
来源:深交所 2016-08-10 00:00:00

2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

2016 Semi-annual Report

August 2016


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section I Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors, supervisors and senior

management staff of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖)

warrant that this report is factual, accurate and complete without any false record, misleading

statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.

All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.

The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into

share capital.

Mr. Fang Hongbo, chairman of the board, Mr. Sun Yunan, CFO, and Mr. Xu Yunwei, chief of the

accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this

report is factual, accurate and complete.

This report involves futures plans and some other forward-looking statements, which shall not be

considered as virtual promises to investors. Investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to

possible risks.

This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the

two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited


Section I Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation ............................................................. 2

Section II Company Profile ............................................................................................................... 5

Section III Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators ............................................... 7

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................... 9

Section V. Significant Events ........................................................................................................... 20

Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders .............................................................................. 30

Section VII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs ................................................. 34

Section IX. Documents Available For Reference ......................................................................... 121


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited


Term Refers to Contents

Company or the Company Refers to Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Midea Group Refers to Midea Group Co., Ltd.

Titoni Refers to Titoni Investments Development Ltd.

Midea Group Finance Refers to Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd.

Midea Holding Refers to GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Refers to Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd.

Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance Refers to Wuxi Little Swan General Appliance Co., Ltd.

Wuxi FILIN Electronics Refers to Wuxi FILIN Electronics Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Attend Logistics Refers to Guangzhou Attend Logistics Co., Ltd.

CSRC Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission

Reporting period Refers to 1 January 2016-30 June 2016


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section II Company Profile

I Basic information about the Company

Stock name Little Swan A, Little Swan B Stock code 000418, 200418

Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese 无锡小天鹅股份有限公司

Abbreviation (if any) 小天鹅

Company name in English (if

Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited


Legal representative Mr. Fang Hongbo

II Contact information

Board Secretary Securities Representative

Name Ms. Zhou Sixiu Mr. Zhao Yulin

No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech No. 18, Changjiang Road S., National Hi-tech

Address Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, P.R. Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province,

China P.R. China

Tel. 0510-81082320 0510-81082377

Fax 0510-83720879 0510-83720879

E-mail ir@littleswan.com.cn ir@littleswan.com.cn

III Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email

address of the Company during the Reporting Period?

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company

did not change during the Reporting Period.

On 10 August 2016, we disclosed the Announcement on Change of Company Email Address to change our email

address from ―ir_littleswan@littleswan.com.cn‖ to ―ir@littleswan.com.cn‖. The new email address has been put

into use since the announcement date, and the old one can be used until 30 September 2016 for transition.

Investors are kindly reminded to note that.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

2. About information disclosure and the place where this report is kept

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and the place where this report is kept during the reporting


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for

disclosing this report and the place where this report is kept did not change during the reporting period. The said

information can be found in the 2015 Annual Report.

3. Change of the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the Reporting Period?

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No. and

organizational code did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2015

Annual Report.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section III Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators

I Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the

accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?

□ Yes √ No

Reporting period Same period of last year YoY +/- (%)

Operating revenues (RMB) 7,984,787,194.92 6,101,903,864.60 30.86%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the

580,826,562.58 430,694,268.55 34.86%

Company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the

Company after excluding extraordinary gains and 567,444,003.06 369,115,221.99 53.73%

losses (RMB)

Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB) 1,607,097,392.88 1,365,269,483.46 17.71%

Basic EPS (RMB/share) 0.92 0.68 35.29%

Diluted EPS (RMB/share) 0.92 0.68 35.29%

Weighted average ROE (%) 10.82% 9.28% 1.54%

As at the end of the

As at the end of last year +/- (%)

reporting period

Total assets (RMB) 15,482,781,637.01 14,327,655,366.60 8.06%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of the

5,372,739,501.53 5,124,866,173.14 4.84%

Company (RMB)

Notes: In the fourth quarter of 2015, ―to make financial investments with the Company’s own funds‖ was added to

the business scope of the Company. As such, gains/losses on financial investments have been restated as recurrent

gains/losses. In order to help investors better understand the business results of the Company, the ―net profit

attributable to shareholders of the Company after excluding extraordinary gains and losses‖ of the same period of

last year is restated as follows with the same caliber:

Unit: RMB

Reporting period Same period of last year YoY +/- (%)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

567,444,003.06 422,382,161.29 34.34%

after excluding extraordinary gains and losses


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

II Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and

Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No difference.

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and

Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No difference.

III Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

Unit: RMB

Item Amount Explanation

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the offset part of asset


impairment provisions)

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in

the ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to 19,387,917.07

the country’s unified standards

Non-operating income and expenses other than the above 1,742,326.88

Less: Income tax effects 3,151,274.65

Minority interests effects (after tax) 4,474,663.48

Total 13,382,559.52 --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in

the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the

Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said

explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section IV Report of the Board of Directors

I Overview

(I) Macro-environment

In the first half of 2016, the slowdown of macro-economic growth, the deepening divide in the real estate market,

the continuous volatility of raw material prices and the wider fluctuations of the exchange rate of RMB posed a

bigger challenge to the home appliance sector.

In the period, transformation and upgrade remained the theme for the sector. As middle-class consumers kept

growing and those born in 1980s and 1990s grew up, demand for high-end, fashionable, individualized and

diversified home appliances was increasing. Roller, large-capacity, inverter and smart washing machines, as well

as drying machines, were developing fast, which created tremendous market opportunities. The digital and smart

technologies continued to boost reform of the manufacturing model of home appliances, and ―machines instead of

human‖ and ―smart manufacturing‖ kept improving the manufacturing efficiency. Amid the deep change and

relocation of global manufacturing, as well as the faster merger among home appliance tycoons, Chinese home

appliance makers increased their pace of internationalization. Thanks to smart terminal and mobile internet, online

channels were developing much faster than traditional channels. Consumption upgrade, renewal and overseas

expansion remained the three main driving forces of the washing machine industry. According to ChinaIOL

statistics, the first half of 2016 saw a total domestic output of 27,497,300 washing machines, up 3.82% year on

year, of which 18,998,200 were sold domestically, up 4.34% year on year, while 8,499,100 were exported, up

2.67% year on year.

(II) Main business analysis

In face of the complex domestic and overseas environments, as well as a continuously weak global economy, we

continued to closely adhere to our strategic axis of ―leading products, efficiency-driven and global operations‖,

focused on our main business, put customers and products at the heart of everything we did, and pushed forward

organizational reform and operating transformation. Meanwhile, we strengthened our R&D and innovation,

improved our T+3 order mechanism and promoted manufacturing upgrade and efficiency improvement so as to

increase our core competitiveness. The first half of 2016 witnessed a further improvement of our operating quality,

with continuously improving product structure, product quality and operating efficiency. For the reporting period,

we achieved operating revenues of RMB7.985 billion, up 30.86% from the same period of last year; net profit

attributable to shareholders of the Company stood at RMB581 million, representing a YoY growth of 34.86%; and

our overall gross profit margin was 27.2%, increasing by 0.25 percentage points from the corresponding period of

last year.

(III) Work accomplished in the first half of 2016


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

1. While centering on leading products, the Company continued to make competitive products, and

promote high-end and differential product series

The Company centered on the strategic main shaft of leading products, focused on consumers, stuck to invest

more on R&D input and product innovation, continued to construct a technology R&D platform with global

competitiveness; emphasized on user survey, research in advance, intelligent research and core technology efforts,

continued to made competitive products through independent R&D and external cooperation, promoted key

products of the Beverly high-end series and Disney differential series, so as to create qualified life experience for

users. Among them, as for the Beverly high-end new series, the Company combined Italian Kaibihe technique

based on its cooperation with Italian technique research institution, applied diamond-cut technology to make

rose-diamond-type door cycles, practiced craftsmen’s spirit, and carried forward high-end transformation. The

washing machines of the Disney customized version, including children’s washing machines designed for

―adorable kids‖, the wall hanging clothes dryers, and the portable mini washing machines, were combined with

both artistry and practicability, and reflected the Company’s efforts of continuous creation of fashionable qualified

goods. In the reporting period, the Company won the honor of technology certification of ―Water Rubik’s Cube

with High-efficiency and Energy Saving‖ issued by VDE,

as well as the quality certificate of ―BLDC Electrical

Machine of 20-year Service Life‖. The Beverly roller

washing machines won the honor of product award in

―China Appliance Award‖ for Chinese home appliances in

Y2016. The Beverly wave-wheel washing machines had

the honor to win the best design reward of German ―Red

Spot Award‖ in Y2016. R&D and innovation capability of

the Company were highly recognized by the market.

2. The Company enhanced on marketing

transformation, rapidly enlarged E-Commerce

business, and stably pushed growth of overseas

self-own brands

In domestic market, the Company continued to deepen the

transformation of marketing modes, led agents transform


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

to platform operator, pushed channels for further flattening, and improve its competitiveness in terminal markets;

sustainably optimized product sales structure, raised the ratio of high and milled end products, strengthened on the

sample processing and resource input of high and middle end product series, established the Beverly special hall

and the Disney special hall; promoted sharing of channels and stocks, fully took advantage of the turnover

function of center warehouses, integrated the planning, allocation, and usage of all channels and stocks;

energetically developed the campus cloud-washing machine project, and had successfully entered into plenty of

universities, flats, and hotels, and ultimately constructed the big market of public self-help clothes-washing

service, positively promoted the market expansion for clothes dryers, reinforced on new arrivals and its promotion,

and gained the revenue of RMB156 million of clothes dryers in the 1st half of Y2016, with a year-on-year increase

of 45.79%; positively propelled the development of E-Commerce business, deepened the cooperation with

E-Commerce platforms, pushed forward the launch of Little Swan Shopping Mall, and won a breakthrough of

RMB1.83 billion as revenue of all online sales in the 1st half of Y2016, with a year-on-year increase of 101.1%. In

the reporting period, the Company obtained business revenue of RMB5.797 billion, growing by 32.07% as

compared with the same period of last year.

In overseas market, the Company further optimized the global market layout, constantly made breakthroughs in

key markets, dug out potential markets, cleared blank markets; constantly deepen strategic cooperation with key

clients, stable the scale-oriented clients, put emphasis on implementing key and large cooperation projects;

positively promoted the development of self-own brands, practiced localized operation in partial areas, enlarged

channels, refined markets, and obtained stable growth of self-own brand business; continued to promote the

outside location of manufacturing, further enlarged cooperation range, improved product competitiveness in the

market through local manufacturing; sustainably carried forward product circulation in internals and external sales

market, so as to realize resource collaboration and complementation; supplemented the product cast of high and

middle end products, as well as the self-own-brand products, and continued to optimize product sales structure.

In the reporting period, the Company obtained revenue of RMB1.53 billion for overseas sales, marking a

year-on-year increase of 24.26%.

3. The Company deepened T+3 mode, and continued to carry forward manufacturing upgrade, as well as

efficiency promotion

The Company continued to deepen the operation of T+3 order mode. As for the marketing end, the system of

pre-arrangement for online orders, as well as capacity visualization, realized visible customers’ orders, visible


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

capacity, and order pre-arrangement, practiced visual system management and control, and balanced order

allocation and speeded up its turnover. As for the supply end, the informationized monitoring system improved

logistics channel management and control, improved the on time performance and full-set preparation ratio of

supplied materials, and at the same time, continuously pushed exclusive supply clear-up, and optimized supply

layout. As for the manufacturing end, the Company continued to carry forward manufacturing upgrade and

efficiency improvement, input more on automation, and established automotive production lines for roller

washing machines. As for R&D end, the Company sustainably simplified product models, aggressively drove out

the management way in features of platformization, standardization, and universalization, and improved the

product design for manufacturability. In the reporting period, 90% of production and sales volume of the

Company applied T+3 order mode, and over 30% were through offline direct delivery, representing a sharp

upgrade of operating and turnover efficiency.

4. The Company emphasized on the principle of remarkable quality, and aggressively pushed forward the

strategy of quality projects

The Company continued to pushed forward the establishment of quality management and control system,

emphasized on the principle of remarkable quality, determinedly practiced the ―One-vote negation system‖ for

quality control; took users as the orientation, made benchmarking for basic properties in all systems, transformed

the attention from market maintenance ratio to product reliability; strengthened the management for 2 sources

(design and supply materials) and 1 process (manufacturing), strictly controlled on processes of product planning,

trial-manufacturing, trial-production, and first-production in designing period, strictly implemented process

inspection of sample confirmation, model experiment, and normal experiment in material supply period, strictly

controlled on the transparency and visualization of quality management in manufacturing period, so as to ensure

product quality in manufacturing process; continued to grasped the opportunities of quality projects, established

refine management system and evaluation standards for the overall process, gradually improved the coverage rate

of quality goods, and obtained public praises for quality. In the reporting period, the market maintenance rate of

the Company experienced a stable year-on-year decrease, and remarkably improved product quality.

(IV) Work plan for the second half of 2016

In the 2nd half of Y2016, the Company will stand firm to continue the deepening of transformation, center on users,

take production and sales as the main shaft, rigidly move forward, continuously reform the value chain, and

consolidate the capability of sustainable development of the Company. In respect of product platform, the


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Company will reinforce on R&D, ensure key new products development, intensify research on intelligent scene

applications, enhance external cooperation, plan and construct the ecosphere of intelligent washing machine

industry. In respect of marketing platform, as for domestic sales, the Company will continue to deepen T+3 order

mode, aggressively carry forward channel transformation and stock sharing, unceasingly improve the ratio of high

and middle end products, and energetically develop E-Commerce business; as for overseas sales, the Company

will continue to expand global market, constantly improve client vigor, and enhance self-own brand promotion. As

for manufacturing platform, the Company will take T+3 order mode as the pulling force, get directed by

automation and informatization, and sustainably propel manufacturing upgrade. As for service platform, the

Company will deepen the organization recreation, reinforce the introduction of key talents, impel the

transformation of remuneration mechanism, constantly motivate the energy of the organization, and improve the

integrated operation of the Company.

II Main business analysis

Unit: RMB

Same period of last

Reporting period YoY +/-% Main reasons for change


Operating revenues 7,984,787,194.92 6,101,903,864.60 30.86% Increase of the sales volume

Operating costs 5,812,591,773.67 4,457,541,472.66 30.40% Increased along with the revenue

Resource input increased as the sales

Selling expenses 1,191,332,056.12 849,993,249.30 40.16%

volume increased

Administrative expenses 265,946,054.68 272,955,998.10 -2.57%

Increase in exchange income and

Financial costs -63,399,464.47 -11,205,277.58 -465.80%

interest income from bank deposits

Income tax expenses 127,302,391.75 78,916,402.71 61.31% Increased as the total profit increased

Net cash flows from operating

1,607,097,392.88 1,365,269,483.46 17.71%


Net cash flows from investing Bank wealth management and

-2,104,441,275.89 -1,507,353,631.94 -39.61%

activities structural deposits increased

Net cash flows from financing

-376,001,781.77 -270,220,502.96 -39.15% The cash paid as dividends increased


Net increase in cash and cash Cash outflows from investing and

-873,345,664.78 -412,304,651.44 -111.82%

equivalents financing activities increased

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the Reporting Period:


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the Reporting Period.

Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as

share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed documents such as

share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.

Review the progress of the previously disclosed business plan in the Reporting Period:

In the reporting period, according to the plan set at the beginning of the year, the Company proactively pushed

forward all kinds of work and achieved some phasic progress. For details, see ―I Overview‖ in this section.

III Breakdown of main business

Unit: RMB

Increase/decrease of Increase/decrease Increase/decreas

operating revenues of operating costs e of gross profit

Gross profit

Operating revenues Operating costs over the same over the same margin over the

margin (%)

period of last year period of last year same period of

(%) (%) last year (%)

Classified by industry:

Home appliance

7,327,207,677.60 5,281,634,736.14 27.92% 30.36% 29.70% 0.37%


Classified by product:


7,327,207,677.60 5,281,634,736.14 27.92% 30.36% 29.70% 0.37%


Classified by region:

China 5,797,358,361.67 3,968,971,009.52 31.54% 32.07% 33.22% -0.59%

Other countries

1,529,849,315.93 1,312,663,726.62 14.20% 24.26% 20.10% 2.98%

and regions

IV Core competitiveness analysis

Our core competitiveness is demonstrated in the following aspects:

1. Our knowledge and experience accumulated in the long history of our main business. We are the sole

company in China that has focused on the washing machine industry since the end of 1970s. Profound knowledge

and experience has been accumulated through these several decades in technology, R&D and innovation, market

research, business operation, etc., which has been transformed into our tacit knowledge through the accumulation

and inheritance by our talent team and has thus become our most important core competitiveness.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

2. Our capability of seeing the industry clearly and R&D. We have our unique capability of judging and

foreseeing developments in the industry and technology. Through constant input of R&D resources over the years,

we have owned leading technological competitiveness in the industry. We have a sound technological R&D

system, including one state-level technological center and two state-recognized labs. Little Swan Lab is the first

washing machine lab in China to pass the UL North American safety verification and the German VDE

verification. We hold on to independent innovation and have the internationally advanced frequency-changing,

intelligent control, structure design, industrial design and other core technologies. We connect technology,

products and customers through medium and long-term technological planning, and have research talent, talent

reserve and development talent for our R&D.

3. Our capability of managing the industrial chain. We keep building a customer-oriented supply chain

management system, have set up an industry-leading cross-enterprise procurement platform with the help of

Midea Group, constantly increase the efficiency of our supply chain and foster a strategic partnership with our

suppliers. In terms of channels, in the domestic first and secondary markets, we mainly work with Suning, Gome

and some other big regional customers; in the tertiary and fourth markets, we combine agent channels, flagship

stores and franchised stores to distribute our products to households. In e-commerce, we proactively make plans

about online channels and enhancing our cooperation with all famous online shopping platforms, and our online

sales have achieved a fast growth. Overseas, we keep deepening our cooperation with customers, expanding

strategic overseas markets and enhancing the promotion of our own brands in the regional markets. We enjoy a

good and long-term cooperation with our major customers at home and abroad.

4. Our capability to respond to needs of consumers. We have been keeping a watchful eye on market changes,

studying consumers’ needs, and focusing on improvement of the whole process experience of customers in

shopping, product use and after-sales service. Consumers are always looking for professional, efficient, intelligent,

green and beautifully-designed washing machines. And we satisfy customers’ needs and provide them with

extremely easy use experience through our innovative solutions of silver nano-particle sterilization, intelligent

accurate self-loading, water cube green washing and classified washing. We adopt a two-brand strategy (―Little

Swan‖ and ―Midea‖) to create differentiation for the satisfaction of different needs. With a history of over three

decades, Little Swan is considered a very reliable brand among consumers, with the slogan of ―Whole-hearted

Little Swan‖ being well-known among them. As for Midea, a comprehensive home appliance brand, its share in

the washing machine market keeps rising with increasing recognition.

5. Our capability of reform and self-improvement. Through years of accumulation, we have developed a

corporate culture of sustained reform and self-improvement. Along with rapid changes in the market and this new

era, we will keep reforming our organizational structure and operating model so as to ensure our capability of

sustainable development. In order to adapt to the era of mobile internet, we restructure the Company with the

internet thinking and create a platformized operating model. Meanwhile, we are the first in the sector to adopt the

T+3 order-oriented production and sale mechanism to cope with the fast changes of market needs. And in order

for continuing vitality, we push forward reform of our remuneration mechanism and encourage creative sidelines

as a way to keep improving our management system.

No significant changes occurred to our core competitiveness in the Reporting Period.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Foreign investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no foreign investment of the Company in the Reporting Period.

(2) Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Investment in securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company did not invest in any securities in the Reporting Period.

(4) Shareholdings in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1) Wealth management entrustment

Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan

Related- Actual

Principal Impairment

Name of party Product Amount Beginning Ending Payment Predicted gain/loss in

Relation actually provision (if

trustee transacti variety entrusted date date determination gain reporting

recovered any)

on or not period

Bank Floating interest

wealth 28 Jun. rate, contractual

Bank No No 594,300 27 Apr. 2015 121,000 6,732 6,732

manageme 2017 highest annualized

nt product income rate

Total 594,300 -- -- -- 121,000 6,732 6,732

All is from the self-owned funds of the Company. The line for wealth

management entrustment is no more than RMB6 billion and repeated use is

Source of the entrusted funds

allowed within the said line. And the balance of the wealth management

entrustment was of RMB5.943 billion at the period-end of the Reporting Period.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Cumulative overdue principals and gains 0

Lawsuits (if applicable) Not applicable

Disclosure date of the Board f Directors’ announcement 10 Mar. 2016

approving the wealth management entrustment (if any)

Disclosure date of the Board f Shareholders’ announcement 8 Apr. 2016

approving the wealth management entrustment (if any)

(2) Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Entrustment loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Use of raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

Company Company Registered Operating Operating

Industry Main product Total assets Net assets Net profit

name variety capital revenues profit

Hefei Midea

Washing Washing machine USD

Subsidiary Manufacture 680,897.44 239,581.23 349,073.91 21,334.08 18,374.46

Machine Co., manufacture 13,552


Wuxi Little

Swan General

Washing machine

Electrical Subsidiary Manufacture 2,800 30,568.55 20,104.24 12,057.61 1,139.15 962.20



Co., Ltd

Development and


manufacture of USD

Electronics Subsidiary Manufacture 83,157.75 61,105.44 33,009.47 9,698.26 9,301.08

new electronic 362.4564

Co., Ltd



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

5. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No significant projects of investments with non-raised funds during the Reporting Period.

VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sept. 2016

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin

to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the

“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” for last


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment of the cash

dividend plan and the plan for turning capital reserve into share capital

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

As the profit allocation plan for 2015, the Company, based on the total 632,487,764 shares as at the end of 2015,

distributed a cash dividend of RMB6.00 (tax included) for every 10 shares held by its shareholders with the total

distributed amount of RMB379,492,658.40 and the retained earnings transferred to the following years. And the

Company neither turned capital reserve into share capital nor distributed the shares bonus.

The plan was reviewed and approved at the 4th Session of the 8th Board of Directors on 8 Mar. 2016 and then the

2015 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting on 7 Apr. 2016. The

Distribution for Y2015> was published on 12 May 2016. Implementation of the profit allocation plan was

completed in the Reporting Period.

Special statement about the cash dividend policy

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolution of the general meeting Yes

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism Yes

Independent directors fulfilled their responsibilities and played their due role. Yes


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Minority shareholders have the chance to fully express their opinion and desire and their legal rights and


interests were fully protected.

In adjustment or alteration of the cash dividend policy, the conditions and procedure were in compliance

Not applicable

with regulations and transparent.

X. Preplan for profit distribution and turning capital reserve into share capital for the

reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company planed not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into share

capital for the Reporting Period.

Main discussion and

Way of Visitor

Time Place Visitor materials provided by

reception type

the Company

HWABAO Investment, Korea Investment, Tokio

Marine, Huatai Securities, GTJA Allianz Funds,

Conference Guolian Securities, Tebon Securities, Nuode Fund,

22 Jan. Overall operation of

Room of the Field research Institution Shenwan Hongyuan, KING TOWER, Shanxi

2016 the Company

Company Securities, Gaoguan Investment, Changjiang

Securities, Founder Securities, CITIC Securities,

Haitong Securities


15 Mar. Overall operation of

Room of the Field research Institution Sunshine Asset Management, National Fund

2016 the Company


GF Securities, Bohai Securities, APS Asset, Guotai


12 May Fund, Yulan Capital, BOC International, AJ Overall operation of

Room of the Field research Institution

2016 Securities, HFT Investment Management, HSBC the Company




2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section V. Significant Events

I. Corporate governance

The Company continuously perfected its corporate governance, set up modern enterprise system and standardized

its operation strictly in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and rules such as Company Law,

Securities Law and Administrative Rule for Listed Companies issued by CSRC. Company governance practice

has no difference with requirements of relevant law and rules of Company Law and CSRC.

II. Litigations

Significant litigations and arbitrations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration during the Reporting Period.

Other litigations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Media’s questions

□Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any media’s questions during the Reporting Period.

IV. Related Events of bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any related events of bankruptcy reorganization.

V. Assets transaction events

1. Purchase of assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any purchase of assets.

2. Sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any sale of assets.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

3. Combination of enterprises

□ Applicable √ Not applicable e

The Company was not involved in any combination of enterprises.

VI. Implementation of equity incentive and its influence

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any implementation of equity incentive and its execution.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transaction relevant to routine operation

For the details, please refer to ―XII. Related parties and the related-party transactions‖ of Section VIII. Financial


2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sale during the

Reporting Period.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any related-party transaction with joint investments during the Reporting


4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in any credit and liability with related parties during the Reporting Period.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

(1) the related transactions about the Financial Service Agreement which signed with the Midea Group Finance

Co., Ltd.

It was agreed that, the financial company should provide the service of deposit, loan, note discount, guarantee,

settlement, and the series of the financial services that approved by the CBRC according to the requirements of

the Company as well as its subsidiaries. During the three-year validity after date of the validation of the agreement,

the maximum of the deposit balance that the Company and its subsidiaries disposed in the financial company

should not exceed the amount of RMB2 billion per day; and the maximum of the outstanding loan principal and


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

interest balance that the financial company granted to the Company and its subsidiaries should not exceed the

amount of RMB2 billion per day.

At the report-end, the deposit balance of the Company at Midea Group Finance Co., Ltd. was of RMB1.258

billion, with no any loan.

(2) Related transactions about the trademark license

The Company permitted GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. and its controlled subsidiaries to use trademark of

LITTLE SWAN and picture in air conditioner commodities; permitted Hubei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd. and its

controlled subsidiaries to use to use trademark of LITTLE SWAN and picture in the refrigerators and the

freezers; at the same time GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. permitted the Company and subsidiaries of the Company

to use trademark of Midea in production, sales and ad campaign of washing machines and dryers. The aforesaid

licensing contracts were all contracted with 0.3% charges of net sales revenue of products with the authorized

trademark as trademark license fees, and the permitting period last from the 1 Jan. 2014 to 31 Dec. 2016.

(Notes: Approved by [2013] No. 1014 document of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Midea Group had

made share swap absorption merger of the original controlling shareholder—GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. on 18

Sep. 2013, after which, Midea Group inherited and carried on the whole obligations and right such as the whole

assets and liabilities of GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd. as a remainder enterprise as well as had completed the

relevant share transfer registration procedures on 31 Dec. 2013.)

② The Company permitted Midea Group and its controlling subsidiary to use trademark of BEVERLY in water

heaters and the products of the water correction plants as well as machines with 0.3% of the net sales amount of

the license trademark products as the access fee, of which the permission time limit was from 1 December 2015 to

31 December 2018.

(3) The Company held the 2015 Annual General Meeting on 7 Apr. 2016 which reviewed and approved the

Proposal on Estimating the 2016 Daily Related Transactions of the Company.

(4) The Company held the 6th Session of the 8th Board of Directors on 8 Aug. 2016, which reviewed and approved

the Proposal on Adjusting the Amount of the 2016 Daily Related Transactions.。

Index for the interim announcements on related-party transactions disclosed on the relevant website

Title of the interim announcement Disclosure date Disclosure website

Proposal on Estimating the 2016 Daily Related Transactions of the Company

10 Mar. 2016 www.cninfo.com.cn

(No. 2016-04)

Announcements about Adjusting the 2016 Daily Connection Transaction

10 Aug. 2016 www.cninfo.com.cn

Amount (No.2016-17)

VIII. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder

and other related parties of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company was not involved in the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other

related parties during the Reporting Period.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

IX. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any trusteeship of the Company in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any contract of the Company in the Reporting Period.

(3) Lease

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any lease of the Company in the Reporting Period.

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan

Guarantees provided by the company for external parties (excluding those for subsidiaries)

Disclosure date on

Amount Actual occurrence Actual Guarantee

Guaranteed relevant Type of Period of Executed

for date (date of guarantee for a related

party announcement of guarantee guarantee or not

guarantee agreement) amount party or not

guaranteed amount

Total external guarantee line approved during Total actual occurred amount of external

0 0

the reporting period (A1) guarantee during the reporting period (A2)

Total external guarantee line that has been Total actual external guarantee balance at the

0 0

approved at the end of the reporting period (A3) end of the reporting period (A4)

Guarantees provided by the company for its subsidiaries

Disclosure date on

Amount Actual occurrence Actual Guarantee

Guaranteed relevant Type of Period of Executed

for date (date of guarantee for a related

party announcement of guarantee guarantee or not

guarantee agreement) amount party or not

guaranteed amount

Hefei Midea



10 Mar. 2016 125,000 27 Jun. 2016 5,999.52 liability Half year No No

Machine Co.,



Total guarantee line approved for the Total actual occurred amount of guarantee for

125,000 5,999.52

subsidiaries during the reporting period (B1) the subsidiaries during the reporting period (B2)

Total guarantee line that has been approved for 125,000 Total actual guarantee balance for the 5,999.52


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

the subsidiaries at the end of the reporting subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period

period (B3) (B4)

Guarantees provided by the subsidiaries for their subsidiaries

Disclosure date on Period

Actual occurrence Actual Guarantee

Guaranteed relevant Amount for Type of of Execute

date (date of guarantee for a related

party announcement of guarantee guarantee guarante d or not

agreement) amount party or not

guaranteed amount e

Total guarantee line approved for the Total actual occurred amount of guarantee for

0 0

subsidiaries during the reporting period (C1) the subsidiaries during the reporting period (C2)

Total guarantee line that has been approved for Total actual guarantee balance for the

the subsidiaries at the end of the reporting 0 subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period 0

period (C3) (C4)

Total guarantee amount provided by the Company (total of the above-mentioned three kinds of guarantees)

Total guarantee line approved during the Total actual occurred amount of guarantee

125,000 5,999.52

reporting period (A1+B1+C1) during the reporting period (A2+B2+C2)

Total guarantee line that has been approved at Total actual guarantee balance at the end of the

125,000 5,999.52

the end of the reporting period (A3+B3+C3) reporting period (A4+B4+C4)

Proportion of total guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) to the net assets


of the Company

Of which:

Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and related parties (D) 0

Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party whose asset-liability ratio is not less than 70%


directly or indirectly (E)

Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50% of net assets (F) 0

Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F) 0

Explanation on possibility to bear joint liability due to undue guarantees (if any) Not applicable

Explanation on the external guarantees in violation of stipulated procedures (if any) Not applicable

(1) Particulars about illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no particular about illegal external guarantee of the Company in the Reporting Period.

3. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no other significant contract of the Company in the Reporting Period.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

4. Other significant transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no other significant transaction of the Company in the Reporting Period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s

shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the Reporting Period

Time of

Commitment Period of

Commitment Contents making Fulfillment

maker commitment


Where the controlling shareholder GD Midea Holding Co., Ltd.

(Midea Holding) plans to sell the Company’s shares released

from trading moratorium held by it via the bid trading system of

Commitment on Controlling the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Midea Holding decreases over 28 Feb. In the process of


share reform shareholder 5% shares within six months since the first reduction of holdings, 2008 implementation

Midea Holding will disclose the suggestive announcement on

share selling through the Company two trading days before its

first reduction of holdings.

1. As for the commitment of avoiding horizontal competition,

Midea Group (the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian

(the actual controller) has promised that, for the period after the

said transaction when the Company’s controlling shareholder and

actual controller remain unchanged, the actual controller Mr. He

Xiangjian, his immediate family, Midea Group and its controlled

other enterprises neither recently nor in the future will engage in

any production or operation activity the same as or similar to the

recently main business of Little Swan or its controlled

enterprises, as well as will neither engage in nor participate in any

Commitment in

Controlling competitive business the same as the recently main business of

the acquisition

shareholder Little Swan or its controlled enterprises through controlling other 1 Dec. 2010, In the process of

report or the Long-term

and actual economic entities, institutions, economic organizations. If Little 6 Jun. 2014 implementation

report on equity

controller Swan and its controlled enterprises further developed its scope of


the operation business on the basis of the recently business, and if

the actual controller Mr. He Xiangjian, his immediate family,

Midea Group and its controlled other enterprises had executed

production of that, would solve the corresponding horizontal

competition problems within the reasonable period. If recently

there was no any production or operation, would not engage in

the similar new business that competed with Little Swan and its

controlled enterprises. If there was any situation violated the

above commitments, the profits gained from the business related

to operation were belongs to Little Swan.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

2. The commitment by Midea Group and the actual controller on

the specification of the related-party transaction. Midea Group

(the controlling shareholder) and Mr. He Xiangjian (the actual

controller) has promised that, for the period after the said

transaction when the Company’s controlling shareholder and

actual controller remain unchanged, the actual controller Mr. He

Xiangjian, his immediate family, Midea Group and its controlled

other enterprises will specify and try their best to reduce the

related-party transactions with Little Swan and its controlled

enterprises. If occurred the unavoidable related transactions with

Little Swan and its controlled enterprises, would sign the

normative related-party transactions agreement Little Swan

according to laws and would execute the approval procedure

according to the relevant regulations to ensure the fairness of the


price of the related-party transactions; ensure to execute the

shareholder 1 Dec. 2010, In the process of

information disclose obligation of related-party transactions Long-term

and actual 6 Jun. 2014 implementation

according to the relevant regulations; ensure not to make


advantage of the related-party transactions for illegally

transferring the assets and profits of Little Swan, as well as not to

make advantage of the related-party transactions for harming to

the interests of Little Swan and the shareholders; would not

require Little Swan to offer any more favorable condition

compared with that offered to the independent third party in any

fair trade market transaction; execute the voting debarb obligation

when involved in the voting of the related events of the actual

controller Mr. He Xiangjian, his immediate family, Midea Group

and its controlled other enterprises. If Midea Group and Mr. He

Xiangjian violated the above commitments and promises that led

to the harm for the equity of Little Swan or other shareholders,

Midea Group and Mr. He Xiangjian should take the responsibility

of the corresponding liability for damage.

3. As for the commitment on independence, Midea Group has

promised to protect Little Swan’s independence in terms of

assets, staff, finance, organization and business. 3. As for the

commitment on independence, Midea Group and the actual

Controlling controller Mr. He Xiangjian has promised that, to further ensure 1 Dec. 2010, In the process of


shareholder the independent operation of Little Swan, Mr. He Xiangjian, 6 Jun. 2014 implementation

Midea Group and its controlled other enterprises would maintain

the mutual independent in terms of personnel, finance, assets,

business and institutions with Little Swan according to the

relevant laws and regulations as well as the normative documents.

Controlling 4. As for the commitment on related-party deposits and In the process of

1 Dec. 2010 Long-term

shareholder borrowings, up to 8 Apr. 2010, the Financial Settlement Center of implementation


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Midea Group had settled all internal deposits and borrowings

with Hefei Royalstar Washing Equipment Manufacturing Co.,

Ltd.; and Midea Group has promised that there will be no more

deposits, borrowings or other funds flows incurred between the

Financial Settlement Center and Hefei Royalstar Washing

Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd..

5. The commitment by Midea Group on housing properties with

no ownership certificates of the target company for sale is

detailed as follows. Two pieces of the buildings of Royalstar

Washing Equipment assessed and sold to the Company are of no

ownership certificates—the warehouse for half-finished products

Controlling (176 square meters) and the workshop for injection molding (834 In the process of

1 Dec. 2010 Long-term

shareholder square meters), both located in the old factory of Royalstar implementation

Washing Equipment, Hewa Road, Hefei. Midea Group has

promised that if loss occurs due to the said two buildings without

ownership certificates in the asset disposal process in the future,

it will assume the loss thus caused and make compensation to the


6. The commitment by Midea Group on trademarks is detailed as

follows. (1) Concerning the ―Midea‖ trademark: Upon approval

and implementation of the equity transfer transaction, Midea

Group has promised that it will make sure that Royalstar Washing

Equipment uses the ―Midea‖ trademark in a proper manner.

Royalstar Washing Equipment will be allowed to use the ―Midea‖

trademark with a trademark use fee not more than that paid by

Midea Group (the controlling shareholder of Midea Group) and No. (2),

its subsidiaries (currently 3‰ of the annual sales income RongShiDa

generated by products using the ―Midea‖ trademark), and upon trademark is

negotiation and signing of the ―Agreement for Trademark Use‖. due by

The related-party transactions incurred due to the said use of the March 31,

Controlling ―Midea‖ trademark will be submitted to the decision-making 2013 and In the process of

1 Dec. 2010

shareholder organ of the Company for approval according to the stipulated won’t renew implementation

procedure. As such, interests of the Company and its minority its contract;

shareholders will be safeguarded. (2) Concerning the ―Royalstar‖ Other items

trademark: Midea Group has signed the ―Contract for Trademark for a long

Use‖ with Royalstar Group and obtained the ordinary use rights term

of the ―Royalstar‖ (or ―RongShiDa‖) trademark. As the transferor implement

in the transfer transaction of equity interests of Royalstar

Washing Equipment, Midea Group has promised that within the

scope as agreed in the ―Contract for Trademark Use‖, if any

dispute arises between Royalstar Washing Equipment and

Royalstar Group over the former’s execution of the ―Contract for

Trademark Use‖, Little Swan will not be involved. If Royalstar

Washing Equipment and Little Swan have to assume any


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

responsibility or loss due to the aforesaid dispute, Midea Group is

willing to take on the responsibility instead and make

compensations to Royalstar Washing Equipment and Little Swan

at full amount.

7. The commitment by Midea Group on social security payment

and tax risks is detailed as follows. Midea Group has promised

that upon the completion of the said equity transfer deal, if

Royalstar Washing Equipment is obliged to take on any

responsibility or pay relevant fares as required by relevant

government authorities due to its social security payment before

the said deal, Midea Group is willing to pay relevant fares for

Royalstar Washing Equipment to relevant government authorities

Controlling in a timely manner and assume any other liability. If any loss thus In the process of

1 Dec. 2010 Long-term

shareholder occurs to Royalstar Washing Equipment or Little Swan, Midea implementation

Group is willing to assume relevant responsibilities for

compensation. Upon the completion of the said equity transfer

deal, if income tax evasion or any other tax risk is found in

Royalstar Washing Equipment, Midea Group is willing to assume

relevant legal responsibilities and risks and pay relevant taxes in a

timely manner to relevant government authorities; and if any loss

thus occurs to Little Swan, Midea Group will assume the

corresponding responsibility for compensation.

8. The commitment by Midea Group on capital safety at the

finance companies of the Company: during the validity period of

the Financial Services Agreement, when Midea Group occurred

Controlling emergency situation of payment difficulty at finance companies, 18 Mar. 3 years In the process of

shareholder it should adopt the effective measures such as increase the capital 2015 validity implementation

fund of the finance companies according to the actual needs of

solving the payment difficulty to ensure the capital safety of the



made upon the




made upon IPO

or refinancing



made to




2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Executed timely


or not?

Specific reasons

fail to complete

execution and Not applicable

further plans (if


XI. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Whether the semi-annual financial report had been audited?

□ Yes √ No

The semi-annual financial report had not been audited.

XII. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any punishment and rectification of the Company in the Reporting Period.

XIII. Reveal of the delisting risks of illegal or violation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any delisting risk of illegal or violation of the Company in the Reporting Period.

XIV. Explanation about other significant matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any other significant matter needed to be explained in the Reporting Period.

XV. Related situation of the corporate bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any public issuance of the corporate bonds which listed on the securities exchange that had not due

on the approved presentation date of the half-annual report or failed to pay in full amount.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

I. Changes in share capital

Unit: Share

Before this change Increase/decrease (+, -) After the change

Issuance Capitalizatio


Amount Proportion of new n of public Other Subtotal Amount Proportion


shares reserve fund

I. Shares subject to trading

3,711,190 0.59% -24,300 3,686,890 0.58%


Other domestic shares 3,711,190 0.59% -24,300 3,686,890 0.58%

Including: Shares held by

3,686,890 0.58% 3,686,890 0.58%

domestic legal persons

Shares held by

24,300 0.01% -24,300

domestic individuals

II. Shares not subject to

628,776,574 99.41% 24,300 628,800,874 99.42%

trading moratorium

1. Ordinary shares

437,740,702 69.21% 24,300 437,765,002 69.22%

denominated in RMB

2. Domestically listed

191,035,872 30.20% 191,035,872 30.20%

foreign shares

III. Total of shares 632,487,764 100.00% 632,487,764 100.00%

Reason for the change in shares

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The Vice GM, Mr. Mao Zhiliang had purchased 24,300 shares of the Company on 28 May 2015, and which had

left the position on 26 Aug. 2015. According to the 141st regulation of Company law, within half year of the

dimission, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company should not transfer their held Company’s

shares. Now Mr. Mao Zhiliang had left for half year, of which the 24,300 shares had relieved the trading


Approval of the change in shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Transfer of share ownership

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Effects of the change in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common

shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other contents that the Company considered necessary or were required by the securities regulatory authorities to


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Explanation of the changes in the sum of the shares and the structure of the shareholders and the structure of the

assets as well as the liabilities of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Number of shareholders and shareholding

Unit: share

Total number of common

Total number of preferred shareholders that had restored the

shareholders at the end of the 20,965 0

voting right at the end of the reporting period (if any) (note 8)

reporting period

Shareholding of the common shareholders holding more than 5% shares or the top 10 common shareholders

Number of Increase and Number of Number of Pledged or

shareholding decrease of shares held shares held frozen shares

Nature of Holding

Name of shareholder at the end of shares during subject to not subject Status

shareholder percentage Number

the reporting reporting trading to trading of

period period moratorium moratorium shares of shares



non-state-owned 37.78% 238,948,117 0 238,948,117




14.89% 94,204,942 0 94,204,942

DEVELOPMENT LTD. corporation


GAOLING FUND,L.P. 3.43% 21,694,456 0 21,694,456



SECURITY FUND non-state-owned 2.77% 17,499,071 15,899,032 17,499,071

PORTFOLIO 108 corporation


2.70% 17,054,071 0 17,054,071

WUXI corporation


2.19% 13,869,564 1,876,183 13,869,564



SECURITY FUND non-state-owned 2.03% 12,854,790 4,293,467 12,854,790

PORTFOLIO 101 corporation

Central Huijin Asset State-owned

1.61% 10,156,300 0 10,156,300

Management Co., Ltd. corporation


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited


NORGES BANK 0.64% 4,024,781 3,578,861 4,024,781




GATES FOUNDATION 0.59% 3,732,880 3,732,880 3,732,880



Strategic investors or the general legal person due to the placement of

Not applicable

new shares become the top 10 shareholders (if any) (note 3)

MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD. and TITONI are parties acting

Explanation on associated relationship or/and persons

in concert.

Particulars about shares held by top 10 shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

Number of shares held Type of share

not subject to trading

Name of shareholder

moratorium at the end Type of share Number

of the period

MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD. 238,948,117 RMB ordinary share 238,948,117

Domestically listed


foreign share

Domestically listed

GAOLING FUND,L.P. 21,694,456 21,694,456

foreign share

NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND PORTFOLIO 108 17,499,071 RMB ordinary share 17,499,071

FINANCE BUREAU OF WUXI 17,054,071 RMB ordinary share 17,054,071

Domestically listed


foreign share

NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND PORTFOLIO 101 12,854,790 RMB ordinary share 12,854,790

Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd. 10,156,300 RMB ordinary share 10,156,300

Domestically listed

NORGES BANK 4,024,781 4,024,781

foreign share

BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION TRUST 3,732,880 RMB ordinary share 3,732,880

Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten common

shareholders of tradable share not subject to trading moratorium, as

MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD. and TITONI are parties acting

well as among the top ten common shareholders of tradable share not

in concert.

subject to trading moratorium and top ten shareholders, or explanation

on acting-in-concert

Particular about the top 10 common shareholders participate in the

Not applicable

securities lending and borrowing business (if any) (note 4)

Did any top 10 common shareholder and top 10 shareholder of tradable share not subject to trading moratorium of

the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the Reporting Period?

□ Yes √ No


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

The top 10 common shareholder and top 10 shareholder of tradable share not subject to trading moratorium of the

Company had not carried out any agreed buy-back in the Reporting Period.

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the Reporting Period.

Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the Reporting Period.

IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or

implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

To the best knowledge of the Company, no shareholder or its act-in-concert party proposed or implemented any

shareholding increase plan during the Reporting Period.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section VII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staffs

I. Changes in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management staffs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No change in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management staffs, with the details in 2015

Annual Report.

II. Changes in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management staffs

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No change in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management staffs, with the details in 2015 Annual Report.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section VIII. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?

□ Yes √ No

The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current Assets:

Monetary funds 2,054,917,706.65 3,042,843,924.81

Settlement reserves

Intra-group lendings

Financial assets measured by fair value with the changes be included in the

current gains and losses

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 1,794,679,303.47 2,205,189,379.10

Accounts receivable 1,117,184,734.33 896,075,475.63

Accounts paid in advance 160,965,289.08 97,628,578.17

Premiums receivable

Reinsurance premiums receivable

Receivable reinsurance contract reserves

Interest receivable 28,465,678.21 22,932,602.74

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable 12,183,354.15 9,208,180.08

Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell

Inventories 596,940,535.68 745,412,967.52

Assets divided available for sale


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 8,142,145,155.23 5,733,188,604.23

Total current assets 13,907,481,756.80 12,752,479,712.28

Non-current assets:

Loans by mandate and advances granted

Available-for-sale financial assets 200,000.00 200,000.00

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment

Investing property 66,566,603.42 68,843,047.52

Fixed assets 992,560,338.04 1,019,528,291.60

Construction in progress

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Production biological assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 194,902,555.61 197,521,625.03

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses 3,009,579.20 4,238,244.38

Deferred income tax assets 288,709,031.34 251,881,220.89

Other non-current assets 29,351,772.60 32,963,224.90

Total of non-current assets 1,575,299,880.21 1,575,175,654.32

Total assets 15,482,781,637.01 14,327,655,366.60

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Borrowings from Central Bank

Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions

Intra-group borrowings

Financial liabilities measured by fair value with the changes be included in

the current gains and losses

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable 2,892,196,959.47 1,953,065,274.06

Accounts payable 2,704,726,262.56 2,419,807,341.95


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Accounts received in advance 992,809,515.41 1,652,908,781.44

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Handling charges and commissions payable

Employee’s compensation payable 192,269,790.26 248,280,716.92

Tax payable 303,337,746.55 325,108,227.91

Interest payable

Dividend payable 7,150,684.06 5,400,652.06

Other accounts payable 206,605,331.90 171,807,137.94

Reinsurance premiums payable

Insurance contract reserves

Payables for acting trading of securities

Payables for acting underwriting of securities

Liabilities divided available for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

Other current liabilities 1,820,932,196.14 1,521,734,293.24

Total current liabilities 9,120,028,486.35 8,298,112,425.52

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables 26,025,528.06 28,439,299.25

Specific payables

Estimated liabilities 9,784,866.44 9,981,021.44

Deferred income 3,168,933.27 3,395,533.29

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 38,979,327.77 41,815,853.98

Total liabilities 9,159,007,814.12 8,339,928,279.50

Owners’ equity

Share capital 632,487,764.00 632,487,764.00

Other equity instruments

Of which: preferred shares


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Perpetual capital securities

Capital reserves 1,177,617,482.13 1,164,014,947.85

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income 67,750,174.57 34,813,284.64

Specific reserves

Surplus reserves 332,594,722.29 332,594,722.29

Provisions for general risks

Retained profits 3,162,289,358.54 2,960,955,454.36

Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 5,372,739,501.53 5,124,866,173.14

Minority interests 951,034,321.36 862,860,913.96

Total owners’ equity 6,323,773,822.89 5,987,727,087.10

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 15,482,781,637.01 14,327,655,366.60

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current Assets:

Monetary funds 1,017,507,797.28 2,092,430,579.63

Financial assets measured by fair value with the changes be included in the

current gains and losses

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 1,102,315,082.72 1,410,210,597.47

Accounts receivable 2,133,195,040.94 1,183,394,794.67

Accounts paid in advance 117,293,095.52 98,437,350.05

Interest receivable 26,211,156.70 18,918,219.18

Dividend receivable

Other accounts receivable 31,858,133.78 6,351,010.17

Inventories 368,432,488.36 482,807,868.13

Assets divided available for sale

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 4,301,081,524.22 3,178,113,808.28

Total current assets 9,097,894,319.52 8,470,664,227.58

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets 150,000.00 150,000.00


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investment 1,306,323,041.57 1,306,323,041.57

Investing property 7,511,373.64 8,040,536.02

Fixed assets 497,043,734.47 514,950,803.50

Construction in progress

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Production biological assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 93,936,317.82 95,281,467.96

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses 2,773,762.20 3,873,799.88

Deferred income tax assets 186,670,669.67 159,759,565.25

Other non-current assets 22,394,854.80 23,027,173.60

Total of non-current assets 2,116,803,754.17 2,111,406,387.78

Total assets 11,214,698,073.69 10,582,070,615.36

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Financial liabilities measured by fair value with the changes be included in

the current gains and losses

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable 1,939,585,949.35 1,519,749,295.73

Accounts payable 2,519,548,496.82 2,038,397,769.71

Accounts received in advance 629,360,509.44 1,060,643,231.20

Employee’s compensation payable 141,199,559.36 184,287,498.34

Tax payable 187,093,757.66 224,024,964.68

Interest payable

Dividend payable 7,150,684.06 5,400,652.06

Other accounts payable 125,936,470.52 95,009,275.20

Liabilities divided available for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

Other current liabilities 1,141,000,941.29 944,905,437.98


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Total current liabilities 6,690,876,368.50 6,072,418,124.90

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables

Specific payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabilities 6,690,876,368.50 6,072,418,124.90

Owners’ equity:

Share capital 632,487,764.00 632,487,764.00

Other equity instruments

Of which: preferred shares

Perpetual capital securities

Capital reserves 1,331,351,977.49 1,319,496,538.02

Less: Treasury stock

Other comprehensive income 38,948,640.13 13,608,826.40

Specific reserves

Surplus reserves 319,944,578.39 319,944,578.39

Retained profits 2,201,088,745.18 2,224,114,783.65

Total owners’ equity 4,523,821,705.19 4,509,652,490.46

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 11,214,698,073.69 10,582,070,615.36

3. Consolidated income statement

Unit: RMB

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Total operating revenues 7,984,787,194.92 6,101,903,864.60

Including: Sales income 7,984,787,194.92 6,101,903,864.60


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Interest income

Premium income

Handling charge and commission income

II. Total operating cost 7,279,128,086.90 5,605,657,906.32

Including: Cost of sales 5,812,591,773.67 4,457,541,472.66

Interest expenses

Handling charge and commission expenses


Net claims paid

Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract reserve

Expenditure on policy dividends

Reinsurance premium

Taxes and associate charges 44,723,877.46 37,697,582.26

Selling and distribution expenses 1,191,332,056.12 849,993,249.30

Administrative expenses 265,946,054.68 272,955,998.10

Financial expenses -63,399,464.47 -11,205,277.58

Asset impairment loss 27,933,789.44 -1,325,118.42

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (―-‖ means loss) -248,907.75

Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖ means loss) 67,315,479.04 71,820,527.82

Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (―-‖ means loss)

III. Business profit (―-‖ means loss) 772,974,587.06 567,817,578.35

Add: non-operating income 21,485,985.76 14,656,202.67

Of which: gains from non-current asset disposal 116,837.67 223,996.80

Less: non-operating expense 2,234,905.37 5,048,356.25

Of which: losses from non-current asset disposal 238,583.97 1,767,090.74

IV. Total profit (―-‖ means loss) 792,225,667.45 577,425,424.77

Less: Income tax expense 127,302,391.75 78,916,402.71

V. Net profit (―-‖ means loss) 664,923,275.70 498,509,022.06

Attributable to owners of the Company 580,826,562.58 430,694,268.55

Minority shareholders’ income 84,096,713.12 67,814,753.51

VI. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes 36,264,775.36 -26,745.69

After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes attributable to

32,936,889.93 -26,745.69

owners of the Company


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be reclassified into gains

and losses

1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in investees that

cannot be reclassified into gains and losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified into gains

32,936,889.93 -26,745.69

and losses

1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in investees that

will be reclassified into gains and losses under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair value changes of available-for-sale


financial assets

3. Gains and losses on reclassifying held-to-maturity investments into

available-for-sale financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial statement translation difference 6,793.70 -26,745.69

6. Other

After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes attributable to


minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive incomes 701,188,051.06 498,482,276.37

Attributable to owners of the Company 613,763,452.51 430,667,522.86

Attributable to minority shareholders 87,424,598.55 67,814,753.51

VIII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.92 0.68

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.92 0.68

4. Income statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Total sales 6,045,821,092.06 4,508,543,230.27

Less: cost of sales 4,524,954,975.35 3,419,135,539.67

Business taxes and surcharges 33,236,303.28 25,391,195.75

Distribution expenses 895,080,287.51 621,942,553.41

Administrative expenses 209,223,619.71 194,171,028.26

Financial costs -45,716,922.45 -5,454,990.37

Impairment loss 21,496,002.51 -1,238,040.83


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (―-‖ means loss) -169,471.35

Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖ means loss) 17,306,094.37 43,144,562.43

Of which: income form investment on associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (―-‖ means loss) 424,852,920.52 297,571,035.46

Add: non-business income 2,783,345.24 3,372,126.64

Of which: gains from non-current asset disposal 99,572.65 198,814.00

Less: non-business expense 434,564.65 3,352,099.47

Of which: losses from non-current asset disposal 234,891.28 1,441,396.64

III. Total profit (―-‖ means loss) 427,201,701.11 297,591,062.63

Less: income tax expense 70,735,081.19 31,160,247.93

IV. Net profit (―-‖ means loss) 356,466,619.92 266,430,814.70

V. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes 25,339,813.73

(I) Other comprehensive incomes that will not be reclassified into gains

and losses

1. Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon


2. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in investees that

cannot be reclassified into gains and losses under the equity method

(II) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified into gains


and losses

1. Enjoyable shares in other comprehensive incomes in investees that

will be reclassified into gains and losses under the equity method

2. Gains and losses on fair value changes of available-for-sale


financial assets

3. Gains and losses on reclassifying held-to-maturity investments into

available-for-sale financial assets

4. Effective hedging gains and losses on cash flows

5. Foreign-currency financial statement translation difference

6. Other

VI. Total comprehensive incomes 381,806,433.65 266,430,814.70

VII. Earnings per share

(I) Basic earnings per share

(II) Diluted earnings per share


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 7,270,388,782.83 5,396,428,114.25

Net increase of deposits from customers and dues from banks

Net increase of loans from the central bank

Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions

Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Net increase of deposits of policy holders and investment fund

Net increase of dispose of the financial assets measured by fair value with

the changes be included in the current gains and losses

Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions

Net increase of intra-group borrowings

Net increase of funds in repurchase business

Tax refunds received 22,502,456.41 32,534,853.37

Other cash received relating to operating activities 45,513,803.23 21,410,402.27

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 7,338,405,042.47 5,450,373,369.89

Cash paid for goods and services 3,658,677,508.75 2,425,834,978.83

Net increase of customer lendings and advances

Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from


Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contracts

Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions

Cash for paying policy dividends

Cash paid to and for employees 524,746,031.23 476,015,698.91

Various taxes paid 509,900,003.41 349,459,845.85

Other cash payment relating to operating activities 1,037,984,106.20 833,793,362.84

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 5,731,307,649.59 4,085,103,886.43

Net cash flows from operating activities 1,607,097,392.88 1,365,269,483.46

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash received from withdrawal of investments 3,310,000,000.00 3,091,000,000.00

Cash received from return on investments 67,315,479.04 71,943,969.06


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other

708,034.20 32,937.80

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to investing activities 34,473,639.38

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities 3,412,497,152.62 3,162,976,906.86

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

10,938,428.51 39,130,538.80


Cash paid for investment 5,506,000,000.00 4,631,200,000.00

Net increase of pledged loans

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units

Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities 5,516,938,428.51 4,670,330,538.80

Net cash flows from investing activities -2,104,441,275.89 -1,507,353,631.94

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Cash received from capital contributions

Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments by


Cash received from borrowings 114,978,442.79

Cash received from issuance of bonds

Other cash received relating to financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 114,978,442.79

Repayment of borrowings 99,744,320.47

Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 376,001,781.77 285,454,625.28

Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority


Other cash payments relating to financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 376,001,781.77 385,198,945.75

Net cash flows from financing activities -376,001,781.77 -270,220,502.96

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -873,345,664.78 -412,304,651.44

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 2,792,685,328.69 1,516,739,804.86

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,919,339,663.91 1,104,435,153.42


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item Jan.-Jun. 2016 Jan.-Jun 2015

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 4,472,927,007.09 3,089,800,740.60

Tax refunds received 4,291,106.27

Other cash received relating to operating activities 27,847,107.11 8,399,689.06

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 4,500,774,114.20 3,102,491,535.93

Cash paid for goods and services 2,689,346,047.46 1,277,647,053.39

Cash paid to and for employees 371,117,437.36 317,513,278.75

Various taxes paid 389,325,858.67 213,430,780.42

Other cash payment relating to operating activities 741,951,997.54 583,408,996.69

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 4,191,741,341.03 2,392,000,109.25

Net cash flows from operating activities 309,032,773.17 710,491,426.68

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash received from retraction of investments 1,915,000,000.00 1,985,000,000.00

Cash received from return on investments 17,306,094.37 43,268,003.67

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other

699,422.23 28,497.80

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to investing activities 27,275,633.98

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities 1,960,281,150.58 2,028,296,501.47

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

4,139,931.83 18,704,544.76


Cash paid for investment 2,826,000,000.00 2,630,000,000.00

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units

Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities 2,830,139,931.83 2,648,704,544.76

Net cash flows from investing activities -869,858,781.25 -620,408,043.29

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Cash received from capital contributions

Cash received from borrowings 15,234,122.32

Cash received from issuance of bonds

Other cash received relating to financing activities


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 15,234,122.32

Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 376,001,781.77 284,619,493.79

Other cash payments relating to financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 376,001,781.77 284,619,493.79

Net cash flows from financing activities -376,001,781.77 -269,385,371.47

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -936,827,789.85 -179,301,988.08

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,866,443,114.64 600,231,105.51

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 929,615,324.79 420,929,117.43


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Jan.-Jun. 2016

Unit: RMB

Jan.-Jun. 2016

Equity attributable to owners of the Company

Other equity instruments

Item Minority Total owners’

Less: Other General

Perpetual Specific

Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve risk Retained profit interests equity

capital Other reserve

shares stock income reserve


I. Balance at the end of the

632,487,764.00 1,164,014,947.85 34,813,284.64 332,594,722.29 2,960,955,454.36 862,860,913.96 5,987,727,087.10

previous year

Add: change of

accounting policy

Correction of errors in

previous periods

Business combination

under the same control


II. Balance at the

632,487,764.00 1,164,014,947.85 34,813,284.64 332,594,722.29 2,960,955,454.36 862,860,913.96 5,987,727,087.10



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

III. Increase/ decrease in the

13,602,534.28 32,936,889.93 201,333,904.19 88,173,407.39 336,046,735.79

period (―-‖ means decrease)

(I) Total amount of the

32,936,889.93 580,826,562.59 87,424,598.56 701,188,051.08

comprehensive income

(II) Capital paid in and

13,602,534.28 748,808.83 14,351,343.11

reduced by owners

1. Common shares invested

by the shareholders

2. Capital invested by the

owners of other equity


3. Amounts of share-based

payments recognized in 13,602,534.28 748,808.83 14,351,343.11

owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -379,492,658.40 -379,492,658.40

1. Appropriations to surplus


2. Appropriations to general

risk provisions

3. Appropriations to owners

-379,492,658.40 -379,492,658.40

(or shareholders)


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

4. Other

(IV) Internal

carry-forward of owners’


1. New increase of capital

(or share capital) from

capital public reserves

2. New increase of capital

(or share capital) from

surplus reserves

3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Other

IV. Closing balance 632,487,764.00 1,177,617,482.13 67,750,174.57 332,594,722.29 3,162,289,358.55 951,034,321.35 6,323,773,822.89


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Jan.-Jun. 2015

Unit: RMB

Jan.-Jun. 2015

Equity attributable to owners of the Company

Other equity instruments

Item Minority Total owners’

Less: Other General

Perpetual Specific

Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve risk Retained profit interests equity

capital Other reserve

shares stock income reserve


I. Balance at the end of the

632,487,764.00 1,139,956,336.03 -3,449,689.57 332,594,722.29 2,326,392,979.58 716,713,982.38 5,144,696,094.71

previous year

Add: change of accounting


Correction of errors in

previous periods

Business combination

under the same control


II. Balance at the

632,487,764.00 1,139,956,336.03 -3,449,689.57 332,594,722.29 2,326,392,979.58 716,713,982.38 5,144,696,094.71


III. Increase/ decrease in the

24,058,611.82 38,262,974.21 634,562,474.78 146,146,931.58 843,030,992.39

period (―-‖ means decrease)

(I) Total amount of the 38,262,974.21 919,181,968.58 144,233,621.39 1,101,678,564.18


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

comprehensive income

(II) Capital paid in and

24,058,611.82 1,913,310.19 25,971,922.01

reduced by owners

1. Common shares invested

by the shareholders

2. Capital invested by the

owners of other equity


3. Amounts of share-based

payments recognized in 22,544,356.36 1,353,341.72 23,897,698.08

owners’ equity

4. Others 1,514,255.46 559,968.47 2,074,223.93

(III) Profit distribution -284,619,493.80 -284,619,493.80

1. Appropriations to surplus


2. Appropriations to general

risk provisions

3. Appropriations to owners

-284,619,493.80 -284,619,493.80

(or shareholders)

4. Other

(IV) Internal carry-forward

of owners’ equity


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

1. New increase of capital (or

share capital) from capital

public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or

share capital) from surplus


3. Surplus reserves for

making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Other

IV. Closing balance 632,487,764.00 1,164,014,947.85 34,813,284.64 332,594,722.29 2,960,955,454.36 862,860,913.96 5,987,727,087.10


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

Jan.-Jun. 2016

Unit: RMB

Jan.-Jun. 2016

Other equity instruments

Less: Other

Item Specific Total owners’


Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensiv Surplus reserve Retained profit

capital Other reserve equity

shares stock e income


I. Balance at the end of the previous year 632,487,764.00 1,319,496,538.02 13,608,826.40 319,944,578.39 2,224,114,783.65 4,509,652,490.46

Add: change of accounting policy

Correction of errors in previous periods


II. Balance at the period-begin 632,487,764.00 1,319,496,538.02 13,608,826.40 319,944,578.39 2,224,114,783.65 4,509,652,490.46

III. Increase/ decrease in the period (―-‖ means decrease) 11,855,439.47 25,339,813.73 -23,026,038.47 14,169,214.73

(I) Total amount of the comprehensive income 25,339,813.73 356,466,619.93 381,806,433.66

(II) Capital paid in and reduced by owners 11,855,439.47 11,855,439.47

1. Common shares invested by the shareholders

2. Capital invested by the owners of other equity


3. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in 11,855,439.47 11,855,439.47


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit distribution -379,492,658.40 -379,492,658.40

1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to general risk provisions -379,492,658.40 -379,492,658.40

3. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)

4. Other

(IV) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity

1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital

public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or share capital) from surplus


3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Other 632,487,764.00 1,331,351,977.49 38,948,640.13 319,944,578.39 2,201,088,745.18 4,523,821,705.19


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Jan.-Jun. 2015

Unit: RMB

Jan.-Jun. 2015

Other equity instruments

Less: Other

Item Specific Total owners’


Share capital Preferred Capital reserve treasury comprehensiv Surplus reserve Retained profit

capital Other reserve equity

shares stock e income


I. Balance at the end of the previous year 632,487,764.00 1,300,124,962.20 319,944,578.39 1,887,731,678.84 4,140,288,983.43

Add: change of accounting policy

Correction of errors in previous periods


II. Balance at the period-begin 632,487,764.00 1,300,124,962.20 319,944,578.39 1,887,731,678.84 4,140,288,983.43

III. Increase/ decrease in the period (―-‖ means decrease) 19,371,575.82 13,608,826.40 336,383,104.81 369,363,507.03

(I) Total amount of the comprehensive income 13,608,826.40 621,002,598.61 634,611,425.01

(II) Capital paid in and reduced by owners 19,371,575.82 19,371,575.82

1. Common shares invested by the shareholders

2. Capital invested by the owners of other equity


3. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in

19,371,309.18 19,371,309.18

owners’ equity


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

4. Others 266.64 266.64

(III) Profit distribution -284,619,493.80 -284,619,493.80

1. Appropriations to surplus reserves

2. Appropriations to general risk provisions -284,619,493.80 -284,619,493.80

3. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)

4. Other

(IV) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity

1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital

public reserves

2. New increase of capital (or share capital) from surplus


3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

4. Other

(V) Specific reserve

1. Withdrawn for the period

2. Used in the period

(VI) Other 632,487,764.00 1,319,496,538.02 13,608,826.40 319,944,578.39 2,224,114,783.65 4,509,652,490.46


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(III) Company profile

Wuxi Little Swan Company Ltd. was incorporated as an oriented-collection company limited with the approval of

Su-Ti-Gai-Sheng (1993) No. 253 document from Economic Reform Commission of Jiangsu Province on 29

November 1993. Then the Company domestically and publicly issued 70,000,000 shares of B-share and

transformed to a state-collectively–owned enterprise with the approval of (1996) No. 52 document from Jiangsu

Province of the People’s Republic of China (the ―PRC‖), Zheng-Wei-Fa (1996) No. 14 document from China

Securities Regulatory Commission of the State Council and Shen-Zheng-Ban-Han (1996) No. 4 from Shenzhen

Municipal Securities Regulatory Office, which amounted to RMB310 million of the share capital of the Company

after the issuance.

In March 1997, the Company domestically and publicly issued 60,000,000 shares of RMB ordinary share

(including 9,000,000 shares of staff-share) with the approval of Zheng-Jian-Fa-Zi (1997) No. 55 from CSRC. And

the total raised fund from this issuance of A-share totaled RMB720.83 million, and the Company was formally

listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in March 1997 with the short form of stock as Little Swan A and stock code as


On 20 July 2006, the proposal on the equity division reform of the Company reviewed and approved by the

relevant shareholders meeting with the consideration of the non-circulating shareholders paid for the circulating

stock shareholders of the Company for acquiring the circulation right for the non-circulating shares held by them:

regarded 4 Aug. 2006 as the shares alternation registration date as well as executed the consideration proposal by

paying 2.5 shares of every 10 shares for the A shares circulating stock shareholders on 7 Aug. 2006 and the shares

with consideration listed and circulated on that date. After the execution of the above consideration of the bonus,

the total amount of the shares of the Company remain the same, while the shares structure correspondingly


On 9 May 2008, the 2007 Annual General Meeting reviewed and approved the capital accumulation fund turn add

equity schemes: adding five shares to every ten shares basing on the total share capital of 365,103,840 shares at

the end of 2007, transferring the public reserves to 182,551,920 shares with par value of RMB1 per share, thus the

added share capital totaled RMB182,551,920 and after which, the total share capital turned from 365,103,840

shares to 547,655,760 shares of the Company.

According to the resolutions of the 4th Session of the 6th Board of Directors and the 1st Provisional Shareholders

General Meeting in 2010, having approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission of the Reply to the

Approval of the Significant Assets Reorganization and the Purchase of the Assets of GD Midea Holding by Wuxi


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Little Swan Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [2010] 1577) on 9 November 2010, the company launched directional add-issuance

of 84,832,004 A shares to buy 69.47% of the shares of Hefei Royalstar Washing Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd

from its shareholder Midea Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. This add-issuance increased the share capital by


After approved by CSRC through the Reply of the Approval of the Merger of GD Midea Holding by Midea

Group Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [2013] 1014 document) that issued on 29 July 2013, Midea Group had split off as well as

consolidated and combined the original controller GD Midea Holding on 18 September 2013. After the

consolidation and combination, Midea Group inherited and undertook the whole rights and obligations of the

whole assets and liabilities etc of GD Midea Holding as the reminder enterprise and had finished the relevant

registration procedures of shares transfer on 31 December 2013, and after which, Midea Group changed to be the

first largest shareholder of the Company.

On 30 June 2015, the total amount of the outstanding common shares of the company were 632,487,764 shares,

among which the restricted exchange-traded A shares are 3,686,890 shares, accounting for 0.58% of the whole

shares; the unrestricted exchange-traded A shares are 437,765,002 shares, accounting for 69.21%; and the

unrestricted exchange-traded B shares are 191,035,872 shares, account for 30.20% of the whole shares.

Registered address of the Company is No. 18 of Changjiang South Road, National High-tech Industrial

Development Zone, Wuxi and the headquarters office address is No. 18 of Changjiang South Road, Wuxi.

The Company and its subsidiaries belongs to household appliances so the main business scope is as follows:

manufacture and sales as well as after-sale service of household appliances, industrial ceramics, environmental

dry-cleaning equipment, cleaning mechanical equipment, subsequent finishing equipment and accessory; cleaning

service; machinery processing; import and export business of ―Little Swan‖ or agent products and technologies

(excluding the products or technology restricted to operate, export or import in China); technical service for

household appliances; contracting foreign engineering in international bidding (operate with effective certificate);

used self-owned funds to investment in financial industry.

The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on the date of 8 Aug.


For the major subsidiaries that included in the consolidated scope of the Reporting Period, please refer to the

Notes VIII.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation basis

The financial report compiled according to the ASBE-Basic Criterion issued by Ministry of Finance on 15

February 2006 and the follow-up periods, each specific accounting criterions as well as the relevant regulations

(hereinafer referred to as a whole of ―ASBE) and the Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies

Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 – General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014 Revision) issued by the

China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

2. Continuation

The current operation situation of the Company was normal and after comprehensively appraised the acquired

information, came out that there was no any factor that obviously influenced the continuation of the Company

within 12 months since the end of the reporting period and estimated that the operation activities of the Company

would continue in future 12 months. The financial report compiled based on the continuation.

V. Important accounting policies and estimations

The Company confirmed the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates according to the production

characteristics, which mainly reflected in the withdrawal methods of the bad debt provision of the accounts

receivables (Notes V (10)), pricing methods of the inventories (Notes V (11)), depreciation of the fixed assets,

amortization of the intangible assets as well as the depreciation and amortization of the investment properties

(Notes V (14), (17), (13)), the judgment criterion of the impairment of the long-term assets (Notes V (19)) and the

recognition time-point of the revenues (Notes V (23)) and so on.

1. Statement of compliance with Enterprise accounting standards

The 2016 semi-annual financial statements of the company comply with the requirements of Accounting

Standards with the merger on 30 June 2016 and the Company’s financial conditions as well as the relevant

information of the semi-annual merger of Y2016 and the operation results and the cash flow of the Company are

truly and completely disclosed in the financial statements.

2. Accounting period

The company’s accounting year is from 1st January to 31st December for each calendar year.

3. Fiscal period

The fiscal periods of an enterprise includes fiscal years and fiscal periods shorter than a complete fiscal year. The

fiscal period of the Company is 12 months.

4. Recording currency

The recording currency of the company is Renminbi


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

5. Accounting processing method of business combination under the same control and not under the same


(a) The business combinations which are under the same control

Combination consideration paid by the combining party and net assets acquired shall all be measured based on

their book value. Corresponding capital reserve (capital stock premium) shall be adjusted according to the

difference between the book value of such net assets and that of the combination consideration; when such capital

reserve (capital stock premium) cannot write them down, retained earnings shall be adjusted. Meanwhile, relevant

direct expenses resulting from such business combination shall be included in the profit and loss for the period,

and all transaction expenses resulting from issuing equity securities or debt securities for such business

combination shall be included in the initial recognition amount of such equity security or debt security.

(b) Business combination not under the same control

Combination costs occurred to purchaser and obtained net identifiable assets shall be calculated based on the fair

value in the purchasing date. If combination costs are greater than the seller’s balance obtained from the fair value

of net identifiable assets in the purchasing date, such surplus shall be confirmed as Goodwill; if less, such balance

shall be included in current profit and loss. Meanwhile, relevant direct expenses resulting from such business

combination shall be included in the profit and loss for the period, and all transaction expenses resulting from

issuing equity securities or debt securities for such business combination shall be included in the initial

recognition amount of such equity security or debt security.

6. Consolidated financial statement compilation method

The consolidation scope of financial statement shall include the company and all subsidiaries.

From the day when the company obtained the actual control of its subsidiaries, the company could initiate

corresponding consolidation which shall be ended up to the day of losing such actual control. Subsidiaries

obtained through business combination under the same control shall be incorporated into the consideration scope

from the day when they’re put under the control of the final controlling party, and the net profit realized before the

combination day shall be individually reflected in the consolidated income statement.

When consolidated financial statement is being formulated, the company’s accounting policy and accounting

period shall be regarded as final and binding to adjust the subsidiary’s financial statement if the subsidiary’s

accounting policy is not consistent with that of the company. For the subsidiary acquired through business

combination not under the same control, its financial statement shall be adjusted based on the fair value of the net

identifiable assets in the day of purchase.

All of the company’s major incoming and outgoing balances, transactions and unrealized profit shall be set off

during the compilation of the consolidated financial statement. The subsidiary’s shareholder equity, net profit and

loss for the period and the part of comprehensive income not belonging to the company shall be individually

indicated and shown in the consolidated financial statement under shareholder’s equity, net profit and total

comprehensive income respectively as minority equity, minority interest income and total comprehensive income

attributed to minority shareholders. All unrealized internal transaction profit and loss resulting from the

company’s sales of assets to the subsidiary shall be applied to set off the net profit attributed to the parent


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

company’s shareholders; all unrealized internal transaction profit and loss resulting from the subsidiary’s sales of

assets to the parent company shall be set off accordingly by the net profit attributed the parent company’s

shareholders and minority interest income based on corresponding distribution ratio (the company to the

subsidiary). All unrealized internal transaction profit and loss resulting from assets sales among subsidiaries shall

be set off accordingly by the net profit attributed the parent company’s shareholders and minority interest income

based on corresponding distribution ratio (the company to the seller’s subsidiary).

If any discrepancy exists between the recognition by regarding the company and its subsidiaries as the accounting

subject and the recognition by regarding the company or its subsidiary as the accounting subject in terms of the

same transaction, this transaction shall be adjusted from the perspective of combination.

7. Cash and cash equivalent recognition standard

The company’s cash and cash equivalent shall include cash in treasury, deposit that can be applied for any

payment at any time, cashes featuring short time limit, strong flowability and convenience in conversion into

known amount and investment of low risk in value variations.

8. Foreign currency transaction and foreign currency statement translation

(a) Foreign currency transaction

Foreign currency transaction shall be recorded in an account based on RMB (through applying the spot rate in the

day of transaction).

On balance sheet day, foreign currency monetary items shall be converted into RMB based on the spot rate of

exchange. The exchange difference resulting from the specific foreign currency borrowings in order to purchase

and construct the assets in conformity with corresponding capitalization conditions shall be capitalized during the

process of capitalization, and other exchange differences shall be directly included in profit and loss for the period.

Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost shall be converted based on the spot rate of

exchange on balance sheet day. The amount of cash subject to the change in exchange rate shall be individually

indicated and shown in cash flow statement.

(b) Foreign currency statement translation

Assets and liabilities stated in balance sheet statement (overseas operation) shall be converted based on the spot

rate of exchange on balance sheet day; in terms of shareholder’s equity, except undistributed profit, other items

shall be converted based on the spot rate of exchange. Income and cost items stated in balance sheet statement

(overseas operation) shall be converted based on the spot rate of exchange in the day of purchase. Corresponding

foreign currency statement translation differences mentioned above shall be included in other comprehensive

incomes. Cash flow items (overseas operation) shall be converted based on the spot rate of exchange in the day of

cash flow. Meanwhile, the amount of cash subject to the change in exchange rate shall be individually indicated

and shown in cash flow statement.

9. Financial instruments

(a) Financial assets

(i) Classification of financial assets

Upon initial recognition, financial assets shall be classified into financial assets measured based on its fair value


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

and its variations included in profit and loss for the period, account receivable, available-for-sale financial assets

and held-to-maturity investment. However, the classification of financial assets depends on the company’s

intention on and capacity of holding such financial assets. Currently, financial assets held by the company include

financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period,

account receivable, and available-for-sale financial assets.

Financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period

Financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period shall

be derivatives-forward foreign exchange contract.

Account receivable

Account receivable refers to non-derivative financial assets with fixed or recognized recovery cost and no quoted

price in the active market, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables and structural

deposits etc.

Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets include available-for-sale non-derivative financial assets designated upon the

initial recognition and financial assets not classified into others. Within 12 months after balance sheet day, (sold)

available-for-sale financial assets shall be shown in balance sheet statement as other current assets.

(ii) Recognition and measurement

When the company becomes one party for the financial instrument contract, financial assets shall be recognized

based on its fair value in balance sheet statement. Transaction expenses resulting form financial assets measured

based on its fair value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period shall be included in profit and

loss for the period; other transaction expenses related to such financial assets shall be included in the amount after

initial recognition.

Follow-up measurement shall be conducted for financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations

included in profit and loss for the period and available-for-sale financial assets based on their fair value while

equity instrument investment that cannot be reliably measured without any quoted price in the active market shall

be measured based on costs; receivables and held-to-maturity investment shall be measured based on amortized

cost by means of effective interest method.

The variation in fair value of financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations included in profit

and loss for the period shall be included in profit and loss for the period as fair value variation profit and loss;

during the holding of assets, corresponding interests or cash dividends and disposal profit and loss shall all be

included in profit and loss for the period.

Except depreciation loss and corresponding exchange profit and loss resulting from foreign currency monetary

financial assets, variations of the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets shall be directly included in

shareholder’s equity. When such financial asset is derecognized, total variation previously included in equity shall

be directly transferred to profit and loss for the period. Cash dividends (related to available-for-sale equity

instrument investment) declared for distribution by the invested unit shall be included in profit and loss for the

period as income from investment.

(iii) Financial assets depreciation

Except financial assets measured based on its fair value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period,


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

the company shall check the book value of corresponding financial assets on balance sheet day; if any objective

evidence proves the depreciation of certain financial assets, corresponding depreciation reserve shall be calculated

and withdrawn.

Such objective evidence refers to any matter actually happened that will influence the future cash flow prediction

of such financial assets after the initial recognition, and the company is able to reliably measure such matter.

Objective evidences indicating the depreciation of available-for-sale equity instrument investment include any

sharp or permanent drop of corresponding fair value of such equity instrument investment. The company shall

respective check various available-for-sale equity instrument investments on balance sheet day. If such the fair

value of such equity instrument investment on balance sheet day is less than its initial investment cost (such

difference exceeding 50%) or such duration exceeds 1 year (including 1 year), it shall be the sign of depreciation;

if such difference reaches 20% (including 20%) to 50%, the company shall completely take relevant factors into

consideration including price fluctuation so as to judge whether such equity instrument investment is depreciated.

The company shall apply weighted mean method to calculate the initial investment cost of such available-for-sale

equity instrument investment.

When financial assets measured based on amortized cost is depreciated, corresponding depreciation reserve shall

be calculated and withdrawn based on the difference resulting from the current value of expected future cash flow

(excluding future credit loss not occurred) less than its book value. If any objective evidence proves the recovery

of such financial assets and it’s related to the matter after the recognition of such loss, depreciation loss originally

recognized shall be restituted and included in profit and loss for the period.

When available-for-sale financial assets measured based on fair value is depreciated, the total loss previously

included in shareholder’s equity resulting from the decrease in fair value shall be restituted and included in

depreciation loss. For available-for-sale debt instrument investment whose depreciation loss is recognized,

depreciation loss previously recognized shall be restituted and included in profit and loss for the period when it is

related to the matter happened after original depreciation loss is recognized and such value increases. For

available-for-sale equity instrument investment whose depreciation loss is recognized, the increase of fair value

shall be directly included in shareholder’s equity.

When available-for-sale financial assets measured based on cost is depreciated, the difference between its book

value and its current value recognized from its future cash flow based on its market return shall be recognized as

depreciation loss and included in profit and loss for the period. Such resulting depreciation loss shall not be

restituted any longer.

(iv) Derecognition of financial assets

Corresponding financial assets shall be derecognized when any of the following conditions is met: (1) the

contractual right to collect the cash flow of such financial assets is terminated; (2) such financial assets is

transferred, and the company has transferred all risks and rewards related to its ownership to the party accepting

such financial assets; or (3) such financial assets is transferred. Although the company does not transfer and retain

all risks and rewards related to its ownership, it gives up its control of such financial assets.

When such financial assets is derecognized, the difference between its book value and the sum of received

consideration and the total variation of fair value in shareholder’s equity shall be included in profit and loss for the


(b) Financial liabilities

Upon initial recognition, financial liabilities shall be classified into financial assets measured based on its fair


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

value and its variations included in profit and loss for the period and other financial liabilities. However, the

company’s financial liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities, including account payable and borrowings etc.

Payables include account payable and other payables, which shall be initially measured based on fair value.

Meanwhile, follow-up measurement shall also be conducted by means of effective interest method based on

amortized cost.

Borrowings shall be initially measured based on fair value and the amount deducting relevant transaction

expenses. Meanwhile, follow-up measurement shall also be conducted by means of effective interest method

based on amortized cost.

Other financial liabilities with the time limit less than 1 year (including 1 year) shall be indicated and shown as

current liabilities; if such time limit exceeds 1 year, but such financial liability will be due within (including) 1

year as of balance sheet day, such financial liability shall be indicated and shown as non-current liabilities due

within one year. Others shall be reported as non-current liabilities.

When corresponding financial liability’s current obligation is fully or partially relieved, the relieved part shall be

derecognized. The difference between the book value of the derecognized part and the consideration shall be

included in profit and loss for the period.

(c) Recognition of fair value of financial instrument

The fair value of financial instrument existing in the active market shall be recognized based on its quoted price in

the active market. The fair value of financial instrument not existing in the active market shall be recognized by

means of corresponding valuation technology. During the valuation process, the company shall apply appropriate

valuation technology with strong support from adequate usable data and other information and select the input

value consistent with relevant assets or liabilities features considered by market participants in conducting

relevant transactions. Meanwhile, corresponding observable input value shall be first choice. When it’s impossible

or not feasible to obtain such observable input value, unobservable input value shall be put into service.

10. Receivables

(1) Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which the bad debt provision is made


The single amount of the accounts receivable accounts for more than or equal

to 10% of the total accounts receivable, or the single amount is more than or

Definition or amount criteria for an account equal to RMB10,000,000; the single amount of the other accounts receivable

receivable with a significant single amount at the period-end accounts for more than or equal to 10% of the total other

accounts receivable, or the single amount is more than or equal to


Executes the withdrawal according to the difference that the current value of

Making individual bad-debt provisions for accounts

the expected future cash flow lowers than its book value of the accounts

receivable with a significant single amount



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(2) Accounts receivable which the bad debt provision is withdrawn by credit risk characteristics

Name of portfolios Bad debt provision method

Aging group Aging analysis

In the groups, those adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Aging Provision rate for Accounts Receivable Provision rate for Other Receivables

Within 1 year (including 1 year) 5.00% 5.00%

1-2 years 10.00% 10.00%

2-3 years 30.00% 30.00%

3-4 years 50.00% 50.00%

4-5 years 50.00% 50.00%

Within 1 year (including 1 year) 100.00% 100.00%

In the groups, those adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, those adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made


There is objective evidence indicate that the Company couldn’t withdraw the accounts

Reason for bad debt provision

according to the original articles of the accounts receivable.

Executes the withdrawal according to the difference that the current value of the

Withdrawal method

expected future cash flow lowers than its book value of the accounts receivable.

11. Inventory

(a) Category

Inventory includes raw materials, products in process, stock merchandises and revolving materials that measured

according to the lower one between the cost and the net realizable value.

(b) Pricing method for distributed inventories

Inventories are measured at weighted average method when procured, while the cost of the stock merchandises

and the products in process includes the raw materials, direct labor and manufacturing expenses assigned

according to the system under the normal capacity.

(c) Recognition basis of net realizable value of inventories and withdrawal method for impairment provision of


When the net realizable value is lower than the cost, provisions for impairment of inventories shall be drawn. The


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

net realizable value is confirmed according to the amount after the estimated sales price of the inventory minus the

amount of the estimated cost occur when the work finished and the estimated sales expenses as well as the

relevant taxes among the daily activities.

(d) The inventory system of the Company is perpetual inventory system.

(e) The method of amortization of the low priced and easily worn articles and the wrappages

The revolving materials include the low priced and easily worn articles and the wrappages and so on, while they

both are amortized by one time write-off method.

12. Long-term equity investment

Long-term equity investments include the company’s long-term equity investment made to the subsidiary and the

company’s long-term equity investment made to the joint venture.

The subsidiary refers to the invested unit under the company’s control; the joint venture refers to the invested unit

whose financial and operational decisions will be largely subject to the company.

The investment to the subsidiary shall be shown in the company’s financial statement based on the amount

recognized through cost method, and consolidated after corresponding adjustment according to equity law when

the consolidated financial statement is being formulated. However, the investment to the joint venture shall be

calculated by using equity method.

(a) Investment cost recognition

Long-term equity investment resulting from business combination: for long-term equity investment resulting from

business combination under the same control, corresponding investment cost shall be determined based on the

share of book value of the owner’s equity of the combined party in the day of combination; for long-term equity

investment resulting from business combination not under the same control, corresponding investment cost shall

be determined based on corresponding combination cost.

Long-term equity investment obtained by other means except business combination: for long-term equity

investment obtained by paying cash, its initial investment cost shall be the actual purchasing payment; for

long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of such equity security shall be its

initial investment cost.

(b) Follow-up measurement and profit and loss recognition method

Long-term equity investment calculated by using cost method shall be measured based on its initial investment

cost; cash dividends or profits declared by the invested unit for distribution shall be recognized as investment

revenue and included in profit and loss for the period.

For long-term equity investment calculated by using equity method, if initial investment cost is more than the

share of fair value of the invested unit’s net identifiable assets, such initial investment cost shall be the long-term

equity investment cost; if such initial investment cost is less than the share of fair value of the invested unit’s net

identifiable assets, such resulting difference shall be included in profit and loss for the period and the long-term

equity investment cost shall be accordingly adjusted and increased.

For long-term equity investment calculated by using equity method, the company shall recognize corresponding

profit and loss for the period according to the share of net profit and loss obtained or held from the invested unit.

In terms of the recognition of the invested unit’s net loss, the long-term equity investment’s book value and other


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

long-term equities constituting the net investment made to the invested unit in reality shall be written down to

Zero, but when the company is obliged to burden corresponding extra loss and relevant expected liability

recognition conditions stated in contingency standard are met, corresponding investment loss shall still be

recognized and calculated as expected liability. As for other changes in owner’s equity of the invested unit except

net profit and loss, other comprehensive revenue and profit distribution, the book value of long-tern equity

investment shall be adjusted and included in capital reserve. Accordingly, the book value of long-term equity

investment shall be reduced based on the part attributed to the company when the profit or cash dividend is

declared and distributed by the invested unit. Meanwhile, the unrealized internal transaction profit and loss

between the company and the invested company shall be applied to determine and set off the part attributed to the

company based on corresponding shareholding ratio, on which basis, corresponding investment profit and loss

shall be recognized. In terms of the internal transaction loss resulted from the company and the invested unit, the

part belonging to assets impairment loss and corresponding unrealized loss shall not be set off.

(c) Basis for confirming joint control and important influence on the invested party

Control means that the company has the right to control the invested party and enjoy variable returns through

participating in relevant activities of the invested party. In addition, the company is also able to make use of its

control right to influence such variable return.

Joint control refers to jointly control an arrangement as agreed by both parties, and activities related to the

arrangement can only be conducted with the consent from all parties involved in such joint control.

Important influence refers to the possession of the right to make decisions about the company’s financial and

business operation policies, but the establishment of these policies cannot be controlled or jointly controlled with

other parties.

(d) Long-term equity investment depreciation

For long-term equity investments attributed to the subsidiary and the joint venture, when their recoverable amount

is less than their book value, such book value shall be written down to corresponding recoverable amount (Notes


13. Investment property

Depreciation or amortization methods

An investment property includes the use rights of leased land and buildings for rental purposes, and is initially

recorded at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment property shall be included into the cost under

conditions that relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in the company and the cost can be measured reliably.

Otherwise, they should be recorded into current profits and losses when incurred.

The company conducts subsequent measurement of all investment properties in the model of cost, and depreciates

or amortizes the buildings and land use rights according to their estimated useful life and net residual value. The

estimated useful life, net residual value and annual depreciation (amortization) rate are as follows:

Items Estimate Useful Life Net Residual Rate Annual Depreciation Rate

Buildings 20-35 years 5.00% 2.71%-4.75%

Land Use Rights 50 years 2.00%

Investment properties should be transferred to fixed assets or intangible assets since the date of their being

changed for self-use. As the purposes of self-use properties are changed for generating rents or capital


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

appreciation, the fixed assets or intangible assets shall be transferred to investment properties from the date of

change. In time of change, the book value before transfer should be used as the recorded value after transfer.

Reviews and appropriate adjustments shall be made annually to the estimated useful life, estimated net residual

rate and depreciation (amortization) methods of the investment properties.

When an investment property is disposed or permanently out of use with the estimation that no further economic

benefits could be obtained from its proposal, it should be derecognized. The disposal revenue of an investment

property for sale, transfer, retirement or damage should be recorded into current profits and losses after deducting

book value and relevant taxes.

As the recoverable amount of an investment property is lower than its book value, its book value should be written

down as the recoverable amount (Note 5(19)).

14. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition method

The fixed assets include the buildings, machineries and equipments, transportation tools, as well as office and

electronic equipment and so on, which are confirmed when the related economic benefits probably flow into the

Company with the cost cold be reliable measured. The purchased and the newly built fixed assets should be

executed the initially measurement according to the cost when acquired. And the follow-up expenses related to the

fixed assets should be included in the fixed assets cost when the economic benefits related to the former that

probably flow into the Company with the cost could be reliable measured; as for the part be replaced, should

derecognize its book value; all of the other follow-up expenses should be included in the current gains and losses

when occour.

(2) Depreciation method

Categories Depreciation method Estimated useful life Residual value Annual depreciation rate

Houses & buildings Average method of useful life 20-35 years 5.00% 2.71%-4.75%

Machineries Average method of useful life 10-15 years 5.00% 6.33%-9.50%

Vehicles Average method of useful life 5 years 5.00% 19%

Office and electronic

Average method of useful life 3-5 years 5.00% 19%-31.67%


(3) When the recoverable amount of the fixed assets lower than the book value, should reduce the amount

of the book value and include in the recoverable amount (Note V (19)).

(4) Disposal of the fixed assets

When the fixed assets be disposed, or expected not to produce any economic benefits through usage or disposal,

should derecognize the fixed assets. The amount of the disposal revenues of the sales, transfer, scrap or damage

that deducted the book value as well as the relevant taxes should be included in the current gains and losses.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

15. Construction in progress

Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. The actual cost comprises construction cost, installation

cost, borrowing costs eligible for capitalization, and other expenditures necessary for the construction in progress

to reach the intended use. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their

intended use, and depreciation begins from the following month. As the recoverable amount of the construction in

progress is lower than the book value, its book value should be written down as the recoverable amount (Note


16. Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs incurred from the acquisition and construction of assets which require a substantially long time

before getting ready for the intended use shall be capitalized and included in the cost of the assets as the assets

expenditures and borrowing costs have occurred and the acquisition and construction necessary to get the assets

ready for the intended use have begun. Capitalization stops as the acquisition and construction of assets have got

ready for the intended use, and borrowing costs incurred thereafter shall be included in current profits and losses.

If the acquisition and construction of assets are abnormally irrupted for over three consecutive months, the

capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended till the acquisition and construction activities of assets are


As for the specific borrowings for the acquisition and construction of assets eligible for capitalization, the actual

current interest of the specific borrowings deducted by the deposit interests of unused borrowings in a bank or

benefits from temporary investments should reach the capitalization amount of the specific borrowing costs.

As for the general borrowings occupied for the acquisition and construction of assets eligible for capitalization,

the weighted average of capital expenditures of accumulated capital expenditures beyond special borrowings

multiplied by the weighted average of the real interest rates of general borrowings would confirm the capitalized

amount of general borrowing costs. Real interest rate is used by the initial recognized amount of the borrowings

which is discounted by the future cash flow within the expected duration of the borrowing or an even shorter


17. Intangible assets

(1) Evaluation methods, useful life, impairment test

Intangible assets comprise land use rights, and non-patented technology and software etc, which are measured at


(a) Land use rights

The land use right allocated by the nation is zero-cost, and there is no specific use term in the land use right

certificate, which should not be amortized. The other land use rights should be averagely amortized based in use

term of 50 years. Charges of lands and buildings purchasing which could not be reasonably allocated between

land use rights and buildings should be used as fixed assets.

(b) Non-patented technology

Non-patented technology should be averagely amortized based on whichever is shorter among contract period,


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

profits period and legally regulated period.

(c) Software

Software should be recorded based on the actual payment, and averagely amortized according to an estimated

useful life of 3 to 5 years.

(d) Regular review of useful life and amortization method

The estimated useful life and amortization methods of intangible assets with limited service life should be

reviewed and appropriately adjusted at the end of each year.

(e) Research and development

Internal research and development project expenditure could be divided into research expenditures and

development expenditures based on their nature and whether the intangible assets created by the R&D activities

have high level of uncertainty.

Expenditures of planned surveys, assessment and selections for the purpose of researching production process are

research expenditures and are recorded in current profits and losses in occurrence; expenditures of relevant

designs and tests in production process before mass production are development expenditures, and can be

capitalized if they meet all of the following conditions:

The development of production process has been fully verified by technology team;

The management has approved the budget of production process development;

Studies and analyses of pre-market researches show that the products produced based on production

process have marketing abilities.

There are sufficient technology and funds support to conduct development of production process and

follow-up large scale production;

Expenditures of production process development could be reliably merged.

Development expenditures failing to meet the above conditions would be recorded into current profits and losses.

Previously recorded development expenditures would not be reaffirmed as assets in subsequent periods.

Capitalized expenditures in development phase should be listed as development expenditures on balance sheet,

and would be transferred to intangible assets since the date of the project achieving its intended use.

(f) Impairment of intangible assets

As the recoverable amount of the intangible assets is lower than the book value, its book value should be written

down as the recoverable amount (Note 5(19)).

18. Impairment of long-term assets

Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with limited life, investment properties measured at cost,

and long-term equity investment in subsidiaries and associates should go through impairment test as there are

signs of impairment on balance sheet; intangible assets not reaching useful status should go through impairment

tests at least annually whether there is sign of impairment or not. As the impairment test results show that the

recoverable amount of assets is lower than the book value, provision for impairment based on the difference

would be prepared and included in impairment losses. The fair value of assets deducted by the higher one between

the net value after disposal and the present value of the expected future cash flow is the recoverable amount.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Assets impairment preparation should be calculated and confirmed based on single assets, and the assets group

where the assets belong should confirm its recoverable amount in case that the recoverable amount of single assets

is hard to estimate. Assets group is the minimum assets unit to produce cash flow independently.

Goodwill independently listed in balance sheet, intangible assets with uncertain useful life ans development

expenditures of capitalization should go through impairment tests at least annually whether there is sign of

impairment or not. In impairment tests, the book value of goodwill is allocated to assets groups and combination

of assets groups expecting to benefit from the synergies of business merging. The test results show that if the

recoverable amount of assets group or assets group combination including the goodwill allocated is lower than the

book value, relevant impairment losses should be confirmed. The amount of impairment losses firstly claims a

credit against the book value of goodwill allocated to the assets group or assets group combination, and then

claims credit against the book value of other assets in proportion according to the ratio of the book value of other

assets except for goodwill in assets group or assets group combination.

The above assets impairment losses cannot be recovered in subsequent period once confirmed.

19. Long-term unamortized expenses

Long-term unamortized expenses include operating rented fixed assets and other expenses which already happen

and should be amortized over a year and undertaken by current and subsequent phases, and they would be

averagely amortized according to benefit period and listed in the net amount of actual expenses deducted by

accumulated amortization.

20. Employee salary

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term remuneration

Short-term remuneration includes salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy, welfare, medical insurance, industrial

injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing funds, labor union and education funding. In the accounting period

of employees providing service, the company recognizes the actual short-term remuneration as reliabilities and

records it in current profits and losses and relevant asset cost.

(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

The post-employment benefits of the company are divided into defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan.

Defined contribution plan refers to the post-employment welfare plan that the company does not undertake further

liabilities after depositing fixed expenses in an independent fund; Defined benefit plan refers to the

post-employment welfare plan excluding defined construction plan. Within the period of this report, the

post-employment welfare plan of the company refers to the basic old-age pension insurance and unemployment

insurance deposit for employees, both of which belong to the defined contribution plan.

Basic old-age pension insurance

Employees of the company have joined the social basic old-age pension insurance organized and implemented by

local labor and social security departments. The company pays old-age pension insurance premiums monthly to

local social basic old-age pension insurance agencies according to local social basic old-age pension insurance

contribution base and proportion. After employees retire, local labor and social security departments are


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

responsible for payment of basic old-age pension to employees. In the accounting period of employees providing

service, the company recognizes the payable amount regulated by social security departments as reliabilities and

records it in current profits and losses and relevant asset cost.

(3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits

As the company terminates labor contract with employees before the expiration date, or encourages employees to

accept layoff voluntarily by providing certain compensation, liabilities caused by the compensation to employees

for terminating labor contract with them would be confirmed on whichever is earlier between that the company

could not withdraw the labor relationship or layoff suggestions unilaterally and costs related to paying termination

benefits are confirmed, and should be recorded in current profits and losses.

Early retirement welfare

Subsidiaries of the company provide early retirement welfare for employees accepting early retirement

arrangement. Early retirement welfare refer to salary and social insurance premiums paid to employees who

haven’t reached the retirement age regulated by the country and have stepped down their posts voluntarily after

being approved by the management of the company and the subsidiary they belong to. The subsidiaries should pay

early retirement welfare to these early retired employees from the first date of early retirement till their normal

retirement age. As for early retirement welfare, subsidiaries should conduct accounting treatment. As the

conditions of early retirement welfare are confirmed, the to-be-paid salary and social insurance premiums for

employees from the date when employees stop providing service till the date when they reach legal retirement

date should be confirmed as reliabilities and recorded into current profits and losses at one time. Difference

caused by changes in actuarial assumptions and adjustments of welfare standards for early retirement welfare

should be recorded into current profits and losses.

The estimated termination benefits within a year since the date of balance sheet date should be listed as flowing


21. Estimated liabilities

Current obligations in the form of product quality guarantee and onerous contract should be confirmed as

anticipation liabilities as fulfilling these obligations may lead to flowing out of economic benefits and the amounts

could be measured reliably.

The anticipated liabilities should be initially measured according to the best estimate of fulfilling related current

obligations, and comprehensive considerations should be taken in relevant risks, uncertainty and time value of

money etc. If the time value of money has significant impacts, relevant future cash flow could be discounted to

confirm the best estimate; the increased amount to the book value of anticipated liabilities caused by discount

reduction along with time would be confirmed as interest expenses.

On balance sheet date, the book value of anticipated liabilities should be reviewed and appropriately adjusted to

reflect the best current estimates.

22. Share-based payment

Equity-settled share-based payment refers to that Medea Group grants Medea Group shares to its employers in

trade of their services. As the company is to receive services and has no obligation of settlement, the share-based


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

payment transactions would be treated as equity-settled share-based payment.

The share-based payment in exchange for employees’ services should be measured at the fair value of equity

instruments granted by share-based payment. In each balance sheet date within the awaiting period, services

obtained on the basis of the best estimated of the number of vested equity instruments , and according to the fair

value on the granting date of equity instruments would be recorded into relevant assets cost or period charges, and

the capital reserves should be increased in the meantime.

The share-based payment in exchange for other parties’ services except for employees should be measured at the

fair value of services exchanged by share-based payment on the date of acquisition. If the fair value of other

parties’ employees could not be reliably measured, but the fair value of equity instruments could be reliably

measured, the payment should be measured at the fair value of equity instruments at the acquisition date of

services, and recorded in assets cost or charges according to the confirmed fair value, and the capital reserves

should be increased in the meantime.

23. Revenue

Revenue amount should be confirmed by the fair value of received and receivable contracts or agreements as the

company sells goods and provides services in daily operation activities. Revenue is shown as the net amount after

deducting sales discount and returns.

As economic benefits related to transactions could flow into the company, and relevant revenue could be

measured reliably and also meet the standards for various operation activities as listed below, relevant revenue is


(a) Sales of goods

The company manufactures and sells washing machines. As the products are delivered, main risks and

remuneration of the ownership of the goods would be transferred to the purchaser, and the company would not

conduct continuing management and control over the products. The sales revenue is realized as related income or

price credential has been obtained, and relevant cost could be calculated reliably. Within the report period, the

company’s main sales are realized from dealers, large-scale chain home appliance retailers and e-commerce

platforms. Sales revenue obtained from dealers, large-scale chain home appliance retailers and non-proprietary

e-commerce platforms should be confirmed as products have been delivered to them and accepted by them. Sales

revenue obtained from proprietary e-commerce platform should be confirmed as the products have been delivered

to and accepted by end users.

(b) Transfer of assets use rights

Interest income would be confirmed by actual interest rate in accordance with the time of other parties using

monetary fund of the company.

Operating lease income would be confirmed within the lease period on straight-line basis.

24. Government subsidy

(1) Judgment basis and account treatment methods of assets related government subsidy

Assets related government subsidy refers to government support acquired by the company to be used in

purchasing and building or forming long-term assets in other ways. Benefits related government subsidy refer to


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

the government support except for assets relate government subsidy.

Assets related government subsidy would be confirmed as deferred benefits, averagely allocated within the useful

life of relevant assets, and recorded in current profits and losses. Government subsidy measured at nominal

amount would be recorded to current profits and losses directly.

(2) Judgment basis and account treatment methods of benefits related government subsidy

Benefits related government subsidy, used to compensate expenses and losses of subsequent periods, would be

confirmed as deferred benefits, and recorded into current profits and losses during the period of establishing

relevant costs; those used to compensate relevant expenses and losses that already happened would be recorded

directly to current profits and losses.

25. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities should be confirmed based on the difference

(temporary difference) between tax basis of assets and liabilities and their book values. Corresponding deferred

income tax income assets should be confirmed in accordance with the tax provisions for deductible losses which

could deduct the taxable income in subsequent years. The temporary difference caused by initial confirmation of

goodwill could not confirm the deferred income tax liabilities. Temporary differences formed by initial

confirmation of assets and liabilities generated from non-corporate merging transactions having no influences on

accounting profits or taxable income (deductible losses) could not confirm corresponding deferred income tax

assets and deferred income tax liabilities. In the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred

income tax liabilities should be measured based on the appropriate tax rate in the period of expected recovery of

the assets or settlement of the liabilities.

Deferred income tax assets should be confirmed by the possible taxable income used to deduct temporary

difference, deductible losses and tax deduction.

The taxable temporary difference related to investment of subsidiaries and associates could confirm the deferred

income tax liabilities, unless the company could control the time of reverse of temporary difference or the

temporary difference would not reverse in the foreseeable future. The deductible temporary difference related to

investment of subsidiaries and associates could confirm the deferred income tax assets, as the temporary

difference could possibly reverse in foreseeable future and obtain taxable income which could be used to deduct

deductible temporary difference.

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities meeting all of the following conditions could be

listed as the net amount after deduction:

Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income tax collected by

the same tax bureau from the same taxpayer of the company.

The taxpayer of the company owns the legal rights of settle the current income tax assets and income tax

liabilities in net amount.

26. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment methods of operating lease

The rent payment of operating lease during the lease period should be recorded in related asset cost or current


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

profits and losses on a straight-line basis.

27. Other critical accounting policies and accounting estimates

Based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations of future events, the company

conducts continuous evaluation of critical accounting estimates and key judgments adopted.

(a) Critical accounting estimates and key assumptions

The following critical accounting estimates and key assumptions will lead to important risks of significant

adjustment in the book value of assets and liabilities of next fiscal year:

(i) Accounting estimates of impairment of receivables

The management shall assess whether there is impairment of receivables on the balance sheet date according to

the accounting policies in Note 5(10). The impairment of receivables should be judged and estimated based on the

credit, financial status and market conditions of the clients of the company. Even if the company’s management

has made the best estimate and preparation of provision for the losses of bad debts, related results of impairment

may be significantly changed due to the changes of clients’ financial status and market conditions.

(ii) Accounting estimates of impairment of inventories

According to the accounting policies in Note 5 (11) (c), the management shall assess the realizable value of

inventories on the balance sheet date, which is determined by the estimated selling price of inventories in current

business activities deducted by the estimated future costs before completion and sales, the estimated costs of sales

and relevant taxes. Even if the company’s management has made the best estimate and preparation of provision

for the impairment of inventories, related results of impairment may be significantly changed due to the changes

of clients’ financial status and market conditions.

(iii) Estimated net residual value and useful life of fixed assets, investment properties and intangible assets

The management has assessed the estimated useful life and net residual value of fixed assets as buildings,

machinery and equipment, transportation vehicles and office and electronic devices, investment properties as

buildings and land use rights, and intangible assets as land use rights, and non-patented technology and software

etc. This assessment is made based on historical experience of the estimated useful life and net residual value of

fixed assets, investment properties and intangible assets with same nature and functions, and significant changes

could happen due to technological updates and other causes. As the net residual value or estimated useful life is

lower than the previously estimated value, the management should increase the depreciation and amortization


(iv) Accounting estimates of impairment of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

Impairment tests need to be conducted in face of events leading to fixed assets, intangible assets and other

long-term assets unrecovered or environmental changes. The recoverable amount shall be confirmed based on the

useful value or market value. The calculation shall be applied to judgment and estimates.

The impairment of assets should be judged by the management, especially in the assessment of the following

items: (i) whether there is event showing the relevant asset value may not be recovered; (ii) whether the fair value

of assets estimated based on continuing operations deducted by the higher one between the net value after disposal

and the present value of the expected future cash flow is higher than the book value of assets; (iii) the key

assumptions should be properly applied in cash flow estimates, including whether the cash flow forecast is


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

discounted at appropriate interest rate. The management has adopted the best estimate as the assumption in

assessing impairment (including discount rate or the growth rate assumption used in cash flow forecast), and

changes of the assumptions may cause significant impacts on the results if impairment test.

(v) Provision of sales rebates

The company and its subsidiaries apply sales rebates policy to their clients of sales. The company and its

subsidiaries conduct regular estimates and withdraw sales rebates in advance in accordance with regulations of

sales agreement, review of specific transactions, historical experience, market conditions and level of channel

inventories, and by reference of the completion status of agreed assessment indicators of sales clients. In case of

significant changes of previous estimates, the above difference would have impacts on sales rebates during the

period of estimates changes.

(vi) Income taxes

The company and its subsidiaries pay corporate income taxes in multiple jurisdictions. In normal operations,

uncertainty exists in the final tax treatment of some transactions and events. Significant judgments are required

from the company and its subsidiaries in the provision of income taxes in each jurisdiction. If the final identified

outcome of these tax matters differs from the initially recorded amount, the difference would have impacts on the

income taxes and deferred income taxed during the period of making the above mentioned identification.

VI. Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rate

Category of taxes Tax basis Tax rate

Taxable added value (tax amount payable should be measured

according to the balance after the taxable sales multiply the

VAT 17% or 11% or 6%

applicable tax rate then deduct the input tax which allowed to be

deduct at the Reporting Period)

Business tax Real estate rental income, interests income and so on 5%

Urban maintenance and construction tax Paid VAT, business tax amount 7% or 5%

Enterprise income tax Payable income tax amount 15% or 25%

2. Tax preference

In July 2015, the Company got the High Technology Enterprises Certificate (certificate No.: GR201532000606)

issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Development, Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu

Provincial Office, SAT and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau after the re-examination with the period of validity

lasts for 3 years that from Y2015 to Y2018.

In July 2014, the subsidiary Hefei Media Washing Machine Co., Ltd. got the High Technology Enterprises

Certificate (certificate No.: GR201434000147) issued by Anhui Science and Technology Development,

Department of Finance of Anhui Province, Anhui Provincial Office, SAT and Anhui Local Taxation Bureau after

the re-examination with the period of validity lasts from Y2014 to Y2017.

In July 2015, the subsidiary Wuxi Little Swan GE Co., Ltd. got the High Technology Enterprises Certificate


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(certificate No.: GR201532000557) issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Development, Department of

Finance of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Office, SAT and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau after the

re-examination with the period of validity lasts for 3 years that from Y2015 to Y2018.

In July 2015, the subsidiary Wuxi Filin Electronics Co., Ltd. got the High Technology Enterprises Certificate

(certificate No.: GR201532000917) issued by Jiangsu Science and Technology Development, Department of

Finance of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Provincial Office, SAT and Jiangsu Local Taxation Bureau after the

re-examination with the period of validity lasts for 3 years that from Y2015 to Y2018.

Based on the relevant regulations of the No. 28 articles of the Enterprise Income Law of the People’s Republic of

China, the payment of the corporate income tax of the Company, Hefei Midea Washing Machine, Wuxi Little

Swan GE Co., Ltd. and Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. Ltd. should be measured according to the 15% of the tax rate.

VII. Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Bank deposits 1,919,339,663.90 2,792,685,328.69

Other monetary funds 135,578,042.75 250,158,596.12

Total 2,054,917,706.65 3,042,843,924.81

Of which: total amount of the accounts deposited abroad 607,387.28 607,997.46

Other notes

On 30 June 2016, the bank acceptance deposit of the other monetary funds was of RMB133,182,859.94 and the

credit guarantee of RMB2,395,182.81.

2. Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable listed by category

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill 1,794,679,303.47 2,205,189,379.10

Total 1,794,679,303.47 2,205,189,379.10

(2) Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due on the

balance sheet date at the period-end

Unit: RMB

Amount of recognition termination at the Amount of not terminated recognition at the


period-end period-end


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Bank acceptance bill 893,861,264.25 0.00

Total 893,861,264.25 0.00

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision

Category Withdr Withdr

Propor awal Book value Propor awal Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

tion propor tion propor

tion tion




bad debt

provision 1,175,991,552.78 100% 58,806,818.45 5.00% 1,117,184,734.33 943,243,995.62 100% 47,168,519.99 5.00% 896,075,475.63

according to

credit risks



Total 1,175,991,552.78 100% 58,806,818.45 5.00% 1,117,184,734.33 943,243,995.62 100.% 47,168,519.99 5.00% 896,075,475.63

Accounts receivable with significant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued at the


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance


Accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year 1,175,846,736.56 58,792,336.83 5.00%

1 to 2 years 144,816.22 14,481.62 10.00%

Total 1,175,991,552.78 58,806,818.45 5.00%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the reporting period was of RMB11,638,298.46; the

amount of the reversed or collected part during the reporting period was of RMB0.00.

(3) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party

Unit: RMB

Balance of the bad debt Proportion of the total balance

Item Balance

provision of the accounts receivable

Total amount of balance of the

684,943,285.49 34,247,164.27 58.24%

top 5 accounts receivable

4. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance


Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

Within 1 year 160,691,210.90 99.83% 95,192,076.23 97.50%

1 to 2 years 272,480.00 0.17% 2,416,501.94 2.48%

2 to 3 years 1,598.18 0.00% 0.00%

Over 3 years 20,000.00 0.02%

Total 160,965,289.08 -- 97,628,578.17 --

(2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment colleted according to the prepayment target

Unit: RMB

Proportion of the total

Item Balance

amount of the prepayments

Total amount of the top 5 of the balance of the prepayments 94,681,047.06 58.82%

5. Interests receivable

(1) Category

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Fixed term deposit 566,543.96 0.00

Structured deposit payment 27,899,134.25 22,932,602.74

Total 28,465,678.21 22,932,602.74

6. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision


Proport Withdrawal Book value Propor Withdrawal Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

ion proportion tion proportion




withdrawn bad

13,247,443.64 100% 1,064,089.49 8.03% 12,183,354.15 9,956,212.29 100.% 748,032.21 7.51% 9,208,180.08

debt provision

according to

credit risks


Total 13,247,443.64 100% 1,064,089.49 8.03% 12,183,354.15 9,956,212.29 100.% 748,032.21 7.51% 9,208,180.08

Other closing accounts receivable that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts individually.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to accrue bad debt provision:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance


Other accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year 9,144,420.25 457,221.04 5.00%

1 to 2 years 3,465,427.62 346,542.76 10.00%

2 to 3 years 292,361.00 87,708.30 30.00%

3 to 4 years 345,234.77 172,617.38 50.00%

Total 13,247,443.64 1,064,089.49 8.03%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision:


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Accounts receivable withdraw, reversed or collected during the reporting period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the reporting period was of RMB316,057.28; the amount

of the reversed or collected part during the reporting period was of RMB 0.00.

(3) Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

Unit: RMB

Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance

Margin &cash pledge 1,187,058.00 1,194,312.63

Advance money for another 2,696,656.28 1,544,575.33

Employee loan 4,054,818.91 3,657,991.12

Other 5,308,910.45 3,559,333.21

Total 13,247,443.64 9,956,212.29

(4) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collated according to the arrears party

Unit: RMB

Proportion of the total

Closing balance of

Name of units Nature Closing balance Aging year end balance of the

bad debt provision

accounts receivable

Guangzhou Attend Long-term equity

2,587,038.41 1-2 years 19.53% 258,703.84

Logistics Co., Ltd. investment liquidation

Hefei Hualing Co., Ltd. Rent 1,397,187.69 Within 1 year 10.55% 69,859.38

Wuxi China Resources Quality retention money

725,800.00 Within 1 year 5.48% 125,020.00

Gas Co., Ltd. deposit

Hefei Gas Group Co., Quality retention money

270,000.00 Within 1 year 2.04% 13,500.00

Ltd. deposit

Xu Ning Borrowings 250,000.00 Within 1 year 1.89% 12,500.00

Total -- 5,230,026.10 -- 39.49% 479,583.22

7. Inventory

(1) Category of inventory

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance


Book balance Falling price Book value Book balance Falling price Book value


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

reserves reserves

Raw materials 21,458,287.01 1,144,774.06 20,313,512.95 21,725,796.66 1,149,192.62 20,576,604.04

Goods in process 8,797,759.46 8,797,759.46 8,189,804.33 8,189,804.33

Inventory goods 612,608,193.94 44,778,930.67 567,829,263.27 755,272,411.35 38,625,852.20 716,646,559.15

Total 642,864,240.41 45,923,704.73 596,940,535.68 785,188,012.34 39,775,044.82 745,412,967.52

(2) Falling price reserves of inventory

Unit: RMB

Increased amount Decreased amount

Item Opening balance Reverse or Closing balance

Withdrawal Other Other


Raw materials 1,149,192.62 4,418.56 1,144,774.06

Inventory goods 38,625,852.20 13,631,207.32 7,478,128.85 44,778,930.67

Total 39,775,044.82 13,631,207.32 7,482,547.41 45,923,704.73

8. Other current assets

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Structured deposits 1,970,000,000.00 2,470,000,000.00

Financial products 6,041,332,009.02 3,152,675,560.00

Tax prepaid 93,532,407.32 78,446,417.44

Deferred expense-module 37,280,738.89 32,066,626.79

Total 8,142,145,155.23 5,733,188,604.23

9. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) List of available-for-sale financial assets

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Depreciation Depreciation

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

reserves reserves

Available-for-sale equity

300,300.00 100,300.00 200,000.00 300,300.00 100,300.00 200,000.00


Measured at fair 100,300.00 100,300.00 0.00 100,300.00 100,300.00 0.00


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited


Measured by cost 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00

Total 300,300.00 100,300.00 200,000.00 300,300.00 100,300.00 200,000.00

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured by cost at the period-end

Unit: RMB

Book balance Depreciation reserves Cash



g proportion

Investee Opening Increa Decrea Closing Opening Increa Decrea Closing of the

among the

period se se period period se se period Report



Suzhou People's

150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.25%

Market Co., Ltd.

Inner Mongolia

Baotou Department 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.04%

Co., Ltd.

Total 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 --

10. Investment property

(1) Investment property adopted the cost measurement mode

Unit: RMB

Construction in

Item Houses and buildings Land use right Total


I. Original book value

1. Opening balance 88,425,049.29 22,949,959.07 111,375,008.36

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Outsourcing

(2) Transfer of inventory\fixed assets\project

under construction

(3) Enterprise combination increase

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other

4. Closing balance 88,425,049.29 22,949,959.07 111,375,008.36

II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

1. Opening balance 24,340,722.34 5,615,173.21 29,955,895.55

2. Increased amount of the period 2,000,531.64 275,912.46 2,276,444.10

(1) Withdrawal or amortization 2,000,531.64 275,912.46 2,276,444.10

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other

4. Closing balance 26,341,253.98 5,891,085.67 32,232,339.65

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Opening balance 12,576,065.29 12,576,065.29

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

(2) Other

4. Closing balance 12,576,065.29 12,576,065.29

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 49,507,730.02 17,058,873.40 66,566,603.42

2. Opening book value 51,508,261.66 17,334,785.86 68,843,047.52

11. Fixed assets

(1) List of fixed assets

Unit: RMB

Houses and Machinery Transportation Electronic

Item Total

buildings equipment equipment equipment

I. Original book value

1. Opening balance 730,443,485.05 877,011,703.05 27,335,068.10 113,116,467.37 1,747,906,723.57

2. Increased amount of the period 2,896,291.36 28,769,352.47 762,589.32 4,220,596.56 36,648,829.71

(1) Purchase 2,896,291.36 28,769,352.47 762,589.32 4,220,596.56 36,648,829.71

(2) Transfer from project under


(3) Enterprise combination


3. Decreased amount of the period 1,258,959.02 474,538.00 2,834,925.73 4,568,422.75

(1) Disposal or Scrap 1,258,959.02 474,538.00 2,834,925.73 4,568,422.75


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

4. Closing balance 733,339,776.41 904,522,096.50 27,623,119.42 114,502,138.20 1,779,987,130.53

II. Accumulative depreciation

1. Opening balance 166,521,051.15 440,072,941.95 23,012,295.94 83,371,414.00 712,977,703.04

2. Increased amount of the period 15,496,608.44 37,788,970.65 719,273.55 6,821,363.18 60,826,215.82

(1) Withdrawal 15,496,608.44 37,788,970.65 719,273.55 6,821,363.18 60,826,215.82

3. Decreased amount of the period 1,046,177.25 450,811.10 2,475,740.44 3,972,728.79

(1) Disposal or Scrap 1,046,177.25 450,811.10 2,475,740.44 3,972,728.79

4. Closing balance 182,017,659.59 476,815,735.35 23,280,758.39 87,717,036.74 769,831,190.07

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Opening balance 3,918,452.47 11,165,580.56 64,570.25 252,125.65 15,400,728.93

2. Increased amount of the period 2,337,593.67 10,632.71 2,348,226.39

(1) Withdrawal 2,337,593.67 10,632.71 2,348,226.39

3. Decreased amount of the period 108,221.60 9,400.00 35,731.31 153,352.91

(1) Disposal or Scrap 108,221.60 9,400.00 35,731.31 153,352.91

4. Closing balance 3,918,452.47 13,394,952.63 65,802.96 216,394.34 17,595,602.41

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 547,403,664.35 414,311,408.52 4,276,558.07 26,568,707.12 992,560,338.05

2. Opening book value 560,003,981.43 425,773,180.54 4,258,201.91 29,492,927.72 1,019,528,291.60

12. Intangible assets

(1) List of intangible assets

Unit: RMB

Item Land use right Patent right Non-patent right Others Total

I. Original book value

1. Opening balance 242,666,890.39 1,992,000.00 1,395,014.56 246,053,904.95

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Purchase

(2) Internal R&D

(3) Enterprise combination


3. Decreased amount of the period 1,992,000.00 1,992,000.00

(1) Disposal 1,992,000.00 1,992,000.00

4. Closing balance 242,666,890.39 1,395,014.56 244,061,904.95


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

II. Accumulated amortization

1. Opening balance 45,145,265.36 1,992,000.00 1,395,014.56 48,532,279.92

2. Increased amount of the period 2,619,069.42 2,619,069.42

(1) Withdrawal 2,619,069.42 2,619,069.42

3. Decreased amount of the period 1,992,000.00 1,992,000.00

(1) Disposal 1,992,000.00 1,992,000.00

4. Closing balance 47,764,334.78 1,395,014.56 49,159,349.34

III. Depreciation reserves

1. Opening balance

2. Increased amount of the period

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decreased amount of the period

(1) Disposal

4. Closing balance

IV. Book value

1. Closing book value 194,902,555.61 194,902,555.61

2. Opening book value 197,521,625.03 197,521,625.03

13. Long-term unamortized expenses

Unit: RMB


Item Opening balance Increased amount Decrease Closing balance


IT consulting fee 789,380.92 241,237.14 600,915.90 429,702.16

Fixed assets reform 3,448,863.46 868,986.42 2,579,877.04

Total 4,238,244.38 241,237.14 1,469,902.32 3,009,579.20

14. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income

difference assets difference tax assets

Assets impairment provision 110,825,431.71 16,623,814.76 90,583,724.89 13,587,558.73

Internal unrealized profit 38,593,391.08 5,789,008.66 68,217,414.97 10,232,612.25


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Remuneration and dismiss expense 30,978,010.06 4,646,701.51 32,192,522.18 4,828,878.33

Accrued expenses 1,820,925,296.14 273,138,794.43 1,521,730,526.58 228,259,578.99

Accrued liabilities 9,784,866.44 1,467,729.97 9,981,021.44 1,497,153.22

Deferred income (government subsidy) 3,168,933.27 475,339.99 3,395,533.29 509,329.99

Investment differences 8,782,955.88 1,317,443.38 8,782,955.88 1,317,443.38

Total 2,023,058,884.58 303,458,832.70 1,734,883,699.23 260,232,554.89

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income

difference liabilities difference tax liabilities

Change in fair value of available-for-sale

98,332,009.02 14,749,801.35 55,675,560.00 8,351,334.00

financial assets

Total 98,332,009.02 14,749,801.35 55,675,560.00 8,351,334.00

(3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed by net amount after off-set

Unit: RMB

Mutual set-off amount of Amount of deferred Mutual set-off amount of Amount of deferred

deferred income tax assets income tax assets or deferred income tax assets income tax assets or


and liabilities at the liabilities after off-set at and liabilities at the liabilities after off-set at

period-end the period-end period-begin the period-begin

Deferred income tax

14,749,801.35 288,709,031.34 251,881,220.89


Deferred income tax



(4) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Deductible temporary difference 24,906,734.29 24,307,336.03

Deductible losses 72,331,535.03 75,877,413.93

Total 97,238,269.32 100,184,749.96


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will due the following years

Unit: RMB

Years Closing amount Opening amount Notes

Y2016 287,136.58 287,136.58

Y2017 21,513.22 89,186.59

Y2018 16,303,166.71 16,303,166.71

Y2019 49,620,940.42 49,620,940.42

Y2020 6,098,778.10 9,576,983.63

Total 72,331,535.03 75,877,413.93 --

15. Other non-current assets

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Prepayment for equipment 29,351,772.60 32,963,224.90

Total 29,351,772.60 32,963,224.90

16. Notes payable

Unit: RMB

Category Closing balance Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill 2,892,196,959.47 1,953,065,274.06

Total 2,892,196,959.47 1,953,065,274.06

The total amount of the due but not pay notes payable at the period-end was of RMB000.

17. Accounts payable

(1) List of accounts payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Material 2,662,515,531.37 2,359,604,637.06

Installation and maintenance fee 703,733.50 39,107,819.41

Freight charge 1,694,476.37 4,246,921.42

Others 39,812,521.32 16,847,964.06

Total 2,704,726,262.56 2,419,807,341.95


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(2) Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Caused by unsettled due to the agreement of contract or the

Material 41,301,792.99

quality of the materials was in dispute

Total 41,301,792.99 --

18. Advance from customers

(1) List of advance from customers

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Advance from goods 992,809,515.41 1,652,908,781.44

Total 992,809,515.41 1,652,908,781.44

(2) Significant advance from customers aging over one year

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Advance from goods 29,093,948.97 The project is under processing

Total 29,093,948.97 --

19. Payroll payable

(1) List of Payroll payable

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

I. Short-term salary 226,371,272.61 430,832,549.76 478,565,227.95 178,638,594.42

II. Post-employment benefit-defined

14,208,683.82 32,002,701.03 39,626,266.13 6,585,118.72

contribution plans

III. Termination benefits 7,700,760.49 3,486,082.59 4,140,765.96 7,046,077.12

Total 248,280,716.92 466,321,333.38 522,332,260.04 192,269,790.26

(2) List of Short-term salary

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

1. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy 203,062,076.70 369,121,587.35 414,498,173.48 157,685,490.57

2. Employee welfare 5,560,243.09 26,912,320.35 25,927,137.10 6,545,426.34

3. Social insurance 6,877,301.07 15,055,055.84 18,676,342.66 3,256,014.25

Of which: 1. Medical insurance

5,502,760.59 12,287,574.19 15,275,915.06 2,514,419.72


Work-related injury

950,454.45 2,043,445.44 2,377,399.54 616,500.35


Maternity insurance 424,086.03 724,036.21 1,023,028.06 125,094.18

4. Housing fund 6,456,798.64 14,082,496.17 13,744,290.41 6,795,004.40

5. Labor union budget and

4,414,853.11 5,661,090.05 5,719,284.30 4,356,658.86

employee education budget

Total 226,371,272.61 430,832,549.76 478,565,227.95 178,638,594.42

(3) List of drawing scheme

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

1. Basic pension benefits 13,201,271.54 29,893,051.16 36,862,559.58 6,231,763.12

2. Unemployment insurance 1,007,412.28 2,109,649.87 2,763,706.55 353,355.60

Total 14,208,683.82 32,002,701.03 39,626,266.13 6,585,118.72

20. Taxes payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

VAT 6,306,329.13 8,884,701.12

Business tax 95,527.80 229,524.56

Corporate income tax 260,782,462.79 279,867,360.71

Personal income tax 1,213,027.89 1,641,343.76

Urban maintenance and construction tax 1,889,454.04 2,492,588.81

Property tax 3,390,277.41 3,319,892.04

Land use tax 3,198,171.03 3,166,208.90

Stamp tax 387,205.94 226,162.21

Education Surcharge 1,438,017.20 1,779,616.70

House appliance recycling funds 20,700,519.00 22,335,614.00

Others 3,936,754.32 1,165,215.10

Total 303,337,746.55 325,108,227.91


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

House appliance recycling details

In line with the Waste Electrical & Electronic Products Processing Fund Collection Usage Management Methods,

Electrical & Electronic Products should according to the methods to pay the fund. The fund charged, in line with

the Electrical & Electronic Products and the producer's sale number with a way of verifying the fixed amount.

Collection Standards for a wash machine is RMB7/piece.

21. Dividends payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Common stock dividends 7,150,684.06 5,400,652.06

Total 7,150,684.06 5,400,652.06

22. Other accounts payable

(1) Other accounts payable listed by nature of the account

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Payment for equipment 59,702,070.44 54,026,136.97

Payment for mold 69,695,368.19 50,738,280.49

Subsidy of energy saving & benefit the

25,080,000.00 25,080,000.00


Payment made on behalf 16,768,217.57 18,631,746.58

Margin & cash pledged 23,394,150.19 13,794,750.00

Third party payment 6,723,488.91 5,407,965.76

Others 5,242,036.60 4,128,258.14

Total 206,605,331.90 171,807,137.94

(2) Other significant accounts payable with aging over one year

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Unpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Payment of transportation margin, now was in the stage of

Margin &cash pledged 6,032,466.13

performing the contract

Payment of equipment and Caused by unsettled due to the agreement of contract or the


mold quality problem was in dispute

Total 53,412,016.75 --


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

23. Other current-liabilities

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Accrued expenses-sale rebate 950,316,704.78 868,491,961.48

Accrued expenses-sales promotional

352,258,117.57 249,793,144.13


Accrued expenses-shipping and handling

132,748,731.04 127,259,322.97


Accrued expenses-maintenance and

248,957,741.12 199,287,081.29

installation charges

Accrued expenses-brand royalty 21,612,607.68 15,536,878.06

Accrued expenses-other 115,038,293.95 61,365,905.31

Total 1,820,932,196.14 1,521,734,293.24

24. Long-term payroll payable

(1) Long-term payroll payable

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Termination benefits 26,025,528.06 28,439,299.25

Total 26,025,528.06 28,439,299.25

25. Estimated liabilities

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance Formed reason

Product quality assurance 9,784,866.44 9,981,021.44 Product quality problem

Total 9,784,866.44 9,981,021.44 --

Other notes, including significant assumptions, valuation explanation related to significant estimated liabilities:

The subsidiary of the Company Wuxi Little Swan General Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd, its production of

washing machine were mainly sold to the United States and other foreign markets which had the mainly two claim

risks: when there was quality problem in the washing machine, the amount of insurance compensation are not

enough for the risk and the risk of compensation of over PCR (incidence of fault) agreed in the contract with

General Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. As of 30 Jun. 2016, the Company paid compensation of PCR and losses of

insurance compensation are not enough for the risk of the production sold was estimate RMB9, 784,866.44.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

26. Deferred revenue

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Formed reason

Government Government

3,395,533.29 226,600.02 3,168,933.27

subsidies subsidies

Total 3,395,533.29 226,600.02 3,168,933.27 --

Item involving government subsidies:

Unit: RMB

Amount of Amount recorded into

Other Related to

Item Opening balance newly non-operating income Closing balance

changes assets/related income

subsidy in report period

Hefei Midea Washing

Machine Automation

promotion & 3,033,333.29 175,000.02 2,858,333.27 Related to the assets

technological upgrading


Subsidies of substation

176,600.00 25,200.00 151,400.00 Related to the assets


Special guide subsidies

of modern service 185,600.00 26,400.00 159,200.00 Related to the assets

industry development

Total 3,395,533.29 226,600.02 3,168,933.27 --

27. Share capital

Unit: RMB

Increase/decrease (+/-)

Opening balance New shares Capitalized Closing balance

Bonus shares Others Subtotal

issued Capital reserves

The sum of

632,487,764.00 632,487,764.00


28. Capital surplus

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Capital premium 1,055,182,718.57 1,055,182,718.57

Other capital reserves 108,832,229.28 13,602,534.28 122,434,763.56


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Of which: equity incentive 66,599,778.25 13,602,534.28 80,202,312.53

Others 3,053,066.03 3,053,066.03

Transfer from capital reserves in

39,179,385.00 39,179,385.00

the original system

Total 1,164,014,947.85 13,602,534.28 1,177,617,482.13

29. Other comprehensive income

Unit: RMB

Report Period

Less: recorded

in other

Amount comprehensive Attributable to Attributable to

Opening Closing

Item before income income in prior Less: Income owners of the minority

balance balance

tax in current period and tax expense Company after shareholders

period transferred to tax after tax

profit or loss in

current period

I. Other


34,813,284.64 42,663,242.71 6,398,467.35 32,936,889.93 3,327,885.43 67,750,174.57

reclassified into

profits or losses

Of which: profits

or losses of change

in fair value of 37,033,422.18 42,656,449.02 6,398,467.35 32,930,096.23 3,327,885.43 69,963,518.42


financial assets


difference of the

-2,220,137.54 6,793.70 6,793.70 -2,213,343.84

foreign currency

financial statement

Total 34,813,284.64 42,663,242.71 6,398,467.35 32,936,889.93 3,327,885.43 67,750,174.57

30. Surplus reserves

Unit: RMB

Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Statutory surplus reserves 332,594,722.29 332,594,722.29

Total 332,594,722.29 332,594,722.29


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

31. Retained profits

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Last period

Opening balance of retained profits before adjustments 2,960,955,454.36 2,326,392,979.58

Opening balance of retained profits after adjustments 2,960,955,454.36 2,326,392,979.58

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company 580,826,562.58 430,694,268.55

Less: dividend of common stock payable 379,492,658.40 284,619,493.80

Closing retained profits 3,162,289,358.54 2,472,467,754.33

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:

(1) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the

Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.

(2) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.

(3) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.

(4) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

(5) RMB0.00 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

32. Revenue and Cost of Sales

Unit: RMB

Report Period Same period of last year


Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales

Main operations 7,327,207,677.60 5,281,634,736.14 5,620,828,547.48 4,072,244,009.19

Other operations 657,579,517.32 530,957,037.53 481,075,317.12 385,297,463.47

Total 7,984,787,194.92 5,812,591,773.67 6,101,903,864.60 4,457,541,472.66

33. Business tax and surcharges

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Business tax 203,083.51 443,157.75

Urban maintenance and construction tax 25,211,378.27 20,892,565.70

Education Surcharge 19,309,415.68 16,361,858.81

Total 44,723,877.46 37,697,582.26


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

34. Sales expenses

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Sales expenses 1,191,332,056.12 849,993,249.30

Total 1,191,332,056.12 849,993,249.30

35. Administrative expenses

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Administrative expenses 265,946,054.68 272,955,998.10

Total 265,946,054.68 272,955,998.10

36. Financial expenses

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Interest expenses 7,327,975.82 3,803,155.38

Less: Interest income 65,265,736.10 11,526,158.20

Add: exchange loss -11,313,331.62 -4,959,722.86

Others 5,851,627.44 1,477,448.10

Total -63,399,464.47 -11,205,277.58

37. Asset impairment loss

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

I. Bad debt loss 11,954,355.73 -1,325,118.42

II. Inventory falling price loss 13,631,207.32

III. Fixed assets impairment losses 2,348,226.39

Total 27,933,789.44 -1,325,118.42

38. Gains on the changes in the fair value

Unit: RMB

Sources Report Period Same period of last year

2. Financial assets measured by fair value and the changes be 0.00 -248,907.75


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

included in the current profits and losses

Of which, gains on the changes in the fair value of

0.00 -248,907.75

derivative financial instruments

Total 0.00 -248,907.75

39. Investment income

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity



Investment income received from disposal of financial assets

measured by fair value and the changes be included in the 597,040.00

current profits and losses during holding period

Investment income received from disposal of available-for-sale

67,315,479.04 71,346,929.06

financial assets

Total 67,315,479.04 71,820,527.82

40. Non-operating gains

Unit: RMB

Recorded in the amount of the

Item Report Period Same period of last year

non-recurring gains and losses

Total gains from disposal of

116,837.67 223,996.80 116,837.67

non-current assets

Including: Gains from disposal of

116,837.67 223,996.80 116,837.67

fixed assets

Government subsidies 19,387,917.07 11,077,408.20 19,387,917.07

Claims and fine 1,925,692.15 1,603,401.99 1,925,692.15

Others 55,538.87 1,751,395.68 55,538.87

Total 21,485,985.76 14,656,202.67 21,485,985.76

Government subsidies recorded into current profits and losses

Unit: RMB


Distribut subsidies Special Related to

Distribution Reporting Last

Item ion Nature influence the subsidy assets/relat

entity period period

reason current profits or not ed income

and losses or not

VAT Wuxi New Subsidy Due to engaged in No No 11,946,875.24 7,954,833.07 Related to


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

refund District Tax special industry that the the income

upon Sub Bureau state encouraged and

collection supported, gained

subsidy (obtaining in

line with the law and the

regulations of national


Due to engaged in

special industry that the


state encouraged and

trade and Finance

supported, gained Related to

economic Bureau of Subsidy No No 3,938,000.00 1,668,000.00

subsidy (obtaining in the income

support Hefei

line with the law and the


regulations of national


Support Due to engaged in

developme special industry that the


nt fund state encouraged and


on supported, gained Related to

Bureau and Subsidy No No 817,319.00 94,381.00

insurance subsidy (obtaining in the income


of export line with the law and the


letter of regulations of national

credit policy)



Related to

Others Information Award No No 2,685,722.83 1,360,194.13

the income


of Wuxi

Total -- -- -- -- -- 19,387,917.07 11,077,408.20 --

41. Non-operating expenses

Unit: RMB

Recorded in the amount of the

Item Report Period Same period of last year

non-recurring gains and losses

Loss on disposal of non-current assets 238,583.97 1,767,090.74 238,583.97

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets 238,583.97 1,767,090.74 238,583.97

Donation 385,875.00

Penalty 1,000.00

Others 199,673.37 1,359.07 199,673.37

Local fees (flood prevention and security 1,796,648.03 2,893,031.44


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

funds etc.)

Total 2,234,905.37 5,048,356.25 438,257.34

42. Income tax expense

(1) Lists of income tax expense

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Current income tax expense 170,528,669.56 85,483,009.22

Deferred income tax expense -43,226,277.81 -6,566,606.51

Total 127,302,391.75 78,916,402.71

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense:

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period

Total profits 792,225,667.45

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant regulations 118,833,850.12

Influence of income tax before adjustment 5,949,468.69

Influence of not deductable costs, expenses and losses 2,152,701.47

Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses of deferred income


tax assets derecognized in Report Period.

Income tax expense 127,302,391.75

43. Other comprehensive income

Refer to the Note. 29

44. Supplementary information to cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities:

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Interest income 30,792,096.72 11,526,158.20

Government subsidy 7,441,041.83 3,122,575.07

Claim & fine income 619,052.46 1,603,401.99

Others 6,661,612.22 5,158,267.01


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Total 45,513,803.23 21,410,402.27

(2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities:

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Sales expense paid in Report Period 885,615,523.27 658,681,986.38

Administration expense paid in Report

143,225,724.14 166,592,183.42


Handling charges for financial expense in

5,851,627.44 1,477,448.10

Report Period

Intercourse funds 3,291,231.35 7,041,744.94

Total 1,037,984,106.20 833,793,362.84

(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Income from structured deposits interest 34,473,639.38 0.00

Total 34,473,639.38 0.00

45. Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

Supplemental information Report Period Same period of last year

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating

-- --


Net profit 664,923,275.70 498,509,022.06

Add: Provision for impairment of assets 27,933,789.44 -1,325,118.42

Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of productive biological

63,102,659.92 57,610,111.52


Amortization of intangible assets 2,619,069.42 2,619,476.35

Long-term unamortized expenses 1,469,902.32 3,014,839.00

Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

121,746.30 16,780.87

assets (gains: negative)

Losses from variation of fair value (gains: negative) 248,907.75


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Financial cost (gains: negative) -34,473,639.38 835,131.49

Investment loss (gains: negative) -67,315,479.04 -71,820,527.82

Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative) -36,827,810.46 -6,529,270.35

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities


(―-‖ means decrease)

Decrease in inventory (gains: negative) 134,845,643.10 151,430,212.58

Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (gains:

47,112,616.96 1,090,041,707.37


Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease: negative) 789,234,275.49 -366,660,118.23

Others 14,351,343.11 7,315,665.45

Net cash flows generated from operating activities 1,607,097,392.88 1,365,269,483.46

2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of

-- --

cash receipts and payments

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent: -- --

Closing balance of cash 1,919,339,663.91 1,104,435,153.42

Less: Opening balance of cash 2,792,685,328.69 1,516,739,804.86

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -873,345,664.78 -412,304,651.44

(2) Cash and cash equivalents

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

I. Cash 1,919,339,663.91 2,792,685,328.69

Of which: bank deposit on demand 1,919,339,663.91 2,792,685,328.69

II. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,919,339,663.91 2,792,685,328.69

46. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

Unit: RMB

Closing foreign currency Closing convert to RMB

Item Exchange rate

balance balance

Monetary capital

Including: USD 28,937,844.55 6.6312 191,892,634.77

EUR 534,818.68 7.3750 3,944,287.77

JPY 15.00 0.0645 0.97


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Account receivable

Including: USD 83,259,354.54 6.6312 552,109,431.81

EUR 4,123,416.41 7.3750 30,410,196.02


Including: USD 2,173,673.28 6.6312 14,414,062.25

EUR 391,142.48 7.3750 2,884,675.79

Accounts payable

Including: USD 3,031,340.52 6.6312 20,101,425.26

EUR 354,213.54 7.3750 2,612,324.86

Advance from customers

Including: USD 624,760.42 6.6312 4,142,911.31

EUR 2,306.27 7.3750 17,008.74

Other account payable

Including: USD 24,500.00 6.6312 162,464.40

(2) Note to oversea entities including: for significant oversea entities, shall disclose main operating place,

recording currency and selection basis, if there are changes into recording currency, shall also disclose the


□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Changes of merge scope

1. Other

No such case in Report Period.

IX. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1) The structure of the enterprise group

Main operating Registration Nature of Holding percentage (%)

Name Way of gaining

place place business Directly Indirectly

Wuxi Little Swan General Electric

Wuxi Wuxi Production 70.00% Setting-up

Appliances Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd. Wuxi Wuxi Production 73.00% Setting-up

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing Wuxi Wuxi Trading 99.54% 0.09% Setting-up


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

and Sales Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Little Swan Import & Import &

Wuxi Wuxi 88.46% Setting-up

Export Co. , Ltd. Export

Little Swan International

Singapore Singapore Investment 100.00% Setting-up

(Singapore) Co., Ltd.


Little Swan (Jingzhou) Electronic

Jingzhou Jingzhou Production 100.00% combination under

Appliances Co., Ltd.

same control


Hefei Midea Washing Machine

Hefei Hefei Production 69.47% combination under

Co., Ltd.

same control

(2) Significant not wholly owned subsidiary

Unit: RMB

Shareholding The profits and losses Declaring dividends Balance of minority

Name proportion of minority arbitrate to the distribute to shareholder at closing

shareholder minority shareholders minority shareholder period

Wuxi Little Swan General Electric

30.00% 2,886,591.90 54,608,115.36

Appliances Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd. 27.00% 25,112,906.11 164,984,699.86

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co.,

30.53% 56,097,215.11 731,441,506.13



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(3) The main financial information of significant not wholly owned subsidiary

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Name Non-current Non-current Non-current Non-current

Current assets Total assets Current liabilities Total liabilities Current assets Total assets Current liabilities Total liabilities

assets liability assets liability

Wuxi Little



289,672,813.96 16,012,665.65 305,685,479.61 94,858,206.45 9,784,866.44 104,643,072.89 262,214,616.13 16,950,575.14 279,165,191.27 78,953,274.67 10,064,518.04 89,017,792.71



Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Filin

Electronics 777,869,717.67 53,707,751.34 831,577,469.01 220,212,425.05 310,600.00 220,523,025.05 630,040,449.62 56,417,457.81 686,457,907.43 168,388,420.57 362,200.00 168,750,620.57

Co. , Ltd.

Hefei Midea


6,149,013,542.63 659,960,807.23 6,808,974,349.86 4,410,303,680.79 2,858,333.27 4,413,162,014.06 4,899,597,642.19 660,802,382.62 5,560,400,024.81 3,323,567,046.22 36,569,848.57 3,360,136,894.79


Co., Ltd.

Unit: RMB

Report Period Same period of last year

Name Total comprehensive Total comprehensive

Operation revenue Net profit Operating cash flow Operation revenue Net profit Operating cash flow

income income

Wuxi Little Swan

General Electric 120,576,054.31 9,621,973.01 10,646,735.20 26,239,561.85 119,149,998.62 8,226,230.04 8,226,230.04 -4,492,352.40

Appliances Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Filin Electronics

330,094,718.79 93,010,763.35 93,010,763.35 11,960,170.45 237,418,559.26 56,849,342.90 56,849,342.90 -85,141,564.76

Co. , Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing

3,490,739,131.29 183,744,563.10 193,637,968.84 1,307,170,946.87 2,889,158,007.44 163,765,351.84 163,765,351.84 1,141,880,840.95

Machine Co., Ltd.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

2. Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

The Company held 20% equity of Guangzhou Antaida Logistical Co., Ltd., due to operation problem, was decided

to close and conducted liquidation with the approval of Meeting of the Board of Directors. As of reporting date,

all the liquidation work was conducted in line with the approval liquidation principle and procedure, the assets and

liabilities had been liquidated. The closing residual property (RMB10, 355,358.23 of total bank deposits)

distribute to shareholders in line with investment proportion. Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. was distributed

RMB2, 587,038.41of residual property in line with investment proportion.

X. The risk related financial instruments

The financial risks the Company faced during operation are: credit risk, market risk (mainly exchange risk and

interest rate risk) and liquidity risk. The Company and its subsidiary overall risk management plan considering the

unpredictability of financial market, aim to reduce the potential negative influence to the financial results of the

Company and its subsidiaries.

(1) Market risk

(a) Foreign exchange risk

The main operation of the Company and its subsidiary was within the state, which settled by RMB. The foreign

assets, liabilities and foreign trade in future (the foreign assets, liabilities and foreign trade in future mainly settled

by USD) the Company and its subsidiary had recognized existing foreign exchange risk. The Company's

headquarter financial department supervise the scope of foreign assets, liabilities and foreign trade in future of

the Company and its subsidiary to maximally reduce foreign exchange risk , thus the Company and its subsidiary

will avoid foreign exchange rate in a way of signing forward foreign exchange contract or currency exchange


On 30 June 2016 and 31 December 2015, the lists of foreign financial assets and foreign financial liabilities

discounted into RMB held by Company and its subsidiary were as following:

Unit: RMB

Closing balance


Item Other foreign currency Total

Foreign financial assets

Monetary capital 191,892,634.77 3,944,288.73 195,836,923.50

Accounts receivable 566,523,494.06 33,294,871.81 599,818,365.87

Total 758,416,128.83 37,239,160.54 795,655,289.37

Foreign financial liabilities

Payable -24,406,800.97 -2,629,333.60 -27,036,134.57

Opening balance


Item Other foreign currency Total

Foreign financial assets


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Monetary capital 299,468,993.14 5,111,988.93 304,580,982.07

Accounts receivable 665,033,732.65 4,291,192.21 669,324,924.86

Total 964,502,725.79 9,403,181.14 973,905,906.93

Foreign financial liabilities

Payable -39,699,749.59 -39,699,749.59

(b) Interest rate risk

On 30 June 2016 and 31 December 2015, there was no short term or long-term interest-bearing debt contracts of

floating interest rate in the Company and its subsidiary, thus the management believe that there was not existing

significant interest rate risk.

(2) Credit risk

The Company and its subsidiary adopt group classification to manage the credit risk. Credit risk mainly incurred

in bank deposit, account receivable, other account receivable, note receivable, structure deposit, financial products

investment, etc..

The bank deposits of the Company and its subsidiary were deposit in the state-owned banks and other large and

medium-sized commercial banks, the Company believe that there was not existing significant credit risk, and

won't lead to any significant losses due to break a contract to the entity.

The Company and its subsidiary entrust commercial bank, trust company, assets management company and other

financial institutions to conduct short term low risk finance investment, participate in bank finance products, trust

plan of trust company, assets management plan of assets management company, the main investment direction

was financial instrument with the high credit rating, better fluidity, trust products and assets management plan

with prospective earnings, and conducting commercial bank guaranteed finance business with low risk, stable

interest and no more than 1 year investment period in our inter-bank market. The idle fund of the Company and its

subsidiary used for trust investment, not invest in stock and its derivative product, security investment fund and

trust investment for security investment purpose and investment relevant to other securities.

Besides, as for account receivable, other account receivable and note receivable, the Company and its subsidiary

set relevant policy to control credit risk exposure. The Company and its subsidiary, base on the financial situation

of the client, possibility of obtaining guarantee from third party, credit record, and other factors such as the recent

market situation etc. to evaluate the credit qualification of client and set relevant credit period. The Company and

its subsidiary regularly supervise the credit record of client, as for the client with bad credit records, the Company

and its subsidiary will adopt reminder letters, shorten the credit period or cancel credit period etc. to ensure the

overall credit risk of the Company within control. On 30 June 2016, there was no significant overdue account


(3) Liquidity risk

The Company and its subsidiary response for its cash flow prediction The head financial department base on

collecting cash flow prediction of each subsidiary, and at combination level continuously supervise short term and

long term capital need to ensure maintain plenty of cash reserve and securities can be realized at any time;

meanwhile continuously supervise whether confirm to stipulation of loan contract, obtained commitment of

adequate emergency capital from main financial institution to meet the short term and long term capital need.

On balance sheet date, each financial liabilities listed by un-discounted contract cash flow according to date were


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

as following:

Unit: RMB

30 June 2016


Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years Total

Notes payable 2,892,196,959.47 2,892,196,959.47


2,663,424,469.57 13,067,033.98 14,140,693.96 14,094,065.05 2,704,726,262.56



7,150,684.06 7,150,684.06



870,615,491.36 870,615,491.36


Other account

146,489,452.75 26,329,289.23 25,125,696.81 8,660,893.11 206,605,331.90


Total 6,579,877,057.21 39,396,323.21 39,266,390.77 22,754,958.16 6,681,294,729.35

31 December 2015


Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years Total

Notes payable 1,953,065,274.06 1,953,065,274.06


2,375,896,772.95 16,821,841.38 12,186,706.03 14,902,021.59 2,419,807,341.95



5,400,652.06 5,400,652.06



653,242,331.76 653,242,331.76


Other account

124,771,982.94 18,518,858.35 22,190,830.33 6,325,466.32 171,807,137.94


Total 5,112,377,013.77 35,340,699.73 34,377,536.36 21,227,487.91 5,203,322,737.77

On 30 June 2016 and 31 December 2015, due to withholding sales rebate in other current liabilities not belong to

financial liabilities, the other current liabilities not including withholding sale rebate listed in the aforesaid

financial liabilities

XI. The disclosure of the fair value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

The fair value measurement result's level was determined by the lowest level of input value which had

significance to the whole measurement of fair value:

The first level was to achieve the same asset or liability without adjustment in the active market quotation on

measurement date.

The second level was relevant asset or liability directly or indirectly observable input values except input value of

first level.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

The third level was relevant asset or liability directly or indirectly unobservable input values.

As for financial instrument trade in active market, the Company recognized its fair value by offer in active market.

As for financial instrument not trade in active market, the Company recognized its fair value by valuation

technique. The valuation model mainly was the discounted cash flow and market comparable company model, etc..

The input value of valuation technique mainly include no risk interest rate, benchmark interest rate, exchange rate,

bad credit, liquidity premium, EBITDA multiplier, lack of marketability discount etc..

Unit: RMB

Closing fair value

Item Fair value measurement Fair value measurement Fair value measurement


items at level 1 items at level 2 items at level 3

I. Consistent fair value

-- -- -- --


Others 6,041,332,009.02 6,041,332,009.02

II. Inconsistent fair value

-- -- -- --


2. Valuation technique adopted and nature and amount determination of important parameters for

consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 3

On 30 June 2016, financial assets with fair value measurement items at level 3 were all the break-even floating

income financial product investment, which all adopt valuation technique to recognize its fair value.

3. Explain the reason for conversion and the policy governing when the conversion happens if conversion

happens among consistent fair value measurement items at different levels

The incurred date lead to events of conversion between different levels was recognized as time-point of

conversion between different levels. There was no conversion between level 1 and level 2 in Report Period.

4. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

Available for sale financial assets measured at cost was the unlisted share investment with no offer in active

market and larger reasonable valuation change range and each fair value probability cannot reasonably recognized,

thus, the fair value cannot be reliably measured.

Financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly include: account receivable and account


Except for aforesaid available for sale financial assets measured at cost, there is little difference between the book

value and the fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

XII. Related party and related Transaction

1. Information related to parent company of the Company

Proportion of Proportion of

share held by voting rights

Name of parent company Registration place Nature of business Registered capital parent company owned by parent

against the company against

Company (%) the Company (%)

Manufacture, sales and

Foshan after sale service of

MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD. 6,424,934,259.00 52.67% 52.67%

Guangdong household appliances and

its equipments

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

See details to Notes IV.

3. Information on other related parties of the Company

Name Relationship

MIDEA SCOTT&ENGLISH ELECTRONIICS SDN.BHD Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

PT.Midea Planet Indonesia Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Ningbo Midea United Material Supply Co., Ltd Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Huai'an Welling Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Fuhu Welling Motor Marketing Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Ningbo Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric Appliance Service Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Zhejiang Meizhi Plasticator Co. Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hefei Midea Materials Supply Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hubei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Life Electric (Vietnam) Co. , Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Co. Pte. Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company

Foshan Shunde District Bainian Technology Development Co., Ltd. Under control of controlling shareholder of the Company


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

5. List of related-party transactions

(1) Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service (unit: ten thousand Yuan)

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Unit: RMB


The approval trade Same period of

Related party Content Report Period exceed trade

credit last year

credit or not

Huai'an Welling Motor Manufacturing

Electrical Machine 345,409,520.97 248,274,543.85

Co., Ltd.

863,247,863.25 No

Fuhu Welling Motor Marketing Co.,

Electrical Machine 65,594,596.51 0.00


Ningbo Midea United Material

Materials 425,080,087.78 1,256,410,256.41 No 245,095,214.95

Supply Co., Ltd

Logistics and rental

Ningbo Meian logistics Co. Ltd. 178,930,465.36 0.00


509,433,962.26 No

Logistics and rental

Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. 68,608,403.67 172,170,984.31


Ningbo Beautiful Homeland

After-sales service 170,408,807.12 256,410,256.41 No 0.00

Electric Appliance Service Co., Ltd.

Compressors and

Zhejiang Meizhi Plasticator Co. Ltd. 3,792,306.57 12,820,512.82 No 1,751,675.19


Share the

Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd. management and 14,305,712.63 24,528,301.89 No 1,389,420.21

promotion fee

Total 1,272,129,900.61 2,922,851,153.04 668,681,838.51

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service

Unit: RMB


The approval trade Same period of

Related party Content Report Period exceed trade

credit last year

credit or not

Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Materials &washing

1,118,554,710.83 3,020,500,000.00 No 905,147,968.25

Co. Pte. Ltd. machine


Washing machine 28,049,217.86 68,000,000.00 No 22,538,129.98


PT.Midea Planet Indonesia Washing machine 11,061,356.49 45,000,000.00 No 5,225,547.41

Midea Life Electric (Vietnam) Co.,

Washing machine 10,328,952.32 30,000,000.00 No 919,302.64



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Hefei Midea Materials Supply Co.,

Materials 93,979.49


Total 1,167,994,237.50 3,163,500,000.00 933,924,927.77

(2) Information of related lease

The Company was lessor:

Unit: RMB

The lease

The lease income Whether

Category of leased The approval trade income

Name of lessee confirmed in this exceed trade

assets credit confirmed in

year credit or not

last year

Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co.,

House property 2,916,884.40 14,150,943.40 No 5,833,768.80


6. Receivables and payables of related parties

(1) Receivables

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Name o f

Related party Bad debt Bad debt

item Book balance Book balance

provision provision

Account Midea Electric Trading (Singapore) Co. Pte.

418,094,587.02 20,904,729.35 497,669,561.47 24,883,478.07

receivable Ltd.


13,176,426.36 658,821.32 11,531,302.72 576,565.14

receivable SDN.BHD


PT MIDEA PLANET INDONESIA 6,746,257.62 337,312.88 4,712,904.79 235,645.24


Account Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment

3,379,035.35 168,951.77

receivable Co., Ltd


Midea Life Electric (Vietnam) Co. , Ltd. 5,268,681.63 263,434.08 5,998,410.85 299,920.54


Account Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric

2,538,364.54 126,918.23

receivable Appliance Service Co., Ltd.


Ningbo Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. 344,351.37 17,217.57



Hubei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd. 891,521.86 44,576.09


Account Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. 388,834.29 19,441.71 288,245.00 14,412.25


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited


Total 446,213,151.46 22,310,657.57 524,815,333.41 26,240,766.67


accounts Hefei Hua Ling Share Holding Co. , Ltd. 1,397,187.69 69,859.38 2,516,870.13 125,843.51


Total 1,397,187.69 69,859.38 2,516,870.13 125,843.51

Prepayment Midea Group E-commerce Co., Ltd. 595,776.71 1,072,593.00

Foshan Shunde District Bainian Technology

Prepayment 460,500.00

Development Co., Ltd.

Total 1,056,276.71 1,072,593.00

(2) Payables

Unit: RMB

Name o f item Related party Closing book balance Opening book balance

Accounts payable Huai'an Welling Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 51,237,195.38 117,984,701.58

Accounts payable Fuhu Welling Motor Marketing Co., Ltd. 76,745,677.97

Accounts payable Ningbo Midea United Material Supply Co., Ltd 96,286,115.84 73,289,057.95

Accounts payable Zhejiang Meizhi Plasticator Co. Ltd. 1,016,917.15 1,445,079.96

Accounts payable Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. 250,742.05

Accounts payable Ningbo Annto Logistics Co. Ltd. 297.00 1,421.02

Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric

Accounts payable 39,107,819.41

Appliance Service Co., Ltd.

Total 225,536,945.39 231,828,079.92

Other account payable MIDEA GROUP CO., LTD. 20,000.00

Ningbo Beautiful Homeland Electric

Other account payable 11,599.00

Appliance Service Co., Ltd.

Total 31,599.00

XIII. Stock payment

1. Other

During the Report Period, the Midea Group and the high-level management personnel and technical backbone

personnel of its subsidiaries implemented stock options incentive plan Phase III, the grant date of phase I stock

options incentive plan was on 18 Feb. 2014, the grant date of phase II was on 27 May. 2015 and the grant date of

phase III stock options incentive plan was on 28 June 2016. So far, the first and second exercise schedule of

phase I stock options incentive plan and the first exercise schedule of phase II stock options incentive plan had

arrived the exercise conditions.


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

At the end of Report Period , in the phase I stock options incentive plan, the Company and its subsidiaries

incentive personnel was 45 people with incentive personnel stock options 8.4375 million; in the phase II stock

options incentive plan, the Company and its subsidiaries incentive personnel was 45 people with incentive

personnel stock options 7.47 million; in the phase III stock options incentive plan, the Company and its

subsidiaries incentive personnel was 65 people with incentive personnel stock options 9.12 million.

XIV. Commitments

1. Significant commitments

Significant commitments at balance sheet date

As of 30 June 2016, there were no significant commitments to be disclosed.

2. Contingency

(1) Significant contingency at balance sheet date

As of 30 June 2016, there were no significant contingency to be disclosed.

XV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable classified by category

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision

Category Withdra Withdr

Proport wal Book value Proport awal Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

ion proporti ion propor

on tion





single amount 1,516,537,495.47 70.03% 1,516,537,495.47 763,953,231.04 63.37% 763,953,231.04

for which bad

debt provision




649,120,650.90 29.97% 32,463,105.43 5.00% 616,657,545.47 441,524,088.26 36.63% 22,082,524.63 5.00% 419,441,563.63



2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

withdrawal of

bad debt

provision of

by credit risks


Total 2,165,658,146.37 100% 32,463,105.43 5.00% 2,133,195,040.94 1,205,477,319.30 100 % 22,082,524.63 1.83% 1,183,394,794.67

Accounts receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance

Accounts receivable (classified by units)

Account receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion Withdrawal reason

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd. 1,516,537,495.47 0.00

Total 1,516,537,495.47 -- --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance


Account receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year 648,979,193.15 32,448,959.66 5.00%

1 to 2 years 141,457.75 14,145.78 10.00%

Total 649,120,650.90 32,463,105.44 5.00%


In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Report Period was of RMB10, 380,580.80; the

amount of the reversed or collected part during the Report Period was of RMB0.00.

(3) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable collected according to the arrears party

Unit: RMB

Name of customer Balance Bad debt provision Proportion (%)

Total of top 5 of the closing balance of the

493,998,224.26 24,706,984.10 22.81%

accounts receivable


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

2. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other account receivable classified by category

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision

Category Withdra Withdra

Proporti wal Book value Proporti wal Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

on proporti on proporti

on on

Other accounts

receivable with


single amount

96,835,367.75 89.60% 74,301,602.55 76.73% 22,533,765.20 75,736,975.50 92.10% 75,412,295.90 99.57% 324,679.60

for which bad

debt provision



Other accounts


withdrawn bad

debt provision 9,795,389.70 9.06% 802,581.12 8.19% 8,992,808.58 6,499,053.39 7.90% 472,722.82 7.27% 6,026,330.57

according to

credit risks


Other accounts

receivable with


single amount

1,442,252.95 1.33% 1,110,692.95 77.01% 331,560.00

for which bad

debt provision



Total 108,073,010.40 100.00% 76,214,876.62 70.52% 31,858,133.78 82,236,028.89 100.00% 75,885,018.72 92.28% 6,351,010.17

Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately at end of period:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Other accounts receivable (unit) Closing balance


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Other accounts Withdrawal

Bad debt provision Withdrawal reason

receivable proportion

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co., Ltd. 22,533,765.20

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and Sales

74,301,602.55 74,301,602.55 100.00% Irrecoverable

Co. , Ltd.

Total 96,835,367.75 74,301,602.55 -- --

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Closing balance


Other accounts receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year 5,900,601.07 295,030.04 5.00%

1 to 2 years 3,453,427.62 345,342.76 10.00%

2 to 3 years 292,361.00 87,708.30 30.00%

3 to 4 years 149,000.00 74,500.00 50.00%

Total 9,795,389.69 802,581.10 8.19%


In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period

The withdrawal amount of the bad debt provision during the Report Period was of RMB329, 857.90; the amount

of the reversed or collected part during the Report Period was of RMB0.00.

(3) Other account receivable classified by account nature

Unit: RMB

Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance

Margin &cash pledge 907,058.00 878,058.00

Employee loan 3,626,656.01 3,033,956.98

Internal intercourse funds 98,277,620.71 75,736,975.50

Others 5,261,675.68 2,587,038.41

Total 108,073,010.40 82,236,028.89


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

(4) The top five other account receivable classified by debtor at period-end

Unit: RMB

Bad debt

Name of the entity Nature Closing balance Aging Proportion% provision

Closing balance

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing and

Intercourse funds 74,301,602.55 3-4years 68.75% 74,301,602.55

Sales Co. , Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing Machine Co.,

Intercourse funds 22,533,765.21 1-2years 20.85%


Liquidation amount of

Guangzhou Attend Logistics Co.,

long-term equity 2,587,038.41 1-2years 2.39% 258,703.84



Wuxi Little Swan Import & Export

Intercourse funds 1,110,692.95 1-2years 1.03% 1,110,692.95

Co. , Ltd.

Quality guarantee&

Wuxi Huarun Gas Co., Ltd. 725,800.00 Within 1 year 0.67% 125,020.00


Total -- 101,258,899.12 -- 93.69% 75,796,019.34

3. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB

Closing balance Opening balance

Item Depreciation Depreciation

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

reserves reserves

Investment to the

1,363,823,041.57 57,500,000.00 1,306,323,041.57 1,363,823,041.57 57,500,000.00 1,306,323,041.57


Total 1,363,823,041.57 57,500,000.00 1,306,323,041.57 1,363,823,041.57 57,500,000.00 1,306,323,041.57

(1) Investment to the subsidiary

Unit: RMB


Closing balance


Investee Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance of impairment

provision in the


Report Period

Wuxi Little Swan Import &

57,500,000.00 57,500,000.00 57,500,000.00

Export Co. , Ltd.

Jiangsu Little Swan Marketing 417,550,000.00 417,550,000.00


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

and Sales Co. , Ltd.

Wuxi Filin Electronics Co. , Ltd. 25,660,308.10 25,660,308.10

Wuxi Little Swan General

19,600,000.00 19,600,000.00

Electric Appliances Co. , Ltd.

San Jin(Jing Zhou) Electrical

11,869,431.12 11,869,431.12

Appliances Co. , Ltd.

Little Swan International

681,050.00 681,050.00

(Singapore) Co., Ltd.

Hefei Midea Washing Machine

830,962,252.35 830,962,252.35

Co., Ltd.

Total 1,363,823,041.57 1,363,823,041.57 57,500,000.00

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

Unit: RMB

Report Period Same period of last year


Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales

Main operations 5,650,983,937.54 4,194,962,471.12 4,228,136,811.27 3,176,678,635.30

Other operations 394,837,154.52 329,992,504.23 280,406,419.00 242,456,904.37

Total 6,045,821,092.06 4,524,954,975.35 4,508,543,230.27 3,419,135,539.67

5. Investment income

Unit: RMB

Item Report Period Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method -123,441.24

Investment income received from financial assets measured by fair

value and the changes be included in the current profits and losses 362,690.00

during holding period

Investment income received from disposal of available-for-sale

17,306,094.37 42,905,313.67

financial assets

Total 17,306,094.37 43,144,562.43

XVI. Supplementary materials

1. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

Unit: RMB

Item Amount Explanation


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets -121,746.30

Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions due to approval beyond


authority or the lack of official approval documents

Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above 1,742,326.88

Less: Income tax effects 3,151,274.65

Minority interests effects 4,474,663.48

Total 13,382,559.52 --

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory

Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Extraordinary Gains and

Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

Weighted average EPS (Yuan/share)

Profit as of Report Period

ROE (%) EPS-basic EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company 10.82% 0.92 0.92

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company after

10.57% 0.90 0.90

deduction of non-recurring profit and loss


2016 Semi-annual Report of Wuxi Little Swan Company Limited

Section IX. Documents Available For Reference

1. Text of the 2016 Semi-annual Report with the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

2. Accounting statements with signatures and seals of the legal representative, the chief financial officer and the

head of accounting.

3. Originals of all documents and announcements of the Company ever disclosed on Securities Times and Hong

Kong Ta Kung Pao in the Report Period.

Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd.

Legal Representative: Fang Hongbo

10 August 2016



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