Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2016-67
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
Performance Prospect of the First Three Quarters of 2016
The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.
I. Prediction of business performance of the current term
1. Period of the prospect: January 1,2016 – September 30, 2016;
2. Performance predicted: Loss
Same period last
Items This term January-September2016
year(January-September 2015)
Net profit attributable to
the shareholders of the Loss:RMB -68 million~RMB-48 million Loss:RMB-89.28 million
listed company
Basic earnings per share Loss: About RMB-0.09~ RMB-0.06 Loss:RMB -0.1
3. Performance prospect for July-September 2016
Same period last
Items This term July-September 2016
year(July-September 2015)
Net profit attributable to Growth YoY(%):About 53%~78%
the shareholders of the
listed company Loss:About RMB -37 million~-RMB-17 Loss:RMB-78.99 million
Basic earnings per share million
Basic earnings per share Loss:About RMB-0.05~-RMB 0.02 Loss:RMB -0.1
II. Audition on the business performance prediction
These predictions were not audited by CPA.
III. Causation of change in business performance
Statement of the Board about significant change in business performances:
Net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies decreased over the previous year m
ainly due to a substantial increase in the corresponding provision for bad debts, although long agin
g accounts receivable increase, but the company completed sales of unit increase over last year, re
sulting in reduce the amount of losses.
IV. Related remark
1.The above is a preliminary prediction of the accounting department of the Company. The actual
information about the 3rd quarter of 2016 will be disclosed by the 3rd Quarterly Report 2016
which is going to be released.
2.Securities Times, Shanghai Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and are the official presses of the Company. Please be rational in your
investment and be aware of the investment risks.
The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
August 13, 2016