Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
Announcement about the excess ratify of implementation of
daily related party transactions of 2015 and daily r
elated transactions estimated of 2016
I. Excess ratify about the the implementation of related daily party transactions of 2015
After approved by the sixth meeting of the sixth session of the Board and the 2014Annual
Shareholders meeting, the seventh meeting of the sixth session of the Board and the
extraordinary shareholders' general meeting for the first time in 2015. In 2015, the forecasted
sales and purchases of goods between company and related parties amounted to 176,804
million Yuan in related party transactions, actually occurred amounted to126,843 million Yuan .
Daily connection transaction actually happened 2015 exceeded 2015 basic situation:
1) Purchase from related party
Unit:RMB10000 Yuan
2015 years The
after the cause of
Actually in The actual Additional analysis of the
No. Associated unites Forecasted adjustment the
2015 excess reasons
sum of 2015 is expected addition
to total al
Wafangdian bearing
The company sales company
1 group special precision - - 47 -47 new
to buy the products for sale.
bearing co., LTD
Wazhou group wheel Due to the need of business
2 4,000 10,958 11,478 -520 excess
bearing co., LTD development.
Corporations through the
Wazhou group (USA) related party generation of
3 - - 2,341 -2,341 new
bearing co., LTD purchasing roller, do not add
any charge.
Dalian wazhou group
4 bearing equipment 2,000 - 3,864 -1,864 excess
manufacturing co., LTD Due to the need of business
Wafangdian bearing development.
5 precision steel ball 22 - 45 -23 excess
manufacturing co., LTD
Wazhou group collection.Will
be the beginning of the cost
Wafangdian bearing is expected to related parties
6 - - 540 -540 new
group co., LTD "engineering technology
center" in the amount of
related transactions.
Total 18,318 -5,335
2)Sale to related party
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
2015 years The
after the cause of
Actually in The actual Additional analysis of the
No. Associated unites Forecasted adjustment the
2015 excess reasons
sum of 2015 is expected addition
to total al
Dalian north metal
The affiliated party a new unit
1 materials trading center - - 1,751 -1,751 new
for the end of 2015。
co., LTD
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou
2 30 - 50 -20 excess
machinery co., LTD
Wazhou group precision
3 transmission bearing 2,300 - 2,905 -605 excess
co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing
4 group special precision 450 - 477 -27 excess
bearing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing
5 precision forging co., 35 - 46 -11 excess
LTD The related party, business
Wafangdian bearing development needs
6 precision steel ball 170 - 172 -2 excess
manufacturing co., LTD
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou
7 50 - 64 -14 excess
machinery co., LTD
Dalian wazhou fengyuan
8 machine develop co., - - 3 -3 excess
Wafangdian tongda
9 bearing manufacturing - - 49 -49 excess
co., LTD
2015 acquisition of wind
Wafangdian bearing
10 130 - 5,602 -5,472 excess power spindle products of the
group co., LTD
company to sell.
Total 11,119 -7,954
II.The General situation of daily related transaction
1. The General situation of daily related transaction
The predicted amount in 2016 is177,105 million Yuan.
The issues that the directors should avoid in related party transactions in 2016
Director Voting or not
Meng Wei Suffrage avoiding
Li Shi Suffrage avoiding
Chen Jiajun Suffrage avoiding
Sun Maolin Suffrage avoiding
Zhang Xinghai Suffrage avoiding
Sun Najuan Suffrage avoiding
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
Tang Yurong Voting
Fang Bo Voting
Wu Chunyou Voting
Zhang Li Voting
Wen Bo Voting
Wan Shouyi Voting
Besides above related directors have obviated from the voting while voting for the relative
related issues, and the issues that needn’t been obviated unanimously passed by the other
directors and 0 rejecting vote, 0 abstaining vote; The issues still should be passed by
shareholder’s meeting of 2015 .At that time, the related shareholders will obviate from the
related issues.
2. The forecast of daily associated transactions of the whole year
Procurement of the products and labor from the associated units and Supply of
products and goods for the associated unites
1) Purchase from related party
Unit:RMB10000 Yuan
According Actually in 2015
Type to products No. Associated unites
sum of 2016 Amount Proportion
or labor
Wafangdian Bearing Precision Ball
1 300 245 0.07
Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Procurement of the products and labor
2 20,000 18,132 5.08
from the associated units
Da Lian Wazhou Jin Zhou Machinery
Procurement 3 9,500 8,794 2.46
Components Company Limited
of the
Da Lian Wazhou Feng Yuan Machinery
products and 4 10,000 8,767 2.45
Company Limited
labor from
5 Wazhou group (USA) bearing co., LTD 0 2,341 0.66
Dalian wazhou group bearing equipment
associated 6 1,500 1,192 0.33
manufacturing co., LTD
7 Wazhou group wheel bearing co., LTD 5,000 11,478 3.21
Wazhou group precision transmission
8 9,500 8,577 2.4
Bearing bearing co., LTD
Dalian koyo wazhou automobile bearing
9 4,000 3,782 1.06
co., LTD
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
Wafangdian bearing group special
10 - 47 0.01
precision bearing co., LTD
Wafangdian tongda bearing
11 7,000 3,985 1.12
manufacturing co., LTD
Equipment Dalian wazhou group bearing equipment
12 1,800 1,672 0.47
manufacturing co., LTD
Lease of Wafangdian bearing precision steel ball
13 22 45 0.01
houses manufacturing co., LTD
Equipment Wafangdian bearing group equipment
14 3,000 2,724 0.76
and sevice technology engineering co., LTD
Security &
fire-proof 15 329 329 0.09
nt 16 80 80 0.02
developing 17 540 540 0.15
services Wafangdian bearing group co., LTD
18 500 400 0.11
Lease of
19 1,900 767 0.21
lease of land 20 524 219 0.06
21 1,239 806 0.23
22 16,000 10,297 2.88
Wazhou group high-end automobile
23 1,3000 - -
Goods bearing co., LTD
Dalian north metal materials trading
24 12,000 - -
center co., LTD
Total 117,734 85,219 23.86
2)Sale to related party
According Actually in 2015
Type to products No. Associated unites
sum of 2016
or labor
Amount Proportion
Supply of Wafangdian bearing precision steel ball
25 70 56 0.02
products and manufacturing co., LTD
goods for the Wafangdian bearing precision forging
26 21,000 19,266 8.38
associated co., LTD
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
unites Dalian north metal materials trading
27 9,000 1,751 0.76
center co., LTD
Dalian wazhou group bearing equipment
28 400 132 0.06
manufacturing co., LTD
29 Wazhou group wheel bearing co., LTD 200 76 0.03
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou machinery co.,
30 150 50 0.02
Wazhou group precision transmission
31 6,000 2,905 1.26
bearing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing group special
32 600 477 0.21
precision bearing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing precision forging
33 55 46 0.02
co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing group special
34 51 51 0.02
Lease of precision bearing co., LTD
housing Dalian wazhou fengyuan machine
35 11 11 -
develop co., LTD
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou machinery co.,
36 80 80 0.03
Wafangdian bearing precision steel ball
37 20 20 0.01
manufacturing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing group special
Lease of land 38 9 9 -
precision bearing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing precision forging
39 55 43 0.02
co., LTD
Wafangdian tongda bearing
40 50 7 -
manufacturing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing precision steel ball
41 300 172 0.07
manufacturing co., LTD
Wazhou group precision transmission
42 - 134 0.06
Heat bearing co., LTD
treatment Wafangdian bearing group special
43 100 45 0.02
precision bearing co., LTD
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou machinery co.,
44 100 64 0.03
Dalian wazhou fengyuan machinery co.,
45 20 3 -
LTD develop
Wafangdian tongda bearing
46 100 49 0.02
manufacturing co., LTD
Product 47 Wazhou group (USA) bearing co., LTD 13,000 10,517 4.57
Wafangdian bearing group co., LTD 8,000 5,602 2.44
Total 59,371 41,566 18.07
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
III. Introduction of associated parties and associated relation
3.1 Introduction of associated parties
Legal of Enrolled
Name of associated Type of Corporation
representati capital Main business
units enterprise address
ve (RMB’0000)
Manufacturing and Selling of Bearing, Special tool
for bearing, tooling, equipment, mechanical
No.1 Beigongji
Wafangdian Bearing equipment, special steel, abrasive material,
Solely Street
Group Corporation Cong Hong 41,379.31 grinding tool, casting, automobile components and
state-owned Wafangdian
(WBGC) parts, locomotive components and parts, relative
industry products; habitation and food services;
building and equipment tenancy
Machining and manufacturing of special mould for
bearing; manufacturing of special equipment and
spare parts for bearing; equipment improving,
Dalian WBGC
installing ,debugging and maintaining;the No.1 Beigongji
Bearing Equipment
designing ,manufacturing and repairing of varies of Solely Street
Manufacturing Co., Chen Jiajun 1,673.60
mechanical equipment, components and parts and state-owned Wafangdian
matching parts;management of spare equipment City
and parts; the purchasing and supplying of grinding
tool , abrasive material, blade tool, alloy, and
hardware etc.
Wafangdian Bearing Solely state No.1 Beigongji
Designing, manufacturing and selling of ball;
Precision Steal Ball Gao Street
680 manufacturing and selling of mechanical
Manufacturing Co., Yongyang Wafangdian
components and parts and mechanical products.
Ltd.(Precision Ball) City
Wafangdian Bearing machining of forging part and mechanical Solely state No.1 Beigongji
Precision Forging components and parts, forging equipment Street
Meng Wei 2,445
Co., Ltd.(Precision maintaining; forging parts annealing;forging Wafangdian
Forging) process designing;metal material selling. City
Metal materials sales;Computer network
technology development, technical advisory
No.1 Beigongji
Dalian north metal services;General cargo warehousing (excluding
materials trading Meng Wei 1,000 dangerous chemicals and the special joint venture
center co., LTD approval);Domestic general trade, goods and
technology import and export;Enterprise
information consulting
WBGC Slewing Solely state Wa Fangdian
Manufacture and sale of bearings , lease of
Meng Wei 5,000 ZhuHua
Bearing Co.,Ltd housing ,machinery
Industry Zone
WBGC Precision Solely state
Wa Fangdian
Manufacture and sale of bearings , lease of
transmission driving Zhao Yang 3,000 ZhuHua
housing ,machinery
Bearing Co.,Ltd Industry Zone
Wafangdian Bearing Solely No.1 Beigongji
Cong Hong 1,000 Manufacture and sale of bearings Street
Group Corporation state-owned Wafangdian
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
Precise Bearing Co., City
Da Lian Wazhou Jin No.1 Beigongji
Zhang Machining operation and sale of mechanical Solely Street
Zhou Machinery 5,000
Xinghai components and parts state-owned Wafangdian
Company Limited City
Da Lian Wazhou No.1 Beigongji
Zhang Machining operation and sale of mechanical Solely Street
Feng Yuan Machinery 5,000
Xinghai components and parts state-owned Wafangdian
Company Limited City
Wafangdian Bearing
Electrician engineer install, construction, Wa Fangdian
Group Equipment Zhang Solely
300 mechanical equipment, instrument purchase, Xijiao Industry
Technology Engineer Xinghai state-owned
manufacture, install and sales Zone
Wafangdian Bearing Sale bearing made by wazhou and its Buhler akkub
Group(American) Meng Wei 800 doller subsidiary.which include car bearing and industry street No.535
Co.,Ltd. bearing and foring ofCalif.
Da Lian
Da Lian KOYO Co., Shuang D
Cong Hong 18,185.40 Ball bearing and tapered roller bearing Joint Venture harbor Liao
Ltd Dong Street
No 96
Wafangdian Tong Da No.1 Beigongji
beaing Manufacturing Sun Maolin 320 Manufacture and sale of bearings State holding
Co., Ltd City
Wafangdian bearing No.1 Beigongji
group equipment Bearing technology and research and
Men Wei 6,800 development, manufacture, marketing;Goods and Joint Venture
technology Wafangdian
technology import and export
engineering co., LTD
3.2 Associated relationship
Wafangdian bearing group co., LTD is the company's parent company, with a 60.6% stake.In
2015 the company general manager Mr Meng is the chairman of the board of directors of the
Wazhou group wheel bearing co., LTD is a wholly owned subsidiary of wafangdian bearing
group co., LTD.The company's chairman Mr Meng is the chairman of the board of directors of
the company.
Wazhou group precision transmission bearing co., LTD. is a wholly owned subsidiary of
wafangdian bearing group co., LTD., wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 100% share in
the company.
Wafangdian bearing precision forging co., LTD. is a wholly owned subsidiary of wafangdian
bearing group co., LTD., wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 100% share in the company.
Wafangdian bearing precision steel ball manufacturing co., ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
wafangdian bearing group co., LTD., wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds a 100% share
in the company.
Dalian wazhou group bearing equipment manufacturing co., LTD., is a wholly owned subsidiary
of wafangdian bearing group co., LTD., wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 100% share
in the company.
Wafangdian bearing group co., LTD is Dalian north metal materials trading center co., LTD’s
parent company, with a 60.6% share.Mr Meng is the chairman of the board of directors of the
Wafangdian bearing group special precision bearing co., LTD is a wholly owned subsidiary of
wafangdian bearing group co., LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 100% share in
the company.
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou machinery co., LTD is a subsidiary wafangdian bearing group co.,
LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 25% share in the company.The chairman of the
board of directors of the company for the company director Mr Xing-hai zhang.
Dalian wazhou fengyuan machine develop co., LTD is a subsidiary wafangdian bearing group
co., LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 25% share in the company.The chairman of
the board of directors of the company for the company director Mr Xing-hai zhang.
Wafangdian bearing group equipment technology engineering co., LTD is a wholly owned
subsidiary of wafangdian bearing group co., LTD., wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds a
100% share in the company.The chairman of the board of directors of the company for the
company director Mr Xing-hai zhang.
Wazhou group (USA) bearing co., LTD is a subsidiary wafangdian bearing group co.,
LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 70% share in the company.The chairman of the
board of directors of the company for the company director Mr Meng Wei.
Dalian koyo wazhou automobile bearing co., LTD is a subsidiary wafangdian bearing group co.,
LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 45% share in the company.
Wafangdian tongda bearing manufacturing co., LTD is a subsidiary wafangdian bearing group
co., LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 40% share in the company.The chairman of
the board of directors of the company for the company director Mr Sun Maolin is general
manager of the company.
Wazhou group high-end automobile bearing co., a subsidiary wafangdian bearing group
co., LTD.,wafangdian bearing group co., LTD holds 51.47% share in the company.The
chairman of the board of directors of the company to the company chairman Mr Meng Wei.
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
3.3 The analysis for the capacity of fulfillment
The company’s related units such as WBGC are in good operating condition with the
corresponding capacity of payment, and can fulfill all the agreements signed with the Company,
hardly does the fund collectable from the associated transactions become into bad debts. the
Company has low default risk. The 2015 annual financial condition of associated parties are as
Ratio of
Name of associated g
Monetary fund Income Net profit liabilitie Total assets
unit con
Wafangdian bearing Nor
211,151,981.87 714,658,810.29 71,214,604.57 64.91 3,547,637,492.19
group co., LTD mal
Wafangdian bearing
group of special Nor
precision bearing co., 31,702,482.61 30,571,395.33 2,501,100.85 15.71 112,421,951.83 mal
Dalian wazhou group
bearing equipment Nor
manufacturing co., 2,062,036.78 61,553,823.54 1,187,600.96 35.63 121,486,057.23 mal
Wafangdian bearing
precision steel ball Nor
manufacturing co., 2,030,780.97 36,212,907.21 9,780,103.03 37.20 34,819,713.39 mal
Wafangdian bearing
precision forging co., 12,190,177.45 554,074,363.49 431,864.52 40.62 321,208,005.38 mal
Wafangdian bearing
group precision Nor
2,869,925.00 505,189,717.45 69,690,770.05 33.40 964,138,279.33 mal
turntable bearing co.,
Wafangdian bearing
group precision Nor
3,303,535.79 87,738,153.48 -9,321,070.54 16.90 163,981,295.80 mal
transmission bearing
co., LTD
Dalian wazhou Jin
Zhou machinery co., 138,336.81 86,884,220.93 -3,334,425.91 43.41 91,376,827.16 mal
Wafangdian tongda
bearing manufacturing 6,073.49 69,699,610.60 2,692,600.32 41.92 90,584,427.42 mal
co., LTD
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
Dalian wazhou
fengyuan machinery 1,613,031.59 94,806,246.30 129,052.76 8.53 58,049,568.51 mal
co., LTD develop
Wazhou group (USA) Nor
5,101,767.87 109,789,318.92 2,349,469.04 87.17 60,761,712.20 mal
bearing co., LTD
Dalian north metal
materials trading 2,000,000.00 17,512,466.00 2,000,000.00 mal
center co., LTD
Dalian koyo wazhou
automobile bearing 6,286,434.88 172,482,542.84 2,948,029.76 10.88 234,945,368.60 mal
co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing
group equipment Nor
786,941.74 93,892,962.11 1,579,051.51 87.78 45,692,472.27 mal
engineering co., LTD
Wazhou group
high-end automobile 6,730,248.62 -198.38 0.03 68,017,191.62 ma
bearing co., LTD.
3.4 The total amount of all the associated transactions with associated parties in 2015
Unit:RMB10000 Yuan
Associated company Total amount Associated company Total amount
Wazhou group precision transmission
Wafangdian bearing group co., LTD 29,112 15,500
bearing co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing precision steel Dalian koyo wazhou automobile bearing
712 4,000
ball manufacturing co., LTD co., LTD
Wafangdian bearing precision Wafangdian tongda bearing manufacturing
41,110 7,150
forging co., LTD co., LTD
Dalian wazhou Jin Zhou machinery Wafangdian bearing group equipment
9,830 3,000
co., LTD technology engineering co., LTD
Dalian wazhou fengyuan machine Dalian north metal materials trading center
10,031 21,000
develop co., LTD co., LTD
Wazhou group (USA) bearing co., Wafangdian bearing group special
13,000 760
LTD precision bearing co., LTD
Dalian wazhou group bearing
3,700 Wazhou group wheel bearing co., LTD 5,200
equipment manufacturing co., LTD
Wazhou group high-end automobile
bearing co., LTD
IV. Price making policy and basis
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
The Company entered the business agreement with the associated parties under the
principal of voluntary, equal, reciprocal and dispassion. The pricing was based on the market
price excluding government pricing and agreement pricing. The businesses between the
Company and the above associated parties were the normal operation activities so that could
not harm the interests of the listed Company.
V. Transaction target and influence
The Company rents the land, buildings and workshops of Wafangdian Bearing Group
Corporation, and uses it’s “ZWZ” brand with compensation, and accepts the services of WBGC
such as security, fire fighting, propaganda and technical development. These transactions are
the necessary conditions for the operation of the Company, and provides a good advantage for
the development of the company .
In order to ensure the normal operation of the company, It is necessary that the company
buys component, bearings, goods and steel from the associated parities and supplies the
materials, components and rent of housing, etc to them.
It is the normal operation activities that the company buys and sells the products of SKF
Wa Zhou and supplies the bearing components to it, and these activities can not harm the
interests of the listed company.
The above associated businesses are normal daily operation activities on the basis of
dispassion and mutual benefit. Each side is strictly in accordance with the relative agreement.
There is no case that harms the interest of the listed company. The associated transactions will
not greatly affect the financial condition and operating result of the company in the report period
and future, and will not affect the independence of the listed company.
V. The Agreement of associated transactions
Unit: RMB10000yuan
Agreementof associated Agreement
No. Main contents Settlement method amount of
business validity period
The company paid use
《The trademark use wazhou group "ZWZ" brand 2016-1-1 至
1 Cash 500
permission contract》 sales since the manufactured 2016-12-31
Companies use wazhou
group of newspapers,
2 《Provide advertising 2016-1-1 至
television, radio and other Cash 80
services agreement》 2016-12-31
media to propagandize for the
company services
Company commissioned
national engineering research
center for bearing wafangdian
3 《Technology development bearing group co., LTD., to 2016-1-1 至
Cash 540
agreement》 provide product development, 2016-12-31
product experiment, the
organization of the project
and technical services
Company to precision steel 2016-1-1 至
《House lease contract》 Cash 22
4 ball rental housing assets 2016-12-31
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
Wazhou group to rental 2016-1-1 至
Cash 1,900
5 housing assets 2016-12-31
Company to related party 2016-1-1 至
Cash 51
6 special precision factory rent 2016-12-31
Company to related party 2016-1-1 至
Cash 11
7 special precision factory rent 2016-12-31
《Workshop leasing
contract》 Company to related parties 2016-1-1 至
Cash 55
8 precision forging factory rent 2016-12-31
Company to the related party
dalian wazhou Jin Zhou Cash 2016-1-1 至 80
9 factory rent 2016-12-31
2016-1-1 至
Wazhou group to lease land Cash 2016-12-31 524
Company to the special 2016-1-1 至
Cash 2016-12-31 9
11 precision leased land
《Land lease contract》
Company to precision steel 2016-1-1 至
Cash 2016-12-31 20
12 ball company leased land
Company to the precision 2016-1-1 至
Cash 2016-12-31 55
13 forging company leased land
By wazhou group to the 2016-1-1 至
《To provide security, fire
company to provide security, Cash 2016-12-31 329
14 service agreement》
fire service
Company to the related party
2016-1-1 至
precision forging procurement Cash 20,000
15 2016-12-31
required spare parts
Company to the related party
2016-1-1 至
precision steel ball needed for Cash 300
16 2016-12-31
purchasing spare parts
Company to related parties 2016-1-1 至
《Spare parts purchase
17 Jin Zhou machinery needed Cash 2016-12-31 9,500
contract general terms and
for purchasing spare parts
Company to related parties 2016-1-1 至
fengyuan machine develop 2016-12-31
18 Cash 10,000
procurement required spare
Company to related parties
bearing equipment 2016-1-1 至
19 Cash 1,500
manufacturing purchasing 2016-12-31
spare parts needed
The shaft company purchase 2016-1-1 至
20 《Spare parts supply Cash 6,000
production of bearing parts 2016-12-31
contract general terms and
conditions》 Special precision company
2016-1-1 至
21 purchase production of Cash 600
bearing parts
Centralized purchasing By the end of each
company for related party month, the two
precision forging company sides carry through
《Material centralized 2016-1-1 至
bearing steel, carburized settlement 21,000
purchasing agreement》 2016-12-31
22 steel such as main raw according to the
materials, equipment general actual purchasing
spare parts, auxiliary amount of that
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
materials and other than the month and the
office supplies, labor principle of balance.
insurance supplies, groceries The company will
all supplies, materials charge a certain
replacing purchase
Centralized purchasing
By the end of each
company for related party
month, the two
precision steel ball bearing
sides carry through
steel, carburized steel such
as main raw materials,
according to the
equipment general spare
《Material centralized actual purchasing 2016-1-1 至
parts, ZWZ brand with 70
purchasing agreement》 amount of that 2016-12-31
various internal and external
month and the
packaging, labels, wooden
23 principle of balance.
cases and pallets and other
The company will
than the office supplies, labor
charge a certain
insurance supplies, groceries
replacing purchase
all supplies, materials.
Metal materials trading center
《Material centralized 2016-1-1 至
24 to the company to purchase By cash or transfer 9,000
purchasing agreement》 2016-12-31
《Material centralized Equipment company to buy 2016-1-1 至
By cash or transfer 400
25 purchasing agreement》 goods 2016-12-31
《Material centralized Rotary buy goods to the 2016-1-1 至
By cash or transfer 200
26 purchasing agreement》 company 2016-12-31
27 Wazhou Jin Zhou machinery
《Material centralized 2016-1-1 至
company sales materials, By cash or transfer 150
purchasing agreement》 2016-12-31
products, etc
Company to the equipment
《Equipment procurement 2016-1-1 至
technology engineering co., By cash or transfer 3,000
28 contract》 2016-12-31
LTD., purchasing products
《Equipment procurement Company to lease equipment 2016-1-1 至
By cash or transfer 1,239
29 contract》 wazhou group co., LTD 2016-12-31
Company purchase products
《Equipment procurement 2016-1-1 至
30 to equipment manufacturing By cash or transfer 1,800
contract》 2016-12-31
《Bearing parts and Companies to provide heat
2016-1-1 至
31 additional tempering heat treatment services to tongda By cash or transfer 50
treatment protocol》 company
《Bearing parts and
Company to the ball with heat 2016-1-1 至
32 additional tempering heat By cash or transfer 300
treatment services 2016-12-31
treatment protocol》
《Bearing parts and Company to the special
2016-1-1 至
33 additional tempering heat precision heat treatment By cash or transfer 100
treatment protocol》 services
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
《Bearing parts and Companies to provide heat
2016-1-1 至
34 additional tempering heat treatment services to Jin By cash or transfer 100
treatment protocol》 Zhou machinery company
《Bearing parts and Companies to provide heat
2016-1-1 至
35 additional tempering heat treatment services to By cash or transfer 20
treatment protocol》 fengyuan company develop
《Commodity procurement Wazhou group company 2016-1-1 至
36 By cash or transfer 16,000
contract》 purchasing goods 2016-12-31
《Commodity procurement Purchasing goods to metals 2016-1-1 至
37 By cash or transfer 12,000
contract》 trading center 2016-12-31
To wazhou group buying
《Commodity procurement 2016-1-1 至
38 high-end automobile bearing By cash or transfer 1,3000
contract》 2016-12-31
co., LTD
To the related party wazhou
2016-1-1 至
39 《Product sales contract》 group (USA) bearing co., By cash or transfer 13,000
LTD., selling products
Promote and sell shaft
2016-1-1 至
40 《Product sales contract》 company production of By cash or transfer 9,500
Promote and sell wheel
2016-1-1 至
41 《Product sales contract》 company production of By cash or transfer 5,000
Promote and sell wazhou
2016-1-1 至
42 《Product sales contract》 company production of By cash or transfer 4,000
Tongda bearing products 2016-1-1 至
43 《Product sales contract》 By cash or transfer 7,100
promotion and sales 2016-12-31
Promote and sell tile bearing
2016-1-1 至
44 《Product sales contract》 group co., LTD. Production of By cash or transfer 8,000
VI The independent opinions
After careful verification, we understand the need and price of related party transactions
of the company. We believe that the related party transactions between associated units of the
company are fair and just. The transactions are necessary and the price is reasonable, the
company use tendering procurement and other means to save costs. Related transactions will
not be at the expense of the interests of minority shareholders. Before consideration of the
motion, the company has provided us with sufficient information, made a lot of interpretation
work and obtained the consent of us. We agree with the related party transactions in 2015 and
the expected related party transactions in 2016of the company, and believe it is reasonable and
feasible. We agree with the matter.
VII The documents for future reference
1、The announcement of Resolution of the third Meeting of 6th Board Session
2、Pre-approve and independent opinions from independent director
3、Agreement of daily related party transactions
Stock:WazhouB Code:200706 No.:2016-17
4、Other document required by Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Board of director of Wa Fangdian bearing
Company limited
Apr. 22, 2016