Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2016-61
Resolutions of the 2nd Meeting of the Seventh Supervisory Committee of
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
The Company and all members of its Supervisory Committee hereby guarantees that the content of
information disclosure is real, accurate, complete and free from any false record, misleading
representation or material omissions.
The notice for calling of the 2nd meeting of the Seventh Supervisory Committee of Hangzhou
Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. was served on August 2, 2016, and the meeting was held in the morning
of August 12, 2016 in the meeting room No.4 of the reception center of the Company. All of the 5
supervisors presented the meeting. The supervisors examined and voted on the proposals at the
meeting. Mr. Yu Changquan, secretary of the Board, observed the meeting. The meeting
procedures are legal and complying with the Company Law and Articles of Association.
The meeting was Hosted by Chief Supervisory Mr Li Shijie .
The following proposals were examined at the meeting and passed by open ballot.
Also published audit opinion for the company Semi-annual report 2016,Audit content of the
meeting and the voting results are as follows:
I. The semi-annual report 2016
Voting result:5 supervisors voted in favor by field, 0 objection, 0 abstention ,the Report was
passed. Upon inspection, the Committee deems that the producing and examination procedures of
the Semiannual Report 2016 were legal and complying with the requirements of the CSRC. The
Report is reflecting the financial position and business performance of the Company frankly and
completely. There is no false record, misleading statement, or material omission in the report.
The Supervisory Committee of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
August 12,2016