瓦 轴B:关于公司股票实行退市风险警示的公告(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-04-26 00:15:12

Short title:WaZhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2016-15

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Stock of the Company Practice Delisting Risk Warning

The company, the whole members of the board of directors and top managements ensured the truth,

accuracy, completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

In view of the Company has been in the red in two consecutive years, according to relevant

regulation of Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock

Exchange carry out a special treatment as issue a "delisting risk warning" on the stocks of the Company,

the risk warning are as:

I. Class of stocks, short name of the stock, stock code, and the commencement day of delisting

risk warning

1. Class of stocks: B-share

2. Short name of the stock before warning: Wazhou B

3. Stock code: 200706

4. Commencement day: 27 April 2016

5. Short name of the stock after warning: *ST Wazhou B

6.After being practiced delisting risk warning ,the daily limit of stock prices is 5%

II. Reasons for being issued a delisting risk warning:

The audited net profit of the Company has deficit in fiscal year of 2014 and 2015, in line with relevant

regulation of the article 13.2.1 listed in Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock

Exchange, and stocks of the Company are issued a delisting risk warning since 27 April 2016. Stock of

the Company is suspending business for one day on 26 April 2016 and resumption of trading on 27

April 2016.

III. Opinion and specific measures of the Board for lifting the delisting risk warning

Making up the deficits and get surpluses will be the primary goal of the Company for year of 2016 in

order to lifting the delisting risk warning. The Company will speed up industrial restructuring, continue to

optimize resource allocation, strengthen S&T innovation, change method of operation, put more efforts

in marketing management, on basis of the safety production, and strive to turn the operation condition,

achieve an innovation development in trouble and re-shape the image of the listed company.

IV. Risk warning that its stocks are likely to be suspended or terminated from listing

In line with the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, if the audited

net profit still in red in 2016, the Company's stock will be suspended since the announcement date of


Short title:WaZhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2016-15

Annual Report 2016 of the Company. During the legal time limit, the latest annual report still in red while

disclosed after suspended, stock of the Company will terminate for listing.

V. Ways by which the Company attends to investors' inquires during the period of delisting risk


1. Secretary of the Board: Sun Najuan

2. Securities affairs representative: Ke Xin

3. Fixed-line: 0411-39116369, 39116731

4. Fax: 0411-39116738

5. E-mail: zwz2308@126.com

6. Contac Add.: No.1 Beigongji Street, Yiduan, Wangfangdian City, Liaoning

Inventors are advice to the investment risk!

Hereby notify

Board of Director of

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.

25 April 2016


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