
来源:深交所 2016-04-26 00:00:00

Stock code: 200053 Short form: Chiwan Base -B Serial number: 2016-30



1. Important Notice

This abstract of annual report is extracted from the full text of annual report for year 2015 which is published on

www.cninfo.com.cn simultaneously. Investors shall read the full text carefully for the details.

Absent Director Post of the Absent Director Reason Authorized Person

Mr. Mingzhi Mei Director Business Arrangement Wang Shiyun

Mr. Kent Yang Director Business Arrangement Shu Qian

Non-standard Auditor’s Opinion

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Preliminary Plan for Profit Distribution to the Common Shareholders or Turning the Capital Reserve into the

Share Capital in the Report Period Reviewed and Approved by the Board Meeting

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Preliminary Plan for Profit Distribution to the Preference Shareholders in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Company Information

Stock Abbreviation Chiwan Base B Stock Code 200053

Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Contact Person and Contact Method Board Secretary Securities Representative

Name Song Tao Li Zizheng

14F/ Chiwan Petroleum Building, 14F/ Chiwan Petroleum Building,

Office Address

Shekou, Shenzhen Shekou, Shenzhen

Telephone 0755-26694211 0755-26694211

Fax 0755-26694227 0755-26694227

E-mail Address sa@chiwanbase.com sa@chiwanbase.com

2. Main Business of the Company

Main Business

(1) The Company provides oil logistics support services for oil exploration, development and production in the

eastern South China Sea. Under the effect of sharp decline of international oil price and operation of CNOOC

Huizhou Base, the operating income and profit of offshore oil logistics business fell sharply.

(2) The Company provides logistics park services for warehousing, distribution, supply chain management,

logistics finance, equipment leasing and e-commerce by controlling subsidiaries. By the end of report period,

there was only one logistics park developing e-commerce services.

(3) The Company provides offshore engineering services for structure design, fabrication and maintenance by

associated companies.


Characteristics of Industry Development

(1) Offshore Oil Logistics Business

After the fully operation of CNOOC Huizhou Base, it has occupied the majority of market share. The competition

of offshore oil logistics services will become more intensive in 2016. Meanwhile, for the continued downturn of

oil price, Chiwan Base faces great operation pressure. There are also challenges for Chengdu oil and gas base’s

marketing work.

(2) Warehousing Logistics Services

In the past ten years, warehousing logistics services developed rapidly. The demand for modern logistics facilities

still exceeds supply. For now, warehousing logistics services had become the hot spot for both real estate industry

and logistic industry. The representatives as Prologis, Goodman, Alibaba and Vanke have accelerated their layout.

By now, Blogis takes the leading position in domestic market.

3. Major Accounting Data

(1) Major Accounting Data over the Past 3 Years

Y2015 Y2014 Change (%) Y2013

Operating Revenue (RMB) 650,279,516.34 712,958,603.26 -8.79% 691,832,626.47

Net Profit Attributed to Shareholders of 91,644,920.49 218,544,184.50 -58.07% 204,249,571.44

Listed Company (RMB)

Net Profit Net of Non-recurring Gain and 83,094,036.55 220,496,736.41 -62.32% 200,374,681.04

Loss Attributed to Listed Company (RMB)

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 332,656,351.44 414,370,760.05 -19.72% 434,087,958.45


Basic Earnings per Share (RMB/Share) 0.40 0.95 -57.89% 0.89

Diluted Earnings per Share (RMB/Share) 0.40 0.95 -57.89% 0.89

Weighted Return on Equity(%) 5.31% 13.84% -8.53% 14.84%

December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014 Change (%) December 31, 2013

Total Assets (RMB) 5,643,956,639.17 5,389,629,871.81 4.72% 4,718,603,625.96

Owner’s Equity Attributed to Shareholders 1,754,085,176.85 1,690,486,032.37 3.76% 1,470,275,398.55

of Listed Company (RMB)

(2) Main Financial Index by Quarters

Unit: RMB

First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter

Operating Revenue 147,824,556.91 159,294,515.77 170,600,550.00 172,559,893.66

Net Profit Attributed to Shareholders of 22,604,615.62 20,025,317.86 28,165,868.96 20,849,118.05

Listed Company

Net Profit Net of Non-recurring Gain and 21,078,656.96 18,444,962.63 27,854,136.94 15,716,280.02

Loss Attributed to Listed Company

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 78,023,735.31 45,910,282.18 108,020,416.02 100,701,917.93

Any material differences between the financial indicators above or their summations and those which have been

disclosed in quarterly or semi-annual reports?

□Yes √No


4. Share Capital and Shareholders

(1) Number of the Common Shareholders and the Preference Shareholders with Resumed Voting Rights as

well as the Shareholders of the Top 10 Shareholders

Total Number of


Total Number of

Total Number of Shareholders with

Total Preference Shareholders

Shareholders One Resumed Voting

Shareholders in 7,070 6,971 with Resumed Voting 0 0

Month before Annual Rights at Previous

Reporting period Rights at Period-end (if

Report Disclosure Month-end of this


Report’s Disclosure

(if any)

Top Ten Common Shareholders

Impawned or

Ratio Total shares Non-tradable Frozen Shares

Name Nature

(%) held shares Status Shares


Domestic Legal Person 51.79% 119,420,000 119,420,000 - 0


China Logistics Holding (12) PTE.LTD. Foreign Legal Person 19.90% 45,890,000 0 - Unknown


State-owned Legal Person 1.46% 3,614,224 0 - Unknown



Foreign Legal Person 0.81% 2,654,699 0 - Unknown



Foreign Legal Person 0.55% 2,542,041 0 - Unknown



Foreign Legal Person 0.43% 984,693 0 - Unknown


LI WEI Domestic Natural Person 0.36% 600,000 0 - Unknown

SHA SHU LI Domestic Natural Person 0.33% 480,611 0 - Unknown

YU LING FENG Foreign Natural Person 0.30% 458,083 0 - Unknown

PAN BO Domestic Natural Person 0.27% 419,900 0 - Unknown

Among the top ten shareholders, the domestic legal entity

shareholder, China Nanshan Development (Group)

Incorporation has no affiliated relations with other

Explanation for the Affiliated Relations or United Action of the Top shareholders and does not fall into the scope of united

Ten Shareholders action person stipulated by “Regulation of Information

Disclosure of the Change of Shareholding of listed

company”. It is unknown that whether other tradable-share

shareholders fall into the scope of united action person.

(2)Number of the Preference Shareholders and Top Ten Preference Shareholders

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3)Chart of Actual Controller and the Company


State-Owned Assets

Supervision and

Administration Commission

of the State Council


China Merchants Group State-Owned State-Owned China National Offshore Oil

Assets Assets Corporation

54.95% Supervision and Supervision 100%

Administration and

Commission of Administration

China Merchants Holdings Shenzhen Commission of

(International) Company Municipal Guangdong

Limited Government Province

100% 100% 100%

China Silverflow Shenzhen Guangdong China China HK Clifford

Merchants Co., Ltd. Investment Petro-Trade National Ocean Wong

(Nanshan) Holdings Development Offshore Oilfields Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. Corporation Oil Services Co. ,Ltd

Ltd Investment (Hong

Co. ,Ltd Kong)



0.50% 7.83% 1.64%

36.52% 26.10% 23.49% 3.92%

China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation


Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co. Ltd. Tradable



(B Shares)

5. Business Discussion and Analysis

(1) Business Discussion

In 2015, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 650 million, decreasing by 8.79% and net profit of

RMB 91.64 million, decreasing by 58.07% compared with last year respectively. The decrease of revenue and net

profit was due to the decrease of business volume of offshore oil logistics services.

Offshore Oil Logistics Business

In 2015, international oil companies adjusted their exploration plan under the circumstance of the continued

downturn of oil price, which caused demand shrink for offshore oil logistics business. Meanwhile, CNOOC

Huizhou Base put into operation, its subsidiaries moved from Chiwan Base to Huizhou Base, which formed

serious challenges for the Company. In 2015, offshore oil logistics business achieved operating revenue of RMB

166 million, decreasing by 51.03% and net profit of RMB 29.29 million, decreasing by 80.13% compared with

last year respectively.

Blogis Business

Main Operating Index of Blogis


Unit: RMB million

Revenue Net Profit

Parks Revenue Net Profit Occupation Rate(%)

Growth(%) Growth(%)

Shanghai Baowan 93.29 47.09 100.0 4.41 -12.34

Shanghai Mingjiang 55.63 24.96 100.0 4.20 -6.99

Kunshan Baowan 57.69 28.11 95.6 8.04 12.47

Langfang Baowan 25.92 6.77 88.2 -0.75 -19.24

Tianjin Baowan 57.79 22.55 100.0 4.27 5.76

Xindu Baowan 23.08 7.24 100.0 14.78 24.77

Longquan Baowan 60.75 19.23 98.4 44.44 52.09

Guangzhou Baowan 47.69 15.37 100.0 327.33 1922.37

Shenzhen Baowan 16.99 1.35 82.5 -8.91 -46.76

Nanjing Baowan 23.37 6.11 100.0 N/A N/A

Nantong Baowan 11.80 1.74 83.4 N/A N/A

Wuhan Baowan 10.18 0.29 78.0 N/A N/A

Note: The net profit of above-mentioned subsidiaries excludes interest expenses influence.

Note to the year-on-year change of the relevant data

① Change in net profit of Shanghai Baowan was mainly affected by income tax collection approach. Eliminated

income tax influence, net profit of Shanghai Baowan increased by 8.71% with good profitability.

② Net profit of Langfang Baowan decreased mainly due to achieving non-operating revenue in 2014.

③ Revenue and net profit of Xindu Baowan increased mainly due to growth of distribution business.

④ Revenue and net profit of Longquan Baowan increased mainly due to growth of distribution business and

granting government subsidy.

⑤ Revenue and net profit of Guangzhou Baowan increased mainly due to operation of Plot A in December, 2014.

⑥ Net profit of Shenzhen Baowan decreased mainly due to the decrease of business volume.

Blogis Development for 2015

In 2015, the Company signed Shaoxing project, Nanjing Gaoxin project, Nantong Xitong project, Jiashan project,

Beijng Shunyi project and Hubei Xiaogan project, which increased planned land of 2,000 Mu; got land quota of

818 Mu, which include Chengdu oil and gas base, Chongqing Jiulongpo project, Hefei Feidong project, Jiangyin

project, etc.

Blogis Competition in 2016

The representatives as Prologis, Goodman, Alibaba and Vanke have accelerated their layout of logistics park. The

competition became more and more fierce. There were idle warehouses in some district in 2015 because of the

competition. It is expected to face pressure of rent price and idle warehouses in some district. In 2016, it predicts a

steady rise in warehousing price. But in some district like Tianjin and Langfang, the market competition will

become more intensive because of the supply surge. And the newly operation of Wuxi Baowan, Zhenjiang

Baowan in 2016 will face challenges in marketing work.

Offshore Engineering and other

CSE: The Company holds 32% stake. CSE contributed an investment income of RMB 54.81 million to the

Company in 2015, decreasing by 5.3% compared with last year.

CPEC: The Company holds a 20% stake. CPEC affected investment income of RMB -2.29 million to the



China Development Finance Limited: The Company holds 20% stake. It contributed an investment income of

RMB 6.45 million to the Company in 2015.

Project Construction Development

① Tianjin Bingang Baowan: The project plans to construct two warehouses and is expected to be finished in the

end of 2016.

② Wuxi Baowan: The construction of five warehouses and one multiple-used building is expected to complete

and put into use in April 2016.

③ Zhenjiang Baowan: The construction of nine warehouses and one multiple-used building is expected to

complete and put into use in June 2016

④ Jiaxing Baowan: The construction of two warehouses and one multiple-used building is expected to complete

in the beginning of 2017.

⑤ Qingdao Jiaozhou Baowan: The construction of eight warehouses and one multiple-used building is expected

to complete in the first half year of 2017.

⑥ Chengdu Oil and Gas Base: The construction of one workshop and storage yard is expected to complete in the

end of 2016.

(2) Significant Changes of Main Business

□Yes √No

(3)Situation of Industry Occupying the Company’s Business Income and Operation Profit over 10%

√Applicable □Inapplicable

Unit: RMB


Operating Cost Gross Profit


Change over Rate Change

Operating Gross Profit Change over the Same over the Same

Name Operating Cost

Revenue Rate (%) the Same

Period of Last Period of Last

Period of Last

Year(%) Year(%)


Warehouse and

520,194,029.77 201,719,829.80 61.22% 13.23% 21.86% -2.75%


(4) Seasonal or Periodic Characteristics in the Operation Performance that Need Special Attention

□Yes √No

(5) Significant YoY Changes in the Operating Revenue, Operating Costs and Net Profit Attributed the

Common Shareholders or Their Composition

√Applicable □Inapplicable

In 2015, the Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 650 million, decreasing by 8.79% and net profit of

RMB 91.64 million, decreasing by 58.07% compared with last year respectively. The decrease of revenue and net

profit was due to the decrease of business volume of offshore oil logistics services. In 2015, international oil

companies adjusted their exploration plan under the circumstance of the continued downturn of oil price, which

caused demand shrink for offshore oil logistics business. Meanwhile, CNOOC Huizhou Base put into operation,

its subsidiaries moved from Chiwan Base to Huizhou Base, which formed serious challenges for the Company.

(6) The Suspension or Termination of Listing

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable


6. Related Issues of Financial Report

(1) Adjustment of Accounting Policy, Accounting Estimation and Accounting Method Compared with 2014

Annual Report

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(2) Necessary Retrospective Restatement for Significant Correction of Accounting Errors during the

Report Period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

(3) Adjustment Illustration of Consolidated Statement Scope Compared with Financial Report for 2014

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

8 new subjects are combined into consolidated statement as follows:

Jiangsu Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd., Shaoxing Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Chongqing Xipeng

Baowan International Logistic Co., Ltd., Wuhan Baowan Logistic Ezhou Co., Ltd., Nantong Xitong Baowan

Logistic Co., Ltd., Jiashan Baowan Logistic Co., Ltd., Chengdu Chiwan International Oil and Gas Base Co., Ltd.,

Zhengzhou Baohai International Logistic Co., Ltd.

(4) Notes of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors on the Unqualified Auditor’s Report Issued

by CPAs.

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Board of Directors

Shenzhen Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base Co., Ltd.

April 26, 2016



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