南 玻B:2016年半年度报告(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-08-16 00:00:00



Chairman of the Board:


August 2016

CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred

to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there

are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,

and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the facticity, accuracy and

completeness of the whole contents.

All directors attended the meeting of the Board for deliberating the semi-annual report of the

Company in person.

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distribution, bonus shares being sent and converting

capital reserve into share capital.

Mr. Zeng Nan, Chairman of the Board, CFO Mr. Luo Youming and principal of the financial

department Mr. Ding Jiuru confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this Semi-annual Report is

true and complete.

Regarding to the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the Report, they do

not constitute a substantial commitment for investors. Investors are advised to exercise caution of

investment risks.

This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistency between the

Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016


Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase ................................................ 1

Section II. Company profile ....................................................................................... 4

Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes ................................. 6

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors .............................................................. 8

Section V. Important Events ..................................................................................... 21

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders .......................... 41

Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ........... 45

Section VIII. Financial Report .................................................................................. 46

Section IX. Documents available for Reference ..................................................... 141


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016


Items Refers to Contents

Company, the Company, CSG or the Group Refers to CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

Ultra-thin electronic glass Refers to The electronic glass with thickness between 0.1~1.1mm

Second-generation energy-saving glass Refers to Double silver coated glass

Third-generation energy-saving glass Refers to Triple Silver coated glass


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section II. Company profile

I. Company information

Short form of the stock Southern Glass A、Southern Glass B Stock code 000012、200012

Listing stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Legal Chinese name of the Company 中国南玻集团股份有限公司

Abbr. of legal Chinese name of the Company 南玻集团

Legal English name of the Company CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

Abbr. of legal English name of the Company CSG

Legal Representative Zeng Nan

II. Person/Way to contact

Secretary of the Board Representative of security affairs

Name Zhou Hong Ma Limei

CSG Building, No.1 of the 6th Industrial Road, CSG Building, No.1 of the 6th Industrial Road,

Contact address

Shekou, Shenzhen, P. R.C. Shekou, Shenzhen, P. R.C.

Tel. (86)755-26860666 (86)755-26860666

Fax. (86)755-26860685 (86)755-26860685

E-mail securities@csgholding.com securities@csgholding.com

III. Other information

1. Way of contact

Whether registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company changed in the

report period or not

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company did not change in

the report period. More details can be found in Annual Report 2015.

2. Information disclosure and preparation place

Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in the report period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for disclosing semi-annual

report and preparation place of semi-annual report did not change in the report period. More details can be found in Annual Report


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016


3. Registration changes of the Company

Whether registration has changed in the report period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The registration date and place of the Company, its business license number, taxation registration number and organizational code did

not change in the report period. More details can be found in Annual Report 2015.

4. Other relevant information

Whether other relevant information changed in the report period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting

error correction or not

□Yes √ No

The report period The same period Increase/decrease year-on-year

(Jan. to Jun.2016) of last year (%)

Operating income (RMB) 4,228,165,642 3,323,039,502 27.24%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed

466,883,254 205,767,344 126.90%


Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company

423,523,383 64,267,683 559%

after deducting non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating activities(RMB) 1,046,720,349 352,563,820 196.89%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.22 0.10 120%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.22 0.10 120%

Increased by 3.52 percentage

Weighted average ROE (%) 5.99% 2.47%


Increase/decrease in this

End of this period End of last year period-end over that of last

year-end (%)

Total assets (RMB) 16,975,221,410 15,489,600,160 9.59%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of listed company

7,716,520,542 7,874,310,997 -2.00%


Total share capital of the Company in the trade day before the disclosure day of this report

Total share capital of the Company in the trade day before the disclosure day of this report (share) 2,075,335,560

Fully diluted EPS calculated with the latest share capital (RMB/Share) 0.22

II. Difference of accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report prepared under international and

Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such differences in the report period.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report prepared under overseas and

Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such differences in the report period.

3. Explanation on difference of accounting data under overseas and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Item Amount Note

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the

228,658 --

write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)

Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not

including the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to

47,606,029 --

national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s


Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the

1,542,049 --

aforementioned items

Less: Impact on income tax 7,452,914 --

Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) -1,436,049 --

Total 43,359,871 --

Explain reasons for the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for

Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss

according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies

Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

□Applicable √Not applicable

It did not exist that items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A

Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

In the first half year of 2016, the global economic situation was turbulent, the recovery of the main economies remained weak, and

risk events occurred frequently. Under the background of a slowdown in the global economic growth and increasing uncertainty,

along with Chinese economy structure adjustment being further strengthened, industrial enterprises achieved profit growth, the

measure of “Removing Excess Capacity” achieved initial success, and the overall economy achieved a steady growth.

In the first half year of 2016, market situation of the Company’s involving industries got better comparing with the corresponding

period of last year. Confronted with favorable market situation, under the leadership of the Board, CSG's management team insisted

on the professional spirit of professional managers, continued to adhere to the professional ethics of "Loyalty and Integrity, Diligence

and Conscientiousness", carried forward the enterprise spirit of "Realistic and Innovative, United and Efficient", and promptly seized

market opportunities and all the business got outstanding achievements. Especially, flat glass industry and solar energy industry

achieved marvelous achievements. In the first half year, the Company realized operating revenue of RMB 4,228.17 million, with a

year-on-year increase of RMB 905.13 million and growth rate of 27.24%. Net profit attributable to parent company was RMB 466.88

million, with a year-on-year increase of RMB 261.12 million and growth rate of 126.90%. Net profit attributable to shareholders of

parent company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was RMB 423.52 million, with a year-on-year increase of RMB

359.26 million and growth rate of 559%.

In the first half year of 2016, the prices of flat glass products held comparatively firm.With the reduction of natural gas price, prime

costs were reduced and profitability of the whole industry increased significantly. Flat glass division of the Company promptly seized

market opportunities, continued to reinforce cost control, energy saving, and promote the manufacture and sales of differentiated and

high-grade products. In the first half year, flat glass division realized revenue (external sales) of RMB 1,569.19 million with a

year-on-year increase of 24.94%, and book net profit of RMB 209.15 million with a year-on-year increase of 4369.02%.

In the first half of 2016, market competition for architectural glass continued to intensify, the overall prices continued to decline, but

the market demand was sizable. Architectural glass industry of the Company further strengthened management and proactively

promoted the sales of differentiated products. In the first half year, architectural glass division realized revenue (external sales) of

RMB 1,313.42 million, the same level as the corresponding period of last year, and book net profit of RMB 150.33 million with a

year-on-year decrease of 15.36%.

In the first half of 2016, both domestic and international PV market maintained a good growth momentum. Solar energy division of

the Company grasped market opportunities, actively explored new market and expanded production capacity. In the first half year,

PV industry realized revenue (external sales) of RMB 1,254.77 million with a year-on-year increase of 102.71%, and book net profit

of RMB 198.21 million with a year-on-year increase of 3323.32%.

In the first half year of 2016, as market competition for middle and low end electronic glass products was further increasing, the

display industry remained in the doldrums. However, the market of medium and high end products of electronic glass stayed steady,

and new display product market developed rapidly. In order to enhance the profitability of the Company's electronic glass and display

industry, the Company established Electronic Glass and Display Division, incorporating its subsidiaries in the field into the

management of the division, and actively promoted development and production of medium and high end products and new products

according to market conditions. The division realized revenue (external sales) of RMB 89.71 million and book net profit of RMB

minus 3.4 million.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

II. Main business analysis

Year-on-year changes of main financial data

Unit: RMB

The corresponding Increase /decrease

The report period Reasons of change

period of last year year-on-year(%)

Mainly due to the increase of revenue from

Operating revenue 4,228,165,642 3,323,039,502 27.24%

solar glass division and flat glass division

Operating costs 3,076,818,503 2,646,020,710 16.28% Mainly due to the increase of revenue

Mainly due to the decrease of

Sales expenses 128,564,831 136,462,518 -5.79%

transportation costs

Mainly due to the increase of wages and

Administration expenses 358,937,506 282,368,089 27.12%

R&D costs

Financial expenses 133,353,393 132,742,464 0.46% Mainly due to the increase of borrowing

Income tax expenses 77,843,164 6,526,647 1092.70% Mainly due to the increase of profit

Mainly because more investment for R&D

R&D investment 171,627,628 130,265,531 31.75%

in the report period

Net cash flow arising Mainly due to the increase of revenue and

1,046,720,349 352,563,820 196.89%

from operating activities time for cash collection shortened

Net cash flow arising

Mainly due to the increase of cash paid by

from investment -976,174,439 -519,761,302 87.81%



Net cash flow arising Mainly due to the increase in cash

-241,140,524 194,921,774 -223.71%

from financing activities payments to repay borrowings

Net increase of cash and Mainly due to more expenses on

-170,034,722 26,681,388 -737.28%

cash equivalent investment and financing activities

Major changes on profit composition or profit resources in the report period

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Due to the solar energy PV industry keeping up a steady rebound, the profitability of the Company’s solar energy industry increased

substantially. In the first half year, PV industry realized revenue (external sales) of RMB 1,254.77 million with a year-on-year

increase of 102.71%, representing 29.68% the Company’s revenue, and book net profit of RMB 198.21 million with a year-on-year

increase of 3323.32%, representing 42.6% the Company’s net profit. The industry accounted for 18.63% of the Company's sales

revenue and 2.62% of the Company's net profit in the corresponding period of the previous year.

Future development and planning extended to the report period which was published in disclosure documents such as prospectus,

placement instructions and assets reorganization report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no future development or planning extended to the report period which was published in disclosure documents such as

prospectus, placement instructions and assets reorganization report.

Review on the previous business plan and its progress during the report period


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

During the report period, the Company launched the business plan smoothly:

① In the first half year, the Company continued to adopt “Technology Advance and Product Innovation” as the core strategy for

business development, and took the route of differential operation and industry upgrading relying on R&D and technological

innovation. Flat glass division made use of the technical advantage accumulated in the production of float glass, actively

transforming to industrial glass field while continuously optimizing product quality. In the first half year, the flat glass indursty

created a gross profit of RMB 40.13 million from new products, and economic benefit of RMB 2.49 million by technological

innovation. The division also succeeded in developing Online Self-cleaning Glass, the construction of the production line of which is

ongoing. With the continuous introduction of new products, the Company's competitiveness in the field of flat glass and profitability

will sustain to strengthen and promote. In the face of the market environment of continuous declining of regular products,

architectural glass division continuously developed differentiated new products such as Energy-conservation and Noise-reducing

Glass, ET glass, RT Glass, and proactively promoted them. Solar energy glass division continued to strengthen technological

innovation, N4 series high efficient polycrystalline silicon wafer went into mass production, the conversion efficiency of which kept

ahead in domestic. The conversion efficiency of high efficiency solar cells produced by new process in Dongguan PV-tech exceeded

18.3%. In the first half year, new products of solar energy glass division created gross profit of RMB 221.935 million, and economic

benefit of RMB 39.284 million by technological innovation. Electronic glass and display division constantly improved technique to

promote mass production of high-alumina glass in the case of market competition of conventional ultra-thin glass becoming

increasingly fierce. Currently, the high-aluminum glass products manufactured by Qingyuan CSG have achieved standards of similar

foreign products, and passed the domestic quality control system authentication.

② The Company considers R&D to be its first priority in enterprise development. In the first half year, it further increased

investment in R&D, intensified establishment of technician team, expanded R&D team, strengthened performance review of R&D,

increased rewarding for technical achievements and constantly strengthened construction of R&D system and R&D capability. In the

first half year, the Company yielded a R&D profit of RMB 341 million in total from new products and technological innovation, and

totally submitted 44 patent applications, of which 30 applications were invention patents, accounting for 68.2% of total applications.

Up to 30 June, the Company has totally submitted 663 patent applications.

③The Company always adopts lean management as an important means to keep its profitability. The Company fully taps the

potential of energy saving and consumption reducing in the process of production so as to effectively control the costs, while

effectively improving capacity utilization rate. During the first half year, all the float glass production lines produced BQ grade

products, and the average comprehensive rate of final products reached about 90%. Meanwhile, due to substantial increase in output

of solar glass coated products, the comprehensive manufacturing costs decreased by 11.65% on a year on year basis. In the first half

year, the business of solar glass made profit of RMB 144.42 million, laying the foundation to maintain a certain level of profitability

for flat glass division. Architectural glass division achieved good business results through equipment upgrading, process optimization

and production rhythm optimization, and production costs of various architectural glass products declined in varying degrees,

production costs of single-silver, double-silver and triple-silver products respectively decreased by 10.57%、11.13% and 13.96%. In

the case of sales price under great strain, the cost advantage guaranteed the profitability of the Company’s architectural glass. To cut

down costs, improve efficiency and raise soft power of management were material measures taken by solar glass division to improve

competitiveness. Yichang Polysilicon achieved substantial progress in terms of output of products and power consumption by

developing a new generation of high efficient energy-saving reduction process. As a result, energy consumption and materials

consumption of polysilicon production line significantly decreased. At the same time, the Company did a lot for energy integrated

management. In the first half year, the total power generation which generated by the Company amounted to approximately 120.018

million kwh with a year-on-year growth of 10.26%, among which, PV power generation amounted to 31.3735 million kwh with a

year-on-year growth of 15.71%, and waste heat power generation amounted to 88.6446 million kwh with a year-on-year growth of


④In order to avoid financial risks effectively, the Company continued to enhance working capital management, improving the

utilization efficiency of funds through reducing occupation of funds. With the joint efforts from subsidiaries, the Company’s accounts


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

receivable turnover period was 22 days, 2 days less than the same period of last year, and inventory turnover period was 23 days, 7

days less than the same period of last year.

⑤ In view of the complexity of external economic environment, the Company further strengthened establishment of internal control

environment via training and appraisals. Based on the detailed analysis on various risk factors faced by the Company in production

and operation, the internal control department of the Company further improved and optimized the internal control system,

intensified risk management, promoted management efficiency, strengthened process management of various production and

operation, and increased frequency, strength and depth of internal control evaluation. The Company’s internal audit department not

only continued to strengthen the audit to day-to-day operations of the subsidiary companies but also intensified audit and

investigation on contract execution and customer satisfaction, so as to prevent various kinds of operation risks effectively.

III. Composition of main business

Unit: RMB

Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease


Operating cost Gross profit ratio of operating of operating cost of gross profit


revenue y-o-y y-o-y ratio y-o-y

According to industries

Flat glass 1,877,867,688 1,465,136,128 21.98% 21.99% 3.69% 13.77%


1,306,375,266 963,900,721 26.22% -1.56% 2.65% -3.02%


Solar energy 1,245,298,767 892,226,198 28.35% 102.15% 66.01% 15.59%

Electronic glass

85,374,425 61,151,467 28.37% -28.43% 3.4% -22.05%

& Display


(330,706,763) (329,880,386) -- -- -- --

between divisions

According to products

Flat glass 1,877,867,688 1,465,136,128 21.98% 21.99% 3.69% 13.77%


1,306,375,266 963,900,721 26.22% -1.56% 2.65% -3.02%


Solar energy 1,245,298,767 892,226,198 28.35% 102.15% 66.01% 15.59%

Electronic glass

85,374,425 61,151,467 28.37% -28.43% 3.4% -22.05%

& Display


(330,706,763) (329,880,386) -- -- -- --

between divisions

According to regions

Mainland China 3,698,178,307 2,715,304,890 26.58% 24.06% 13.19% 7.05%

H.K. China 46,568,633 33,421,447 28.23% 895.39% 693.79% 18.22%

Europe 34,282,849 28,307,346 17.43% -8.88% -19.91% 11.37%

Asia (excluding 316,839,177 221,291,465 30.16% 42.55% 33.65% 4.66%


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Mainland China

and H.K.)

North America 64,008,117 37,911,784 40.77% 644.18% 414.57% 26.43%

Australia 19,557,991 12,502,762 36.07% -41.21% -39.82% -1.47%

Other regions 4,774,309 3,794,434 20.52% 192.34% 126.27% 23.20%

IV. Core Competitiveness Analysis

① The Company currently has created complete industrial chains in the industries it involved, which has complementary advantage.

In glass industry, the Company has built the industry chain as quartz sand → high quality float glass → architectural energy-saving

glass. In the solar energy industry, the Company has finished the comprehensive construction of industry chain from high purity

polycrystalline silicon materials, silicon wafer processing to cell and its module, photovoltaic rolled glass, etc. and extended to

terminal application of PV power plant.With the improvement of technology in the chains, the industrial advantages emerged.

② The Company possesses a complete industry layout. At present, the Company has established large production bases in China

located in North, East, West, South and Central region, which help the Company be better close to the market and serve the market.The

Company continually intensifies its efforts to exploit overseas market.Sales of the products have covered all over East Asia, Southeast

Asia and Middle East. Meanwhile, the Company has planned to build an artichetual glass plant in Malasia to further strengthen its

status in overseas market.

③ The Company has capability of technology innovation and product innovation. It owns independent intellectual property rights of

high-end float glass production process. The technology level of ultra-thin electronic glass is in the leading position in China. The

Company also keeps its R&D and production of energy-saving glass in line with the world’s advanced level, and its technique and

technology in the field of solar energy keep leading position in domestic market.

④The Company possesses high anti-risk capability. It has a perfect internal control system with sound performance carried out.

Meanwhile, the management and control ability of account receivable and inventory stand in a high level within the industry.

⑤ CSG's core competitiveness also comes from the aggressive, innovative, professional, experienced management team and

technical backbone team. Based on the perfect corporate governance structure, standardized management system and business

philosophy of high-end product line and quality consciousness, the Company constantly formulates mechanism and strictly controls

the operating risk, laying a solid foundation for company’s rapid sustainable development.

During the report period, the Company's core competitiveness remained strong.

V. Investment analysis

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no external investment in the report period.

(2) Shareholding of financial enterprise

□Applicable √Not applicable


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

The Company had no shareholding of financial enterprise in the report period.

(3) Securities investment

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no securities investment in the report period.

(4) Statement on shareholding of other listed company

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no shareholding of other listed company in the report period.

2. Entrusted financing, derivative investment and entrusted loans

(1) Entrusted financing

□Applicable √Not applicable

(2) Derivative investment

□Applicable √Not applicable

No derivative investment in the report period.

(3) Entrusted loans

□Applicable √Not applicable

No entrusted loans in the report period.

3. Use of raised fund

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company did not raise fund to use in the report period.

4. Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies

√Applicable □Not applicable

Particular about main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies

Unit: RMB

Register Total assets Net Assets Operating Operating profit

Name of company Type Main business Net profit (RMB)

capital (RMB) (RMB) revenue (RMB) (RMB)


Chengdu CSG RMB260

Subsidiary manufacture and 899,845,959 375,957,827 252,983,110 5,193,608 16,384,132

Glass Co., Ltd. million

sales of various


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

special glass


manufacture and

Sichuan CSG

sales of various RMB 180

Energy-saving Subsidiary 610,951,228 257,385,715 227,511,195 23,871,424 25,440,704

special glass and million

Glass Co., Ltd

deep processing

of glass


Tianjin CSG

producing and

Energy RMB336

Subsidiary sales of 650,958,010 488,275,812 247,354,374 15,197,698 15,514,107

Conservation Glass million


Co., Ltd

special glass

Dongguan CSG Deep

RMB 240

Architectural Glass Subsidiary processing of 845,714,276 390,608,568 383,845,080 47,648,306 44,046,949


Co., Ltd. glass

Manufacture and

Dongguan CSG

sales of RMB 480

Solar Glass Co., Subsidiary 1,216,799,132 648,327,916 495,278,964 85,838,051 74,449,969

Solar-Energy million


Glass products

Manufacture and

Yichang CSG RMB

sales of high

Polysilicon Co., Subsidiary 1,467.98 3,518,005,012 1,205,086,019 849,585,959 177,356,921 153,511,919

purity silicon

Ltd. million

material products

Wujiang CSG East Deep

RMB 320

China Architectural Subsidiary processing of 717,380,441 445,120,090 294,941,208 37,947,404 33,414,791


Glass Co., Ltd. glass

Manufacture and

Dongguan CSG RMB 516

Subsidiary sales of solar 914,872,101 377,880,848 494,440,733 43,554,598 37,874,249

PV-tech Co., Ltd. million

cells and modules

Manufacture and

Hebei CSG Glass USD 48.06

Subsidiary sales of various 743,366,635 355,635,698 121,489,396 -8,725,372 -5,144,019

Co., Ltd. million

special glass

Manufacture and

Wujiang CSG Glass RMB 565.04

Subsidiary sales of various 1,639,405,702 662,271,189 712,297,354 109,857,700 95,689,475

Co., Ltd. million

special glass

CSG (Hong Kong) Investment HKD 86.44

Subsidiary 1,196,978,448 1,079,538,436 0 88,833,284 89,121,140

Limited holding million

Manufacture and

Hebei Panel Glass sales of various RMB 243

Subsidiary 329,933,615 258,992,751 47,409,082 4,642,249 4,089,236

Co., Ltd. ultra-thin million

electronic glass

Development and

Xianning CSG RMB 235

Subsidiary manufacture and 694,350,667 269,142,827 316,345,359 21,724,842 27,515,864

Glass Co., Ltd. million

sales of various


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

special glass

Xianning CSG Deep

RMB 215

Energy-saving Subsidiary processing of 640,729,553 258,356,412 165,056,951 14,551,416 29,459,827


Glass Co., Ltd glass

Qingyuan CSG

Manufacture and


sales of various RMB 300

Conservation Subsidiary 789,101,597 265,212,504 5,544,045 -4,673,553 -3,394,754

ultra-thin million

New-materials Co.,

electronic glass


Jiangyou CSG Manufacture and

Mining sales of silica RMB 100

Subsidiary 163,333,351 67,199,806 27,771,366 625,363 469,022

Development Co., sand and million

Ltd. co-product

Shenzhen CSG Manufacture and

RMB 143

Display Technology Subsidiary sales of display 1,603,624,102 704,761,687 186,206,918 142,998,089 21,718,679


Co., Ltd. device products

Investment &

Shenzhen CSG PV RMB 100

Subsidiary development of 125,035,145 124,637,934 0 -1,792,865 -1,345,598

Energy Co., Ltd. million

solar PV plant

CSG (Hongkong)

Investment and HKD 1

Investment Co., Subsidiary 53,998,670 26,861,422 181,350,783 7,540,964 6,296,556

trading million


Note: On 17 May 2016, the interim meeting of the 7th Board of Directors approved the proposal of purchasing 16.10% equity of

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. The equity transfer completed in June 2016, and Shenzhen CSG Display Technology

Co., Ltd. became a subsidiary of the Company, included in the scope of consolidated statements.

5. Major investment with non-raised fund

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB’0,000


Amount amount

Investment Returns from

Project invested in actually Progress of project (ongoing projects)

amount project

this year invested ended

as period-end

Planning to build a high-performance ultra-thin electronic

Qingyuan glass production line with monthly capacity of Loss of RMB

high-performa approximately one million square meters in Qingyuan, 3.39 million

nce ultra-thin 47,166 7,221 58,615 which adopts CSG’s unique technology to produce was made in

electronic 0.55mm~1.1mm high performance ultra-thin electronic the report

glass project glass. The project entered commercial production in June period.



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Expansion Planning to implement silicon wafer expansion, of which,

Net profit of

project of 300MW project went into operation in 2014 and 400MW

RMB 81.563

700MW project completed the installation and debugging for main

198,000 4,511 58,691 million was

silicon wafer equipment in December 2015 and then entered

achieved in the

in Yichang commercial production in January 2016.

report period.


Planning to add a new cold-hydrogenation line in

Yichang CSG

Yichang CSG, which can produce electronic grade

upgrading & In the project

polysilicon on basis of the solar grade polysilicon device,

expansion construction

and meanwhile add correspondent systems of reduction,

project of 61,322 8,069 8,712 phase, no

rectification, recycle and utilities, so as to boost the actual

electronic earnings were

capacity of polysilicon up to 12,000 tons/year (including

grade achieved.

2,500 tons/year for electronic grade polysilicon and 9,500


tons/year for solar grade polysilicon).

Expansion Planning to expand a polycrystalline cell production line

project of in Dongguan PV. After completion of project, the In the project

150MW cell designed capacity will improve to 350MW/year from construction

production 16,810 5,515 5,515 200MW/year, and the actual capacity will reach phase, no

line in 560MW/year. earnings were

Dongguan achieved.

CSG PV-tech

The expansion Planning to expand efficient silicon wafer production

In the project

project of capacity of 1GW in Yichang CSG based on the existing


1GW silicon 1GW silicon wafer capacity, to realize 2.0GW silicon

107,479 183 183 phase, no

wafers wafer production capacity.

earnings were




The Company plans to invest and construct PV power

plants during 2016-2017, of which 200MW will be built

by its subsidiary Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd. and

140MW by CSG cooperating with Kibing Group. In

In the project

PV power February 2016, Xianning PV ground power plant


plant construction project was contracted. On 21 June 2016, the

250,000 6,021 6,021 phase, no

investment Company completed the installation of 11MW distributed

earnings were

project PV power plant modules located on the roof of


Zhangzhou Kibing Glass Co., Ltd., and grid connection is

ongoing now. In June 2016, the installation of 15MW

distributed PV power plant in Heyuan CSG Kibing

Company started.

Dongguan PV The Company plans to construct a module workshop with In the project

module 11,066 0 0 final production capacity of 500MW, through removing construction

production part of the equipment from its subsidiary Dongguan CSG phase, no


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

line removal, PV-tech Co., Ltd. as well as purchasing some equipment earnings were

equipment to help module production capacity in Xianning factory achieved.

upgrading and realize 300 MW in the first stage, and in the follow-up

expansion stage it will be expanded to 500MW according to market

project situation.

Dongguan The Company plans to build an online self-cleaning

In the project

CSG Solar coated glass production line in Dongguan Solar Energy.



5,539 0 0 phase, no


earnings were

coated glass



Project of The Company plans to build an architectural glass factory In the project

establishing in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The first-phase annual construction

architectural 36,000 0 0 production capacity of the new factory contains 1.2 phase, no

glass plant in million square meters of insulating glass and 1 million earnings were

Malaysia square meters of one-chip coated glass. achieved.

Production The Company plans to establish a photoelectric glass

line of 4 production line in Xianning with annual capacity of 4 In the project

million m2 million m2, the products of which is applied for new-type construction

Light Guiding 51,000 10,200 10,200 ultra-thin LCD display. This production line also has the phase, no

Panel ability to produce ultra-thin electronic glass with higher earnings were

photoelectric strength than that of Qingyuan CSG Company. achieved.


Subtotal 784,382 41,720 147,937 -- --


Amount amount

Investment Returns from

Project invested in actually Progress of project (projects suspension)

amount project

this year invested ended

as period-end

Planning to increase two coating glass production lines In the report

and support insulating glass capacity. When the project is period, part of

Expansion on

completed, the capacities of wide flat coated glass will the project has


add 3 million square meters, and capacity of coated been completed

glass capacity 47,913 0 21,239

insulating glass will add 1.2 million square meters per and the revenue

of Wujiang

year, among which, the wide flat coated glass line of 3 was not


million square meters has been completed, and the others calculated

will be invested according to market situations. individually.

Yichang CSG Planning to build a crystalline silicon solar cell

700MW production line with annual capacity of 700MW. The

169,330 0 0 --

crystalline project was suspended and further investment will be

silicon solar based on actual industry situations.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

cell project

Expanding Planning to expand the solar module production line with

500MW solar annual capacity of 500MW. The project was suspended

module 63,600 0 0 and further investment will be based on actual industry --

project in situations.


Hebei Panel Planning to establish a production line for

Glass project medium-alumina ultra-thin electronic glass in Hebei

of Panel Glass, using clean natural gas as the fuel, and

medium-alumi 25,950 0 353 produce 0.33mm ~ 1.1mm medium-alumina ultra-thin --

na ultra-thin glass with float process. The project was suspended and

electronic further investment will be based on actual industry

glass situations.

Subtotal 306,793 0 21,592 -- --

Total 1,091,175 41,720 169,529 -- --

Explanation on major investment with non-raised fund

1. Qingyuan high-performance ultra-thin electronic glass project was deliberated and approved by the 12th meeting of the 6th board

of directors on 2 Aug. 2013 and disclosed on 6 Aug. 2013, Notice No.: 2013-019.

2. Expansion on energy-saving glass capacity of Wujiang Project and expansion project of 700MW silicon wafer in Yichang CSG

were deliberated and approved by the 18th meeting of the 5th board of directors on 23 December 2010 and disclosed on 25

December 2010, Notice No.: 2010-046.

3. Yichang CSG upgrading & expansion project of electronic grade polysilicon was deliberated and approved by the 5th meeting of

the 7th board of directors on 27 Mar. 2015 and disclosed on 31 Mar. 2015, Notice No.: 2015-009.

4. Expansion project of 150MW cell production line in Dongguan CSG PV-tech was deliberated and approved by the 10th meeting

of the 7th board of directors on 5 Jan. 2016 and disclosed on 6 Jan. 2016, Notice No.: 2016-001.

5. The expansion project of 1GW silicon wafers inYichang CSG was respectively deliberated and approved by the 10th meeting of

the 7th board of directors on 5 Jan. 2016 and the 13th meeting of the 7th board of directors on 15 Apr. 2016 , and respectively

disclosed on 6 Jan. 2016 and 16 Apr. 2016, Notice No.: 2016-001, 2016-018.

6. PV power plant investment project was deliberated and approved by the 11th meeting of the 7th board of directors on 21 Jan. 2016

and disclosed on 22 Jan. 2016, Notice No.: 2016-006.

7. Dongguan PV module production line removal, equipment upgrading and expansion project, Dongguan CSG Solar online

self-cleaning coated glass project and project of establishing architectural glass plant in Malaysia were deliberated and approved by

the 13th meeting of the 7th board of directors on 15 Apr. 2016 and disclosed on 16 Apr. 2016, Notice No.: 2016-018.

8. Production line of 4 million m2 Light Guiding Panel photoelectric glass was deliberated and approved by the interim meeting of

the 7th board of directors on 20 May 2016 and disclosed on 21May 2016, Notice No.: 2016-025.

9. Hebei Panel Glass project of medium-alumina ultra-thin electronic glass was deliberated and approved by the 4th meeting of the

7th board of directors on 27 Oct. 2014 and disclosed on 29 Oct. 2014, Notice No.: 2014-030.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

VI. Prediction of business performance from January to September 2016

Alert of loss or significant change in accumulative net profit from the beginning of year to the end of the next report period or

compared with the same period of last year, and statement of causations.

□ Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Explanation on “Non-standard audit report” from CPA by the Board and Supervisory


□ Applicable √Not applicable

VIII. Explanation from the Board for “Non-standard audit report” of last year

□ Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Implementation of profit distribution in the report period

Plan of profit distribution in the report period expecially the implementation or adjustment for the Plans of cash dividend distribution

and share converted from capital reserve

√Applicable □Not applicable

The profit distribution plan for 2015 was approved by Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of 2015 held on 15 April 2016 which

distributed RMB 3 (tax included) in cash for every 10 shares to all shareholders. Notice of the distribution was published on China

Securities Journal, Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily on 11 May 2016, and the profit has been distributed. The

Company had no plans of cash dividend distribution or share converted from capital reserve in the first half year of 2016.

Special explanation on cash dividend policy

Satisfy regulations of General Meeting or requirement of Article of Association



Well-defined and clearly dividend standards and proportion (Yes/No) Yes

Completed relevant decision-making process and mechanism (Yes/No) Yes

Independent directors perform duties completely and play a proper role (Yes/No) Yes

Minority shareholders have ample opportunities and their legitimate rights and


interests are effectively protected (Yes/No)

Condition and procedures are compliance and transparent while the cash bonus


policy adjusted or changed (Yes/No)

X. Plans of profit distribution and share converted from capital reserve in the report period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no plans of cash dividend distribution, bonus shares distribution or share converted from capital reserve in the first

half of the year.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

XI. Reception of research, communication and interview in the report period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Contents discussed and material

Time Place Way Type Reception


Shenzhen JunHai Investment Management Co.,

Field Introduced the operation condition

2016-2-23 The Company Institute Ltd. and Matthews International Capital

research of the Company disclosed

Management, LLC

Guotai Junan Securities, Yongy Investment

Holding Group, Beijing Hallwinning

Investment Management Co., Ltd., FINE

Field Introduced the operation condition

2016-3-30 The Company Institute HEDGEFUNDS MANAGEMENT CO., LTD.,

research of the Company disclosed


Fuhua Asset, Time Investment, and Beijing

Zhongxin Huacheng Investment Co., Ltd.

Yuanta Securities, Shin Kong Life Insurance


Field Introduced the operation condition

2016-4-25 The Company Institute China Life Insurance Co., Ltd., GAINS

research of the Company disclosed

Investment Corp. and Capital Investment Trust


Samsung Asset Management, HI Asset

Field Management, Shinyoung Securities, KB Asset Introduced the operation condition

2016-5-24 The Company Institute

research Management, Fubon Securities Investment of the Company disclosed

Trust and CMS (HK)


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section V. Important Events

I. Corporate governance of the Company

In strict compliance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulation including The Company Law, Securities Law and Rule

of Governance for Listed Company, the Company has been putting efforts in improving the corporate governance, strengthening

management of information disclosure, regulating operation activities and establishing a modern corporate system. At present, the

system for corporate governance of the Company is basically perfect, operation is regulated, corporate governance is consummated,

which accord with the requirements of relevant documents on corporate governance of listed company issued by CSRS. During the

report period, it did not exist that the company provided the undisclosed information to the largest shareholder and actual controller.

And it did not exist that non-operating fund of listed company was occupied by the largest shareholder or its affiliated enterprises.

In order to strengthen internal control for information disclosure of CSG Holding Co., Ltd., enhance relevant personnel’s disclosure

consciousness, strengthen information collection and delivery of the Company, and improve the quality of information disclosure, the

14th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors deliberated and approved the proposal of the establishment of Information Disclosure

Committee, and formulated detailed rules for the implementation of Information Disclosure Committee. During the report period, the

Company conscientiously fulfilled the detailed rules for the implementation of Information Disclosure Committee and regularly held

meetings of Information Disclosure Committee, which guaranteed facticity, accuracy and completeness of information disclosure and

fairness of information disclosure, improved the quality of information disclosure of the Company as well.

To protect legitimate rights and interests of small investors, and cooperate with "Blue Sky Action", a special task for investor

protection conducted by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau , the Company actively developed a special work plan for "Blue Sky

Action", formulating a scheme for investor protection in several aspects including improving quality of information disclosure,

strengthening positive interaction between investors and the Company, carrying out investor education, and regularly declosing

investor protection work report .During the report period, all the work was forging ahead on its own.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

II. Lawsuit

Significant lawsuits

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no significant lawsuits or arbitrations in the report period.

Other lawsuits

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Amounts Projected lawsuit (Arbitration)

General Statement on Execution of Date of Index of

(RMB liabilities lawsuit (Arbitration) Progress Trial Results and

lawsuit (Arbitration) lawsuit (Arbitration) Judgment Disclosure Disclosure

0,000) formed or not Influence

The two sides of the case reached an agreement through Sanmu Industrial has paid off the

conciliation under the auspices of the court and got the Paper overdue payment and the payment

of Civil Mediation on February 26, 2016.Pursuant to the for finished goods delivery, yet it

Contract dispute

Paper of Civil Mediation, Sanmu Industrial should settle the has not settled the payment of

between Yichang The case was

1,997.47 No outstanding payment owed to Yichang Display for shipped RMB 11.09 million which was -- --

Display and Sanmu closed.

goods in 2 installments.Yichang Display would transfer the owed to Yichang display for raw


raw materials and semi-finished products which had already materials and semi-finished

purchased to Sanmu Industrial at the price of RMB11, goods.The case is still in the

097,605. implementation stage now.

Contract disputes

between Yichang

This case is one of the series of cases that suppliers proceeded

Display and other

against Yichang Display arising from the contract dispute The case remains

three companies 335.45 No -- -- --

case of Shenzhen Sanmu. The court of first instance hasn’t unclosed.

including Zhuhai

opened a court session currently.

Sanyuantai Doumen

Electron Co., Ltd.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Contract disputes

between Yichang

This case is one of the series of cases that suppliers proceeded

Display and other two The case was The implementation has been

368.18 No against Yichang Display arising from the contract dispute -- --

companies including closed. finished.

case of Shenzhen Sanmu. The case was closed in mediation.

Shenzhen Dewoer

Industrial Co., Ltd

Contract dispute

between Yichang

This case is one of the series of cases that suppliers proceeded It is still in the process of

Display and The case was closed

189.39 No against Yichang Display arising from the contract dispute implementation.

Dongguan Xinyouwei in mediation.

case of Shenzhen Sanmu. The case was closed in mediation.

Adhesive Products

Co., Ltd

III. Question from media

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There was no general question from media in the report period.

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √Not applicable

There was no bankruptcy reorganization occurred in the report period.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

V. Assets transaction

1. Acquisition of assets

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Ratio of net profit

Transactio Impact on

Counterparty/ulti Acquired attributable to listed Whether be Association relationship with

n price Progress profit and loss Date of Index of

mate controlling /replaced Impact on the business of the Company company from such the related counterparty(applied to related

(RMB of the disclosure disclosure

party assets assets in total net transactions transaction)

0,000) Company


Through the acquisition of Feng Wei technology, the

Vice President of CSG, Zhang

Fengwei Company can quickly master the key technologies for

Bozhong, is one of the

Industrial Co., production of light guiding panel photoelectric material,

shareholders of Qianhai Ruinan,

Ltd., Xinbang 100% equity of speed up the process of the project.Meanwhile, it is

with 40% equity held. Pursuant to

Investment Co., Xianning Equity conducive to ensuring the Company staying ahead in the

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock

Ltd. and Fengwei 10,200 transfer field of light guiding panel photoelectric material, No effect -- Yes 2016-5-21 2016-026

Listing Rules (2014 Revised),

Shenzhen Technology completed grabing anticipate opportunity for domestic market of

Qianhai Ruinan is the affiliated

Qianhai Ruinan Co., Ltd. light guiding panel photoelectric material,further

legal person of the Company and

Investment improving the product structure in photoelectric glass

this transaction constitutes a

Company industry chain of the Company, and enhancing the overall

related transaction.

competitiveness of the Group.

Through purchasing part of the equity of Shenzhen

16.10% equity display, CSG again became the controlling shareholder of

Shenzhen Xinshi of Shenzhen Equity Shenzhen Display. As the controlling shareholder, CSG

Investment Co., CSG Display 46,435 transfer would increase support and strengthen management for No effect -- No -- 2016-5-21 2016-027

Ltd. Technology completed Shenzhen Display, impelling it to move towards the road

Co., Ltd. of benign development, and ultimately guarantee profit

maximization of CSG.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

2. Sales of assets

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No assets were sold in the report period.

3. Enterprise combination

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No enterprise combination in the report period.

VI. Implementation and its influence of equity incentive plan

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No equity incentive plan or implementation of quity incentive in the report period.

VII. Major related transaction

1. Related transaction with routine operation concerned

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Proportion Approved Whether Market


Related in the amount of over the price of

Related Related Related amount Date of

transactio Pricing Dealing amount of transactio approved Means of similar Index of

transactio relationshi transactio (RMB disclosu

n principle price the same n (RMB amount or payments transactio disclosure

n parties p n content 0,000 ,tax re

type transactio 0,000) not n


n (%) available




CSG Sales of

Associate and Refers to Not

Display utra-thin monthly Not 2016-1-

d commodit market applica 1,131 0.23% 25,000 No 2016-007

Technolog electronic settlement applicable 22

enterprise ies to price ble

y Co., glass




Total -- -- 1,131 -- 25,000 -- -- -- --

Details of major sold-out order sent back N/A

The actual implementation of routine related transactions that is about to occurred in the In the report period, the total of routine related transactions was

Period with total amount estimated by category (if any) in the estimated range.

Reason for the great difference between trade price and market reference price (if any) Not applicable


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

2. Related transaction with acquisition of assets or equity, sales of assets concerned

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No related transaction with acquisition of assets or equity, sales of assets concerned occurred in the report period.

3. Related transaction with jointly external investment concerned

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No related transaction with jointly external investment concerned occurred in the report period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No credits and liabilities with related parties in the report period.

5. Other major related transaction

√Applicable □ Not applicable

On 20 May 2016, the Company convened an interim meeting of the 7th Board of Directors, Ltd, at which, the proposal of investment

in 4 million m2 light guiding panel photoelectric glass production line and acquisition of 100% equity of Xianning Fengwei

Technology Co., Ltd. was deliberated and approved, which meant that the Board agreed the Company and its wholly-owned

subsidiary Hetai Company to acquire 100% equity of Xianning Fengwei Technology Co., Ltd. held by Fengwei Industrial Co., Ltd.,

Xinbang Investment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Qianhai Ruinan Investment Corporation (Limited Partner), with the transfer price of

RMB 102 million. Upon completion of this equity transfer, Fengwei Technology will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSG,

and will be included in consolidated financial statement.

Vice President of CSG, Zhang Bozhong, is one of the shareholders of Qianhai Ruinan, with 40% equity held. Pursuant to Shenzhen

Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules (2014 Revised), Qianhai Ruinan is the affiliated legal person of the Company and this transaction

constitutes a related transaction.

Enquiry website for interim announcement of the major related transaction

Name of interim announcement Disclosure date Disclosure website

Announcement of acquisition of 100% equity of Xianning Fengwei

2016-5-21 Juchao Website

Technology Co., Ltd. and related transaction

VIII. Particular about non-operating fund of listed company occupied by controlling

shareholder and its affiliated enterprises

□Applicable √Not applicable

It did not exist that non-operating fund of listed company was occupied by controlling shareholder or its affiliated enterprises in the

report period.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

IX. Significant contracts and their implementation

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No trusteeship in the report period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No contract in the report period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No leasing in the report period.

2. Guarantee

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB 0,000

Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)


Actual date of Guarantee

Related Actual e

Name of the Company Guarant happening (Date Guarantee Guarantee for related

Announcement guarante impleme

guaranteed ee limit of signing type term party (Yes

disclosure date e limit ntation

agreement) or no)

or not

Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries


Actual date of Guarantee

Related Actual e

Name of the Company Guarant happening (Date Guarantee Guarantee for related

Announcement guarante impleme

guaranteed ee limit of signing type term party (Yes

disclosure date e limit ntation

agreement) or no)

or not


Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 2016-01-06 10,000 2016-01-25 491 1 year Yes No


Tianjin CSG Energy General

2015-08-16 10,000 2015-08-25 1,200 1 year No No

Conservation Glass Co., Ltd guarantee

Wujiang CSG East China General

2015-06-16 15,000 2015-12-23 10,000 1 year No No

Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Xianning CSG Energy-saving General

2015-06-16 3,000 2015-07-07 2,600 1 year Yes No

Glass Co., Ltd guarantee


Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 2016-01-06 10,000 2016-01-25 1,506 1 year No No



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Dongguan CSG Solar Glass General

2015-08-16 8,000 2015-09-15 1,400 1 year No No

Co., Ltd. guarantee

Xianning CSG Energy-saving General

2015-08-16 6,000 2015-09-10 500 1 year No No

Glass Co., Ltd guarantee

Xianning CSG Energy-saving General

2015-08-16 6,000 2015-09-10 4,500 1 year No No

Glass Co., Ltd guarantee


Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 2016-01-06 10,000 2016-01-25 1,070 1 year No No



Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 2016-01-06 10,000 2016-01-25 724 1 year No No



Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 2016-01-06 10,000 2016-01-25 47 1 year No No


Dongguan CSG Solar Glass General

2015-08-16 8,000 2015-09-15 3,565 1 year No No

Co., Ltd. guarantee

Dongguan CSG Solar Glass General

2016-03-24 2,556 2016-04-29 860 1 year No No

Co., Ltd. guarantee

Dongguan CSG Architectural General

2016-02-08 15,000 2015-04-01 1,323 1 year No No

Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Dongguan CSG Architectural General

2015-08-16 11,200 2015-09-15 205 1 year No No

Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Tianjin CSG Energy General

2015-08-16 10,000 2015-08-25 801 1 year No No

Conservation Glass Co., Ltd guarantee


Chengdu CSG Glass Co.,Ltd. 2016-03-25 4,973 2016-04-05 1 1 year No No


Sichuan CSG Energy General

2016-03-25 4,973 2016-04-05 496 1 year No No

Conservation Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Sichuan CSG Energy General

2016-03-25 5,000 2016-04-25 350 1 year No No

Conservation Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Wujiang CSG East China General

2016-01-06 5,000 2016-01-22 1,707 1 year No No

Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Wujiang CSG East China General

2015-06-16 5,000 2015-07-07 300 1 year No No

Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Xianning CSG Energy-saving General

2015-08-14 6,000 2015-08-18 16 1 year No No

Glass Co., Ltd guarantee

Dongguan CSG PVTech Co., General

2015-08-16 3,000 2015-09-15 3,000 1 year No No

Ltd. guarantee

Dongguan CSG PVTech Co., General

2016-02-08 5,000 2015-04-01 1,284 1 year No No

Ltd. guarantee


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Yichang CSG Polysilicon General

2015-06-16 5,000 2015-07-07 747 1 year No No

Co.,Ltd. guarantee

Wujiang CSG East China General

2015-08-14 10,000 2015-09-16 58 1 year No No

Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. guarantee

Total amount of approving guarantee for Total amount of actual occurred guarantee for

162,492 38,751

subsidiaries in report period (B1) subsidiaries in report period (B2)

Total amount of approved guarantee for Total balance of actual guarantee for

388,260 36,335

subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (B3) subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (B4)

Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of two abovementioned guarantee)

Total amount of approving guarantee in report Total amount of actual occurred guarantee in

162,492 38,751

period (A1+B1) report period (A2+B2)

Total amount of approved guarantee at the end of Total balance of actual guarantee at the end of

388,260 36,335

report period (A3+B3) report period (A4+B4)

The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the net


assets of the Company(that is A4+ B4)


Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its related parties(C) 0

The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties whose


assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly(D)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the Company exceed



Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(C+D+E) 0

The Company shall bear joint and several

Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating responsibilities for

liabilities in guarantee range if the subsidiaries

undue guarantees

fail to fulfill the obligation of repayment.

Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures N/A

(1) Illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No illegal external guarantee in the report period.

3. Other major contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no other major contracts in the report period.

4. Other major transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no other major transactions in the report period.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

X. Commitments from the Company or shareholder with over 5% shareholding in the report

period or continues to the report period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Commit-ment Commit- Implement-

Commitments Promisee Content of commitments

date ment term ation

The Company has implemented share

merger reform in May 2006. Till June

2008, the share of the original

non-tradable shareholders which holding

over 5% total shares of the Company had

all released. Therein, the original

non-tradable shareholder Shenzhen

International Holdings (SZ) Limited and

The original

Xin Tong Chan Industrial Development By the end of


(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. both are the report


wholly-funded subsidiaries to Shenzhen period, the


International Holdings Limited above


(hereinafter Shenzhen International for shareholders

Commitments for Holdings (SZ)

short) listed in Hong Kong united stock 2006-05-22 N/A of the

Share Merger Reform Limited and Xin

exchange main board. Shenzhen Company had

Tong Chan

International made commitment that it strictly carried


would strictly carry out related out their


regulations of Securities Law, promises.

(Shenzhen) Co.,

Administration of the Takeover of Listed


Companies Procedures and Guiding

Opinions on the Listed Companies’

Transfer of Original Shares Released from

Trading Restrictions issued by CSRC

during implementing share

decreasingly-held plan and take

information disclosure responsibility


Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd., By the end of


Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. and the report

the period

Chengtai Group Co., Ltd. issued detailed period, the

Foresea Life when

report of equity change on 29 June 2015, above

Insurance Co., Ltd,, Foresea

Commitments in report in which, they undertook to keep shareholders

Shenzhen Life

of acquisition or equity independent from CSG in aspects of 2015-6-29 of the

Jushenghua Co., remains

change personnel, assets, finance, organization Company had

Ltd. and Chengtai the largest

set-up and business as long as Foresea strictly carried

Group Co., Ltd. sharehold

Life Insurance remained the largest out their

er of the

shareholder of CSG. Meanwhile, they promises.


made commitment on regularizing related


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

transaction and avoiding industry


Commitments in assets


By the end of

the report

The Company’s shareholders, Foresea period, the

Foresea Life Life Insurance Co., Ltd.and China North From above

Commitments in initial Insurance Co., Ltd., Industries Corporation, made Nov. 25, shareholders

public offering or China North commitments that they would not reduce 2015-11-25 2015 to of the

re-financing Industries CSG's shares within six months after Jul. 2, Company had

Corporation private placement of CSG from Nov. 25, 2016 strictly carried

2015. out their


Equity incentive


By the end of

the report

The Company’s shareholders, Foresea period, the

Foresea Life Life Insurance Co., Ltd.and China North above

From Jul.

Insurance Co., Ltd., Industries Corporation, made shareholders

Other commitments for 15, 2015

medium and small China North commitments that they would not reduce 2015-07-15 of the

shareholders to Jan. 15,

Industries CSG's shares within six months after Company had


Corporation private placement of CSG from July 15, strictly carried

2015. out their


Completed on



If the commitments is

not fulfilled on time,

Not applicable

explain the reasons and

the next work plan

XI. Engaging and dismissing of CPA

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited or not

□ Yes √ No

The semi-annual report of the Company has not been audited.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

XII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no penalty or rectification in the report period.

XIII. Risk announcement of delisting for violating laws and rules

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no risk of delisting for violating laws or rules in the report period.

XIV. Other major events

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Plan of non-public offering of A-share

Disclosure Disclosure

Summary of item Interim announcement

date website

"Announcement of the interim meeting

resolution of the seventh board of

Proposals of non-public offering of A-share to specific directors"

investors etc. were deliberated and approved by the interim "Announcement of the interim meeting

meeting of the 7th session of the Board on 22 April 2015. resolution of the seventh board of

The Company planned to exercise equity financing by supervisors"

means of non-public offering of A-share. The total amount

"Non-public offering of A-share plan"

of non-public offering of A-share was 179,977,502 shares,

" Feasibility Analysis Report about the

112,485,939 shares of which was specifically issued to

raised fund use of Non-public offering of

Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. with one billion yuan in Juchao website


cash , and 67,491,563 shares of which was specifically (http://www.cni

"Announcement of related transactions

issued to China Northern Industries Corporation with 0.6 nfo.com.cn)

involved in non-public offering of

billion yuan in cash. Announcement

A-share" 2015-4-23

The A shares subscribed by China Northern Industries No.: 2015-019

"Indicative announcement of changes in

Corporation and Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in this 2015-020

shareholders' equity"

plan are not allowed to be transferred within 36 months 2015-021

from the listing date. "Report about the use of previous raised



Pricing benchmark is the announcement day of board

resolution for this issue. The offering price is RMB "Valid share subscription agreement

8.89/share, no less than 90% of the average trading price of subject to conditions between the

20 trading days before pricing benchmark. Offering price Company and Foresea Life Insurance Co.,

will be adjusted if issues such as dividends, bonus shares, Ltd."

capital reserve and other ex dividend issues occurred before "Valid share subscription agreement

offering. subject to conditions between the

company and China Northern Industries


Proposal of adjusting period of validity for the resolution of "Announcement of the interim meeting 2015-6-16 Juchao website


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

the non-public offering of A-share plan and period of resolution of the seventh board of (http://www.cni

validity which the general meeting of shareholders directors" nfo.com.cn)

authorized the Board to deal with all the specific issues "Announcement of the interim meeting Announcement

associated with the non-public offering of A-share was resolution of the seventh board of No.: 2015-033

deliberated and approved by the interim meeting of the 7th supervisors" 2015-035

Board of Directors on 15 June 2015.The Board agreed to "Report about the use and authentication

adjust period of validity for the resolution of the non-public of the previous raised funds "

offering of A-share plan and adjust period of validity which

the general meeting of shareholders authorized the Board to

deal with all the specific issues associated with the

non-public offering of A-share. The period of validity

changed to 12 months commencing from the date on which

the relevant resolution is approved at general meeting

instead of the original 18 months commencing from that


Juchao website

Relevant items of the non-public offering of A-share had

"Announcement of the resolution of the (http://www.cni

been considered and approved at the first extraordinary

first extraordinary general meeting of 2015-7-3 nfo.com.cn)

general meeting of shareholders in 2015 convened by the

shareholders in 2015" Announcement

Company on 2 July 2015.

No.: 2015-038

Juchao website

"Announcement of the acceptance of


Application for non-public offering of A-share was application for non-public offering of

2015-8-18 nfo.com.cn)

accepted by China Securities Regulatory Commission A-share by China Securities Regulatory


Commission "

No.: 2015-046

"Announcement of receipt of ‘Notice Juchao website

The Company’s non-public offering of A-share received

about review and feedback to (http://www.cni

"Notice about review and feedback to administrative 2015-11-1

administrative permissive projects from nfo.com.cn)

permissive projects from China Securities Regulatory 3

China Securities Regulatory Commission’ Announcement


" No.: 2015-058

"Announcement of the reply to feedback

of the Company’s application documents

for non-public offering of A-share " Juchao website

"Commitment about not reducing holding (http://www.cni

Reply to feedback of the Company’s application documents shares by Foresea Life Insurance Co., 2015-12-8 nfo.com.cn)

for non-public offering of A-share Ltd." Announcement

" Commitment about not reducing holding No.: 2015-059

shares by China North Industries


The 13th meeting of the seventh board of directors of the "Announcement of the resolution of the Juchao website



Company deliberated and approved the proposal of diluting 13 meeting of the seventh board of (http://www.cni


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

the immediate return because of non-public offering of directors" nfo.com.cn)

shares and measures to mitigate the influence as well as the "Announcement of diluting the immediate Announcement

proposal of the directors and senior management return because of non-public offering of No.: 2016-018

personnel’s commitments about diluting the immediate shares and measures to mitigate the

return because of non-public offering of shares and influence as well as the relevant 2016-019

measures to mitigate the influence. The Company analyzed personnel’s commitments"

the impact of immediate return dilution of the non-public “Announcement of the commitments 2016-020

offering of shares, put forward the specific measures to about diluting the immediate return

mitigate the influence, and relevant personnel of the because of non-public offering of shares

Company made commitments to effectively fulfill the and measures to mitigate the influence

measures for filling in return. which were made by the relevant

personnel of CSG Holding Co., Ltd.”

By 2 July 2016, the Company had not obtained the written Juchao website

authorization from the CSRC for this non-public offering “ Announcement of the non-public (http://www.cni

plan. According to relevant requirements of the CSRC and Offering of A-share plan declared invalid 2016-7-4 nfo.com.cn)

Shenzhen Stock Exchange, this non-public offering plan due to expiration” Announcement

became invalid automatically. No.: 2016-030

2. Short-term Financing Bills

On 23 April 2013, annual general meeting of 2012 of CSG Holding Co., Ltd deliberated and approved the proposal of short-term

financing bills offering, agreed the application of issuing short-term financing bills with a total amount of no more than 40 percent of

the Company’s net assets (the issued short-term financing bills included). On 20 December 2013, National Association of Financial

market Institutional Investors held its 74th registration meeting of 2013, in which NAFMII decided to accept the Company’s

short-term financing bills registration, amounting to RMB 1.1 billion, valid for two years. China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited

and Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd were joint lead underwriters of these short-term financing bills, which could be issued by

stages within the validity period of registration. On 14 March 2014, the Company issued short-term financing bills with a total

amount of RMB 0.5 billion and deadline of one year, which was redeemed on 14 March 2015. On 22 April 2015, the Company

issued the 1st batch of short-term financing bills for the year of 2015 with a total amount of RMB 0.6 billion and annual interest rate

of 4.28%, and the expiry date is 23 April 2016. On 16-17 September 2015, the Company issued the 2nd batch of short-term financing

bills for the year of 2015 with a total amount of RMB 0.4 billion and annual interest rate of 3.50%, and the expiry date is 17

September 2016.

For details, please refer to www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.

3. Ultra-short-term financing bills

On 10 December 2014, the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2014 of CSG Holding Co., Ltd deliberated and

approved the proposal of application for registration and issuance of ultra-short-term financing bills with registered capital of RMB 4

billion at most and validity within 2 years. On 21 May 2015, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors

(NAFMII) held the 32nd registration meeting of 2015, in which NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s

ultra-short-term financing bills, amounting to RMB 4 billion and valid for two years. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., Shanghai

Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., China CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. and China Agriculture Bank Co., Ltd.

were joint lead underwriters of these ultra-short-term financing bills, which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the

registration. On 12 June 2015, the Company issued the first batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2015 with total


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

amount of RMB 0.8 billion and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 4.25%, which was redeemed on 11 March 2016. On 13

October 2015, the Company issued the second batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2015 with total amount of

RMB 1.1 billion and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 3.81%, which will be redeemed on 11 July 2016. On 10 March

2016, the Company issued the first batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2016 with total amount of RMB 0.8 billion

and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 3.15%, which will be redeemed on 6 December 2016. On 17 May 2016, the

Company issued the second batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2016 with total amount of RMB 0.9 billion and

valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 4.18%, which will be redeemed on 10 February 2017. On 2 August 2016, the Company

issued the third batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2016 with total amount of RMB 0.6 billion and valid term of

270 days at the issuance rate of 3.67%, which will be redeemed on 1 May 2017.

For details, please refer to www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.

4. Perpetual bonds

On 23 March 2016, the 12th meeting of the seventh board of directors of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. deliberated and approved the

proposal of application for registration and issuance of perpetual bonds, and agreed the Company to register and issue perpetual

bonds with total amount of RMB 3.1 billion which could be issued by several times within the validity period of registration

according to the Company’s actual demand for funds and the capital status of inter-bank market. Details can be found in

"Announcement of the resolution of the 12th meeting of the seventh board of directors", the announcement number of which is

2016-009. The above proposal was deliberated and approved by 2015 annual general meeting of shareholders held on April 15, 2016.

5. Medium-term notes

On 10 December 2014, the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2014 of CSG Holding Co., Ltd deliberated and

approved the proposal of application for registeration and issuance of medium term notes with total amount of RMB 1.2 billion at

most. On 21 May 2015, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) held the 32nd registration meeting

of 2015, in which NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s medium term notes, amounting to RMB 1.2 billion

and valid for two years. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. were joint lead

underwriters of these medium term notes which could be issued by stages within within period of validity of the registration.

On 10 July 2015, the Company issued the first batch of medium term notes with total amount of RMB 1.2 billion and valid term of 5

years at the issuance rate of 4.94%, which will be redeemed on 14 July 2020.

For details, please refer to www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.

On 23 March 2016, the 12th meeting of the seventh board of directors of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. deliberated and approved the

proposal of application for registration and issuance of medium-term notes, and agreed the Company to register and issue

medium-term notes with total amount of RMB 0.8 billion which could be issued by several times within the validity period of

registration according to the Company’s actual demand for funds and the capital status of inter-bank market. Details can be found in

"Announcement of the resolution of the 12th meeting of the seventh board of directors", the announcement number of which is

2016-009. The above proposal was deliberated and approved by 2015 annual general meeting of shareholders held on April 15, 2016.

XV. Issuance of corporate bonds

Whether the Company has corporate bonds publicly listed in Stock Exchange which are not matured or haven’t completed the

payment till the day when the semi-annual report is approved and announced or not



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

1. The basic information of corporate bonds

Short Bond Maturity Bond balance Interest Way of repayment of principal and

Name Issue date

name code date (RMB 0,000) rate interest

Using simple interest year - on - year,

non - compound interest, the interest is

Corporate bond 10 CSG

112022 2010-10-20 2017-10-20 100,000 5.33% paid once a year and the principal is paid

in 2010 of CSG 02

at a time once due, and the final interest

is paid together with the principal.

Corporate bond listing or transfer trading place Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Corporate bond "10 CSG 02" establishes the sell-back option for

investors, and its bondholders have the right to sell back all or part of their

bonds at par to the issuer on October 20, 2015. In accordance with the

bond sell-back declaration data provided by China Securities Depository

Appropriate arrangements for investors

and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch, the effective

sell-back declaration quantity of corporate bond "10 CSG 02" of this time

was 0, the sell-back amount was RMB 0, the remaining hosting amount

was 10,000,000 pieces.

Interest payment and encashment of corporate bonds


during the reporting period

Implementation of the special provisions including

option and exchangeable terms of issuers or investors


attached to corporate bonds and the relevant provisions

during the reporting period (if applicable)

2. Informantion of bond trustee and credit rating institution

Bond trustee:

China Merchants 38-45 floor, Ablock, Jiangsu Building, Contact Nie

Name Office adds. Tel. 0755-82960984

Securities Co., Ltd. Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen person Dongyun

Credit rating institution which tracks rating corporate bonds in the report period:

Name CCXR Office adds. 8 floor, Anji Building, 760 Tibet South Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

If bond trustee and credit rating institution engaged by the Company changed in the report period, explain the reason Not

of the change, performance of the procedure, and the impact on the interest of investors etc. (if applicable) applicable

3. The use of fund raised by corporate bonds

The use of fund raised by corporate bonds and performance of

The raised fund is in strict accordance with the relevant provisions.

the procedure

Balance at the end of year 0


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

The operation of the special account for raised fund is strictly

The operation of the special account for raised fund accordance with the relevant provisions of prospectus


Whether the use of raised fund is consistent with the purpose,


plan of use and other agreements of prospectus commitment

4. Information of the rating of corporation bonds

According to CCXR’ track rating in 2016, the Company's subject credit rating is AA +, rating outlook is stable, and the bonds credit

rating of the current period is evaluated as AA +.

5. Trust mechanism, debt repayment plans and other debt repayment safeguards of corporation bonds

During the report period, the trust mechanism, debt repayment plans and other debt repayment safeguards have not been changed

which are the same as the relevant commitments of raising instruction manual, the relevant implementations are as follows:

I. Debt repayment plan

The Company established the annual and monthly plan for application of funds based on the payment arrangement for coming due

principal and interest of the corporation bonds, reasonably managed and allocated the funds so as to make sure the due principal and

interest be paid in time. The capital sources for paying the corporation bonds in the report period were mainly the cash flow

generated by the Company’s operating activities and the bank loans.

II. Repayment safeguards for the Company’s bonds

In order to fully and effectively maintained the interests of the bondholders, the Company has made a series plans for the timely and

sufficient repayment for bonds in the report period, including confirming the specialized departments and personnel, arranging the

funds for repayment, establishing the management measures, achieving the organization coordination, and strengthening information

disclosure so as to form a set of safeguards to ensure the security payment of bond.

(I) Establish the "Bondholders' Meeting Rules"

The Company has established the "Bondholders' Meeting Rules" for the corporation bonds in accordance with the "Pilot Approach

for the Issuance of Corporation Bonds", appointed the range, procedures and other important matters for bondholders to exercise

rights by bondholders' meeting and made reasonable institutional arrangements to ensure the principal and interest of the corporation

bonds be paid timely and sufficiently.

(II) Engage bond trustee

The Company has engaged China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. as the trustee for the corporation bonds in accordance with the

"Pilot Approach for the Issuance of Corporation Bonds", and signed the "Bond Trusteeship Agreement". In the duration of the

corporation bonds, the bond trustee will maintain the interests of the Company’s bondholders according to the agreement.

(III) Establish the specialized reimbursement working group and set up special account for debt repayment

The Company used the funds raised from the bond strictly in accordance with the "Financial Management System" and "Financial

Funds Management Approach". The Company has appointed the financial department to take the lead and take charge of the

repayment of corporation bonds, implement and arrange the repayment funds for principal and interest of corporation bonds in the

annual financial budget so as to ensure the principal and interest be paid on time and guarantee the interests of bondholders. Within

15 working days before the annual interest pay day and annual principal pay day of corporation bonds, the Company specially


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

establishes a working group of which the members are composed of personnel from the company's financial management department

to take charge of the repayment of interests and other relevant work. The Company guarantees the funds for payment of interest will

be sent to the special repayment account three days before the annual interest payment and the funds for cashing principle will be

sent to the special repayment account one week before the due date of corporation bonds, the special repayment account will pay

both the principle and interest.

(IV) Improve profitability, strengthen funds management, and optimize debt structure

The Company has a rigorous financial system and a normative management system, account receivable turnover and inventory

turnover are in good status, the Company’s financial policies are steady, and the structure of assets and liabilities is reasonable. The

Company will continue its efforts to enhance the profitability of main business and the market competitiveness of products so as to

improve the Company 's return on assets; the Company also will continue to strengthen the management of accounts receivable and

inventory so as to improve accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover, and thereby enhance the Company 's ability to

obtain cash.

(V) Strict information disclosure

The Company follows the principle of truly, accurately and completely disclosing information so that the Company’s debt paying

ability and use of proceeds can be under the supervision of the bondholders, bond trustee and shareholders to prevent debt repayment


(VI) Other safeguards

When the Company cannot pay interest and principal on time or has other breach of contracts, the Company will at least take

following measures:

1. Do not distribute profits to shareholders.

2. Postpone the implementation of capital expenditure projects such as major foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions.

6. Information about the bond-holder meeting during the reporting period

There was no bond-holder meeting convened in the report period.

7. Information about the obligations fulfilled by the bond trustee in the report period

Bond trustee perform their duties as the agreement during the report period.

The Company disclosed the "2010 Annual Corporate Bonds Trusteeship Transaction Report (2015)" prepared by China Merchants

Securities Co., Ltd. at Juchao website (http//www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 20, 2016, to which investors are welcomed to refer.

The Company disclosed the " Major issues of 2010 Corporate Bonds Trusteeship Transaction Interim Report" prepared by China

Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. at Juchao website (http//www.cninfo.com.cn) on June 29, 2016, to which investors are welcomed to


8. The key accounting data and financial indicators for the end of the report period and the end of last year

(or the report period and the same period of last year)

Item The end of the report period The end of last year Increase/decrease (%)

Flow rate 38% 43% -5%


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Assets liabilities rate 53% 49% 4%

Speed ratio 31% 36% -5%

The report period The same period of last year Increase/decrease (%)

Interest coverage ratio of EBITDA 8.61 5.98 43.98%

Loan repayment rate 100% 100% 0%

Interest coverage ratio 100% 100% 0%

The main reason for the above main accounting data and financial indicators changed more than 30% y-o-y

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Interest coverage ratio of EBITDA increased mainly because profit for the period increased on a year-on-year basis.

9. Information about the restricted asset right by the end of the report period

Item The restricted amount Reason for restriction

The Company’s guarantee deposit for the application of opening letter of credit and

Monetary fund RMB 5,446,558

loan from the bank.

10. Debts fail to be repaid

□Applicable √Not applicable

No debts failed to be repaid.

11. Payment of principle and interest for other bonds and debt financing instruments during the report


Short-term financing bills

On April 23, 2016, the Company completed the repayment of the short- term financing bills with total amount of RMB 0.6 billion

and valid term of one year at the issuance rate of 4.28%, which issued on April 22, 2015.

On March 11, 2016, the Company completed the repayment of the ultra-short-term financing bills with total amount of RMB 0.8

billion and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 4.25%, which issued on June 12, 2015.

On July 11, 2016, the Company completed the repayment of the ultra-short-term financing bills with total amount of RMB 1.1 billion

and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 3.81%, which issued on October 13, 2015.

12. Information about of bank credit and use, as well as repayment of bank loans during the report period

In the report period, the Company gained bank credit of RMB 2,907.52 million and use quota of RMB 1,406.85 million and repaid

loans of RMB 3,988.40 million.

13. Information about fulfillment of the stipulations or commitments specified in the Prospectus of the

issuance of the bonds during the report period



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

14. Significant event occurring during the report period


15. Whether there is a guarantor of corporate bonds

□ Yes √ No


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in Share Capital

Unit: Share

Before the Change Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -) After the Change


Proportion New shares Bonus ion of Proportion

Amount Others Subtotal Amount

(%) issued shares public (%)


I. Restricted shares 8,679,666 0.42% 85,500 85,500 8,765,166 0.42%

1. State-owned shares 0 0%

2. State-owned legal person’s

shares 0 0%

3. Other domestic shares 8,679,666 0.42% 85,500 85,500 8,765,166 0.42%

Including: Domestic legal

0 0%

person’s shares

Domestic natural person’s

8,679,666 0.42% 85,500 85,500 8,765,166 0.42%


4. Foreign shares 0 0%

Including: Foreign legal

0 0%

person’s shares

Foreign natural person’s

0 0%


II. Unrestricted shares 2,066,655,894 99.58% -85,500 -85,500 2,066,570,394 99.58%

1. RMB Ordinary shares 1,304,071,902 62.84% 1,304,071,902 62.84%

2. Domestically listed foreign

shares 762,583,992 36.75% -85,500 -85,500 762,498,492 36.74%

3. Overseas listed foreign

shares 0 0%

4. Others 0 0%

III.Total shares 2,075,335,560 100% 2,075,335,560 100%

Reasons for share changed

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Appointment for senior executive

Approval of share changed

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

On 20 May 2016, the proposal of appointment for senior executive was deliberated and approved by the interim meeting of the 7th

Board of Directors of the Company, and Mr. Zhang Bozhong was appointed as Vice President of the Company, thus 75% shares

(85,500 shares) held by Mr. Zhang were included in executive restricted shares.

Ownership transfer for changed shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

shareholders of Company in the latest year and period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information necessary to be disclosed or need to be disclosed under requirement from security regulators

□Applicable √ Not applicable

Explanation on changes in aspects of total shares, shareholder structure, assets and liability structure of the Company

□Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shareholding

Unit: Share

Total preference shareholders with voting rights

Total shareholders at the end of the report period 139,047 Nil

recovered at end of the report period (if applicable)

Shareholder with above 5% shares hold or top 10 shareholders

Full name of Shareholders Nature of Proportion Total shares Changes in Amount of Amount of Number of share

shareholder of shares held at the report period restricted un-restricted pledged/frozen

held (%) end of report shares shares held

Share Amount

period held


Domestic non

Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

state-owned 21.78% 452,021,277 94,642,217 452,021,277

– Haili Niannian

legal person

China Northern Industries State-owned

3.62% 75,167,934 0 75,167,934

Corporation legal person

Domestic non

Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. state-owned 2.87% 59,552,120 0 59,552,120

legal person


Central Huijin Investment Ltd. 1.92% 39,811,300 0 39,811,300

legal person

Domestic non

Shenzhen International

state-owned 1.78% 37,040,200 0 37,040,200

Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

legal person

China Galaxy International Foreign legal

1.38% 28,692,212 -380,400 28,692,212

Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd. person

China Merchants Securities State-owned

1.36% 28,305,848 18,624,797 28,305,848

(Hongkong) Co., Ltd. legal person

Domestic non

China Securities Finance

state-owned 1.27% 26,357,447 0 26,357,447


legal person

Xintongchan Industrial Domestic non

0.70% 14,459,899 0 14,459,899

Development (Shenzhen) Co., state-owned


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Ltd. legal person


Foreign legal

EMERGING MARKETS 0.64% 13,280,792 0 13,280,792



Strategic investors or general legal N/A

person becomes top 10 shareholders due

to shares issued (if applicable)

Explanation on associated relationship Among shareholders as listed above, Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. is a related legal

among the aforesaid shareholders person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and Chengtai Group Co., Ltd., another related

legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd, which held 27,625,299 shares via China

Galaxy International Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen International Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and Xintongchan Industrial

Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. are holding enterprises and belong to controlling

enterprise of Shenzhen International Holdings Co., Ltd.

Except for the above-mentioned shareholders, It is unknown whether other shareholders

belong to related party or have associated relationship regulated by the Management

Regulation of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

Shareholders’ name Amount of un-restrict Type of shares

shares held at year-end

Type Amount

Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Haili Niannian 452,021,277 RMB ordinary shares 452,021,277

China Northern Industries Corporation 75,167,934 RMB ordinary shares 75,167,934

Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. 59,552,120 RMB ordinary shares 59,552,120

Central Huijin Investment Ltd. 39,811,300 RMB ordinary shares 39,811,300

Shenzhen International Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 37,040,200 RMB ordinary shares 37,040,200

China Galaxy International Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd. 28,692,212 Domestically listed foreign shares 28,692,212

China Merchants Securities (Hongkong) Co., Ltd. 28,305,848 Domestically listed foreign shares 28,305,848

China Securities Finance Corporation 26,357,447 RMB ordinary shares 26,357,447

Xintongchan Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., RMB ordinary shares

14,459,899 14,459,899



13,280,792 RMB ordinary shares 13,280,792


Among shareholders as listed above, Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. is a related legal

person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and Chengtai Group Co., Ltd., another related

Statement on associated relationship or

legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd, which held 27,625,299 shares via China

consistent action among the above

Galaxy International Securities (H.K.) Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen International Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and Xintongchan Industrial

Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. are holding enterprises and belong to controlling


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

enterprise of Shenzhen International Holdings Co., Ltd.

Except for the above-mentioned shareholders, It is unknown whether other shareholders

belong to related party or have associated relationship regulated by the Management

Regulation of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

Explanation on shareholders involving As of 30 June 2016, the Company’s shareholder, Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd., held

margin business (if applicable) 59,552,120 shares in total with 0 share in its general account and 59,552,120 shares via the

client credit trading guarantee account of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd.

59,552,120 shares of Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. which were held via the credit

securities account by margin trading mode were directly returned to its general account on

12 July 2016.

Buy back deals carried out by the shareholders in the report period

□Yes √ No

There were no buy back deals carried out by the shareholders in the report period.

III. Changes of controlling shareholder or actual controller

Changes of controlling shareholder in the report period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no change of controlling shareholder in the report period.

Changes of actual controller in the report period

□Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no change of actual controller in the report period.

IV. Particulars about shareholding increase scheme proposed or implemented in the report

period by shareholder of the Company and its concerted action person

□ Applicable √Not applicable

As far as the Company knows, no shareholder of the Company or its concerted action person proposed or implemented any

shareholding increase scheme in the report period.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior


I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

□Applicable √ Not applicable

There were no changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives in the report period. Details can be found in

Annual Report 2015.

II. Changes of the directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable□ Not applicable

Name Title Type Date Reasons

Chen Lin Director Be elected 2016-1-21 By-election of directors

Wang Jian Director Be elected 2016-1-21 By-election of directors

Ye Weiqing Director Be elected 2016-1-21 By-election of directors

Cheng Xibao Director Be elected 2016-1-21 By-election of directors

Due to the need of business development, the Board of

Hu Yong Vice President appointment 2016-3-23 Directors approved to appoint Mr. Hu Yong as Vice

President of the Company.

Due to the need of business development, the Board of

Zhang Bozhong Vice President appointment 2016-5-20 Directors approved to appoint Mr. Hu Yong as Vice

President of the Company.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section VIII. Financial Report

(I) Auditors’ Report

Whether the Semi-annual Report has been audited or not

□ Yes √ No

The Semi-annual Report of the Company has not been audited.

(II) Financial Statements

All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB.

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

Unit: RMB

Item Ending balance Beginning balance

Current asset:

Monetary capital 410,156,713 578,834,520

Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations

accounted into current income account

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 373,907,457 453,546,538

Account receivable 570,549,510 452,961,612

Prepayment 148,891,272 109,841,295

Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other account receivable 208,558,646 116,224,370

Repurchasing of financial assets

Inventories 412,025,146 350,425,732

Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset 209,932,151 118,359,117


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Total of current asset 2,334,020,895 2,180,193,184

Non-current assets

Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed

Available-for-sale financial asset

Expired investment in possess

Long-term receivable 50,104,299

Long-term share equity investment 668,210,253

Investment real estates

Fixed assets 11,504,543,244 10,199,674,929

Construction in process 1,090,294,600 1,339,340,780

Engineering goods

Fixed asset disposal

Production physical assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 1,076,270,201 846,238,811

R&D expense 44,864,564 26,280,426

Goodwill 722,389,281 3,039,946

Long-term amortizable expenses 1,281,448 1,597,865

Differed income tax asset 103,666,023 110,336,216

Other non-current asset 97,891,154 64,583,451

Total of non-current assets 14,641,200,515 13,309,406,976

Total of assets 16,975,221,410 15,489,600,160

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 4,034,851,007 3,216,326,670

Loan from Central Bank

Deposit received and hold for others

Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations

accounted into

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable 6,014,869 8,000,000

Account payable 1,136,684,714 915,266,051

Prepayment received 148,319,760 117,434,636

Selling of repurchased financial assets


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Fees and commissions receivable

Employees’ wage payable 140,222,521 170,539,613

Tax payable 92,920,852 119,826,177

Interest payable 152,327,588 89,363,806

Dividend payable

Other account payable 204,741,291 143,021,055

Reinsurance fee payable

Insurance contract provision

Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year 217,500,000 239,000,000

Other current liability 300,000 300,000

Total of current liability 6,133,882,602 5,019,078,008

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowings 1,402,000,000 1,200,000,000

Bond payable 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Long-term payable

Long-term payable employees’s remuneration

Special payable

Anticipated liabilities

Differed income 438,566,480 383,599,103

Differed income tax liability 20,338,456 9,531,572

Other non-recurring liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities 2,860,904,936 2,593,130,675

Total of liability 8,994,787,538 7,612,208,683

Owners’ equity

Share capital 2,075,335,560 2,075,335,560

Other equity instruments

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Capital reserves 1,260,481,460 1,261,391,272


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Less: Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income 3,475,825 2,967,772

Special reserves 13,766,216 15,437,498

Surplus reserves 881,972,330 881,972,330

Common risk provision

Undistributed profit 3,481,489,151 3,637,206,565

Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 7,716,520,542 7,874,310,997

Minor shareholders’ equity 263,913,330 3,080,480

Total of owners’ equity 7,980,433,872 7,877,391,477

Total of liability and owners’ equity 16,975,221,410 15,489,600,160

Legal Representative:Zeng Nan CFO:Luo Youming Manager of the financial department:Ding Jiuru

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Unit: RMB

Item Ending balance Beginning balance

Current asset:

Monetary capital 206,437,888 395,798,393

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations

accounted into current income account

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Account receivable

Prepayment 492,191

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other account receivable 3,918,265,469 4,283,715,036


Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset

Total of current asset 4,124,703,357 4,680,005,620

Non-current assets

Available-for-sale financial asset

Expired investment in possess


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Long-term receivable 2,169,115,620 2,139,873,923

Long-term share equity investment 4,988,091,791 4,337,777,738

Investment real estates

Fixed assets 28,022,552 30,806,106

Construction in process

Engineering goods

Fixed asset disposal

Production physical assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 1,540,137 1,762,037

R&D expense


Long-term amortizable expenses 447,120 894,241

Differed income tax asset

Other non-current asset 703,650

Total of non-current assets 7,187,920,870 6,511,114,045

Total of assets 11,312,624,227 11,191,119,665

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 3,500,000,000 2,900,000,000

Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations

accounted into

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Account payable 211,459

Prepayment received

Employees’ wage payable 28,500,020 38,240,000

Tax payable 3,632,755 39,469,245

Interest payable 50,063,286 79,906,647

Dividend payable

Other account payable 280,417,253 295,421,165

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year 141,000,000 239,000,000

Other current liability

Total of current liability 4,003,824,773 3,592,037,057


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Non-current liabilities

Long-term borrowings 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000

Bond payable 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Long-term payable

Long-term payable employees’s remuneration

Special payable

Anticipated liabilities

Differed income 12,789,420 10,543,800

Differed income tax liability

Other non-recurring liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities 2,212,789,420 2,210,543,800

Total of liability 6,216,614,193 5,802,580,857

Owners’ equity

Share capital 2,075,335,560 2,075,335,560

Other equity instruments

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Capital reserves 1,405,166,459 1,404,803,407

Less: Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income

Special reserves

Surplus reserves 896,517,690 896,517,690

Undistributed profit 718,990,325 1,011,882,151

Total of owners’ equity 5,096,010,034 5,388,538,808

Total of liability and owners’ equity 11,312,624,227 11,191,119,665

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

Item Balance of this period Balance of last period

I. Total revenue 4,228,165,642 3,323,039,502

Incl. Business income 4,228,165,642 3,323,039,502

Interest income


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost 3,720,133,533 3,214,501,324

Incl. Business cost 3,076,818,503 2,646,020,710

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid

Net insurance policy reserves provided

Insurance policy dividend paid

Reinsurance expenses

Business tax and surcharge 23,384,672 12,148,234

Sales expense 128,564,831 136,462,518

Administrative expense 358,937,506 282,368,089

Financial expenses 133,353,393 132,742,464

Asset impairment loss -925,372 4,759,309

Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for loss) -14,264,359 42,454,450

Incl. Investment gains from affiliates -14,264,359 -14,452,010

Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)

III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 493,767,750 150,992,628

Plus: non-operational income 50,038,364 76,155,971

Incl. Income from disposal of non-current assets 248,642 2,675,438

Less: non-operational expenditure 661,628 25,532

Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets 19,984 18,755

IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 543,144,486 227,123,067

Less: Income tax expenses 77,843,164 6,526,647

V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 465,301,322 220,596,420

Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company 466,883,254 205,767,344

Minor shareholders’ equity -1,581,932 14,829,076

VI. Net amount of other gains after tax 508,053 80,050,980

Net amount of other gains after tax attributable to owners

508,053 80,221,527

of parent company

(I) Other comprehensive income that will not be


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

reclassified into gains/losses afterward

1. Change of net liability or asset of beneficiary plan from


2. The share of comprehensive income in invested

entities under equity method which can not be reclassified

into profit or loss

(II) Other comprehensive income items that will be

reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting 508,053 80,221,527


1. The share of comprehensive income in invested

entities under equity method which can be reclassified

into profit or loss afterward

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available


for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and

losses of available for sale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial statements 508,053 -315,216


Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributable


to Minority shareholders’ equity

VII. Total of misc. incomes 465,809,375 300,647,400

Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the

467,391,307 285,988,871

parent company

Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders -1,581,932 14,658,529

VIII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.22 0.10

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.22 0.10

Legal Representative:Zeng Nan CFO:Luo Youming Manager of the financial department:Ding Jiuru

4. Income Statement of the Parent Co.

Unit: RMB

Items Balance of this period Balance of last period

I. Revenue 1,077,394 0

Less:business cost 60,334 0

Business tax and surcharge


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Sales expense

Administrative expense 61,907,277 17,964,162

Financial expenses 11,263,822 71,363,481

Asset impairment loss -1,770,242 7,044

Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for loss) 399,280,607 536,119,358

Incl. Investment gains from affiliates 9,850,045 -14,452,010

II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 328,896,810 446,784,671

Plus: non-operational income 766,180 22,234,014

Incl. Income from disposal of non-current assets 1,800 450

Less: non-operational expenditure

Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets

III. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 329,662,990 469,018,685

Less: Income tax expenses -45,852 -20,048,352

IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 329,708,842 489,067,037

V. Net amount of other gains after tax 79,790,488

(I) Other comprehensive income that will not be

reclassified into gains/losses afterward

1. Change of net liability or asset of beneficiary plan from


2. The share of comprehensive income in invested

entities under equity method which can not be reclassified

into profit or loss

(II) Other comprehensive income items that will be

reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting 79,790,488


1. The share of comprehensive income in invested

entities under equity method which can be reclassified

into profit or loss afterward

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available


for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and

losses of available for sale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial statements



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

VI. Total of misc. incomes 329,708,842 568,857,525

VII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share

(II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

Item Balance of this period Balance of last period

I. Net cash flow from business operation

Cash received from sales of products and providing of

4,822,965,397 3,678,762,331


Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for

brother company

Net increase of loans from central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial


Cash received against original insurance contract

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Net increase of client deposit and investment

Net increase of disposal of the financial assets measured

by fair value with the changes included in the current

gains and losses

Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

Tax returned 35,363,638 22,976,079

Other cash received from business operation 46,108,936 36,428,636

Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 4,904,437,971 3,738,167,046

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 2,769,544,694 2,463,302,682

Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings in central bank and brother


Cash paid for original contract claim

Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission

Cash paid for policy dividend


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 529,127,685 448,537,986

Taxes paid 336,130,323 243,006,911

Other cash paid for business activities 222,914,920 230,755,647

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 3,857,717,622 3,385,603,226

Cash flow generated by business operation, net 1,046,720,349 352,563,820

II. Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving 153,447,723

Cash received as investment profit 75,777,221

Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,

617,985 2,758,651

intangible assets, and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other


operational units

Other investment-related cash received 29,699,884 9,799,515

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 30,317,869 227,151,711

Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible

472,503,623 534,162,825

assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 4,250,000 208,540,307

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational



Other cash paid for investment activities 21,764,586 4,209,881

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 1,006,492,308 746,913,013

Net cash flow generated by investment -976,174,439 -519,761,302

III. Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment 5,500,000

Incl. Cash received as investment from minor



Cash received as loans 4,443,422,252 3,793,199,608

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing-related cash received 100,725,978 19,650,025

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 4,549,648,230 3,812,849,633

Cash to repay debts 3,988,397,915 2,425,458,345

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 693,264,874 1,190,310,895

Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor




CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Other cash paid for financing activities 109,125,965 2,158,619

Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 4,790,788,754 3,617,927,859

Net cash flow generated by financing -241,140,524 194,921,774

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and

559,892 -1,042,904

cash equivalents

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -170,034,722 26,681,388

Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the

574,744,877 156,838,260

beginning of term

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of

404,710,155 183,519,648


6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Co.

Unit: RMB

Item Balance of this period Balance of last period

I. Net cash flow from business operation

Cash received from sales of products and providing of


Tax returned

Other cash received from business operation 2,616,039 1,758,593

Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 2,616,039 1,758,593

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 62,007,982 50,046,583

Taxes paid 39,306,033 198,269

Other cash paid for business activities 6,551,752 6,450,318

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 107,865,767 56,695,170

Cash flow generated by business operation, net -105,249,728 -54,936,577

II. Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving 145,377,279

Cash received as investment profit 389,430,562 571,159,803

Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,

1,800 450

intangible assets, and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other


operational units

Other investment-related cash received 3,000,000

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 392,432,362 717,809,067


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible

117,326 637,788

assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 175,755,000 45,791,650

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational



Other cash paid for investment activities 4,229,882

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 640,218,282 50,659,320

Net cash flow generated by investment -247,785,920 667,149,747

III. Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment

Cash received as loans 4,110,000,600 3,455,447,602

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing-related cash received 326,432,420

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 4,436,433,020 3,455,447,602

Cash to repay debts 3,608,000,600 2,211,297,402

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 662,199,041 1,119,056,925

Other cash paid for financing activities 736,881,547

Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 4,270,199,641 4,067,235,874

Net cash flow generated by financing 166,233,379 -611,788,272

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and

-2,568,311 -5,614,641

cash equivalents

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -189,370,580 -5,189,743

Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the

394,606,753 67,898,286

beginning of term

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of

205,236,173 62,708,543



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

Amount of the Current Term


Amount of the Current Term

Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other equity instruments Minority

Items Other shareholders’ Total of owners’

Perpetua Less: Common

Capital Special Surplus Retained

Share capital Preferre l capital treasury comprehensi risk Total of equity

Others reserve reserves reserves profit

securitie stock ve income provision owners’ equity

d share


I. Balance at the end

of the previous 2,075,335,560 1,261,391,272 2,967,772 15,437,498 881,972,330 3,637,206,565 3,080,480 7,877,391,477


Plus: change of

accounting policy

Correction of errors in

previous periods

Business combination

under the same control


II. Balance at the

beginning of current 2,075,335,560 1,261,391,272 2,967,772 15,437,498 881,972,330 3,637,206,565 3,080,480 7,877,391,477


III. Amount of change

-909,812 508,053 -1,671,282 -155,717,414 260,832,850 103,042,395

in current term


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(“-“ for decrease)

(I) Total amount of the

comprehensive 508,053 466,883,254 -1,581,932 465,809,375


(II) Capital paid in and

5,500,000 5,500,000

reduced by owners

1. Common shares

invested by the 5,500,000 5,500,000


2. Capital invested by

the owners of other

equity instruments

3. Amounts of

share-based payments

recognized in owners’


4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -622,600,668 -622,600,668

1. Appropriations to

surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to

general risk


3. Appropriations to

owners (or -622,600,668 -622,600,668



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

4. Others

(IV) Internal

carry-forward of

owners’ equity

1. New increase of

capital (or share

capital ) from capital

public reserves

2. New increase of

capital (or share

capital) from surplus


3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Others

(V) Specific reserve -1,671,282 -1,671,282

1. Withdrawn for the

3,465,325 3,465,325


2. Used in the period 5,136,607 5,136,607

(VI) Others -909,812 256,914,782 256,004,970

IV. Balance at the end

of this term 2,075,335,560 1,260,481,460 3,475,825 13,766,216 881,972,330 3,481,489,151 263,913,330 7,980,433,872


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Amount of Last Year

Unit: RMB

Amount of the same period of last year

Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company


Other equity instruments Commo

Items Other shareholders’ Total of owners’


Preferr Perpetual Capital Special Surplus n risk

Share capital treasury comprehensi Retained profit Total of equity

ed capital Others reserve reserves reserves provisio

stock ve income owners’ equity

share securities n

I. Balance at the end

of the previous 2,075,335,560 1,340,090,907 -13,521,093 14,562,826 830,772,731 4,101,320,834 304,886,385 8,653,448,150


Plus: change of

accounting policy

Correction of errors in

previous periods

Business combination

under the same control


II. Balance at the

beginning of current 2,075,335,560 1,340,090,907 -13,521,093 14,562,826 830,772,731 4,101,320,834 304,886,385 8,653,448,150


III. Amount of change

in current term -79,132,773 80,221,527 237,949 -831,900,436 -245,521,369 -1,076,095,102

(“-“ for decrease)


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(I) Total amount of the

comprehensive 80,221,527 205,767,344 14,658,529 300,647,400


(II) Capital paid in and

reduced by owners

1. Common shares

invested by the


2. Capital invested by

the owners of other

equity instruments

3. Amounts of

share-based payments

recognized in owners’


4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -1,037,667,780 -41,417,660 -1,079,085,440

1. Appropriations to

surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to

general risk


3. Appropriations to

owners (or -1,037,667,780 -41,417,660 -1,079,085,440


4. Others


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(IV) Internal

carry-forward of

owners’ equity

1. New increase of

capital (or share

capital ) from capital

public reserves

2. New increase of

capital (or share

capital) from surplus


3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Others

(V) Specific reserve 237,949 237,949

1. Withdrawn for the

2,691,116 2,691,116


2. Used in the period 2,453,167 2,453,167

(VI) Others -79,132,773 -218,762,238 -297,895,011

IV. Balance at the end

of this term 2,075,335,560 1,260,958,134 66,700,434 14,800,775 830,772,731 3,269,420,398 59,365,016 7,577,353,048

8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)

Amount of the Current Term


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Unit: RMB

Amount of the Current Term

Other equity instruments

Less: Other

Items Capital Special Surplus Retained Total of owners’


Share capital Preferred treasury comprehensive

capital Others reserve reserves reserves profit equity

share stock income


I. Balance at the end of the previous 2,075,335,560 1,404,803,407 896,517,690 1,011,882,151 5,388,538,808

Plus: change of accounting policy

Correction of errors in previous



II. Balance at the beginning of current

2,075,335,560 1,404,803,407 896,517,690 1,011,882,151 5,388,538,808


III. Amount of change in current term

363,052 -292,891,826 -292,528,774

(“-“ for decrease)

(I) Total amount of the comprehensive

329,708,842 329,708,842


(II) Capital paid in and reduced by


1. Common shares invested by the


2. Capital invested by the owners of

other equity instruments


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

3. Amounts of share-based payments

recognized in owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -622,600,668 -622,600,668

1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to general risk -622,600,668 -622,600,668

3. Others

(IV) Internal carry-forward of owners’


1. New increase of capital (or share

capital ) from capital public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or share

capital) from surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves for making up


4. Others

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Others 363,052 363,052

IV. Balance at the end of this term

2,075,335,560 1,405,166,459 896,517,690 718,990,325 5,096,010,034


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Amount of Last Year

Uniit: RMB

Amount of the same period of last year

Other equity instruments

Less: Other

Items Capital Special Surplus Total of owners’


Share capital Preferred treasury comprehensive Retained profit

capital Others reserve reserves reserves equity

share stock income


I. Balance at the end of the previous 2,075,335,560 1,403,806,545 -15,223,855 845,318,091 1,588,753,536 5,897,989,877

Plus: change of accounting policy

Correction of errors in previous



II. Balance at the beginning of current

2,075,335,560 1,403,806,545 -15,223,855 845,318,091 1,588,753,536 5,897,989,877


III. Amount of change in current term

363,052 79,790,488 -548,600,743 -468,447,203

(“-“ for decrease)

(I) Total amount of the comprehensive

79,790,488 489,067,037 568,857,525


(II) Capital paid in and reduced by


1. Common shares invested by the


2. Capital invested by the owners of

other equity instruments


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

3. Amounts of share-based payments

recognized in owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -1,037,667,780 -1,037,667,780

1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to general risk -1,037,667,780 -1,037,667,780

3. Others

(IV) Internal carry-forward of owners’


1. New increase of capital (or share

capital ) from capital public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or share

capital) from surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves for making up


4. Others

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Others 363,052 363,052

IV. Balance at the end of this term

2,075,335,560 1,404,169,597 64,566,633 845,318,091 1,040,152,793 5,429,542,674


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

III. Basic Information of the Company

CSG Holding Co Ltd (the “Company”) was incorporated in September 1984, known as China South Glass Company, as a joint

venture enterprise by Hong Kong China Merchants Shipping Co., LTD (香港招商局轮船股份有限公司), Shenzhen Building

Materials Industry Corporation (深圳建筑材料工业集团公司), China North Industries Corporation (中国北方工业深圳公司)

and Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corporation (广东国际信托投资公司). The Company was registered in

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China and its headquarter locates in Guangdong Province of the

People's Republic of China. The Company issued RMB-dominated ordinary shares and foreign shares publicly in October 1991

and January 1992 respectively, and listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on February 1992. On 31 December 2015, the

registered capital was RMB 2,075,335,560, with nominal value of RMB1 per share.

The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) are mainly engaged in the manufacture and sales of

flat glass, specialised glass, achitectural glass, energy-saving energy meterials with glass as the medium, polysilicon and solar

module and electronic glass and display, as well as the construction and operation of photovoltaic plant.

The financial statements were authorised for issue by the board of directors on 16 August 2016.

Details of major subsidiaries that were included in the financial statements please refer to Note 9(1).

IV. Basis of the preparation of financial statements

1. Basis of the preparation

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard,

and the specific accounting standards and other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance on 15 February 2006 and

in subsequent periods (hereafter collectively referred to as “the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”), and

“Information Disclosure Rule No. 15 for Companies with Public Traded Securities - Financial Reporting General Provision”

issued by China Security Regulatory Commission.

2. Going concern

As at 30 June 2016, the Group had net current liabilities of about RMB 3.8 billion and committed capital expenditure of RMB 185

million. The directors of the Company has assessed the following facts and conditions: a) the Group has been able to generate

positive operating cash flows in prior years and expect to do so during the coming year; As at 30 June 2016, the net cash inflow from

operation activities was approximately RMB1.047 billion. b) the Group has maintained good relationship with banks so the Group

has been able to successfully get adequate financing credit; As at 30 June 2016, the Group had unutilised internal banking facilities of

approximately RMB 6.4 billion, including the long-term banking facilities of approximately RMB 0.8 billion. In addition, the Group

also has other available financing channels, such as short-term financing bills, ultra-short –term financing notes, medium term notes

and perpetual bonds. The directors are of view that the above banking facilities can meet the funding requirements of the Group’s

debt servicing and capital commitment. Accordingly, the directors of the Company had adopted the going concern basis in the

preparation of this financial statement of the Company and the Group.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

The Group determines its specific accounting policies and estimates according to manufacturing and operation feature. It mainly

reflected in provision for bad debts of receivables, inventory costing method, amortization of fixed assets and intangible assets,

criteria for determining capitalised development expenditure, and timing for revenue recognition.

Please see the note V (28) for the key judgements adopted by the Group in applying important accounting policies.

1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements of the Company for the first half year of 2016 truly and completely present the financial position as of 30

June 2016 and the operating results, cash flows and other information for the first half year of 2016 of the Group and the Company in

compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

2. Accounting period

The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

3. Operating cycle

The Company’s operating cycle starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

4. Recording currency

The recording currency is Renminbi (RMB).

5. Accounting process method of Business combinations under common and different controlling.

(a)Business combinations involving entities under common control

The assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying

amount in the combined party. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the

carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not

sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. Costs directly attributable to business combination are recorded into the

profits and losses once incurred. Transaction costs attributed to issue equity securities or debt securities for business combination are

recorded into initial recognition amounts of equity securities or debt securities.

(b) Business combinations involving entities not under common control

The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are measured at the fair value at

the acquisition date. The excess of the cost of acquisition over the Group’s share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired is

recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is less than the Group’s share of fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the

difference is recognised directly in the income statement. Costs directly attributable to business combination are included in the profits

and losses once incurred. Transaction costs attributed to issue equity securities or debt securities for business combination are recorded

into initial recognition amounts of equity securities or debt securities.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

6. Basis of preparation of consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiaries.

Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date when the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated from the date when control ceases.

For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination involving enterprises under common control, it is included in the consolidated

financial statements from the date when it, together with the Company, comes under common control of the ultimate controlling party.

The portion of the net profits realised before the combination date is presented separately in the consolidated income statement.

When preparing the consolidated financial statements, if the accounting policies and the accounting periods of the Company and

subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and the

accounting period of the Company. For subsidiaries acquired from business combinations involving enterprises not under common

control, the individual financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the

acquisition date.

All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised profits are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements. The

portion of subsidiaries’ equity and the portion of a subsidiaries’ net profits and losses and comprehensive incomes for the period not

attributable to Company are recognised as minority interests and presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under

equity, net profits and total comprehensive income respectively. Unrealized profits and losses resulting from the sale of assets by the

Company to the subsidiary fully eliminate the net profits attributable to equity holders of the parent; unrealized profits and losses

resulting from the sale of assets by the subsidiary to the Company are eliminated and allocated between net profit attributable to owners

of the parent and minority interests in accordance with the allocation proportion of the Company in the subsidiary. Unrealized profits and

losses resulting from the sale of assets by one subsidiary to another are eliminated and allocated between net profit attributable to owners

of the parent and minority interests in accordance with the allocation proportion of the parent in the subsidiary.

If the accounting treatment of a transaction which considers the Group as an accounting entity is different from that considers the

Company or its subsidiaries as an accounting entity, it is adjusted from the perspective of the Group.

7. Classification of joint venture arrangements and methods of accounting for joint operation

8. Confirmation standard of cash and cash equivalent

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and short-term and highly liquid

investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Translating of foreign currency operations and foreign currency report form

(a) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions.

At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rates on

the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these translations are recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except

for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

qualifying assets, which are capitalised as part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are

measured at historical costs are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot exchange rates at the date of the transactions. The effect

of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

(b) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the balance sheets for overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates on the balance sheet

date. Among the owners’ equity items, the items other than “undistributed profits” are translated at the spot exchange rates of the

transaction dates. The income and expense items in the income statements of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates

of the transaction dates. The differences arising from the above translation are presented separately in the owners’ equity. The cash flows

of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the cash flows. The effect of exchange rate changes on

cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

10. Financial instruments

(a) Financial assets

(i) Classifications of financial assets

Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,

receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity investments. The classification of financial assets depends on the

Group’s intention and ability to hold the financial assets. The Group has no financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and

held-to-maturity investments for 2014.


Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Receivables

comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables.

Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of

the other categories at initial recognition. Available-for-sale financial assets are included in other current assets on the balance sheet if

management intends to dispose of them within 12 months after the balance sheet date.

(ii) Recognition and measurement

Financial assets are recognised at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the

financial instrument. The related transaction costs that are attributable to the acquisition of receivables and available-for-sale financial

assets are included in their initial recognition amounts.

Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are measured at cost when

they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. Receivables are measured

at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Gains or losses arising from change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognised directly in equity, except for


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from translation of monetary financial assets. When such financial

assets are derecognised, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognised directly into equity are recycled into profit or loss for the

current period. Interests on available-for-sale investments in debt instruments calculated using the effective interest method during the

period in which such investments are held and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale investments in equity

instruments are recognised as investment income, which is recognised in profit or loss for the period.

(iii) Impairment of financial assets

The Group assesses the carrying amounts of financial assets at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that a financial asset

is impaired, an impairment loss is provided for.

Objective evidence indicating impairment of financial assets refers to the matter that actually occurs after the initial recognition of

financial assets, it will affect estimated future cash flows of financial assets, and its impact can be reliably measured.

Objective evidence which indicates the occurrence of impairment for available-for-sale equity instruments includes significant or

non-temporary decrease of fair value of equity instruments investment. The Group conducts individual inspection on each

available-for-sale equity instruments investment at balance sheet date, if the fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument is less

than its initial investment cost for more than 50% (including 50%) or less than its initial investment cost continually for more than 1 year,

that means impairment incurred; if the fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument is less than its initial investment cost for more

than 20% (including 20%) but has not reached 50%, the Group will comprehensively consider other factors such as price volatility to

determine whether the equity instrument investment has been impaired. The Group calculates the initial investment cost of initial

available-for-sale equity instruments investment using the weighted average method.

When an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortised cost has occurred, the amount of loss is provided for at the difference

between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of its estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not

been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an

event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is

recognised in profit or loss.

If an impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value is incurred, the cumulative losses arising from the

decline in fair value that had been recognised directly in shareholders' equity are transferred out from equity and into impairment loss.

For an investment in debt instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognised, if, in a

subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was

recognised in profit or loss, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed into profit or loss for the current period. For an

investment in an equity instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognised, the increase in its

fair value in a subsequent period is recognised directly in equity.

(iv) Derecognition of financial assets

Financial assets are derecognised when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets have expired; or ii) all

substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or iii) the control over the financial asset has

been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards relating to the ownership of a financial asset.

On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and the


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

cumulative changes in fair value that had been recognised directly in owner's equity, is recognised in profit or loss.

(b) Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are classified into two categories at initial recognition: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other

financial liabilities. The financial liabilities in the Group mainly comprise of other financial liabilities, including payables, borrowings

and bonds payable.

Payables comprise accounts payable, notes payable and other payables, which are recognised initially at fair value and measured

subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Borrowings and bonds payable are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently measured at

amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Other financial liabilities within one year (including one year) is presented as current liabilities, while non-current financial liabilities due

with one year (including one year) is reclassified as non-current liabilities due within one year. Others are presented as non-current


A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognised when all or part of the obligation is extinguished. The difference

between the carrying amount of a financial liability (or a part of financial liability) extinguished and the consideration paid is recognised

in the income statement.

(c) Determination of fair value of financial instruments

The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the active market. The fair

value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a valuation technique. During valuation, the

Group adopts a valuation technique suitable for current situation, which is supported by sufficient available data and other information,

chooses the inputs consistent with the feature of assets or liabilities considered in the transaction thereof with market participants, and

uses related observable inputs in preference to the greatest extent. Unobservable inputs are used when it is unable to obtain or is

infeasible for related observable inputs.

11. Recognition standard impairment and receivables

(1) Bad debt provision on receivable accounts with major amount individually

The basis or amount for individually significant receivables

Basis of recognition or standard amount of Receivables that are

is individually greater than 20 million.

individually significant

Receivables that are individually significant are subject to

separate impairment assessment. A provision for impairment

of the receivable is recognized if there is objective evidence

Basis of bad debt provision

that the Group will not be able to collect the full amounts

according to the original terms.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(2) Receivables that are provided for provision based on their credit risk characteristics

Name of the portfolio Basis of bad debt provision

Portfolio 1 according to percentage of balance method

Portfolio 2 according to percentage of balance method

Accounts on percentage basis in the portfolio:

√Applicable □Non-applicable

Percentage of provision for Percentage of provision for other

Name of the portfolio

accounts receivable(%) receivables(%)

Portfolio 1 2% 2%

Portfolio 2 2% 2%

Accounts on other basis in the portfolio:

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3) The method of provision for impairment of receivables that are individually significant

Reason for providing bad debt A provision for impairment of the receivable is recognized if there is objective evidence that

individually: the Group will not be able to collect the full amounts according to the original terms.

The provision for impairment of the receivable is established at the difference between the

Basis of bad debt provision:

carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of estimated future cash flows.

12. Inventories


Inventories refer to manufacturing sector, including raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and turnover materials, and are

measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

(b)Inventory costing method

Cost is determined using the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress comprise raw materials,

direct labour and systematically allocated production overhead based on the normal production capacity.

(c)Amortisation methods of low value consumables and packaging materials

Turnover materials include low value consumables and packaging materials, which are expensed when issued.

(d)The determination of net realisable value and the method of provision for impairment of inventories

Provision for decline in the value of inventories is determined at the excess amount of the carrying amounts of the inventories over

their net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business,

less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to make the sale and related taxes.

The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

13. Classified as assets held for sale

A non-current asset or a disposal group is classified as held for sale when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the

non-current asset or the disposal group is available for immediate sale in its present condition subject only to terms that are usual

and customary for sales of such non-current asset or disposal group; (2) the Group has made a resolution and obtained appropriate

approval for disposal of the non-current asset or the disposal group; (3) the Group has signed an irrevocable transfer agreement

with the transferee; and (4) the transfer is to be completed within one year.

Non-current assets (except for financial assets and deferred tax assets) that meet the recognition criteria for held for sale are

recognised at the amount equal to the lower of the fair value less costs to sell and the carrying amount. The difference between fair

value less costs to sell and the carrying amount should be presented as impairment loss.

Such non-current assets and assets included in disposal groups as classified as held for sale are accounted for as current assets;

while liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale are accounted for as current liabilities, which are presented

separately in the balance sheet.

A discontinued operation is a component of the Group that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale, and is

separately identifiable operationally and for financial reporting purposes, and satisfies one of the following conditions: (1)

represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; (2) is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose

of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; and (3) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to


14. Long-term equity investments

Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries, and the Group’s long-term

equity investments in its associates.

Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. Associates are the investees that the Group has

significant influence on their financial and operating policies.

Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial statements, and adjusted by using the

equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity

method. Long-term equity investments where the Group does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the

investees, and which are not quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured are measured using the

cost method.

a. Initial recognition

For long-term equity investments formed in business combination: when obtained from business combinations involving entities

under common control, the long-term equity investment is stated at carrying amount of equity for the combined parties at the time

of merger; when the long-term equity investment obtained from business combinations involving entities not under common

control, the investment is measured at combination cost.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

For long-term equity investments not formed in business combination: the one paid by cash is initially measured at actual purchase

price; the long-term investment obtained by issuing equity securities is stated at fair value of equity securities as initial investment


b. Subsequent measurement and recognition method of profit or loss

Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method are measured at initial investment cost. Cash dividend or profit

distribution declared by the investees is recognised as investment income in profit or loss.

For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost exceeds the Group’s

share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the investment is initially measured at cost.

Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time

of acquisition, the difference is included in profit or loss for the current period and the cost of the long-term equity investment is

adjusted upwards accordingly.

For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, the Group recognises the investment income according to

its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group discontinues recognising its share of the net losses of an investee after the

carrying amounts of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the

investor’s net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losses and the

criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on contingencies are satisfied, the Group continues

recognising the investment losses and the provisions. For changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than those arising from its

net profit or loss, its proportionate share is directly recorded into capital surplus, provided that the proportion of shareholding of the

Group in the investee remains unchanged. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit

distribution or cash dividends declared by an investee. The unrealised profits or losses arising from the transactions between the

Group and its investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s equity interest in the investees, based on which the investment

gain or losses are recognised. Any losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its investees attributable to asset

impairment losses are not eliminated.

c. Definition of control, joint control and significant influence over the investees

The term "control" refers to the power in the investees, to obtain variable returns by participating in the related business activities

of the investees, and the ability to affect the returns by exercising its power over the investees.

The term "significant influence" refers to the power to participate in the formulation of financial and operating policies of an

enterprise, but not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other parties.

d. Impairment of long-term equity investments

The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates is reduced to the recoverable amount when the

recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

15. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition and initial measurement

Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, computers and electronic equipment and office

equipment.Fixed assets are recognised when it is probable that the related economic benefits will flow to the Group and the

costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially measured at cost at the time of

acquisition.Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable that

the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably measured. The carrying amount of

the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which

they are incurred.

(2) Depreciation

Categories Depreciation method Depreciation age (year) Salvage Value Rate (%) Annual depreciation rate (%)

Houses & buildings straight-line method 20–35 5% 2.71% ~ 4.75%

Equipment & machinery straight-line method 8–15 5% 4.75%~11.88%


straight-line method 5–8 0% 12.50%~20%

equipment and others

16. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, installation costs, borrowing costs

that are eligible for capitalisation and other costs necessary to bring the fixed assets ready for their intended use. Actual cost

also includes net of trial production cost and trial production income before construction in progress is put into production.

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use, and depreciation begins

from the following month.

The carrying amount of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below

the carrying amount.

17. Borrowing costs

The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of a fixed asset that needs a substantially

long period of time for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as part of the cost of the asset when

expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and the activities relating to the acquisition and construction

that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use have commenced. The capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when

the asset under acquisition or construction becomes ready for its intended use and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are

recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the

acquisition or construction of a fixed asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the

acquisition or construction is resumed.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

For the specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset qualifying for capitalisation, the amount

of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by deducting any interest income earned from depositing the unused

specific borrowings in the banks or any investment income arising on the temporary investment of those borrowings during the

capitalisation period.

For the general borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset qualifying for capitalisation, the amount

of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying the weighted average effective interest rate of general

borrowings, to the weighted average of the excess amount of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amount of specific

borrowings. The effective interest rate is the rate at which the estimated future cash flows during the period of expected

duration of the borrowings or applicable shorter period are discounted to the initial amount of the borrowings.

18. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing of intangible assets

Intangible assets including land use rights and, patents and exploitation rights, intangible assets are measured at cost.

(a)Land use rights

Land use rights are amortised on the straight-line basis over their approved use period of 30 to 70 years. If the acquisition costs of the

land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reasonably allocated between the land use rights and the buildings, all of the

acquisition costs are recognised as fixed assets.


Patents are amortised on a straight-line basis over the patent protection period of 10 years as stipulated by the laws.

(c)Exploitation rights

Exploitation rights are amortized on a straight-line basis over permitted exploitation periods of 10 years set out on the exploitation


(d)Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is performed at each year-end, with

adjustment made as appropriate.

(e) If the recoverable amount of intangible asset is less than its carrying value, the carrying value is deducted to recoverable amount.

(2) Research and development

The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research phase and expenditure on

the development phase based on its nature and whether there is material uncertainty that the research and development activities can

form an intangible asset at end of the project.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Expenditure on the research phase related to planned survey, evaluation and selection for research on manufacturing technique is

recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred. Prior to mass production, expenditure on the development phase related

to the design and testing phase in regards to the final application of manufacturing technique is capitalised only if all of the following

conditions are satisfied:

The development of manufacturing technique has been fully demonstrated by technical team;

The management has approved the budget for the development of manufacturing technique;

There exists research and analysis of pre-market research explaining that products manufactured with such technique are capable of


There is sufficient technical and capital to support the development of manufacturing technique and subsequent mass production; and

the expenditure on manufacturing technique development can be reliably gathered.

Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are

incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not recognised as an asset in a subsequent period. Capitalised

expenditure on the development phase is presented as development costs in the balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the

date that the asset is ready for its intended use.

19. Impairment of long-term assets

Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives and long-term equity investments in joint ventures and

associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that the assets may be impaired at the balance sheet date; intangible assets

not ready for their intended use are tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of whether there is any indication that they may

be impaired. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, a

provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its

recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future

cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognised on the individual asset

basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which

the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements is tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of whether there

is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, the carrying value of goodwill is allocated to the related asset groups or

groups of asset groups which are expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates

that the recoverable amount of an asset group or group of asset groups, including the allocated goodwill, is lower than its carrying

amount, the corresponding impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss is first deducted from the carrying amount of goodwill

that is allocated to the asset group or group of asset groups, and then deducted from the carrying amounts of other assets within the asset

groups or groups of asset groups in proportion to the carrying amounts of assets other than goodwill.

Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the subsequent periods.

20. Long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditures that have been incurred but should be recognised as expenses over more than one

year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortised on the straight-line basis over the expected


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure net of accumulated amortisation.

21. Employee benefits

(1) Short-term employee benefits accounting method

Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term

employee benefits provided in various forms of consideration in exchange for service rendered by employees or compensations for the

termination of employment relationship.

a.Short-term employee benefits

Short-term employee benefits include employee wages or salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff welfare, premiums or

contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, housing funds, union running costs and employee

education costs, short-term paid absences. The employee benefit liabilities are recognised in the accounting period in which the service

is rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant assets.

Employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits shall be measured at fair value.

(2)Post-employment benefits accounting method

The Group classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans. Defined contribution

plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Group pays fixed contributions into a separate fund and will have no

obligation to pay further contributions; and Defined benefit plans are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution

plans. During the reporting period, the Group's post-employment benefits mainly include basic pensions and unemployment insurance,

both of which belong to the defined contribution plans.

Basic pensions

The Group’s employees participate in the basic pension plan set up and administered by local authorities of Ministry of Human

Resource and Social Security. Monthly payments of premiums on the basic pensions are calculated according to prescribed bases and

percentage by the relevant local authorities. When employees retire, the relevant local authorities are obliged to pay the basic pensions

to them. The amounts based on the above calculations are recognised as liabilities in the accounting period in which the service has

been rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant assets.

(3)Termination benefits accounting method

The Group provides compensation for terminating the employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment

contracts or as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy before the end of the employment contracts. The Group

recognises a liability arising from compensation for termination of the employment relationship with employees, with a corresponding

charge to profit or loss at the earlier of the following dates: 1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination

benefits because of an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal; 2) when the Group recognises costs or expenses related

to the restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

The termination benefits expected to be paid within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current liabilities.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

22. Provisions

Business restructuring, provisions for product warranties, onerous contracts etc. are recognised when the Group has a present obligation,

it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be

measured reliably.

A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation. Factors

surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time value of money, are taken into account as a whole in reaching

the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting

the related future cash outflows. The increase in the discounted amount of the provision arising from passage of time is recognised as

interest expense.

The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

23. Revenue recognition

The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the Sale of goods

and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is shown net of discounts, rebates and returns.

Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Group, the related revenue can be

reliably measured, and the specific revenue recognition criteria have been met for each type of the Group’s activities as described


(a)Sale of goods

The Group mainly sells flat and engineer glass, fine glass, and products related to solar energy. For domestic sales, the Group delivers

the products to a certain place specified in the contract. When the buyer takes over the goods, the Group recognizes revenue. For export

sales, the Group recognizes the revenue when it finished clearing goods for export and deliver the goods on board the vessel, or when

the goods are delivered to a certain place specified in the contract. For above sales, when the buyer takes over the goods, the buyer has

the right to sell the products, and should bear the risk of price fluctuation or goods damage

(b)Rendering of services

Revenue is recognized for the rendering of service by the Group to external parties upon the completion of related service.

(c)Transfer of asset use rights

Interest income is recognized on a time-proportion basis using the effective interest method.

24. Government grants

(1)Judgment basis and accounting method of government grants related to an asset

Government grants are the monetary asset the Group receives from the government for free, including tax refund, government subsidies,



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Grants from the government are recognised when there is a reasonable assurance that the grants will be received and the Group will

comply with all attached conditions. Monetary government grants are measured at the amounts received or receivable. Non-monetary

government grant are measured at fair value, if the fair value cannot be reliably obtained, it is measured at nominal amount.

Government grants related to an asset refer to the government assets which are obtained by enterprises for the purposes of purchase or

construction of, or which form the long-term assets by other ways. Government grants related to income refers to government grants

other than those related to assets.

Deferred income is recognized for government grants related to an asset and evenly allocated over the useful life of the related assets,

which are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Government grants measured at nominal amount is directly recognised in

profit or loss for current period.

(2) Judgment basis and accounting method of government grants related to income

Government grants related to income, which is used to compensate the costs or losses incurred in future, are recognised as deferred

income and recognised in profit or loss over the period in which related costs are recognised.

25. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences arising between the tax bases of

assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). Deferred tax asset is recognised for the deductible losses that

can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the taxable profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax liability

is recognised for a temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is

recognised for the temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a

business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred

tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or

the liability is settled.

Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits to the extent that it is

probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax

credits can be utilised.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates, except where

the Group is able to control the timing of reversal of the temporary difference, and it is probable that the temporary difference will not

reverse in the foreseeable future. When it is probable that the temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and

associates will be reversed in the foreseeable future and that the taxable profit will be available in the future against which the

temporary differences can be utilised, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognised.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:

the deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority; and,

that tax payer within the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

26. Leases

(1) Accounting method of operating lease

Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease, and are either capitalised as

part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for the current period.

Lease income under an operating lease is recognised as revenue on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.

(2) Accounting method of financing lease

A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset is a finance lease. An operating lease is

a lease other than financing lease.

27. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key assumption applied based on historical experience and other

factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable.

The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying

amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined below:

(a)Income taxes

The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. There are many transactions and events for which the ultimate tax

determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. Significant judgement is required from the Group in determining the

provision for income taxes in each of these jurisdictions. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that

were initially recorded, such differences will impact the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which such

determination is made.

(b)Deferred income tax

Estimates on deferred tax assets are based on estimates on amount of taxable income and applicable tax rate for every year.

Realization of deferred income tax is subject to sufficient taxable income that is possible to be obtained by the Group in the future.

Change of the future tax rate as well as the reversed time of temporary difference might have effects on tax expense (income) and the

balance of deferred tax assets or liabilities. Those estimates may also cause significant adjustment on deferred tax.

(c)Impairment of long-term assets (excluding goodwill)

Long-term assets at the balance sheet date should be subject to impairment testing if there are any indications of impairment. The

management determines whether the long-term assets impaired or not by evaluating and analysing following aspects: (1) whether the

event affecting assets impairment occurs; (2) whether the expected obtainable present value of future cash flows is lower than the

asset’s carrying amount by continually using the assets or disposal; and (3) whether the assumptions used in expected obtainable

present value of future cash flows are appropriate.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Various assumptions, including the discount rate and growth rate applied in the method of present value of future cash flow, are

required in evaluating the recoverable amount of assets. If these assumptions cannot be conformed, the recoverable amount should be

modified, and the long-term assets may be impaired accordingly.

(d)The useful life of fixed assets

The management estimates the useful life of fixed assets, based on historical experiences on using fixed assets that have similar

properties and functions. When there are differences between actually useful life and previously estimation, the management will

adjust estimation to useful life of fixed assets. The fixed assets would be written off or written down when fixed assets been disposed or

became redundant. There will be difference between the results of estimation and actual results for next accounting period, so

significant adjustments may be made to the carrying amount of fixed assets in balance sheet.

28. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

□Applicable √ Not applicable

(2)Changes in significant accounting estimates

□Applicable √ Not applicable

29. Others

Safety production reserve

According to relevant regulations of the Ministry of Finance and National Administration of Work Safety, a subsidiary of the Group

which is engaged in producing and selling polysilicon appropriates safety production reserve on following basis:

(a)4% for revenue below RMB 10 million of the year;

(b)2% for the revenue between RMB 10 million to RMB 100 million of the year;

(c)0.5% for the revenue between RMB 100 million to RMB 1 billion of the year;

(d)0.2% for the revenue above RMB 1 billion of the year.

The safety production reserve is mainly used for the overhaul, renewal and maintenance of safety facilities. The safety production

costs are charged to costs of related products or profit and loss when appropriated, and safety production reserve in equity account are

credited correspondingly. When using the special reserve, if the expenditures are expenses in nature, the expenses incurred are offset

against the special reserve directly when incurred. If the expenditures are capital expenditures, when projects are completed and

transferred to fixed assets, the special reserve should be offset against the cost of fixed assets, and a corresponding accumulated

depreciation are recognised. The fixed assets are no longer be depreciated in future.

Segment information


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organisation structure, management requirements and internal reporting

system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments which is determined on the basis of operating segments.

An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) the component is able to earn

revenues and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s

management to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance, and (3) for which the

information on financial position, operating results and cash flows is available to the Group. If two or more operating segments have

similar economic characteristics and satisfy certain conditions, they are aggregated into one single operating segment.

VI. Taxation

1. The main categories and rates of taxes

Tax items Tax basis Tax rate

Taxable value added amount (Tax payable is calculated

Value added tax (“VAT”) using the taxable sales amount multiplied by the effective 6%-17%

tax rate less current period’s deductible VAT input )

Business tax Taxable business income amount 5%

Urban construction tax Total VAT, Business tax and GST 1%-7%

Enterprise income tax Taxable income 0%-25%

Resource tax Quantities of Silica sold RMB 3 per ton

Educational surtax Total VAT, Business tax and GST 3%-5%

2. Tax incentives

The Group's major tax incentives are as follows:

Tianjin Energy Conservation Glass Co. Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of

High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co. Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2013, and obtained the Certificate of

High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2013. For the

Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise is under review at present, it temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of

15% for current year.

Wujiang CSG North-east Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. passed the review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2014, and obtained the

Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2014.

Dongguan CSG Solar Glass Co,. Ltd. passed the review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2014, and obtained the Certificate of High

and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2014.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Yichang CSG Polyilicon Co. Ltd. passed the review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2014, and obtained the Certificate of High and

New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2014.

Dongguan CSG PV-tech Co. Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2013, and obtained the Certificate of High and

New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2013. For the Certificate of

High and New Tech Enterprise is under review at present, it temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% for current


Hebei Panel Glass Co., Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2013, and obtained the Certificate of High and New

Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2013. For the Certificate of High and

New Tech Enterprise is under review at present, it temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% for current year.

Wujiang CSG Glass Co. Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2014, and obtained the Certificate of High and New

Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2014.

Xianning CSG Glass Co. Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2014, and obtained the Certificate of High and New

Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2014.

Xianning Energy Conservation Glass Co. Ltd. was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of

High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Yichang CSG photoelectric glass Co., Ltd. and Yichang CSG Display Co., Ltd., subsidiaries of ShenZhen Nanbo Display Technolog

Co., Ltd. were recognised as high and new tech enterprises in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise,

the period of validity is three years. They apply to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation Glass Co. Ltd. obtains enterprise income tax preferential treatment for Western Development, and

temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% for current year.

Chengdu CSG Glass Co., Ltd. obtains enterprise income tax preferential treatment for Western Development, and temporarily

calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% for current year.

Qingyuan CSG New Energy Co., Ltd., Suzhou CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Wujiang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd. belong to

public infrastructure projects supported by the State pursuant to the No. 87 rules of Enterprise Income Tax Law Implementation

Regulations, "and they can enjoy the preferential tax policy of "Three years for free andThree years by half " from 2015. The enterprise

income tax rate is 0% for current year.

3. Others

Some subsidiaries of the Group have used the “exempt, credit, refund” method on goods exported and the refund rate is 5%-17%.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Cash at bank and on hand

Unit: RMB

Item Balance at the end of the period Balance at the beginning of the period

Cash on hand 20,027 20,172

Cash at bank 404,598,881 574,654,753

Other cash balances 5,537,805 4,159,595

Total 410,156,713 578,834,520

Including: Total overseas deposit 2,257,908 4,694,162

Other cash balances include margin deposits for the application of opening letter of credit and loan from the bank, amounting to RMB

5,446,558 (31 Dec. 2015: RMB 4,089,643), which is restricted cash.

2. Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable listed by classification

Unit: RMB

Item Balance at the end of the period Balance at the beginning of the period

Bank acceptance notes 179,636,983 186,998,705

Trade acceptance notes 194,270,474 266,547,833

Total 373,907,457 453,546,538

(2) Notes receivable which has been endorsed or discounted at the end of the term by the Company but not

yet due at balance sheet date

Unit: RMB

Amount of recognition termination Amount of not terminated recognition at the


at the period-end period-end

Bank acceptance notes 2,016,080,353

Trade acceptance notes 139,081,700

Total 2,016,080,353 139,081,700

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category

Unit: RMB


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

End of term Beginning of term

Bad debt

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance

Categories provision

Book value Book value

Propor Propor Propor Propor

Amount Amount Amount Amount

tion % tion % tion % tion %

Accounts receivable

withdrawn bad debt

provision according 581,519,639 100% 11,123,130 2% 570,396,509 461,730,618 100% 8,769,006 2% 452,961,612

to credit risks


Account receivable

with minor

individual amount

2,394,626 0% 2,241,625 94% 153,001 710,591 0% 710,591 100% 0

but bad debt

provision is


Total 583,914,265 100% 13,364,755 2% 570,549,510 462,441,209 100% 9,479,597 2% 452,961,612

Accounts receivable with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Accounts receivable on which bad debt provisions are provided on age analyze basis in the portfolio

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Accounts receivable on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio

√Applicable □ Non-applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balalnce

Name of portfolio

Accounts receivable Bad debt provision Proportion %

Portfolio 1 581,519,639 11,123,130 2%

Total 581,519,639 11,123,130 2%

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the report period was of RMB 4,137,975. The amount of the reversed or

collected part during the report period was of RMB 3,174,282.

(3) The actual write-off accounts receivable

Unit: RMB

Item Write-off amount

Accounts receivable 0


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(4) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party

As at 30 June 2016, the top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party were collected

and analyzed as follows:

Balance Provision for bad debts Percentage in total accounts receivable balance

Total balances for the five 166,899,672 3,337,993 29%

largest accounts receivable

4. Advances to suppliers

(1) Listed by aging analysis

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Age Proportion Proportion

Amount Amount

ratio (%) ratio (%)

within 1 year 146,546,136 98% 106,939,220 97%

1-2 years 860,136 1% 2,546,699 2%

2-3 years 1,485,000 1%

Over 3 years 355,376 1%

Total 148,891,272 -- 109,841,295 --

As at 30 June 2016, advances to suppliers ageing over one year amount to RMB 2,345,136 (31 December 2015: RMB 2,902,075). They

were mainly the advances of materials, and the payment had not been selected because the materials had not been received.

(2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the advances to suppliers colleted according to the target

As at 30 June 2016, the top five largest advances to supplies are set out as below:

Balance Percentage in total advances balance

Total advances for the five largest advances 45,130,987 30%

5. Other account receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by category:

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Openning balance


Book balance Bad debt provision Book value Book balance Bad debt Book value


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016


Propor Propor Propor Propor

Amount Amount Amount Amount

tion % tion % tion % tion %

Other accounts

receivable with large

amount and

provided bad debt



Other accounts


withdrawn bad debt

209,109,204 100% 550,558 0% 208,558,646 118,598,152 100% 2,373,782 2% 116,224,370

provision according

to credit risks


Other accounts

receivable with

small amount but

provided bad debt



Total 209,109,204 100% 550,558 0% 208,558,646 118,598,152 100% 2,373,782 2% 116,224,370

Statement on categories of other receivable accounts:

Other accounts receivable with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other accounts receivable in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on age analyze basis

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other accounts receivable in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance

Name of portfolio

Other receivable accounts Bad debt provision proportion%

portfolio 1 209,109,204 550,558 0%

Total 209,109,204 550,558 0%

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the report period was of RMB 214,538. The amount of the reversed or

collected part during the report period was of RMB 2,056,745.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(3) Other accounts receivable written-off during the reporting period

Unit: RMB

Item written-off amount

Other accounts receivable 0

(4) Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

Unit: RMB

Nature Closing balance Opening balance

Share transfer receivable 150,000,000

Payments made on behalf of other parties 27,996,265 12,865,719

Subsidy fund receivable 20,000,000

Deposits 6,788,385 10,341,895

Petty cash 1,343,860 1,014,999

Export tax rebates receivable 770,716 1,995,748

Amounts due from related parties 90,436,480

Others 2,209,978 1,943,311

Total 209,109,204 118,598,152

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collated according to the arrears party

Unit: RMB

Proportion of the

Name of the total year end

Closing balance of

companies Nature Closing balance Ages balance of the

bad debt provision

Industrial accounts receivable


Company A Independent third party 150,000,000 Within 1 year 72%

Company B Independent third party 20,000,000 Within 1 year 10%

Company C Independent third party 11,067,754 Within 1 year 5% 221,355

Company D Independent third party 8,075,302 Within 1 year 4% 161,506

Company E Independent third party 3,183,030 Within 1 year 2% 63,661

Total -- 192,326,086 -- 93% 446,522


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

6. Inventories

(1) Categories of inventory

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Items Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision

Raw materials 168,522,304 8,259,903 160,262,401 136,073,385 1,988,441 134,084,944

Product in process 21,086,073 21,086,073 12,201,768 12,201,768

Products in stock 204,116,797 1,422,381 202,694,416 169,850,460 21,650 169,828,810

Material in

27,982,256 27,982,256 34,310,210 34,310,210


Total 421,707,430 9,682,284 412,025,146 352,435,823 2,010,091 350,425,732

(2) Inventory impairment provision

Unit: RMB

Increased this term Decreased this term

Categories Opening balance Closing balance

Withdrawal Other Reverse or write-off Other

Raw materials 1,988,441 8,583,232 2,311,770 8,259,903

Products in stock 21,650 1,693,711 292,980 1,422,381

Total 2,010,091 10,276,943 2,604,750 9,682,284

7. Other current assets

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

VAT to be offset 197,601,704 101,333,684

Prepaid enterprise income tax 12,330,447 17,025,433

Total 209,932,151 118,359,117

8. Long-term account receivable

(1) Long-term account receivable

Unit: RMB

Items Closing balance Opening balance Discount rate


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Impairment Impairment interval

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision

Financing lease 50,104,299 50,104,299

Total 50,104,299 50,104,299 --

9. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB



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Investee nal ed recognized impairm

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investm invest under the ent

comprehe equity announce e nt

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I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises



Display 668,210,253 -14,264,359 81,142 -654,027,036 0


Co., Ltd

Subtotal 668,210,253 -14,264,359 81,142 -654,027,036 0

Total 668,210,253 -14,264,359 81,142 -654,027,036 0

10. Fixed assets

(1) Particulars of fixed assets

Unit: RMB

Machinery and Motor vehicles

Items Buildings Total

equipment and others

I. Original book value:

1. Opening balance 3,355,091,235 9,984,689,080 183,896,384 13,523,676,699

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Acquisition 3,111,276 4,339,811 1,566,364 9,017,451

(2) Transfers from construction in progress 159,747,369 738,974,967 2,930,001 901,652,337

(3) Increase from enterprise combination 236,895,673 663,288,661 12,985,384 913,169,718


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(4) Other 9,234,322 7,422,076 804,334 17,462,732

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1)Disposal or retirement 165,662 1,485,981 1,651,643

4. Closing balance 3,764,079,875 11,398,548,933 200,698,486 15,363,327,294

II. Accumulative depreciation and

accumulative amortization

1. Opening balance 503,153,539 2,478,151,198 150,403,266 3,131,708,003

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal 55,468,992 356,231,713 10,292,917 421,993,622

(2) Increase from enterprise combination 12,322,096 74,428,901 4,993,352 91,744,349

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1)Disposal or retirement 143,830 1,473,211 1,617,041

4. Closing balance 570,944,627 2,908,667,982 164,216,324 3,643,828,933

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Opening balance 192,293,767 192,293,767

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal

(2) Increase from enterprise combination 22,661,350 22,661,350

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1)Disposal or retirement

4. Closing balance 214,955,117 214,955,117

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 3,193,135,248 8,274,925,834 36,482,162 11,504,543,244

2. Opening book value 2,851,937,696 7,314,244,115 33,493,118 10,199,674,929

(2) Fixed asset not licensed yet

Unit: RMB

Items Book value Reason for not granted

Have submitted the required documents and are in the process of

Buildings 1,000,854,624

application, or the related land use right certificate pending


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

11. Construction in process

(1)Particulars of construction in process

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision

Hebei float 900T

tech-innovation 263,731,709 263,731,709 219,284,657 219,284,657


Flat display

project of 229,719,530 14,160,474 215,559,056 0 0

Shenzhen Display

Dongguan PV

Tech 200MW

138,128,566 138,128,566 138,128,566 138,128,566

PV-tech Cell

Expansion project

Yichang CSG

electronic grade

polysilicon 87,115,370 87,115,370 6,426,987 6,426,987

upgrading and

expansion project

Dongguan Solar

Glass Phase I and

78,769,781 33,075,116 45,694,665 78,769,781 33,075,116 45,694,665

II improvement


Wujiang float

72,780,268 19,876,460 52,903,808 71,554,818 19,876,460 51,678,358

glass project

Chengdu Float

550T line 66,813,524 66,813,524 66,834,070 66,834,070



Kibing 11MV

distributed PV 50,050,000 50,050,000

power plant


Expansion project

of 150MW cell

55,153,387 55,153,387

production line in

Dongguan CSG


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016



energy-saving 14,081,164 14,081,164 13,392,938 13,392,938

glass project


energy-saving 12,716,479 12,716,479 12,700,388 12,700,388

project Phase III



2,173,945 2,173,945 4,054,084 4,054,084


materials project

Yichang 700MW

silicon cell 2,379,639 2,379,639 2,417,282 2,417,282

expansion project



ultrathin 1,034,372 1,034,372 491,656,054 491,656,054

electronic glass


Chengdu Float

700T line 223,787,831 223,787,831


Others 82,758,916 82,758,916 63,284,900 63,284,900

Total 1,157,406,650 67,112,050 1,090,294,600 1,392,292,356 52,951,576 1,339,340,780


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(2) Movement of significant project

Unit: RMB

Investmen Accumulate Including: Capitalizing


Opening Increased Other Closing t on of interest rate of

Projects Budget into fixed Progress Fund recourse

balance this term decreases balance budget interest capitalized interest this


(%) capitalized this term period %


high-performance Internal fund

471,660,000 491,656,054 72,213,589 562,835,271 1,034,372 99% 100% 15,471,799 4,186,057 4.54%

ultrathin electronic glass and bank loan


Chengdu Float 700T Internal fund

106,053,391 223,787,831 30,414,876 221,459,190 32,743,517 0 89% 100% 778,377

line tech-renovation and bank loan

Hebei float 900T

124,000,000 219,284,657 44,447,052 263,731,709 51% 80% Internal fund

tech-innovation project

Dongguan PV Tech

Internal fund

200MW PV-tech Cell 697,000,000 138,128,566 138,128,566 96% 100% 32,015,800

and bank loan

Expansion project

Dongguan Solar Glass

Phase I and II 396,410,000 78,769,781 78,769,781 80% 80% Internal fund

improvement project

Wujiang float glass Internal fund

845,630,000 71,554,818 4,215,530 2,990,080 72,780,268 99% 99% 20,120,444

project and bank loan

Chengdu Float 550T

200,000,000 66,834,070 20,546 66,813,524 2% 2% Internal fund

line tech-renovation


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Xianning energy-saving Internal fund

295,270,606 13,392,938 4,452,100 2,580,343 1,183,531 14,081,164 99% 100% 11,306,278

glass project and bank loan

Sichuan energy-saving Internal fund

222,817,517 12,700,388 16,091 12,716,479 95% 99%

project Phase III

Wujiang Photovoltaic Internal fund

packaging materials 500,000,000 4,054,084 14,443,571 16,323,710 2,173,945 87% 100% 6,321,397 and bank loan


Yichang 700MW silicon Internal fund

1,980,000,000 2,417,282 45,107,289 45,144,932 2,379,639 81% 100% 17,594,454 248,796 4.18%

cell expansion project and bank loan

Zhangzhou Kibing Internal fund

11MV distributed PV 76,500,000 50,050,000 50,050,000 70% 70% and bank loan

power plant project

Flat display project of Internal fund

1,970,000,000 239,997,183 10,277,653 229,719,530 43% 50% 165,025 165,025 5.03%

Shenzhen Display and bank loan

Yichang CSG electronic Internal fund

grade polysilicon and bank loan

613,220,000 6,426,987 80,688,383 87,115,370 13% 45% 412,848 412,848 4.18%

upgrading and

expansion project

Expansion project of Internal fund

150MW cell production and bank loan

168,100,000 55,153,387 55,153,387 33% 40% 699,768 699,768 4.15%

line in Dongguan CSG


Internal fund

Others 2,451,133,457 63,284,900 59,515,174 40,041,158 82,758,916 19,530,521 470,897 4.18%

and bank loan

Total 11,117,794,971 1,392,292,356 700,714,225 901,652,337 33,947,594 1,157,406,650 -- -- 124,416,711 6,183,391 --


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

12. Intangible assets

(1) Particulars of intangible assets

Unit: RMB

Non-patent Mineral

Item Land use rights Patents Others Total

technology rights

I. Original book value:

1. Opening balance 859,283,718 135,523,184 4,456,536 23,246,513 1,022,509,951

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Acquisition 3,878,226 41,416 3,919,642

(2) Internal R &D 9,134,292 9,134,292

(3) Increase from enterprise combination 143,856,217 99,984,930 375,886 244,217,033

3. Decreased amount of the period


4. Closing balance 1,007,018,161 244,642,406 4,456,536 23,663,815 1,279,780,918

II. Total accrued amortization

1. Opening balance 100,590,100 43,606,821 2,905,442 15,958,297 163,060,660

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal 8,932,936 5,017,253 200,321 2,164,913 16,315,423

Increase from enterprise combination 9,611,444 1,065,029 247,681 10,924,154

3. Decreased amount of the period


4. Closing balance 119,134,480 49,689,103 3,105,763 18,370,891 190,300,237

III. Impairment provision

1. Opening balance 13,201,347 9,133 13,210,480

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount of the period



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

4. Closing balance 13,201,347 9,133 13,210,480

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 887,883,681 181,751,956 1,350,773 5,283,791 1,076,270,201

2. Opening book value 758,693,618 78,715,016 1,551,094 7,279,083 846,238,811

At the end of the period, the intangible assets arising from internal research and development accounted for 8.27% of total of intangible


(2) Land use right not licensed yet

Unit: RMB

Item Book value Reason for not granted

Land 9,652,536 in the process

During Jan.-Jun. 2016, the amortisation of intangible assets amounted to RMB 16,315,423 (Jan.-Jun. 2015: RMB 16,350,879).

As at 30 June 2016, ownership certificates of land use right (“Land ownership Certificates”) for certain land use rights of the Group

with carrying amounts of approximately RMB 9,652,536 (cost: RMB10,236,443) had not yet been obtained by the Group (as at 31

December 2015, carrying amount: RMB 5,179,819, cost: RMB 5,650,712). The Company’s management is of the view that there is

no legal restriction for the Group to apply for and obtain the Land Ownership Certificates and has no adverse effect on the Group’s

business operation.

13. Development expenditure

Unit: RMB

The increased amount in the period The decrease amount in the period

Opening Closing

Item Internal development Recognised as Transfer in gains

balance Others balance

expenditure intangible assets and losses


26,280,426 29,033,215 9,134,292 1,314,785 44,864,564


Total 26,280,426 29,033,215 9,134,292 1,314,785 44,864,564

During Jan.-Jun. 2016, the total amount of research and development expenditures of the Group was RMB 171,627,628 (Jan.-Jun. 2015:

RMB 130,265,531), including RMB 143,909,198 (Jan.-Jun. 2015: RMB 118,636,645) recorded in income statement for current period

and RMB 9,134,292 were recognized as intangible assets (Jan.-Jun. 2015: nil). As at 30 June 2016, the intangible assets arising from

internal research and development accounted for 8.27% of the total of book value of intangible assets (31 December 2015: 9.44%).

14. Goodwill

(1)Book value of goodwill

Unit: RMB


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Name of the companies or Increased this term Decreased this term

Opening balance Closing balance

goodwill item Arising from enterprise merger Disposal

Tianjing Architecture 3,039,946 3,039,946

Shenzhen Display Company 714,491,929 714,491,929

Xianning Fengwei Company 4,857,406 4,857,406

Total 3,039,946 719,349,335 722,389,281

15. Long-term expenses to be amortized

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increased this term Amortized this term Other decrease Closing balance

Expenses to be amortized 1,597,865 207,588 524,005 1,281,448

Total 1,597,865 207,588 524,005 1,281,448

16. Deferred income tax asset/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

difference assets difference assets

Provision for asset

381,381,771 57,970,029 334,825,820 52,780,849


profit on paper from

internal transaction

Deductible loss 234,680,876 52,775,430 322,298,445 62,556,980

Government grants 123,771,641 21,015,163 146,503,008 25,717,201

Accrued expenses 25,862,973 3,879,446 38,018,222 5,740,840

Depreciation of fixed

26,007,065 4,421,201 30,352,519 6,285,954


Total 791,704,326 140,061,269 871,998,014 153,081,824

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance


Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

difference liabilities difference liabilities

Non identical control

enterprise merger assets 73,142,728 11,277,482

appraisal value added

Changes in fair value of


financial assets

Depreciation of fixed

231,919,490 45,456,220 248,051,984 52,277,180


Total 305,062,218 56,733,702 248,051,984 52,277,180

(3) The net balances of deferred tax assets or liabilities

Unit: RMB

Off-set amount of Closing balance of Off-set amount of Opening balance of

deferred income tax deferred income tax deferred income tax deferred income tax


assets and liabilities at assetsor liabilities after assets and liabilities at assetsor liabilities after

the period-end off-set the period-beginning off-set

Deferred tax assets 36,395,246 103,666,023 42,745,608 110,336,216

Deferred tax liabilities 36,395,246 20,338,456 42,745,608 9,531,572

(4) Details of unrecognised deferred income tax assets

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Deductible temporary differences

Deductible losses 77,770,054 7,554,574

Total 77,770,054 7,554,574

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due the following years

Unit: RMB

Year Closing balance Opening balance Note

Year of 2016 5,224,377 5,224,377

Year of 2020 2,330,197 2,330,197

Year of 2021 70,215,480

Total 77,770,054 7,554,574 --


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

17. Other non-current assets

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Prepayment for engineering equipment and

91,381,154 58,073,451

software upgrading

Prepayment of land premium 6,510,000 6,510,000

Total 97,891,154 64,583,451

18. Short-term loans

(1) Categories of short-term loans

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Pledge loan

Mortgage loan

Guaranteed loan 285,750,757 122,998,916

Unsecured loan 549,100,250 193,327,754

Short-term finance bonds (ii) 400,000,000 1,000,000,000

Ultra-short-term finance bonds (iii) 2,800,000,000 1,900,000,000

Total 4,034,851,007 3,216,326,670

(i) As at 30 June 2016, short-term loans of certain subsidiaries of the Company amounting to RMB 215,750,757 (31 December 2015:

RMB 122,998,916) were guaranteed by the Company. It didn’t exist that the minority shareholders of the subsidiaries provided a

back to back guarantee to the Company. (31 December 2015: nil).

(ii)Approved by file No. [2014]CP11 of Inter Bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to issue short-term financing

bonds with the limit of RMB 1,100,000,000, which expires on 14 January 2016.

The Company issued short-term financing bonds of RMB 600,000,000 on 24 April 2015 for the first time in 2015. The bonds above

matured on 23 April 2016, with an annual interest rate of 4.28%. Up to the disclosure date of this fincial statement, the bonds above

have been repaid.

The Company issued short-term financing bonds of RMB 400,000,000 on 18 September 2015 for the second time in 2015. The bonds

above matured on 17 September 2016, with an annual interest rate of 3.5%.

(iii) Approved by file No. [2015]SCP163 of Inter Bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to issue untra-short-term

financing bonds with the limit of RMB 4,000,000,000, which expires on 28 May 2017.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

The Company issued untra-short-term financing bonds of RMB 800,000,000 on 15 June 2015 for the first time in 2015. The bonds

above matured on 11 March 2016, with an annual interest rate of 4.25%. Up to the disclosure date of this fincial statement, the bonds

above have been repaid.

The Company issued untra-short-term financing bonds of RMB 1,100,000,000 on 15 October 2015 for the second time in 2015. The

bonds above matured on 11 July 2016, with an annual interest rate of 3.81%. Up to the disclosure date of this fincial statement, the

bonds above have been repaid.

The Company issued untra-short-term financing bonds of RMB 800,000,000 on 11 March 2016 for the first time in 2016. The bonds

above matured on 6 December 2016, with an annual interest rate of 3.15%.

The Company issued untra-short-term financing bonds of RMB 900,000,000 on 19 May 2016 for the second time in 2016. The bonds

above matured on 13 February 2017, with an annual interest rate of 4.18%.

(iv) As at 30 June 2016, the interest of short-term borrowings varied from 2.70% to 5.06% (31 December 2015: 2.99% to 5.35 %).

19. Notes payable

Unit: RMB

Category Closing balance Opening balance

Trade acceptance

Bank acceptance notes 6,014,869 8,000,000

Total 6,014,869 8,000,000

20. Accounts payable

(1)Particulars of accounts payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Account payable for materials 623,653,165 463,007,059

Account payable for equipments 246,679,408 254,823,632

Account payable for constructions 194,470,527 128,382,224

Account payable for freight 36,465,642 35,445,881

Account payable for water and electricity 30,363,218 26,077,686

Others 5,052,754 7,529,569

Total 1,136,684,714 915,266,051


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(2) Significant accounts payable due for over one year

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Unpaid reason

As the construction work had not passed

Account payable for construction and

173,040,403 the final acceptance test yet, the balance


was not yet settled.

Total 173,040,403 --

21. Advances from customers

(1) List of advance from customers

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Advances from customers 148,319,760 117,434,636

Total 148,319,760 117,434,636

22. Employee benefits payable

(1) List of Employee benefits payable

Unit: RMB

Items Opening balance Increased this term Decreased this term Closing balance

I. Short-term employee

170,538,391 489,013,082 519,788,052 139,763,421


II. Welfare after

departure- defined 1,222 43,691,696 43,233,818 459,100

contribution plans

Total 170,539,613 532,704,778 563,021,870 140,222,521

(2) List of short-term employee benefits

Unit: RMB

Items Opening balance Increased this term Decreased this term Closing balance

1. Wages and salaries, bonuses,

118,460,821 399,909,037 424,593,730 93,776,128

allowances and subsidies

2.Employee services and benefits

3. Social security contributions 688 17,554,753 17,331,984 223,457


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Including: Medical insurance 547 14,605,546 14,408,646 197,447

Work injury insurance 110 1,942,962 1,927,527 15,545

Maternity insurance 31 1,006,245 995,811 10,465

4. Housing funds 2,153,760 20,234,106 20,405,201 1,982,665

5.Labour union funds and

14,483,122 7,565,186 5,257,137 16,791,171

employee education funds

6. Short-term paid absences

7. Short-term profit sharing plan

Management bonus for

35,440,000 43,750,000 52,200,000 26,990,000


Total 170,538,391 489,013,082 519,788,052 139,763,421

(3) List of defined contribution plans payable

Unit: RMB

Items Opening balance Increased this term Decreased this term Closing balance

1. Basic pensions 1,051 41,066,343 40,629,829 437,565

2. Unemployment insurance 171 2,625,353 2,603,989 21,535

3. Enterprise annuity payment

Total 1,222 43,691,696 43,233,818 459,100

According to the decision of the fifth meeting of the seventh session of the board of directors held on 31 March 2015, the Board

approved that it will appraise the management team based on quarterly net assets income rate and reward the management team by

taking quarterly total net profit after tax as the base. The Group withheld management performance award of RMB 43,750,000

(Jan.-Jun. 2015: nil).

23. Tax payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Value-added-tax payable 46,225,543 31,442,580

Corporate income tax payable 24,137,275 71,805,502

Individual income tax payable 5,588,188 2,252,413

Urban maintenance and construction tax 1,982,575 1,602,050

Urban maintenance and construction tax 8,136,991 7,134,641

Education surcharge 2,230,791 1,976,366


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Others 4,619,489 3,612,625

Total 92,920,852 119,826,177

24. Interest payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Interest payable for long-term borrowings 2,134,414 920,625

Interest for corporate bonds 37,309,995 10,660,000

Interest payable for short-term borrowings 2,394,930 1,124,981

The debt of preference shares/perpetual

bonds classified as financial liabilities

Medium-term notes 56,232,000 27,622,300

Short-term financing bonds 11,000,000 21,611,000

Ultra-short-term financing bonds 43,256,249 27,424,900


Total 152,327,588 89,363,806

25. Other account payable

(1) List of other account payable by nature

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Guarantee deposits received from

53,960,007 55,047,908

construction contractors

Accrued cost of business and expensure 93,212,777 37,260,225

Temporary receipts 20,052,365 24,660,996

Payable for contracted labour costs 13,518,479 13,675,896

Deposit for disabled 4,893,292 4,509,243

Withholding individual income tax 5,189,272

Government interest free loans 5,000,000

Others 8,915,099 7,866,787

Total 204,741,291 143,021,055

26. Non-current liabilities due within one year

Unit: RMB


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Long-term borrowing due within 1year 217,500,000 239,000,000

Bonds payable due within 1year

Long-term accounts payable within one


Total 217,500,000 239,000,000

27. Other current liability

Unit: RMB

Items Closing balance Opening balance

Short-term bonds payable

Others 300,000 300,000

Total 300,000 300,000

28. Long-term borrowings

(1) Categories of long-term borrowings

Unit: RMB

Items Closing balance Opening balance

Pledge loan

Mortgage loan

Guaranteed loan 202,000,000

Unsecured loan

Medium-term notes 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000

Total 1,402,000,000 1,200,000,000

Approved by file No. [2015] MTN225 of Inter Bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to issue medium-term notes

with the limit of RMB 1,200,000,000, which expires on 28 May 2017.

The Company issued medium-term notes of RMB 1,200,000,000 on 14 July 2015 for the first time in 2015. The notes above matured

on 14 July 2020, with an annual interest rate of 4.94%.

As at 30 June 2016, the interest of long term borrowings varied from 4.75% to 4.94% (31 December 2015: 4.94%).


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

29. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

Unit: RMB

Items Closing balance Opening balance

Corporate bonds 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

Total 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

30. Deferred revenue

Unit: RMB

Items Opening balance Increased this term Decreased this term Closing balance reason

Government grants 383,599,103 80,057,829 25,090,452 438,566,480

Total 383,599,103 80,057,829 25,090,452 438,566,480 --

Government grants are analysed below:

Unit: RMB

Included in

Increase in Other Closing Related to assets

Item in debt Opening balance non-business

current period changes balance or income


Tianjin CSG Golden Sun Project

60,466,903 1,687,446 58,779,457 Related to assets


Dongguan CSG Golden Sun

48,830,250 1,375,500 47,454,750 Related to assets

Project (ii)

Hebei CSG Golden Sun Project

49,500,000 1,375,000 48,125,000 Related to assets


Xianning CSG Golden Sun

54,043,917 1,515,250 52,528,667 Related to assets

Project (iv)

Infrastructure compensation for

Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd 47,711,973 2,020,769 45,691,204 Related to assets


Qingyuan Energy-saving project

24,700,000 205,833 24,494,167 Related to assets


Yichang Polisilicon products

27,421,875 1,406,250 26,015,625 Related to assets

project (vii)

Yichang CSG silicon slice

15,118,343 600,000 630,914 15,087,429 Related to assets

auxiliary project (viii)

Sichuan energy-saving glass 13,783,500 827,010 12,956,490 Related to assets


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

project (ix)

Group coating film experimental

10,543,800 754,380 9,789,420 Related to assets

project (x)

Shenzhen Display Technology

190,129 51,097,829 50,907,700 Related to assets

Co., Ltd. project(xi)

Related to assets

31,478,542 28,360,000 13,101,971 46,736,571

Others and income

Total 383,599,103 28,960,000 25,090,452 51,097,829 438,566,480 --

(i)The allowance was granted by Tianjin Municipal Government. The allowance was used for establishing PV power station by

Tianjin CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. ("Tianjin project"). The facilities belonged to Tianjin CSG upon completion. The

allowance will be credited to income statement in 20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(ii)The allowance was granted by Dongguan Municipal Government. The allowance was used for establishing PV power station by

Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. ("Dongguan project") The facilities belonged to Dongguan CSG upon completion. The

allowance will be credited to income statement in 20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(iii)The allowance was granted by Langfang Municipal Government. The allowance was used for establishing PV power station by

Hebei CSG Glass Co., Ltd. ("Hebei project"). When the facilities were set up, they belonged to Hebei CSG. The allowance will be

credited to income statement in 20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(iv)The allowance was granted by Xianning Municipal Government. The allowance was used for establishing PV power station by

Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. ("Xianning project"). The facilities belonged to Xianning CSG upon completion. The allowance will be

credited to income statement in 20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(v)The allowance was infrastructure compensation granted by Wujiang municipal government, and will be credited to income

statement in 15 years, the shortest operating period as committed by the Group.

(vi)The allowance was a pilot project for strategic emerging industry clusters development, which was used to estalish high

performance ultra-thin electronic glass production lines by Qingyuan CSG. The Project was under construction.

(vii)The balance represented amounts granted to Yi Chang CSG Polyilicon Materials Co., Ltd. (“Yichang Silicon”) by Yichang City

Dongshan Development Corporation under the provisions of the investment contract signed between the Group and the Municipal

Government of Yi Chang. The proceeds were designed for the construction of electricity transformer and the pipelines. Yichang

Silicon is entitled to the ownership of the facilities, which will be amortised by 15 years according to the useful life of the

converting station.

(viii)It represented the government supporting fund obtained by Yichang Polyilicon from the acquiring of the assets and liabilities of

Crucible project of Yichang Hejing Photoelectric Ceramic Co., Ltd. The proceeds would be amortised and credited to income

statement by 15 years after related assets were put into use.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(ix)It represented the funds granted by Chengdu local government for energy glass project. It will be amortised and credited to

income statement in 15 years, in accordance with the minimum operating period committed by the Group.

(x)The allowance was granted by Shenzhen City Development and Reform Commission for the development of Group Coating Film

experimental project. The grant will be amortised and credited to income statement by 20 years in the estimated useful life of the

relevant fixed assets.

(xi) It presented changes in consolidation scope. Shenzhen Display Technology Co., Ltd. was included in the consolidation scope of

the Company, thereby leading to an increase in the deferred income of Shenzhen Display Technology Co., Ltd. project.

31. Share Capital

Unit: RMB

Changed in the report period (+,-)

Opening Closing

Issuing of new Transferred

balance Bonus shares Others Sub-total balance

shares from reserves

Total of capital

2,075,335,560 2,075,335,560


32. Capital surplus

Unit: RMB

Items Opening balance Increased this term Decreased this term Closing balance

Capital premium 1,345,264,670 1,345,264,670

Other capital surplus -83,873,398 262,668 1,172,480 -84,783,210

Total 1,261,391,272 262,668 1,172,480 1,260,481,460

The reason for the decrease of Capital reserve - other in current year is the acquisition of minority interest, with the detail as follows:

(i)On 1 January 2016, the Company purchased 25% of the equities of Yingde Quartz Sand Processing Co., Ltd., the subsidiary of the

Company, from Guangdong Guanda Petrifaction Co., Ltd. The share transfer procedures were completed on 8 January 2016, and the

Company thus held 100% equities of Yingde quartz sand processing Co., Ltd. The adjustment to capital surplus due to such transaction

is set out as below:

Acquisition cost-

Cash paid for acquisition of minority interests 4,250,000

Less: Share of identifiable net assets in the subsidiary continually calculated at the proportion of 3,077,520

increased part of shares which the Company is entitled to as of the date of consolidation

Decrease capital surplus of the Group's consolidated statements 1,172,480


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

33. Other comprehensive income

Unit: RMB

Occuring in current period

Less: Amount

transferred into

Amount profit and loss in the

Opening Less: After-tax After-tax Closing

Item incurred current period that

balance income attribute to attribute to balance

before recognized into

tax the parent minority

income other

expense company shareholder

tax comprehensive

income in prior


II. Other comprehensive income can

not be reclassified into profit and loss

in future

II. Other comprehensive income

reclassified into profit and loss in 2,967,772 508,053 508,053 3,475,825


Including: the share of other

comprehensive income which is

reclassified into profit and loss in

future by invested unit under the

equity method

Gains or losses arising from changes

in fair value of available-for-sale

financial assets

Investments held to maturity

reclassified as available for sale

financial assets gains and losses

Effective part of cash flow hedging

profit and loss

Differences on translation of foreign

417,772 508,053 508,053 925,825

currency financial statements

Finance incentives for energy and

2,550,000 2,550,000

technical transformation

Total of other comprehensive income 2,967,772 508,053 508,053 3,475,825


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

34. Special reserves

Unit: RMB

Items Opening balance Increased this term Decreased this term Closing balance

Safety production cost 15,437,498 3,465,325 5,136,607 13,766,216

Total 15,437,498 3,465,325 5,136,607 13,766,216

35. Surplus reserves

Unit: RMB

Items Beginning of term Increased this term Decreased this term End of term

Statutory surplus reserve 754,119,762 754,119,762

Discretionary surplus reserve 127,852,568 127,852,568

Reserve fund

Venture expansion fund


Total 881,972,330 881,972,330

Statement on surplus reserves:

According to the PRC Corporation Law and the regulation of the Company, the Company must accrue statutory surplus reserve at the

amount of 10% of the net profit until when the accumulated statutory surplus reserve reached at least 50% of the capital. After the

Company obtained the approval from shareholders’ meeting, the statutory surplus reserve can be used to make up the loss, or to

increase the capital. The Company didn’t accrue statutory surplus reserve in the report period. (2015: as accrued statutory surplus

reserve at the amount of 10%, RMB 51,199,599 in total).

The appropriation to discretion surplus reserve shall be proposed by the board of the directors of the Company and approved by the

annual general meeting of the shareholders. The discretion can be utilized to offset the deficit or increase the share capital. The

Company did not appropriate to discretion surplus reserve during the report period.

36. Retained earnings

Unit: RMB

Items The current period The same period of last year

Retained earnings at the end of last year before

3,637,206,565 4,101,320,834


Retained earnings at the beginning of this year

3,637,206,565 4,101,320,834

after adjustment

Add: net profits belonging to equity holders of the

466,883,254 205,767,344



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Less: Dividends payable 622,600,668 1,037,667,780

Retained earnings in the end 3,481,489,151 3,269,420,398

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:

1) RMB 0 opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.

2) RMB 0 opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.

3) RMB 0 opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.

4) RMB 0 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

5) RMB 0 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

37. Revenue and cost

Unit: RMB

Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term


Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

Revenue from main operations 4,184,209,383 3,052,534,128 3,288,940,455 2,633,737,214

Revenue from other operations 43,956,259 24,284,375 34,099,047 12,283,496

Total 4,228,165,642 3,076,818,503 3,323,039,502 2,646,020,710

38. Tax and surcharge

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Business tax 138,749 46,887

City maintenance and construction tax 12,602,639 6,011,224

Educational surcharge 10,367,308 5,740,579

Others 275,976 349,544

Total 23,384,672 12,148,234

39. Selling Expenses

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Freight expenses 59,381,190 61,321,659

Employee benefits 43,288,837 45,338,403

Entertainment expenses 5,179,120 6,054,706

Travelling expenses 4,811,124 5,361,529

Vehicle use fee 3,414,236 3,684,785


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Rental expenses 2,588,324 2,727,898

General office expenses 2,001,995 2,273,989

Compensation 415,313 1,129,260

Depreciation expenses 506,576 619,699

Others 6,978,116 7,950,590

Total 128,564,831 136,462,518

40. Administrative Expenses

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Employee benefits 113,606,280 61,211,246

Research and development expenses 143,909,198 118,636,645

Taxation Expenses 27,705,569 26,466,641

Depreciation expenses 10,839,919 12,191,437

General office expenses 10,148,252 10,083,571

Amortisation of intangible assets 16,315,423 16,350,879

Water and electricity expense 5,086,006 3,926,447

Canteen costs 3,667,235 3,103,106

Travelling expenses 4,446,174 3,140,356

Rental expenses 1,403,376 2,436,882

Vehicle use fee 2,527,549 2,259,201

Entertainment expenses 3,889,174 3,007,056

Labour unior funds 4,948,671 5,447,319

Others 10,444,680 14,107,303

Total 358,937,506 282,368,089

41. Finance Expenses

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Loan interest 134,008,214 142,044,190

Less: interest in construction in progress 6,183,391 14,279,994

Interest expenses 127,824,823 127,764,196

Amortization of corporate bond issue costs 2,631,954

Less: Interest income 3,301,921 1,390,764


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Exchange losses 4,217,530 -280,387

Others 4,612,961 4,017,465

Total 133,353,393 132,742,464

42. Asset impairment loss

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

I. Provision for bad debts -878,514 4,759,309

2. Provision for inventory depreciation -46,858

Total -925,372 4,759,309

43. Investment income

(1) Details of investment income

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

long-term equity investment accounted by equity method -14,264,359 -14,452,010

Gain from disposal of equity interests 66,812

Cash dividend earned during the holding period of


available-for-sale financial assets

Gain from disposal of available-for-sale financial assets 56,779,276

Total -14,264,359 42,454,450

44. Non-operating income

Unit: RMB

Occurred in current Occurred in previous Amount of non-recurring gain and loss


term term included in the report period

Total of gains from disposal of

248,642 2,675,438 248,642

non-current assets

Incl.:Gain on disposal of fixed assets 248,642 2,675,438 248,642

Government grants 47,606,029 42,944,737 47,606,029

Compensation income 462,552 547,445 462,552

Funds unpayable 171,592 26,682,486 171,592

Others 1,549,549 3,305,865 1,549,549

Total 50,038,364 76,155,971 50,038,364


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Government grants included in current profit and loss:

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term Related to assets or income

Government grants amortization 25,090,452 26,540,323 Related to assets and income

Industry supporting fund 17,039,604 10,000,000 Related to income

Subsidies for research and development 4,132,899 2,316,000 Related to income

Interest subsidies for technical

1,991,455 Related to income


Advanced energy saving 940,000 Related to income

Government awards fund 1,146,074 912,399 Related to income

Energy saving subsidy 30,000 Related to income

Others 167,000 244,560 Related to income

Total 47,606,029 42,944,737 --

45. Non-operating expenses

Unit: RMB

Amount of non-recurring

Occurred in previous

Items Occurred in current term gain and loss included in


the report period

Total of loss from disposal of non-current assets 19,984 18,755 19,984

Incl. Loss from disposal of fixed assets 19,984 18,755 19,984

Loss from disposal of intangible assets

Loss from debt restructuring

Loss from non monetary assets exchange

Donation 40,000 1,000 40,000

Loss on compensations 407,332 2,981 407,332

Others 194,312 2,796 194,312

Total 661,628 25,532 661,628

46. Income tax expenses

(1) List of income tax expenses

Unit: RMB


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Current income tax 57,280,962 34,915,839

Deferred income tax 20,562,202 -28,389,192

Total 77,843,164 6,526,647

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term

Total profit 543,144,486

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant regulations 74,775,115

Influence of different tax rates on subsidiaries 129,949

Influence of the adjustment of previous term -15,303,517

Influence of income not subject to tax

Costs, expenses and losses not deductible for tax purposes 687,747

Influence of use of deductible losses on early unrecognized deferred

income tax assets

Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses of


unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Income tax expenses 77,843,164

47. Other comprehensive income

The details can be found at Note VII (33).

48. Items of the cash flow statement

(1)Cash received relating to other operating activities

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Interest income 3,301,921 1,390,764

Government grant 22,515,577 16,404,414

Others 20,291,438 18,633,458

Total 46,108,936 36,428,636


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(2)Cash paid relating to other operating activities

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Transportation expense 61,146,471 73,203,113

Canteen cost 19,735,042 16,993,798

Office expenses 13,568,857 14,119,050

R&D fees 19,470,201 15,487,820

Travelling expenses 11,839,397 10,250,438

Entertainment expenses 10,603,096 8,785,380

Vehicle use fee 7,147,877 6,215,840

Repairing fees 6,426,568 3,870,337

Rental expenses 4,439,417 4,011,703

Insurance expenses 4,823,957 8,317,028

Financing Commission 4,612,961 4,017,465

Others 59,101,076 65,483,675

Total 222,914,920 230,755,647

(3)Cash received relating to other investing operating activities

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Government grants received relating to assets 3,600,000 8,290,000

Received deposit and margin 1,509,515

Collection trusted 11,239,200

Received repayment 14,860,684

Total 29,699,884 9,799,515

(4)Cash paid relating to other investing activities

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Payment for Shenzhen CSG 4,209,881

Payment for collection trusted 15,300,000

Payment for deposit and margin 6,464,586

Total 21,764,586 4,209,881


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(5)Cash received relating to other financing activities

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Received return money from the original


affiliated company Shenzhen CSG Display

Collection of income tax of dividends of

7,289,494 19,650,025

A-share & B-share

Received deposit and margin 4,868,673

Total 100,725,978 19,650,025

(6)Cash paid relating to other financing activities

Unit: RMB

Items Occurred in current term Occurred in previous term

Cash paid for financing lease of the

original affiliated company Shenzhen 109,125,965

CSG Display

Cash paid for Commission fee of


borrowing and bills

Total 109,125,965 2,158,619

49. Supplement notes of cash flow statement

(1) Supplement notes of cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

Supplementary Info. Amount of this term Amount of last term

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation -- --

Net profit 465,301,322 220,596,420

Add: Provisions for assets impairment -925,372 4,759,309

Depreciation of fixed assets,

413,138,016 392,866,394

gas and petrol depreciation production goods depreciation

Amortisation of intangible assets 16,315,423 16,350,879

Amortisation of long-term deferred expenses

Losses on disposal of fixed assets , intangible assets and

other long-term assets -228,658 -2,656,683

(“-“ for gains)


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Losses on write-off of fixed assets (“-“ for gains)

Loss from fair value change (“-“ for gains)

Finance expenses

127,824,823 130,396,150

(“-“ for gains)


14,264,359 -42,454,450

loss(“-“ for gains)

Decrease in deferred tax assets

21,032,799 -4,058,450

(“-“ for increase)

Increase of deferred income tax liability (“-“ for decrease) -470,597 -24,330,742

Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase) -9,920,347 -105,151,274

Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for

-30,401,660 -250,156,934


Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease) 30,790,241 16,403,201


Net cash flow generated by business operation 1,046,720,349 352,563,820

2. Major investment and financing operation not

-- --

involving with cash

Conversion of debt into capital

Convertible corporate bonds maturing within one year

Fixed assets under financing lease

3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents -- --

Balance of cash at period end 404,710,155 183,519,648

Less: Initial balance of cash 574,744,877 156,838,260

Add: Balance of cash equivalents at period end

Less: Initial balance of cash equivalents

Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents -170,034,722 26,681,388

(2) Net cash paid for acquision of subsidiaries

Unit: RMB


Cash and cash equivalents paid for business combination 566,345,956

Including: --

Shenzhen Display Company 464,345,956

Xianning Fengwei Company 102,000,000

Less: Cash or cash equivalents held by subsidiary on the date of acquisition 58,371,857


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Including: --

Shenzhen Display Company 23,408,888

Xianning Fengwei Company 34,962,969

Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid in the period that occurred during the previous


Including: --

net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries 507,974,099

(3) Formation of cash and cash equivalents

Unit: RMB

Items Closing balance Opening balance

I. Cash 404,710,155 574,744,877

Incl: Cash on hand 20,027 20,172

Cash at bank without restriction 404,598,881 574,654,753

others without restriction 91,247 69,952

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at

404,710,155 574,744,877

th end of the period

50. Assets of ownership or use right restricted

Unit: RMB

Item Ending book value Reason for restriction

It’s the Company’s guarantee deposit for the application of opening letter of

Monetary fund 5,446,558

credit and loan from the bank, which was restricted monetary fund.

Total 5,446,558 --

51. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

Unit: RMB

Closing balance of foreign Closing

Item Exchange rate

currency balance convert to RMB

Cash at bank and on hand -- -- 35,130,998

Incl: USD 5,078,572 6.6312 33,677,026

EUR 2,991 7.3750 22,059

HKD 1,574,467 0.8547 1,345,697


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

AUD 17,434 4.9452 86,215

JPY 16 0.0645 1

Accounts receivable -- -- 96,202,915

Incl: USD 13,454,635 6.6312 89,220,376

EUR 946,785 7.3750 6,982,539


Long-term borrowings -- --

Incl: USD



Short-term borrowings 64,102,500

Incl: HKD 75,000,000 0.8547 64,102,500

Accounts payable 41,619,183

Incl: USD 4,577,814 6.6312 30,356,400

EUR 1,281,526 7.3750 9,451,254

JPY 28,081,659 0.0645 1,811,267

HKD 307 0.8547 262

(2) Description of overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities which should

be disclosed the main overseas business places, the recording currency and the choice basis, as well as the

reason for change of the recording currency if applicable.

□Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Changes in the scope of consolidation

1. The business combinations not under the same control

(1) The business combinations not under the same control occurred in the period

Unit: RMB

Net profit

proporti Icome from

from acquiree

Day for Costs of on of Way of acquiree from

Name of Acquisitio Confirm gist of acquisition from

equity equity equity equity acquisition

acquiree n date date acquisition

acquisition acquisition acquisiti acquisition date to the

date to the

on period end

period end


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Has signed an irrevocable


equity transfer agreement,

Display 2016-6-3 464,345,956 16.10% Acquisition 2016-6-3 37,282,745 -4,023,839

and the transfer procedures


have been completed

Has signed an irrevocable


equity transfer agreement,

Fengwei 2016-6-20 102,000,000 100% Acquisition 2016-6-20 118,606 -69,473

and the transfer procedures


have been completed

(i) The assessments of identifiable assets, liabilities and the fair value of contingent liabilities are still ongoing.

(2) Combination costs and goodwill

Unit: RMB

Combination costs

--Cash 566,345,956

-- Fair value of non-cash assets

-- Fair value of debt issued or undertaken

-- Fair value of equity securities issued

-- Fair value of contingent consideration

-- The fair value of the shares held prior on acquisition date 654,027,035

-- Others

Total of combination costs 1,220,372,991

Less: Fair value share of identifiable net assets acquired 501,023,656

Goodwill / combination costs less than the amount of the fair value


share of the identifiable net assets acquired

The goodwill increased in this period was due to the equity of Shenzhen display purchased by the Group which was originally

calculated by equity method, was combined the statements of the Group after acquisition.

(3) Identifiable assets, liabilities of acquire on the acquisition date

Unit: RMB

Fair value on the acquisition date Book value on the acquisition date


Cash at bank and on hand 62,752,438 62,752,438

Accounts receivable 168,777,955 148,777,955


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

inventories 51,219,234 51,219,234

Fixed assets 798,763,091 803,538,448

Intangilble assets 233,292,879 160,150,151

Other current assets 116,507,764 116,507,764

Other non-current assets 263,156,779 263,154,976


Borrowings 564,000,000 564,000,000

Accounts payable 123,361,603 123,361,603

Deferred tax liabilities 11,277,482

Employee benefits payable 9,403,298 9,403,298

Other liabilities 225,007,101 225,007,101

Net assets 761,420,656 684,328,964

Less: Minority interest 260,397,000

Net assets aquired 501,023,656

IX. Interest in other entities

1. Interest in subsidiary

(1) Composition of the Group

Shareholding (%) Way of

Name of subsidiary Major business location Place of registration Scope of business

Direct Indirect acquicition

Development, production and

Chengdu CSG Glass Co., Ltd. Chengdu, the PRC Chengdu, the PRC 75% 25% Establishment

sales of specialized glass

Development, production and

Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation Chengdu, the PRC Chengdu, the PRC sales of specialized glass and 75% 25% Split-off

processed glass

Development, production and

Tianjin Energy Conservation Glass Co. Ltd Tianjin, the PRC Tianjin, the PRC sales of specialized 75% 25% Establishment

energy-efficient glass

Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. Dongguan, the PRC Dongguan, the PRC Glass deep processing 75% 25% Establishment

Production and sales of solar

Dongguan CSG Solar Glass Co., Ltd. Dongguan, the PRC Dongguan, the PRC 75% 25% Establishment


Production and sales of

Dongguan CSG PV-tech Co., Ltd. Dongguan, the PRC Dongguan, the PRC high-tech green cell products 100% Establishment

and modules


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Production and sales of High

Yichang CSG Polysilicon Co., Ltd. Yichang, the PRC Yichang, the PRC 75% 25% Establishment

purity silicon materials

Wujiang CSG North-east Architectural Glass

Wujiang, the PRC Wujiang, the PRC Glass deep processing 75% 25% Establishment

Co., Ltd.

Production and sales of

Hebei CSG Glass Co., Ltd. Yongqing, the PRC Yongqing, the PRC 75% 25% Establishment

specialized glass

Production and sales of

Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. Wujiang, the PRC Wujiang, the PRC 100% Establishment

specialized glass

Trading and investment

China Southern Glass (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong 100% Establishment


Production and sales of

Hebei Panel Glass Co., Ltd. Yongqing, the PRC Yongqing, the PRC 100% Establishment

ultra-thin electronic glass

Production and sales of

Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. Xianning, the PRC Xianning, the PRC 75% 25% Establishment

specialized glass

Xianning CSG Energy Conservation Glass Co

Xianning, the PRC Xianning, the PRC Glass deep processing 75% 25% Split-off


Qingyuan CSG Energy Saving New Materials Production and sales of

Qingyuan, the PRC Qingyuan, the PRC 100% Establishment

Co.,Ltd ultra-thin electronic glass

Shenzhen CSG Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, the PRC Shenzhen, the PRC Financing lease business 75% 25% Establishment

Production and sales of silica

Jiangyou CSG Mining Develop Co.Ltd. Jiangyou, the PRC Jiangyou, the PRC 100% Establishment

and by-products

Investment & development of

Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, the PRC Shenzhen, the PRC 100% Establishment

solar PV plant

Development of new clean

Qingyuan New Energy Co., Ltd. Qingyuan, the PRC Qingyuan, the PRC energy, photovoltaic power 100% Establishment


Development of new clean

Suzhou PV Co., Ltd. Wujiang, the PRC Wujiang, the PRC energy, photovoltaic power 100% Establishment


Development of new clean

Wujiang New Energy Co., Ltd. Wujiang, the PRC Wujiang, the PRC energy, photovoltaic power 100% Establishment


Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, the PRC Shenzhen, the PRC Glass for display device 60.80% Acquisition

Photoelectric glass and

Xianning Fengwei Technology Co., Ltd. Xianning, the PRC Xianning, the PRC 37.50% 62.50% Acquisition

high-alumina glass

(2)The significant non-fully-owned subsidiaries of the Group

Unit: RMB


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Total profit or loss Dividends distributed

Shareholding Minority interest

attributable to minority to minority interests

Subsidiaries of minority as at 30 June

shareholders for the year for the year ended 30

shareholders 2016

ended 30 June 2016 June 2016

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 39.20% -1,577,345 258,417,917

(3) The major financial information of the significant non-fully-owned subsidiaries of the Group

Unit: RMB

Closing balance

Name of Subsidiary Current Non-current Current Non-current Total

Total assets

assets assets liabilities liabilities liabilities

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 292,871,526 1,310,752,576 1,603,624,102 486,724,451 412,137,964 898,862,415

Unit: RMB

Occurred in current period

Name of Subsidiary Total comprehensive Cash flows from

Revenue Net profit

income operating activities

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 37,282,745 -4,023,839 -4,023,839 19,571,109

X. Risk related to financial instrument

The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (primarily currency risk and interest rate risk), credit risk and

liquidity risk. The Group's overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to

minimise potential adverse effects on the Group's financial performance.

(1) Market risk

(a) Foreign exchange risk

The Group’s major operational activities are carried out in Mainland China and a majority of the transactions are denominated in

RMB. However, some of the export business is settled in foreign currency. Besides, the Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk

arising from the recognised assets and liabilities, and future transactions denominated in foreign currencies, primarily with respect to

US dollars and Euro. The Group monitors the scale of foreign currency transactions, foreign currency assets and liabilities, and adjust

settlement currency of export business, to furthest reduce the currency risk.

As at 30 June 2016, the carrying amounts in RMB equivalent of the Group’s assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

are summarized below:

30 June 2016

USD HKD Others Total

Financial assets denominated in foreign currency-

Cash at bank and on hand 33,677,026 1,345,697 108,275 35,130,998

Receivables 89,220,376 - 6,982,539 96,202,915

122,897,402 1,345,697 7,090,814 131,333,913

Financial liabilities denominated in foreign


Short-term borrowings - 64,102,500 - 64,102,500

Payables 30,356,400 262 11,262,521 41,619,183

30,356,400 64,102,762 11,262,521 105,721,683

31 December 2015

USD HKD Others Total

Financial assets denominated in foreign currency-

Cash at bank and on hand 58,954,550 1,867,518 87,409 60,909,477

Receivables 75,590,699 - 8,639,719 84,230,418

134,545,249 1,867,518 8,727,128 145,139,895

Financial liabilities denominated in foreign


Short-term borrowings 54,674,443 144,939,400 - 199,613,843

Payables 25,061,069 - 11,688,767 36,749,836

79,735,512 144,939,400 11,688,767 236,363,679

As at 30 June 2016, if the currency had weakened/strengthened by 10% against the USD while all other variables had been held

constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately RMB 7,865,985 (31 December 2015: approximately

RMB 4,659,000) lower/ higher for various financial assets and liabilities denominated in USD.

As at 30 June 2016, if the currency had strengthened /weakened by 10% against the HKD while all other variables had been held

constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately RMB 4,706,780 (31 December 2015: approximately

RMB 10,730,000) higher/lower for various financial assets and liabilities denominated in HKD.

Other changes in exchange rate had no significant influence on the Group's operating activities.

(b) Interest rate risk

The Group's interest rate risk arises from long-term interest bearing borrowings including long-term borrowings and bonds payable.

Financial liabilities issued at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Financial liabilities issued at fixed rates


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the relative proportions of its fixed rate and floating rate

contracts depending on the prevailing market conditions. As at 30 June 2015, the Group’s long-term interest-bearing debt at variable

rates and fixed rates as illustrated below:

30 June 2016 31 December 2015

Debt at fixed rates 2,200,000,000 2,200,000,000

Debt at variable rates 202,000,000 -

2,402,000,000 2,200,000,000

The Group continuously monitors the interest rate position of the Group. Increases in interest rates will increase the cost of new

borrowing and the interest expenses with respect to the Group’s outstanding floating rate borrowings, and therefore could have a

material adverse effect on the Group’s financial position. The Group makes adjustments timely with reference to the latest market

conditions, which includes increasing/decreasing long-term fixed rate debts at the anticipation of increasing/decreasing interest rate.

(2) Credit risk

Credit risk is managed on the grouping basis. Credit risk mainly arises from cash at bank, notes receivable, accounts receivable and

other receivables, etc.

The Group expects that there is no significant credit risk associated with cash at bank since they are deposited at state-owned banks

and other medium or large size listed banks. Management does not expect that there will be any significant losses from

non-performance by these counterparties. Furthermore, as the Group’s bank acceptance notes receivable are generally accepted by

the state-owned banks and other large and medium listed banks, the management believes the credit risk should be limited.

In addition, the Group has policies to limit the credit exposure on accounts receivable, other receivables and trade acceptance notes

receivable. The Group assesses the credit quality of and sets credit limits on its customers by taking into account their financial

position, the availability of guarantee from third parties, their credit history and other factors such as current market conditions. The

credit history of the customers is regularly monitored by the Group. In respect of customers with a poor credit history, the Group will

use written payment reminders, or shorten or cancel credit periods, to ensure the overall credit risk of the Group is limited to a

controllable extent.

(3) Liquidity risk

Cash flow forecasting is performed by each subsidiary of the Group and aggregated by the Group’s finance department in its

headquarters. The Group’s finance department at its headquarters monitors rolling forecasts of the Group's short-term and long-term

liquidity requirements to ensure it has sufficient cash reserve, while maintaining sufficient headroom on its undrawn committed

borrowing facilities from major financial institutions so that the Group does not breach borrowing limits or covenants on any of its

borrowing facilities to meet the short-term and long-term liquidity requirements.

As at 30 June 2016, the Group had net current liabilities of approximately RMB 3.8 billion and committed capital expenditures of


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

approximately RMB 185 million. Management will implement the following measures to ensure the liquidation risk limited to a

controllable extent:

(a) The Group will have steady cash inflows from operating activities;

(b) The Group will pay the debts that mature and finance the construction projects through the existing bank facilities; and

(c) The Group will closely monitoring the payment of construction expenditure in terms of payment time and amount.

The financial liabilities of the Group at the balance sheet date are analysed by their maturity date below at their undiscounted

contractual cash as follows:

30 June 2016

Within 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years Over 5 years Total

Short-term borrowings 4,103,055,502 - - - 4,103,055,502

Notes payable 6,014,869 - - - 6,014,869

Accounts payable 1,136,684,714 - - - 1,136,684,714

Interest payable 152,327,588 - - - 152,327,588

Other payables 204,741,291 - - - 204,741,291

Non-current liabilities due 219,170,229 - 219,170,229

within one year -

Long-term borrowings 68,875,000 180,085,904 1,354,871,342 - 1,603,832,246

Bonds payable 53,300,000 1,015,990,005 - - 1,069,290,005

5,944,169,193 1,196,075,909 1,354,871,342 - 8,495,116,444

31 December 2015

Within 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years Over 5 years Total

Short-term borrowings 3,269,572,568 - - - 3,269,572,568

Notes payable 8,000,000 - - - 8,000,000

Accounts payable 915,266,051 - - - 915,266,051

Interest payable 89,363,806 - - - 89,363,806

Other payables 143,021,055 - - - 143,021,055

Non-current liabilities due 244,191,152 - - - 244,191,152

within one year

Long-term borrowings 59,280,000 59,280,000 1,350,217,700 - 1,468,777,700

Bonds payable 53,300,000 1,042,640,000 - - 1,095,940,000

4,781,994,632 1,101,920,000 1,350,217,700 - 7,234,132,332

XI. Disclosure of fair value

1. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

Except for financial liabilities listed below, the carrying amount of the other financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

is a reasonable approximation of their fair value.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

30 June 2016 31 December 2015

Carrying amount Fair value Carrying amount Fair value

Government interest free loans 5,000,000 4,791,567 - -

Bonds payable 1,000,000,000 1,021,500,000 1,000,000,000 1,010,820,000

Medium-term notes 1,200,000,000 1,257,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,209,940,000

2,205,000,000 2,283,291,567 2,200,000,000 2,220,760,000

The fair values of bonds payables and medium-term notes are the present value of the contractually determined stream of future cash

flows at the rate of interest applied at that time by the market to instruments of comparable credit status and providing substantially

the same cash flows on the same terms, which belong to Level 3.

XII. Related party and related Transaction

1. Parent company of the Company

The Company has no parent company.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

The information of subsidiaries of the Company can be found at Note IX (1).

3. Related transaction

(1) Transaction of acquisition of goods, offering and reception of labor service

List of selling goods/offering labor service

Unit: RMB

Related party Contents of related transaction Occurred in this term Occurred in previous term

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. sales of ultra-thin glass 9,665,275 12,418,959

(2) Related lease

The Company as the Lessor:

Unit: RMB

Rental income recognized Rental income recognized in

Lessee Type of leased asset

in this term previous term

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. plant 0 456,000


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

4. Receivables and payables of related parties

(1) Receivables

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Related party Book bad debt Book bad debt

balance provision balance provision

Accounts receivable Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 7,943,674 158,874

Other receivables Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 90,436,480 1,808,730

Long-term accounts receivable Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 50,104,299

Advance payment Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 9,869,906

XIII. Commitments and contingency

Capital expenditures commitments

Capital expenditures contracted for by the Group at the balance sheet date but are not yet necessary to be recognised on the balance

sheet are as follows:

30 June 2016 31 December 2015

Buildings,machinery and equipment 184,759,614 144,047,573

XIV. Other significant events

1. Segment information

(1) Definition foundation and accounting policy of segment

The reportable segments of the Group are the business units that provide different products or service. As different businesses require

different technologies and marketing strategies, the Group, therefore, separately manages the production and operation of each

reportable segment and evaluates their operating results respectively, in order to make decisions about resources to be allocated to

these segments and to assess their performance.

The Group identified 4 reportable segments as follows:

- Flat glass segment, being engaged in the production and sales of float glass products, solar glass and silica sand required

for the production of flat glass

- Architectural glass segment, being engaged in the production and sales of architectural glass products

- Solar Energy Segment, being engaged in the production and sales of polysilicon and solar modules

- Electronic glass and display Segment, being engaged in the production and sales of ultrathin electronic glass and display


Inter-segment transfer prices are measured by reference to selling prices to third parties.


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(2)Financial information of segment

Unit: RMB

Item Flat glass Achitectural glass Electronic glass and display Solar Energy Others Unallocated Elimination Total

Revenue from external customers 1,569,190,818 1,313,419,965 89,705,909 1,254,771,556 1,077,394 4,228,165,642

Inter-segment revenue 331,251,736 14,512,339 441,603 9,852,847 -356,058,525

Interest income 245,769 120,297 165,001 110,328 377 2,660,149 3,301,921

Interest expenses 48,166,542 21,983,427 4,378,627 42,079,363 11,216,864 127,824,823

Investment income from associates

-14,264,359 -14,264,359

and joint ventures

Asset impairment reversal -484,161 966,852 19,085 343,094 -1,770,242 -925,372

Depreciation and amortization

165,735,865 121,825,383 21,492,358 117,196,746 67,315 3,135,772 429,453,439


Total profit 243,308,785 161,890,177 -4,637,123 231,614,313 -115,730 -88,089,559 -826,377 543,144,486

Income tax expenses 34,154,099 11,564,684 -1,238,295 33,408,528 -45,852 77,843,164

Net profit 209,154,686 150,325,493 -3,398,828 198,205,785 -115,730 -88,043,707 -826,377 465,301,322

Total assets 5,305,425,738 3,427,381,344 2,761,735,400 4,327,181,813 843,476 1,152,653,639 16,975,221,410

Total liabilities 708,595,560 759,800,557 911,239,665 507,671,391 2,502,814 6,104,977,551 8,994,787,538

Additions of non-current assets

other than long-term equity 113,842,091 18,398,826 1,233,608,186 262,223,558 3,591,957 1,631,664,618



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(3) Other statement

The Group’s revenue from external customers domestically and in foreign countries or geographical areas, and the total non-current

assets other than financial assets and deferred tax assets located domestically and in foreign countries or geographical areas are as


Revenue from external customers Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun. 2015

Mainland 3,742,134,566 3,014,978,672

Hong Kong 46,568,633 4,678,449

Europe 34,282,849 37,623,285

Asia (other than Mainland and Hong Kong) 316,839,177 222,259,536

Australia 19,557,991 33,265,222

North America 64,008,117 8,601,218

Other region 4,774,309 1,633,120

4,228,165,642 3,323,039,502

Total non-current assets 30 June 2016 31 December 2015

Mainland 14,524,914,560 13,136,296,789

Hong Kong 12,619,932 12,669,672

14,537,534,492 13,148,966,461

The Group has a large number of customers, but no revenue from a single customer exceed 10% or more of the Group’s revenue.

XV. Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by category:

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Openning balance

Bad debt Bad debt

Book balance Book balance

Categories provision provision

Book value Book value

Propor Amou Propor Propor Propor

Amount Amount Amount

tion % nt tion % tion % tion %

Other accounts

receivable with

large amount and

provided bad debt




CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Other accounts


withdrawn bad

debt provision 3,918,271,786 100% 6,317 0% 3,918,265,469 4,285,491,595 100% 1,776,559 0% 4,283,715,036

according to credit



Other accounts

receivable with

small amount but

provided bad debt



Total 3,918,271,786 100% 6,317 0% 3,918,265,469 4,285,491,595 100% 1,776,559 0% 4,283,715,036

Other accounts receivable with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other accounts receivable in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis

√ Applicable □ Non-applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance

Name of portfolio

Other receivable accounts Bad debt provision proportion%

portfolio 1 315,834 6,317 2%

portfolio 2 3,917,955,952 0 0%

Total 3,918,271,786 6,317 0%

Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on other basis

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The amount of the reversed or collected part during the report period was of RMB 1,770,242.

(3) Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

Unit: RMB

Nature of accounts Ending book balance Beginning book balance

Accounts receivable of related party 3,917,955,952 4,285,231,188

Others 315,834 260,407

Total 3,918,271,786 4,285,491,595


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

(4) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collated according to the arrears party

Unit: RMB

Proportion of the total Closing

Nature of

Name of the company Closing balance Ages year end balance of the balance of bad


accounts receivable (%) debt provision

Yichang CSG Polysilicon Co., Ltd. Subsidiary 1,523,963,984 Within 1 year 39% 0

Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. Subsidiary 425,262,011 Within 1 year 11% 0

Qingyuan CSG Energy Conservation Subsidiary

269,043,219 7% 0

New Meterials Co., Ltd. Within 1 year

Xianning CSG Glass Co., Ltd. Subsidiary 252,311,567 Within 1 year 6% 0

Chengdu CSG Glass Co., Ltd. Subsidiary 248,993,313 Within 1 year 6% 0

Total -- 2,719,574,094 -- 69%

2. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision


Investment in subsidiaries 5,003,091,791 15,000,000 4,988,091,791 4,066,657,802 15,000,000


Investment in joint venture and

286,119,936 286,119,936

associated enterprise


Total 5,003,091,791 15,000,000 4,988,091,791 4,352,777,738 15,000,000


(1) Inventment in subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Provision for Closing

Opening Increase in Decrease Closing impairment of balance of

Invested company

balance the term in the term balance the current impairment

period provision

Chengdu CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 76,674,073 70,005,000 146,679,073

Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation Glass Co

115,290,583 115,290,583


Tianjin Energy Conservation Glass Co., Ltd 242,902,974 242,902,974

Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. 193,618,971 193,618,971


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Dongguan CSG Solar Glass Co., Ltd. 349,446,826 349,446,826

Yichang CSG Polysilicon Co., Ltd. 632,958,044 632,958,044

Wujiang CSG North-east Architectural Glass

251,313,658 251,313,658

Co., Ltd.

Hebei CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 261,998,368 261,998,368

China Southern Glass (Hong Kong) Limited 85,742,211 85,742,211

Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. 562,179,564 562,179,564

Hebei Panel Glass Co., Ltd. 243,062,801 243,062,801

Jiangyou CSG Mining Develop Co.Ltd. 100,725,041 100,725,041

Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. 177,041,818 177,041,818

Xianning CSG Energy Conservation Glass Co

161,281,576 161,281,576


Qingyuan CSG Energy Conservation New

300,185,609 300,185,609

Materials Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen CSG Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. 45,000,000 67,500,000 112,500,000

Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd. 100,000,000 100,000,000

Shenzhen CSG Display Technology Co., Ltd. 760,678,989 760,678,989

Xianning Feiwei Technology Co., Ltd. 38,250,000 38,250,000

Others 167,235,685 167,235,685 15,000,000

Total 4,066,657,802 936,433,989 5,003,091,791 15,000,000

(2) Investment in joint venture

Unit: RMB


Gains and



Adjustme Cash Withdraw balance

Additio recognize

Opening Reduced nt of Changes bonus or al of Closing of

Investee nal d under

balance investmen other of other profits impairme Other balance impairme

investm the equity

t comprehe equity announce nt nt

ent method

nsive d to issue provision provision


I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises


286,119,936 9,850,045 363,052 -296,333,033 0



CSG Semi-annual Report 2016



gy Co.,


Subtotal 286,119,936 9,850,045 363,052 -296,333,033 0

Total 286,119,936 9,850,045 363,052 -296,333,033 0

(3) Other notes

Subsidiaries (continuation)

As at June 30, 2016, long-term equity investment in subsidiaries contained the restricted stocks granted by the Company to the

Employees of subsidiaries of the company, and the Company did not charge any fees for the restricted stocks which was deemed as

an increase of costs of Long-term equity investment for subsidiaries by RMB 108,672,269(31 December 2015: RMB 96,884,696).

The subsidiaries which have made provision for impairment were basically closed down in the previous year, and the provision for

impairment for the long-term equity investment of them had been made by the Company according to the recoverable amount.

3. Operating income and operating costs

Unit: RMB

Occurred in this term Occurred in previous term


Income Costs Income Costs

Main business

Other business 1,077,394 60,334

Total 1,077,394 60,334

4. Investment income

Unit: RMB

Item Occurred in this term Occurred in previous term

Long-term equity investment accounted by cost method 389,430,562 495,382,766

Long-term equity investment accounted by equity method 9,850,045 -14,452,010

Investment income accounted by disposal of long-term equity investment -128,814

Investment income earned during the holding period of available-for-sale


financial assets

Investment income gained from disposal of equity interests 55,257,044

Total 399,280,607 536,119,358


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

XVI. Supplementary Information

1. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Item Amount Note

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment


of assets)

Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including the subsidy enjoyed in quota


or ration according to national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s business)

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items 1,542,049

Less: Impact on income tax 7,452,914

Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) -1,436,049

Total 43,359,871 --

Explain reasons for the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for

Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss

according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies

Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.

□Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

The weighted Earnings per share

Profit in the report period average net basic earnings per diluted earnings per

assets ratio share (RMB/share) share (RMB/share)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company(RMB) 5.99% 0.22 0.22

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after

5.43% 0.20 0.20

deducting non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

3. Difference of accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report prepared under international

and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report prepared under overseas and

Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


CSG Semi-annual Report 2016

Section IX. Documents available for Reference

I. Text of the Semi-annual Report carrying the legal representative’s signature;

II. Text of the financial report carrying the signatures and seals of the legal representative, C.F.O

and person in charge of financial organization;

III. All texts of the Company’s documents and original public notices disclosed in the papers

appointed by CSRC in the report period.

Board of Directors of

CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

16 August 2016



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