
来源:深交所 2016-04-28 00:00:00

Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.

The First Quarterly Report of 2016

April 2016


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Section I. Important Notes

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the

Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and

completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important

omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or joint.

Mr. Liu Tibin, person in charge of the Company, Mr. Zhang Xiaolong, person in charger of accounting works and

Mr. Luo Bo, person in charger of accounting organ (accounting officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report

of this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

Prompt of non-standard audit opinion

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The First Quarterly Report of 2016 has not been audited.

All Directors are attended the Board Meeting for Quarterly Report deliberation.


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Section II. Main financial data and changes of shareholders

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed

and accounting error correction or not

√Yes □ No

Changes of this

Same period of last year period over same

This Period period of last year


After adjustment After adjustment


Operating income (RMB) 2,926,400,488.89 2,690,420,998.10 2,752,501,149.32 6.32%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the listed company(RMB) 53,709,680.24 54,960,953.89 53,995,097.74 -0.53%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of

the listed company after deducting 41,338,292.32 54,838,638.93 54,838,638.93 -24.62%

non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating

activities(RMB) 139,597,747.12 -126,760,952.62 -117,793,266.60 218.51%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0703 0.0720 0.0707 -0.53%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.0703 0.0720 0.0707 -0.53%

Weighted average ROE 1.53% 1.59% 1.53% --

Changes of this

period-end over

End of last period

same period-end of

End of this period

last year


After adjustment After adjustment


Total assets (RMB) 9,896,368,387.89 9,066,223,601.14 9,237,288,359.74 7.13%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of

listed company (RMB) 3,428,845,753.98 3,384,574,993.19 3,475,377,586.34 -1.34%

Note: the Company successfully acquired 98.856% equity interests of Guangdong Changhong Ridian Science &

Technology Company Limited (“Changhong Ridian”) in relevant bidding at the end of 2015, and completed

business and commercial registration procedures in respect of this acquisition in early February 2016. Upon

completion of the registration, the Company will hold 98.856% equity interests of Changhong Ridian. According

to relevant provisions under No.33 of the Enterprise Accounting Standards-consolidated financial statement, with

respect to subsidiaries and businesses acquired by the parent company due to business combination under the


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

same control during the reporting period, adjustments shall be made to the beginning figures in the consolidated

statement, and relevant items in comparative statements shall be also adjusted, as if the consolidated reporting

entity had been existing since the time when the ultimate controller begins to exercise control. Accordingly,

beginning figures for the period and figures of the corresponding period of last year are restated.

Total share capital of the Company up to a trading day before disclosure:

Total share capital of the Company up to a


trading day before disclosure (Share)

Fully diluted earnings per share calculated with


the latest share capital (RMB/Share)

Items of non-recurring gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Balance from year-begin to

Item Note


Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the Found in “Non-operating income


write-off that accrued for impairment of assets) and expenditure”

Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not

including the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to Found in “Non-operating income


national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s and expenditure”


Held transaction financial asset, gains/losses of changes of fair

values from transaction financial liabilities, and investment gains

from disposal of transaction financial asset, transaction financial

4,986,301.37 Found in “Investment income”

liabilities and financial asset available for sales, exclude the

effective hedging business relevant with normal operations of the


Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the Found in “Non-operating income


aforementioned items and expenditure”

Less : impact on income tax 1,643,975.59 --

Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) -43,349.59 --

Total 12,371,387.92 --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure

for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as

recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on

Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss,

explain reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Item Involved amount (RMB) Reason


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

During the reporting period, the wholly owned subsidiary - Mianyang

Meiling Software Technology Co., Ltd. has received VAT refunds of

software products according to "Notice about VAT policy of software

products by Ministry of Finance & State Administration of Taxation"

CS No. [2011] 100 document, and adequately disclosed the company's

business situation, in accordance with relevant provisions in the third

Non-operation income 550,355.96 article of the second item of CSRC "No. 1 explanatory announcement

about information disclosure of the company publicly issues securities

- non-recurring profit and loss (2008)", the public subsidies which are

closely related to the company's business, conform to the national

policies and regulations and continue to be enjoyed according to a

certain standard rating or quantity should be included in the company's

recurring gains and losses.

II. Total number of shareholders at the end of this report period and top ten shareholders

1. Number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and top ten common shareholders

In shares

Total preference shareholders

Total number of common with voting rights recovered at

shareholders at the end of report 72,326 N/A

period end of reporting period (if


Top ten shareholders

Number of share

Amount of

Amount of shares pledged/frozen

Nature of Proportion of

Shareholder’s name restricted shares

shareholder shares held held State of

held Amount


Sichuan Changhong Electric State-owned

21.58% 164,828,330 0 —— ——

Co., Ltd. legal person

Hefei Industrial Investment State-owned

6.26% 47,823,401 0 —— ——

Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. legal person

Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Foreign legal

3.30% 25,165,823 0 —— ——

Co., Ltd. person

Foreign natural

CAO SHENGCHUN 1.75% 13,360,415 0 —— ——



China Securities Finance

general legal 0.58% 4,399,500 0 —— ——

Corporation Limited


Foreign legal

NORGES BANK 0.55% 4,216,432 0 —— ——


DEUTSCHE BANK Foreign legal

0.48% 3,699,287 0 —— ——



Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

CMB - China Classic Domestic

Configuration Hybrid Securities non-state-owned 0.46% 3,505,304 0 —— ——

Investment Fund legal person

ICBC- South Longyuan Domestic

Industry Theme Stock non-state-owned 0.46% 3,488,500 0 —— ——

Securities Investment Fund legal person

Foreign natural

Long Qinfang 0.42% 3,239,297 0 —— ——


Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held

Type of shares

Shareholder’s name Amount of unrestricted shares held

Type Amount

RMB ordinary

Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. 164,828,330 164,828,330


Hefei Industrial Investment Holding RMB ordinary

47,823,401 47,823,401

(Group) Co., Ltd. shares

Domestically listed

Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co., Ltd. 25,165,823 25,165,823

foreign shares

Domestically listed

CAO SHENGCHUN 13,360,415 13,360,415

foreign shares

China Securities Finance Corporation RMB ordinary

4,399,500 4,399,500

Limited shares

Domestically listed

NORGES BANK 4,216,432 4,216,432

foreign shares


3,699,287 3,699,287


CMB - China Classic Configuration RMB ordinary

3,505,304 3,505,304

Hybrid Securities Investment Fund shares

ICBC- South Longyuan Industry Theme RMB ordinary

3,488,500 3,488,500

Stock Securities Investment Fund shares

Domestically listed

Long Qinfang 3,239,297 3,239,297

foreign shares

Among the above shareholders, Changhong (Hong Kong) Trade Co., Ltd. is the

wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Changhong Electronic Co., Ltd.; there existed no

associated relationship or belong to the concerted actors as specified in the Measures for

Explanation on associated relationship the Administration of Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed

among the aforesaid shareholders Companies among Sichuan Changhong Electronic Co., Ltd., Changhong (Hong Kong)

Trade Co., Ltd. and other top 8 shareholders; as the Company has not known whether

there exists any business relationship among the other shareholders with unrestricted

subscription or they belong to the concerted actors as specified in the Measures for the


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Administration of Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed


Explanation on top ten common

shareholders involving margin business Not applicable

(if applicable)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a

buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company

have no buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred

stock held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Section III. Significant Events

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial

index and explanations of reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable

1. Changes and reasons of items in balance sheet


Balance at Balance at Changes

Item Reasons of changes

period-end year-begin ratio

Mainly due to recovery of

entrusted financing principals by

Monetary Fund 3,007,374,476.31 2,135,189,879.15 40.85%

the Company and increase of bank


Mainly due to receipt of export tax

Other receivable 26,686,197.96 39,494,835.30 -32.43%

refund by parent company.

Mainly due to recovery of

Other current entrusted financing principals by

18,395,389.20 539,101,578.44 -96.59%

assets parent company as the same

expired in the period.

Mainly due to increase of research

Development and development investment by the

70,080,324.34 53,344,827.72 31.37%

expenditure subsidiary Sichuan Air Conditioner

in the period.

Mainly due to increase of short

Short-term loans 339,440,767.02 58,680,093.19 478.46% term borrowings of the parent

company in the period.

Salary Mainly due to grant of salary and

employees 77,390,262.12 115,297,429.40 -32.88% year-end bonus as provided for in

payable previous year in the period.

Mainly due to expansion of sales of

Taxes payable 101,877,955.85 70,530,483.54 44.45%

the Company in the period.

Mainly due to materialization of

capital increase by minority

Minority equity 55,809,062.90 36,290,904.66 53.78%

shareholders to subsidiaries in the


2. Changes and reasons of items in profit statement


Amount at this Amount at same Changes

Item Reasons of changes

period period of last year ratio


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Mainly due to increase of sales of

Business taxes the Company and credit of VAT of

27,786,160.01 18,119,401.70 53.35%

and additional the subsidiary Sichuan Air

Conditioner in the period.

Mainly due to decrease of interest

Financial income of parent company and

-5,371,504.22 -19,080,895.94 -71.85%

expenses decrease of exchange gains of the

Company in the period.

Mainly due to provision of bad

Assets debts for trade receivables which

18,384,472.57 9,428,760.49 94.98%

impairment loss are increased due to growth of sales

of the Company in the period.

Mainly due to movement of fair

Changing income

value of forward exchange contract

of fair value

-- 81,770.00 -100.00% in the corresponding period of last

(Loss is listed

year, and there is no such

with “-”)

movement in this period.

Mainly due to collection of

Investment entrusted financing income by the

income (loss is 358,659.99 171,415.10 109.23% Company in this period, while

listed with “-“) there is no such income in the

corresponding period of last year

Income from

Mainly due to year-on-year

investment for

increase of losses recorded by

associated -4,627,641.38 171,415.10 -2799.67%

associated corporations in this

enterprise and


joint venture

Mainly due to increase of


10,126,101.23 6,077,129.21 66.63% government grant received by the


Company in the period.


Mainly due to increase of gains

income from

137,329.94 14,784.00 828.91% from disposal of fixed assets by

disposal of

parent company in the period.

non-current assets

Mainly due to decrease of losses


590,032.72 6,178,693.98 -90.45% from disposal of long term assets


by parent company in the period.

Including: loss

Same reason as “non-operating

from disposal of 324,113.57 5,689,480.81 -94.30%

expenses” above.

non-current assets

Income tax 6,528,778.06 9,522,918.59 -31.44% Mainly due to that profit before tax


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

expenses of certain subsidiaries makes up

losses recorded in previous year.

Mainly due to that certain

non-wholly owned subsidiaries

Minority interest -1,050,229.32 -4,326,016.18 -75.72%

turned to make profit in this period

instead of losses.

3. Changes and reasons of items in cash flow statement


Amount at this Amount at same Changes

Item Reasons of changes

period period of last year ratio

Cash received

from selling Mainly due to increase of sales

commodities and 2,763,169,371.62 1,885,020,797.44 46.59% amount received by the Company

providing labor in the period.


Mainly due to increase of export

Tax refunds

73,998,123.72 54,031,690.80 36.95% tax refund received by the


Company in the period.

Cash received

Mainly due to increase of

related with other

10,898,715.23 6,487,030.96 68.01% government grant received by the


Company in the period.


Cash paid for

Mainly due to increase of


procurement of raw materials and

commodities and 2,164,889,172.42 1,523,411,470.90 42.11%

increase of note payables due for

receiving labor



Mainly due to recovery of the due

Cash received entrusted financing principals by

from recovering 500,000,000.00 - 100.00% the Company in this period, while

investment there is no such recovery in the

corresponding period of last year.

Mainly due to receipt of entrusted

Cash received financing income by the Company

from investment 4,986,301.37 - 100.00% in this period, while there is no

income such income in the corresponding

period of last year.

Net cash received

from disposal of Mainly due to decrease of disposal

fixed assets, 216,587.52 1,234,432.00 -82.45% of long term assets by the

intangible assets Company in the period.

and other


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

long-term assets

Cash received

Mainly due to decrease of interest

related with other

11,813,596.67 17,362,060.65 -31.96% income of parent company in the




Mainly due to acquisition of equity

Cash paid for interests of business under the

95,983,860.00 36,149,974.00 165.52%

investment same control by parent company in

the period.

Mainly due to absorption of capital

contribution from minority

Cash received

shareholders by subsidiaries in the

from absorbing 16,661,794.74 - 100.00%

period, while there is no such


capital contribution in the

corresponding period of last year.

Mainly due to increase of short

Cash received

384,191,670.80 686,048,061.59 -44.00% term borrowings of parent

from loans

company in the period.

Mainly due to receipt of odd lots

Cash received

dividends by parent company in the

related with other

3,451.80 - 100.00% period, while there is no such


dividend in the corresponding


period of last year.

Mainly due to decrease of

Cash paid for repayment of short term

48,119,369.00 391,572,057.56 -87.71%

debt settlement borrowings by parent company in

the period.

Cash paid for

Mainly due to decrease of


2,013,571.61 4,053,158.20 -50.32% borrowing interest repaid by parent

distribution or

company in the period.

interest expenses

Impact on cash

Mainly due to change of exchange

from exchange -5,770,988.16 7,205,021.10 -180.10%

rate in the period.

rate movement

II. Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions

√ Applicable □Not applicable

(I) Particular about process of the fund raised and investment of fund raised in the report period

All projects invested with raised funds of non-public offering by the company in 2010 have been completed and

reached the production index, accumulative invest capital for investment projects is 1,222,530,875 yuan. Up to

March 31, 2016, account balance of raise funds is 20,499,015 yuan (of which the amount the company has not

withdrawn for permanently supplementing the working funds is 244,084 yuan, and the total amount to pay the


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

contract and retention money is 20,254,931yuan).

(II) Non-public issuance of share of the Company

The non-public issuance of the Company has been considered and approved at the12th meeting of the 8th session

of board of directors and the 2nd special general meeting of 2015 held on 18 November 2015 and 22 December

2015, respectively. Details are disclosed in the announcements (Nos. 2015-053, 2015-054, 2015-057, 2015-063,

2015-064, 2015-065, 2015-070, 2016-007, 2016-014, 2016-015, 2016-016, 2016-017 and 2016-018) of the

Company dated 19 November, 23 December, 30 December 2015 and 25 March 2016 on the designated

information disclosure media including Securities Times, China Securities, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and

Juchao website(www.cninfo.com.cn) and the 2015 annual report of the Company.

Pursuant to the requirements under the Response Notice on Review of Administration Permit Projects of the

CSRC (No. 153769) issued by the CSRC, the Company and relevant intermediate institutions made specific

explanation on the issues listed on the Response Notice on 29 January 2016, and performed its obligation of

information disclosure. Details are disclosed in the announcements (Nos. 2016-006 and 2016-012) of the

Company dated 30 January and 24 February 2016 on the designated information disclosure media including

Securities Times, China Securities, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao website(www.cninfo.com.cn) .

Taking into account the change of domestic securities market and the actual condition of the Company, in order to

ensure smooth proceeding of this non-public issuance, it is agreed for the Company to make adjustments to the

issue price, pricing principles and issuance quantity of this non-public issuance plan, and to extend the “term of

this issuance resolution” as set out in such plan with others remained unchanged, subject to approval at the 17th

meeting of the 8th board of directors and the 1st special general meeting of 2016. The adjusted non-public issuance

plan has obtained consent from the relevant state-owned assets supervision and management authorities, pending

for approval from the CSRC. Besides, according to the Guideline Opinions on Initial Offering, Refinancing and

Immediate Dilution of Return arising from Material Assets Reorganization (Announcement of the CSRC

No.2015-31), the Company established relevant measures relating to immediate dilution of return and

compensation in respect of non-public issuance, and the directors and senior management of the Company made

relevant undertakings. For details, please refer to the Company’s announcements (Nos. 2016-009, 2016-010,

2016-011, 2016-014, 2016-015, 2016-016, 2016-017, 2016-018, 2016-019, 2016-024, 2016-036 and 2016-037 )

dated 24 February, 7 March, 19 March, 2 April and 6 April 2016 published on the designated information

disclosure media including Securities Times, China Securities, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao

website(www.cninfo.com.cn) .

(III) Implementation for annual performance incentive fund

On August 9, 2012 and August 28, 2012, the Company considers the adoption of "Hefei Meiling annual

performance incentive fund implementation plan" (hereinafter referred to as "" stimulus "") on the 16th meeting of

the 7th board of directors and the 2012-second provisional shareholders meeting. Details were disclosed on

information disclosure media appointed by the Company as "Securities Times", "Chinese Securities Daily",

"Hong Kong Commercial Daily" and the Juchao network (www.cninfo.com.cn) on August 10, 2012 and August

29th in the form of announcement (No.: 2012-028, No.:2012-035).

1. Implementation about 2012, 2013 and 2014 performance incentive fund provision and distribution plan

Please see the details in "The implementation of the company's annual incentive funds "of "XV-Implementation of

the company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentives " at "Section

Five-Important matters" in "2015 Annual Report" of the company disclosed on Mar. 25, 2016.


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

As at the end of this reporting period, stocks of the Company purchased by certain performance incentive grantees

of 2012 (other than directors, supervisors and senior management) with the 2012 performance incentive funds

granted to them and their own capital can be totally released, and stocks of the Company purchased by certain

performance incentive grantees of 2013 (other than directors, supervisors and senior management) with the 2013

performance incentive funds granted to them and their own capital can be half released. The overall shareholding

by these grantees is set out below. Stocks of the Company purchased by the performance incentive grantees of

2014 with the 2014 performance incentive funds granted to them and their own capital are held less than one year,

so all the stocks purchased by these grantees are locked for sale. The existing directors, supervisors and senior

management among the performance incentive grantees who purchase stocks of the Company under the 2012,

2013 and 2014 performance incentive plans have not reduced their shareholding.

2. Shareholding and reducing of performance incentive objects of the Company

Up to March 31, 2016, the total number of the company’s stock held by incentive objects is 11,341,853 shares,

accounting for 1.49% of the company’s total share capital, of which A stock is 10,008,721 shares, accounting for

about 1.31% of the company’s total share capital, B stock is 1,333,132 shares, accounting for about 0.17% of the

company’s total share capital. Up to March 31, 2016, some 2012 & 2013 annual performance incentive objects

(non directors, supervisors or senior management) have cumulatively reduced holding of 2,137,603 shares from

September 2014 to the end of this reporting period, accounting for 0.28% of the company’s total share capital.

(IV) Transaction with Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd

Subject to approval from the board of directors and general meeting of the Company, it is agreed for the Company

to enter into Financial Service Agreement with Sichuan Changhong Group Finance Co., Ltd. (“Changhong

Finance Company”) for a term of three years. Pursuant to the agreement, Changhong Finance Company will

provide a series of financial services including savings and loans within its operating scope according to

requirements of the Company and its subsidiaries. From the beginning of this year to the end of reporting period,

the connected transactions occurred between the Company and Changhong Finance Company are set out below:


Increased during Decreased during handling

Item Opening balance Ending balance

the Year the Year charge paid or


I. Savings in Changhong

1,260,081,706.55 5,498,866,761.79 5,459,131,140.83 1,299,817,327.51 7,168,953.41

Group Finance Company

II. Borrowings from

Changhong Group Finance - - -- -


1.Short-term loans - - -- -

2.Long-term loans - - -- -

III. Other financial business - - -- -

1.notes drawing 733,001,248.18 434,503,140.90 418,344,202.64 749,160,186.44 -

2.notes discounted 236,410,328.55 342,705,572.67 314,595,135.43 264,520,765.79 4,092,272.35

Note: the Company acquired Guangdong Changhong Ridian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

"Changhong Ridian") in early 2016, the above table already contains Changhong Ridian and Changhong Finance

related transactions deposits, loans and other financial services.

(IV) Overview of other significant events

Information index for temporary report

Overview Date for disclosure


As approved by resolution on the 14th meeting of the 8th board of directors,

the Company is approved to acquire 98.856% equity interests of Guangdong 2015-12-19; Juchao Website:

Changhong Ridian Science & Technology Company Limited (“Changhong 2015-12-24; http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Ridian”) in relevant bidding at the end of 2015, at the consideration of 2016-1-5; ( No.: 2015-061, 2015-062, 2015-066,

RMB95.65 million. During the reporting period, the business and commercial 2016-2-4; 2015-067, 2016-001, 2016-008 )

registration has been completed in respect of this equity transfer.

In order to ensure orderly proceeding of smart living project, as approved by Juchao Website:

th th

resolution on the 15 meeting of the 8 board of directors, the Company is 2016-1-8 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

approved to invest in incorporation of Changmei Technology Company. ( No.: 2016-002)

Commitment Letter on No Reduction of Shareholding in Meiling Appliances Juchao Website:

within a half year issued by the first largest shareholder of the 2016-1-19 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Company-Sichuan Changhong Appliances Company Limited. ( No.: 2016-003)

Due to change of personal job, Mr. Li Jin, the former vice chairman of the

Juchao Website:

Board, applied to resign as the director and vice chairman of the 8 th board of

2016-1-21 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

directors and member of the strategic committee and remuneration and

( No.: 2016-004)

examination committee.

Zhongke Meiling Low Temperature Technology Company Limited

(“Zhongke Meiling”), a controlling subsidiary of the Company, is officially Juchao Website:


listed on the national middle and small enterprise stock transfer system on 24 http://www.cninfo.com.cn


February 2016, in way of agreement transfer, with the securities abbreviation ( No.: 2016-005, 2016-013)

and stock code being Zhongke Meiling and 835892 respectively.

As approved by the board of directors and general meeting, it is agreed for

the Company and its subsidiaries to carry out forward exchange capital Juchao Website:


transactions during the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017, the http://www.cninfo.com.cn


transaction balance shall not exceed USD500 million and settlement period ( No.: 2016-020, 2016-022, 2016-037)

for a single transaction shall not last for over 2 years.

As approved by the board of directors and general meeting, it is agreed for

Juchao Website:

the Company to continue financial service cooperation with Sichuan Finance

2016-3-19; http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Company, and to enter into Financial Service Agreement with a term of three

2016-4-7; ( No.: 2016-020, 2016-021, 2016-023,

years, in respect of which, the independent directors issued prior consent and

2016-024, 2016-037)

approval opinions.

The former second largest shareholder of the Company-Hefei Xingtai

Financial Holdings (Group) Company Limited transferred 49,477,513 stated Juchao Website:

owned shares of the Company held by it to Hefei Industrial Investment 2016-3-25 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Holdings (Group) Company Limited at nil consideration. As of the end of the ( No.: 2016-026)

reporting period, transfer registration procedures for this equity transfer has


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

been completed.

The board of directors agreed to appoint Mr. Xu Bangjun as a candidate of

Juchao Website:

non-independent director of the 8th board of directors, with a term same as the

2016-3-25 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

8th board of directors, which is subject to approval from the 2015 annual

( No.: 2016-027)

general meeting of the Company.

The board of directors agreed the subsidiary Zhongshan Changhong

Appliances Company (“Zhongshan Changhong”) to jointly, with the partner

RUBA GENERAL TRADING FZE (a company based in The United Arab

Juchao Website:

Emirates), increase capital injection into Changhong Ruba Trading

2016-3-25 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Company(Private) Limited in cash according to the existing shareholding

( No.: 2016-027, 2016-032)

proportion. Changhong Ruba Trading Company (Private) Limited is a joint

venture sales company established by the two parties in Pakistan, the total

amount of the increased capital is USD6.40 million.

The board of directors agreed the subsidiaries Zhongshan Changhong and

Juchao Website:

Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioner Company to jointly establish

2016-3-25 http://www.cninfo.com.cn


( No.: 2016-027, 2016-033)

registered capital of USD6.0 million.

As approved by resolution at the 19th meeting of the 8th board of directors, it

is agreed for the Company to apply from Hefei Branch of China Merchants Juchao Website:

Bank a special credit facility with the maximum amount of RMB300 million 2016-3-25 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

involving notes related businesses. The term of credit facility is one year, and ( No.: 2016-027, 2016-034)

the facility is mainly used on note related business by way of note pledge.


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

III. Commitments that the company, shareholders, actual controller, offeror, directors, supervisors, senior management or other related parties have

fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting period

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Commitment Acceptor Content Date Term


1. The acquirer shall not engage in refrigerator business

or activity which competes or will compete with


business of Meiling Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. Valid for long


(hereinafter referred to as the “Meiling Electrical term


Appliances”),or that which has interest conflict with

Meiling Electrical Appliances.

2. The acquirer promises to apply shareholders’ right on

Sichuan About committed and Strictly

a legal and reasonable manner and shall not take any Valid for long

Commitments Changhong promised in order to implemen

action to limit or affect the normal operation of Meiling term

made in Electric Co., prevent horizontal ted

Electrical Appliances.

acquisition LTD competition in the


report or (hereinafter Acquisition Report of 3. For any opportunity to engage in competing business,

equity change referred to as Hefei Meiling Co., the acquirer will advise Meiling Electrical Appliances in

report the “Sichuan Ltd. written for engaging such business or not. If Meiling

Changhong”) Electrical Appliances gives no clear written reply as to

whether engaging the competing business or not within Strictly

Valid for long

20 days after receipt of the aforesaid letter, it shall be implemen


deemed that it will not engage in such business. The ted

acquirer will only engage in non-competing business

provided that Meiling Electrical Appliances confirms

not to or is deemed to not engage in such

non-competing business.

Commitment Commitment 1. It will not engage in such business or activity that

Sichuan Valid for long Strictly

made during regarding to reducing competes with or has interest conflict with that of 2010-6-24

Changhong term implemen

the and preventing Meiling Electrical Appliances except for the action


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

non-public competition with taken for sake of Meiling Electrical Appliances as ted

offer Meiling Electrical required by Meiling Electrical Appliances.

Appliances 2. The Company promises to apply shareholders’ right

on a legal and reasonable manner and shall not take any

action to limit or affect the normal operation of Meiling

Electrical Appliances.

3. In case that Meiling Electrical Appliances expects, on

the basis of its existing business, to expand its operation

scope into the business which the Company has already

operated, the Company agrees to grant pre emptive right

to Meiling Electrical Appliances regarding such

business if the same conditions are met, provided that

the Company is still the controlling shareholder or

actual controller of Meiling Electrical Appliances.

1. Measures will be adopted to prevent continued related

transaction with Meiling Electrical Appliances: as to the

related transaction that can not be prevented, it will sign

related transaction agreement with Meiling Electrical

Appliances under the market principles of “equally paid

Commitment and mutual benefit”, and fairly determined the

regarding to reducing transaction price according to the market prevailing


and standardizing standards. Valid for long

2010-6-24 implemen

related transaction term

2. Perform the necessary obligations to make related ted

with Meiling

directors and related shareholder abstain from voting

Electrical Appliances

according to relevant regulation, and observe legal

procedure for approving related transaction and

information disclosure obligations.

3. Promise not to hurt legal interests of Meiling

Electrical Appliances and other shareholders through


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

related transaction.

Commit to authorized Changhong Air Conditioning and Zhongshan Air Strictly

Valid for long

Conditioning Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Zhongshan Air 2010-11-6 implemen


Conditioning”) to use “Changhong” trademark and relevant patents for free. ted

1. Commit to disclose periodic reports on a truthful, accurate, complete, fair and

prompt manner, to disclose all the information that have important influences

over investors, to accept supervision under the CSRC and Shenzhen Stock


2. Commit to make public clarification in respect of such information that is

released from any public media and may result in misleading influences on


stock price once the Company is aware of such information. Valid for long

The Company 2011-1-7 implemen

3. The directors, supervisors, senior management and core technicians of the term


Company will accept opinions and criticism from the social publics, and they

will not trade the Company’s securities, directly or indirectly, with any inside

information and other illegal methods. The Company promises that the

documents submitted to Shenzhen Stock Exchange exist no false statement or

material omission, and no relevant information will be disclosed during the

application for listing without prior content from Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

1. Since the property transfer didn’t involve the buildings and land currently

Commitment Strictly

used by Changhong Air Conditioning, Sichuan Changhong commits, upon the Valid for long

made in implemen

completion of equity transfer, to continue to lease such assets to Changhong Air term

transfer of ted

Sichuan Conditioning at market price.

air 2009-12-10

Changhong 2. After completion of this property transfer, Sichuan Changhong commits to

conditioning Strictly

manage to prevent new related transaction with Meiling Electrical Appliances. Valid for long

assets implemen

For those which can not be prevented, Sichuan Changhong commits to term

property ted

determine the transaction price based on market accepted methods, so as to


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

ensure fairness of related transaction and protection of the interest of Meiling

Electrical Appliances.

3. Sichuan Changhong commits that it will not engage in air conditioning and

refrigerator business or activity which competes or will compete with business

of Meiling Electrical Appliances, or that which has interest conflict with

Meiling Electrical Appliances.

1. Make promise not to reduce the shares of Meiling bought in every year


during implementation of the performance incentive fund via any market ways 2013-8-15; Three years after

by Annual Implemen

in the later first year, which was allowed to be reduced by 50% according to the 2014-7-3; current shares

performance ting

laws and regulations in the second year, and the remaining 50% was allowed to 2015-7-21 purchased

incentive Some of the

be reduced in the third year in accordance with the laws and regulations.

fund, Directors,

From the date

incentive supervisors and 2. The directors, supervisors and senior management promised to manage in

when annual

objects while senior accordance with the relevant management approaches in accordance with the

incentive fund

purchasing executives of "Company Law", "Securities Law" and "The Company’s shares held by the

plan deliberated

stock of the the Company as directors, supervisors and senior management of the listed company and its

2013-8-15; and approved by

Company well as other change management rules", as objects of annual performance incentive fund of Implemen

2014-7-3; general meeting

with incentive Meiling, including but not limited to: during his tenure, the shares transferred ting

2015-7-21 to 6 moths after

performance objects each year shall not exceed 25% of the total number of shares held of the


incentive Company; shall not sell the shares of the Company within six months after

supervisor and

funds and bought it or purchase again six months after sold it; shall not transfer the shares

senior executives

owned fund held within six months after Dismission.


Sichuan 1. Based on market conditions and as allowed by laws and rules, multiple

Changhong measures were adopted adequately to increase shareholding of Meiling


Electric Co., Appliances, so as to demonstrate its firm confidence on the PRC economy and Strictly

of not to Valid for long

LTD and Meiling Appliances with its actual actions, maintain sound development of 2015-7-9 implemen

reducing the term

persons acting capital market and promote recovery of healthy market; ted


in concert 2. The Company continued to support operation and development of listed

Changhong company. It is committed to bringing steady and real return to investors.


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

(Hong Kong) 3. Sichuan Changhong has committed that Sichuan Changhong and its persons

Trading acting in concert - Changhong (Hong Kong) Trading Co., Ltd. shall not reduce

Company holdings of "Meiling" and "Anhui Meiling B" within six months since January


Limited 18, 2016, if the holdings of "Meiling" and "Anhui Meiling B" increase due to 2016-1-18 2016-7-18


Meiling bonus issue or share capital increased by transferring, the company will

still abide by the above commitment. To violate the above commitment, all

gains by reducing holdings will belong to Meiling.

1. I hereby undertake not to deliver interests to other

entities or individuals without consideration or at unfair

conditions, nor to prejudice the Company’s interests by

other means.

2. I hereby undertake to restrain my role related

consumption behaviors.

3. I hereby undertake not to conduct any investment and

Till the

consumption which is not related to performance of

Commitment on completion of

Commitment duties with utilization of any company assets.

Directors and compensation of projects invested

made during

senior immediate dilution of 4. I hereby undertake that the remuneration system with the proceeds Implemen

the 2016-2-23

executives of return arising from determined by the board of directors or the remuneration from this ting


the Company non-public issuance of and examination committee be linked to implementation non-public

offer of the compensation of return measures.

shares issuance of

5. In case that the Company adopts share based shares

incentive plan in future, I hereby undertake that the

exercise conditions of the incentive plan to be

announced by the Company be linked to implementation

of the compensation of return measures.

6. For the period from the date of this commitment to

the date of completion of this non-public issuance of

shares, if the CSRC makes other new regulatory


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

requirements on compensation of return measures and

the commitment thereof, and in case that the above

commitments cannot satisfy these new requirements

from the CSRC, I hereby undertake to issue

supplementary commitment in compliance with the

latest CSRC requirements.

As one of the principals responsible for compensation of

return measures, I, in case of break of the above

commitments or refuse to perform the above

commitments, agree to receive relevant punishment or

to adopt relevant administration measures according to

the systems, rules and regulations of the CSRC and

Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Perform the commitment promptly or

√Yes □No


If the commitments is not fulfilled on

time, shall explain the specify reason Not applicable

and the next work plan


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

IV. Forecast of operation performance from Jan. – June of 2016

Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss

probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and

explanation on reason

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Securities Investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No security investment in Period.

VI. Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No derivative investment in Period.

VII. Trust financing

√Applicable □Not applicable

In 10 thousand Yuan




for Actual

Whethe Trust Criteria Principal

devalua Anticip Actual collected

r related financin for actually

Name Type Start date End date tion of ated gains/losses gains/loss

trade or g fixing collected in

withdra income in period es in

not amount reward the Period

wing period







procee 3.9%

branch of

No ds 50,000 2015-10-20 2016-1-19 annual 50,000 - 486.16 498.63 498.63

Bank of

produc yield




Total 50,000 -- -- -- 50,000 - 486.16 498.63 498.63

Capital resource Self-owned temporary idle capital


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Principal uncollected for overdue


and accumulated earnings

Lawsuit involved (if applicable) -

Disclosure date for approval from

the Board for trust financing (if 2015-3-26


Disclosure date for approval from

board of shareholders for trust 2015-4-18

financing (if applicable)

Whether has trust financing plan


in future

VIII. Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report period

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Time Way Type Basic situation index of investigation


2016-1-7 Field research Institute



2016-1-15 Field research Institute



2016-1-22 Field research Institute



2016-1-26 Field research Institute


IX. Guarantee outside against the regulation

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no guarantee outside against the regulation in the reporting period.

X. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Section IV. Financial Statement

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.


Item Balance at period-end Balance at period-begin

Current assets:

Monetary funds 3,007,374,476.31 2,135,189,879.15

Settlement provisions - -

Capital lent - -

Financial liability measured by fair

value and with variation reckoned into

current gains/losses - -

Derivative financial liability - -

Notes receivable 1,469,342,400.75 1,286,332,682.74

Accounts receivable 1,473,335,295.44 1,338,396,321.83

Accounts paid in advance 77,871,853.12 68,041,820.73

Insurance receivable - -

Reinsurance receivables - -

Contract reserve of reinsurance

receivable - -

Interest receivable 1,540,027.02 1,238,199.65

Dividend receivable - -

Other receivables 26,686,197.96 39,494,835.30

Purchase restituted finance asset - -

Inventories 1,532,773,157.93 1,554,946,209.51

Divided into assets held for sale - -

Non-current asset due within one

year - -

Other current assets 18,395,389.20 539,101,578.44

Total current assets 7,607,318,797.73 6,962,741,527.35

Non-current assets:

Loans and payments on behalf


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Finance asset available for sales 17,000,000.00 17,000,000.00

Held-to-maturity investment - -

Long-term account receivable - -

Long-term equity investment 70,425,919.51 74,239,547.01

Investment property 13,882,067.97 14,084,213.51

Fixed assets 1,279,981,725.75 1,267,493,931.98

Construction in progress 51,949,453.28 56,504,880.99

Engineering material - -

Disposal of fixed asset 75,773,138.47 75,773,138.47

Productive biological asset - -

Oil and gas asset - -

Intangible assets 586,352,801.14 593,449,698.85

Expense on Research and

Development 70,080,324.34 53,344,827.72

Goodwill - -

Long-term expenses to be

apportioned - -

Deferred income tax asset 79,603,387.70 78,435,177.86

Other non-current asset 44,000,772.00 44,221,416.00

Total non-current asset 2,289,049,590.16 2,274,546,832.39

Total assets 9,896,368,387.89 9,237,288,359.74

Current liabilities:

Short-term loans 339,440,767.02 58,680,093.19

Loan from central bank - -

Absorbing deposit and interbank

deposit - -

Capital borrowed - -

Financial liability measured by fair

value and with variation reckoned into

current gains/losses - -

Derivative financial liability - -

Notes payable 1,961,170,250.32 2,172,064,923.79

Accounts payable 2,037,352,117.03 1,604,075,191.50

Accounts received in advance 348,432,938.56 295,604,800.16

Selling financial asset of

repurchase - -

Commission charge and

commission payable - -


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Wage payable 77,390,262.12 115,297,429.40

Taxes payable 101,877,955.85 70,530,483.54

Interest payable 173,468.38 214,328.89

Dividend payable 2,200,499.91 2,200,499.91

Other accounts payable 730,256,218.70 643,567,087.33

Reinsurance payables - -

Insurance contract reserve - -

Security trading of agency - -

Security sales of agency - -

Divided into liability held for sale - -

Non-current liabilities due within 1

year 11,147,235.60 11,153,067.68

Other current liabilities - -

Total current liabilities 5,609,441,713.49 4,973,387,905.39

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans 299,787,008.80 243,004,866.40

Bonds payable - -

Including: preferred stock - -

Perpetual capital

securities - -

Long-term account payable - -

Long-term wages payable 35,988,442.98 38,211,463.86

Special accounts payable - -

Projected liabilities 335,990,014.55 338,125,014.55

Deferred income 130,506,391.19 132,890,618.54

Deferred income tax liabilities - -

Other non-current liabilities - -

Total non-current liabilities 802,271,857.52 752,231,963.35

Total liabilities 6,411,713,571.01 5,725,619,868.74

Owner’s equity:

Share capital 763,739,205.00 763,739,205.00

Other equity instrument - -

Including: preferred stock - -

Perpetual capital

securities - -

Capital public reserve 1,429,225,754.29 1,529,184,356.13


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Less: Inventory shares - -

Other comprehensive income -2,563,411.37 -2,280,500.61

Reasonable reserve - -

Surplus public reserve 367,066,994.18 367,066,994.18

Provision of general risk - -

Retained profit 871,377,211.88 817,667,531.64

Total owner’s equity attributable to

parent company 3,428,845,753.98 3,475,377,586.34

Minority interests 55,809,062.90 36,290,904.66

Total owner’s equity 3,484,654,816.88 3,511,668,491.00

Total liabilities and owner’s equity 9,896,368,387.89 9,237,288,359.74

Legal Representative: Liu Tibin

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhang Xiaolong

Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company


Item Closing balance Opening balance

Current assets:

Monetary funds 2,490,663,083.80 1,654,499,494.28

Financial liability measured by fair

value and with variation reckoned into

current gains/losses - -

Derivative financial liability - -

Notes receivable 1,016,945,850.78 828,061,004.44

Accounts receivable 730,388,140.83 943,328,995.97

Account paid in advance 206,065,050.88 302,567,578.88

Interest receivable - -

Dividends receivable - -

Other receivables 40,179,659.93 53,255,891.89

Inventories 849,605,142.79 869,593,027.59

Divided into assets held for sale - -

Non-current assets maturing within

one year - -

Other current assets 14,360,164.83 522,617,641.34

Total current assets 5,348,207,093.84 5,173,923,634.39

Non-current assets:


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Available-for-sale financial assets 17,000,000.00 17,000,000.00

Held-to-maturity investments - -

Long-term receivables - -

Long-term equity investments 932,211,020.76 840,634,581.05

Investment property 11,687,431.81 11,805,903.99

Fixed assets 891,449,408.47 890,217,780.00

Construction in progress 20,172,314.13 20,365,686.01

Project materials - -

Disposal of fixed assets 43,479,954.71 43,479,954.71

Productive biological assets - -

Oil and natural gas assets - -

Intangible assets 436,337,289.64 438,227,183.15

Research and development costs 1,136,027.62 2,162,829.06

Goodwill - -

Long-term deferred expenses - -

Deferred income tax assets 68,430,968.96 70,170,515.47

Other non-current assets - -

Total non-current assets 2,421,904,416.10 2,334,064,433.44

Total assets 7,770,111,509.94 7,507,988,067.83

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings 324,424,335.02 34,411,720.00

Financial liability measured by fair

value and with variation reckoned into

current gains/losses - -

Derivative financial liability - -

Notes payable 1,206,325,161.85 1,395,443,530.25

Accounts payable 1,161,785,139.05 1,114,807,199.47

Accounts received in advance 166,487,785.67 145,333,375.62

Wage payable 15,085,453.81 42,847,802.62

Taxes payable 39,601,854.80 20,425,867.86

Interest payable 173,468.38 214,328.89

Dividend payable 2,200,499.91 2,200,499.91

Other accounts payable 704,820,937.63 686,009,980.82

Divided into liability held for sale - -


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Non-current liabilities due within 1

year 7,481,483.68 7,487,315.76

Other current liabilities - -

Total current liabilities 3,628,386,119.80 3,449,181,621.20

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans 256,341,900.00 199,341,900.00

Bonds payable - -

Including: preferred stock - -

Perpetual capital

securities - -

Long-term account payable - -

Long-term wages payable 35,988,442.98 38,211,463.86

Special accounts payable - -

Projected liabilities 335,990,014.55 338,125,014.55

Deferred income 66,186,338.39 68,050,877.23

Deferred income tax liabilities - -

Other non-current liabilities - -

Total non-current liabilities 694,506,695.92 643,729,255.64

Total liabilities 4,322,892,815.72 4,092,910,876.84

Owners’ equity:

Share capita 763,739,205.00 763,739,205.00

Other equity instrument - -

Including: preferred stock - -

Perpetual capital

securities - -

Capital public reserve 1,493,143,491.54 1,497,987,446.59

Less: Inventory shares - -

Other comprehensive income - -

Reasonable reserve - -

Surplus reserve 366,848,828.50 366,848,828.50

Retained profit 823,487,169.18 786,501,710.90

Total owner’s equity 3,447,218,694.22 3,415,077,190.99

Total liabilities and owner’s equity 7,770,111,509.94 7,507,988,067.83

Legal Representative: Liu Tibin

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhang Xiaolong

Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

3. Consolidated Profit Statement


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Total operating income 2,926,400,488.89 2,752,501,149.32

Including: Operating income 2,926,400,488.89 2,752,501,149.32

Interest income - -

Insurance gained - -

Commission charge and commission

- -



II. Total operating cost 2,877,106,988.41

Including: Operating cost 2,286,732,134.67 2,152,651,043.15

Interest expense - -

Commission charge and commission

- -


Cash surrender value - -

Net amount of expense of

- -


Net amount of withdrawal of

- -

insurance contract reserve

Bonus expense of guarantee slip - -

Reinsurance expense - -

Operating tax and extras 27,786,160.01 18,119,401.70

Sales expenses 451,951,041.92 432,609,102.60

Administration expenses 97,624,683.46 99,733,357.50

Financial expenses -5,371,504.22 -19,080,895.94

Losses of devaluation of asset 18,384,472.57 9,428,760.49

Add: Changing income of fair

- 81,770.00

value(Loss is listed with “-”)

Investment income (Loss is listed

358,659.99 171,415.10

with “-”)

Including: Investment income on

-4,627,641.38 171,415.10

affiliated company and joint venture

Exchange income (Loss is listed

- -

with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with 49,652,160.47 59,293,564.92


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016


Add: Non-operating income 10,126,101.23 6,077,129.21

Including: Disposal gains of

137,329.94 14,784.00

non-current asset

Less: Non-operating expense 590,032.72 6,178,693.98

Including: Disposal loss of

324,113.57 5,689,480.81

non-current asset

IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”) 59,188,228.98 59,192,000.15

Less: Income tax expense 6,528,778.06 9,522,918.59

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”) 52,659,450.92 49,669,081.56

Net profit attributable to owner’s of

53,709,680.24 53,995,097.74

parent company

Minority shareholders’ gains and

-1,050,229.32 -4,326,016.18


VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

-401,296.49 -309,624.32


Net after-tax of other comprehensive

income attributable to owners of parent -282,910.76 -243,495.58


(I) Other comprehensive income

items which will not be reclassified - -

subsequently to profit of loss

1. Changes as a result of

re-measurement of net defined benefit - -

plan liability or asset

2. Share of the other

comprehensive income of the investee

accounted for using equity method which - -

will not be reclassified subsequently to

profit and loss

(II) Other comprehensive income

items which will be reclassified -282,910.76 -243,495.58

subsequently to profit or loss

1. Share of the other

comprehensive income of the investee

accounted for using equity method which - -

will be reclassified subsequently to profit

or loss

2. Gains or losses arising

- -

from changes in fair value of


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

available-for-sale financial assets

3. Gains or losses arising

from reclassification of held-to-maturity

- -

investment as available-for-sale financial


4. The effect hedging portion

of gains or losses arising from cash flow - -

hedging instruments

5. Translation differences

arising on translation of foreign currency -282,910.76 -243,495.58

financial statements

6. Other - -

Net after-tax of other comprehensive

income attributable to minority -118,385.73 -66,128.74


VII. Total comprehensive income 52,258,154.43 49,359,457.24

Total comprehensive income

53,426,769.48 53,751,602.16

attributable to owners of parent Company

Total comprehensive income

-1,168,615.05 -4,392,144.92

attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

(i) Basic earnings per share 0.0703 0.0707

(ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.0703 0.0707

Legal Representative: Liu Tibin

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhang Xiaolong

Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Operating income 1,550,458,365.77 1,501,709,121.95

Less: Operating cost 1,305,236,415.06 1,253,513,363.69

Operating tax and extras 12,227,268.52 10,329,956.47

Sales expenses 163,483,635.62 144,475,730.93

Administration expenses 46,061,487.37 50,319,095.61

Financial expenses -7,456,125.90 -14,222,182.00

Losses of devaluation of asset -140,138.17 2,036,087.98

Add: Changing income of fair

value(Loss is listed with “-”) - 81,770.00


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Investment income (Loss is

listed with “-”) 5,760,147.93 85,130.93

Including: Investment income

on affiliated company and joint venture 773,846.56 85,130.93

II. Operating profit (Loss is listed

with “-”) 36,805,971.20 55,423,970.20

Add: Non-operating income 7,031,366.56 2,608,543.71

Including: Disposal gains of

non-current asset 92,759.42 -

Less: Non-operating expense 310,277.05 6,042,964.39

Including: Disposal loss of

non-current asset 244,077.48 5,668,797.10

III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with

“-”) 43,527,060.71 51,989,549.52

Less: Income tax expense 6,541,602.43 7,598,058.95

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with

“-”) 36,985,458.28 44,391,490.57

V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

income - -

(I) Other comprehensive income

items which will not be reclassified

subsequently to profit of loss - -

1. Changes as a result of

re-measurement of net defined benefit

plan liability or asset - -

2. Share of the other

comprehensive income of the investee

accounted for using equity method

which will not be reclassified

subsequently to profit and loss - -

(II) Other comprehensive income

items which will be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss - -

1. Share of the other

comprehensive income of the investee

accounted for using equity method

which will be reclassified subsequently

to profit or loss - -

2. Gains or losses arising

from changes in fair value of - -


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

available-for-sale financial assets

3. Gains or losses arising

from reclassification of held-to-maturity

investment as available-for-sale

financial assets - -

4. The effect hedging

portion of gains or losses arising from

cash flow hedging instruments - -

5. Translation differences

arising on translation of foreign

currency financial statements - -

6. Other - -

VI. Total comprehensive income 36,985,458.28 44,391,490.57

VII. Earnings per share:

(i) Basic earnings per share 0.0484 0.0581

(ii) Diluted earnings per share 0.0484 0.0581

Legal Representative: Liu Tibin

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhang Xiaolong

Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating


Cash received from selling

commodities and providing labor 2,763,169,371.62 1,885,020,797.44


Net increase of customer deposit

- -

and interbank deposit

Net increase of loan from central

- -


Net increase of capital borrowed

- -

from other financial institution

Cash received from original

- -

insurance contract fee

Net cash received from reinsurance

- -


Net increase of insured savings and - -


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016


Net increase of amount from

disposal financial assets that measured

- -

by fair value and with variation

reckoned into current gains/losses

Cash received from interest,

- -

commission charge and commission

Net increase of capital borrowed - -

Net increase of returned business

- -


Write-back of tax received 73,998,123.72 54,031,690.80

Other cash received concerning

10,898,715.23 6,487,030.96

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from

2,848,066,210.57 1,945,539,519.20

operating activities

Cash paid for purchasing

commodities and receiving labor 2,164,889,172.42 1,523,411,470.90


Net increase of customer loans

- -

and advances

Net increase of deposits in central

- -

bank and interbank

Cash paid for original insurance

- -

contract compensation

Cash paid for interest, commission

- -

charge and commission

Cash paid for bonus of guarantee

- -


Cash paid to/for staff and workers 329,027,920.11 268,577,049.07

Taxes paid 79,046,193.58 80,040,160.08

Other cash paid concerning

135,505,177.34 191,304,105.75

operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from

2,708,468,463.45 2,063,332,785.80

operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating

139,597,747.12 -117,793,266.60


II. Cash flows arising from investing


Cash received from recovering 500,000,000.00 -


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016


Cash received from investment

4,986,301.37 -


Net cash received from disposal of

fixed, intangible and other long-term 216,587.52 1,234,432.00


Net cash received from disposal of

- -

subsidiaries and other units

Other cash received concerning

11,813,596.67 17,362,060.65

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing

517,016,485.56 18,596,492.65


Cash paid for purchasing fixed,

36,348,248.79 36,883,835.95

intangible and other long-term assets

Cash paid for investment 95,983,860.00 36,149,974.00

Net increase of mortgaged loans - -

Net cash received from

- -

subsidiaries and other units obtained

Other cash paid concerning

- -

investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing

132,332,108.79 73,033,809.95


Net cash flows arising from investing

384,684,376.77 -54,437,317.30


III. Cash flows arising from financing


Cash received from absorbing

16,661,794.74 -


Including: Cash received from

absorbing minority shareholders’ - -

investment by subsidiaries

Cash received from loans 384,191,670.80 686,048,061.59

Cash received from issuing bonds - -

Other cash received concerning

3,451.80 -

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

400,856,917.34 686,048,061.59


Cash paid for settling debts 48,119,369.00 391,572,057.56


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016

Cash paid for dividend and profit

2,013,571.61 4,053,158.20

distributing or interest paying

Including: Dividend and profit of

minority shareholder paid by - -


Other cash paid concerning

- -

financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from

50,132,940.61 395,625,215.76

financing activities

Net cash flows arising from financing

350,723,976.73 290,422,845.83


IV. Influence on cash and cash

equivalents due to fluctuation in -5,770,988.16 7,205,021.10

exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash

869,235,112.46 125,397,283.03


Add: Balance of cash and cash

2,121,161,238.01 2,709,097,193.11

equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash

2,990,396,350.47 2,834,494,476.14

equivalents at the period -end

Legal Representative: Liu Tibin

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhang Xiaolong

Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo

6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company


Item Current Period Last Period

I. Cash flows arising from operating


Cash received from selling

commodities and providing labor 1,459,425,734.39 919,267,902.33


Write-back of tax received 42,807,549.95 35,315,414.37

Other cash received concerning

5,404,054.78 1,969,905.92

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from

1,507,637,339.12 956,553,222.62

operating activities

Cash paid for purchasing

1,197,030,174.41 973,813,926.55

commodities and receiving labor


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016


Cash paid to/for staff and workers 134,305,529.47 90,288,074.11

Taxes paid 21,297,508.43 25,736,819.33

Other cash paid concerning

60,265,931.74 66,618,277.52

operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from

1,412,899,144.05 1,156,457,097.51

operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating

94,738,195.07 -199,903,874.89


II. Cash flows arising from investing


Cash received from recovering

500,000,000.00 -


Cash received from investment

4,986,301.37 -


Net cash received from disposal of

fixed, intangible and other long-term 205,587.52 965,112.00


Net cash received from disposal of

- -

subsidiaries and other units

Other cash received concerning

7,772,259.09 14,255,616.51

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from investing

512,964,147.98 15,220,728.51


Cash paid for purchasing fixed,

24,183,155.13 15,521,939.44

intangible and other long-term assets

Cash paid for investment 95,650,000.00 6,000,000.00

Net cash received from

- -

subsidiaries and other units

Other cash paid concerning

- -

investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from investing

119,833,155.13 21,521,939.44


Net cash flows arising from investing

393,130,992.85 -6,301,210.93


III. Cash flows arising from financing


Cash received from absorbing - -


Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.The First Quarterly Report of 2016


Cash received from loans 380,831,650.44 619,816,005.59

Cash received from issuing bonds - -

Other cash received concerning

9,427,786.43 4,801,561.18

financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

390,259,436.87 624,617,566.77


Cash paid for settling debts 35,028,969.00 347,191,657.56

Cash paid for dividend and profit

1,601,868.57 3,496,983.19

distributing or interest paying

Other cash paid concerning

96,569.57 19,697,344.21

financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from

36,727,407.14 370,385,984.96

financing activities

Net cash flows arising from financing

353,532,029.73 254,231,581.81


IV. Influence on cash and cash

equivalents due to fluctuation in -5,237,628.13 6,512,404.39

exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash

836,163,589.52 54,538,900.38


Add: Balance of cash and cash

1,654,499,494.28 2,390,446,316.58

equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash

2,490,663,083.80 2,444,985,216.96

equivalents at the period -end

Legal Representative: Liu Tibin

Person in charge of accounting works: Zhang Xiaolong

Person in charge of accounting institute: Luo Bo

II. Audit report

Whether the 1st quarterly report has been audited or not

□Yes √ No

The 1st quarterly report of the Company has not been audited

Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.

Chairman: Liu Tibin

28 April 2016



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