
来源:深交所 2016-04-30 00:00:00

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report

Stock code: 200054 Stock Abbreviation: Jianmo B Announcement No.: 2016-026

Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

1. Important notes

The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details information , investors should found in

the full-text of annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website appointed

by CSRC.

Objections of the directors, supervisors and senior management

Name Office title Objection & reason


Other directors attending the Meeting for annual report deliberation except for the followed:

Name of director absent Title for absent director Reasons for absent Attorney

Non-standard auditor’s opinion

□ Applicable √Not applicable

Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the common shareholders or turning the capital reserve into the share

capital for the reporting period, which has been reviewed and approved at the board meeting

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the

report period.

Plans for profit distribution on preference shares for the reporting period approved by the Board

□ Applicable √Not applicable

Company Profile

Stock abbreviation Jianmo B Stock code 200054

Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Contact person and contact

Board secretary Securities affairs Representative


Name Lv Hongxian(Interim) Liu Hongyu

No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone, No.1 Jianshe Road, Huaxi Industrial Zone,

Office Address

Ba’nan District, Chongqing Ba’nan District, Chongqing

Fax. 023-66295333 023-66295333

Tel. 023-66295333 023-66295333

Email. cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn cqjsmc@jianshe.com.cn

II. Brief introduction to the main business or products in the reporting period

The company's main business is divided into two sections of the motorcycle and vehicle air-conditioning. In

recent years, the whole motorcycle industry continued to decline, which greatly impacted the company’s

motorcycle business year by year. Due to the large proportion of resources allocated to the motorcycle business,

the growth in the air-conditioning business still unable to compensate for the impact of the decline in the

motorcycle business, thus the main business of the company recorded a loss. To improve the company's asset

quality and profitability and enhance the capacity for sustainable development, the company implemented the

major asset restructuring in 2015, stripped the main assets and liabilities involved in the motorcycle business and

completed the structural adjustment of the main business. The company will further explore and diversify the


Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report

development space based on the air-conditioning business to lay a solid foundation for the sustainable and stable

development of the company.

III. Accounting and financial highlights

1.Accounting and financial highlights for the past three years

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate the accounting data of previous years due to changes in the

accounting policy or corrections of accounting errors?

□Yes √ No


Changed over last year

2015 2014 2013


Operating Gross income(RMB) 1,341,331,910.93 1,763,619,804.97 -23.94% 1,885,831,544.85

Net profit attributable to the

shareholders of the listed company 240,735,112.20 -133,593,949.98 280.20% 11,589,364.53


Net profit after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss attributable

-255,598,353.81 -153,898,341.02 -66.08% -99,416,477.62

to the shareholders of listed


Cash flow generated by business

82,306,010.61 94,598,651.91 -12.99% 162,848,662.04

operation, net(RMB)

Basic earning per

2.017 -1.119 280.25% 0.097


Diluted gains per

2.017 -1.119 280.25% 0.097


Net asset earning ratio(%) 174.84% -158.82% 210.09% 7.83%

End of Changed over last year

End of 2015 End of 2013

2014 (%)

Gross assets(RMB) 1,550,615,831.44 2,389,211,010.43 -35.10% 2,761,080,427.99

Net assets attributable to

shareholders of the listed company 256,116,085.51 17,321,196.61 1,378.63% 150,915,146.59


2.Main Financial Index by Quarters


First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter

Operating revenue 355,351,388.28 364,304,314.19 303,960,771.84 317,715,436.62

Net profit attributable to the

-16,904,008.56 -53,984,680.11 -64,918,870.00 376,542,670.87

shareholders of the listed company

Net profit after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss attributable

-17,459,103.30 -54,303,443.79 -72,484,859.14 111,255,147.57

to the shareholders of listed


Net Cash flow generated by

5,981,111.44 26,480,631.62 -33,188,489.57 83,032,757.12

business operation

Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial

index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.

□ Yes √No


Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report

IV. Share capital and shareholders

1. Numbers of the common shareholders and the preference shareholders with resumed voting rights as

well as the shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

In shares

Total number Total Total

of common The total number

shareholders at preferred sharehold

shareholders at of preferred shar

the end of the ers at the end of the

the end of the 8,675 8,475 eholders voting ri 0 0

month from the month from the date

ghts restored at p

reporting date of disclosing of disclosing the


period the annual report annual report

Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders

Number of Number of share

Nature of Proportion of shares held pledged/frozen

Shareholders Amount of restricted shares held

shareholder shares held(%) at period

-end State of share Amount

China Military


Equipment 71.13% 84,906,250 84,906,250

legal person

Group Co., Ltd.


Gu Zuocheng natural 1.86% 2,218,750 2,218,750






Economic 1.47% 1,750,000 1,750,000

ned legal



Group Co., Ltd.


Feng Yonghui natural 0.42% 500,000 500,000



Liu Dan natural 1.07% 1,276,001 0




Hongyuan 0.63% 756,125 0

legal person



Chen Xinqiang natural 0.56% 663,252 0



Xu Yuanhui natural 0.45% 539,989 0



Zhang Meilan natural 0.42% 507,260 0



Feng Yongxia natural 0.33% 398,575 0


There isnt any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other

Notes to relationship or

shareholders among the top-10 list. None of them are regarded as Acting in concert in accordance

“action in concert” among the

top ten shareholders. with The rules of information disclosure on change of shareholding. Foreign shareholders are

unknown for their condition of Associated relationship and Acting in concert.

2.Number of the preference shareholders and the shareholdings of the top 10 of them

□ Applicable √Not applicable

No preference shareholders in the reporting period


Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report

3.Relationship between the Company and its actual controller in the form of diagram

V. Management’s Discussion and Analysis

1.Business review for the reporting period

In the year, the company's business segments were respectively adjusted and developed, but due to the large

proportion of resources allocated to the motorcycle business and the impact from the declined market demand, the

scale of the company’s motorcycle business continued to shrink. However, the growth in the air-conditioning

business still unable to compensate for the impact of the decline in the motorcycle business, the company's main

business revenue continued to decline in the year, thus the operating profits was negative, but because the sales of

the major asset generated proceeds, thus the net profits of the year was positive.

2.Significant changes in the main business in the reporting period

√ Yes □No

3.Products contributing over 10% of the main business revenue or profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease

of revenue in the of business cost of gross profit

Gross profit

Name Turnover Operation cost same period of over the same rate over the same


the previous period of period of the

year(%) previous year (%) previous year (%)

Motorcycle and -174,941,850.73

522,989,115.46 -240,528,627.51 -9.86% -46.00% -16.63%

parts %

Vehicle air

750,931,026.36 4,871,712.29 20.90% 3.23% 1,726,176.52% 3.24%


4.Seasonal or periodic characteristics in the operating performance that need special attention

□ Yes √ No


Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report

5. Significant YoY changes in the operating revenues, operating costs and net profits attributable to the

common shareholders or their composition

√Applicable □ Not applicable

During the report period, the company earned an operating income of 1273.92 million yuan and generated an

operating cost of 1168.50 million yuan. However, due to the sales downsizing of motorcycle, the operating

income and cost respectively declined by 24.88 % and 22.20% if compared with the same period last year. And

the sales of assets increased the income, and the company made a net profit of 240. 74 million yuan, an increase of

280.20% if compared with the same period last year.

6.Listing suspension or termination

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Issues related to the financial report

1. YoY changes in the accounting policy, accounting estimation and measurement methods

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates or calculation method in the period.

2.Note to the situation that it is necessary to make retrospective restatement to order to correct the serious

accounting errors in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the


3.Note to the change of the scope of the consolidated statements in comparison with the previous year

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1)As of December 31, 2014, the subsidiaries of the Company’s consolidated financial statements scope are as


Name of the Subsidiaries

Chongqing Jianshe Sales Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Northern Jianshe Import & Export Co., Ltd.

Chognqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Sales Co., Ltd.

(2)Consolidated Financial Statement’s Scope and its Change Situation in the report period

Name of Subsidiary Proportion Way of Time Point Determination Basis of Time Point

of Equity Equity of Control of Control Right Loss

Disposal Disposal Right Loss


Chongqing Northern Jianshe 100% Whole 2015.12.31

Import & Export Co., Ltd. transfer of Significant asset sales has obtained

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle 100% asset and all the necessary authorization and

Sales Co., Ltd. debt approval, where main subject asset

Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle 100% involved and debt involved have completed

Sales Co., Ltd. with the the delivery and transfer.

Share Right

Chongqing Jianshe Mechanical 100%

of Jianshe

and Electric Co., Ltd. Mechanical

and Electric


Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report

(3)As of December 31, 2015, the subsidiaries of the Company’s consolidated financial statements scope are as


Name of the Subsidiaries

Chognqing Jianshe Automobile Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Jianshe Motorcycle Co., Ltd.

4.Statement of the Board and the Supervisory Committee on the Non-standard Auditors’ Report issued by

the CPA.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable



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