瓦 轴B:独立董事提名人声明(四)(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-04-26 00:04:33

Announcement of the Nominator of the Independent Director of

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

This is to declare that the nominator, Wafangdian Bearing Group Company, and the nominee, Mr. Liu

Yuping who is now nominated as the 7th session independent directors of Wafangdian Bearing Company

Limited and the consent in writing to accept the position as independent director of the 7th session of

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited. The nomination has been made on the basis of full understanding of

the career, education, academic title, detailed resume, all other part time jobs and other consideration (see

attached resume of the nominee).The nominator believes that the nominee accord with the relative laws,

administrative regulations, department regulations, and normative file, and meet the qualification of

independent director and independent requirement made by Shen Zhen Stock Exchange. The details are as

the following:

One. Has all the qualifications for the position of director in the listed company in accordance with the

laws, administrative regulations and other stipulations;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Two. Meets all the conditions required for this position in accordance with the Articles of Association of

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Three. Has gain the credentials of independent director according to the

list company top manager> made by CSRC ;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Four. The nominee, his direct relatives and main social companions do not hold any positions in

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited or any of its affiliates;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Five. The nominee and its direct relatives are neither direct or indirect shareholders with over 1% of the

issued stock of this listed company, nor the first ten shareholders of this listed company;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Six. The nominee and his direct relatives neither hold any positions directly or indirectly in units that


hold over 5% of the stock of this listed company, nor hold any positions in units who are the first five

shareholders of this listed company;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Seven. The nominee, his direct relatives and do not hold any positions in the holding shareholder and

actual controller of Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited or any of its affiliates;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Eight. The nominee is not a person who provides financial, legal, managerial and technical consultation

or other services to Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited or any of its affiliates and its holding shareholder;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Nine. The nominee neither hold any positions in the company that has important business connect with

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited ,its holding shareholder and actual controller or any of their affiliates,

nor hold any positions in the company that control the company that has important business connect with

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Ten. The nominee has not been involved in the six situations above in the past one year;

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Eleven. The nominee is not a person who is limited into security market by CSRC, and still during the

time of prohibition.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twelve. The nominee is not a person who is considered as the person unsuited to be the director,

supervisor or the top manager by security Exchange.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Thirteen. The nominee isn’t punished by CSRC in the past three years.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Fourteen. The nominee isn’t blamed in public and criticized over three times by security Exchange in the


past three years.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Fifteen.The nominee and the company he had worked doesn’t exist any situation that influent the

nominee’s independence in the past one year.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Sixteen.The nominee doesn’t violate the < a public servant law> as independent director.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Seventeen.The nominee is not the present central administer in government offices

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Eighteen. The nominee is not the centre administrator cadre who has left office or retirement three

years ago and plan to hold the position in the list company that directly connect with his original business

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Nineteen .The nominee is not the centre administrator cadre who has left office or retirement three

years ago and plan to hold the position as independent director but is disapprove by his original party unit and

centre organization.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty. The nominee is not the centre administrator cadre who has left office or retirement three years

ago and plans to hold the position as independent director but hasn’t report and put on records to the party

organization he is in.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty one.The nominee is not the centre administrator cadre who has left office or retirement three

years ago and plan to hold the position as independent director in the list company controlled by his original

position area and whose share is kept over 25% by the foreigner businessmen .

■ YES □ NO


If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Two.The nominee hold the position as independent director shall not contravene the rules that

the leaders in high school take part-time job in

integrity in high school> made by centre Discipline Inspection Commission,Ministry of Education and Ministry

of Supervision

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Three. The nominee hold the position as independent director shall not contravene the rules

of made by


■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Four. The nominee hold the position as independent director shall not contravene the rules


made by People’s Bank of China.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Five. The nominee hold the position as independent director shall not contravene the rules of

made by CSRC.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Six. The nominee hold the position as independent director shall not contravene the rules of

being director and independent director.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Seven. Including Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited,the nominee shouldn’t hold his position

as independent director in more than five list companies, at the same time hasn’t act as independent director

in Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited more than six years continuous.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Eigth.The nominee has supervise the board session to publish his career, education, academic


title, detailed resume, all other part time jobs and other consideration according to the requirement of

independent director measure for reference of Shen Zhen security Exchange>

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Twenty Nine. During the time of being independent director, the nominee isn’t always absent or attend

the meeting personally.

In the last three years, the nominee should be present the board session fo 10 times, and absent for 0


■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Thirty . The nominee is not the person who reports the substandard independent opinion or the opinion

is found not match with the truth obvious.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Thirty One. The nominee is not the person who is punished by other department beyond CSRC in the

last three years.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Thirty Two. The nominee is not the person who act as Independent Director in more than five listed

companies including the Company.

■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Thirty Three. The nominee is not the person who is over 70 and hold his position in many companies,


■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

Thirty Four. The nominee will not influent the director to be honest and diligent, or perform duty


■ YES □ NO

If no, the details description___________________________

I hereby guarantee that the above statements are true, complete and accurate, and there are no



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