continuous financial assets measured by fair value are listed as follows

based on above 3 tiers:

388 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value (continued)

To be measured per fair value

Important Important

Active market

observable input non-observable


value input value

(Tier One) (Tier Two) (Tier Three) Total

Financial assets

Financial assets

measured at fair

value with the

change accounted in

current profit and


Forward foreign - 676,082 - s676,082

exchange contracts


financial assets

Bank short-term - 46,000,000 - 46,000,000

financing products

Available-for-sale 1,169,183,020 - - 1,169,183,020

equity instruments

1,169,183,020 46,676,082 - 1,215,859,102

On Dec. 31, 2015, continuous liabilities measured by fair value are listed as follows

based on above 3 tiers:

389 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value (continued)

To be measured per fair value

Important Important

Active market

observable input non-observable


value input value

(Tier One) (Tier Two) (Tier Three) Total





measured at fair

value with the

change accounted

in current profit

and loss

Forward foreign - 24,918,115 - 24,918,115



The Group regards the event occurring date transferring between the tires as the time

point for confirmation. There is no transfer between tire 1 and 2 this year.

As for the financial instrument traded on active market, the Group will confirm the fair

value with the quotation in the active market; as for the financial instrument not traded

on active market, the Group confirms the fair value using the value estimation technology.

Cash flow discount model is used as value estimation model. The input values of the value

estimate technology includes the riskless interest rate and long exchange rate.

Related information of fair value measurement at tire 2:

December 31, 2016 Observable input values

Fair value Value estimate Name Scope


Financial Cash flow South Korean won 1,145.45-

assets measured to USD

390 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

at fair value

with the change

accounted in

current profit

and loss

-USD long 4,615,775 Cash flow forward rate 1,145.50

exchange discount model


391 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value (continued)

December 31, 2015 Observable input values

Fair value Value estimate Name Scope


Measured at fair value and the changes are recorded into the profits and losses of the

current financial asset

Cash flow USD to RMB 6.5824-

-USD long 676,082 Cash flow forward rate 6.7302

exchange discount model


December 31, 2015 Observable input values

Fair value Value estimate Name Scope


Financial Cash flow Contract agreed 0%-


available for


-Bank 46,000,000 discount model profit rate 2.95%




December 31, 2015 Observable input values

392 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

Fair value Value estimate Name Scope


393 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value (continued)

Measured at fair value and the changes are recorded into the profits and losses of the

current financial liabilities

Cash flow USD to RMB 6.4971-

-USD long (24,918,115) discount model forward rate 6.7302



2. Assets and liabilities not measured at fair value but disclosing the fair value

Financial assets and financial debt measured with amortized cost include: receivables,

long-term receivables, short-term loan, payables, long-term loan and payable bond.

The long-term receivables are the receivables with floating rate. The difference between

the book value and fair value is small. Besides the financial assets and financial debt

below, the difference between the book values and fair values of the financial assets

and financial debt not measured at the fair value is small.

The following is the book value and fair value of all kinds of financial instruments

other than the equity instruments that have little difference between the carrying value

and the fair value, and are not quoted in the active market and whose fair value cannot

be measured reliably:

2016 2015

Booking value Fair value Booking value Fair value



-Long-term 3,925,335,497 3,905,480,658 1,761,904,000 1,700,572,166


-Long-term 1,618,361,164 1,638,536,115 719,861,943 704,509,277


394 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

IX. Fair Value Measurement (continued)

5,543,696,661 5,544,016,773 2,481,765,943 2,405,081,443

As for the long-term loan, long-term payables and payables without active market, the

fair value is confirmed by the future cash flow specified in the contract according to

the comparable credit level and the same cash flow rate provided in the same conditions,

which belongs to tire 3.

395 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions

1. Parent company

Name of parent Registered Business Registered Parent Parent

company place nature capital company’s company’s

holding voting

proportion in proportion in

the the

Corporation Corporation

(%) (%)

China No. 88, Outer Port project 16,174,735,425 28.828% 28.828%

Communications Street No. contracting

Corporation Third, and related

Andingmen, businesses




As of Dec. 31, 2016, China Communications Corporation and its controlled Hong Kong

Zhenhua Engineering Co., Ltd. (holding 17.076% stake of the Company) and Macau Zhenhua

Bay Engineering Co., Ltd. (holding 0.325% stake of the Company) together hold 46.229%

of the Company’s stake (Dec. 31, 2015: 46.229%).

The final controlling party of the Company is China Communications Construction Group

Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiary

See Note VII.1 for details about subsidiary

3. Joint venture and associates

See Note VII.2 for details about joint venture and associates.

4. Other related parties

Related party

CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC First Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

396 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC First Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

No.5 Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC First Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC Controlled by the same parent company

First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

397 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

4. Other related parties (continued)

CCCC First Harbor City Traffic Engineering Controlled by the same parent company

Co., Ltd

CCCC First Harbor First Engineering Co., Controlled by the same parent company


No. 6 Engineering Co., Ltd of CCCC First Controlled by the same parent company

Highway engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC Second Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

No.3 Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC Second Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Second harbor engineering Controlled by the same parent company

investigation and Design Institute Co., Ltd

CCCC Second Highway Engineering Bureau Co., Controlled by the same parent company


CCCC-SHEC Second Engineering Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Third Harbor Second Engineering Co., Controlled by the same parent company


Third Engineering Company of CCCC Fourth Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd

(To be continued)

398 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

4. Other related parties (continued)

Related party


CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Controlled by the same parent company

Investigation and Design Institute Co., Ltd

CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Institute Controlled by the same parent company

Co., Ltd.

CCCC Fourth Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries (Group) Controlled by the same parent company

Changzhou Paint Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong Zhenhua Engineering Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Xing ‘an Controlled by the same parent company

Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Controlled by the same parent company

Investigation and Design Institute Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Highway Engineering Bureau Co., Controlled by the same parent company


CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Second Engineering Company of CCCC Fourth Controlled by the same parent company

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd

Macau Zhenhua Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Financial Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

399 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

4. Other related parties (continued)

China Communication Materials & Shipment Controlled by the same parent company

Co., Ltd

CCCC Financial Leasing CO., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Rental Jiahuayi Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Rental Jiahuaer Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC International Shipping Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Shanghai Waterway Logistics Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

Shanghai Jiangtian Industrial Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Shanghai Zhensha Longfu Machinery Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Shanghai Equipment Engineering Co., Controlled by the same parent company


Shanghai Communications Construction Controlled by the same parent company

Contracting Co., Ltd

CTTIC Shanghai Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Tianjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

400 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

4. Other related parties (continued)

Tianjin Dredging Company—Binhai Controlled by the same parent company

Environmental Protection Engineering Co.,


CCCC Tianjin Port & Waterway Prospection & Controlled by the same parent company

Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin Port Prospection & Design Controlled by the same parent company

Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Long Yuan Zhenhua Marine Controlled by the same parent company

Engineering Co., Ltd

Nanjing CCCC Weisanlu River Tunnel Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Hainan CCCC Fourth Harbor Construction Co., Controlled by the same parent company


China Communications Water Transportation Controlled by the same parent company

Design & Research Co., Ltd

(To be continued)

401 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

4. Other related parties (continued)

Related party


CCCC Highway Planning and Design Institute Controlled by the same parent company

Co., Ltd

CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC East China Investment Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

CCCC Highway Bridges National Engineering Controlled by the same parent company

Research Centre Co., Ltd.

China Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

China Road and Bridge Co., Ltd Controlled by the same parent company

Beijing Qiaoyu Science and Technology Co., Controlled by the same parent company


CHUWA BUSSAN company limited Controlled by the same parent company

Yueyang Chenglingji Xingang Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same parent company

Friede & Goldman, Llc. Controlled by the same parent company

5. Main transactions

The Group and the related party, the transaction price is based on mutual agreement and

with reference to market price as the pricing basis.

(1) Related party trading goods and services

Selling goods to related party

2016 2015

402 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

CCCC Second Harbor 389,557,043 277,237,614

Engineering Co., Ltd.

403 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

CCCC International Shipping 233,003,192 -

Co., Ltd

CHUWA BUSSAN company limited 193,053,287 331,102,486

China Road and Bridge Co., 179,013,839 1,089,606


CCCC Third Harbor 175,876,344 4,515,993

Engineering Investigation

and Design Institute Co.,


CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 155,198,269 -


China Harbor Engineering 147,800,178 34,099,381

Co., Ltd

CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., 144,526,777 52,226,007


CCCC Fourth Harbor 121,403,077 -

Engineering Investigation

and Design Institute Co.,


Road & Bridge International 81,639,431 -

Co., Ltd.

CCCC Third Harbor 81,407,370 257,912,687

Engineering Co., Ltd.

No.3 Engineering Co., Ltd. 69,043,050 -

of CCCC Second Harbor

404 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC-SHEC Second 62,720,000 3,678,378

Engineering Co., Ltd.

405 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. 42,279,112 643,333

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC-SHEC Second 37,101,137 75,530,025

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Friede & Goldman, Llc. 26,755,168 140,108,319

CCCC Fourth Harbor 26,568,685 -

Engineering Institute Co.,


CCCC Third Highway 22,068,890 38,213,139

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 20,652,755 12,020,237


Hainan CCCC Fourth Harbor 19,279,683 17,202,584

Construction Co., Ltd

CCCC Second Harbor 17,389,362 44,663,030

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu LongYuan Zhenhua 16,648,649 53,734,600

Marine Engineering Co., Ltd

(To be continued)

406 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

(1) Related party trading goods and services (continued)

Selling goods or assets to related parties (continued)

2016 2015


CCCC Second Highway 11,802,499 56,534,225

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

China Communications 11,627,327 14,436,561


CCCC East China Investment 10,697,446 -

Co., Ltd

CCCC First Harbor 8,219,845 -

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Highway Bridges

National Engineering


4,829,060 -

Hong Kong Zhenhua 134,656 -

Engineering Co., Ltd

Second Engineering Company - 24,687,230

of CCCC Fourth Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd

Second Engineering Company - 18,699,952

of CCCC Fourth Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd

407 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

Nanjing CCCC Weisanlu River - 15,362,383

Tunnel Co., Ltd

408 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. - 3,173,735

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Shanghai Equipment - 1,222,449

Engineering Co., Ltd

2,310,296,131 1,478,093,954

Related party provided labor service for the Company

2016 2015

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 331,677,108 202,023,996


CCCC Second Highway 91,221,324 -

Consultant Co., Ltd.

CCCC Fourth Highway 75,048,039 -

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Third Harbor 64,290,666 -

Engineering Co., Ltd.

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. 22,573,250 -

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

(To be continued)

409 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

(1) Related party trading goods and services (continued)

Related party provided labor service for the Company (continued)

2016 2015


Shanghai Communications 21,633,168 -

Construction Contracting

Co., Ltd

Jiangsu Long Yuan Zhenhua 14,565,939 -

Marine Engineering Co.,Ltd

China Communications 13,661,221 15,608,642


CCCC Second Highway 7,079,715 10,713,240

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

CCCC Tianjin Industry and 296,154 -

Trade Co., Ltd.

CCCC East China Investment 247,863 30,900,000

Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Harbor 56,913 -

Engineering Investigation

and Design Institute Co.,


Shanghai Jiangtian 25,173 -

Industrial Co., Ltd

CTTIC Shanghai Co., Ltd 17,094 -

410 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

642,393,627 259,245,878

411 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

Purchase products from related parties

2016 2015

CHUWA BUSSAN company limited 182,477,645 291,769,656

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 120,664,901 104,139,666

Industries (Group)

Changzhou Paint Co., Ltd.

CCCC Shanghai Equipment 100,037,221 137,622,776

Engineering Co., Ltd

CCCC Fourth Highway 2,993,504 -

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin Port & Waterway 1,084,615 -

Prospection & Design

Research Institute Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin Port 1,084,615 -

Prospection & Design

Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Nanjing CCCC Weisanlu River 72,175 -

Tunnel Co., Ltd

China Communication 14,248 16,721,301

Materials & Shipment Co.,


408,428,,924 550,253,399

(2) Pay dividend to related parties

2016 2015

412 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

China Communications 502,283 -


413 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

(3) Net deposit to related parties

2016 2015

CCCC Financial Co., Ltd 528,772,323 14,114,145

(4) Loans to Related parties

2016 2015

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 2,120,845,793 1,018,000,000


CCCC Financial Co., Ltd 300,000,000 -

CCCC Rental Jiahuayi Co., - 383,838,000


CCCC Rental Jiahuaer Co., - 383,838,000


2,420,845,793 1,785,676,000

(5) Received interest from related parties

2016 2015

CCCC Financial Co., Ltd 513,218 616,290

(6) Pay interest to related parties

2016 2015

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 46,047,152 53,723,710


414 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

CCCC Financial Co., Ltd 11,201,250 13,594,125

CCCC Rental Jiahuayi Co., 8,819,415 11,483,154


415 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

CCCC Rental Jiahuaer Co., 8,819,415 11,483,154


74,887,232 90,284,143

(7) Leasing

The Group as lessor

Types of leasing 2016 2015


Zhenhua Marine Ship 169,580,194 67,924,038

Energy (Hong Kong)

Co., Ltd

CCCC Tunnel Shield 125,440,000 14,365,684

Engineering Co., Ltd

China Ship 1,606,804 3,384,615



CCCC Third Harbor Shield 501,755 -

Second Engineering

Co., Ltd

No.3 Engineering Shield - 19,671,628

Co., Ltd. of CCCC

Second Harbor

Engineering Co.,


297,128,753 105,345,965

(8) Guarantee

416 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

The Company as guarantor

417 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5. Main transactions (continued)

Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Whether the

Guarantee is

amount start date due date implemented

Zhenhua Marine 177,247,287 September 14, April 14, 2017 No

Energy (Hong 2015

Kong) Co., Ltd

In current period, the Group provide loan guarantee to Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong)

Co., Ltd for free. The total converted guarantee amount in RMB is 177,247,287yuan (2015:

RMB 165,917,974 yuan).

(9). Key executives’ salaries

2016 2015

Key executives’ salaries 14,574,800 12,544,400

The number of key executives of the Group in 2016 is 24 (2014: 29). The salaries of the

newly added executives and the resigned executives are calculated according to the tenure.

It is calculated on a yearly basis for other employees.

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

6. Promises with related parties

The following are promises contracted but not necessarily shown on balance sheet with

related parties as of balance sheet day:

Related party provided labor 2016 2015

service for the Company

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 1,344,348,653 -


CCCC Fourth Highway 835,973,095 -

418 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

Engineering Co., Ltd.

419 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

6. Promises with related parties (continued)

CCCC Third Harbor 387,588,088 79,010,254

Engineering Co., Ltd.

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. 139,829,924 -

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Second Highway 34,418,446 -

Consultant Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., 5,265,067 23,777,752


Shanghai Communications 650,837 -

Construction Contracting

Co., Ltd

CCCC Second Harbor - 70,313,613

Engineering Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Harbor - 37,076,943

Engineering Xing’an

Construction Engineering

Co., Ltd.

Installation Engineering - 29,435,537

Co., Ltd. Of CCCC First

Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.

China Communications - 29,333,629


CCCC First Harbor - 1,000,000

Engineering Co., Ltd.

420 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

2,748,074,110 269,947,728

421 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

6. Promises with related parties (continued)

Leased assets from related 2016 2015


Shanghai Waterway Logistics - 1,800,000

Co., Ltd

Leased assets to related 2016 2015


Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong 1,522,081,855 1,582,750,064

Kong) Co., Ltd

China Communications - 2,880,000


1,522,081,855 1,585,630,064

The related parties build base and production workshop

2016 2015

CCCC Third Harbor - 13,750,000

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Selling goods or assets to related parties

2016 2015

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 495,528,226 -


CCCC Second Harbor 126,518,010 269,536,252

Engineering Co., Ltd.

422 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

6. Promises with related parties (continued)

Road & Bridge International 74,183,233 -

Co., Ltd.

No.3 Engineering Co., Ltd. 69,043,050 -

of CCCC Second Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Second Highway 55,801,029 -

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 41,121,422 650,726,496


China Road and Bridge Co., 28,043,324 138,189


CCCC International Shipping 26,318,763 -

Co., Ltd

CHUWA BUSSAN company limited 13,138,761 -

CCCC Third Harbor 11,620,766 47,321,305

Engineering Co., Ltd.

(To be continued)

423 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

6. Promises with related parties (continued)

Selling goods or assets to related parties (continued)

2016 2015


CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., 11,054,256 9,119,658


Friede & Goldman, Llc. 11,000,000 102,518,684

Hainan CCCC Fourth Harbor 7,723,504 507,461

Construction Co., Ltd

China Communications Water 6,672,629 6,672,629

Transportation Design &

Research Co., Ltd

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. 5,264,957 6,210,620

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Fourth Harbor

Engineering Investigation

and Design Institute Co.,


5,058,462 126,461,538

No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. 4,528,473 9,701,516

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC-SHEC Second 1,541,429 1,541,429

Engineering Co., Ltd.

424 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

CCCC Third Highway 1,127,786 3,850,109

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

425 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

6. Promises with related parties (continued)

CCCC First Harbor 341,880 -

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Fourth Harbor 36,103 -

Engineering Institute Co.,


China Communications - 74,715,733


China Harbor Engineering - 63,799,620

Co., Ltd

Second Engineering Company - 14,872,470

of CCCC Fourth Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd

No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. - 7,494,175

of CCCC Second Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu LongYuan Zhenhua - 450,106

Marine Engineering Co.,Ltd

CCCC Fourth Harbor - 333,806

Engineering Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Harbor Second - 144,794

Engineering Co., Ltd

926,623,013 1,396,116,590

Signed a standby leasing agreement with the related party

On December 16,2015, the Company signed ship rental standby agreement with CCCC Rental

Jiahuayi Co., Ltd and CCCC Rental Jiahuaer Co., Ltd, with the rental term from March

426 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

5, 2016 to December 5, 2021.The Company will pay contractual compensations when the ship

rental agreement signed by the subsidiary and Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong) Co.,

Ltd can’t be performed. The max contractual amount is RMB 737,304,000 Yuan.

427 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for bad Closing balance Provision for bad

debts debts



No.1 Engineering 100,793,713 - 40,000,000 -

Co., Ltd. of CCCC

First Harbor

Engineering Co.,


CCCC Fourth Harbor 88,776,000 - 29,592,000 -


Investigation and

Design Institute

Co., Ltd

CCCC First Harbor 72,345,219 - 90,636,388 -

Engineering Co.,


China 58,509,343 - 27,772,867 -



Jiangsu LongYuan 37,087,652 - 45,398,459 -

Zhenhua Marine

Engineering Co.,


China Harbor 33,636,903 - 15,125,880 -

Engineering Co.,


CCCC Second Harbor 31,166,430 - 56,432,975 -

Engineering Co.,

428 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)


CCCC Third Harbor 32,184,194 - 56,419,273 -

Engineering Co.,


429 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

CCCC Fourth 24,670,995 - 19,047,086 -



Co., Ltd

China 18,382,000 - - -




Design &



Friede & 16,718,142 - 114,763,068 -

Goldman, Llc.

Road & Bridge 9,032,783 - - -


Co., Ltd.

CCCC-SHEC 6,098,300 - 13,171,700 -



Co., Ltd.

CCCC Fourth 6,000,000 - 6,000,000 -




and Design

Institute Co.,


(To be continued)

430 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

431 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for Closing balance Provision for

bad debts bad debts





No.2 5,700,505 - 8,999,544 -


Co., Ltd. of

CCCC Second



Co., Ltd.

CCCC Highway 5,650,000 - - -





Second 5,233,497 - 10,402,788 -


Company of CCCC

Fourth Harbor


Co., Ltd

No.2 5,053,317 - 5,753,557 -


Co., Ltd. of

432 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

CCCC First



Co., Ltd.

433 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

CCCC Third 5,008,691 - -

Harbor Second


Co., Ltd

Tianjin 2,170,000 - 2,170,000 -






Co., Ltd

CCCC-SHEC 1,438,507 - 14,753,046 -



Co., Ltd.

CCCC Marine 1,100,000 - 1,100,000 -




Research Centre

Co., Ltd

CCCC Third 331,860 - -






Co., Ltd.

434 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

435 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

Installation 253,297 - 900,797 -


Co., Ltd.of CCCC

First Harbor


Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin 140,711 - - -

Industry and

Trade Co., Ltd.

Yueyang 48,680 - 42,000 -


Xingang Co.,


CCCC Shanghai 45,635 - 1,083,425 -



Co., Ltd

Zhenhua Marine - - 69,319,180 -

Energy (Hong

Kong) Co., Ltd

CHUWA BUSSAN - - 45,103,892 -

company limited

CCCC Second - - 25,595,000 -



Bureau Co., Ltd.

436 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

437 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

No.1 - - 5,760,000 -


Co., Ltd. of

CCCC First



Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tunnel - - 4,809,915 -


Co., Ltd

CCCC First - 4,719,000

Harbor City



Co., Ltd

No.2 - - 1,245,810 -


Co., Ltd. of

CCCC Second



Co., Ltd.

567,576,374 - 716,117,651 -

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for Closing balance Provision for

bad debts bad debts

438 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)



CCCC Financial 663,820,190 - 134,534,649 -

Co., Ltd



439 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

Jiangsu 1,750,622 - 1,726,800 -


Zhenhua Marine



CCCC First 100,000 - - -



Co., Ltd.

No.1 - - 10,000,000 -


Co., Ltd. of

CCCC First



Co., Ltd.

1,850,622 - 11,726,800 -



CCCC East China 7,210,205 - - -

Investment Co.,


China - - 7,192,680 -



CCCC Third - - 2,200,000 -



440 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

Xing ‘an



Co., Ltd.

441 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

7. Receivables from related parties (continued)

CCCC Shanghai - - 630,000 -



Co., Ltd

7,210,205 - 10,022,680 -

8. Balances of payables to related parties

2016 2015

Accounts payable

CHUWA BUSSAN company limited 358,758,413 296,437,449

CCCC-SHEC Second 221,168,711 187,941,127

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Second Highway 149,221,661 259,445,458

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Harbor 115,648,769 43,224,566

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 92,096,212 162,023,996


CCCC Fourth Highway 81,806,205 -

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Second Highway 48,804,871 -

Consultant Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., 29,059,546 28,854,070


442 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

443 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

8. Balances of payables to related parties (continued)

Jiangsu LongYuan Zhenhua 17,042,149 -

Marine Engineering Co.,Ltd

CCCC Shanghai Equipment 14,170,536 32,594,294

Engineering Co., Ltd

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. 11,410,703 -

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Third Harbor 10,051,352 10,051,352

Engineering Xing’an

Construction Engineering

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Communications 9,675,865 -

Construction Contracting

Co., Ltd

CCCC Marine Engineering 9,363,830 9,363,830

Vessel Technology Research

Centre Co., Ltd

China Communications 8,777,876 -


Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 8,725,170 24,086,487

Industries (Group)

Changzhou Paint Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin Industry and 1,178,100 -

Trade Co., Ltd.

CCCC East China Investment 290,000 -

Co., Ltd

444 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

445 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

8. Balances of payables to related parties (continued)

China Communications Water 160,000 160,000

Transportation Design &

Research Co.,Ltd

China Communication 16,670 14,821,551

Materials & Shipment Co.,


Shanghai Jiangtian 4,380 289

Industrial Co., Ltd

Beijing Qiaoyu Science and - 1,198,882

Technology Co., Ltd

1,187,431,019 1,070,203,351

2016 2015

Advance receipts

China Harbor Engineering 736,500 736,500

Co., Ltd

Jiangsu LongYuan Zhenhua 366,574 -

Marine Engineering Co.,Ltd

CCCC Shanghai Equipment 100,000 -

Engineering Co., Ltd

CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., - 107,781,197


No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. - 82,277,608

of CCCC Second Harbor

446 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

Engineering Co., Ltd.

447 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

8. Balances of payables to related parties (continued)

CHUWA BUSSAN company limited - 32,378,055

No.1 Engineering Co., Ltd. - 1,788,70

of CCCC First Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

China Communications - 934,516


No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd. - 699,388

of CCCC Second Harbor

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Friede & Goldman, Llc. - 599,112

CCCC Third Harbor - 200,000

Engineering Xing ‘an

Construction Engineering

Co., Ltd.

1,203,074 227,395,077

Dividend payable

Hong Kong Zhenhua 346,005 346,005

Engineering Co., Ltd

Macau Zhenhua Harbor 6,593 6,593

Engineering Co., Ltd

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 25,079,494 25,079,494


448 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

8. Balances of payables to related parties (continued)

CHUWA BUSSAN company limited 6,269,873 6,269,873

China Communications - 502,283


31,701,965 32,204,248

Interest payable

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 132,917 1,784,054


2016 2015

Other payables

China Communications 103,327,306 103,937,952


CCCC Financing Rental Co., 100,000,000 1,118,000,000


Shanghai Jiangtian 16,754,583 17,586,085

Industrial Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Harbor 3,195,324 3,376,879

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC-SHEC Second 7,912,758 7,912,758

Engineering Co., Ltd.

CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 2,000,000 2,669,988


449 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

8. Balances of payables to related parties (continued)

CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., 1,819,211 1,637,656


CCCC Second Highway 1,437,244 13,750,047

Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

Jiangsu LongYuan Zhenhua 143,395 -

Marine Engineering Co.,Ltd

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 99,606 -

Industries (Group)

Changzhou Paint Co., Ltd.

CCCC Shanghai Equipment 89,000 -

Engineering Co., Ltd

Shanghai Zhensha Longfu - 257,612

Machinery Co., Ltd

CCCC Third Harbor - 1,200

Engineering Xing’an

Construction Engineering

Co., Ltd.

236,778,427 1,269,130,177

Short-term loans

CCCC Financial Co., Ltd 100,000,000 -

Non-current liabilities due

within one year

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 407,455,030 -


450 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

CCCC Rental Jiahuayi Co., 61,059,663 29,685,028


451 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

X. Related party relationships and transactions (continued)

8. Balances of payables to related parties (continued)

CCCC Rental Jiahuaer Co., 61,059,663 29,685,029


529,574,356 59,370,057

Long-term payable

CCCC Financing Rental Co., 905,899,356 -


CCCC Rental Jiahuayi Co., 323,448,337 359,930,972


CCCC Rental Jiahuaer Co., 323,448,337 359,930,971


CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co., 65,565,134 -


1,618,361,164 719,861,943

452 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XI. Promises and contingencies

1. Significant promises

(1) Capital expense promises

List in the following is the capital expenses promises not yet to be listed in the

financial statements but the contracts have been signed on the balance sheet date.

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

House, building and 225,842,432 206,585,921


(2) Operating leasing Promises

List in the following is the minimum leasing payment of the Group in the future according

to the irrevocable operating leasing contract that has been signed:

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

Within one year 58,763,290 57,354,128

One to two years 58,264,180 57,733,328

Two to three years 58,689,123 57,235,328

Over 3 years 76,480,021 138,342,848

252,196,614 310,665,632

(3) L/C Promises

The company entrusted bank to issue several L/C to purchase imported components or parts.

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the unpaid amount under the L/C’s is about RMB 2,464,170,714 Yuan

(Dec. 31, 2015: RMB 2,226,236,545 Yuan).

453 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XI. Promises and contingencies (continued)

2. Contingencies

As of Dec 31, 2016, the significant contingencies of the Group are as follows:

(1) In 2008, the Company signed an agreement of sales and installation for wind power

steel pipe pile products for the British Wind Power Project with Flour Limited

(hereinafter referred to as "Fluor") .In the project construction process, the Company

and Fluor, by way of friendly consultations and in the spirit of good cooperation,

maintain dispute handling normal communication mechanism. In June 2010, for the

implementation of the contract, after review by the board of directors of the Company,

the Company signed a mutual exemption letter with Fluor, and in 2011 settled the remaining

payment. Afterwards, Flour produced claim to the Company for quality compensation, and

requested the Company to cash the pay-on-claim quality guarantee bond, while the Company

rejected the claim. On March 20, 2014, Flour cashed the amount of 23,409,750 euro bond

to guarantee bond bank.

In September 2014, Flour initiated proceedings for the breach caused by the problems

related to the product quality to High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division, The

Technology and Construction Court (hereinafter referred to as “TCC Court of Britain

Queen’s Bench”) and asked the Company for the compensation of 250 million Pounds for

additional test and repair cost, project period delay and related loss. (Including the

cashed bond amount of 23,409,750 Euro). The Company didn’t acknowledge the claim for

the compensation from Flour. Since then, the Company prepared the evidence disclosure,

witness testimony, exchange work and other preparatory work before the court.

From February to March, April, April, June, the Trial Chamber of the British High Court

held a trial of the responsibility for the first instance, the trial of the quantitative

part of the first instance continued in May 2017. At present, the Company is actively

preparing works on ration part before the court, including exchanging testimony of

witnesses, disclosing and drafting document, and exchanging expert report in respect

of ration and work period.

454 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XI. Promises and contingencies (continued)

2. Contingencies (continued)

The Company attached great importance to this case, established special team and hired

senior legal team both at home and abroad to actively advocate the Company’s rights and

protect the Company’s rights from damaged. At present, this case is still at the stage

of preparing and exchanging various litigation documents and evidences before the first

instance on ration part. Therefore, the Company is unable to reliably estimate the

possible result of the case, possible loss and profit possibility and amount arising

from that. The Company will timely disclose the related impact based on the progress.

(2) In 2013, the Company has signed the construction and sales contract about a 6000

tons piping ship with Petrofac (JSD6000) Limited (hereinafter referred to as

Petrofac).The Company kept normal contact with Petrofac in the process of the

construction. On October 9, 2015, Petrofac issued Contract Termination Letter with the

reason that the project is delayed and meets the termination article. Petrofac asked

for terminating the contract and requested the Company to return the prepaid payment

and interest, as well as assumed the responsibility of the loss caused by the termination

of the contract. The Company rejected the claim. Petrofac honored the demand guarantee

from the opening bank in December 2015, with total amount of 44,720,000 USD.

The Company attached great importance to this case, established special team and hired

senior legal team both at home and abroad to actively advocate the Company’s rights and

protect the Company’s rights from damaged. The Company has applied for arbitration to

the London Court of International Arbitration in January 2016, and asked Petrofac to

return the payment of Letter of Guarantee and compensated for the loss in total of 200

million USD. After receiving the arbitration applicant of the Company, Petrofac filled

a counterclaim, and asked the Company for compensating about 182 million USD or 213

million USD under the requirements of continuing built ship or not continuing built ship.

At present, the arbitration court has been build. The company has submitted attribution

schedule by negotiation with Petrofac, with two rounds of arbitration documents on

respective opinions. The trail of the case has not yet initiated officially, and the

relative materials are on preparation stage, such as evidentiary document, testimony

of witnesses and expert report. Therefore, the Company is unable to reliably estimate

the possible result of the case, possible loss and profit possibility and amount arising

from that. The Company will timely disclose the related impact based on the progress.

455 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XI. Promises and contingencies (continued)

2. Contingencies (continued)

(3) On December 31, 2016, the Group provided USD 25.551 million of loan guarantee of

overseas loan under domestic guarantee to the joint venture Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong

Kong) Co., Ltd. The total converted guarantee amount in RMB is 177,247,287yuan which

will be due on April 14, 2017.The amount above reflects the max loss caused to the Group

once it breaches the agreement. The joint venture Zhenhua Marine Energy (Hong Kong) Co.,

Ltd. has health finance with no predicted significant debt breach risk. The Group didn’t

confirm the debt related to the financial guarantee.

(4) As of Dec. 31, 2015, the Group provided financial guarantee amount of 19,184,000

Yuan to customer Jiangsu Yanweigang Port Co., Ltd which will be due on Nov 11, 2017.The

amount above reflects the max loss caused to the Group once it breaches the agreement.

The Jiangsu Yanweigang Port Co., Ltd has health finance with no predicted significant

debt breach risk. The Group didn’t confirm the debt related to the financial guarantee.

456 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements

1. Accounts receivable

2016 2015

Accounts receivable 7,787,866,391 7,891,037,413

Less: Bad debt provision 1,311,778,695 1,108,321,774

6,476,087,696 6,782,715,639

Long-term receivables analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Within 6 months 4,697,825,773 5,529,667,647

7 to 12 months 754,026,913 513,185,844

1 to 2 years 846,748,647 603,261,900

2 to 3 years 347,663,847 496,633,694

3 to 4 years 377,828,003 170,481,093

4 to 5 years 132,261,040 102,873,101

Over 5 years 631,512,168 474,934,134

7,787,866,391 7,891,037,413

Less: Bad debt provision 1,311,778,695 1,108,321,774

6,476,087,696 6,782,715,639

Change of receivables - provisions for bad debt:

457 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

1. Accounts receivable (continued)

Opening Provision in Changeback Write-Off in Closing

balance in this year back this year this year balance in

current year current year

2016 1,108,321,774 203,456,921 - - 1,311,778,695

2015 832,754,361 275,567,413 - - 1,108,321,774

The accounts receivable are analyzed by types as follows:

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for bad debts Closing balance Provision for bad debts

Amount Proportion Amount Withdrawing Amount Proportion Amount Withdrawing

% % % %

Accounts 159,594,037 2 159,594,037 100 257,212,586 3 257,212,586 100


that are



t but


for bad debts

Bad debt

reserve is


as per the

credit risk


-Related 3,350,449,30 43 - - 3,967,741,78 51 - -

party 6 1

-Third party 3,992,180,63 51 867,510,413 22 3,503,260,02 44 688,286,163 20

5 1

Accounts 285,642,413 4 284,674,245 100 162,823,025 2 162,823,025 100


that are



t but


for bad debts

is assessed


7,787,866,39 100 1,311,778,69 17 7,891,037,41 100 1,108,321,77 14

1 5 3 4

458 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

1. Accounts receivable (continued)

As of Dec, 31, 2016, situation of the accounts receivables that are individually

insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Reason

balance provision (%)

Accounts 159,594,037 159,594,037 100% Contract

receivable 1 dispute

As of Dec, 31, 2015, situation of the accounts receivables that are individually

insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Provision

balance provision reasons

Accounts 149,393,086 149,393,086 100% Contract

receivable 1 dispute

Accounts 107,819,500 107,819,500 100% Counter-party

receivable 2 seriously lacks


257,212,586 257,212,586 100%

Accounts receivable for which the bad debt reserve is calculated as per the aging analysis


459 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

1. Accounts receivable (continued)

2016 2015

Closing Provision for bad debts Closing Provision for bad debts

balance balance

Amount Amount Proportio Amount Amount Proportio

n n

Withi 1,638,214,66 - - 1,725,233,94 - -

n 6 1 0



7 - 12 669,637,393 6,696,374 1 449,328,126 3,442,852 1



1 - 2 649,760,167 97,704,025 15 530,521,126 78,072,185 15


2 - 3 293,717,341 88,115,202 30 168,781,101 50,634,330 30


3 - 4 95,818,058 47,909,029 50 113,881,656 55,440,828 49


4 - 5 71,788,934 53,841,700 75 48,339,809 33,521,705 69


Over 5 573,244,081 573,244,08 100 467,174,263 467,174,26 100

years 3 3

3,992,180,63 867,510,41 22 3,503,260,02 688,286,16 20

5 3 1 3

As of Dec, 31, 2016, situation of the other accounts receivables that are individually

460 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

not insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Reason

balance provision

Accounts 107,819,500 107,819,500 100% Contract

receivable 1 dispute

Accounts 50,365,000 50,365,000 100% Counter-party

receivable 2 seriously lacks


461 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

1. Accounts receivable (continued)

Accounts 27,748,069 27,748,069 100% Contract

receivable 3 dispute

Accounts 21,932,297 21,932,297 100% Contract

receivable 4 dispute

Accounts 19,480,920 18,512,752 95% Contract

receivable 5 dispute

Accounts 17,735,070 17,735,070 100% Contract

receivable 6 dispute

Accounts 10,049,240 10,049,240 100% Contract

receivable 7 dispute

Accounts 7,664,629 7,664,629 100% Contract

receivable 8 dispute

Accounts 7,421,237 7,421,237 100% Contract

receivable 9 dispute

Accounts 7,306,800 7,306,800 100% Contract

receivable 10 dispute

Accounts 4,557,644 4,557,644 100% Contract

receivable 11 dispute

Accounts 3,562,007 3,562,007 100% Contract

receivable 12 dispute

285,642,413 284,674,245 100%

462 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

1. Accounts receivable (continued)

As of Dec, 31, 2015, situation of the other accounts receivables that are individually

not insignificant but provision for bad debts is assessed individually is as follows:

Book value Bad debt Provision ratio Reason

balance provision (%)

Accounts 50,365,000 50,365,000 100% Counter-party

receivable 1 seriously lacks


Accounts 25,974,465 25,974,465 100% Contract

receivable 2 dispute

Accounts 20,530,426 20,530,426 100% Contract

receivable 3 dispute

Accounts 18,235,736 18,235,736 100% Contract

receivable 4 dispute

Accounts 16,150,830 16,150,830 100% Contract

receivable 5 dispute

Accounts 9,758,221 9,758,221 100% Contract

receivable 6 dispute

Accounts 7,260,803 7,260,803 100% Contract

receivable 7 dispute

Accounts 6,946,886 6,946,886 100% Contract

receivable 8 dispute

Accounts 4,266,328 4,266,328 100% Contract

receivable 9 dispute

Accounts 3,334,330 3,334,330 100% Contract

receivable 10 dispute

463 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

162,823,025 162,823,025 100%

464 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

1. Accounts receivable (continued)

As of Dec. 31, 2016, the accounts receivable summary analysis of top 5 arrears is shown

as following:

Accounting for balance of receivables

Balance Bad debt provision Proportion in total

amount accounts receivable

Total amount of top 5 2,641,634,401 42,868,900 34%

account receivables

account receivables

As of Dec. 31, 2015, the account receivable summary analysis of top 5 debtors is shown

as following:

Accounting for balance of receivables

Balance Bad debt provision Proportion in total

amount accounts receivable

Total amount of top 5 3,094,418,881 - 39%

account receivables

account receivables

465 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

2. Other accounts receivable

Other accounts receivables analyzed by age:

2016 2015

Within one year 13,861,142,297 11,225,646,626

1 to 2 years 4,247,938 55,855,439

2 to 3 years 14,168,062 4,952,612

3 to 4 years 3,685,185 980,855

4 to 5 years 180,855 686,960

Over 5 years 15,281,311 35,555,503

13,898,705,648 11,323,677,995

Less: Bad debt provision 20,702,632 18,581,021

13,878,003,016 11,305,096,974

Change of other receivables - provisions for bad debt:

Opening Provision in Changeback Write-Off in Closing

balance in this year back this this year balance in

current year year current year

2016 18,581,021 2,121,611 - - 20,702,632

2015 16,776,791 1,804,230 - - 18,581,021

466 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

2. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Other accounts receivables analyzed by types:

2016 2015

Closing balance Provision for bad debts Closing balance Provision for bad debts

Amount Proportion Amount Withdrawing Amount Proportion Amount Withdrawing

% % % %

Big single - - - - - - - -


provided for

bad debt


Bad debt

reserve is

calculated as

per the credit





(excluding 99,337,723 1 - - 149,741,517 1 - -




-Employee 102,865,415 1 - - 127,444,785 1 - -


loans and

reserve funds

-Others 13,685,062,13 98 9,262,257 - 11,035,051,31 98 7,140,646 -

5 8

Single amount, 11,440,375 - 11,440,375 100 11,440,375 - 11,440,375 100

though not



provision for

bad debt made

13,898,705,64 100 20,702,632 11,323,677,99 100 18,581,021

8 5

467 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

2. Other accounts receivable (continued)

As of December 31, 2016, the Company has no separate provision for bad debt for other

accounts receivable with significant individual amount.

In combination, other receivables for which the bad debt reserve is calculated as per

the aging analysis method:

2016 2015

Closing Provision for bad debts Closing Provision for bad debts

balance balance

Amount Amount Proportion Amount Amount Proportion

Within 6 13,662,394,513 - - 11,008,231,524 - -


7 - 12 2,834,483 28,345 1 3,927,262 39,273 1


1 - 2 years 747,938 112,191 15 15,680,501 2,352,076 15

2 - 3 years 11,881,104 3,564,331 30 3,203,485 961,044 30

3 - 4 years 3,202,985 1,601,492 50 180,855 90,427 50

4 - 5 years 180,855 135,641 75 519,460 389,595 75

Over 5 3,820,257 3,820,257 100 3,308,231 3,308,231 100


13,685,062,135 9,262,257 11,035,051,318 7,140,646

As of Dec. 31, 2016 and Dec. 31, 2015, other receivables which single amount, though

not significant, separate provision for bad debt made:

468 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

2. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Book value balance Bad debt provision Provision ratio Reason


Other receivables 1,692,765 1,692,765 100 Contract

1 cancelled

Other receivables 1,170,282 1,170,282 100 Contract

2 cancelled

Other receivables 5,540,286 5,540,286 100 Contract

3 cancelled

Other receivables 3,037,042 3,037,042 100 Contract

4 cancelled

11,440,375 11,440,375 100

Category of other payables by nature of payment

2016 2015

Intercourse funds of subsidiary 13,429,629,328 10,700,493,210

Unsettled tax and surtax 119,175,846 138,270,252


Export tax rebate 55,755,562 101,381,047

Products or field service 60,496,560 82,048,741

temporary loans

Customs guaranty deposit 71,148,199 104,071,196

Bid bond payments 29,189,524 45,670,321

Employee’s loans receivable 42,368,855 45,396,044

Lease receivables 33,434,668 33,484,980

469 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

Others 57,507,106 72,862,204

13,898,705,648 11,323,677,995

470 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

2. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Other receivables with top five ending balance collected by the party in debt as of

December 31, 2016

Closing Proportion in Nature Account age Provision for

balance other total bad debts

ending balance Closing

receivable (%) balance

Other 4,370,239,666 31 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 1 funds of


Other 2,518,908,707 18 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 2 funds of


Other 2,092,489,070 15 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 3 funds of


Other 2,077,530,443 15 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 4 funds of


Other 1,458,611,248 10 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 5 funds of


12,517,779,134 89 -

Other receivables with top five ending balance collected by the party in debt as of

December 31, 2015

Closing Proportion in Nature Account age Provision for

balance other total bad debts

ending balance Closing

receivable (%) balance

471 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

Other 2,521,927,692 22 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 1 funds of


Other 2,375,267,363 21 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 2 funds of


Other 1,506,297,530 13 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 3 funds of


Other 1,283,337,049 11 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 4 funds of


472 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

2. Other accounts receivable (continued)

Other 1,144,708,573 10 Intercourse Within one year -

receivables 5 funds of


8,831,538,207 77 -

3. Long-term equity investments

2016 2015

Subsidiary 6,381,423,422 5,793,119,602

Joint venture 199,459,569 174,636,916

Associates 2,001,892,291 1,422,428,308

8,582,775,282 7,390,184,826

473 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1) Subsidiary


2015 Increase/ decrease in

current year

Dec. 31 Additional investment/ Dec. 31


Shanghai Zhenhua Port 4,950,000 5,014,200 9,964,200

Machinery Heavy

Industry Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 5,014,200 (5,014,200) -

Industries Machinery

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Port - - -

Machinery (Hong Kong)

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua 140,260,673 - 140,260,673

Shipping Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 4,518,000 - 4,518,000

Industries (Group)

Changzhou Paint Co.,


Nantong Zhenhua Heavy 854,936,900 - 854,936,900

Industry Equipment

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Nantong Zhenhua Heavy 598,110 - 598,110

Industry Steel

Structure Processing

Co., Ltd.

474 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

Jiangyin Zhenhua Port 579,983 - 579,983

Machinery Steel


Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

475 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 2,201,086,744 - 2,201,086,744

Industry General

Equipment Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 300,000,000 300,000,000 600,000,000

Industries Group

(Nantong) Transmission

Machinery Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 300,000,000 (300,000,000) -

Industries Group

(Nantong) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 50,000,000 - 50,000,000

Industries Electric

Co., Ltd.

ZPMC GmbH Hamburg 207,940 - 207,940

ZPMC Netherlands B.V. 2,334,799 13,283,280 15,618,079

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 100,000,000 - 100,000,000

Industries Vessel

Transport Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua 7,000,000 - 7,000,000

Testing Technology

Consulting Co., Ltd.

ZPMC Lanka Company

(Private) Limited 6,183,978 - 6,183,978

Nanjing Ninggao New 1,098,000,000 - 1,098,000,000

Channel Construction

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy 203,000,000 - 203,000,000

Industries Qidong

476 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

Marine Co., Ltd

477 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

ZPMC Engineering Africa 3,084,000 - 3,084,000

(Pty) Ltd.

ZPMC Korea Co., Ltd. 2,876,209 - 2,876,209

ZPMC Engineering

(India) Private Limited 2,953,200 - 2,953,200

ZPMC Australia Company

(Pty) Limited 2,708,500 - 2,708,500

ZPMC North America Inc. 18,564,520 - 18,564,520

(To be continued)

478 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1) Subsidiary (continued)

2015 Increase/ decrease in 2016

current year

Dec. 31 Additional investment/ Dec. 31



ZPMC Southeast Asia

Holding Pte. Ltd. 3,875,949 - 3,875,949

ZPMC Brazil Holdings 2,985,272 (48,501) 2,936,771


ZPMC Limited Liability 4,357,626 - 4,357,626


CCCC Liyang City 183,000,000 - 183,000,000


Construction Co., Ltd

CCCC Tianhe Co., Ltd. 242,542,999 - 242,542,999

CCCC Investment 47,500,000 - 47,500,000

Development Qidong Co.,


CCCC Zhenjiang - 567,000,000 567,000,00



Management Development

Co., Ltd

ZPMC Middle East Fze - 5,271,120 5,271,120

ZPMC UK LD - 2,797,921 2,797,921

479 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

5,793,119,602 588,303,820 6,381,423,422

480 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)


2014 Increase/ decrease 2015

in current year

Dec. 31 Additional Dec. 31



Shanghai Zhenhua 4,950,000 - 4,950,000

Port Machinery Heavy

Industry Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua 5,014,200 - 5,014,200

Heavy Industries

Machinery Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua - - -

Port Machinery (Hong

Kong) Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua 140,260,673 - 140,260,673

Shipping Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua 4,518,000 - 4,518,000

Heavy Industries

(Group) Changzhou

Paint Co., Ltd.

Nantong Zhenhua 854,936,900 - 854,936,900

Heavy Industry


Manufacturing Co.,


481 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Nantong Zhenhua 598,110 - 598,110

Heavy Industry Steel


Processing Co., Ltd.

Jiangyin Zhenhua 579,983 - 579,983

Port Machinery Steel


Manufacturing Co.,


Shanghai Zhenhua 2,201,086,744 - 2,201,086,744

Heavy Industry

General Equipment

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua

Heavy Industries

Group (Nantong)


Machinery Co., Ltd.

(To be continued)

482 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1) Subsidiary (continued)

2014 Increase/ decrease 2015

in current year

Dec. 31 Additional Dec. 31




300,000,000 - 300,000,000

Shanghai Zhenhua 300,000,000 - 300,000,000

Heavy Industries

Group (Nantong) Co.,


Shanghai Zhenhua 50,000,000 - 50,000,000

Heavy Industries

Electric Co., Ltd.

ZPMC GmbH Hamburg 207,940 - 207,940

ZPMC Netherlands 149,717 2,185,082 2,334,799


Shanghai Zhenhua 100,000,000 - 100,000,000

Heavy Industries

Vessel Transport

Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Zhenhua 7,000,000 - 7,000,000

Testing Technology

Consulting Co., Ltd.

483 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

ZPMC Lanka Company

(Private) Limited 6,183,978 - 6,183,978

484 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Nanjing Ninggao New 1,090,000,000 8,000,000 1,098,000,000


Construction Co.,


Shanghai Zhenhua 203,000,000 - 203,000,000

Heavy Industries

Qidong Marine Co.,


ZPMC Engineering 3,084,000 - 3,084,000

Africa (Pty) Ltd.

ZPMC Korea Co., Ltd. 2,876,209 - 2,876,209

ZPMC Engineering

(India) Private 2,953,200 - 2,953,200


ZPMC Australia


(Pty) Limited 2,708,500 - 2,708,500

ZPMC North America 1,850,430 16,714,090 18,564,520


ZPMC Southeast Asia

Holding Pte. Ltd. 3,875,949 - 3,875,949

ZPMC Brazil Holdings - 2,985,272 2,985,272


485 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

ZPMC Limited - 4,357,626 4,357,626

Liability Company

486 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

CCCC Liyang City - 183,000,000 183,000,000


Construction Co.,


CCCC Tianhe Co., - 242,542,999 242,542,999


CCCC Investment - 47,500,000 47,500,000

Development Qidong

Co., Ltd

5,285,834,533 507,285,069 5,793,119,602

(2) Joint venture


Beginning Change in current year Ending book Ending

value depreciation


balance Additional Withdrawn Investment

investment investment profit and

loss under

equity method

Joint venture

Jiangsu 171,577,489 - - 25,046,722 196,624,211 -


Zhenhua Marine






Makinalari 3,059,427 - - (224,069) 2,835,358 -

487 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

Ticaret Anonim


174,636,916 - - 24,822,653 199,459,569 -

488 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)


Beginning Change in current year Ending book Ending

value depreciation


balance Additional Withdrawn Investment

investment investment profit and

loss under



Joint venture

Jiangsu Long Yuan 162,922,641 - - 8,654,848 171,577,489 -

Zhenhua Marine






Makinalari 327,639 - - 2,731,788 3,059,427 -

Ticaret Anonim


163,250,280 - - 11,386,636 174,636,916 -

(3) Associates


Beginning Change in current Ending book Ending

balance value Depreciation


Additional Investment Adjustments Cash

investment profit and to other dividends

loss under comprehensive or profits

equity income that are

method announced

to be


489 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

CCCC Marine 15,269,200 - 376,318 - - 15,645,518 -





Centre Co.,


490 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Shanghai 15,306,843 - 1,978,952 - (1,833,066) 15,452,729 -

Zhenhua Heavy




Paint Co., Ltd.

CCCC Estate 174,697,785 - 916,743 - - 175,614,528 -

Yixing Co.,


CCCC Financing 1,141,740,698 420,000,000 75,648,845 255,310 (32,400,000) 1,605,244,853 -

Rental Co.,




Construction 75,413,782 - (4,347,559) 4,546,680 - 75,612,903 -

USA Inc.

CCCC South




SARL - 114,321,760 - - - 114,321,760 -

1,422,428,308 534,321,760 74,573,299 4,801,990 (34,233,066) 2,001,892,291 -


Beginning Change in current Ending book Ending

balance value Depreciation


Additional Investment Adjustments Cash

investment profit and to other dividends

loss under comprehensive or profits

equity income that are

method announced

to be

491 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)


CCCC Marine 15,079,243 - 189,957 - - 15,269,200 -





Centre Co.,


492 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

3. Long-term equity investments (continued)

Shanghai 15,030,294 - 1,956,549 - (1,680,000) 15,306,843 -

Zhenhua Heavy



Changzhou Paint

Co., Ltd.

CCCC Estate 174,686,810 - 10,975 - - 174,697,785 -

Yixing Co.,


CCCC Financing 551 ,350,475 540,000,000 50,390,223 - -

1,605,244,853 -

Rental Co.,




Construction - 76,206,000 (2,048,615) 1,256,397 - 75,413,782 -

USA Inc.

756,146,822 616,206,000 50,499,089 1,256,397 (1,680,000) 1,422,428,308 -

4. Operating income and operating cost

2016 2015

Income Cost Income Cost

Main operations 22,901,854,062 19,219,649,675 20,816,918,328 18,021,832,539

Other 1,346,629,631 1,326,296,433 1,052,971,485 1,048,137,783


24,248,483,693 20,545,946,108 21,869,889,813 19,069,970,322

The main operating revenue and cost analyzed by product are listed as followings:

2016 2015

493 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

Major operating Major operating Major operating Major operating

income cost income cost

Container 16,966,005,765 13,385,624,468 14,856,548,107 12,151,678,786


494 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

4. Operating income and operating cost (continued)

Bulk machinery 3,133,488,466 3,134,543,276 1,994,845,361 1,901,125,005

Heavy equipment 1,773,587,826 1,760,404,529 3,085,784,614 3,140,472,952

Steel structure 1,028,772,006 939,077,402 879,740,246 828,555,796

and related


22,901,854,063 19,219,649,675 20,816,918,328 18,021,832,539

Other operating income and Other operating cost

2016 2015

Other operating Other operating Other operating Other operating

income cost income cost

Sales of 1,063,590,327 1,110,261,460 775,268,362 858,260,360


Equipment 283,039,304 216,034,973 277,703,123 189,877,423

leasing and


1,346,629,631 1,326,296,433 1,052,971,485 1,048,137,783

5. Investment income

2016 2015

Investment income from 400,633 9,465,520

long-term equity verified by

cost method

Investment gains from 99,395,952 61,885,725

long-term equity verified by

495 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

equity method

Investment gains from 1,112,890 789,100


financial assets during

holding period

496 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

5. Investment income (continued)

Bank financial products 1,969,590 393,033,507

investment income

Investment income from 5,176 34,083,478

disposal of


financial assets

102,879,065 499,257,330

6. Supplementary information of cash flow statements

Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:

2016 2015

Net profit 270,221,960 214,947,606

Add: Assets impairment 1,208,850,889 634,618,962


Depreciation of fixed 510,588,106 563,202,254

assets, depletion of oil gas

assets, depreciation of

productive living assets

Intangible assets 53,045,981 49,544,923


Losses on disposal of fixed

assets, intangible assets

and other long-term assets

2,996,936 (1,060,294)

Changes in fair value gains (27,035,042) 19,402,267

497 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

and losses

Financial expenses 1,504,100,506 1,541,640,234

498 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XII. Notes to items in the Company’s statements (continued)

6. Supplementary information of cash flow statements (continued)

Investment gains (102,879,065) (499,257,330)

Increase/decrease in (70,957,061) 13,227,627

deferred income tax asset

(increase was filled in with


Increase of inventories (295,457,421) (1,377,428,119)

Increase of construction 321,427,489 (1,544,276,536)

contract price

Decrease/increase in (2,249,861,228) (4,007,049,883)

operating receivables

Decrease/increase in (1,200,900,147) 1,821,152,533

operating payables

Net cash flows from (75,858,097) (2,571,335,756)

operating activities

Net alteration of cash and cash equivalents:

2016 2015

Cash balance at end of year 1,872,410,585 1,806,066,316

Less: cash at beginning of 1,806,066,316 1,272,228,765


Net increase in cash and cash 66,344,269 533,837,551


499 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XIII. Events after assets balance date

As of the date of approval of this financial statement, the Company is not required to

disclose any future events of the balance sheet date.

500 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XIV. Other important matters

1. Report by branches

The Group determines the operating branch based on internal organizational structure,

management requirement and internal report system, determine the report branch based

on business branch, and disclose the information of branch.

Operating branch refers to the components that the Group coincides with all the following

requirements: (1) it may earn revenues and incur expenses in daily activities; (2) its

operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions

about resource to be allocated to the branch and assess its performance; (3) The Group

is able to obtain its accounting information regarding financial position, operating

results and cash flows, etc. Two operating branches or above, with same economic

characteristics and meeting relative requirements, can be integrated to a new one.

The Group identifies the business as an operating branch based on internal organization

structure, management requirement and internal report system, and carry out analysis

and assessment.

Products and labor service

Income from external transaction

2016 2015

Container crane 17,082,391,036 14,994,515,929

Weight equipment 1,284,872,909 3,985,411,881

Bulk machine part 3,154,983,915 2,013,370,826

“Construction-transfer” 1,005,087,825 514,064,790


Steel structure and related 1,035,829,290 826,175,120


Shipping and others 580,231,787 680,776,778

Sales materials 81,273,472 132,403,534

501 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XIV. Other important matters (continued)

Equipment leasing and others 123,417,694 125,675,819

24,348,087,928 23,272,394,677

502 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XIV. Other important matters (continued)

1. Report by branches (continued)


Income from external transaction

2016 2015

Mainland China 9,261,862,587 8,528,436,051

Asia (excluding mainland 8,774,618,285 5,854,518,426


The America 1,660,773,333 4,555,300,460

Europe 1,694,807,875 2,264,289,477

Mainland China (export 1,939,957,027 1,072,367,341


Others 1,016,068,821 997,482,922

24,348,087,928 23,272,394,677

Income from external transaction ascribes to the area where custom located.

503 / 507

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd

Note for financial statements (continued)

Dec. 31,2016

RMB Yuan

XIV. Other important matters (continued)

1. Report by branches (continued)

Geographic (continued)

Non-current assets

2016 2015

Mainland China 19,820,827,959 19,972,238,305

Asia (excluding mainland 3,418,721,827 3,435,683,134


Others 37,392,161 10,189,659

23,276,941,947 23,418,111,097

Non-current asset ascribes to the local area, excluding financial asset and deferred

income tax assets.

504 / 507

1. Details of non-recurring profit and loss for current period

2016 2015

Gains from disposal of 1,340,612 9,338,797

non-current assets

Government subsidy included

in the current profits and


(except for those which 45,042,910 22,847,200

closely associated with

normal business operations,

in line with national

policies and regulations,

and continuous enjoyment in

accordance with certain

standards in terms of

unified quota or ration)

Holding of trading financial

assets and liabilities

Profit and loss from change 23,420,959 445,766,951

of fair values due to the

holding of trading financial

assets and liabilities, and

investment incomes obtained

from the disposals of

trading financial assets and

liabilities and


financial assets

Current profit and loss of - 55,523,666

the subsidiary generated

from consolidation of

enterprises under the same

control from the beginning

to the end of the period

505 / 507

1. Details of non-recurring profit and loss for current period (continued)

Other non-operating incomes 6,435,660 15,490,536

and expenditures except

above items

Income tax influence (14,557,550) (90,577,182)

Minority shareholders’ (6,708,080) (31,568,397)

equity influence (after tax)

54,974,511 426,821,571

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

Earnings per share

Weighted average return on net Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per share

assets yield (%)

2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015

Net profit 1.41% 1.41% 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

attributive to

holders of

common shares

of the Company

Net profit 1.05% (1.45%) 0.04 (0.05) 0.04 (0.05)

attributive to

holders of

common shares

of the Company

after deducting



profit and loss

506 / 507

Chapter XII Backup Documents Contents

Accounting statements signed and sealed by legal representative, responsible person for

Backup documents contents

accounting, and responsible person of accounting firm.

Original of audit report sealed by accountant firm and signed and sealed by certified

Backup documents contents


Originals of all documents and announcements published in newspaper designated by

Backup documents contents

China Securities Regulatory Commission within report period

Director: Song Hailiang

Date of submission upon approved by the board of director: March 29, 2017

Revised information

□Applicable √Not applicable

507 / 507


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