
来源:深交所 2016-08-02 00:00:00

Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2016 Interim Report

Jul. 2016


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

I. Important Statement, Table of Contents and Definitions

The members of the Board and the Company guarantee that the interim

report is free from any false information, misleading statement or material

omission and are jointly and severally liable for the information’s truthfulness,

accuracy and integrity.

All the Directors have attended the meeting of the board meeting at which

this report was examined.

The Company will distribute no cash dividends or bonus shares and has no

reserve capitalization plan.

Mr. Xiong Jianming, the Chairman of Board, Mr. Lin Kebin, the Chief

Financial Officer, and Mr. Chen Yonggang, the manager of accounting

department declare: the Financial Report carried in this report is authentic and


Forward-looking statements involved in this report including future plans

do not make any material promise to investors. Investors should pay attention to

investment risks.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Table of Contents

I. Important Statement, Table of Contents and Definitions ......................................................................................................................2

II. Company Profile .................................................................................................................................................................................6

III Financial Highlight .............................................................................................................................................................................8

IV Board of Directors’ Report ............................................................................................................................................................... 11

V Significant Events ..............................................................................................................................................................................22

VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders .....................................................................................................................................28

VII Preferred Shares ..............................................................................................................................................................................33

VIII Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management ..........................................................................................34

IX Financial Statements .........................................................................................................................................................................35

X Documents for Reference ................................................................................................................................................................133


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report



Terms Description



Fangda Group, company, the Company China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.



Articles of Association Articles of Association of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.



Meeting of shareholders Meetings of shareholders of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.



Board of Directors Board of Directors of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.



Supervisory Committee Supervisory Committee of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.



Banglin Co. Shenzhen Banglin Technologies Development Co., Ltd.



Shilihe Co. Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd.



Shengjiu Co. Shengjiu Investment Ltd.



Fangda Jianke Shenzhen Fangda Jianke Group Co., Ltd.



Fangda Automatic Shenzhen Fangda Automation System Co., Ltd.



Fangda New Material Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd.



Fangda New Resource Shenzhen Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd.



Fang SOZN Guangdong Fangda SOZN Lighting Co., Ltd.



Shenyang Fangda Shenyang Fangda Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.



Shenzhen Woke Shenzhen Woke Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd.


Fangda Aluminium Refers Jiangxi Fangda New Type Aluminum Co., Ltd.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report



Dongguan Fangda New Material Dongguan Fangda New Material Co., Ltd.



Kexunda Co. Shenzhen Kexunda Software Co., Ltd.



Fangda Property Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd.



Chengdu Fangda Jianke Chengda Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd.



Shihui International Shihui International Holding Co., Ltd.



Shenyang Decoration Fangda Decoration Engineering (Shenyang) Co., Ltd.



CSRC China Securities Regulatory Commission



SZSE Shenzhen Stock Exchange



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

II. Company Profile

1. Company Profile

Stock ID Fangda Group, Fangda B Stock code 000055、200055

Modified stock ID (if any) None

Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

English name (if any) Fangda Group

English name (if any) CHINA FANGDA GROUP CO., LTD.

English abbreviation (if any) CFGC

Legal representative Xiong Jianming

2. Contacts and liaisons

Secretary of the Board Representative of Stock Affairs

Name Zhou Zhigang Guo Linchen

20F, Fangda Building, Kejinan 12th 20F, Fangda Building, Kejinan 12th


Avenue, Hi-Tech Zone, Shenzhen Avenue, Hi-Tech Zone, Shenzhen

Tel. 86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622 86(755) 26788571 ext. 6622

Fax 86(755)26788353 86(755)26788353

Email zqb@fangda.com zqb@fangda.com

3. Other Information

1. Liaison

Changes to the Company’s registration address, office address, post code, website or email during the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Company’s registration address, office address, post code, website or email have not changed during the report period. See Annual

Report 2015 for details.

2. Information disclosure and inquiring

Changes to the information disclosure and inquiring place

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Please refer to the 2015 annual report for the newspapers and websites where the Company’s information is disclosed. The inquiry

address of the interim report has remained unchanged during the report period.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

3. Registration changes

Whether the registration has changed during the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Please refer to 2015 annual report for the Company’s registration date and address, business license No., tax registration No. and

organization registration code, which have remained unchanged during the report period.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

III Financial Highlight

1. Financial Highlight

The Company retroactively adjusts or restates financial statistics of the previous years because of changes in account policies and

correction of accounting errors.

□ Yes √ No

This report period Same period last year Year-on-year change (%)

Turnover (yuan) 1,009,456,049.75 1,150,115,523.53 -12.23%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87 3.58%

the listed company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the shareholders

of the listed company and after deducting 44,265,089.57 35,487,052.40 24.74%

of non-recurring gain/loss (RMB)

Net cash flow generated by business

298,469,343.92 -274,712,071.19

operation (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.07 0.07 0.00%

Diluted Earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.07 0.07 0.00%

Weighted average net income/asset ratio 3.99% 4.07% -0.08%

End of the report period End of last year Year-on-year change

Total asset (RMB) 5,197,762,204.44 4,464,147,811.40 16.43%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders

1,298,007,705.19 1,319,496,334.84 -1.63%

of the listed company (RMB)

2. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the international and

Chinese account standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the

listed company listed company

This period Last period Closing amount Opening amount

On Chinese accounting

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87 1,298,007,705.19 1,319,496,334.84


Items and amounts adjusted according International Accounting Standards


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

On international accounting

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87 1,302,771,103.43 1,324,259,733.08


2. Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the overseas and

Chinese account standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

There is no difference in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the international and Chinese account

standards during the report period.

3. Explanation of the differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Net assets attributable to the listed company’s shareholders calculated according to the IAS is RMB4,763,398.24 higher than

that calculated according to the domestic accounting standards, mainly attributable to the capitalization of borrow expenses before

the domestic Enterprise Accounting Standard was implemented on January 1, 2007.

3. Accidental gain/loss item and amount

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Items Amount Notes

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the write-off part


for which assets impairment provision is made)

Subsidies accounted into the current income account (except the

government subsidy closely related to the enterprise’s business 1,545,204.08

and based on unified national standard quota)

Gain from entrusted investment or assets management 109,920.54

Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional financial

asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of

transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial -413,383.46

assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the

Company’s common businesses

Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property


measured at fair value in follow-up measurement

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above 2,703,089.56

Less: Influenced amount of income tax 3,297,963.39

Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity




Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Total 8,891,315.79 --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental

gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement of

Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No circumstance that should be defined as recurrent profit and loss according to Explanation Announcement of Information

Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss occurs in the report period.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

IV Board of Directors’ Report

1. Summary

In 2016 H1, the Chinese economic growth continued slowing, while the recovery of the global economy remained weak.

Despite the adverse external economic condition, the Company has managed to realize the H1 operation target. During the report

period, despite the large number of remaining orders, the Company recorded operating revenue of RMB1,009,456,000, down 12.23%

year on year due to the weather. The net profit attributable to owners of the parent company is RMB531,564,000, up 3.58% year on

year. The net profit after deducting accidental gain/loss is RMB44,65,100, up 24.74% year on year. The earnings from main business

reached RMB298,469,300. The profit from main businesses has continued increasing in the report period. By the end of the report

period, the Company had secured orders worth RMB3,356,124,700, which 332.47% of the operating revenue in H1 2016, paving the

way for the Company to complete the whole year’s sales target.

1. Curtain wall system and material business continues growing

The Company has continued pursuing for better quality and performance and has developed a series of world-class projects. The

Company's curtain wall systems and materials have won wide recognition among customers, become one of the most popular

energy-saving high-end curtain wall system and material brands in China. In H1, the Company continues to win a larger market share

by providing customized products and focuses on the South China region with Shenzhen as the core city and customers with high

quality and creditability. In the report period, the Company has won a series of energy-saving high-end curtain wall and aluminium

plate supply contracts including the Beijing Vanke Tongzhou Taihu, Shanghai Vanke Jade Bingjiang, Wuxi Wanda Mall Phase II,

Chengdu Lingdi Center Phase II, Lanzhou International Trade Center Phase II and Shenzhen Kexing Tech Park Zone D. During the

report period, the reserve of curtain wall system and material orders reaches RMB2.193 billion, paving the way for the long-term

growth of the Company. The Company proactively organizes design, purchase, production and engineering to transfer orders of

high-end curtain wall systems and materials into operation revenue, thus lowering the impacts of the adverse weather condition in H1.

During the report period, the Company has completed projects including Nanchang Wanda Mall Business Center, Shenzhen Wenbo

Building, Nanjing Jinrun Plaza, Chengdu Yintai Alibaba, Shenzhen Zhonghai Modern Art Gallery and City Planning Exhibition Hall.

Nanchang Wanda Mall Business Center is featured by the blue and white porcelain style and great engineering difficulties. The

project shows the Company's outstanding curtain wall design and engineering expertise.

2. Gold opportunities for the rail transport equipment industry

In H1, thanks to the one-belt-one-road policy and Made in China 2025 Plan, the Company has grasped a leading position in the

domestic subway screen door market and has started to compete with global leaders in overseas markets. In the report period, the

Company has won a series of screen door and safety door projects including the MTR SCL Phase II screen door and East Rail Line

safety door project (including maintenance), Indian Noida subway, and Malaysia Kuala Lumpur subway line No.2 and Wuhan

subway line No.7 phase I. The MTR subway screen door order is the global largest subway screen door order in terms of the order

amount. The Company has made a great leap in the overseas market. In the future, the Company will accelerate the overseas market

development. The screen door business enjoys a rosy development outlook in the overseas market. In H1, the operation revenue from

the screen door business reaches RMB164,147,600, up 69.28% year on year. The Company has won bids worth RMB668 million.

The order reverse totals RMB1.16 billion by the end of H1, which is 708% of the operation revenue from the screen door business in

2016 H1.

In the report period, the Shenzhen subway line No.11, Dongguan subway line No.2 and Fuzhou subway line No.1 were put into

operation with outstanding operation record. The screen door systems used on these projects have won high recognition and

safeguard citizens and passengers.

Currently, more and more urban railway transportation projects have been implemented. The railway transport equipment


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

industry will enjoy explosive growth. The Company, as the industry leader in terms of the screen door technology, brand, services

and market share, will benefit from the strong growth of the industry. Over recent years, the percentage of operation revenue of the

railway transportation business has continued increasing in the Company. Moreover, the Company has proactively started to provide

the subway maintenance services. Currently, the business has taken a shape and will become a new income source of the Company.

As more subway lines enter the maintenance period, the sector has a bright growth outlook. In addition, the Company has put great

efforts to develop the railway transport advertising and intelligent systems to extend the railway transport equipment industry chain,

explore more profit sources and share the benefit of the development of the sector.

3. Issuance approved to push forward the development of the new energy industry

During the report period, the Company continues developing the PV industry as scheduled. The Jiangxi Pingxiang Luxi

Xuanfeng 20MWp distributed PV power plant and Nanchang Jiangxi Isuzu Automobile parking lot roof 6.3MWp distributed PV

power generation project have been connected to the power grid and start power generation. The fund raised by from the Company's

non-public share issuance will be used to fund the PV power plants projects with a total capacity of 39.3MWp and replenish the

Company's working capital. The Company received the approval from the CSRC on June 12. On August 1, the new shares will

become listed. The total fund raised is RMB469,899,992.60. The issuance will further boost the development of the solar power PV

business, bring stable income and profit for the Company, and improve the Company's profitability and competitiveness.

4. Fangda Town renovation project construction and sales

The construction area of the Fangda Town renovation project is about 330,000 m2, with four office buildings, a four-floor

commercial podium and four floors underground. According to the development plan, 100,000m2 will be sold and another 100,000m2

will be leased. The Fangda Town were put into sales in January 2016. The sales amount is RMB1.59 billion. The project will be

completed by the end of 2016 and delivered in 2016 and 2017. The project will substantially increase the Company’s assets, bring

stable cash flow and lease income for the Company, supporting the Company’s future demand for capital.

5. Others

In the report period, the Company won three awards including the Dual-Outstanding Enterprise, and Quality Improvement and

Harmonious Employment Relationship. The railways transport station screen door system is elected as the National Torch Program

Industry Pilot Project. Jiangxi New Material Company is elected as the Jiangxi Quality AAA Rating Enterprise and Nanchang

Hi-Tech Zone Outstanding Enterprise.

2. Main business analysis

Year-on-year changes in major financial data


This report period Same period last year YOY change (% ) Cause of change

Turnover 1,009,456,049.75 1,150,115,523.53 -12.23%

Operation cost 831,307,619.61 940,487,258.35 -11.61%

Mainly due to decrease

Sales expense 25,417,302.84 41,009,137.46 -38.02% in the advertising


Administrative expense 73,800,752.02 75,547,311.64 -2.31%

Mainly due to decrease

Financial expenses 17,587,854.56 25,609,734.67 -31.32%

in interest expense

Mainly due to the

Income tax expenses 8,901,695.41 16,168,196.04 -44.94%

different income tax rates


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

applied to subsidiries

R&D investment 44,158,340.87 39,856,514.35 10.79%

Mainly to the pre-sales

Cash flow generated by

298,469,343.92 -274,712,071.19 -208.16% increase of the Fangda

business operations, net


Cash flow generated by Mainly due to purchase

-117,405,175.95 148,325,056.01 -179.15%

investment activities, net financial products

Mainly due to repayment

Net cash flow generated of bank borrowings and

-61,649,037.60 236,132,790.12 -126.11%

by financing activities dividend distributed to


Net increase in cash and

119,824,986.63 109,732,694.75 9.20%

cash equivalents

Major changes in profit composition or sources during the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The profit composition or sources of the Company have remained largely unchanged during the report period.

Delay of future development and plan disclosed in the Company’s IPO prospectus, fund raising prospectus and capital reorganization

report into this report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No future development and plan disclosed in the Company’s IPO prospectus, fund raising prospectus and capital reorganization

report is delayed into this report period.

Implementation of business plans disclosed in previous periods in this period

During the report period, despite the large number of remaining orders, the Company recorded operating revenue of

RMB1,009,456,000, down 12.23% year on year due to the weather. The net profit attributable to owners of the parent company is

RMB531,564,100, up 3.58% year on year. The net profit after deducting accidental gain/loss is RMB44,65,100, up 24.74% year on

year. The earnings from main business continue growing rapidly. By the end of the report period, the Company had secured orders

worth RMB,3356,124,700, which 332% of the operating revenue in H1 2016, paving the way for the Company to complete the

whole year’s sales target.

In H1, due to the adverse weather condition, the operating revenue from the curtain wall system and material business is

RMB813 million, down 11.90% year on year. The order reserve is RMB2.193 billion, which is 270% of the operating revenue in H1

2016, underpinning the development of the curtain wall system and material business in the whole year. The screen door business

continues growing rapidly. In the period, the Company has won bids worth RMB668 million. By the end of the H1 2016, the order

reserve reaches RMB1.16 billion, which is 708% of the income from the business in H1 2016. During the report period, the operating

revenue of the business reaches RMB164,147,600, up 69.28% year on year. The Company continues developing the PV industry as

scheduled. The Jiangxi Pingxiang Luxi Xuanfeng 20MWp distributed PV power plant and Nanchang Jiangxi Isuzu Automobile

parking lot roof 6.3MWp distributed PV power generation project have been connected to the power grid and start power generation.

The non-public share issuance has been approved in writing by CSRC on June 12. A total of 32,184,931 new shares will be listed on

August 1, 2016 to raise RMB469,899,992.60. The Fangda Town were put into sales in January 2016. The sales amount is RMB1.59

billion. The project will be completed by the end of 2016 and delivered in 2016 and 2017.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

3. Business composition


Year-on-year Year-on-year Year-on-year

Turnover Operation cost Gross margin change in change in change in gross

operating revenue operating costs margin


Metal production 812,907,799.80 678,546,934.35 16.53% -11.90% -11.22% -0.64%

Railroad industry 164,147,627.33 129,473,720.68 21.12% 69.28% 75.52% -2.80%


Curtain wall

system and 812,907,799.80 678,546,934.35 16.53% -11.90% -11.22% -0.64%


Metro screen

164,147,627.33 129,473,720.68 21.12% 69.28% 75.52% -2.80%



Domestic 964,838,386.59 804,906,937.31 16.58% -13.31% -12.69% -0.59%

4 Core Competitiveness Analysis

(1) Curtain wall system and material

1. Expertise and brand competitiveness

In response to the national call for energy saving and emission reduction, the Company has aggressively develop solar electric

and optimal and energy-saving low-carbon curtain walls, developing a series of domestic and global leading solar and energy-saving

curtain wall products. The Company owns 395 curtain wall and material patents (including 30 invention patents) and one software

copyright, ranking top among domestic peers. It has achieved many firsts in the industry and created incomparable brand equity,

making it an optimal choice in the domestic high-end curtain wall and material market. FANGDA is a nationwide well-known

trademark in China.

2. Focusing on the high-end market to edge out competitors

Amid the fierce market competition, the Company has focused on the high-end energy-saving curtain wall market and technical

integration to improve high-end project quality. Moreover, it has focused resources on high-end curtain wall engineering and won

several Luban awards, Zhan Tianyou Civil Engineering awards and Classic Construction for the 50 th Anniversary of the Foundation

of the People’s Republic of China, High-Quality Construction, White Magnolia Prize and Customer Satisfactory Engineering and the

title of “Top 10 Competitive Chinese Curtain Wall Provider”. The Company has build a leading brand and created a clear edge in the

high-end curtain wall market.

3. Well-developed industry base landscape

Thanks to continued investment in facilities, the Company has established a national business landscape with Shenzhen as the

headquarters, Dongguan Songshanhu as the base in the south, Beijing in the north, Chengdu in the southwest and Shanghai and

Nanchang in the east. The Dongguan Songshanhu and Nanchang bases are the largest and most advanced curtain wall system and

material production bases in China and across the world, fueling the Company to increase its market share and competitiveness.

4. General solutions

The Company has integrated the design, production, management and engineering of curtain wall systems to enjoy


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

technological, cost, quality and service advantages.

(2) Rail transport equipment business

1. National development strategy

In 2015, the rail transport equipment is listed in the Made in China 2025 plan as a key industry. The 13 th Five-Year Plan

specifies that the rail construction will be reinforced to promote the advanced railway equipment manufacturing industry. The

One-Belt-One-Road strategy has become a national development strategy. The National Reform and Development Committee

indicated that 50 cities will have rail transport in 2020 with a total mileage of 6,000 km. The industry enjoys a rosy outlook under the


2. Technical advantage

Through continued independent innovation, the Company has developed the global leading metro screen door system with full

intellectual property right and broken the monopoly of overseas competitors. The Company has also compiled the Rail Transport

Station Screen Door Standard, which is the first of its kind in China. The standard was approved in April 2006 and was implemented

on March 1, 2007. As the first standard in the industry in China, the standard has played a key role in guiding the development of

China’s rail transport screen door industry and enabled the Company a dominant lead in the industry. Currently, the Company has

226 metro screen door patents, including 47 invention patents. The Company also has eight computer software copyrights.

3. Brand equity

So far, the Company has undertaken railway screen door projects in most domestic cities, Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore.

The Fangda screen door system has grasped a leading market share and established incomparable brand influence thanks to its

patents, standard and maintenance services. The Company has emerged as the Chinese No.1 and global No.3 screen door provider,

building a large competitive edge in the global market.

(3) New energy industry

The new energy business mainly comprises solar power PV application, PV construction and LED industry.

1. Technical advantage

With more than ten years’ experience in developing solar energy PV power generating curtain wall technology, the Company is

the earliest company that masters the intelligent property right in the designing, production and integration of solar energy PV curtain

wall systems and is a pioneer in the application of PV curtain wall technology. The Company built the first solar energy PV

integrated building curtain wall system in China – Shenzhen Fangda Building photoelectric curtain wall system.

2. Relation with other industries

Distributed solar power PV power generation is closely related to the Company’s existing businesses. Most distributed solar

power PV systems are closely related to construction. Moreover, the Company has more than 10 years' experience in electrical

product integration. The Company also has more than 20 years’ experience in construction management and has the level-1

construction curtain wall engineering qualification and electrical installation engineering qualification.

(4) Real Estate

The Fangda Town renovation project is well-positioned and enjoys express transport, unique landscape resoures, preferential

policies and moderate competition in the district. The project will buoy the Company’s net assets and total assets, bring strong cash

flows for the Company, provide capital support for the development of businesses, and gain experience in the real-estate

development industry.

VI. Investment

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

The Company made no external investment in the report period.

(2) Financial enterprise share held

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company held no stake in financial companies in the report period.

(3) Securities investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable



of shares

of shares Closing

Initial held at Opening Closing

Abbreviat held at book Gain/loss Accounti

Securities Code investmen beginning sharehold sharehold Source

ion end of the value (RMB) ng item

t cost of the ing ing

period (RMB)




Sino Oil Transacti

and Gas 16,263,67 82,680,00 82,680,00 14,132,82 -413,383. onal

Stock 00702 0.33% 0.21% Purchase

Holdings 5.00 0 0 3.12 46 financial

Ltd assets

16,263,67 82,680,00 82,680,00 14,132,82 -413,383.

Total -- -- -- --

5.00 0 0 3.12 46

Disclosure date of approval by

the Board of Directors of 11.03.14

securities investment

Disclosure date of securities

investment approval by the

Shareholders’ Meeting (if any)

(4) Notes to shareholding in other listed companies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company holds no stock of other list companies in the report period.

2. Trust wealth management, investment in derivatives and entrustment loan

(1) Wealth management

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

In RMB10,000

Trustee Relations Related Type of Amount Start date End date Earning Principal Impairme Estimate Actual


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

hip transactio product recognitio recovered nt return gain/loss

n n method actually provision in the

(if any) report


Bank of Non-affili Earning-p Annual

No 2,500 05.02.16 15.02.16 2,500 1.37 1.37

China ated party rotected yield 2%

Bank of Non-affili Earning-p Annual

No 600 06.02.16 15.02.16 600 0.3 0.3

China ated party rotected yield 2%


Bank of Non-affili Earning-p

No 400 06.02.16 15.02.16 yield 400 0.21 0.21

China ated party rotected




Bank of Non-affili and

No 4,000 02.02.16 15.02.16 yield 4,000 3.42 3.42

China ated party interest





Bank of Non-affili and

No 5,000 22.03.16 06.04.16 yield 5,000 5.16 5.16

China ated party interest





Bank of Non-affili and

No 8,800 31.05.16 05.07.16 yield 22.78 0

China ated party interest




Bank of Non-affili and Annual

No 1,100 06.02.16 15.02.16 1,100 0.54 0.54

China ated party interest yield 2%


Total 22,400 -- -- -- 13,600 33.78 11

Source of fund Self-owned fund

Principal and return due but not covered 0

Lawsuit (if any) None

Disclosure date of approval announcement


(if any)

Disclosure date of Shareholders' Meeting

approval announcement (if any)

(2) Derivative investment

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

In RMB10,000


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


on of



Derivati Impairm ent Actual

Initial Amount Closing

ve Related Amount ent amount gain/los

Relation Initial Start End investm sold in investm

investm transacti Type in this provisio in the s in the

ship amount date date ent this ent

ent on period n (if closing report

amount period amount

operator any) net period

assets in





i Shanghai

5,297.0 01.01.1 15.12.1 5,297.0 3,098.0 2,199.0

Futures None No aluminu 0 1.69% 279.98

96 6 9 3 6

Exchan m


5,297.0 5,297.0 3,098.0 2,199.0

Total -- -- 0 1.69% 279.98

9 9 3 6

Capital source Self-owned fund

Lawsuit (if any) None

Disclosure date of derivative

investment approval by the Board of

Directors (if any)

Disclosure date of derivative

investment approval by the

Shareholders’ Meeting (if any)

Risk analysis and control measures

To prevent the risk of fluctuation of raw material prices, the Company adopted the aluminum

for the derivative holding in the

futures exchanged at the domestic futures exchange to provide hedging for aluminum as a

report period (including without

raw material for the Company. The Company has set up and implemented the Provicial

limitation market, liquidity, credit,

Regulations on China Fangda Group Domestic Futures Hedging to prevent risks.

operaton and legal risks)

Changes in the market price or fair

value of the derivative in the report

period, the analysis of the

Fair value of derivatives are measured at open prices in the futures market

derivative’s fair value should disclose

the method used and related

assumptions and parameters.

Material changes in the accounting


policies and rules related to the


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

derivative in the report period

compared to last period

Oppinions of independent directors

on the Company’s derivative None

investment and risk controlling

(3) Trusted loans

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company borrowed no trust loan in the report period.

3. Use of raised capital

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company used no raised capital in the report period.

4. Analysis of major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies



Registered Operation

Company Type Industry products or Total assets Net assets Turnover Net profit

capital profit



Fangda Curtain 500,000,00 2,719,343,9 772,966,31 729,638,33 49,230,43 40,210,496.6

Subsidiary n and decor

Jianke wall system 0 79.72 6.65 5.87 3.68 5


Fangda Railroad Metro 105,000,00 533,839,45 238,486,04 165,186,77 16,417,63 14,199,971.9


Automatic industry screen door 0 9.70 9.13 7.29 9.47 6

5. Major projects of non-raised capital

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no major project financed not by raised capital in the report period.

VI. Forecast of operating performance between January and September in 2016

Warning and reasons of possible net loss or substantial change from the last period between the beginning of the year and the end of

the next report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

VII. Statement of the Board on the “non-standard auditors’ report issued by the CPA on the

current report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Statement of the Board of Directors on the Non-standard Auditor’s Report for H1 2014

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Implementation of Profit Distribution of the Company in the Report Period

Profit distribution plans implemented during the report period, especially cash dividend and reserve capitalization plans

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

The 2015 Profit Distribution Proposal was approved on the 20th meeting of the 7th Board of Director held on April 22, 2016 and

will be confirmed after being reviewed at the 2015 General Shareholders' Meeting held on May 17, 5, 2016. A cash dividend of

RMB1.00 (tax inclusive) will be paid on each ten shares to all shareholders on the basis of 756,909,905 shares with a total amount of

RMB75,690,990.50. The planning, review and implementation procedure of the profit distribution complies with related laws and

regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association. The profit distribution plan was implemented on May 31, 2016 (see the

Announcement on Implementation of the 2014 Equity Distribution Plan 2016-25).

Explanation of Cash Dividend Distribution Policies

Comply with the Articles of Association or resolution made at


the General Shareholders' Meeting

Clear and definite distribution standard and proportion Yes

Decision-making procedure and mechanism Yes

Independent directors fulfill their duties Yes

Middle and small shareholders express their opinions and claims.


There rights are well protected.

Cash dividend distribution policies are adjusted or revised


according to law

X. Profit Distribution and Reserve Capitalization Plan in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company distributed no cash dividends or bonus shares and has no reserve capitalization plan.

XI. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Main content involved and

Time/date Place Way Visitor Visitor

materials provided


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Onsite Securities, Harvest Business and future

12.01.16 Shenzhen Institution

investigation Fund, UBS SDIC development

and Chang'an Trust

Onsite Guotai Junan Business and future

07.03.16 Shenzhen Institution

investigation Securities development

Onsite Business and future

11.03.16 Shenzhen Institution GF Securities

investigation development

GS Fund, Guotai

Asset Management,

First Seafront

Fund, SZ Capital,

ZX Asset

Management, Great

Onsite Business and future

16.03.16 Shenzhen Institution Wall Fund,

investigation development

Shenzhen Jishi

Capital, Qianhai

Shangzheng Fund,

Ping An Leasing

and Winfast


GS Fund, Guosen

Onsite Securities and Business and future

13.05.16 Shenzhen Institution

investigation China Merchants development


Huatai Securities,

Pacific Securities,

Onsite Business and future

24.05.16 Shenzhen Institution StarRock

investigation development

Investment and

Eminet Capital


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

V Significant Events

I. Corporate Governance

The corporate governance complies with the Company Law and related requirements of CSRC.

II. Lawsuit

Significant lawsuit and arbitration

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no significant lawsuit or arbitration affair in the report period.

Other lawsuit

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Media questioning

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no significant affair that arouses media questioning.

IV. Bankruptcy and capital reorganizing

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no bankruptcy or reorganization events in the report period.

V. Assets trade

1. Assets acquisition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company required no assets in the report period.

2. Assets acquisition

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company sold no assets in the report period.

3. Enterprise merger

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company merged no company in the report period.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

VI. Implementation and influences of share equity incentive program

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made or implemented no option incentive scheme in the report period.

VII. Material related transactions

1. Related transactions related to routine operation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made no related transaction related to daily operating in the report period.

2. Related transactions related to assets transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made no related transaction of assets requisition and sales in the report period.

3. Related transactions related to joint external investment

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made no related transaction of joint external investment in the report period.

4. Related credits and debts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company had no related debt in the report period.

5. Other related transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no other significant related transaction in the report period.

VIII. Non-operating capital use by the controlling shareholder or related parties in the

reporting term

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The controlling shareholder and its affiliates occupied no capital for non-operating purpose of the Company during the report period.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

IX. Significant contracts and performance

1. Asset entrusting, leasing, contracting

(1) Asset entrusting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made no custody in the report period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made no contract in the report period

(3) Leasing

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


The investment real estate is used as external leasing. The rental income in the report period is RMB12,367,600.

Projects that create gains accounting for over 10% of the Company’s total profit in the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company leased no projects that create gains accounting for over 10% of the Company’s total profit in the report period.

2. Guarantee

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

In RMB10,000

External guarantees made by the Company (exclude those made for subsidiaries)

Actual date of

Guarantee Date of Guarantee occurring Actual amount Type of Complete Related


provided to disclosure amount (signing date of of guarantee guarantee d or not party


Guarantee between the Company and its subsidiaries

Actual date of

Guarantee Date of Guarantee occurring Actual amount Type of Complete Related


provided to disclosure amount (signing date of of guarantee guarantee d or not party


since engage

of contract to

Fangda Jianke 27.03.15 71,000 19.06.15 20,386.76 Joint liability No No

2 years upon

due of debt

Fangda Jianke 27.03.15 26,000 10.10.15 19,729.1 Joint liability since engage No No


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

of contract to

2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

of contract to

Fangda Jianke 27.03.15 40,000 17.09.15 32,627.56 Joint liability No No

2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

of contract to

Fangda Jianke 01.07.15 20,000 22.07.15 15,000 Joint liability No No

2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

of contract to

Fangda Jianke 27.03.15 15,000 30.12.15 24,796.66 Joint liability No No

2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

of contract to

Fangda Automatic 27.03.15 20,000 24.09.15 14,476.69 Joint liability No No

2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

of contract to

Fangda Automatic 27.03.15 5,000 21.10.15 2,830.12 Joint liability No

2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

Fangda New of contract to

27.03.15 6,200 27.09.15 3,170.36 Joint liability No No

Material 2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

Fangda New of contract to

26.04.16 8,000 19.05.16 524.6 Joint liability No No

Material 2 years upon

due of debt

since engage

of contract to

Fangda Property 23.03.13 130,000 03.02.15 48,652.41 Joint liability No No

2 years upon

due of debt

Total of guarantee to Total of guarantee to

subsidiaries approved in the 333,000 subsidiaries actually occurred 134,698.79

report term (B1) in the report term (B2)

Total of guarantee to Total of balance of guarantee

subsidiaries approved as of the 595,200 actually provided to the 182,194.26

report term (B3) subsidiaries as of end of report


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

term (B4)

Guarantee provided to subsidiaries

Actual date of

Guarantee Date of Guarantee occurring Actual amount Type of Complete Related


provided to disclosure amount (signing date of of guarantee guarantee d or not party


Total of guarantee provided by the Company (total of the above three)

Total of guarantee approved in Total of guarantee occurred in

333,000 134,698.79

the report term (A1+B1+C1) the report term (A2+B2+C2)

Total of guarantee approved as Total of guarantee occurred as

of end of report term 595,200 of the end of report term 182,194.26

(A3+B3+C3) (A4+B4+C4)

Percentage of the total guarantee occurred (A4+B4+C4) on net


asset of the Company


(1) Incompliant external guarantee

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company made no incompliant external guarantee in the report period.

3. Other significant contract

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company entered into no other significant contract in the report.

4. Other related transactions

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company entered into no other significant contract in the report period.

X. Commitments of shareholders with over 5% of shares made in the report term or carried

over from previous terms

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company and shareholders with more than 5% stakes in the Company made no guarantee in the report period or before report

period but remaining effective in the report period.

XI. Engaging and dismissing of CPA

Whether the interim financial report is audited

□ Yes √ No


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

The interim report for H1 2015 has not been audited.

XII. Punishment and rectification

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company received no penalty and made no correction in the report period.

XIII. Delisting due to law violation

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company has no risks of delisting due to violating laws in the report period.

XIV. Other material events

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

The Company implements non-public A-share issuance to raise fund for three PV power plant projects with a total capacity of

39.3MWp and for working capital. The issuance was approved by CSRC on June 12, 2016. After the issuance, 32,184,931 new

shares will be listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 1, 2016. The issuance will raise a total 469,899,992.60. After the

issuance expense of 10,030,772.72 is deducted, the net raised amount is 459,869,219.88.

XV. Corporate bonds

Bonds publicly issued and listed in a securities exchange, immature or not fully paid by the approval date of the annual report



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

1. Changes in shares

In share

Before the change Change (+,-) After the change

Issued Transferre

Bonus Proportio

Amount Proportion new d from Others Subtotal Amount

shares n

shares reserves

I. Shares with trade

972,042 0.13% 972,042 0.13%

restriction conditions

3. Other domestic shares 972,042 0.13% 972,042 0.13%

Domestic natural

972,042 0.13% 972,042 0.13%

person shares

II. Shares without trading 755,937,8 755,937,8

99.87% 99.87%

limited conditions 63 63

419,986,6 419,986,6

1. Common shares in RMB 55.49% 55.49%

75 75

2. Foreign shares in 335,951,1 335,951,1

44.38% 44.38%

domestic market 88 88

756,909,9 756,909,9

III. Total of capital shares 100.00% 100.00%

05 05


□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Approval of the change

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Share transfer

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Impacts on financial indicators including basic and diluted earnings per share, net assets per share attributable to common

shareholders of the company in the most recent year and period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Others that need to be disclosed as required by the securities supervisor

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Statement of changes in share number and shareholder structure, assets and liabilities structure

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

2. Shareholders and shareholding

In share

Number of shareholders of

Number of shareholders of

preferred stocks of which voting

common shares at the end of 33,234 0

rights recovered in the report

the report period

period (if any) (note 8)

Shareholders holding 5% of the Company's common shares or top-10 shareholders

Number Pledging or freezing


common Change in Condition Unconditio


Nature of shares the al nal

Shareholder g

shareholder held at the reporting common common Share status Amount


end of the period shares shares





Domestic non-state 68,774,27

Technologies 9.09% 0 68,774,273 Pledged 25,090,000

legal person 3


Co., Ltd.

Shengjiu Foreign legal 49,256,03

6.51% 1,394,300 49,256,030

Investment Ltd. person 0



Foreign legal 35,133,34

SECURITIES( 4.64% 1,498,456 35,133,346

person 6



Domestic natural 27,069,14

Huang Jupei 3.58% 16,389,347 27,069,147

person 7


Shilihe Domestic non-state 17,860,99

2.36% 0 17,860,992

Investment Co., legal person 2


Domestic natural 16,213,50

Zhou Shijian 2.14% 0 16,213,500

person 0

Huabao Trust

Co., Ltd. –


Tiangao Capital Others 1.77% -4,384,311 13,398,471


No.1 Trust



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

National Social


Security Fund - Others 1.63% New 12,341,452


Yi Liu Portfolio

China Life

Insurance –

Dividend –


Personal Others 1.48% New 11,200,467


Dividend –





Foreign legal 10,221,92

Securities 1.35% 1,688,742 10,221,928

person 8

(Hong Kong)

Co., Ltd.

A strategic investor or ordinary

legal person becomes the Top10


common share shareholder due a

stock issue

Among the shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu

Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology

Notes to top ten shareholder

Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The

relationship or "action in concert"

Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related parties among the other holders

of current shares.

Top 10 shareholders of unconditional common shares

Category of shares

Shareholder Amount of common shares without sales restriction Category of



Shenzhen Banglin Technologies RMB common

68,774,273 68,774,273

Development Co., Ltd. shares

Foreign shares

Shengjiu Investment Ltd. 49,256,030 listed in domestic 49,256,030


GUOTAI JUNAN Foreign shares

SECURITIES(HONGKONG) 35,133,346 listed in domestic 35,133,346

LIMITED exchanges

RMB common

Huang Jupei 27,069,147 27,069,147


Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., RMB common

17,860,992 17,860,992

Ltd. shares


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

RMB common

Zhou Shijian 16,213,500 16,213,500


Huabao Trust Co., Ltd. – Tiangao RMB common

13,398,471 13,398,471

Capital No.1 Trust Program shares

National Social Security Fund - Yi RMB common

12,341,452 12,341,452

Liu Portfolio shares

China Life Insurance – Dividend –

RMB common

Personal Dividend – 005L-FH002 11,200,467 11,200,467



Foreign shares

Shenwan Hongyuan Securities

10,221,928 listed in domestic 10,221,928

(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.


No action-in-concert or related

parties among the top10 Among the shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu

unconditional common share Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology

shareholders and between the top10 Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The

unconditional common share Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related parties among the other holders

shareholders and the top10 common of current shares.

share shareholders

Zhou Shijian holds 16,213,500 shares of the Company through the client credit trade

Top-10 common share shareholders

securities account of GF Securities; Huang Jupei holds 27,068,147 shares of the Company

participating in margin trade (if any)

through the client credit trade securities account of GF Securities;

Agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10 shareholders of unconditional common

shares in the report period

□ Yes √ No

No agreed re-purchasing by the Company’s top 10 shareholders of common shares and top 10 shareholders of unconditional common

shares in the report period

3. Changes in controlling shareholder or actual controller

Changes in the controlling shareholder in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No change in the controlling shareholder in the report period

Change in the actual controller in the report period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

No change in the actual shareholder in the report period

4. Statement on share increasing proposal raised by the shareholders or their

action-in-concert parties in the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Disclosure date of

Name of

Proportion of Actual proportion Initial disclosure the share increase

shareholder/ Number of shares Actual number of

shares to be of shares date of the share plan

action-in-concer to be increased shares increased

increased increased increase plan implementation

t parties



1,394,300 0.18%

Investment Ltd.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company had no preferred share in the report period.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

VIII Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors, and Senior


1. Changes in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

The Company’s Directors, supervisors and senior management shareholding has remained unchanged during the report period. For

details, please refer to the 2015 annual report.

2. Changes in the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Name Job Type Date Reason


Huang Yaying Resigned 16.02.16 Huang Yaying has resigned due to person reasons



Deng Lei Engaged 16.02.16



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

IX Financial Statements

1. Auditor‘s report

Whether the interim report is audited

□ Yes √ No

The financial statements for H1 2014 have not been audited.

2. Financial statements

Unit for statements in notes to financial statements: RMB yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.



Items Closing balance Opening balance

Current asset:

Monetary capital 493,964,032.83 400,953,337.32

Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

Financial assets measured at fair

value with variations accounted into 14,132,823.12 14,546,206.58

current income account

Derivative financial assets 1,230,425.00

Notes receivable 47,343,893.07 97,247,660.56

Account receivable 1,551,238,398.45 1,405,718,134.89

Prepayment 56,531,691.04 30,057,063.90

Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance

contracts receivable

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other receivables 65,363,959.30 53,095,948.46


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Repurchasing of financial assets

Inventory 1,617,759,559.46 1,346,591,303.53

Assets held for sales

Non-current assets due in 1 year

Other current assets 141,047,232.11 11,395,718.05

Total current assets 3,988,612,014.38 3,359,605,373.29

Non-current assets:

Loan and advancement provided

Sellable financial assets

Investment held until mature

Long-term receivable

Long-term share equity investment 13,089,903.05 10,489,680.93

Investment real estate 346,392,822.12 335,328,805.74

Fixed assets 569,067,513.53 462,648,998.51

Construction in process 3,750,749.87 15,134,390.90

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets 1,153.28 5,326.79

Productive biological assets 0.00

Gas & petrol 0.00

Intangible assets 93,275,946.13 95,062,982.48

R&D expense 0.00

Goodwill 19,826,696.97 19,826,696.97

Long-term amortizable expenses 6,189,054.29 6,614,788.88

Deferred income tax assets 71,382,139.03 65,926,810.52

Other non-current assets 86,174,211.79 93,503,956.39

Total of non-current assets 1,209,150,190.06 1,104,542,438.11

Total of assets 5,197,762,204.44 4,464,147,811.40

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 961,000,000.00 1,147,957,775.82

Loans from Central Bank

Deposit received and held for


Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at

fair value with variations accounted into


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

current income account

Derivative financial liabilities 0.00

Notes payable 457,832,318.50 303,527,639.63

Account payable 919,784,128.12 867,628,355.65

Prepayment received 735,300,828.78 130,574,319.85

Selling of repurchased financial


Fees and commissions payable

Employees’ wage payable 19,593,607.83 40,942,428.05

Taxes payable 54,591,332.32 67,533,433.70

Interest payable 2,730,895.79 3,241,834.43

Dividend payable

Other payables 63,200,925.69 82,677,346.81

Reinsurance fee payable

Insurance contract provision

Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liabilities due in 1



Other current liabilities 98,425,600.00 98,425,600.00

Total current liabilities 3,312,459,637.03 2,742,508,733.94

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans 486,524,108.36 300,395,582.06

Bond payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Long-term payable 0.00

Long-term employees’ wage


Special payables

Anticipated liabilities 2,166,815.26 1,921,446.51

Deferred earning 12,634,303.65 12,284,195.68

Deferred income tax liabilities 75,951,028.86 72,994,768.34

Other non-current liabilities 0.00


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Total of non-current liabilities 577,276,256.13 387,595,992.59

Total liabilities 3,889,735,893.16 3,130,104,726.53

Owner’s equity:

Share capital 756,909,905.00 756,909,905.00

Other equity tools

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Capital reserves 79,099,713.38 79,099,619.14

Less: Shares in stock

Other miscellaneous income 1,137,692.88 91,831.63

Special reserves

Surplus reserves 51,123,554.51 51,123,554.51

Common risk provisions

Retained profit 409,736,839.42 432,271,424.56

Total of owner’s equity belong to the

1,298,007,705.19 1,319,496,334.84

parent company

Minor shareholders’ equity 10,018,606.09 14,546,750.03

Total of owners’ equity 1,308,026,311.28 1,334,043,084.87

Total of liabilities and owner’s interest 5,197,762,204.44 4,464,147,811.40

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Current asset:

Monetary capital 29,081,661.89 25,833,130.83

Financial assets measured at fair

value with variations accounted into

current income account

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Account receivable 22,865.24 345,960.74

Prepayment 18,722.97 67,893.61

Interest receivable


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Dividend receivable 0.00

Other receivables 467,620,601.31 375,591,349.76


Assets held for sales

Non-current assets due in 1 year

Other current assets 412,618.96 990,624.25

Total current assets 497,156,470.37 402,828,959.19

Non-current assets:

Sellable financial assets

Investment held until mature

Long-term receivable

Long-term share equity investment 970,300,871.25 967,700,649.13

Investment real estate 300,742,128.44 290,288,531.53

Fixed assets 56,338,183.59 57,647,245.73

Construction in process

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive biological assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 1,719,390.63 1,907,601.33

R&D expense


Long-term amortizable expenses 350,828.68 403,800.10

Deferred income tax assets 37,531,668.21 37,948,384.39

Other non-current assets 220,000,000.00 220,000,000.00

Total of non-current assets 1,586,983,070.80 1,575,896,212.21

Total of assets 2,084,139,541.17 1,978,725,171.40

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 350,000,000.00 350,000,000.00

Financial liabilities measured at

fair value with variations accounted into

current income account

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Account payable 606,941.85 606,941.85


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Prepayment received 993,045.60 748,421.47

Employees’ wage payable 887,531.32 1,868,710.30

Taxes payable 482,400.87 1,338,421.09

Interest payable 597,481.86 726,993.55

Dividend payable

Other payables 327,982,995.35 155,183,721.49

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liabilities due in 1


Other current liabilities 98,425,600.00 98,425,600.00

Total current liabilities 779,975,996.85 608,898,809.75

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans

Bond payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Long-term payable

Long-term employees’ wage


Special payables

Anticipated liabilities

Deferred earning

Deferred income tax liabilities 123,725,075.40 120,953,378.63

Other non-current liabilities

Total of non-current liabilities 123,725,075.40 120,953,378.63

Total liabilities 903,701,072.25 729,852,188.38

Owner’s equity:

Share capital 756,909,905.00 756,909,905.00

Other equity tools

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bond

Capital reserves 38,599,058.00 38,598,963.76

Less: Shares in stock

Other miscellaneous income 91,831.63 91,831.63

Special reserves


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Surplus reserves 51,123,554.51 51,123,554.51

Retained profit 333,714,119.78 402,148,728.12

Total of owners’ equity 1,180,438,468.92 1,248,872,983.02

Total of liabilities and owner’s interest 2,084,139,541.17 1,978,725,171.40

3. Consolidated Income Statement


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Total revenue 1,009,456,049.75 1,150,115,523.53

Incl. Business income 1,009,456,049.75 1,150,115,523.53

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission


2. Total business cost 964,818,829.76 1,114,562,764.23

Incl. Business cost 831,307,619.61 940,487,258.35

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid

Net insurance policy

reserves provided

Insurance policy dividend


Reinsurance expenses

Business tax and surcharge 6,357,728.12 17,537,240.22

Sales expense 25,417,302.84 41,009,137.46

Administrative expense 73,800,752.02 75,547,311.64

Financial expenses 17,587,854.56 25,609,734.67

Asset impairment loss 10,347,572.61 14,372,081.89

Plus: gains from change of fair value

10,163,410.45 35,445,761.31

(“-“ for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for loss) -289,857.34 1,547,997.68

Incl. Investment gains from

-399,777.88 1,256,994.94

affiliates and joint ventures


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)

3. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 54,510,773.10 72,546,518.29

Plus: non-operational income 6,363,729.16 3,425,924.45

Incl. Loss from disposal of

68,572.07 50,854.12

non-current assets

Less: non-operational expenditure 3,344,545.43 15,643,131.79

Incl. Loss from disposal of

2,453,627.28 504,805.05

non-current assets

4. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 57,529,956.83 60,329,310.95

Less: Income tax expenses 8,901,695.41 16,168,196.04

5. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 48,628,261.42 44,161,114.91

Net profit attributable to the owners

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87

of parent company

Minor shareholders’ equity -4,528,143.94 -7,156,533.96

6. After-tax net amount of other misc.

1,045,861.25 -1,229,057.50


After-tax net amount of other misc.

1,045,861.25 -1,229,057.50

incomes attributed to parent's owner

(1) Other misc. incomes that cannot

be re-classified into gain and loss

1. Change in net liabilities or

assets due to re-measurement set benefit


2. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be reclassified

into gain and loss by the invested entity

under the equity law

(2) Other misc. incomes that will be

1,045,861.25 -1,229,057.50

re-classified into gain and loss

1. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be reclassified

into gain and loss by the invested entity

under the equity law

2.Change in the fair value of

financial asset for sale

3 Held-to-mature investment

reclassified as gain and loss in the

financial assets for sales


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

4. Effective part in the gain

1,045,861.25 -1,229,057.50

and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

5. Translation difference of

foreign exchange statement

6. Others

After-tax net of other misc. income

attributed to minority shareholders

7. Total of misc. incomes 49,674,122.67 42,932,057.41

Total of misc. incomes attributable

54,202,266.61 50,088,591.37

to the owners of the parent company

Total misc gains attributable to the

-4,528,143.94 -7,156,533.96

minor shareholders

8. Earnings per share:

(1) Basic earnings per share 0.07 0.07

(2) Diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.07

Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB , net profit realized by

parties merged during the previous period is RMB .

Legal representative: Xiong Jianming CFO: Lin Kebing Accounting Manager: Chen Yonggang

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Turnover 14,499,890.63 15,377,309.73

Less: Operation cost 1,019,406.36 1,670,215.88

Business tax and surcharge 1,220,187.64 1,227,826.65

Sales expense

Administrative expense 11,552,747.84 11,276,930.71

Financial expenses 3,559,630.74 5,120,806.86

Asset impairment loss 15,181.55 1,246,405.99

Plus: gains from change of fair

10,453,596.91 32,768,907.31

value (“-“ for loss)

Investment gains (“-“ for loss) -394,353.22 1,312,956.58

Incl. Investment gains from

-399,777.88 1,256,994.94

affiliates and joint ventures

2. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 7,191,980.19 28,916,987.53


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Plus: non-operational income 3,342,189.74 751,855.29

Incl. Loss from disposal of


non-current assets

Less: non-operational expenditure 89,374.82 3,104.40

Incl. Loss from disposal of


non-current assets

3. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 10,444,795.11 29,665,738.42

Less: Income tax expenses 3,188,412.95 7,629,682.78

4. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 7,256,382.16 22,036,055.64

5. After-tax net amount of other misc.


(1) Other misc. incomes that

cannot be re-classified into gain and


1. Change in net liabilities

or assets due to re-measurement set

benefit program

2. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

(2) Other misc. incomes that will

be re-classified into gain and loss

1. Shares enjoyed in other

misc. incomes that cannot be

reclassified into gain and loss by the

invested entity under the equity law

2.Change in the fair value

of financial asset for sale

3 Held-to-mature

investment reclassified as gain and loss

in the financial assets for sales

4. Effective part in the gain

and loss of arbitrage of cash flow

5. Translation difference of

foreign exchange statement

6. Others

6. Total of misc. incomes 7,256,382.16 22,036,055.64


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

7. Earnings per share:

(1) Basic earnings per share

(2) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business


Cash received from sales of

1,543,342,196.26 880,753,505.06

products and providing of services

Net increase of customer deposits

and capital kept for brother company

Net increase of loans from central


Net increase of inter-bank loans

from other financial bodies

Cash received against original

insurance contract

Net cash received from reinsurance


Net increase of client deposit and


Increase in proposal of financial

assets measured at fair value with

variations accounted into current

income account

Cash received as interest,

processing fee, and commission

Net increase of inter-bank fund


Net increase of repurchasing


Tax refunded 638,256.40 1,487,373.49

Other cash received from business

61,030,313.38 37,271,825.34


Sub-total of cash inflow from business

1,605,010,766.04 919,512,703.89



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Cash paid for purchasing products

979,343,688.52 922,181,248.55

and services

Net increase of client trade and


Net increase of savings in central

bank and brother company

Cash paid for original contract


Cash paid for interest, processing

fee and commission

Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to and for the staff 128,733,391.35 141,611,724.17

Taxes paid 110,327,435.35 54,257,534.98

Other cash paid for business

88,136,906.90 76,174,267.38


Sub-total of cash outflow from business

1,306,541,422.12 1,194,224,775.08


Cash flow generated by business

298,469,343.92 -274,712,071.19

operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by investment:

Cash received from investment

186,000,000.00 331,500,000.00


Cash received as investment profit 109,920.54 2,491,002.79

Net cash retrieved from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets, and other 9,183,213.10 134,190.00

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash


Sub-total of cash inflow generated from

195,293,133.64 334,125,192.79


Cash paid for construction of fixed

assets, intangible assets and other 34,548,309.59 31,982,236.78

long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 277,000,000.00 113,700,000.00

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash paid for acquiring


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

subsidiaries and other operational units

Other cash paid for investment 1,150,000.00 40,117,900.00

Subtotal of cash outflows 312,698,309.59 185,800,136.78

Cash flow generated by investment

-117,405,175.95 148,325,056.01

activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing


Cash received from investment

Incl. Cash received from

investment attracted by subsidiaries

from minority shareholders

Cash received from borrowed

761,128,526.30 707,903,670.40


Cash received from bond placing

Other cash received from financing



Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

761,128,557.33 707,903,670.40


Cash paid to repay debts 709,500,000.00 352,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

112,636,475.36 64,660,840.58


Incl. Dividend and profit paid by

subsidiaries to minority shareholders

Other cash paid for financing

641,119.57 55,110,039.70


Subtotal of cash outflow from financing

822,777,594.93 471,770,880.28


Net cash flow generated by financing

-61,649,037.60 236,132,790.12


4. Influence of exchange rate changes

409,856.26 -13,080.19

on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash

119,824,986.63 109,732,694.75


Plus: Balance of cash and cash

247,739,243.78 102,638,232.19

equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents

367,564,230.41 212,370,926.94

at the end of the period


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Net cash flow from business


Cash received from sales of

10,967,653.17 11,243,204.83

products and providing of services

Tax refunded

Other cash received from business

465,710,548.11 515,148,759.29


Sub-total of cash inflow from business

476,678,201.28 526,391,964.12


Cash paid for purchasing products

1,004,529.87 2,136,699.94

and services

Cash paid to and for the staff 7,228,487.72 7,189,717.90

Taxes paid 2,510,775.42 1,394,750.88

Other cash paid for business

380,887,024.06 469,504,100.24


Sub-total of cash outflow from business

391,630,817.07 480,225,268.96


Cash flow generated by business

85,047,384.21 46,166,695.16

operations, net

2. Cash flow generated by investment:

Cash received from investment

61,000,000.00 30,000,000.00


Cash received as investment profit 6,776,424.69 8,963,295.02

Net cash retrieved from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets, and other 300,000.00 4,190.00

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash


Sub-total of cash inflow generated from

68,076,424.69 38,967,485.02


Cash paid for construction of fixed

46,348.61 963,791.92

assets, intangible assets and other


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 64,000,000.00

Net cash paid for acquiring

subsidiaries and other operational units

Other cash paid for investment 40,000,000.00

Subtotal of cash outflows 64,046,348.61 40,963,791.92

Cash flow generated by investment

4,030,076.08 -1,996,306.90

activities, net

3. Cash flow generated by financing


Cash received from investment

Cash received from borrowed

350,000,000.00 50,000,000.00


Cash received from bond placing

Other cash received from financing



Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

350,000,031.03 50,000,000.00


Cash paid to repay debts 350,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

85,187,480.03 34,570,863.79


Other cash paid for financing

641,119.57 1,171,039.70


Subtotal of cash outflow from financing

435,828,599.60 35,741,903.49


Net cash flow generated by financing

-85,828,568.57 14,258,096.51


4. Influence of exchange rate changes


on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash

3,248,531.06 58,428,484.77


Plus: Balance of cash and cash

25,583,130.83 22,006,065.49

equivalents at the beginning of term

6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents

28,831,661.89 80,434,550.26

at the end of the period

7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Amount of the Current Term


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Current period

Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company


Other equity tools Other Commo Total of

Items shareho


Share Prefer Perpet Capital miscella Special Surplus n risk Retaine owners’

Shares lders’

Other equity

capital red ual reserves neous reserves reserves provisio d profit

in stock equity


share bond income ns

756,90 1,334,0

1. Balance at the 79,099, 91,831. 51,123, 432,271 14,546,

9,905. 43,084.

end of last year 619.14 63 554.51 ,424.56 750.03

00 87


Changes in



Correction of

previous errors

Consolidation of

entities under

common control


2. Balance at the 756,90 1,334,0

79,099, 91,831. 51,123, 432,271 14,546,

beginning of 9,905. 43,084.

619.14 63 554.51 ,424.56 750.03

current year 00 87

3. Amount of

change in current 1,045,8 -22,534, -4,528,1 -26,016,


term (“-“ for 61.25 585.14 43.94 773.59


(1) Total of misc. 1,045,8 53,156, -4,528,1 49,674,

incomes 61.25 405.36 43.94 122.67

(2) Investment or

decreasing of 94.24 94.24

capital by owners

1. Common shares

contributed by


2. Capital

contributed by

other equity


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

instrument helders

3. Amount of

shares paid and

accounted as

owners’ equity

4. Others 94.24 94.24

(3) Profit -75,690, -75,690,

allotment 990.50 990.50

1. Providing of

surplus reserves

2. Common risk


3. Allotment to the

-75,690, -75,690,

owners (or

990.50 990.50


4. Others

(4) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3. Making up

losses by surplus


4. Others

(5) Special


1. Provided this


2. Used this term

(6) Others

756,90 1,308,0

4. Balance at the 79,099, 1,137,6 51,123, 409,736 10,018,

9,905. 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,311.

end of this period 713.38 92.88 554.51 ,839.42 606.09

00 28


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Amount of Last Year


Last period

Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company


Other equity tools Other Commo Total of

Items Less: shareho

Share Prefer Perpet Capital miscella Special Surplus n risk Retaine owners’

Shares lders’

Other equity

capital red ual reserves neous reserves reserves provisio d profit

in stock equity


share bond income ns

756,90 1,300,5

1. Balance at the 79,099, 91,831. 48,842, 349,987 65,603,

9,905. 34,627.

end of last year 220.38 63 080.76 ,825.69 764.53

00 99


Changes in



Correction of

previous errors

Consolidation of

entities under

common control


2. Balance at the 756,90 1,300,5

79,099, 91,831. 48,842, 349,987 65,603,

beginning of 9,905. 34,627.

220.38 63 080.76 ,825.69 764.53

current year 00 99

3. Amount of

change in current -1,229,0 28,610, -7,156, 20,224,

term (“-“ for 57.50 351.72 533.96 760.26


(1) Total of misc. -1,229,0 51,317, -7,156, 42,932,

incomes 57.50 648.87 533.96 057.41

(2) Investment or

decreasing of

capital by owners

1. Common shares

contributed by


2. Capital

contributed by


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

other equity

instrument helders

3. Amount of

shares paid and

accounted as

owners’ equity

4. Others

(3) Profit -22,707, -22,707,

allotment 297.15 297.15

1. Providing of

surplus reserves

2. Common risk


3. Allotment to the

-22,707, -22,707,

owners (or

297.15 297.15


4. Others

(4) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3. Making up

losses by surplus


4. Others

(5) Special


1. Provided this


2. Used this term

(6) Others

4. Balance at the 756,90 79,099, -1,137,2 48,842, 378,598 58,447, 1,320,7


end of this period 9,905. 220.38 25.87 080.76 ,177.41 230.57 59,388.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

00 25

8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)

Amount of the Current Term


Current period

Other equity tools Other

Less: Total of

Items Share Capital miscellan Special Surplus Retaine

Preferre Perpetu Shares in owners’

capital Others reserves eous reserves reserves d profit

d share al bond stock equity


1. Balance at the 756,909, 38,598,96 51,123,55 402,148 1,248,872


end of last year 905.00 3.76 4.51 ,728.12 ,983.02


Changes in



Correction of

previous errors


2. Balance at the

756,909, 38,598,96 51,123,55 402,148 1,248,872

beginning of 91,831.63

905.00 3.76 4.51 ,728.12 ,983.02

current year

3. Amount of

change in current -68,434, -68,434,5


term (“-“ for 608.34 14.10


(1) Total of misc. 7,256,3 7,256,382

incomes 82.16 .16

(2) Investment or

decreasing of 94.24 94.24

capital by owners

1. Common shares

contributed by


2. Capital

contributed by

other equity

instrument helders


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

3. Amount of

shares paid and

accounted as

owners’ equity

4. Others 94.24 94.24

(3) Profit -75,690, -75,690,9

allotment 990.50 90.50

1. Providing of

surplus reserves

2. Allotment to the

-75,690, -75,690,9

owners (or

990.50 90.50


3. Others

(4) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3. Making up

losses by surplus


4. Others

(5) Special


1. Provided this


2. Used this term

(6) Others

4. Balance at the 756,909, 38,599,05 51,123,55 333,714 1,180,438


end of this period 905.00 8.00 4.51 ,119.78 ,468.92

Amount of Last Year


Last period


Share Other equity tools Capital Less: Other Special Surplus Retaine Total of


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

capital reserves Shares in miscellan reserves reserves d profit owners’

Preferre Perpetu

Others stock eous equity

d share al bond


1. Balance at the 756,909, 38,598,56 48,842,08 404,322 1,248,765


end of last year 905.00 5.00 0.76 ,761.53 ,143.92


Changes in



Correction of

previous errors


2. Balance at the

756,909, 38,598,56 48,842,08 404,322 1,248,765

beginning of 91,831.63

905.00 5.00 0.76 ,761.53 ,143.92

current year

3. Amount of

change in current -671,24 -671,241.

term (“-“ for 1.51 51


(1) Total of misc. 22,036, 22,036,05

incomes 055.64 5.64

(2) Investment or

decreasing of

capital by owners

1. Common shares

contributed by


2. Capital

contributed by

other equity

instrument helders

3. Amount of

shares paid and

accounted as

owners’ equity

4. Others

(3) Profit -22,707, -22,707,2

allotment 297.15 97.15

1. Providing of


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

surplus reserves

2. Allotment to the

-22,707, -22,707,2

owners (or

297.15 97.15


3. Others

(4) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3. Making up

losses by surplus


4. Others

(5) Special


1. Provided this


2. Used this term

(6) Others

4. Balance at the 756,909, 38,598,56 48,842,08 403,651 1,248,093


end of this period 905.00 5.00 0.76 ,520.02 ,902.41

III. General Information

China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (the “Company” or the “Group”) is a joint stock company registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong and

was approved by the Government of Shenzhen with Document 深府办函 (1995) 194号, and was founded, on the basis of Shenzhen

Fangda Construction Material Co., Ltd., by way of share issuing in October 1995. The Registration No. of the Company’s business

license is: 440301501124785; with a registered capital of RMB756,909,905; registered address: Fangda Building, Kejinan Road 12,

High-tech Zone, Shenzhen. Mr. Xiong Jianming is the legal representative.

The Company issued foreign currency shares (B shares) and local currency shares (A shares) and listed in November 1995 and April

1996 respectively in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

The Company has established a corporate governance structure that comprises shareholders’ meeting, board of directors and

supervisory committee. Currently, the Company sets up the President Office, Administrative Department, HR Department, Enterprise


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Management Department, Financial Department, Audit and Supervisory Department, Securities Department, Technology

Department and IT Department and has established subsidiaries including Fangda Decoration, Fangda Automatic, Fangda Jiangxi

New Material, Shenyang Fangda, Fangda Property and Fangda New Energy.

The business nature and main business operations of the Company and subsidiaries (“the Group”) include (1) production and sales of

curtain wall materials, design, production and installation of construction curtain walls; (2) assembly and production of subway

screen doors; (3) development and operation of real estate projects on land, of which rights have been obtained lawfully; (4) R&D,

installation and sales of PV devices, design and installation of PV power plants, R&D, design, production, sales and installation of

lights, electric auxiliaries and other equipment, LED products and metal products.

The financial statements and notes are approved at the 22 nd meeting of the 7th term of the Board held on July 19, 2016.

The consolidation scope for the consolidated financial statements includes the Company and all subsidiaries. The entities newly

consolidated this period include one sub-subsidiary and Fangda Automation (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Ganzhou Longneng New Energy

Co., Ltd. is written off this period. See Note VIII. Change to the Consolidation Scope and Note IX. Disclosure of Interest in Other

Entities for details.

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation basis

The financial statements are prepared according to the enterprise financial standard and guidelines, interpretation and other related

regulations (“the Standard”) issued by the Ministry of Finance. The Group has also disclosed related financial information according

to the requirement of the Regulations of Information Disclosure No.15 – General Provisions for Financial Statements (Revised in

2014) issued by the CSRC.

The Group prepares the financial statements based on continuous operation.

The Group's auditing is based on the accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments and property held for investment, the

financial statements are prepared based on historical costs. In case of any asset impairment, the impairment provision will be made as


2. Continuous operation

The Group has the continuous operation capability within at least 12 months from the end of the report period.

V. Significant Account Policies and Estimates

Specific accounting policy and estimate prompt:

The Group determines the accounting policies and income recognition policies for investment real estate according to the production

and business features. For details, see Note 5. 13 and Note 5. 22.

1. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

The financial report and statements are prepared with compliance to the requirement of the Enterprise Accounting Standard. They

reflect the financial position as of 30.06.16, and business performance and cash flow situation in Year 2016 of the Company frankly


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

and completely.

2. Fiscal Period

The fiscal year of the Group is the solar calendar year, that is from January 1 to December 31.

3. Operation period

The operation period of the Group is 12 months.

4. Bookkeeping standard money

The Group takes RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping.

5. Accounting treatment of the entities under common and different control

(1) Consolidation of entities under common control

Assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party are calculated at their book value with the merged parties at the merger day in the

consolidated financial statement of the merging party in addition to the adjustment made given the difference in accounting policies.

The differences between the book value of net assets and the book value of consideration price (or the total of face value of share

issued) are adjusted to the capital reserve (share capital premium). If the share capital premium is not enough to offset the difference,

it will be adjusted to the retained gains.

Enterprise merger under common control through multiple transactions

In separate financial statements, the initial investment cost is the book value of the merged party’s net assets that can be shared by the

merging party in the consolidate financial statements of the final controlling party according to the shareholding percentage on the

merging date; adjust the capital surplus (share premium) according to the difference between the initial investment cost and the book

value of the held investment before merger plus the book value of the consideration paid on the merger date. Where the capital

surplus falls short, the retained income should be adjusted.

In consolidated financial statements, assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party from the merged party should be measured at

the book value in the final controlling party’s consolidated financial statements other than the adjustment made due to differences in

accounting policies; adjust the capital surplus (share premium) according to the difference between the initial investment cost and the

book value of the held investment before merger plus the book value of the consideration paid on the merger date. Where the capital

surplus falls short, the retained income should be adjusted.Changes in recognized related profit and loss, other misc. incomes and

other owner's equity between the later one of the date when the original stock equity was obtained and the date when the merged

party and merging party become under the common control should respectively write down the retained profit in beginning of the

report period or current period’s profit or loss.

(2) Consolidation of entities under different control

For merger of entities under different control, the merger cost is the fair value of the asset paid, liability undertaken, and equity

securities issued for exchanging of control power over the entities at the day of acquisition. On the acquisition day, the assets and


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

liabilities (if any) acquired by the Group from the acquired party are recognized on the fair value.

If the merger costs exceed the fair value of the recognizable net assets of the acquired party in the merger, it is recognized as

goodwill and measured based the costs after the accumulative impairment provision is deducted; if the the fair value exceeds the

costs, it is included in the income statement for the period after being re-examined.

Where there is new or further evidence on the condition existing on the acquisition date 12 months later and adjustment needs to be

made, the good will should be adjusted and merged.

(3) Treatment of related transaction fee in enterprise merger

Agency expenses and other administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal services occurred relating to the

merger of entities are accounted into current income account when occurred. The transaction fees of equity certificates or liability

certificates issued by the purchaser for payment for the acquisition are accounted at the initial amount of the certificates.

6. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Consolidation scope

The consolidate scope of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. Control means the power possessed by the

Group on invested entities to share variable returns by participating in related activities of the invested entities and to impact the

amount of the returns by using the power. Subsidiaries are enterprises controlled by the Company.

(2). Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on financial statements of the Company and subsidiaries

and according to other related information. During preparation of consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and

period of the Company and subsidiaries must be the same. Major transactions and balances between companies are offset.

Subsidiaries and businesses increased because of merger of enterprises under the common control during the report period are

deemed consolidated into the consolidate scope from the date of becoming controlled by the final party. The operating result and

cash flows of the subsidiaries and businesses from the date of becoming controlled by the final party should be incorporated into the

consolidate income statement and consolidate cash flow statement.

For subsidiaries and businesses increased because of merger of enterprises not under the common control, their incomes, expenses

and profits between the date of acquisition and end of the report period should be incorporated into the consolidated income

statement, and the cash flows should be incorporated into the consolidated cash flow statement.

The part of the shareholders’ equity in subsidiaries not owned the Company are separately listed under the shareholders’ equity as

minority shareholders’ equity in the consolidated balance sheet. The part of the subsidiaries’ net profits and losses for the current

period that belongs to minority shareholders is listed as minority shareholders’ profits and losses under net profit in the consolidated

income statement. If the losses of subsidiaries shared by the minority shareholders exceed the part of the owners’ equity of the

subsidiaries at the beginning of the period, the excessive part will offset the minority shareholders’ equity.

(3) Acquisition of subsidiary minority interests

The difference between the investment cost of the long-term equity obtained from acquisition of minority interests and the share of

net assets in the subsidiary calculated continuously based on the increased shareholding percentage, and the difference between the


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disposal income obtained from the partial disposal of the subsidiary’s equity investment without losing the control power and the

share of net assets in the subsidiary calculated continuously based on the increased shareholding percentage should be adjusted and

consolidated in the capital surplus in the consolidated balance sheet. Where the capital surplus falls short, the retained income should

be adjusted.

(4) Treatment of loss of subsidiaries’ control power

For loss of control over subsidiaries due to disposal of partial equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity should be

re-measured at the fair value on the date of loss of the control power; the sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of stock

equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, minus the sum of the share of the net assets’ book value calculated continuously

from the acquisition date according to the original shareholding percentage and the goodwill should be recorded in the investment

gain of the current period of the loss of control power.

Other misc. incomes related to the equity investment in the original subsidiary is transferred to the current period’s profit and loss

when the control power is losted, except for the other misc. incomes generated by remeasurement and resetting of earning plan or

change in the net assets by the invested party.

7. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

Cash refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used at any time for payment. Cash equivalent refers to the investments with

short term, strong liquidity and small risk of value fluctuation that are held by the Group and easily converted into cash with known


8.Foreign exchange business and foreign exchange statement translation

Trades of the Group made in foreign currencies are translated into RMB basing on the spot exchange rate on the date when the trade

is conducted.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency items are translated on the spot exchange rate of the balance sheet date. The exchange

differences caused by the difference in exchange rates on the balance sheet date and initial recognizing date or previous balance sheet

date are included in the current profits and losses. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign currency and on historical costs are

exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign currency and on fair value

are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the determination date of the fair value. The exchange difference between the

accounting standard-currency amount and the original accounting standard-currency amount are included in the current profits and


9. Financial instrument

Financial instrument refers to a company’s financial assets and contracts that form other units of financial liabilitie or equity


(1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instrument

The Group recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes one party in the financial instrument contract.

Financial asset is derecognized when:


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(1) The contractual right to receive the cash flows of the financial assets is terminated;

(2) The financial asset is transferred and meets the following derecognition condition.

When partial or all of the current responsibilities attached to such financial liabilities, the partial or all of the financial liabilities are

derecognized. When the Group (debtor) and creditor enter into an agreement to replace the existing financial liabilities by

undertaking new financial liabilities and the contract terms for the new financial liabilities are essentially different from those for the

existing one, the existing financial liabilities will be derecognized and new financial liabilities will be recognized.

Financial asset transactions in regular ways are recognized and de-recognized on the transaction date.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

Financial assets of the Group are categorized as: financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income

For financial

account, loans and account receivables.Financial assets are measured at the fair value at the initial recognition.

assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account, related transaction

expenses are accounted into the current income. For other financial assets, the related transaction

expenses are accounted into the initial recognized amounts.

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account

It includes transactional financial assets and financial assets measured by fair value and with variations accounted into current

gain/loss account at initial recognition. The financial assets are further measured by fair value with the gain/loss created by variations

in fair value and related dividends and interest accounted into the current gain/loss account.


Receivables refer to non-derivative financial assets without quotations but with fixed recoverable amount or can be confirmed,

including receivable accounts and other receivables (Note V. 10).Receivables adopt the effective interest method and are further

measured by amortized cost. Gain/loss generated at final recognition, impairment or amortization is accounted into the current

gain/loss account.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

The Group’s financial liabilities are mainly other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities adopt the effective interest method and are further measured by amortized cost. Gain/loss generated at final

recognition or amortization is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

(4) Fair value of financial instrument

For financial assets or liabilities in an active market, the Group determines their fair value based on quotations in the active

market. If there is no active market, the Company uses evaluation techniques to determine the fair value.

(5) Impairment of financial assets

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account. The Group checks the book value of


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financial assets on the balance sheet date. Impairment provision will be made in case of objective evidence proving impairment to the

financial assets. Objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets refers to events actually occur after the initial

recognition of financial assets, with influence on the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets and can be reliably measured

by the Group.

Objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets includes the following observable situations:

① Severe financial difficulties in the issuer or debtor;

② The debtor violates the contract or defaults or delays the payment of the interest or principal;

③ The Group makes compromise to the debtor with financial difficulties due to economic or legal consideration;

④ The debtor may go bankruptcy or conduct other financial reorganization;

⑤ The financial assets can no longer be traded in an active market due to material financial difficulties in the issuer;

⑥ It cannot be recognized whether the cash flow of an asset in a group of financial assets has decreased. However, according to

open data, it can be evaluated that the estimated future cash flow of the group of financial assets has decreased and the decrease can

be measured, including:

- The payment capacity of the debtor of the financial assets continues weakening;

- Situations that may lead to the payment failure of the financial assets happen in the country or region where the debtor is


⑦ Significant adverse changes occurs to the technical, market, economic or legal environment of the debtor, leading to that the

equity instrument investor may not be able to recover the investment;

⑧ Other objective evidence that can prove the impairment of the financial assets

Financial assets measured at amortized cost

If there is objective evidence proving impairment to the financial assets, the book value of the financial assets will be written down to

the present value of the estimated future cash flow (excluding undiscovered future credit loss). The write-down amount is accounted

into the current gain/loss account. The present value of the estimated future cash flow is determined by the original effective discount

rate with the value of the guanrantee considered.

Conduct imparement test separately for major financial assets. If there is objective evidence suggesting impairement, determine the

impairment loss and account it into the current gain/loss account. Conduct impairment test for other financial assets including

financial assets combination with similar credit risk features. Test financial assets without impairment separately (including major

and minor financial assets) and conduct impairment test in the financial assets combination with similar credit risk features. Conduct

impairment test for financial assets separately recognized as impaired excluding financial assets combination with similar credit risk


After the Group recognizes impair loss to financial assets measured by amortized cost, if there is object evidence suggesting that the

value of the financial assets is restored objectively due to an event after the loss, the recognized impairment loss can be reversed and

accounted into the current gain/loss account. The book value after the reversal must not exceed the amortized cost of the financial

assets on the reversal date assuming that no impairment provision was made.


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(6) Transfer of financial assets

The transfer of financial assets refers to transferring or delivering the financial assets to another party (receiver) other than the issuing

party of the financial assets.

Recognition of the financial asset is terminated as soon as all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been

transferred to the receiver. Whereas if all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial assets are reserved, recognition of the

financial asset shall not be terminated.

When the Group neither transfers nor reserve almost all risks and rewards attached to the financial assets, it will be handled as: When

the controlling power over the financial asset is given up, the financial assets will be derecognized and the generated assets and

liabilities will be recognized; when the controlling power is not given up, financial asset and related liability shall be recognized

according to the extend the Company is involving in the financial asset.

(7) Deduction of financial assets and liabilities

When the Group has the legal right to deduct recognized financial assets and liabilities, can exercise the legal right, and the Group

plans to settle them in net, liquidate and repay the financial assets and liabilities, the amount after the deduction will be presented in

the balance sheet. Exception for the deducted part, other financial assets and liabilities are separately presented in the balance sheet.

10. Receivables

(1) Receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

For the current year, the Company recognizes project receivables

over RMB8 million (inclusive) as “individual receivable with

large amount” while recognizes product receivables over RMB2

Judging basis or standard of major individual amount

million (included) as “individual receivable with large amount”

and other receivables over RMB1 million (included) as

“individual receivable with large amount”.

The Company performs impairment examination individually on

each large amount receivables, and recognizes impairment and

Provision method for account receivable with major individual provides bad debt provision when the impairment is recognized

amount and bad debt provision provided individually based on objective evidence. Those not impaired are accounted

along with the minor amount receivables and recognized in risk


(2) Recognition and providing of bad debt provisions on groups

Group Method of bad debt provision

Account age Aging method

Receivables adopting the aging method in the group:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Age Providing rate for receivable account Providing rate for other receivables


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Within 1 year (inclusive) 3.00% 3.00%

1-2 years 10.00% 10.00%

2-3 years 30.00% 30.00%

Over 3 years 50.00% 50.00%

Receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Receivables adopting other methods in the group

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Receivables with not major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually

Reasons for separate bad debt provision Long account age or deterioration of customer creditability

According to the difference between the present value of future

Method of bad debt provision

cash flow and the book value

11. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories

The Group’s inventories include purchased materials, raw materials, low-value consumables, OEM materials, products in

process, semi-finished goods, finished goods, inventory, development products, and construction in process.

(2) Pricing of delivering inventory

Inventories are measured at cost when procured. Raw materials, products in process, commodity stocks in transit and sel-made

semi-finished products are measured by the weighted average method.

Construction contracts are measured by the effective cost, including direct and indirect expenses generated before the contracts

are fulfilled. Costs generated and recognized accumulatively by construction in process and settled payment are listed in the balance

sheet as offset net amounts.The excessive part of the sum of the generated costs and recognized gross profit (loss) over the settled

payment is listed inventories; the excessive part of the settled payment over the sum of the generated costs and recognized gross

profit (loss) is listed as the prepayment received.

Travel and bidding expenses generated by execution of contracts, if they can be separated and reliably measured and it is likely

to enter into contracts, are accounted as the contract cost when the contracts are entered into; or into the current gain/loss account if

the conditions are not met.

The development costs include land transfer payment, infrastructure and facility costs, installation engineering costs, borrows

before completion of the development and other costs during the development process.

(3) Recognition of inventory realizable value and providing of impairment provision


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The realizable net value of inventory is the estimated sales prices of the inventory less costs to be incurred until the completion,

estimated sales expense and taxes. The realizable net value of inventory should be recognized based on solid evidence with the

purpose of the inventory and after-balance-sheet-date events taken into consideration.

If the inventory cost is higher than the realizable net value on the balance sheet date, the inventory depreciation provision should

be made. The Group makes inventory depreciation provision for separate or a type of inventory. If factors affecting the inventory

value disappear on the balance sheet date, the depreciation provision made should be reversed to the original value.

(4) Inventory system

The Group uses perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortizing of low-value consumables and packaging materials

Low-value consumables are amortized on on-off amortization basis at using.

12. Long-term share equity investment

The Group's long-term equity investment includes control on invested entities and significant impacts on equity investment.

Invested entities on which the Group has significant impacts are associates of the Group.

(1) Recognition of initial investment costs

Long-term equity investment generated by enterprise merger: for long-term equity investment obtained by merger of enterprises

under common control, the obtained share of book value of the interests of the merged party’s owner in the consolidate financial

statements on the merger date is the investment costs; for long-term equity investment obtained by merger of enterprises not under

common control, the merger cost is the investment cost.

For long-term equity investment obtained by cash, the actually paid consideration is the initial investment cost.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

Investments by the Company in subsidiaries are calculated using the cost method; in joint ventures are calculated using the

equity method.

For the long-term equity investment measured on the cost basis, except for the announced cash dividend or profit included in the

practical cost or price when the investment was made, the cash dividends or profit distributed by the invested entity are recognized as

investment gains in the current gain/loss account.

When the equity method is used to measure long-term equity investment, the investment cost will not be adjusted if the

investment cost of the long-term equity investment is larger than the share of fair value of the recognizable assets of the invested

entity. When it is smaller than the share of fair value of the recognizable assets of the invested entity, the book value will be adjusted

and the difference is included in the current gains of the investment.

When the equity method is used, the current investment gain is the share of the net gain realized in the current year that can be

shared or borne, recognized as investment gain and other misc. income. The book value of the long-term equity investment is

adjusted accordingly. The book value of the long-term equity investment should be accordingly decreased based on the share of

profit or cash dividend announced by the invested entity; according to other changes in the owner’s equity except for net profit and


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loss, other misc income and profit distribution of the invested entity, adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment and

record it in the capital surplus (other capital surplus). When the share of the net gains that can be enjoyed is recognized, it is

recognized after the net profit of the invested entity is adjusted based on the fair value of the recognizeable assets of the invested

entity according to the Company's accounting policies and accounting period.

Where substantial influence on invested entities is imposed or joint control is implemented due to increase in investment, the

sum of the fair value of the original equity and increased investment on the conversion date is the initial investment cost under the

equity method. The difference between the fair value and book value of the original equity on the conversion date and the

accumulative change in the fair value originally accounted in other misc. income should be transferred into the profit and loss of the

current period using the equity method.

Where joint control or substantial influence on invested entities is lost due to disposal of part of investment, the remaining

equity after the disposal should be treated according to the Enterprise Accounting Standard No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of

Financial Instruments from the date of losing the joint control or substantial influence. The difference between the fair value and

book value should be accounted the profit and loss of the current period. For other misc. incomes of original share equity investment

determined using the equity method, when the equity method is no longer used, it should be treated based on the same basis of the

treatment of related assets or liability of the invested entities; the other owners' interests related to the original share equity

investment should be transferred to gain/loss of the current period.

Where the disposal of part of the equity investment leads to loss of control on the invested entity, and the remaining equity after

the disposal can impose common control or significant impacts on the invested entity, use the equity method and make adjustment as

if the equity method was used when the remaining equity was acquired. If not, perform accounting treatment according to provisions

in the Enterprise Accounting Standard No.22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Tools. The difference between the fair

value and book value on the date of losing control should be transferred into the profit and loss of this period.

Where the Company’s shareholding decreases and the Company loses the control due to increased investment by another

investor, but the Company can still impose common control or significant impacts on the invested entity, the share of increased net

assets of the invested entity that can be shared by the Company should be calculated based on the new shareholding, the difference

between the net assets and original book value of the original long-term equity investment should be recorded in the profit and loss of

this period and adjusted as if equity method was used when it was acquired according to the new shareholding proportion.

Internal transaction gain not realized between the Company and affiliates is measured according to the shareholding proportion

and the investment gains is recognized after deduction. The unrealized internal transaction loss between the Company and the

invested entity is the impairment loss of transferred assets and should not be written off.

(3) Basis for recognition of major influence on invested entities

Major influence refers to the power to participate in decision-making of financial and operation policies of a company, but

cannot control or jointly control the making of the policies. When considering whether the Company can impose significant impacts

on the invested entity, impacts of conversion of shares with voting rights held directly or indirectly by the investor and voting rights

that can be executed in this period held by the investor and other party into shares of the invested entity should be considered.

When Company directly or indirectly holds 20% (inclusive) but less than 50% of the shares with voting rights of the invested

entity, it is generally considered that the Company can impose significant impacts unless there is clear evidence proving that the

Company shall not participate in the production and business decision making of the company; when the Company holds less than

20% of the shares with voting rights, it is generally not considered that the Company has significant impacts on the invested entity,


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unless there is clear evidence proving the contrary.

(4) Impairment examination and providing of impairment provision

See Note V. 18 for the assets impairment provision method for investment in subsidiaries and joint ventures.

13. Investment real estates

Measuring mode of investment real estate

Measurement at fair value

Basis of choosing the measurement at fair value

Investment real estates of the Group are buildings leased.

For investment real estate with an active real estate transaction market and the Group can obtain market price and other

information of same or similar real estate to reasonably estimate the investment real estates’ fair value, the Group will use the fair

value mode to measure the investment real estate subsequently. Variations in fair value are accounted into the current gain/loss


The fair value of investment real estate is determined with reference to the current market prices of same or similar real estates

in active markets; when no such price is available, with reference to the recent transaction prices and consideration of factors

including transaction background, date and district to reasonably estimate the fair value; or based on the estimated lease gains and

present value of related cash flows.

For an investment real estate whose fair value is proven unable to be obtained continuously and reliably by objective evidence,

the real estate will be measured at cost basis until it is disposed and no residual value remains as assumed.

The difference of the proceeds from sales, transfer, retirement or destruction of investment real estates with book value and

related taxes deducted is accounted into the current gain/loss account.

14. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, providing services, lease or for

operation & management, and have more than one accounting year of service life.The fixed assets can only be recognized hen

economic interests related to the fixed assets are very likely to flow into the company and the costs of the fixed assets can be reliably

measured. The Group measures fixed assets at the actual costs when the fixed assets are obtained

(2) Depreciation method

Annual depreciation

Type (2) Depreciation method Service year Residual rate

rate %

Houses & buildings Average age 35-45 10 2-2.57

Mechanical equipment Average age 10 10 9


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Transportation facilities Average age 5 10 18

Electronics and other

Average age 5 10 18


PV power plants Average age 20 5 4.75

15. Construction in process

The Group recognizes the cost of construction in process according to the actual construction expense, including necessary

engineering expenses, borrowing costs to be capitalized before the engineering reaches the preset service condition and other related


Construction in process will be transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the preset service condition.

See Note V. 18 for the provision method for construction in process.

16. Borrowing expenses

(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing expenses

Borrowing expenses occurred to the Group that can be accounted as purchasing or production of asset satisfying the conditions

of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.Borrowing expenses start to be capitalized when all of the

followings are satisfied:

(1) Asset expense has already occurred. Asset expenses include cash payment, non-cash asset transferring, or undertaking of

debt with interest done for purchasing or producing of assets;

(2) The borrowing expense has already occurred;

(3) Purchasing or production activity, which is necessary for the asset to reach the useful status, has already started.

(2) During borrowing expense capitalization

When the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions has reached its usable or sellable status, capitalizing of borrowing expenses

shall be terminated. Borrowing expenses incurred after assets that meet capitalization conditions reach the service or sales conditions

are accounted into the current gain/loss account according to the actual amounts.

If the construction or production of assets satisfying the capitalizing conditions is suspended abnormally for over 3 months,

capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended. During the normal suspension period, borrowing expenses will be capitalized


(3) Calculation of the capitalization amount of borrowing expense

Interest expenses generated by special borrowings less the interests income obtained from the deposit of unused borrowings or

investment gains from temporary investment is capitalized; the capitalization amount for general borrowing is determined based on

the capitalization rate which is the exceeding part of the accumulative assets expense over weighted average of the assets expense of

the special borrowing/used general borrowing. The capitalization ratio is the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.


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In the capitalization period, the exchange difference of special borrowings in foreign currencies should be fully capitalized. The

exchange difference should be recorded in the profit and loss of this period.

17. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing method, service life and depreciation test

The Group’s intangible assets include land using rights, trademarks, patent, special technologies, and software.

Intangible assets are initially measured at costs and the useful life will be determined when obtained. Where the useful life is limited,

the intangible assets will be amortized within the predicted useful life by using the amortization method that can reflect predicted

realization way of the economic benefit of the assets; whether the realization way cannot be reliably confirmed, use the straight-line

method. If the useful life is uncertain, the intangible assets are not amortized.

Intangible assets with limited useful life are amortized as followings:

Type Useful life Basis of amortization Notes

Land using right Beneficial age Average age

Trademarks and patents 10 Average age

Proprietary technology 10 Average age

Computer software 5, 10 years Average age

At the end of each year, the Group will reexamine the useful life and amortization basis of intangible assets with limited useful life. If

they change, adjust the prediction and handle it according to accounting estimate changes.

On the balance sheet day, if the intangible assets become unlikely to bring future economic benefits for the Group, transfer all the

intangible assets’ book value into the current gain/loss account.

See Note V. 18 for the impairment provision method for intangible assets.

(2) Accounting policies for internal R&D expenses

The Group divides internal R&D project expenses into research and development expenses.

The research expenses are accounted the current gain/loss account.

Development expenses can only be capitalized when the following conditions are satisfied: the technology is feasible for use or sales;

there is the intention to use or sell the intangible assets; it can be proven that the product generated by the intangible assets is

demanded or the intangible assets in demanded; if the intangible is used internally, it can be proven that it is useful; with necessary

technical and financial resources and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets and the intangible assets

can be used or sold; the development expense can be reliably measured. If not, the development expense is accounted into the current

gain/loss account.

If a research project meets the above-mentioned conditions and passes the technical and economic feasibility study, the project will

enter the development stage.

Expenses in the development stage capitalized are listed as development expense on the balance sheet and transferred to intangible


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assets when the project reaches the useful condition.

18. Assets impairment

The Group uses the cost mode to continue measuring the assets impairment to investment real estatement, fixed assets

construction in progress, intangible assets and goodwill (except for the inventories, investment real estate measured by the fair value

mode, deferred income tax assets and financial assets). The method is determined as follows:

The Group judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If such sign exists, the Group

estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. Impairment test is conducted annually for goodwill generated by

mergers and intangible assets that have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense and the present value of the

predicted future cash flow. The Group estimates the recoverable amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is hard to

estimate the recoverable amount on the individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset group that

the assets belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the group is independent from those

generated by other assets or assets groups.

When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the Group writes down the book value to

the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is accounted into the current income account and the assets impairment provision is


For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized through reasonable measures since

the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be amortized to related assets groups are amortized to related combination of

asset groups. The related asset groups or combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the synergistic effect of

mergers and must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Group.

When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or combination of asset groups related

to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or combination of asset groups without goodwill and calculate the recoverable

amount and recognize the related impairment loss. Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the book value

with recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.

Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

19. Long-term amortizable expenses

The Group’s long-term amortizable expenses are measured at the actual costs and amortized averagely based on the beneficial term.

For long-term amortizable expenses that are not beneficial in the subsequent account periods, the residual value is fully accounted

into the current gain/loss account.

20. Staff remuneration

(1) Accounting of operational leasing

A. Scope of staff remuneration


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Staff remuneration is the compensation paid by the employer to the staff for the services they provide or for termination of the

working relationship. Staff remuneration includes short-term remuneration and post-employment welfare.

B. Short-term remuneration

The Group pays for the medical insurance, job injury insurance and breeding insurance and housing fund according to employees’

wages and bonus and recognizes them as liabilities, which are recorded into the profit and loss or related assets costs in the current

period. If the liabilities cannot be fully paid within 12 months upon the end of the report period in which the employees provide

service, and the financial impacts are substantial, the liabilities should be measured at the discounted amount.

(2) Accounting of post-employment welfare

The post-employment welfare of the Group is a defined plan, which means that the Company does not need to assume any

responsibility after making fixed contribution to an independent fund. The defined plan includes basic pension and unemployment

insurance. The contribution of the plan is recognized as liabilities and recorded in the profit and loss of this period or related assets


(3) Accounting of dismiss welfare

Where the Group provides dismiss welfare for employees, the staff remuneration liabilities is recognized on the earlier one of the

following two date: when the Group cannot cancel the dismiss welfare provided for termination of employment or layoff; when the

Group recognizes the costs or expenses of reorganization related to the payment of dismiss welfare.

21. Anticipated liabilities

When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following conditions are satisfied, they are

recognized as expectable liability in the balance sheet:

(1) This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Group;

(2) Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Group;

(3) Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.

Expected liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation on the expenses to exercise the current responsibility. The book value

of expected liability is revised at balance sheet day, and adjustment will be made to reflect current best estimation.

22. Revenue

(1) General principles

1. Sales of goods

When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the sales of goods are recognized as sales income according to the contract

amount received or receivable from the buyer: (1) Main risks and rewards attached to the ownership of the goods have been

transferred to the buyer; (2) No succeeding power of administration or effective control is reserved which are usually attached to

ownership; (3) Amount received can be reliably measured; (4) Related financial benefit may inflow to the Company; (5) Relative


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

costs, occurred or will occur, can be reliably measured.

2. Providing of labor service

If they are not in the same year, then use the estimation on percentage basis when it is possible.

The completion percentage is the costs occurred on the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of providing of labor service must meet the following conditions: A. the revenue can be

reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow into the company; C. the completion can be determined reliably; D.

costs incurred or will be incurred can be reliably measured.

If the result cannot be reliably estimated, use the service cost amount of the compensation obtained or will be obtained to

recognize the revenue of the providing of labor service and recognize the incurred laber service cost as the current expense. If no

compensation can be obtained for incurred labor service cost, no revenue can be recognized.

3. Demising of asset using rights

The revenue is recognized when the financial benefit in connection with the demising of asset using right was received and the

amount can be reliably measured.

4. Construction contracts

On the balance sheet day, the Group recognizes the contract income and costs using the completion percentage method if the

result of the construction contract can be reliably estimated. If not, such contracts are treated differently. If the contract cost can be

recovered, the revenue is recognized according to the actual contract costs that can be recovered and the contract cost is recognized

as the current expense; if not, the contract cost is recognized as the current expense and no revenue is recognized.

If the estimated total costs exceed the total revenue, the Group recognizes the estimated loss as the current expense.

The competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred in the total cost.

The reliable estimation of the result of a construction contract must meet the following conditions: A. the revenue can be

reliably measured; B. the economic benefit is very likely to flow into the company; C. the completion cost can be clearly

distinguished and determined reliably; D. the completion and costs that will be incurred for completion of the contract can be reliably


(2) Specific revenue recognition method

① Construction contracts

Metro screen door projects of the Company and Shenzhen Fangda Automatic System, and curtain wall project of Fangda Jianke

are individual construction contracts. They are accounted by the following means:

Construction contracts completed within a fiscal year are recognized for their income and cost upon completion.

Income and expenses of the construction contracts carried over-year are recognized on percentage basis at balance sheet day


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

when all of the following conditions are satisfied: contract income can be reliably measured, relative financial benefit can inflow to

the Company; progress of the project and costs to complete the contract can be reliably recognized; cost occurred to complete the

contract can be clearly distinguished and reliably measured, which enables comparing of actual cost with predicted cost.

Contract costs are direct and indirect expenses occurred since the date when the contract is engaged till the completion day. The

competition percentage is determined by the share of the costs incurred in the total cost.

Construction contracts completed in current term are recognized for income according to the actual total income of the contract

less income recognized in previous terms; meanwhile, the total costs of the contract less costs recognized in previous terms are

recognized as current contract costs. If the total contract cost is predicted to be greater than the predicted total income, the predicted

loss shall be recognized as current cost instantly.

② Sales product

Revenue of products for domestic sales is recognized when the Group delivers the products and receives the sales payment or

obtains the payment voucher; revenue for products for overseas sales is recognized at departure of the products.

23. Government subsidy

(1) Judgment basis and accounting treatment of assets-related government subsidy

Government subsidies related to assets are obtained by the Group to purchase, build or formulate in other manners long-term

assets; or subsidies related to benefits.

For subsidies that can formulate long-term assets without clear government regulations, the part of the subsidies corresponding

to the asset value will be measured as assets-related government subsidies, while the rest of them will be measured as benefit-related

government subsidies. Where it is difficult to distinguish them from each them, the whole subsidies will be measured as

benefit-related government subsidies.

Government subsidies in connection with capital are recognized as differed income, and amortized straight to its useful life, and

accounted into current income account.

(2) Judgment basis and accounting treatment of return-related government subsidy

Government subsidies in connection with gains, which are used to cover current expenses or losses, are recognized as current

gain/loss, if used to cover future expenses or losses, recognized as differed gains, and recorded to current income account to the

period when the expenses are recognized. Government subsidy measured at the nominal amount is accounted into current income


If a recognized government subsidy needs to be returned, if there are relative differed gains, the balance of differed gains will be

setoff, the exceeded part shall be recorded into current income account; if there is no relative differed gain, record to current income

account directly.

24. Differed income tax assets and differed income tax liabilities

Income tax includes current and deferred income taxExcept for the adjustment goodwill generated by mergers or deferred

income tax related to transactions or events directly accounted into the owners’ equity, income tax is accounted as income tax


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

expense into the current gain/loss account.

The Group uses the temporary difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet day and the

tax base and the liabilities method to recognize the deferred income tax.

The taxable temporary difference recognizes the related deferred income tax liabilities, unless the taxable temporary difference

is created by the following transactions:

(1) Initial recognition of goodwill, or of assets or liabilities generated in transactions with the following features: the transaction

is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable proceeds;

(2) For taxable temporary difference related to investment in subsudiaries and affiliates, the reversal timing for the temporary

difference can be controlled and the difference is unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.

For deductable temporary difference, deductable loss and tax deduction that can be accounted in subsequent years, the Group

recognizes the incurred deferred income tax assets to the extent to the future income tax proceeds that is very likely to be received for

deducting deductable temporary difference, deductable loss and tax deduction, unless the deductable temporary difference is

generated in following transactions:

(1) the transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable proceeds;

(2) for the taxable temporary difference related to investment in subsidiaries and affiliates, the corresponding deferred income

tax assets are recognized when the following condition is met: the temporary difference is very likely to be reversed in the

foreseeable future and it is very likely to receive the taxable proceeds that can be used to deduct the deductable temporary difference.

On the balance sheet day, the Group measures the deferred income tax assets and liabilities with the tax rate applicable during

the predicted period during which the assets are recovered or the liabilities are paid off and reflects the income tax influence of the

assets recovery and liabilities repayment way on the balance sheet day.

On the balance sheet day, the Group re-exmaines the book value of the deferred income tax assets. If it is unlikely to have

adequate taxable proceeds to reduct the benefits of the deferred income tax assets, less the deferred income tax assets’ book value.

When there is adequate taxable proceeds, the lessened amount will be reversed.

25. Leasing

(1) Accounting of operational leasing

A. The Group is the leasor

Rentals from operational leasing are recognized as current gains on straight basis to the periods of leasing. Initial direct expenses are

recorded to current income account.

B. The Group is the leasee

Rentals in operational leasing are recorded to relative capital cost or current income account on straight basis to the periods of leasing.

Initial direct expenses are recorded to current income account.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

26. Other significant accounting policies and estimates

Accounting of hedging

When the hedging relationship is initially specified, the Group officially specifies the related hedging relationships with official

documents recording the hedging relationships, risk management targets and hedging strategies. The documents record hedging tools,

hedged items or transactions, nature of risks, and how the Company values the effectiveness of the fair value change caused by risks.

The Group forecasts that the hedging are highly effective in offsetting the fair value changes. The Group will continue review the

effectiveness of the hedging relationships to ensure that the effectiveness of the hedging relationships in the report period.

Some derivative financial tool transactions are provide effective economic hedging against risks under the Group's risk

management situation. However, they do not comply with the conditions for using hedging accounting and are treated at derivative

financial tools held for transactions. Their fair value is recorded in gain and loss.

27. Major changes in accounting policies and estimates

(1) Changes in accounting policies

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Changes in major accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

28. Others

29. Significant accounting judgment and estimate

The Group continuously reviews significant accounting judgment and estimate adopted for the reasonable forecast of future events

based on its historical experience and other factors.

Significant accounting judgment and assumptions that may lead to major adjustment of the book value of assets and liabilities in the

next accounting year are listed as follows:

(1) Goodwill impairment

The Group judges whether there is impairment to goodwill at least annually. This required valuation of the use value of the asset

groups with goodwill. While estimating the use value, the Group needs to estimate the cash flow from the asset group in the future

and choose the proper discount rate to calculate the present value of the future cash flow.

(2) Estimate of fair value

The Group uses fair value to measure investment real estate and needs to estimate the fair value of investment real estate at least

quarterly. This requires the management to reasonably estimate the fair value of the investment real estate with the helf of valuation


(3) Deferred income tax assets


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

If there is adequate taxable profit to deduct the loss, the deferred income tax assets should be recognized by all the unused tax loss.

This requires the management to make a lot of judgment to forecast the time and amount of future taxable profit and determine the

amount of the deferred tax assets based on the taxation strategy.

(4) Construction contracts

The Group recognizes income based on the completion of individual construction contract. The management determines the

completion percentage based on the actual cost in the total budget and forecasts the contract income. The starting and completion

dates of construction contracts fall in different account periods. The Group will review and adjust contract income and cost

estimation in budgets (if the actual contract income is less than the estimate or actual contract cost, contract estimation loss provision

will be made).

VI. Taxation

1. Major taxes and tax rates

Tax Tax basis Tax rate

VAT Taxable income 6%、13%、17%

Business tax Taxable income 3%、5%

City maintenance and construction tax Taxable turnover 1%、5%、7%

Enterprise income tax Taxable income 15%、16.5%、25%

Education surtax Taxable turnover 3%

Local education surtax Taxable turnover 2%

Tax rates applicable for different tax payers

Tax payer Income tax rate

The Company 25%

Shenzhen Fangda Jianke Group Co., Ltd. 15%

Shenzhen Fangda Automation System Co., Ltd. 15%

Shenzhen Woke Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd. 25%

Fangda New Materials (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd. 15%

Jiangxi Fangda New Type Aluminum Co., Ltd. 25%

Shenyang Fangda Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd. 25%

Dongguan Fangda New Material Co., Ltd. 25%

Shenzhen Kexunda Software Co., Ltd. 12.5%

Chengda Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd. 15%

Fangda Decoration Engineering (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. 25%

Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd. 25%

Shenzhen Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. 25%


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Guangdong Fangda SOZN Lighting Co., Ltd. 25%

Shenzhen Fangda Property Management Co., Ltd. 25%

Shenzhen Qianhai Kechuangyuan Software Co., Ltd. 15%

Jiangxi Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd. 25%

Ganzhou Longneng New Energy Co., Ltd. 25%

Pingxiang Fangda Luxin New Energy Co., Ltd. 25%

Pingxiang Xiangdong Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. 25%

Nanchang Xinjian Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. 25%

Dongguan Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. 25%

Fangda Automation (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. 16.5%

2. Tax preference

(1) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Shenzhen Commission of Technological Innovation, Shenzhen

Commission of Finance, Shenzhen National Tax Bureau, and Shenzhen Local Tax Bureau on 19.06.15, Fangda Jianke was entitled to

enjoy a tax preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2015-2017) since the qualifications were awarded.

(2) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Shenzhen Commission of Technological Innovation, Shenzhen

Commission of Finance, Shenzhen National Tax Bureau, and Shenzhen Local Tax Bureau on 19.06.15, Fangda Decoration was

entitled to enjoy a tax preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2015-2017) since the qualifications were awarded.

(3) According to the Certification of High-tech Enterprise issued by Jiangxi Ministry of Science and Technology, Jiangxi Ministry of

Finance, Jiangxi National Tax Bureau, and Jiangxi Local Tax Bureau on 25.09.15, Fangda New Material was entitled to enjoy a tax

preference of enterprise income tax of 15% for three years (2015-2017) since the qualifications were awarded.

(4) On December 25, 2013, Kexunda was certified by Shenzhen Nanshan National Tax Bureau as a software and integrated circuit

designer according to the Shenzhen National Tax Reduction Registrion [2013] No.739 and will enjoy exemption from the enterprise

income tax for two years and 50% reduction of the same tax for another three years from the year that the company starts making a

net profit. Kexunda started making profits in 2013 and therefore starts to enjoy the exemption. 50% reduction in 2016

(5) On November 7, 2014, Chengdu Fangda was certified by Sichuan Xinjin National Tax Bureau as an encourage industry company

in the west China (Xin Jin National Tax Doc. [zzy024]) and started to enjoy a tax rate of 15%.

(6) On November 2, 2015, Dongguan New Energy was certified by Dongguan National Tax Bureau Songshanhu branch as the

national supported public infrastructure project according to the Song Shan Hu Tax Doc [2015] 3305. The company is exempted

from enterprise income tax for three years and halfly exempted for another three years. In 2015, the company entered the exemption


(7) According the Notice of Providing Guangdong Hengqing New District, Fujian Pingtan Pilot Zone and Shenzhen Qianhai

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Cooperation Zone with Tax Preference Policies, Kechuangyuan Software enjoys an income

tax rate of 15%.

(8) On March 2, 2016, according to the document issued by Luxi National Tax Bureau, the PV power generation project undertaken

by Pingxiang Fangda Luxin New Energy Co., Ltd, became the infrastructure project supported by the central government. the


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

company enjoys a three-year enterprise income tax relief and 50% reduction for another three years. In 2016, the company entered

the exemption period.

(9) On 02.06.16, according to the document issued by Nanchang Xinjian District National Tax Bureau, the PV power generation

project undertaken by Nanchang Xinjian Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd, became the infrastructure project supported by the central

government. the company enjoys a three-year enterprise income tax relief and 50% reduction for another three years. In 2016, the

company entered the exemption period.

VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Inventory cash: 18,968.85 28,072.46

Bank deposits 361,783,369.83 266,315,876.39

Other monetary capital 132,161,694.15 134,609,388.47

Total 493,964,032.83 400,953,337.32

Including: total amount deposited in

5,838,686.27 5,722,165.37


Other note

(1) A bank deposit of RMB457,119.83 of Fangda SOZN was frozen by the court due to a lawsuit.

(2) The closing balance of the book value of the other monetary capital of RMB132,161,694.15 is mainly the futures, bank

acceptance bill and guarantee deposit and investment, including a deposit of RMB125,942,682.59. The deposit and frozen deposit

shall not be treated as cash and cash equivalent in the preparation of cash flow statements.

2. Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Transactional financial assets 14,132,823.12 14,546,206.58

Investment in equity tools 14,132,823.12 14,546,206.58

Total 14,132,823.12 14,546,206.58


The closing balance is the fair value of the shares of SINO OIL & GAS acquired by Shihui International Holding Co., Ltd.

3. Derivative financial assets

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Items Closing balance Opening balance


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Hedging tools 1,230,425.00

Total 1,230,425.00


The hedging tools are mainly the float profit of the Shanghai aluminum futures purposed by the Group for hedging.

4. Notes receivable

(1) Classification of notes receivable


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Bank acceptance 8,987,900.00 10,289,884.74

Commercial acceptance 38,355,993.07 86,957,775.82

Total 47,343,893.07 97,247,660.56

(2) The Group has no endorsed or discounted immature receivable notes at the end of the period.


Items De-recognized amount Not de-recognized amount

Bank acceptance 57,159,591.85

Total 57,159,591.85

5. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories


Closing balance Opening balance

Remaining book Remaining book

Bad debt provision Bad debt provision

Type value Book value

Book value

Proportio Provision value Proportio Provision

Amount Amount Amount Amount

n rate n rate

Recognition and 1,611,9

1,769,09 218,427, 1,550,671 206,824,1 1,405,151,1

providing of bad debt 99.53% 12.35% 75,331. 99.41% 12.83%

9,272.43 873.98 ,398.45 97.04 34.89

provisions on groups 93

Account receivable

with minor individual

8,401,99 7,834,99 567,000.0 9,541,6 8,974,655

amount and bad debt 0.47% 93.25% 0.59% 94.06% 567,000.00

1.28 1.28 0 55.45 .45

provision provided



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


1,777,50 226,262, 1,551,238 215,798,8 1,405,718,1

Total 100.00% 12.70% 16,987. 100.00% 13.31%

1,263.71 865.26 ,398.45 52.49 34.89


Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end of the period:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account aging method:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Closing balance


Account receivable Bad debt provision Provision rate

Sub-item of within 1 year

Subtotal for less than 1 year 1,035,044,611.13 31,051,338.33 3.00%

1-2 years 366,541,563.92 36,654,156.39 10.00%

2-3 years 165,149,806.49 49,544,941.95 30.00%

Over 3 years 202,363,290.89 101,177,437.31 50.00%

Total 1,769,099,272.43 218,427,873.98 12.35%

Group recognition basis:

Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Account receivable adopting other methods in the group:

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

A bad debt provision of RMB10,426,012.77 was made in the period. RMB0.00 was recovered or reversed.

(3) Balance of top 5 accounts receivable at the end of the period

The total balance of top-five accounts receivable at the end of the period is RMB204,369,066.75, accounting for 11.50% of the total

remaining balance of all accounts receivable. The bad debt provision made at the end of the period is RMB9,168,545.93.

6. Prepayment

(1) Account age of prepayments


Closing balance Opening balance


Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

Less than 1 year 46,582,659.66 82.40% 23,448,649.55 73.89%


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

1-2 years 5,550,072.69 9.82% 3,490,224.16 12.05%

2-3 years 3,013,006.67 5.33% 1,418,149.13 5.15%

Over 3 years 1,385,952.02 2.45% 1,700,041.06 8.91%

Total 56,531,691.04 -- 30,057,063.90 --

Explanation of non-settlement of significant prepayments with an accounting age of more than 1 year:

(2) Balance of top 5 prepayments at the end of the period

The total of top5 prepayments in terms of the prepaid entities in the period is RMB15,013,300.76, accounting for 26.56% of the total

prepayments at the end of the period.

7. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by categories


Closing balance Opening balance

Remaining book Remaining book

Bad debt provision Bad debt provision

Type value Book value

Book value

Proportio Provision value Proportio Provision

Amount Amount Amount Amount

n rate n rate

Recognition and

79,248,1 13,884,2 65,363,95 65,503, 12,407,63 53,095,948.

providing of bad debt 99.82% 17.52% 99.78% 18.94%

70.41 11.11 9.30 587.52 9.06 46

provisions on groups

Other receivables

with minor individual

146,100. 146,100. 146,100 146,100.9

amount and bad debt 0.18% 100.00% 0.22% 100.00% 0.00

95 95 .95 5

provision provided


79,394,2 14,030,3 65,363,95 65,649, 12,553,74 53,095,948.

Total 100.00% 17.67% 100.00% 19.12%

71.36 12.06 9.30 688.47 0.01 46

Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end of the period:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account aging method:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Closing balance


Other receivables Bad debt provision Provision rate

Sub-item of within 1 year


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Subtotal for less than 1 year 43,101,949.82 1,289,459.82 3.00%

1-2 years 12,409,679.80 1,240,967.99 10.00%

2-3 years 2,572,510.61 771,753.18 30.00%

Over 3 years 21,164,030.18 10,582,030.12 50.00%

Total 79,248,170.41 13,884,211.11 17.52%

Group recognition basis:

Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Other receivables adopting other methods in the group

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

A bad debt provision of RMB1,521,902.93 was made in the period. RMB0.00 was recovered or reversed.

(3) Other receivables are disclosed by nature


By nature Closing balance of book value Opening balance of book value

Deposit 38,627,646.08 36,529,862.27

Construction borrowing and advanced

13,434,423.68 17,242,358.04


Staff borrowing and petty cash 6,094,442.72 3,062,219.75

Receivable refund of VAT 80,888.90

Others 21,237,758.88 8,734,359.51

Total 79,394,271.36 65,649,688.47

(4) Balance of top 5 other receivables at the end of the period


Balance of bad debt

Entity By nature Closing balance Age Percentage (%) provision at the end

of the period

Lanzhou Railway

Performance deposit 6,931,316.60 Less than 1 year 9.00% 207,939.50

Transport Co., Ltd.


Wang Weihong 4,944,388.15 3-5 years 6.23% 2,436,976.26

contracting payment


Xin Song 2,620,327.61 Over 3 years 3.30% 1,310,163.81

contracting payment


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Installation Within 1 year, 1-2

Zeng Liang 2,345,324.74 2.95% 151,921.11

borrowing years

Zhejiang Baoye

Construction Group Deposit 1,500,000.00 Less than 1 year 1.89% 45,000.00

Co., Ltd.

Total -- 18,341,357.10 -- 23.10% 4,152,000.68

8. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventories


Closing balance Opening balance

Items Remaining book Depreciation Remaining book Depreciation

Book value Book value

value provision value provision

Raw materials 100,676,202.26 7,030,968.49 93,645,233.77 85,916,458.16 7,069,471.61 78,846,986.55

Product in

8,485,541.05 8,485,541.05 6,971,619.92 6,971,619.92


Finished goods in

18,047,070.77 5,492,755.53 12,554,315.24 18,325,455.59 5,513,219.11 12,812,236.48


Assets unsettled

for finished

195,939,264.98 1,830,742.67 194,108,522.31 226,526,505.83 1,830,742.67 224,695,763.16



Low price

97,882.79 97,882.79 69,223.68 69,223.68


OEM materials 2,957,939.00 1,218,716.77 1,739,222.23 8,791,959.78 1,218,716.77 7,573,243.01

Goods delivered 30,397,939.74 30,397,939.74 986,708,925.20 986,708,925.20

Development cost 1,276,730,902.33 1,276,730,902.33 28,913,305.53 28,913,305.53

Total 1,633,332,742.92 15,573,183.46 1,617,759,559.46 1,362,223,453.69 15,632,150.16 1,346,591,303.53

(2) Inventory depreciation provision


Increase in this period Decrease in this period

Items Opening balance Recover or Closing balance

Provision Others Others


Raw materials 7,069,471.61 38,503.12 7,030,968.49

Finished goods in 5,513,219.11 20,463.58 5,492,755.53


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Assets unsettled

for finished

1,830,742.67 1,830,742.67



OEM materials 1,218,716.77 1,218,716.77

Total 15,632,150.16 58,966.70 15,573,183.46

(3) Balance at the end of the period includes capitalization of borrowing expense

The balance at the end of the period includes capitalization of borrowing expense of RMB65,615,732.80.

(4) Assets unsettled for finished construction contracts at the end of the period


Items Amount

Accumulative occurred costs 6,516,738,107.40

Accumulative recognized gross margin 1,351,236,573.89

Less: estimated loss 1,830,742.67

Settled amount 7,672,035,416.31

Assets unsettled for finished construction contracts 194,108,522.31

9. Other current assets


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Input tax to be deducted 21,711,044.20 11,083,687.96

Bank financial products 88,000,000.00

Prepaid income tax 4,870,410.15 312,030.09

Other prepaid taxes 26,465,777.76

Total 141,047,232.11 11,395,718.05

10. Long-term share equity investment


Change (+,-) Balance

Invested Opening Increased Decrease Investme Other Other Cash Impairme Closing of

entity balance investmen d nt gain miscellan equity dividend nt Others balance impairme

t investmen and loss eous change or profit provision nt


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

t recognize income announce provision

d using adjustmen d at the end

the equity t of the

method period

1. Joint venture

2. Associate



Joint 8,511,197 -104,832. 8,406,365

Investme .98 11 .87

nt Co.,




Yirong 1,978,482 3,000,000 -294,945. 4,683,537

Internet .95 .00 77 .18


Co., Ltd.

10,489,68 3,000,000 -399,777. 13,089,90


0.93 .00 88 3.05

10,489,68 3,000,000 -399,777. 13,089,90


0.93 .00 88 3.05

11. Investment real estates

(1) Investment real estate measured at costs

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

Items Houses & buildings Land using right Construction in Total


I. Book value

1. Opening balance 37,176,315.46 37,176,315.46

2. Increase in this 969,999.67 969,999.67


(1) External 969,999.67 969,999.67


(2) Transfer-in

from inventory\fixed

assets\construction in



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

(3) Increase due to

enterprise merger

3. Decrease in this


(1) Purchase

Other transfer-out

4. Closing balance 38,146,315.13 38,146,315.13

II. Accumulative

depreciation and


1. Opening balance 6,462,722.25 6,462,722.25

2. Increase in this 482,777.20 482,777.20


(1) Provision or 482,777.20 482,777.20


(2) Other


3. Decrease in this


(1) Purchase

Other transfer-out

4. Closing balance 6,945,499.45 6,945,499.45

III. Impairment


1. Opening balance

2. Increase in this


(1) Provision

3. Decrease in this


(1) Purchase

Other transfer-out

4. Closing balance

IV. Book value

1. Closing book 31,200,815.68 31,200,815.68


2. Opening book 30,713,593.21 30,713,593.21


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


(2) Investment real estate measured at fair value

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Items Houses & buildings Land using right Construction in process Total

304,615,212.53 304,615,212.53

I. Opening balance


II. Change in this period 11,064,016.38

Add: external



from inventory\fixed

assets\construction in


Increase due to

enterprise merger

Less: disposal



10,576,793.91 10,576,793.91

Change in fair value

315,192,006.44 315,192,006.44

III. Closing balance

12. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets


Houses & Mechanical Transport Electronics and

Items PV power plants Total

buildings equipment equipment other devices

I. Original book


1. Opening 385,847,642.37 11,976,788.22 247,336,323.55 23,991,910.96 61,711,430.90 730,864,096.00


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


2. Increase in

4,754,584.02 119,004,106.84 271,827.99 956,780.42 124,987,299.27

this period

(1) Purchase 4,754,584.02 271,827.99 956,780.42 5,983,192.43


Transfer-in of

119,004,106.84 119,004,106.84

construction in


(3) Increase

due to enterprise


3. Decrease in

5,261,300.00 3,995,619.57 858,315.98 278,406.21 10,393,641.76

this period

(1) Disposal

5,261,300.00 3,995,619.57 858,315.98 278,406.21 10,393,641.76

or retirement

4. Closing

393,644,815.07 130,980,895.06 235,566,334.99 22,443,141.81 62,822,566.58 845,457,753.51


II. Accumulative


1. Opening

44,529,102.62 142,224.36 164,822,823.46 12,742,115.74 29,046,564.97 251,282,831.15


2. Increase in

4,977,656.99 3,075,191.28 1,316,336.72 3,446,364.96 12,815,549.95

this period

(1) Provision 4,977,656.99 3,075,191.28 1,316,336.72 3,446,364.96 12,815,549.95

3. Decrease in

248,046.22 3,500,757.61 712,338.40 179,265.23 4,640,407.46

this period

(1) Disposal

248,046.22 3,500,757.61 712,338.40 179,265.23 4,640,407.46

or retirement

4. Closing

49,258,713.39 142,224.36 164,397,257.13 13,346,114.06 32,313,664.70 259,457,973.64


III. Impairment


1. Opening

277,744.50 16,654,521.84 16,932,266.34


2. Increase in

this period

(1) Provision

3. Decrease in

this period


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

(1) Disposal

or retirement

4. Closing

277,744.50 16,654,521.84 16,932,266.34


IV. Book value

1. Closing

335,804,468.50 130,838,670.70 62,560,753.00 9,787,480.92 30,076,140.41 569,067,513.53

book value

2. Opening

341,318,539.75 11,834,563.86 82,513,500.09 11,249,795.22 32,664,865.93 479,581,264.85

book value

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets


Accumulative Impairment

Items Book value Book value Notes

depreciation provision

Houses & buildings 46,833,628.81 7,104,241.18 277,744.50 39,451,643.13

Others 113,772,312.12 79,420,106.64 15,300,132.34 19,052,073.14

Total 160,605,940.93 86,524,347.82 15,577,876.84 58,503,716.27

(3) Fixed assets without ownership certificate


Items Book value Reason

Houses in Urumuqi for offsetting debt 559,555.61 Applying for

Yuehai Office Building C 502 151,900.92 Historical reasons

Shenyang Fangda extension workshop 16,820,962.74 Entering into liquidation

Shenyang Fangda dorm and workshop 2# 7,794,937.64 Entering into liquidation

Dinning hall and power station of

3,745,179.28 Entering into liquidation

Shenyang Fangda

13. Construction in process

(1) Construction in progress


Closing balance Opening balance

Items Remaining book Impairment Remaining book Impairment

Book value Book value

value provision value provision

Xinjin energy 817,512.71 817,512.71 816,356.71 816,356.71


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report



protection curtain

wall project


20MWp PV

10,257,959.91 10,257,959.91

power plant


Xiabu 20MWp

PV power plant 1,703,080.57 1,703,080.57 1,657,715.18 1,657,715.18


Isuzu part place

PV power plant 1,093,343.24 1,093,343.24




1,214,622.61 1,214,622.61 761,792.44 761,792.44





531,689.44 531,689.44

showroom No.1


Shangbu 18MWp

PV power plant 15,533.98 15,533.98 15,533.98 15,533.98


Total 3,750,749.87 3,750,749.87 15,134,390.90 15,134,390.90

(2) Changes in major construction in process in this period




Amount on of


transfer-i accumul Accumul

Other capitaliz

Increase n to ative ative Interest

Opening decrease Closing Project ed Capital

Project Budget in this fixed engineeri capitaliz capitaliz

balance in this balance progress interest source

period assets in ng ed ation rate

period for the

this investme interest


period nt in the



Xuanfen 93,103,1 10,257,9 78,214,7 88,472,7

100% Others

g 00.00 59.91 84.41 44.32


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report








place PV 30,871,7 1,093,34 29,438,0 30,531,3

100% Others

power 94.87 3.24 19.22 62.46



123,974, 11,351,3 107,652, 119,004,

Total -- -- --

894.87 03.15 803.63 106.78

14. Disposal of fixed assets


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Mechanical equipment 1,153.28 5,326.79

Total 1,153.28 5,326.79

15. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets



Items Land using right Patent Others Total


I. Book value

1. Opening

98,015,399.41 9,397,295.85 24,019,238.42 7,803,625.02 139,235,558.70


2. Increase in

119,932.56 28,072.55 140,493.47 288,498.58

this period

(1) Purchase 119,932.56 24,022.55 140,493.47 284,448.58

(2) Internal

4,050.00 4,050.00


(3) Increase

due to enterprise


3. Decrease in this


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


(1) Purchase

4. Closing

98,135,331.97 9,425,368.40 24,019,238.42 7,944,118.49 139,524,057.28


II. Accumulative


1. Opening

13,336,868.22 4,429,481.31 16,296,147.25 4,584,215.67 38,646,712.45


2. Increase in

986,262.22 400,554.47 285,994.44 402,723.80 2,075,534.93

this period

(1) Provision 986,262.22 400,554.47 285,994.44 402,723.80 2,075,534.93

3. Decrease in

this period

(1) Purchase

4. Closing

14,323,130.44 4,830,035.78 16,582,141.69 4,986,939.47 40,722,247.38


III. Impairment


1. Opening

5,525,863.77 5,525,863.77


2. Increase in

this period

(1) Provision

3. Decrease in

this period

(1) Purchase

4. Closing

5,525,863.77 5,525,863.77


IV. Book value

1. Closing book

83,812,201.53 4,595,332.62 1,911,232.96 2,957,179.02 93,275,946.13


2. Opening

84,678,531.19 4,967,814.54 2,197,227.40 3,219,409.35 95,062,982.48

book value

Intangible asset formed by internal R&D of the period takes up 2.05% in the closing total book value of intangible assets.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

16. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill


Invested entity or

Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

item of goodwill

Shenzhen Woke 8,197,817.29 8,197,817.29

Fangda SOZN 26,279,395.89 26,279,395.89

Total 34,477,213.18 34,477,213.18

(2) Goodwill impairment provision


Invested entity or

Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

item of goodwill

Shenzhen Woke 8,197,817.29 8,197,817.29

Fangda SOZN 6,452,698.92 6,452,698.92

Total 14,650,516.21 14,650,516.21

Test process of goodwill impairment, parameters and recognition method of goodwill impairment loss:

1. The Company acquired the 100% control power over Shenzhen Woke Co. by merger of enterprise under common control in

May 2007. The difference between the initial investment cost and recognizable fair value of the investee has formed the

goodwill of RMB8,197,817.29. For Shenzhen Woke was not in good business operation for successive years, impairment

provision has been provided fully upon the goodwill.

2. The Company acquired the 60% control power over Fangda SOZN by merger of enterprise under common control in August

2014. The difference between the initial investment cost of RMB48 million and recognizable fair value of the investee has

formed the goodwill of RMB26,279,395.89. A impairment provision of RMB6,452,698.92 is made.

17. Long-term amortizable expenses


Increase in this Amortized amount

Items Opening balance Other decrease Closing balance

period in this period

Epoxy floor 796,522.13 81,002.25 715,519.88

Plant and dormitory

596,230.09 187,456.61 408,773.48


Upgrading of

workshop rented by 202,118.38 20,554.41 181,563.97

Fangda Jianke


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Nanchang Branch

Renovation of office

and plants rented by 1,301.80 1,301.80

Chengdu Fangda

Jinshan factory

renovation of

302,154.50 54,937.08 247,217.42

Fangda Jianke

Shanghai Branch

Expense of

renovation of leased

fixed assets by 222,948.81 55,737.18 167,211.63

Fangda Property


Dongguan separation

233,451.85 38,908.68 194,543.17


Upgrading of

workshop rented by 2,494,310.08 879,343.52 1,614,966.56

Fangda SOZN

Anti-junk email

16,506.46 8,253.30 8,253.16

module service fee

Fangda Building

Floor #5 wiring 38,023.68 15,209.52 22,814.16


Xuanfeng Chayuan

village and Zhuyuan

1,304,327.46 26,801.28 1,277,526.18

village land transfer


Membership fee 300,000.00 2,500.02 297,499.98

Others 106,893.64 1,486,408.70 540,137.64 1,053,164.70

Total 6,614,788.88 1,486,408.70 1,912,143.29 6,189,054.29

18. Differed income tax assets and differed income tax liabilities

(1) Non-deducted deferred income tax assets


Closing balance Opening balance

Items Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

difference assets difference assets

Assets impairment 229,329,215.08 39,109,870.85 216,918,204.09 37,575,529.18


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Unrealized profit of

15,558,720.13 4,434,648.02 23,008,088.13 3,788,898.02

internal transactions

Deductible loss 97,795,450.71 23,837,543.92 85,665,697.71 20,944,182.55

Reserved expense 2,111,203.01 316,680.46 2,153,753.44 323,063.02

Reserved wage 2,064,886.02 309,732.90 3,519,976.72 527,996.51

Deferred earning 2,510,116.35 608,898.43 2,563,904.83 619,823.84

Anticipated liabilities 2,166,815.26 325,022.28 1,921,446.51 288,216.98

Advertisement fee 6,244,187.94 1,561,046.99 3,847,702.76 961,925.69

Adjustment of fair value

5,857,967.87 878,695.18 5,981,164.89 897,174.73

of investment real estate

Total 363,638,562.37 71,382,139.03 345,579,939.08 65,926,810.52

(2) Non-deducted deferred income tax liabilities


Closing balance Opening balance

Items Taxable temporary Deferred income tax Taxable temporary Deferred income tax

difference liabilities difference liabilities

Adjustment of fair value

303,065,860.44 75,766,465.11 291,979,073.34 72,994,768.34

of investment real estate

Valuation of derivative

1,230,425.00 184,563.75

financial tools

Total 304,296,285.44 75,951,028.86 291,979,073.34 72,994,768.34

(3) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Deductible temporary difference 51,292,862.48 51,201,110.67

Deductible loss 162,801,363.62 151,155,750.92

Total 214,094,226.10 202,356,861.59

(4) Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years


Year Closing amount Opening amount Notes

2016 19,999,060.04 19,999,060.04


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

2017 20,241,373.78 20,241,373.78

2018 11,130,985.83 11,130,985.83

2019 11,662,409.08 11,662,409.08

2020 88,121,922.19 88,121,922.19

2021 11,645,612.70

Total 162,801,363.62 151,155,750.92 --


19. Other non-current assets


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Prepaid house and equipment amount 83,809,259.92 91,863,898.92

Input tax to be deducted 1,604,951.87 1,640,057.47

Prepayment of intangible assets 760,000.00

Total 86,174,211.79 93,503,956.39


(1) The closing balance of other non-current assets is mainly the prepaid house payment of Fangda Jianke.

(2) The closing balance of input tax to be deducted is mainly due to the suspension of operations of Shenyang

Fangda and Shenzhen Woke.

20. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Loan by pledge

Loan by pledge 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00

Guarantee loan 761,000,000.00 943,000,000.00

Discount borrowing of commercial


acceptance bills

Total 961,000,000.00 1,147,957,775.82

21. Notes payable


Type Closing balance Opening balance


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Commercial acceptance 115,490,458.81 78,934,714.94

Bank acceptance 342,341,859.69 224,592,924.69

Total 457,832,318.50 303,527,639.63

The total amount of payable bills that have matured but not been paid at the end of the period is RMB0.

22. Account payable

(1) Account payable


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Account repayable and engineering

705,256,603.13 611,292,302.23


Construction payable 18,730,175.84 27,529,577.05

Payable installation and implementation

190,095,782.65 225,793,206.11


Others 5,701,566.50 3,013,270.26

Total 919,784,128.12 867,628,355.65

(2) Significant payables aging more than 1 year


Items Closing balance Reason

Shenyang Fangda plant construction Due from Shenzhen Fangda, unable to


payment repay

Chip payment 8,715,326.30 Due from Fangda SOZN, unable to repay

Total 12,534,466.32 --

23. Prepayment received

(1) Prepayment received


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Curtain wall and screen door engineering

104,922,422.68 123,894,561.69


Material loan 3,116,855.97 5,515,676.69

House prepayment 623,961,604.55

Others 3,299,945.58 1,164,081.47


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Total 735,300,828.78 130,574,319.85

24. Employees’ wage payable

1. Employees’ wage payable


Items Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

1. Short-term

40,805,685.65 106,227,192.41 127,454,959.76 19,577,918.30


2. Retirement pension

program-defined 6,742.40 6,890,359.49 6,881,412.36 15,689.53

contribution plan

3. Dismiss compensation 130,000.00 850,070.27 980,070.27

Total 40,942,428.05 113,967,622.17 135,316,442.39 19,593,607.83

(2) Short-term remuneration


Items Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

1. Wage, bonus,

38,628,120.07 98,563,545.18 119,776,860.94 17,414,804.31

allowance and subsidies

2. Employee welfare 0.00 2,058,455.48 2,058,455.48

3. Social insurance 68,025.52 2,417,609.67 2,419,026.47 66,608.72


68,025.52 2,053,016.07 2,054,432.87 66,608.72

medical insurance

Labor injury

164,653.08 164,653.08



199,940.52 199,940.52


4. Housing fund 97,082.00 2,854,011.40 2,838,114.40 112,979.00

5. Labor union budget

2,012,458.06 333,570.68 362,502.47 1,983,526.27

and staff education fund

Total 40,805,685.65 106,227,192.41 127,454,959.76 19,577,918.30

(3) Defined contribution plan


Items Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

1. Basic pension 6,742.40 6,579,025.38 6,570,078.25 15,689.53

2. Unemployment

311,334.11 311,334.11


Total 6,742.40 6,890,359.49 6,881,412.36 15,689.53

25. Taxes payable


Items Closing balance Opening balance

VAT 10,429,240.49 6,981,753.65

Business tax 23,869,784.36 32,136,293.62

Enterprise income tax 9,442,084.92 16,555,365.28

Personal income tax 1,554,788.06 1,201,365.12

City maintenance and construction tax 1,789,466.13 2,824,794.21

Land using tax 3,953,279.71 3,683,884.01

Property tax 2,339,317.11 2,083,844.87

Education surtax 855,638.08 1,315,453.14

Local education surtax 179,414.56 489,642.89

Others 178,318.90 261,036.91

Total 54,591,332.32 67,533,433.70

26. Interest payable


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Long-term borrowing with interest

installment and repayment of principal 1,434,256.99 510,166.05

upon maturity

Short-term borrowing interests payable 1,155,323.60 2,578,476.91

Others 141,315.20 153,091.47

Total 2,730,895.79 3,241,834.43

27. Dividend payable


Items Closing balance Opening balance


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

28. Other payables

(1) Other payables presented by nature


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Performance and quality deposit 22,760,051.98 21,697,760.34

Deposit 8,503,587.69 9,027,418.36

Reserved expense 12,434,071.93 11,714,478.57

Fangda Town pledge 1,200,000.00 2,900,000.00

Lawsuit indemnity 23,456,765.40

Others 18,303,214.09 13,880,924.14

Total 63,200,925.69 82,677,346.81

29. Other current liabilities


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Loan financing of precious metal 98,425,600.00 98,425,600.00

Total 98,425,600.00 98,425,600.00


The Company and Industrial Bank Shenzhen Branch signed the noble metal leasing contract on September 25, 2015. The Company

borrowed gold from Industrial Bank Shenzhen Branch and entrusted the bank to provide noble metal quotation service. The

transaction amount is RMB98,425,600.00. The transaction date is September 28, 2015. The maturity date is September 19, 2016. The

Company irrevocably authorizes the bank to provide noble metal returning service upon maturity.

30. Long-term borrowings

(1) Classification of long-term borrowings


Items Closing balance Opening balance

Loan by pledge 486,524,108.36 300,395,582.06

Total 486,524,108.36 300,395,582.06

Notes to classification of long-term borrowings:

The above-mentioned borrowing is the 100% stock pledging of Fangda Property Development held by the

Company. The interest rate is between 5.39-6.785%.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

31. Anticipated liabilities


Items Closing balance Opening balance Reason

Others 2,166,815.26 1,921,446.51

Total 2,166,815.26 1,921,446.51 --

32. Deferred earning


Items Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Reason

Government subsidy 12,284,195.68 683,400.00 333,292.03 12,634,303.65

Total 12,284,195.68 683,400.00 333,292.03 12,634,303.65 --

Items involving government subsidies:


Amount included

Amount of new Related to

Liabilities Opening balance in non-operating Other change Closing balance

subsidy assets/earning


Major investment

project prize from

Industry and


1,852,381.10 28,571.40 1,823,809.70 Assets-related


Division of


Finance Bureau



project of


7,765,817.51 61,993.62 7,703,823.89 Assets-related


hollow glass


curtain call

Railway transport

screen door


211,523.73 25,217.08 186,306.65 Assets-related

system and




Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Nanshan District

mic-business loan 500,000.00 500,000.00 Assets-related




Industrial Park

500,000.00 18,749.97 481,250.03 Assets-related

project Dongguan



Subsidy for

purchase of


achievements or 80,141.67 8,149.98 71,991.69 Assets-related




LED production


technology 1,874,331.67 190,609.98 1,683,721.69 Assets-related



Others 183,400.00 183,400.00 Assets-related

Total 12,284,195.68 683,400.00 333,292.03 12,634,303.65 --

33. Capital share


Change (+,-)

Opening Closing

Issued new Transferred

balance Bonus shares Others Subtotal balance

shares from reserves

Total of capital

756,909,905.00 756,909,905.00


34. Capital reserve


Items Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Capital premium (share

38,238,222.48 38,238,222.48

capital premium)


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Other capital reserves 40,861,396.66 94.24 40,861,490.90

Total 79,099,619.14 94.24 79,099,713.38

Other note, including explanation about the reason of the change:

The other capital reserves increased by RMB94.24 million, which is the historical dividend refunded by the Shenzhen branch of

China Securities Depository and Clearing Company Limited.

35. Other miscellaneous income


Amount occurred in the current period

Less: amount


written into

After-tax amount

Opening Amount other gains Less: Closing

Items amount attributed to

balance before and transferred Income tax balance

attributed to minority

income tax into gain/loss expenses

the parent shareholder

in previous



2. Other misc. incomes that will be 1,230,425.0 1,045,861.2 1,137,692

91,831.63 184,563.75

re-classified into gain and loss 0 5 .88

Effective part in the gain and 1,230,425.0 1,045,861.2 1,045,861


loss of arbitrage of cash flow 0 5 .25

Investment real estate measured at

91,831.63 91,831.63

fair value

1,230,425.0 1,045,861.2 1,137,692

Other miscellaneous income 91,831.63 184,563.75

0 5 .88

36. Surplus reserves


Items Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

Statutory surplus

51,123,554.51 51,123,554.51


Total 51,123,554.51 51,123,554.51

37. Retained profit


Items Current period Last period

Adjustment on retained profit of previous period 432,271,424.56 349,987,825.69

Retained profit adjusted at beginning of year 432,271,424.56 349,987,825.69


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87


Common share dividend payable 75,690,990.50 22,707,297.15

Closing retained profit 409,736,839.42 378,598,177.41

Details of retained profit adjusted at beginning of the period

1) Retrospective adjustment due to adopting of the Enterprise Accounting Standard and related regulations, included the retained

profit by RMB0.

2). Variation of accounting policies, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.

3). Correction of material accounting errors, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.

4) Change of consolidation range caused by merger of entities under common control, influenced the retained profit by RMB0.

5) Other adjustment influenced the retained profit by RMB0.

38. Operational revenue and costs


Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period


Income Cost Income Cost

Main business 985,562,292.82 818,328,044.96 1,125,911,242.60 929,839,206.78

Other businesses 23,893,756.93 12,979,574.65 24,204,280.93 10,648,051.57

Total 1,009,456,049.75 831,307,619.61 1,150,115,523.53 940,487,258.35

39. Business tax and surcharge


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Business tax 1,138,974.07 12,833,597.88

City maintenance and construction tax 2,637,029.89 2,258,805.32

Education surtax 1,233,551.35 1,270,438.38

Property tax 520,660.84 526,006.30

Land using tax 70,486.84 57,620.36

Others 757,025.13 590,771.98

Total 6,357,728.12 17,537,240.22

40. Sales expense


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Labor costs 10,595,121.39 13,506,452.55


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Freight and miscellaneous charges 3,223,019.97 2,740,685.79

Advertisement and exhibition costs 3,075,896.31 15,659,054.69

Travel expense 2,145,274.48 2,407,002.17

Others 6,377,990.69 6,695,942.26

Total 25,417,302.84 41,009,137.46

41. Management expenses


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Label cost (including wage and social

35,734,018.99 40,048,984.25


Depreciation and amortization 10,006,510.02 9,985,147.56

R&D 7,486,513.39 6,455,972.94

Tax 3,282,834.40 3,281,464.87

Others 17,290,875.22 15,775,742.02

Total 73,800,752.02 75,547,311.64

42. Financial expenses


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Interest expense 21,187,915.60 25,095,306.66

Less: Interest income 2,980,732.93 1,250,108.37

Exchange gain/loss -1,074,524.76 62,155.37

Commission charges and others 455,196.65 1,702,381.01

Total 17,587,854.56 25,609,734.67

43. Assets impairment loss


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

1. Bad debt loss 10,347,572.61 14,372,081.89

Total 10,347,572.61 14,372,081.89

44. Income from fair value fluctuation



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Source of income from fluctuation of fair

Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period


Financial assets measured at fair value

with variations accounted into current -413,383.46 2,676,854.00

income account

Investment real estate measured at fair

10,576,793.91 32,768,907.31


Total 10,163,410.45 35,445,761.31

45. Investment income


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Gains from long-term equity investment

-399,777.88 1,256,994.94

measured by equity

Others 109,920.54 291,002.74

Total -289,857.34 1,547,997.68

46. Non-business income


Amount occurred in the current Amount accounted into the

Items Occurred in previous period

period current accidental gain/loss

Total of gains from disposal of

68,572.07 50,854.12 68,572.07

non-current assets

Including: Gains from disposal

68,572.07 50,854.12 68,572.07

of fixed assets

Government subsidy 1,545,204.08 630,651.51 1,545,204.08

Penalty income 68,946.51 464,547.87 68,946.51

Penalty received 102,105.47 101,682.46 102,105.47

VAT rebated into revenue 1,155,945.30 1,211,179.56 1,155,945.30

Payable account not able to be

241,152.78 116,834.08 241,152.78


Others 3,181,802.95 850,174.85 3,181,802.95

Total 6,363,729.16 3,425,924.45 6,363,729.16

Government subsidies accounted into current profit or loss:


Item Issuer Reason Nature Whether Whether it is Amount Occurred in Related to


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

affecting gain a special occurred in previous assets/earnin

and loss in subsidy the current period g

this year period

IT Shenzhen


development SME Service Subsidy No No 470,000.00


subsidy Center

Bureau of

Exhibition Earning-relat

Foreign Subsidy No No 105,700.00

subsidy ed


Subsidy for



Scientific and Science and

development, Earning-relat

technology Technology Award No No 200,000.00

technology ed

prize Innovation

upgrade and



Subsidy for



Market and

Patent development, Earning-relat

Quality Subsidy No No 4,000.00

subsidy technology ed


upgrade and




transport Subsidy for

screen door Shenzhen research

controlling Technology development, Assets-relate

No No 25,217.08 19,155.96

system and Innovation technology d

information Committee upgrade and

transmission improvement



industrial and

Trade and

trade Assets-relate

Industry Award No No 28,571.40 28,571.40

development d



project award


g dual-layer


hallow grass

Development Assets-relate

energy-savin Subsidy No No 61,993.62 59,924.15

and Reform d

g curtain wall





Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Childbearing Earning-relat

Security Subsidy No No 9,362.99

subsidy ed


Subsidy for

Zhongshan research


Economy and development, Earning-relat

improvement Subsidy No 330,000.00

Information technology ed


Bureau upgrade and




expansion, Subsidy for

technical Zhongshan research

improvement Reform and development, Assets-relate

Subsidy No No 204,759.96

and Development technology d

technological Bureau upgrade and

ly innovative improvement



VAT, income Earning-relat

Tax Bureau Subsidy No No 86,849.06 23,000.00

tax refund ed


PV power Development Assets-relate

Subsidy No No 18,749.97

plant subsidy and Reform d





Promotion Subsidy No No 500,000.00



loan discount

Total -- -- -- -- -- 1,545,204.08 630,651.51 --


The others are mainly waste sales income.

47. Non-business expenses


Amount occurred in the current Amount accounted into the

Items Occurred in previous period

period current accidental gain/loss

Total of losses from disposal of

2,453,627.28 504,805.05

non-current assets

Including: Losses from disposal 2,453,627.28 502,872.97


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

of fixed assets

Intangible asset disposal



Donation 29,000.00 103,000.00

Lawsuit indemnity 0.00 14,921,737.67

Others 861,918.15 113,589.07

Total 3,344,545.43 15,643,131.79

48. Income tax expenses

(1) Details about income tax expense


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Income tax expenses in this period 11,587,965.22 11,562,638.82

Deferred income tax expenses -2,686,269.81 4,605,557.22

Total 8,901,695.41 16,168,196.04

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense


Items Amount occurred in the current period

Total profit 57,529,956.83

Income tax expenses calculated based on the legal (or applicable)


tax rates

Impacts of different tax rates applicable for some subsidiaries -8,078,252.11

Impacts of income tax before adjustment -336,446.43

Impact of non-taxable income 1,986,579.05

Impacts of non-deductible cost, expense and loss 622,793.86

Impacts of using deductible loss of unrecognized deferred


income tax assets

Deductable temporary difference and deductable loss of


unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Others -203,577.75

Income tax expenses 8,901,695.41


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

49. Other miscellaneous income

See Note VII 35

50. Notes to the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Interest income 2,540,342.54 1,250,108.37

Subsidy income 1,429,421.98 523,000.00

Retrieving of deposits for exchange bills 3,814,291.12 0.00

Bidding deposit and pledge 46,131,969.36 28,156,441.69

Others 7,114,288.38 7,342,275.28

Total 61,030,313.38 37,271,825.34

(2) Other cash paid related to operation


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Management costs paid 14,048,584.70 12,048,739.54

Sales costs paid 7,262,362.08 6,609,184.84

Deposit and pledge paid 54,017,213.61 43,444,113.34

Personal borrowing 3,451,294.08 2,038,161.79

Net draft deposit net paid 2,733,131.88

Others 9,357,452.43 9,300,935.99

Total 88,136,906.90 76,174,267.38

(3) Other cash paid related to investment activities


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Bidding deposit paid related to

1,150,000.00 40,117,900.00

construction projects

Total 1,150,000.00 40,117,900.00


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

(4) Other cash received related to financing


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Fractional dividend 31.03

Total 31.03

(5) Other cash paid related to financing


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Share issuance fee 641,119.57 1,171,039.70

Net draft deposit net paid 53,500,000.00

Others 439,000.00

Total 641,119.57 55,110,039.70

51. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement


Supplementary information Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of

-- --

business operation

Net profit 48,628,261.42 44,161,114.91

Plus: Asset impairment provision 10,347,572.61 14,372,081.89

Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol

12,815,549.95 14,617,490.88

depreciation, production goods depreciation

Amortization of intangible assets 1,973,088.31 2,117,084.77

Amortization of long-term amortizable

1,912,143.29 765,415.35


Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible

assets, and other long-term assets (“-“ for 2,385,055.21 453,950.93


Loss from fair value fluctuation (“-“ for

-10,163,410.45 -35,445,761.31


Financial expenses (“-“ for gains) 20,113,390.84 25,157,462.03

Investment losses (“-“ for gains) 289,857.34 -1,547,997.68


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Decrease of deferred income tax asset

-5,455,328.51 -4,349,309.65

(“-“ for increase)

Increase of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for

2,956,260.52 8,350,524.37


Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase) -271,168,255.93 -61,425,337.33

Decrease of operational receivable items

-153,629,463.47 -322,021,976.29

(“-“ for increase)

Increase of operational receivable items

637,464,622.79 37,350,054.06

(“-“ for decrease)

Others 2,733,131.88

Cash flow generated by business operations,

298,469,343.92 -274,712,071.19


2. Major investment and financing operation

-- --

not involving with cash

3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents -- --

Balance of cash at period end 367,564,230.41 212,370,926.94

Less: Initial balance of cash 247,739,243.78 102,638,232.19

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 119,824,986.63 109,732,694.75

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents


Items Closing balance Opening balance

I. Cash 367,564,230.41 247,739,243.78

Including: Cash in stock 18,968.85 28,072.46

Bank savings can be used at any time 361,326,250.00 242,777,612.25

Other monetary capital can be used at

6,219,011.56 4,933,559.07

any time

3. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at

367,564,230.41 247,739,243.78

end of term

52. Ownership- or use-right-restricted assets


Items Closing book value Reason

Monetary capital 126,399,802.42 Frozen deposit and pledge

Fixed assets 65,268,757.56 Borrowing pledge or freezen by a court

Investment real estate 296,740,660.60 Loan by pledge


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

100% stake in Fangda Property

200,000,000.00 Loan by pledge

Development held by the Company

Total 688,409,220.58 --

53. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items


Closing foreign currency

Items Exchange rate Closing RMB balance


Monetary capital

Including: USD 386,074.11 6.63 2,560,134.64


HK Dollar 3,836,226.00 0.85 3,278,707.28

SGD 418,485.22 4.92 2,060,579.37

Account receivable -- -- 27,924,253.95

Including: USD 4,211,040.83 6.63 27,924,253.95


HK Dollar 2,039,722.10 0.85 1,743,350.48

SGD 1,388,025.00 4.92 6,834,496.30

(2) The note of overseas operating entities should include the main operation places, book keeping

currencies and selection basis. Where the book keeping currency is changed, the reason should also be


□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

54. Hedging

Hedging items and related tools, qualitative and quantitative information about hedging risks:

VIII. Change to Consolidation Scope

1. Disposal of subsidiaries

Single disposal of a subsidiary that may lead to loss of control

□ Yes √ No

Disposal of a subsidiary in multiple steps that lead to loss of control in the report period

□ Yes √ No


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

2. Change to the consolidation scope for other reasons

Change in the consolidation scope due to other reasons (such as new subsidiaries and liquidation of subsidiaries) and the situations:

Fangda Automation (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. indirectly controlled by the Company was set up in the report period.

Sub-subsidiary Ganzhou Longneng New Energy Co, Ltd. was cancelled in the report period.

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Group Composition

Registered Shareholding percentage

Company Place of business Business Obtaining method

address Direct Indirect



Fangda Jianke Shenzhen Shenzhen 98.39% 1.61% Incorporation

and installation of

curtain walls


processing and


Shenzhen Shenzhen installation of 14.00% 86.00% Incorporation


subway screen


Prodution and

sales of new-type


Fangda New

Nanchang Nanchang composite 75.00% 25.00% Incorporation


materials and

production of

curtain walls


production, sales

Fangda and installation of

Nanchang Nanchang 99.00% 1.00% Incorporation

Aluminium aluminium

materials, doors

and windows

Manufacturing of


lighting material

Shenyang Fangda Shenyang Shenyang 64.58% Incorporation

and chips;

lighting source



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report





installation and

trading of


lighting system


Kexunda Shenzhen Shenzhen software 100.00% Incorporation


Real estate

Fangda Property Shenzhen Shenzhen development and 100.00% Incorporation


Design and

Fangda New

Shenzhen Shenzhen construction of 100.00% Incorporation


PV power plants


processing of

Chengdu Fangda Chengdu Chengdu 100.00% Incorporation

building curtain

wall materials


Virgin Islands Virgin Islands Investment 100.00% Incorporation


Installation and

Dongguan New

Dongguan Dongguan sales of building 100.00% Incorporation


curtain walls


Shenyang manufacturing,

Shenyang Shenyang 100.00% Incorporation

Decoration and installation of

curtain walls

Installation of

Consolidation of

LED color curtain

Shenzhen Woke Shenzhen Shenzhen 64.58% entities not under

wall, city and

common control

road lamps

Production and Consolidation of

Fangda SOZN Zhongshan Zhongshan sales of light 60.00% entities not under

products common control

Shenzhen Fangda

Property Property

Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00% Incorporation

Management Co., management



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Jiangxi Fangda

Real estate


Nanchang Nanchang development and 100.00% Incorporation

Development Co.,



Pingxiang Fangda Design and

Luxin New Pingxiang Pingxiang construction of 100.00% Incorporation

Energy Co., Ltd. PV power plants


Design and


Pingxiang Pingxiang construction of 100.00% Incorporation

Fangda New

PV power plants

Energy Co., Ltd.

Nanchang Xinjian Design and

Fangda New Nanchang Nanchang construction of 100.00% Incorporation

Energy Co., Ltd. PV power plants

Dongguan Design and

Fangda New Dongguan Dongguan construction of 100.00% Incorporation

Energy Co., Ltd. PV power plants

Kechuangyuan Software

Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00% Incorporation

Software development



processing and


Hong Kong Hong Kong installation of 100.00% Incorporation

(Hong Kong) Co.,

subway screen



(2) Major non wholly-owned subsidiaries


Dividend to be Interest balance of

Shareholding of minority Profit and loss attributed

Company distributed to minority minority shareholders in

shareholders to minority shareholders

shareholders the end of the period

Shenyang Fangda 35.42% -989,388.91 48,742,421.75

Fangda SOZN 40.00% -3,538,076.60 -35,729,232.29

(3) Financial highlights of major non wholly owned subsidiaries


Closing balance Opening balance

Compan Non-curr Non-curr Non-curr Non-curr

Current Total of Current Total Current Total of Current Total

y ent ent ent ent

asset assets liabilities liabilities asset assets liabilities liabilities

assets liabilities assets liabilities


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Shenyan 3,101,16 94,937,3 98,038,5 19,471,0 19,471,0 11,015,3 96,973,8 107,989, 26,628,4 26,628,4

g Fangda 1.81 48.17 09.98 74.20 74.20 01.41 89.70 191.11 49.55 49.55

Fangda 68,356,2 15,112,4 83,468,6 170,852, 1,939,11 172,791, 86,090,1 17,680,8 103,771, 182,294, 1,954,47 184,248,

SOZN 40.15 18.29 58.44 625.78 3.38 739.16 53.63 88.58 042.21 458.10 3.34 931.44


Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Business Business

Company Total of misc. Total of misc.

Turnover Net profit operation Turnover Net profit operation

incomes incomes

cash flows cash flows


-2,793,305.78 -3,804,615.87 -3,804,615.87 -170,718.69


Fangda 13,173,050.1 20,058,880.5 110,671,469. -14,522,347.5 -14,522,347.5

-8,845,191.49 -2,458,543.39

SOZN 4 9 13 5 5

2. Interests in joint ventures or associates

(1) Financial summary of insignificant joint ventures and associates


Closing balance/amount occurred in this Opening balance/amount occurred in

period previous period

Joint venture: -- --

Total shareholding -- --

Associate: -- --

Total book value of investment 13,089,903.05 10,489,680.93

Total shareholding -- --

Net profit -399,777.88 -358,979.50

Total of misc. incomes -399,777.88 -358,979.50

X. Risks of Financial Tools

Major financial tools of the Group include monetary fund, accounts receivable, receivable bills, other receivables, other current

assets, financial assets measured at fair value and whose change recorded in the profit and loss of this period, accounts payable,

interest payable, payable bills, other payables, short-term borrowings, other current liabilities, non current liabilities due within one

year and long-term borrowings. Details about the Group's financial instruments are disclosed in related notes. The following explains

risks related to the financial instruments and risk management policies adopted by the Group to lower the risks. The management of

the Group manages and monitor the risks to ensure that the risks are within the acceptable range.

1. Risk management target and policy

The target of the risk management is to balance between risk and benefit and lower financial risks’ impacts on the Group’s


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

financial performance. Based on the target, the Group has formulated risk management policy to identify and analyze risks facing the

Group and set an appropriate acceptable level and internal control procedures to monitor the risks. The Group regularly reviews the

risk management policies and related internal control system to suit the market status and changes in the Group’s operating activities.

The internal auditing department of the Group will regularly or randomly check the implementation of the internal control system.

Risks caused by the Group’s financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (including interest, exchange rate

and product price/equity tool price risks).

(1) Credit risk

Credit risk is caused by the failure of one party of a financial instrument in performing its obligations, causing the risk of

financial loss for the other party.

The Group manages credit risks through classification. The credit risk is mainly caused by bank deposit and receivables.

The Group’s bank deposit is mainly deposited in state-owned banks and large-sized listed banks. The credit risk caused by bank

deposited is minor.

For receivables, the Group sets up related policies to control the credit risk. The Group set the credit line and term for debtors

according to their financial status, external rating, and possibility of getting third-party guarantee, credit record and other factors. The

Group regularly monitors debtors’ credit record. For those with poor credit record, the Group will send written payment reminders,

shorten or cancel credit term to lower the general credit risk.

The largest credit risk facing the Group is the book value of each financial asset on the balance sheet. The Group makes no

guarantee that may cause the Group credit risks.

Among the Group’s receivables, accounts receivable from top 5 customers account for 11.50% of the total accounts receivable

(2015: 12.92%); among other receivables, other receivables from top 5 customers account for 23.10% of the total other receivables

(2014: 19.64%).

(2) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of capital shortage when the Group needs to pay cash or settled with other financial assets.

The Group keeps adequate cash and cash equivalent, and monitors the level to ensure that the cash and cash equivalent can meet

the operation needs. The management of the Group monitors the use of bank loans and ensures that they are used as agreed. The

Group also obtains guarantee from financial institutions for adequate standby fund to meet short-term and long-term capital demand.

The Group can also use fund generated by operating activities and bank and other loans. On June 30, 2016, bank loan credit that

the Group has not used was RMB2.29 billion (December 31, 2015: RMB2.49).

Financial liabilities and excluded guarantees held by the Group by undiscounted residual contract cash flow (in RMB10,000) at

the end of the period:

Closing amount

Assets Less than 1 year Within 1-3 years Over 3 years Total

Financial liabilities:

Short-term loans 96,100.00 96,100.00


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Notes payable 45,783.23 45,783.23

Account payable 83,448.18 8,530.23 91,978.41

Interest payable

273.09 273.09

Other payables 6,320.09 6,320.09

Other current liabilities 9,842.56 9,842.56

Long-term loans 48,652.41 48,652.41

Total liabilities 241,767.16 8,530.23 48,652.41 298,949.80

Financial liabilities and excluded guarantees held by the Group by undiscounted residual contract cash flow (in RMB10,000) at

the beginning of the period:

Opening amount

Assets Less than 1 year Within 1-3 years Over 3 years Total

Financial liabilities:

Short-term loans 114,795.78 114,795.78

Notes payable 30,352.76 30,352.76

Account payable 86,262.17 500.67 86,762.84

Interest payable 324.18 324.18

Other payables 8,267.73 8,267.73

Other current liabilities 9,842.56 9,842.56

Long-term loans 30,039.56 30,039.56

Total liabilities 249,845.18 500.67 30,039.56 280,385.41

(3) Market risk

Market risk of financial instrument is caused by changes in the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flow, including

interest risk, exchange rate and other price risks.

Interest rate risk is caused by fluctuation of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments caused by changes in the

market interest rate. The interest rate risk can be caused by recognized interest-bearing financial instruments and unrecognized

financial instruments.

The Group's interest rate risk is mainly caused by short-term borrowings, other current liabilities and long-term borrowings.

Financial liabilities with floating interest rate cause cash flow interest rate risk for the Group. Financial liabilities with fixed interest

rate cause fair value interest rate risk for the Group. The Group decides the proportion between fixed interest rate and floating interest

rate according to the market environment and regularly reviews and monitors the combination of fixed and floating interest rate

instruments. All financial liabilities of the Group at the end of the period bear fixed interest rawtes.

The Group pays close attention to the risks of changing interest rates. The Group adopts no hedging policies currently. The

management is responsible for monitoring the interest risks. As fixed deposits are short-term borrowing, the interest rate risk of the

fair value of bank deposit is minor.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

On June 30, 2016, if the interest rate of borrowings calculated on based on floating interest rate is 50 base points up or down,

while other factors remain the same, there will be no impact on the Group's net profit and shareholders' interests.

Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk is caused by fluctuation of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments caused by changes in the

foreign exchange rates. The exchange rate risk can be caused by financial instruments priced in foreign currencies.

The Group mainly operates in China and use RMB as the settlement currency. Therefore, the exchange rate risk facing the

Group is minor.

See Note VII. 53 Foreign Currency Item Note for the Group’s financial assets and liabilities priced in foreign currencies.

Other price risks

Other price risks refer to risks of fluctuations caused by changes to market prices, regardless of whether the changes are caused

by factors related to a single financial tool or issuer, or factors related to all similar financial tools traded in the market. Other price

risks come from changes in product prices or equity tool prices.

Investment in financial assets held by the Group, classified as measured at fair value and whose changes recorded into the gain

and loss in this period is measured at its fair value on the balance sheet date. Therefore, the Group bears risks of changes in the

securities market.

The Group closely follows impacts of price changes to the Company’s securities investment price risks. The Group takes no

measure to prevent other price risks currently.The management is responsible for monitoring the other price risks.

2. Capital management

The Group’s capital management aims to ensure continuous operation of the Group, provide returns for shareholders, help other

interested parties make benefit, and maintain the best capital structure and lower capital cost.

The Group may adjust the dividend distributed to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to maintain or adjust the capital


The Group monitors the capital structure based on the assets/liability ratio. On December 31, 2015, the Group’s assets/liability

ratio is 74.83% (31.12.15: 70.12%).

XI. Fair Value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value


Closing fair value


First level fair value Second level fair value Third level fair value Total

1. Continuous fair value

-- -- -- --


(2) Investment in equity 14,132,823.12 14,132,823.12


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


3. Derivative financial

1,230,425.00 1,230,425.00


(3) Investment real estate 315,192,006.44 315,192,006.44

2. Leased building 315,192,006.44 315,192,006.44

Total assets measured at

15,363,248.12 315,192,006.44 330,555,254.56

fair value continuously

2. Discontinuous fair

-- -- -- --

value measurement

2. Recognition basis of market value of continuous and discontinuous items measured at first level fair


The Group determines the fair value using quotation in an active market for financial instruments traded in an active market;

Valuation technique and qualitative and quantitative information for key parameters of continuous and

discontinuous second level fair value items

For investment in real estate similar with real estate transaction, the Group uses valuation techniques to determine its fair value. The

technique is comparison method. Inputs include transaction date, status, region and other factors.

4. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

Financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost include: monetary capital, bills receivable, accounts receivable, other

receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payables, other payables, and long-term payables.

The difference between book value and fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value is small.

XII. Related Parties and Transactions

1. Parent of the Company

Share of the parent Voting power of the

Parent Registered address Business Registered capital

co. in the Company parent company

Shenzhen Banglin


Shenzhen Industrial investment 3,000.00 9.09% 9.09%

Development Co.,


Shenzhen Shilihe

Shenzhen Industrial investment 1,978.0992 2.36% 2.36%

Investment Co., Ltd.

Shengjiu Investment Hong Kong Industrial investment HKD1.00 6.51% 6.51%


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report


Particulars about the parent of the Company

(1) All of the investors of Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. – the holding shareholder of the Company, are

natural persons. Among them, Chairman Xiong Jianming is holding 85% of the shares, and Mr. Xiong Xi – son of Mr. Xiong

Jianming, is holding 15% of the shares.

(2) Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu

Investment Co., Ltd. are parties action-in-concert. Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and

Shenzhen Shilihe Investment Co., Ltd. are related parties. The Company is not notified of other action-in-concert or related

parties among the other holders of current shares.

The final controller of the Company is Xiong Jianming.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

See Note IX. 1.

3. Joint ventures and associates

See Note XI, 2 for details of significant joint ventures and associates of the Company.

Information about other joint ventures or associates with related transactions in this period or with balance generated by related

transactions in previous period:

Joint venture or associate Relationship with the Company

Shenzhen Ganshang Joint Investment Co., Ltd. Associate

Shenzhen Huihai Yirong Internet Service Co., Ltd. Associate

4. Other associates

Other related parties Relationship with the Company

Directors, manager, CFO and secretary of the Board of Directors Key management

5. Related transactions

(1) Related leasing

The Company is the leasor:


Name of the leasee Category of asset for lease Rental recognized in the period Rental recognized in the period

Shenzhen Ganshang Joint

Houses & buildings 61,252.86 64,455.14

Investment Co., Ltd.

Note to related leasing


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

(2) Remuneration of key management


Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Wage, remuneration and subsidy 2,565,850.00 2,535,415.00

XIII. Contingent events

1. Contingencies

(1) Significant contingencies on the balance sheet date

Contingent liabilities formed by material lawsuit or arbitration, and their influences on the financial position

In June 2015, Fangda Jianke filed a lawsuit against Wang Weihong, requiring an indemnity of RMB23 million and defreezing

of the amount RMB23 million by the bank. By the report date, the lawsuit remain pending.

In 2013, Fangda Jianke filed a lawsuit to Shenyang Middle People’s Court again Shenyang Lidu Commerce Co., Ltd.,

requiring construction payment and loss of RMB9,375,483.47 and the interest. By the report, the construction quality certificate is

in application and the second trial remains pending.

(2) Significant contingent events that do not need to be disclosed should be explained

No such significant contingent event

XIV. Post-balance-sheet events

1. Major non-adjustment event


Influence on the financial

Reason for not able to estimate

Items Description position and business

the influence


A total 32,184,931 shares will

be issued at the issuance price

of RMB14. 60/share. The

issuance will raise a total

Stock and bond issuance RMB469,899,992.60. After 459,869,219.88

the issuance cost of

RMB10,030,772.72 is

deducted, the net income will

be RMB459,869,219.88.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

XV. Other material events

1. Suspension of operations



operation profit

Income tax

Items Income Expense Total profit Net profit attributable to the


owners of parent


Suspension of

0.00 -2,829,576.90 -2,800,421.21 -2,800,421.21


Other note

Shenyang Fangda has been suspended from operating since 2012 and is in the liquidation process. Shenzhen Woke has been

liquidated according to the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting in 2012, the company's business has been suspended. Fangda

Aluminium has been suspended from operating since 2011 and is in the liquidation process.

2. Segment information

(1) Recognition basis and accounting policy for segment report

The Group divides its businesses into five reporting segments. The reporting segments are determined based on financial information

required by routine internal management. The Group’s management regularly review the operating results of the reporting segments

to determine resource distribution and evaluate their performance.

The reporting segments are:

(1) Curtain wall segment, production and sales of curtain wall materials, construction curtain wall design, production and installation;

(2) Rail transport segment, assembly and processing of metro screen doors;

(3) Real estate segment, development and operating of real estate on land of which land use right is legally obtained by the Company;

property management;

(4) New energy segment, R&D, installation and sales of PV devices, design and construction of PV power plants; R&D, design,

production, sales and installation of light accessories, and other lights, LED products and hardware.

(5) Others

The segment report information is disclosed based on the accounting policies and measurement standards used by the segments when

reporting to the management. The policies and standards should be consistent with those used in preparing the financial statement.

(2) Financial information



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Offset between

Items Curtain wall Rail transport Real estate New energy Others Total



Turnover 821,940,132.72 165,186,777.29 0.00 14,599,260.08 14,499,890.63 6,770,010.97


Major business

815,228,244.25 164,147,627.29 0.00 8,800,642.45 2,614,221.17 985,562,292.82


Operation cost 685,876,861.72 129,034,411.84 0.00 18,070,248.52 1,019,406.36 2,693,308.83 831,307,619.61

Main business

681,819,443.88 128,804,002.92 0.00 10,397,906.99 2,693,308.93 818,328,044.86


XVI. Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent

1. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories


Closing balance Opening balance

Remaining book Remaining book

Bad debt provision Bad debt provision

Type value Book value

Book value

Proportio Provision value Proportio Provision

Amount Amount Amount Amount

n rate n rate

Recognition and

23,572.4 356,660

providing of bad debt 100.00% 707.17 3.00% 22,865.24 100.00% 10,699.82 3.00% 345,960.74

1 .56

provisions on groups

23,572.4 356,660

Total 707.17 22,865.24 10,699.82 345,960.74

1 .56

Account receivable with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end of the period:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

In the group, the account receivable of which bad debt provision is made through the account aging method:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Closing balance


Account receivable Bad debt provision Provision rate

Sub-item of within 1 year

Less than 1 year 23,572.41 707.17 3.00%

Total 23,572.41 707.17

Group recognition basis:

Account receivable adopting the balance percentage method in the group


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Account receivable adopting other methods in the group:

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

A bad debt provision of RMB-9,992.65 was made in the period. RMB0.00 was recovered or reversed.

(3) Balance of top 5 accounts receivable at the end of the period

The total balance of top-five accounts receivable at the end of the period is RMB23,572.41, accounting for 100% of the total

remaining balance of all accounts receivable. The bad debt provision made at the end of the period is RMB707.17.

2. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by categories


Closing balance Opening balance

Remaining book Remaining book

Bad debt provision Bad debt provision

Type value Book value

Book value

Proportio Provision value Proportio Provision

Amount Amount Amount Amount

n rate n rate

Other receivables

with major individual

57,108,4 40,452,1 16,656,29 57,108, 40,452,12 16,656,292.

amount and bad debt 70.83% 13.71% 70.83%

20.31 27.75 2.56 420.31 7.75 56

provision provided


(2) Recognition and

451,532, 568,290. 450,964,3 359,478 543,116.2 358,935,05

providing of bad debt 100.00% 0.12% 86.29% 0.15%

599.16 41 08.75 ,173.41 1 7.20

provisions on groups

508,641, 41,020,4 467,620,6 416,586 40,995,24 375,591,34


019.47 18.16 01.31 ,593.72 3.96 9.76

Other receivables with major individual amount and bad debt provision provided individually at the end of the period:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Other receivables (by Closing balance

entity) Other receivables Bad debt provision Provision rate Reason

Unrecoverable according

Fangda SOZN 57,108,420.31 40,452,127.75 70.83%

to the agreement

Total 57,108,420.31 40,452,127.75 -- --

In the group, the other receivables of which bad debt provision are made through the account aging method:


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Closing balance


Other receivables Bad debt provision Provision rate

Sub-item of within 1 year

Less than 1 year

Subtotal for less than 1 year 1,060,610.97 28,166.70 2.66%

1-2 years 2,219.35 221.94 10.00%

2-3 years 20,000.00 6,000.00 30.00%

Over 3 years 1,067,803.54 533,901.77 50.00%

Total 2,150,633.86 568,290.41

Group recognition basis:

Other receivables adopting the balance percentage method in the group:

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Other receivables adopting other methods in the group

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

A bad debt provision of RMB25,174.20 was made in the period. RMB0.00 was recovered or reversed.

(3) Other receivables are disclosed by nature


By nature Closing balance of book value Opening balance of book value

Associate accounts 506,490,385.61 415,397,754.23

Other trades 2,150,633.86 1,188,839.49

Total 508,641,019.47 416,586,593.72

(4) Balance of top 5 other receivables at the end of the period


Balance of bad debt

Entity By nature Closing balance Age Percentage (%) provision at the end

of the period

Fangda Jianke Associate accounts 229,675,515.85 Less than 1 year 45.15%

Fangda Property Associate accounts 133,239,091.91 Less than 1 year 26.20%

Fangda SOZN Associate accounts 57,108,420.31 1-2 years 11.23% 40,452,127.75


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Fangda Automatic Associate accounts 34,470,569.96 Less than 1 year 6.78%

Shihui International Associate accounts 30,459,793.09 1-2 years 5.99%

Total -- 484,953,391.12 -- 95.34% 40,452,127.75

3. Long-term share equity investment


Closing balance Opening balance

Items Remaining book Impairment Remaining book Impairment

Book value Book value

value provision value provision

Investment in

1,013,991,568.20 56,780,600.00 957,210,968.20 1,013,991,568.20 56,780,600.00 957,210,968.20


Investment in

associates and 13,089,903.05 13,089,903.05 10,489,680.93 10,489,680.93

joint ventures

Total 1,027,081,471.25 56,780,600.00 970,300,871.25 1,024,481,249.13 56,780,600.00 967,700,649.13

(1) Investment in subsidiaries


Balance of

Provision made in impairment

Invested entity Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance

this period provision at the

end of the period

Fangda Jianke 491,950,000.00 491,950,000.00


19,800,000.00 19,800,000.00 19,800,000.00


Fangda Automatic 18,831,241.35 18,831,241.35

Fangda New

74,496,600.00 74,496,600.00


Shenyang Fangda 108,852,073.85 108,852,073.85 36,980,600.00

Fangda Property 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00


International 61,653.00 61,653.00

Holding Co., Ltd.

Fangda New

100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00


Total 1,013,991,568.20 1,013,991,568.20 56,780,600.00


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

(2) Investment in associates and joint ventures


Change (+,-) Balance

Investme of


nt gain Cash impairme

Decrease miscellan

Invested Opening Increased and loss Other dividend Impairme Closing nt

d eous

entity balance investmen recognize equity or profit nt Others balance provision

investmen income

t d using change announce provision at the end

t adjustmen

the equity d of the


method period

1. Joint venture

2. Associate



Joint 8,511,197 -104,832. 8,406,365

Investme .98 11 .87

nt Co.,




Yirong 1,978,482 3,000,000 -294,945. 4,683,537

Internet .95 .00 77 .18


Co., Ltd.

10,489,68 3,000,000 -399,777. 13,089,90


0.93 .00 88 3.05

10,489,68 3,000,000 -399,777. 13,089,90


0.93 .00 88 3.05

4. Operational revenue and costs


Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period


Income Cost Income Cost

Other businesses 14,499,890.63 1,019,406.36 15,377,309.73 1,670,215.88

Total 14,499,890.63 1,019,406.36 15,377,309.73 1,670,215.88

5. Investment income



Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

Items Amount occurred in the current period Occurred in previous period

Gains from long-term equity investment

-399,777.88 1,256,994.94

measured by equity

Other investment gains 5,424.66 55,961.64

Total -394,353.22 1,312,956.58

XVII. Supplementary Materials

1. Detailed accidental gain/loss

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Items Amount Notes

Gain/loss of non-current assets -2,385,055.21

Subsidies accounted into the current income

account (except the government subsidy

closely related to the enterprise’s business 1,545,204.08

and based on unified national standard


Gain from entrusted investment or assets



Gain/loss from change of fair value of

transactional financial asset and liabilities,

and investment gains from disposal of

transactional financial assets and liabilities -413,383.46

and sellable financial assets, other than valid

period value instruments related to the

Company’s common businesses

Gain/loss from change of fair value of

investment property measured at fair value 10,576,793.91

in follow-up measurement

Other non-business income and expenditures


other than the above

Less: Influenced amount of income tax 3,297,963.39

Influenced amount of minority


shareholders’ equity

Total 8,891,315.79 --

Explanation statement should be made for accidental gain/loss items defined and accidental

gain/loss items defined as regular gain/loss items according to the Explanation Announcement of

Information Disclosure No. 1 - Non-recurring gain/loss mentioned.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

Earning per share

Profit of the report period Weighted average net income/asset ratio Basic earnings per share Diluted Earnings per

(yuan/share) share (yuan/share)

Net profit attributable to common

3.99% 0.07 0.07

shareholders of the Company

Net profit attributable to the

common owners of the PLC after

3.32% 0.06 0.06

deducting of non-recurring


3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the international and

Chinese account standards

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable


Net profit Net assets

Amount occurred in the Occurred in previous

Closing balance Opening balance

current period period

On Chinese accounting

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87 1,298,007,705.19 1,319,496,334.84


Items and amounts adjusted according International Accounting Standards:

On international

53,156,405.36 51,317,648.87 1,302,771,103.43 1,324,259,733.08

accounting standards

(2) Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the international and

Chinese account standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Differences in financial data using domestic and foreign accounting standards, the overseas institution

name should be specified if the difference in data audited by an overseas auditor is adjusted

Net assets attributable to the listed company’s shareholders calculated according to the IAS is RMB4,763,398.24 higher than

that calculated according to the domestic accounting standards, mainly attributable to the capitalization of borrow expenses before

the domestic Enterprise Accounting Standard was implemented on January 1, 2007.


Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. 2016Interim Report

X Documents for Reference

1. The Interim Report 2016 and the Summary with signature of the legal representative (Chinese and English);

2. Financial statements stamped and signed by the legal representative, CFO and accounting manager;

3. Originals of all documents and manuscripts of Public Notices of the Company disclosed in public in the newspapers as designated

by China Securities Regulatory Commission.



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