Short title:WaZhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2016-14
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
Progress of Related Transaction of Assets Sale
The company, the whole members of the board of directors and top managements ensured
the truth, accuracy, completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the
The "proposal of related transaction and peeling of bearings entirety for auto transfer case" was
deliberated and approved by the first extraordinary meeting of the board for 2016 held on 14 Jan. 2016,
and released the Notice on Related Transaction of Assets Sale of Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.
(Found more in Resolution of First Extraordinary Meeting of the Board for 2016 and Notice on Related
Transaction of Assets Sale of Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. Published in Securities Journal, Hong
Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website dated 16 Jan. 2016). Progresses are:
I. Audit and assessment
In accordance with the rules of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the
Government of Dalian, the audit authority (Shine Wing CPA) with securities and futures business
practice qualification and assessment authority (Beijing CEA) are appointed by the procedures for
assets auditing and assessment. On base of the auditing from Shine Wing CPA, Beijing CEA carried
out an "Appraisal Report of Auto Bearing Business Transfer and Related Net Assets for Wafangdian
Bearing Co., Ltd. and its Wholly-owned Subsidiary - Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing Manufacturing Co.,
Ltd"(CEA PBZi[2016] No.370)
Main assessment as:
(1) Valuation date: 31 January 2016
(2) Types of value: market value
(3) Appraisal procedure: asset-based approach
(4) Summary sheet of valuation
Short title:WaZhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2016-14
Summary Sheet of Assets Valuation
In 10 thousand Yuan
Book value Appraisal value +/- Value-added ratio (%)
Share subtotal Share subtotal Share subtotal Share subtotal
Item HQ Auto branch Liaozhou Company Total HQ Auto branch Liaozhou Company Liaozhou Company Liaozhou Company
Total Total Total
A B C=A+B D E=C+D F G H=F+G I G=H+I K=H-C L=I-D M=K+L N=K/C*100 O=L/D*100 P=M/E*100
Current assets 1 252.16 1050.75 1302.91 935.87 2238.78 252.16 1022.38 1274.55 919.28 2193.83 -28.36 -16.58 -44.94 -2.18 -1.77 -2.01
Non-current assets 2 6528.95 2357.29 8886.24 48.32 8934.56 6869.31 2470.97 9340.28 57.94 9398.22 454.04 9.62 463.66 5.11 19.91 5.19
Long-term equity investment 3
Investment real estate 4
Fixed assets 5 4490.39 2357.29 6847.68 48.32 6896.00 4786.41 2470.97 7257.38 57.94 7315.33 409.70 9.62 419.32 5.98 19.91 6.08
Construction in process 6 2038.56 2038.56 2038.56 2082.90 2082.90 2082.90 44.34 0.00 44.34 2.18 2.18
Oil/gas assets 7
Intangible assets 8
Including: land use right 9
Other assets 10
Total assets 11 6781.11 3408.03 10189.15 984.19 11173.34 7121.47 3493.35 10614.82 977.23 11592.05 425.68 -6.96 418.72 4.18 -0.71 3.75
Current liability 12 7880.77 1236.04 9116.81 1380.95 10497.75 7880.77 1236.04 9116.81 1380.95 10497.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Non-current liability 13
Total liability 14 7880.77 1236.04 9116.81 1380.95 10497.75 7880.77 1236.04 9116.81 1380.95 10497.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net assets 15 -1099.66 2172.00 1072.34 -396.75 675.58 -759.30 2257.32 1498.02 -403.72 1094.30 425.68 -6.96 418.72 39.70 -1.75 61.98
Short title:WaZhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2016-14
Found more auditing and appraisal report in "Juchao Website"
II. Underlying asset
1. History
The divestitures are part of the Company and Auto Branch, the auto bearing business of the
wholly-owned subsidiary (Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd) and related part of the
assets, liabilities and employees.
The high-end bearing businesses had showed consecutive losses in recent years, and have a strong
impact on business performance of the Company, the market competition came more and more fierce
without making up the deficits in short terms, and take actual condition into account, the Company plan
to strip the abovementioned assets, liability, employee and business.
According to the audit from Shine Wing CPA, the profit of auto bearing business, plans to transfer from
the Company (including headquarter and auto branch) and wholly-owned subsidiary (Wazhou
Liaoyang Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd) on valuation date and previous three years are:
Profit statement on valuation date and previous three years
Item 2013 2014 2015 Jan. 2016
I. Operation revenue 6385424.03 27589171.18 120067541.46 12352822.64
Less: operation cost 8842429.34 34128675.65 131735922.31 12737848.63
Business tax and surcharge 22029.76 119264.49 332491.41 25288.57
Operation expenses 0.00 0.00 173887.38 48968.47
Administration expenses 17319.31 61408.33 666359.37 84684.76
Financial expenses 712.24 978.63 799.78 75.56
II. Operation profit -2497066.62 -6721155.92 -12841918.79 -544043.35
Add: non-business revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Less:non-business expenditure 0.00 916.54 0.00 0.00
III. Total profit -2497066.62 -6722072.46 -12841918.79 -544043.35
Less: income tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
IV. Net profit -2497066.62 -6722072.46 -12841918.79 -544043.35
2. The credit and debt involved in divestiture is part of the normal operation results, and operates in
line with the management of internal control of the Company. As for the debts transfer, creditors are
recognized before the board meeting.
Short title:WaZhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2016-14
III. Other
1. After assets transfer, Wazhou Group will lease the lands and houses of the Company.
Name Area (㎡) Rent price per unit(RMB/㎡) Total rental(RMB) Pricing principle
Reference to similar
Lands 17550 9 157950
business of the Company
Houses 12900 120 1548000 and market price
The related transactions will conform to the standard by two parties, and included in the routine related
transaction for management.
2. The proposal needs a deliberation and approval from shareholders meeting
3. The two parties will enter into Assets Transfer Agreement, the assets delivery officially in 10 working
days after the Agreement come into force, and the Agreement activated after approved by the
shareholders meeting.
4. Reasons of selling the assets to the first majority shareholder of the Company instead of the third
(1) The assets sale by the Company excludes houses and buildings, as for other assets such as
equipment, are transfer objectively and impartially in line with auditing and appraisal results without
interest of the listed company are been damaged.
(2) The Company and Wazhou Group are consider as the state holding enterprise, and have the same
actual controller- State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Government
of Dalian. On way of transfer, such as assets and employee placement, the approval procedures are
easy to operate relatively; recognition for the assets audit appraisal results is relatively simplified.
VII. Documents available for reference
1. Resolution of the board meeting of Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.;
2. Independent opinion;
3. Prior approval from independent director;
4. Audit report;
5. Appraisal report
Hereby notify
Board of Director of
Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.
25 April 2016