瓦 轴B:2015年年度审计报告(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-04-26 00:04:33

WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Wa Fang Dian Bearing Company Limited

For the year ended December 31, 2015

Auditor’s Report

Reference Page

Auditor’s report

Financial statements

— Consolidated balance sheet 1-2

— Balance sheet of parent company 3-4

— Consolidated income statement 5

— Income statement of parent company 6

— Consolidated cash flow statement 7

— Cash flow statement of parent company 8

— Consolidated statements of changes in equity 9-10

— Statements of changes in equity of parent company 11-12

— Notes to financial statement 13-94


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Auditors’ Report

(English Translation for Reference Only)


To the Shareholders of Wa Fang Dian Bearing Company Limited

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Wa Fang Dian Bearing Company Limited

(“the Company”), which comprises the consolidated and parent company balance sheet as at 31

December. 2015, the consolidated and parent company income statement for the year of 2015, the

consolidated and parent company cash flow statement for the year 2015, and the statement of

changes in shareholders’ equity and parent company for the year then ended, as well as notes to the

financial statements.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these

financial statements. This responsibility includes: (1) preparing these financial statements in

accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the

People‘s Republic of China, and fairly presenting them; (2) designing, implementing and maintaining

internal control which is necessary to enable that the financial statements are free from material

misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We

conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing for Certified Public

Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and

perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free

from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and

disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment,

including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether

due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control

relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design

audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the

appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made

by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis

for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standards

for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and

present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the consolidated and parent company

of the Company as at 31 December 2015, and financial performance and cash flows of the

consolidated and parent company of the Company for the year then ended.

ShineWing Certified Public Accountants

Chinese CPA: Wang Yang

Chinese CPA: Wang Dong

Beijing. China

22 April 2016


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Financial Statement

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet.

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Opening Balance Closing Balance

Current assets :

Monetary fund 116,316,020.57 180,569,164.66

Financial assets held-for-trading

Bills receivable 100,506,003.70 188,117,975.71

Account receivable 993,933,326.37 1,098,566,178.20

Account paid in advance 32,673,623.77 44,031,201.66

Interest receivable

Dividend reciivable 240,000.00 240,000.00

Other receivables 21,462,837.65 19,211,927.22

Inventory 1,075,275,456.02 1,166,347,866.35

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 8,973,032.78 24,534,185.32

Total current assets 2,349,380,300.86 2,721,618,499.12

Non-current assets

Financial assets available-for-sale 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

Investments held-to-maturity

Long-term receivable

Long-term equity investment

Investment property

Fixed assets 695,125,451.81 695,819,839.43

Construction in progress 329,632,219.42 363,404,435.51

Construction materials

Fixed assets disposal

Biological assets

Gas and petrol assets

Intangible assets 135,366,608.09 140,355,336.13

Development expenditure


Long-term prepaid expense 611,356.03 767,854.39

Deferred tax assets 11,853,267.27 11,853,267.27

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets 1,174,588,902.62 1,214,200,732.73

Total assets 3,523,969,203.48 3,935,819,231.85

Current liabilities

Short-term loan 385,000,000.00 498,000,000.00

Note payable 327,466,550.20 206,867,023.86

Accounts payable 973,485,937.22 1,388,424,650.70

Accounts received in advance 44,835,510.10 48,558,339.92

Commission charge payable


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Accrued payroll 19,440,701.80 20,275,364.44

Tax payable 6,074,347.23 3,676,987.88

Interest payable 1,400,000.00 5,942,500.00

Dividends payable

Other payables 133,832,447.67 183,285,758.81

Non-current liabilities due within I year 50,000,000.00 90,000,000.00

Other current liabilities 4,411,103.83 4,761,103.83

Total current liabilities 1,945,946,598.05 2,449,791,729.44

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loan 180,000,000.00 50,000,000.00

Debenture payable

Long-term payables 1,597,305.72 1,597,305.72

Special payables 321,698.98 321,698.98

Contingent liabilities

Deferred income 46,650,196.82 51,122,513.64

Deferred tax liabilities 988,428.58 1,140,995.35

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 229,557,630.10 104,182,513.69

Total liabilities 2,175,504,228.15 2,553,974,243.13

Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)

Capital stock 402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00

Capital public reserves 485,691,050.47 485,691,050.47

Less: treasury share

Surplus reserve 131,442,909.11 131,442,909.11

Undistributed profit 328,731,015.75 362,111,029.14

Difference of foreign currency translation

Equity attributable to parent company 1,348,464,975.33 1,381,844,988.72

Minority interest

Total owner’s equity 1,348,464,975.33 1,381,844,988.72

Total owner’s equity and liabilities 3,523,969,203.48 3,935,819,231.85

Chairman: Meng Wei General Accountant : Sun Najuan Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan

2. Balance Sheet Of Parent Company

Unit: RMB Yuan

Item Opening Balance Closing Balance

Current assets :

Monetary fund 108,582,231.28 172,688,792.14

Financial assets held-for-trading

Bills receivable 89,099,697.82 181,824,053.86

Account receivable 1,020,633,783.54 1,106,322,532.09

Account paid in advance 23,489,543.17 40,549,347.10

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable 240,000.00 240,000.00

Other receivables 19,679,695.34 15,661,424.30


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Inventory 998,035,803.15 1,079,876,029.63

Non-current assets due within 1 year

Other current assets 4,828,826.85 15,143,422.57

Total current assets 2,264,589,581.15 2,612,305,601.69

Non-current assets

Financial assets available-for-sale 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

Investments held-to-maturity

Long-term receivable

Long-term equity investment 211,583,897.67 211,583,897.67

Investment property

Fixed assets 577,635,433.51 565,949,871.82

Construction in progress 204,617,819.76 243,881,508.42

Construction materials

Fixed assets disposal

Biological assets 115,105,064.38 119,333,165.54

Gas and petrol assets

Intangible assets

Development expenditure


Long-term prepaid expense 611,356.03 767,854.39

Deferred tax assets 10,580,100.02 10,580,100.02

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets 1,122,133,671.37 1,154,096,397.86

Total assets 3,386,723,252.52 3,766,401,999.55

Current liabilities

Short-term loan 385,000,000.00 498,000,000.00

Note payable 327,466,550.20 206,867,023.86

Accounts payable 882,281,596.61 1,296,111,095.77

Accounts received in advance 44,003,546.25 48,868,818.23

Commission charge payable

Accrued payroll 11,902,749.05 12,247,600.92

Tax payable 3,381,449.54 1,092,872.50

Interest payable 1,400,000.00 5,942,500.00

Dividends payable

Other payables 94,547,419.88 135,496,360.01

Non-current liabilities due within I year 50,000,000.00 90,000,000.00

Other current liabilities 4,313,555.83 4,313,555.83

Total current liabilities 1,804,296,867.36 2,298,939,827.12

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loan 180,000,000.00 50,000,000.00

Debenture payable

Long-term payables

Special payables 321,698.98 321,698.98

Contingent liabilities


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Deferred income 42,260,536.82 46,635,305.64

Deferred tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 222,582,235.80 96,957,004.62

Total liabilities 2,026,879,103.16 2,395,896,831.74

Owner’s equity (shareholders’ equity)

Capital stock 402,600,000.00 402,600,000.00

Capital public reserves 485,678,443.26 485,678,443.26

Less: treasury share

Surplus reserve 131,442,909.11 131,442,909.11

Undistributed profit 340,122,796.99 350,783,815.44

Minority interest

Total owner’s equity 1,359,844,149.36 1,370,505,167.81

Total owner’s equity and liabilities 3,386,723,252.52 3,766,401,999.55

3. Consolidated Income Sheet.

Unit: RMB Yuan

Account for the current

Item Account for the prior period


1.Total operating income 2,300,161,296.48 3,007,578,581.96

Including: Operating revenue 2,300,161,296.48 3,007,578,581.96

Interest income

Handling charge and commission income

2.Total operating cost 2,373,202,699.87 3,217,206,301.07

Including: Operating cost 2,079,477,107.20 2,767,677,749.55

Interest expenses

Handling charge and commission income

Tax & surcharges for main operations 11,714,812.14 10,940,274.47

Selling expenses 190,816,461.26 265,596,410.65

Administrative expense 78,658,955.34 74,513,227.16

Financial expense 30,608,445.51 38,439,180.50

Loss of impairment of assets -18,073,081.58 60,039,458.74

Add: Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss


Investment income(loss with "-") 240,000.00 18,000,875.28

Including: Income form investment on associated


enterprise and jointly enterprise

3.Operating profit (loss with"-") -72,801,403.39 -191,626,843.83

Add: Non-operating revenue 41,178,270.67 91,358,055.61

Including:income on disposal of non-current assets 1,883,903.96 6,010,809.66

Less: Non-operating cost 1,177,612.68 2,392,930.13

Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 584,454.86 567,566.60

4.Total profit(loss with"-") -32,800,745.40 -102,661,718.35

Less: Income tax expenses 579,267.99 1,241,230.54

5. Net profit(Loss with"-") -33,380,013.39 -103,902,948.89


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent

-33,380,013.39 -103,902,948.89


Minority interests

6. Other comprehensive income net off tax

Total comprehensive income net off tax attributable

to parent Company

(Ⅰ)Items that may not be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

1.Change in net asset/liability from

remeasurment on defined benefit plan

2.Under equity method, proportionate share

of other comprehensive income in invested

company that may not be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

(Ⅱ)Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

1.Under equity method, proportionate share

of other comprehensive income invested company

that may be reclassified subsequently to the

income statement

2.Avaliable-for-sale financial assets fair value


3.Profit/loss on reclassification from held to

maturities to avaliable-for-sale financial assets

4.Cash flow hedges effective portion

5.Foreign currency translation difference

6. Others

Total comprehensive income net off tax

attributable to minority shareholders of the


7. Total comprehensive returns -33,380,013.39 -103,902,948.89

Total comprehensive returns available for parent

-33,380,013.39 -103,902,948.89


Total comprehensive returns available for minority


8.Earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share -0.08 -0.26

(2) Diluted earnings per share -0.08 -0.26

Chairman: Meng Wei General Accountant : Sun Najuan Accounting charger: Yao Chunjuan

4. Income Sheet of Parent Company.

Unit: RMB Yuan

Account for the current

Item Account for the prior period


1.Total operating income 2,383,441,306.57 3,016,213,397.36

Less:Total operating cost 2,172,269,169.48 2,782,355,510.47

Tax & surcharges for main operations 10,611,641.46 9,602,213.99


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Selling expenses 189,042,638.80 264,096,907.08

Administrative expense 51,821,775.82 54,324,825.53

Financial expense 30,675,083.33 38,393,084.36

Loss of impairment of assets -24,584,079.09 58,109,808.03

Add: Gains of change of fair value of assets(loss


Investment income(loss with "-") 240,000.00 4,273,452.23

Including: Income form investment on


associated enterprise and jointly enterprise

2Operating profit (loss with"-") -46,154,923.23 -186,395,499.87

Add: Non-operating revenue 36,264,354.83 13,473,027.32

Including: income on disposal of non-current

1,242,069.04 5,960,935.77


Less: Non-operating cost 770,450.05 2,381,555.82

Including: loss on disposal of non-current assets 330,571.58 566,441.54

3Total profit(loss with"-") -10,661,018.45 -175,304,028.37

Less: Income tax expenses 182,783.63

4 Net profit(Loss with"-") -10,661,018.45 -175,486,812.00

Minority interests

5 Other comprehensive income net off tax

(Ⅰ)Items that may not be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

1.Change in net asset/liability from

remeasurment on defined benefit plan

2.Under equity method, proportionate

share of other comprehensive income in

invested company that may not be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

(Ⅱ)Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

1.Under equity method, proportionate

share of other comprehensive income

invested company that may be reclassified

subsequently to the income statement

2.Avaliable-for-sale financial assets fair

value movements

3.Profit/loss on reclassification from held

to maturities to avaliable-for-sale financial


4.Cash flow hedges effective portion

5.Foreign currency translation difference

6. Others

6 Total comprehensive returns -10,661,018.45 -175,486,812.00

7Earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share -0.03 -0.44

(2) Diluted earnings per share -0.03 -0.44


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement.

Unit: RMB yuan

Account for the current

Item Account for the prior period


1.Cash from operating activities

Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of

1,146,160,118.07 2,071,363,724.80


Refund of taxes and fares 225.32

Other cash received relating to operating

3,792,571.59 14,344,213.64


Sub-total of cash inflows 1,149,952,689.66 2,085,708,163.76

Cash paid for goods and services 664,895,080.25 1,444,735,484.94

Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees 331,301,935.25 323,276,555.48

Tax payments 49,499,024.78 67,826,519.88

Other cash paid relating to operating activities 155,784,677.59 179,397,436.60

Sub-total of cash outflows 1,201,480,717.87 2,015,235,996.90

Net cash flows from operating activities -51,528,028.21 70,472,166.86

2.Cash flows from investing activities

Cash received from return of investment

Cash received from investment incomes 240,000.00 240,000.00

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,

64,000.00 33,571.20

intangible assets and other long-term assets

Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other

operating units

Other cash received relating to investing



Sub-total of cash inflows 304,000.00 595,841.10

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible

13,513,544.26 45,877,148.24

assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid to acquire investment 11,250,000.00 33,750,000.00

Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and

other operating units

Other cash paid relating to investing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows 24,763,544.26 79,627,148.24

Net cash flows from investment activities -24,459,544.26 -79,031,307.14

3.Cash flows from financing activities

Cash received from absorbing investment

Including: Cash received from increase in

minority interest

Proceeds from borrowings 635,000,000.00 646,000,000.00

Other proceeds relating to financing activities 609,225,082.23 302,053,500.00

Sub-total of cash inflows 1,244,225,082.23 948,053,500.00

Repayment of borrowings 658,000,000.00 666,000,000.00

Distribution of dividends or profits & interest

40,811,195.94 42,288,245.08



WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Including: dividends or profit paid to minority


Cash paid for other financing activities 536,567,850.00 150,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflows 1,235,379,045.94 858,288,245.08

Net cash flows from financing activities 8,846,036.29 89,765,254.92

4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes

2,298,402.08 1,576,290.89

on cash

5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents -64,843,134.10 82,782,405.53

Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the beginning

143,399,164.66 60,616,759.13

of year

6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the

78,556,030.56 143,399,164.66


6. Cash Flow Statement Of Parent Company.

Unit: RMB yuan

Account for the current

Item Account for the prior period


1.Cash from operating activities

Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of

1,136,286,551.83 2,041,670,619.37


Refund of taxes and fares

Other cash received relating to operating activities 3,320,910.44 10,677,200.05

Sub-total of cash inflows 1,139,607,462.27 2,052,348,044.74

Cash paid for goods and services 755,866,794.52 1,490,403,930.46

Cash paid to or on behalf of the employees 258,966,526.92 274,677,523.75

Tax payments 37,102,310.53 54,033,044.11

Other cash paid relating to operating activities 145,321,650.56 167,476,922.68

Sub-total of cash outflows 1,197,257,282.53 1,986,591,421.00

Net cash flows from operating activities -57,649,820.26 65,756,623.74

2.Cash flows from investing activities

Cash received from return of investment 240,000.00 240,000.00

Cash received from investment incomes

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,


intangible assets and other long-term assets

Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and other

operating units

Other cash received relating to investing activities

Sub-total of cash inflows 240,000.00 273,571.20

Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible

7,181,783.21 44,719,832.20

assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid to acquire investment 11,250,000.00 33,750,000.00

Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other

operating units

Other cash paid relating to investing activities


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

Sub-total of cash outflows 18,431,783.21 78,469,832.20

Net cash flows from investment activities -18,191,783.21 -78,196,261.00

3.Cash flows from financing activities

Cash received from absorbing investment

Including: Cash received from increase in minority


Proceeds from borrowings 635,000,000.00 646,000,000.00

Other proceeds relating to financing activities 635,000,000.00 646,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash inflows 635,000,000.00 646,000,000.00

Repayment of borrowings 658,000,000.00 666,000,000.00

Distribution of dividends or profits & interest

40,810,581.71 42,150,238.23


Cash paid for other financing activities 536,567,850.00 150,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflows 1,235,378,431.71 858,150,238.23

Net cash flows from financing activities 8,846,650.52 89,903,261.77

4. Effects of foreign exchange rate changes on

2,298,402.08 1,576,290.89


5.Net increases in cash and cash equivalents -64,696,550.87 79,039,915.40

Add: cash and cash equivalent, at the

135,518,792.14 56,478,876.74

beginning of year

6.Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the

70,822,241.27 135,518,792.14



WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

7. Consolidated Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity

Unit: RMB yuan

Amount in current period

Owner’s equity attributable to parent company


Item less: General

Capital public Surplus public Undistributed shareholders’ Owner’s equity

Capital stock treasure provision for Others

reserves reserves profits equity

stock risk

1.Balance at the end of 402,600,000. 485,691,050.4

131,442,909.11 362,111,029.14 1,381,844,988.7

last year 00 7

Add: changes in

accounting policies

Changes in previous



2.Balance at the beginning 402,600,000. 485,691,050.4

131,442,909.11 362,111,029.14 1,381,844,988.72

of this year 00 7

3. The changes in this year

-33,380,013.39 -33,380,013.39

(decrease with“-”)

(1)Total of

-33,380,013.39 -33,380,013.39

comprehensive income

(2)Capital contribution

and reduction

1)Ordinary share

2)Capital contributed by

other equity instrument


3)Share-based payments

charged to equity


(4)Profits distribution

1)Provision for surplus

public reserves

2)provision for general


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report


3)distribution for



(5)interior transference of

owner’s equity

1)capital (capital

stock)transferred by the

capital public reserves

2)capital (capital

stock)transferred by the

surplus public reserves

3)loss offset by the surplus

public reserves


4. Balance at the end of 402,600,000. 485,691,050.4

131,442,909.11 328,731,015.75 1,348,464,975.33

the current period 00 7

Unit: RMB yuan

Amount in previous period

Owner’s equity attributable to parent company Owner’s equity


less: General

Item Capital Capital public Surplus public shareholders’

treasure provision for Undistributed profits Others

stock reserves reserves equity

stock risk

1.Balance at the end of 402,600, 1,504,966,435.5

488,805,548.36 131,442,909.11 482,117,978.03

last year 000.00 0

Add: changes in

accounting policies

Changes in previous



2.Balance at the beginning 402,600, 1,504,966,435.5

488,805,548.36 131,442,909.11 482,117,978.03

of this year 000.00 0

3. The changes in this year -3,114,497.89 -120,006,948.89 -123,121,446.78


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

(decrease with“-”)

(1)Total of

-3,114,497.89 -103,902,948.89 -107,017,446.78

comprehensive income

(2)Capital contribution

and reduction

1)Ordinary share

2)Capital contributed by

other equity instrument


3)Share-based payments

charged to equity


(4)Profits distribution -16,104,000.00 -16,104,000.00

1)Provision for surplus

public reserves

2)provision for general


3)distribution for

-16,104,000.00 -16,104,000.00



(5)interior transference of

owner’s equity

1)capital (capital

stock)transferred by the

capital public reserves

2)capital (capital

stock)transferred by the

surplus public reserves

3)loss offset by the surplus

public reserves


4. Balance at the end of 402,600, 1,381,844,988.7

485,691,050.47 131,442,909.11 362,111,029.14

the current period 000.00 2


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report

8. Sheet Of Changes In Shareholder’s Equity Of Parent Compamy.

Unit: RMB yuan

Amount in current period

Owner’s equity attributable to parent company


less:treasure Surplus public General provision for Owner’s equity

Capital stock Capital public reserves Undistributed profits

stock reserves risk

1.Balance at the end of last year 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26 131,442,909.11 350,783,815.44 1,370,505,167.81

Add: changes in accounting policies

Changes in previous errors


2.Balance at the beginning of this year 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26 131,442,909.11 350,783,815.44 1,370,505,167.81

3. The changes in this year(decrease with“-”) -10,661,018.45 -10,661,018.45

(1)Total of comprehensive income -10,661,018.45 -10,661,018.45

(2)Capital contribution and


1)Ordinary share

2)Capital contributed by other equity

instrument holders

3)Share-based payments charged to equity


(4)Profits distribution

1)Provision for surplus public reserves

2)provision for general risks

3)distribution for owner(shareholders)


(5)interior transference of owner’s equity

1)capital (capital stock)transferred by the

capital public reserves

2)capital (capital stock)transferred by the

surplus public reserves

3)loss offset by the surplus public reserves


WafangWa Fangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2015 Annual Report


4. Balance at the end of the current period 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26 131,442,909.11 340,122,796.99 1,359,844,149.36

Amount in previous period

Item Owner’s equity attributable to parent company

Owner’s equity

Capital public less: Surplus public

Capital stock Undistributed profits

reserves treasure stock reserves

1.Balance at the end of last year 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26 131,442,909.11 542,374,627.44 1,562,095,979.81

Add: changes in accounting policies

Changes in previous errors


2.Balance at the beginning of this year 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26 131,442,909.11 542,374,627.44 1,562,095,979.81

3. The changes in this year(decrease with“-”) -191,590,812.00 -191,590,812.00

(1)Total of comprehensive income -175,486,812.00 -175,486,812.00

(2)Capital contribution and reduction

1)Ordinary share

2)Capital contributed by other equity instrument holders

3)Share-based payments charged to equity


(4)Profits distribution -16,104,000.00 -16,104,000.00

1)Provision for surplus public reserves

2)provision for general risks

3)distribution for owner(shareholders) -16,104,000.00 -16,104,000.00


(5)interior transference of owner’s equity

1)capital (capital stock)transferred by the capital public


2)capital (capital stock)transferred by the surplus public


3)loss offset by the surplus public reserves


4. Balance at the end of the current period 402,600,000.00 485,678,443.26 131,442,909.11 350,783,815.44 1,370,505,167.81


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Notes to financial statements for the year ended

I. General Information

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited (the “Company”) is a joint stock limited company

established in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on 16 July, 1997. In the opinion of

the directors, its parent and ultimate holding company is Wafangdian Bearing Group

Company Limited (“Wazhou Group”).

The Company’s B shares have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 19February,


The parent company is Wazhou Group. General shareholders meeting is the company’s

authority and have the resolution power over company’s business policy, financing,

investment and profit appropriation etc.significant events in accordance with relevant law.

Board of directors is responsible for general meeting and has the power over the company’s

decision making. Management is in charge of implementation of resolution made by general

meeting and board meeting and is responsible for operation management. The company has

the following functional departments including: procurement department, portfolio

investment department, operating department, HR, marketing department, manufacturing and

construction department, quality control department, financial department and logistic

department. Wholly owned subsidiaries include Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing Manufacturing

Co., Ltd(“Liaoyang Bearing”), Dalian Wazhou Precision Electric Motor Car Bearing

(“DalianElectrical Motor”),and Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller

Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd(“Spherical Bearings”).

The addresses of the registered office and principal place of business of the Company are

No.1, Phrase 1, Gongji Street, Wafangdian North, Liaoning Province, and the PRC.Legal

representative is Meng Wei.

The Company is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of bearing, bearing spare

parts, engineering equipment, automobile spare parts and relating products, bearing repair,

maintenance and technology service etc and also in renting mechanical equipment and estate,

inspection of bearings, mechanical equipment, measuring instruments and meters.

II.Financial Statement Consolidation Scope


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

The Group’s financial statements consolidation includes Liaoyang Bearing, Dalian Wazhou

Precision Motor Car Bearing Company and Spherical Bearing three companies. There is no

change for consolidation scope by comparing to last year.

See the Note VII, ‘change in consolidation scope’ and Note VIII, ‘interest in other entities’ for


III. Financial Statements Preparation Basis

The Company’s financial statements are prepared on the basis of going concern assumption,

according to the actual occurred transactions and events and in accordance with ‘Accounting

Standards for Business Enterprises’ and relevant regulations, and also based on the note IV

“Significant Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates”.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

1. Declaration for compliance with accounting standards for business enterprises

The financial statements are prepared by the Group according to the requirements of

Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise, and reflect the relative information for the

financial position, operating performance, cash flow of the Group truly and fully.

2. Accounting period

The Group adopts the Gregorian calendar year as accounting period, i.e. from Jan 1 to Dec


3.Operating cycle

Normal operating cycle refers to the duration starting from purchasing the assets for

manufactuing up to cash or cash equivelant realisation. The group sets twelve months for

one operating cycle and as the liquidity criterion for assets and liability.

4. Funcitonal currency

The Group adopts RMB as functional currency.

5. Accounting for business combination under same control and not under same control

As an acquirer, the assets and liabilities that The Group obtained in a business combination

under the same control should be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

consolidated financial statements on the combining date. As for the balance between the

carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of

the consideration paid by it, the capital surplus shall be adjusted. If the capital surplus is not

sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

For a business combination not under same control, the asset, liability and contingent liability

obtained from the acquirer shall be measured at the fair value on the acquisition date. The

combination cost shall be the fair value, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the

liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the

control of the acquire, and sum of all direct expenses(if the combination is achieved in stages,

the combination cost shall be the sum of individual transaction). The difference when

combination cost exceeds proportionate share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of

acquiree should be recognized as goodwill. If the combination cost is less than proportionate

share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquiree, firstly, fair value of identifiable

asset, liability or contingent liability shall be reviewed, and so the fair value of non-monetary

assets or equity instruments issued in the combination consideration , after review, still the

combination cost is less than proportionate share of the fair value of identifiable net assets of

acquire, the difference should be recognized as non-operating income.

6. Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements

All subsidiaries controlled by the Group and structured entities are within the consolidation


If subsidiaries adopt different accounting policy or have different accounting period from the

parent company, appropriated adjustments shall be made in accordance with the Group policy

in preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

All significant intragroup transactions, outstanding balances and unrealized profit shall be

eliminated in full when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Portion of the

subsidiary’s equity not belonging to the parent, profit, loss for the current period, portion of

other comprehensive income and total comprehensive belonging to minority interest, shall

be presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under “minority interest of

equity”, ”minority interest of profit and loss”, “other comprehensive income attributed to

minority interest” and “total comprehensive income attributed to minority interest” title.

If a subsidiary is acquired under common control, its operation results and cash flow shall be

consolidated since the beginning of the consolidation period. When preparing the comparative

consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made to relevant items of comparative


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

figures as regarded that reporting entity established through consolidation has been always

there since the point when the ultimate controlling party starts to have the control.

If a business consolidation under common control is finally achieved in stages, consolidation

accounting method shall be disclosed additionally for the period in which the control is

obtained. For example, if a business consolidation under common control is finally achieved

in stages, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made for

the current consolidation status as if consolidation has always been there since the point when

the ultimate controlling party starts to control. In preparation of comparative figures, asset

and liability of the acquiree shall be consolidated into the Group’s comparative financial

statements, but to the extent no earlier than the point when the Group and acquiree are both

under ultimate control and relevant items under equity in comparative financial statements

shall be adjusted for net asset increased in combination. To avoid the duplicated computation

of net asset of acquiree, for long-term equity investment held by the Group before the

consolidation, relevant profit and loss, other comprehensive income and movement in other

net asset, recognized for the period between the combination date and later date when original

shareholding is obtained and when the Group and the acquiree are under common control of

same ultimate controlling party, shall be respectively used for writing down the opening

balance of retained earnings of comparative financial statements and profit and loss for the

current period.

If a subsidiary is acquired not under common control, its operation results and cash flow shall

be consolidated since the beginning of the consolidation period. In preparation of the

consolidated financial statements, adjustments shall be made to subsidiary’s financial

statements based on the fair value of its all identifiable assets, liability or contingent liability

on the acquisition date.

If a business consolidation under non-common control is finally achieved in stages,

consolidation accounting method shall be disclosed additionally for the period in which the

control is obtained. For example, if a business consolidation not under common control is

finally achieved in stages, when preparing the consolidated financial statements, the acquirer

shall remeasure its previously held equity interest in the acquiree at its acquisition-date fair

value and recognize the resulting gain or loss as investment income for the current period.

Other comprehensive income, under equity method accounting rising from the interest held in

acquiree in relation to the period before the acquisition, and changes in the value of its other

equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit appropriation shall

be transferred to investment gain or loss for the period in which the acquisition incurs,

excluding the other comprehensive income from the movement on the remeasurement of ne


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

asset or liability of defined benefit plan.

When the Group partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary without

losing the control over it, in the consolidated financial statements, the difference, between

disposals price and respective disposed value of share of net assets in the subsidiary since the

acquisition date or combination date, shall be adjusted for capital surplus or share premium,

no enough capital surplus, then adjusted for retained earnings.

When the Group partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary and lose

the control over it, in preparation of consolidated financial statements, remaining share of

interest in the subsidiary shall be remeasured on the date of losing control. Sum of the share

disposal consideration and fair value of remaining portion of shareholding minus the share of

the net assets in the subsidiary held based on the previous shareholding percentage since the

acquisition date or combination date, the balance of above is recognized as investment

gain/loss for the period and goodwill shall be written off accordingly. Other comprehensive

income relevant to share investment in subsidiary shall be transferred to investment gain /loss

for the period on the date of losing control.

When the Group partially disposes of the long –term equity investment in subsidiary and lose

the control over it by stages, if all disposing transactions are bundled, each individual

transaction shall be seen as a transaction of disposal of a subsidiary by losing control. The

difference between the disposal price and the share of the net assets in the subsidiary held

before the date of losing control, shall be recognize as other comprehensive income until the

date of losing control where it is transferred into investment gain/ loss for the current period.

7. Joint arrangement classification and joint operation accounting

The Group’s joint arrangement includes joint operation and joint venture. For joint operation,

the Group as a joint operator shall recognize its own assets and its share of any assets held

jointly, its liabilities and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly, its revenue from the sale

of its share of the output arising from the joint operation, its share of the revenue from the

sale of the output by the joint operation; and its expenses, including its share of any expenses

incurred jointly. When an entity enters into a transaction with a joint operation in which it is a

joint operator, such as a sale or contribution of assets, it is conducting the transaction with the

other parties to the joint operation and, as such, the joint operator shall recognize gains and

losses resulting from such a transaction only to the extent of the other parties’ interests in the

joint operation.

8. Cash and cash equivalent


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

The cash listed on the cash flow statements of the Group refers to cash on hand and bank

deposit. The cash equivalents refer to short-term (normally with original maturities of three

months or less) and liquid investments which are readily convertible to known amounts of

cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Translation of foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency transaction

Foreign currency transactions are translated at the spot exchange rate issued by People’s Bank

of China (“PBOC”) when the transaction incurs. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign

currencies are translated into RMB at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet day.

Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items are charged as in profit or

loss for the period. Exchange differences of specific borrowings related to the acquisition or

construction of a fixed asset should be capitalized as occurred, before the relevant fixed asset

being acquired or constructed is ready for its intended uses.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the foreign currency balance sheet should be translated at a

spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Among the ower’s equity items except

“undistributed profit”, others should be translated at the spot exchange rate when they are

incurred. The income and expense should be translated at spot exchange rate when the

transaction incurs. Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements should be

presented separately under the other comprehensive income title. Foreign currency cash flows

are translated at the spot exchange rate on the day when the cash flows incur. The amounts

resulted from change of exchange rate are presented separately in the cash flow statement.

10. Financial assets and financial liabilities

A financial asset or liability shall be recognised when the entity becomes a party to the

contractual provisions of a financial instrument.

(1) Financial assets

1)Classification, recognition and measurement

The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value through

profit or loss, loans and receivables, held-to-maturity financial assets and available-for-sale.


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired.

Management determines the classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.

Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are

not quoted in an active market. Receivables are subsequently measured at amortised cost

using the effective interest method.The amortisation, impairment and any gain or loss from

derecognition shall be recognized in the profit and loss for the current year.

Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are either

designated in this category or not classified as financial assets of any other class at initial

recognition. This category includes the derivative financial assets that linked to the

investments in equity instruments without a quoted price in an active market, no fair value

can be reliably measured and must be settled by delivery of such an equity instrument, and

shall be measured at cost subsequently. Others have a quoted price in an active market or fair

value can be measured reliably although no quoted price available, they shall be measured at

fair value. Any change on fair value shall be recognized in other comprehensive income and

subsequently be measured at fair value. Except impairment loss and exchange gain or loss

arising from foreign currency monetary financial assets, changes in fair value of

available-for-sale financial assets are directly recorded in shareholders’ equity until such

financial assets is derecognized and the accumulated fair value adjustments previously

recorded in equity are charged to profit or loss for the period. Interests for the period in

which the assets are held as investment in debt instrument is calculated using the effective

interest method and is charged to profit or loss for the period as ‘Investment income’. Cash

dividends declared by the investee company relating to available-for-sale equity instruments

are charged to profit or loss for the period as ‘Investment income’. Equity instruments that a

quoted price is not applicable in an active market and no fair value can be reliably measured,

shall be measured at cost.

2)Recognition and measurement of transfer of financial assets

Where an entity neither transfers nor retains substantially all risks and rewards of financial

asset and does not give up the control over such financial asset, then the entity recognises

such financial asset to the extent of its continuous involvement and recognises the

corresponding liabilities. The extent of the continuous involvement represents the extent to

which the entity exposes to changes in the value of such financial asset.

In the case where the financial asset as a whole qualifies for the derecognition conditions, the

difference between the carrying value of transferred financial asset and the sum of the

consideration received for transfer and the accumulated amount of changes in fair value that


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

was previously recorded under other comprehensive income is charged into profit or loss for

the period.

In the case where only part of the financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying

amount of financial asset being transferred is allocated between the portions that to be

derecognised and the portion that continued to be recognised according to their relative fair

value. The difference between the amount of consideration received for the transfer and the

accumulated amount of changes in fair value that was previously recorded in other

comprehensive income of the part qualifies for derecognition and the above-mentioned

allocated carrying amount is charged to profit or loss for the period.

3) Impairment of financial assets

The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets other than financial assets at fair

value through profit or loss at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that the

financial asset is impaired, the Group shall determine the amount of any impairment loss


If an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortized cost has been incurred, the

amount of loss is measured at the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the

present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been

incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset recovered and the

recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized,

the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is

recognized in income statement.

Ifobjective evidence shows that impairment for available-for-sale financial assets will

occur,the cumulative loss arising from the decline in fair value that had been recognized

directly in equity is removed from equity and recognized as impairment loss. For an available

for sale debt instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset

recovered and the recovery can be related objectively to an event occurring after the

impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and the

amount of reversal is recognized in income statement. For an available for sale equity

instrument, if there is objective evidence that the value recovered and the recovery can be

objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss recognized, the previously

recognized impairment loss is reversed and directly recognized in equity.

(2) Financial liabilities


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

1) Classification, basis for recognition and measurement

Financial liabilities of an entity are classified at initial recognition as “financial

liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” and “other financial liabilities” on initial


Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held

for trading and those designated as fair value through profit or loss on initial recognition

(relevant basis for classification shall be disclosed by reference to financial assets).

They are subsequently measured at fair value. The net gain or loss arising from changes

in fair value, dividends and interest paid related to such financial liabilities are recorded

in profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred.

Other financial liability is measured at amortized cost by adopting the effective rate


2) Financial liability derecognition

A financial liability is derecognized when the underlying present obligations or part of

it are discharged. Existing financial liability shall be derecognized and new financial

liability shall be recognized when the entity sign the agreement with creditor to

undertake the new financial liability in replacement of existing financial liability, and

the terms of agreement are different in substance. Any significant amendment to the

agreement as a whole or part o it is made, then the existing liabilities or part of it shall

be derecognized and financial liability after terms amendment shall be recognized as a

new financial liability. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial

liability derecognized and the consideration paid is recognized in profit or loss for the


11. Provision for bad debts of receivables

The Group shall review the carrying amount of receivables fully at the balance sheet date.

The Group shall calculate the full provision for bad debts for the following receivables:

debtor has been log-out, bankruptcy, minus net asset, significant poor cash flow and

significant nature disaster leads to discontinue production and the debtors could not pay for

the debts within the foreseeable time . Other solid evidences indicates that the receivables

cound not be paid or be of a slim chance.

The allowance method is applied to the potential loss of bad debt. The Group should make the

impairment test separately or in combination and accure the bad debt provisions which shall

be recorded into current profit or loss at the end of the period. If there is defined evidence for


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

the receivables not to or not likely to be received, which shall be recognized as the loss of bad

debt and write off the accrued bad debts provisions after going through the approval

procedure of the Group.

(1) Individually significant amounts of accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision as per


The receivables with more than RMB 3 million

Judgment basis or amount standards of

individual amount shall be recognized as the

individually significant amounts

significant receivables;

The accruing method of the receivables The bad debt provisions shall be accrued based on

with individually significant amounts the difference between current value of future cash

flow and the carrying amounts.

(2) Accounts receivable accrued bad debt provision by credit risk portfolio

The basis of portfolio(aging analysis, other method)

Use the accounting aging of the receivables as the

Accounting aging

credit risk characteristics to classify the portfolio

Use the amount characteristics of the receivables ,

Related parties if the transaction party is related parties

characteristics need to classify the portfolio

Use the amount characteristics of the receivables,

the credit of transaction party, the nature of the

Risk-free amounts and the safeguard mechanism of

transaction as characteristics to classify the


1) The percentage of provision for bad debts based on the age of receivables as followings:

Accounting aging Accrual percentage of the Accrual percentage of

receivables (%) other receivables (%)

Within 1 year 1 1

1-2 years 5 5

2-3 years 20 20

Over 3 years 50 50

2) The other methods is applied to accrualing of bad debts provision

Related parties No bad debt provision is needed, unless the related party is

unable to pay back

Risk-free No bad debt provision is needed

(3) Individually insignificant amount accounts receivable but accrued bad debt provision as


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

per portfolio

The individual amount is not significant, but the

Accrual reason accrued bad debt provision on the basis of portfolio

can not reflect its risk characteristic

The bad debt provisions should be accrued based on

Accrual method the difference between current value of future cash

flow and the carrying amount.

12. Inventories

Classification of inventory: Inventories are classified as raw material, wrappage, low-valuable

consumable, working-in-progress, and finished goods etc.

The inventories are processed on perpetual inventory system, and are measured at their

budgeted cost on acquistion. The raw materials are accounted daily on their bedgeted costs.

The differences between the budget and actual costs is recorded into the costs of materials

purchased and cost of materials dispatched according to proportion of inventory in stock and

dispatched, and adjust the budgeted costs of raw material into actual costs. The

working-in-progress and finished goods are accounted on their budgeted costs; the differences

between the budgeted costs and actual costs are recorded into the costs of

working-in-progress and finished goods according to the receiving and sending out proportion,

and finaly adjust the budgetedcosts into actual costs.Inventory usage and dispatch is measured

at average cost as actual cost.Low value consumables and packaging materials is recognized

in the income statement by one-off method.

At the balance sheet date inventory should be measured at the lower of the cost and net

realizable value. For the inventories which are damaged, fully or partly obsoleted and selling

price below cost, the Group should calculate the provision for impairment of inventories

according to the estimated nonrecoverable part of cost. Finished goods and a large amount

raw materials should be calculated provision for impairment based on the difference of the

cost exceed the realizable value of single item. For raw and accessorial materials with a large

quantities and lower unit price should be calculated provison for impairment according to

classify of inventory.

For the finished goods, working in progress and raw material held for sale etc which shall be

sold directly, the net realizable value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price less

estimated selling expenses and related tax and expenses. The raw material held for production,

its realizable value should be confirmed at the estimated selling price of finished goods less

estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and related tax. The net realizable


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

value of inventories held for execution of sale contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated

based on the contract price. If the quantities of inventories in the Group are more than

quantities if inventories subscribed in the sales contracts, the net realizable value of the

excessive part of the inventories should be calculated based on the general selling price.

13. Long-term equity investment

Long term equity investments are the investment in subsidiary, in associated company and in

joint venture.

Joint control is the contractual agreement sharing of control over an economic activity by all

participants or participants’ combination and decisions or policies relating to the operating

activity of the entity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing the control.

Significant influence exists when the entity directly or indirectly owned 20% or more but less

than 50% shares with voting rights in the investee company.If holding less than 20% voting

rights, the entity shall also take other facts or circumstances into accounts when judging any

significant influences. Factors and circumstances include: representation on the board of

directors or equivalent governing body ofthe investee, participation in financial or operating

activities policy-making processes,material transactions between the investor and the investee,

interchange of managerial personnel or provision of essential technical information.

When control exists over an investee, the investee is a subsidiary of an entity. The initial

investment cost for long-term equity investment acquired through business combination

under common control, is the carrying amount presented in the consolidated financial

statements of the share of net assets at the combination date in the acquired company. If the

carrying amount of net assets at the combination date in the acquired company is negative,

investment shall be recognized at zero.

If the equity of investee under common control is acquired by stages and business

combination incursin the end, an entity shall disclose the accounting method for long-term

equity investment in the parent financial statement as a supplemental. For example, if the

equity of investee under common control is acquired by stages and business combination

incursin the end, and it’s a bundled transaction, the entity shall regard all transactions as a one

for accounting. If it’s not a bundled transaction, the carrying amount presented in the

consolidated financial statements of the share of net assets at the combination date in the

acquired company since acquisition is determined as for the initial cost of long-term equity

investment. The difference between the cost initially recognized and carrying amount of

long-term equity investment prior to the business combination plus the newly paid


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

consideration for further share acquired, and capital reserve shall be adjusted accordingly. If

no enough capital reserve is available for adjustment, retain earnings shall be adjusted.

If long-term equity investment is acquired through business combination not under common

control, initial investment cost shall be the combination cost.

If the equity of investee not under common control is acquired by stages and business

combination incursin the end, an entity shall disclose the accounting method for long-term

equity investment in the parent financial statement as a supplemental. If the equity investment

of investee not under common control is acquired by stages and business combination

incursin the end, and it’s a bundled transaction, the entity shall regard all transactions as a one

for accounting. If it’s not a bundled transaction, the carrying amount of the equity investment

held previously plus newly increased investment cost are taken as the initial investment cost

under cost model. If equity investment is held under equity method before the acquisition date,

other comprehensive income under equity method previously shall not be adjusted

accordingly. When disposing of the investment, the entity shall adopt the same basis as the

investee directly disposing of related assets or liability for accounting treatment. Equity held

prior to acquisition date as available for sale financial assets under fair value model,

accumulated change on fair value previously recorded in other comprehensive shall be

transferred into investment gain/loss for the period.

Apart from the long-term equity investments acquired through business combination

mentioned above, the cost of investment for the long-term equity investments acquired by

cash payment is the amount of cash paid. For long-term equity investment acquired by issuing

equity instruments, the cost of investment is the fair value of the equity instrument issued. For

long-term equity investment injected to the entity by the investor, the investment cost is the

consideration as specified in the relevant contract or agreement.

The Group adopts cost method to account for investment in subsidiary and equity method for

investment in joint venture and affiliate.

Long-term equity investment subsequently measured under cost model shall increase the

carrying amount of investment by adjusting the fair value of additional investment and

relevant transaction expenses. Cash dividend or profit declared by investee shall be

recognized as investment gain/loss for the period based on the proportion share in the


Long-term equity investment subsequently measured under equity method shall be adjusted

for its carrying amount according to the share of equity increase or decrease in the investee.


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

The entity shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on the fair

value of the investee’s individual identifiable assets at the acquisition date, after making

appropriate adjustments thereto in conformity with the accounting policies and accounting

period, and offsetting the unrealized profit or loss from internal transactions entered into

between the entity and its associates and joint ventures according to the shareholding

attributable to the entity and accounted for as investment income and loss based on such


On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the carrying value and

the consideration actually received is recognised as investment income for the period. For

long-term investments accounted for under equity method, the movements of shareholder’s

equity, other than the net profit or loss, of the investee company, previously recorded in the

shareholder’s equity of the Company are recycled to investment income for the period on


Where the entity has no longer joint control or significant influence in the investee company

as a result of partially disposal of the investment, the remaining investment will be changed to

be accounted for as available for sale financial assets, and the difference between the fair

value of remaining investment at the date of losing joint control or significant influence and

its carrying amount shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the year. Other comprehensive

income recognized from previous equity investment under equity model shall be accounted

for on the same basis as the investee directly disposing of related assets or liability when

stopping using under equity model.

Where the entity has no longer control over the investee company as a result of partially

disposal of the investment, the remaining investment will be changed to be accounted for

using equity method providing remaining joint control or significant influence over the

investee company. The difference between carrying amount of disposed investment and

consideration received actually shall be recognised in the profit and loss for the period as

investment gain or loss, and investment shall be adjusted accordingly as if it was accounted

for under equity model since acquisition. Where the entity has on longer joint control or

significant influence in the investee as a result of disposal, the investment shall be changed to

be accounted for as available for sale financial assets, and difference between the carrying

amount and disposal consideration shall be recognized in profit and loss for the period, and

the difference between the fair value of remaining investment at the date of losing control and

its carrying amount shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the year as investment gain or


If the entity loses its control through partially disposal of investment by stages and it’s not a


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

bundled transaction, the entity shall account for all transactions separately. If it’s a bundled

transaction, the entity shall regard all transactions as one disposal of subsidiary by losing

control, but the difference between disposal consideration and carrying amount of the equity

investment disposed prior to losing control, which arises from each individual transaction

shall be recognized as other comprehensive income until being transferred into profit and loss

for the period by the time of losing control.

14. Fixed assets

Recognition criteria of fixed assets: Fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets which are

held for the purpose of producing goods, rendering services, leasing or for operation &

management, and have more than one year of useful life, and whose unit price is over


Fixed assets shall be recognized when the economic benefit probably flows into the Group

and its cost can be measured reliably. Fixed assets include: building, machinery,

transportation equipment, electronic equipment and others.

All fixed assets shall be depreciated unless the fixed assets had been fully depreciated and are

still being used and land is separately measuered. Straight-line depreciation method is

adopted by the Group. Estimated net residual value rate, useful life, depreciation rate as



Useful net Annual

No Category life residual depreciation

(years) value rate rate


1 Housing and Buildings

Including: Buildings 15 3 6.47%

Housing for 30 3 3.23%


Housing for 35 3 2.77%


2 Machinery equipment 10-15 3 6.47%~


3 Transportation equipment 6 3 16.17%

4 Electronic equipment

Including: Computer 4 3 24.25%


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

General testing instruments 7 3 13.86%

Specialized electronic equipment 8 3 12.13%

Automated controlling equipment 8 3 12.13%

Automated controlling meters 8 3 12.13%

5 Others equipment

Including: Industrial kiln 7 3 13.86%

Tools & other production tools 9 3 10.78%

Transmission equipment 15 3 6.47%

Non-operational equipment and 18 3 5.39%


The Group should review the estimated useful life, estimated net residual value and

depreciation method at the end of each year. If any change has occurred, it shall be regarded

as a change in the accounting estimates.

15. Construction in progress

The criteria and time spot of constructions in progress’s being transferred to fixed assets:

Constructions in progress are carried down to fixed assets on their actual costs when

completing and achieving estimated usable status. The fixed assets that have been completed

and reached estimated usable status but have not yet been through completion and settlement

procedures are charged to an account according to their estimate values; adjustment will be

conducted upon confirmation of their actual values. The Group should withdraw depreciation

in the next month after completion.

16. Borrowing costs

The borrowing cost includes the interest expenses of the borrowing, amortization of

underflow or overflow from borrowings, additional expenses and the foreign exchange profit

and loss because of foreign currency borrowings. The borrowing costs incurred which can be

directly attribute to the fixed assets, investments properties, inventories requesting over 1 year

purchasing or manufacturing so to come into the expected condition of use or available for

sale shall start to be capitalized when expenditure for the assets is being occurred, borrowing

cost has occurred, necessary construction for bringing the assets into expected condition for

use is in progress. The borrowing costs shall stop to be capitalized when the assets come into

the expected condition of use or available for sale. The borrowing costs subsequently incurred

should be recorded into profit and loss when occurred. The borrowing costs should

temporarily stop being capitalized when there is an unusual stoppage of over consecutive 3

months during the purchase or produce of the capitalized assets, until the purchase or produce


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

of the asset restart.

The borrowing costs of special borrowings, deducting the interest revenue of unused

borrowings kept in the bank or the investment income from transient investment should be

capitalized. The capitalized amount of common borrowings should be calculated as follows:

average assets expenditure of the accumulated assets expenditure excess the special

borrowing, multiplied by the capital rate. The capital rate is the weighted average rate of the

common borrowings.

17. Intangible assets

The intangible assets of the Group refer to land use right, ERP system software. The cost of

outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other

necessary expenditures directly attributable to intangible assets. The cost invested into

intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the stated value in the

investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or


Land use right shall be amortized evenly within the amortization period since the remised

date.ERP system softwareand other intangible assets are amortized over the shortest of their

estimated useful life, contractual beneficial period and useful life specified in the law.

Amortization charge is included in the cost of assets or expenses, as appropriate, for the

period according to the usage of the assets. At the end of the year, for definite life of

intangible assets, their estimated useful life and amortization method shall be assessed. Any

change shall be treated as change on accounting estimate.

18. Impairment of non-financial assets

The Group checks the long-term equity investment, fixed asset, construction-in-progress,

intangible asset and others on each balance sheet date. When impairment indicators occur, the

Group shall perform impairments test. For goodwill andindefinite life of intangible assets,

impairment test shall be performed irrelevant to any impairment indicators, if any at the end

of every year.

After impairment test, if the book value exceeds the recoverable amount of the asset, the

difference should be recognized as impairment loss. Once any loss of impairment is

recognized, it shall not be reversed in the future accounting periods.

19. Long-term deferred expenses


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Long-term deferred expenses of the Group refer to expenses which are paid and should be

deferred over the future period. The amortization period shall be more than one year (no

including 1 year). The expenses should be amortized evenly over the beneficial period. If the

deferred expense cannot take benefit for the future accounting period, the unamortized

balance of the deferred expenses should be transferred into the current profit or loss.

20. Employee benefits

Employee compensation comprises short-term benefit, post-employment benefit, termination

benefit and other long-term employee’s benefit.

Employee’s payables include salary, bonus, allowance, welfare, social insurance, housing

funds, labour union expense, staff training expense, during the period in which the service

rendered by the employees, the actually incurred short term employee benefits shall be

recognized as liability and shall be recognized in P&L or related cost of assets based on

benefit objective allocated from the service rendered by employees.

Post-employment benefits include the basic pension scheme and unemployment insurance etc.

Based on the risk and obligation borne by the Group, post-employment benefits are classified

into defined contribution plan and defined benefit plan. For defined contribution plan,

liability shall be recognized based on the contributed amount made by the Group to separate

entity at the balance sheet date in exchange of employee service for the period and it shall be

recorded into current profit and loss account or relevant cost of assets in accordance with

beneficial objective.

Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result of either an entity’s decision to

terminate an employee’s employment before the contract due date or an employee’s decision

to accept voluntary redundancy in exchange for those benefits. An entity shall recognize the

termination benefits as a liability and an expense at the earlier date when the entity cannot

unilateral withdraw the termination benefits due to employment termination plan or due to

redundancy suggestion, or when the entity can recognize the restricting cost or expense

arising from paying termination benefits. For the termination benefits that will not be

expected to be fully paid within twelve months after the end of the reporting period, it shall

be accounted as other long-term employee benefit. For employee internally retired informally,

termination benefits accounting shall be applied. The Group shall recognized the planned

wages and social insurance of retired employee in the current profit and loss account when

provision conditions are met, for the period since the termination of employee service

rendered until the formal retirement date.(termination benefit).


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Other long-term employee benefit provided by the Group, shall be accounted for as defined

contribution plan if the defined contribution plan are met, otherwise shall be accounted for as

defined benefit plan.

21. Contingent liabilities

When the company has transactions such as commitment to externals, discounting the trade

acceptance, unsettled litigation or arbitration which meets the following criterion, provision

should be recognized: It is the Company's present obligation; carrying out the obligation will

probably cause the Company's economic benefit outflow; the obligation can be reliably


Provision is originally measured on the best estimate of outflow for paying off the present

obligations, and to consider the risk, uncertainty, time value of monetary relevant to

contingent items. If the time value of monetary is significant, the best estimate will be

determined by discounted cash outflow in the future. At each balance sheet date, the book

value of provision is reviewed and adjustment will be made on the book value if there is any

change, in order to reflect the current best estimate.

22. Principle of recognition of revenue

The revenue of the Group is mainly from selling goods, providing labour services and

abalienating the right of use assets. Recognition standards for revenue are as below:

1) Company has transferred all the significant risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods

to the buyers, and retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree

usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold. The relative

sale proceeds have been reliably measured, respective economic benefit probably inflow

to the company, and the incurred or incurring cost can be reliably measured, and then the

revenue can be recognized.

2) The service revenue should be recognized when the total revenue and outcome of the

services can be estimated reliably, and the economic benefits associated with the

transaction are likely to flow to the company, the stage of completion of the service can

be estimated reliably. At the balance sheet date, revenue is recognised using the

percentage of completion method when the outcome of the services rendered are

estimated reliably. The percentage of completion method is determined as the proportion

of completed work measured/ services rendered to date over the total contracted services/

(the proportion of costs incurred to date over the total estimated cost). When the outcome


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

of the services cannot be estimated reliably, costs incurred may be probably recovered,

revenue is recognized only to the extent of costs incurred that are expected to be

recoverable, and costs shall be recognized as an expense in the period in which they are

incurred. When the outcome of the services cannot be estimated reliably and costs

incurred are not probable of being recovered, then these cost incurred are recognized as

an expense immediately, no revenue shall be recognized.

3) Revenue from transfer of asset use rights is recognised when the economic benefits in

connection with the transaction are probably flow to the Group and the amount of

revenue can be reliably measured.

.23. Government grants

A government grant is a monetary asset or non-monetary asset granted by government

without consideration. It shall be recognized when the company complies with the

conditions attaching to the grant and when the company is able to receive the grant.

Where a government grant is in the form of a transfer of monetary asset, it is measured at the

amount received. Where a government grant is made on the basis of fixed amount or

conclusive evidence indicates relevant conditions for financial support are met and expect to

probably receive the fund, it is measured at the amount receivable. Where a government

grant is in the form of a transfer of non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If fair

value cannot be determined reliably, it is measured at a nominal amount of RMB1 Yuan.

Assets-related government grants are recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized

to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. Income-related government grants

that is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent periods are

recognized as deferred income and credited to the relevant period when the related expense

are incurred. Government grants relating to compensation for related expenses or losses

already incurred are charged directly to the profit or loss for the period.

24. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

The deferred income tax assets or the deferred income tax liabilities should be recognized

according to the differences (temporary difference) between the carrying amount of the assets

or liabilities and its tax base. Deferred tax assets shall be respectively recognised for

deductible tax losses that can be carried forward in accordance with tax law requirements for

deduction of taxable income in subsequent years. No deferred tax liabilities shall be

recognized forany temporary difference arising from goodwill initially recognition. No


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

deferred tax assets or liabilities shall be recognized for any difference arising from assets or

liabilities initial recognition on non-business combination with no effect on either accounting

profit or taxable profit (or deductible tax loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets

and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the

period when the asset is realised or liability is settled.

Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit

will be available to offset the deductible temporary difference, deductible loss and tax



The leases of the Group refer to operating lease.

The rents paid for operating leases shall be recorded into the relevant asset costs or the profits

and losses for the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the

lease term.Rents received, if the Group as a leaser shall be recognised as income under

straight line method.

26.Changes in Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates

(1) Change in significant accounting policies


(2) Changes in accounting estimate


V. Taxation

1. The main applicable tax and rate to the Group as follows:

Tax Tax base Tax rate

Value-added tax (VAT) Sales revenue or Purchase 17%,13%,11%,6%,3%

Business tax Revenue from property lease, 5%

examination fee, surcharge


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

City construction tax Value-added tax payables, business tax 7%

Education surcharge Value-added tax payables, business tax 3%

Value-added tax payables, business tax

Local education surcharge 2%

Current period taxable profit

Enterprise income 15%


70% of cost of own property or

Real estate tax 1.2% or 12%

revenue from leasing property

Land use tax Land using right area RMB 6 per square


Notes for tax principles with different EIT rate

Tax principles EIT rate

Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing construction Co.,Ltd 25%

Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car Bearing 25%

Company Limited

Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller 25%

Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd

2. Tax preference

The company obtained the qualification of high and new technology enterprises at

29September, 2014.The Certificate No is GF201421200004, and the validity duration is three

years. According to the tax law, the company can be granted for the preferential tax policy of

enterprise income tax rate of 15% in three years.

VI. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

The following disclosure date on this financial statement without special indication, “opening”

refers to January 1, 2015; “closing” refers to December 31, 2015; “current period” refers to the

period from January 1, 2015to December 31, 2015; and “last period” refers to the period from

January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014; with the currency unit RMB.


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

1. Cash and cash in bank

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Cash on hand

372,523.88 243,292.16

Cash in bank

78,183,506.68 143,155,872.50

Other cash and cash equivalents

37,759,990.01 37,170,000.00

Total 180,569,164.66


Including: sum of deposits - -


Notes: the closing balance of other cash and cash equivalents are all security deposits for

bank acceptance notes. Because of the liquidity limitation, this will be deducted from the

closing balance.

2. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

Items Closing Balance Opening Balance

Bank acceptance notes

74,843,528.50 153,691,174.47

Commercial acceptance notes

25,662,475.20 34,426,801.24

Total 188,117,975.71


(2) No pledged notes receivable up to December 31, 2015.

(3) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted but not mature at the end of year

Item Closing amount no more Closing amount still

recognized recognized

Bank acceptance notes 280,154,387.39

Commercial acceptance



Total 320,027,162.66

(4) Notes receivable transferred to accounts receivable due to defaulting at the end of year

Item Transferred at the end of year

Commercial acceptance notes 2,000,000.00

Total 2,000,000.00


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Category of accounts receivable

Closing Balance

Items Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %

Accounts receivable

with significant

individual amount 12,810,943.69 1.18 12,810,943.69 100.00 -

and separate bad

debt provision

Accounts receivable

with bad debt

provision based on 974,324,743.89 90.06 44,102,673.09 4.53 930,222,070.80

the characters of

credit risk portfolio

Related party 63,711,255.57 5.89 - - 63,711,255.57

Risk-free portfolio - - - - -

Accounts receivable

with insignificant

individual amount 30,991,469.16 2.85 30,991,469.16 100.00 -

and separate bad

debt provision

Total 1,081,838,412.31 100.00 87,905,085.94 — 993,933,326.37


Opening balance

Items Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %


receivable with


9,002,676.43 0.77 9,002,676.43 100.00 -

individual amount

and separate bad

debt provision


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


receivable with bad

debt provision

1,121,255,143.72 95.54 51,607,095.89 4.60 1,069,648,047.83

based on the

characters of credit

risk portfolio

Related party 28,918,130.37 2.46 - - 28,918,130.37

Risk-free portfolio - - - -


receivable with


14,393,660.23 1.23 14,393,660.23 100.00 -

individual amount

and separate bad

debt provision

Total 1,173,569,610.75 100.00 75,003,432.55 — 1,098,566,178.20

1) Accounts receivable with significant individual amount and separate bad debt provision at

the end of year

Closing Balance

Debtors name Accounts Provision for Proportion Reasons for

receivable bad debts (%) provision

Company A 5,092,669.00 5,092,669.00 100.00 Bankrupt

A/R with over 5

years aging,

Company B 3,910,007.43 3,910,007.43 100.00

unlikely to be


A/R with over 5

years aging,

Company C 3,808,267.26 3,808,267.26 100.00

unlikely to be


Total 12,810,943.69 12,810,943.69 — —


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

2) Accounts receivable with the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

Closing Balance

Aging Accounts Provision for Proportion

receivable bad debts (%)

Within1 year 761,957,848.26 7,619,578.49 1.00

1 to 2 years 122,304,055.30 6,115,202.76 5.00

2 to 3 years 48,878,427.77 9,775,685.56 20.00

Over 3 years 41,184,412.56 20,592,206.28 50.00

Total 974,324,743.89 44,102,673.09 —

3) Receivables from the related parties are disclosed on this note XI.3.(1)

(2)Bad debt provision accrued and written-off (withdraw)

Bad debt is written off at the amount of 107,366.81 and the bad debt provision has been

accrued at the amount of 13,009,020.20 Yuan during the report period. No bad debt reversal

or withdrawn incurred during the year.

(3) Accounts receivable written off in current period

Item Written-off Amount

Accounts receivable written off 107,366.81

(4) The top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors

The total amount of top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors is

196,451,103.33 Yuan, representing18.16% of the closing balance of accounts receivable. The

bad debt provision of 3,009,518.73 Yuan is provided respectively.

4. Advances to suppliers

(1) Aging of advances to suppliers

Closing Balance Opening Balance

Items Amount Percentage Amount Percentage

(%) (%)

Within 1 year 21,395,885.05 65.48 33,178,587.95 75.35

1 to 2 years 1,883,664.93 5.77 6,035,528.97 13.71


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

2 to 3 years 5,206,158.32 15.93 1,013,168.29 2.30

Over 3 years 4,187,915.47 12.82 3,803,916.45 8.64

Total 32,673,623.77 100.00 44,031,201.66 100.00

(2) The top five significant advances to suppliers categorized by debtors

The total amount of top five significant advances to suppliers categorized by debtors is

14,147,434.86 Yuan, representing 43.30% of the closing balance of advances to suppliers.

5. Dividends receivable

(1) Dividends receivable

Company Closing Balance Opening Balance

Shanghai ME Mechanical &

Electrical Equipment Chain Co., 240,000.00 240,000.00


Total 240,000.00 240,000.00

6. Other receivables

(1) The categories of other receivable

Closing Balance


Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %

Other receivables with

significant individual

- - - - -

amount and separate

bad debt provision

Other receivables

identified bad debt

17,843,354.32 73.09% 1,264,644.60 8.31 13,951,517.70

provision based on the

characters of credit risk


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


Related party - - - - -

Risk-free portfolio 4,884,127.93 20.00% - - 7,511,319.95

Other receivables with

significant individual

1,687,122.13 6.91 1,687,122.13 100.00 -

amount and separate

bad debt provision

Total 24,414,604.38 100.00 2,951,766.73 — 21,462,837.65


Opening Balance

Items Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %

Other receivables

with significant

individual amount - - - - -

and separate bad

debt provision

Other receivables

identified bad debt

provision based on 14,351,723.39 68.61 1,705,933.04 11.89 12,645,790.35

the characters of

credit risk portfolio

Related party - - - - -

Risk-free portfolio 6,566,136.87 31.39 - - 6,566,136.87

Other receivables

with significant

individual amount - - - - -

and separate bad

debt provision

Total 20,917,860.26 100.00 1,705,933.04 — 19,211,927.22

1) Other receivables accrued the bad debt provisions under accounting aging analysis method

Closing Balance

Aging Provision for Proportion

Other receivables

bad debts (%)

Within 1 year 13,751,817.82 137,518.18 1.00


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Closing Balance

Aging Provision for Proportion

Other receivables

bad debts (%)

1-2 years 1,743,875.00 87,193.75 5.00

2-3 years 446,326.91 89,265.38 20.00

Over 3 years 1,901,334.59 950,667.29 50.00

Total 17,843,354.32 1,264,644.60 —

2) Risk –free portfolio of other receivable has not been accrued for bad debts

Closing Balance

Aging Provision for Proportion

Other receivables

bad debts (%)

Prepaid electricity bill 3,981,531.40

Deposit 473,663.01

Others 428,933.52

Total 4,884,127.93

(2) Bad debt provision accrued or reversed

The bad debt provision has been accrued at the amount of 1,245,833.69 Yuan during the

report period. No bad debt reversal or withdrawn incurred during the year

(3) Other receivables categorized by nature

Nature Closing Balance Opening Balance

Security deposit 4,343,508.37 2,178,077.92

Deposit 473,663.01 802,403.72

Personal petty cash 1,208,060.35 4,009,007.49

Others 18,389,372.65 13,928,371.13

Total 24,414,604.38 20,917,860.26

(4)Other receivables from the top 5 debtors

% of Closing


Name Category Aging the total Balance of


OR Provision


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

% of Closing


Name Category Aging the total Balance of


OR Provision


Company A 5,016,153.85 1-2 years 20.55 50,161.54


Company B Electricity bill 3,726,684.67 within 1 year 15.26 -

Company C Bid deposit 1,854,996.25 within 1 year 7.60 18,549.96

Materials 1-2 years

Company D 490,288.89 2.01 37,421.16


2-3 years


Company E 350,000.00 within 1 year 1.43 3,500.00


Total —— 11,438,123.66 —— —— 109,632.66

7. Inventories

(1) Categories of inventories

Closing Balance


Book value Provision for decline Net book value

Raw materials 136,420,995.34 2,654,008.58 133,766,986.76

Finished goods 821,542,628.29 67,782,949.02 753,759,679.27

Working in

184,481,338.87 602,496.86 183,878,842.01



3,869,947.98 - 3,869,947.98


Total 1,146,314,910.48 71,039,454.46 1,075,275,456.02


Opening Balance


Book value Provision for decline Net book value

Raw materials 161,777,520.87 2,721,438.13 159,056,082.74

Finished goods 904,774,320.44 104,787,136.46 799,987,183.98

Working in

203,865,748.23 602,496.86 203,263,251.37



4,041,348.26 - 4,041,348.26


Total 1,274,458,937.80 108,111,071.45 1,166,347,866.35

(2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Increase Decrease

Opening Reverse/ Closing

Item Others

Balance Accrual Other Written- Balance




2,721,438.13 - - 67,429.56 - 2,654,008.57



104,787,136.46 2,061,384.57 - 39,065,572.00 - 67,782,949.03



in 602,496.86 - - - - 602,496.86


Total 108,111,071.45 2,061,384.57 - 39,133,001.56 - 71,039,454.46

(3) Accrual for provision for decline in the value of inventories

Basis for net realizable value

Item Reason for reverse/write-off


Materials market price at the Market price falling

Raw materials

end of period

Average sale price of similar Falling product unit cost and

Finished goods

product promote backlogged stock

8. Other current assets

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance Nature

VAT to be deducted 6,999,716.88 21,777,741.91 Input Tax

Rental - 892,113.04 Unamortized rent

Prepaid income tax 1,973,315.90 1,864,330.37 Income Tax

Total 8,973,032.78 24,534,185.32 —

9. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Available-for-sale financial assets

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Booking Booking

Provision Book value Provision Book value

balance balance


sale equity 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00


Measured as

2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00

cost method

Total 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost method

Proportion Cash

Booking Balance Provision

(%) dividend


Opening Closing Opening Closing

Increase Decrease Increase Decrease

Balance Balance Balance Balance




& Electrical 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 - - - - 4.76 240,000.00


Chain Co.,


Total 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 - - - - 4.76 240,000.00

10. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets detail

Machinery Transportation Electronic Other

Item Property Device Equipment Total

Equipment Equipment

I. Initial Cost —— —— —— —— —— ——

1. Opening

431,429,106.06 1,053,930,386.30 22,131,123.52 66,357,172.40 176,996,473.48 1,750,844,261.76


2. Increase 5,749,090.07 76,231,421.51 395,450.08 2,866,605.92 4,505,584.78 89,748,152.36

(1) Purchase 5,749,090.07 76,231,421.51 395,450.08 2,866,605.92 4,505,584.78 89,748,152.36

(2) Transferred


- - - - - -




Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Machinery Transportation Electronic Other

Item Property Device Equipment Total

Equipment Equipment

(3) Acquired

from business - - - - - -


3. Decrease - 12,238,456.48 2,500,600.64 4,110,278.90 210,000.00 19,059,336.02

(1) Disposal - 12,238,456.48 2,500,600.64 4,110,278.90 210,000.00 19,059,336.02

4. Closing

437,178,196.13 1,117,923,351.33 20,025,972.96 65,113,499.42 181,292,058.26 1,821,533,078.10


II. Accumulated

—— —— —— —— —— ——


1. Opening

199,412,319.52 635,511,992.94 15,784,448.29 51,541,999.32 151,252,942.74 1,053,503,702.81


2. Increase 14,150,821.33 61,561,101.84 1,543,594.05 4,249,201.07 5,388,886.44 86,893,604.73

(1)Accrued 14,150,821.33 61,561,101.84 1,543,594.05 4,249,201.07 5,388,886.44 86,893,604.73

(2) Other transfer - - - - - -

3. Decrease - 9,592,065.49 1,552,701.48 4,070,505.68 210,000.00 15,425,272.65

(1) Disposal - 9,592,065.49 1,552,701.48 4,070,505.68 210,000.00 15,425,272.65

4. Closing

213,563,140.85 687,481,029.29 15,775,340.86 51,720,694.71 156,431,829.18 1,124,972,034.89


III. Impairment

—— —— —— —— —— ——


1. Opening

- 1,319,560.01 200,000.00 - 1,159.51 1,520,719.52


2. Increase - 313,681.52 - - - 313,681.52

3. Decrease - 398,809.64 - - - 398,809.64

(1) Disposal - 398,809.64 - - - 398,809.64

4. Closing

- 1,234,431.89 200,000.00 - 1,159.51 1,435,591.40


IV. Book Value —— —— —— —— —— ——

1. Closing book

223,615,055.28 429,207,890.15 4,050,632.10 13,392,804.71 24,859,069.57 695,125,451.81


2. Opening book

232,016,786.54 417,098,833.35 6,146,675.23 14,815,173.08 25,742,371.23 695,819,839.43



Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets


Item Initial Cost Provision Book Value Note


Property 9,190,525.68 6,445,722.43 - 2,744,803.25 -


16,559,354.62 13,478,911.00 876,309.58 2,204,134.04 -


Transportation 605,992.53 587,812.75 - 18,179.78 -


- - - - -



13,146,290.32 12,850,128.14 1,159.51 295,002.67 -


Total 39,502,163.15 33,362,574.32 877,469.09 5,262,119.74 —

(3) Fixed assets leases out under operating lease

Item Book Value

Property 35,285,907.66

Total 35,285,907.66

(4) Fixed assets as pending certificate of ownership

Book value Reason for Pending


Land certificate pending

Liaoyang Bearing’s Main workshop 16,853,651.83

Land certificate pending

Liaoyang Bearing’s Office building 4,594,252.78

Liaoyang Bearing’s Processing Land certificate pending



Land certificate pending

Liaoyang Bearing’s Staff canteen 1,066,114.21

Auto Bearing Western Industrial

42,590,399.28 Land certificate pending

Zone workshop (cone)

Auto Bearing Western Industrial

21,959,189.06 Land certificate pending

Zone workshop (column)

Dalian machine industry area

36,952,258.74 Land certificate pending

bearing factory

11. Construction-in-progress


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

(1) Construction in progress details

Closing Balance Opening Balance

Item Book Book

Provision Book Value Provision Book Value

Balance Balance



124,994,399.66 - 124,994,399.66 119,522,927.09 - 119,522,927.09


new plant



42,161,475.27 - 42,161,475.27 45,761,958.46 - 45,761,958.46





39,589,942.44 - 39,589,942.44 37,988,266.40 - 37,988,266.40




of precision 24,819,080.90 - 24,819,080.90 57,715,726.04 - 57,715,726.04

roller branch


industry park 20,650,648.09 - 20,650,648.09 19,885,742.72 - 19,885,742.72



8,827,390.94 - 8,827,390.94 5,061,298.12 - 5,061,298.12

of Amerauto


of grinding 8,677,462.24 - 8,677,462.24 9,045,850.67 - 9,045,850.67



7,534,651.82 - 7,534,651.82 10,566,935.30 - 10,566,935.30

product line

Heat treatment

5,166,367.38 - 5,166,367.38 2,723,139.00 - 2,723,139.00

product line



4,470,874.95 - 4,470,874.95 3,455,196.16 - 3,455,196.16


d products


of liaoyang 3,982,724.88 - 3,982,724.88 9,682,989.93 - 9,682,989.93



3,734,829.95 - 3,734,829.95 6,836,609.99 - 6,836,609.99

of plant


of special 3,448,969.98 - 3,448,969.98 7,565,073.68 - 7,565,073.68

large branch

Crane Project 2,861,762.32 - 2,861,762.32 2,861,157.05 - 2,861,157.05


2,646,148.77 - 2,646,148.77 875,831.49 - 875,831.49



factory 2,195,185.79 - 2,195,185.79


Others 23,870,304.04 - 23,870,304.04 23,855,733.41 - 23,855,733.41


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Closing Balance Opening Balance

Item Book Book

Provision Book Value Provision Book Value

Balance Balance

Total 329,632,219.42 - 329,632,219.42 363,404,435.51 - 363,404,435.51

(2) Change in the significant construction in progress


Opening Transfer Closing

Name Increase Other

Balance to fixed Balance



Spherical surface

bearings new 119,522,927.09 5,471,472.57 - - 124,994,399.66


Improvement of

seven-finished 45,761,958.46 16,055,006.84 19,483,697.58 171,792.45 42,161,475.27


Improvement of

one-finished 37,988,266.40 3,140,975.99 1,539,299.95 - 39,589,942.44


Improvement of

precision roller 57,715,726.04 5,864,004.90 38,760,650.05 - 24,819,080.89


Dalian industry park

19,885,742.72 764,905.37 - - 20,650,648.09


Improvement of

5,061,298.12 3,766,092.82 - - 8,827,390.94


Improvement of

9,045,850.67 534,325.76 902,714.19 - 8,677,462.24

grinding machine

Grinding product

10,566,935.30 - 3,032,283.48 - 7,534,651.82


Heat treatment

2,723,139.00 2,583,228.38 140,000.00 - 5,166,367.38

product line

Improvement of

two-finished 3,455,196.16 1,015,678.79 - - 4,470,874.95


Improvement of

9,682,989.93 177,208.67 5,877,473.72 - 3,982,724.88

Liaoyang bearing

Improvement of

6,836,609.99 24,930.49 3,126,710.52 - 3,734,829.96


Improvement of

7,565,073.68 1,087,646.93 5,203,750.63 - 3,448,969.98

special large branch

Crane Project 2,861,157.05 605.28 - - 2,861,762.33

Computer Project 875,831.49 1,770,317.28 - - 2,646,148.77

Overhaul factory

2,195,185.79 - - 2,195,185.79



Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


Opening Transfer Closing

Name Increase Other

Balance to fixed Balance



Others 7,806,754.94 2,297,560.56 782,722.80 - 9,321,592.70

Total 347,355,457.04 46,749,146.42 78,849,302.92 171,792.45 315,083,508.09


Percent of Including: Interest


investment Accumulated capitaliz Source of

Name Budget capitalized

against capitalized ation funds


budget(%) interest rate (%)

Spherical surface


bearings new 123,000,000.00 102 - - -

plant financing

Improvement of


seven-finished 69,102,889.00 61 513,221.98 219,861.41 4.8

products financing

Improvement of


one-finished 46,439,419.00 85 3,207,768.31 68,813.40 4.8

products financing

Improvement of


precision roller 27,129,511.00 84 2,576,913.72 1,988,658.11 4.8

branch financing

Dalian industry Loan/Self

40,114,352.61 51 376,653.11 943.26 4.8

park project financing

Improvement of Loan/Self

11,084,341.04 79 92,495.72 17,793.31 4.8

Amerauto financing

Improvement of Loan/Self

12,942,000.00 67 331,338.45 2,242.64 4.8

grinding machine financing

Grinding product Loan/Self

13,332,000.00 57 368,952.53 1,069.84 4.8

line financing

Heat treatment Loan/Self

9,047,300.00 57 14,986.39 427.89 4.8

product line financing

Improvement of


two-finished 5,087,772.00 88 126,774.56 208.71 4.8

products financing

Improvement of Loan/Self

5,971,399.00 67 126,446.38 6,388.68 4.8

Liaoyang bearing financing

Improvement of Loan/Self

3,181,742.00 116 375,857.06 30,160.03 4.8

plant financing

Improvement of


special large 3,233,570.00 107 38,141.78 3,362.54 4.8

branch financing

Crane Project 3,021,136.00 95 150,635.54 605.27 4.8 Loan/Self


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Percent of Including: Interest


investment Accumulated capitaliz Source of

Name Budget capitalized

against capitalized ation funds


budget(%) interest rate (%)



Computer Project 3,286,898.00 80 19,999.90 9,633.52 4.8




factory 2,953,500.00 74 - - -

reconstruction financing


Others 10,477,073.33 89 447,840.35 23,169.14 4.8


Total 389,404,902.98 —— 8,768,025.78 2,373,337.75 —— —

12. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets list

Item Land use right ERP software Total

1.Initial cost —— ——

1). Opening balance 176,189,727.74 6,135,356.44 182,325,084.18

2).Increase - - -

(1) Purchase - - -

(2) Internal development - - -

(3) Acquired by company

- - -


3). Decrease - - -

4). Closing balance 176,189,727.74 6,135,356.44 182,325,084.18

2. Amortization —— —— ——

1). Opening balance 36,599,751.53 5,369,996.52 41,969,748.05

2).Increase 4,437,473.08 551,254.96 4,988,728.04

(1)Accrual 4,437,473.08 551,254.96 4,988,728.04

(2)Transfer into - - -

3). Decrease - - -

4). Closing balance 41,037,224.61 5,921,251.48 46,958,476.09

3. Provision —— —— ——

for impairment

1). Opening balance - - -

2).Increase - - -


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Item Land use right ERP software Total

3). Decrease - - -

4). Closing balance - - -

4. Book value —— —— ——

1.Closing Book value 135,152,503.13 214,104.96 135,366,608.09

2.Opening Book value 139,589,976.21 765,359.92 140,355,336.13

(2) At the end of reporting period, there is no intangible asset established by internal


13. Long-term repayments

Item Opening Other Closing

Increase Amortization

Balance Decrease Balance


657,022.39 67,830.36 - 589,192.03

sales office


110,832.00 88,668.00 - 22,164.00


Total 767,854.39 156,498.36 - 611,356.03

14. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets without deduction

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Deductible Deferred tax Deductible Deferred tax

temporary assets temporary assets

difference difference

Provision for

63,685,949.07 10,062,159.26 63,685,949.07 10,062,159.26

impairment of assets

Difference due to

depreciation of fixed 11,940,720.07 1,791,108.01 11,940,720.07 1,791,108.01


Total 75,626,669.14 11,853,267.27 75,626,669.14 11,853,267.27

(2) Deferred tax liabilities without deduction

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Taxable Deferred tax Taxable Deferred tax

temporary liabilities temporary liabilities

difference difference

Asset evaluation 6,589,523.85 988,428.58 7,606,635.67 1,140,995.35


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

increment in business

combination without the

same control

Total 6,589,523.85 988,428.58 7,606,635.67 1,140,995.35

(3) The net value of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities with deduction

Closing Closing Opening Opening Balance

Balance of Balance of Balance of of deferred tax

deferred tax deferred tax deferred tax assets/deferred


assets and assets/deferred assets and tax liabilities

liabilities with tax liabilities liabilities with

deduction deduction

Deferred tax assets 988,428.58 10,864,838.69 1,140,995.35 10,712,271.92

(4) Unrecognized deferred tax assets details

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Deductible temporary difference 39,005,808.79 57,426,417.68

Deductible loss 271,715,626.48 187,793,926.49

Total 310,721,435.27 245,220,344.17

(5) Unrecognized deductible loss of deferred tax assets expired next period

Year Closing Balance Opening Balance Notes

2018 21,053,716.07 21,053,716.07

2019 166,740,210.42 166,740,210.42

2020 83,921,699.99 -

Total 271,715,626.48 187,793,926.49

15. Short-term loan

(1) Category of short term loan

Loan category Closing Balance Opening Balance

Credit loan 385,000,000.00 498,000,000.00

Total 385,000,000.00 498,000,000.00

16. Notes payable


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Notes category Closing Balance Opening Balance

Bank acceptance notes 324,380,000.00 195,850,000.00

Commercial acceptance

3,086,550.20 11,017,023.86


Total 327,466,550.20 206,867,023.86

There is no unpaid expired notes payable by the end of the accounting period.

17. Accounts payable

(1) Accounts payable

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Goods payments 755,528,200.42 1,276,204,140.97

Project payments 103,948,960.02 112,220,509.73

Others 114,008,776.78 -

Total 973,485,937.22 1,388,424,650.70

(2) Accounts payable with age over 1 year

Closing Reason of unpaid or

Name of company

Balance not carried forward

Company A 4,053,746.60 Quality dispute

Company B 15,620,134.28 Inspection and warranty

Company C 4,750,083.63 Quality security deposit

Company D 4,508,856.01 Quality security deposit

Company E 3,361,967.57 Quality security deposit

Company F 3,251,170.70 Quality security deposit

Total 35,545,958.79

18. Received in advance

(1) Received in advance

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Goods payment 44,835,510.10 48,558,339.92

Total 44,835,510.10 48,558,339.92

19. Employee’s payable

(1) Category of employee’s payables


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Item Opening Increase Decrease Closing

Balance Balance


employee’s 10,212,114.16 265,335,748.89 265,998,906.56 9,548,956.48



benefit –defined 10,063,250.28 48,802,408.09 48,973,913.06 9,891,745.32

contribution plan

Total 20,275,364.44 314,138,156.98 314,972,819.62 19,440,701.80

(2) Short-term employee’s payables

Item Opening Increase Decrease Closing

Balance Balance

Salaries, bonus,

allowance, and 967,372.74 204,933,130.19 205,268,923.37 631,579.56


Welfare 14,550,708.31 14,550,708.31 -


Social insurance 495,865.45 23,003,040.74 22,909,478.85 589,427.33

Include: Medical

207,498.96 20,264,717.33 20,180,359.02 291,857.26



injury 218,585.45 2,146,024.99 2,138,430.10 226,180.34



69,781.04 592,298.42 590,689.73 71,389.73


Housing funds 2,950,467.55 21,341,184.54 21,318,511.14 2,973,140.95

Labour union and

5,798,408.42 1,507,685.11 1,951,284.89 5,354,808.64

training expense

Total 10,212,114.16 265,335,748.89 265,998,906.56 9,548,956.48

(3) Defined contribution plan

Item Opening Increase Decrease Closing

Balance Balance


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Item Opening Increase Decrease Closing

Balance Balance

Pension 9,736,874.04 46,270,007.65 46,451,631.66 9,555,250.03


326,376.25 2,532,400.44 2,522,281.40 336,495.29


Total 10,063,250.29 48,802,408.09 48,973,913.06 9,891,745.32

20. Tax payable

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Value-added tax 4,025,060.14 2,438,511.93

Business tax 458,152.37 213,979.71

Individual income tax 172,957.42 125,184.92

Enterprise income tax 6,153.34 284,087.56

City maintenance and construction tax 319,932.74 142,857.25

Real estate tax 310,655.78 30,992.40

Land use tax 252,121.87 4,006.25

Stamp duty 92,079.71 106,863.15

Education surcharge 230,567.80 102,825.26

River toll fee 3,768.13 222,694.43

Others 202,897.93 4,985.02

Total 6,074,347.23 3,676,987.88

21. Interest payable

(1) Category of interest payables

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Interest for long-term loan with 70,000.00


Interest for short-term loan 1,400,000.00 5,872,500.00

Total 1,400,000.00 5,942,500.00

22. Other accounts payable

(1) Other payables categorized by payments nature


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Payments nature Closing Balance Opening Balance

Bid security deposits 5,075,575.42 5,958,511.02

Risk deposits from branch manager 22,857,703.42 24,204,458.00

Trademark fees 4,931,241.97 6,320,088.31

Others 100,967,926.86 146,802,701.48

Total 133,832,447.67 183,285,758.81

(2) Significant other payables with age over 1 year

Name of company Reason of unpaid or not

Closing Balance

carried forward

Not reach the return condition

Risk deposit from branch manager 22,752,958.00 of contract

Not due yet according to the

Bid security deposits 3,875,100.00 contract payment timeline

Liaoyang Baolin Real Estate

Development Co., Ltd 34,000,000.00 Settlement day not due yet

Total 60,628,058.00

23. Non-current liabilities due within one year

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Long-term loan due within one year 50,000,000.00 90,000,000.00

Total 50,000,000.00 90,000,000.00

24. Other current liabilities

(1) Category of other current liabilities

Item Closing Balance Opening Balance

Government subsidy






(2) Government subsidy


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)



Opening into non Other Closing

Project Increase with

Balance -operatio Change Balance


n income


subsidy from 737,000.00



737,000.00 737,000.00 asset




- asset

remove 2,704,235.83 2,704,235.83 2,704,235.83 2,704,235.83





g 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 income






472,320.00 - 472,320.00 472,320.00 asset

improvement 472,320.00




350,000.00 - - asset

project 350,000.00




97,548.00 - 97,548.00 97,548.00 asset

Industry 97,548.00


Total 4,761,103.83 - 4,761,103.83 4,411,103.83 4,411,103.83 ——

“Other Change”: the expected amortization occurred during the next year will be re-categorized

from deferred income to other current liabilities.

25. Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loan


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Category Closing Balance Opening Balance

Guarantee loan 90,000,000.00 50,000,000.00

Credit loan 90,000,000.00

Total 180,000,000.00 50,000,000.00

Guarantee loan is secured by the controlling shareholder, Wazhou Group, refer to the note XI.2.


26. Long-term payables

(1) Long-term payables categorized by payments nature

Payments nature Closing Balance Opening Balance

Equipment payments 100,000.00 100,000.00

Housing subsidy 1,497,305.72 1,497,305.72

Total 1,597,305.72 1,597,305.72

27. Special payables

Items Opening Increase Decrease Closing Formation Basis

Balance Balance

Granted by Wafangdian

Bureau of Finance and

Special Wafangdian Bureau of

pollution 221,698.98 - - 221,698.98 Environment Protection

treatment with approval with

“WaCaiZhi Qi


Dalian Financial Bureau

and Municipal Office of

Economic and

Informatization Information Technology

100,000.00 - - 100,000.00

Construction Committee with approval

with “Da CaiZhi Qi No.

[2012]917” and “Da Jing

Xin Fa No. [2012]199”


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Total 321,698.98 - - 321,698.98

28. Deferred income

(1) Category of deferred income

Item Opening Increase Decrease Closing Formation

Balance Balance Basis

Government 51,122,51 4,472,31 46,650,19

subsidy 3.64 6.82 6.82

Total 51,122,51 4,472,31 46,650,19 —

3.64 6.82 6.82

(2) Government subsidy project


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Governm Recorded Related


ent Increase

into non Other Closing with


subsidy Balance -operatio Change Balance asset/equ

item n income ity


Industry 4,487,208.

developm - - 97,548.00 4,389,660.00 asset A

ent 00




subsidy from - - 737,000.00 736,999.97 asset B




tion for 35,155,065

plants - - 2,704,235.83 32,450,829.84 asset C




ent of

intelligent 3,600,000.

manufactu - - 400,000.00 3,200,000.00 asset D

ring 00




of high-end


bearing - - 472,320.00 2,833,920.00 asset E





subsidy of 2,400,000.

- - - 2,400,000.00 asset F

grand axle 00



of workshop


700,000.00 - 61,212.99 - 638,787.01 asset G





Total - 61,212.99 4,411,103.83 46,650,196.82 -



Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

“Other change”: carried forward the non-operation income occurred in 2015 from the subsidy

and re-categorized to other current liabilities.

(1) A: Deferred income: the RMB 4,877,400.00 of “Industry development subsidies” is

distributed by the Liaoyang Economic and Development district Bureau of Finance in

2013. The grant is related to land and amortized over 50 years in accordance with land

amortization criteria.

(2) B: Deferred income: the improvement subsidy is the railway transportation bearing

technologic improvement subsidy with total amount of RMB 7,370,000.00 granted by

Bureau of Finance Liaoning province in 2008. The subsidy related to asset should be

deferred over the useful life of 10 years.

(3) C: Deferred income: the compensation for plants moving is RMB 59,820,000.00 granted

from Dalian government-owned assets investment and operating Co., Ltd in 2011. And

the amount of making up for the removal loss of the current period is RMB

11,143,755.05;The rest of 48,676,244.95 are recognized as the removal compensation

related with assets, which is amortized 18 years, according to the new fixed assets

formed after the Dalian branch removal.

(4) D: Deferred income: the RMB 4,000,000.00 of development of intelligent manufacturing

equipment subsidy is distributed by Dalian City Finance Bureau in 2012.The subsidies

are used in the project “Grinding vehicle integration and processing digitalization”.

Currently, the equipment has been used for production manufacturing and grant is

amortized over 10 years.

(5) E: Deferred income: the RMB 4,723,200 interest subsidy of “Improvement of bearing

base in high-end equipment sector” is distributed by Wafangdian Finance Bureau in

2013 for the year of 2011. The subsidy is specially used to improve the project of

improvement of bearing base in high-end equipment sector. The item is amortized within

10 years.

(6) F: Deferred income: the RMB 2,400,000.00 interest subsidy of “Axle box and bearing

technology improvement of grand axle load railway carriages” is granted by Wafangdian

Finance Bureau in 2014. The subsidy is now in processing the project “Axle box and


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

bearing technology improvement of grand axle load railway carriages”. This project is

still in the progress and is expected to be completed for inspection in 2016.

(7) G: Deferred income: the 700,000.00 RMB of the construction of workshop for

technology masters subsidy is granted by Dalian Finance Bureau in 2014 according to

“Da Cai She (Zhuan) No. [2013]26”, “Da Cai She (Zhuan) No. [2013]37”, “Da Cai She

(Zhuan) No. [2013]45”, “Da Cai She (Zhuan) No. [2014]27”, and “Da Cai She (Zhuan)

No. [2014]32”. No assets are established yet so far, the grant has been booked into

non-operating income.

29. Share capital

Opening Balance Change for current period Closing Ba

Shareholde Issui Transferr

rs’ ng Distribut ing capital Othe Subto

name/categ Amounts % new ing reserves Amounts

ory share shares to share rs tal

s capital



- - - - - - - -


for sale


ly legal

244,000,000.00 60.61 - - - - - 244,000,000.00





under 244,000,000.00 60.61 — — — — — 244,000,000.00


for sale

Shares without

restriction for - - - - - - - -



listed foreign 158,600,000.00 39.39 - - - - - 158,600,000.00


Total shares

158,600,000.00 39.39 — — — — — 158,600,000.00



Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

restriction for


Total shares 402,600,000.00 100.00 — — — — — 402,600,000.00

30. Capital reserves

Items Opening Balance Increase Decrease Closing Balance

Share premium 201,956,446.52 - - 201,956,446.52


283,734,603.95 - - 283,734,603.95

capital reserves

Total 485,691,050.47 - - 485,691,050.47

31. Surplus reserves

Item Opening Increase Decrease Closing

Balance Balance

Statutory - -

110,852,290.20 110,852,290.20

surplus reserve

Discretionary - -

20,590,618.91 20,590,618.91

surplus reserve

Total 131,442,909.11 - - 131,442,909.11

32. Undistributed profits

Item 2015 2014

Closing balance of 2014 362,111,029.14 482,117,978.03

Add: Adjustments to the opening balance of

- -

undistributed profits

Including: additional retrospective

adjustments according to the new accounting - -


Change on accounting policy - -

Correction of prior period significant errors - -

Change on combination scope under same - -


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


Other factors - -

Opening balance of 2015 362,111,029.14 482,117,978.03

Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of

-33,380,013.39 -103,902,948.89

parent company in the year

Less: Provision for statutory surplus reserves - -

Provision for any surplus reserves - -

Provision of general risk - -

Dividends payable for common shares - 16,104,000.00

Share dividends - -

Closing balance of 2015 328,731,015.75 362,111,029.14

33. Operating revenue and cost

Items 2015 2014

Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales

Revenue from

principle 2,073,259,105.49 1,872,373,555.89 2,635,352,627.84 2,450,941,573.58


Revenue from

other 226,902,190.99 207,103,551.31

372,225,954.12 316,736,175.97


Total 2,300,161,296.48 2,079,477,107.20 3,007,578,581.96 2,767,677,749.55

(1) Principle operation - classified according to products or operation

2015 2014


Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales

Export 353,230,102.39 285,923,237.04 274,637,094.05


Domestic 1,689,192,669.88 1,502,142,078.02 2,251,373,759.43 2,065,530,190.44



556,417,955.42 496,110,751.32 966,465,387.04 882,656,346.90



Special use 595,546,617.11 566,838,486.10 580,622,061.86 569,127,159.48


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


General use

537,228,097.35 704,286,310.53 613,746,684.06

bearings 439,192,840.60


30,836,333.22 98,055,631.37 110,774,289.09

Operations 39,025,926.57

Total 2,073,259,105.49 1,872,373,555.89 2,635,352,627.84 2,450,941,573.58

34. Operating taxes and surcharges

Items 2015 2014

Business tax 1,518,770.40 884,464.00

City construction tax 5,928,564.29 5,832,614.82

Education surcharge 4,234,717.06 4,172,882.02

Other 32,760.39 50,313.63

Total 10,940,274.47


35. Selling expenses

Items 2015 2014

Transportation expense 78,571,050.56 86,008,634.37

Employee benefit 44,243,570.98 38,164,205.27

Travel expense 20,927,121.64 25,514,504.31

Conference expense 8,246,362.99 25,581,519.55

Trademark use fee 4,579,774.48


Other expense 34,248,580.61


Total 265,596,410.65


36. Administrative expenses

Items 2015 2014


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Employee benefit 35,150,237.58 29,624,491.92

Tax expense 7,986,509.60 7,714,041.45

Technology development expense 5,743,653.45 6,653,443.72

Intangible assets amortization 4,988,728.04 4,623,973.61

Guide and firefighting expense 3,290,900.00 3,290,900.00

Depreciation expense 3,832,977.51 3,353,649.21

Business entertaining expense 785,228.40 862,283.00

Travel expense 1,143,180.63 1,206,130.48

Other expense 15,737,540.13 17,184,313.77

Total 74,513,227.16


37. Financial expenses

Items 2015 2014

Interest expenses

37,988,953.46 38,200,459.38

Less: Interest income

730,953.57 933,679.01

Add: Exchange loss

-7,931,075.89 -1,239,282.04

Add: Others expenditure

1,281,521.51 2,411,682.17


30,608,445.51 38,439,180.50

38. Assets impairment losses

Items 2015 2014

Loss of bad debts 11,893,610.83


Provision for inventory impairment -32,641,616.99 48,145,847.91


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Provision for fixed assets impairment -


Total 60,039,458.74


39. Investment income

Items 2015 2014

Long-term equity investment income under

- 4,033,452.23

equity method

Available-for-sale financial assets in

240,000.00 240,000.00


Gain on fair value remeasurement of share

- 10,612,925.16

equity held before the acquisition date

Income transferred into investment income

from other comprehensive income in

- 3,114,497.89

relation to share equity held before the

acquisition date

Total 240,000.00 18,000,875.28

40. Non-operating income

(1) Non-operating income list

Amounts recognized

into current

Item 2015 2014

non-recurring profit or


Gains on disposal of non-current

1,883,903.96 6,010,809.66 1,883,903.96


Including: gains on disposal of

1,883,903.96 6,010,809.66 1,883,903.96

fixed assets

Income from debt restructuring 32,454,287.65 1,916,930.56 32,454,287.65

Government grants 4,867,966.82 6,969,137.88 4,867,966.82

Gains from acquisition of

subsidiary when initial cost less

- 74,049,202.70 -

than the fair value of invested


Penalty income 76,249.26 - 76,249.26


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Others 1,895,862.98 2,411,974.81 1,895,862.98

Total 41,178,270.67 91,358,055.61 41,178,270.67

(2) Government subsidy list

2015 2014 With

Item Resource and basis


No.57 (2007) Bureau

Improvement subsidy 737,000.00 737,000.00 of Finance Liaoning asset


Compensation deal of

Compensation for plants Dalian state-owned

2,704,235.83 2,704,235.88 property investment asset

moving and operating group

Co., LTD

Wacaijian[119] ( notice

about distributing 6th

Improvement of high-end

472,320.00 472,320.00 interest subsidy fund asset

bearing production subsidies

for the year of 2100 to

the company)

Granted by Liaoning

Exhibition subsidy 20,050.00 20,034.00 foreign economic income

operation office

The reward for economic

Da CaiZhi Qi No.

increments in 2014 by - 2,393,000.00 income

[2014] 1177

Bureau of Finance of Dalian

Subsidy for overseas market Granted by Liaoning

development by foreign trade - 145,000.00 foreign economic income

operation office

operation office

Industry development fund Liao Tai CaiYuzhi No.

97,548.00 97,548.00 asset

[2014] 656

Technology research and Liao Shi Cai Zhi

400,000.00 income

development fund Qi[2013] 497

Technology research and Liao Shi Cai Zhi

350,000.00 income

development fund Qi[2014] 978

Special project subsidy for Dalian Municipal

intelligent manufacture 400,000.00 - Finance Bureau[2012] income


equipment development

Dalian Municipal

Skill master studio subsidy 61,212.99 income

Finance Bureau[2013]


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

2015 2014 With

Item Resource and basis



Development foster fund in Forster fund for

25,600.00 development given by income

2014 Chinese ECI company

Total 4,867,966.82 6,969,137.88

41. Non-operating expenses


recognized into

Item 2015 2014 non-recurring

profit or loss

for the year

Loss on disposal of non-current assets 584,454.86

584,454.86 567,566.60

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed


assets 584,454.86 567,566.60

Loss from debt restructuring 1,726,269.35 381,595.11


Penalty loss 10,852.00 117,284.91


Shortage on physical count - - -

Others 88,242.18 94,277.80


Total 2,392,930.13 1,177,612.68


42. Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax expenses

Items 2015 2014

Current income tax expenses 731,834.76 -82,548.44

Deferred income tax expenses -152,566.77 1,323,778.98

Total 579,267.99 1,241,230.54

43. Notes to cash flow statement


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

(1) Cash receipt/payment of other operating/investing/financing activities

1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

Items 2015 2014

Interest income 652,081.18 412,285.34

Government subsidy 6,058,034.00


AC or AP 881,296.88 5,966,522.72

Return of reserve fund, deposit etc. 1,186,141.08 235,200.57

Others 1,073,052.45 1,672,171.01

Total 3,792,571.59 14,344,213.64

2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

Items 2015 2014

Travel expenses 23,315,843.57


Conference expense 9,235,960.84


Advertising expense 532,652.34


Trademark use fee 579,774.48


Rent expense 10,997,373.48


Business promotion expense 8,635,200.46


Freight service expense 17,649,146.02


Security and fire-fighting 103,583.15 -

Office expense 6,668,429.82


Collection and payment for others 11,793,902.51


Other expense 54,344,161.07


Security deposit transfer 11,928,649.85


Total 155,784,677.59 179,397,436.60

3) Others cash received relating to financing activities

Items 2015 2014

Financing accepted notes 191,645,382.23

Borrowings by presenting received order 417,579,700.00 302,053,500.00


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


Total 609,225,082.23

4) Others cash paid relating to financing activities

Items 2015 2014

Repayment of borrowings 536,567,850.00 150,000,000.00

Total 536,567,850.00 150,000,000.00

(2) Supplementary information of consolidated cash flow statement

Items 2015 2014

1. Adjusting net profit into cash flows of operating —— ——


Net profit -33,380,013.39 -103,902,948.89

Add: Provision for impairment of assets -18,073,081.58 60,039,458.74

Depreciation of fixed assets,Amortization ofmineral

86,893,604.73 75,813,460.85

resources, and biological assets

Amortization of intangible assets 4,988,728.04 4,623,973.61

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses 156,498.36 67,830.36

Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and

-1,299,449.10 -5,443,243.06

long-term assets (income listed with”-”)

Losses on write-off of fixed assets (income listed

- -


Change of fair value profit or loss - -

Financial expense (income listed with”-”) 37,988,953.46 38,083,783.17

Investment loss (income listed with”-”) -240,000.00 -18,000,875.28

Decrease of deferred tax assets(increase listed

- 182,783.63


Increase of deferred tax liabilities(decrease

-152,566.77 1,140,995.35

listed with”-”)

Decrease of inventories (increase listed with”-”) 129,810,005.29 -37,912,089.70

Decrease of operating receivables (increase listed

115,564,845.60 -330,556,953.05


Increase of operating payables (decrease listed

-373,785,552.85 460,385,193.83


Others - -74,049,202.70

Net cash flows arising from operating activities -51,528,028.21 70,472,166.86


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

2. Significant investment and financing activities —— ——

unrelated to cash income and expenses

Liabilities transferred to capital - -

Convertible bonds within 1 year - -

Financing leased fixed assets - -

3. Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalent —— ——

Closing balance of cash 78,556,030.56 143,399,164.66

Less: Opening balance of cash 143,399,164.66 60,616,759.13

Add: Closing balance of cash equivalent

Less: Opening balance of cash equivalent

Net increase of cash and cash equivalent -64,843,134.10 82,782,240.53

(3) Cash and cash equivalents

Items 2015 2014

Cash 78,556,030.56 143,399,164.66

Including: Cash on hand 372,523.88 243,292.16

Bank deposit used for paying at any moment 78,183,506.68 143,155,872.50

Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 78,556,030.56 143,399,164.66

Note: The difference between cash and cash equivalent and cash at the end of this year refers to


44. Monetary category of foreign currency

(1) Monetary category of foreign currency

Item Closing Balance Exchange Closing Balance

(foreign currency) Rate (RMB)


Including:USD 4,866,080.81 6.4936 31,598,382.35

EURO 50,173.26 7.0952 355,989.31

HKD 60.03 0.8034 48.23

GBP 110.00 9.6159 1,057.75

Accounts receivable

Including: USD 15,956,843.52 6.4936 103,617,359.08

EURO 1,159,721.30 7.0952 8,228,454.57

Received in advance

Including: USD 702,839.25 6.4936 4,563,956.95


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Item Closing Balance Exchange Closing Balance

(foreign currency) Rate (RMB)

EURO 506,007.08 7.0952 3,590,221.43

Accounts payable

Including: USD 94,530.73 6.4936 613,844.75


Advances to supplier

Including: USD 66,930.00 6.4936 434,616.65

EURO 14,008.07 7.0952 99,390.06

Other receivables

Including: USD 247,379.85 6.4936 1,606,385.79

Other payables

Including: USD 108,890.24 6.4936 707,089.66


VII.Change of Consolidation Scope

No change

VIII. Interest in other entity

1. Equity of subsidiaries

(1) Organization structure of group company

Name of Nature of Share(%)

Location Registered Location Method

subsidiary operation Direct Indirect

Wazhou Liaoyang Manufacturing

Liaoyang Baita

Bearing and selling

Wafangdian District Weiguo Rd 100 acquisition

construction bearing and


Co.,Ltd machines

Dalian Wazhou Dalian Free Trade Manufacturing

Precision Motor Zone and selling

Wafangdian 100 investment

Car Bearing SanshiliYongsheng Rd bearing and

Company Limited No.12 machines

Wazhou Precision Wafangdian Wafangdian Beigongji Manufacturing 100 acquisition


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Name of Nature of Share(%)

Location Registered Location Method

subsidiary operation Direct Indirect

of Spherical St No.1 and selling

Roller bearing and

Bearings(Wafangd machines

ian)Co., Ltd

IX. Risk Related to Financial Instruments

The main financial instruments held by the group company are including investment in share

equity, borrowing, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. The details introduction about

each financial instrument is referred to this notes No.VI above. The related risks of these

financial instruments and the risk management policy conducted to reduce these risks by the

group company are introduced as below. The Group management conducts to manage and

monitor these risks exposure and control these risks under certain risk level.

1. Objectives and policies of each risk management

The objectives of risk management conducted by the group company are to reach the balance

between risk and profit return by reducing the negative influence to operating performance

to the minimum level as well as maximising the shareholders’ and other investors’ profits.

Based on these objectives, the basic risk management policy is to recognize and analyse all

sorts of risk that the group company faced with, to set up the proper risk tolerance bottom

line conducting risk management, as well as to monitor these risks in a timely and effective

manner, and to ensure these risks under the limit level.

(1) Market risk

1) Currency risk

The currency risk is referred as the risk caused by the fluctuation of exchange rate. The main

currency risk that the company faced with is related to the USD since the main export

business is settled by USD. Other than the balance of foreign currency presented in Note VI.

44, all assets and liabilities of company are presented in RMB On December 31, 2015.The

balance in foreign currency of assets and liabilities may cause currency risk with influence to


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

operating performance.

2) Interest risk

The main potential interest risk which is caused by the fluctuation of the cash flow of

financial instruments is related to the floating rate of bank loan (Note VI. 15). The policy that

adopted by the Group is to maintain the floating rate of loan.

(2) Credit risk

On 31 December, 2015, the Group’s most probable credit risk exposure is from the financial

loss primarily due to the failure of fulfilling the obligation by one party of the contract. The

impairment losses of company’s financial assets are including:

Among the book value of recognized financial assets in the consolidated statement of

financial position, for the financial instruments measured at fair value, their book values

reflect the risk exposure, however, not maximum risk level; the level is changing along with

the fair value.

As the aim to reduce the credit risk, the Group sets up the credit department to ensure the

credit limit, to examine and approve the credit application, and to carry out monitor

procedures to claim expired creditor’s right. In addition, at each of balance sheet date, the

Group checks with every single process of receipt of receivable to ensure the sufficiency of

provision of bad debt. Therefore, the management of the Group believed the credit risk had

been minimized significantly.

The working capital has low level of credit risk since the cash is deposited in the banks with

high credit reputation.

(3) Liquidity risk

As the management of liquidity risk, the Group’s policy is to regularly monitor the

sufficiency of cash and cash equivalent, the liquidity requirements to ensure the normal

operations, and the fluctuation of cash flow. The bank loan activities are under monitoring by

management to make sure to comply with the loan agreement.

The liquidity risk is referred as the Group failed to fulfil its financial obligations by the due


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

date. The Group manages the liquidity risk by the maintain sufficiency of working capital to

cover the expired debt to avoid the unacceptable losses or the damage of Group’s reputation.

The Group analyses the debt structure and due time periodically to ensure the sufficiency of

available cash flow. The bank loan activities are under monitoring by management to make

sure to comply with the loan agreement. At the same, the Group has consultation with

financial organizations about the financing activities to maintain the credit level and to

reduce the credit risk.

The Group’s main financial resources come from bank loan. By the date of 31 December,

2015, the unencumbered bank loan credit is 2.14 billion Yuan.

X. Disclosure of Fair Value

There is no asset or liability measured by fair value at the end of report period.

XI.Related Parties Relationship and Transactions

1. Related parties relationship

(1) Parent company and ultimate controller

1) Parent company and ultimate controller

Parent Registered Business Registered Shareholding Voting

company address nature capital percentage power

(%) percentage



No. 1 North

and sales of

Wazhou Gongji Street,

bearing and 413,793,100.00 60.61 60.61

Group Wafangdian


City, Dalian


2) Registered capital and its movement of parent company


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Parent Opening Balance Increase Decrease Closing Balance


Wazhou Group 413,793,100.00 — — 413,793,100.00

3) Share held and its movement of parent company

Parent company Amount Share holding


Closing Balance Opening Balance Closing Opening

Balance Balance

Wazhou Group 244,000,000.00 244,000,000.00 60.61 60.61

(2). Subsidiaries

(1) Referring to the content in Note VIII. 1. (1) Organization structure of group


(3).Other related parties

Name of related party Related party relationship

Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing Other entity controlled by the same parent

Equipment Co., Ltd company and ultimate controlling party

Other entity controlled by the same parent

Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company

company and ultimate controlling party

Other entity controlled by the same parent

Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd.,

company and ultimate controlling party

Other entity controlled by the same parent

Wazhou Group Precision Turnplate Bearing Ltd

company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Bearing Other entity controlled by the same parent

Co., Ltd company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Equipment Technology Project Other entity controlled by the same parent

Co., Ltd. company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group Special Precision Bearing Co., Other entity controlled by the same parent

Ltd. company and ultimate controlling party

Wazhou Group National Bearings Engineering Other entity controlled by the same parent

Research Centre Co., Ltd company and ultimate controlling party

Dalian North Metal Materials Trade Centre Co., Other entity controlled by the same parent

Ltd company and ultimate controlling party

Other entity controlled by the same parent

Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd.

company and ultimate controlling party

Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto Bearings Co., Ltd Other related party

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Ltd Other related party

Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Co., Ltd Other related party


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

2. Related party transactions

(1) Purchase of goods, provide, and receive labour services

1) Purchase of goods/receive labour services

Related party Content 2015 2014

WazhouPrecision Steel Ball Purchase of

2,447,586.39 6,183,163.07

Company goods

Purchase of

Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd., 181,319,845.46 279,989,617.78


Dalian Wazhou Bearing Purchase of

28,640,645.96 19,948,287.07

Manufacturing Equipment Co., Ltd goods

Wazhou Group Precision Turnplate Purchase of

114,778,082.50 246,255,677.00

Bearing Ltd goods

Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Purchase of

85,767,947.90 104,544,089.32

Bearing Co., Ltd goods

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Purchase of

39,849,495.82 -

Manufacturing Co., Ltd. goods

Wazhou Group Equipment Purchase of

- 34,987,895.70

Technology Project Co., Ltd. goods

Wazhou Group Equipment Purchase of

27,238,416.71 -

Technology Project Co., Ltd. equipments

Purchase of

Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co., Ltd. - 171,107,515.76


Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto Bearings Purchase of

goods 37,816,125.17 48,846,137.88

Co., Ltd

Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Purchase of

87,672,622.48 146,106,031.41

Co., Ltd goods

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Purchase of

87,942,288.16 112,469,655.13

Co., Ltd goods

Purchase of

Wazhou Group 102,965,462.79 -


Dalian Wazhou Manufacturing Purchase of

16,718,495.72 -

Equipment Co., Ltd equipments

Wazhou Group Special Precision Purchase of

goods 473,889.00 -

Bearing Co., Ltd.

Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Purchase of

goods 23,409,777.81 -


Total 820,322,186.15 1,170,438,070.12

2) Sales of goods/provide labour services

Related party Content 2015 2014

Wazhou Group Sales of goods 56,017,310.64 1,271,818.79

Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co., Ltd. Sales of goods - 62,885,527.32

WazhouPrecision Steel Ball Company Sales of goods 563,694.87 5,252,101.33


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd., Sales of goods 192,664,350.35 328,726,014.43

Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing Sales of goods

1,321,714.03 1,405,274.78

Equipment Co., Ltd

Wazhou Group Precision Turnplate Sales of goods

764,491.84 806,448.91

Bearing Ltd

Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Sales of goods

29,053,894.69 22,998,475.35

Bearing Co., Ltd

Wazhou Group Special Precision Sales of goods

4,769,271.76 4,426,915.56

Bearing Co., Ltd.

Dalian North Metal Materials Trade Sales of goods

17,512,466.00 -

Centre Co., Ltd

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., Sales of goods

496,012.46 310,425.96


Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing CO., Ltd. Sales of goods 105,169,678.68 21,734,280.64

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing

Sales of goods 485,664.95 -

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

provide labour

Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co., Ltd. - 4,358,305.71


provide labour

Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company 1,720,779.29 1,272,089.15


Wazhou Group Exact Transmission provide labour

1,342,679.19 2,108,441.03

Bearing Co., Ltd services

Wazhou Group Special Precision provide labour

451,703.91 412,008.52

Bearing Co., Ltd. services

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Co., provide labour

642,918.49 323,849.51

Ltd services

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing provide labour

69,676.23 -

Manufacturing Co., Ltd. services

Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery provide labour

33,168.16 -

Co., Ltd services

Total 413,079,475.54 458,291,976.99

(2) Assets rent

1) Assets rent out

Category of assets

Lessor Lessee 2015 Profits 2014 Profits

rent out

Land (located in

No.1, Phrase1,

The Wazhou Exact Forge

North Gongji Street, - 126,096.00

Company Ltd.

with area of 7,881


Land (located in

The Wazhou Exact Forge

No.1, Phrase1, 434,000.00 -

Company Ltd.

North Gongji Street,


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Category of assets

Lessor Lessee 2015 Profits 2014 Profits

rent out

with area of

48,220.82 m).

Land (located in

No.1, Phrase1,

The Wazhou Special Steel

North Gongji Street, 197,565.00 105,368.00

Company Ball Company

with area of 13,171


Land (located in

Wazhou Group Special No.1, Phrase1,


Precision Bearing Co., North Gongji Street, 88,000.00 46,915.20


Ltd with area of

5,864 .40m).

The Wazhou Exact Forge

Buildings 463,700.00 345,515.00

Company Ltd.

Wazhou Group Special


Precision Bearing Co., Buildings 514,300.00 514,303.17





WazhouFengyuan Buildings 107,460.00 107,460.00


Machinery Co., Ltd

Dalian Wazhou


Jinzhou Machinery Buildings 803,160.00 803,160.00


Co., Ltd

2) Assets under lease

Category of 2015 Lease 2014 Lease

Lessor Lessee

assets rent in fees fees

Land (located in

Wazhou Group

Two finished branch

WazhouGroup industrial park, - 115,300.00

of the Company

with area of

14,418.00 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou Group

Two finished branch

WazhouGroup industrial park, 211,700.00 -

of the Company

with area of

14,112.57 m).

Land (located in

No.1, Phrase1,

Wazhou Group The Company North Gongji - 5,700.00

Street, with area

of 715.20 m).

Wazhou Group The Land (located in - 142,600.00


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Category of 2015 Lease 2014 Lease

Lessor Lessee

assets rent in fees fees

company(logistic Wazhou Group

department ) industrial park,

with area of

17,829.00 m).

Land (located in

The Wazhou Group

Wazhou Group company(logistic industrial park, 253,900.00

department ) with area of

16,921.42 m).

Land (located in

No.1, Phrase1,

Wazhou Group The Company North Gongji - 130,152.36

Street, with area

of 21,692.06 m).

Land (located in

west industrial

Wazhou Group The Company 351,000.00 351,000.00

park, with area of

58,500 m).

Land (located in

Precision bearing Wazhou Group

Wazhou Group branch of the industrial park, 455,700.00 243,000.00

Company with area of

30,380 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou Group

Special large branch

Wazhou Group industrial park, - 161,700.00

of the Company

with area of

20,207 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou Group

Special large branch

Wazhou Group industrial park, 291,000.00

of the Company

with area of

19,401.24 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou Group

Special large branch

Wazhou Group industrial park, - 131,100.00

of the Company

with area of

16,388.00 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou Group

Special large branch

Wazhou Group industrial park, 184,300.00

of the Company

with area of

12,286.33 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou The precision rolling Wazhou Group

company of the industrial park, - 57,600.00

Group Company with area of

7,199.00 m).


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Category of 2015 Lease 2014 Lease

Lessor Lessee

assets rent in fees fees

Land (located in

Wazhou The precision rolling Wazhou Group

company of the industrial park, 100,000.00

Group Company with area of

6,663.86 m).

Land (located in

Wazhou The precision rolling Pulandian

company of the Fengrong office, 339,900.00

Group Company with area of

37,768.00 m).

Wazhou Group The Company Buildings - 213,200.00

Precision bearing

Wazhou Group branch of the Buildings 2,339,300.00 3,244,200.00


Two finished branch

Wazhou Group Buildings 1,118,000.00 1,771,800.00

of the Company

Special large branch

Wazhou Group Buildings 1,653,800.00 2,773,500.00

of the Company

The precision rolling

Wazhou Group company of the Buildings 528,700.00 892,000.00


The (logistic

Wazhou Group department ) of the Buildings 571,000.00 557,600.00


Special large branch

Wazhou Group Buildings 1,006,800.00 2,604,000.00

of the Company

Wazhou Steel The precision rolling

company of the Buildings 448,416.00 224,208.00

Ball Company Company

Two finished branch

Wazhou Group Equipment - 180,117.65

of the Company

The precision rolling

Wazhou Group company of the Equipment 3,113,527.18 5,783,102.24


The auto bearing

Wazhou Group company of the Equipment 113,861.70 126,000.00


The railway bearing

Wazhou Group company of the Equipment 1,936.17


Special large branch

Wazhou Group Equipment 4,830,268.91 4,927,233.58

of the Company

(3) Warranty provided by related parties


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Whether the

Amounts Inception of Maturity of warranty

Warrantor Warrantee

warranted warranty warranty finished

(Y or N)


The Company 50,000,000.00 15 Dec. 2014 15 Mar. 2016 N(Note 1)


Note1: The warranty is Wazhou Group guarantying for the Company’s loan from Import and

Export Bank with the amount of RMB 50 million. As at the end of Dec 31, 2015, the ending

balance of the loan is RMB 50 million.

(4) Related party assets transfer and debt structure reconstruction

Type of

Related party 2015 2014


Dalian SKF Wazhou Bearings Co., Ltd. Assets transfer 1,216,000.00

Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd Assets transfer 1,508,000.00

Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery

Assets transfer 404,000.00

Co., Ltd

Wazhou Group Exact Transmission

Assets transfer 1,900,315.73 507,000.00

Bearing Co., Ltd

Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd., Assets transfer 774,000.00

Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing

Assets transfer 1,972,353.78

Equipment Co., Ltd

Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Auto

Assets transfer 929,113.68

Bearing Co., Ltd


Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd., income 2,600,000.00


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd income 3,900,000.00


Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing Ltd income 1,770,000.00

Dalian Wazhou Bearing Manufacturing Non-operating

Equipment Co., Ltd income 937,500.00

Wazhou Group Exact Transmission Non-operating

income 1,250,000.00

Bearing Co., Ltd


Wazhou Precision Steel Ball Company income 350,000.00


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing Non-operating

Manufacturing Co., Ltd. income 1,056,500.00

Dalian WazhouFengyuan Machinery Non-operating

Co., Ltd income 315,000.00

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou Machinery Non-operating

Co., Ltd income 653,002.74

(5) Management remuneration

Item 2015 2014

Total 401,600.00 392,000.00

(6) Use of trademark

According to the ‘Trade Mark License contract’ signed between the Company and the

Group on January 1, 2015, within the valid period up to December 31, 2015, the Company

shall pay license fees to the Group at 0.5% of net sales by using the trade mark of Wazhou

Group for self-manufactured stock. In 2015, the Company shall pay license fees of

4,579,774.48Yuan (inc VAT) which is not settled during the year.

(7) Acceptance of comprehensive service

Other expenses paid to the Group during the year

Item 2015 2014

Firefight and security 3,290,900.00 3,290,900.00

Technology development 5,400,000.00 5,400,000.00

Advertising 800,700.00 800,700.00

Total 9,491,600.00 9,491,600.00

3. Balances with related parties

(1) Accounts receivable due from related parties

Closing Balance Opening Balance

Item Related party

Book Balance Provision Book Balance Provision


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)


Wazhou Group 6,903,361.61 - 6,903,361.61 -


Wazhou Group Special


Precision Bearing Co., 8,421,176.40 - 9,399,082.68 -



Accounts Wazhou Group (USA)

48,281,914.32 - 12,344,182.91 -

receivable Bearing CO., Ltd.

Wazhou Group Exact


Transmission Bearing 104,803.24 - 104,803.24 -


Co., Ltd

Accounts Wazhou Exact Forge

receivable - - 154,404.30 -


Dalian Wazhou


receivable Fengyuan Machinery - - 12,295.63 -

Co., Ltd

Wafangdian Bearing

Prepaid Manufacturing 40,853.62 - - -

Equipment Co., Ltd

(2) Accounts payable due from related parties

Item Related party Closing Balance Opening Balance

Dalian Wazhou Bearing

Accounts payable Manufacturing 37,230,732.63 5,464,593.44

Equipment Co., Ltd

Wazhou precisionSteel Ball

Accounts payable 4,099,619.68 8,324,811.37


Accounts payable Wazhou Group 5,723,806.00 -

Accounts payable Wazhou Exact Forge Ltd. 30,763,439.55 85,227,380.13

Wazhou Group Turnplate Bearing

Accounts payable 9,451,169.77 152,988,835.67


Wazhou Group Exact

Accounts payable 73,147,036.86 104,433,713.52

Transmission Bearing Co., Ltd

Dalian Wazhou Jinzhou

Accounts payable 18,007,755.48 16,305,773.72

Machinery Co., Ltd


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Dalian WazhouFengyuan

Accounts payable 10,024,155.08 27,241,707.14

Machinery Co., Ltd

Wazhou Group Equipment

Accounts payable 12,482,589.73 3,829,959.81

Technology Project Co., Ltd.

Wafangdian Tongda Bearing

Accounts payable 27,932,114.26 -

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing

Accounts payable 484,765.77 -

CO., Ltd

Wazhou Group Special Precision

Accounts payable 395,708.76 -

Bearing Co., Ltd

Dalian GONA Wazhou Auto

Accounts payable 17,871,582.98

Bearings Co., Ltd

Other payables Wazhou Group 21,234,927.86 36,820,099.09

Dalian Wazhou Bearing

Other payables Manufacturing 358,588.45 286,088.45

Equipment Co., Ltd

Wazhou Group Equipment

Other payables 952,000.00 952,000.00

Technology Project Co., Ltd.

Wazhou Group (USA) Bearing

Other payables 37,444.44 -

CO., Ltd

XII. Share-Based Payment

There is no share-based payment occurred in the report period.

XIII. Contingency

As at 31 December 2015, the Group does not have any other contingencies for disclosure.


As at 31 December 2015, the Group does not have any other significant commitments.

XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Financing after the balance sheet date

The Company’s the asset debt ratio is 55.22%, liquidity ratio is 1.21, and net current asset

is 0.403 billion Yuan, solvency indicator is good and the Company still has good financing


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

capability. The Company borrowed 0.285 billion Yuan from banks during the first quarter

in 2016.


2. Sales of assets and liability

On January 14, 2016, the Company held the first provisional board directors meeting, and

planned to sign the ‘selling assets agreement’ with Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd. The Company

planned to use January 31, 2016 as the asset valuation date, after valuation, the Company sells

the assets and liability, which involved by auto transfer case bearing as a whole to the Group

and also transfer the personnel in relation to underlying the assets. Assets being sold include

equipments and machinery, construction in progress and inventories etc.

Except matters mentioned above, up to the audit report date, there are no other significant post

balance sheet events for disclosure.

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. Debt restructuring

In 2015, the Company has signed the ‘Debt Restructuring Agreement’ with the customers,

through cash reimbursement less than the debt carrying value, and implemented the

restructuring, which results in the debt restructuring losses of RMB 381,595.11Yuan, and

were recognized as non-operating expenses.

In 2015, the Company has signed the ‘Debt Restructuring Agreement’ with the creditors,

through cash or bank notes reimbursement less than the debt carrying value, and

implemented the restructuring, which results in the debt restructuring income RMB

32,454,287.65 Yuan and were recognized as non-operating revenue.

XVII. Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of Parent Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable category

Closing Balance

Item Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %


7,718,274.69 0.71 7,718,274.69 100.00 -

receivable with


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Closing Balance

Item Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %



amount and

separate bad debt



receivable with

bad debt

provision based 971,471,437.76 88.76 44,006,790.85 4.53 927,464,646.91

on the characters

of credit risk


Related party 93,169,136.63 8.51 - - 93,169,136.63


portfolio - - - - -


receivable with


individual 22,131,211.74 2.02 22,131,211.74 100.00 -

amount and

separate bad debt


Total 1,094,490,060.82 100.00 73,856,277.28 - 1,020,633,783.54


Opening Balance

Item Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %



with 3,910,007.43 0.33 3,910,007.43 100.00 -




Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Opening Balance

Item Booking balance Provision

Booking balance

Amount % Amount %

amount and

separate bad





with bad debt


1,109,359,402.98 94.68 47,135,177.04 4.00 1,062,224,225.94

based on the

characters of

credit risk


Related party 44,098,306.15 3.76 - - 44,098,306.15


portfolio - - - - -





individual 14,393,660.23 1.23 14,393,660.23 100.00 -

amount and

separate bad



Total 1,171,761,376.79 100.00 65,438,844.70 - 1,106,322,532.09

1) Significant individual amounts of accounts receivable the bad debt provision separately

accrued at the end of 2015

Closing Balance


Accounts Provision for Proportion

name Reasons for provision

receivable bad debts (%)

Company A 3,910,007.43 3,910,007.43 100.00 A/R with over 5 years


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

Closing Balance


Accounts Provision for Proportion

name Reasons for provision

receivable bad debts (%)

aging, unlikely to be


A/R with over 5 years

Company B 3,808,267.26 3,808,267.26 100.00 aging, unlikely to be


Total 7,718,274.69 7,718,274.69 —— —

2) Accounts receivable in the portfolio as the bad debt provisions accrued under accounting

aging analysis method

Closing Balance

Aging Provision for bad Proportion

Accounts receivable

debts (%)

Within 1 year 759,735,442.44 7,597,354.43 1.00

1-2 years 121,953,909.43 6,097,695.47 5.00

2-3 years 48,597,673.33 9,719,534.67 20.00

Over 3 years 41,184,412.56 20,592,206.28 50.00

Total 971,471,437.76 44,006,790.85 -

(2) Bad debt provision accrued and reversed (withdraw)

The bad debt provision has been accrued in the amount 8,524,799.39 Yuan and been written

off in the amount of 107,366.81 元, during the report period no bad debt provision is reversed

or withdrawn.

(3) Accounts receivable written off in current period

Item Written-off Amount

Accounts receivable written off 107,366.81

(4) The top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

The total amount of top five significant accounts receivable categorized by debtors is

196,451,103.33 Yuan, representing 17.95% of the closing balance of accounts receivable. The

bad debt provision is accrued accordingly in the amount of 3,009,518.73 Yuan.

2. Other receivables

(1) The category of other receivables

Closing Balance

Items Booking balance Provision Booking

Amount % Amount % balance

Other receivables with

significant individual

- - - - -

amount and separate bad

debt provision

Other receivables with bad

debt provision based on the

15,851,523.01 71.31 1,037,522.18 7.85 12,186,808.81

characters of credit risk


Related party 1,139,009.84 5.12 - - 1,139,009.84

Risk-free portfolio 3,726,684.67 16.77% - - 6,353,876.69

Other receivables with

insignificant individual

1,512,562.13 6.80 1,512,562.13 100.00 -

amount and separate bad

debt provision

Total 22,229,779.65 100.00 2,550,084.31 - 19,679,695.34


Opening Balance

Items Booking balance Provision Booking

Amount % Amount % balance

Other receivables with

significant individual

- - - - -

amount and separate

bad debt provision

Other receivables with

12,056,730.54 71.21 1,269,642.75 10.53 10,787,087.79

bad debt provision


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

based on the characters

of credit risk portfolio

Related party - - - - -

Risk-free portfolio 4,874,336.51 28.79 - - 4,874,336.51

Other receivables with

insignificant individual

- - - - -

amount and separate

bad debt provision

Total 16,931,067.05 100.00 1,269,642.75 - 15,661,424.30

1) Other receivables in the portfolio with the bad debt provisions as accounting aging

analysis method

Closing Balance

Aging Provision for Proportion

Other receivables

bad debts (%)

Within 1 year 13,065,383.82 130,653.84 1.00

1-2 years 856,616.46 42,830.82 5.00

2-3 years 335,746.14 67,149.23 20.00

Over 3 years 1,593,776.59 796,888.29 50.00

Total 15,851,523.01 1,037,522.18 -

(2) Bad debt provision accrued and reversed

The bad debt provision has been provided in the amount 1,280,441.56 Yuan during the report

period and no bad debt provision is reversed or withdrawn.

(3) Other receivables categorized by nature

Nature Closing Balance Opening Balance

Security deposit 3,607,765.95 1,670,769.50

Deposit 461,163.01 727,403.72

Individual petty cash 1,122,983.35 3,910,278.09

Others 17,037,867.34 10,622,615.74

Total 22,229,779.65 16,931,067.05


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

(4) Other receivables from the top 5 debtors


Closing % of the

Name Category Aging Balance of

Balance total OR


Insurance within 1

Company A 5,016,153.85 22.57 50,161.54

compensation year

within 1

Company B Electric bill 3,726,684.67 16.76 -


within 1

Company C Bid deposit 1,854,996.25 8.34 18,549.96


within 1

Company D Labor charge 1,139,009.84 5.12 -


Prepayment of within 1

Company E 319,694.17 1.44 3,196.94

materials year

Total 12,056,538.78 —— —— 71,908.44


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

3. Long-term equity investments

(1) Category of long-term equity investments

Closing Balance Opening Balance


Closing Balance Provision Book Value Opening Balance Provision Book Value

Investment into

211,583,897.67 - 211,583,897.67 211,583,897.67 211,583,897.67


Investment into associates - - - - -

Total 211,583,897.67 - 211,583,897.67 211,583,897.67 - 211,583,897.67

(2) Investments into subsidiaries

Opening Provision in Closing Balance

Subsidiaries names Increase Decrease Closing Balance

Balance current period of provision

Wazhou Liaoyang Bearing

17,337,259.95 - - 17,337,259.95

construction Co.,Ltd

Dalian Wazhou Precision Motor Car

45,478,956.37 - - 45,478,956.37

Bearing Company Limited

Wazhou Precision of Spherical Roller

148,767,681.35 - - 148,767,681.35

Bearings(Wafangdian)Co., Ltd

Total 211,583,897.67 211,583,897.67


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

4. Operating revenue and cost

Item 2015 2014

Revenue Cost Revenue Cost


from main 2,155,351,753.13 1,963,925,859.18 2,639,675,681.68 2,460,934,438.76



from other 228,089,553.44 208,343,310.30 376,537,715.68 321,421,071.71


Total 2,383,441,306.57 2,172,269,169.48 3,016,213,397.36 2,782,355,510.47

(1) Principle operation - classified according to Industries

2015 2014


Sales revenue Cost of sales Sales revenue Cost of sales


353,230,102.39 285,923,237.04 275,162,393.89


Domestic 1,688,266,252.80 1,515,079,588.39 2,249,304,340.05 2,066,687,794.59


Transportation 556,417,955.42 496,110,751.32 966,465,387.04 882,656,346.90

vehicle bearings

Special use

595,546,617.11 566,838,486.10 580,622,061.86 569,127,159.48


General use

bearings 536,301,680.27 702,216,891.15 614,904,288.21



113,855,397.94 104,448,104.59 119,084,250.28

Operations 127,498,404.13

Total 2,155,351,753.13 1,963,925,859.18 2,639,675,681.68 2,460,934,438.76

5. Investment income

Items 2015 2014

Income from long-term equity investments


under equity method

Income from disposal long-term share -


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

Notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015

(The currency is in RMB Yuan except otherwise indicated)

(English translation for reference only)

equity investments

Income occurred since the change of value

when holding financial assets investments -

measured by fair value

Income from disposal financial assets


investments measured by fair value

Income from holding the held-to-maturity



Income from the available-for-sale financial

240,000.00 240,000.00

assets held

Income from disposal of available-for-sale


financial assets

Income from the recalculation of remain

equity capital measured by fair value when -

losing control right

Income from long-term equity investments


under cost method

Total 240,000.00 4,273,452.23

XVIII.Approval of Financial Statements

The parent and consolidated financial statements of the Company were approved by the Board

of Directors of the Group on April 22, 2016.


Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd(Wazhou B) 2014 Audited Report

Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements

1. Non-operating profit or loss

Based on No.1 on Non-operating Profit or Loss (2008) of Explanation and Announcement of Information

Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering issued by China Securities

Regulatory Commission, the Group’s Non-operating profit or loss in 2015 is as follows:

Items 2015 Notes

Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets 1,299,449.10 See note 40. 41.

Government grants recorded into profit or loss during

4,867,966.82 See note 40.

current period

Gains from acquisition of subsidiary or associates when


initial cost less than the fair value of invested company

Profit or loss from debts restructuring 32,072,692.54 See note 40. 41.

Others non-operating revenue and expense besides the

1,760,549.53 See note 40. 41.

above items

Other profit or loss

Subtotal 40,000,657.99

Effect on income tax 6,933,993.73

Total 33,066,664.26

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

Pursuant to Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering No.9

computation and disclosure of Return on net assets and earnings per share (revised in 2010) issued by

China Securities Regulatory Commission, the weighted average return on net assets, basic earnings per

share and diluted earnings per share of the Group for the financial year of 2015 are as follows:

Weighted average Earnings per share (EPS)

Profit of report period return on net Basic Diluted EPS

assets (%) EPS

Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company -2.45% -0.0829 -0.0829

Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

-4.87% -0.1650 -0.1650

attributable to shareholders of parent company

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd

April 22, 2016


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