张 裕B:2016年第一季度报告全文(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-04-30 10:09:31

2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

2016 First Quarter Report

2016-Final 02

April 2016


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

I. Important Notice

The board of directors,the board of supervisors,directors, supervisors & senior managers

of the Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness,

accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report and confirm that to the

best of their knowledge and belief there are no unfaithful facts, significant omissions or

misleading statements.

All directors attended the meeting for deliberating this quarter report, and no directors make

an objection statement to this report.

Mr. Sun Liqiang (Chairman of the Company), Mr. Leng Bin (Chief Financial Officer) and Mr.

Jiang Jianxun (Financial Director) assure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the

financial report in the annual report.


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

II、Key financial data and shareholders changing

1. Key financial data

Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustments or restates the accounting data of previous

fiscal years.

□ Yes V No

The same period of More or less than

Item The report period

last year last year(%)

Business income (CNY) 1,882,230,620 1,825,212,207 3.12%

Net profit attributed to the

shareholders of the listed 542,806,719 530,248,397 2.37%

company (CNY)

Net profit attributed to the

shareholders of the listed

538,762,161 526,745,613 2.28%

company after deducting the

irregular profit and loss (CNY)

Net cash flows from the

605,256,456 697,396,327 -13.21%

operating activities (CNY)

Basic earnings per share

0.79 0.77 2.60%


Diluted earnings per share

0.79 0.77 2.60%


Weighted average for earning

6.93% 7.46% -0.53%

rate of the net assets

The end of the More or less than

The end of last year

report period last year(%)

Total assets (CNY) 11,101,253,043 10,344,211,461 7.32%

Net Assets attributed to the

shareholders of the listed 8,117,587,279 7,564,099,003 7.32%

company (CNY)

Details of irregular profit and loss

V Yes □ No


From beginning of year

Item Explanation

to end of report period

Gain on disposal of non-current assets, including


the reversal of accrued impairment provision

Government grants credited in profit and loss

(except for those recurring government grants

that are closely related to the entity's operation, 3,887,501

in line with related regulations and have proper

basis of calculation)

Other non-operating income and expenses 1,095,395


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Less: Income tax effect 1,011,066

Total 4,044,558 --

The reasons shall be made clear and definitely as to the irregular profit and loss that the Company has

defined by virtue of the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1

- Irregular Profit and Loss and as to regarding the irregular profit and loss as recurrent profit and loss as

specified in the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1 -

Irregular Profit and Loss.

□Available V Not available

There is no situation regarding the non-recurring profit and loss as defined and specified in the

Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1 - Non-recurring

Profit and Loss as recurrent profit and loss.

2. The total number of shareholders and top 10 shareholders at the end of the report period

1) The number of the common shareholders and preferred shareholders with recovered voting

power as well as the shareholding of top 10 shareholders

Unit: share

Total number of preferred

Total number of common

36502 shareholders with recovered

shareholders at the end of report 0

voting power at the end of


report period

The top 10 common shareholders

Number Pledged or

Character of Percentage of frozen

Name of Shareholders Shares held

shareholders (%) restricted Share Amo

shares status unt



50.40% 345,473,856 0

owned legal


GAOLING FUND,L.P. Foreign legal

3.11% 21,300,919 0



2.33% 15,997,455 0

FINANCE CORP legal person


FOCUS FD 2.27% 15,576,126 0



1.47% 10,082,711 0



1.08% 7,389,916 0

FUND person

Foreign legal

NORGES BANK 0.96% 6,584,748 0



Foreign legal

SECURITIES (HONGKONG) 0.78% 5,317,307 0




0.69% 4,761,200 0

MANAGEMENT LTD. legal person


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.


MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND 0.55% 3,788,487 0


The top 10 common shareholders with unrestricted shares

Name of Shareholders Number of Type of share

unrestricted Type of Amount

shares held share

YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP COMPANY LIMITED 345,473,856 A share 345,473,856

GAOLING FUND,L.P. 21,300,919 B share 21,300,919

CHINA SECURITIES FINANCE CORP 15,997,455 A share 15,997,455

BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD 15,576,126 B share 15,576,126

GREENWOODS CHINA ALPHA MASTER FUND 10,082,711 B share 10,082,711

GOLDEN CHINA MASTER FUND 7,389,916 B share 7,389,916

NORGES BANK 6,584,748 B share 6,584,748


5,317,307 5,317,307


CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD. 4,761,200 A share 4,761,200


INDEX FUND 3,788,487 3,788,487

Among the top 10 shareholders, Yantai Changyu Group

The explanation for the associated

Company Limited has no associated relationship or accordant

relationship and accordant action

action relationship with the other 9 listed shareholders, and the

of the top 10 shareholders

relationship among the other shareholders is unknown.

Explanation for the top 10

common shareholders who


involved in financing activities

and stock trading business(if any)

Whether or not the Company’s top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders with

unrestricted shares promise to buy back trading during the report period

□ Yes √ No

There is no top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders with unrestricted shares

in the Company promise to buy back trading during the report period.

2) The total number of the preferred shareholders and top 10 preferred shareholders at the end of

the report period

□Available V Not available


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

III Major Issue

1. The Great Change and Reasons on Main Accountant Data and Financial Index

√Available □Not available

Compared the end of the report period with the beginning of the report period, monetary capital

increases by 55.27%, mainly due to the increased returned sales money; notes receivable

increases by 202.81%, mainly due to the growth on bank acceptances; account receivables

increases by 27.44%, mainly due to the expansion of Company’s direct-selling business and

increase of clients’ sales amount on credit; inventory decreases by 23.84%, mainly due that the

sales of products result in the reduce of inventory and materials; notes payable decreases by

35.07%, mainly due that the notes payable amount is paid during the report period; accounts

payable decreases by 39.21%, mainly due that the accounts payable amount is paid during the

report period; advance receipt increases by 39.6%, mainly due to increased advance order

amount from clients.

Compared with the same period of last year, the financial expense increases by 174.7%, mainly

due to the increased interest expenditure of bank loan and the reduced interest income of bank

loan; the cash for purchasing commodities and accepting service payment increases by 70.43%,

mainly due to the payment of previous purchase amount of materials as well as the staff’s

remuneration; the subtotal of cash outflow in financing activities increases by 1814.92%, mainly

due to increased cash for repaying debt; net amount of cash flow in financing activities

increases by 5220.62%, mainly due to increased cash from loan.

2. Analysis explanation of the major issue’s process, its influence and the solution

□Available V Not available

3. The commitments that the Company, shareholders, actual controllers, purchasers,

directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties complete performing

during the report period and don’t complete up to the end of report period

√available □not available

Commitment Commitment Commitment Commitme Commitme Implementatio


Party Type content nt time nt period n


at share - -



made in


report or - - - -




Commitments - - - -


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

at asset


Yantai Solve

Changyu horizontal

Non-horizontal Has been

Group Co., competition 1997.05.18 Permanent

competition performed


Clear the According to

purpose of "Trademark

brand royalty License

Contract", the

Company will

Commitments pay trademark

at the initial royalty for the

public "Changyu"prod


offering or ucts of Yantai


refinancing Changyu Group Has been

Group Co., 1997.05.18 Permanent

Co., Ltd every performed


year, Yantai

Changyu Group

Co., Ltd will

use trademark

to advertise


trademarks and

the Contract






made to the


- - - -


of the


Commitment Yes

under timely


on or not

For No


that exceed

the time limit

and are not



reasons of not




2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.


on and the

next step

4. Forecast on the operating performance in the period from January to June of 2016

Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of cumulative net profit in the

period from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change

comparing with same period of last year.

□Available V Not available

5. The situation of security investment

□Available V Not available

There is no security investment during the report period.

6. The situation of derivative investment

□Available V Not available

There is no derivative investment during the report period.

7. The activities registration form of receptions, communication and interview etc. during the

report period

□Available V Not available

There is no activities of receptions, communication and interview etc. during the report period.

8.The situation of illegal external guarantee

□Available V Not available

There is no illegal external guarantee during the report period.

9. The situation of non-operating fund occupation of controlling shareholders and related


□Available V Not available

There is no non-operating fund occupation of controlling shareholders and related parties during the

report period.


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Ⅳ Financial Statements

1、Financial statements

1)、Consolidated balance sheet

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. 2016.03.31 Unit: CNY

Item At 31 March 2016 At 31 December 2015

Current assets:

Monetary fund 1,995,815,223 1,285,362,414

Financial assets which are

measured by fair value and which

changes are recorded in current

profit and loss

Derivative financial liability

Notes receivable 345,165,151 113,988,122

Account receivable 252,068,992 197,795,091

Advance money 2,827,464 3,591,098

Interest receivable 9,308,401 8,019,338

Dividend receivable

Other account receivable 40,775,106 46,146,487

Inventories 1,721,974,673 2,260,852,964

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within

one year

Other current assets 38,722,148 48,449,551

Total current assets 4,406,657,158 3,964,205,065

Non-current assets:

Financial assets for sale 344,637 402,814

Investment held to expiration

Long-term account receivable

Long-term equity investment

Real estate for investment

fixed assets 3,073,332,738 3,089,245,185

Construction in progress 2,359,779,470 2,005,990,308

Project material

Liquidation of fixed assets

Biological assets for

204,042,233 192,198,283


Oil and gas assets

Intangible assets 460,644,051 463,899,916


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Development expenditure

Goodwill 124,857,479 105,504,426

Long-term deferred expenses 178,553,851 175,124,167

Assets of deferred income tax 275,903,680 302,406,656

Other non-current assets 17,137,746 45,234,641

Total non-current assets 6,694,595,885 6,380,006,396

Total assets 11,101,253,043 10,344,211,461

Current liabilities:

Short-term loan 676,506,575 665,581,921

Financial liabilities which are

measured by fair value and which

changes are recorded in current

profit and loss

Derivative financial liability

Notes payable 18,830,000 29,000,000

Accounts payable 346,048,607 569,278,368

Advance money 327,453,292 234,566,504

Wage payable 158,304,383 190,239,451

Tax payable 15,982,078 41,285,107

Interest payable 1,000,865 977,304

dividend payable

Deferred income 11,181,873 11,241,873

Other accounts payable 608,359,943 509,226,395

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due

158,089,650 156,335,647

within one year

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 2,321,757,266 2,407,732,570

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loan 74,976,921 71,686,629

Bond payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term accounts payable 285,000,000

Long-term wages payable

Special accounts payable

Deferred income 70,232,145 69,836,411

Liabilities of deferred income tax 33,666,605 34,350,349

Other non-current liabilities 4,047,476 4,047,476

Total non-current liabilities 467,923,147 179,920,865

Total liabilities 2,789,680,413 2,587,653,435


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Shareholder rights and interests:

Share capital 685,464,000 685,464,000

Other equity instrument

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual capital securities

Capital public reserve 565,955,441 565,955,441

Less: Inventory shares

Other comprehensive Income 239,045 -10,442,512

Reasonable reserve

Surplus reserve 342,732,000 342,732,000

Provision of general risk

Retained profit 6,523,196,793 5,980,390,074

Total owner’s equity attributable

8,117,587,279 7,564,099,003

to parent Company

Minority interests 193,985,351 192,459,023

Total owner's equity 8,311,572,630 7,756,558,026

Total liabilities and owner's equity 11,101,253,043 10,344,211,461

Legal representative: Sun Liqiang Person in charge of accounting : Leng Bin Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

2)、Balance sheet of parent company

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. Unit: CNY

Item At 31 March 2016 At 31 December 2015

Current assets:

Monetary fund 475,587,330 280,818,833

Financial assets which are

measured by fair value and which

changes are recorded in current

profit and loss

Derivative financial liability

Notes receivable 154,299,349 38,429,319

Account receivable 0 2,392,870

Advance money 518,811 445,619

Interest receivable 9,308,401 8,019,338

Dividend receivable 0 788,092,349

Other account receivable 5,761,780,316 5,734,456,129

Inventories 658,219,597 728,173,107

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within

one year

Other current assets 17,610,141 22,700,317


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Total current assets 7,077,323,945 7,603,527,881

Non-current assets:

Financial assets for sale

Investment held to expiration

Long-term account receivable

Long-term equity investment 1,423,725,152 1,423,725,152

Real estate for investment 0 0

fixed assets 364,683,698 369,506,014

Construction in progress 7,722,287 7,990,777

Project material

Liquidation of fixed assets

Biological assets for

119,393,508 110,961,189


Oil and gas assets

Intangible assets 73,786,737 74,381,525

Development expenditure


Long-term deferred expenses

Assets of deferred income tax 31,004,994 37,938,692

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets 2,020,316,376 2,024,503,349

Total assets 9,097,640,321 9,628,031,230

Current liabilities:

Short-term loan 600,742,615 601,297,447

Financial liabilities which are

measured by fair value and which

changes are recorded in current

profit and loss

Derivative financial liability

Notes payable

Accounts payable 177,475,015 273,091,182

Advance money 0 0

Wage payable 62,736,080 71,058,615

Tax payable 9,732,973 19,331,311

Interest payable 1,000,865 977,304

Deferred income 1,767,054 1,767,054

dividend payable

Other accounts payable 61,852,045 994,821,281

Liabilities held for sale 0 0

Non-current liabilities due

126,661,600 127,345,600

within one year


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 1,041,968,247 2,089,689,794

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loan 58,649,600 56,761,600

Bond payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual capital securities

Long-term accounts payable

Long-term wages payable

Special accounts payable

Deferred income 21,378,190 21,824,352

Liabilities of deferred income tax

Other non-current liabilities 1,944,955 1,944,955

Total non-current liabilities 81,972,745 80,530,907

Total liabilities 1,123,940,992 2,170,220,701

Shareholder rights and interests:

Share capital 685,464,000 685,464,000

Other equity instrument

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual capital securities

Capital public reserve 557,222,454 557,222,454

Less: Inventory shares

Other comprehensive Income

Reasonable reserve

Surplus reserve 342,732,000 342,732,000

Provision of general risk

Retained profit 6,388,280,875 5,872,392,075

Total owner’s equity attributable

to parent Company

Minority interests

Total owner's equity 7,973,699,329 7,457,810,529

Total liabilities and owner's equity 9,097,640,321 9,628,031,230

Legal representative: Sun Liqiang Person in charge of accounting : Leng Bin Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

3)、Consolidated profit statement

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. Unit: CNY

Three months ended 31 Three months ended 31


Mar 2016 Mar 2015

1. Total business income 1,882,230,620 1,825,212,207

Including : Business income 1,882,230,620 1,825,212,207

2. Total business cost 1,167,560,487 1,126,739,273

Including:Business cost 605,388,600 602,400,431

Business tax and associate charges 97,663,734 90,171,910

Sales expenses 390,313,786 378,802,990

Management expenses 69,048,398 62,252,665

Financial expenses 5,145,969 -6,888,723

Assets depreciation loss

Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with "-")

Investment profit (loss is listed with "-")

Including: investment profit for joint-run business

and joint venture

3. Operating profit (loss is listed with "-") 714,670,133 698,472,934

Add: Non-operating income 5,214,481 4,486,099

Including: Disposal earnings of non-current asset 94,567 0

Less: non-operating expenditures 158,857 12,706

Including: non-current assets disposing loss 21,839 0

4. Total profit (loss is listed with "-") 719,725,757 702,946,327

Less: income tax expenses 176,813,048 172,697,930

5. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-") 542,912,709 530,248,397

Net profit of parent company's owners 542,806,719 530,248,397

Minority shareholder profit and loss 105,990 0

6. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income 11,045,624 -5,490,622

Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

attributable to owners of parent company 10,681,557 -5,490,622

(I) Other comprehensive income items which will

not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss

1). Changes as a result of re-measurement of net

defined benefit plan liability or asset

2). Share of the other comprehensive income of the

investee accounted for using equity method which

will not be reclassified subsequently to profit and


(II) Other comprehensive income items which will

be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 10,681,557 -5,490,622

1). Share of the other comprehensive income of the

investee accounted for using equity method which

will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

2). Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

of available-for-sale financial assets

3). Gains or losses arising from reclassification of

held-to-maturity investment as available-for-sale

financial assets

4). The effect hedging portion of gains or losses

arising from cash flow hedging instruments

5). Translation differences arising on translation of

foreign currency financial statements

10,681,557 -5,490,622

6). Other

Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

attributable to minority shareholders 364,067

7. Total comprehensive income 553,958,333 524,757,775

Total comprehensive income attributable to owners

of parent Company

553,488,276 524,757,775

Total comprehensive income attributable to minority

shareholders 470,057

8. Earnings per share:

(i) Basic earnings per share 0.79 0.77

(ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.79 0.77

During this report period, the issue relates to company consolidation under common control, consolidated party completes net profit

amount of CNY 0 before being consolidated, and consolidated party completes net profit amount of CNY 0 in the same period of last


Legal representative: Sun Liqiang Person in charge of accounting : Leng Bin Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4)、Profit statement of parent company

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. Unit: CNY

Three months ended 31 Three months ended 31


March 2015 March 2014

I.Sales Revenue 429,102,315 450,781,749

less:Cost of sales 323,773,053 349,541,377

Tax and levies on operations 47,351,215 48,892,624

Selling and distribution expenses

Management expenses 39,984,821 27,804,156

Finance expenses 6,317,441 -17,412,991

Impairment losses of Assets

Add:Gains on increase in fair value of assets

Investment income 506,737,526 6,770,286

Incl. Investment income from affiliates

II.Operating profit 518,413,311 48,726,869

Add:Non-operating income 562,752 1,578,100

Including: Disposal earnings of non-current asset 94,567

Less:Non-operating expenses 36,839

Incl. Losses from disposal of non-current assets 21,839


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

III.Total Profit 518,939,224 50,304,969

Less:Income tax 3,050,424 10,883,671

IV.Net profit 515,888,800 39,421,298

Net profit attributable to Parent company

Net profit attributable to Minority interest

V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

attributable to owners of parent company

(I) Other comprehensive income items which will

not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss

1. Changes as a result of re-measurement of net

defined benefit plan liability or asset

2. Share of the other comprehensive income of the

investee accounted for using equity method which

will not be reclassified subsequently to profit and


(II) Other comprehensive income items which will

be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

1. Share of the other comprehensive income of the

investee accounted for using equity method which

will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

2. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value

of available-for-sale financial assets

3. Gains or losses arising from reclassification of

held-to-maturity investment as available-for-sale

financial assets

4. The effect hedging portion of gains or losses

arising from cash flow hedging instruments

5. Translation differences arising on translation of

foreign currency financial statements

6. Other

Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

attributable to minority shareholders

VI. Total comprehensive income 515,888,800 39,421,298

Total comprehensive income attributable to owners

of parent Company

Total comprehensive income attributable to minority


VII. Earnings per share:

(i) Basic earnings per share 0.75 0.06

(ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.75 0.06

Legal representative: Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting : Leng Bin Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

5)、Consolidated cash flow statement

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. Unit: CNY

Three months ended 31 Three months ended


March 2016 31 March 2015

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services 1,852,141,728 1,808,838,404

Tax refund received 1,092,133

Other cash received related to operating activities 5,343,373 5,773,600

Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities 1,858,577,234 1,814,612,004

Cash paid for goods and services 444,239,863 260,654,494

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 127,947,911 116,601,340

Cash paid for taxes and expenses 482,676,851 525,095,241

Other cash paid related to operating activities 198,456,153 214,864,602

Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities 1,253,320,778 1,117,215,677

Net cash flow from operating activities 605,256,456 697,396,327

2. Cash flow from investing activities:

Cash received from return of investment

Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 6,000,000 4,795,537

Cash received from obtaining investment profit 21,433 156,135

Cash received from interest income

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible

assets and other long-term assets 231,240

Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business


Other cash received related to investing activities

Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities 6,252,673 4,951,672

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other

long-term assets 172,593,131 257,537,234

Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 7,007,000

Cash for investment

Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit 760,824

Other cash paid related to investment activities

Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities 180,360,955 257,537,234

Net cash flow from investing activities -174,108,282 -252,585,562

3.Cash flow from financing activities

Cash received from acquiring investment

Including: cash received from acquiring minority

shareholders investment by branch

Cash received from acquiring loans 397,881,779

Other cash received related to finaning activities

Subtotal cash flows of financing activities 397,881,779


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Cash paid to pay debts 101,108,029

Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest 7,186,699 5,655,312

Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders

by branch

Other cash paid related to financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities 108,294,728 5,655,312

Net cash flow from financing activites 289,587,051 -5,655,312

4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash


252,077 -4,788,900

5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents 720,987,302 434,366,553

Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and

cash equivalents

1,092,241,661 960,472,274

6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash


1,813,228,963 1,394,838,827

Legal representative: Sun Liqiang Person in charge of accounting : Leng Bin Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

6)、Cash flow statement of parent company

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd. Unit: CNY

Three months ended 31 Three months ended


March 2015 31 March 2014

1. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services 429,685,962 162,288,723

Tax refund received

Other cash received related to operating activities 160,725 21,820,787

Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities 429,846,687 184,109,510

Cash paid for goods and services 183,441,735 127,692,870

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 44,615,485 43,975,135

Cash paid for taxes and expenses 61,696,240 76,313,505

Other cash paid related to operating activities 1,025,733,883 12,432,398

Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities 1,315,487,343 260,413,908

Net cash flow from operating activities -885,640,656 -76,304,398

2. Cash flow from investing activities:

Cash received from return of investment

Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 6,000,000 4,795,537

Cash received from obtaining investment profit 1,097,942,213 6,926,421

Cash received from interest income

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible

assets and other long-term assets 231,240

Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business


Other cash received related to investing activities

Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities 1,104,173,453 11,721,958

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other 10,535,307 13,345,676


2016 the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

long-term assets

Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 7,007,000

Cash for investment

Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit

Other cash paid related to investment activities

Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities 17,542,307 13,345,676

Net cash flow from investing activities 1,086,631,146 -1,623,718

3.Cash flow from financing activities

Cash received from acquiring investment

Including: cash received from acquiring minority

shareholders investment by branch

Cash received from acquiring loans 100,000,000

Other cash received related to financing activities

Subtotal cash flows of financing activities 100,000,000

Cash paid to pay debts 100,000,000

Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest 6,857,499 5,655,312

Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders

by branch

Other cash paid related to financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities 106,857,499 5,655,312

Net cash flow from financing activites -6,857,499 -5,655,312

4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash


5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents 194,132,991 -83,583,428

Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and

cash equivalents

143,798,080 333,245,466

6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash


337,931,071 249,662,038

Legal representative: Sun Liqiang Person in charge of accounting : Leng Bin Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

2. Audit report

Whether the 1st quarter report has been audited.

□Yes √No

The first quarter report has not been audited.

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Board of Directors

30th April 2016



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