瓦 轴B:第六届监事会第九次会议决议公告(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-04-26 00:15:12

Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-13

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Announcement of Resolution of the 9th Meeting of 6th Board of Supervisors

Our company, the whole members of the board of directors and top managements ensured the truth,

accuracy, completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

I、The convened statement of Board of Supervisors

1、When and how the notice is sent out

Meeting notice of the 9th Meeting of 6th Board of Supervisors of Wafangdian Bearing Company limited

has been sent by fax on April 12, 2016.

2、The time、place and the way of holding the Board of Supervisors.

The9th Meeting of 6th Board of Directors of Wafangdian Bearing Company limited was held at 309

meeting room at 15:00 April 22, 2016.

3、The members that should attend and actually present.

5 members should attend the meeting and actually 4 members were present.

4、The presider and the present member of the Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is hold by the President of Supervisory Committee Mr. Sun Shicheng, the

GM and General accountant attend the meeting.

5、Holding of meeting conforms to regulations of “Corporate Law” as well as “Article of Association”.

II、The deliberation of the Board of Supervisors

1. Discussed and unanimously passed 2015 annual supervisor report by 4 approving vote, 0 rejecting

vote and 0 abstaining vote;

2. Discussed and unanimously passed 2015 annual Financial Final Reports (audited) by 4 approving

vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

3. Discussed and unanimously passed the 2015 annual report and abstracts by 4 approving vote, 0

rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

The board of supervisors considers that: The formation and verify process of the 2015 annual report

and abstracts meets law and regulations and the requirement made by CSRC. The truth, accuracy,

completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

4. Discussed and unanimously passed the 2015 annual profit distribution plan by 4 approving vote, 0

rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

5. Discussed and unanimously passed the Q1 of 2016 report by 4 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote

and 0 abstaining vote;

6. Discussed and unanimously passed the proposal of the above quota of daily related transactions

of 2015 and the prediction of daily related transaction of 2016 by 4 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and

0 abstaining vote;

7. Discussed and unanimously passed the Certified public accountants engagement and awards by 4


Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-13

approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

8. Discussed and unanimously passed the self-evaluation report for internal control on company by 4

approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

The board of supervisors considers that:The company has established a set of a comprehensive and

perfect internal control management system, which is reasonable, complete and effective, and is in line with

relevant laws and regulations. It complies with the practical situation, meets the development requirements

and is carried out effectively. Ended on December 31, 2015 the design and operation of the internal control

fit into the evaluation scope of is effective.

9、Discussed and unanimously passed the proposal of daily debt restructuring by 4 approving vote, 0

rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

10、Discussed and unanimously passed the proposal of overall stripping the automobile transfer case

bearing by 4 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

11、Discussed and unanimously passed the proposal of general electing the members of the board of

supervisors by 4 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

Supervisor candidate approving vote rejecting vote abstaining vote

Sun Shicheng 4 0 0

Li Xiumin 4 0 0

Wang Fuxing 4 0 0

In line with the AOA, there are two staff representatives, they are Mr. Sun Yongsheng and Mrs. Wang

Lin and they have obtained the approval of congress of workers and staff of company and entered the 6th

Board of Supervisors directly.

12、Discussed and unanimously passed the report of withdrawing preparation for the impairment of

assets by 4 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

The proposal of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11 mentioned above still should be passed by shareholder’s

meeting of 2015.

Ⅲ、The documents for future reference

1、Resolution of the 9th Meeting of 6th Board of Supervisors.

2、The 2015 annual Financial Final Reports and the first quarter report of 2016 stamped by the company

and singed by the legal representative of the Company、the principal of charging account work and the

principal of account organization.

Board of Supervisors of Wa Fangdian bearing company limited

April 25. 2016


Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-13

The resume of the supervisors candidates

Mr.Sun Shicheng was born in December 1964, university culture, Senior Administration, joined in

work in 1987,he worked as the section chief in organization department and organizer in Party Committee of

WBGC, party branch secretary of Xibei sales company, secretary of Huabei sales company, deputy general

manager, the minister of organization department, and the chairman of the labor union. Now he work as the

labor Union chairman, secretary of the commission for discipline inspection, staff director and organization

department of WBGC. He did not hold the company shares; As yet was untouched by the China securities

regulatory commission and other relevant departments was disciplined by stock exchange; Comply with the

required qualifications of company law and other relevant laws, regulations and rules, and has the


Ms. Li Xiumin, was born in May 1962, junior college degree, senior accountant. Joined in work in

November 1980, she has successively held the posts of accountant in financial audit department, financial

inspector, financial section chief, assistant minister, vice minister and so on, now she is held the post of

minister in financial audit department of WBGC. She did not hold the company shares; As yet was

untouched by the China securities regulatory commission and other relevant departments was disciplined

by stock exchange; Comply with the required qualifications of company law and other relevant laws,

regulations and rules, and has the qualifications.

Mrs. Wang Lin, was born in September 1981, university degree, assistant economist. Joined in work

in July 2004, she has successively held the posts of the legal counsel,office director, minister assistant,

deputy minister and minister in credit management department of WBC. Now she is held the post of general

manager of Import and Export Corporation. She did not hold the company shares; As yet was untouched by

the China securities regulatory commission and other relevant departments was disciplined by stock

exchange; Comply with the required qualifications of company law and other relevant laws, regulations and

rules, and has the qualifications.

Mr. Sun Yongsheng, wad born on July 1962, university degree, engineer. Joined in work

August,1987, she has successively held the posts of minister assistant, deputy minister of manufacture

engineering department, minister of safety and equipment energy department, the factory manager of the

seventh finished product factory, now he work as the factory manager of the second finished product factory.

He did not hold the company shares; As yet was untouched by the China securities regulatory commission

and other relevant departments was disciplined by stock exchange; Comply with the required qualifications

of company law and other relevant laws, regulations and rules, and has the qualifications.

Mr. Wang Fuxing, was born in June, 1972, university degree. Since joined in work in our company

from 1993, has successively held the posts of the minister of financial department of Wazhou Group

equipment manufacturing company, financial manager, Deputy Secretary of Party General Branch and

chairman of the labor union of Wazhou Group Precision turntable company, now he hold the post of deputy

director of general office of WBGC. He did not hold the company shares; As yet was untouched by the

China securities regulatory commission and other relevant departments was disciplined by stock exchange;

Comply with the required qualifications of company law and other relevant laws, regulations and rules, and

has the qualifications.


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