
来源:深交所 2016-04-28 00:00:00

The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

The Report for the First Quarter of 2016

April 2016


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Section I Important Statements

The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management of

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby

guarantee that the information presented in this Report is factual, accurate and complete, and shall

be jointly and severally liable for any false information, misleading statements or material

omissions carried in this Report.

All directors attended the board meeting for the review of this Report.

He Yong, company principal, Liu Xingming, chief of the accounting work, and Tang Qionglan,

chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the financial report carried

in this Report is factual, accurate and complete.


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Section II Financial Results and Changes in Shareholders

I Financial results

Whether the Company performed any retroactive adjustments to or restatement of its accounting data due to

changes of accounting policies or correction of accounting errors

□ Yes √ No

January-March 2016 January-March 2015 +/-%

Operating revenues (RMB) 904,310,757.83 767,330,509.62 17.85%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

107,776,865.30 99,482,670.12 8.34%

the Company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the Company after exceptional profit and 107,348,727.74 81,758,984.51 31.30%

loss (RMB)

Net operating cash flow (RMB) 186,104,091.50 67,138,040.36 177.20%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.0847 0.0782 8.31%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.0847 0.0782 8.31%

Weighted average return on equity (%) 2.12% 3.22% -1.10%

31 March 2016 31 December 2015 +/-%

Total assets (RMB) 6,150,115,955.69 6,048,296,432.78 1.68%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of

5,100,644,216.45 5,023,546,888.12 1.53%

the Company (RMB)

Exceptional profit and loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Item January-March 2016 Note

Profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets (including offset


amount of asset impairment provisions)

Government grants charged to the profit/loss for the Reporting

Period (except for the government grants closely related to the


business of the Company and given at a fixed quota or amount in

accordance with the State’s uniform standards)

Profit/loss on fair value changes of transactional financial assets

and liabilities & investment profit on disposal of transactional

financial assets and liabilities as well as financial assets available -149,181.90

for sale, except for effectively hedging business related to normal

business operations of the Company

Non-operating income and expense other than the above -51,284.24


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other profit/loss that meet the definition of exceptional profit/loss 292,340.63

Less: Corporate income tax 194,331.88

Minority interests (after tax) -531,131.98

Total 428,137.56 --

Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the

Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the

Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss, or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the

said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top ten shareholders

1. Numbers of common shareholders and preference shareholders with resumed voting rights as well as

shareholdings of top ten shareholders

Unit: share

Total number of preference

Total number of common shareholders with resumed

84,303 0

shareholders at the period-end voting rights at the period-end

(if any)

Shareholdings of top ten shareholders

Number of Pledged or frozen shares

Name of Nature of Shareholding Number of shares

restricted shares

shareholder shareholder percentage (%) held Status of shares Number of shares


Hong Kong Wah

Shing Holding Foreign

13.47% 171,360,391

Company corporation


Prosperity Lamps


& Components 10.50% 133,577,143






Information 4.74% 60,357,728


Industry Group


Shenzhen Rising

Investment State-owned

3.11% 39,536,747

Development corporation

Co., Ltd.


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Central Huijin

Asset State-owned

2.42% 30,799,000

Management Co., corporation


Hong Kong



Investment 1.82% 23,165,684



Co., Ltd.

DBS Vickers


(Hong Kong) Ltd 1.81% 22,976,647


A/C Clients


International Foreign

1.76% 22,412,157

Securities (Hong corporation

Kong) Co., Ltd.

National Social Domestic

Security Fund non-state-owned 1.40% 17,846,063

Portfolio 103 corporation

New China Life

Insurance Co.,

Ltd.-Conventiona Domestic

l-Common non-state-owned 0.86% 10,918,992

Insurance corporation



Shareholdings of top ten non-restricted shareholders

Variety of shares

Name of shareholder Number of non-restricted shares held

Variety Number

Hong Kong Wah Shing Holding RMB common

171,360,391 171,360,391

Company Limited shares

Prosperity Lamps & Components RMB common

133,577,143 133,577,143

Limited shares

Guangdong Electronics Information RMB common

60,357,728 60,357,728

Industry Group Ltd. shares

Shenzhen Rising Investment RMB common

39,536,747 39,536,747

Development Co., Ltd. shares

Central Huijin Asset Management RMB common

30,799,000 30,799,000

Co., Ltd. shares

Hong Kong Rising Investment 23,165,684 Domestically 23,165,684


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Development Co., Ltd. listed foreign



DBS Vickers (Hong Kong) Ltd A/C

22,976,647 listed foreign 22,976,647




Essence International Securities

22,412,157 listed foreign 22,412,157

(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.


National Social Security Fund RMB common

17,846,063 17,846,063

Portfolio 103 shares

New China Life Insurance Co.,

RMB common

Ltd.-Conventional-Common 10,918,992 10,918,992


Insurance Product-018L-CT001-S

Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Hong Kong Wah Shing Holding Company

Limited, Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd., Shenzhen Rising

Related or acting-in-concert parties Investment Development Co., Ltd. and Hong Kong Rising Investment Development Co., Ltd.

among the above shareholders are acting-in-concert parties. Apart from that, it is unknown whether there is among the top

ten shareholders any other related parties or acting-in-concert parties as defined in the

Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.

Top ten common shareholders

conducting securities margin trading N/A

(if any)

Did any of the top ten common shareholders or the top ten non-restricted common shareholders of the Company

conduct any promissory repo during the Reporting Period?

□ Yea √ No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top ten of them

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Section III Significant Events

I Changes in major accounting statement items and financial indicators for the Reporting

Period, as well as reasons for such changes

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

31 March 31 December 2015/

Statement item 2016/January-March January-March +/-% Explanation of change

2016 2015

Financial assets measured Securities and national bonds were

at fair value with fair value purchased in the current period.

changes included in the 79,988,990.00 51,600.00 154917.42%

profit and loss for the

Reporting Period

Proceeds in the form of trade

Accounts receivable 546,891,520.46 366,401,130.72 49.26%

acceptance decreased.

Accrued interest receivable from

Interest receivable 4,331,924.89 3,022,646.23 43.32%

banks increased.

Export rebates were received in the

Other accounts receivable 8,804,253.68 17,313,604.14 -49.15%

current period.

Construction projects in progress

Construction in progress 42,353,046.49 32,488,518.68 30.36%


Some transactions involving

accounts received in advance in the

Accounts received in

33,219,035.99 71,531,790.37 -53.56% same period of last year had been


settled by the end of the current


The corporate income tax payable

Taxes and fares payable 36,225,643.16 12,969,090.31 179.32%


Financial costs -3,553,912.01 -6,645,447.07 46.52% Exchange loss increased.

Bad debt of accounts receivable was

Asset impairment loss 11,137,926.24 3,865,036.47 188.17% provided for in the current period

increased .

Short-term stock investments were

Profit on fair value changes 0.00 388,061.46 -100.00%

no longer held in the current period.

The same period of last year saw

Investment profit -106,841.26 17,245,640.35 -100.62%

profit on the sale of some Everbright


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Bank shares, while there was no such

profit in the current period.

The income from products sold and

Net operating cash flow 186,104,091.50 67,138,040.36 177.20% the export rebates increased while the

expenditure on goods decreased.

Securities, national bonds and bank

Net investment cash flow -124,290,416.89 -60,827,662.67 104.33% financial products were purchased in

the current period.

II Progress of significant events and analysis & explanations on their influence and solutions

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In March 2013, CSRC Guangdong administered an administrative punishment on the illegal information

disclosure of the Company. During the period from September 2013 to October 2015, a total of 2,755 plaintiffs

separately sued the Company to the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court for false securities statements,

demanding civil compensations of RMB384.1114 million and HKD1.328 million in total from the Company for

its illegal information disclosure. From November 2014 to December 2015, the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s

Court made judgments for the aforesaid cases, ruling the Company to compensate the 2,755 plaintiffs with a total

of RMB182.7365 million and HKD7.3582 million and bear the legal fare of RMB3.2332 million. Currently,

except for the 31 plaintiffs who are appealing (involving an amount of RMB1.3682 million), the judgments for all

the other plaintiffs are final and effective. Up to 25 April 2016, the Company has made compensations of RMB

190.0466 nillion (legal fare inclusive) to 2713 plaintiffs (excluding 37 rejected plaintiffs). These cases of false

securities statements had an influence of RMB61.4383 million on the total profits of the Company in 2014 and

RMB131.8899 million on that in 2015. And it is expected that these cases will have no significant impact on the

2016 annual business results of the Company.

III Commitments of the Company, its shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors,

supervisors, senior management or other related parties fulfilled in the Reporting Period or

ongoing at the period-end

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Date of

Commitment Type of Term of

Commitment Contents commitment Fulfillment

maker commitment commitment


Commitments made in Controlling About share Electronics Group and its In

2015-12-04 12 months

acquisition documents or shareholder lock-up acting-in-concert parties execution


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

shareholding alteration Shenzhen Rising Investment

documents and Hong Kong Rising

Investment have made a

commitment that within 12

months from the completion

of their acquisitions, they

shall not transfer or entrust

others to manage the shares

directly or indirectly held by

them in the Company, nor

shall they allow the

Company to repurchase

those shares, except for the

case where those shares may

be transferred for no

compensation due to any

business or asset integration

with their actual controller

or their actual controller’s

controlled subsidiaries.

Electronics Group and its

acting-in-concert parties

Shenzhen Rising Investment

and Hong Kong Rising

Investment have made a

commitment that the

business of Foshan

NationStar Optoelectronics

About Co., Ltd. that is in

Controlling avoidance of competition with the In

2015-12-04 24 months

shareholder horizontal business of the Company execution

competition takes up only a small part in

NationStar’s total business,

they shall gradually reduce

or eliminate the horizontal

competition as planned

through business integration

or other ways or

arrangements within the

coming 24 months.

Electronics Group and its


Controlling acting-in-concert parties Long-standi In

avoidance of 2015-12-04

shareholder Shenzhen Rising Investment ng execution


and Hong Kong Rising


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

competition Investment have made more

commitments as follows to

avoid horizontal

competition with the

Company: 1. They shall

conduct supervision and

restraint on the production

and operation activities of

themselves and their

relevant enterprises so that

besides the enterprise above

that is in horizontal

competition with the

Company for now, if the

products or business of them

or their relevant enterprises

become the same with or

similar to those of the

Company or its subsidiaries

in the future, they shall take

the following measures: (1)

If the Company thinks

necessary, they and their

relevant enterprises shall

reduce and wholly transfer

their relevant assets and

business; and (2) If the

Company thinks necessary,

it is given the priority to

acquire first, by proper

means, the relevant assets

and business of them and

their relevant enterprises. 2.

All the commitments made

by them to eliminate or

avoid horizontal

competition with the

Company are also

applicable to their directly

or indirectly controlled

subsidiaries. They are

obliged to urge and make

sure that other subsidiaries

execute what’s prescribed in


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the relevant document and

faithfully honor all the

relevant commitments. 3. If

they or their directly or

indirectly controlled

subsidiaries break the

aforesaid commitments and

thus cause a loss for the

Company, they shall

compensate the Company

on a rational basis.

Electronics Group and its

acting-in-concert parties

Shenzhen Rising Investment

and Hong Kong Rising

Investment have made a

commitment that during

their direct or indirect

holding of the Company’s

shares, they shall 1. strictly

abide by the regulatory

documents of the CSRC and

the SZSE, the Company’s

Articles of Association, etc.

and not harm the interests of

the Company or other

About reduction

shareholders of the

Controlling and regulation Long-standi In

Company in their 2015-12-04

shareholder of related-party ng execution

production and operation


activities by taking

advantage of their position

as the controlling

shareholder and actual

controller; 2. make sure that

they or their other controlled

subsidiaries, branch offices,

jointly-run or associated

companies (the “Relevant

Enterprises” for short) will

try their best to avoid or

reduce related-party

transactions with the

Company or the Company’s

subsidiaries; 3. strictly


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

follow the market principle

of justness, fairness and

equal value exchange for

necessary and unavoidable

related-party transactions

between them and their

Relevant Enterprises and the

Company, and withdraw

from voting when a

related-party transaction

with them or their Relevant

Enterprises is being voted

on at a general meeting or a

board meeting, and execute

the relevant approval

procedure and information

disclosure duties pursuant to

the applicable laws,

regulations and regulatory

documents. Where the

aforesaid commitments are

broken and a loss is thus

caused for the Company, its

subsidiaries or the

Company’s other

shareholders, they shall be

obliged to compensate.

In order to ensure the

independence of the

Company in business,

personnel, asset,

organization and finance,

Electronics Group and its

acting-in-concert parties

Shenzhen Rising Investment

Controlling About Long-standi In

and Hong Kong Rising 2015-12-04

shareholder independence ng execution

Investment have made the

following commitments: 1.

They will ensure the

independence of the

Company in business: (1)

They promise that the

Company will have the

assets, personnel,


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

qualifications and

capabilities for it to operate

independently as well as the

ability of independent,

sustainable operation in the

market. (2) They promise

not to intervene in the

Company’s business

activities other than the

execution of their rights as

the Company’s

shareholders. (3) They

promise that they and their

related parties will not be

engaged in business that is

substantially in competition

with the Company’s

business. And (4) They

promise that they and their

related parties will try their

best to reduce related-party

transactions between them

and the Company; for

necessary and unavoidable

related-party transactions,

they promise to operate

fairly following the

market-oriented principle

and at fair prices, and

execute the transaction

procedure and the duty of

information disclosure

pursuant to the applicable

laws, regulations and

regulatory documents. 2.

They will ensure the

independence of the

Company in personnel: (1)

They promise that the

Company’s GM, deputy

GMs, CFO, Company

Secretary and other senior

management personnel will

work only for and receive


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

remuneration from the

Company, not holding any

positions in them or their

other controlled subsidiaries

other than director and

supervisor. (2) They

promise the Company’s

absolute independence from

their related parties in labor,

human resource and salary

management. And (3) They

promise to follow the legal

procedure in their

recommendation of

directors, supervisors and

senior management

personnel to the Company

and not to hire or dismiss

employees beyond the

Company’s Board of

Directors and General

Meeting. 3. They will

ensure the independence

and completeness of the

Company in asset: (1) They

promise that the Company

will have a production

system, a auxiliary

production system and

supporting facilities for its

operation; legally have the

ownership or use rights of

the land, plants, machines,

trademarks, patents and

non-patented technology in

relation to its production

and operation; and have

independent systems for the

procurement of raw

materials and the sale of its

products. (2) They promise

that the Company will have

independent and complete

assets all under the


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Company’s control and

independently owned and

operated by the Company.

And (3) They promise that

they and their other

controlled subsidiaries will

not illegally occupy the

Company’s funds and assets

in any way, or use the

Company’s assets to provide

guarantees for the debts of

themselves or their other

controlled subsidiaries with.

4. They will ensure the

independence of the

Company in organization:

(1) They promise that the

Company has a sound

corporate governance

structure as a joint-stock

company with an

independent and complete

organization structure. And

(2) They promise that the

operational and

management organs within

the Company will

independently execute their

functions according to laws,

regulations and the

Company’s Articles of

Association. And 5. They

will ensure the

independence of the

Company in finance: (1)

They promise that the

Company will have an

independent financial

department and financial

accounting system with

normative, independent

financial accounting rules.

(2) They promise that the

Company will have


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

independent bank accounts

and not share bank accounts

with its related parties. (3)

They promise that the

Company’s financial

personnel do not hold

concurrent positions in its

related parties. (4) They

promise that the Company

will independently pay its

tax according to law. And

(5) They promise that the

Company can make

financial decisions

independently and that they

will not illegally intervene

in the Company’s use of its


The profits distributed by

the Company in cash every

Other commitments made About cash year shall not be less than Long-standi In

The Company 2009-05-27

to minority shareholders dividends 30% of the distributable ng execution

profits it has achieved in the


Executed on time Yes

Specific reasons for

failing to fulfill


commitments on time and

plans for next step

IV Operating result forecast for January-June 2016

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the

period-beginning to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the


□Applicable √ Not applicable

V Securities investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Opening Opening Closing Closing Closing


Variety of Code of Name of in the Accounti Source of

number sharehold number sharehold book

investmen of shares Reporting

securities securities securities ing of shares ing value ng title securities


t cost held percentag held percentag (RMB) (RMB)


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

e e




60,039,00 rading

Other 205007 7 Days 27,635.14 pe offer

0.00 financial





140,001,0 60,087,00 rading

Other 205008 14 Days 78,169.47 pe offer

00.00 0.00 financial





19,841,00 rading

Other 205010 28 Days 45,661.48 pe offer

0.00 financial



Held-for-t Reverse

19,800,19 rading repo of

Bond 204001 GC001 1,342.23

8.00 financial national

asset bond

Held-for-t Reverse

79,803,19 rading repo of

Bond 204004 GC004 26,965.79

2.00 financial national

asset bond

Held-for-t Reverse

238,911,9 112,566.5 rading repo of

Bond 204007 GC007

45.00 2 financial national

asset bond

Held-for-t Reverse

19,901,99 19,901,99 rading repo of

Bond 204014 GC014 0.00

0.00 0.00 financial national

asset bond



d from


Stock 300456 Navior 7,005.00 500 0 0.00 5,018.10 the




y market

578,305,3 79,988,99 297,358.7

Total 500 -- 0 -- -- --

30.00 0.00 3

Disclosure date of the

announcement about the board’s


consent for the securities


Disclosure date of the


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

announcement about the general

meeting’s consent for the

securities investment (if any)

Note: The funds for the “pledge-type repos” and “reverse repos of national bonds” above were strictly controlled

within the line approved by the board, without use out of line. In order to better use the funds, we carried out

repeated investment in the mature investment products above in multiple transactions. As such, the single

investment costs for the “pledge-type repos” and “reverse repos of national bonds” above were their accumulative

amounts which were repeatedly invested within the first quarter of 2016.

VI Investments in derivative financial instruments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VII Visits paid to the Company in the Reporting Period for purposes of research,

communication, interview, etc.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Date of visit Way of visit Type of visitor Index to main inquiry information

Investor Relations-EasyIR-

2016.01.28 One-on-one meeting Institution


Investor Relations-EasyIR-

2016.03.29 One-on-one meeting Institution


VIII Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IX Occupation of the Company’s funds by the controlling shareholder or its related parties

for non-operating purposes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Section IV Financial Statements

I Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

31 March 2016

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets:

Monetary funds 1,001,089,301.55 935,241,205.20

Settlement reserves

Lendings to banks and other financial


Financial assets measured at fair

value with fair value changes included

79,988,990.00 51,600.00

in the profit and loss for the Reporting


Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 145,075,721.25 202,669,316.48

Accounts receivable 546,891,520.46 366,401,130.72

Accounts paid in advance 7,103,575.40 6,858,950.41

Premiums receivable

Reinsurance premiums receivable

Receivable reinsurance contract


Interest receivable 4,331,924.89 3,022,646.23

Dividends receivable

Other accounts receivable 8,804,253.68 17,313,604.14

Financial assets purchased under

agreement to resell

Inventories 450,604,174.83 559,651,928.21

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within one


Other current assets 85,290,553.33 91,060,842.89


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total current assets 2,329,180,015.39 2,182,271,224.28

Non-current assets:

Loans and advances to customers

Available-for-sale financial assets 3,056,065,977.39 3,092,416,162.34

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investments 382,637.52 382,637.52

Investment property

Fixed assets 471,401,898.01 484,436,218.17

Construction in progress 42,353,046.49 32,488,518.68

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive living assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 162,836,833.88 163,887,313.63

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses 355,622.18 406,425.35

Deferred income tax assets 40,705,125.39 42,744,728.66

Other non-current assets 46,834,799.44 49,263,204.15

Total non-current assets 3,820,935,940.30 3,866,025,208.50

Total assets 6,150,115,955.69 6,048,296,432.78

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Borrowings from the Central Bank

Money deposits accepted and

inter-bank deposits

Loans from banks and other financial


Financial liabilities measured at fair

value with fair value changes included

in the profit and loss for the Reporting


Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable 469,393,951.32 396,263,382.12


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Accounts received in advance 33,219,035.99 71,531,790.37

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Handling charges and commissions


Payroll payable 51,737,524.57 72,004,987.32

Taxes and fares payable 36,225,643.16 12,969,090.31

Interest payable

Dividends payable

Other accounts payable 29,284,500.26 36,530,501.22

Reinsurance premiums payable

Insurance contract reserves

Payables for acting trading of


Payables for acting underwriting of


Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one


Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 619,860,655.30 589,299,751.34

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: Preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Long-term accounts payable

Long-term payroll payable

Special payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income 10,683,525.04 10,722,275.02

Deferred income tax liabilities 385,112,470.38 390,534,187.37

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 395,795,995.42 401,256,462.39

Total liabilities 1,015,656,650.72 990,556,213.73

Owners’ equity:

Share capital 1,272,132,868.00 1,272,132,868.00


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other equity instruments

Of which: Preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserves 296,329,995.83 296,324,375.58

Less: Treasury stock

Other composite income 2,182,303,998.80 2,212,989,156.02

Special reserves

Surplus reserves 628,439,107.12 628,439,107.12

Provisions for general risks

Retained profit 721,438,246.70 613,661,381.40

Total equity attributable to owners of

5,100,644,216.45 5,023,546,888.12

the Company

Minority interests 33,815,088.52 34,193,330.93

Total owners’ equity 5,134,459,304.97 5,057,740,219.05

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 6,150,115,955.69 6,048,296,432.78

Legal representative: He Yong Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming

Chief of the accounting organ: Tang Qionglan

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current Assets:

Monetary funds 686,022,451.90 633,291,177.30

Financial assets measured at fair

value with fair value changes included

79,988,990.00 51,600.00

in the profit and loss for the Reporting


Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 136,822,990.59 200,483,728.48

Accounts receivable 575,802,511.89 387,870,578.18

Accounts paid in advance 33,620,982.97 6,258,960.70

Interest receivable 1,979,245.24 1,979,245.24

Dividends receivable

Other accounts receivable 44,699,101.97 47,175,016.15

Inventories 432,245,824.09 540,058,085.51


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within one


Other current assets 80,683,749.21 87,132,242.99

Total current assets 2,071,865,847.86 1,904,300,634.55

Non-current assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets 3,056,065,977.39 3,092,416,162.34

Held-to-maturity investments

Long-term accounts receivable

Long-term equity investments 417,972,577.28 417,972,577.28

Investment property

Fixed assets 392,502,932.58 403,470,166.52

Construction in progress 41,842,004.73 32,098,207.18

Engineering materials

Disposal of fixed assets

Productive living assets

Oil-gas assets

Intangible assets 119,391,726.63 120,554,776.71

R&D expense


Long-term deferred expenses

Deferred income tax assets 34,377,635.02 36,469,936.66

Other non-current assets 46,611,725.04 49,025,459.75

Total non-current assets 4,108,764,578.67 4,152,007,286.44

Total assets 6,180,630,426.53 6,056,307,920.99

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings

Financial liabilities measured at fair

value with fair value changes included

in the profit and loss for the Reporting


Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable 595,780,099.35 518,615,548.53

Accounts received in advance 32,600,780.97 70,168,946.84


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Payroll payable 28,815,274.04 48,921,086.93

Taxes and fares payable 27,388,738.32 2,172,775.43

Interest payable

Dividends payable

Other accounts payable 109,167,674.40 93,375,598.50

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one


Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 793,752,567.08 733,253,956.23

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Of which: Preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payables

Special payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income 10,102,274.95 10,102,274.95

Deferred income tax liabilities 385,112,470.38 390,534,187.37

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 395,214,745.33 400,636,462.32

Total liabilities 1,188,967,312.41 1,133,890,418.55

Owners’ equity:

Share capital 1,272,132,868.00 1,272,132,868.00

Other equity instruments

Of which: Preference shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserves 293,425,065.15 293,419,444.90

Less: Treasury stock

Other composite income 2,182,303,998.80 2,212,989,156.02

Special reserves

Surplus reserves 628,439,107.12 628,439,107.12

Retained profit 615,362,075.05 515,436,926.40


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total owners’ equity 4,991,663,114.12 4,922,417,502.44

Total liabilities and owners’ equity 6,180,630,426.53 6,056,307,920.99

Legal representative: He Yong Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming

Chief of the accounting organ: Tang Qionglan

3. Consolidated income statement

Unit: RMB

Item January-March 2016 January-March 2015

1. Operating revenues 904,310,757.83 767,330,509.62

Including: Sales income 904,310,757.83 767,330,509.62

Interest income

Premium income

Handling charge and commission


2. Total operating costs 776,257,794.04 665,290,270.04

Including: Cost of sales 681,520,513.44 585,139,283.86

Interest expenses

Handling charge and commission



Net claims paid

Net amount provided as insurance

contract reserves

Expenditure on policy dividends

Reinsurance premium

Business tax and surtaxes 4,841,999.66 4,427,534.18

Selling expenses 27,744,850.71 21,558,608.80

Administrative expenses 54,566,416.00 56,945,253.80

Financial costs -3,553,912.01 -6,645,447.07

Asset impairment loss 11,137,926.24 3,865,036.47

Add: Profit/loss on fair value changes


(“-” means loss)

Profit/loss on investment (“-” means

-106,841.26 17,245,640.35


Including: Share of profit in


associates and joint ventures


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foreign exchange profit (“-” means


3. Operating profit (“-” means loss) 127,946,122.53 119,673,941.39

Add: Non-operating income 1,187,884.46 836,148.80

Including: Profit on disposal of


non-current assets

Less: Non-operating expense 1,239,705.73 375,700.60

Including: Loss on disposal of

50,139.27 301,166.86

non-current assets

4. Total profit (“-” means loss) 127,894,301.26 120,134,389.59

Less: Corporate income tax 20,495,678.37 22,163,592.09

5. Net profit (“-” means loss) 107,398,622.89 97,970,797.50

Net profit attributable to owners of

107,776,865.30 99,482,670.12

the Company

Minority shareholders’ income -378,242.41 -1,511,872.62

6. After-tax net amount of other

-30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88

composite income

After-tax net amount of other

composite income attributable to owners -30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88

of the Company

6.1 Other composite income that

will not be reclassified into profit and


6.1.1 Changes in net liabilities

or assets with a defined benefit plan upon


6.1.2 Enjoyable share in other

comprehensive income in investees that

cannot be reclassified into profit and loss

under the equity method

6.2 Other composite income that

-30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88

will be reclassified into profit and loss

6.2.1 Enjoyable share in other

composite income in investees that will

be reclassified into profit and loss under

the equity method

6.2.2 Profit and loss on fair

value changes of available-for-sale -30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88

financial assets

6.2.3 Profit and loss on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

financial assets

6.2.4 Effective hedging profit

and loss on cash flow

6.2.5 Foreign-currency

financial statement translation difference

6.2.6 Other

After-tax net amount of other

composite income attributable to

minority shareholders

7. Total composite income 76,713,465.67 80,285,397.62

Attributable to owners of the

77,091,708.08 81,797,270.24


Attributable to minority

-378,242.41 -1,511,872.62


8. Earnings per share

8.1 Basic earnings per share 0.0847 0.0782

8.2 Diluted earnings per share 0.0847 0.0782

Where business mergers under the same control occurred in the Reporting Period, net profit achieved by the merged parties before

the business mergers was RMB0.00, with the corresponding amount for the same period of last year being RMB0.00.

Legal representative: He Yong Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming

Chief of the accounting organ: Tang Qionglan

4. Income statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item January-March 2016 January-March 2015

1. Operating revenues 916,228,477.71 781,216,056.78

Less: Operating costs 715,477,230.48 618,210,511.06

Business tax and surtaxes 2,844,766.16 2,651,393.36

Selling expenses 27,528,676.46 20,415,785.93

Administrative expenses 44,685,990.61 43,456,848.62

Financial costs -2,174,344.12 -4,590,131.54

Asset impairment loss 11,178,161.37 3,471,115.71

Add: profit/loss on fair value changes


(“-” means loss)

Profit/loss on investment (“-”

-106,841.26 17,245,640.35

means loss)

Including: Income form -1,174.20


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

investment on associates and joint


2. Operating profit (“-” means loss) 116,581,155.49 115,234,235.45

Add: Non-operating income 1,041,340.99 271,129.44

Including: Profit on disposal of

non-current assets

Less: Non-operating expense 71,261.90 318,034.89

Including: Loss on disposal of

32,003.23 243,564.96

non-current assets

3. Total profit (“-” means loss) 117,551,234.58 115,187,330.00

Less: Corporate income tax 17,626,085.93 19,060,820.76

4. Net profit (“-” means loss) 99,925,148.65 96,126,509.24

5. After-tax net amount of other

-30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88

composite income

5.1 Other composite income that will

not be reclassified into profit and loss

5.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or

assets with a defined benefit plan upon


5.1.2 Enjoyable share in other

composite income in investees that

cannot be reclassified into profit and

loss under the equity method

5.2 Other composite income that will

-30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88

be reclassified into profit and loss

5.2.1 Enjoyable share in other

composite income in investees that will

be reclassified into profit and loss under

the equity method

5.2.2 Profit and loss on fair value

changes of available-for-sale financial -30,685,157.22 -17,685,399.88


5.2.3 Profit and loss on

reclassifying held-to-maturity

investments into available-for-sale

financial assets

5.2.4 Effective hedging profit and

loss on cash flow

5.2.5 Foreign-currency financial

statement translation difference

5.2.6 Other


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

6. Total composite income 69,239,991.43 78,441,109.36

7. Earnings per share

7.1 Basic earnings per share

7.2 Diluted earnings per share

Legal representative: He Yong Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming

Chief of the accounting organ: Tang Qionglan

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

Item January-March 2016 January-March 2015

1. Operating cash flow:

Cash received from sale of

751,648,546.04 657,694,684.23

commodities and rendering of service

Net increase in money deposits from

customers and inter-bank placements

Net increase in loans from the

Central Bank

Net increase in funds borrowed from

other financial institutions

Cash received from premium of

original insurance contracts

Net cash received from reinsurance


Net increase in deposits of policy

holders and investment fund

Net increase in disposal of financial

assets measured at fair value with fair

value changes included in the profit

and loss for the Reporting Period

Cash received from interest,

handling charges and commissions

Net increase in loans from banks and

other financial institutions

Net increase in funds in repurchase


Tax refunds received 34,432,771.16 9,580,359.33

Other operating cash received 10,956,963.96 5,008,282.49

Subtotal of operating cash inflow 797,038,281.16 672,283,326.05

Cash paid for goods and services 388,307,756.52 380,621,884.13

Net increase in loans and advances


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

to customers

Net increase in funds deposited in

the Central Bank and inter-bank


Cash for paying claims of original

insurance contracts

Cash for paying interest, handling

charges and commissions

Cash for paying policy dividends

Cash paid to and for employees 142,895,599.81 149,796,285.77

Taxes and fares paid 34,192,711.05 36,563,670.69

Other cash payment relating to

45,538,122.28 38,163,445.10

operating activities

Subtotal of operating cash outflow 610,934,189.66 605,145,285.69

Net operating cash flow 186,104,091.50 67,138,040.36

2. Investment cash flow:

Cash received from retraction of



Cash received from return on

341,953.73 17,496,814.66


Net cash received from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets and other 54,000.00

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to

investment activities

Subtotal of investment cash inflow 402,958.73 17,496,814.66

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

intangible assets and other long-term 14,704,385.62 16,192,196.41


Cash paid for investment 109,988,990.00 62,132,280.92

Net increase in pledged loans

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries

and other business units

Other cash payments relating to

investment activities

Subtotal of investment cash outflow 124,693,375.62 78,324,477.33

Net investment cash flow -124,290,416.89 -60,827,662.67

3. Financing cash flow:


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Cash received from capital


Including: Cash received from

minority shareholder investments by


Cash received as borrowings

Cash received from issuance of


Other financing cash received

Subtotal of financing cash inflow

Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses and

distribution of dividends or profit

Including: dividends or profit paid

by subsidiaries to minority


Other cash payments relating to

financing activities

Sub-total of financing cash outflow

Net financing cash flow

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate

2,339,324.91 64,324.76

changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash

64,152,999.52 6,374,702.45


Add: Opening balance of cash and

935,241,205.20 989,718,395.60

cash equivalents

6. Closing balance of cash and cash

999,394,204.72 996,093,098.05


Legal representative: He Yong Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming

Chief of the accounting organ: Tang Qionglan

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Unit: RMB

Item January-March 2016 January-March 2015

1. Operating cash flow:

Cash received from sale of

746,819,116.75 627,489,040.22

commodities and rendering of service

Tax refunds received 34,432,771.16 9,571,389.54

Other operating cash received 8,309,282.13 4,119,297.51

Subtotal of operating cash inflow 789,561,170.04 641,179,727.27


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Cash paid for goods and services 492,802,614.83 463,516,899.97

Cash paid to and for employees 70,076,334.33 72,668,015.91

Taxes and fares paid 9,335,332.53 12,368,608.54

Other operating cash payments 43,078,475.07 33,474,157.44

Subtotal of operating cash outflow 615,292,756.76 582,027,681.86

Net operating cash flow 174,268,413.28 59,152,045.41

2. Investment cash flow:

Cash received from retraction of



Cash received from return on

341,953.73 17,496,814.66


Net cash received from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets and other

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries or other business units

Other cash received relating to

investment activities

Subtotal of investment cash inflow 348,958.73 17,496,814.66

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,

intangible assets and other long-term 14,236,431.87 14,479,638.28


Cash paid for investment 109,988,990.00 62,132,280.92

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries

and other business units

Other investment cash payments

Subtotal of investment cash outflow 124,225,421.87 76,611,919.20

Net investment cash flow -123,876,463.14 -59,115,104.54

3. Financing cash flow:

Cash received from capital


Cash received as borrowings

Cash received from issuance of


Other financing cash received

Subtotal of financing cash inflow

Repayment of borrowings

Cash paid for interest expenses and

distribution of dividends or profit


The Report for the First Quarter of 2016—Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other cash payments relating to

financing activities

Sub-total of financing cash outflow

Net financing cash flow

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate

2,339,324.46 52,276.21

changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash

52,731,274.60 89,217.08


Add: Opening balance of cash and

633,291,177.30 685,652,777.19

cash equivalents

6. Closing balance of cash and cash

686,022,451.90 685,741,994.27


Legal representative: He Yong Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming

Chief of the accounting organ: Tang Qionglan

II Auditor’s report

Is this Report audited?

□ Yes √ No

This Report is not audited.

The Board of Directors

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

26 April 2016



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