Stock Code: 000530; 200530 No: 2016-041
Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
Public Notice on Progress of the controlling shareholder
Increased holdings of shares of the company
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and its whole members of Board of
Directors ensure that the public notice is real, accurate and complete, and there are
no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this
Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) received the notice from the controlling
shareholder Dalian Bingshan Group Co., Ltd. (“Bingshan Group”) on February 22, 2016.
Bingshan Group have increased holdings of the A shares of the Company through the Shenzhen
stock exchange securities trading system on February 22, 2016, and planned to continue
increasing holdings of the A shares of the Company timely in the next six months (short for “the
implementation period of increase holdings”) from the first day of increased holdings(February 22,
2016). The cumulative proportion of the increased holdings will no less than 1% of the total issued
shares of the Company; the cumulative total amount of the increased holdings will not exceed 160
million. The company released the< public notice on the controlling shareholder increased
holdings of shares of the Company >on February 23,2016 (NO:2016-016).
On May 9,2016, The Company received the notice from Bingshan Group, after the first increased
holdings on February, 2016, Bingshan Group have continued increasing holdings of the A shares
of the Company through the Shenzhen stock exchange securities trading system for many trading
days, The relevant information is as follows:
1. The increased holdings subject:
The controlling shareholder of the Company -Bingshan Group
2.The purpose of the increased holdings
Based on the confidence in development prospects of the transformation and the future strategic
distribution of the Company, and the reasonable judgment of the value of the company,in order to
promote the sustainable, stable and healthy development of the company.
3. The relevant information of the increased holdings:
Bingshan Group increased holdings of A shares of the Company through the Shenzhen stock
exchange securities trading system centralized bidding on several trading days. Accounting for
about 0.72% of the total issued shares of the Company. Before the dividend distribution for the
year of 2015, increased holdings of 2,500,000 A shares of the Company , after the dividend
distribution for the year of 2015,increased holdings of 150,000 A shares of the Company .
4. The shareholdings after the increased holdings
Before the increased holdings, Bingshan Group held 77,855,683 shares of the Company,
accounting for about 21.62% of the total issued shares of the Company. After the increased
holdings and the dividend distribution for the year of 2015, Bingshan Group hold 120,683,524
shares of the Company, accounting for about 22.34% of the total issued shares of the Company.
5. Other matters
(1).The increased holdings behavior meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
(2).The increased holdings will not lead to the company's equity distribution or without the listing
conditions, will not cause the controlling shareholder of the company and the actual controller
(3).Bingshan Group will continue to increase holdings of A shares of the Company and promise
not to reduce shares within the implementation period of increase holdings and the legal time
(4).The company will be in accordance with the relevant provisions, focus continuously on the
relevant information for the progress of the increased holdings and to fulfill the obligation of
information disclosure in time.
Hereby notify the above
Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.
May 10, 2016