Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B; No: 2016-051
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Public Notice on Resolution of the 5th Meeting
Of the 7th Supervisory Committee
Please be advised that the 5th meeting of the 7th Supervisory Committee of Dalian
Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was held at the
meeting room on the 5th floor of the Company on July 5, 2016. All 3 supervisors
attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Yu Fuchun, the
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee. The following resolutions were examined
and adopted at the meeting:
I. Report on up-front cost replace by raise funds;
Supervisory Committee of the Company consider that supervisors have review the
“Report on up-front cost replace by raise funds”, and relevant procedures are comply
with the “Guidelines for Regulating the Listed Companies No.2-supervision
requirement of management and usage of raised fund for the listed companies” from
CSRC, meet requirement of the actual development of the Company, and there are no
shareholders’ interest been violated and usage of raised fund been changed in
disguised form, and without affecting normal implementation of the
raised-fund-projects. Supervisory Committee agrees to replace the self-financing,
which invest in advance for raise-fund-project, with RMB 87.5971 million raised
With 3 votes for, 0 vote against and 0 vote as abstention.
2. Report on changing the saving method for temporary idle raised fund.
Supervisory Committee agrees to the Company to change the saving method for RMB
80 million idle raised fund, that is, saving the funds as certificates of deposit for 6
With 3 votes for, 0 vote against and 0 vote as abstention.
Supervisory Committee of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
July 6, 2016