
来源:深交所 2016-08-27 00:00:00



Announcement No. 2016-025

August 2016

Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section I Important Statements, Contents and Terms

The board of directors (the “Board”), the board of supervisors (the “Board of Supervisors”) as well

as the directors, supervisors and senior management of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

(the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the

Report, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any false representation, misleading statements

or material omissions in the Report.

All the directors attended the board meeting for the review of the Report.

The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or convert capital reserve into

share capital.

Liang Jinhui, head of the Company, Ye Changqing, accounting head for the Report, and Zhu Jiafeng,

head of the accounting organ (head of accounting), hereby guarantee that the Financial Report

carried in the Report is factual, accurate and complete.

The Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or

misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


Section I Important Statements, Contents and Terms .................................................................... 2

Section II Corporate Profile .............................................................................................................. 5

Section III Highlights of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators ............................................ 7

Section IV Report by the Board of Directors .................................................................................. 9

Section V Significant Events ........................................................................................................... 18

Section VI Changes in Shares & Shareholders ............................................................................. 23

Section VII Preference Shares......................................................................................................... 28

Section VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Staffs .......................................... 29

Section IX Financial Report ............................................................................................................ 30

Section X Documents Available for Reference ............................................................................ 153


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


Term Meaning

Company, the Company, Gu Jing Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

Group, the Group Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (consolidated)

Gujing Group Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section II Corporate Profile

I Corporate information

Stock name Gujing Distillery, Gujing Distillery B Stock code 000596, 200596

Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese 安徽古井贡酒股份有限公司

Abbr. (if any) 古井

Company name in English (if



Abbr. (if any) GU JING

Legal representative Liang Jinhui

II Contact information

Board Secretary Securities Representative

Name Ye Changqing Ma Junwei

Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui


Province, P.R.China Province, P.R.China

Tel. (0558) 5712231 (0558) 5710057

Fax (0558)5317706 (0558) 5317706

E-mail gjzqb@gujing.com.cn gjzqb@gujing.com.cn

III Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the

Company during the Reporting Period?

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company did not change

during the Reporting Period. The said information can be found in the 2015 Annual Report.

2. About information disclosure and the place where the Report is kept

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and the place where the Report is kept during the Reporting Period?

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the CSRC for disclosing the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Report and the location where the Report is placed did not change during the Reporting Period. The said information can be found in

the 2015 Annual Report.

3. Change of the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the Reporting Period?

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section III Highlights of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

I Major accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company performs any retroactive adjustments to or restatements of its accounting data of last year due to change in

accounting policies or correction of accounting errors

□ Yes √ No

Reporting Period Same period of last year +/- (%)

Operating revenues (RMB) 3,045,034,706.73 2,713,042,828.92 12.24%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

431,055,462.62 380,504,804.17 13.29%

the Company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the Company after excluding exceptional 423,236,352.49 368,258,604.21 14.93%

profit and loss (RMB)

Net cash flows from operating activities

326,112,612.99 336,217,657.83 -3.01%


Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.86 0.76 13.16%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.86 0.76 13.16%

Weighted average return on equity (%) 8.54% 8.75% -0.21%

As at the end of the

As at the end of last year +/- (%)

Reporting Period

Total assets (RMB) 8,762,569,335.47 7,183,147,641.13 21.99%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of

5,196,297,183.36 4,833,721,630.08 7.50%

the Company (RMB)

II Differences in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences in the net profit and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under

international and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.

2. Differences in the net profit and the net assets disclosed in the financial reports prepared under overseas

and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such differences for the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

III Exceptional profit and loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Item Reporting Period Note

Profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets (including offset


amount of asset impairment provisions)

Government grants charged to the profit/loss for the Reporting

Period (except for the government grants closely related to the


business of the Company and given at a fixed quota or amount in

accordance with the State’s uniform standards)

Profit/loss on fair value changes of transactional financial assets

and liabilities & investment income from disposal of transactional

financial assets and liabilities as well as financial assets available 7,374,385.49

for sale, except for effective hedges related to normal business

operations of the Company

Non-operating income and expense other than the above 3,470,016.08

Less: Corporate income tax 2,606,370.05

Total 7,819,110.13 --

Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory

Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss,

or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section IV Report by the Board of Directors

I Overview

2016 has continued to see obvious downward pressure on China’s economy, with complexity and volatility in the

environment at home and abroad. Despite signs of recovery in the distilled spirits industry, which had been in

hibernation, the industry as a whole is still going through deep change with continuous pressure.

Under the common efforts of the Board and all the other staff, for the six months from January to June 2016, we

achieved operating revenues of RMB3.045 billion, up 12.24% year on year; and net profit of RMB431 million,

representing a year-on-year growth of 13.29%. As such, the operating goals that we had set for the first half of

2016 at the beginning of the year were all accomplished. To achieve that, we took the following main measures in

the reporting period: ① following a strategy of “from the high-end market to other markets, from the

international market to the domestic market” to extend our brand influence; ② optimizing our market

competitive strategy through pushing forward the campaign to bring our products to more channels, stores and

consumers as well as through expanding our marketing channels to low-tier cities; ③ further improving our

brewing technique to increase our product quality; ④ pushing forward market internalization, reforming our

management methods and optimizing our human resource; and ⑤ accelerating automation, informatization and

intelligentization through the “5.0” strategy.

II Analysis of main business

YoY movements in major financial data

Unit: RMB

Main reason for

Reporting Period Same period of last year YoY +/-%


Operating revenues 3,045,034,706.73 2,713,042,828.92 12.24%

Operating costs 780,394,434.66 827,578,527.59 -5.70%

Selling expenses 1,013,923,133.24 794,226,823.89 27.66%

Administrative expenses 257,077,455.72 237,926,770.64 8.05%

Finance costs -9,764,161.14 -8,593,975.74 -13.62%

Corporate income tax 144,981,768.68 132,550,174.27 9.38%

Net cash flows from

326,112,612.99 336,217,657.83 -3.01%

operating activities

Net cash flows from Net increase in cash paid

-225,265,330.93 -114,449,347.71 -96.83%

investing activities to acquire subsidiaries

Net cash flows from Payment of dividends to

-50,360,000.00 0.00 -100.00%

financing activities ordinary shareholders

Payment for investment

Net increase in cash and 50,487,282.06 221,768,310.12 -77.23%

and payment of


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

cash equivalents dividends

Financial assets that are

measured at fair value

The main reason for the

and whose movements

3,175,807.27 322,223.28 885.59% increase in the purchase

are included in the profit

of financial assets.

and loss of the current


The main reason for the

increase in the proportion

Note receivable 1,270,576,488.25 539,442,903.31 135.53%

of bills due to the


The main reason for the

Other receivables 22,597,880.76 8,617,955.68 162.22% increase in the scope of

the merger.

The main reason for the

project construction is

Construction project 23,322,200.71 62,562,971.78 -62.72% expected to be used in

the state, due to the

transfer of fixed assets.

The main reason for the

intangible assets 708,186,627.83 298,372,239.96 137.35% increase in the scope of

the merger.

The main reason is the

Payment in advance 1,059,316,464.50 608,565,152.50 74.07%

increase in sales orders.

The main reason is not

the same control

Deferred Tax Liability 119,413,770.33 20,463,660.87 483.54%

enterprise merger assets

evaluation caused by.

The main reason is the

Other payable 772,094,221.14 452,193,188.94 70.74% increase in deposit and


Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Reporting Period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as share-soliciting

prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Review the reporting period progress of any previously disclosed business plan:

In the reporting period, we carried out our work according to our development strategy and annual operating plan, with the progress


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

meeting the schedule.

III. Breakdown of main business

Unit: RMB Yuan


Increase/decrease Increase/decrease

Operating of operating

Operating cost Gross profit rate of operating cost of gross profit

revenue revenue over last

over last year rate over last year


Classified by industry:

Manufacture 3,045,034,706.73 780,394,434.66 74.37% 12.24% -5.70% 4.88%

Classified by product:

Distilled spirit

2,973,449,794.40 746,662,345.73 74.89% 12.20% -6.55% 5.04%


Hotel service 40,919,489.59 17,287,727.65 57.75% 4.52% 9.02% -1.74%

Other 30,665,422.74 16,444,361.28 46.37% 28.55% 29.35% -0.33%

Classified by region:

Domestic 3,045,034,706.73 780,394,434.66 74.37% 12.24% -5.70% 4.88%

Overseas 0.00 0.00 -- -100% -100% --

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

In the reporting period, no changes occurred to our core competitiveness in equipment, patents, non-proprietary technology, franchise

rights, land use rights, trademark use rights, etc., with no impact on the Company.

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Investments in external parties

Investment amount in the Reporting Period Investment amount in the same period of


(RMB Yuan) last year (RMB Yuan)

816,000,000.00 0.00 100.00%

Particulars about investees

Proportion of the Company’s investment in

Name of investee Main business

the investee’s total equity interests (%)

Wuhan Pride Yellow Crane Tower Production and sales of distilled spirit 51.00%


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Distillery Co., Ltd.

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

(3) Securities investments

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Shareholdi Gain/los

Number Number Shareholdi

Variety Code Name Initial ng s for

of shares of shares ng Closing

of of of investment percentage reporting Accounting Source

held at held at percentage book value

securiti securiti securiti cost (RMB at period title of stock

period-be period-e at (RMB Yuan)

es es es Yuan) period-beg (RMB

gin nd period-end

in Yuan)


44,362,929. 10,485,10 14,877,1 47,755,491. 141,172. Self-own

Stock 601988 ZGYH sale financial

40 0 00 00 16 ed funds



34,153,645. 4,211,66 36,641,476. 170,480. Self-own

Stock 000001 PAYH 2,219,720 sale financial

37 4 80 24 ed funds



91,133,996. 6,445,12 133,736,240 Self-own

Stock 600373 ZWCM 6,445,120 0.00 sale financial

80 0 .00 ed funds


169,650,571 19,149,94 25,533,8 218,133,207 311,652.

Total -- -- -- --

.57 0 84 .80 40

Disclosure date of the

board announcement on

approval of the

securities investment

Disclosure date of the

general meeting

announcement on

approval of the

securities investment (if



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(4) Shareholdings in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1) Wealth management entrustment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Entrustment loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

3. Particulars about the use of raised funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Overview of the use of raised funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000

Total amount of raised funds 122,749.95

Total amount of raised funds input in the reporting



Total amount of raised funds accumulatively input 108,269.86

Total amount of the raised funds with modified


purposes during the reporting period

Total amount of the accumulative raised funds with


modified purposes

Proportion of the total amount of the accumulative


raised funds with modified purposes

Overview of the use of raised funds

The Company’s raised funds were used stably as scheduled, without any changes.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(2) Projects promised to be invested with raised funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000


Project Investment when the Material

Projects invested with Accumulative Profit Reach

changed Raised Investment Input in progress project change in

raised capital as input up to generated the

or not capital after the up to the reaches the

promised and the in the expected

(including input as adjustment reporting period-end the project

investments with period-end reporting profit or

partially promised (1) year (%)(3)= expected feasibility

over-raised capital (2) period not

changed) (2)/(1) usable or not


Projects invested with raised capital as promised


Transform on the 30 Apr.

Brewage of No 13,500 12,194.42 0.00 12,247.9 100.44% Yes No

High-quality Base 2014


Construction of Base

Wine Blending & 30 Apr.

No 68,600 65,921.06 1,065.45 60,708.87 92.09% Yes No

Filling Centre and 2014

Ancillary Facilities

Construction of 30 Apr.

No 27,500 27,500 191.67 18,288.03 66.50% Yes No

Marketing Network 2014

31 Dec.

Brand Promotion No 17,000 17,000 0.00 17,025.06 100.15% Yes No


Subtotal of promised

-- 126,600 122,615.48 1,257.12 108,269.86 -- -- -- --

investment projects

Investments of over-raised capital


Total -- 126,600 122,615.48 1,257.12 108,269.86 -- -- 0 -- --

Reason for failing to

reach scheduled

progress or projected Naught

income (explain one

project by one project)

Explanation on

significant changes in Naught

feasibility of projects

Amount, usage and Not applicable

usage progress of

over-raised capital

Change of the Not applicable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


location of any raised

funds investment


Adjustment of the Not applicable


method of any raised

funds investment



In accordance with the explanation of the Particulars on the Private Issuance of A-share of Anhui Gujing

Distillery Co., Ltd. and the Listing Announcement, “Before the raised proceeds being in place, the Company

Advanced input and can use the self-raised proceeds to input preliminarily in accordance with the actual progress of raised

exchange of any proceeds investment projects; after the raised proceeds being in place, the Company can use the raised

raised funds proceeds to replace the self-raised proceeds preliminarily input”. And the Proposal on Using the Raised

investment project Proceeds to Replace the Self-raised Proceeds Preliminarily Input to the Raised Proceeds Investment Projects

was reviewed and approved at the 7th Session of the 6th Board of Directors, which agreed to use the raised

proceeds to replace the self-raised proceeds of RMB27,058,143.42 preliminarily input to the raised proceeds

investment projects. The above funds replacement was completed on 6 January 2012.

Idle raised capital for Not applicable



working capital


1. The Company strictly carried out the purchase system and the project bidding way, which better controlled

the project construction and purchase cost and under the premise of guaranteeing the project quality with the

Outstanding raised principles of practicing strict economy, the Company further strengthened the project expenses control,

funds in project supervisor and management in the process of the execution which reduced the total cost of the investment

implementation and project of the raised funds. 2. The surplus reason of the marketing network construction project was due to the

reasons rather big changes of the liquor market environment and the third party logistics system gradually becoming

more and more mature and at the same time, the Company would no more execute the center project of Hefei

Logistics for reducing the fixed operating cost of the Company, which caused the capital surplus of the


Usage and

whereabouts of Deposited in the special account for raised proceeds.

unused raise capital

Problems found in the

usage and disclosure

affairs of raised Naught

capital and other



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(3) Changes in projects invested with raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and shareholding companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Main subsidiaries and shareholding companies

Unit: RMB Yuan


Compan Compan Industr Registered Operating Operating

products/servic Total assets Net assets Net profit

y name y variety y capital revenues profit


Wholesales of

distilled spirit,


Busine construction

Gujing Subsidiar 84,864,497. 2,401,810,413. 314,863,202. 2,902,945,573. 232,519,520. 171,808,153.

ss materials,

Sales y 89 62 15 87 37 25

trading feeds and

Co., Ltd



5. Particulars about significant projects invested with non-raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VI. Predict the operating results of January-September 2016

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the

next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the

“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” for last


□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the Reporting Period

Formulation, execution or adjustment of the Company’s profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, during the

Reporting Period:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

On 26 May 2016, the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Company reviewed and approved the 2015 Profits

distribution plan: based on the total shares of 503,600,000 shares as on 31 December 2015, a cash dividend of

RMB1.00股为(tax included) to all shareholders for every 10 shares they held, with the total dividends paid out

totaling RMB50,360,000.00. The retained profits would carry over to the next year. The announcement on the

dividend payout was disclosed on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Ta Kung Pao and

www.cninfo.com.cn on 21 June 2016.

Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and


the resolution of the general meeting

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism Yes

Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and played


their due role.

Minority shareholders have the chance to fully express their

opinion and desire and their legal rights and interests were fully Yes


In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy, the

conditions and procedure were in compliance with regulations Not applicable

and transparent.

X. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the

Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company planed not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share capital for the Reporting


XI. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such in the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

V. Significant Events

I. Corporate governance

Since foundation, the Company constantly perfects corporate governance structure and standardize its management strictly in

accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Standard for Governance of Listed Companies, Guide Opinion on Setting up

Independent Directors Systems for Listed Companies as well as principles and requirements of other relevant laws, regulations and

normative documents. In the reporting period, as per requirements of Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and Shenzhen

Stock Exchange Guideline on Internal Control of Listed Companies, the Company developed internal control activity, perfected

internal control system step by step, promoted normative operation and healthy development. The Board of Directors, the

Supervisory Committee and the management of the Company make decisions, perform rights and assume obligation strictly

according to the standard operation rules and inner control system so as to make sure the standard operation of the Company in the

frame of rules and systems.

In the Reporting Period, according to requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Rules for Listing of Shares in

Shenzhen Stock Exchange and with the “open, fair and just” principle, the Company seriously and timely performed information

disclosure obligation and guaranteed that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, free from fictitious presentation,

misleading statements or important omissions, so that all the shareholders will equally acquaint themselves with all the notices of the


During the Reporting Period, the actual situation of the corporate governance had no difference with the Company Law and the

requirements of the relevant regulations of the CSRC.

II. Litigations

Significant litigations and arbitrations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Other litigations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Media query

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any media query in the Reporting Period.

IV. Bankruptcy or Reorganization Events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There Company was not involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization events in the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

V. Transaction in Assets

1. Purchase of assets

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


ip between

Ratio of the

Influence the net transaction


on the profit party and

Transactio Asset Transactio on the Related-pa

gains and contribute the Disclosure

n party or acquired n price Progress operation rty Disclosure

losses of d by the Company date (note

ultimate or bought (RMB’0,0 (note 2) of the transaction index

the asset to the (applicable 5)

controller in 00) Company or not

Company Company for

(note 3)

(note 4) to the total related-par

profit ty




ed the


nt of the



spirit See the

equities of

business of details of


the the

51% Pride

Company, Announce

equities of Yellow

Wuhan accelerated ment on

Wuhan Crane

Pride the the Assets

Pride Tower

Investment national Not 29 Apr. Purchase

Yellow 81,600 Distillery 587.83 1.36% No

Group Co., layout of applicable 2016 of the

Crane Co., Ltd.

Ltd., Yan the Company

Tower had

Hongzhi products on 29

Distillery transferred

market and April 2016

Co., Ltd. under the

enhanced on

name of

the brand www.cninf


impact as o.com.cn


well as the


scope of




Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

2. Sale of assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is no sale of assets in the Company during the Reporting Period.

3. Business combination

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

For strengthening the development of the distilled spirits business and accelerating the national layout of the products market as well

as enhancing of the brand impact with the business scope, the Company completed the purchase of the 51% equities of Wuhan Pride

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery during the Reporting Period, which is thus included in the consolidated scope of the 2016

Semi-annual Report.

VI. Implementation and Influence of Equity Incentive Plan of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is no equity incentive plan and its implementation in the Company during the Reporting Period.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions concerning routine operation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is no related-party transaction concerning routine operating in the Company during the Reporting Period.

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale during the Reporting Period.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any related-party transaction with joint investments during the Reporting Period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

VIII. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder

and other related parties of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other related parties

during the Reporting Period.

IX. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any trusteeship of the Company in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any contract of the Company in the Reporting Period.

(3) Lease

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any lease of the Company in the Reporting Period.

2. Guarantees provided by the company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any guarantee provided by the Company in the Reporting Period.

3. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no other significant contract of the Company in the Reporting Period.

4. Other significant transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no other significant transaction of the Company in the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s

shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such situation of the Company during the Reporting Period.

XI. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Whether the semi-annual financial report had been audited?

□ Yes √ No

This semi-annual report is un-audited.

XII. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any punishment and rectification of the Company in the Reporting Period.

XIII. Reveal of the delisting risks of illegal or violation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any delisting risk of illegal or violation of the Company in the Reporting Period.

XIV. Explanation about other significant matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XV. Related situation of the corporate bonds

Whether there was any public issuance of the corporate bonds which listed on the securities exchange that had not due on the

approved presentation date of the half-annual report or failed to pay in full amount.



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

Unit: share

Before this change Increase/decrease (+, -) After the change

Issuance Capitalization


Amount Proportion of new of public Other Subtotal Amount Proportion


shares reserve fund

I. Shares subject to trading

900 0.00% 900 0.00%


1. Other domestic shares 900 0.00% 900 0.00%

Shares held by

900 0.00% 900 0.00%

domestic individuals

II. Shares not subject to

503,599,100 100.00% 503,599,100 100.00%

trading moratorium

1. Ordinary shares

383,599,100 76.17% 383,599,100 76.17%

denominated in RMB

2. Domestically listed

120,000,000 23.83% 120,000,000 23.83%

foreign shares

III. Total of shares 503,600,000 100.00% 503,600,000 100.00%

Reasons for changes in share

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of share changes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Transfers in share changes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Influence of share changes towards financial indexes in the latest year and latest period such as basic EPS and diluted EPS, and net

assets per share belonging to shareholder with ordinary share

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other contents that the Company thinks necessary or is asked by securities regulators to be disclosed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Explanation of the changes in the sum of the shares and the structure of the shareholders and the structure of the assets as well as the

liabilities of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

II. Number of shareholders and shareholding

Unit: Share

Total number of preferred

Total number of common

shareholders that had restored the

shareholders at the end of the 19,231

voting right at the end of the

Reporting Period

Reporting Period (if any) (note 8)

Shareholding of common shareholders holding more than 5% shares or the top 10 of common shareholders

Increase Pledged or frozen shares

Number of and Number of Number of

shareholding decrease shares held shares held

Name of Nature of Holding

at the end of of shares subject to not subject Status of Number of

shareholder shareholder percentage

the reporting during trading to trading shares shares

period reporting moratorium moratorium



GROUP State-owned

53.89% 271,404,022 0 271,404,022 Pledged 114,000,000

COMPANY corporation



2.47% 12,446,408 1,335,766 12,446,408

FUND,L.P. corporation


NORGES BANK 2.43% 12,217,246 2,214,387 12,217,246




(LUXEMBOURG) 2.41% 12,150,199 -83,281 12,150,199





CHINA ALPHA 1.71% 8,627,598 0 8,627,598




ASSET State-owned

1.30% 6,543,600 0 6,543,600

MANAGEMENT corporation




1.13% 5,684,059 36,099 5,684,059

HONG KONG corporation




Other 0.79% 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000




Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016










0.75% 3,786,434 0 3,786,434

MASTER FUND corporation



CHINA FOCUS 0.70% 3,529,479 0 3,529,479



Strategic investor or general

corporation becoming a top ten

Not applicable

shareholder due to placing of new

shares (if any) (note 3)

Among the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing

Group Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties

Explanation on associated relationship

acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of

or/and persons acting in concert

Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company

among the above-mentioned

does not know whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in


concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in

Shareholding of Listed Companies.

Particulars about shares held by top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

Number of shares held not subject to trading moratorium Type of share

Name of shareholder

at the end of the period Type of share Number


271,404,022 271,404,022



GAOLING FUND,L.P. 12,446,408 listed foreign 12,446,408



NORGES BANK 12,217,246 listed foreign 12,217,246



UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A. 12,150,199 listed foreign 12,150,199




8,627,598 listed foreign 8,627,598




Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


6,543,600 6,543,600




5,684,059 listed foreign 5,684,059






4,000,000 4,000,000





GOLDEN CHINA MASTER FUND 3,786,434 listed foreign 3,786,434




3,529,479 listed foreign 3,529,479



Explanation on associated relationship

Among the shareholders above, the Company’s controlling shareholder—Anhui Gujing

among the top ten shareholders of

Group Company Limited—is not a related party of other shareholders; nor are they parties

tradable share not subject to trading

acting in concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of

moratorium, as well as among the top

Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies. As for the other shareholders, the Company

ten shareholders of tradable share not

does not know whether they are related parties or whether they belong to parties acting in

subject to trading moratorium and top

concert as defined in the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in

ten shareholders, or explanation on

Shareholding of Listed Companies.


Particular about shareholder

participate in the securities lending

Not applicable

and borrowing business (if any) (note


Did any top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium of the Company carry

out an agreed buy-back in the Reporting Period?

□ Yes √ No

The top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders not subject to trading moratorium of the Company had not

carried out any agreed buy-back in the Reporting Period.

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the Reporting Period.

Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the Reporting Period.

IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the Reporting Period proposed or

implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Within the scope known to the Company, there was no any shareholding increase scheme during the Reporting Period proposed or

implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section VII. Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any preferred share of the Company during the Reporting Period.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs

I. Changes in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Staffs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no change in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Staffs, for the specific information please

refer to the 2015 Annual Report.

II. Changes in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Staffs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no change in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Staffs, for the specific information please refer to the 2015

Annual Report.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

IX. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?

□ Yes √ No

The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

30 June 2016

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current Assets:

Monetary funds 1,191,900,720.16 1,087,319,158.77

Settlement reserves

Intra-Company lendings

Financial assets measured by fair

value with the changes be included in 3,175,807.27 322,223.28

the current gains and losses

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 1,270,576,488.25 539,442,903.31

Accounts receivable 5,933,487.57 4,948,074.84

Accounts paid in advance 55,891,773.32 80,373,083.59

Premiums receivable

Reinsurance premiums receivable

Receivable reinsurance contract


Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable 22,597,880.76 8,617,955.68

Financial assets purchased under


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

agreements to resell

Inventories 1,679,096,152.26 1,396,712,050.87

Assets divided available for sale

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 870,481,108.21 1,500,970,860.37

Total current assets 5,099,653,417.80 4,618,706,310.71

Non-current assets:

Loans by mandate and advances


Available-for-sale financial assets 318,133,207.80 313,881,190.47

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment

Investing property 9,425,316.99 9,715,451.89

Fixed assets 1,941,766,799.81 1,691,028,804.32

Construction in progress 23,322,200.71 62,562,971.78

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Production biological assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 708,186,627.83 298,372,239.96

R&D expense

Goodwill 473,325,507.30 0.00

Long-term deferred expenses 108,433,949.42 127,815,668.37

Deferred income tax assets 80,322,307.81 61,065,003.63

Other non-current assets

Total of non-current assets 3,662,915,917.67 2,564,441,330.42

Total assets 8,762,569,335.47 7,183,147,641.13

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Borrowings from Central Bank

Customer bank deposits and due to

banks and other financial institutions

Intra-Company borrowings

Financial liabilities measured by fair


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

value with the changes be included in

the current gains and losses

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable 118,240,262.03 93,768,583.00

Accounts payable 409,626,614.83 378,187,452.07

Accounts received in advance 1,059,316,464.50 608,565,152.50

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Handling charges and commissions


Employee’s compensation payable 201,789,976.70 253,901,700.72

Tax payable 293,627,729.24 358,087,353.80

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other accounts payable 772,094,221.14 452,193,188.94

Reinsurance premiums payable

Insurance contract reserves

Payables for acting trading of


Payables for acting underwriting of


Liabilities divided available for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1


Other current liabilities 213,429,867.63 138,135,604.82

Total current liabilities 3,068,125,136.07 2,282,839,035.85

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables

Specific payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income 43,849,216.27 46,123,314.33


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Deferred income tax liabilities 119,413,770.33 20,463,660.87

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 163,262,986.60 66,586,975.20

Total liabilities 3,231,388,122.67 2,349,426,011.05

Owners’ equity

Share capital 503,600,000.00 503,600,000.00

Other equity instruments

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Capital reserves 1,294,938,493.19 1,294,938,493.19

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income 36,361,977.17 54,481,886.51

Specific reserves

Surplus reserves 256,902,260.27 256,902,260.27

Provisions for general risks

Retained profits 3,104,494,452.73 2,723,798,990.11

Total equity attributable to owners of

5,196,297,183.36 4,833,721,630.08

the Company

Minority interests 334,884,029.44

Total owners’ equity 5,531,181,212.80 4,833,721,630.08

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 8,762,569,335.47 7,183,147,641.13

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ye Changqing

Chief of the accounting division: Zhu Jiafeng

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current Assets:

Monetary funds 442,996,437.07 548,650,832.84

Financial assets measured by fair

value with the changes be included in 2,961,045.95 322,223.28

the current gains and losses

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 1,009,485,003.27 288,101,188.68


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Accounts receivable 4,938,665.24 4,350,437.24

Accounts paid in advance 22,226,017.80 5,876,678.41

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable 106,741,698.35 107,625,019.85

Inventories 1,430,747,070.41 1,374,311,894.88

Assets divided available for sale

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 870,115,822.70 1,500,000,000.00

Total current assets 3,890,211,760.79 3,829,238,275.18

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets 288,518,407.80 313,881,190.47

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment 1,170,089,408.32 354,089,408.32

Investing property 9,425,316.99 9,715,451.89

Fixed assets 1,450,231,235.81 1,471,584,047.66

Construction in progress 22,526,925.31 62,355,022.07

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Production biological assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 184,837,985.78 187,468,810.92

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses 108,433,949.42 127,815,668.37

Deferred income tax assets 42,154,627.44 42,154,627.44

Other non-current assets

Total of non-current assets 3,276,217,856.87 2,569,064,227.14

Total assets 7,166,429,617.66 6,398,302,502.32

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Financial liabilities measured by fair

value with the changes be included in

the current gains and losses


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable 3,028,583.00 828,583.00

Accounts payable 339,675,045.40 371,636,772.06

Accounts received in advance 1,374,171,319.83 659,484,624.07

Employee’s compensation payable 68,180,897.79 88,513,920.05

Tax payable 193,528,289.89 237,459,964.06

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other accounts payable 262,436,022.69 268,035,753.60

Liabilities divided available for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1


Other current liabilities 63,638,484.78 61,660,494.13

Total current liabilities 2,304,658,643.38 1,687,620,110.97

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables

Specific payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income 43,849,216.27 46,123,314.33

Deferred income tax liabilities 16,081,969.69 20,463,660.87

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 59,931,185.96 66,586,975.20

Total liabilities 2,364,589,829.34 1,754,207,086.17

Owners’ equity:

Share capital 503,600,000.00 503,600,000.00

Other equity instruments

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Capital reserves 1,247,162,107.35 1,247,162,107.35


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income 36,762,996.51 54,481,886.51

Specific reserves

Surplus reserves 251,800,000.00 251,800,000.00

Retained profits 2,762,514,684.46 2,587,051,422.29

Total owners’ equity 4,801,839,788.32 4,644,095,416.15

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 7,166,429,617.66 6,398,302,502.32

3. Consolidated income statement

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Total operating revenues 3,045,034,706.73 2,713,042,828.92

Including: Sales income 3,045,034,706.73 2,713,042,828.92

Interest income

Premium income

Handling charge and commission


II. Total operating cost 2,512,805,683.52 2,247,031,817.63

Including: Cost of sales 780,394,434.66 827,578,527.59

Interest expenses

Handling charge and commission



Net claims paid

Net amount withdrawn for the

insurance contract reserve

Expenditure on policy dividends

Reinsurance premium

Taxes and associate charges 471,239,184.35 392,182,734.37

Selling and distribution expenses 1,013,923,133.24 794,226,823.89

Administrative expenses 257,077,455.72 237,926,770.64

Financial expenses -9,764,161.14 -8,593,975.74

Asset impairment loss -64,363.31 3,710,936.88

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair

2,080,010.18 40,432.58

value (“-” means loss)


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”

44,324,855.36 38,298,172.94

means loss)

Including: share of profits in associates

and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)

III. Business profit (“-” means loss) 578,633,888.75 504,349,616.81

Add: non-operating income 8,139,697.17 9,984,586.51

Of which: gains from non-current

5,477.22 82,953.29

asset disposal

Less: non-operating expense 5,088,602.48 1,279,224.88

Of which: losses from non-current

4,324,035.29 644,420.16

asset disposal

IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 581,684,983.44 513,054,978.44

Less: Income tax expense 144,981,768.68 132,550,174.27

V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 436,703,214.76 380,504,804.17

Attributable to owners of the

431,055,462.62 380,504,804.17


Minority shareholders’ income 5,647,752.14 0.00

VI. After-tax net amount of other

-18,119,909.34 55,421,817.33

comprehensive incomes

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes attributable to -18,119,909.34 55,421,817.33

owners of the Company

(I) Other comprehensive incomes

that will not be reclassified into gains and


1. Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees that

cannot be reclassified into gains and

losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes

that will be reclassified into gains and -18,119,909.34 55,421,817.33


1. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees that

will be reclassified into gains and losses


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair

value changes of available-for-sale -18,119,909.34 55,421,817.33

financial assets

3. Gains and losses on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale

financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and

losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

6. Other

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive incomes attributable to

minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes 418,583,305.42 435,926,621.50

Attributable to owners of the

412,935,553.28 435,926,621.50


Attributable to minority

5,647,752.14 0.00


VIII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.86 0.76

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.86 0.76

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Ye Changqing

Chief of the accounting division: Zhu Jiafeng

4. Income statement of the Company

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Total sales 1,738,703,915.32 1,526,161,277.67

Less: cost of sales 766,632,166.44 849,408,915.00

Business taxes and surcharges 438,712,029.21 370,306,018.23

Distribution expenses 106,464,016.98 49,930,659.26

Administrative expenses 185,132,665.41 162,304,060.52

Financial costs -8,383,165.64 -8,083,219.69


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Impairment loss -170,676.54 2,948,211.17

Add: gain/(loss) from change in

2,038,778.28 40,432.58

fair value (“-” means loss)

Gain/(loss) from investment (“-”

43,379,375.36 37,697,274.33

means loss)

Of which: income form investment

on associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (“-” means loss) 295,735,033.10 137,084,340.09

Add: non-business income 8,735,915.53 7,222,891.82

Of which: gains from non-current

asset disposal

Less: non-business expense 4,318,076.25 74,531.37

Of which: losses from non-current

4,318,076.25 70,087.08

asset disposal

III. Total profit (“-” means loss) 300,152,872.38 144,232,700.54

Less: income tax expense 74,329,610.21 40,778,019.63

IV. Net profit (“-” means loss) 225,823,262.17 103,454,680.91

V. After-tax net amount of other

-17,718,890.00 55,421,817.33

comprehensive incomes

(I) Other comprehensive

incomes that will not be reclassified

into gains and losses

1. Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees

that cannot be reclassified into gains

and losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive

incomes that will be reclassified into -17,718,890.00 55,421,817.33

gains and losses

1. Enjoyable shares in other

comprehensive incomes in investees

that will be reclassified into gains and

losses under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair

value changes of available-for-sale -17,718,890.00 55,421,817.33

financial assets


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

3. Gains and losses on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale

financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains

and losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive incomes 208,104,372.17 158,876,498.24

VII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.450 0.210

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.450 0.210

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of

2,839,999,383.84 2,825,242,242.74

commodities and rendering of service

Net increase of deposits from

customers and dues from banks

Net increase of loans from the

central bank

Net increase of funds borrowed

from other financial institutions

Cash received from premium of

original insurance contracts

Net cash received from reinsurance


Net increase of deposits of policy

holders and investment fund

Net increase of dispose of the

financial assets measured by fair value

with the changes be included in the

current gains and losses

Cash received from interest,

handling charges and commissions


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Net increase of intra-Company


Net increase of funds in repurchase


Tax refunds received 368,270.62 0.00

Other cash received relating to

274,445,609.43 175,019,524.21

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating

3,114,813,263.89 3,000,261,766.95


Cash paid for goods and services 517,398,554.95 709,413,298.38

Net increase of customer lendings

and advances

Net increase of funds deposited in

the central bank and amount due from


Cash for paying claims of the

original insurance contracts

Cash for paying interest, handling

charges and commissions

Cash for paying policy dividends

Cash paid to and for employees 540,282,959.39 517,459,277.00

Various taxes paid 1,174,821,006.32 1,048,663,427.74

Other cash payment relating to

556,198,130.24 388,508,106.00

operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from

2,788,700,650.90 2,664,044,109.12

operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities 326,112,612.99 336,217,657.83

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash received from withdrawal of

2,233,652,050.58 1,359,031,928.76


Cash received from return on

44,324,855.36 38,298,172.94


Net cash received from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets and other 500,379.86 107,750.00

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to 0.00 500,000.00


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing

2,278,477,285.80 1,397,937,851.70


Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

intangible assets and other long-term 75,351,512.67 109,798,840.51


Cash paid for investment 1,632,621,071.61 1,402,588,358.90

Net increase of pledged loans

Net cash paid to acquire

795,770,032.45 0.00

subsidiaries and other business units

Other cash payments relating to

investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from

2,503,742,616.73 1,512,387,199.41

investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities -225,265,330.93 -114,449,347.71

III. Cash Flows from Financing


Cash received from capital


Including: Cash received from

minority shareholder investments by


Cash received from borrowings

Cash received from issuance of


Other cash received relating to

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing


Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses and

50,360,000.00 0.00

distribution of dividends or profit

Including: dividends or profit paid

by subsidiaries to minority shareholders

Other cash payments relating to

financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from

50,360,000.00 0.00

financing activities


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Net cash flows from financing activities -50,360,000.00 0.00

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate

changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash

50,487,282.06 221,768,310.12


Add: Opening balance of cash and

1,040,373,733.07 682,360,442.79

cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash

1,090,861,015.13 904,128,752.91


6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of

1,644,591,743.75 1,700,083,632.03

commodities and rendering of service

Tax refunds received

Other cash received relating to

220,264,244.15 88,556,807.56

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating

1,864,855,987.90 1,788,640,439.59


Cash paid for goods and services 433,945,983.66 551,870,710.00

Cash paid to and for employees 261,484,424.76 240,816,560.34

Various taxes paid 785,049,481.14 558,464,417.24

Other cash payment relating to

230,121,472.77 66,678,887.51

operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from

1,710,601,362.33 1,417,830,575.09

operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities 154,254,625.57 370,809,864.50

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash received from retraction of

2,233,318,095.80 1,312,651,013.05


Cash received from return on

43,379,375.36 37,697,274.33


Net cash received from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets and other 409,000.00 0.00

long-term assets


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to

0.00 500,000.00

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing

2,277,106,471.16 1,350,848,287.38


Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

intangible assets and other long-term 68,357,442.76 106,844,334.84


Cash paid for investment 2,418,298,049.74 1,360,032,857.38

Net cash paid to acquire

subsidiaries and other business units

Other cash payments relating to

investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from

2,486,655,492.50 1,466,877,192.22

investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities -209,549,021.34 -116,028,904.84

III. Cash Flows from Financing


Cash received from capital


Cash received from borrowings

Cash received from issuance of


Other cash received relating to

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing


Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses

50,360,000.00 0.00

and distribution of dividends or profit

Other cash payments relating to

financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from

50,360,000.00 0.00

financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities -50,360,000.00 0.00

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate

changes on cash and cash equivalents


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

V. Net increase in cash and cash

-105,654,395.77 254,780,959.66


Add: Opening balance of cash and

548,650,832.84 584,601,536.78

cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash

442,996,437.07 839,382,496.44



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity

January-June 2016

Unit: RMB Yuan

Jan.-Jun. 2016

Equity attributable to owners of the Company

Other equity instruments

Item Less: Other General Minority Total owners’

Perpetual Specific

Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve risk Retained profit interests equity

capital Other reserve

shares stock income reserve


I. Balance at the end

503,600,000.00 1,294,938,493.19 54,481,886.51 256,902,260.27 2,723,798,990.11 4,833,721,630.08

of the previous year

Add: change of

accounting policy

Correction of

errors in previous



combination under

the same control


II. Balance at the

503,600,000.00 1,294,938,493.19 54,481,886.51 256,902,260.27 2,723,798,990.11 4,833,721,630.08


III. Increase/

decrease in the -18,119,909.34 380,695,462.62 334,884,029.44 697,459,582.72

period (“-” means


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


(I) Total amount

of the

-18,119,909.34 431,055,462.62 5,647,752.14 418,583,305.42



(II) Capital paid

in and reduced by 329,236,277.30 329,236,277.30


1. Common shares

invested by the


2. Capital invested

by the owners of

other equity


3. Amounts of



recognized in

owners’ equity

4. Others 329,236,277.30 329,236,277.30

(III) Profit

-50,360,000.00 -50,360,000.00


1. Appropriations to

surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to

general risk


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


3. Appropriations to

owners (or -50,360,000.00 -50,360,000.00


4. Other

(IV) Internal

carry-forward of

owners’ equity

1. New increase of

capital (or share

capital) from capital

public reserves

2. New increase of

capital (or share

capital) from

surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves

for making up


4. Other

(V) Specific


1. Withdrawn for

the period

2. Used in the



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(VI) Other

IV. Closing balance 503,600,000.00 1,294,938,493.19 36,361,977.17 256,902,260.27 3,104,494,452.73 334,884,029.44 5,531,181,212.80

January-June 2015

Unit: RMB Yuan

Jan.-Jun. 2015

Equity attributable to owners of the Company

Other equity instruments

Item Less: Other General Minority Total owners’

Perpetual Specific

Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve risk Retained profit interests equity

capital Other reserve

shares stock income reserve


I. Balance at the end of

503,600,000.00 1,294,938,493.19 16,669,604.07 256,902,260.27 2,108,940,620.43 4,181,050,977.96

the previous year

Add: change of

accounting policy

Correction of errors

in previous periods

Business combination

under the same control


II. Balance at the

503,600,000.00 1,294,938,493.19 16,669,604.07 256,902,260.27 2,108,940,620.43 4,181,050,977.96


III. Increase/ decrease in

the period (“-” means 37,812,282.44 614,858,369.68 652,670,652.12


(I) Total amount of 37,812,282.44 715,578,369.68 753,390,652.12


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

the comprehensive


(II) Capital paid in

and reduced by owners

1. Common shares

invested by the


2. Capital invested by

the owners of other

equity instruments

3. Amounts of

share-based payments

recognized in owners’


4. Others

(III) Profit

-100,720,000.00 -100,720,000.00


1. Appropriations to

surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to

general risk provisions

3. Appropriations to

owners (or -100,720,000.00 -100,720,000.00


4. Other

(IV) Internal


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

carry-forward of

owners’ equity

1. New increase of

capital (or share capital)

from capital public


2. New increase of

capital (or share capital)

from surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the


2. Used in the period

(VI) Other

IV. Closing balance 503,600,000.00 1,294,938,493.19 54,481,886.51 256,902,260.27 2,723,798,990.11 4,833,721,630.08

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

January-June 2016

Unit: RMB Yuan

Jan.-Jun. 2016


Share capital Other equity instruments Capital reserve Less: Other Specific Surplus reserve Retained profit Total owners’


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Perpetual treasury comprehensive reserve equity


capital Other stock income



I. Balance at the end of the

503,600,000.00 1,247,162,107.35 54,481,886.51 251,800,000.00 2,587,051,422.29 4,644,095,416.15

previous year

Add: change of

accounting policy

Correction of errors in

previous periods


II. Balance at the

503,600,000.00 1,247,162,107.35 54,481,886.51 251,800,000.00 2,587,051,422.29 4,644,095,416.15


III. Increase/ decrease in

the period (“-” means -17,718,890.00 175,463,262.17 157,744,372.17


(I) Total amount of the

-17,718,890.00 225,823,262.17 208,104,372.17

comprehensive income

(II) Capital paid in and

reduced by owners

1. Common shares

invested by the


2. Capital invested by the

owners of other equity


3. Amounts of share-based


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

payments recognized in

owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -50,360,000.00 -50,360,000.00

1. Appropriations to

surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to

-50,360,000.00 -50,360,000.00

general risk provisions

3. Appropriations to

owners (or shareholders)

4. Other

(IV) Internal

carry-forward of owners’


1. New increase of capital

(or share capital) from

capital public reserves

2. New increase of capital

(or share capital) from

surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


2. Used in the period

(VI) Other 503,600,000.00 1,247,162,107.35 36,762,996.51 251,800,000.00 2,762,514,684.46 4,801,839,788.32

January-June 2015

Unit: RMB Yuan

Jan.-Jun. 2015

Other equity instruments

Less: Other

Item Specific Total owners’


Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve Retained profit

capital Other reserve equity

shares stock income


I. Balance at the end of

503,600,000.00 1,247,162,107.35 16,669,604.07 251,800,000.00 1,990,080,289.98 4,009,312,001.40

the previous year

Add: change of

accounting policy

Correction of errors in

previous periods


II. Balance at the

503,600,000.00 1,247,162,107.35 16,669,604.07 251,800,000.00 1,990,080,289.98 4,009,312,001.40


III. Increase/ decrease in

the period (“-” means 37,812,282.44 596,971,132.31 634,783,414.75


(I) Total amount of the

37,812,282.44 697,691,132.31 735,503,414.75

comprehensive income

(II) Capital paid in and


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

reduced by owners

1. Common shares

invested by the


2. Capital invested by the

owners of other equity


3. Amounts of

share-based payments

recognized in owners’


4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -100,720,000.00 -100,720,000.00

1. Appropriations to

surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to

-100,720,000.00 -100,720,000.00

general risk provisions

3. Appropriations to

owners (or shareholders)

4. Other

(IV) Internal

carry-forward of owners’


1. New increase of capital

(or share capital) from

capital public reserves


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

2. New increase of capital

(or share capital) from

surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the


2. Used in the period

(VI) Other 503,600,000.00 1,247,162,107.35 54,481,886.51 251,800,000.00 2,587,051,422.29 4,644,095,416.15


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

Notes to the 2016 semi-annual financial statement

I. Company history

Authorized by document WGZGZ (1996) No.053 of Anhui Administrative Bureau of State-owned

Property, Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (“the Company”) was established as a limited

liability company with net assets of RMB377,167,700 and state-owned shares of 155,000,000

shares and considered Anhui Gujing Company as the only promoter. The registration place was

Bozhou Anhui China. The Company was established on 5 March 1996 by document of WZM (1996)

No.42 of Anhui People’s Government. The Company set up plenary session on 28 May 1996 and

registered in Anhui on 30 May 1996 with business license of 14897271-1.

The Company has been issued 60,000,000 domestic listed foreign shares (“B” shares) in June 1996

and 20,000,000 ordinary shares (“A shares) on September 1996, ordinary shares are listed in

national and par value is RMB1.00 per share. Those A shares and B shares are listed in Shenzhen

Stock exchange.

Headquarter of the Company is located in Gujing Bozhou Anhui. The Company and its subsidiaries

(the Company) specialize in producing and selling white spirit.

Registered capitals of the Company were RMB235,000,000 with stocks of 235,000,000, of which

155,000,000 shares were issued in China, B shares of 60,000,000 shares and A shares of 20,000,000

shares. The book value of the stocks of the Company was of RMB1 Yuan per share.

On May 29, 2006, a shareholder meeting was held to discuss and approval a program of equity

division of A share, the program was implement in June 2006. After implementation, all shares are

outstanding share, which include 147,000,000 shares with restrict condition on disposal, represent

62.55% of total equity, and 88,000,000 shares without restrict condition on disposal, represent

37.45% of total equity.

The Company issued

Company Limited> on June 27, 2007, 11,750,000 outstanding shares with restrict condition on

disposal are listed in stock market on June 29, 2007. Up to that day, outstanding shares with restrict

condition on disposal are 135,250,000, representing 57.55% of total equity, the share without

restrict condition are 99,750,000, representing 42.45% of total equity.

The Company issued

Company Limited> on July 17, 2008, 11,750,000 outstanding shares with restrict condition on

disposal are listed in stock market on July 18, 2008. Up to that day, outstanding shares with restrict

condition on disposal are 123,500,000, representing 52.55% of total equity, the share without

restrict condition are 111,500,000, representing 47.45% of total equity.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

The Company issued

Company Limited> on July 24, 2009, 123,500,000 outstanding shares with restrict condition on

disposal are listed in stock market on 29 July, 2009. Up to that day, the Company’s all shares are all


As approved by the CSRC Document Zheng-Jian-Xu-Ke [2011] No. 943, the Company privately

offered 16,800,000 ordinary shares (A-shares) to special investors on 15 July 2011, with a par value

of RMB1 and the price of RMB75.00 per share, raising RMB1,260,000,000.00 in total, the net

amount of raised funds stood at RMB1,227,499,450.27 after deducting RMB32,500,549.73 of

various issuance expenses. Certified Public Accountants verified the raised capital upon its arrival

and issued the Capital Verification Report Reanda-Yan-Zi [2011] No. 1065.

In accordance with the resolutions made at the 2011 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting, basing

on the total share capital of 251,800,000 shares, the Company decided to transfer the capital reserves

to share capital by 10 shares upon each 10 shares to the A-share holders registered in the Company

on 27 April 2012 and the B-share holders registered in the Company on 4 May 2012, thus the total

share capital increased to RMB 503,600,000 after the capitalization. Reanda Certified Public

Accountants verified the raised capital (Capital Verification Report Reanda-Yan-Zi [2012] No.

1022). Up to 4 May 2012, the Company has transferred RMB251,800,000 of capital reserves to

share capital.

Pursuant to the decision of annual shareholders meeting in 2011, the Company that considered

251,800,000 shares as base number on 31 December 2011 transferred capital reserve into share

capital at a rate of “10 shares for per 10 shares” accounting for 251,800,000 shares and implemented

in the year of 2012. Upon the transference, the registered capitals increased to RMB503,600,000.

By 30 June 2016, the Company issued 503,600,000 shares.

The approved business of the Company including procurement of grain (operating with business

license), manufacture of distilled spirits, wine distilling facilities, packaging material, bottles,

alcohol, grease (limited to byproducts from wine manufacture), and research and development of

high-tech, biotechnology development, agricultural and sideline products deep processing, as well as

sale of self-manufacturing products.

The Company and the final parent company is Anhui Gujing Company Co., Ltd in China.

Financial statement of the Company will be released on 26 August 2016 by the Board of Directors.

II. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1. Basis for the preparation

With the going-concern assumption as the basis and based on transactions and other events that

actually occurred, the Company prepared financial statements in accordance with the ASBE-Basic

Standard (No. 33 issued decreed by Ministry of Finance and No. 76 revised decreed by Ministry of


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Finance), the 41 specific standards of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by

Ministry of Finance of the PRC on 15 Feb 2006 and revised thereafter, Application Guidance of

Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises and other regulations(hereinafter referred to as “the Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises”, “China Accounting Standards” or “CAS”), Rules for Preparation Convention of

Disclosure of Public Offering Companies No.15 – General Regulations for Financial Reporting

(revised in 2014) by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

In line with relevant rules of ASBE, financial accounting of the Company is based on accrual

system. Except financial instruments and instrument real estate, the financial statement is calculated

on the basis of history costs. Available-for-sale non-current assets are calculated by the lower one of

fair value deducting estimated costs and original costs meeting the standard of available-for-sale. If

assets confront impairment, it shall be withdrawn provision for impairment in line with relevant


2. Continuous operation

The financial statement was presented based on the continuous operation.

The accounting measurement of the Company based on the accrued basis. And the financial

statement regarded the historical cost as the measurement basis. If there was impairment of the

assets, should withdraw the corresponding impairment provision according to the relevant


III. Declaration of compliance with the enterprise accounting standards

The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the Enterprise

Accounting Standards to present truly and completely the financial position of the Company on 30

June 2016, operating results, cash flow from January to June in 2016 and other relevant information.

The financial statement of the Company met the relevant disclosure requirements of financial

statement and notes of “Compiling stipulations of public information disclosure No.15---general

rules of financial statement” (revised in 2014).

IV. Main accounting policies and accounting estimates

1. Accounting year

Accounting year is divided to annual term and medium term. Accounting medium refers to

reporting period shorter than a complete accounting period. The Company employs a period of

calendar days from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. each year as accounting year.

2. Operating cycle

Normal operating cycle refers to the period from the Company purchases the assets for processing

to realize the cash or cash equivalents. The Company regards 12 months as an operating cycle and


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

regards which as the partition criterion of the mobility of the assets and liabilities.

3. Bookkeeping base currency

Renminbi is the dominant currency used in the economic circumstances where the Company and its

domestic subsidiaries are involved. Therefore, the Company and its domestic subsidiaries use

Renminbi as their bookkeeping base currency. And the Company adopted Renminbi as the

bookkeeping base currency when preparing the financial statements for the reporting period.

4. Accounting treatment methods for business combinations under the same control and those

not under the same control

The term “business combinations” refers to a transaction or event bringing together two or more

separate enterprises into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into the business

combinations under the same control and the business combinations not under the same control.

(1) Accounting treatment of the business combination that is under the same control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in

which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both

before and after the business combination, and that control is not transitory. The assets and

liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being

combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets

obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value

of shares issued) is adjusted to share premium in the capital reserve. If the balance of share

premium is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. Other direct expenses occur

when the Company conducting business combinations is recognized in current profit and loss. The

combination date is the date on which one combining enterprise effectively obtains control of the

other combining enterprises.

Those assets and liabilities obtained by the Company during the business combination should be

recognized in the carrying value of the equity of the merged party on the merger date. The

difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and carrying amount of the

merger consideration (or total par value of issued shares) paid shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If

the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against

retained earnings.

Direct costs of a business combination shall be reckoned into current gains and losses.

(2) Accounting treatment of the business combination that is not under the same control

A business combination involving entities not under common control is a business combination in

which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

before and after the business combination. In business combination not under the same control,

acquirer refers to party obtaining control of other combining corporations in the date of acquisition

and acquiree refers to corporation participating in combination. Date of acquire refers to the date the

acquirer actually obtaining control of the acquiree.

As for combination not under the same control, costs of combination includes assets that acquirers

occur in the date of combination in order to obtain control of acqirees, loans, fair value of issued

equity securities, intermediary costs such as audit, legal services and evaluation consultation, and

other administrative fees occurred in the reporting period. As for trading costs that acquirers as

combination consideration issue equity securities or debt securities, it shall be reckoned into initial

accounts of equity securities or debt securities. As for business combination realized by several

exchanges and trades, in the combined financial statement of the Company, the Company shall

recalculate the stock right obtained by acquirees before the date of acquisition in line with fair value

of the stock right in the date of acquisition. When the Company acts as the combination party, the

cost of a business combination paid by the acquirer is the aggregate of the fair value at the

acquisition date of assets given (including share equity of the acquiree held before the combination

date), liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer. Any excess of the

cost of a business combination over the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s

identifiable net assets is recognized as goodwill, while any excess of the acquirer’s interest in the

fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets over the cost of a business combination is

recognized in profit or loss. The cost of equity securities or liability securities as on combination

consideration offering is recognized in initial recording capital on equity securities or liability

securities. Other direct expenses occur when the Company conducting business combinations is

recognized in current profit and loss. The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount

of the assets given is recognized in profit or loss. The Company, at the acquisition date, recognized

the acquiree’s identifiable asset, liabilities and contingent liabilities at their fair value at that date.

The acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.

As for deductible temporary difference of acquirers obtained by acquirers which can’t be confirmed

due to failure of meeting the confirmation requirements of deferred income tax assets, if there is

newly information proving the existence of relevant situation in the date of acquisition in a year

after the acquisition date and financial benefits of deductible temporary difference of acquirers in

the date of acquisition are estimated to be realized, deferred income tax assets shall be confirmed.

At the same time, goodwill shall be decreased. If goodwill is insufficient, the difference shall be

reckoned into current gains and losses; except the above circumstance, reliable deferred income tax

assets relevant to the Company shall be reckoned into current gains and losses.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, which achieved in

stages that involves multiple exchange transactions, according to “The notice of the Ministry of

Finance on the issuance of Accounting Standards Interpretation No. 5” (CaiKuai [2012] No. 19) on

the “package deal” criterion (see Note IV. 5 (2)), to judge the multiple exchange transactions

whether they are the “package deal”. If it belong to the “package deal” in reference to the preceding

paragraphs of this section and the Notes described in IV. 13 “long-term investment” accounting

treatment, if it does not belong to the “package deal” to distinguish the individual financial

statements and the consolidated financial statements related to the accounting treatment:

In the individual financial statements, the sum of the book value and new investment cost of the

Company holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date shall be considered as initial cost of the

investment. Other related comprehensive gains in relation to the equity interests that the Company

holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date shall be treated on the same basis as the acquiree

directly disposes the related assets or liabilities when disposing the investment (that is, except for

the corresponding share in the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan

measured at the equity method arising from the acquiree’s re-measurement, the others shall be

transferred into current investment gains).

In the Company’s consolidated financial statements, as for the equity interests that the Company

holds in the acquiree before the acquiring date, they shall be re-measured according to their fair

values at the acquiring date; the positive difference between their fair values and carrying amounts

shall be recorded into the investment gains for the period including the acquiring date. Other related

comprehensive gains in relation to the equity interests that the Company holds in the acquiree

before the acquiring date shall be treated on the same basis as the acquiree directly disposes the

related assets or liabilities when disposing the investment (that is, except for the corresponding

share in the changes in the net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan measured at the equity

method arising from the acquiree’s re-measurement, the others shall be transferred into current

investment gains on the acquiring date).

5. Methods for preparing consolidated financial statements

(1) Principle for determining the consolidation scope

The consolidation scope for financial statements is determined on the basis of control. The term

“control” is the power of the Company upon an investee, with which it can take part in relevant

activities of the investee to obtain variable returns and is able to influence the amount of returns.

The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and its

subsidiaries. A subsidiary is an enterprise or entity controlled by the Company.

(2) Methods for preparing the consolidated financial statements


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

The Company begins to include subsidiaries into consolidation scope from the date obtaining net

assets of subsidiaries and actual control of production and operation and terminates to include

subsidiaries into consolidation scope from the date losing actual control of subsidiaries. As for the

disposal of subsidiaries, operating results and cash flow are included in consolidated income

statement and consolidated statement of cash flow before the date of the disposal; as for current

disposal of subsidiaries, opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet shall not be adjusted. As

for subsidiaries increased in the combination not under the same control, operating results and cash

flow after the date of the acquisition are included in consolidated income statement and

consolidated statement of cash flow, in addition, opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet

shall not be adjusted. As for subsidiaries increased in the combination under the same control and

combined parties under acquisition, operating results and cash flow form the beginning of

combination to the date of combination are included in consolidated income statement and

consolidated statement of cash flow, in addition, opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet

shall be adjusted.

Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business combination

involving entities under common control, the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in

the consolidated financial statements as if the combination had occurred at the date that common

control was established. Therefore the opening balances and the comparative figures of the

consolidated financial statements are restated. In the preparation of the consolidated financial

statements, the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities and results of operations are included in the

consolidated balance sheet based on their carrying amounts; while results of operations are included

in the consolidated income statement, from the date that common control was established.

All the significant inter-company balances, trading and unrealized profits shall be offset when

preparing the consolidated financial statement.

If current loss shoulder by minority shareholders of a subsidy over the proportion enjoyed by

minority shareholders in a subsidy at owners’ equity at period-begin, its balance still offset minority

shareholders’ equity.

When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the

Company, the Company makes necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary

based on the Company’s own accounting period or accounting policies. Intra-Company balances

and transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss arising from intra-Company transactions, are

eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealized losses resulting from

intra-Company transactions are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains but only to the

extent that there is no evidence of impairment.

When losing control right of subsidiaries because of the disposal of stock right investment or other

reasons, the Company shall recalculate residual stock right in accordance to the fair value in the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

date of losing control right. As for remaining equity investment after disposal, the Company will

re-account it according to the fair value at the date the control was lost. Any profit or loss occurred

shall be recorded into the investment income during the period of losing control right. Then

follow-up measurement of remaining equity shall be arranged in line with “No. 2—Long-term

Equity Investment” or “No. 22—Affirmation and Calculation of Financial Instrument”. More

details please refer to Note IV, 13 “Long-term Equity Investment” or Note IV, 9 “Financial


The company through multiple transactions step deals with disposal of the subsidiary's equity

investment until the loss of control; need to distinguish between equity until the disposal of a

subsidiary's loss of control over whether the transaction is package deal. Terms of the transaction

disposition of equity investment in a subsidiary, subject to the following conditions and the

economic impact of one or more of cases, usually indicates that several transactions should be

accounted for as a package deal: ① these transactions are considered simultaneously, or in the case

of mutual influence made, ② these transactions as a whole in order to achieve a complete business

results; ③ the occurrence of a transaction depends on occurs at least one other transaction ; ④ a

transaction look alone is not economical, but when considered together with other transaction is

economical. If they do not belong to the package deal, each of them separately, as the case of a

transaction in accordance with “without losing control over the disposal of a subsidiary part of

long-term equity investments” (see Note IV. 13. (2) ④)) and “due to the disposal of certain equity

investments or other reasons lost control of a subsidiary of the original” (see previous paragraph)

principles applicable accounting treatment. Until the disposal of the equity investment loss of

control of a subsidiary of the transactions belonging to the package deal, the transaction will be

used as a disposal of a subsidiary and the loss of control of the transaction. However, before losing

control of the price of each disposal entitled to share in the net assets of the subsidiary's investment

corresponding to the difference between the disposals, recognized in the consolidated financial

statements as other comprehensive income, loss of control over the transferred together with the

loss of control or loss in the period.

6. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two participants or above. The

Company classifies joint arrangements into joint operations and joint ventures according to its

rights and duties in the joint arrangements. A joint operation refers to a joint arrangement where the

Company enjoys assets and has to bear liabilities related to the arrangement. A joint venture refers

to a joint arrangement where the Company is only entitled to the net assets of the arrangement.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

The Company’s investments in joint ventures are measured at the equity method according to the

accounting policies mentioned in Note IV. 13 (2) ② “Long-term equity investments measured at

the equity method”.

For a joint operation, the Company, as a joint operator, recognizes the assets and liabilities that it

holds and bears in the joint operation, and recognizes the jointly-held assets and jointly-borne

liabilities according to the Company’s stake in the joint operation; recognizes the income from sale

of the Company’s share in the output of the joint operation; recognizes the income from sale of the

joint operation’s outputs according to the Company’s stake in it; and recognizes the expense solely

incurred to the Company and the expense incurred to the joint operation according to the

Company’s stake in it.

When the Company, as a joint operator, transfers or sells assets (the assets not constituting business,

the same below) to the joint operation, or purchases assets from the joint operation, before the assets

are sold to a third party, the Company only recognizes the share of the other joint operators in the

gains and losses arising from the sale. Where impairment occurs to the assets as prescribed in

Accounting Standard No. 8 for Business Enterprises—Asset Impairment>, the Company shall fully

recognizes the loss for a transfer or sale of assets to a joint operation; and shall recognize the loss

according to its stake in the joint operation for a purchase of assets from the joint operation.

7. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents of the Company include cash on hand, ready usable deposits and

investments having short holding term (normally will be due within three months from the day of

purchase), with strong liquidity and easy to be exchanged into certain amount of cash that can be

measured reliably and have low risks of change.

8. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency financial statements

(1) Accounting treatments for translation of foreign currency transactions

The foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the functional currency, by

applying [the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction / an exchange rate that approximates

the actual spot exchange rate on the date of transaction]. The exchange of foreign currency and

transactions related to the foreign exchange are translated at the spot exchange rate.

(2) Accounting treatments for translation of foreign currency monetary items and

non-monetary items

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot exchange

rate at the balance sheet date. All the exchange differences thus resulted are taken to profit or loss,

except for ① those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for construction and


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

acquisition of qualifying assets, which are capitalized in accordance with the principle of

capitalization of borrowing costs, ② hedging accounting, the exchange difference related to

hedging instruments for the purpose of net oversea operating investment is recorded in the

comprehensive income till the date of disposal and recognized in profit or loss of the period;

exchange difference from changes of other account balance of foreign currency monetary items, ③

available-for-trade is recorded into profit or loss except for amortized cost.

Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost shall still be translated at the spot

exchange rate prevailing on the transaction date, and the amount denominated in the functional

currency is not changed. Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at fair value are translated

at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange

difference thus resulted are recognized in profit or loss for the current period or as capital reserve.

9. Financial instruments

The Company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes a party of the relevant

financial instrument contract. Financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value in initial

recognition. As for the financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value of which changes are

recorded into current gains and losses, the relevant dealing expenses are directly recorded into gains

and losses; and the dealing expenses on other kinds of financial assets and liabilities are included in

the amounts initially recognized.

(1) Determination of the fair value of main financial assets and financial liabilities

Fair value refers to the price that a market participant shall receive for selling an asset or shall pay

for transferring a liability in an orderly transaction on the measurement date. As for the financial

assets or financial liabilities for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active

market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. The quoted prices in the active market

refers to the prices available from stock exchange, broker’s agencies, guilds, pricing organization

and etc., which represent the actual trading price under equal transaction. Where there is no active

market for a financial instrument, the enterprise concerned shall adopt value appraisal techniques,

including the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market

transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial

instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing

model, etc., to determine its fair value.

(2) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

The purchase and sale of financial assets under the normal ways shall be recognized and stopped to

be recognized respectively at the price of transaction date. Financial assets shall be classified into

the following four categories when they are initially recognized: (a) the financial assets which are


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits and losses of the

current period, (b) the investments which will be held to their maturity; (c) loans and the account

receivables; and (d) financial assets available for sale.

① The financial assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is

recorded into the profits and losses of the current period

Including transactional financial assets and the financial assets which are designated to be measured

at their fair value when they are initially recognized and of which the variation is recorded into the

profits and losses of the current period;

The financial assets meeting any of the following requirements shall be classified as transactional

financial assets:A. The purpose to acquire the said financial assets is mainly for selling them in the

near future; B. Forming a part of the identifiable combination of financial instruments which are

managed in a centralized way and for which there are objective evidences proving that the

enterprise may manage the combination by way of short-term profit making in the near future; C.

Being a derivative instrument, excluding the designated derivative instruments which are effective

hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the derivative

instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investments for which there is no

quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall be

settled by delivering the said equity instruments.

The financial assets meeting any of the following requirements shall be designated as financial

assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the profits

and losses of the current period for initial recognition: A. the designation can eliminate or

significantly reduce the difference of relevant gains and losses between recognition and

measurement causing from different bases for measurement of financial assets; B. The official

written documents for risk management and investment strategies of the enterprise have clearly

stated that it shall, manage, evaluate and report to important management personnel based on the

fair value, about the financial assets Company or the Company of financial assets & liabilities

which the financial assets are belong to.

For the financial assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is

recorded into the profits and losses of the current period shall continue to be measured by fair value,

gains and losses of change in fair value, dividends and interest related with these financial assets

should be recorded into gains and losses of current period.

② Held-to-maturity investment

The term "held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date

of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the enterprise holds for a


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definite purpose or the enterprise is able to hold until its maturity.

For the held-to-maturity investment adopting actual interest rate method, which is measured at the

post-amortization costs, the profits and losses that arise when such financial assets or financial

liabilities are terminated from recognition, or are impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the

profits and losses of the current period.

The actual interest rate method refers to the method by which the post-amortization costs and the

interest incomes of different installments or interest expenses are calculated in light of the actual

interest rates of the financial assets or financial liabilities (including a set of financial assets or

financial liabilities). The actual interest rate refers to the interest rate adopted to cash the future cash

flow of a financial asset or financial liability within the predicted term of existence or within a

shorter applicable term into the current carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.

When the actual interest rate is determined, the future cash flow shall be predicted on the basis of

taking into account all the contractual provisions concerning the financial asset or financial liability

(the future credit losses shall not be taken into account).and also the various fee charges, trading

expenses, premiums or reduced values, etc., which are paid or collected by the parties to a financial

asset or financial liability contract and which form a part of the actual interest rate.

③ Loans and the accounts receivables

Loans and the accounts receivables refer to non-derivative financial assets, which there is no

quotation in the active market, with fixed recovery cost or recognizable.

Financial assets that are defined as loans and the accounts receivables by the Company including

notes receivables, accounts receivables, interest receivable, dividends receivable and other

receivables etc..

Loans and the accounts receivables are made follow-up measurement on the basis of

post-amortization costs employing the effective interest method. Gains or loss arising from the

termination recognition, impairment occurs or amortization shall be recorded into the profits and

losses of the current period.

④ Assets available for sales

Assets available for sales including non-derivative financial asset that has been assigned as assets

available for sales on the initial recognition and financial assets excluded those measured at fair

value and of which the variation into profits and losses of the current period, they are some financial

assets, loans and accounts receivables, held-to-maturity investment.

The cost at the period-end of the available-for-sale liabilities instruments should be confirmed

according to its amortized cost method, that is the initially recognized amount which deduct the


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principal that had been repaid, to plus or minus the accumulative amortization amount formed by

the amortization between the difference of the initially recognized amount and the amount on the

due date that adopted the actual interest rate method, and at the same time deduct the amount after

the impairment loss happened. The cost at the period-end of the available-for-sale liabilities

instruments is its initial cost.

Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses

arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income,and be carried

forward when the said financial assets stopped recognition, then it shall be recorded into the profits

and losses of the current period. But, the equity instrument investment which neither have quotation

in the active market nor its fair value could not be reliable measured, as well as the derivative

financial assets that concern with the equity instruments and should be settled through handing over

to its equity instruments, should take the follow-up measurement according to the cost.

Interest receive during the holding of assets available for sales and cash dividends with distribution

announcement by invested companies, it shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current


(3) Impairment of financial assets

The Company assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of every financial asset except

for the financial assets that measured by the fair value. If there is objective evidence indicating a

financial asset may be impaired, a provision is provided for the impairment.

The Company carries out a separate impairment test for every financial asset which is individually

significant. As for a financial asset which is individually insignificant, an impairment test is carried

out separately or in the financial asset Company with similar credit risk. Where the financial asset

(individually significant or insignificant) is found not impaired after the separate impairment test, it

is included in the financial asset Company with similar credit risk and tested again on the Company

basis. Where the impairment loss is recognized for an individual financial asset, it is not included in

the financial asset Company with similar credit risk for an impairment test.

① Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables

The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying value by the

estimated present value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded as impairment loss. If there

is objective evidence to indicate the recovery of value of financial assets after impairment, and it is

related with subsequent event after recognition of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can

be reversed. The carrying value of financial assets after impairment loss reversed shall not exceed

the amortized cost of the financial assets without provisions of impairment loss on the reserving



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

When it judged that the decrease of fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument investment

is serious and not temporarily after comprehensive considering relevant factors, it reflected that the

available-for-sale equity instrument investment occurred impairment. Of which, the “serious

decline” refers to the accumulative decline range of the fair value over 20%; while the

“non-temporary decline” refers to the consecutive decline time of the fair value over 12 months.

Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the

decrease of the fair value of the capital reserve which is directly included are transferred out and

recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. The accumulative losses transferred out are

the balance obtained from the initially obtained cost of the said financial asset after deducting the

principals as taken back, the amortized amount, the current fair value and the impairment loss

originally recorded in the profits and losses.

Where the impairment loss has been recognized for an available-for-sale financial asset, if, within

the accounting periods thereafter, there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said

financial asset has been restored and the restoration is objectively related to the events that occur

after the impairment loss was recognized, the originally recognized impairment loss is reversed.

The impairment losses on the available-for-sale equity instrument investments are reversed and

recognized as other comprehensive incomes, and the impairment losses on the available-for-sale

liability instruments are reversed and recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.

The impairment loss incurred to an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price

in the active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or incurred to a derivative

financial asset which is connected with the said equity instrument investment and which must be

settled by delivering the said equity investment, is not reversed.

(4) Recognition and measurement of financial asset transfers

Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition of it is

terminated: ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the said financial asset are

terminated; ② The said financial asset has been transferred and nearly all of the risks and rewards

related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or ③ The said financial asset has

been transferred. And the Company has ceased its control on the said financial asset though it

neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the

financial asset.

Where the Company neither transfers nor retains nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the

ownership of a financial asset, and it does not cease its control on the said financial asset, it

recognizes the relevant financial asset and liability accordingly according to the extent of its


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset. The term "continuous involvement in the

transferred financial asset" refers to the risk level that the enterprise faces resulting from the change

of the value of the financial asset.

If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the

difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is recorded in the profits and losses of the

current period: (1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; and (2) The sum of

consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair

value originally recorded in other comprehensive incomes.

If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the book

value of the transferred financial asset is apportioned between the portion whose recognition has

been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped according to their respective

relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items is included into

the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The summation of the consideration received from

the transfer and the portion of the accumulative amount of changes in the fair value originally

recorded in other comprehensive incomes which corresponds to the portion whose recognition has

been stopped; and (2) The amortized carrying amounts of the aforesaid amounts.

In respect of the assets using recourse to sell or using endorsement to transfer, the Company needs

to determine whether almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership are

transferred. If almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership had been

transferred to the transferee, derecognize the financial assets. For almost all of the risks and rewards

of the financial asset ownership retained, do not end to recognize the financial assets. For which

neither transfer or retain almost all of the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership,

continuously judge whether the Company retain the control of the assets, and conduct accounting

treatment according to the principle of mentioned in the previous paragraphs.

(5) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

In the initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into the financial liabilities measured at fair

values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses and other financial liabilities.

Financial liabilities are initially recognized at their fair values. As for a financial liability measured

at fair value and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses, the relevant trading

expense is directly recorded in the profits and losses for the current period. As for other financial

liabilities, the relevant trading expenses are recorded in the initially recognized amounts.

① Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and


Such financial liabilities are divided into transactional financial liabilities and financial liabilities


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

designated to be measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses

in the initial recognition under the same conditions where such financial assets are divided into

transactional financial assets and financial assets designated to be measured at fair values and

whose changes are recorded in current gains and losses in the initial recognition.

Financial liabilities measured at fair values and whose changes are recorded in current gains and

losses are subsequently measured at their fair values. Gains or losses arising from the fair value

changes, as well as the dividend and interest expenses in relation to the said financial liabilities, are

recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.

② Other financial liabilities

As for a derivative financial liability connected to an equity instrument for which there is not quoted

price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and which must be

settled by delivering the equity instrument, it is subsequently measured on the basis of costs. Other

financial liabilities are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost using the actual

interest rate method. Gains or losses arising from de-recognition or amortization of the said

financial liabilities is recorded in the profits and losses for the current period.

③ Financial guarantee contract and loan commitment

For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial liability measured at its

fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, or

the loan commitment which is not designated as a financial liability measured at its fair value and

the variation thereof is recorded into the gains and losses that will be loaned lower than the market

interest rate, which shall be initially recognized by fair value, and the subsequent measurement shall

be made after they are initially recognized according to the higher one of the following: a. the

amount as determined according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 13 –

Contingencies; b. the surplus after accumulative amortization as determined according to the

principles of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues is subtracted from the

initially recognized amount.

(6) De-recognition of financial liabilities

Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the

recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly. Where the Company (debtor)

enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of

any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is

substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it terminates the

recognition of the existing financial liability, and at the same time recognizes the new financial



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise

concerned shall include into the profits and losses of the current period for the gap between the

book value which has been terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid

(including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed)

(7) Derivatives and embedded derivatives

Derivative financial instruments include derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date

when the derivative contracts are entered into and are substantially re-measured at fair value. The

resulting gain and loss is recognized in profit or loss.

An embedded derivative is separated from the hybrid instrument, where the hybrid instrument is not

designated as a financial asset or financial liability at fair value though profit or loss, and the treated

as a standalone derivative if (a) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative

are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract; and (b) a

separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a

derivative. If the Company is unable to measure the embedded derivative separately either at

acquisition or at a subsequent balance sheet date, it designates the entire hybrid instrument as a

financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss.

(8) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

When the Company has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial

assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial

asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall

be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances,

financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall

not be offset.

(9) Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company

after deducting all of its liabilities. The Company issues (including refinancing), re-purchases, sells

or written-offs the equity instrument as the disposing of the changes of the equity. The Company not

recognized the changes of the fair value of the equity instrument. The transaction expenses related

to the equity transaction would be deducted from the equity.

All types of distribution (excluding stock dividends) made by the Company to holders of equity

instruments are deducted from shareholders’ equity. The Company does not recognize any changes

in the fair value of equity instruments.

10. Receivables


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

The receivables by the Company include account receivables, and other receivables.

(1) Criteria for recognition of bad debts:

The Company carries out an inspection on the balance sheet date. Where there is any objective

evidence proving that the receivables have been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made:

1) A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;

2) The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays the

payment of interests or the principal, etc.;

3) The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations;

4) Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the receivables.

(2) Method for bad debts provision

① Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that is individually significant.

The Company recognized the accounts receivables which amounted to more than 2 million as the

account receivables that is individual significant.

For an account receivable that is individually significant, the asset is individually assessed for

impairment, the impairment loss is recognized at the difference between the present value of future

cash flow less the carrying amount, and provision is made accordingly.

② Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that individually insignificant item with similar

credit risk characteristics that have significant risk:

A. Evidence of credit risk characteristics

Whether the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant, it is included

in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for

impairment. Such credit risk reflects the repayment of all due amount under the contract, and is

related to the estimation of future cash flow expected to be derived from the assets.

Evidence of portfolios:

Item Basis

Age portfolios Age

Related party portfolios Companies within the combination scope of the Company

B. Provision by credit risk characteristics

During the Company impairment test, the amount of bad debts provisions is determined by the

assessed result from the experience of historical loss and current economic status and the existing

loss in the estimated account receivables according to the set of account receivables and credit risk



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Provision for different portfolios:

Item Provision

Age portfolios Age analysis method

Don’t withdraw the bad debts provision unless the related-party lost the

Related party portfolios

repaying capability

a. Portfolio by age analysis

Category Proportion for accounts receivable (%) Proportion for other receivable (%)

Within 1 year (including 1 year, similarly


Including: [within 6 months] 1.00 1.00

[7 to 12 months] 5.00 5.00

1 to 2 years 10.00 10.00

2 to 3 years 50.00 50.00

Over 3 years 100.00 100.00

③Accounts receivable with insignificant amount but being individually withdrawn bad debts


When making individual impairment test on accounts receivable with insignificant amount but high

credit risk, the impairment loss shall be recognized based on the difference of the book values

higher than the present value of future cash flows, then withdraw the bad debts provision. For

example, accounts receivable of related parties; accounts receivable involving dispute or litigation,

arbitration; accounts receivable having clear signs to indicate that debtor probably can not

implement obligations of payment.

(3) Reversal of provision for bad debt

If there is any provident demonstrating recovery of the value of the accounts receivable and

objectively correlating to the issues after the confirmation of the losses, the original confirmed

losses would be reversed and recorded into current gains and losses. However, the reserved book

value shall not exceed the amortized costs of the accounts receivable under non-withdrawing

impairment circumstance.

11. Inventory

(1) Category of inventory


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Inventory mainly includes raw materials, packing materials, self-made semi-manufactured products,

goods in process and finished goods, etc.

(2) Pricing method for outgoing inventories

Inventory is priced by actual costs when it is obtained. Inventory costs include procurement costs,

processing costs and other costs. Weighted average method is used to price inventory when it is

received and delivered.

(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value and withdrawal method of falling price provision for


Net realizable value in daily activity, it is referred to the estimated selling price minus the estimated

selling expenses and related tax and fees in normal operating process. When confirming the net

realizable value of inventories, the Company shall take the intention of inventories into

consideration and influence of issues after balance sheet date.

On the balance sheet date, the evaluation criteria should base on the lower value between costs and

net realizable value. When net realizable value is lower than costs, falling price provision of

inventories shall be made. Under normal circumstances, the Company withdraws the falling price

provision in according to individual inventory items, but for large quantity and low-unit-price

inventories, falling price provision of inventories shall be made based on the category of inventories;

for those inventories that relating to the same product line that have similar purposes or end uses,

are produced and marketed in the same geographical area, and cannot be practicably evaluated

separately from other items in that product line, their falling price provision of inventories shall be


After withdrawing the depreciation reserves for inventories, if the factors, which cause any

write-down of the inventories, have disappeared, the amount of write-down shall be recovered and

reversed from the original amount of depreciation reserve for inventories. The reversed amount

shall be included in the profits and losses of the current period.

(4) Inventory system for inventories is perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization method of the low-value consumption goods and packing articles

Low-value consumption goods: one-off amortization method

Packing articles: one-off amortization method

12. Divided as assets held for sale

If a non-current assets could be immediately sold only according to the usual terms of selling this

kind of assets under current situation, and the Group has made a decision on disposing a

non-current asset, entered into an irreversible transfer agreement with the transferee and the transfer


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

is likely to be completed within one year, the non-current asset is measured as a non-current asset

held for sale, which shall not be depreciated or amortized since the date held for sale but shall be

measured at the lower one of the net amounts of the book value and the fair value after deducting

the disposal expense. Non-current assets held for sale include single-item assets and disposal groups.

Where a disposal group is an asset group and the goodwill obtained in the business combination is

apportioned to the asset group according to the “Accounting Standard No. 8 for Business

Enterprises—Asset Impairment”, or a disposal group is an operation in such an asset group, the

disposal group shall include the goodwill in the business combination.

The non-current assets of single amount and the assets among the disposing group that both be

divided as assets held for sale, should be listed alone of the current assets on the balance sheet;

liabilities related to the assets transfer among the disposing group which be divided as assets held

for sale, should be listed alone of the current assets on the balance sheet.

An asset or an disposal group was classified as held for sale before, but if it couldn’t meet the

recognition conditions for held-for-sale non-current asset later, the Company shall cease to classify

it as held for sale, and measure it by the lower amount of the followings: (1) its carrying amount

before the asset (or disposal group) was classified as held for sale, adjusted for any depreciation,

amortization or impairment before the asset (or disposal group) being classified as held for sale; or

(2) its recoverable amount on the date of the subsequent decision not to sell.

13. Long-term equity investments

The long-term equity investments of this part refer to the long-term equity investments that the

Company has control, joint control or significant influence over the investees. The long-term equity

investment that the Company does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the

investees, should be recognized as available-for-sale financial assets or be measured by fair value

with the changes should be included in the financial assets accounting of the current gains and

losses, and please refer the details of the accounting polices to Notes IV. 9 “financial instrument”.

Joint control, refers to the control jointly owned according to the relevant agreement on an

arrangement by the Company and the relevant activities of the arrangement should be decided only

after the participants which share the control right make consensus. Significant influence refers to

the power of the Company which could anticipate in the finance and the operation polices of the

investees, but could not control or jointly control the formulation of the policies with the other


(1) Recognition of investment costs

As for long-term equity investments acquired by enterprise merger, if the merger is under the same


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

control, the share of the book value of the owner’s equity of the merged enterprise, on the date of

merger, is regarded as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The difference between

the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the payment in cash, non-cash assets

transferred as well as the book value of the debts borne by the merging party shall offset against the

capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

If the consideration of the merging enterprise is that it issues equity securities, it shall, on the date of

merger, regard the share of the book value of the shareholder's equity of the merged enterprise on

the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate control party as the initial cost of the long-term

equity investment. The total face value of the stocks issued shall be regarded as the capital stock,

while the difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and total face value

of the shares issued shall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to

dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The equities of the combined party which

respectively acquired through multiple transaction under the same control that ultimately form into

the combination of the enterprises under the same control, should be disposed according whether

belongs to package deal; if belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting

treatment by the Company as a transaction of acquiring the control right. If not belongs to package

deal, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the enjoyed share of the book value of the shareholder's

equity of the merged enterprise on the consolidated financial statement of the ultimate control party

as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment, and as for the difference between the initial

investment cost of the long-term equity investment and sum of the book value of the long-term

equity investment before the combination and the book value of the consideration of the new

payment that further required on the combination date, should adjust the capital reserve; if the

capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The equity

investment held before the combination date which adopted the equity method for accounting, or

the other comprehensive income confirmed for the available-for-sale financial assets, should not

have any accounting disposal for the moment.

For the long-term investment required from the business combination under different control, the

initial investment cost regarded as long-term equity investment on the purchasing date according to

the combination cost, the combination costs shall be the sum of the fair values of the assets paid, the

liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the Company. The equities of the

acquirees which respectively acquired through multiple transaction that ultimately form into the

combination of the enterprises under the different control, should be disposed according whether

belongs to package deal; if belongs to package deal, each transaction would be executed accounting

treatment by the Company as a transaction of acquiring the control right. If not belongs to package


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

deal, the sum of the book value of the original held equity investment of the acquirees and the

newly added investment cost should be regarded as the initial investment cost of the long-term

equity investment that changed to be accounted by cost method. If the original held equity is

calculated by cost method, the other relevant comprehensive income would not have any accounting

disposal for the moment. If the original held equity investment is the financial assets available for

sale, its difference between the fair value and the book value as well as the accumulative changes of

the fair value that include in the other comprehensive income, should transfer into the current gains

and losses.

The commission fees for audit, law services, assessment and consultancy services and other

relevant expenses occurred in the business combination by the combining party or the purchase

party, shall be recorded into current profits and losses upon their occurrence; the transaction

expense from the issuance of equity securities or bonds securities which are as consideration for

combination by the combining party, should be recorded as the initial amount of equity securities

and bonds securities.

Besides the long-term equity investments formed by business combination, the other long-term

equity investments shall be initially measured by cost, the cost is fixed in accordance with the ways

of gaining, such as actual cash payment paid by the Company, the fair value of equity securities

issued by the Company, the agreed value of the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or

original carrying amount of exchanged assets from non-monetary assets exchange transaction, the

fair value of the long-term equity investments, etc. The expenses, taxes and other necessary

expenditures directly related with gaining the long-term equity investments shall also be recorded

into investment cost. The long-term equity investment cost for those could execute significant

influences on the investees because of appending the investment or could execute joint control but

not form as control, should be as the sum of the fair value of the original held equity investment and

the newly added investment cost recognized according to the No.22 of Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instrument.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains or losses

A long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise has joint control (except for which

forms into common operators) or significant influence over the investors should be measured by

equity method. Moreover, long-term equity investment adopting the cost method in the financial

statements, and which the Company has control on invested entity.

① Long-term equity investment measured by adopting cost method

The price of a long-term equity investment measured by adopting the cost method shall be included

at its initial investment cost and append as well as withdraw the cost of investing and adjusting the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

long-term equity investment. The return on investment at current period shall be recognized in

accordance with the cash dividend or profit announced to distribute by the invested entity, except

the announced but not distributed cash dividend or profit included in the actual payment or

consideration upon gaining the investment.

②Long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method

If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the Company’s attributable share of

the fair value of the invested entity’s identifiable net assets for the investment, the initial cost of the

long-term equity investment may not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment

is less than the Company’s attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity’s identifiable net

assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses and the

cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously.

When measured by adopting equity method, respectively recognize investment income and other

comprehensive income according to the net gains and losses as well as the portion of other

comprehensive income which should be enjoyed or be shared, and at the same time adjust the book

value of the long-term equity investment; corresponding reduce the book value of the long-term

equity investment according to profits which be declared to distribute by the investees or the portion

of the calculation of cash dividends which should be enjoyed; for the other changes except for the

net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the owners’ equity except for the profits

distribution of the investees, should adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment as

well as include in the capital reserve. The investing enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value

of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the

attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of

the invested entity. If the accounting polices adopted by the investees is not accord with that of the

Company, should be adjusted according to the accounting policies of the Company and the financial

statement of the investees during the accounting period and according which to recognize the

investment income as well as other comprehensive income. For the transaction happened between

the Company and associated enterprises as well as joint ventures, if the assets launched or sold not

form into business, the portion of the unrealized gains and losses of the internal transaction, which

belongs to the Company according to the calculation of the enjoyed proportion, should recognize

the investment gains and losses on the basis. But the losses of the unrealized internal transaction

happened between the Company and the investees which belongs to the impairment losses of the

transferred assets, should not be neutralized. The assets launched by the Company to the associated

enterprises or the joint ventures if could form into business, the long-term equity investment

without control right which acquired by the investors, should regard the fair value of the launched


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

business as the initial investment cost the newly added long-term equity investment, and for the

difference between the initial investment cost and the book value of the launched business, should

be included into the current gains and losses with full amount. The assets sold by the Company to

the associated enterprises or the joint ventures if could form into business, the difference between

the acquired consideration and the book value of the business should be included in the current

gains and losses with full amount. The assets purchased by the Company to the associated

enterprises or the joint ventures if could form into business, should be accounting disposed

according to the regulations of No. 20 of ASBE—Business Combination, and should be recognized

gains or losses related to the transaction with full amount.

The Company shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the

long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the

net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero. However, if the Company has the

obligation to undertake extra losses, it shall be recognized as the estimated liabilities in accordance

with the estimated duties and then recorded into investment losses at current period. If the invested

entity realizes any net profits later, the Company shall, after the amount of its attributable share of

profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses, resume recognizing its

attributable share of profits.

For the long-term equity investment held by the Company before the first execution of the new

accounting criterion on 1 Jan. 2008 of the associated enterprises and joint ventures, if there is debit

difference of the equity investment related to the investment, should be included in the current gains

and losses according to the amount of the straight-line amortization during the original remained


③ Acquiring shares of minority interest

In the preparation for the financial statements, the balance existed between the long-term equity

investment increased by acquiring shares of minority interest and the attributable net assets on the

subsidiary calculated by the increased shares held since the purchase date (or combination date), the

capital reserves shall be adjusted, if the capital reserves are not sufficient to offset, the retained

profits shall be adjusted.

④ Disposal of long-term equity investment

In the preparation of financial statements, the Company disposed part of the long-term equity

investment on subsidiaries without losing its controlling right on them, the balance between the

disposed price and attributable net assets of subsidiaries by disposing the long-term equity

investment shall be recorded into owners’ equity; where the Company losses the controlling right by

disposing part of long-term equity investment on such subsidiaries, it shall treated in accordance


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

with the relevant accounting policies in Note IV. 5 (2) Method on preparation of combined financial


For other ways on disposal of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book value of

the disposed equity and its actual payment gained shall be recorded into current profits and losses.

For the long-term equity investment measured by adopting equity method, if the remained equity

after disposal still adopts the equity method for measurement, the other comprehensive income

originally recorded into owners’ equity should adopt the same basis of the accounting disposal of

the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees according to the corresponding

proportion. The owners’ equity recognized owning to the changes of the other owners’ equity except

for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits distribution of the

investees, should be transferred into the current gains and losses according to the proportion.

For the long-term equity investment which adopts the cost method of measurement, if the remained

equity still adopt the cost method, the other comprehensive income recognized owning to adopting

the equity method for measurement or the recognition and measurement standards of financial

instrument before acquiring the control of the investees, should adopt the same basis of the

accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees and should

be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to the proportion; the changes of the

other owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the

profits distribution among the net assets of the investees which recognized by adopting the equity

method for measurement, should be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to

the proportion.

For those the Company lost the control of the investees by disposing part of the equity investment

as well as the remained equity after disposal could execute joint control or significant influences on

the investees, should change to measure by equity method when compiling the individual financial

statement and should adjust the measurement of the remained equity to equity method as adopted

since the time acquired; if the remained equity after disposal could not execute joint control or

significant influences on the investees, should change the accounting disposal according to the

relevant regulations of the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument, and its

difference between the fair value and book value on the date lose the control right should be

included in the current gains and losses. For the other comprehensive income recognized by

adopting equity method for measurement or the recognition and measurement standards of financial

instrument before the Company acquired the control of the investees, should execute the accounting

disposal by adopting the same basis of the accounting disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities

directly disposed by the investees when lose the control of them, while the changes of the other


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

owners’ equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the profits

distribution among the net assets of the investees which recognized by adopting the equity method

for measurement, should be carried forward into the current gains and losses according to the

proportion. Of which, for the disposed remained equity which adopted the equity method for

measurement, the other comprehensive income and the other owners’ equity should be carried

forward according to the proportion; for the disposed remained equity which changed to execute the

accounting disposal according to the recognition and measurement standards of financial instrument,

the other comprehensive income and the other owners’ equity should be carried forward in full


For those the Company lost the control of the investees by disposing part of the equity investment,

the disposed remained equity should change to calculate according to the recognition and

measurement standards of financial instrument, and difference between the fair value and book

value on the date lose the control right should be included in the current gains and losses. For the

other comprehensive income recognized from the original equity investment by adopting the equity

method, should execute the accounting disposal by adopting the same basis of the accounting

disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities directly disposed by the investees when terminate the

equity method for measurement, while for the owners’ equity recognized owning to the changes of

the other owner’s equity except for the net gains and losses, other comprehensive income and the

profits distribution of the investees, should be transferred into the current investment income with

full amount when terminate adopting the equity method.

The Company respectively disposes the equity investment of the subsidiaries through multiple

transactions until lose the control right, if the above transactions belongs to the package deal, should

execute the accounting disposal by regarding each transaction as a deal of disposing the equity

investment of the subsidiaries until lose the control right, while the difference between each

expenses of the disposal and the book value of the long-term equity investment in accord with the

disposed equity before losing the control right, should firstly be recognized as other comprehensive

income then be transferred into the current gains and losses of losing the control right along until

the time when lose it.

14. Investment property

Investment property is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or for both. Investment

property includes leased or ready to transfer after capital appreciation land use rights and leased

buildings. Besides, for the idle constructions held by the Company for operation and lease, if the

Board of Directors (or the similar institutions) made the written resolutions which affirmatively

disclosed to use which for operation and lease with the intention would not change in the short term,


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

should also be presented as the investment property.

Investment property is initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment

real estate are likely to flow about the economic benefits of the asset and its cost can be measured

reliably, is included in the cost of investment real estate. Other subsequent expenditures of gains or

losses should be recorded in the current gains and losses when occurred.

The Company uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and in

accordance with the depreciation or amortization of buildings or land use rights policy.

Investment property impairment test method and impairment accrual method described in Note IV.

20 “Long-term assets impairment”.

Occupied real estate for investment property or investment property is transferred to

owner-occupied real estate or stock conversion as the recorded value after the conversion, according

to the book value before the conversion.

From the date of transference, investment properties shall be transferred into fixed assets or

intangible assets when investment properties transfer into self-owned properties. From the date of

transference, fixed assets or intangible assets shall be transferred into investment properties when

the intention of self-owned properties changes to be earning rents. Upon transference, investment

properties using cost modeling shall use its book value before transference as the entry value after

transference; investment properties using fair value shall use its fair value in the date of transference

as the entry value after transference.

As for investment property disposed or perpetually out of use, and estimated without economic

benefits from the disposal, confirmation shall be terminated. Disposal consideration of the

investment property after sale, transference, discard or damage deducting its book value and

relating taxes shall be recorded into current gains and losses.

15. Fixed assets

(1) Recognized standard of fixed assets

The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as

follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or

business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.

(2) Depreciation methods of fixed assets

The initial measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost after considering the effect of

expected discard expenses. The Group shall withdraw the depreciation of fixed assets by adopting

the straight-line method since the second month of its useful life. Useful life, expected net salvage

value (refers to the expected amount that the Group may obtain from the current disposal of a fixed

asset after deducting the expected disposal expenses at the expiration of its expected useful life) and


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

annual depreciation rate of each fixed assets are as below:

Expected net

Annual deprecation

Category of fixed assets Method Useful life (Y) salvage value



Average method of

Housing and building 8-35 3-5 2.7-12.1

useful life

Average method of

Machinery equipments 8-10 3-5 9.5-12.1

useful life

Average method of

4 3 24.25

Transportation vehicle

useful life

Average method of

3 3 32.33

Office equipment and others

useful life

Expected net residual value of fixed assets is the balance of the Company currently obtained from

the disposal of the asset less the estimated costs of disposal amount, assuming the asset is out of

useful life and state the expected service life in the end.

(3) Measurement and recognition of fixed assets impairment

Impairment and provisions of fixed assets are disclosed on Note IV. 20 “Long-term assets


(4) Fixed Assets under finance leases

A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to ownership

of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred.

Fixed assets that are held under finance leases shall be depreciated by applying the same policy as

that for the fixed assets owned by the Company. If it can be reasonably determined that the

ownership of the leased assets can be obtained at the end of the lease period, the leased assets are

depreciated over their useful lives; otherwise, the leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of

the lease terms and the useful lives of the leased assets.

(5) Others

A fixed asset is recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will probably

flow to the Company and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditure

incurred for a fixed asset that meet the recognition criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed

asset, and the carrying amount of the component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be

derecognized. Otherwise, such expenditure shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in

which they are incurred.

The revenue from selling or transferring, or disposing a fixed asset is booked into profit and loss

after deduction of carrying value and related tax.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

The Company conducts a review of useful life, expected net realizable value and depreciation

methods of the fixed asset at least on an annual base. Any change is regarded as change in

accounting estimates.

16. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured at its actual cost. The actual costs include various construction

expenditures during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it is ready for

intended use and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it

is ready for intended use.

Testing method for provision impairment of construction in progress and accrued method for

provision impairment please refer to Note IV. 20 “Long-term assets impairment”.

17. Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums related to borrowings,

ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange

differences arising from foreign currency borrowings.

The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a

qualifying asset are capitalized. The amounts of other borrowing costs incurred are recognized as an

expense in the period in which they are incurred. Qualifying assets are asset (fixed assets,

investment property and inventories, etc.) that necessarily take a substantial period of time for

acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

Where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the

actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from

depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the

temporary investment of those funds.

Where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized on such

borrowings is determined by applying a weighted average interest rate to the weighted average of

the excess amounts of accumulated expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of

specific-purpose borrowings.

During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing

denominating in foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences in connection with

general-purpose borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

Assets qualified for capitalization are the fixed assets, investment properties or inventories which

need a long time of construction or production activities before ready for intended used or sale.

Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction


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or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other than those necessary to prepare

the asset for its intended use or sale, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3

months. Borrowing costs incurred during these periods recognized as an expense for the current

period until the acquisition, construction or production is resumed.

18. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible asset

The term “intangible asset” refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets without physical shape,

possessed or controlled by enterprises.

The intangible assets are initially measured by its cost. Expenses related to intangible assets, if the

economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the enterprise and the cost of

intangible assets can be measured reliably, shall be recorded as cost of intangible assets. The

expenses other than this shall be booked in the profit or loss when they occur.

Land use rights that are purchased by the Company are accounted for as intangible assets. Buildings,

such as plants that are developed and constructed by the Company, and relevant land use rights and

buildings, are accounted for as intangible assets and fixed assets, respectively. Payments for the

land and buildings purchased are allocated between the land use rights and the buildings; if they

cannot be reasonably allocated all of the land use rights and buildings should accounted for as fixed


When an intangible asset with a definite useful life is available for use, its original cost less net

residual value and any accumulate impairment losses is amortized over its estimated useful life

using the straight-line method. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized.

For an intangible asset with a definite useful life, the Company reviews the useful life and

amortization method at the end of the period, and makes adjustment when necessary. An additional

review is also carried out for useful life of the intangible assets with indefinite useful life. If there is

evidence showing the foreseeable limit period of economic benefits generated to the enterprise by

the intangible assets, then estimate its useful life and amortize according to the policy of intangible

assets with definite useful life.

(2) Research and development cost

Cost of research and development is distinguished into the research phase and the development


Cost of the research phase is recognized in the profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred.

Unless the following conditions are satisfied, cost of the development phase is recognized in the

profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred:


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

① it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so as to use it or sell it;

② it is clearly invented to complete the intangible asset in order to use it or sell it;

③ it is probable that the intangible asset is capable of generating future economic benefit, such as

the market for the product produced by the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself, it is

objectively evidential that the intangible asset is economically usable if it is going to be used


④ there are sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the intangible asset and

to use it or sell it;

⑤ the cost of the development of the intangible can be measured reliably.

If the cost cannot be distinguished into the search phase and the development phase, it is recognized

in the profit or loss for the period in which it is incurred.

(3) Impairment of intangible assets

Impairment and provisions of intangible assets are disclosed on Note IV. 20 “Long-term assets


19. Long-term deferred expenditure

An item long-term deferred expenses is an expense which has been incurred and which has a

beneficial period (a period during which an expense is expected to bring economic benefits to an

entity) which is longer than one year and which includes at least part of the reporting period during

which the expense was incurred and subsequent reporting periods. An item of long-term deferred

expenses is recognized at the actual amount of the expense incurred and allocated in each month of

the beneficial period using the straight line method.

20. Long-term assets impairment

Non-financial assets with non-current nature include fixed assets, construction in progress,

intangible assets with definite useful lives, investment properties measured by cost methods and

long-term equity investment on subsidiaries, jointly operations. The Company assesses whether

there are any indicators of impairment for all non-financial assets at the balance sheet date, and

impairment test is carried out and recoverable value is estimated if such an indicator exits. Goodwill

and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, as well as intangible assets not ready for use, are

tested for impairment annually regardless of indicators of impairment.

Impairment of loss is calculated and provisions taken by the difference if the recoverable value of

the assets is lower than the book value. The recoverable value is the higher of estimated present

value of the future expected cash flows from the asset and net fair value of the asset less disposed

cost. The fair value of asset is determined by the sales agreement price within an arm’s length


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

transaction. In case there is no sales agreement, but there is active market of assets, the fair value

can be determined by the selling price. If there is neither sales agreement nor active market, the fair

value of the asset can be estimated based on the best information obtained.

Disposal expenses include expenses related to the legislation, taxes, transportations and the direct

expense for the asset to be ready for sale. When calculating the present value of expected future

cash flows from an asset or asset Group, the management shall estimate the expected future cash

flows from the asset or asset Group and choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the

present value of those cash flows.

Provision for asset impairment is calculated and determined on the individual basis. If the

recoverable of individual asset is hard to estimate, the recoverable amount can be determined by the

asset Group where subject asset belongs. Asset Group is the smallest set of assets that can have cash

flow in independently.

The Company determines whether goodwill is impaired at least on an annual basis. This requires an

estimation of the present value of the future expected cash flows from the asset Groups or sets of

asset Groups to which the goodwill is allocated. Estimating the present value requires the Company

to make an estimate of the expected future cash flows from the asset Groups or sets of asset Groups

and also choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows.

Once the loss from above asset impairment is recognized, the recoverable part cannot be reserved in

the subsequent periods.

21. Payroll

The payroll of the Company mainly includes the short-term employee compensation, welfare after

demission, demission welfare and other long-term employee benefits. Of which:

Short-term compensation mainly including salary, bonus, allowances and subsidies, employee

services and benefits, medical insurance premiums, birth insurance premium, industrial injury

insurance premium, housing fund, labor union expenditure and personnel education fund,

non-monetary benefits etc. The short-term compensation actually happened during the accounting

period when the active staff offering the service for the Group should be recognized as liabilities

and is included in the current gains and losses or relevant assets cost. Of which the non-monetary

benefits should be measured according to the fair value.

Welfare after demission mainly includes setting drawing plan. Of which setting the drawing plan

mainly includes basic endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and annuity etc, and the

corresponding payable and deposit amount should be included into the relevant assets cost or the

current gains and losses when happen.

If an enterprise cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

relevant labor contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of encouraging

the employee to accept a layoff, and should recognize the payroll liabilities occurred from the

demission welfare base on the earlier date between the time when the Group could not one-sided

withdraw the demission welfare which offered by the plan or layoff proposal owning to relieve the

labor relationship and the date the Group recognizes the cost related to the reorganization of the

payment of the demission welfare and at the same time includes which into the current gains and

losses. But if the demission welfare is estimated that could not totally pay after the end of the

annual report within 12 months, should be disposed according to other long-term payroll payment.

The inside employee retirement plan is treated by adopting the same principle with the above

dismiss ion welfare. The group would recorded the salary and the social security insurance fees paid

and so on from the employee’s service terminative date to normal retirement date into current

profits and losses (dismiss ion welfare) under the condition that they meet the recognition

conditions of estimated liabilities.

The other long-term welfare that the Group offers to the staffs, if met with the setting drawing plan,

should be accounting disposed according to the setting drawing plan, while the rest should be

disposed according to the setting revenue plan.

22. Estimated liabilities

Recognition of accrued liabilities:

Obligation with contingency factor such as external hypothecate, lawsuit or arbitrage in dispute,

guarantee on quality of product, cut-down plan, loss of contract, recombine obligation, obligation

on abandon fixed asset, and meet the follow condition simultaneously would determined as

liabilities: (1) This obligation is current obligation of the Company; and, (2) The performance of

this obligation will probably cause economic benefits outflow of the Company; and, (3) The amount

of this obligation can be reliably measured.

On balance sheet date the Company performed relate obligation that consider risk, incertitude, time

value of currency of contingency factor. According to the best estimate of the expenditure required

to settle the present obligation for estimated liabilities measured.

If the expenditure required to settle the liability is expected to be fully or partly compensated by a

third party, to determine the amount of compensation will be received at the basic, separately

recognized as an asset, and is recognized in the amount of compensation does not exceed the

carrying value of estimated liabilities.

23. Revenues

(1) Commodity sales revenues


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met

simultaneously: the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to

the buyer by the enterprise; the enterprise retains neither continuous management right that usually

keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; the relevant amount of

revenue can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant economic benefits may flow into the

enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.

In the Company’s daily accounting practices, as for the domestic sales, when the products had

shipped out of the library and had handed over to the buyers, and the major risk as well as the

reward on the ownership of the products had transferred to them, without keeping any continued

management right which commonly related to the ownership nor carrying out any effective control

of the products which had been sold, and at the same time the amounts received could be calculated

reliably, and the relevant economic interest may flow into the enterprise, as well as the relevant

costs which had occurred or is going to occur could be calculated reliably, should recognize the

implementation of the commodity sales revenues. As for the overseas sales, should recognize the

implementation of the revenues when the goods had made shipment and gained the customs export


(2) Revenues from providing labor services

If an enterprise can reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it

provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing the

percentage-of-completion method on the balance sheet date. The percentage-of-completion is

determined by the proportion of the costs incurred against the estimated total costs.

The outcome of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services can be measured in a

reliable way, means that the following conditions shall be met simultaneously: ① The amount of

revenue can be measured in a reliable way; ② The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow

into the enterprise; ③ The schedule of completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a

reliable way; ④ The costs incurred or to be incurred in the transaction can be measured in a

reliable way.

If the Company can not measure the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor

services in a reliable way, it shall be conducted in accordance with the following circumstances,

respectively: If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the compensation

amount for the cost of labor services shall be recognized as the revenue from providing labor

service, and the cost of labor service incurred shall be as the current cost; if the cost of labor

services incurred is not expected to compensate, no revenue from the providing of labor services

may be recognized.

Where a contract or agreement signed between Group and other enterprises concerns selling goods


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

and providing of labor services, if the part of sale of goods and the part of providing labor services

can be distinguished from each other and can be measured respectively, the part of sale of goods

and the part of providing labor services shall be treated respectively. If the part of selling goods and

the part of providing labor services can not be distinguished from each other, or if the part of sale of

goods and the part of providing labor services can be distinguished from each other but can not be

measured respectively, both parts shall be conducted as selling goods.

(3) Royalty revenue

In accordance with relevant contract or agreement, the amount of royalty revenue should be

recognized as revenue on accrual basis. In the Company’s daily accounting practices, it should be

calculated and recognized according to the chargeable time and methods in accordance with the

relevant contract or agreement.

(4) Interest revenue

In accordance with the time that others use the Group’s monetary capital and the actual rate.

24. Government subsidies

Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from the government to

the Company at no consideration, excluding the capital invested by the government as equity owner.

Government grant can be classified as grant related to the assets and grants related to the income.

The government grants which were acquired by the Company will be used to purchase or otherwise

form become long-term assets will be defined as grant related to the assets; the others will be

defined as grants related to the income. If the files have not clearly defined government grants

objects, it will be divided in the following manner compartmentalize the grants into rant related to

the assets and grants related to the income: (1) government documents defined specific projects

targets, according to the relative proportion of the budgets of specific items included the

expenditure of to form assets and the expenditure will be charged into expense to be divided, the

division ratio required at each balance sheet date for review and make changes if necessary; (2)

government documents to make a general presentation purposes only, does not specify a particular

project, as grants related to the income.

If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount

received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a non-monetary asset, it is measured

at fair value. If the fair value cannot be reliably determined, it is measured at a nominal amount. A

government grant measured at a nominal amount is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the


When received the government grants actually, recognized and measured them by the actual amount

received. However, there is strong evidence that the end of fiscal support policies able to meet the

conditions specified in the relevant funds are expected to be able to receive financial support,


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

measured at the amount receivable. Government grants are measured according to the amount

receivable shall also comply with the following conditions: (1) grants receivable of government

departments issued a document entitled have been confirmed, or could reasonably estimated in

accordance with the relevant provisions of its own official release of financial resources

management approach, and the expected amount of a material uncertainty which does not exist; (2)

it is based on the local financial sector to be officially released and financial support for the project

and its financial fund management approach voluntarily disclosed in accordance with the provisions

of “Regulations on Disclosure Government Information”, and the management approach should be

(inclusive of any compliance business conditions may apply), and not specifically formulated for

specific businesses;(3) related grants approval has been clearly committed the deadline, and is

financed by the proceeds of a corresponding budget as a guarantee, so that will be received within

the prescribed period with the a reasonable assurance; (4) according to the specific circumstances of

the Company and the subsidy matter, should satisfy the other conditions (if any).

A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to

profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. For a government grant related to income, if

the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent period, the

grant is recognized as deferred income, and recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which

the related costs are recognized. If the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already

incurred, the grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.

For repayment of a government grant already recognized, if there is a related deferred income, the

repayment is offset against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any excess is

recognized in profit or loss for the period. If there is no related deferred income, the repayment is

recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.

25. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

(1) Income tax for the current period

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are

expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, according to the

requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects

the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Company expects at the

balance sheet date, to recover the assets or settle the liabilities.

At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities or assets for the current and prior periods are

measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax

laws. The calculation for income tax expenses in the current period is based on the taxable income

according to the related tax laws after adjustment to the accounting profit of the reporting period.

(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

For temporary differences between the carrying amount of certain assets or liabilities and their tax

base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or

liabilities and their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and

liabilities are recognized using the balance sheet liability method.

For temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the initial

recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that

affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of

transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.

For taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and

interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax liability related is recognized except where the

Company is able to control the timing of reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that

the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

All deferred income tax liabilities arising from taxable temporary differences except the ones

mentioned above are recognized.

For temporary deductible differences associated with the initial recognition of an asset or liability

arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor

taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset is recognized.

For taxable temporary deductible differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and

associates, and interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax asset related is recognized if it is

impossible to reversal the temporary difference in the foreseeable future, or it is not probable to

obtain taxable income which can be used for the deduction of the temporary difference in the future.

Except mentioned above, the Company recognizes other deferred income tax assets that can deduct

temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against

which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.

For the deductible losses and tax credit that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets for

deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits

will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates according

to tax laws, which are expected to apply in the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is


At the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. If it is

no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future periods to allow the

benefits of the deferred tax assets to be used, the Company reduces the carrying amount of deferred

tax assets. The amount of such reduction is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient

taxable profit will be available.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(3) Income tax expenses

Income tax expenses consist of current income tax and deferred income tax.

The expenses from income tax and deferred income tax, as well as the revenue, shall be recorded

into profit or loss in current accounting period, except expense for income tax of the current period

and deferred income tax that booked into other income or equity and adjusted carrying value of

deferred income tax goodwill arose from business combination.

(4) Income tax offset

When we have the legal right, and have intended to, to make settlement with net amount or through

the asset acquisition and liability fulfillment simultaneously, the Company shall present the net

value from the offset between current income tax asset and current income tax liability in the

financial statement.

When the Company has the legal right to make a settlement with the current income tax asset and

current income tax liability, and the deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability are

related to the same taxable subject under the same tax payer, or related to different taxable subject,

but the intension of net value settlement in regard of the current income tax asset and current

income tax liability, the Company shall present net value after the offset of deferred income tax

asset and deferred income tax liability.

26. Leases

A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to ownership

of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a

finance lease.

(1) The Company as Lessee under operating Lease

Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a straight-line basis over the

lease term, and either included in the cost of the related asset or charged to profit or loss for the

current period. The contingent rents shall be recorded in the profit or loss of the period in which

they actually arise.

(2) The Company as Leaser under operating Lease

Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized by the leaser in profit or loss on a

straight-line basis over the lease term. Initial direct cost of significance in amount shall be

capitalized when incurred. If another basis is more systematic and rational, that basis may be used.

Contingent rents are credited to profit or loss in the period in which they actually arise.

(3) The Company as Lessee under financing Lease

For an asset that is held under a finance lease, at the lease commencement, the leased asset is

recorded at the lower of its fair value at the lease commencement and the present value of the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

minimum lease payments, and the minimum lease payment is recorded as the carrying amount of


long-term payables; the difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the

recorded amount of the payable is accounted for as unrecognized finance charge, Initial direct costs

incurred by the lessee during the process of negotiating and securing the lease agreement shall be

added to the amount recognized for the leased asset.

The net amount of minimum lease payment deducted by the unrecognized finance shall be

separated into long-term liabilities and long-term liability within one year for presentation.

Unrecognized finance charge shall be computed by the effective interest method during the lease

term. Contingent rent shall be booked into profit or loss when actually incurred.

(4) In the case of the lessor of a financing lease

For an asset that is leased out under a finance lease, the aggregate of the minimum lease receipts at

the inception of the lease and the initial direct costs is recorded as a finance lease receivable, and

unguaranteed residual value is recorded at the same time; the difference between the aggregate of

the minimum lease receipt, initial direct costs, and unguaranteed residual value, and the aggregate

of their present values, is recognized as unearned finance income, which is amortized using the

effective interest rate method over each period during the lease term.

Finance lease receivable less unearned finance income shall be separated into long-term liabilities

and long-term liability within one year for presentation.

Unearned finance income shall be computed by the effective interest method during the lease term.

Contingent rent shall be credited into profit or loss in which actually incurred.

27. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates

(1) Change of accounting policies

There was no any change of accounting policies

(2) Change of main accounting estimates

There was no any change of main accounting estimates.

28. Significant account judgment and estimates

The Company is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying

amounts of items in the financial statements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal

uncertainties of operation activities. These judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on

historical experiences of the Company’s management as well as other factors that are considered to

be relevant. These judgments, estimates and assumptions may affect value of the financial

statements in revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingency at the

balance sheet date. However, the result derived from those uncertainties in estimates may lead


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

significant adjustments to the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future.

The Company has reviews the judgments, estimates and assumptions regularly on the basis of going

concern. Where the changes in accounting estimates only affect the period when changes occurred,

and they are recognized within the same period. Where the changes in accounting estimates affect

both current period and future period, the changes are recognized within the period of change and

future period.

At balance sheet date, the followings are the significant areas where the Company needs to make

judgment, estimates and assumptions over the value of items in the financial statements:

(1) Classification of lease

The Company classifies leases as operating lease and financing lease according to the rule

stipulated in the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21—Leasing. The management

shall make analysis and judgment on whether the risks and rewards related to the title of leased

assets has been transferred to the leaser, or whether the Company has substantially held the risks

and rewards related to the ownership of leased assets.

(2) Allowance for bad debt

According to the relevant accounting policies of the Company in receivables, allowance method is

used for bad debt’s calculation. The impairment of receivables is calculated based on the assessment

of recoverable of receivables. Assurance of receivable impairment needs judgments and estimations

from the management. The difference between actual results and original estimates shall have

impact on the carrying amount of receivables and receivable bad debt provisions or the reverse

during the change of estimation.

(3) Impairment of inventories

The Company measures inventories by the lower of cost and realizable net value according to the

accounting policies in regard of inventories and provisions for decline in value of inventories are

made if the cost is higher than their net realizable value and obsolete and slow-movement

inventories. Inventories decline in value to net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the

ordinary course of business. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence

obtained, and takes into consideration the purposes of holding inventories and effect of post balance

sheet events. The difference between the actual result and the original estimates shall have impact

on reverse of the carrying amount of the inventories and their decline in value or provisions during

the period of change.

(4) The fair value of financial instruments

For a financial instrument which has no active market, the Company establishes fair value by using

various valuation methods, including of discounted cash flow analysis model. The Company needs

to estimate future cash flow, credit risk, volatility and relationship during the valuation and choose


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

appropriate discount rate. Such assumptions have uncertainties and their changes shall have impact

on the fair value of financial instruments.

(5) Impairment of financial assets available-for-sale

The Company determine the available-for-sale financial asset is impaired relies on judgments and

assumptions of management, to determine whether impairment loss is recognized in the income

statement. The process of making the judgments and assumptions, the Company is required to

assess the extent and duration of the fair value of the investment below cost, as well as investment

financial position and short-term business outlook, including industry conditions, technological

change, the credit rating, default rates and counterparty risk.

(6) Impairment of non-financial, non-current assets

The Company assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for all non-current assets

other than financial assets at the balance sheet date. For an intangible asset that has indefinite useful

life, impairment test is made in addition to the annual impairment test if there is any indication of

impairment. For non-current assets other than financial assets, impairment test is made when there

is any indication that its account balance cannot be recovered.

Impairment exists when the recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less cost of

disposal and present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.

Net value between the difference of fair value and disposal cost is determined by reference of the

price of similar product in a sale agreement in an arm’s length transaction or an observable market

price less the additional cost directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.

When estimating the present value of future cash flow, significant judgments are made over the

asset’s production, selling price and relevant operating expenses, and discount rate used to calculate

present value. All available materials that are considered to be relevant shall be used in the

estimation of recoverable value. These materials include estimations of production, selling price and

operating expenses based on reasonable and supportable assumptions.

The Company makes an impairment test for goodwill at least at each year end. This requires an

estimation of present value of future cash flow of the assets or assets group where goodwill has

been allocated. The Company shall makes estimation on the future cash flow derived from assets or

assets group and determine an appropriate discount rate for the present value of future cash flow

when the estimation of present value of future cash flow is made.

(7) Depreciation and amortization

Investment property, fixed assets and intangible assets are depreciated and amortized using the

straight-line method over their useful lives after taking into account residual value. The useful lives

are regularly reviewed to determine the depreciation and amortization costs charged in each

reporting period. The useful lives are determined based on historical experience of similar assets


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

and the estimated technical changes. If there is an indication that there has been a change in the

factor used to determine the depreciation or amortization, the rate of depreciation or amortization is


(8) Deferred tax assets

The group shall recognize all unused tax losses as deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable

that future taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses and unused tax

credits can be utilized. This requires the management of the Company make a lot of judgments over

the estimation of time period, value and tax planning strategies when future taxable profit incurs so

that the value of deferred tax assets can be determined.

(9) Income tax

There are some transactions where ultimate tax treatments and calculations have uncertainties in the

Company’s everyday operation. If it is possible for any item to make expenditure before tax that

needs to be approved from competent tax authorities. If there is any difference between finalized

determination value and their initial estimations value, the difference shall have the impact on the

income tax and deferred income tax of the current period during the final determination.

(15) Accrued liabilities

According with the terms of the contract, the existing knowledge and historical experience, product

quality assurance and expected contract losses, delay in delivery of liquidated damages are

estimated and recognized as accrued liabilities. In these matters has been the formation of a current

obligation, and fulfilling the duty is likely to lead to the outflow of economic benefits of the

Company, the Company or the best estimate of the current obligation expenditure required

recognized as a accrued liabilities. Recognition and measurement of accrued liabilities is dependent

on the judgment of management. In the processing of judgment the company needed to appraise the

related risks, uncertainties and time value of money and other factors.

V. Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rate

Category of taxes Particulars about specific tax rate

Income tax was in accordance with 17%, 6% of tax rate to calculate output tax and

VAT according to the balance of the current the deductibility deduct the input tax to calculate

value added tax.

Sales of wine per 1000 ml or per kg 1 Yuan to calculate the amount of consumption tax,

Consumption tax a flat rate, 20% of the annual turnover to calculate the amount of consumption tax at


Business Tax 5% of turnover tax payable.

Urban maintenance and construction tax 1, 5, 7% of the actual taxable turnover amount.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Category of taxes Particulars about specific tax rate

Education expenses surcharge 3% of the actual taxable turnover amount.

Local education surcharge 2% of the actual taxable turnover amount.

Enterprise income tax 25% of the actual taxable turnover amount.

VI. Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

The following notes (including notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the

Company), unless otherwise noted, the opening period was 1 January 2016, the closing period was

30 June 2016, this Period referred to 1 January-30 June 2016, and last period referred to 1

January-30 June 2015.

1. Monetary funds

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Cash in treasury 332,509.88 373,724.24

Bank deposit 1,090,153,358.62 1,040,000,008.83

Other monetary funds 101,414,851.66 46,945,425.70

Total 1,191,900,720.16 1,087,319,158.77

Of which: the total amount deposited in overseas 0.00 0.00

2. Financial assets measured by fair value and the changes be included in the current gains

and losses

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Trading financial assets 3,175,807.27 322,223.28

Of which: equity tool investment 3,175,807.27 322,223.28

Total 3,175,807.27 322,223.28

3. Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable listed by category

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill 1,270,576,488.25 539,442,903.31

Total 1,270,576,488.25 539,442,903.31

(2) Notes receivable pledged at the period-end


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Amount

Bank acceptance bill 21,651,974.00

Total 21,651,974.00

(3) Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due on the balance sheet date at the


Amount of recognition termination at the Amount of not terminated recognition at


period-end the period-end

Bank acceptance bill 336,309,544.27

Total 336,309,544.27

4. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable classified by category

Closing balance

Book balance Bad debt provision

Category Propor Book


Amount tion Amount value

proportion (%)


Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision of by credit 7,383,2 1,449,7 5,933,4

100 19.64

08.08 20.51 87.57

risks characteristics:

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

7,383,2 1,449,7 5,933,4

Total 100 19.64

08.08 20.51 87.57


Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Propor Book

tion Withdrawal value

Amount (%) Amount proportion (%)


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Propor Book

tion Withdrawal value

Amount (%) Amount proportion (%)

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision of by credit 6,226,5 1,278,5 4,948,0

100 20.53

90.29 15.45 74.84

risks characteristics:

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

6,226,5 1,278,5 4,948,0

Total 100 20.53

90.29 15.45 74.84

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt


Closing balance


Account receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Within 1 year

[Of which: within 6 months] 4,252,951.92 42,529.52 1.00

[7-12 months] 966,943.53 48,347.18 5.00

Subtotal of within 1 year 5,219,895.45 90,876.70 1.74

1 to 2 years 396,940.74 39,694.07 10.00

2 to 3 years 894,444.30 447,222.15 50.00

Over 3 years 871,927.59 871,927.59 100.00

Total 7,383,208.08 1,449,720.51 19.64

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The withdrawn bad debt provision of Reporting Period was of RMB41, 139.49.

(3) Particulars of the actual verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

There was no actual verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

(4) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable collected according to the arrears


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


The total amount of top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party

was RMB2, 831,776.71, 38.35% of total closing balance of account receivable, the relevant closing

balance of bad debt provision withdrawn was RMB731, 764.36.

5. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

Closing balance Opening balance


Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%)

Within 1 year 52,929,107.11 94.70 80,083,715.48 99.64

1 to 2 years 2,236,109.42 4.00 285,694.11 0.36

2 to 3 years 283,297.06 0.51 0.00 0.00

Over 3 years 443,259.73 0.79 3,674.00 0.00

Total 55,891,773.32 100.00 80,373,083.59 100

(2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment collected according to the prepayment


The total amount of top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party

was RMB20, 937,075.34, 37.46% of total closing balance of account receivable.

6. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other account receivable classified by category

Closing balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Withdrawal Book value

Amount Amount

(%) proportion (%)

Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad 41,342,938.53 63.62 41,342,938.53 100.00 0.00

debt provision separately accrued

Other accounts receivable withdrawn bad

debt provision according to credit risks 23,641,262.26 36.38 1,043,381.50 4.41 22,597,880.76


Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Closing balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Withdrawal Book value

Amount Amount

(%) proportion (%)

debt provision separately accrued

Total 64,984,200.79 100 42,386,320.03 65.23 22,597,880.76


Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Withdrawal Book value

Amount (%) Amount proportion (%)

Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad

41,342,938.53 81.90 41,342,938.53 100.00 0.00

debt provision separately accrued

Other accounts receivable withdrawn bad

debt provision according to credit risks

9,134,457.26 18.10 516,501.58 5.65 8,617,955.68


Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

Total 50,477,395.79 100.00 41,859,440.11 82.93


① Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision

separately at end of period:

Closing balance

Other accounts receivable (unit) Other accounts Bad debt Withdrawal

Withdrawal reason

receivable provision proportion (%)

Enter enterprise bankruptcy

Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd. 11,840,500.00 11,840,500.00 100.00


Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd. 29,502,438.53 29,502,438.53 100.00 Enter enterprise bankruptcy


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Closing balance

Other accounts receivable (unit) Other accounts Bad debt Withdrawal

Withdrawal reason

receivable provision proportion (%)


Total 41,342,938.53 41,342,938.53 100.00

② In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad

debt provision:

Closing balance


Other accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Within 1 year

[Of which: within 6 months] 15,040,998.54 150,409.98 1.00

[7-12 months] 7,164,888.59 358,244.43 5.00

Subtotal within 1 year 22,205,887.13 508,654.41 2.29

1 to 2 years 942,171.58 94,217.16 10.00

2 to 3 years 105,387.24 52,693.62 50.00

Over 3 years 387,816.31 387,816.31 100.00

Total 23,641,262.26 1,043,381.50 4.41

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The withdrawn bad debt provision of Reporting Period was of RMB35,542.21.

(3) Particulars of the actual verification of other accounts receivable during the Reporting


There was no actual verification of other accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

(4) Other account receivable classified by account nature

Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance

Securities investment 41,342,938.53 41,342,938.53

Margin &cash pledge 1,407,050.01 1,642,346.71

Business travel borrowing charges 3,915,005.70 2,789,864.26

Rent and utilities fee 6,721,027.98 2,432,526.57

Others 11,598,178.57 2,269,719.72


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Total 64,984,200.79 50,477,395.79

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collected according to the

arrears party

Proportion (%) Bad debt

Name of the entity Nature Closing balance Aging provision

Closing balance

No.1 Securities investment 29,502,438.53 Over 3 years 45.40 29,502,438.53

No.2 Securities investment 11,840,500.00 Over 3 years 18.22 11,840,500.00

No. 3 Intercourse funds 3,410,772.54 Within 1 year 5.25 34,107.73

Within 6

No. 4

Prepayment of oil fee 1,550,000.00 months 2.39 15,500.00

Within 6

No. 5

Prepayment of rental fee 689,658.09 months 1.06 68,965.81

Total 46,993,369.16 72.32 41,461,512.07

7. Inventory

(1) Category of inventory

Closing balance


Book balance Falling price reserves Book value

Raw materials& package 124,998,125.88 6,572,307.41 118,425,818.47

Homemade semi-finished products and goods in process 1,329,501,557.99 1,329,501,557.99

Finished product 238,833,956.89 7,665,181.09 231,168,775.80

Total 1,693,333,640.76 14,237,488.50 1,679,096,152.26


Opening balance


Book balance Falling price reserves Book value

Raw materials& package 102,293,838.52 6,976,129.27 95,317,709.25

Homemade semi-finished products and goods in process 1,130,825,408.23 1,130,825,408.23

Finished product 177,900,253.21 7,331,319.82 170,568,933.39

Total 1,411,019,499.96 14,307,449.09 1,396,712,050.87


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(2) Impairment of inventories

Increased amount Decrease

Item Opening balance Reverse or Closing balance

Withdrawal Others Others


Raw materials& package 6,976,129.27 403,821.86 6,572,307.41

Finished product 7,331,319.82 333,861.27 7,665,181.09

Total 14,307,449.09 333,861.27 403,821.86 14,237,488.50

(3) Withdrawal provision basis of the falling price of the inventory and the reasons of the

reserve or write-off


Specific basis of withdrawal of falling ns for

Item Reasons for write-off

price reserves of inventory reversa


The realizable net value was lower than The raw material withdrawn impairment disposed in

Raw materials

the cost Reporting Period

Finished The realizable net value was lower than The raw material withdrawn impairment disposed in

product the cost Reporting Period

8. Other current assets

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Financial products 870,000,000.00 1,500,000,000.00

Tax to be deducted 481,108.21 970,860.37

Total 870,481,108.21 1,500,970,860.37

9. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) List of available-for-sale financial assets

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Depreciation Depreciation

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

reserves reserves

Available-for-sale equity instruments 218,133,207.80 218,133,207.80 213,881,190.47 213,881,190.47

Of which: measured at fair value 218,133,207.80 218,133,207.80 213,881,190.47 213,881,190.47


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Measured by cost

Others 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

Total 318,133,207.80 318,133,207.80 313,881,190.47 313,881,190.47

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured by fair value at the period-end

Available-for-sale equity Available-for-sale debt

Category Total

instruments instruments

Cost of the equity

instruments/amortized cost of 169,650,571.57 169,650,571.57

the liabilities instruments

Fair value 218,133,207.80 218,133,207.80

Changed amount of the fair

value accumulatively included 48,482,636.23 48,482,636.23

in other comprehensive income

Withdrawn impairment amount

(3) Available-for-sale financial assets measured by cost at the period-end

Book balance Depreciation reserves


Investee Opening Increa Decrea Closing Opening Increa Decrea


period se se period period se se


Hongtai No. 55 assembled 100,000,000. 100,000,000.

funds trust

00 00

100,000,000. 100,000,000.


00 00

10. Investment property

Item Houses and buildings Land use right Total

I. Original book value

1. Opening balance 23,148,813.75 2,644,592.00 25,793,405.75

2. Increased amount of the period

3. Decreased amount of the period

4. Closing balance 23,148,813.75 2,644,592.00 25,793,405.75


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Houses and buildings Land use right Total

II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative amortization

1. Opening balance 15,583,897.24 494,056.62 16,077,953.86

2. Increased amount of the period 259,127.62 31,007.28 290,134.90

(1) Withdrawal or amortization 259,127.62 31,007.28 290,134.90

3. Decreased amount of the period

4. Closing balance 15,843,024.86 525,063.90 16,368,088.76

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Opening balance

2. Increased amount of the period

3. Decreased amount of the period

4. Closing balance

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 7,305,788.89 2,119,528.10 9,425,316.99

2. Opening book value 7,564,916.51 2,150,535.38 9,715,451.89

11. Fixed assets

(1) List of fixed assets


Houses and Machinery Office equipment and

Item ion Total

buildings equipment other


I. Original book value

774,600,299 52,684,498.9 2,548,734,73

1. Opening balance 1,661,241,240.92 60,208,697.42

.46 2 6.72

80,542,453. 12,432,548.1 443,674,174.

2. Increased amount of the period 328,649,196.71 22,049,976.31

00 0 12


(1) Purchase - 1,738,804.61 839,619.99 7,009,821.44


14,164,449. 51,182,092.8

(2) Transfer of project under construction 37,017,643.64 - -

16 0

3. Business combination not under the 61,946,607. 10,693,743.4 385,482,259.

291,631,553.07 21,210,356.32

same control 00 9 88

17,156,000. 22,353,428.4

3. Decreased amount of the period 3,549,959.51 595,964.12 1,051,503.98

88 9


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

17,156,000. 22,353,428.4

(1) Disposal or Scrap 3,549,959.51 595,964.12 1,051,503.98

88 9

837,986,751 64,521,082.9 2,970,055,48

4. Closing balance 1,986,340,478.12 81,207,169.75

.58 0 2.35

II. Accumulative depreciation

288,129,635 42,255,683.0 851,431,802.

1. Opening balance 475,454,089.21 45,592,394.27

.62 5 15

66,057,311. 188,324,693.

2. Increased amount of the period 101,414,232.74 9,219,649.77 11,633,499.19

43 13

42,029,709. 85,133,585.7

(1) Withdrawal 35,835,471.83 3,019,481.90 4,248,922.77

21 1

2. Business combination not under the 24,027,602. 103,191,107.

65,578,760.91 6,200,167.87 7,384,576.42

same control 22 42

13,554,619. 16,826,624.6

3. Decreased amount of the period 1,729,716.06 520,868.30 1,021,420.47

83 6

13,554,619. 16,826,624.6

(1) Disposal or Scrap 1,729,716.06 520,868.30 1,021,420.47

83 6

340,632,327 50,954,464.5 1,022,929,87

4. Closing balance 575,138,605.89 56,204,472.99

.22 2 0.62

III. Depreciation reserves -


1. Opening balance 4,133,377.10 - - 6,274,130.25


2. Increased amount of the period - - - -

(1) Withdrawal - - - -

3. Decreased amount of the period - 915,318.33 - - 915,318.33

(1) Disposal or Scrap - 915,318.33 - - 915,318.33


4. Closing balance 4,133,377.10 - - 5,358,811.92


IV. Book value -

496,128,989 13,566,618.3 1,941,766,79

1. Closing book value 1,407,068,495.13 25,002,696.76

.54 8 9.81

484,329,910 10,428,815.8 1,691,028,80

2. Opening book value 1,181,653,774.61 14,616,303.15

.69 7 4.32

(2) List of temporarily idle fixed assets

Original book Accumulative Impairment

Item Book value Notes

value depreciation provision


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Houses and buildings 15,719,043.63 11,411,262.48 4,133,377.10 174,404.05

Machinery equipment 7,964,491.74 6,734,804.38 1,225,434.82 4,252.54

Total 23,683,535.37 18,146,066.86 5,358,811.92 178,656.59

(3) Details of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property

Item Book value Reason

Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industry park building 64,365,869.23


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

The fire station 953,080.95


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.3 shift floor 5,743,206.88


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.1 Peiqu building 10,745,217.28


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.2 Peiqu building 10,745,217.28


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.3 Peiqu building 10,745,217.28


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.4 Peiqu building 10,257,673.20


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.5 Peiqu building 10,269,579.40


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 1 brewhouse 20,157,491.87


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 2brewhouse 20,277,148.61


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 3brewhouse 22,945,900.39


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 4brewhouse 22,911,005.77


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Generator room 313,552.89


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Bran warehouse, yeast warehouse 29,142,324.18


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Auxiliary workshop office building 955,465.75



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Book value Reason

Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Sewage treatment station of industrial park 9,903,006.73


Blending workshop, wine collection station Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park


and stainless steel tank district project

Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

No.2, No. 3 stainless steel tank district 20,902,528.07


Pottery jar wine warehouse F1-4 Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

building projects 45,003,899.65 project

Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial Park No.1 filling house

31,980,337.29 project

Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial Park No.2 filling house 38,423,590.21


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 6brewhouse 21,183,794.22


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 8brewhouse 23,985,549.72


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Reception and multi-function hall 23,447,638.47


Scientific research and comprehensive Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park


command center project

Logistics office building, canteen, salvage Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park


station project

Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Qinggong apartment 9,665,199.99


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial Park electropower station 33,094,219.98


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 5brewhouse 20,761,372.44


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial park No. 7brewhouse 21,127,025.93


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Industrial Park No.3 filling house 38,651,948.11


Uniform handling after the completion of the industrial park

Hefei marketing command center 133,803,465.20


Total 761,798,889.12

12. Construction in progress


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(1) List of construction in progress

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Book Depreciation Book Book Depreciation Book

balance reserves value balance reserves value

Removal and R&D project of base liquid and

32,051.44 32,051.44 32,051.44 32,051.44

support facility project

3,755,555. 3,755,555. 3,305,555. 3,305,555.

Operation network of Gujing

56 56 56 56

1,204,613. 1,204,613. 1,186,500. 1,186,500.

Information integration system

21 21 00 00

769,230.7 769,230.7 769,230.7 769,230.7


7 7 7 7

7,852,045. 7,852,045. 47,025,89 47,025,89

Renovation project of potential safety concerns

88 88 4.49 4.49

2,167,605. 2,167,605. 2,167,605. 2,167,605.

Renovation project of wine culture museum

55 55 55 55

Light and shadow show digital demonstration 3,657,367. 3,657,367.

project 52 52

965,000.0 965,000.0 965,000.0 965,000.0

Automatic reform

0 0 0 0

2,299,961. 2,299,961. 2,299,961. 2,299,961.

Shanghai experience centre

53 53 53 53

“Drunken beauty chateau” Landscape promotion 947,572.8 947,572.8

transformation 3 3

Rice husk steamed warehouse and transportation 2,061,538. 2,061,538.

system 54 54

1,267,025. 1,267,025. 1,153,804. 1,153,804.


40 40 92 92

23,322,20 23,322,20 62,562,97 62,562,97


0.71 0.71 1.78 1.78

(2) Changes of significant construction in progress

Amount that Other

Opening Increase transferred to decreased

Name o f item Estimated number Closing balance

balance Amount fixed assets of amount of the

the period period

Removal and R&D

800,000,000.00 32,051.44 32,051.44

project of base liquid


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Amount that Other

Opening Increase transferred to decreased

Name o f item Estimated number Closing balance

balance Amount fixed assets of amount of the

the period period

and support facility


Operation network of

8,350,000.00 3,305,555.56 450,000.00 3,755,555.56


Information integration

6,000,000.00 1,186,500.00 18,113.21 1,204,613.21


GujingCRMsystem 8,000,000.00 769,230.77 769,230.77

Renovation project of

116,670,000.00 47,025,894.49 4,190,948.31 43,364,796.92 7,852,045.88

potential safety concerns

Renovation project of

5,400,000.00 2,167,605.55 2,167,605.55

wine culture museum

Automatic reform 2,600,000.00 965,000.00 965,000.00

Shanghai experience

5,000,000.00 2,299,961.53 2,299,961.53


“Drunken beauty

chateau” Landscape

3,810,000.00 947,572.83 947,572.83



Rice husk steamed

warehouse and 4,200,000.00 2,061,538.54 2,061,538.54

transportation system

Light and shadow show

digital demonstration 5,500,000.00 3,657,367.52 914,341.88 4,571,709.40 0


Others 3,050,000.00 1,153,804.92 3,358,806.96 3,245,586.48 1,267,025.40

Total 968,580,000.00 62,562,971.78 11,941,321.73 51,182,092.80 23,322,200.71


Proportion Of which: the

Accumulative Capitalization

estimated of the amount of the

Project amount of rate of the Capital

Project name project capitalized

Progress (%) capitalized interests of the resources

accumulative interests of the

interests period (%)

input (%) period

Removal and R&D project of 92.62 100 Self-owned


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Proportion Of which: the

Accumulative Capitalization

estimated of the amount of the

Project amount of rate of the Capital

Project name project capitalized

Progress (%) capitalized interests of the resources

accumulative interests of the

interests period (%)

input (%) period

base liquid and support facility fund



Operation network of Gujing 72.22 90



Information integration system 19.78 50



GujingCRM system 11.56 50


Renovation project of Self-owned

47.37 100

potential safety concerns fund

Renovation project of wine Self-owned

50.64 90

culture museum fund


Automatic reform 43.48 90



Shanghai experience centre 47.45 70


“Drunken beauty chateau” Self-owned

Landscape promotion 9.87 50 fund


Rice husk steamed Self-owned

warehouse and transportation 33.94 50 fund


Light and shadow show digital Self-owned

95.45 100

demonstration project fund


Others 88.94 100


Total - -

13. Intangible assets

Item Land use right Patent right Software Total

I. Original book value

1. Opening balance 351,249,420.80 38,150,000.00 4,869,402.68 394,268,823.48


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Land use right Patent right Software Total

2. Increased amount of the period 277,029,881.76 176,833,542.63 999,312.90 454,862,737.29

(1) Purchase

(2) Business combination not under the same control 277,029,881.76 176,833,542.63 999,312.90 454,862,737.29

3. Decreased amount of the period

4. Closing balance 628,279,302.56 214,983,542.63 5,868,715.58 849,131,560.77

II. Accumulated amortization

1. Opening balance 54,759,386.45 38,150,000.00 2,987,197.07 95,896,583.52

2. Increased amount of the period 36,560,145.79 7,513,992.63 974,211.00 45,048,349.42

(1) Withdrawal 4,232,848.95 0.00 537,406.94 4,770,255.89

(2) Business combination not under the same control 32,327,296.84 7,513,992.63 436,804.06 40,278,093.53

3. Decreased amount of the period

4. Closing balance 91,319,532.24 45,663,992.63 3,961,408.07 140,944,932.94

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Opening balance

2. Increased amount of the period

3. Decreased amount of the period

4. Closing balance

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 536,959,770.32 169,319,550.00 1,907,307.51 708,186,627.83

2. Opening book value 296,490,034.35 1,882,205.61 298,372,239.96

14. Goodwill

Items to be Increased amount of the period Decreased amount of the period

invested in the

name of the unit Opening balance Enterprise merger Closing balance


or the formation formation

of goodwill

Wuhan Pride

Yellow Crane

0.00 473,325,507.30 0.00 473,325,507.30

Tower Distillery

Co., Ltd.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Total 0.00 473,325,507.30 0.00 473,325,507.30

15. Long-term unamortized expenses


Item Opening balance Increased amount Decrease Closing balance


Yeast house & yeast frame

2,918,368.91 761,679.42 2,156,689.49


Reform on highly qualified

7,305,261.80 1,860,700.85 5,444,560.95

base liquid project

Wine warehouse goods shelf 1,408,903.13 281,780.64 1,127,122.49

Specialty store decoration

17,226,636.96 6,725,485.32 10,501,151.64


Beijing experience centre

17,455,429.04 4,678,616.50 1,191,553.55 20,942,491.99


The relocation compensation

11,366,500.00 750,000.00 10,616,500.00

of Beijing experience center

Pottery jar warehouse 19,216,518.59 83,364.25 2,184,916.75 17,114,966.09

Decoration project of wine

1,041,359.68 215,453.70 825,905.98

culture museum

Sewage Treatment Project 4,850,000.00 300,000.00 4,550,000.00

Afforestation fees 27,703,158.38 7,756,164.67 21,181.12 19,925,812.59

Gujing mountain villa

4,941,948.33 478,359.66 4,463,588.67

decoration project

Renovation of potential

3,607,861.23 452,564.62 827,686.18 3,232,739.67

safety concerns

Shenzhen experience centre 6,217,336.14 0 666,143.14 5,551,193.00

Others 2,556,386.18 0 575,159.32 1,981,226.86

Total 127,815,668.37 5,214,545.37 24,575,083.20 21,181.12 108,433,949.42

16. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

Differences assets Differences assets

Bad debt provision 43,836,040.54 10,959,010.13 43,137,779.39 10,784,271.97

Impairment of inventories 14,237,488.50 3,559,372.12 14,307,449.09 3,576,862.28


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Impairment provision of the

5,330,814.46 1,332,703.61 6,246,132.79 1,561,533.20

fixed assets

Deferred income 43,849,216.27 10,962,304.07 46,123,314.33 11,530,828.58

Accrued expenses 213,429,867.63 53,357,466.91 134,446,030.45 33,611,507.60

Change in fair value of

605,803.87 151,450.97

available-for-sale financial assets

Total 321,289,231.27 80,322,307.81 244,260,706.05 61,065,003.63

(2) Lists of deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

differences liabilities differences liabilities

Change of fair value of trading

2,243,248.59 560,812.15 163,238.41 40,809.60

financial assets

Change in fair value of

49,088,440.10 12,272,110.03 72,642,515.35 18,160,628.84

available-for-sale financial assets

Additional deduction of

8,892,265.05 2,223,066.25 9,048,889.73 2,262,222.43

difference of fixed assets

Asset evaluation increment of

business combination not under 417,431,127.61 104,357,781.90 0.00 0.00

the same control

Total 477,655,081.35 119,413,770.33 81,854,643.49 20,463,660.87

(3) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Deductible temporary difference 27,997.46 28,173.63

Deductible losses 2,959,839.41 2,059,849.97

Total 2,987,836.87 2,088,023.60

17. Notes payable

Category Closing balance Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill 115,211,679.03 92,940,000.00

Trade acceptance 3,028,583.00 828,583.00

Total 118,240,262.03 93,768,583.00

18. Accounts payable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

(1) List of accounts payable

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Within 1 year 335,688,897.62 299,081,452.13

Over 1 years 73,937,717.21 79,105,999.94

Total 409,626,614.83 378,187,452.07

(2) Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year

Item Closing balance Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

A Company 11,525,200.00 The project had not perform the final settlement of account

B Company 7,615,752.27 The project had not perform the final settlement of account

C Company 7,597,440.81 The project had not perform the final settlement of account

D Company 6,376,632.93 The project had not perform the final settlement of account

E Company 3,932,156.11 The project had not perform the final settlement of account

Total 37,047,182.12

19. Advance from customers

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Goods payment 1,059,316,464.50 608,565,152.50

Total 1,059,316,464.50 608,565,152.50

20. Payroll payable

(1) List of Payroll payable

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

I. Short-term salary 253,376,275.54 359,364,175.55 411,358,885.13 201,381,565.96

II. Post-employment benefit-defined


contribution plans 525,425.18 49,725,406.69 49,842,421.13

III. Termination benefits

IV. Other benefits due within one year

Total 253,901,700.72 409,089,582.24 461,201,306.26 201,789,976.70

(2) List of Short-term salary

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

1. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy 202,138,836.94 264,771,008.81 326,496,121.23 140,413,724.52


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

2. Employee welfare 0 4,581,967.04 4,581,967.04 0.00

3. Social insurance 36,873.97 16,642,650.25 16,651,357.80 28,166.42

Of which: 1. Medical insurance premiums 27,079.95 15,067,511.82 15,076,117.40 18,474.37

Work-related injury insurance 4,771.50 896,660.13 896,841.60 4,590.03

Maternity insurance 5,022.52 678,478.30 678,398.80 5,102.02

4. Housing fund 12,784,777.20 59,802,478.52 59,009,613.26 13,577,642.46

5. Labor union budget and employee

38,415,787.43 13,566,070.93 4,619,825.80 47,362,032.56

education budget

Total 253,376,275.54 359,364,175.55 411,358,885.13 201,381,565.96

(3) List of drawing scheme

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

1. Basic pension benefits 499,446.46 46,556,611.61 46,667,718.94 388,339.13

2. Unemployment insurance 25,978.72 3,168,795.08 3,174,702.19 20,071.61

Total 525,425.18 49,725,406.69 49,842,421.13 408,410.74

21. Taxes payable

Item Closing balance Opening balance

VAT 88,576,040.83 87,099,637.75

Consumption tax 113,948,209.08 137,743,836.68

Business tax 7,734.85 1,567,227.74

Corporate income tax 58,954,095.13 70,375,692.68

Personal income tax 2,399,767.78 2,747,356.67

Urban maintenance and construction tax 10,477,670.38 10,339,184.61

Stamp tax 448,199.51 1,096,999.83

Education Surcharge 9,934,691.07 10,327,628.89

Others 8,881,320.61 36,789,788.95

Total 293,627,729.24 358,087,353.80

22. Other accounts payable


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Margin &cash pledge 641,091,653.77 349,397,678.43

Business travel borrowing charges 1,536,367.73 1,369,843.17

Quality guarantee 66,088,722.97 42,153,589.56

4. Housing deduction 12,985,839.72 12,784,777.20

Others 50,391,636.95 46,487,300.58

Total 772,094,221.14 452,193,188.94

23. Other non-current liabilities

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Accrued expenses 213,429,867.63 138,135,604.82

Total 213,429,867.63 138,135,604.82

24. Deferred revenue


Item Opening balance Decrease Closing balance Formed reason


Government Received assets related to government

subsidies 46,123,314.33 2,274,098.06 43,849,216.27 subsidies

Total —

46,123,314.33 2,274,098.06 43,849,216.27

Of which, items involved in government subsidies:


Amount of recorded into Related to


Item Opening balance newly non-operating Closing balance assets/related


subsidy income in report income


Technical reform of wine production Related to the

442,708.37 0.00 31,249.98 0.00 411,458.39

system assets

Related to the

Instruments subsidies 1,653,750.00 0.00 110,250.00 0.00 1,543,500.00


Intelligent solid brewing technology Related to the

244,791.66 0.00 15,625.02 0.00 229,166.64


innovation project

Anhui service industry development 1,965,853.62 0.00 146,341.44 0.00 1,819,512.18 Related to the


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


Amount of recorded into Related to


Item Opening balance newly non-operating Closing balance assets/related


subsidy income in report income



guide fund

Anhui innovative province

Related to the

construction independent innovation 4,870,300.00 0.00 365,272.50 0.00 4,505,027.50


ability construction subsidy

Energy-saving and reform project of

Related to the

coal-fired industry boiler and glass 471,750.00 0.00 76,500.00 0.00 395,250.00



Related to the

Bozhou city logistics center project 240,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 210,000.00


Financial subsidy for energy-saving Related to the

1,529,204.04 0.00 265,811.84 0.00 1,263,392.20



Financial subsidy for technology Related to the

2,018,595.46 0.00 267,110.76 0.00 1,751,484.70



Discount on technology reform of

Related to the

deposit in budget directed by 3,333.45 0.00 3,333.45 0.00 0.00


municipal finance

Special fund to enterprise

Related to the

development directed by municipal 142,500.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 127,500.00



Related to the

Iot traceability system project 6,311,250.00 0.00 556,875.00 0.00 5,754,375.00


Related to the

Land refund 24,763,652.65 0.00 275,103.09 0.00 24,488,549.56


Motor and boiler energy-saving Related to the

825,000.08 0.00 68,749.98 0.00 756,250.10


reform project

Automated storage hook and product Related to the

640,625.00 0.00 46,875.00 0.00 593,750.00


quality online monitoring

Total 46,123,314.33 0.00 2,274,098.06 0.00 43,849,216.27


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

25. Share capital

Increase/decrease in Reporting Period (+,-)



Item Opening balance Bonus of Closing balance

issue Others Subtotal

shares public



The sum of shares 503,600,000.00 503,600,000.00

26. Capital surplus

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Capital premium 1,262,552,456.05 1,262,552,456.05

Other capital reserves 32,386,037.14 32,386,037.14

Total 1,294,938,493.19 1,294,938,493.19

27. Other comprehensive income

Reporting Period

Less: recorded

in other


Reporting Attributable to Attributable Closing

Opening period income in

Item Period Less: Income owners of the to minority period

Balance prior period

Amount before tax expense Company after shareholders Balance

and transferred

income tax tax after tax

to profit or

loss in current


I. Other


income can not

be reclassified

into profits and

losses in future

II. Other


54,481,886.51 -23,679,607.12 360,204.00 -5,919,901.78 -18,119,909.34 0.00 36,361,977.17

reclassified into

profits or losses

Of which: profits

or losses of

54,481,886.51 -23,679,607.12 360,204.00 -5,919,901.78 -18,119,909.34 0.00 36,361,977.17

change in fair

value of


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Reporting Period

Less: recorded

in other


Reporting Attributable to Attributable Closing

Opening period income in

Item Period Less: Income owners of the to minority period

Balance prior period

Amount before tax expense Company after shareholders Balance

and transferred

income tax tax after tax

to profit or

loss in current



financial assets

Total 54,481,886.51 -23,679,607.12 360,204.00 -5,919,901.78 -18,119,909.34 0.00 36,361,977.17

28. Surplus reserves

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Statutory surplus reserves 256,902,260.27 0.00 0.00 256,902,260.27

Total 256,902,260.27 0.00 0.00 256,902,260.27

Notes: Based on the regulations of the Corporation Law and Article of Association, the Company

should withdraw 10% of the statutory surplus reserves according to the net profits. If the

accumulated amount of the statutory surplus reserves exceeded the 50% of the registered capital,

the Company could no more withdraw.

The Company, after withdraw statutory surplus reserves, can withdraw discretional surplus reserves,

in line with the approval, the discretional surplus reserves can be used for making up losses in

previous year or increase share capital

29. Retained profits

Item Reporting Period Last period

Opening balance of retained profits before adjustments 2,723,798,990.11 2,108,940,620.43

Total opening balance of retained profits before adjustments (Increase+, decrease-)

Opening balance of retained profits after adjustments 2,723,798,990.11 2,108,940,620.43

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company 431,055,462.62 715,578,369.68

Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves

Withdrawal of discretional surplus reserves

Withdrawal of generic risk reserve


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Reporting Period Last period

Dividend of common stock payable 50,360,000.00 100,720,000.00

Dividend of common stock transfer into share capital

Closing retained profits 3,104,494,452.73 2,723,798,990.11

30. Revenue and Cost of Sales

Reporting Period Same period of last year


Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales

Main operations 3,024,521,955.55 764,241,551.89 2,697,122,601.21 812,852,316.96

Other operations 20,512,751.18 16,152,882.77 15,920,227.71 14,726,210.63

Total 3,045,034,706.73 780,394,434.66 2,713,042,828.92 827,578,527.59

31. Business tax and surcharges

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Consumption tax 387,368,333.18 324,369,895.65

Business tax 1,287,301.81 2,085,404.31

Urban maintenance, construction tax and educational surcharge 81,797,388.99 65,419,732.26

Others 786,160.37 307,702.15

Total 471,239,184.35 392,182,734.37

Notes: the measurement standards of business tax and surcharges see Notes V. Tax

32. Sales expenses

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Employee’s remuneration 91,988,233.13 69,426,393.62

Business travel charges 50,616,867.44 46,830,598.44

Advertising expense 232,167,675.77 212,795,746.59

Transport fees 14,302,719.73 12,475,756.29

Propaganda and promotion expenses 382,200,662.52 278,466,662.23

Sample wine 81,770,179.30 31,965,394.85

Labor cost 126,056,794.13 129,461,776.59

Other sales expenses 34,820,001.22 12,804,495.28


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Total 1,013,923,133.24 794,226,823.89

33. Administrative expenses

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Employee’s remuneration 138,598,708.62 136,704,663.06

Office expenses 5,051,588.92 7,287,777.92

Taxes 16,180,538.79 4,326,514.49

Repair charge 7,396,042.34 18,344,927.54

Depreciation charge 25,666,709.05 23,808,699.83

Amortization of intangible assets 4,495,152.80 3,978,814.50

Sewage charge 7,028,047.40 7,542,096.40

Material wastage 22,093,807.33 19,443,106.51

Business travel charges 923,463.49 840,055.23

Water & electricity fees 4,305,991.70 4,357,291.78

Others 25,337,405.28 11,292,823.38

Total 257,077,455.72 237,926,770.64

34. Financial expenses

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Interest expenses

Less: Interest income 9,929,844.92 15,350,708.99

Less: Amount of capitalized interest

Exchange gains and losses 93,752.69

Less: capitalization of foreign currency

exchange gains and losses

Others 71,931.09 6,756,733.25

Total -9,764,161.14 -8,593,975.74

35. Asset impairment loss

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Bad debt loss 5,597.28 -32,522.34

Inventory falling price loss -69,960.59 3,743,459.22

Total -64,363.31 3,710,936.88

36. Gains and losses from changes in fair value


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Sources Reporting Period Same period of last year

Financial assets measured by fair value and the changes be

2,080,010.18 40,432.58

included in the current profits and losses

Of which, gains on the changes in the fair value of derivative

financial instruments

Total 2,080,010.18 40,432.58

37. Investment income

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Investment income received from financial assets measured by

fair value and the changes be included in the current profits and

losses during holding period

Investment income received from disposal of financial assets

measured by fair value and the changes be included in the 4,982,722.91 7,295,964.00

current profits and losses during holding period

Investment income received from holding of available-for-sale

39,030,480.05 31,002,208.94

financial assets

Investment income received from disposal of available-for-sale

311,652.40 0.00

financial assets

Total 44,324,855.36 38,298,172.94

38. Non-operating gains

Recorded in the

amount of the

Reporting Same period of

Item non-recurring

Period last year

gains and


Total gains from disposal of non-current assets

5,477.22 82,953.29 5,477.22

Including: Gains from disposal of fixed assets

5,477.22 82,953.29 5,477.22

Government grants (details, see the statement below, lists of government subsidies) 3,899,636.68 3,021,627.75


Penalty income 3,129,276.74


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Recorded in the

amount of the

Reporting Same period of

Item non-recurring

Period last year

gains and


335,651.90 335,651.90

Sales of scrap 2,712,008.98 3,078,184.05


Others 1,186,922.39

672,544.68 1,186,922.39

Total 8,139,697.17 9,984,586.51


Of which, government subsidies recorded into current profits and losses

Reporting Same period Related to the assets/


Period of last year income

Related to the income

Social Security office subsidy 337,268.00 723,800.00

Related to the income

Technology innovation demonstration prize 600,000.00

Related to the income

The title of honor award


Related to the income

Other payment of treasury payment center 220,000.00

Related to the income

Tax refund 368,270.62

Received assets related to government subsidies deferred revenue 2,274,098.0 2,297,827.7 Related to the assets

amortization 6 5

Total 3,899,636.6 3,021,627.7

8 5

39. Non-operating expenses

Recorded in the amount

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year of the non-recurring

gains and losses


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Recorded in the amount

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year of the non-recurring

gains and losses

Loss on disposal of non-current assets 4,324,035.29 644,420.16 4,324,035.29

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets 4,324,035.29 644,420.16 4,324,035.29

Others 764,567.19 634,804.72 764,567.19

Total 5,088,602.48 1,279,224.88 5,088,602.48

40. Income tax expense

(1) Lists of income tax expense

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Current income tax expense 148,337,746.92 132,167,550.18

Deferred income tax expense -3,355,978.24 382,624.09

Total 144,981,768.68 132,550,174.27

41. Other comprehensive income

See note VI. 26

42. Supplementary information to cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities:

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Margin 205,517,087.14 101,441,243.19

Government subsidies 1,625,538.62 723,800.00

Interest income 9,929,844.92 14,740,180.55

Others 10,427,713.05 22,014,300.47

Recover of the pledge of bank deposit 46,945,425.70 36,100,000.00

Total 274,445,609.43 175,019,524.21

(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities:

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Cash paid in selling expenses and administrative expenses 438,621,689.10 342,410,137.61

Fixed term deposits used to issue the pledge for the notes payable 101,039,705.03 30,100,000.00

Others 16,536,736.11 15,997,968.39


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Total 556,198,130.24 388,508,106.00

(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities

Item Reporting Period Same period of last year

Received assets related to government subsidies 0.00 500,000.00

Total 0.00 500,000.00

43. Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

Supplemental information Same period of last

Reporting Period


1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating


Net profit 436,703,214.76 380,504,804.17

Add: Provision for impairment of assets -64,363.31 3,710,936.88

Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of productive biological


assets 85,133,585.71

Investment property amortization 290,134.90 1,498,113.93

Amortization of intangible assets 4,770,255.89 4,578,678.08

Long-term unamortized expenses 24,575,083.20 21,329,995.57

Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term


assets (gains: negative) 4,318,558.07

Loss on retirement of fixed assets (gains: negative) 0

Losses from variation of fair value (gains: negative) -2,080,010.18 -40,432.58

Financial cost (gains: negative) 93,752.69 0

Investment loss (gains: negative) -44,324,855.36 -38,298,172.94

Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative) -19,257,304.18 382,624.09

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities


(“-” means decrease) -5,407,672.44

Decrease in inventory (gains: negative) -282,384,101.39 -20,672,611.87


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Supplemental information Same period of last

Reporting Period


Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (gains:


negative) -722,315,697.46

Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease: negative) 843,787,934.03 168,137,780.18

Deferred revenue amortization 2,274,098.06 2,297,827.75

Net cash flows generated from operating activities 326,112,612.99 336,217,657.83

2. Investing and financing activities that do not involving cash receipts and


Conversion of debt into capital

Company bonus convertible due within one year

Fix assets under financing lease

3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

Closing balance of cash 1,090,861,015.13 904,128,752.91

Less: Opening balance of cash 1,040,373,733.07 682,360,442.79

Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents

Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 50,487,282.06 221,768,310.12

(2) Cash and cash equivalents

Item Closing balance Opening balance

I. Cash 1,090,861,015.13 1,040,373,733.07

Including: Cash on hand 332,509.88 373,724.24

Bank deposit on demand 1,090,153,358.62 1,040,000,008.83

Other monetary funds on demand 375,146.63

II. Cash and cash equivalents

Of which: Bond investment due within three months

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,090,861,015.13 1,040,373,733.07

43. The assets with the ownership or use right restricted


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Closing book value Restricted reason

The pledge use for opening a bank

Monetary capital 101,039,705.03

acceptance bill

The pledge use for opening a bank

Notes receivable 21,651,974.00

acceptance bill

Total 122,691,679.03

VII. Changes of merge scope

1. Business combination not under the same control

(1) Business combination under the same control during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB Yuan

Income of Net profit of

Time to Equity Way of

Name of Time to obtain Recognition acquiree from acquiree from

obtain proportion equity Purchase date

acquiree cost judgment purchase date purchase date

equity obtained obtained

to period-end to period-end

Wuhan Pride

Yellow Equity

1 June 1 June

Crane Tower 51% Purchase acquisition

816,000,000.00 74,200,918.34 11,526,024.62

2016 2016

Distillery agreement

Co., Ltd.

(2) Combination cost and goodwill

Unit: RMB Yuan

Combination cost Amount

--Cash 816,000,000.00

-Fair value of non-cash assets

--Fair value of debt issued or undertake

--Fair value of equity securities issued

--Fair value of contingent consideration

--Fair value of equity held before purchase date on purchase



Total 816,000,000.00


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Less: share of fair value of net identifiable assets obtained 342,674,492.70

Amount of goodwill/ combination cost less than share of fair


value of net identifiable assets obtained

(3) The identifiable assets and liabilities of acquiree at purchase date

Unit: RMB Yuan

Fair value on purchase date Book value on purchase date


Monetary capital 20,229,967.55 20,229,967.55

Account receivable 35,078,054.14 35,078,054.14

Prepayment 4,592,658.47 4,592,658.47

Other accounts receivable 11,047,048.55 11,047,048.55

Inventories 242,253,429.44 242,253,429.44

Other current assets 184,929.69 184,929.69

Fixed assets 281,921,292.87 244,422,796.90

Construction in progress 153,478.18 153,478.18

Intangible assets 414,584,643.76 34,652,012.12

Deferred income tax assets 14,442,466.21 14,442,466.21


Notes payable 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00

Accounts payable 53,189,550.56 53,189,550.56

Accounts received in advance 51,292,952.12 51,292,952.12

Payroll payable 1,552,166.23 1,552,166.23

Tax payable 17,902,164.20 17,902,164.20

Other account payable 112,406,799.76 112,406,799.76

Other current-liabilities 6,875,784.08 6,875,784.08

Deferred income tax liabilities 104,357,781.90 0.00

Net assets 671,910,770.01 358,837,424.30

Less: minority interests 329,236,277.30 175,830,337.91

Net assets obtained 342,674,492.70 183,007,086.39

2. Other reasons for the changes in combination scope:

Main Registration Nature of Holding percentage (%)

Name Way of gaining

operating place business Directly Indirectly


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016



gujinggong Bozhou, Bozhou, Business

100.00 Investment

Marketing Anhui Anhui trading

Co. Ltd.

VIII. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiary

Main operating Registration Nature of Holding percentage (%)

Name Way of gaining

place place business Directly Indirectly

Bozhou, Business

Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd. Bozhou, Anhui 100.00 Investment

Anhui trading

Bozhou Gujing Transportation Bozhou,

Bozhou, Anhui Transportation 99.00 1.00 Investment

Co., Ltd. Anhui


Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd. Bozhou, Anhui Production 99.00 1.00 Investment


Bozhou Gujing Waste Bozhou,

Bozhou, Anhui Waste cycled 100.00 Investment

Reclamation Co., Ltd. Anhui

Anhui Jinyunlai Culture & Media

Hefei Anhui Hefei Anhui Ads marketing 100.00 Investment

Co., Ltd.


Bozhou Gujing Packing Co., Ltd. Bozhou, Anhui Production 100.00 Investment


Anhui Swisse Will Science & Bozhou, Technology

Bozhou, Anhui 100.00 Investment

Technology Co., Ltd. Anhui research

Anhui Subway Cordial Wine Co., Bozhou,

Bozhou, Anhui Production 100.00 Investment

Ltd. Anhui

Anhui Yuanqing Environmental Bozhou, Sewage

Bozhou, Anhui 100.00 Investment

Co. , Ltd. Anhui Treatment

Business combination

Bozhou, Hotel

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd. Bozhou, Anhui 100.00 under the same

Anhui operating


Business combination

Shanghai Gujing Jinhao Hotel Hotel

Shanghai Shanghai 100.00 under the same

Management Co., Ltd. management


Business combination

Wuhan Pride Yellow Crane Tower

Wuhan, Hubei Wuhan, Hubei Production 51.00 not under the same

Distillery Co., Ltd.


Bozhou gujinggong Marketing Bozhou, Business

Bozhou, Anhui 100.00 Investment

Co. Ltd. Anhui trading


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

IX. The risk related financial instruments

The main financial instruments of the Company are equity investment, financial product, trust

investment, account receivables and account payables, etc, the specific explanation of each financial

instrument are in relevant item of Note VI. Risk related to these financial instruments and the risk

management policies the Company adopted to reduce the risk is as follows: the management of

the Company monitors and manages the risk exposure to ensure the aforesaid risk within the limit

scope of control.

(I) Risk management objectives and policies

The goals of the Company is to maintain a proper balance between the risk and the income, reduce

the negative influence of risk to the operation performance of the Company to a minimum, and

maximize profits of shareholders and other equity investors, basing on the risk management goal,

the Company basis policies are to recognize and analyze each risk the Company faced, establish

proper risk bottom line and conduct risk management, timely and reliably supervise each risk,

control the risks within the limit scope .

1. Market risk

(1) Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk is referred to the risk incurred due to loss of changes in exchange rate.

Foreign exchange risk is referred to the risk of loss from the change of exchange rate. The main

operation of the Company is within the territory of China, mainly settled by RMB, only small

amount of export business and the influence of the proportion in the total income is rather small; the

exchange rate risk is very little.

(2) Interest rate risk- cash flow change risk

The opration capital of the Company is sufficient, there is no external borrowing in the Company;

the interest rate risk is very little.

(3) Other price risk

What the Company held are classified as available financial assets and tradable financial assets

measured at fair value on balance sheetdate. Thus, the Company bares the risk change of

securities market. The Company adopt variety of equity group to reduce the price risk in equity

security investment.

2. Credit risk

On 30 June 2016, the largest credit risk exposure what may lead to the financial losses was the other

party of the contract failed to fulfill the obligations and causes loss of the Company’s financial

assets and financial guarantee, which including:book value of financial assets recognized in

consolidated balance sheet; as for the financial instruments measured at fair value, the book value


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

reflect its risk exposure, but not the largest one, the largest risk exposure will change when the

future fair value changed.

The Company only trade with the third party authorized with good credit and large scale. In line

with the policies of the Company and the items of sale contracts, the Company gives priority to first

payment shipment, only small amount of credit transactions and examines and verifies the credit of

the client who trading with by credit way.

The Company's working capital was in bank with higher credit rating, so credit risk of working

capital was low.

3. Liquidity Risk

When managing liquidity risk, the Company maintained the management’s believe that supervising

the sufficient cash and cash equivalents to meet the operating demand of the Company and reduce

the influence of the fluctuation of cash flow.

X. The disclosure of the fair value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

Closing fair value

Fair value Fair value Fair value


measurement measurement measurement Total

items at level 1 items at level 2 items at level 3

I. Consistent fair value measurement

(I) Financial assets calculated by fair value and

3,175,807.27 3,175,807.27

changes record into current profits or losses

1. Trading financial assets 3,175,807.27 3,175,807.27

(1) Equity tool investment 3,175,807.27 3,175,807.27

(II) Available-for-sale financial assets 218,133,207.80 218,133,207.80

1. Equity instrument investment 218,133,207.80 218,133,207.80

Total assets of consistent fair value

221,309,015.07 221,309,015.07


2. Market price recognition basis for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items

at level 1

The consistent fair value measurement items were the share public trade on Shanghai Stock

Exchange or Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the market price recognition basis was the closing price of

the share on balance sheet date.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

XI. Related party and related Transaction

1. Information of parent company

Proportion of Proportion of

share held by voting rights

Registration Registered

Name of parent company Nature of business parent company owned by parent

place capital

against the company against

Company (%) the Company (%)

Beverage, Construction

materials, and plastic

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd. Anhui 1,000,000,000.00 53.89 53.89



Notes: The finial control of the Company was People’s Government of Bozhou, Anhui

2. Information of subsidiary of the Company

Details of information of subsidiary of the Company see note 1. Equity in subsidiary VIII

3. Information on other related parties of the Company

Name Relationship

Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co., Ltd Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Ruijing Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Ruijing Trade Travel (Group) Co., Ltd Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Gujing Real Estates Group Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

East Ruijing Enterprise Investment Development Co.,

Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller


Anhui Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Ruineng Thermoelectricity Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Holiday Inn Hefei Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Ruifuxiang High-protein Feed Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Ruixin Pawn Co., Ltd Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Zhongxin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Name Relationship

Bozhou Anxin Microcredit Co., Ltd Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Huisheng Building Catering Company Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Gujing Junlai Hotel Management Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Gujing Real Estates Development Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Aoxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Lixin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Xinxin Property Management Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Bozhou Gujing Real Estates Management Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Shanghai Beihai Restaurant Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Shanghai Ruiyao Hotel Management Co., Ltd. Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Anhui Xinyuan Government Landscape Engineering

Affiliated enterprise of controlling shareholder and actual controller

Co., Ltd.

4. List of related-party transactions

(1) Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service (unit: ten thousand Yuan)

①Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Related party Content Reporting Period Same period of last year

Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co., Ltd Purchase of raw material 103,717.97 2,852,022.30

Accepting food and

Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd. accommodation services 1,003,377.40 279,740.90

Holiday Inn Hefei Purchase of goods 89,654.36 2,227,030.00

Accepting food and

Holiday Inn Hefei accommodation services 14,088.46 42,366.92

Accepting food and

Bozhou Huisheng Building Catering Company accommodation services 2,051,307.00 1,326,279.00

Bozhou Gujing Junlai Hotel Management Co., Ltd. Residential Services 199,119.00 134,834.00


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Related party Content Reporting Period Same period of last year

Accepting food and

Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd. accommodation services 188,450.00 0

Accepting food and

Anhui Ruijing Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. accommodation services 9,460.00 0

Total 3,659,174.19 6,862,273.12

②Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service

Related party Content Reporting Period Same period of last year

Sales of white

Bozhou Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd. 4,941.54 1,538.46


Sales of small

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd. 19,355.93 40,047.82

sized materials


Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd. Hotels and 195,376.99 58,500.00


Sales of white

Bozhou Huisheng Building Catering Company 16,538.46 135,213.67


Sales of white

Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd. 41,025.64 151,538.47


Sales of white

Anhui Ruijing Trade Travel (Group) Co., Ltd 1,744,615.38 98,804.62


Sales of white

Anhui Ruijing Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. 0.00 109,786.32


Sales of white

Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co., Ltd 164,692.31 145,784.61


Sales of white

Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd. 9,123.08 21,079.23


Sales of white

Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd. 55,384.64 448,880.33


Sales of white

Anhui Gujing Real Estates Group Co., Ltd. 8,981.53 134,000.00



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Related party Content Reporting Period Same period of last year


Anhui Gujing Real Estates Group Co., Ltd. 0.00 2,380.00

catering service

Sales of white

Holiday Inn Hefei 0.00 703,846.16


Holiday Inn Hefei Selling materials 0.00 29,443.06

Sales of white

Bozhou Gujing Real Estates Development Co., Ltd. 82,896.41 198,000.00



Bozhou Gujing Real Estates Development Co., Ltd. 800.00 0.00

catering service

Sales of white

Bozhou Ruineng Thermoelectricity Co., Ltd. 85,867.71 45,780.77


Sales of white

Anhui Ruifuxiang High-protein Feed Co., Ltd. 9,692.31 8,092.31


Anhui Ruifuxiang High-protein Feed Co., Ltd. Selling materials 0.00 33,181.21

Sales of white

Anhui Aoxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. 3,658.47 0.00


Sales of white

Anhui Lixin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. 4,406.15 0.00


Sales of white

Anhui Ruixin Pawn Co., Ltd 24,747.70 0.00


Sales of white

Anhui Xinxin Property Management Co., Ltd. 18,563.07 0.00


Sales of white

Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. 12,155.90 0.00


Sales of white

Anhui Zhongxin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. 3,670.78 0.00


Sales of white

Bozhou Anxin Microcredit Co., Ltd 1,230.77 0.00


Sales of white

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd 15,273.85 0.00



Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Related party Content Reporting Period Same period of last year

Sales of white

Bozhou Gujing Junlai Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 5,076.92 0.00


Sales of white

Bozhou Gujing Real Estates Management Co., Ltd. 29,307.69 0.00


Sales of white

Shanghai Beihai Restaurant Co., Ltd. 8,153.85 0.00


Sales of white

Shanghai Ruiyao Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 4,461.54 0.00


Large Central Plain Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd. Catering 17,110.00 0.00

Large Central Plain Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd. Selling materials 47,934.55 0.00

Sales of white

Large Central Plain Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd. 51,583.59 0.00


Total 2,686,626.76 2,365,897.04

(2) Information of related lease

The Company was lessee:

The lease income

lessor Category of leased assets Category of leased assets

confirmed in this year

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd. Houses and buildings 900,000.00 900,000.00

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd. Houses and buildings 250,000.00 250,000.00

The Company was lessor

The lease income The lease income

Name of lessee Category of leased assets

confirmed in this year confirmed in last year

Anhui Gujing Hotel Management Co., Ltd. Houses and buildings 169,597.89 28,722.22

5. Receivables and payables of related parties

(1) Receivables

Name o f item Closing balance Opening balance

Other accounts receivable:

Large Central Plain Wine Valley Culture Tourism

0.00 6,186.47

Development Co., Ltd.


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Total 0.00 6,186.47

(2) Payables

Name o f item Closing balance Opening balance

Accounts received in advance:

Anhui Ruijing Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. 204,400.01 299,280.01

Holiday Inn Hefei 16,100.00 16,100.00

Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd. 10,000.00 10,000.00

Anhui Gujing Real Estates Group Co., Ltd. 50,543.00 5,015.00

Anhui Lixin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. 0.00 2,419.20

Shanghai Beihai Restaurant Co., Ltd. 9,540.00 0.00

Shanghai Ruiyao Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 5,220.00 0.00

Anhui Xinyuan Government Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. 12,110.90 0.00

Total 307,913.91 332,814.21

Accounts payable:

Bozhou Huisheng Building Catering Company 0.00 10,000.00

Total 0.00 10,000.00

Other account payable:

Bozhou Huisheng Building Catering Company 15,500.00 24,500.00

Anhui Ruifuxiang Food Co., Ltd 0.00


Holiday Inn Hefei 0.00


Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd. 0.00


Anhui Ruijing Restaurant Management Co., Ltd. 0.00


Anhui Ruijing Trade Travel (Group) Co., Ltd 55,740.56 69,568.74

Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd. 0.00 23,400.00

Total 71,240.56 148,268.74

XII. Commitments and contingency

1. Significant commitments

(2) Operating lease commitments


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

As of the end of balance sheet date, the irrevocable operating lease commitments that the Company

signed were as followed:

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Minimum lease payments of irrevocable operating


1 year after balance date 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00

2 year after balance date 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00

3 year after balance date 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00

Future years 25,108,333.33 26,258,333.33

Total 32,008,333.33 33,158,333.33

2. Contingency

As of 30 June 2016, there were no significant contingency to be disclosed.

XIII. Events after balance sheet date

As of 30 June 2016, there was no other significant event after balance sheet date.

XIV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable classified by category

Closing balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Proportion Book value

Amount (%) Amount (%)

Accounts receivable with insignificant single

amount for which bad debt provision separately


Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt

5,533,492.33 100.00 594,827.09 81.61 4,938,665.24

provision of by credit risks characteristics:

Accounts receivable with insignificant single

amount for which bad debt provision separately


Total 5,533,492.33 100.00 594,827.09 81.61 4,938,665.24


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision

Category Book

Proporti Proportion


Amount on (%) Amount (%)

Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad debt

provision separately accrued

Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision of by credit risks 4,940,776 590,339. 4,350,437

100.00 11.95

.33 09 .24


Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount for which bad debt

provision separately accrued

4,940,776 590,339. 4,350,437

Total 100.00 11.95

.33 09 .24

① In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt


Closing balance


Account receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Within 1 year

[Of which: within 6 months]

[7-12 months] 141,121.87 7,056.09 5

Subtotal within 1 year 141,121.87 7,056.09 5

1 to 2 years 0.00 0.00 0.00

2 to 3 years 0.00 0.00 0.00

Over 3 years 587,771.00 587,771.00 100

Total 728,892.87 594,827.09 81.61

② In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

Closing balance

Name of the group

Account receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Related party group within combination




Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Closing balance

Name of the group

Account receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Total 4,804,599.46

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The withdrawn bad debt provision of Reporting Period was of RMB4,488.00.

(3) Particulars of the actual verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

There was no actual verification of accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

(4) Top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party

The total amount of top five of account receivable of closing balance collected by arrears party

was RMB5, 533,492.33, 100.00% of total closing balance of account receivable, the relevant

closing balance of bad debt provision withdrawn was RMB594, 827.09.

2. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other account receivable classified by category

Closing balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Proportion Book value

Amount (%) Amount (%)

Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad 41,342,938.53 27.88 41,342,938.53 100.00

debt provision separately accrued

Other accounts receivable withdrawn bad

debt provision according to credit risks 106,969,190.33 72.12 227,491.98 0.21 106,741,698.35


Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

Total 148,312,128.86 100.00 41,570,430.51 28.03 106,741,698.35


Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Proportion Book value

Amount (%) Amount (%)


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportion Proportion Book value

Amount (%) Amount (%)

Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad 41,342,938.53 27.69 41,342,938.53 100.00

debt provision separately accrued

Other accounts receivable withdrawn bad

debt provision according to credit risks 107,957,715.78 72.31 332,695.93 0.31 107,625,019.85


Other accounts receivable with

insignificant single amount for which bad

debt provision separately accrued

Total 149,300,654.31 100.00 41,675,634.46 27.91 107,625,019.85

① Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision

separately at end of period:

Closing balance

Other accounts receivable (unit) Other accounts Bad debt Withdrawal

Withdrawal reason

receivable provision proportion (%)

Enter enterprise bankruptcy

Jianqiao Securities 11,840,500.00 11,840,500.00 100.00


Enter enterprise bankruptcy

Hengxin Securities 29,502,438.53 29,502,438.53 100.00


Total 41,342,938.53 41,342,938.53 — —

② In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad

debt provision:

Closing balance


Other accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Within 1 year

[Of which: within 6 months] 4,151,462.14 41,514.61 1.00

[7-12 months] 96,869.47 4,843.47 5.00


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Closing balance


Other accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Subtotal within 1 year 4,248,331.61 46,358.08 1.09

1 to 2 years 707,559.25 70,755.93 10.00

2 to 3 years 15,014.93 7,507.47 50.00

Over 3 years 102,870.49 102,870.50 100.00

Total 5,073,776.28 227,491.98 4.48

③ In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt


Closing balance

Name of the group

Other accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion (%)

Related party group within


combination scope

Total 101,895,414.05

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The withdrawn bad debt provision of Reporting Period was of RMB105,203.95.

(3) Particulars of the actual verification of other accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

There was no actual verification of other accounts receivable during the Reporting Period

(4) Other account receivable classified by account nature

Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance

Intercourse funds between entities within combination scope 101,895,414.05 105,475,000.00

Securities investment 41,342,938.53 41,342,938.53

Margin &cash pledge 753,658.09 1,295,081.09

Employee loan 55,798.00 209,766.20

Rent and utilities fee 2,744,956.39 327,679.52

Others 1,519,363.80 650,188.97

Total 148,312,128.86 149,300,654.31

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collected according to the

arrears party


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Proportion (%) Bad debt

Name of the entity Nature Closing balance Aging provision

Closing balance

Intercourse funds between

No.1 entities within combination 97,955,000.00 0.5years 66.05% 0.00


No.2 Securities investment 29,502,438.53 Over 3 years 19.89% 29,502,438.53

No. 3 Securities investment 11,840,500.00 Over 3 years 7.98% 11,840,500.00

Rent, water, electricity &

No. 4 3,940,414.05 0-6 months 2.66% 0.00

gas expense

No. 5 Securities to be refunded 1,550,000.00 0-6 months 1.05% 15,500.00

Total — 144,788,352.58 — 97.62% 41,358,438.53

3. Long-term equity investment

(1) Long-term equity investment

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Depreciati Depreciation

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

on reserves reserves

Investment to the 1,170,089,408. 1,170,089,408. 354,089,408. 354,089,408.

0.00 0.00

subsidiary 32 32 32 32

1,170,089,408. 1,170,089,408. 354,089,408. 354,089,408.

Total 0.00 0.00

32 32 32 32

(2) Investment to the subsidiary




balance of

Investee Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance provision in


the Reporting



Bozhou Gujing Sales Co.,

84,864,497.89 0.00 0.00 84,864,497.89 0.00 0.00


Anhui Longrui Glass Co., 85,793,666.00 0.00 0.00 85,793,666.00 0.00 0.00


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016




balance of

Investee Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance provision in


the Reporting




Shanghai Gujing Jinhao

49,906,854.63 0.00 0.00 49,906,854.63 0.00 0.00

Hotel Management Co., Ltd.

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co.,

648,646.80 0.00 0.00 648,646.80 0.00 0.00


Gujing Transportation Co.,

6,875,743.00 0.00 0.00 6,875,743.00 0.00 0.00


Bozhou Gujing Packing

30,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000,000.00 0.00 0.00

Co., Ltd.

Anhui Swisse Will Science

50,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 50,000,000.00 0.00 0.00

& Technology Co., Ltd.

Anhui Subway Cordial

30,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000,000.00 0.00 0.00

Wine Co., Ltd.

Anhui Yuanqing

16,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 16,000,000.00 0.00 0.00

Environmental Co. , Ltd.

Wuhan Pride Yellow Crane

0.00 816,000,000.00 0.00 816,000,000.00 0.00 0.00

Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.

Total 354,089,408.32 0.00 0.00 1,170,089,408.32 0.00 0.00

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

Reporting Period Same period of last year


Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales

Main operations 1,713,016,802.41 749,998,664.73 1,507,439,267.54 833,639,429.06

Other operations 25,687,112.91 16,633,501.71 18,722,010.13 15,769,485.94

Total 1,738,703,915.32 766,632,166.44 1,526,161,277.67 849,408,915.00

5. Investment income


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016


Reportin period


g Period of last


Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method

Investment income received from disposal of financial assets measured by fair value and the changes be 4,982,72 6,695,06

2.91 5.39

included in the current profits and losses during holding period

38,085,0 31,002,2

Investment income received from holding of available-for-sale financial assets

00.05 08.94


Investment income received from disposal of available-for-sale financial assets


43,379,3 37,697,2


75.36 74.33

XV. Supplementary materials

1. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

Item Amount Explanation

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets -4,318,558.07

Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions due to approval beyond authority or the lack of

official approval documents

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the

ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the 3,899,636.68

government’s unified standards

Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that are recorded into current

gains and losses

Gains due to that the investment costs for the Company to obtain subsidiaries, associates

and joint ventures are lower than the enjoyable fair value of the identifiable net assets of

the investees when making the investments

Gain/loss on non-monetary asset swap

Gain/loss on entrusting others with investments or asset management

Asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as natural disasters

Gains and losses from debt restructuring


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Amount Explanation

Expenses on business reorganization, such as expenses on staff arrangements, integration,


Gain/loss on the part over the fair value due to transactions with distinctly unfair prices

Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries acquired in business combination under the same

control from period-begin to combination date

Profit and loss from contingencies irrelative to the normal business operations of


Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional assets and liabilities, and investment

gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale 7,374,385.49

financial assets, other than valid hedging related to the Company’s common businesses

Depreciation reserves returns of receivables with separate depreciation test

Gain/loss on entrustment loans

Gain/loss on change of the fair value of investing real estate of which the subsequent

measurement is carried out adopting the fair value method

Effect on current gains/losses when a one-off adjustment is made to current gains/losses

according to requirements of taxation, accounting and other relevant laws and regulations

Custody fee income when entrusted with operation

Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above 3,470,016.08

Project confirmed with the definition of non-recurring gains and losses and losses

Subtotal 10,425,480.18

Income tax effects 2,606,370.05

Minority interests effects (after tax)

Total 7,819,110.13

Notes: the number “+” among the non-current gains and losses items refers to profits and revenues, while “-”referred to losses or


The recognition of the non-current gains and losses items was executed according to the regulations of No.1 of the Information

Disclosure Explanatory Notice of the Companies Public Offering Securities-Non-current Gains and losses (Z-J-H-Announcement

[2008] No. 43) .

2. Return on equity and earnings per share


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

EPS (Yuan/share)

Profit as of Reporting Period Weighted average ROE (%)

Basic EPS Diluted EPS

Net profit attributable to

common shareholders of the 8.54 0.86 0.86


Net profits attributed to the

common shareholders after

8.38 0.84 0.84

deducting the non-current gains

and losses


Gujing Distillery Original Chinese Spirits Semi-annual Report 2016

Section X. Documents Available For Reference

(I) Financial statements signed and sealed by persons in charge of the Company, principal of

accounting work, and principal of accounting institution (manager of finance department);

(II) In the Reporting Period, all originals of the Company’s documents and public notices have been

publicly disclosed in media designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission as well as the

originals of all the public notices were deposited in the office of the Company.



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