
来源:深交所 2016-08-13 00:00:00

司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Stock Code: 000613, 200613 Short Form of the Stock: Dadonghai-A, Dadonghai-B


Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Semi-Annual Report 2016

(Full Text)

Disclosure Date: 13 August 2016


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Important Notice:

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Hainan

Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm

that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this

report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of

the whole contents.

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from

capital reserve either.

Li Yuanbin, principal of the Company, Fu Zongren, person in charger of accounting works and Fu Zongren,

person in charge of accounting organ (accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of

Semi-Annual Report 2016 is authentic, accurate and complete.

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the Semi-Report, they do not

constitute a substantial commitment for investors. Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment



Semi-Annual Report 2016 ...................................................................................................................1

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase .........................................................................2

Section II Company Profile..................................................................................................................3

Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes ..........................................................5

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors .......................................................................................7

Section V Important Events ............................................................................................................... 11

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders ......................................................15

Section VII Preferred Stock………………………………………………………………………..20

Section VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives .............................................................21

Section IX Financial Report...............................................................................................................22

Section X Documents Available for Reference ................................................................................78


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年


Items Refers to Definition

CSRC Refers to China Securities Regulation Commission

SSE Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company Law Refers to Company Law of The People’s Republic of China

Securities Law Refers to Securities Law of The People’s Republic of China

Company/the Company Refers to Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Article of Association of Hainan Dadonghai Tourism

Article of Association Refers to

Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Shareholders’ General Meeting of Hainan Dadonghai

Shareholders’ General Meeting Refers to

Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors of Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre

Board of Directors Refers to

(Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Supervisory Committee of Hainan Dadonghai Tourism

Supervisory Committee Refers to

Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Yuan Refers to RMB/CNY

Risk Warning

Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) are the media for

information disclosure appointed by the Company for year of 2016, all information under the name of the

Company disclosed on the above said media shall prevail

The report is prepared in bilingual versions of Chinese and English respectively, in the event of any discrepancy in

understanding the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section II Company profile

I. Company Profile

Short form for share Dadonghai-A , Dadonghai-B Code for share 000613, 200613

Short form for share after the



Listing stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海

Abbr. of Chinese name of the



English name of the Company Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co.,Ltd.

Abbr. of English name of the



Legal Representative Li Yuanbin

II. Contact person and ways

Secretary of the Board Rep. of securities affairs

Name Wang Hongjuan

Contact adds. Dadonghai Sanya

Tel. 0898-88219921

Fax. 0898-88214998

E-mail hnddhhn@21cn.com

III. Others

1. Way of contact

Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period or


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,

found more details in Annual Report 2015.

2. Information disclosure and preparation place

Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparation

place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2015.

3. Registration changes of the Company

Whether registration has changed in reporting period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Date/place for registration of the Company, registration number for enterprise legal license, number of taxation registration and

organization code have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2015.


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting

error correction or not

□Yes √ No

Increase/decrease in this

Current period Same period of last year

report y-o-y

Operating revenue (RMB) 12,062,797.60 8,421,296.50 43.24%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 -105.07%

the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the listed company after deducting 94,716.52 -4,797,114.00 -101.97%

non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating

1,453,697.44 830,910.41 74.95%


Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0005 -0.0093 -105.38%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0005 -0.0093 -105.38%

Weighted average ROE (%) 0.22% -4.10% -105.37%

Increase/decrease in this

End of current period End of last period report-end over that of last


Total assets (RMB) 103,867,283.10 104,887,596.60 -0.97%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of

77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93 0.22%

listed company(RMB)

II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International

Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

√Applicable □Not applicable


Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed

company company

Amount in this period Amount in last period Amount at period-end Amount at


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年


Chinese GAAP 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

Items and amount adjusted by IAS

By IAS 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting

rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

√Applicable □Not applicable


Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed

company company

Amount at

Amount in this period Amount in last period Amount at period-end


Chinese GAAP 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

Items and amount adjusted by foreign accounting rules

By foreign accounting rules 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

3. Reasons for the differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □Not applicable


Item Amount Note

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the Mainly refers to the income from


aforementioned items compensation

Total 77,406.00 --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies

Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to

the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their

Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Item Amount (RMB) Reasons

Compensation income 64,926.00 Income from compensation for guest houses

Others 12,480.00 Other income


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

Experience the downturn of economic enviornment and tourism market in reporting period, and impact by the upgrade and

restructuring of the operation facilities in hotel, the Company actively carry out countermeasures to foucusing on the hotl network,

e-business and expoitation on foreign market. Making prompt adjustments on the sale strategy according to market conditions, more

efferts are made in market development as net work, e-business and foreign business, strengthen the soft/hard ware construction in

order to improve the service quality. Meanwhile, the Company further reinforce the internal control management, continues to

strengthen cost control, energy-saving, increase income & reduce expenditure for minimising losses in costs. The occupance had

increased compared with the same period last year, revenue from main busienss increased as well as the profit, the operation benefit

is taking a turn for the better.

In reporting Period, operation revenue of the Company amounting to RMB 12.0628 million, increased RMB 3.6415 million over

same period of last year with 43.24% up; operation profit gains RMB152,100, decreased RMB 4.783 million losses from a year

earlier with 103.28% declined; net non-operating income and expenses amounting to RMB 77,400 with RMB 1.1615 million

declined form a year earlier with 93.75% down; net profit was RMB 172,100, RMB 3.5641 million loss declined from a year earlier

with 105.07% down.

II. Main business analysis

Y-o-y changes of main financial data


Same period of Y-o-y

Current period Reasons for changes

last year increase/decrease

Operation revenue 12,062,797.60 8,421,296.50 43.24% More revenue from guest houses

Operation cost 554,719.62 271,303.89 104.46% More revenue from catering

Sales expenses 5,976,169.43 6,139,828.47 -2.67%

Administrative expenses 5,017,613.77 6,399,160.26 -21.59%

Income from savings interests

Financial cost -204,752.54 -63,474.74 222.57%


The income tax expenses accrual for

Income tax expenses 57,374.17 100.00%

earnings in the Period

Net cash flow arising from

1,453,697.44 830,910.41 74.95% Expenses declined

operation activities

Net cash flow arising from

-9,410,799.00 -26,327.00 35,645.81% The creditors investment increased

investment activities

Net increase of cash and cash

-7,957,101.56 804,583.41 -1,088.97% The creditors investment increased



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Major changes on profit composition or profit resources in reporting period

√Applicable □Not applicable

Profit of the Period increased 43.24% on a y-o-y basis, main reasons are:

In reporting period, the Company put more efferts in market development as net work, e-business and foreign business, strengthen

the soft/hard ware and operation evniornment management in and out of the hotel in order to improve the service quality. The

occupance had increased compared with the same period last year, revenue from operation increased. Meanwhile, the Company

further reinforce the internal control management, continues to strengthen cost control, energy-saving, increase income & reduce

expenditurem, the costs expenditure had declined compared with same period of last year with the profit growth.

The future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private

placing memorandum and recapitalize statement

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private

placing memorandum and recapitalize statement

Review on the previous business plan and its progress during reporting period

During the reporting period, as affected by the continuous depress of the overall economic conditions and tourism market, upgrade of

hotel operation facilities, the Company adopted actions accordingly to complete its operating target determined at the beginning of

the year, which included adjusting operating strategies, insisting on market-oriented demand, intensifying sales resources based on

economic benefits, effectively improving service quality and bringing costs under strict control.

III. Constitution of main business


Increase or decrease

Increase or decrease of Increase or decrease of

Operating Operating Gross profit of gross profit ratio

operating revenue over operating cost over

revenue cost ratio over same period of

same period of last year same period of last year

last year

According to industries

Tourism &

12,062,797.60 554,719.62 95.40% 43.24% 104.46% -1.38%


According to products

Room revenue 9,811,796.58 100.00% 51.96%

Catering and

entertainment 1,024,670.92 554,719.62 45.86% 52.39% 104.46% -13.79%


Rental revenue 1,226,330.10 100.00% -5.10%

According to region

Hainan Province 12,062,797.60 554,719.62 95.40% 43.24% 104.46% -1.38%


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

IV. Core competitive-ness analysis

In the reporting period, the Company’s core competitive-ness had no major changes, and more details can be found in Annual Report


V. Investment analysis

1. Equity investment outside

(1) Investment outside

√Applicable □Not applicable

Investment outside

Investment in the same period of last year

Investment in the reporting period (RMB) Changes


0.00 0.00 0.00%

Invested company

Proportion of equity in invested company

Name Main business

for listed company

Shenzhen Difu Investment & Development Investment, business, material supply and


Ltd marketing

Sanya Xiangyu E-Business Co., Ltd. E-business, software etc. 18.00%

Hubei Jingsha Dadonghai Club Ltd. Entertainment industry 91.00%

Sanya Shun’an Casino Entertainment industry 70.00%

(2) Holding the equity of financial enterprise

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The company had not held the equity of financial enterprise in the reporting period-end.

(3) Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no securities investment in the Period

(4)Explanation on equity of other listed company held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no equity of other listed company held in Period.


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

2. Trust financing, investment of derivatives and entrustment loan

(1) Trust financing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no trust financing in the Period

(2) Investment of derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no derivatives investment in the Period

(3) Entrustment loan

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no entrustment loan in the Period

3. Application of raised proceeds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The company had no application of raised proceeds in the reporting period.

4. Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies analysis

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No main subsidiaries or joint-stock companies in Period.

5. Major project invested by non-raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No major project invested by non-raised funds in Period.

VI. Prediction of business performance from January – September 2016

Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the

warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Explanation from the Board and Supervisory Committee for “Qualified Opinion” from

the CPA of this year’s

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” of previous year from the Board

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

IX. Implementation of profit distribution in reporting period

Implementation or adjustment of profit distribution plan in reporting period, cash dividend plan and shares converted from capital

reserve in particular

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Previous year’s profit distribution plan was no profit distribution and shares converted from capital reserve either

X. Profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserves in the Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either for

the semi-annual year

XI. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

√Applicable □Not applicable

Time Place Way Type Reception Contents discussed and material provided

Investor in Progress of the share reform commitments

The Telephone

2016-04-12 Individual Zhejiang by majority shareholder on finding

Company communication

(Surname Yao) restructuring side, no material acquired

The Telephone Investor in Jiangxi Operation of the Company, no material

2016-05-06 Individual

Company communication (Surname Hong) acquired

The Telephone Investor in Hainan Listing of the former staff shares, no

2016-05-27 Individual

Company communication (Surname Lin) material acquired

Investor in

The Telephone Operation of the Company, no material

2016-06-08 Individual Guangdong

Company communication acquired

(Surname Liu)


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section V. Important Events

I. Corporate governance

During the report period, the Company strictly follows the requirements of “Corporation Law”, "Securities Law",

"Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock ", and other relevant laws and regulations, establishes and

improves the corporate governance system, improves the corporate governance structure, and promotes the

company’s standard operation, there is no difference between the actual state of corporate governance and the

requirements of relevant provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

During the reporting period, the general meeting, board of directors and board of supervisors of the Company

exercised their rights of decision-making, execution and supervision separately with clearly defined terms of

reference, under which, the three authority organs ran in standardized and effective way with each being balanced

by the other two. The convening procedure, proposal consideration procedure and decision-making procedure of

the three organs all met relevant requirements. The Directors performed their duties on an honest, diligent and

independent basis in strict accordance to the Listing Rules, which was in the interest of the Company and the

shareholders as a whole, with the legal interest of the minority shareholders protected as well. Our supervisors

made independent and effective supervision and review on the directors, senior management and their financial


The Company will continue to improve the corporate governance, seriously fulfill the obligation of information

disclosure, strengthen the management to information disclosure, maintain the principle of fairness about the

information disclosure, strengthen the investor relations management, and protect the legitimate rights and

interests of all investors.

II. Lawsuits

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no significant lawsuits and arbitrations in reporting period

Other lawsuits

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Resulted an

involved Disclo Disclo

accrual Trial result and Execution of

Lawsuits (arbitrations) (in 10 Progress sure sure

liability influence judgment

thousand date index



The plaintiff- Hong Kong-Macau On 27 June 2016,

International Hainan Investment the Paper of Civil

15,600 N Decided N/A - -

Co., Ltd. suit against the Judgment (2015)

defendant Hainan Hong HXFMECZi No.


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Kong-Macau International Trade 81 issued by

Development Co., Ltd. and the Haikou

Company for disputes over Intermediate

foreign debt to Haikou People’s Court of

Intermediate People’s Court of Hainan Province:

Hainan Province, that is: 1. affirm dismiss the

the Hong Kong-Macau plaintiff, and the

International Hainan Investment court costs were

Co., Ltd. holds 1.2 million equity awarded against

of the Company, and it is the the plaintiff

shareholder of the Company; 2.

The Company and Hainan Hong

Kong-Macau International Trade

Development Co., Ltd. assume a

shared responsibility for the court


III. Question from media

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No universal questioned by media in reporting period

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In reporting period, the Company has no bankruptcy reorganization occurred.

V. Transaction in assets

1. Assets acquisition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not purchased assets in the Period

2. Sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not sell assets in the Period

3. Business combination

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no business combined in the Period


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

VI. Implementation of the company’s equity incentive and the effects

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No equity incentive in reporting period

VII. Insignificant related transactions

1. Related transaction with daily operation concerned

√Applicable □ Not applicable



Related over the

Content transacti Proportio limit Clearing Available Index

Type of approve Date of

of Pricing Related on n in approved form for similar of

Related Relatio related

related principl transacti amount similar d related disclosu

party nship transacti

transacti e on price (in 10 transactio (in 10 transacti market disclos

on limited re

on thousan ns thousand on price ure

d Yuan) or not



Luonius The Same as

Same as

han Co., first non-rel

Accom non-relate

Ltd. majorit Consum Market Market ated

modatio 2.07 0.22% 2.07 N d parties - -

Luonius y ption price price parties

n transactio

han Co., shareh transac


Ltd. older tion

Total -- -- 2.07 -- 2.07 -- -- -- -- --

Detail of sales return with major


amount involved

Report the actual implementation of

the daily related transactions which

were projected about their total N/A

amount by types during the

reporting period

Reasons of quite different between

Not applicable

transaction price and consult price

2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets in Period

3. Related transaction from jointly investment outside

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No related transaction from jointly investment outside occurred in Period


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

4. Credits and liability of related party

√Applicable □Not applicable

Whether exist non-operating contact of related credit and debt or not

√Yes □No

Related party claims receivable:

The newly

The amount

Balance of added Current Balance at

Relate Whether exist of recovery

period-begin amount in interest period-end

Relate d Resulted non-operational in Period Interest

(in 10 Period (in 10 (in 10

d party relatio reason capital (in 10 rate

thousand (in 10 thousand thousand

nship occupying thousand

Yuan) thousand Yuan) Yuan)




Luoniushan Consumpti

majority N 0.84 2.07 2.91

Co., Ltd on


Influence on operation

result and financial statue

No influence

of the Company from

related credit and debts

Debt payable to related parties:

The newly The amount

Balance of Current Balance at

added amount of recovery in

Related period-begin interest period-end

Related Resulted in Period Period

relation (in 10 Interest rate (in 10 (in 10

party reason (in 10 (in 10

ship thousand thousand thousand

thousand thousand

Yuan) Yuan) Yuan)

Yuan) Yuan)

Influence on operation result

and financial statue of the N/A

Company from related debts

5. Other related transactions

√Applicable □Not applicable

In reporting Period, lodging and beverage consumption amounting to 20,700 Yuan from the first majority shareholder Luoniushan

Co., Ltd., presenting 0.17% in similar trading amount, the trading price refers to the amrket price, and the settlement way was same

as the non-related transactions

VIII. Non-business capital occupying by controlling shareholders and its related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No non-business capital occupied by controlling shareholders and its related parties in Period


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

IX. Major contract and implantation

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no trusteeship in the reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no contract in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

√Applicable □Not applicable


Item (store) Lessee Term of lease

Shower room Zhong Zhangping 1 Sept. 2011 -31 Aug. 2016

Physiotherapy center Chen Junwei 1 Mar. 2016 – 28 Feb. 2019

Chinese restaurant Ma Ming 1 Jan. 2016- 31 Dec. 2020

Seaside sidewalk snack Sanya Leda Cantering Management 1 May 2016- 30 Apr. 2021

booth and wooden box Co., Ltd.

Items bring over 10% of the total profit in reporting period

√Applicable □Not applicable


Amount for Earnings Related Relate

for Impact on

Assets leasing (in 10 Date of (in 10 transact d

Lessor Leasing party Starting date earnings the

leasing thousand termination thousand ion relatio

determinat Company

Yuan) Yuan) (Y/N) nship



Sanya Leda

The sidewalk

Cantering Revenue

Compan snack booth 1,800 2016-05-01 2021-04-30 180 Contract N N/A

Management increased

y and wooden

Co., Ltd.



Chinese Revenue

Compan Ma Ming 1,500 2016-01-01 2020-12-31 72 Contract N N/A

restaurant increased



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年


Physiotherap Revenue

Compan Chen Junwei 370 2016-03-01 2019-02-28 15.6 Contract N N/A

y center increased



Zhong Shower Revenue

Compan 80 2011-09-01 2016-08-31 6 Contract N N/A

Zhangping room increased


2. Guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no guarantee in the reporting period.

3. Other material contracts

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Book value

value with

with assets

assets Dealing Executio

involved in Relate

Parties in Lease involved in price (in Related n ended

Counterparty in Signing the Appraisa Valuatio Pricing d

the agree the 10 transacti as the

the Contract date contract(in l organ n date principle relatio

Contract ment contract(in thousand on (Y/N) Period-e

10 nship

10 Yuan) nd





Wuhan Aier

The 9

Technology 2016-01-0 Market In

Compan million 900 N/A N N/A

Development 7 price progress

y Yuan

Co., Ltd.

4. Other material transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no other material transactions in the reporting period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the

Company in reporting period or occurred in the previous reporting period but continued to

reporting period

√Applicable □Not applicable

Commitme Commitmen

Commitments Accepter Contents Implementation

nt time t period

Commitments for On May 30, 2007, Luoniushan Co., Ltd. made Since the Company's


Share Merger commitments in the Company’s "Instructions 2014-06-27 In 3 years implementation of

Co., Ltd

Reform for reform of non-tradable shares" (Revision) reform of non-tradable


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

and "Instructions for reform of non-tradable shares, the Company has

shares" (Abstract of revision) that in view of avoided the risk of

Dadonghai Company’s losses in successive delisting and improved

years and on the verge of delisting, in order to the financial situation

reverse the company's business difficulties, accordingly with efforts

improve profitability and recover the continuous of all parties. Up to now,

business capacity, Luoniushan Co., Ltd., the Luoniushan Co., Ltd. has

controlling shareholder of Dadonghai Company not found the appropriate

made commitments to actively seek restructuring parties for

restructuring parties to reorganize the assets of the company’s

Dadonghai Company at the appropriate time. reorganization.

Commitments in

report of

acquisition or equity


Commitments in

assets reorganization

Commitments make

in Initial public

offering or


Based on the confidence in the future

sustainable development of Dadonghai, as well

as the long-term investment value of domestic

capital market, Luoniushan Co., Ltd. shall take

practical action and participate in maintaining

the capital market stability. In accordance with

the relevant provisions of China Securities

Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock

Other commitments Exchange, Luoniushan Co., Ltd. plans to take


for minority chances to increase holding of shares in 2015-07-10 In 6 months Completed

Co., Ltd

shareholders Dadonghai through Shenzhen Stock Exchange

within six months from the date of this

announcement, the amount of increased holding

of shares should be no less than RMB 5 million

yuan, and does not automatically reduce holding

of shares in Dadonghai during the increased

holding period, within six months after the

increased holding of shares and within the legal

time limit.



commitments on


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年


Detail reasons for

un-complement and N/A

further plan

XI. Engagement and non-reappointment of CPA

Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not

□Yes √ No

The semi-annual report of the Company had no audited.

XII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no penalty and rectification in the Period

XIII. Risk disclosure of delisting with laws and rules violated

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no delisting risks with laws and rules violated in Period

XIV. Explanation on other significant events

√Applicable □Not applicable

Lawyer’s Letter received by the Company: based on the preliminary calculation by Sanya Power Supply Bureau, totally 10313373

KWH was undercounted from July 2006 to April 2016 under the name of South China Hotel. The condition needs further verification

and the Company will figure out the truth for judging the follow-up impact on the Company. Meanwhile, the Company plans to made

a friendly negotiation with Sanya Power Supply Bureau and properly handle the follow-up issues.

Found more in “Notice on the Lawyer’s Letter received by the Company” released on Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial

Daily and Juchao Website dated 31 May 2016

XV. Corporate bonds

Whether the Company has corporate bonds that have been publicly issued and listed on the stock exchange, and not yet due or due

but not fully cashed on the approval date of annual report or not



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

In Share

Before change Increase/decrease in this time (+ , - ) After change



New Bonus

Amount Ratio of Other Subtotal Amount Ratio

issue share



I. Restricted shares 15,073,200 4.14% -4,618,800 -4,618,800 10,454,400 2.87%

1. State-owned shares

2. State-owned corporate

2,369,400 0.65% 2,369,400 0.65%


12,703,800 3.49% -4,618,800 -4,618,800 8,085,000 2.22%

3. Other domestic shares

Including: Domestic legal

12,571,800 3.45% -4,618,800 -4,618,800 7,953,000 2.18%

person shares

Domestic natural person

132,000 0.04% 132,000 0.04%


II. Unrestricted shares 349,026,800 95.86% 4,618,800 4,618,800 353,645,600 97.13%

261,026,800 71.69% 4,618,800 4,618,800 265,645,600 72.96%

1. RMB common shares

2.Domestically listed

88,000,000 24.17% 88,000,000 24.17%

foreign shares

III. Total shares 364,100,000 100.00% 364,100,000 100.00%

Reasons for share changed

√Applicable □Not applicable

In the process of subsequent work of share-trading reform of the Company, according to relevant regulations the release procedures

were in process and part of the shareholders handling the payment of account paid in advance. Thus, the share structure changes in

the report period but retained the same in total share capital.

Approval of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ownership transfer of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common

shareholders of Company in latest year and period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information necessary to disclose for the Company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Explanation on changes in aspect of total shares, shareholders structures as well as structure of assets and liability of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Number of shares and shares held

In share

Total preference shareholders with voting

Total common shareholders at period-end 22,171 0

rights recovered at end of reporting period

Particulars about shares held above 5% by common shareholders or top ten common shareholders

Number of share

Proporti Number of Amount of Amount of

Changes in pledged/frozen

on of common restricted unrestricted

Shareholders Nature of shareholder reporting State

shares shares held common common shares

period of Amount

held at period-end shares held held



Luoniushan Co., Ltd. non-state-owned legal 16.90% 61,515,370 325,100 61,515,370


Domestic nature Pledg

Pan Guoping 8.48% 30,879,791 30,879,791 30,000,000

person ed

Guangdong New Value

Investment Co., Ltd.

Other 5.02% 18,293,924

–Collective investment


Donghai Funds – ICBC-

Xinlong Assets Other 3.11% 11,314,129 11,314,129 11,314,129

Management Plan

First Shanghai Securities

Overseas legal person 2.64% 9,595,998 -165,000 9,595,998


Yangpu Tongrong Domestic

Investment Management non-state-owned legal 1.27% 4,618,800 4,618,800

Consultation Co., Ltd person


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Domestic nature

Li Qingsong 1.25% 4,558,850 3,731,950 4,558,850




ASSETS Overseas legal person 0.95% 3,441,002 3,441,002 3,441,002


LTD. – Clients fund


Overseas legal person 0.90% 3,265,200 3,265,200


Domestic nature

Sun Huiming 0.79% 2,888,690 2,888,690


Strategy investors or general corporate becomes


top 10 common shareholders due to rights issued

The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to the

Explanation on associated relationship among

consistent actor regulated by the Management Measure of Information Disclosure on

the aforesaid shareholders

Change of Shareholding for Listed Company among the other shareholders.

Particular about top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held

Amount of unrestricted common shares held at Type of shares


period-end Type Amount

Luoniushan Co., Ltd. 61,515,370 RMB common share 61,515,370

Domestically listed

Pan Guoping 30,879,791 30,879,791

foreign share

Guangdong New Value Investment Co., Ltd.

18,293,924 RMB common share 18,293,924

–Collective investment scheme

Donghai Funds – ICBC- Xinlong Assets

11,314,129 RMB common share 11,314,129

Management Plan

Domestically listed

First Shanghai Securities Limited 9,595,998 9,595,998

foreign share

Yangpu Tongrong Investment Management

4,618,800 RMB common share 4,618,800

Consultation Co., Ltd

Li Qingsong 4,558,850 RMB common share 4,558,850


3,441,002 RMB common share 3,441,002

MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. – Clients fund

Domestically listed

CITRINE CAPITAL LIMITED 3,265,200 3,265,200

foreign share

Domestically listed

Sun Huiming 2,888,690 2,888,690

foreign share

Expiation on associated relationship or The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or belongs to the


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

consistent actors within the top 10 un-restrict consistent actor regulated by the Management Measure of Information Disclosure on

common shareholders and between top 10 Change of Shareholding for Listed Company among the other shareholders.

un-restrict common shareholders and top 10

common shareholders

Explanation on top ten common shareholders


involving margin business

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement

dealing in reporting period

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back

agreement dealing in reporting period.

III. Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changes of controlling shareholders had no change in reporting period.

Changes of actual controller in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Changes of actual controller in reporting period had no change in reporting period.

IV. Share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in reporting period from

shareholder of the Company and its concerted action person

□ Applicable √Not applicable

As far as the Company know, there are no share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in Period from shareholder of the

Company and its concerted action person


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section VII. Preferred Stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no preferred stock in the reporting.


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives have no changes in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report


II. Resignation and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name Title Type Date Reason

Li Wei Director Leave the post 2016-05-30 Personal reasons


Liu Xianghai Leave the post 2016-05-13 Personal reasons



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Section IX. Financial Report

I. Audit reports

Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not

□ Yes √ No

The financial report of this semi-annual report was unaudited

II. Financial statements

Units in Notes of Financial Statements is RMB

1. Balance sheet

Prepared by: Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd.



Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets:

Monetary funds 11,825,290.70 19,782,392.26

Settlement funds

Lending funds

Financial liability measured by fair value and with

variation reckoned into current gains/losses

Derivative financial liability

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable 531,683.28 460,197.28

Prepayments 114,467.44 42,358.16

Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivables

Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable

Interest receivable

Dividends receivable

Other receivables 414,276.84 211,946.37

Purchase restituted finance asset

Inventories 235,587.40 218,075.43


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Divided into assets held for sale

Non-current assets maturing within one year 266,250.00 532,500.00

Other current assets 9,000,000.00

Total current assets 22,387,555.66 21,247,469.50

Non-current assets:

Loans and payments on behalf

Available-for-sale financial assets 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments

Investment real estate

Fixed assets 49,553,950.50 51,279,986.58

Construction in progress

Project materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive biological assets

Oil and natural gas assets

Intangible assets 25,917,026.94 26,351,390.52

Research and development costs


Long-term deferred expenses 1,508,750.00 1,508,750.00

Deferred tax assets

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets 81,479,727.44 83,640,127.10

Total assets 103,867,283.10 104,887,596.60

Current liabilities

Short-term borrowings

Loan from central bank

Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit

Capital borrowed

Financial liability measured by fair value and with

variation reckoned into current gains/losses

Derivative financial liability

Notes payable


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Accounts payable 2,267,968.68 2,415,602.37

Accounts received in advance 952,186.37 1,153,854.95

Selling financial asset of repurchase

Commission charge and commission payable

Wage payable 1,581,335.21 2,150,364.40

Taxes payable -1,525,152.56 -1,422,221.33

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other accounts payable 23,481,354.95 23,652,528.28

Reinsurance payables

Insurance contract reserve

Security trading of agency

Security sales of agency

Divided into liability held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 26,757,692.65 27,950,128.67

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans

Bonds payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term account payable

Long-term wages payable

Special accounts payable

Projected liabilities

Deferred income

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities 26,757,692.65 27,950,128.67

Owners’ equity:

Share capita 364,100,000.00 364,100,000.00

Other equity instrument


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Including: preferred stock

Perpetual capital securities

Capital public reserve 54,142,850.01 54,142,850.01

Less: Inventory shares

Other comprehensive income

Reasonable reserve

Surplus reserve

Provision of general risk

Retained profit -341,133,259.56 -341,305,382.08

Total owner’s equity attributable to parent Company 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

Minority interests

Total owner’s equity 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

Total liabilities and owner’s equity 103,867,283.10 104,887,596.60

Legal Representative: Li Yuanbin Accounting Principal: Fu Zongren

Accounting Firm’s Principal: Fu Zongren

2. Profit statement


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Total operating income 12,062,797.60 8,421,296.50

Including: Operating income 12,062,797.60 8,421,296.50

Interest income

Insurance gained

Commission charge and commission income

II. Total operating cost 11,910,706.91 13,052,211.04

Including: Operating cost 554,719.62 271,303.89

Interest expense

Commission charge and commission expense

Cash surrender value

Net amount of expense of compensation

Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve

Bonus expense of guarantee slip

Reinsurance expense


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Operating tax and extras 566,956.63 471,592.62

Sales expenses 5,976,169.43 6,139,828.47

Administration expenses 5,017,613.77 6,399,160.26

Financial expenses -204,752.54 -63,474.74

Losses of devaluation of asset -166,199.46

Add: Changing income of fair value(Loss is listed with “-”)

Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)

Including: Investment income on affiliated Company and joint


Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 152,090.69 -4,630,914.54

Add: Non-operating income 77,406.00 1,241,023.50

Including: Disposal earnings of non-current asset

Less: Non-operating expense 2,075.60

Including: Disposal loss of non-current asset 2,075.60

IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 229,496.69 -3,391,966.64

Less: Income tax 57,374.17

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”) 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64

Net profit attributable to owner’s equity of parent Company 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64

Minority shareholders’ gains and losses

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of

parent company

(I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be

reclassified subsequently to profit of loss

1. Changes as a result of re-measurement of net defined

benefit plan liability or asset

2. Share of the other comprehensive income of the investee

accounted for using equity method which will not be reclassified

subsequently to profit and loss

(II) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss

1. Share of the other comprehensive income of the investee

accounted for using equity method which will be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss

2. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of

available-for-sale financial assets


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

3. Gains or losses arising from reclassification of

held-to-maturity investment as available-for-sale financial assets

4. The effect hedging portion of gains or losses arising from

cash flow hedging instruments

5. Translation differences arising on translation of foreign

currency financial statements

6. Other

Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority


VII. Total comprehensive income 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64

Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent

172,122.52 -3,391,966.64


Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

(i) Basic earnings per share 0.0005 -0.0093

(ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.0005 -0.0093

Legal Representative: Li Yuanbin Accounting Principal: Fu Zongren

Accounting Firm’s Principal: Fu Zongren

3. Cash flow statement


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor

12,211,146.88 10,868,413.03


Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit

Net increase of loan from central bank

Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution

Cash received from original insurance contract fee

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Insured savings and net increase of investment

Net increase of amount from disposal financial assets that

measured by fair value and with variation reckoned into current


Cash received from interest, commission charge and


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年


Net increase of capital borrowed

Net increase of buy-back business capital

Write-back of tax received 4,801.73

Other cash received concerning operating activities 545,761.73 1,871,202.02

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities 12,761,710.34 12,739,615.05

Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor

3,278,812.89 2,990,680.12


Net increase of customer loans and advances

Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank

Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation

Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission

Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip

Cash paid to/for staff and workers 4,775,931.92 4,985,952.00

Taxes paid 1,706,387.86 1,611,875.83

Other cash paid concerning operating activities 1,546,880.23 2,320,196.69

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities 11,308,012.90 11,908,704.64

Net cash flows arising from operating activities 1,453,697.44 830,910.41

II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:

Cash received from recovering investment

Cash received from investment income

Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units

Other cash received concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities

Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term

410,799.00 26,327.00


Cash paid for investment 9,000,000.00

Net increase of mortgaged loans

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units

Other cash paid concerning investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities 9,410,799.00 26,327.00

Net cash flows arising from investing activities -9,410,799.00 -26,327.00

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities:


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Cash received from absorbing investment

Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’

investment by subsidiaries

Cash received from loans

Cash received from issuing bonds

Other cash received concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities

Cash paid for settling debts

Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying

Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by


Other cash paid concerning financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities

Net cash flows arising from financing activities

IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -7,957,101.56 804,583.41

Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -begin 19,782,392.26 22,550,289.54

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period -end 11,825,290.70 23,354,872.95

4. Statement on Changes of Owners’ Equity

Current Period


Current Period

Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company


equity instrument Minor

Less: Other Surpl Provisi Total

Item Perpet Reasona ity

Share Capital Invent comprehen us on of Retained owners’

Preferr ual ble interes

capital Oth reserve ory sive reser genera profit equity

ed capital reserve ts

er shares income ve l risk

stock securit


I. Balance

at the end 364,100,00 54,142,85 -341,305,38 76,937,46

of the last 0.00 0.01 2.08 7.93



Changes of






司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

of the last





under the




II. Balance

at the 364,100,00 54,142,85 -341,305,38 76,937,46

beginning 0.00 0.01 2.08 7.93

of this year





in this year 172,122.52



is listed

with “-”)

(i) Total

comprehen 172,122.5


sive 2










invested by



2. Capital

invested by

holders of





3. Amount




equity with


d payment

4. Other


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

(III) Profit





l of surplus




l of general





n for

owners (or



4. Other







1. Capital



to capital



2. Surplus



to capital





g loss with



4. Other



e reserve



l in the




司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

2. Usage in

the report




Balance at

364,100,00 54,142,85 -341,133,25 77,109,59

the end of

0.00 0.01 9.56 0.45

the report


Last Period


Last Period

Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company


equity instrument Minor

Item Less: Other Surpl Provisi Total

Perpet Reasona ity

Share Capital Invent comprehen us on of Retained owners’

Preferr ual ble interes

capital Oth reserve ory sive reser genera profit equity

ed capital reserve ts

er shares income ve l risk

stock securit


I. Balance

at the end 364,100,00 54,142,85 -333,827,51 84,415,33

of the last 0.00 0.01 5.68 4.33



Changes of





of the last





under the




II. Balance

at the 364,100,00 54,142,85 -333,827,51 84,415,33

beginning 0.00 0.01 5.68 4.33

of this year


Increase/ -3,391,966.

Decrease 64

in this year


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年


is listed

with “-”)

(i) Total

comprehen -3,391,966.

sive 64










invested by



2. Capital

invested by

holders of





3. Amount




equity with


d payment

4 Other

(III) Profit





l of surplus




l of general





n for

owners (or



4. Other


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年







1. Capital



to capital



2. Surplus



to capital





g loss with



4. Other



e reserve



l in the



2. Usage in

the report




Balance at

364,100,00 54,142,85 -337,219,48 81,023,36

the end of

0.00 0.01 2.32 7.69

the report


III. Company profile

Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Center (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), was founded

as a standardized LLC on April 26, 1993, reorganized and incorporated on the basis of the former Hainan Sanya

Dadonghai Tourism Center Development Ltd. and approved by the Hainan Provincial Stock System


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Experimentation Leading Team Office with a document of Qiong Gu Ban Zi [1993] No. 11. On May 6, 1996, the

Company underwent a restructuring and a corresponding division under the approval of the Hainan Provincial

Securities Administration Office with a document of Qiong Zheng Ban [1996] No. 58. On October 8, 1996 and

January 28, 1997, the Company, with duly approval, went public by issuing 80 million shares of B stock and 14

million shares of A stock respectively on Shenzhen Security Exchange. On June 20, 2007, the Company

experienced a reform of non-tradable shares, through which non-tradable share holders of the Company got

circulating right of their shares by paying shares to tradable share holders, and tradable share holders got paid

three shares for every ten of their shares. The Company operates business in the industry of tourism and catering


As of 30 June 2016, the Company’s total capital stock is 364,100,000 shares. The Company’s registered capital is

RMB 364.1 million. The legal representative is Li Yuanbin. The registration number of its Business License for

Enterprise Legal Person (Duplicate) is 4600001003983. The legal registered residence is Dadonghai, Hedong

District, Sanya. Its scope of business includes: accommodation and catering industry (limited to those operated by

branches); photography; operation of ornamental plant bonsai, knitwear and textiles, general merchandise,

hardware and electrical equipment, chemical products (excluding those require specialized licenses), daily

necessities, industrial means of production (excluding those require specialized licenses), metal materials and

machinery equipment; commission sale of plane, bus, train and ship tickets (items in require of administrative

permission shall be operated under license).

These financial statements have been approved by all directors of the Company on 11 August 2016 for disclosure.

The scope of consolidated financial statements include the Company headquarter and South China Grand Hotel

with Independent accountability.

The scope of consolidated financial statements of the Company had no change in the year.

IV. Basis of preparation for financial statements

1. Basis of preparation

Based on going concern, according to actually occurred transactions and events, the Company prepares its

financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Basic Standards and

concrete accounting standards, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Application Guidelines,

Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Interpretations and other relevant provisions (collectively known

as “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”), as well as the disclosure requirements of Regulation on the

Preparation of Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Public Shares No.15 - General Requirements for

Financial Reports (as revised in 2014) by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

2. Going concern

The Company currently has sufficient operating capital and no debt service pressure, the business circumstance

has been improved after the new general manager of the Company’s subsidiary South China Hotel worked in the

year of 2015. So far, the Company is operating normal and expected to continue operate as going concern in the

next twelve months.

V. Principal accounting policies and estimates

Tips of accounting policies and estimates:


1. Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the Company’s financial position, operating results, cash

flows and other information.

2. Accounting period

The accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 in calendar year.

3. Operating cycle

The operating cycle of the Company is twelve months.

4. Functional currency

RMB is adopted as the functional currency.

5. Accounting treatment for business combinations under the same control and those not under the same


6. Methods for preparation of consolidated financial statements

7. Accounting treatment for joint venture and joint operation

8. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of preparing the statement of cash flows, the term “cash” refers to the cash on hand and the

unrestricted deposit. The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term (maturing within three months from

acquisition) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are

subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.


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9. Foreign business and foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions are converted into RMB for recording purpose at the spot exchange rate on the date

when the transaction occurs.

Balances of foreign currency monetary items are measured at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date.

The exchange difference arising there from shall be included in the current profit and loss, except that those

exchange differences arising from the special borrowings of foreign currency related to the acquired and

constructed assets qualified for capitalization shall be dealt with according to the principle of borrowing cost

capitalization. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical costs shall still be converted at the

spot exchange rates on the date when the transactions occur, and the amount in functional currency shall remain

unchanged. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value shall be translated at the spot exchange

rates on the date when the fair value is determined. The exchange difference arising there from shall be included

in the current profit and loss or capital reserves.

10. Financial instruments

Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.

1. Classification of financial instruments

Financial assets and liabilities are classified into the following categories according to the purpose of acquisition:

financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose variation is included in the current profit

and loss, including financial assets or financial liabilities held for trading and financial assets or financial

liabilities directly designated to be measured at fair value through current profit and loss, held-to-maturity

investments, accounts receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and other financial liabilities, etc.

2. Recognition basis and measurement method of financial instruments

(1) Financial assets (financial liabilities) measured at fair value and whose variation is included in the current

profit and loss

Financial assets (financial liabilities) are initially recorded at fair values when acquired (deducting cash dividends

that have been declared but not distributed and bond interests that have matured but not been drawn). Relevant

transaction expenses are included in the current profit and loss.

The interests or cash dividends to be received during the holding period are recognized as investment income.

Change in fair values is included in the current profit and loss at the end of the period.

Difference between the fair value and initial book-entry value is recognized as investment income upon disposal;

meanwhile, adjustment is made to gains or losses from changes in fair values.

(2) Held-to-maturity investments

Held-to-maturity investments are initially recorded at fair values plus the related trade expenses when acquired

(deducting bond interests that have matured but not been drawn). The interest revenue calculated at amortization


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cost and effective interest rate (nominal interest rate is adopted when the difference between the actual interest

rate and the nominal interest rate is minor) during the holding period is recognized as investment income.

Effective interest is recognized when obtained, and remains unchanged in the predictable holding period or

applicable shorter period.

The difference between the amount received and the book value of the investment is included in the investment

profit and loss upon disposal.

(3) Accounts receivable

For creditor’s rights receivable arising from external sales of goods or rendering of service by the Company and

other creditor's rights of other enterprises (excluding liability instruments quoted in an active market) held by the

Company, including accounts receivable, other receivables, notes receivable and prepayments, etc., the initial

recognition amount shall be the contract price or agreement price receivable from purchasing party. Accounts

receivable with financing nature are initially recognized at their present values.

The difference between the amount received and the book value of the accounts receivable is included in the

current profit and loss upon recovery or disposal.

(4) Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recorded at fair values plus the related trade expenses when

acquired (deducting cash dividends that have been declared but not been paid or bond interests that have matured

but not been drawn).

The interests or cash dividends to be received during the holding period are recognized as investment income. It is

measured in fair value at the end of the period and change in fair values is included in other comprehensive

income at the end of the period. However, the equity instrument investments unquoted in an active market and

whose fair value cannot be measured reliably, and the derivative financial assets which are connected with the said

equity instrument and must be settled by delivering the said equity instrument shall be measured on the costs


The difference between the amount received and the book value of the financial asset is included in the investment

profit and loss upon disposal. Meanwhile, the corresponding part of fair value accumulated change accounted as

other comprehensive income is transferred into investment profit or loss.

(5) Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities are initially recognized at the sum of fair value and transaction expenses and

subsequently measured at amortized costs.

3. Recognition basis and measurement method of transfer of financial assets

When transfer of financial assets occurs, if nearly all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets

have been transferred to the transferee, the Company derecognizes the financial assets; if nearly all of the risks

and rewards of ownership of the financial assets are retained, the Company shall not derecognize the financial


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The principle of substance over form is adopted to determine whether the transfer of a financial asset satisfies the

criteria as described above for derecognition of a financial asset. The Company shall classify the transfer of a

financial asset into the entire transfer and the partial transfer of financial asset. If the entire transfer of financial

asset satisfies the criteria for derecognition, the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall

be included in the current profit and loss:

(1) The book value of the transferred financial asset;

(2) The sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the accumulated amount of the changes in fair

value originally and directly included in owners’ equity (the situation where the financial asset transferred is an

available-for-sale financial asset is involved in)

If the partial transfer of financial asset satisfies the criteria for derecognition, the entire book value of the

transferred financial asset shall be split into the derecognized and recognized part according to their respective fair

value and the difference between the amounts of the following two items shall be included in the current profit

and loss:

(1) The book value of derecognized part;

(2) The sum of the consideration for the derecognized part and the portion of derecognition corresponding to the

accumulated amount of the changes in fair value originally and directly included in owners’ equity (the situation

where the financial asset transferred is an available-for-sale financial asset is involved in).

If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the derecognition criteria, the financial assets shall continue to be

recognized, and the consideration received will be recognized as a financial liability.

4. Derecognition criteria of financial liabilities

A financial liability shall be totally or partly derecognized if its present obligations are totally or partly dissolved.

Where the Company enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial liabilities

with any new financial liability, and the new financial liability is substantially different from the contractual

stipulations regarding the existing financial liability, it shall derecognize the existing financial liability, and shall at

the same time recognize a new financial liability.

Where substantial revisions are made to some or all of the contractual stipulations of the existing financial liability,

the Company shall derecognize the existing financial liability totally or partly, and at the same time recognize the

financial liability with revised contractual stipulations as a new financial liability.

Upon total or partial derecognition of financial liabilities, the difference between the book value of the financial

liabilities derecognized and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets surrendered or new financial

liabilities assumed) shall be included in the current profit and loss.

Where the Company redeems part of its financial liabilities, it shall, on the redemption date, allocate the entire


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book value of whole financial liabilities according to the comparative fair value of the part that continues to be

recognized and the de-recognized part. The difference between the book value allocated to the derecognized part

and the considerations paid (including non-cash assets surrendered and the new financial liabilities assumed) shall

be included in the current profit and loss.

5. Method of determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

For financial instruments with active market, their fair values are determined with quoted market price. For

financial instruments without active market, their fair values are determined by using valuation technique. During

the valuation, the company use valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which

sufficient data and other information are available to measure fair value, select inputs that are consistent with the

characteristics of the asset or liability that market participants would take into account in a transaction for the asset

or liability, and give priority to the use of relevant conservable inputs. Unobservable inputs are only adopted when

relevant observable inputs cannot be obtained or are impracticable to obtain.

6. Providing of impairment provision on financial assets (exclude receivable accounts)

The Company performs inspection on the book value of financial assets apart from those financial assets

measured at fair value through current profit and loss on the balance sheet date. Impairment provision is required

if objective evidences of impairment occurs to the financial assets.

(1) Impairment provision of available-for-sale financial assets:

If there is a serious decline in fair value of the available-for-sale financial assets at the end of the period, or such

decline is not temporary after considering various factors, the impairment shall be confirmed, the accumulated

losses due to decreases in fair value previously included in owner’s equity shall be reversed, the impairment loss

shall be recognized.

If, in a subsequent period, the carrying amount of available-for-sale debt instruments investments increases and

the increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously

recognized impairment losses are reversed, included in current profit or loss.

The impairment losses of available-for-sale equity instruments cannot be reversed through profit or loss.

(2) Impairment provision of held-to-maturity investment:

Measurement of held-to-maturity investment impairment loss is governed by measurement of account receivables

impairment loss.


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11. Accounts receivable

(1) Provision for bad debts of account receivables that are individually significant

Assessment basis or standard of amount Top five accounts receivable and other receivables in terms of individual amount at the

individually significant end of the year.

After separate impairment test, provision for bad debts shall be made at the difference of

present value of estimated future cash flows in short of their book values, and shall be

Method of provision for bad debts of include in current profit and loss. For accounts receivable with no impairment found

accounts receivable that are individually after separate tests, they shall be included in corresponding portfolios for provisions for


bad debts. For accounts receivable with confirmed impairment losses after separate tests,

they shall not be included in portfolios of accounts receivable with similar credit risk

features for impairment tests.

(2) Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable made on the basis of portfolio

Portfolio Provision for bad debts

Aging portfolio Aging analysis method

Proportions of provision for bad debts on the basis of aging analysis in portfolios:

√Applicable □Not applicable

Proportion of provision for account Proportion of provision for other


receivable receivables

1 - 2 years 5.00% 5.00%

2 - 3 years 15.00% 15.00%

3 - 4 years 25.00% 25.00%

4 - 5 years 50.00% 50.00%

More than five years 100.00% 100.00%

In portfolio, adopting balance percentage method for bad debt provision

□ Applicable √Not applicable

In portfolio, adopting other method for bad debt provision

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3) Accounts receivable that are individually insignificant but with bad debt provision provided on an

individual basis

Reason for bad debt

For account receivable with an individual balance lower than the top five at the end of the year and

provision provided on an


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individual basis

with objective evidence showing it may be impaired, and for uncollectible accounts receivable

arising from repeal and liquidation of debtor after taking legal clearance procedures, their provision

for bad debts shall be provided on an individual basis.

For accounts receivable with objective evidence showing they may be impaired, they shall be

separate from relevant portfolios and separately tested for impairment to recognize the impairment

losses. Other remarks: provision for impairment of accounts receivable, excluding debts receivable

and other receivables, shall be made at the specific identification method. If there is evidence

Method of provision for bad

showing that the value of the account receivable has been recovered, and that the recovery is


objectively related to events after recognition of the loss, the originally recognized impairment loss

should be reversed and included in current profit and loss. However, the book values after such

reversal shall not exceed the amortized costs of the account receivable on the reversal date, assuming

there is no provision for impairment.

12. Inventories

1. Classification of inventories

Inventories are classified into raw materials, stock commodities, low-cost consumables, food materials, fuels, etc.

2. Measurement method of dispatched inventories

Stock commodities are measured at selling price and their purchase and sale price differential are amortized over

every month at the method of comprehensive differential. The purchasing and storage of stock materials are

measured at actual cost, and at the first-in-first-out method when fetched for use. Low-cost consumables are

amortized in full when fetched for use.

3. Determination basis of net realizable values of inventories and provision method of inventory

depreciation reserve

After the comprehensive inventory count at the end of the period, provisions for inventory depreciation reserve are

made or adjusted at the lower of their costs or net realizable values.

In normal operation process, for merchandise inventories for direct sale, including stock commodities and

materials for sale, their net realizable values are determined at the estimated selling prices minus the estimated

selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges; for inventories held to execute sales contract or service

contract, their net realizable values are calculated on the basis of contract price. If the quantities of inventories

specified in sales contracts are less than the quantities held by the Company, the net realizable value of the excess

portion of inventories shall be based on general selling prices.

At the end of the period, provisions for inventory depreciation reserve are made on an individual basis. For

inventories with large quantity and low unit price, the provisions for inventory depreciation reserve are made on a


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category basis. For inventories related to the product portfolios manufactured and sold in the same area, and of

which the final usage or purpose is identical or similar thereto, and which is difficult to separate from other items

for measurement purposes, the provisions for inventory depreciation reserve shall be made on a portfolio basis.

If any factor rendering write-downs of the inventories has been eliminated, the amounts written down are

recovered and reversed from the inventory depreciation reserve, which has been provided for. The reversed

amounts are included into the current profit and loss.

4. Inventory system

Perpetual inventory system is adopted.

5. Amortization method of low-cost consumables and packaging materials

(1) Low-cost consumables are amortized at lump-sum method;

(2) Packaging materials are amortized at lump-sum method.

13. Divided into assets held for sale

14. Long-term equity investments

1. Determination basis of joint control or significant influence over the investee

Joint control is the relevant agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, and the arranged relevant activity must

be decided under unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. When the company and other joint parties do

joint control and have rights to the net assets over an investee, the investee shall be the company’s joint venture.

Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but

is not control or joint control over those polices. When an investing enterprise is able to have significant

influences on an investee, the investee shall be its associate.

2. Determination of initial investment cost

(1) Long-term equity investments acquired from business combinations

For business combination under common control: if the company makes payment in cash, transfer non-cash assets

or bear debts and issues equity securities as the consideration for the business combination, the book value of the

owners’ equity of the combinee obtained is recognized as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment on the

combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of cash paid,

non-cash assets transferred, liabilities assumed and par value of share issued shall be adjusted to the stock

premium in the capital reserved; if there is no sufficient premium in the capital reserve for write-downs, the

retained earnings are adjusted.

When exercising control was over an investee under common control due to additional investment or other

reasons, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be determined by the absorbing


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party’s share of the net assets of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate

controlling party at combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity

investment at combination date and the sum of the total of the carrying amount of equity investment held by the

acquirer before the combination date and the newly increased investment on the combination date shall be

adjusted to share premium. If the balance of share premium is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to

retained earnings.

For business combination not under common control, the Company recognizes the combination cost determined

on the combination date as the initial cost of long-term equity investment.

When exercising control over an investee not under common control due to additional investment or other reasons,

in stand-alone financial statements, the investor shall change to the cost method and use the carrying amount of

the previously-held equity investment, together with the additional investment cost, as the initial investment cost

under the cost method. The audit, legal, valuation and consulting fees, other intermediary fees, and related

administrative fees paid by the absorbing party or acquirer for the business combination, shall be recognized in

profit or loss as incurred; the cost of issuing equity securities or debt securities as the combination consideration

shall be included in the initial cost of the equity securities or debt securities.

(2) Long-term equity investments acquired by other means

For long-term equity investments acquired from making payments in cash, the initial cost is the actually paid

purchase cost.

For long-term equity investments acquired from issuance of equity securities, the initial cost is the fair value of

the issued equity securities.

If the exchange of non-monetary assets has commercial substance, and the fair values of assets traded out and

traded in can be measured reliably, the initial cost of long-term equity investment traded in with non-monetary

assets are determined based on the fair values of the assets traded out together with relevant taxes unless there is

any conclusive evidence that the fair values of the assets traded in are more reliable. If the exchange of

non-monetary assets does not meet the above criteria, the book value of the assets traded out and relevant taxes

are recognized as the initial cost of long-term equity investment traded in.

For long-term equity investment acquired from debt restructuring, the initial cost is determined based on the fair


3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

(1) Long-term equity investment adopting cost method

Long-term equity investments of the Company in its subsidiaries are accounted for at cost method, except for the

actual price paid for acquisition of investment or the cash dividends or profits contained in the consideration


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which have been declared but not yet distributed, the Company recognizes the proportion it shall enjoy in the cash

dividends or profits declared by the investee as current investment income.

(2) Long-term equity investment adopting equity method

A long-term equity investment in an associate or a joint venture shall be accounted for using the equity method. If

the cost of initial investment is in excess of the proportion of the fair value of the net identifiable assets in the

investee when the investment is made, the difference will not be adjusted to the initial cost of long-term equity

investment; if the cost of initial investment is in short of the proportion of the fair value of the net identifiable

assets in the investee when the investment is made, the difference will be included in the current profit and loss.

The Company recognizes the share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well as its share of the investee’s other

comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensive income, and adjusts the carrying

amount of the investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by the portion of

any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable to the investor. The

investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than those arising from the investee’s net profit or

loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution, would be recognized in the investor’s equity, and the

carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

The Company recognizes its share of the investee’s net profits or losses after making appropriate adjustments

based on the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date according to the Company’s

accounting policies and accounting period. When holding the investment, if the investee is capable of providing

consolidated financial statements, the profit or loss shall be measured based on the net profit , other

comprehensive income and other changes in owners’ equity attributed to the company recorded in the

consolidated financial statements.

The unrealized profits or losses resulting from transactions between the company and its associate or joint venture

are eliminated in proportion to the company’s equity interest in the investee, based on which investment income or

losses shall be recognized. Any losses resulting from transactions between the investor and the investee, which are

attributable to asset impairment shall be recognized in full. The transactions of investing or selling assets between

the company and its associate or joint venture are accounted for under relevant accounting policies when the asset

constitutes a business.

When the Company confirms that it should share losses of the investee, treatment shall be done in following

sequence: firstly, the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be reduced; secondly, where the book

value is insufficient to cover the share of losses, investment losses are recognized to the extent of book value of

long-term equity which form net investment in the investee in substance and the book value of long-term equity

shall be reduced; finally, after all the above treatments, if the Company is still responsible for any additional

liabilities in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the investment contracts or agreements, estimated

liabilities are recognized and included into current investment loss according to the obligations estimated to


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undertake. If the investee achieves profit in subsequent periods, the treatment is in the reversed sequence

described above, i.e. after deduct any unrecognized investment losses, reduce book value of estimated liabilities

recognized, restore book values of other long-term equity which form net investment in the investee in substance,

and of long-term equity investment, and recognize investment income at the same time.

(3) Disposal of long-term equity investment

On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and the

carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

For a long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method, any other comprehensive income

previously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had

directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities on a por-rata basis upon the disposal of the equity investment.

The owners’ equity recognized due to the investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than

those arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution, is included

in current profit or loss on a pro-rata basis.

When the Company can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee due to partial

disposal of equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment shall be accounted for in

accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22-Financial Instruments: Recognition and

Measurement”. The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount at the date of the loss of joint

control or significant influence shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period. When the previously-held

equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive income previously

recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly

disposed of the related assets or liabilities for the current period upon dis-countinuation of the equity method. The

owners’ equity recognized due to the investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than those

arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution, is transferred to

current profit or loss upon discontinuation of the equity method.

When no longer exercise control over an investee due to partial disposal of equity investment or other reasons,

and with the retained interest, still has joint control of, or significant influence over, the investee, when preparing

the individual financial statements, the Company shall change to the equity method and adjust the remaining

equity investment as if the equity method had been applied from the date of the first acquisition. If the Company

can not exercise joint control of or significant influence over the investee after partial disposal of equity

investment, the remaining equity investment shall be accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard for

Business Enterprises No.22-Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, and the difference between

the fair value and carrying amount at the date of the loss of control shall be chared to profit or loss for the current


The equity investment disposed was obtained over additional investment or other reasons through business


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combination, when preparing the individual financial statements, and the remaining equity investment accounted

on cost method or equity method, the other comprehensive income and other owner’s equity recognized due to the

equity investment held before acquisition date was accounted for under the equity method are carried forward on a

pro-rata basis; when the remaining equity investment is accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard

for Business Enterprises No. 22 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, the other

comprehensive income and other owner’s equity are totally carried forward.

15. Investment real estate

Measurement model of investment real estate

Not applicable

16. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition criteria

1. Recognition criteria of fixed assets Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets held for the purpose of producing

commodities, rendering services, renting or business management with useful lives exceeding one year. Fixed

assets will only be recognized when all the following criteria are satisfied: (1) It is probable that the economic

benefits relating to the fixed assets will flow into the Company; (2) The costs of the fixed assets can be measured

reliably. 2Classification of fixed assets Fixed assets are classified into buildings and constructions, machinery

equipment, transportation equipment, electronic entertainment equipment, other equipment and Improvement. 3.

Initial measurement of fixed assets Fixed assets are initially measured at their actual cost when acquired. The

costs of a purchased fixed asset are determined at the purchase price, the relevant taxes, and the traffic expenses,

loading and unloading fees, installation fees and professional service fees arising from preparing the fixed asset

for its intended use. If the payment for a fixed asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions and it is of

financing nature in effect, the costs of the fixed asset shall be determined based on the present value of the

purchase price. The cost of a self-constructed fixed asset shall be formed by the necessary expenses incurred for

preparing the asset for its intended use. The fixed assets which the debtor uses to pay back the debt in debt

restructuring should be recognized at the fair value of the fixed assets. The difference between the book value of

restructured debts and the fair value of fixed assets used to pay back the debt should be recorded into current

profit and loss; On the premise that non-monetary asset trade is of commercial nature and the fair value of the

asset traded in or out can be measured reliably, the fixed asset traded in with non-monetary asset should be

recognized at the fair value of the asset traded out, unless any unambiguous evidence indicates that the fair value

of the asset traded in is more reliable; as to the non-monetary asset trade not meeting the aforesaid premise, the

book value of the asset traded out and related taxes and surcharges payable should be recognized as the cost of the

fixed asset, with gains or losses not recognized. As for the book-entry value, the fixed assets acquired from the

absorption and merger of an enterprise under common control are recognized at the book value of the merged

enterprise; the fixed assets acquired from the absorption and merger of an enterprise not under common control

are recognized at the fair value. The book-entry value of a fixed asset acquired under financing lease is measured

at the asset’s fair value on the commencement date of the lease or the present value of the minimum lease payment,

whichever is lower.


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(2) Depreciation method

Estimated useful life Estimated net residual

Category Depreciated Annual depreciation rate

(Year) rate

Buildings and

straight-line-method 20-40 5% 4.75-2.37


Machinery equipment straight-line-method 8-20 5% 11.87-4.75

Electronic entertainment

straight-line-method 5-16 5% 19-5.93



straight-line-method 7-12 5% 13.57-7.91


Other equipment straight-line-method 8 5% 11.87

Improvement straight-line-method 5 5% 19

(3) Recognition basis, pricing and depreciation method for fixed assets under financing lease

17. Construction in progress

The initial book values of the fixed assets are stated at total expenditures incurred before construction in progress

reaches the working condition for their intended use. For construction in progress that has reached working

conditions for its intended use but for which the completion of settlement has not been handled, it shall be

transferred into fixed assets at the estimated value according to the project budget, construction price or actual

cost, etc. from the date when it reaches the working conditions for its intended use. And the fixed assets shall be

depreciated in accordance with the Company’s policy on fixed asset depreciation. Adjustment shall be made to the

originally and provisionally estimated value based on the actual cost after the completion of settlement is handled,

but depreciation already provided will not be adjusted.

18. Borrowing costs

1. Recognition principles of capitalization of borrowing costs

Borrowing costs include the interest of borrowings, the amortization of discount or premium, auxiliary expenses,

exchange differences incurred by foreign currency borrowings, etc.

The borrowing costs incurred to the Company and directly attributable to the acquisition and construction or

production of assets eligible for capitalization should be capitalized and recorded into asset costs; other borrowing

costs should be recognized as costs according to the amount incurred and be included into current profit and loss.

Assets eligible for capitalization refer to fixed assets, investment property, inventories and other assets which may

reach their intended use or sale status only after long-time acquisition and construction or production activities.


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Borrowing costs may be capitalized only when all the following conditions are met at the same time:

(1) Asset disbursements, which include those incurred by cash payment, the transfer of non-cash assets or the

undertaking of interest-bearing debts for acquiring and constructing or producing assets eligible for capitalization,

have already been incurred;

(2) Borrowing costs have already been incurred;

(3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the assets for their

intended use or sale have already been started.

2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs

Capitalization period refers to the period from the beginning of capitalization to the cease of capitalization,

excluding the period of capitalization suspension of borrowing costs.

Capitalization of borrowing costs should be ceased when the acquired and constructed or produced assets eligible

for capitalization have reached their intended use or sale condition.

When some projects among the acquired and constructed or produced assets eligible for capitalization are

completed and can be used separately, the capitalization of borrowing costs of such projects should be ceased.

If all parts of the acquired and constructed or produced assets are completed but the assets cannot be used or sold

externally until overall completion, the capitalization of borrowing costs should be ceased at the time of overall

completion of the said assets.

3. Period of capitalization suspension

If the acquisition and construction or production activities of assets eligible for capitalization are interrupted

abnormally and this condition lasts for more than three months, the capitalization of borrowing costs should be

suspended; if the interruption is necessary for the acquisition and construction or production to prepare the assets

for their intended use or sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs should continue. The borrowing costs incurred

during interruption are recognized in the current profit and loss, and the capitalization of borrowing costs

continues after the restart of the acquisition and construction or production activities of the assets.

4. Calculation method of capitalization amount of borrowing costs

As for special borrowings borrowed for acquiring and constructing or producing assets eligible for capitalization,

borrowing costs of special borrowing actually incurred in the current period less the interest income of the loans

unused and deposited in bank or return on temporary investment should be recognized as the capitalization

amount of borrowing costs.

As for general borrowings used for acquiring and constructing or producing assets eligible for capitalization, the


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interest of general borrowings to be capitalized should be calculated by multiplying the weighted average of asset

disbursements of the part of accumulated asset disbursements exceeding special borrowings at the end of every

month by the capitalization rate of used general borrowings. The capitalization rate is calculated by weighted

average interest rate of general loans.

As for borrowings with discount or premium, the to-be-amortized discount or premium in each accounting period

should be recognized by effective interest rate method, and the interest for each period should be adjusted.

19. Biological assets

20. Oil-and-gas assets

21. Intangible assets

(1) Measurement, service life and impairment test

1. Measurement method of intangible assets

(1) The Company initially measures intangible assets at cost on acquisition;

The cost of an externally acquired intangible asset comprises its purchase price, related taxes and surcharges and

any other directly attributable expenditure of preparing the asset for its intended use. If the deferred payment of

purchase price of intangible assets exceeding normal credit terms is substantially of financial nature, the cost of

intangible assets should be recognized at the present value of the purchase price.

The intangible assets which the debtor uses to pay back the debt in debt restructuring should be recognized at the

fair value of the intangible assets. The difference between the book value of restructured debts and the fair value

of intangible assets used to pay back the debt should be recorded into the current profit and loss;

On the premise that non-monetary assets trade is of commercial nature and the fair value of the assets traded in or

out can be measured reliably, the intangible assets traded in by the trade of non-monetary assets should be

recognized at the fair value of the assets traded out, unless any unambiguous evidence indicates that the fair value

of the assets traded in is more reliable; as to the non-monetary assets trade not meeting the aforesaid premise, the

book value of the assets traded out and related taxes payable should be recognized as the cost of the intangible

assets traded in, with gains or losses not recognized.

The intangible assets obtained by the absorption and merger of an enterprise under common control are

recognized at the book value of the merged enterprise; the intangible assets obtained by the absorption and merger

of an enterprise not under common control are recognized at the fair value.

Costs of intangible assets developed internally and independently include: the costs of materials and labor services

used to develop the intangible assets, the registration fee, the amortization of other patents and franchise used in

the process of development, the interest of capitalization, and other direct expenses for preparing the intangible


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assets for their intended use.

(2) Subsequent measurement

The useful life of intangible asset is analyzed on acquisition.

As for intangible assets with limited useful lives, straight-line amortization method is adopted in the period when

the intangible assets generate economic benefit for enterprise; if the period when the intangible assets generate

economic benefit for enterprise cannot be forecasted, the intangible assets should be deemed as those with

indefinite useful lives and should not be amortized.

2. Estimation of useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life

Item Estimated useful life Basis

Land use right 50 years Validity term of land use certificate

The useful lives and amortization method of intangible assets with limited useful lives are reviewed at the end of

each period.

Upon review, the useful lives and amortization method of the intangible assets as at the end of the year are not

different from those estimated before.

3. Determination basis of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives

As at the balance sheet date, the Company has no intangible assets with indefinite useful lives.

(2) Accounting policy for internal research and development spending

22. Impairment of long-term assets

If there is any indication that the long-term assets such as long-term equity investment, investment properties

accounted through cost pattern, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets etc. may be impaired at the

balance sheet date, an impairment test would be implemented. If the result of impairment test indicates the

recoverable amounts of the long-term assets are lower than their book values, the difference between the

recoverable amounts and book values is recognized as impairment loss, provisions for impairment of the

long-term assets are made. The recoverable amounts of the long-term assets are the higher of their fair values less

costs to disposal and the present values of the estimated future cash flows of the long-term assets. The provision

for impairment is recognized and calculated on the individual basis. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable

amount of the individual asset, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset group that the

individual asset belongs to. The asset group is the minimum asset group which can generate cash flows


The mentioned impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting period once it had been recognized.


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23. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are various expenses already incurred, which shall be amortized over current and

subsequent periods with the amortization period exceeding one year.

1. Amortization method

Long-term deferred expenses are evenly amortized over the beneficial period.

2. Amortization period

Item Amortization period

Hotel exterior wall decoration 4 years

24. Employee compensation

(1) Short-term employee benefits

The Company recognizes, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, actually occurred

short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge to current profit or loss or relevant cost of


Payments made by the Company of social security contributions for employees, and union running costs and

employee education costs provided in accordance with relevant requirements, in the accounting period in which

employees provide services, is calculated according to prescribed bases and percentages of provision in

determining the amount of employee benefits.

Employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits are measured at fair value.

(2) Post-employment benefits

Payments made by the Company of basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance in accordance with

relevant requirements of local government, in the accounting period in which employees provide services, is

calculated according to prescribed bases and percentages of provision of local requirements in determining the

amount payable, is recognized as a liability, with a corresponding charge to current profit or loss or relevant cost

of assets.

(3) Termination benefits

When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment

termination plan or a curtailment proposal, or when the Company recognizes costs or expenses related to a

restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits (the earlier is adopted), the employee benefits

liabilities caused by termination benefits are recognized and included in current profit or loss.


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(4) Accounting method for other long-term employee benefits

25. Estimated liabilities

When the Company is involved in proceedings, debt guarantees, onerous contracts and reorganization events, if

such events may require delivery of assets or rendering of services in the future and the amounts of such events

can be reliably measured, estimated liabilities are recognized.

1. Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities

The Company recognizes the estimated liabilities when obligations related to contingencies satisfy all the

following conditions:

(1) The obligation is a present obligation of the Company;

(2) The performance of the obligation is likely to result in outflow of economic benefits from the Company; and

(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

2. Measurement method of estimated liabilities

The estimated liabilities of the Company are initially measured as the best estimate of expenses required for the

performance of relevant present obligations.

The Company, when determining the best estimate, has had a comprehensive consideration of risks with respect to

contingencies, uncertainties and the time value of money. If the time value of money is significant, the best

estimate shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash.

The best estimate shall be accounted as follows in different circumstances:

If there is continuous range (or interval) for the necessary expenses, and probabilities of occurrence of all the

outcomes within this range are equal, the best estimate shall be determined at the average amount of upper and

lower limits within the range.

If there is no continuous range (or interval) for the necessary expenses, or probabilities of occurrence of all the

outcomes within this range are unequal despite such a range exists, the outcomes within this range are unequally

likely to occur, in case that the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate shall be determined at the

most likely outcome; if the contingency involves two or more items, the best estimate should be determined

according to all the possible outcomes with their relevant probabilities.

When all or part of the expenses necessary for the settlement of an estimated liability of the Company is expected

to be compensated by a third party, the compensation should be separately recognized as an asset only when it is

virtually certain that the compensation will be received. The amount recognized for the compensation should not

exceed the book value of the estimated liability.


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26. Share-based payment

27. Other financial instrument as preferred stock and perpetual capital securities

28. Revenue

1. Recognition and measurement principles of revenue from sales of goods

(1) Overall recognition and measurement principles of revenue from sales of goods

When the Company has transferred significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the buyer; the

Company retains neither continuous management rights associated with ownership of the goods sold nor effective

control over the goods sold; the relevant amount of revenue can be measured reliably; it is highly likely that the

economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow into the enterprise; and the relevant amount of cost

incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably, revenue from sales of goods shall be recognized.

(2) Recognition criteria of revenue from selling goods and specific recognition timing criteria of revenue of the


The Company provides hotel accommodation service as well as goods. After the recognition of both housekeeping

department and hotel reception desk, the daily business report is established. The accounting department makes

sure the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the client, the selling

revenue is recognized.

2. Recognition and measurement principles of revenue from providing labor services

(1) The hotel room service, catering (breakfast) service etc. of the Company, after the hotel room service,

catering (breakfast) service etc. had provided, and each consumption department had checked with the receptionist,

the daily business report and detailed report of account receivables are established, and the reports are submitted

to accounting department, which recognizes the revenue after examining the daily reports.

(2) Revenue from outsourced restaurant and site rental is recognized according to contract or agreement time

period and time of collecting.

3. Recognition basis of revenue from transferring the use right of assets

The economic benefits related to the transaction may flow into entities and the amount of revenue can be reliably

measured. The amount of revenue from transferring use right of assets is recognized as follows in different


(1) The amount of interest income is determined by the time and effective interest rate for others to use the

monetary funds of the Company.

(2) The amount of revenue from usage is determined according to the charging time and method as agreed in

relevant contract or agreement.


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29. Government subsidies

(1) Recognition basis and accounting treatment for government subsidies related to assets

Government subsidies related to acquisition and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

assets are recognized as deferred income, and included in non-operating income by stages within the useful life of

the assets acquired and constructed

(2) Recognition basis and accounting treatment for government subsidies related to income

If government subsidies related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant expenses or losses in

future periods, such government subsidies should be recognized as deferred income on acquisition and be

included into the current non-operating income in the period of recognizing relevant expenses; if government

subsidies related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant expenses or losses incurred, such

government subsidies are directly included into the current non-operating income on acquisition.

30. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

Deductible temporary differences are recognized as deferred income tax assets to the extent that it shall not exceed

future taxable income possibly available to be against the deductible temporary difference.

Deductible temporary differences are recognized as deferred income tax liabilities except in special


Special circumstances in which deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities shall not be

recognized include: the initial recognition of goodwill; other transactions or matters excluding business

combinations, which affect neither accounting profits nor the taxable income (or deductible losses) when


If the Company has the legal right of netting and intends to settle in net amount or to obtain assets and discharge

liabilities simultaneously, the income tax assets and income tax liabilities of the Company for the current period

shall be presented based on the net amount after offset.

When the Company has the legal rights to balance income tax assets and income tax liabilities in current period

with net settlement, and deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income

tax which imposed on the same taxpaying subject by the same tax collection authority or to different tax paying

subjects, but, in each important future period in connection with the reverse of deferred income tax assets and

liabilities, the involved tax paying subject intends to balance income tax assets and liabilities in current period

with net settlement at the time of obtaining assets and discharging liabilities, deferred income tax assets and

deferred income tax liabilities of the Company shall be presented based on the net amount after offset.


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31. Leasing

(1) Accounting of operating lease

1. Accounting of leased assets

Lease fees paid by the Company for leased asset shall be amortized at straight-line method over the whole lease

period (including rent-free period) and shall be included in the current expenses. Initial direct costs related to lease

transactions paid by the Company shall be included in the current expenses.

If the expense related to the lease which shall be paid by the Company is assumed by the lessor of the asset, such

expenses shall be deducted from total lease fees, and residual lease fees shall be amortized over the lease period

and included in the current expenses.

2. Accounting of leasing assets

Lease fees received by the Company from leasing assets shall be amortized at straight-line method over the whole

lease period (including rent-free period), and shall be recognized as lease income. Initial direct costs related to

lease transactions paid by the Company shall be included in the current expenses; if the amount is large, it shall be

capitalized, and shall be included in the current income by stages within the whole lease period on same basis for

recognition of lease income.

If the expenses related to the lease which shall be paid by the lessee are borne by the Company, such expenses

shall be deducted from total lease income by the Company, and residual lease fees shall be amortized over the

lease period.

(2) Accounting treatment of finance lease

32. Other significant accounting policies and estimate

33. Significant accounting policies and changes of accounting estimate

(1) Changes of major accounting policies

□Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Changes of major accounting estimate

□Applicable √ Not applicable


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34. Other

VI. Taxation

1. Major tax types and tax rates

Taxation type Basis of tax assessment Tax rate

Revenue from sale of goods, business

revenue (after replace business tax with 3%-11%

Value added tax (VAT) VAT )

Business revenue (before replace business


Business tax tax with VAT )

Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax 7%

Enterprise income tax Income tax payable 25%

Education surcharge Turnover tax 3%

Local education surcharge Turnover tax 2%

Remaining value after deducting 30% of

Property tax the original value of houses (including land 1.2%


Land use tax Land area RMB 18/m2

2. Tax preference

3. Other

VII. Notes to the main items of financial statements

1. Monetary funds


Item Closing balance Opening balance

Cash 611,116.76 596,940.75

Bank deposit 11,214,173.94 19,185,451.51

Total 11,825,290.70 19,782,392.26

Other explanation

No accounts were mortgaged, frozen or restricted for their realization by other means, deposited overseas or with potential risk in

recovery among ending balance.


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2. Financial assets measured by fair value and with variations reckoned into current gains/losses


3. Derivative financial assets

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Notes receivables


5. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable by type


Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Provision for bad debts Book balance Provision for bad debts


Proportio Accrual Book value Proporti Accrual Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

ratio ratio

n on


receivable with

large single

amount and

1,466,400.49 52.80% 1,466,400.49 100.00% 1,466,400.49 54.20% 1,466,400.49 100.00%

accrued for

provision of bad

debt on a single




accrued for 1,310,495.97 47.20% 778,812.69 59.43% 531,683.28 1,239,009.97 45.80% 778,812.69 62.86% 460,197.28

provision of bad

debt by portfolio

Total 2,776,896.46 100.00% 2,245,213.18 100.00% 531,683.28 2,705,410.46 100.00% 2,245,213.18 460,197.28

Accounts receivable with large single amount and accrued for provision of bad debt on a single basis at period-end:

√ Applicable□ Not applicable


Closing balance

Content of accounts receivable Accounts Provision for

Accrual ratio Reason for provision

receivable bad debts


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Un-recoverable due to aging more than five

Sanya Power Supply Company 775,304.98 775,304.98 100.00%


Hainan Hong Kong & Macao Un-recoverable due to aging more than five

464,563.21 464,563.21 100.00%

International Tourism Ltd. years

Un-recoverable due to aging more than five

Sanya City Council reception 101,652.32 101,652.32 100.00%


LLC SOUTH CROSS Un-recoverable due to aging more than five

124,879.98 124,879.98 100.00%


Total 1,466,400.49 1,466,400.49 -- --

Accounts receivable accrued for provision of bad debt by aging analysis method in portfolio:

√ Applicable□ Not applicable


Closing balance


Accounts receivable Provision for bad debts Accrual ratio

Within 1 year

Subtotal within one year 452,611.85

1-2 years 44,442.72 2,222.14 5.00%

2-3 years 12,696.88 1,904.53 15.00%

3-4 years 21,084.00 5,271.00 25.00%

4-5 years 20,491.00 10,245.50 50.00%

More than five years 759,169.52 759,169.52 100.00%

Total 1,310,495.97 778,812.69

Portfolio recognized:

Accounts receivable accrued for provision of bad debt by percentage of balance in portfolio:

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

Accounts receivable accrued for provision of bad debt by other methods in portfolio:

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, regain or switch back in the Period


(3) Account receivables actually cancel after verification in Period



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(4) Top five account receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance


(5) Account receivables recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets


(6) Account receivables transferred and assets & liability formed by its continuous involvement


6. Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of repayment


Closing balance Opening balance


Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

Within 1 year 114,467.44 42,358.16 100.00%

Total 114,467.44 -- 42,358.16 --

Reasons for significant repayment with over one year age without settle: Nil

(2) Top five prepayment collected by objects at ending balance

Other explanation: N/A

7. Interest receivables


8. Dividend receivables

(1) Dividend receivable


9. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables by type



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Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Provision for bad debts Book balance Provision for bad debts


Proporti Accrual Book value Proportio Accrual Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

ratio ratio

on n



with large


amount and

77,363,143.31 98.54% 77,363,143.31 100.00% 77,363,143.31 98.79% 77,363,143.31 100.00%

accrued for


of bad debt

on a single




accrued for

provision 1,148,601.82 1.46% 734,324.98 63.93% 414,276.84 946,271.35 1.21% 734,324.98 77.60% 211,946.37

of bad debt



Total 78,511,745.13 100.00% 78,097,468.29 414,276.84 78,309,414.66 100.00% 78,097,468.29 211,946.37

Other receivables with large single amount and accrued for provision of bad debt on a single basis at period-end:

√ Applicable□ Not applicable


Closing balance

Content of other receivables

Other receivables Provision for bad debts Accrual ratio Reason for provision

Hainan Dadonghai Hotel Co.,

54,767,945.15 54,767,945.15 100.00% Unrecoverable


Cash dividends distributed in

16,899,000.00 16,899,000.00 100.00% Unrecoverable


Hainan Hong Kong & Macao

4,145,704.16 4,145,704.16 100.00% Unrecoverable

International Tourism Ltd.

Guangdong Jinma Tourism 1,200,494.00 1,200,494.00 100.00% Unrecoverable


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Shareholder custody fee 350,000.00 350,000.00 100.00% Unrecoverable

Total 77,363,143.31 77,363,143.31 -- --

Other receivables accrued for provision of bad debt by aging analysis method in portfolio:

√ Applicable□ Not applicable


Closing balance


Other receivables Provision for bad debts Accrual ratio

Within 1 year

Subtotal within one year 322,350.83

1-2 years 94,080.00 4,704.00 5.00%

2-3 years 3,000.00 450.00 15.00%

3-4 years 25.00%

4-5 years 50.00%

More than five years 729,170.99 729,170.98 100.00%

Total 1,148,601.82 734,324.98

Portfolio recognized:

Other accounts receivable accrued for provision of bad debt by percentage of balance in portfolio:

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

Other accounts receivable accrued for provision of bad debt by other methods in portfolio:

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, regain or switch back in the Period


(3) Other account receivables actually cancel after verification in Period


(4) Other account receivables category by nature of money


Nature of money Ending book balance Beginning book balance

Original relevant companies fund accounts 54,767,945.15 54,767,945.15

Contracting profit receivable 4,145,704.16 4,145,704.16


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Distributing dividends receivable 18,099,494.00 18,099,494.00

Guarantee deposit 561,818.99 561,818.99

Advance money for custody fee 350,000.00 350,000.00

Other fund accounts 356,432.17 153,764.20

Petty money 86,446.24 86,446.24

Utilities 70,789.50 70,789.50

Money from invested items 30,500.00 30,500.00

Personal social security 、 Accumulation

37,614.92 37,952.42


Project funds 3,700.00 3,700.00

Cash deposit for invoices 1,300.00 1,300.00

Total 78,511,745.13 78,309,414.66

(5) Top five other account receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance


Nature of Proportion in total Ending balance of

Company name Closing balance Aging

money other receivables bad debt provision

Hainan Dadonghai Hotel Co.,

54,767,945.15 More than five years 54,767,945.15


Cash dividends distributed in

16,899,000.00 More than five years 16,899,000.00


Hainan Hong Kong & Macao

4,145,704.16 More than five years 4,145,704.16

International Tourism Ltd.

Guangdong Jinma Tourism Ltd. 1,200,494.00 More than five years 1,200,494.00

Shareholder custody fee 350,000.00 More than five years 350,000.00

Total -- 77,363,143.31 -- 77,363,143.31

(6) Account receivables with government subsidies involved


(7) Other account receivables recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets



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(8) Other account receivables transferred and assets & liability formed by its continuous involvement


10. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories


Closing balance Opening balance

Item Depreciation Depreciation

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

reserve reserve

Stock materials 909,688.10 742,966.17 166,721.93 885,380.88 745,479.33 139,901.55


22,771.38 11,102.41 11,668.97 22,771.38 11,102.41 11,668.97


Food and

33,613.22 33,613.22 39,578.03 39,578.03


Fuels 23,583.28 23,583.28 26,926.88 26,926.88

Total 989,655.98 754,068.58 235,587.40 974,657.17 756,581.74 218,075.43

(2) Inventory depreciation reserve


Increased in 2016 Decreased in 2016

Item Opening balance Reversing or Closing balance

Accrual Other Other


Stock materials 745,479.33 2,513.16 742,966.17


11,102.41 11,102.41


Total 756,581.74 2,513.16 754,068.58

(3) Explanation on inventories with capitalization of borrowing costs included at ending balance


(4) Assets unsettled formed by construction contract which has completed at period-end



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11. Divided into assets held for sale


12. Non-current assets maturing within one year


Item Closing balance Opening balance

Long-term differed expenses needed to be

266,250.00 532,500.00

amortized within one year

Total 266,250.00 532,500.00

Other explanation: amortization of the hotel's external wall decoration

13. Other non-current assets


Item Closing balance Opening balance

Wuhan Aierjia Technology Development


Co., Ltd.

Total 9,000,000.00

Other explanation: the Company entered into a Borrowing Agreement with Wuhan Aierjia Technology Development Co., Ltd. on 7

Jan. 2016. Borrowing RMB 9 million with annual interest rate of 12% for 11 months.

14. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Available-for-sale financial assets


Closing balance Opening balance

Item Provision for Provision for

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

impairment impairment

Available-for-sale equity

9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00 9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00


Measured at cost 9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00 9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00

Total 9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00 9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value at period-end


Classification Equity instruments Debt instruments Total


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available-for-sale available-for-sale

(3) Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost at the end of the period


Book balance Provision for impairment Cash


Decrease Increase Decrease Shareholding

Increase in ds in

Item Beginning in Ending Beginning in in Ending ratio in

semi-annu semi-an

balance semi-ann balance balance semi-annu semi-annu balance investee

al 2016 nual

ual 2016 al 2016 al 2016





5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 14.28%






4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 18.00%


Co., Ltd.

Total 9,500,000.00 9,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 --

(4) Changes of impairment of available-for-sale financial assets in Period


Equity instruments Debt instruments

Classification Total

available-for-sale available-for-sale

Balance of impairment

5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00

accrual at period-begin

Balance of impairment

5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00

accrual at period-end

(5) Fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument drops significantly or not contemporarily without

depreciation reserves accrued



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15. Held-to-maturity investment

(1) Held-to-maturity investment


(2) Important held-to-maturity investment at period-end


(3) Reclassify of held-to-maturity investment in the period


16. Long-term account receivables

(1) Long-term account receivables


(2) Long-term account receivable with recognition terminated due to financial assets transfer


(3) Assets and liabilities due to long-term receivable transfer and continuous involvement


17. Long-term equity investments


Changes in semi-annual 2016


nt Adjustme

Cash Provisio Impairment

Addit Capita gains/loss nt of

Opening Other dividend n for Ot Closing provision at

Investee ional l es other

balance equity or profit impairm he balance ending

invest reduct recognize comprehe

changes declare to ent r balance

ment ion d by nsive

issue losses

equity income


I. Joint venture

Hubei Jingsha 4,566,207.42 4,566,207.42 4,566,207.42


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Dadonghai Club


Sanya Shun’an

5,150,166.84 5,150,166.84 5,150,166.84


Subtotal 9,716,374.26 9,716,374.26 9,716,374.26

II. Associated enterprise

Total 9,716,374.26 9,716,374.26 9,716,374.26

Other explanation: Nil

18. Investment real estate

(1) Investment real estate by cost measurement

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Investment real estate by fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Investment real estate without certificate of ownership


19. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets



Buildings and Electronic

Item Machines Vehicles Others and Total

Constructions Equipments


I. Original book value:

1.Opening balance 155,421,287.59 13,141,471.00 2,091,322.77 2,564,213.96 2,059,452.29 458,732.39 175,736,480.00

2. Increase in

11,995.00 26,682.00 38,677.00

semi-annual 2016

(1) Purchase 11,995.00 26,682.00 38,677.00

(2) transfer in of

the construction project

(3) the increase in

business combination

3. Decrease in


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semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal or scrap

4.Closing balance 155,421,287.59 13,153,466.00 2,091,322.77 2,564,213.96 2,086,134.29 458,732.39 175,775,157.00

II. Accumulated


1.Opening balance 75,404,131.86 8,814,547.35 1,101,790.90 2,098,234.92 1,476,565.95 354,317.97 89,249,588.95

2. Increase in

1,276,165.74 139,209.24 86,091.24 190,226.46 29,440.84 43,579.56 1,764,713.08

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal or scrap 1,276,165.74 139,209.24 86,091.24 190,226.46 29,440.84 43,579.56 1,764,713.08

3. Decrease in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal or scrap

4.Closing balance 76,680,297.60 8,953,756.59 1,187,882.14 2,288,461.38 1,506,006.79 397,897.53 91,014,302.03

III. Depreciation reserve

1.Opening balance 32,477,188.64 2,527,851.26 1,872.00 199,992.57 35,206,904.47

2. Increase in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal or scrap

3. Decrease in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal or scrap

4.Closing balance 32,477,188.64 2,527,851.26 1,872.00 199,992.57 35,206,904.47

IV. Book value of fixed


(1) Book value at the end

46,263,801.35 1,671,858.15 903,440.63 273,880.58 380,134.93 60,834.86 49,553,950.50

of the period

(2) Book value at the

47,539,967.09 1,799,072.39 989,531.87 464,107.04 382,893.77 104,414.42 51,279,986.58

beginning of the period

(2) Fixed assets temporarily idled


Accumulated Provision for

Item Original book value Book value Remark

depreciation impairment

24 inches Shanrui cup 153,919.64 5,433.83 140,788.83 7,696.98

Furniture cleaning

20,322.04 5,434.94 13,871.00 1,016.10



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Four heads coffee

7,758.14 2,070.23 5,300.00 387.91


Thermal cabinet 26,202.02 6,917.92 17,974.00 1,310.10

Milk shaker 9,221.94 184.00 9,037.94

VIP card stamping and

13,286.80 266.00 13,020.80

coloring machine

(3) Fixed assets rented by finance leases


(4) Fixed assets leased in the operating leases


(5) Fixed assets without certificate of title completed


20. Construction in process


21. Engineering materials


22. Disposal of fixed assets


23. Productive biological assets

(1) Measured by cost

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

(2) Measured by fair value

□ Applicable√ Not applicable


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24. Oil-and-gas assets

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

25. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets



Item Land use right Patent right Total


I. Original book value

1.Opening balance 87,315,277.74 87,315,277.74

2. Increase in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Purchase

(2) Internal R&D

(3) the increase in

business combination

3. Decrease in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal

4.Closing balance 87,315,277.74 87,315,277.74

II. Accumulated


1.Opening balance 31,619,996.24 31,619,996.24

2. Increase in

434,363.58 434,363.58

semi-annual 2016

(1) Withdraw 434,363.58 434,363.58

3. Decrease in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal

4.Closing balance 32,054,359.82 32,054,359.82

III. Depreciation reserve

1.Opening balance 29,343,890.98 29,343,890.98

2. Increase in

semi-annual 2016


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(1) Withdraw

3. Decrease in

semi-annual 2016

(1) Disposal

4.Closing balance 29,343,890.98 29,343,890.98

IV. Booking value

1. Ending book value 25,917,026.94 25,917,026.94

2. Beginning book

26,351,390.52 26,351,390.52


The proportion of intangible assets balance accounted for by the company's internal R & D by the end

(2) Land use right without certificate of title completed


26. Development expenditure


27. Goodwill


28. Long-term deferred expenses


Increase in the Amortization in the

Item Opening balance Other decreases Closing balance

period period

B building coating

1,508,750.00 1,508,750.00


Total 1,508,750.00 1,508,750.00

Other explanation: Nil

29. Deferred income tax assets / deferred income tax liabilities


30 .Other non-current assets



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31 .Short-term loans


32. Financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit and loss


33. Derivative financial liabilities

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

34. Note payable


35. Accounts payable

(1) Details of accounts payable are as follows


Item Closing balance Opening balance

Within 1 year (including 1 year) 775,739.70 923,373.39

1-2 years (including 2 years) 205,220.78 205,220.78

2-3 years (including 3 years) 334,316.59 334,316.59

Over 3 years 952,691.61 952,691.61

Total 2,267,968.68 2,415,602.37

(2) Accounts payable with major amount and aging of over one year


Item Closing balance Outstanding or carry-over reasons

Sanya Longhuyuan Tourism Park 410,176.68 Settle without invoice

Total 410,176.68 --

Other explanation:

36. Accounts received in advance

(1)Accounts received in advance



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Item Closing balance Opening balance

Within 1 year (including 1 year) 399,973.96 601,642.54

1-2 years (including 2 years) 133,860.80 133,860.80

2-3 years (including 3 years) 23,959.76 23,959.76

Over 3 years 394,391.85 394,391.85

Total 952,186.37 1,153,854.95

(2) Accounts received in advance with major amount and aging of over one year


Item Closing balance Outstanding or carry-over reasons

Sanya branch of Guanzhou South Holiday

101,244.00 Contract deposit, ready for settlement

International Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

Total 101,244.00 --

(3) Assets settled formed by construction contract which has un-completed at period-end


37. Employee compensation payable

(1)Classification of employee compensation payable


Item Opening balance Increase in the period Decrease in the period Closing balance

I. Short-term employee benefits 2,150,364.40 4,862,642.68 5,431,671.87 1,581,335.21

II. Post-employment benefits -

393,059.24 393,059.24

defined contribution plans

Total 2,150,364.40 5,255,701.92 5,824,731.11 1,581,335.21

(2) Short-term employee benefits


Item Opening balance Increase in the period Decrease in the period Closing balance

1.Salary, bonus,

1,295,854.64 3,445,449.59 3,936,982.56 804,321.67

allowance and subsidy

2.Employee welfare 671,369.78 671,369.78

3.Social insurance 575,931.51 575,931.51


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Including: medical

164,377.99 164,377.99

insurance expenses

Work injury insurance

8,219.66 8,219.66


Maternity insurance 10,274.62 10,274.62

4.Housing provident

50,321.30 50,321.30


5.Labor union

expenditures and

854,509.76 119,570.50 197,066.72 777,013.54

employee education


Total 2,150,364.40 4,862,642.68 5,431,671.87 1,581,335.21

(3) Details of defined contribution plans


Item Opening balance Increase in the period Decrease in the period Closing balance

1.Basic endowment

372,510.00 372,510.00

insurance expenses


20,549.24 20,549.24

insurance expenses

Total 393,059.24 393,059.24

Other explanation: Nil

38. Taxes payable


Item Closing balance Opening balance

VAT 118,644.42 135,982.62

Business tax 127,228.90

Enterprise income tax -1,645,328.63 -1,702,702.80

Individual income tax 6,804.20


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Urban maintenance and construction tax 893.44 6,105.02

Educational surtax 638.21 4,360.73

Property tax

Land use tax

Total -1,525,152.56 -1,422,221.33

Other explanation: Nil

39. Interest payable


40. Dividend payable


41 .Other payables

(1) Other payables by items


Item Closing balance Opening balance

Fine for rule-breaking operation on the

19,810,000.00 19,810,000.00

stock of the Company

Audit fee 285,003.21 285,003.21

Project funds 954,491.78 1,246,613.78

Agency fund 453,720.42 453,720.42

Quality retention money Cash deposit

( ) 248,196.75 248,196.75

Guarantee deposit 761,263.64 430,809.90

membership of Board director 、 the board

49,506.98 148,506.98

of supervisors

Personal fund accounts 91,041.38 91,041.38

Other fund accounts 828,130.79 938,635.86

Total 23,481,354.95 23,652,528.28


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(2) Other payables with large amount and aging of over one year


Item Closing balance Outstanding or carry-over reasons

China Securities Regulatory Commission 19,810,000.00 Financial difficulty

Hong Kong Deloitte & Touche LLP 285,003.21 No settlement

Sanya Shuxin Building Waterproofing Co.

170,000.00 No settlement


China Building Decoration Company

161,111.03 No settlement

Hannan Branch

Total 20,426,114.24 --

Other explanation

42. Divided into liability held for sale


43. Non-current liability due within one year Nil

44. Other current liability


45. Long-term loans


46. Bond payable


47. Long-term payable


48. Long-term employee salary payable



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49. Specific payable


50. Estimates liabilities


51. Deferred income


52. Other non-current liability


53 .Share capital


Increase or decrease (+, - )

Opening Share capital Closing

balance balance

New issue Shares granted converted from Others Sub-total

reserve fund

Total shares 364,100,000.00 364,100,000.00

Other explanation: Nil

54. Other equity instruments


55 .Capital reserves


Item Opening balance Increase in the period Decrease in the period Closing balance

Capital (share capital)

33,336,215.58 33,336,215.58


Other capital reserves 20,806,634.43 20,806,634.43

Total 54,142,850.01 54,142,850.01

Other explanation, including changes in the current period, reasons for the change: Nil


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56. Treasury stock


57. Other comprehensive income


58. Reasonable reserves


59. Surplus reserves


60 .Undistributed profits


Item The period Last period

Undistributed profit of period-begin after

-341,305,382.08 -333,827,515.68


Add: net profit attributable to owner’s of parent

172,122.52 -3,391,966.64


Undistributed profits of period-end -341,133,259.56 -337,219,482.32

Adjustment of undistributed profit at period-begin:

1) For the retroactive adjustment based on Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant regulations, affected

undistributed profit at period-begin of 0 Yuan

2) For changes of accounting policies, affected undistributed profit at period-begin of 0 Yuan

3) For correction on major accounting errors, affected undistributed profit at period-begin of 0 Yuan

4) For changes of consolidation scope from same controlling, affected undistributed profit at period-begin of 0 Yuan

5) Other adjustment totally affected undistributed profit at period-begin of 0 Yuan

61 .Operating income and operating cost


Current Period Last Period


Income Cost Income Cost

Main business 12,062,797.60 554,719.62 8,421,296.50 271,303.89

Total 12,062,797.60 554,719.62 8,421,296.50 271,303.89


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62 .Business tax and surcharges


Item Current Period Last Period

Business tax 497,150.96 421,064.84

Urban maintenance and construction tax 40,719.96 29,474.54

Educational surtax 29,085.71 21,053.24


Total 566,956.63 471,592.62

Other explanation: Nil

63 .Selling expenses


Item Current Period Last Period

Salary 2,012,731.90 1,800,242.10

Depreciation 1,617,873.30 2,049,014.20

Water and electricity fee 765,644.34 650,481.10

Repair charges 393,712.44 293,308.76

Labor insurance 324,415.53 417,749.11

Other expenses 861,791.92 929,033.20

Total 5,976,169.43 6,139,828.47

Other explanation: Nil

64 .Administrative expenses


Item Current Period Last Period

Staff salary and welfare 2,069,711.09 2,322,114.89

Taxes 646,738.02 628,274.64

Business entertainment 295,348.47 806,147.80

Traveling allowance 87,737.20 560,018.27

Labor insurance expenses 250,843.95 242,974.66

Amortization of site use right 434,363.58 434,363.58


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Other expenses 1,232,871.46 1,405,266.42

Total 5,017,613.77 6,399,160.26

Other explanation: Nil

65 .Financial expenses


Item Current Period Last Period

Less: interest income -258,930.94 -97,294.89

Handling charges 54,178.40 33,820.15

Total -204,752.54 -63,474.74

Other explanation: Nil

66. Losses on assets impairment


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Losses on bad debt -166,199.46

Total -166,199.46

Other explanation: Nil

67. Gains from changes of fair value


68. Gains on investment


69 .Non-operating incomes


Amount included in current

Item Current Period Last Period

non-recurring profits or losses

Income from compensation 1,194,445.50

Confiscated income 64,926.00 40,666.00 64,926.00

Others 12,480.00 5,912.00 12,480.00

Total 77,406.00 1,241,023.50 77,406.00


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Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses: Nil

70. Non-operating expenses


Amount included in current

Item Current Period Last Period

non-recurring profits or losses

Total losses on disposal of


non-current assets

Including: loss on disposal of


fixed assets

Total 2,075.60

Other explanation: Nil

71 .Income tax expenses

(1) Table of income tax expenses


Item Current Period Last Period

Current income tax 57,374.17

Total 57,374.17

(2) Adjustment progress of accounting profit and income tax


Item Current Period

Total profit 229,496.69

Income tax based on statutory/applicable rate 57,374.17

Income tax 57,374.17

Other explanation: Nil

72 .Other comprehensive income

More details can be seen in Note.


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73. Notes to statement of cash flows

(1) Other cash receipts related to operating activities


Item Current Period Last Period

Income from illegal short-term trading 1,197,462.50

Compensation for goods in guest room 77,406.00 40,666.00

Interest income 258,930.94 90,199.32

Other 209,424.79 542,874.20

Total 545,761.73 1,871,202.02

Note of other cash receipts related to operating activities: Nil

(2) Cash paid for other operating activities


Item Current Period Last Period

Sales and administrative expenses 1,335,904.83 2,104,301.11

Financial expenses 54,178.40 26,724.58

Other 156,797.00 189,171.00

Total 1,546,880.23 2,320,196.69

Note of cash paid for other operating activities: Nil

(3) Cash received with other investment activities concerned


(4) Cash paid for other investment activities


(5) Cash received with other financing activities concerned


(6) Cash paid for other financing activities



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

74 .Supplementary information to statement of cash flows

(1) Supplementary information to statement of cash flows


Supplementary information Amount as the period Amount as last period

(1) Net profit adjusted to cash flows from operating activities: -- --

Net profit 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64

Plus: provision for asset impairment -166,199.46

Depreciation of fixed assets, gas and oil assets and productive biological

1,764,713.08 2,202,553.28


Amortization of intangible assets 434,363.58 434,363.58

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses 266,250.00 147,264.06

Loss on disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term


assets ("-" for gains)

Decrease in inventories ("-" for increases) -17,511.97 -1,688.96

Decrease in operating receivables ("-" for increases) -290,307.05 2,309,506.86

Increase in operating payables ("-" for decreases) -875,932.72 -704,997.91

Net cash flows from operating activities 1,453,697.44 830,910.41

2. Significant investing and financing activities not involving cash

-- --

receipts and payments:

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents: -- --

Ending balance of cash 11,825,290.70 23,354,872.95

Less: Beginning balance of cash 19,782,392.26 22,550,289.54

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -7,957,101.56 804,583.41

(2) Net cash paid for subsidiary obtained in Period


(3) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary in Period



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(4) Constitution of cash and cash equivalents


Item Closing balance Opening balance

I. Cash 11,825,290.70 19,782,392.26

Including: cash on hand 611,116.76 596,940.75

Bank deposit available for payment at any

11,214,173.94 19,185,451.51


III. Ending balance of cash and cash

11,825,290.70 19,782,392.26


Other explanation: Nil

75. Notes on items of changes of owner’s equity

Name and adjusted amount on “Other” at balance of year-end of last year: Nil

76. Assets with ownership or right-to-use restricted


77. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items


(2) Explanation on foreign operational entity, as for major foreign operational entity, disclosed foreign

main operation land, book-keeping currency and basis; and disclosed reasons if the book-keeping currency


□ Applicable√ Not applicable

78. Hedging

Disclose hedging items by type of hedging as well as relevant arbitrage tool, qualitative and quantitative information for arbitrage

project: Nil

79. Other


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VIII. Changes of consolidation scope

1. Enterprise consolidation not under the same control


2. Enterprise consolidation under the same control


3. Counter purchase

Basic information of transactions, basis of transactions constituting counter purchase, whether assets and liabilities reserved by listed

companies constituting business and their basis, confirmation of combined cost, the amount occurred when adjusting rights and

interests in accordance with equity transaction and its calculation: Nil

4. Disposal of subsidiaries

Losing controlling rights while dispose subsidiary on one-time

□Yes √No

Dispose subsidiary step by step through multi-dealings and losing controlling rights in the Period

□Yes √No

5. Changes of combination scope

Other reasons contributed the changes for combination scope (e.g. new subsidiary established, liquidate subsidiary etc.): Nil

6. Other

The scope of consolidation (aggregation) of financial statements covers the headquarter of the Company and the subsidiary South

China Grand Hotel of Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Center (Holdings) Co., Ltd., which is subject to independent accounting.

There is no change in scope of consolidation (aggregation) of the financial statements of the Company in the year

IX. Equity in other entity

1. Equity in the subsidiary



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

2. Changes in the owner's equity share of the subsidiary and the transaction is still controlled subsidiary


3. Equity in arrangement of joint venture or associated enterprises


4. Important common management


5. Equity in structured entities not included in the consolidated financial statements

Note of structured entities not included in the consolidated financial statements: Nil

6. Other

X. The risk associated with financial instruments

The Company faces a variety of financial risks in business process: credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk. The

Company’s Board of Directors is overall responsible for risk management objectives and determining policies,

and bears the ultimate responsibility for risk management objectives and policies, but the board has authorized the

Company’s enterprise management department to design and executive the procedure which could guarantee the

effective implementation of risk management objectives and policies. The Company’s internal auditors will audit

the policies and procedures of risk management as well, and will report the discovery to Audit Committee.

The overall objective of the Company’s risk management is to set the risk management policies to reduce risks as

possible without giving excessive influence to competitiveness and strain capacity of the Company.

(I) Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of financial loss on one party of a financial instrument due to the failure of another party to

meet its obligations. The Company mainly faces credit risk generated from customers through credit sales. The

Company will understand and assess the credit risk of the new customer before signing the new contract. The

Company makes credit rating for existing customers and aging analysis of accounts receivable to ensure the

Company’s overall credit risk falls within a controllable range.

(II) Market risk

Market risk is the risk of financial instruments’ fair value and future cash flow fluctuating due to change of market

price, including currency risk, interest risk and other pricing risk.

(III) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise may encounter deficiency of funds in fulfilling the obligations when


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paying cash or settle in way of other financial assets. The policy of the Company is to ensure there are enough

cash to pay back mature debts. The liquidity risk is centralized controlled by the Company’s accounting

department. The accounting department ensure the Company to possess enough cash to pay back the debts in all

reasonable foreseeable circumstances through monitor the balance of cash, monitor the securities that can be

converted into cash at any time and rolling forecasts of future cash flows in twelve months.

XI. Disclosure of fair value

1. Ending fair value of the assets and liabilities measured by fair value


Ending fair value


First-order Second-order Third-order Total

I. Sustaining measured by

-- -- -- --

fair value

II. Non-persistent measure -- -- -- --


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2. Basis for determining the market price of the sustained and non-sustained first-level fair value

measurement projects

3. The qualitative and quantitative information of the valuation techniques and important parameters

adopted for the sustained and non-sustained second-level fair value measurement projects

4. The qualitative and quantitative information of the valuation techniques and important parameters

adopted for the sustained and non-sustained third-level fair value measurement projects

5. The adjustment information about book value between the beginning and the end of the period and the

unobservable parameter sensitivity analysis of the sustained third-level fair value measurement projects

6. The sustained third-level fair value measurement projects that conversion has occurred among various

levels in the current period, the reasons for change and the policy determining the conversion point

7. Valuation techniques change occurred during the current period and the reasons for change

8. The fair value situations of the financial assets and financial liabilities not measured by the fair value

9. Other

XII. Related parties and related party transactions

1. Parent company

Shareholding ratio Voting rights ratio by

Parent company Registration location Business nature Registration capital

by parent company parent company

Plantation and

Luoniushan Co., Ltd. Haikou 16.81% 16.81%


Explanation: Nil

Ultimate controller of the enterprise is Luoniushan Co., Ltd.

Other explanation: Nil

2. Subsidiary of the Company

More detail of subsidiary of the Company can be seen in Note.

3. Joint-venture and affiliated enterprise of the Company



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4. Other related parties

Name Relationship with the Company

Luoniushan Co., Ltd. The largest shareholder

Other explanation

As of 30 June 2016, Luoniushan Co., Ltd., as the largest shareholder, held 61,190,300 shares (16.81% of the total share capital of the


5. Related party transactions

(1) Sale of goods/rendering of labor services/labor service offering

Goods purchasing/receiving labor services


Contents of related Trading limit Whether over the

Related party Current Period Last Period

party transactions approved trading limit (Y/N)

Luoniushan Co.,

Accommodation 20,672.00 N 12,670.66


Sales of goods/offering labor service


Contents of related party

Related party Current Period Last Period


Luoniushan Co., Ltd. Accommodation 20,672.00 12,670.66

Note of sale of goods/rendering of labor services/labor service offering: Nil

(2) Related trusteeship/contract and delegated administration/outsourcing


(3) Related leasing


(4) Related guarantee


(5) Borrowed funds of related party



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

(6) Related party’s assets transfer and debt reorganization


(7) Remuneration of key management


Item Current Period Last Period

645,880.00 495,680.00

(8) Other related transactions

6. Receivables and payables of related parties

(1) Receivable


Closing balance Opening balance

Name Related party Provision for bad Provision for bad

Book balance Book balance

debt debt

29,085.23 8,413.23

(2) Payables


7. Related party commitment

8. Other

XIII. Share-base payment

1. Overall performance of share-base payment

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

2. Share-base payment settled by equity

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

3. Share-base payment settled by cost

□ Applicable√ Not applicable


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

4. Modification and termination of share-base payment

5. Other

XIV. Commitments and contingencies

1. Material commitments

Major commitments on balance sheet date

No commitments should be disclosed

2. Contingencies

(1) Major contingencies on balance sheet date

No contingencies should be disclosed

(2) For no major contingencies disclosed, explain reasons

The Company has no major contingencies should be disclosed

3. Other

XV. Event after balance sheet date

1. Major non-adjustment events


2. Profit distribution


3. Sales return


4. Explanation on other events after balance sheet date


XVI. Other significant events

1 .Correction of accounting errors in previous period



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

2. Debt reorganization


3. Assets replacement


4. Annuity plan

Nil 无

5. Termination of operation


6. Segment information


7. Major trading and items shows influence on investors’ decision-making


8. Other

Lawyer’s Letter received by the Company: based on the preliminary calculation by Sanya Power Supply Bureau, totally 10313373

KWH was undercounted from July 2006 to April 2016 under the name of South China Hotel. The condition needs further verification

and the Company will figure out the truth for judging the follow-up impact on the Company. Meanwhile, the Company plans to made

a friendly negotiation with Sanya Power Supply Bureau and properly handle the follow-up issues.

XVII. Note on financial statement of parent company

1. Accounts receivable


2. Other receivables


3. Long-term equity investment



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

4. Operation income and operation cost


5. Investment income


6. Other


XVIII. Supplementary information

1. Details of current non-recurring profits and losses

√Applicable □Not applicable


Item Amount Remark

Other non-operating income and expense

77,406.00 Income from compensation

other than the abovementioned ones

Total 77,406.00 --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies

Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to

the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their

Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Item Amount (RMB) Reasons

Income from compensation for articles in

Compensation income 入收偿赔 64,926.00

guest room

Other 12,480.00 Other income

2. REO and earnings per share

Earnings per share

Profits during report period Weighted average ROE Diluted EPS

Basic EPS (Yuan/share)


Net profits belong to common stock stockholders of the

0.22% 0.0005 0.0005


Net profits belong to common stock stockholders of the 0.12% 0.0003 0.0003


司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Company after deducting nonrecurring gains and losses

3. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

(1) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International

Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

√Applicable □Not applicable


Net profit Net assets

Current Period Last Period Closing balance Opening balance

By Chinese GAAP 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

Item and amount adjusted by IAS:

By IAS 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

(2) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting

rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Name of foreign accounting rules:


Net profit Net assets

Current Period Last Period Closing balance Opening balance

By Chinese GAAP 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

Item and amount adjusted by foreign accounting rules:

By foreign accounting rule 172,122.52 -3,391,966.64 77,109,590.45 76,937,467.93

(3) Explanation on data differences under the accounting standards in and out of China; as for the

differences adjustment audited by foreign auditing institute, listed name of the institute


4. Other



司公限有份股心中游旅海东大南海 2016 文全告报度年半年

Section X. Documents available for references

I. Text of the semi-annual report 2016 with signature of legal person of the Company;

II. Financial statement with signature and seal of legal person, person in charge of accounting works and person in

charge of accounting organ(accountant in charge);

III. The original manuscripts of all documents and annoucements of the Company publicly disclosed on the

website appointed by CSRC in the reporting period;

IV. Other documents

The above said documents are prepared in the security department of the Company


Chairman: Li Yuanbin

11 August 2016



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