
来源:深交所 2016-04-30 00:00:00

Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

Stock Code: 000505, 200505 Stock Name: *ST Pearl River A, *ST Pearl River B Announcement No.: 2016-023

HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

Section I Important Statements

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and

senior management staff of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter

referred to as “the Company”) warrant that the information carried in this

report is factual, accurate and complete, without any false record, misleading

statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for


All directors have attended the board session for reviewing this report.

Zheng Qing, company principal and chief of the accounting work and Wu

Xiukun, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that

the Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.

This Report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any

discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

Section II Financial Results and Changes in Shareholders

I Financial results

Whether the Company performed any retroactive adjustments to or restatement of its accounting data due to changes of accounting

policies or correction of accounting errors

□ Yes √ No

January-March 2016 January-March 2015 +/-%

Operating revenues (RMB) 80,025,245.10 78,326,856.68 2.17%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

-38,541,192.11 69,940,735.03 -155.11%

the Company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the Company after excluding exceptional -38,415,455.62 -55,022,579.89 30.18%

profit and loss (RMB)

Net operating cash flow (RMB) 124,823,160.52 -48,534,275.41 357.19%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.09 0.16 -156.25%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.09 0.16 -156.25%

Weighted average return on equity (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

31 March 2016 31 December 2015 +/-%

Total assets (RMB) 1,759,632,821.79 1,714,444,000.65 2.64%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of

-255,678,061.26 -217,136,869.15 -17.75%

the Company (RMB)

Exceptional profit and loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Item January-March 2016 Note

Profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets (including offset


amount of asset impairment provisions)

Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that are


charged to the profit/loss for the Reporting Period

Non-operating income and expense other than the above -496,527.06

Less: Income tax effects -14,645.06

Minority interests effects (after tax) -2,616.14

Total -125,736.49 --

Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory

Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss,

or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top ten shareholders

1. Numbers of common shareholders and preference shareholders with resumed voting rights as well as

shareholdings of top ten shareholders

Unit: share

Total number of preference

Total number of common shareholders with resumed

40,864 0

shareholders at the period-end voting rights at the period-end

(if any)

Shareholdings of top ten shareholders

Number of Pledged or frozen shares

Name of Nature of Shareholding Number of shares

restricted shares

shareholder shareholder percentage (%) held Status of shares Number of shares


Beijing Wanfa

Real Estate State-owned

26.36% 112,479,478

Development corporation

Co., Ltd.


2.58% 11,015,000

WEI individual

YAO XIU Foreign

2.31% 9,850,128

GUANG individual



Trust Co.,



non-state-owned 1.77% 7,560,563



Advantage No. 11

Assembled Funds



Xu Zhen 0.58% 2,462,200




CO—Chang Xin Domestic

Quantitative non-state-owned 0.55% 2,326,973

Pioneer Hybrid corporation


Investment Funds


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.


Yao Liyuan 0.47% 2,005,600



Zhang Xiaoxia 0.46% 1,949,250



Zhong Yi 0.39% 1,676,018



Zeng Ping 0.37% 1,600,000


Shareholdings of top ten non-restricted shareholders

Variety of shares

Name of shareholder Number of non-restricted shares held

Variety Number

Beijing Wanfa Real Estate RMB common

112,479,478 112,479,478

Development Co., Ltd. shares


LI LEON ZHAN WEI 11,015,000 listed foreign 11,015,000



YAO XIU GUANG 9,850,128 listed foreign 9,850,128


Chongqing International Trust Co.,

Ltd.—Yuxin Innovation Advantage 7,560,563 Other 7,560,563

No. 11 Assembled Funds Trust

RMB common

Xu Zhen 2,462,200 2,462,200



Xin Quantitative Pioneer Hybrid 2,326,973 Other 2,326,973

Securities Investment Funds


Yao Liyuan 2,005,600 listed foreign 2,005,600



Zhang Xiaoxia 1,949,250 listed foreign 1,949,250


RMB common

Zhong Yi 1,676,018 1,676,018


RMB common

Zeng Ping 1,600,000 1,600,000


Related or acting-in-concert parties Among shareholders above, there exists no related-party relationship between the principal

among the above shareholders shareholder and other shareholders of the Company. Nor they are parties with concerted


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

action as prescribed in the Information Disclosure Administrative Methods for Changes in

Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies. And it is unknown whether there is

related-party relationship among other shareholders and whether they are prescribed parties

with concerted action.

The shareholder, Zhong Yi held 1,676,018 shares of the Company through the customer credit

Top ten common shareholders collateral securities trading account of Fortune Securities Co., Ltd.. The shareholder, Zeng

conducting securities margin trading Ping held 700,000 shares of the Company through common account and held 900,000 shares

(if any) of the Company through the customer credit collateral securities trading account of CDB

Securities Co., Ltd..

Did any of the top ten common shareholders or the top ten non-restricted common shareholders of the Company conduct any

promissory repo during the Reporting Period?

□ Yea √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten of them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section III Significant Events

I Changes in major accounting statement items and financial indicators for the Reporting

Period, as well as reasons for such changes

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Item 31 March 2016 31 December 2015 +/-% Reason for change

Accounts receivable 21,565,339.62 25.66% The property management and hotel revenue

17,161,981.62 increased.

Accounts received in 621,006,892.30 428,054,670.19 45.08% The advances from house buyers to subsidiary Hubei

advance Pearl River increased.

Taxes and fares -23,579,798.15 -5,255,663.63 -348.66% Subsidiary Hubei Pearl River prepaid the taxes and

payable fares in relation to the advances from its house


Non-current liabilities 281,035,064.06 353,287,364.69 -20.45% Some borrowings were repaid in the current period.

due within one year


Item January-March 2016 +/-% Reason for change


Selling expenses 4,500,007.25 199.91% The sales agency fees of subsidiary Hubei Pearl

1,500,474.19 River increased.

Return on investment 124,156,283.22 -100.10% The same period of last year saw an income from the


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

-120,373.11 transfer of Southwest Securities shares, while there

were no such events in the current period.

Corporate income tax 29,699.94 -99.81% Deferred income tax assets were reversed and the

15,230,829.05 corporate income tax increased in the same period of

last year, while there were no such events in the

current period.

Minority interest -2,335,161.42 -44.61% Loss on subsidiary Hubei Pearl River, Hebei

income -1,614,748.59 Zhengshi Qinghui and Heilongjiang Longshi

Other composite 0.00 -125,127,595.63 100.00% The same period of last year saw an income from the

income transfer of Southwest Securities shares, while there

were no such events in the current period.

Net operating cash 124,823,160.52 -48,534,275.41 357.19% The advances from house buyers to subsidiary Hubei

flow Pearl River increased.

Net investment cash 7,258,357.17 125,505,176.42 -94.22% The same period of last year saw an income from the

flow transfer of Southwest Securities shares, while there

were no such events in the current period.

Net financing cash -127,094,529.15 -37,423,511.48 239.61% Some borrowings were repaid in the current period.


II Progress of significant events and analysis & explanations on their influence and solutions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Commitments of the Company, its shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors,

supervisors, senior management or other related parties fulfilled in the Reporting Period or

ongoing at the period-end

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Operating result forecast for January-June 2016

Warning of a forecast deficit or considerable YoY change in the accumulative net profit made during the period from the beginning of

the year to the end of the next reporting period, as well as explanation of why:

□Applicable √ Not applicable

V Securities investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.


Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2016 of HaiNan Pearl River Holdings Co., Ltd.

VI Investments in derivative financial instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VII Visits paid to the Company in the Reporting Period for purposes of research,

communication, interview, etc.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Date of visit Way of visit Type of visitor Index to main inquiry information

Known about the operation situation of

2016-01-08 Telephone communication Individual

the Company

2016-01-09 Telephone communication Individual Query name lists of shareholders

Known about the operation situation of

2016-01-22 Telephone communication Individual

the Company

2016-02-28 Telephone communication Individual Disclosure time of annual report

Known about the sale progress of the

2016-03-24 Telephone communication Individual

assets of the Company

VIII Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IX Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related parties

for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.



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