
来源:深交所 2016-03-31 00:00:00

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

2015 Annual Report

March 2016


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

I. Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors , Supervisory Committee, All Directors, Supervisors and Senior executives of the

Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in

this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the

contents hereof.

Mr.Zhu Jun, The Company leader, Mr. Zhu Jun, Chief financial officer and the Mr.Mu Linying, the person in

charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the authenticity and

completeness of the financial report enclosed in this annual report.

Other directors attending the Meeting for annual report deliberation except for the followed:

Name of director absent Title for absent director Reasons for absent Attorney

Chao Jin Director Health reasons Zhu Jun

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involvedin the Report, they do not constitute a

substantial commitment for investors, investors should be cautious with investment risks .

The company to remind the majority of investors,Securities Time, China Securities Journal, Securities Daily,

Shanghai Securities News , Hongkong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)are the

media for information disclosure appointed by the Company, all information under the name of the Company

disclosed on the above said media shall prevail, and investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.

The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and capitalizing of common reserves either.

This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Table of Contents

I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions

II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index

III. Outline of Company Business

IV. Management’s Discussion and Analysis

V. Important Events

VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

IX. Administrative structure

X. Financial Report

XI. Documents available for inspection


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


Terms to be defined Refers to Definition

Company/The Company/ Shen Textile Refers to Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd

Articles of Association Refers to Articles of Association of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd

Actual controller / National Assets

National Assets Regulatory Commission of Shenzhen Municipal

Regulatory Commission of Shenzhen Refers to

People's Government

Municipal People's Government

The Controlling shareholder/ Shenzhen

Refers to Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd.

Investment Holding Co., Ltd.

Shenchao Technology Refers to Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd.

Shengbo Optoelectronic Refers to Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Ntto Kogyo Refers to Ntto Kogyo Corporation

“CSRC” Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission

Company Law Refers to Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

Securities Law Refers to Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

The Report Refers to 2015 Annual Report


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index

Ⅰ.Company Information

Shen Textile A ,Shen Textile

Stock abbreviation Shen Textile A ,Shen Textile B Stock code:


Modified stock ID(if any) N/A

Stock exchange for listing: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name in Chinese 深圳市纺织(集团)股份有限公司

Chinese abbreviation (If any) 深纺织


English abbreviation (If any) STHC

Legal Representative Zhu Jun

Registered address 6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Postal code of the Registered



Office Address 6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Postal code of the office



Internet Web Site http://www.chinasthc.com

E-mail szfzjt@chinasthc.com

Ⅱ.Contact person and contact manner

Board secretary Securities affairs Representative

Name Jiang Peng Mo Xiayun

6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang 6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang

Contact address

North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Tel 0755-83776043 0755-83776043

Fax 0755-83776139 0755-83776139

E-mail jiangp@chinasthc.com moxy@chinasthc.com


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Ⅲ. Information disclosure and placed

Newspapers selected by the Company for information Securities Times, China Securities, Shanghai Securities Daily ,Securities

disclosure Daily and Hongkong Commercial Daily.

Internet website designated by CSRC for publishing


the Annual report of the Company

The place where the Annual report is prepared and

Secretarial office of the Board


Ⅳ.Changes in Registration

Organization Code 19217374-9

In July 2012, The business scope of the company is changed to "production, textiles

processing, knitwear, clothing, upholstery fabrics, belts, trademark bands, handicrafts

(without restrictions); general merchandise, the special equipment of the textile

Changes in principal business activities industry, textile equipment and accessories, instruments, standard parts, raw textile

since listing (if any) materials, dyes, electronic products, chemical products, mechanical and electrical

equipment, light industrial products, office supplies and domestic trade (excluding the

franchise, the control and the monopoly of goods) ; operation of import and export

business." after approval of Shenzhen Market Supervisory Authority .

In October 2004,In accordance with the Decision on Establishing Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. issued by State-owned Assets Administration Committee of

Shenzhen Municipal People's Government (Shen Guo Zi Wei (2004) No. 223

Changes is the controlling shareholder in

Document), Shenzhen Investment Management Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder

the past (is any)

of the Company, and Shenzhen Construction Holding Company and Shenzhen

Commerce and Trade Holding Company merged into Shenzhen Investment Holdings

Co., Ltd.

Ⅴ. Other Relevant Information

CPAs engaged

Name of the CPAs Peking Certified Public Accountants(Special Geneaal Partnership)

Office address: 11/F, Zhongtang Building , No.110, Xihimen Street , Beijing

Names of the Certified Public

Xiao Yi , Lan Tao

Accountants as the signatiries

The sponsor performing persistant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Sponsor name Office address Representatives Period of supervision and guide

25/F, Tax-free Business

Changjiang Financing

Building, No.6, Fuhua No.1 Wang Qian, Su Jinhua 2013.3.26-2015.12.31

ServicesCo., Ltd.

Road, Futian District ,


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


The Financial advisor performing persistant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ⅵ.Summary of Accounting data and Financial index

May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to

change of the accounting policy and correction of accounting errors.

□ Yes √ No

Changed over last year

2015 2014 2013


Operating Gross income(RMB) 1,226,746,791.62 1,210,952,548.57 1.30% 1,131,098,580.37

Net profit attributable to the

shareholders of the listed company 8,497,227.40 -113,591,328.26 107.48% 47,222,590.97


Net profit after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss attributable

-92,259,797.61 -148,855,363.05 38.02% -161,473,020.61

to the shareholders of listed


Cash flow generated by business

39,584,500.37 -48,701,494.05 181.28% -186,726,206.07

operation, net(RMB)

Basic earning per

0.02 -0.22 109.09% 0.10


Diluted gains per

0.02 -0.22 109.09% 0.10


Net asset earning ratio(%) 0.39% -5.06% 5.45% 2.31%

End of Changed over last year

End of 2015 End of 2013

2014 (%)

Gross assets(RMB) 2,969,394,978.70 2,884,531,917.28 2.94% 2,851,759,735.91

Net assets attributable to

shareholders of the listed company 2,174,569,545.55 2,196,249,248.26 -0.99% 2,297,846,577.11


Ⅶ.The differences between domestic and international accounting standards

1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards

disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(International Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and

Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign

accounting rules or Chinese GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

Ⅷ.Main Financial Index by Quarters


First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter

Operating income 302,735,429.91 318,257,903.57 322,076,321.92 283,677,136.22

Net profit attributable to the

4,339,711.63 3,328,316.32 -1,485,394.97 2,314,594.42

shareholders of the listed company

Net profit after deducting of

non-recurring gain/loss attributable

-19,099,161.16 -14,285,064.31 -13,045,798.66 -45,829,773.48

to the shareholders of listed


Net Cash flow generated by

42,290,099.22 -37,996,971.22 35,199,887.93 91,484.44

business operation

Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial

index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.

□ Yes √No

Ⅸ.Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√Applicable □Not applicable


Items Amount (2015) Amount (2014) Amount (2013) Notes

Non-current asset disposal

gain/loss(including the write-off part for -25,108.97 52,281.62 211,668,888.86

which assets impairment provision is made)

Govemment subsidy recognized in

currentgain and loss(excluding those closely

21,420,940.38 16,688,387.98 15,060,086.51

related to the Company’s business and

granted under the state’s policies)

Gain arising from investment costs

for acquisition of subsidiaries, associates 3,897,638.73

and joint-ventures by the corporation being


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

less than its share of fair value of

identifiable net assets of the investees on


Gain/loss from change of fair value of

transactional financial asset and liabilities,

and investment gains from disposal of

transactional financial assets and liabilities 88,006,690.51 16,896,190.19 45,135,723.11

and sellable financial assets other than valid

period value instruments related to the

Company’s common businesses.

Switch back of provision for depreciation of

account receivable which was singly taken 790,775.00 1,655,886.25 93,971.83

depreciation test.

Other non-operating income and expenditure

2,465,842.60 437,923.44 4,327,035.16

except for the aforementioned items

Less: Amount of influence of income tax 11,902,114.51 4,364,273.42 67,590,093.89

Total 100,757,025.01 35,264,034.79 208,695,611.58 --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on

information disclosure for Compaines Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and

its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure

for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as

recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recorgnized as recurring gain /loss/itesm as defined by the information

disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

III. Outline of Company Business

Ⅰ.Main Business the Company is Engaged in During the Report Period

In 2015, the company's main business covered such the high and new technology industry as represented by LCD

polarizer, its own property management business and the retained business of high-end textile and garment

Polarizer is the upstream raw material for liquid crystal panel, also is one of the key materials for flat panel

display industry, and it has been widely used in smart phones, liquid crystal display panel of tablet computers and

TVs and so forth, OLED display panel, instrumentation, sun glasses, filter of photographic equipments and so on

many fields. The company’s five existing production lines of polarizer with mass production have products

covered the fields such as TN, STN, TFT, OLED, 3D, dye plate, optical film for touch screen, and the products

mainly used in TV, NB, navigator, monitor, automotive, industrial control, instrumentation, smart phones,

wearable devices, 3D glasses, sunglasses and so forth products, becoming the qualified supplier to Huaxing

Optoelectronic, BOE, Ivo, Shenchao Optoelectronic and so forth panel companies.

During the reporting period, on the one hand, the company’s production capacity of polarizer increased 22.7%

compared with the same period last year due to improvement of the existing production line speed and

scientifically arrange the production schedule; on the other hand, in order to ensure the second phase of the project

having good market prospect and the profitability, the company had carried out extensive market research,

technical exchange and customer visits to optimize the original construction scheme and organized experts to

verify the optimized scheme, then decided to continually carry forward the project construction of No.6 line,

expanding the production scale of polarizer.

Upon the dual effects of the product line construction and the enormous downstream market, the core of the global

display industry has speeded up the transfer to the Mainland China, thus Mainland China has become the

investment hotspots for the global panel display industry. The panel display industry is one of the most important

development projects listed in Medium and Long Term Development Outline for Information Industry form 2006

to 2020, and is also an industry encouraged by the country. In the future, the company will rely on more than 20

years of industrial operation experiences and location advantages to continually improve the technology level and

cultivate the independent innovation ability and market development ability.

Ⅱ.Major Changes in Main Assets

1.Major Changes in Main Assets

Main assets Major changes

Equity assets No major chages

Fixed assets No major chages

Intangible assets No major chages


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Construction in process No major chages

2. Main Conditions of Overseas Assets

□ Applicable √Not applicable

Ⅲ.Analysis On core Competitiveness

(a) Technology advantages. Shengbo Optoelectronic is the first domestic national high-tech company which

entered into the R&D and production of the polarizer, and it has more than 20 years of operational experience of

the polarizer industry and has already mastered the core technology of TN, STN and TFT product fields, with the

whole-set exclusive technology of the polarizer to meet the customer demands and independent intellectual

property rights for various new products. By the end of the reporting period, the company applied for 63 invention

patents and was authorized with 44 items, among which: 13 domestic invention patents(4 patents got authorized);

46 domestic utility model patents(38 patents got authorized); 1 overseas invention patent; 3 overseas utility model

patents(2 patents got authorized). The company, possessing the two technology platforms “Shenzhen polarizing

materials and engineering laboratory" and "Municipal research and development center", focused on the R&D and

the industrialization of the core production technology of LCD polarizer, the developing and industrialization of

the new products of OLED polarizer and the “domestication” research on the production materials of polarizer.

Through the introduction of various types of sophisticated testing equipments to perfect the test means of

small-scale test and medium-scale test, further by improving the incentive system of research and development

and building the collaborative innovation platform of “Industry-Study-Research-Utilization” and so forth means,

the company comprehensively enhanced the level of research and development.

(b) Talents advantages. The company has the management team and the senior technical team with strong

technical ability, enduring cooperative spirit, rich experience and international vision on the polarizer. The

company had engaged overseas technical personnel who have great experiences on advanced polarizer production

and established the technology management team with its own technical team and complemented by engaging

foreign technical personnel, and via the combination of independent innovation and technology providing by

engaged foreign personnel to accumulate technology, which enabled the company to build such advantages as

brand, technology and operating management advantages in the domestic polarizer bushiness, then shaped the

whole-set exclusive technology combined with the characteristics of the company’s equipments and technical

process for all kinds of products.

(c) Market advantages. The company has good customer groups not only in domestic market but in foreign market,

compared with foreign advanced counterparts, the biggest advantage lies in the localization for supporting, close

to the panel market, as well as the strong support of the national policy. As to the market development, centered in

the production material control, extended to both ends to link the procurement and the market, established a rapid

response mechanism, and supplemented by a series of value-added services to fully meet the needs of customers,

with a stable supply chain, for further increasing the market share.

(d) Quality advantages. The company always adhered to the quality policy of "Satisfying customer demands and

pursuing excellent quality" and focused on product quality control, thus the product quality has larger advantages

compared with other similar-kind domestic companies. The company introduced a modern quality management

system, with the products passed the ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management

system, OHSAS18000, QCO80000 system certification and SGS testing, was in line with the ROHS

environmental protection requirements, and with standardized processes of raw materials supplying,


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

production-manufacturing, marketing, sales and customer services for ensuring the stability of the product quality.

The company had increased the automatic detecting and marking equipments in the beginning section and the

ending section, strictly controlled the product quality and improved the product utilization rate and product

management efficiency.

(e) Management advantages. Shengbo Optoelectronic has accumulated rich management experiences in more than

20 years in the manufacturing of polarizer, possessing the home most advanced control technology of the

production management process of the polarizer and quality management technology and the stable raw material

procurement channel so forth management systems. The company had carried out comprehensive benchmarking

work, organized the management personnel to learn advanced experiences from customers and peers to force the

elevation of management ability, and drew on the foreign company’s management experiences of polarizer,

optimized the company's organizational structure, reduced the managerial hierarchy and further enhanced the

company's management efficiency.

(f) The policy advantage. Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic, one of the first batch companies of color filter and

polarizer included in the policy, enjoys the preferential tax policies of the new display industry and enjoys the

exemption from import tariffs, such as self-consumed raw production materials which cannot produced

domestically and the consumables. Meanwhile, the company enhanced the supplier management, perfected the

overall procurement strategy, strictly controlled the quantity of the suppliers while drawing the competition

mechanism in, focused on drawing in the potential materials with price competitiveness, further reduced the

production costs and improved the product competitiveness.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

IV. Management’s Discussion and Analysis


In 2015, due to the continuous fierce competitions in the polarizer market and the constant upgrade of the

mainstream products and increasingly weak economic environment for traditional garment and textile industry

and so forth adverse factors, the situation of the production and operation was very severe. Upon the goal of

“Deepening the cooperation and Self-enhancement and Sparing no effort to reduce losses”, through raising the

speed to release the production capacity, improving the technical process to reduce the losses, deeply exploring

the market to develop the customer groups, promoting the equity transfer to support the industrial transformation,

all kinds of indicators on the company’s operation had been obviously turned around.

In the year of 2015, the company achieved the operating revenue of RMB 1,226.7468 million, an year-on-year

increase of 1.3%; total profits of RMB 43.1517 million, an year-on-year increase of 169.53%; net profits

attributable to the owner of the parent company was RMB 8.4972 million, an year-on-year increase of 107.48%.

The main reasons were the sales of the available for sale financial assets and the transfer of 18% stake of

Shenzhen Tongyi Silk Co. Ltd held by the company’s subsidiary-Shenzhen Sheng Bo Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd,

which led to an big year-on-year increase on investment income; meanwhile, the yield rate and utilization rate of

the polarizer had a certain-extent of improvement and the losses of the polarizer business decreased compared

with the same period of the last year.

Review of the company's key works carried out in 2015 as follows:

(a) Significantly improved the main business operation of the polarizer

In 2015, firstly, the company had been through its own efforts and the way that making cooperation with Li Te

Optoelectronic, raised the speed of the production line, scientifically arranged the production schedule, enhanced

the on-line monitoring and effectively improved the capability of the production line and the product yield rate;

the second was adhering to the active and differentiated marketing strategy, timely making feedbacks to the key

customers, following up and correcting the problematic products, deeply exploring the market potential, which

resulted in new breakthroughs in the supplying to major customers; the third was to enhance the “domestication”

transformation of the major equipments and enhance the overall equipment management and the transformation of

the equipments for energy-saving, thus reduced the consumption and controlled the costs. In the reporting period,

the revenue of the company’s polarizer business increased but the operating costs decreased, thus the losses was

obviously reduced.

At the same time, the company strengthened the management of scientific research, developing new products

according to the customers’ requirements. During the reporting period, a total of 27 R & D projects were set up,

among which, the newly developed 48 Inch A04 model filled the blank area in the field of the domestic large-size

polarizer. During the reporting period, the company had applied for and received the acceptance for 9 patents that

included 2 invention patents and 7 utility model patents, and there were 2 patents got authorized. As of December

31, 2015, the company had applied for 63 patents and there were 44 patents got authorized, among which: there

were 13 domestic invention patents (4 patents got authorized); 46 utility model patents (38 patents got authorized);

1 overseas invention patent; 3 overseas utility model patents (2 patents got authorized).

(b) The steady rise in the operating status of the property company

In 2015, the company’s property companies comprehensively promoted the openly leasing and the enhancement


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

work of raising the efficiency, thus the rental unit price in newly signed contracts increased in a certain extent; the

company completed the final construction works such as outdoor matching project of Guan Hua Building that is

the company’s property and completed the special acceptance and the preliminary test, what’s more, the building

was pre listed in the Shenzhen United Property Exchange for leasing, resulted in good market response.

(c) Initially completed the planning work of the "13th Five-Year"

In 2015, based on reviewing and summarizing the development experiences and existing problems of the "Twelfth

Five Year", the company seriously reckoned the development environment of the "13th Five-Year", with in

accordance with the characteristics of the industry development and closely focusing on the development strategy

of "Consolidating development, reform and making innovations and achieving better economies of scale", then

the company initially completed the programming of The Strategic Development Planning of Shenzhen Textile

Group for the "13th Five-Year" that specified the company’s development direction is firmly shaping a stronger

and bigger polarizer business in the "13th Five-Year".

(d) Optimized and demonstrated the construction scheme of the second phase project for TFT-LCD polarizer

In 2015, the company’s item that original planned by technical cooperation with Nitto Denko to produce Polaroid

products and with intended alteration of the use of the raised funds for the second phase project of TFT-LCD

polarizer was terminated. In order to ensure the good market prospect and the profitability of the second phase

project, he company had carried out extensive market research, technical exchange, customer visits and carefully

considered the latest situation of the industrial development to optimize the construction scheme of the second

phase project for TFT-LCD polarizer and organized experts to demonstrate the optimized scheme, then decided to

continually carry forward the project construction of No.6 line. Currently, the company has set up the construction

team for No.6 line project, clarified the investment plan and the construction progress and completed the openly

bidding for purchasing the main equipment and signed the relevant contract. Meanwhile, in light of there was a

large funds gap between the actual raised funds and the planned raised funds, then by comprehensive

consideration of the company’s production line scale and the operation pressure, the company planned to

terminate the project of No.7 line, and the use of the corresponding funds for No.7 line project shall be changed to

permanently add to the liquidity.

(e) Promoting the transfer of equity and supporting industrial transformation

In 2015, for fully supporting the development of the main business of polarizer and revitalizing the company's

assets, by the unremitting efforts from the whole company, the company successfully completed the work of

equity disposal of 18% stake of Shenzhen Tongyi Silk Co. Ltd held by the company’s subsidiary-Shenzhen

Shengbo Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd.

(f) Improving the appraisal mechanism of the salary system, strengthening the construction of the talent team

In 2015, in order to encourage technological innovation, on the one hand, the company improved the appraisal and

distribution system, in which the salary-incentive shall be inclined to staff for key researches and technical staff to

fully embody the incentive and the fairness of the remuneration payment; on the other hand, the company

established grade evaluation and engagement system for technical staff and carried out the technical appraisal and

appointment work to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of technical personnel for creating conditions to attract and

retain talents.

(g) Enhancing the safety in production and promoting the normalization of safety management

In 2015, the company continually propagated and implemented The New Safety Production Law, established and

issued the Propaganda and Implementation Plan of the New Safety Production Law, further enhanced the training

work on safety production. At the same time, the company continually carried out the “Implementation activity of

the year of the safety production system” and the closed-loop management of hidden dangers rectification, and a


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

total of 236 hidden security risks were investigated and dealt with, with the rectification rate over 98%, the

company achieved the annual safety production goal.

Ⅱ.Main business analysis

1. General

Refer to relevant contents of “1.Summarization” in “Discussion and Analysis of Management”.

2. Revenue and cost

(1)Component of Business Income


2015 2014

Increase /decrease

Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

Total operating

1,226,746,791.62 100% 1,210,952,548.57 100% 1.30%



Domestic and

429,639,819.01 35.02% 418,662,598.31 34.57% 2.62%

foreign trade

Manufacturing 700,600,503.65 57.11% 697,875,210.57 57.63% 0.39%

Lease and

Management of 90,743,656.58 7.40% 88,681,033.81 7.32% 2.33%


Other 5,762,812.38 0.47% 5,733,705.88 0.48% 0.51%


Lease and

Management of 90,743,656.58 7.40% 88,681,033.81 7.32% 2.33%


Textile 25,205,284.70 2.05% 36,871,877.02 3.04% -31.64%

Polarizer sheet 803,719,803.87 65.52% 734,488,663.78 60.65% 9.43%

Trade 301,315,234.09 24.56% 345,177,268.08 28.51% -12.71%

Other 5,762,812.38 0.47% 5,733,705.88 0.48% 0.51%


Domestic 452,609,409.47 36.90% 433,336,598.45 35.78% 4.45%

Overseas 774,137,382.15 63.10% 777,615,950.12 64.22% -0.45%

(2)Situation of Industry, Product and District Occupying the Company’s Business Income and Operating

Profit with Profit over 10%


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

√ Applicable □Not applicable


Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease

of revenue in the of business cost of gross profit

Gross profit

Turnover Operation cost same period of over the same rate over the same


the previous period of period of the

year(%) previous year (%) previous year (%)


Domestic and

429,639,819.01 423,199,182.16 1.50% 2.62% 1.97% 0.63%

foreign trade

Manufacturing 700,600,503.65 690,228,637.37 1.48% 0.39% -2.90% 3.34%

Lease and

Management of 90,743,656.58 23,475,132.76 74.13% 2.33% 1.10% 0.31%



Lease and

Management of 90,743,656.58 23,475,132.76 74.13% 2.33% 1.10% 0.31%


Textile 25,205,284.70 27,117,500.23 -7.59% -31.64% -10.05% -25.82%

Polarizer sheet 803,719,803.87 787,302,128.29 2.04% 9.43% 4.60% 4.51%

Trade 301,315,234.09 299,008,191.01 0.77% -12.71% -12.85% 0.16%


Domestic 446,846,597.09 396,404,251.87 11.29% 4.50% 15.53% -8.47%

Overseas 774,137,382.15 740,498,700.42 4.35% -0.45% -8.12% 7.99%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main

business based on latest on year’s scope of period-end.

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3)Whether the Company’s Physical Sales Income Exceeded Service Income

√ Yes □ No

Classification Items Unit 2015 2014 Changes

(0000’ square

Sales 846.98 691.63 22.46%


(0000’ square

Polarizer sheet Production 877.05 714.82 22.70%


(0000’ square

Stock 118.79 88.72 33.89%



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Sales 0000’ pieces 164 157 4.46%

Knitted clothing Production 0000’ pieces 167 169 -1.18%

Stock 0000’ pieces 54 51 3.92%

Explanation for a year-on –year change of over 30%

√Applicable □ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the subsidiary, Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., has the

increase in TV, EWV and NOR polarizers sold to panel manufacturers over the same period of last year.

(4)Degree of Performance of the Significant Sales Contract Signed up to this Report Period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5)Component of business cost

Industry and product classification


2015 2014

Proportion in the Proportion in the Increase/Decrease

Industry Items

Amount operating costs Amount operating costs (%)

(%) (%)

Domestic and Polarizer sheet,

423,199,182.16 37.04% 415,021,559.43 35.94% 1.97%

foreign trade Textile

Polarizer sheet,

Manufacturing 690,228,637.37 60.41% 710,855,827.41 61.56% -2.90%

Knitted clothing

Lease and

Rental, Accom

Management of 23,475,132.76 2.05% 23,219,071.21 2.02% 1.10%




2015 2014

Classification of

Proportion in Proportion in Increase/Decrease

products Items

Amount operation Amount operation (%)

costs(%) costs(%)

Polarizer sheet Direct materials 556,833,603.63 48.74% 461,812,116.08 39.99% 20.58%

Polarizer sheet Direct labor 37,928,773.59 3.32% 54,053,911.43 4.68% -29.83%

Polarizer sheet Power costs 36,800,389.29 3.22% 43,634,785.84 3.78% -15.66%


Polarizer sheet 155,739,361.77 13.63% 193,144,929.41 16.73% -19.37%


Knitted clothing Direct materials 9,355,247.57 0.94% 13,167,470.51 1.14% -28.95%

Knitted clothing Direct labor 6,128,505.48 0.54% 7,223,027.50 0.63% -15.15%


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Knitted clothing Power costs 1,948,677.34 0.12% 1,524,251.84 0.13% 27.84%


Knitted clothing 9,685,069.84 0.90% 8,233,176.54 0.71% 17.63%


(6)Whether Changes Occurred in Consolidation Scope in the Report Period

□Yes √ No

(7)Relevant Situation of Significant Changes or Adjustment of the Business, Product or Service in the

Company’s Report Period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(8)Situation of Main Customers and Main Supplier

Information of the Company’s top 5 customers

Total sales amount to top 5 customers (RMB) 835,192,823.01

Proportion of sales to top 5 customers in the


annual sales(%)

Information of the Company’s top 5 customers

No Name Amount9RMB) Proportion(%

1 Customer 1 318,888,124.08

2 Customer 2 300,886,664.10

3 Customer 3 141,768,566.85

4 Customer 4 40,520,628.95

5 Customer 5 33,128,839.03

Total -- 835,192,823.01

Other explanation :

√Applicable □Not applicable

There exists no the association relations between the top five suppliers and the company, and the directors,

supervisors and senior management, core technical staff, shareholders with holding of more than 5% stocks, actual

controllers and other affiliated parties do not have direct or indirect equity of the major suppliers.

Principal suppliers

Total purchase of top 5 Suppliers(RMB) 534,056,563.76

Percentage of total purchase of top 5 suppliers In total


annual purchase(%)

Information about the top 5 suppliers

No Name Amount(RMB) Proportion

1 Supplier 1 296,940,863.66 27.19%


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

2 Supplier 2 75,552,796.42 6.92%

3 Supplier 3 61,352,505.60 5.62%

4 Supplier 4 53,754,323.72 4.92%

5 Supplier 5 46,456,074.36 4.26%

Total -- 534,056,563.76 48.91%

Other explanation :

√Applicable □Not applicable

There exists no the association relations between the top five suppliers and the company, and the directors,

supervisors and senior management, core technical staff, shareholders with holding of more than 5% stocks, actual

controllers and other affiliated parties do not have direct or indirect equity of the major suppliers.




2015 2014 Notes


Sale expenses The main is to strengthen the control of

11,743,914.73 14,067,625.17 -16.52%

transportation cost

Administration Strict control of management costs,

103,044,704.30 119,496,105.45 -13.77%

expenses reduce costs and expenses

Financial expenses As the JPY exchange rate rise,

-24,448,318.10 -30,392,840.60 19.56% resulting in JPY denominated payables

increased foreign exchange losses.

4.R& D Expenses

√Applicable □Not applicable

There were a total of 27 R&D projects in the year, range from the optimization of the technical process of the

production, plans of raw materials’ costs to the research and development of IPS products, small and medium size

of OLED products and large-size TFT products. Up to now, the company basically completed the R&D goal set

up in the beginning of the year, and such products as IPS had been recognized by many customers and those

products had entered into the batch supply stage. During the reporting period, a total of 92 new products (counted

by product type) had been successfully sold with signed contracts, which further enriched the company’s product

category to meet the various market demands.

Situation of Research and Development Input by the Company

2015 2014 Increase/Decrease(%)

Number of Research and

98 113 -13.27%

Development persons (persons)

Proportion of Research and

7.66% 8.84% -1.18%

Development persons


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Amount of Research and

Development Investment (In 30,867,294.24 55,070,970.28 -43.95%


Proportion of Research and

Development Investment of 2.52% 4.55% -2.03%

Operation Revenue

Amount of Research and

Development Investment 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Capitalization (In RMB)

Proportion of Capitalization

Research and Development

0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Investment of Research and

Development Investment

The Reason of the Prominent Change in Total Amount of Research and Development Input Occupying the

Business Income Year on Year

√Applicable □Not applicable

The total R & D investment in 2015 accounted for the proportion of the operating income declined when

compared with 2014, which mainly due to the enhancement on control of R&D expenses and using free samples

provided by suppliers in the development stage and seeking alternative raw materials.

Explanation of the Reason for Substantial Changes in the Research and Development Input’s Capitalization Rate

and Its Reasonableness

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5.Cash Flow


Items 2015 2014 Increase/Decrease(%)

Subtotal of cash inflow received

1,411,832,217.48 1,378,284,193.13 2.43%

from operation activities

Subtotal of cash outflow

received from operation 1,372,247,717.11 1,426,985,687.18 -3.84%


Net cash flow arising from

39,584,500.37 -48,701,494.05 181.28%

operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received

125,106,336.14 327,482,005.36 -61.80%

from investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow for

507,193,753.16 148,919,307.85 240.58%

investment activities

Net cash flow arising from

-382,087,417.02 178,562,697.51 -313.98%

investment activities


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Subtotal cash inflow received

244,759,302.00 160,096,040.10 52.88%

from financing activities

Subtotal cash outflow for

256,361,490.38 135,821,591.36 88.75%

financing activities

Net cash flow arising from

-11,602,188.38 24,274,448.74 -147.80%

financing activities

Net increase in cash and cash

-349,573,483.42 154,318,407.34 -326.53%


Notes to the year-on-year change of the relevant data

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1)The net cash flows from operating activities increased by RMB88.286 million and 181.28% year on year

mainly due to Sales growth of cash received Polaroid products, through strengthening the raw material

procurement and utilization management, reduced cash outflows due to the purchase of goods;

(2)The net cash flows from investing activities decreased by RMB2023757 million and 61.8% year on year

mainly due to structured deposits reduced principal and income received Over the previous period;

(3)Subtotal of cash out-flow from investment activity increased by RMB358.27 million and 52.88% year on


(4)The net cash flows from financing activities increased by RMB84.6633 million and 84.58% year on year,

Mainly for the increase in cash obtained from loan compared with the prior period;

(5)The net cash out-flow from financing activities increased by RMB120.5399 million and 88.75% year on year,

Mainly for the increase in debt’s repayment compared with the prior period.

Notes to the big difference between cash flow from operating activities and net profit in the reporting year

□Applicable √Not applicable

Ⅲ.Analysis of Non-core Business

√ Applicable □Not applicable


Proportion in total

Amount Explanation of cause Sustainable (yes or no)


Disposal of the investment

income obtained from

Investment incme 94,812,557.58 219.72% No

available-for-sale financial


Loss on inventory valuation,

impairment loss on

Impairment of long-term equity investment,

61,792,990.95 143.20% No

assets loss on goodwill

impairments and loss on bad


Non-operating 24,122,339.62 55.90% Mainly for the amortization Yes


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

income of governmental subsidy

related with asset


260,665.61 0.60% No


Ⅳ.Condition of Asset and Liabilities

1.Condition of Asset Causing Significant Change


End of 2015 End of 2014 Proportio

Proportion in Proportion in n

Notes to the significant change

Amount the total Amount the total increase/d

assets(%) assets(%) ecrease

752,314,871.5 1,101,771,561. Mainly caused by the investment of

Monetary fund 25.34% 38.20% -12.86%

3 28 structural deposit.

Accounts 182,766,372.0 Mainly caused by the increase in

6.16% 156,123,570.35 5.41% 0.75%

receivable 5 receivables during the credit period

Mainly caused by the increase in the


Inventories 10.40% 230,659,122.24 8.00% 2.40% inventory of Shengbo Optoeletronic’s



Investment real 134,389,963.0

4.53% 140,905,275.45 4.88% -0.35%

estate 5

Long-term equity

22,879,269.06 0.77% 20,795,057.33 0.72% 0.05%



Fixed assets 26.61% 824,871,367.33 28.60% -1.99%



75,803,586.70 2.55% 79,822,149.34 2.77% -0.22%


Mainly caused by the increase of the

Short-term loans 53,866,521.87 1.81% 24,676,594.72 0.86% 0.95%

capital flow loan at the current period


Long-term loans 4.04% 124,653,863.70 4.32% -0.28%


2.Asset and Liabilities Measured by Fair Value

√ Applicable □Not applicable


Gain/loss on Cumulative fair Impairment Purchased Sold amount in

Amount at year Amount at

Item fair value value change provisions in amount in the the reporting

beginning change in the recorded into the reporting reporting period year end


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

reporting equity period period


Financial assets


Avaliable-for-sa 10,054,476.6

52,605,249.65 3,045,914.97

le financial 0


Subtotal of 10,054,476.6

52,605,249.65 3,045,914.97

financial assets 0


Total 52,605,249.65 3,045,914.97



0.00 0.00 0.00


Did great change take place in measurement of the principal assets in the reporting period ?

□ Yes √ No

Ⅴ.Investment situation

1. General

□Applicable √Not applicable

2.Condition of Acquiring Significant Share Right Investment during the Report Period

□Applicable √Not applicable

3.Situation of the Significant Non-equity Investment Undergoing in the Report Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4.Investment of Financial Asset

(1)Securities investment

√ Applicable □Not applicable


Book Cumulat Purchas Book

Mode of Changes Sale

value ive fair e Gain/los value

Stock Initial accounti in fair amount Account Source

Security Security balance value amount s of the balance

Abbrevi investm ng value of in the ing of the

category code at the changes in the reportin at the

ation: ent cost measure the this this items shares

beginni in this g period end of

ment period period

ng of equity period the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

the reportin

reportin g period

g period



l assets Debt eq

c and 8,940,5 8,329,4 835,408 98,573. 10,054,

000030 Fawer FVM 0.00 0.00 0.00 availabl uity

foreign 98.31 43.85 .72 30 476.60

e for




Domesti VICTO

l assets

c and R 2,050,1 44,275, 46,395, 44,345, Legal

000018 FVM 0.00 0.00 0.00 availabl

foreign ONWA 24.86 805.80 738.95 614.09 shares

e for

stocks RD


10,990, 52,605, 835,408 46,395, 44,444, 10,054,

Total -- 0.00 0.00

723.17 249.65 .72 738.95 187.39 476.60

Disclosure date for the

notice of approval by the January 17,2015

Board (If any)

Disclosure date for the

notice of approval by

February 4,2015

shareholders’ Meeting (If


(2)Investment in Derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


5.Application of the raised capital

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

(1)General application of the raised funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In RMB’0000

Amount of Accumulat Proportion Total Use and Amount of


Total raised ive amount of raised Amount of Whereabo the Raised

Total Amount of

Year of Way of amount of capital of of raised capital of the uts of the Fund with

raised the Raised

Raising Raising Raised which the capital of which the Unused Unused over 2

capital Fund Used

Funds purpose which the purpose Raised Raised Years’

at the

was purpose has been Fund at Fund Idling


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

changed in has been changed the

the report changed (%) Current

period Period

Yet the

balance of

the raised

funds is





the amount

of RMB




y added to



Non-publi deducting

2013 96,175.1 69.71 1,851.9 0 0 0.00% 84,109.32 0

c issue the funds


for the No.

6 line



n, the


funds was

planned to


y add to


for the




Total -- 96,175.1 69.71 1,851.9 0 0 0.00% 84,109.32 -- 0

Notes to use of raised capital

During the reporting period, Shengbo Optoelectronic fund-raising accounts of expenditure RMB 0.6971 million all for Phase-II

project of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD As of the reporting period, the total investment RMB18.5190 million investment schedule



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(2)Promised projects of raised capital

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In RMB’0000


Accumul Investme

when the

Total ated nt Has any

Project Total Amount project Benefit

raised amount progress Has the material

changed(i investme inested in has realized

Committed investment capital invested ended the predicted change

ncluding nt after the reached in the

projects and investment invested at the end reporting result be taken

partial adjustme reporting the reporting

as of the period(% realized place in

change) nt (1) period predicted period

commited reporting )(3)=(2)( feasibility


period(2) 1)

e status

Committed investment projects


July 2,

project of polarizer No 96,175.1 96,175.1 69.71 1,851.9 1.93% 0 -- Yes


sheet for TFT-LCD

Subtotal of committeed

-- 96,175.1 96,175.1 69.71 1,851.9 -- -- 0 -- --

investment projects

Investment orientation for und arising out of plan


Total -- 96,175.1 96,175.1 69.71 1,851.9 -- -- 0 -- --

The “Cooperation Framework Agreement” signed on the cooperation in polarizer between the company

and Ntto Kogyo has been submitted to the first Provisional general meeting for examination in 2014. At

that time, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, is

transferring partial equity of the company by way of the open collection of transferee, the controlling

shareholder considers that it is inappropriate to examine the major issues and makes waiver to vote. Thus,

Situation about not

the agreement was not approved. The original plan on the purpose to fund-raising of Project II of polarizer

coming up to schemed

with TFT-LCD hasn’t been approved. Thereafter, based on the previous technical cooperation negotiations

progress or expected

between the company and Nitto Denko, in order to establish closer relations of cooperation, then both sides

revenue and the reason

carried out multi rounds of discussions and negotiations for the new way of cooperation and cooperation

( in specific project0

program, but did not reach a consensus. In view of the reality that the Framework Agreement on

Cooperation cannot be achieved, the company signed the Termination Contract on the Agreement with

Nitto Denko on Feb 3, 2015 after consultation. At the same time, the company’s item that original planned

by technical cooperation with Nitto Denko to produce Polaroid products and with intended alteration of the

use of the raised funds for the original project was terminated. (Announment No.2015-08).

According to the latest situation of the industry development, the company optimized the original

construction plan for the second-phase project of TFT-LCD polarizer, and then according to the results

Notes to significant

concluded by the experts, the company decided to continue to promote the construction of the No.6 line

change in feasibility of

project. At the same time, in light of there was a large funds gap between the actual raised funds and the

the project

planned raised funds, then by comprehensive consideration of the company’s production line scale and the

operation pressure, the company planned to terminate the project of No.7 line, and the corresponding


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

amount of funds of RMB309,272,200 for No.7 line project changed to permanently add to the liquidity.

Amount, application Not applicable

and application

progress of the

unbooked proceeds

About the change of Not applicable

the implementation site

of the projects invested

with the proceeds

Adjustment of the Not applicable

implementation way of

investment funded by

raised capital

About the initial Not applicable

investment in the

projects planned to be

invested with the

proceeds and the



On March 27, 2015, the 13th meeting of the sixth board of directors examined and adopted the Proposal

for Supplementing Working Capital with Part of Idle Raised Proceeds. It was approved to use RMB 300

Using the idle proceeds million unused raised funds for the liquidity, using the period from the date of approval by the Board of

to supplement the directors not more than 12 months since being added, the specific date is from March 27, 2015 to March

working capital on 26, 2016, trasfered raise funds RMB 120 million from the account containning Shengbo Optoelectronic for

temporary basis additional liquidiry on March 27, 2015, trasfered raise funds RMB 30 million from the account

containning Shengbo Optoelectronic for additional liquidiry on December 18,2015. As of December

31,2015,Use of idle funds RMB 150 million from the account containning Shengbo Optoelectronic for

additional liquidiry.

Balance of the Not applicable

proceeds in process of

project implementation

and the cause

As of December 31, 2015, the balance of the raised funds was RMB 841.0932 million (not including the

About application and

amount of RMB 150 million temporarily added to liquidity), after deducting the funds required for the No.

status of the proceeds

6 line project construction, the remaining funds was planned to permanently add to liquidity for the


company's main business.

Problems existing in

application of the Non -existent

proceeds and the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

information disclosure

or other issues

(3)Changes of raised funds projects

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is no change in raised funds in company reporting period.

Ⅵ.Significant Asset and Right Offering

1.Situation of Significant Asset Sale

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


2.Situation of Substantial Stake Sale

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


on on of


the net

profits Whether


contribu execute

of the

ted by Whether as


the the schedul


equities involve ed and

Influenc amount

Transact to the Pricing Whether Relation d if failed,

e of the of the

ion listed princial was the ship equities should Disclos

Counter Sold Sold selling equities Disclos

price(R compani es of the related with the all state the ure

party equities date of the selling ure date

MB’000 es from equities transacti conter complet reasons Index

Compan to the

0) the selling on party ed the and the

y listed

period-b ownersh adopted


egin to ip measure

es to the

the sold transfer ments of


date the


(RMB’0 cmpany

t of the




Shenzhe Equity Complet The Implem Announ

n 18% of Decemb ed gains carrying No ent Decemb cement

4,552.0 497.71

Fenghui Shenzhe er 29, 55.8 RMB42. amount No relations No accordin er 18, on the

3 %

run n 2015 2919 of the hip g to 2015 Result

Investm Tongyi million. net plan of the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

ent Co., Silk bringing assets Transfer

ltd. Co., about was of 18%

Ltd. impact RMB Stake of

to an 45.5203 Shenzhe

extent million n

on 2015 accordin Tongyi

annual g to the Silk Co.

perform evaluati Ltd

ance. on on Held by

the base the

date of Compan

Sep 30, y’s

2015, Subsidia

which ry-Shen

also zhen

determi Sheng

ned the Bo

price, Optoele

and the ctronic

evaluati Co.,Ltd

on value issued

was the on

listing Cninf.







on the


n United




ge from

Nov 19,

2015 to

Dec 16,


□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Ⅶ.Analysis of the Main Share Holding Companies and Share Participating Companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Situation of Main Subsidiaries and the Joint-stock Company with over 10% net profit influencing to the Company


Company Sectors Registered Operating

Company type Total assets Net assets Turnover Net Profit

Name engaged in capital profit


Lisi Domestic

26,082,375.6 22,328,586.3

Industrial Subsidiary trade, Lease 2360000 7,344,530.84 4,006,895.35 3,339,547.05

0 0


Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Accommodat

29,611,849.1 23,221,343.8 10,599,958.3

Huaqiang Subsidiary ion, business 10005300 2,666,974.53 2,037,698.94

2 2 4

Hotel center;


Property Property 10,063,591.1

Subsidiary 1600000 9,998,217.61 2,530,936.18 343,003.96 237,474.95

Management management 6

Co., Ltd.

Production of




electronic 43,342,324.8 29,358,135.3 28,571,862.5 -6,242,933.1 -6,001,151.9

Century Subsidiary 25000000

jacquard 2 2 0 8 9

Garment Co.,



whole shape


Shengbo Production

2,034,656,33 1,296,498,01 806,524,649. -59,740,845. -38,651,601.

Opotoelectric Subsidiary and sales of 300000000

2.50 8.34 99 91 10

Technology polarizer

Co., Ltd




Sub- import and 47,140,509.2 301,315,234.

Import & 5000000 6,461,595.60 765,597.28 658,645.95

Subsidiary export 6 09

export Co.,




Sub- Sales of 76,981,765.6 418,483,421.

(HK)Co., HKD10000 1,188,706.90 37,180.79 -427,335.99

Subsidiary polarizer 8 90


Acquirement and disposal of subsidiaries in the Reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Ⅷ.Special purpose vehicle controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ⅸ.Prospect for future development of the Company

1. The Development Trend of the Industry

In recent years, along with the global tendency of making large-size TFT-LCD panel, upon the improvement of

the display technology and such factors as high resolution, wide viewing angle, touch application, lighter

appearance brought by pluralism of products application, the momentum of global TFT-LCD industry

development is strong. Upon the dual effects of the product line construction and the enormous downstream

market, the core of the global display industry has been speeded up for the transfer to the Mainland China.

Meanwhile, the Mainland China has been the big country in consumption of global electronic products, in which

demands and supplies are strong, thus provided a great market opportunity for further developing the panel

display industry.

From 2015 to 2018, it’s expected that 14 panel production lines shall be put into operation early or late in

Mainland China. In 2016, the high-generation above generation-6 production lines in Mainland China will reach

13 lines, and in year 2018, it will reach 21 lines, among which, the high-generation above generation-8.5 lines will

reach 12 lines, thus the panel production capacity will exceed 100 million square meters, the production lines and

the production capacity in China will both rank first in the world. Along with the increasingly growth of the panel

output, it will boost the growth of the matching components for the panel, such as the polarizer and other related

matching industries.

At present, the major global suppliers for the polarizer included Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Chemical, LG Chemical,

SDI, Chimei materials and BenQ materials. Among them, Nitto Denk, Sumitomo Chemical and LG chemical are

ahead of other vendors in the market share with obvious advantages.

Along with the rapid development of the flat panel display industry in Mainland China, the overseas larger

polarizer manufacturers, such as LG Chemical, SDI, Chimei materials, have set up factories in Mainland China in

succession. Besides, the domestic polarizer manufacturers have speeded up the pace of development, and the

downstream and upstream companies also waited for the opportunity to carry out the industrial integration

through building the polarizer production line. From 2016 to 2018, along with newly established polarizer

production lines that put into operation in succession, the industrial layout of the polarizer industry in Mainland

China will have a significant change.

In 2014, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Information Technology jointly

issued "2014-2016 New Display Industry Innovation and Development Action Plan". The Action Plan pointed out

that by 2016, the systematic supporting industry of new display will be possibly completed, which will make the

ratio of key matching materials for panel of small and medium size TFT-LCD reaching to 60% and the ratio of

key matching materials for panel of large size TFT-LCD and AMOLED reaching to 30%. The polarizer is one of

the indispensable key materials for TFT-LCD and AMOLED panel, however, currently the matching rate by

domestic products are far less than 30% which below the industrial safety value. Hence, whether from the policy

perspective or the market prospective, there was a huge space for the domestic development of the polarizer,

meanwhile, the company’s reasonable industrial layout of the polarizer would enable the company’s overall

operating status get continuous improvement.

2.The company's development strategy

The company as the first domestic professional manufacturer of the polarizer committed to the R&D, production


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

and technology service of the polarizer for the long-term. In the future, the company will continue to focus on the

polarizer field, combine with national industry development planning, seize the market opportunity, utilize its own

advantages, boldly draw on the home and foreign advanced technology and management methods, speed up the

pace of cooperation with foreign parties, deepen the reform, keep on innovations and continuously improve the

company’s technology level to make the company further advanced towards the strategic goal of being a leading

company in innovation and technology for providing display solutions and fast supporting services.

According to the "Made in China 2025" plan, China will focus on the strategy of upgrading the manufacturing

sector. As the display industry is the important part for the electronic information industry, so that it will be

greatly encouraged by the national policy. The company would continuously improve and perfect the human

resource system to build up management personnel and technical personnel echelon which is in line with the focus

of transformation and elevation of the company, and the company strongly pushed forward the reform and

innovation, continuously enriched the product range, elevated the technical quality and technical process level and

by means of the professional development and large-scale of operation to increase the company’s profitability and

raise the overall competiveness.

3.Possible risks

The period from 2015 to 2018 is the golden age for the newly built high-generation production lines put into

operation in the Mainland China and there will be 14 construction-in-progress high generation above generation-6

panel production lines put into operation. It’s expected that by the year of 2018, the LCD panel production

capacity in Mainland China will be more than 100 million square meters, among which, the panel production

capacity of high-generation above genenation-8.5 will exceed 85 million square meters, thus the production

quantity and production capacity of the high-generation TFT-LCD panel will both rank first in the world. Due to

the maturity of the industry chain was not balanced, the development of matching industries were lagged behind

the panel industry. According to DisplaySearch’s research data, the domestic matching rates for the substrate glass,

liquid crystal materials, target materials and the polarizer those are the key materials in the upstream TFT-LCD

industry respectively were only 3%, 5%, 2% and 9%. While facing the huge demand for the polarizer in the

coming years, the overseas polarizer manufacturers, such as LG Chemical, SDI, Chimei materials, had set up

factories in Mainland China in succession. Besides, the domestic polarizer manufacturers had speeded up the pace

of development, and the downstream and upstream companies also waited for the opportunity to carry out the

industrial integration through building the polarizer production line, thus the industrial layout of the polarizer

industry in Mainland China will have a significant change with increasingly fierce competition. Meanwhile, due

to the characteristic of the terminal display product that upgraded fast, there are higher request for the quick

response ability on technology and products, and the declining trend on the product price will constantly squeeze

the profit margins for the upstream polarizer industry.

Globally, in recent years, the market of the polarizer almost reaches the equilibrium of market supply and demand

and the supply slightly exceeds the demand. However, along with the gradual completion of the high-generation

panel production lines and the enhancement of the existing production capacity, the situation of short supply will

be gradually presented in some regions especially in Mainland China. Only calculated from the high generation

above generation-8.5 panel production lines, the demand of the polarizer will be more than 160 million square

meters. The company’s advantages, such as technology advantage, talents advantage, market advantage, quality

advantage, management advantage and policy advantage, accumulated in more than 20 years, which would enable

the company’s customer groups not only in the original low and medium-end panel companies but extended to

large-scale, high-end panel companies. In the past two years, by virtue of its own efforts and the way that doing

cooperation with overseas polarizer companies and so forth, the company further improved the operation level,

thus the product quality and stability had been further improved. In the future, by means of promoting the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

production line construction, strengthening the internal resource integration and external cooperation and so forth,

the company will have a more rapid and robust development.

4..The key work in 2016

(1). Continuously enhancing the operating capacity for the polarizer business

The first is to stabilize the existing customers, actively develop new customers and map out the layout planning of

the polarizer market in advance; the second is to utilize the R & D center to support and guarantee the production

technology, innovate the incentive mechanism, inspire the enthusiasm of R & D and try the best to do the new

product development and reserve; the third is to continue to optimize the technology for No. 4 line, raise the

productivity and reduce the loss by means of the equipment transformation and raising the production speed and

so forth measures; the fourth is to adjust the product structure, deeply dig the potential of line 1-3, increase the

revenue and raise the efficiency, comprehensively enhancing the operating capacity for the polarizer business.

(2). Ensuring the stability and growth of the company's other businesses

Property companies will focus on the rental rate and capital recovery rate, continuously carry out the enhancement

plan for property leasing and raise the rent income; All the final acceptance of the Guan Hua Building project and

its relevant leasing work will be completed in the first half of the year, so as to generate benefits as soon as

possible; the industrial and trade enterprises will focus on strengthening the internal management, adjusting the

product structure, improving the technical process of the production, exploring the new sales pattern and realizing

reducing losses.

(3). Fully promoting the construction of the No. 6 line project

Upon carefully summarizing the experience and lessons of the construction of the first phase project of the

polarizer, then speed up the second phase project construction of the No.6 line, ensuring the completion of the

established investment plans and progress.

(4). Completing the establishment of the “13th Five-Year " strategic planning

Continually to demonstrate and improve the company's central task, the business planning objectives and key

investment project plans of the “13th Five-Year” for establishing the “13th Five-Year” strategic planning, shaping

the action guideline to support the company’s development in the next five years.

(5). Strengthening the management of innovation and nurturing the core team

Strengthen then market awareness, enhance the technological innovation and the business model innovation, and

reinforce the company’s core competitiveness. Directional cultivate the talents, continually improve the career

promotion channel for staff and build echelon talents team using the company’s own team as the core team.

(6). Grasping the use and development of the existing resources to achieve maximum efficiency

According to the overall arrangement of the company's business development of the polarizer, the company shall

fully grasp the utilization and development of the existing resources, revitalize the stock and excite the increment

to support the development of the company's polarizer business.

(7). Unremittingly managing the safety production and maintaining the harmony and stability of the company

Firmly establish the concept of safety production, strengthen the responsibility of the implementation,

unremittingly implement the investigation and management for hidden safety hazards and integrate the awareness

of safety production into the whole production process to ensure the smooth realization of the current goal and the

long-term goal.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Ⅹ.Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

1.Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Reception time Way of reception Types of visitors Basic index

To know more about the situation of

polarizer industry and the situation of the

company’s production and operation,

June 16,2015 Onsite investigation Organization please see details in “Log of Investor

Relation Activities”posted on the

interactive platform of investor relation

on June, 16, 2015.(No:2015-01)。

To know comprehend the development

process and production and operation

status of the company’s polarizer

business, please refer to “Record of

September 23,2015 Onsite investigation Organization

Relations Activities between the

Company and Investors” published on

the interactive platform of investor

relations on Sep 23, 2015.(No.2015-02)

Reception times 2

Reception agency amount 2

Reception personal number 0

Others 0

Whether to disclose, reveal or disclose non-public


material information


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

V. Important Events

ⅠSpecification of profit distribution of common shares and capitalizing of common reserves

Formulation, implementation and adjustment of profit distribution policy of common shares especially cash

dividend policy during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The profit distribution preplan or proposal and the preplan or proposal of conversion of the capital reserve into

share capital in the past three years(with the reporting period inclusive):

Based on the needs of the construction of TFT-LCD polarizer project and the company business development,

there were no cash dividends and there were no capital reserves converted into share capital in the last three years.

Dividend distribution of the latest three years


Net profit

Ratio in net profit

attributable to the Amount of cash Proportion of cash

attributable to the

Cash dividend over of the parent dividends from cash dividends from cash

Year parent company in

(Including Tax) company in the offer to repurchase offer to repurchase

the consolidated

consolidated shares of the funds shares of the funds

financial statements

financial statements

2015 0.00 8,497,227.40 0.00% 0.00 0.00%

2014 0.00 -113,591,328.26 0.00% 0.00 0.00%

2013 0.00 47,222,590.97 0.00% 0.00 0.00%

In the reporting period, both the Company’s profit and the parent company’s retained earnings were positive

however not cash dividend distribution proposal has been put forward.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

In the reporting period, it was profitable and the profits

distributed among common shareholders were positive, but the Purpose of and plans to use undistributed profits.

reason for the profit-sharing scheme by cash was not proposed.

Current capital is highly limited, and continuing fund is Supplement current capital and fund to support Guan Hua

necessary for Guan Hua Building under construction. Building.

II.Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for the Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and capitalizing of common reserves either.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

III.Commitments to fulfill the situation

1.The fulfilled commitments in the reporting period and under-fulfillment commitments by the end of the

reporting period made by the company, shareholder, actual controller, acquirer, director, supervisor,

senior management personnel and other related parities.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Time of

Peiod of

Commitment Commitment maker Type Contents making Fulfillment



As Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd., the

controlling shareholder of the

company, committed when

the restricted-for-sale shares

from the shares restructuring

were listed for circulation in

the market: i. if they plan to

sell the shares through the

securities exchange system in

the future, and the decrease of

the shares they hold reaches

Shenzhen Share

Commitment on 5% within 6 months after the August 4, Sustained and Under

Investment reduction

share reform first decrease, they will 2006 effective Fulfillment

Holdings Co., Ltd. commitment

disclose an announcement

indicating the sale through the

company within two trading

days before the first decrease;

ii. They shall strictly observe

the “Guidelines on Transfer

of Restricted-for-sale Original

Shares of Listed

Companies” and the

provisions of the relevant

business principles of

Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Commitment in

the acquisition

report or the

report on equity



made upon the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report



Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. signed a

“Letter of Commitment and

Statement on Horizontal

Competition Avoidance”

when the company issued

non-public stocks in 2009.

Pursuant to the Letter of

Commitment and Statement,

Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. and its

wholly owned subsidiary,

subsidiaries under control or

any other companies that

have actual control of it shall

not be involved in the

business the same as or

similar to those Shenzhen


Textile currently or will run in

on horizontal

the future, or any businesses

Commitments Shenzhen competition,

or activities that may October 9, Sustained and Under

made upon Investment related

constitute direct or indirect 2009 effective Fulfillment

issuance Holdings Co., Ltd. transaction

competition with Shenzhen

and capital

Textile; if the operations of


Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. and its

wholly owned subsidiaries,

subsidiaries under control or

other companies that have

actual control of it compete

with Shenzhen Textile in the

same industry or contradict

the interest of the issuer in the

future, Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. shall urge

such companies to sell the

equity, assets or business to

Shenzhen Textile or a third

party; when the horizontal

competition may occur due to

the business expansion

concurrently necessary for


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Shenzhen Investment

Holdings Co., Ltd. and its

wholly owned subsidiaries,

subsidiaries under control or

other companies that have

actual control of it and

Shenzhen Textile, Shenzhen

Textile shall have priority.

The commitments during the

period non-public issuance in

2012: 1. Shenzhen Investment

Holdings, as the controlling

shareholder of Shenzhen

Textile, currently hasn't the

production and business

activities of inter-industry

competition with Shenzhen

Textile or its share-holding

subsidiary. 2. Shenzhen

Investment Holdings and its

share-holding subsidiaries or

other enterprises owned the

actual control rights can't be


directly and indirectly on

on horizontal

behalf of any person,


company or unit to engage in July 14, Sustained and Under


the same or similar business 2012 effective Fulfillment


in any districts in the future

and capital

by the form of share-holding,


equity participation, joint

venture, cooperation,

partnership, contract, lease,

etc., and ensure not to use the

controlling shareholder's

status to damage the

legitimate rights and interests

of Shenzhen Textile and other

shareholders, or to gain the

additional benefits. 3. If there

will be the situation of

inter-industry competition

with Shenzhen Textile for

Shenzhen Investment

Holdings and its


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

share-holding subsidiaries or

other enterprises owned the

actual control rights in the

future, Shenzhen Investment

Holdings will promote the

related enterprises to avoid

the inter-industry competition

through the transfer of equity,

assets, business and other

ways. 4. Above commitments

will be continuously effective

and irrevocable during

Shenzhen Investment

Holdings as the controlling

shareholder of Shenzhen

Textile or indirectly

controlling Shenzhen Textile.

Commitment to non-public of

fering during the second phas

Shenzhen e project of Shen Textile shar

Share limited March 25, Under

Investment es subscribed lock handle, loc 2016-03-25

commitment 2013 Fulfillment

Holdings Co., Ltd. king Shen Textile non-public

offering on the stock market o

f 36 months.

Equity incentive




made to



Executed timely


or not?

If the


failed to

complete the

execution when


expired, should


explain the

reasons of



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

and the net stage

of the working


2.The existence of the company's assets or projects earnings forecasts and earnings reporting period is still

in the forecast period, the company has assets or projects meet the original profit forecast made and the

reasons explained

□Applicable √ Not applicable

IV.Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No non-operating occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in the period.

V.Explanation of the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors (If applicable)on the Qualified

Auditor’s Report Issued by the CPAs.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.Explain change of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and measurement methods as compared

with the financial reporting of last year.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting polcy, estimates or calculation method in the period.

VII.Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in the reporting


□Applicable √ Not applicable

No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the


VIII.Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of last year.

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No changes in consolidation statement’s scope for the Company in the period.

IX. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs

CPAs currently engaged

Name of the domestic CPAs Peking Certified Public Accountants(Special General Partnership)

Remuneration for domestic accounting firm 45


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


Continuous life of auditing service for domestic


accounting firm

Name of domestic CPA Xiao Yi, Lan Tao

Has the CPAs been changed in the current period

□ Yes √ No

Description of the CPAs, financial adiver or sponsor engaged for intemal control auditing

√Applicable □Not applicable

In the report year, the Company engaged Peking Certified Public Accountants as the internal control audit body in

2015. The audit remuneration was RMB 0.25 million (including traveling expenses).

X.Situation of Facing Listing Suspension and Listing Termination after the Disclosure of the Yearly Report

□Applicable √ Not applicable

XI.Bankruptcy reorganization

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting period.

XII.Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No significant lawsuits and arbitrations occourred in the reporting period.

Other litigation matters:

During the reporting period, the company received the No.28 respondent notice issued by Shenzhen Intermediate

People's Court (2014) Foreign legislation, the plaintiff association of Hong Kong Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd

liability disputes has been formally accepted. The company as the first defendant, Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Co.,

Ltd. was the second defendant. The plaintiff requested: 1, the economic loss of tort liability by the total amount of

RMB 31.8579 million ; 2, the second defendant involved in joint liability of the amount of compensation; 3, the

litigation fee paid by two co-defendants. Currently the case was in process, the company temporarily unable to

determine the impact of the litigation on the company's profit in current or future period.

XIII.Situation of Punishment and Rectification

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No penalty and rectification for the Company in reporting period.

XIV.Credit Condition of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□Applicable √ Not applicable

During reporting period, there was no effective judgment of a court and large amount of debt maturity that the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

company, its controlling shareholders and actual controller failed to perform or pay off.

XV.Implementation Situation of Stock Incentive Plan of the Company, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or

Other Employee Incentive Measures

□Applicable √ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the company has no stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other

employee incentives that have not been implemented.

XVI.Material related transactions

1. Related transactions in connection with daily operation

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Trading r over


limit the Market Index

Subjects e of

Amount price of of

of the pricing Ratio in approve approve Way of Date of

Related Relation Type of Price of of trade similar informa

related the similar paymen disclosu

parties ship trade trade RMB0’ trade tion

transacti related trades d d t re

000 availabl disclos

ons transacti

e ure

ons (RMB limited

’0000) or not




n of the

Compan Sale


y was products Sales of Market Agreem


Vice to polarizer Principl ent 207.7 0.26% 600 No Transfer 207.7


Chairma related sheet e price

Co., Ltd.

n of parties




Total -- -- 207.7 -- 600 -- -- -- -- --

Details of any sales return of a large

Not applicable


Give the actual situation in the report

period where a forecast had been

made for the total amounts of routine Not applicable

related-party transactions by type to

occur in the current period(if any)


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Reason for any significant difference

between the transaction price and the Not applicable

market refernce price (if applicable)

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sold

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No related transactions by assets acquisition and sold for the Company in reporting period.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No main related transactions of joint investment outside for the Company in reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

√Applicable □Not applicable

Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?

√ Yes □No

Due from related parties



Does there increased Interest in

Opening recovered in Ending

exist amount in the

Related Relationshi Causes of balance the balance

non-operati the Interest rate reporting

parties p formation (RMB reporting (RMB’0000

on capital reporting period(RM

‘0000) period(RM )

occupancy? period(RM B’0000)






of the


Company Sale

Microelectr No 56.81 243.01 264.83 34.99

was Vice products

onics Co.,



of the



Huapeng Sharing

Contract fee No 180 180 360

Textile Co., company




Dailishi Contract fee No 25.75 80.86 78.89 27.72




Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Co., Ltd.

Influence of the related

rights of credit and

liabilities upon the

In the report period,Increase investment income of RMB2.6086 million.

company’s operation

results and financial


Due to related parties



newly Interest in

Opening repaid in the Ending

Causes of increased in the reporting

Related parties Relationship balance(RM reporting Interest rate balance

formation the reporting period(RMB’

B’0000) period(RMB’ (RMB’0000)

period(RMB’ 0000)




Xinfang Sharing Current

24.48 24.48

Knitting Co., company amount



Sharing Current

Xiangjiang 4 4

company amount

Trade Co., Ltd



Sharing Current

Printing & 58.46 40.25 7.04 91.67

company amount

dyeing Co.,




Sharing Current

Property 347.95 70 417.95

company amount

Leasing Co.,



Sharing Current

International 107.15 6.65 113.8

company amount

Co., Ltd.

Shengbo(HK)Sharing Current

31.5 31.5

Co., Ltd. company amount


Shenchao Controlled


Technology by the same 3,280.65 619.41 3,900.06


Investment party

Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Indluence of the related

rights of credit and liabilities

upon the company’s In the report period, Increase financial interest expense of RMB 6.1941 million.

operation results and

financial position.

5. Other significant related-party transactions

√Applicable □Not applicable

To ensure the construction progress of polarizer with TFT-LCD, Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology

Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Development Bank, Shenzhen

Branch, First Tower Subbranch signed “ Contract on Consigned Loan ” , of whose main content is:

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd applied to the bank for 200 million RMB of construction of

dedicated plant and auxiliary projects for polarizer with TFT-LCD for Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic

Technology Co., Ltd The term of the loan is 108 months from the day when the first installment of entrusted loan

is transferred to the account of the Company. As of December 31,2015,The Company actually received a loan of

RMB 160 million.

Website for temporary disclosure of the connected transaction

Announcement Date of disclosure Website for disclosure

http//www.cninfo.com.cn. Announcement

Announcement of related Transactions December 12, 2009


Announcement of Resolutions of the Second http//www.cninfo.com.cn. Announcement

December 30,2009

provisional shareholders’ general meeting No.2009-57

Announcement of related Transactions http//www.cninfo.com.cn. Announcement

July 1, 2010

progress No.2010-26

XVII.Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□Applicable √ Not applicable

No trusteeship, contract or leasing for the Company in reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No any contract for the Company in the reporting period.

(3) Lease

□Applicable √ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

No any lease for the Company in the reporting period..


□Applicable √ Not applicable

No any guarantees for the Company in the reporting period..

3.Situation of Entrusting Others for Managing Spot Asset

(1)Situation of Entrusted Finance

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No any Entrusted Finance for the Company in the reporting period..

(2)Situation of Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No any Entrusted loans for the Company in the reporting period..

4. Other significant contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No other significant contracts for the Company in reporting period.

XVIII.Explanation about other significant matters

√Applicable□Not applicable

(I) Optimization and demonstration of the second-phase project scheme on polarizer for TFT-LCD

Given SAPO Photoelectric and Nitto Denko’s failure to reach a cooperative agreement on manufacturing polarizer,

they undersigned Dissolution of Contract, on February 3rd, 2015. We had intended to produce polarizer in

collaboration with Nitto Denko. However, such failure ruined the purpose of funds raised for the second-phase

polarizer for TFT-LCD. For details Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)on February 6, 2015(Announcement


Profound and extensive market survey, technology exchange and customer contacts were carried out to make sure

that the second-phase project would embrace fine market prospect and profitability. Meanwhile, the scheme for

the second-phase polarizer for TFT-LCD (line 6 and line 7) was optimized as the status quo of polarizer. Based on

experts’ demonstration on the project, it was determined to carry forward the line 6. RMB 700.34 million is

intended to be invested in the optimized line 6, construction period of which is from March, 2016 to December,

2017. At present, line-6 construction group is established, investment plan and construction schedule are

determined, open bidding for main machine procurement and contract singing involved are performed. It is

projected to achieve design and construction of relevant projects by 2016, installation and commission of line 6

and trial production, as well as mass production by 2017.

In light of less net amount of actual funds raised for the second-phase project than the planned ones, it intends to

terminate line 7 after overall consideration of scale of production lines and business pressure and change RMB


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

309.2722 million (including interest) for line 7 to current capital which permanently replenishes primary


(II) 18% equity transfer of Tongyi held by Shengbo Optoelectronicc

On November 10, 2015, 19th session of the 6th board of directors examined and adopted the Proposal Proposal on

18% Equity Transfer of Tongyi Silk Plant Held by Shengbo Optoelectronic Photoelectric. 18% Equity of Tongyi

with assessed value RMB 45.5203 million was transferred to Shenzhen Fenghuirun Investment Co., Ltd, with the

purpose of pooling funds to develop polarizer as the primary business and fulfilling strategic transformation.

Shengbo Optoelectronicc and Fenghuirun undersigned State-Owned Property Right Transfer Contract in

December, 17, bringing about impact to an extent on 2015 annual performance. For details Juchao Website:

( http://www.cninfo.com.cn )on November 11, 2015, November 17, 2015 and December 18, (Announcement

No.2015-40, 2015-41,2015-42 and 2015-43)).

XIX.Major issues of subsidiary

√Applicable□Not applicable

1. The matters involved with Dissolution of Contract bearing the signature of Shengbo Optoelectronicc and Nitto

Denko are indicated in “XVIII, explanation of other important matters” under Chapter V of 2015 Annual Report.

2. The matters involved with 18% equity transfer of Tongyi held by Shengbo Optoelectronic are indicated in

“XVIII, explanation of other important matters” under Chapter V of 2015 Annual Report.

XX.Social responsibility

√Applicable□Not applicable

(1)The protection of shareholder’s rights and interests

In the reporting period, we strictly followed Corporation Law, Securities Law, Corporate Governance Standards

for Listed Companies and other laws and regulations to meliorate governance structure and make operation and

business more standard. We invariably upheld the general meeting of stockholders, board of directors, board of

supervisors and consultation system of independent directors as core, improved corporate governance structure

and upgraded management systems. We adhered to the mission of “responsible for shareholders, value-added

assets and stable return”, paid more attention to improve internal control system in the presence of operation and

business, took effective steps to prevent operational risk, and guaranteed and safeguarded shareholders’ rights and

interests, thus laying a solid foundation for sound and sustainable development. Independent directors’ meeting

convened this year was in fine conformance with relevant laws and regulations and Articles of Corporation. They

kept a close eye on business operation, fulfilled their duties and came up with valuable and professional advice for

day-to-day operation and system perfection. In this way, they played a significant part in safeguarding the

company and shareholders’ legitimate rights and interests.

It is determined this year to make more efforts to advance information disclosure and transparency, make the most

of multi-platform to protect the rights and interests due for investors, promptly answer the investors, improve

transparent information and safeguard medium and small shareholders’ legitimate interests.

(2) The protection of legal right of staff

We value human resource management, uphold “unity, vitality, enterprising” management philosophy, provide

official Labor Contract and various statutory social insurances and welfares according to Labor Law and related

laws and regulations, respect and protect employee’s legitimate interests and aim for harmonious, stable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

labor-capital relationship. Thorough human resource management system and performance assessment system are

established and optimizing in execution. In reporting period, human resource management system, position

competition, appointment and dismissal system, performance assessment system, assessment and management of

probation confirmation, salary management system, entry and demission management and labor contract

management system, etc, were revised and improved for humanistic care and supporting strategy implementation.

Company intensifies safety production, improves the control system, enhances the contingency plan, safety

production training and troubleshooting, reform of hidden danger and advances safety management to guarantee

safety and occupational health of employees.

(3) The protection of environment

Modern “green enterprise” is company’s long-term goal, which will be achieved by green circulation in all

process of industry chain. In reporting period, no occurrence of severe environmental incident; noise, industrial

wastewater, exhaust emission, etc of production passed environmental protection monitoring and accorded with

related laws and regulations. Moreover, “green office” is promoted and various educational activities of

environmental protection are carried out to disseminate awareness of energy conservation and emission reduction

and coordinate production and environmental protection.

(4) The protection of consumer rights and interests

“Innovative, professional, advanced, sustainable” has always been our management philosophy. Responsibility to

customers, in another word, professional, personalized, all-around products and service, represents our value and

ultimate goal. Sustainable customer-oriented service and impeccable product quality motive our performance and

sustainable development and guarantee long-term customers. And our long-term partnership is established on the

basis of initiative attention, quick responding and sincere care to customers.

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the heavy polluting industries regulated by the state

environmental protection department.

□ Yes □ No √ Not applicable

XXI.Information about the corporate bonds

Whether the listed company failed to honor the corporate bonds public issued and listed on the Stock Exchange in

due or undue at the approval date of the annual report



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal


Ⅰ.Changes in share capital

1. Changes in share capital

In Shares

Before the change Increase/decrease(+,-) After the Change

Amount Proportio Capitaliza

n tion of

Share Bonus Proportio

common Other Subtotal Quantity

allotment shares n



1.Shares with conditional 51,527,72 51,527,72

10.17% 10.17%

subscription 6 6

2.State-owned legal person 51,457,97 51,457,97

10.16% 10.16%

shares 6 6

3.Other domestic shares 69,750 0.01% 69,750 0.01%

Domestic Nature shares 69,750 0.01% 69,750 0.01%

II.Shares with unconditional 454,994,1 454,994,1

89.83% 89.83%

subscription 23 23

405,563,8 405,563,8

1.Common shares in RMB 80.07% 80.07%

73 73

2.Foreign shares in domestic 49,430,25 49,430,25

9.76% 9.76%

market 0 0

506,521,8 506,521,8

III. Total of capital shares 100.00% 100.00%

49 49

Reasons for share changed

□Applicable √Not applicable

Approval of Change of Shares

□Applicable √Not applicable

Ownership transfer of share changes

□Applicable √Not applicable

Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to

common shareholders of Company in latest year and period


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

□Applicable √Not applicable

Other information necessary to disclose for the company or need to disclosed under requirement from security


□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Change of shares with limited sales condition

□Applicable √Not applicable

Ⅱ.Issuing and listing

1.Explanation of the Situation of the Security Issue(No Preferred Shares) in the Report Period

□Applicable √Not applicable

2.Change of asset and liability structure caused by change of total capital shares and structure

□Applicable √Not applicable

3.About the existing employees’ shares

□Applicable√Not applicable

Ⅲ.Shareholders and actual controlling shareholder

1. Number of shareholders and shareholding

In Share


preferred shareh

Total number Total The total number o

olders at the end

of common shareholders at f preferred shareho

of the month

shareholders at the end of the lders voting rights

30,984 32,443 0 from the date of 0

the end of the month from the restored at period-e

disclosing the

reporting date of disclosing nd(if any)(See

annual report(if

period the annual report Notes 8)

any)(See Notes


Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

Number Amount Amount Number of share pledged/frozen

Proportio Changes

of shares of of

Shareholders Nature of n of in

held at restricted un-restrict

shareholder shares reporting State of share Amount

period shares ed shares

held(%) period

-end held held


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


State-owned legal 234,069,4 51,457,97 182,611,4

Investment 46.21% 0

person 36 6 60

Holdings Co., Ltd.

Qianhai Life

insurance Co., Ltd. 20,384,81 11,158,06 20,384,81

Other 4.02%

-Self funds 67 6

Huatai Portfolio



State-owned 16,129,03 16,129,03

Technology 3.18%

Legal person 2 2

Investment Co.,


Anhui Guofu

Industrial Domestic non

Investment Funds State-owned 0.73% 3,708,341 1,238,500 3,708,341

Mangement Co., Legal person


Anhui Chujiang Domestic non

Investment Group State-owned 0.65% 3,304,545 3,304,545 3,304,545

Co., Ltd. Legal person

Domestic Nature

Xia Keyun 0.60% 3,028,912 3,028,912 3,028,912



STANLEY & CO. Foreign Legal

0.53% 2,689,464 2,689,464 2,689,464



Domestic Nature

Sun Huiming 0.48% 2,432,526 436,179 2,432,526


China Foreign

Economic Trade

Trust Co., Ltd.-

Other 0.41% 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

Yunfeng Securities

Investment Trust


Domestic Nature

Liu Fei 0.28% 1,417,996 1,417,996 1,417,996


Strategy investors or general legal

person becomes top 10 shareholders


due to rights issued (if any )(See Notes


Related or acting-in-concert parties Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

among shareholders above Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and a person taking concerted action. Except this,

the Company did not whether there is relationship between the top ten shareholders holding

non-restricted negotiable shares and between the top ten shareholders holding

non-restricted negotiable shares and the top 10 shareholders or whether they are persons

taking concerted action defined in Regulations on Disclosure of Information about

Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the Share type

Name of the shareholder

reporting period Share type Quantity

Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., RMB Common

182,611,460 182,611,460

Ltd. shares

Qianhai Life insurance Co., Ltd.-Self RMB Common

20,384,816 20,384,816

funds Huatai Portfolio shares

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology RMB Common

16,129,032 16,129,032

Investment Co., Ltd. shares

Anhui Guofu Industrial Investment RMB Common

3,708,341 3,708,341

Funds Mangement Co., Ltd. shares

Anhui Chujiang Investment Group RMB Common

3,304,545 3,304,545

Co., Ltd. shares

RMB Common

Xia Keyun 3,028,912 3,028,912


Foreign shares

MORGAN STANLEY & CO. placed in

2,689,464 2,689,464



Foreign shares

placed in

Sun Huiming 2,432,526 2,432,526



China Foreign Economic Trade Trust

Co., Ltd.- RMB Common

2,100,000 2,100,000

Yunfeng Securities Investment Trust shares


RMB Common

Liu Fei 1,417,996 1,417,996


Explanation on associated relationship Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of

or consistent action among the top 10 Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and a person taking concerted action. Except this,

shareholders of non-restricted the Company did not whether there is relationship between the top ten shareholders holding

negotiable shares and that between the non-restricted negotiable shares and between the top ten shareholders holding

top 10 shareholders of non-restricted non-restricted negotiable shares and the top 10 shareholders or whether they are persons


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

negotiable shares and top 10 taking concerted action defined in Regulations on Disclosure of Information about

shareholders Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

Explanation on shareholders The Company Shareholder Liu Fei holds 202,400 shares through ordinary stock account.

participating in the margin trading holds 1,215,596 shares of the Company through stock account with credit transaction and

business(if any )(See Notes 4) guarantee of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd.,The total amount is1,417,996 shares.

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a

buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company

have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2.Controlling shareholder

Nature of Controlling Shareholders: Local state holding

Type of Controlling Shareholders:Legal person


Name of the Controlling

representative/Leade Date of incorporation Organization code Principal business activities



Providing guarantee to

municipal state-owned

enterprises, managing

state-owned equity of

enterprises other than those

directly supervised by

Municipal State-owned

Assets Commission,

Shenzhen Investment

Xiong Peijin October 13, 2004 767566421 conducting asset

Holdings Co., Ltd.

reorganization, system

transformation and capital

operation of affiliated

enterprises, making

investment and doing other

businesses authorized by

the Municipal State-owned


Equity of other Shen Property(000011),Quantity of shares held 379.74 million,Shareholding ratio:63.72%;

domestic/foreign listed Shenbo(000019),Quantity of shares held 48.17 million,Shareholding ratio:14%Shen Realestate

company with share (000029),Quantity of shares held 642.88 million,Shareholding ratio:63.55%;Shen Universe

controlling and share (000023),Quantity of shares held 14.79 million,Shareholding ratio:10.66%;Pingan(601318),

participation by Quantity of shares held962.72 million,Shareholding ratio:5.27%;Guosen Securities(002736),

controlling shareholder in Quantity of shares held2749.52 million,Shareholding ratio:33.53%,;Guotai Junan(601211)

reporting period Quantity of shares held624.07 million,Shareholding ratio:8.18% and Etop information(834386)


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Quantity of shares held 42 million,Shareholding ratio:60%.

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable


3.Information about the controlling shareholder of the Company

Actual controller nature:Local state owned assets management

Actual controller type:Legal person


Name of the controlling Date of

representative/per Organization code Principal business activities

shareholder establishment

son in charge

Performing the responsibilities

of investors on behalf of the

State-owned Assets Regulatory

state and supervising and

Commission of Shenzhen Gao Zimin Jul 31, 2004 K3172806-7

managing state-owned assets

Municipal People's Government

according to authorization and


Equity of other

domestic/foreign listed Except for Shenzhen Holdings Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder of the company, other domestic

company with share

and foreign listed companies of the equity held by the actual controller haven’t been shown in the

controlling and share

participation by list of the top ten shareholders of the company.

controlling shareholder in

reporting period

Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

No Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period

Block Diagram of the ownership and control relations between the company and the actual controller

The actual controller controls the company by means of trust or managing the assets in other way


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

□Applicable √Not applicable

4.Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% shareheld

□Applicable √Not applicable

5.Situation of Share Limitation Reduction of Controlling Shareholders, Actual Controllers, Restructuring

Party and Other Commitment Subjects

□Applicable √Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no preferred shares in the reporting period.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Change ein shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

Amount Amount

Shares of shares of shares Shares


Starting Expiry held at increased decreased held at

Office changes

Name Positions Sex Age date of date of the at the at the the

status increase/d

tenure tenure year-begi reporting reporting year-gegi


n(share) period(sh period(sh n(share)

are) are)


chairman, January August

Zhu Jun In office Male 52 0 0 0 0 0

General 16,2015 15,2016


August August

Chao Jin Director In office Female 53 0 0 0 0 0

16,2013 15,2016

Wang May August

Director In office Male 51 0 0 0 0 0

Yongjian 4,2010 15,2016

May August

Lin Lebo Director In office Male 54 0 0 0 0 0

20,2015 15,2016

Jin Director, August August

In office Female 44 0 0 0 0 0

Zhenyuan CFO 16,2013 15,2016


Zhang May August

ent In office Male 56 0 0 0 0 0

Yong 4,2010 15,2016



Shi May August

ent In office Female 48 0 0 0 0 0

Weihong 4,2010 15,2016



August August

He Qiang ent In office Male 63 0 0 0 0 0

16,2013 15,2016



of the

Wang superviso May August

In office Male 48 0 0 0 0 0

Weixing ry 20,2015 15,2016



Li Wei Superviso In office Male 50 April August 0 0 0 0 0


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

r 21,2009 15,2016


Zhang August August

superviso In office Male 40 0 0 0 0 0

Xiaodong 9,2013 15,2016


Feng Deputy July August

In office Male 53 0 0 0 0 0

Junbin GM 30,2003 15,2016

Zhu Deputy Septembe August

In office Male 51 93,000 0 0 0 93,000

Meizhu GM r 23,2008 15,2016


Jiang to the January August

In office Female 45 0 0 0 0 0

Peng board of 16,2015 15,2016


Board January January

Wang Bin Former Male 45 0 0 0 0 0

chairman 5,2007 12,2015

August April

Lou Chao Director Former Male 61 0 0 0 0 0

16,2013 14,2015

Zhang Deputy January June

Former Male 50 0 0 0 0 0

Hong GM 5,2007 19,2015


to the October January

Li Jiang Former Male 38 0 0 0 0 0

board of 23,2013 16,2015


Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 93,000 0 0 0 93,000

II. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

Name Positions Types Date Reason

Director, Board

Wang Bin Former January 12,2015 Due to the Job Changes


Secretary to the

Li Jiang board of Dismissal January 16,2015 Due to internal job changes


Lou Chao Director Former April 14,2015 Jue to Retirement

Chairman of the

Lin Lebo supervisory Former April 14,2015 Due to the Job Changes


Deputy General

Zhang Hong Former June 19,2015 Due to Resignation for personal reasons



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

III.Posts holding

Work Experience in the past five years of Directors, supervisors and senior Executives in Current office

(1) Director

Zhu Jun, Male, Born in 1963, Master degree,senior engineer , member of the Communist party, He served

successively as secretary of Lige Village, Yutai County, Shandong Province, workshop director of Shandong

Jining Cotton Mill, deputy factory director of Jining Chemical Fibre Factory, office director of Jining Textile

Industry Company, deputy county head of Wenshang County, Shandong Province, office director of Shandong

Textile Department, chief of Personnel Education Division, manager of Enterprise management Dept, general

manager assistant and Deputy General Manager of the Company. He served as Board Chairman of Shengbo

Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. And Director and Vice Board chairman of Tianma Microelectronic Co., Ltd.

He served as secretary of Party Committee and General Manager of the Company.

Chao Jin, Female, Born in 1962, Master degree, Senior political engineer, Economic engineer, member of the

Communist party,She served successively as teacher of Shanxi Chinese Medicinal Material School and Jilin

Business College, head of Employment Section of Personnel and Employment Dept. of the Company, office

director and manager of Personnel Dept. of subsidiary and general manager secretary of the Company. she served

as Deputy General Manager and the board secretary of the Company. She served as Vice secretary of Party

Committee,Discipline Committee, Director of the Company.

Wang Yongjian , Male, Born in 1964,Master degree, Economic engineer , member of the Communist party, He

served successively as Financial Analyst Financial Manger and Chief Financial Officer of U.S.Digital Equipment

(China) Company, Senior staff and principal staff of Shenzhen Government Economic Restructuing Office,

Manager of China South Securities Co., Ltd., Deputy General Manager of Administrative Headquarters, Deputy

Director of office, the board secretary of Shenzhen Shahe Industrial Group ., Deputy General Manager of Shahe

Industrial Company, He served as Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Holdings Invetment Co., Ltd. He served

as Director of the Company.

Lin Lebo , Male, born in 1961, Bachelor Degree, auditor, member of communist party. He used to be deputy

director, director, vice President of the union, party branch secretary in Shenzhen Audit bureau;served as director

in shenzhen auditing firm, executive vice President in Shijixingyuan Co., Ltd.,, manager of audit department and

secretary of the party branch in Shenzhen investment management company, manager of asset management

department and secretary of the party branch in Shenzhen investment management company;used to serve as

chairman of the board and party secretary in and shenzhen coptic green industry development co., Ltd., deputy

manager in shenzhen Tongchan industrial co., Ltd., director, general manager, deputy party secretary in shenzhen

Tongchan packaging group co., Ltd., chairman of the supervisory board in inspection group in the southern

electronic product testing (shenzhen) co., Ltd.. Now serve as Executive director and Deputy General Manager of

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. He served as Director of the Company.

Jin Zhenyuan, Female, born in 1971, Master Degree, Senior Accountant, CPA, international financial management

division. She used to serve as Shenzhen Lionda Group Chief Accountant, Finance Minister in Shenzhen Oriental

Enterprise Ltd., Finance Minister in Shenzhen new century drinking Co., Finance Director in Yili Industrial Co.,

Ltd. of Shenzhen, Finance Minister in Shenzhen, China Transportation Industry Corporation, director and Chief

Financial Officer in Shenzhen City-Property Group, , Director in Shenzhen Beauty Star Co., Ltd., Director and

Chief Financial Officer of Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House, LLC. She now serve as the Director and Chief

Financial Officer of the Company,

Zhang Yong, Male, Born in 1959, Doctor of laws , Lawyer, once served successively as Deputy director of


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

International Economic Law Dept of China University of Political Science ,Associate professor of International

Economic Law Dept of Wuhan University, Judge of Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court Second chamber and

Third chamber,president and secretary of Party Committee of Shenzhen Lawyer Association, CPPCC member of

Shenzhen, He served as independent Director of Shenzhen Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., He now serves as

Partner of Guangdong Renren law firm, first level lawyer, a member of the Shenzhen Municipal People's

Government Office of Legislative Affairs legal expert advisory committee, the executive director of the

Guangdong Provincial Law Association, vice president of the Shenzhen Municipal Law, a member of China

International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Expert Advisory Committee, a member of Shenzhen

Arbitration Commission, members of the Advisory Committee for Huizhou Arbitration Commission , the

Company's independent directors.

Shi Weihong, Female, Born 1967, Doctor, certified public accountant, Certified asset appraiser, Certified tax agent,

once served successively as Auditor, Project Manger and Director of Guangming Certified public Accountants,

she served as Independent Director of Shenzhen Tili(Group) Co., Ltd, as Independent director of Shenzhen SEG

Samsung Co., Ltd. Senior partner of Shenzhen Guangming Certified public Accountants, she now serves as

Partner of Accounting Firm and Independent director of the Company.

He Qiang , Male, born in 1952, Professor of finance at the Central University of Finance and Economics, Ph.D.

tutor, Director of Securities and Futures Institute, enjoy special government allowances. He was a member of 11th

and 12th CPPCC National Committee, of China Finance Society, the China Investment Association, of China

Economic and Social Council of the other positions. He served as independent director in the Air Investment

Holding Co., Ltd., in Hengyi Petrochemical Co., Ltd., in Golden State Securities corporation, Dongbei Securities

and in the Company. the Company's independent directors.


Weixing Wang, male, born in 1968, graduate degree, economist, member of Communist Party of China, has

served successively as cadre of Qingdao TV Factory, staff and senior staff member of Shenzhen Administration of

Industry and Commerce (price bureau) Futian, Che Kung Temple branch, senior staff member and principal staff

member of Shenzhen Administration of Industry and Commerce (price bureau) registration sub-office, principal

staff member of Shenzhen General Asset Management Office, deputy director of Shenzhen Asset Management

Office collective enterprise department, deputy director of general office of Shenzhen Asset Management Office,

deputy director of petition acceptance office of Shenzhen Asset Management Office, director, vice-secretary of

CPC and secretary of discipline commission of Shenzhen Tongchan Packaging Group Co., Ltd, director,

vice-secretary of CPC and secretary of discipline commission of Shenzhen Tongchan Group Co., Ltd and

currently takes the post of chairman of supervisory board of the Company.

Li Wei, Male, Born in 1965, Master degree, Economic engineer, member of the Communist party,once served

successively as Staffer of Shenzhen Aihua Electronics Company, Cadres of Shenzhen Municapal Taiwan Affairs

Office,Assistant director of Office ,Secretary of Board Chairman of Zhongshen Internation Cooperation

office, .Assistant Manager of Office and Deputy Director of Assets Dept of Shenzhen Trade Investment Holding

Company,Deputy Director of Law Affair Dept and Deputy director of Enterprise No2.Dept of Shenzhen

Investment Management Co., Ltd. Deputy director of Enterprise and No.1 Dept and No2.Dept of Shenzhen

Holdings Investment Co., Ltd., He new served as Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Shentou Investment

Development Co., Ltd. and Supervisor of the Company.

Zhang Xiaodong , Male, born in 1975, Master Degree, communist party member. He joined the company in

August 1999, used to serve as manager assistant, manager of subordinary of Shenzhen textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.,

manager in business management department; used to be manager in Shenzhen Beautify Centenary clothing co.,

Ltd. He new serve as party department minister and superior of the company.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(3)Senior Executives

Feng Junbin , Male, Born in 1962, College degree ,Auditor, He served successively as special enterprise controller

of Guangdong Dapu County Finance Bureau, deputy section head of Guangdong Fengshun County, director of

Audit Dept., manager of Enterprise Management Dept., general manager assistant and supervisor of the Company,

he served as Deputy general manager of the Company.

Zhu Meizhu, Male, Born in 1964, Master degree, Senior engineer, once served successively as chief Deputy

general Manager of Enterprise Management Dept of the Company, Director of R& D Center, Assistant General

Manager, He served as Deputy general Manager of the Company and Administer director of Shenzhen Shengbo

Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Jiang Peng, Female, born in 1970, Bachelor Degree, member of communist party, She served as officer of the

Secretary Office of Shandong Fishery Group Co.,Ltd., Deputy Director of the Secretary office and Securities

affairs Representative of Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Co., Ltd., Securities Representative of Huafu

Holding Co., Ltd., Securities affairs representative and Officer of the Secretariat of the Board of the Company,

now serves as the secretary of the Board of the Company.

Office taking in shareholder companies

√Applicable □Not applicable

Does he /she


Names of the receive

engaged in Sharting date of Expiry date of

persons in Names of the shareholders remuneration or

the office term office term

office allowance from the




Wang Yongjian Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. General July 1, 2009 Yes


Shenzhen Shenchao Technology General January 19,

Lin Lebo Yes

Investment Co., Ltd. Manager 2015


Shenzhen Shentou Porperty Developement

Li Wei General August 6, 2014 Yes

Co., Ltd.


Offices taken in other organizations

□Applicable √Not applicable

Punishments to the current and leaving board directors, supervisors and senior managers during the report period

by securities regulators in the recent three years

□ Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, basis for determination and actual payment of the remuneration to directors ,

supervisors and senior executives

In the report period, The remuneration of directors and senior management paid by the company is determined by

“Director Compensation Management System” and “Executive Compensation Management and Evaluation

System”, the remuneration of independent directors is determined as per the resolution of shareholders’ meeting,


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

and the remuneration of supervisors paid by the company is determined by their position held in the company.

Remueration to directors, supervisors and senior executives in the reporting period

Unit :RMB’0000

Total Remuneration

remuneration actually receivect

Name Positions Sex Age Office status

received from the at the end of the

shareholder reporting period

Board Chairman,

Zhu Jun Male 52 In Office 55.66 No

General Manager

Chao Jin Director Female 53 In office 53.28 No

Wang Yongjian Director Male 51 In Office - Yes

Lin Lebo Director Male 54 In office 18.33 Yes

Jin Zhenyuan Director, CFO Female 44 In Office 40.00 No


Zhang Yong Male 56 In office 8 No



Shi Weihong Female 48 In Office 8 No



He Qiang Male 63 In office 8 No


Chairman of the

Wang Weixing supervisory Male 48 In Office 25.67 Yes


Li Wei Supervisor Male 50 In office - Yes


Zhang Xiaodong Male 40 In Office 32.48 No


Feng Junbin Deputy GM Male 53 In office 52.31 No

Zhu Meizhu Deputy GM Male 51 In Office 51.85 No

Secretary to the

Jiang Peng Female 45 In office 35.71 No

board of directors

Lou Chao Director Male 61 Former - Yes

Zhang Hong Deputy GM Male 50 Former 48.80 No

Total -- -- -- -- 438.09 --

Notes :During the reporting period, staff receive annual performance pay included pre-tax remuneration of 2013

Incentive equity to directors, supervisors or/and senior executives in the reporting period

□Applicable√Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VI. Particulars about employees.

1. Staff jobs, education, job title number and proportion refer to the following pie chart:

Number of in-service staff of the parent company(person) 48

Number of in-service staff of the main subsidiaries(person) 1,231

Total number of the in-service staff(person) 1,279

Total number of staff receiving remuneration in the current



The number of the parent company and the main subsidiary’s


retired staffs who need to bear the cost(person)


Classified according by Professions Number of persons(person)

Production 855

Sales 33

Technical 106

Financial 33

Administrative 252

Total 1,279


Classified according by education background Number of persons(person)

Postgraduate or above 30

Universities 180

Colleges 125

Mid-school or below 944

Total 1,279

2. Remuneration policies

In the year 2015, the company carried out employees' compensation management work in strict accordance with

relevant national laws and company regulations, and revised compensation management system as per the

company's needs and policy changes. The impeccable compensation system safeguarded the fairness and

rationality of employees' compensation, provided appropriate returns and incentives to employees in terms of their

contributions, and facilitated the co-development of employees and company. In the compensation management

system, company refined relevant regulations, such as Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd Special Awards

Regulation, Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd Occupational Pension Regulation, Shenzhen Textile (Holdings)

Co., Ltd housing Provident Fund regulation, etc, which embodied company's humanistic concern.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

3.Training pllan

Company targeted to improve professional skills and support company's operations, it required each post to

complete the forms of Training Needs Questionnaire, Internal Training Courses Recommendation Form,

Employee Individual Development Plan, and company formulated personal and company annual training plans in

accordance with these forms, and simultaneously balanced individual with company and internal training with

external training. Company carried out demand investigation and training evaluation, etc when organizing training

projects to safeguard training effectiveness, so that the company's training plan and content are in line with

positions and overall demands of company’s development, and continuously improve the overall quality of

employees in order to achieve a win-win situation together with employees.

4. Outsourcing situation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

IX. Administrative structure

I.Basic state of corporate governance

In the reporting period, the company regulated operations and strengthen risk control in strict accordance with

Securities Law, Corporation Law, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Standard Operation Instructions for Main-Board

Listed Companies, Corporate Governance Standards for Listed Companies and other related laws and regulations,

to ensure a healthy and stable development. At present, the basically sound governance system, normative

business operation and impeccable corporate governance structure meet the requirements of the normative

documents for regarding corporate governance of listed companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory


In 2015, company held a total of 2 general meetings, convened general meetings, standardized voting procedures

to safeguard the effectiveness and legality in strict accordance with the regulations and requirements of

Corporation Law, Articles of Corporation and Rule of Procedure of Shareholders' Meeting. Companies actively

protected the voting rights of minority investors, and general meetings were convened in the form of live network

to adequately assure small investors of their rights to exercise.

In 2015, the board of directors held 8 general meetings, and the convening and voting procedures were all

conducted in strict accordance with the Articles of Corporation and Rule of Procedure of Shareholders' Meeting.

All the directors performed directors ' duties, exercise directors’ rights, attended related meetings and actively

participated in the training and became familiar with relevant laws and regulations with serious, diligent and

honest attitudes. Independent directors independently performed their duties in strict accordance with Articles of

Corporation, The independent director system and other relevant laws and regulations, expressed fully their

independent opinions on corporate operation, decision-making, and important matters, etc. Strategy, audit,

remuneration, evaluation, nomination committees were established under board of directors, all committees

functioned properly, and performed duties such as internal audits, compensation assessment, nomination of senior

management personnel, and provided scientific and professional advisory opinions for board of directors’


In 2015, the board of supervisors held 5 meetings. The board of supervisors strictly followed the requirements of

Articles of Corporation and Rules of procedure of the board of supervisors and other relevant laws and regulations,

supervised the legal compliance of the duties performed by company's financial personnel and directors, managers

and other senior management personnel in the aim of maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of the

company and its shareholders. All the supervisors fulfilled their obligations, exercised their rights according to the

laws. The convening and voting procedures of the board of supervisors were legal, and the resolutions were legal

and valid. The establishment and implementation of board of supervisors played an active role in improving

corporate governance structure and regulating corporate operations.

In 2015, we further increased information transparency, accomplished investors’ protection and propaganda work.

In the reporting period, except disclosing information in a real, accurate, timely, fair and complete manner in

accordance with the regulatory requirements, various platforms were made full use of, such as telephone, e-mail,

website, especially the interactive platform of investors in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, solved questions brought by

investors, and communicated with medium and small investors interactively, and ensure all the investors obtained


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

equal opportunities for informal access. Meanwhile, in the aim of improving the transparency of listed companies,

company accepted investors’ on-site investigation to have comprehensive understandings of the company's

business situation through face-to-face communication with management, also urged the company established a

responsibility to return on investors, improved and enhanced the corporate governance standards.

Does there exist any difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the

relevant provisions of CSRC,

√Yes □No

There exist no difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the relevant

provisions of CSRC.

\ Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder of the company, is a Shenzhen SASAC

enterprise. The company has complied with the relevant provisions on the state-owned asset management of

holding shareholders to report non-public information to holding shareholders, mainly including:Letters submitted

monthly index table; fee schedule during the reporting, financial assets table, summary quarterly deposits and

borrowings and financing.In order to strengthen the management of non-public information, the company has

strictly controlled the scope of learners, standardized the process of information delivery and strictly implemented

as per the “Management System on Learner of Insider Information”, took practical measures to prevent inside

information leaks and insider trading.

In addition, there is no difference among the governance of the company, “Company Law” and the relevant

provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

II. Independence and Completeness in business, personnel , assets, organization and finance

The code of conduct of the controlling shareholders of the company did not go beyond the general meetings

directly or indirectly to interfere with the decision-making and business activities, the company had independent

and complete business and autonomous operation capacity , achieved “five point separation” in respect of

personnel, financial, asset, agencies, business.

III. Competition situations of the industry

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings in the Reporting Period

1.Annual General Meeting


Sessions Type Meeting Date Disclosure date Disclosure index

participation ratio

The first provisional

The first provisional shareholders’


shareholders’ General meeting

shareholders’ 0.02% February 3,2015 February 4,2015

General meeting in in 2015

General Meeting

2015 (No.2015-07)

published on


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Securities Times,

China Securities

Journal, Shanghai


News ,Hong Kong

Commercial Daily

and Juchao




Annual General

LMeeting of


published on

Securities Times,

China Securities

Annual Genral Annual General

0.03% May 20,2015 May 21,2015 Journal, Shanghai

Meeting of 2014 Meeting


News ,Hong Kong

Commercial Daily

and Juchao Website



2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors in report period

1. The attending of independent directors to board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting

The attending of independent directors

Number of Failure to

Number of

Board meetings Number of personally attend

Independent Number of spot meetings Number of

necessary to be attendances by board meetings

Directors attendances attended by absence

attended in the representative successively


reporting period twice (Yes/No)

Zhang Yong 8 1 7 0 0 No

Shi Weihong 8 2 6 0 0 No

He Qiang 8 0 7 1 0 No

Number of general meetings attended 2


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

by independent directors as non-voting


Notes to failure to personally attend Board Meetings Successively Twice


2.Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues

Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues

□ Yes √No

Independent directors proposed no objection against the relevant matters in the reporting period.

3. Other notes to duty performance of independent directors

Has an independent director’s advice to the Company been accepted

√Yes □No

Explanation on acceptance of or failure to accept an independent director’s advice to the Company.

In 2015, independent directors worked in the Company for not less than 10 working days. Except attending

shareholders' general meetings, board meetings and meetings of special committees on time, they also actively

participated in the activities organized by supervision authority. In the report period, Independent directors

expressed independent opinions on the proposals of the board of directors.The independent director issued

comments on the board of directors, (Refer to Independent Directors 2015 Annual Report disclosed in

http://www.cninfo.com.cn on March 31, 2016). They gave many opinions and suggestions during meetings and

adjour nment and the Company adopted all of them.

IV. Duty Performance of Special Committees under the Board of Directors in the Reporting Period

The independent directors of the company are the key members of all professional committees of the Board of

Directors, and are in the majority and the conveners of Audit Committee, Remuneration and Appraisal Committee

and Nomination Committee. Also, all the three independent directors can attend the daily meeting held by every

special committee on time.

(1) Audit Committee: during the reporting period, the Audit Committee has held two meetings, carefully

examined the regular reports of the company and effectively implemented the work schedule of annual reports.

Also, the Audit Committee has reviewed the internal control of the company, supervised the effective

implementation of internal control, the self-assessment of internal control, and heard the reports of production

operation, financial status and development of major matters filed by the management. Before the annual report

audited by the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee shall communicate with annual audit accountant for the

audit opinion, comprehend the audit condition, and make a comprehensive and objective evaluation of the current

annual works finished by the auditors and their professional quality. During the reporting period, Proposal on

Carry a meeting ficused on hiring audit institutions, self-assessment report of the internal control, the Final Accou

nting Report and other matters and reach a resolution.

(2) Remuneration and Appraisal Committee: During the reporting period, the Remuneration and Appraisal

Committee has held one meetings, During the reporting period, Carry a meeting ficused on 2014 performance

appraisal of senior management and reach a resolution.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Nominating Committee: in the reporting period, the Nominating Committee held 1 meeting, convened meetings

regarding the appointment of Secretary of the Board of Directors formulated resolutions.

VII. Work of the supervisory Committee

Did the supervisory Committee find any risk existing in performing the supervision activities in the reporting


□Yes √No

The supervisory Committee has no objection aginst any matters under supervision in the reporting period

VIII. Assessment and incentive Mechanism for Senior executives

The company complies with “Executive Compensation Management and Evaluation System” to conduct the

evaluation for the accomplishment of annual work of the senior executives. The salaries of the senior executives

are determined according to the duty scope, post value, individual ability, wages level on the market, economic

profits of the company and operation goal accomplishment of senior executives with adhering to the principle of

market orientation, responsibility with unified right, and incentive and equal restriction. During the reporting

period, the senior executives are all qualified in 2014 after evaluation. The directors and the general manager have

conducted the feedback on the annual appraisal evaluation for the senior executives in accordance with the

“Executive Compensation Management and Evaluation System” and proposed the recommendation for


IX. Internal control situations

1.Specific situations on major defects of internal control discovered during report period

□ Yes √ No

About the significant Defects of the internal control found in the internal control self-assessment report in the reporting period

The identification and rectification of deficiency of the internal control:

1. The identification and rectification of deficiency of the internal control in the financial statement

In accordance with above identification standard of deficiency of the internal control in the financial statement,

there is no the serious and important deficiency of internal control in the financial statement during the reporting


2.The identification and rectification of deficiency of the internal control except for that of the financial

statement in accordance with above identification standard of deficiency of the internal control except for that of

the financial statement, there is no the serious and important deficiency of internal control except for that of the

financial statement during the reporting period.

2.Self-evaluation report on internal control

Disclosure date of appraisal report on

March 31,2016

internal control

Disclosure index of appraisal report on Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn), Selfevaluation report of internal control


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

internal control in 2015 of Peking Certified Public Accountants (QXSZ(2016)No.

Proportion of total unit assets covered by

appraisal in the total assets of the


consolidated financial statements of the


Proportion of total unit incomes covered

by appraisal in the total business incomes


of the consolidated financial statements of

the company

Standards of Defects Evaluation

Category Financial Report Non-financial Report

In the following circumstances, the

company was identified as existing

non-financial –reporting related

significant defects of internal controlling


The business activities of the company

seriously violated national laws and

The defects related to financial reports were regulations; (2) The decision-making

divided into general defects, important process of "Three-Importance&

defects and significant defects according to One-Large" were unscientific, leading to

their severity. Significant defects referred to major decision errors, and causing major

one or multiple combinations of controlling property loses to the company; (3)

defects, which may lead to serious deviation Massive loss of key posts or technology

from the controlling objectives. Important talents; (4) The controlling system

defects referred to one or multiple involving important business fields of the

Qualitative criteria

combinations of controlling defects, and company failed; (5) It Caused serious

their severity and economic consequences negative effects on business of the

were below significant defects, but they company, and the effects couldn’t be

could still lead to serious deviation from the eliminated; (6) The evaluation results of

controlling objectives. General defects internal control were significant defects,

referred to other internal controlling defects and couldn’t get effective rectification.

which couldn't constitute significant defects Important defects referred to one or

or important defects. multiple combinations of controlling

defects, and their severity and economic

consequences were below significant

defects, but they could still lead to

serious deviation from the controlling

objectives. General defects referred to

other internal controlling defects which

couldn't constitute significant defects or


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

important defects.

Misstatement amount of financial statement

fell into the following intervals: significant

defects: Misstatement amount ≥ 1.5% of

total revenue; Misstatement amount ≥ 10%

of gross profit; Misstatement amount ≥ 1%

of total asset; Misstatement amount ≥ 5% of

net asset. significant defects: 0.5% of Total

revenue ≤Misstatement amount < 1.5% of

total revenue; 5% of gross profit

≤Misstatement amount < 10% of gross

Quantitative criteria Not applicable

profit; 0.5% of Total asset ≤Misstatement

amount < 1% of total revenue; 3% of Net

assets ≤Misstatement amount < 5% of net

assets. General defects:0% of total revenue

<Misstatement amount<0.5% of Total

revenue; 2% of gross profitt <Misstatement

amount<5% of total profit; 0% of total

assets <Misstatement amount<0.5 of total

assets; 0% of net assets <Misstatement

amount<3% of net assets.

Number of major defects in financial



Number of major defects in non financial


reporting (a)

Number of important defects in financial



Number of important defects in non


financial reporting(a)

X. Internal Control audit report

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Review opinions in the internal control audit report

To all shareholders of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.:

According to the relevant requirements of the “Audit Guideline of Enterprise Internal Control” and the Chinese

CPA criteria, the company has audited the effectiveness of internal control of the financial statement of Shenzhen

Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Textile) at the date of December 31, 2015.

1. The responsibility of enterprise for the internal control. According to the provisions of “Fundamental Norms

for Enterprise Internal Control”, “Operation Guideline of Enterprise Internal Control” and “Evaluation Guideline

of Enterprise Internal Control”, the company has established, perfected and effectively implemented the internal

control, and made an evaluation for its effectiveness, which are the responsibilities of the Board of Directors of


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Shenzhen Textile.

2. The responsibility of CPA. The company shall be responsible for the expression of audit opinions on the

effectiveness of internal control in the financial statement and the disclosure of serious deficiency of internal

control except for the financial statement on the basis of the implementation of audit.

3. The inherent limitation of internal control. There is the possibility of unpreventable errors. In addition, due to

the change of situation, the inappropriate internal control is maybe shown, or the control policy and the abidance

of procedure can be reduced. Based on the audit results of internal control, the future internal control is expected

to have a certain risk.

4. The audit opinions of internal control in the financial statement. The company believes that Shenzhen Textile

has maintained the effective internal control of the financial statement in all the major aspects according to

“Fundamental Norms for Enterprise Internal Control” and the relevant provisions on December 31, 2015.

Peking Certified Public Accountants(Special General Partnership)

Chinese C.P.A.

Xiao Yi

March 29, 2016 Chinese C.P.A.

Lan Tao

Disclosure date of audit report


of internal control (full-text)

Index of audit report of

March 31,2016

internal control (full-text)

Juchao Website: (http://www.cninfo.com.cn);Audit reort of internal control of Peking

Internal audit report’s opinion Certified Public Accountants (QXSZ(2016)No.1563

Type of audit report on internal

Unqualified auditor’s report


Whether there is significant


defectin non-financial report

Has the CPAs issued a qualified auditor’s report of internal control .

□ Yes √No

Does the internal control audit report issued by the CPAs agree with the self-assessment report of the Board of


√Yes □No


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

X. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Type eof audit opinion Standard Unqualified Audit Opinion

Date for signing the auditor’s report March 29,2016

Peking Certified Public Accountants(Special General

Name of audit firm


The audit report number Qin Xin Zi【2016】No.1564

Name of the certified accountants Xiao Yi, Lan Tao

Auditors’ Report

Qin Xin Shen Zi (2016)]No. .

To all shareholders of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.:

We audited accompanying financial statements of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.(the “Company),

including Consolidated and parent Company balance sheet as of December 31, 2015, and the Parent Company and

Consolidated Income statement, The parent company and Consolidated cash flow statement ,The parent Company

and Consolidated Statements of Changes in equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial

statements .

1. The responsibility of the Management for the financial statements

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd ’s. management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of

these financial statements this responsibility includes : (1) Prepare the financial statements according to business

enterprises regulation, so that making reasonable accounting estimate;(2) Design, implementation and

maintenance of internal control related to the preparation of financial statements so that financial statements are

free from material misstatement caused by fraudulent practices or errors.

2. Responsibility of certified public accountants

We are responsible for expressing opinions on financial statements based on our audit. We conducted audit in

accordance with the audit criteria for Chinese certified public accountants. The audit criteria for Chinese certified

public accountants require us to abide by professional ethics, plan and conduct audit to obtain reasonable

assurance as to whether financial statements are free from material misstatement.

Audit involves carrying out audit procedure to obtain the audit evidences about the amounts and disclosure of

financial statements. The selected audit procedure relies on the judgment of certified public accountants, including

the appraisal of risk of material misstatement of financial statements used by fraudulent practices or errors. While

appraising risks, we considered the internal control related to the preparation of financial statements to design

proper audit procedure. The audit also includes the appraisal of suitability of accounting policies selected by the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

management, the reasonableness of accounting estimate and the overall presentation of financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidences obtained by us are full and appropriate and provide a basis for expressing

audit opinion.

3. Audit opinion

In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company Wharf present fairly, in all material respects, the

company’s and consolidated financial position as of 31 December 2015, and the Company’s and consolidated

results of operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises.

Peking Certified Public Accountants(Special General Partnership)

Chinese C.P.A. Xiao Yi

Chinese C.P.A. Lan Tao

March 29,2016


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

II. Financial Statements

\Statement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY

1.Consolidated Balance sheet

Prepared by : Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.


Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Current asset:

Monetary fund 752,314,871.53 1,101,771,561.28

Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

Financial assets measured at fair value

with variations accounted into current

income account

Derivative financial assets

Bill receivable 18,841,745.16 43,412,635.19

Account receivable 182,766,372.05 156,123,570.35

Prepayments 7,853,818.19 27,075,094.81

Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance contracts


Interest receivable 30,298,938.80 13,357,311.32

Dividend receivable

Other account receivable 45,133,672.10 41,843,377.39

Repurchasing of financial assets

Inventories 308,775,044.88 230,659,122.24

Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset 513,553,675.47 61,748,415.41

Total of current assets 1,859,538,138.18 1,675,991,087.99

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on other’s behalf


Disposable financial asset 43,241,524.06 87,592,297.11


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Expired investment in possess

Long-term receivable

Long term share equity investment 22,879,269.06 20,795,057.33

Property investment 134,389,963.05 140,905,275.45

Fixed assets 790,019,487.16 824,871,367.33

Construction in progress 75,803,586.70 79,822,149.34

Engineering material

Fixed asset disposal

Production physical assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 40,626,936.34 41,771,402.89

R & D petrol

Goodwill 9,614,758.55

Long-germ expenses to be amortized 633,541.50 560,877.06

Differed income tax asset 2,262,532.65 2,607,644.23

Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets 1,109,856,840.52 1,208,540,829.29

Total of assets 2,969,394,978.70 2,884,531,917.28

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 53,866,521.87 24,676,594.72

Loan from Central Bank

Deposit received and hold for others

Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at fair

value with variations accounted into

current income account

Derivative financial liabilities

Bill payable

Account payable 227,528,808.60 153,026,682.35

Advance payment 28,199,415.11 41,135,510.00

Selling of repurchased financial assets

Fees and commissions receivable

Employees’ wage payable 35,307,822.40 37,736,705.46

Tax payable 14,682,643.09 8,912,594.55

Interest payable 39,088,887.96 33,037,218.68


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Dividend payable

Other account payable 125,775,723.80 112,654,863.06

Reinsurance fee payable

Insurance contract provision

Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year 40,000,000.00 75,346,136.30

Other current liability

Total of current liability 564,449,822.83 486,526,305.12

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loan 120,000,000.00 124,653,863.70

Bond payable

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Long-term payable

Long-term payable employees’s


Special payable

Expected liabilities

Deferred income 99,524,165.58 66,546,079.96

Deferred income tax liability 10,851,444.74 10,556,420.24

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 230,375,610.32 201,756,363.90

Total of liability 794,825,433.15 688,282,669.02

Owners’ equity

Share capital 506,521,849.00 506,521,849.00

Other equity instruments

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Capital reserves 1,585,130,051.37 1,585,130,051.37

Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income 3,212,187.35 33,389,117.46

Special reserves


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Surplus reserves 70,539,319.86 64,403,027.10

Common risk provision

Undistributed profit 9,166,137.97 6,805,203.33

Total of owner’s equity belong to the

2,174,569,545.55 2,196,249,248.26

parent company

Minority shareholders’ equity

Total of owners’ equity 2,174,569,545.55 2,196,249,248.26

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 2,969,394,978.70 2,884,531,917.28

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying

2. Balance sheet of Parent Company


Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Current asset:

Monetary fund 271,582,749.03 457,379,886.16

Financial assets measured at fair value

with variations accounted into current

income account

Derivative financial assets

Bill receivable 1,800,000.00

Account receivable 819,054.57 468,887.97

Prepayments 1,754,880.00 2,771,374.00

Interest receivable 22,294,015.02 10,640,957.35

Dividend receivable 7,798,378.51

Other account receivable 72,543,709.78 64,581,392.46


Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset 260,000,000.00

Total of current assets 636,792,786.91 537,642,497.94

Non-current assets:

Disposable financial asset 41,741,524.06 84,292,297.11

Expired investment in possess

Long-term receivable


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Long term share equity investment 1,779,103,035.67 1,797,651,565.42

Property investment 126,873,096.51 132,976,776.39

Fixed assets 26,579,978.92 27,002,348.21

Construction in progress 38,792,110.90 31,482,502.19

Engineering material

Fixed asset disposal

Production physical assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 1,378,688.61 1,627,715.16

R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be amortized

Deferred income tax asset 2,556,126.29 3,061,417.30

Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets 2,017,024,560.96 2,078,094,621.78

Total of assets 2,653,817,347.87 2,615,737,119.72

Current liabilities

Short-term loans

Financial liabilities measured at fair

value with variations accounted into

current income account

Derivative financial liabilities

Bill payable

Account payable 411,743.57 411,743.57

Advance payment 639,024.58 639,024.58

Employees’ wage payable 7,299,686.80 5,878,352.45

Tax payable 12,558,340.06 6,660,135.95

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other account payable 77,332,555.09 67,479,912.27

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year

Other current liability

Total of current liability 98,241,350.10 81,069,168.82

Non-current liabilities:


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Long-term loan

Bond payable

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Long-term payable

Employees’ wage payable

Special payable

Expected liabilities

Deferred income

Deferred income tax liability 278,469.57 10,556,420.24

Other non-current liabilities

Total of Non-current liabilities 278,469.57 10,556,420.24

Total of liability 98,519,819.67 91,625,589.06

Owners’ equity

Share capital 506,521,849.00 506,521,849.00

Other equity instrument

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Capital reserves 1,576,547,069.58 1,576,547,069.58

Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income 3,212,187.35 33,389,117.46

Special reserves

Surplus reserves 70,539,319.86 64,403,027.10

Undistributed profit 398,477,102.41 343,250,467.52

Total of owners’ equity 2,555,297,528.20 2,524,111,530.66

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 2,653,817,347.87 2,615,737,119.72

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying

3.Consolidated Income Statement


Items Report period Same period of the previous year

I. Income from the key business 1,226,746,791.62 1,210,952,548.57

Incl:Business income 1,226,746,791.62 1,210,952,548.57

Interest income


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost 1,302,269,276.48 1,317,382,360.52

Incl:Business cost 1,142,511,012.84 1,154,743,462.84

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Reinsurance expenses

Business tax and surcharge 7,624,971.76 7,905,969.24

Sales expense 11,743,914.73 14,067,625.17

Administrative expense 103,044,704.30 119,496,105.45

Financial expenses -24,448,318.10 -30,392,840.60

Asset impairment loss 61,792,990.95 51,562,038.42

Add:Gains from change of fir value

(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss) 94,812,557.58 23,294,636.54

Incl: investment gains from affiliates 2,431,042.20 1,788,818.78

Gains from currency exchange(“-”for


III. Operational profit(“-”for loss) 19,290,072.72 -83,135,175.41

Add :Non-operational income 24,122,339.62 21,159,989.26

Including:Income from disposal of

235,533.62 135,925.51

non-current assets

Less:Non business expenses 260,665.61 83,757.49

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current

260,642.59 83,643.89


IV.Total profit(“-”for loss) 43,151,746.73 -62,058,943.64

Less:Income tax expenses 34,654,519.33 51,532,384.62

V. Net profit 8,497,227.40 -113,591,328.26

Net profit attributable to the owners of

8,497,227.40 -113,591,328.26

parent company

Minority shareholders’ equity


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VI. Other comprehensive income -30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17

Net of profit of other comprehensive inco

me attributable to owners of the parent co -30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17


(I)Other comprehensive income items

that will not be reclassified into

gains/losses in the subsequent

accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pla

ns of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under the

equity method investee can not be reclass

ified into profit or loss.


Other comprehensive income that will b -30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17

e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under the

equity method investee can be reclassifie

d into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair v

-30,375,486.14 9,886,627.82

alue available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassifi

ed to gains and losses of available for sal

e financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedg

es and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fina

198,556.03 -32,283.65

ncial statements


7.Net of profit of other comprehensive i

ncome attributable to Minority

shareholders’ equity

VII. Total comprehensive income -21,679,702.71 -103,736,984.09

Total comprehensive income attributable

-21,679,702.71 -103,736,984.09

to the owner of the parent company

Total comprehensive income attributable

minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share 0.02 -0.22

(II)Diluted earnings per share 0.02 -0.22

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved ne

t profit of RMB 0, last period the combined party realized RMB 0.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Legal Representative:Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu


4. Income statement of the Parent Company


Items Amount in this period Amount in last period

I. Income from the key business 64,473,351.83 63,124,318.89

Incl:Business cost 12,333,803.24 12,482,856.41

Business tax and surcharge 5,494,540.21 5,530,512.60

Sales expense

Administrative expense 28,207,859.60 31,313,410.67

Financial expenses -19,528,024.29 -15,035,734.73

Asset impairment loss 14,939,945.14 -5,163,448.04

Add:Gains from change of fir value

(“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss) 58,283,064.18 22,062,282.28

Incl: investment gains from affiliates 2,431,042.20 1,788,818.79

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss) 81,308,292.11 56,059,004.26

Add :Non-operational income 2,047,648.92 3,993,511.97

Including:Income from disposal of


non-current assets

Less:Non business expenses 13,020.92

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current



III.Total profit(“-”for loss) 83,342,920.11 60,052,516.23

Less:Income tax expenses 21,979,992.46 14,039,596.21

IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss) 61,362,927.65 46,012,920.02

V.Net of profit of other comprehensive i

-30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17


(I)Other comprehensive income items

that will not be reclassified into

gains/losses in the subsequent

accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl

ans of changes in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under th

e equity method investee can not be recl


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

assified into profit or loss.


Other comprehensive income that will b -30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17

e reclassified into profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under th

e equity method investee can be reclassi

fied into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair

-30,375,486.14 9,886,627.82

value available for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif

ied to gains and losses of available for s

ale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hed

ges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency fin

198,556.03 -32,283.65

ancial statements


VI. Total comprehensive income 31,185,997.54 55,867,264.19

VII. Earnings per share:

(I)Basic earnings per share

(II)Diluted earnings per share

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement


Items Amount in this period Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or

1,247,874,437.38 1,225,517,209.48

rending of services

Net increase of customer deposits

and capital kept for brother company

Net increase of loans from central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans from

other financial bodies

Cash received against original insurance



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Net cash received from reinsurance


Net increase of client deposit and


Net increase of amount from disposal

financial assets that measured by fair

value and with variation reckoned into

current gains/losses

Net increase of inter-bank fund


Net increase of trade financial asset


Net increase of repurchasing business

Tax returned 68,431,596.59 77,012,597.33

Other cash received from business

95,526,183.51 75,754,386.32


Sub-total of cash inflow 1,411,832,217.48 1,378,284,193.13

Cash paid for purchasing of

1,157,396,626.23 1,165,323,109.41

merchandise and services

Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings n central bank

and brother company

Cash paid for original contract claim

Cash paid for interest, processing fee

and commission

Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 128,028,856.25 134,633,573.32

Taxes paid 36,667,118.26 80,706,284.79

Other cash paid for business activities 50,155,116.37 46,322,719.66

Sub-total of cash outflow from business

1,372,247,717.11 1,426,985,687.18


Cash flow generated by business

39,584,500.37 -48,701,494.05

operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment

89,640,023.95 21,307,417.68


Cash received as investment gains 4,871,581.37 3,298,701.39


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Net cash retrieved from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets, and other 2,950.00 118,690.00

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of


subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash received 30,591,780.82 202,371,196.29

Sub-total of cash inflow due to

125,106,336.14 327,482,005.36

investment activities

Cash paid for construction of

fixed assets, intangible assets 17,134,529.58 48,919,307.85

and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and

other operational units

Other cash paid for investment

490,059,223.58 100,000,000.00


Sub-total of cash outflow due to

507,193,753.16 148,919,307.85

investment activities

Net cash flow generated by investment -382,087,417.02 178,562,697.51

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment

Incl: Cash received as investment from

minor shareholders

Cash received as loans 244,759,302.00 160,095,760.79

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received 279.31

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing

244,759,302.00 160,096,040.10


Cash to repay debts 255,569,374.85 135,419,166.07

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or

792,115.53 402,425.29


Incl: Dividend and profit paid by

subsidiaries to minor shareholders

Other cash paid for financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflow due to

256,361,490.38 135,821,591.36

financing activities


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Net cash flow generated by financing -11,602,188.38 24,274,448.74

IV. Influence of exchange rate

4,531,621.61 182,755.14

alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash

-349,573,483.42 154,318,407.34


Add: balance of cash and cash

1,098,232,359.02 943,913,951.68

equivalents at the beginning of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash

748,658,875.60 1,098,232,359.02

equivalents at the end of term

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying

6. Cash flow statement of the Parent Company


Items Amount in this period Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or

63,862,579.19 62,399,316.68

rending of services

Tax returned

Other cash received from business

18,819,989.01 20,495,286.17


Sub-total of cash inflow 82,682,568.20 82,894,602.85

Cash paid for purchasing of

4,835,838.70 6,021,459.84

merchandise and services

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 14,524,922.32 17,957,199.61

Taxes paid 22,477,306.54 68,706,268.66

Other cash paid for business activities 9,551,257.85 10,533,550.85

Sub-total of cash outflow from business

51,389,325.41 103,218,478.96


Cash flow generated by business

31,293,242.79 -20,323,876.11

operation, net

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment

46,395,738.95 19,302,132.19


Cash received as investment gains 3,777,417.02 2,048,981.52

Net cash retrieved from disposal of

fixed assets, intangible assets, and other


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of


subsidiaries or other operational units

Other investment-related cash received 30,591,780.82 567,210.00

Sub-total of cash inflow due to

80,764,936.79 122,304,323.71

investment activities

Cash paid for construction of

fixed assets, intangible assets 7,855,316.71 10,228,512.00

and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment

Net cash received from subsidiaries and

other operational units

Other cash paid for investment



Sub-total of cash outflow due to

297,855,316.71 10,228,512.00

investment activities

Net cash flow generated by investment -217,090,379.92 112,075,811.71

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment

Cash received as loans

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received 279.31

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing



Cash to repay debts

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or


Other cash paid for financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflow due to

financing activities

Net cash flow generated by financing 279.31

IV. Influence of exchange rate


alternation on cash and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash

-185,797,137.13 91,759,204.82


Add: balance of cash and cash

457,379,886.16 365,620,681.34

equivalents at the beginning of term


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VI ..Balance of cash and cash

271,582,749.03 457,379,886.16

equivalents at the end of term

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying

7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity

Amount in this period


Amount in this period

Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other Equity


instrusment Other Commo Total of

Items Share Less: Speciali Attribut shareho

Capital Compre Surplus n risk owners’

Capita prefer Shares zed able lders’

reserves hensive reserves provisio equity


l red Other in stock reserve profit equity

nable Income n



506,52 1,585,1 2,196,2

I.Balance at the 33,389, 64,403, 6,805,2

1,849. 30,051. 49,248.

end of last year 117.46 027.10 03.33

00 37 26

Add: Change of



Correcting of

previous errors

Merger of entities

under common



II.Balance at the 506,52 1,585,1 2,196,2

33,389, 64,403, 6,805,2

beginning of 1,849. 30,051. 49,248.

117.46 027.10 03.33

current year 00 37 26

III.Changed in the -30,176, 6,136,2 2,360,9 -21,679,

current year 930.11 92.76 34.64 702.71


-30,176, 8,497,2 -21,679,


930.11 27.40 702.71



or decreasing of

capital by owners


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

1.Ordinary Share

s invested by hare


2 . Holders of oth

er equity instrume

nts invested capital

3.Amount of

shares paid and

accounted as

owners’ equity


(III)Profit 6,136,2 -6,136,2

allotment 92.76 92.76

1.Providing of 6,136,2 -6,136,2

surplus reserves 92.76 92.76

2.Providing of

common risk


3.Allotment to the

owners (or



(IV) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3.Making up

losses by surplus


4. Other

(V). Special


1. Provided this



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

2.Used this term


506,52 1,585,1 2,174,5

IV. Balance at the 3,212,1 70,539, 9,166,1

1,849. 30,051. 69,545.

end of this term 87.35 319.86 37.97

00 37 55

Amount in last year


Amount in last year

Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other Equity


instrusment Total of

Items Other Commo

Share Less: Speciali Attribut shareho

Capital Compre Surplus n risk owners’

Capita prefer Shares zed able lders’

Sustai reserves hensive reserves provisio equity

l red Other in stock reserve profit equity

nable Income n



506,52 1,582,9 2,297,8

I.Balance at the 23,534, 59,801, 124,997

1,849. 90,396. 46,577.

end of last year 773.29 735.10 ,823.59

00 13 11

Add: Change of



Correcting of

previous errors

Merger of entities

under common



II.Balance at the 506,52 1,582,9 2,297,8

23,534, 59,801, 124,997

beginning of 1,849. 90,396. 46,577.

773.29 735.10 ,823.59

current year 00 13 11

-118,19 -101,59

III.Changed in the 2,139,6 9,854,3 4,601,2

2,620.2 7,328.8

current year 55.24 44.17 92.00

6 5

(1)Total -113,59 -103,73


comprehensive 1,328.2 6,984.0


income 6 9


or decreasing of

capital by owners


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

1.Ordinary Share

s invested by hare


2 . Holders of oth

er equity instrume

nts invested capital

3.Allotment to the

owners (or



(III)Profit 4,601,2 -4,601,2

allotment 92.00 92.00

1.Providing of 4,601,2 -4,601,2

surplus reserves 92.00 92.00

2.Providing of

common risk


3.Allotment to the

owners (or



(IV) Internal

transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3.Making up

losses by surplus


4. Other

(V) Special


1. Provided this



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

2.Used this term

2,139,6 2,139,6


55.24 55.24

506,52 1,585,1 2,196,2

IV. Balance at the 33,389, 64,403, 6,805,2

1,849. 30,051. 49,248.

end of this term 117.46 027.10 03.33

00 37 26

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying

8. Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

Amount in this period


Amount in this period

Other Equity instrusment


Other Less: Total of

Items Share Capital Compreh Specialize Surplus Attribut

preferre Sustain Shares in able owners’

Capital reserves ensive d reserve reserves profit

d stock able stock equity



506,521, 1,576,547 33,389,11 64,403,02 343,250 2,524,111

I.Balance at the

end of last year 849.00 ,069.58 7.46 7.10 ,467.52 ,530.66

Add: Change of



Correcting of

previous errors


II.Balance at the

506,521, 1,576,547 33,389,11 64,403,02 343,250 2,524,111

beginning of

849.00 ,069.58 7.46 7.10 ,467.52 ,530.66

current year

III.Changed in the -30,176,9 6,136,292 55,226, 31,185,99

current year 30.11 .76 634.89 7.54


-30,176,9 61,362, 31,185,99


30.11 927.65 7.54


(II)Investment or

decreasing of

capital by owners

1.Ordinary Share

s invested by hareh


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


2 . Holders of oth

er equity instrume

nts invested capital

3.Allotment to the

owners (or



(III)Profit 6,136,292 -6,136,2

allotment .76 92.76

1.Providing of 6,136,292 -6,136,2

surplus reserves .76 92.76

2.Allotment to the

owners (or




transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3.Making up

losses by surplus


4. Other

(V) Special


1. Provided this


2.Used this term


IV. Balance at the 506,521, 1,576,547 3,212,187 70,539,31 398,477 2,555,297

end of this term 849.00 ,069.58 .35 9.86 ,102.41 ,528.20

Amount in last year


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


Amount in last year

Other Equity instrusment


Other Less: Total of

Items Share Capital Compreh Specialize Surplus Attribut

preferre Sustain Shares in able owners’

Capital reserves ensive d reserve reserves profit

d stock able stock equity



506,521, 1,574,407 23,534,77 59,801,73 301,838 2,466,104

I.Balance at the

end of last year 849.00 ,414.34 3.29 5.10 ,839.50 ,611.23

Add: Change of



Correcting of

previous errors


II.Balance at the

506,521, 1,574,407 23,534,77 59,801,73 301,838 2,466,104

beginning of

849.00 ,414.34 3.29 5.10 ,839.50 ,611.23

current year

III.Changed in the 2,139,655 9,854,344 4,601,292 41,411, 58,006,91

current year .24 .17 .00 628.02 9.43


9,854,344 46,012, 55,867,26


.17 920.02 4.19


(II)Investment or

decreasing of

capital by owners

1.Ordinary Share

s invested by hareh


2 . Holders of oth

er equity instrume

nts invested capital

3.Allotment to the

owners (or



(III)Profit 4,601,292 -4,601,2

allotment .00 92.00

1.Providing of 4,601,292 -4,601,2

surplus reserves .00 92.00


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

2.Allotment to the

owners (or




transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of

capital reserves (or

to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of

surplus reserves

(or to capital


3.Making up

losses by surplus


4. Other

(V) Special


1. Provided this


2.Used this term

2,139,655 2,139,655


.24 .24

IV. Balance at the 506,521, 1,576,547 33,389,11 64,403,02 343,250 2,524,111

end of this term 849.00 ,069.58 7.46 7.10 ,467.52 ,530.66

Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Notes to financial statements

Year 2015

(Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB)

I. Basic Information of the Company

(1)Co mpan y P rofile

1. Enterprise registration address, organization mode and headquarter address.

The company was previously the Shenzhen Textile Industry Company, on April 13, 1994, approved

by the Letter(1994)No.15 issued by Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, the Company was

restructured and named as Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. In the same year, approved by the

(1994) No.19 file of Shenzhenshi, the shares of the company were listed in Shenzhen Stock

Exchange. The Company has got the corporate business certification of Shensizi No.

440301105031014, Registration address and headquarter address are 6/F,Shenfang Building,

Huaqiang Road. North, Futian District, Shenzhen.

2.Enterprise’s business nature and major business operation.

At present, the Company is mainly engaged in high-tech industry focusing on R&D, production and

marketing of polarizer’s for liquid crystal display, management of properties in bustling business

districts of Shenzhen and reserved high-class textile and garment business.

3. Approval of the financial statements reported

The financial statements have been authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors of the Group

on March 29,2016.

(2)Scope of consolidated financial statements

1.As of the end of the reporting period, there are 7 subsidiaries companies included in the

consolidated financial statements:Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.,

Shenzhen Lisi Industrial Development Co., Ltd.,Shenzhen Huaqiang Hotel, Shenzhen Shenfang

Property Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Beautify Garments Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shenfang Import

& Export Co., Ltd. and Shengtou (Hongkong) Co.,Ltd.

2.The scope of consolidated financial statements this period did not change.

II.Basis for the preparation of financial statements

(1)Basis for the preparation

The basis of the financial statements was continuous operation assumption, based on actual

transactions, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises and in accordance with this Note III, "Significant accounting policies and accounting



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


There will be no such events or situations in the 12 months from the end of the reporting period that

will cause material doubts as to the continuation capability of the Company.

III. Important accounting policies and estimations

1. Statement on complying with corporate accounting standards

The financial statements prepared by the Company comply with the requirements of corporate

accounting standards. They truly and completely reflect the financial situations, operating results,

equity changes and cash flow, and other relevant information of the company.

2.Fiscal Year

The Company adopts the Gregorian calendar year commencing on January 1 and ending on

December 31 as the fiscal year.

3. Operating cycle

Normal business cycle is realized by the Company in cash or cash equivalents from the purchase of

assets for processing until. Less than 1 year is for the normal operating cycle in the company.

With regard to less than 1 year for the normal operating cycle, the assets realized or the liabilities

repaid at maturity within one year as of the balance sheet date shall be classified into the current

assets or the current liabilities.

4. Accounting standard money

The Company takes RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping.

5. Accounting process method of enterprise consolidation under same and different


(1)Enterprise merger under same control:

For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the

combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the

absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is a party being

absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the absorbing party effectively obtains control of

the party being absorbed.

The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the

enterprise being combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of

the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of consideration paid for the combination (or the

total face value of shares issued) is adjusted to the capital premium in the capital reserve. If the

balance of the capital premium is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly attributable to

the combination shall be recognized as an expense through profit or loss for the current period when


Accounting Treatment of the Consolidated Financial Statements:

The long-term equity investment held by the combining party before the combination will change if

the relevant profit and loss, other comprehensive income and other owner equity are confirmed

between the ultimate control date and the combining date for the combining party and the combined

party on the acquirement date, and shall respectively offset the initial retained incomes or the profits

and losses of the current period during the comparative statement.

(2)Business combination involving entities not under common control

A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination

in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties

both before and after the business combination. For a business combination not involving

enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another

enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in

the combination is the acquire. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains

control of the acquire.

The difference of the merger cost minus the fair value shares of identifiable net assets obtained by

the acquire during the merger on the acquisition date, is recognized as the business reputation.

While the merger cost is less than the fair value shares of identifiable net assets obtained by the

acquire during the merger, all the measurement on the identifiable assets, the liabilities, the fair

value of liabilities and the merger cost obtained by the acquire should firstly be rechecked, and the

difference shall be recorded into the current profits and costs if the merger cost is still less than the

fair value shares of identifiable net assets obtained by the acquire during the merger after


Where the temporary difference obtained by the acquirer was not recognized due to inconformity

with the conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if, within the 12 months after

acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date

and the expected economic benefits on the acquisition date arose from deductible temporary

difference by the acquiree can be achieved, relevant income tax assets can be recognized, and

goodwill offset. If the goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be recognized as profit of the

current period.

For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, which achieved in

stages that involves multiple exchange transactions, according to “The notice of the Ministry of

Finance on the issuance of Accounting Standards Interpretation No. 5” (CaiKuai [2012] No. 19) and

Article51 of “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.33 - Consolidated Financial

Statements” on the “package deal” criterion, to judge the multiple exchange transitions whether they

are the"package deal". If it belong to the “package deal” in reference to the preceding paragraphs of

this section and “long-term investment” accounting treatment, if it does not belong to the “package

deal” to distinguish the individual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements

related to the accounting treatment:

In the individual financial statements, the total value of the book value of the acquirer’s equity


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

investment before the acquisition date and the cost of new investment at the acquisition date, as the

initial cost of the investment, the acquirer’s equity investment before the acquisition date involved

in other comprehensive income, in the disposal of the investment will be in other comprehensive

income associated with the use of infrastructure and the acquire directly related to the disposal of

assets or liabilities of the same accounting treatment (that is, except in accordance with the equity

method of accounting in the defined benefit plan acquire is remeasured net changes in net assets or

liabilities other than in the corresponding share of the lead, and the rest into the current investment


In the combination financial statements, the equity interest in the acquire previously held before the

acquisition date re-assessed at the fair value at the acquisition date, with any difference between its

fair value and its carrying amount is recorded as investment income. The previously-held equity

interest in the acquire involved in other comprehensive income and other comprehensive income

associated with the purchase of the foundation should be used party directly related to the disposal

of assets or liabilities of the same accounting treatment (that is, except in accordance with the equity

method of accounting in the acquire is remeasured defined benefit plans other than changes in net

liabilities or net assets due to a corresponding share of the rest of the acquisition date into current

investment income).

6.Preparation of the consolidated financial statements

(1)The scope of consolidation

The scope of consolidation for the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of

control. Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to

obtain benefits from its operating activities. The relevant events refer to the activities that have

significant influence on the return to the invested party. In accordance with the specific conditions,

the relevant events of the invested party should conclude the sale and purchase of goods and services,

the management of the financial assets, the purchase and disposal of the assets, the research and

development activities, the financing activities and so on.

The scope of consolidation includes the Company and all of the subsidiaries. Subsidiary is an

enterprise or entity under the control of the Company.

Once the change in the relevant facts and circumstances leading to the definition of the relevant

elements involved in the control of the change, the company will be re-evaluated.

( 2)Preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

The Company based on its own and its subsidiaries financial statements, in accordance with other

relevant information, to prepare the consolidated financial statements.

For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not under common control, the operating

results and cash flows from the acquisition (the date when the control is obtained) are included in the

consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriated; no

adjustment is made to the opening balance and comparative figures in the consolidated financial

statements. Where a subsidiary and a party being absorbed in a merger by absorption was acquired

during the reporting period, through a business combination involving enterprises under common

control, the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial

statements. The results of operations and cash flow are included in the consolidated balance sheet and


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

the consolidated income statement, respectively, based on their carrying amounts, from the date that

common control was established, and the opening balances and the comparative figures of the

consolidated financial statements are restated.

When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the

Company, the Company makes necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary

based on the Company’s own accounting period or accounting policies. Where a subsidiary was

acquired during the reporting period through a business combination not under common control, the

financial statements was reconciliated on the basis of the fair value of identifiable net assets at the

date of acquisition.

Intra-Group balances and transactions, and any unrealized profit or loss arising from intra-Group

transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.

Minority interest and the portion in the net profit or loss not attributable to the Company are

presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’/ owners’ equity and net

profit. Net profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders in the subsidiaries is presented

separately as minority interest in the consolidated income statement below the net profit line item.

When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority shareholders of a

subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ portion of the opening balance of shareholders’/equity

of the subsidiary, the excess is allocated against the minority interests.

When the Company loses control of a subsidiary due to the disposal of a portion of an equity

investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment is re-measured at its fair value at the

date when control is lost. The difference between 1) the total amount of consideration received from

the transaction that resulted in the loss of control and the fair value of the remaining equity

investment and 2) the carrying amounts of the interest in the former subsidiary’s net assets

immediately before the loss of the control is recognized as investment income for the current period

when control is lost. Other comprehensive income related to the former subsidiary's equity

investment, using the foundation and the acquire directly related to the disposal of the same assets or

liabilities are accounted when the control is lost(ie, in addition to the former subsidiary is remeasured

at the net defined benefit plan or changes in net assets and liabilities resulting from, the rest are

transferred to the current investment income). The retained interest is subsequently measured

according to the rules stipulated in the - “Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

No.2 - Long-term equity investment” or “Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

No.22 - Determination and measurement of financial instruments”.

The company through multiple transactions step deal with disposal of the subsidiary's equity

investment until the loss of control, need to distinguish between equity until the disposal of a

subsidiary's loss of control over whether the transaction is package deal. Terms of the transaction

disposition of equity investment in a subsidiary, subject to the following conditions and the economic

impact of one or more of cases, usually indicates that several transactions should be accounted for as

a package deal:①these transactions are considered。simultaneously, or in the case of mutual influence

made, ②these transactions as a whole in order to achieve a complete business results; ③the

occurrence of a transaction depends on occurs at least one other transaction; ④a transaction look

alone is not economical, but when considered together with other transaction is economical.

If they does not belong to the package deal, each of them separately, as the case of a transaction in

accordance with “without losing control over the disposal of a subsidiary part of a long-term equity


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

investments“principles applicable accounting treatment. Until the disposal of the equity investment

loss of control of a subsidiary of the transactions belonging to the package deal, the transaction will

be used as a disposal of a subsidiary and the loss of control of the transaction. However, before losing

control of the price of each disposal entitled to share in the net assets of the subsidiary 's investment

corresponding to the difference between the disposal, recognized in the consolidated financial

statements as other comprehensive income, loss of control over the transferred together with the loss

of control or loss in the period.

7.Joint venture arrangements classification and Co-operation accounting treatment

(1)Joint arrangement

A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control,depending of

the rights and obligation of the Company in the joint arrangement. A joint operation is a joint

arrangement whereby the Company has rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating

to the arrangement. A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the Company has rights to the net

assets of the arrangement.

(2)Co-operation accounting treatment

When the joint venture company for joint operations, confirm the following items and share common

business interests related to:

(1)Confirm individual assets and common assets held based on shareholdings;

(2)Confirm individual liabilities and shared liabilities held based on shareholdings;

(3)Confirm the income from the sales revenue of co-operate business output

(4)Confirm the income from the sales of the co-operate business output based on shareholdings;

(5)Confirm the individual expenditure and co-operate business cost based on shareholdings.

(3)When a 、company is a joint ventures, joint venture investment will be recognized as long-term

equity investments .

8.Recognition Standard of Cash & Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents of the Company include cash on hand, ready usable deposits and

investments having short holding term (normally will be due within three months from the day of

purchase), with strong liquidity and easy to be exchanged into certain amount of cash that can be

measured reliably and have low risks of change.

9.Foreign Currency Transaction

(1)Foreign Currency Transaction

The approximate shot exchange rate on the transaction date is adopted and translated as RMB

amount when the foreign currency transaction is initially recognized. On the balance sheet date, the

monetary items of foreign currency are translated as per the shot exchange rate on the balance sheet

date, the foreign exchange conversion gap due to the exchange rate, except for the balance of

exchange conversion arising from special foreign currency borrowings capitals and interests for the

purchase and construction of qualified capitalization assets, shall be recorded into the profits and


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

losses of the current period. The non-monetary items of foreign currency measured at the historical

cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the RMB

amount shall not be changed. The non-monetary items of foreign currency measured at the fair

value shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the fair value recognized date, the gap shall be

recorded into the current profits and losses or other comprehensive incomes.

(2) Translation Method of Foreign Currency Financial Statement

For the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet, the shot exchange rate on the balance sheet date is

adopted as the translation exchange rate. For the owner’s equity, the shot exchange rate on the

transaction date is adopted as the translation exchange rate, with the exception of “undistributed

profits”. The incomes and expenses in the income statement shall be translated at the spot exchange

rate or the approximate exchange rate on the transaction date. The translation gap of financial

statement of foreign currency converted above shall be listed in other comprehensive incomes under

the owner’s equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

10.Financial tools

One financial asset or financial liability shall be recognized when the company becomes the party in

the financial instrument contract. The financial assets and the financial liabilities are measured at the

fair value in the initial recognition. For the financial assets and liabilities that measured at the fair

values and the variation included in the current profits and losses, the relative transaction expenses

shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses. For the financial assets and liabilities of other

categories, the expenses related to transactions are recognized as initial amount.

1 Determination of financial assets and liabilities’ fair value

Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between

knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. For a financial instrument which has an

active market, the Company uses quoted price in the active market to establish its fair value. The

quoted price in the active market refers to the price that can be regularly obtained from exchange

market, agencies, industry associations, pricing authorities; it represents the fair market trading price

in the actual transaction. For a financial instrument which does not have an active market, the

Company establishes fair value by using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using

recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the

current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis

and option pricing models.

2. Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trade date

basis. On initial recognition, the Company’s financial assets are classified into including financial

assets at fair value though profit or loss, held-to maturity investments, loans and receivables and

available-for-trade assets.

(1) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:

Including financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designated at fair value through profit or

loss. Financial asset held-for-trade is the financial asset that meets one of the following conditions:

A. the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short term;


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

B. the financial asset is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively

managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages this portfolio

for the purpose of short-term profits;

C. the financial asset is a derivative, except for a derivative that is designated and effective hedging

instrument, or a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by

delivery of an unquoted equity instrument (without a quoted price from an active market) whose fair

value cannot be reliably measured. For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for

subsequent measurement.

Financial asset is designated on initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss only when it

meets one of the following conditions:

A. the designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the measurement or

recognition of relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise from measuring the financial

instruments on different bases.

B. a Group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis,

and is reported to the enterprise’s key management personnels. Formal documentation regarding risk

management or investment strategy has prepared。

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at the fair value. Any

gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value and any dividends or interest income earned on

the financial assets are recognized in the profit or loss.

(2)Investment held-to maturity

Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments

and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Such kind

of financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

Gains or losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or

loss for the current period.

Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounted estimated future cash flows through the

expected life of the financial asset or financial liability or, where appropriate, a shorter period to the

net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. When calculating the effective interest

rate, the Company shall estimate future cash flow considering all contractual terms of the financial

asset or financial liability without considering future credit losses, and also consider all fees paid or

received between the parties to the contract giving rise to the financial asset and financial liability that

are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs, and premiums or discounts, etc.

(3)Loans and receivables

Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed determinable payment that are

not quoted in an active market. Financial assets classified as loans and receivables by the Company

include note receivables, account receivables, interest receivable dividends receivable and other


Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest

method. Gain or loss arising from derecognition, impairment or amortization is recognized in profit

or loss.

(4)Financial assets available-for-trade

Financial assets available-for-trade include non-derivative financial assets that are designated on

initial recognition as available for trade, and financial assets that are not classified as financial assets


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables or investment held-to-maturity.

Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses

arising from changes in the fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income and included in

the capital reserve, except that impairment losses and exchange differences related to amortized cost

of monetary financial assets denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in profit or loss, until

the financial assets are derecognized, at which time the gains or losses are released and recognized in

profit or loss. Interests obtained and dividends declared by the investee during the period in which the

financial assets available-for-trade are held, are recognized in investment gains.

3. Impairment of financial assets

The Group assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of every financial asset except for

the financial assets that measured by the fair value. If there is objective evidence indicating a

financial asset may be impaired, a provision is provided for the impairment.

The company shall make an independent impairment test on the financial assets with significant

single amounts, and carry out an independent impairment test on the financial assets with

insignificant single amounts, or conduct an impairment-related test after they are included in a

combination of financial assets with similar credit risk features so as to carry out. Where, upon

independent test, the financial asset (including those financial assets with significant single amounts

and those with insignificant amounts) has not been impaired, it shall be included in a combination of

financial assets with similar risk features so as to conduct another impairment test. The financial

assets which have suffered from an impairment loss in any single amount shall not be included in any

combination of financial assets with similar risk features for any impairment test.

(1)Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables

The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying value by the

estimated present value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded as impairment loss. If there is

objective evidence to indicate the recovery of value of financial assets after impairment, and it is

related with subsequent event after recognition of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can be

reversed. The carrying value of financial assets after impairment loss reversed shall not exceed the

amortized cost of the financial assets without provisions of impairment loss on the reserving date.

(2)Impairment loss on available-for-trade financial assets

Where the fair value of the equity instrument investment drops significantly or not contemporarily

according to the integrated relevant factors, an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired. The

"serious decline" refers to the cumulative fair value declines more than 30%; "non-temporary

decline" refers to the continuous decline in the fair value of time over 12 months.

When an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising from declining in

fair value that had been recognized in capital reserve shall be removed and recognized in profit or

loss. The amount of the cumulative loss that is removed shall be difference between the acquisition

cost with deduction of recoverable amount less amortized cost, current fair value and any impairment

loss on that financial asset previously recognized in profit or loss.

If, after an impairment loss has been recognized, there is objective evidence that the value of the

financial asset is recovered, and it is objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment

loss was recognized, the initial impairment loss can be reversed and the reserved impairment loss on

available-for-trade equity instrument is recorded in the profit or loss, the reserved impairment loss on

available-for-trade debt instrument is recorded in the current profit or loss.


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The equity instrument where there is no quoted price in an active market, and whose fair value cannot

be reliably measured, or impairment loss on a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by

delivery of such an unquoted equity instrument shall not be reversed.

4. Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer

The Group derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is met:

1) the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;

2) the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset to a third party under a

pass-through arrangement; or

3) the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and either has

transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or has neither transferred norretained

substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.

If the enterprise has neither retained all the risks and rewards from the financial asset nor control over

the asset, the asset is recognized according to the extent it exists as financial asset, and correspondent

liability is recognized. The extent of existence refers the level of risk by the financial asset changes

the enterprise is facing.

For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, the carrying

amount of the financial asset transferred; and the sum of the consideration received from the transfer

and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized in other comprehensive income, is

recognized in profit or loss.

If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the

transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized and the part

that is derecognized, based on the relative fair value of those parts. The difference between (a) the

carrying amount allocated to the part derecognized; and (b) the sum of the consideration received for

the part derecognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized which has

been previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss.

The Company uses recourse sale financial assets, or financial assets held endorser, determine almost

all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred if. Has

transferred the ownership of the financial assets of almost all the risks and rewards to the transferee,

the derecognition of the financial asset; retains ownership of the financial assets of almost all of the

risks and rewards of financial assets that are not derecognised; neither transfers nor retains ownership

of the financial assets of almost all of the risks and rewards, then continue to determine whether the

enterprise retains control of the assets and the accounting treatment in accordance with the principles

described in the preceding paragraphs.

5. Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

The Group’s financial liabilities are, on initial recognition, classified into financial liabilities at fair

value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities at fair value through

profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are immediately recognized in profit or loss for the current

period, and transaction costs relating to other financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition


(1)Financial liabilities measured by the fair value and the changes recorded in profit or loss

The classification by which financial liabilities held-for-trade and financial liabilities designed at the

initial recognition to be measured by the fair value follows the same criteria as the classification by

which financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designed at the initial recognition to be


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

measured by the fair value and their changes are recorded in the current profit or loss.For the

financial liabilities measured by the fair value and changes recorded in the profit or loss, fair values

are adopted for subsequent measurement. All the gains or losses on the change of fair value and the

expenses on dividends or interests related to these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss

for the current period.

(2)Other financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities that linked with equity instruments, which do not have a quoted price

in an active market and their fair value cannot be measured reliably, is subsequently measured by cost

Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest

method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization is recognized in profit or loss for

the current period.

6. Derecognition of financial liabilities

The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present obligation

(or part of it) is discharged or cancelled or has expired. An agreement between the Company (an

existing borrower) and existing lender to replace original financial liability with a new financial

liability with substantially different terms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original

financial liability and the recognition of a new liability.

When the Company derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the difference

between the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability) derecognized

the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed)

in profit or loss.

7. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

When the Company has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial

assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial

asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall be

offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances,

financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall not

be offset.

8. Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company

after deducting all of its liabilities. The consideration received from issuing equity instruments, net of

transaction costs, are added to shareholders’ equity. All types of distribution (excluding stock

dividends) made by the Company to holders of equity instruments are deducted from shareholders’

equity. The Group does not recognize any changes in the fair value of equity instruments.

11.Accounts Receivable

1.Accounts receivable with material specific amount and specific provisioned bad debt


Judgment criteria or The Client Identifies single amount of accounts receivable that is not less than RMB 1 million as

amount standard of account receivable that are individually significant in amount. The Client Identifies single

material specific amount amount of accounts receivable that is not less than RMB 0.5 million as account receivable that


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

or amount criteria: are individually significant in amount.

Making an independent impairment test. If any objective evidence shows that it has been

impaired, the impairment-related losses shall be recognized according to the gap between its

Provision method with

material specific amount present value of future cash flow less than its book value, and the several shall be determined to

and provision of specific withdraw the bad debt provision. If there exists no the impairment after the impairment test,

bad debt preparation: they shall be included in a combination of the receivables with similar risk features so as to

withdraw the bad debt provision.

2.The accounts receivable of bad debt provisions made by credit risk Group

(1) Recognition Criteria for the Group and Withdrawing Method of Bad Debt Provision

Name Recognition Criteria Withdrawing Method

Aging Group Division by Aging Aging Analysis Method

(2)Accounts on age basis in the portfolio:

Aging Rate for receivables(%) Rate for other receivables(%)

Within 1 year(Included 1 year) 5 5

1-2 years 10 10

2-3 years 30 30

Over 3 years 50 50

(3)Account receivable with non-material specific amount but specific bad debt preparation

Reasons of Withdrawing Individual Bad Debt

There is any objective evidence shows that it has been impaired.


The impairment-related losses shall be recognized according to the gap

Withdrawing Method of Bad Debt Provision

between its present value of future cash flow less than its book value.


1.Investories class

Inventory shall include the finished products or goods available for sale during daily activities, the

products in the process of production, the stuff and material consumed during the process of

production or the services offered.

2.Valuation method of inventory issued


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

The company calculates the prices of its inventories according to the weighted averages method

3. Recognition Criteria for the Net Realizable Value of Different Category of Inventory and

Withdrawing Method of Inventory Falling Price Reserves

The inventory shall be measured by use of the lower between the cost and the net realizable value and

the inventory falling price reserves shall be withdrawn as per the gap of single inventory cost minus

the net realizable value at the balance sheet date. The net realizable value refers to the amounts that

the estimated sale price of inventory minus the estimated costs ready to happen till the completion of

works, the estimated selling expenses and the relevant expenses of taxation. The company shall

recognize the net realizable value of inventory based on the acquired unambiguous evidence and in

view of the purpose to hold the inventory, the influence of matters after the balance sheet date and

other factors.

The net realizable value of inventory directly for sale shall be recognized according to the amounts of

the estimated sale price of the inventory minus the estimated sale expenses and the relevant expenses

of taxation during the process of normal production and operation. The net realizable value of

inventory that required to conduct processing shall be recognized according to the amounts of the

estimated sale price of the finished products minus the estimated costs ready to happen till the

completion of works, the estimated selling expenses and the relevant expenses of taxation. On the

balance sheet date, the net realizable value shall be respectively defined for the partial agreed with the

contract price and others without the contract price in the same inventory, and the amounts of the

inventory falling price reserves withdrawn or returned shall be respectively recognized in comparison

with their corresponding costs.

4. Inventory System: Adopts the Perpetual Inventory System

5.Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packaging materials

(1)Low cost and short-lived consumable items

Low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using immediate write-off method。

(2)Packaging materials

Packaging materials are amortized using

13.Held-for-sale assets

A non-current asset is classified as held-for-sale if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

1The asset is immediately sellable at its current condition per usual sales term applicable to the type

of assets to which it belongs;

2. the Company's has completed official decision to dispose the asset;

3. the Company has entered into irrevocable sales contract with the purchaser; and

4. the sales will be completed within one year.

Is classified as held for sale and the disposal of non current assets in the group of assets and liabilities,

are classified as current assets and current liabilities.

Termination of operation to meet one of the following conditions have been disposed of or classified

as held for sale, in the operation and the preparation of the financial statements to be able to

differentiate the components alone in the company within:

1.This part of main business represents an independent or a main business area;

2.This part of the proposed disposal plans for a major business independent or a main business area;


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

3 This part is just to sell again and made subsidiary.

For the fixed assets held for sale, the company shall adjust the estimated net residual value of the

fixed assets in order to make it reflecting the amount after the disposal costs deducted from the fair

value, which doesn’t exceed the original book value of the fixed assets when the condition of holding

for sale is met. The impairment losses of the assets shall be regarded and recorded into the current

profits and losses if the original book value is more than the balance of the estimated net residual

value after adjusting.

The assets or the disposal group held for sale no longer meet the recognized requirements of the fixed

assets held for sale, the company shall terminate the classification of held-for-sale and measure based

on the less one between the following amounts: (1) the amounts after adjusted for the assets or the

disposal group classified as the book value before the held-for-sale according to the originally

confirmed depreciation, amortization or impairment when supposed that have not classified as the

held-for-sale. (2) the returned amounts that can’t be re-sold.

The intangible assets and other non-current assets held for sale shall be treated as per above


14.Long-term equity investments

Long-term equity investments referred to in this section refer to the Company invested entity has

control, joint control or significant influence over the long-term equity investments. The Company

invested does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the long-term equity

investments as financial assets available for sale or at fair value and the changes included financial

assets through profit or loss.

Joint control is the Company control over an arrangement in accordance with the relevant stipulations

are common, related activities and the arrangement must be after sharing control participants agreed

to the decision-making. Significant influence is the Company s financial and operating policies of the

entity has the right to participate in decision-making, but can not control or with other parties joint

control over those policies.

1. Determination of Investment cost

The cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination under common

control is measured at the acquirer's share of the combination date book value of the acquiree's net

equity in the ultimate controller's consolidated financial statements. The difference between the cost

and book value of cash paid, non-monetary assets transferred and liabilities assumed is adjusted to

capital reserves, and to retained earnings if capital reserves is insufficient. If the consideration is

transferred by way of issuing equity instruments, the face value of the equity instruments issued is

recognised in share capital and the difference between the cost of the face value of the equity

instruments issued is adjusted to capital reserves, and to retained earnings if capital reserves is

insufficient. The cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not

under common control is the fair value of the assets transferred, liabilities incurred or assumed and

equity instruments issued. (For the equity of the combined party under common control obtained

step-by-step through multiple transactions and the business combination under common control

ultimately formed, the company should respectively dispose all the transactions if belong to the

package deal. For the package deal, all the transactions will be conducted the accounting treatment as

the deal with acquisition of control. For the non-package deal, the shares of the book value of the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

stockholders’ equity/owners’ equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of

the ultimate control party shall be as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment,

and the capital reserves shall be adjusted for the difference between the initial investment cost of

long-term equity investment and the sum of the book value of long-term equity investment before

merging and that of new consideration payment obtained on the merger date, or the retained earnings

shall be adjusted if the capital reserves are insufficient to offset. As for the equity investment held

before the merger date, the accounting treatment will not be conducted temporarily for other

comprehensive income accounted by equity method or confirmed for the financial assets available for


All expenses incurred directly associated with the acquisition by the acquirer, including expenditure

of audit, legal services, valuation and consultancy and other administrative expenses, are recognised

in profit or loss for the period during which the acquisition occurs. For the merger of enterprises not

under the same control through gaining the shares of the combined enterprise by multiple steps of

deals, it shall deal with it in the following two ways depending on that if it belongs to "a package

deal": if it belongs to "a package deal", it shall deal with all the deals as one obtaining the control

power; if it does not belong to "a package deal", it shall, on the date of merger, regard the sum of

book value of the owner’s original equity of the merged enterprise and the newly increased

investment cost as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. For the shares originally held

by this enterprise accounted for by weighted equity method, the relevant other comprehensive income

shall not be accounted for temporarily. If the equity investment held originally can be classified as the

financial assets for sale, the difference between the fair value and the book value, and the variation in

the accumulative fair value of other comprehensive returns recorded originally will be transferred into

the current profits and losses.

All expenses incurred directly associated with the acquisition by the acquirer, including expenditure

of audit, legal services, valuation and consultancy and other administrative expenses, are recognised

in profit or loss for the period during which the acquisition occurs.

Long-term equity investments acquired not through business combination are measured at cost on

initial recognition. Depending on the way of acquisition, the cost of acquisition can be the total cash

paid, the fair value of equity instrument issued, the contract price, the fair value or book value of the

assets given away in the case of non-monetary asset exchange, or the fair value of the relevant

long-term equity investments. The cost of acquisition of a long-term equity investment acquired not

through business combination also includes all directly associated expenses, applicable taxes and fees,

and other necessary expenses. When the significant impact or the joint control but non-control on the

invested party can be implemented due to the additional investment, the long-term equity investment

cost is the sum of the fair value of the equity investment originally held and the new investment costs

based on the recognition of “Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.22 – Recognition and

Measurement of Financial Instruments”.

2. Subsequent Measurement

To be invested joint control ( except constitute common operator ) or long-term equity investments

significant influence are accounted for using the equity method. In addition, the Company's financial

statements using the cost method of accounting for long-term equity can exercise control over the


(1)Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Except

for cash dividends or profits declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration

actually paid upon acquisition of the long-term equity investment, investment income is recognized in

the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions declared

by the investee.

(2)Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments

When using the equity method, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment exceeds th

e investor's net identifiable assets of the fair share of the investment value, do not adjust the initial in

vestment cost of long-term equity investment; the initial investment cost is less than the investee uni

t share of identifiable net assets at fair value, the difference is recognized in profit or loss, while the

long-term equity investment adjustment costs.

Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s

interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no

adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. The carrying amount of an long-term equity

investment measured using the equity method is adjusted by the Company's share of the investee's net

profit and other comprehensive income, which is recognised as investment income and other

comprehensive income respectively. The carrying amount of an long-term equity investment

measured using the equity method is reduced by profit distribution or cash dividends announced by

the investee. The carrying amount of an long-term equity investment measured using the equity

method is also adjusted by the investee's equity movement other than net profit, other comprehensive

income and profit distribution, which is adjusted to capital reserves。The net profit of the investee is

adjusted by the fair value of the investee's identifiable assets as at acquistion. The financial statements

and hence the net profit and other comprehensive income of an investee which does not adopt

accounting policies or accounting period uniform with the Company is adjusted by the Company's

accounting policies and accounting period. The Company's share of unrealised profit or loss arising

from related party transactions between the Company and an associate or joint venture is deducted

from investment income. Unrealised loss arising from related party transactions between the

Company and an associate or joint venture which is associated with asset impairment is not adjusted.

Where assets transferred to an associate or joint venture which form part of the Company's

investment in the investee but which does not enable the Company obtain control over the investee,

the cost of the additional investment acquired is measured at the fair value of assets transferred and

the difference between the cost of the additional investment and the book value of the assets

transferred is recognised in profit or loss. Where assets transferred to an associate or joint venture

form an operation, the difference between the consideration received and the book value of the assets

transferred in recognised in profit or loss. Where assets transferred from an associate or joint venture

form an operation, the transaction is accounted for in accordance with CAS 20 - Business

Combination, any gain or loss is reocgnised in profit or loss.

The Company's share of an investee's net loss is limited by the sum of the book value of the

long-term equity investment and other net long-term investments in the investees. Where the

Company has obligation to share additional net loss of the investee, the estimatedshare of loss

recognised as accrued liabilities and investment loss. Where the Company has unrecognised share of

loss of the investee when the investee generates net profit, the Company's unrecognised share of loss

is reduced by the Company's share of net profit and when the Company's unrecognised share or loss

is eliminated in full, the Company's share of net profit, if any, is recognised as investment income.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(3)Acquisition of minority interest

The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests

and portion of net asset cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date is adjusted as capital

reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted against

returned earnings.

(4)Disposal of long-term equity investment

Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a change in control,

the difference in the net asset between the amount of disposed long-term investment and the amount

of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to the owner’s equity. If the disposal of long-term

investment in a subsidiary involves loss of control over the subsidiary, the related accounting policies

in Note applies. For disposal of long-term equity investments in any situation other than the

fore-mentioned situation, the difference between the book value of the investment disposed and the

consideration received is recognised in profit or loss.

The investee's equity movement other than net profit, other comprehensive income and profit

distribution is reocgnised in profit or loss proportionate to the disposal.

Where a long-term equity investment is measured by the equity method both before and after part

disposal of the investment, cumulative other comprehensive income relevant to the investment

recognised prior to the acquistion is treated in the same manner that the investee disposes the relevant

assets or liabilities proportionate to the disposal. The investee's equity movement other than net profit,

other comprehensive income and profit distribution is reocgnised in profit or loss proportionate to the


Where a long-term equity investment is measured at cost both before and after part disposal of the

investment, cumulative other comprehensive income relevant to the investment recognised, as a result

of accounting by equity method or recognition and measurement principles applicable to financial

instruments, prior to the Company's acquisition of control over the investee is treated in the same

manner that the investee disposes the relevant assets or liabilities and recognised in profit or loss

proportionate to the disposal. The investee's equity movement other than net profit, other

comprehensive income and profit distribution, as a result of accounting by equity method, is

reocgnised in profit or loss proportionate to the disposal.

Where the Company's control over an investee is lost due to partial disposal of investment in the

investee and the Company continues to have significant influence over the investee after the partial

disposal, the investment in measured by the equity method in the Company's separate financial

statements; where the Company's control over an investee is lost due to partial disposal of investment

in the investee and the Company ceases to have significant influence over the investee after the

partial disposal, the investment in measured in accordance with the recognition and measurement

principles applicable to financial instruments in the Company's separate financialstatements and the

difference between the fair value and the book value of the remaining investment at the date of loss of

control is recognised in profit or loss. Cumulative other comprehensive income relevant to the

investment recognised, as a result of accounting by equity method or recognition and measurement

principles applicable to financial instruments, prior to the Company's acquisition of control over the

investee is treated in the same manner that the investee disposes the relevant assets or liabilities on

the date of loss of control. The investee's equity movement other than net profit, other comprehensive

income and profit distribution, as a result of accounting by equity method, is reocgnised in profit or


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

loss when control is lost. Where the remaining investment is measured by equity method, the

fore-mentioned other comprehensive income and other equity movement are recognised in profit or

loss proportionate to the disposal; Where the remaining investment is measured in accordance with

the recognition and measurement principles applicable to financial instruments, the fore-mentioned

other comprehensive income and other equity movement are recognised in profit or loss in full.

Where the Company's joint control or significant influence over an investee is lost due to partial

disposal of investment in the investee,the remaining investment in the investee is measured in

accordance with the recognition and measurement principles applicable to financial instruments, the

difference between the fair value and the book value of the remaining investment at the date of loss of

joint control or significant influence is recognised in profit or loss.Cumulative other comprehensive

income relevant to the investment recognised, as a result of accounting by equity method, prior to the

partial disposal is treated in the same manner that the investee disposes the relevant assets or

liabilities on the date of loss of joint control or significant influence. The investee's equity movement

other than net profit, other comprehensive income and profit distribution is reocgnised in profit or

loss when joint control or significant influence is lost.

Where the Company's control over an investee is lost through multiple disposals and the multiple

disposals shall be viewed as one single transaction, the multiple disposals is accounted for one single

transaction which result in the Company's loss of control over the investee. Each difference between

the consideration received and the book value of the investment disposed is recognised in other

comprehensive income and reclassified in full to profit or loss at the time when control over the

investee is lost.

15.Investment property

1. The Measurement Mode of Investment Property

The investment property of the company includes the leased land use rights, the leased buildings,

the land use rights held and prepared to transfer after appreciation.

The company shall adopt the cost mode to measure the investment property.

2. Depreciation or Amortization Method by Use of Cost Mode

The leased buildings of the investment property in the company shall be withdrawn the depreciation

by the service life average method, and the depreciation policy is the same with that of the fixed

assets. The land use rights held and prepared to transfer after appreciation in the investment property

shall be amortized by the line method, and the specific accounting policy is same with that of the

intangible assets.

16.Fixed assets

1.The conditions of recognition

Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that are held for the sake of producing commodities,

rendering labor service, renting or business management and their useful life is in excess of one

fiscal year. The fixed assets can be recognized when the following requirements are all met: (1) the

economic benefits relevant to the fixed assets will flow into the enterprise. (2) the cost of the fixed

assets can be measured reliably.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

The fixed assets of the company include the houses and buildings, the decoration of the fixed assets,

the machinery equipment, the transportation equipment, the electronic instrument and other devices.

2. Initial Measurement and Subsequent Measurement of the Fixed Assets

The fixed assets shall be book kept as per the acquired actual cost, and the depreciation shall be

withdrawn from the subsequent month after the usable status reserved and achieved.

3.The method for depreciation

The method for Expected useful life

Category Estimated residual value Depreciation

depreciation (Year)

House and Building- Straight-line method

35 years 4% 2.74%


House and Straight-line method

Building-Non- 40 years 4% 2.40%


Decoration of Fixed

10 years 10.00%

assets Straight-line method

Machinery and Straight-line method

10-14 years 4% 9.60%-6.86%


Transportation Straight-line method

8 years 4% 12.00%


Electronic equipment 8 years 4% 12.00%

Straight-line method

Other equipment Straight-line method 8 years 4% 12.00%

4.Cognizance evidence and pricing method of financial leasing fixed assets

(1) Recognition Criteria of the Fixed Assets under Financing Lease

The financing lease shall be recognized if the following one or several criteria are met: ① the

ownership of the leasing assets shall be transferred to the tenant when the expiration of lease term.

② the tenant has the option to purchase the leasing assets, and the made purchase price is expected

to be far less than the fair value of the leasing assets in the implementation of the option. Thus, it

can be reasonably recognized that the tenant will implement the option on the lease date. ③ the

ownership of assets is not transferred, but the lease term shall be the most of the life of the lease

assets. ④ the least present value of the lease payment of the tenant and the least present value of the

lease receipts on the lease date almost equal to the fair value of the leasing assets on the lease date

respectively. ⑤ the leasing assets have the special nature, and only the tenant can use if there is no

major modifications.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(2) Valuation of Fixed Assets Acquired under Finance Leases: the fixed assets acquired under

finance leases shall be book kept according to the lower between the fair value of the leasing assets

and the least lease payment on the lease date.

(3) Depreciation Method of Fixed Assets Acquired under Finance Leases: the depreciation shall be

withdrawn for the fixed assets acquired under finance leases as per the depreciation policy of own

fixed assets.

17.Construction in progress

1. The projects under construction shall be recognized when the economic benefits may flow into and

the cost can be reliably measured. Meanwhile, the projects under construction shall be measured

according to the actual cost occurred before the assets are built to achieve the expected usable


2. The projects under construction shall be transferred into the fixed assets according to the actual

project costs when the expected usable condition achieved. For the expected usable condition

achieved while the final accounts for completed projects not handled yet, the projects shall be

transferred into the fixed assets as per the estimated value. After the final accounts for completed

projects handled, the original estimated value shall be adjusted as per the actual cost, but the original

withdrawn depreciation shall not be adjusted again.

18.Borrowing costs

1. Recognition principles for capitalizing of loan expenses

Borrowing expenses occurred to the Company that can be accounted as purchasing or production of

asset satisfying the conditions of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.

Other borrowing expenses are recognized as expenses according to the occurred amount, and

accounted into gain/loss of current term.

2. Duration of capitalization of Loan costs

(1).When a loan expense satisfies all of the following conditions, it is capitalized:

1. Expenditures on assets have taken place.

2. Loan costs have taken place;

3. The construction or production activities to make assets to reach the intended use or sale of state

have begun.

(2)Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition,

construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other than those necessary

to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale, when the interruption is for a continuous period of

more than 3 months. Borrowing costs incurred during these periods recognized as an expense for the

current period until the acquisition, construction or production is resumed.

(3)When the construction or production meets the intended use or sale of state of capitalization

conditions, the Loan costs should stop capitalization.

3. Computation Method for Capitalization Rate and Amount of Borrowing Costs

With regard to the special borrowings for the purchase and construction of qualified assets, the

capitalized interest amount shall be recognized according to the amount of the interest cost for the


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

special borrowings actually occurred during the current period (including the amortization of discount

or premium recognized as per the effective interest method) minus the interest income acquired after

the borrowings deposit in bank or the investment income obtained from the temporary investment.

For the general borrowings for the purchase and construction of qualified assets, the capitalized

interest amount of the general borrowings shall be computed and recognized according to the

weighted average of accumulative asset expense beyond the expense of the special borrowings,

multiplying the capitalization rate of general borrowings.

19.Intangible assets

1. Valuation Method, Service Life and Impairment Test of Intangible Assets

(1) The intangible assets include the land use rights, the professional technology and the software,

which are conducted the initial measurement as per the cost.

(2) The service life of intangible assets is analyzed and judged when of the company acquires the

intangible assets. For the finite service life of the intangible assets, the years of service life or the

quantity of service life formed and the number of similar measurement unit shall be estimated. If the

term of economic benefits of the intangible assets brought for the company is not able to be foreseen,

the intangible assets shall be recognized as that with the indefinite service life.

(3) Estimation Method of Service life of Intangible Assets

1) For the intangible assets with the finite service life, the company shall generally consider the

following factors to estimate the service life: ① the normal service life of products produced with the

assets, and the acquired information of the service life of similar assets. ② the estimation of the

current stage conditions and the future development trends in the aspects of technology and craft. ③

the demand of the products produced by the assets or the offered services in the market. ④ the

expectation of actions adopted by current or potential competitors. ⑤ the expected maintenance

expense for sustaining the capacity to economic benefits brought by the assets and the ability to the

relevant expense expected. ⑥ the relevant law provision or the similar limit to the control term of the

assets, such as the licensed use term and the lease term. ⑦ the correlation with the service life of

other assets held by the company.

2) Intangible Assets with Indefinite Service Life, Judgment Criteria on Indefinite Service Life and

Review Procedure of Its Service Life

The company shall be unable to foresee the term of economic benefits brought by the assets for the

company, or the indefinite term of intangible assets recognized as the indefinite service life of

intangible assets.

The judgment criteria of Indefinite service life: ① as from the contractual rights or other legal rights,

but the indefinite service life of contract provision or legal provisions. ② unable to judge the term of

economic benefits brought by the intangible assets for the company after the integration of

information in the same industry or the relevant expert argumentation.

At the end of every year, the review should be made for the service life of the intangible assets with

the indefinite service life, and the relevant department that uses the intangible assets, shall conduct

the basic review by the method from up to down, in order to evaluate the judgment criteria of the

indefinite service life if there is the change.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(4) Amortization Method of Intangible Assets Value

The intangible assets with the finite service life shall be systematically and reasonably amortized

according to the expected implementation mode of the economic benefits related to the intangible

assets during the service life, and the line method shall be adopted to amortize for the intangible

assets unable to reliably recognize the expected implementation mode. The specific service life is as


Items Amortization life time(Year)

Land use right 50 years

Proprietary technology 15 years

Software 5 years

The intangible assets with the indefinite service life shall not be amortized, and the company shall

make the review of the service life of the intangible assets during every accounting period.

(5) If there is the impairment for the intangible assets with the definite service life on the balance

sheet date, the corresponding impairment provision shall be withdrawn according to the difference

between the book value and the recoverable amount. The intangible assets with the indefinite service

life and without the usable condition shall be conducted the impairment test every year whether the

impairment exists.

2. Accounting Policy of Internal Research and Development Expenditure

The expenditure for internal research and development project in the study stage shall be recorded

into the current profits and losses when occurring. The expenditure for internal research and

development project in the development stage shall be recognized as the intangible assets when the

following requirements are simultaneously met: (1) the completion of the intangible assets is

available for use or sale, and feasible in the technology. (2) the intention to complete the intangible

assets and use or sale. (3) the method for the economic benefits produced by the intangible assets,

including the evidence that shows there exists the market for the products generated from the

intangible assets or the intangible assets have the market. The intangible assets are used internally

which shows the serviceability. (4) there are sufficient technology, financial resources and other

resources to support the completion of the development of the intangible assets, and there is ability

to use or sell the intangible assets. (5) the expenditure belong to the development stage of the

intangible assets can be reliably measured.

The specific criteria for the division of the internal research and development projects at the

research stage and the development stage of the company is as follows: (1) the investigation stage

planned to obtain the new technology and knowledge, shall be recognized as the research stage,

which has the features of planning and exploration. (2) before the commercial manufacture and use,

the research results or other knowledge should be applied for the plan or design, in order to produce

the new or improved stages with substantial materials, devices and products, which should be

recognized as the development stage, and this stage has the features of pertinence and more

possibility to create the achievement.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

20.Long-term Assets Impairment

The company shall make judgment of the long-term assets including the long-term equity

investment, the investment property measured by the cost mode, the fixed assets and the projects

under construction if there is possible impairment on the balance sheet date. If there exists the

evidence shows that the long-term assets have the impairment, the impairment test should be

conducted, and the recoverable amount should be estimated. The impairment shall be confirmed if

there exists after the comparison of the estimated recoverable amount of the assets and its book

value, and if the assets impairment provision shall be withdrawn to recognize the corresponding

impairment losses. The estimation of the recoverable amount of assets should be confirmed

according to the higher one between the net amount of the fair value minus the disposal costs and

the present value of the cash flow of assets expected in the future.

The company shall conduct the impairment test at least every year for the goodwill established by

the business combination and the intangible assets with the indefinite service life whether there

exists the impairment.

The impairment loss of long-term assets after recognized shouldn’t be reversed in the future

accounting period.

21.Long-term amortizable expenses

Deferred charges represent expenses incurred that should be borne and amortized over the current and

subsequent period (together of more than one year).

The long-term unamortized expense shall be book kept as per the actual amount occurred, and shall

be averagely amortize within the benefit period or the specified period. If the long-term unamortized

expense can’t make the benefits for the future accounting period, the amortized value of the

unamortized project shall all be transferred into the current profits and losses.


The employee benefits of the company include short-term employee benefits, post-employment

benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits.

1. Accounting Treatment Method of Short-term Compensation

During the accounting period of service provision of staff, the company shall regard the actual

short-term compensation as the liability and record into the current profits and losses or the relevant

assets cost as per the beneficiary. Of which, the non-monetary welfare shall be measured as per the

fair value.

2. Accounting Treatment Method of Severance Benefit Plans

The severance benefit plans can be divided into the defined contribution plan and the defined benefit

plan according to the risk and obligation borne.

(1) The Defined Contribution Plan


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

The contribution deposits that paid to the individual subject for the services provided by the staffs on

the balance sheet date during the accounting period, shall be recognized as the liability, and recorded

into the current profits and losses or the relevant asset costs as per the beneficiary.

(2) The Defined Benefit Plan

The defined benefit plan is the severance benefit plans with the exception of the defined contribution


1) Based on the expected cumulative welfare unit method, the company shall adopt unbiased and

mutually consistent actuarial assumptions to make evaluation of demographic variables and financial

variables, measure and define the obligations arising from the benefit plan, and determine the period

of the relevant obligations. The company shall discount all the defined benefit plan obligations,

including the obligation within twelve months after the end of the annual report during the expected

services provision of employee. The discount rate adopted in discounting shall be recognized

according to the bonds matched with the defined benefit plan obligation term and the currency at the

balance sheet date or the market return of high-quality corporate bonds in the active market.

2) If there exist the assets for the defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus arising from the present

value of the defined benefit plan obligations minus the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets are

recognized as the net liability or the net assets of the defined benefit plan. If there exists the surplus of

the defined benefit plan, the lower one between the surplus of the define benefit plan and the upper

limit of assets shall be used to measure the net assets of the defined benefit plan. The upper limit of

assets refers to the present value of economic benefits obtained from the refund of the defined benefit

plans or the reduction of deposit funds of future defined benefit plans.

3) At the end of period, the employee’s payroll costs arising from the defined benefit plan are

recognized as the service costs, the net interests on the net liabilities or the net assets of the defined

benefit plan, and the changes caused by the net liabilities and the net assets of the defined benefit plan

that re-measured. Of which, the service costs and the net interests on the net liabilities or the net

assets of the defined benefit plan shall be recorded into the current profits and losses or the relevant

assets costs, the changes caused by the net liabilities and the net assets of the defined benefit plan that

re-measured shall be recorded into other comprehensive incomes, which should not be switched back

to the profits and losses during the subsequent accounting period, but the amount recognized from

other comprehensive incomes can be transferred within the scope of the rights and interests.

4) The profit or loss of one settlement shall be recognized when settling the defined benefit plan.

3. Accounting Treatment Method of Demission Welfare

The employee compensation liabilities generated by the demission welfare shall be recognized on the

early date and recorded into the current profits and losses: (1) when the company can’t withdraw the

demission welfare provided due to the rundown suggestion or the termination of labor relations plans.

(2) when the company recognizes the costs or the expenses related to the reorganization of demission

welfare payment.

The earlier one between when the company can’t withdraw the rundown suggestion or the

termination of labor relations plans at its side and when the costs relevant to the recombination of

dismission welfare payment, shall be recognized as the liabilities arising from the compensation due

to the termination of labor relations with staff and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.

Then company shall reasonably predict and recognize the payroll payable arising from the dismission


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

welfare. The dismission welfare, which is expected to finish the payment within twelve months after

the end of the annual report recognized, shall apply to the relevant provisions of short-term

compensation. The dismission welfare, which is expected to be unfinished for the payment within

twelve months after the end of the annual report recognized, shall apply to the relevant provisions of

short-term compensation, shall apply to the provisions related to other long-term employee benefits.

4. Accounting Treatment Method of Other Long-term Employee Benefits

If other long-term employee benefits of employees provided by the company meet the conditions of

the defined contribution plan, the accounting treatment shall be made in accordance with the defined

contribution plan. Except for these, other long-term benefits shall be made the accounting treatment

according to the defined benefit plan, but the changes arising from the re-measurement of net

liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee benefits shall be recorded into the current profits

and losses or the relevant assets costs.

23. Estimated Liabilities

1. Recognition Criteria of Estimated Liabilities

The liabilities shall be recognized when external guarantee, pending litigation or arbitration, product

quality assurance, staff reduction plan, loss contract, recombination obligation, disposal obligation of

the fixed assets and other pertinent businesses all meet the following requirements:

(1) The obligation is the current obligation borne by the company.

(2) The implementation of the obligation may cause the economic benefits out of the enterprise.

(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

2. Measurement Method of Estimated Liabilities

The estimated liabilities shall be made the initial measurement according to the best estimate of the

expenditure required to settle the present obligation. There is the continuous scope for the required

expenditure, and the best estimate with the same possibilities resulted from various outcomes within

the scope shall be recognized as per the intermediate value. The best estimate should be recognize

according to the following methods:

(1) The best estimate shall be recognized as per the most possible amount if there are matters

involved in the single item.

(2) The best estimate shall be calculated and recognized as per the possible amount if there are

matters involved in the multiple item.

If the company pays all the expenses for paying off the estimated liabilities, or partial estimates are

compensated by the third party or other parties, the compensation amount should be separately

recognized as the assets when the receipt of the compensation amount is basically determined.

Meanwhile, the determined compensation amount shall not exceed the book value of the estimated

liabilities recognized.

The company shall make review of the book value of estimated liabilities at the balance sheet date. If

there is conclusive evidence that the book value cannot really reflect the current best estimate, the

adjustment shall be made for the book value in accordance with the current best estimate.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

24. Revenue

1. Recognition Principle of Revenue

(1) The Goods for Sale

The revenue of the goods for sale shall be recognized when the following requirements are met

simultaneously: the transfer of main risks and rewards on ownership of the goods to the buyers, the

continual management rights related to ownership no longer retained by the company and the

effective control of the sold goods no longer implemented, the reliable measurement of the revenue

amount, the possible inflow of the relevant economic benefits, and the reliable measurement of the

relevant costs incurred or to be incurred.

(2) The Service Provision

If the provided services transaction results can be reliably estimated at the balance sheet date (the

reliable measurement of the revenue amount, the possible inflow of the relevant economic benefits,

the reliable recognition of the completion schedule of transaction, and the reliable measurement of the

relevant costs incurred or to be incurred in the transaction), the company shall recognize the relevant

service incomes according to the completion percentage method and recognized the completion

schedule of the provided service transaction according to the proportion of the costs occurred

accounting for the total estimated costs. If the provided services transaction results cannot be reliably

estimated at the balance sheet date and the occurred service costs can be expected to have

compensation, the company shall recognize to provide the service revenue according to the occurred

service cost amount and transfer the service costs as per the same amount. If the occurred service

costs cannot be expected to have compensation, the occurred service costs shall be recorded into the

current profits and losses and not be recognized as the service revenue.

(3) The Abalienation of the Right to Use Assets

The revenue of abalienation of the right to use assets shall be recognized when the abalienation of the

right to use assets meets the requirements of the possible inflow of the relevant economic benefits and

the reliable measurement of revenue amount. The interest income shall be calculated and determined

according to time and actual interest rate of the monetary capital of the company used by others, and

the royalty revenue shall be measured and determined in accordance with the charging time and

method appointed in the relevant contract or agree.

2. The Specific Recognition Method of Revenue

The company mainly sells the polaroid, textiles and other products. The revenue of the sale of

products in domestic market shall be recognized after the following requirements are met: The

company has agreed to deliver the goods to the purchaser under the contract and the revenue amount

of product sales has been determined, the payment for goods has been withdrawn or the payment

vouchers has been obtained and related economic benefits are likely to inflow, and the costs related to

the products can be measured reliably. The revenue of the sale of products in foreign market shall be

recognized after the following requirements are met: The company has made customs clearance and

departure from port under the contract, the bill of landing has obtained and the revenue of the sale of

products has been recognized, the payment for goods has been withdrawn or the payment vouchers

has been obtained and related economic benefits are likely to inflow, and the costs related to the

products can be measured reliably.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

25.Government subsidy

1. Judgment Basis and Accounting Treatment Method of Government Grants related to Assets

The government grants of long-term assets that obtained, used for construction or formed by other

ways, shall be recognized as the government subsidy related to the assets. The government grants

related to assets are recognized as the deferred income, equally distributed within the service life of

the relevant assets, and recorded into the current profits or losses.

2. Judgment Basis and Accounting Treatment Method of Government subsidy related to Income

The government subsidy other than that related to income acquired by the company shall be

recognized as the government subsidy related to income.

If the grant objects are not explicitly stipulated in the government files, the government subsidy

shall be divided into that related to assets and that related to income, and the judgment basis is that:

① if the specific purpose of subsidy is stipulated in the government document, the review and

necessary change shall be made at the balance sheet date for the proportion of division according to

the relative proportion of assets expense amount and expense amount recorded in the budget of the

special item. ② only general expression is made in the government documents, and the government

subsidy related to income should be made for the non-particular items.

The government subsidy related to income that used for the compensation of the related expenses or

losses in subsequent period, shall be recognized as the deferred income and recorded into the current

profits and losses during the period of the confirmation of relevant expenses. The relevant expenses

or losses occurred for the purpose of compensation shall be directly recorded into the current profits

and losses.

3. Recognition Time of Government subsidy

If there is evidence shows that the company can meet the financial support policies and regulations at

the end of period, and the support funds can be expected to receive, the government grants shall be

recognized as per the receivable amount. In addition, the government subsidy should be recognized

when actually received.

4. Accounting Method of Government subsidy

The government subsidy shall be measured as per the received or receivable amount if the grants are

as the monetary assets. The government subsidy shall be measured as per the fair value if the grants

are as the non-monetary assets, and shall be measured as per the nominal amount if the fair value

cannot be reliably obtained.

26.The Deferred Tax Assets / The deferred Tax Liabilities

1. Temporary Difference

The temporary difference includes the difference of the book value of assets and liabilities and the tax

basis, and the difference of the book value and the tax basis that no confirmation of assets and

liabilities but able to confirm the tax basis as per the provisions of tax law. The temporary difference

can be classified into the taxable temporary difference and the deductible temporary difference.

2. Recognition Basis of Deferred Tax Assets


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

For the deductible temporary difference, the deductible loss and the tax payment offset, the company

shall recognize the deferred tax assets arising from the future taxable income that obtained to deduce

the deductible temporary difference, the deductible loss and the tax payment offset.

The deferred tax assets with the following features and arising from the initial recognition of assets or

liabilities in the transaction shall not be recognized: (1) the transaction is not the business

combination. (2) the transaction doesn’t influence the accounting profits and the taxable incomes (or

the deductible losses).

The company shall recognize the corresponding deferred tax assets for the deductible temporary

difference related to the investment of subsidiaries, cooperative enterprises and joint ventures if the

following requirements are simultaneously met: (1) the temporary difference is possible to be

reversed in the foreseeable future. (2) the taxable income used to offset the deductible temporary

difference is possible to be obtained in the future.

3. Recognition Basis of Deferred Tax Liabilities

All the taxable temporary differences shall be recognized as the deferred tax liabilities.

But the company shall not recognize the taxable temporary differences arising from the following

transactions as the deferred tax liabilities: (1) the initial recognition of goodwill. (2) the initial

recognition of assets or liabilities arising from the transactions with the following features: this

transaction is not the business combination, and the transaction doesn’t influence the accounting

profits and the taxable incomes (or the deductible losses).

The company shall recognize the corresponding deferred tax liabilities for the taxable temporary

difference related to the investment of subsidiaries, cooperative enterprises and joint ventures. Except

that the following requirements are simultaneously met: (1) the investment enterprise can control the

reversal time of the temporary difference. (2) the temporary difference is possible to not be reversed

in the foreseeable future.

4. Impairment of Deferred Tax Assets

The company shall review the book value of the deferred tax assets at the balance sheet date. If it is

not possible to obtain sufficient taxable income for the reduction of the benefit of the deferred tax

assets in the future, the book value of the deferred tax assets shall be deduced. Except that the

deferred tax assets and the reduction amount are recorded into the owner’s equity when the original

recognition, others shall be recorded into the current income tax expense. The book value of the

deferred tax assets reduced can be recovered when sufficient taxable income is possibly obtained.

5. Income Tax Expense

The income tax expense should include the current income tax and the deferred income tax.

Other comprehensive income or the current income tax and the deferred income tax related to the

transactions and items directly recorded into the stockholders’ equity, shall be recorded into other

comprehensive incomes or the stockholders’ equity, and the book value of goodwill shall be adjusted

by the deferred income tax arising from the business combination, but the rest of the current income

tax and the deferred income tax expense or income shall be recorded into the current profits and



1. Accounting Treatment Method of Operating Lease


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

When the company is as the tenant, the rental within the lease term shall be recorded into the relevant

assets cost or recognized as the current profits and losses as per the line method, and the initial direct

expense occurred shall be directly recorded into the current profit and loss. The contingent rental

shall be recorded into the current profit and loss once the actual occurrence.

When the company is as the leaser, the rental within the lease term shall be recognized as the current

profits and losses as per the line method, and the initial direct expense occurred shall be directly

recorded into the current profit and loss, except that the large amounts are capitalized and recorded

into the profit and loss by stages. The contingent rental shall be recorded into the current profit and

loss once the actual occurrence.

2. Accounting Treatment Method of Finance Lease

When the company is as the tenant, the company shall recognize the less one between the fair value

of leasing assets and the present value of minimum lease payment at the lease commencement date as

the book value of rented assets, recognize the minimum lease payment as the book value of the

long-term payables, and the undetermined fiancéexpense of the difference and the initial direct costs

occurred shall be recorded into the leasing asset value. During each lease period, the current financing

charges shall be measured and recognized by the effective interest method.

When the company is as the leaser, the company shall recognize the sum of minimum lease

receivables and initial direct expense at the lease commencement date as the book value of finance

lease receivables, and record the unguaranteed residual value. Meanwhile, the company shall

recognize the difference between the sums of minimum lease receivables, minimum lease receivables

and unguaranteed minus the sum of the present value as the unrealized financing income. During

each lease period, the current financing charges shall be measured and recognized by the effective

interest method.

28.Change of main accounting policies and estimations

(1)Change of main accounting policies

□Applicable √Not applicable


(2)Change of main accounting estimations

□Applicable √Not applicable


IV.Taxes of the Company

1. Main taxes categories and tax rate

Taxes Tax references Applicable tax rates

Selling goods or providing taxable

VAT 17%

labor services

Business tax. Taxable income 5%


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

City construction tax The taxable turnover 7%

Business income tax Taxable income 25%、15%

Business income tax Taxable income 25%、15%

2. Tax preference and approval file

(1)Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary company of our company,

has been qualified as national high-tech enterprise since 2013 ,High-tech and enterprise certificate

No.: GF201344200044 ,The certificate is valid for three years, The enterprise income tax rate of this

year is 15%.

(2).In accordance with relevant provisions of the Notice of Ministry of Finance, General Administra

tion of Customs and State Taxation Administration Regarding Tax Preference Policies for Further Su

pporting the Development of New-type Display Device Industry (Cai Guan Shui (2012) No. 16), an

d the Notice of Printing and Issuing the Scope of Imported Materials of Enterprises Manufacturing

Colorful Light Filtering Coating and Polarizer Sheets and the List of the First Group of Enterprises

Enjoying Preferential Policies (Cai Guan Shui (2012) No. 53), Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Te

chnology Co., Ltd. manufactured key materials and parts for the upstream industry of new-type disp

lay devices including colorful light filter coating and polarizer sheet that comply with the planning f

or independent development of domestic industries may enjoy the preferential policies of exemption

from import tariff for the import of raw materials and consumables for the purpose of self use and p

roduction that can not be produced domestically from June 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015. For the

concrete regulations on tax exemption, the Provisional Regulations on Taxation Policies for Importe

d Materials of Enterprises Manufacturing New-type Display Device Panels (Cai Guan Shui (2012)

No. 16).

V. Notes of consolidated financial statement

Unless otherwise stated, the meaning of "B/f", "C/f", "Current year", "Prior year" in the following

notes (incl. Notes to elements of the separate financial statements) is "1st January 2015", "31st

December 2015", "the year ended 31st December 2015", and "the year ended 31st December 2014"


1.Monetary Capital


Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Cash at hand 8,872.71 8,588.42

Bank deposit 750,353,139.33 1,101,274,000.66

Other monetary funds 1,952,859.49 488,972.20


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Total 752,314,871.53 1,101,771,561.28

Including : The total amount of deposit 31,258,353.11 3,552,067.53


Notes :As of December 31, 2016,The fixed-term deposit balance of money fund is RMB

3,655,995.93 , this part will not be treated as closing cash or closing cash equivalent in preparing cash

flow statement. Monetary unit is RMB yuan

2.Bill receivables

1. Classification Bill receivable



Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Bank acceptance 18,841,745.16 43,412,635.19

Trade acceptance

Total 18,841,745.16 43,412,635.19

2. As of December 31, 2015,The company has no Bill receivable pledged.

3.Notes endorsement or discount and undue on balance sheet date


Items Amount derecognizing at period –end Amount derecognizing at period-end

Bank acceptance 32,454,052.03

Trade acceptance

Total 32,454,052.03

4.Bill transferred to account receivable for the issuer is not able to execute the liability at the end of


3. Account receivable

1.Classification account receivables.

Amount in year-end

Book balance Bad debt provision


Book value

Proportio Proportion(

Amount Amount

n(%) %)


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Amount in year-end

Book balance Bad debt provision


Book value

Proportio Proportion(

Amount Amount

n(%) %)

Accounts receivable of

individual significance and

subject to individual

impairment assessment 6,373,036.66 3.16 4,035,782.60 63.33 2,337,254.06

Accounts receivable subject to

impairment assessment by

credit risk characteristics of

a portfolio 189,029,540.68 93.74 9,776,480.20 5.17 179,253,060.48

Accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

subject to individual

impairment assessment 6,259,765.85 3.10 5,083,708.34 81.21 1,176,057.51

Total 201,662,343.19 100.00 18,895,971.14 182,766,372.05

Amount in year-begin

Book balance Bad debt provision


Book value

Proportio Proportion(

Amount Amount

n(%) %)

Accounts receivable of

individual significance and

subject to individual

impairment assessment 4,698,879.38 2.73 3,198,621.70 68.07 1,500,257.68

Accounts receivable subject to

impairment assessment by

credit risk characteristics of

a portfolio 162,559,876.54 94.56 8,393,593.26 5.16 154,166,283.28

Accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

subject to individual

impairment assessment 4,651,945.06 2.71 4,194,915.67 90.18 457,029.39

Total 171,910,700.98 100.00 15,787,130.63 156,123,570.35


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(1)Accounts receivable of individual significance and subject to individual impairment assessment.

Amount in year-end


Account receivable Bad debt provision Proportion(%) Reason for allowance

It has been included in

Dongguan Fair LCD Co., the list of national courts

1,698,528.55 1,698,528.55 100.00

Ltd. dishonest debtor, unlikely

to recover.

Beyond the credit period

Guangdong Ruili Baolai

1,418,965.36 709,482.68 50.00 for a long time, uncertain

Technology Co., Ltd.


Beyond the credit period

Dongguan Yaxing

3,255,542.75 1,627,771.37 50.00 for a long time, uncertain

Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


Total 6,373,036.66 4,035,782.60 --

(2)Account receivable on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group

Balance in year-end


Account receivable Bad debt provision Proportion(%)

Within 1 year 188,008,826.83 9,400,441.34 5.00

1-2 years 269,320.69 26,932.07 10.00

2-3 years 132,948.96 39,884.69 30.00

Over 3 years 618,444.20 309,222.10 50.00

Total 189,029,540.68 9,776,480.20

2.Recognisation , recovery or reversal of allowance for bad debt:

(1)The account of allowance for bad debts recognised during the period is RMB3,899,615.51, The

amount collected or switches back amounting to 790,775.00.

(2)Bad debt provision accrual collected or switch back

Amount Allowance for

Name Recovery methods

receivable bad debts

Guangdong Ruili Baolai Technology 790,775.00

1,581,550.00 Cash and Bank acceptance

Co., Ltd.

Total 1,581,550.00 790,775.00


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

3.The company has no account receivables written off this period.

4.The ending balance of receivable owed by the imputation of the top five parties

Balance in Proportion(%) Bad debt provision

Name Nature Aging


Client 1 Goods 67,995,405.77 Within 1 year 33.72 3,399,770.29

Client 2 Goods 31,812,267.30 Within 1 year 15.77 1,590,613.37

Client 3 Goods 15,437,524.43 Within 1 year 7.65 771,876.22

Client 4 Goods 8,562,394.21 Within 1 year 4.25 428,119.71

Client 5 Goods 7,315,138.55 Within 1 year 3.63 365,756.93

Total 131,122,730.26 65.02 6,556,136.52


1.Disclosure by age

(1)Disclosure by age

Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin


Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%)

Within 1 year(including

5,027,361.20 64.01 24,681,972.11 91.16

1 year)

1-2 years 1,033,416.99 13.16 2,298,742.28 8.49

2-3 years 1,754,880.00 22.34 94,380.42 0.35

Over 3 years 38,160.00 0.49

Total 7,853,818.19 100.00 27,075,094.81 100.00

(2)Notes of the reasons of the prepayment ages over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled

in time

Claims unit Debt unit Balance in year-end Aging Reason of not clearing

Shenzhen Futian 1,754,880.00

Shenzhen Textile

District Housing and 2-3 years Not delivery of real estate

(Holdings)Co., Ltd.

Construction Bureau


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

2.The ending balance of Prepayments owed by the imputation of the top five parties

Name Balance in year-end Proportion

First 1,754,880.00 22.35

Second 981,952.10 12.50

Third 438,461.55 5.58

Fourth 437,459.86 5.57

Fifth 219,687.79 2.80

Total 3,832,441.30 48.80

5.Interest receivable

1.Category of interest receivable


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Fixed deposit interest 13,357,311.32 5,520,035.21

Structure deposit interest 706,164.38

Total 13,357,311.32 6,226,199.59

6.Other receivable

1.Category of Other receivable


Amount in year-end

Book balance Bad debt provision


Amount Proporti Amount Withdrawal

Book value

on(%) proportion


Other accounts receivable of

individual significance and

11,981,464.60 19.67 11,981,464.60 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Amount in year-end

Book balance Bad debt provision


Amount Proporti Amount Withdrawal

Book value

on(%) proportion


Other accounts receivable

subject to impairment

48,425,735.21 79.49 3,292,063.11 6.80 45,133,672.10

assessment by credit risk

characteristics of a portfolio

Other accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

511,820.77 0.84 511,820.77 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Total 60,919,020.58 100.00 15,785,348.48 45,133,672.10

Amount in year-begin

Book balance Bad debt provision


Book value

Amount Proport Amount Withdrawal

ion(%) proportion (%)

Other accounts receivable of

individual significance and

11,981,464.60 20.88 11,981,464.60 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Other accounts receivable

subject to impairment

44,880,159.19 78.23 3,036,781.80 6.77 41,843,377.39

assessment by credit risk

characteristics of a portfolio

Other accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

511,820.77 0.89 511,820.77 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Total 57,373,444.56 100.00 15,530,067.17 41,843,377.39

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided had debt provisions individually at

end of period.

Debtor Amount in year-end


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Withdrawal proportion

Other account receivable Bad debt provision Reason for allowance


Jiangxi Xuanli String No executable property,

11,389,044.60 11,389,044.60 100.00

Co., Ltd. unlikely to recover.

Shenzhen Tianlong Has been

Induatry& Trade Co., 592,420.00 592,420.00 100.00 conceled,unlikely to

Ltd. recover

Total 11,981,464.60 11,981,464.60 --

(2)Other receivable accounts in Group on which bad debt provisions were provided on age analyze


Amount in year-end


Other receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year 44,339,566.81 2,216,978.35 5.00

1-2 years 2,237,253.61 223,725.36 10.00

2-3 years 365,489.98 109,646.99 30.00

Over 3 years 1,483,424.81 741,712.41 50.00

Total 48,425,735.21 3,292,063.11

2.The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB255,281.31, no withdraw or return for bad


3.The company has no other receivables written off this period.

4.Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts


Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

The equity transfer 2,276,015.00

Export rebate 37,916,465.75 37,329,677.22

Unit account 16,318,999.87 14,476,263.97

Deposit 2,024,236.32 2,074,647.36

Reserve fund and staff loans 968,214.01 1,058,737.57

Other 1,415,089.63 2,434,118.44

Total 60,919,020.58 57,373,444.56


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

5.Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears


Proportion of Bad debt

the total year provision

Name Nature Closing balance Aging end balance of

the accounts Closing balance


First Export rebate 37,916,465.75 Within 1 year 62.25 1,895,823.29

Second Unit account 11,389,044.60 Over 3 years 18.69 11,389.044.60

1,800,000.00 Within 1 year 2.95 90,000.00


Unit account 1,800,000.00 1-2 years 2.95 180,000.00

Fourth Equity transfer 2,276,015.00 Within 1 year 3.74 113,800.75

Fifth Deposit 980,461.06 Over 3 years 1.61 490,230.53

Total 56,161,986.41 92.19 14,158,899.17


(1)Inventories types


Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Items Book balance Provision for bad Book value Book balance Provision for bad Book value

debts debts

Raw materials 150,409,810.60 14,406,278.95 136,003,531.65 96,253,606.72 18,042,269.08 78,211,337.64


6,871,382.66 493,094.77 6,378,287.89 6,209,041.89 6,209,041.89


Finished product 128,415,576.27 30,161,550.92 98,254,025.35 116,534,286.34 25,965,053.01 90,569,233.33


90,791,967.01 22,652,767.02 68,139,199.99 76,759,022.66 21,506,818.01 55,252,204.65



133,102.72 133,102.72



processing 284,202.01 284,202.01



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Total 376,488,736.54 67,713,691.66 308,775,044.88 296,173,262.34 65,514,140.10 230,659,122.24

(2)Inventory Impairment provision

Increased in current period Decreased in current period


Items Year-end balance

balance Provision Other Transferred back Other

Raw materials 18,042,269.08 5,678,191.34 9,314,181.47 14,406,278.95

Finished product 25,965,053.01 25,463,253.58 21,266,755.67 30,161,550.92


21,506,818.01 17,179,570.89 16,033,621.88 22,652,767.02



493,094.77 493,094.77


Total 65,514,140.10 48,814,110.58 46,614,559.02 67,713,691.66

8.Other current assets


Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Structural Deposit 460,000,000.00

After the deduction of input VAT 53,553,675.47 61,748,415.41

Total 513,553,675.47 61,748,415.41

9.Available-for-sale financial assets

(1)Available-for-sale financial assets

Year-end balance Year-beginning balance


Bad debt Bad debt

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision

Available-for-sale equity 124,282,285.6

79,931,512.57 36,689,988.51 43,241,524.06 36,689,988.51 87,592,297.11

instruments 2

Measured by fair value 10,054,476.60 10,054,476.60 52,605,249.65 52,605,249.65

Measured by cost 69,877,035.97 36,689,988.51 33,187,047.46 71,677,035.97 36,689,988.51 34,987,047.46


Total 79,931,512.57 36,689,988.51 43,241,524.06 36,689,988.51 87,592,297.11



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(2)Available-for-sale financial assets measured by fair value at the period-end

Items Cost Fair value

Available-for-sale financial instrument 8,940,598.31 10,054,476.60

Fawer(000030) 8,940,598.31 10,054,476.60

Total 8,940,598.31 10,054,476.60

(2)Available-for-sale financial assets measured by cost at the period-end

Book balance Impairment provision Shareholdi Cash

ng bonus of

Investee Period-beg Period-beg proportion the

Increase Decrease Period-end Increased Decreased Period-end among the reporting

in in

investees period




(Group) 14,831,68 14,831,68 14,831,68 14,831,68

Co., Ltd. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.68



Textile 16,800,00 16,800,00 16,800,00 16,800,00

Co., ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.80



Prnting &

dyeing 5,491,288 5,491,288 5,058,307 5,058,307

.71 .71 .01 .01 45.00

Co., Ltd.




ent Group 2,600,000 2,600,000 156,000.0

.00 .00 2.87 0

Co., Ltd

Shenzhen 160,000.0 160,000.0

Xiangjiang 0 0 20.00 84,587.22


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Trade Co.,




Knitting 524,000.0 524,000.0

0 0 20.00 54,000.00

Co., Ltd.



Knitting 2,559,856 2,559,856 788,870.0

.26 .26 30.00 0

Co., Ltd.



Textile 25,410,20 25,410,20 1,800,000

9.50 9.50 50.00 .00

Co., Ltd.



Textile 1,500,000 1,500,000 658,819.4

Co., Ltd. .00 .00 9.84 0



Silk Co., 1,800,000 1,800,000 685,344.9

Ltd. .00 .00 5

71,677,03 1,800,000 69,877,03 36,689,98 36,689,98 4,227,621


5.97 .00 5.97 8.51 8.51 .57

In the reporting period, 18% Equity of Tongyi with assessed value RMB 45.5203 million was

transferred to Shenzhen Fenghuirun Investment Co., Ltd; Shenzhen Dailisi Knitting Co., Ltd. and Anhui

Huapeng Textile Co., Ltd. provided foreign contract in the current period.

(4)Changes of the impairment of the available-for-sale financial assets during the reporting period

Available for sale equity Available for sale

Category Total

instruments debts instruments

Impairment amount at the beginning 37,301,142.97 37,301,142.97


Current provision


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Available for sale equity Available for sale

Category Total

instruments debts instruments

Including: Transferred from other

comprehensive income

Decreased of this period

Including:transferred from the 611,154.46 611,154.46

increased fair value

Impairment amount at the end of

period 36,689,988.51 36,689,988.51

Fawer Shares (000030)the company held impairment loss at the last period of RMB

2,947,341.67, the current value raised, the reversal of impairment losses of RMB 611,154.46

through equity.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

10.Long-term equity investment

(1)Long-term equity investment




Cash Withdraw balance

Gains/los nt of

Opening Add Investme Changes bonus or al of Closing of

Investees s of other

balance investmen nt of other profits impairme Other balance impairme

Investme comprehe

t decreased equity announce nt nt

nt nsive

d to issue provision provision


I. Joint venture




Leasing 3,762,40 635,434.1 4,397,840

6.73 5 .88

Co., Ltd.



Automobil 3,675,12 386,836.5 4,061,958 266,654.9

2.44 2 .96 9

e Co., Ltd.

7,437,52 1,022,270 8,459,799 266,654.9


9.17 .67 .84 9

2. Affiliated Company



a Printing

& dyeing 1,814,15 1,871,377

8.78 57,218.31 .09



Garment 3,262,74 -76,209.2 197,479.0 3,384,014

4.69 3 3 .49



Yehui 8,547,27 1,427,762 545,386.5 9,430,732

9.68 .45 1,077.00 0 .63



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

al Co.,


13,624,1 1,408,771 198,556.0 545,386.5 14,686,12


83.15 .53 3 0 4.21

21,061,7 2,431,042 198,556.0 545,386.5 23,145,92 266,654.9


12.32 .20 3 0 4.05 9

Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd. Business license has been revoked the business sector.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

11.Investment real estate

(1)Measured by the cost of investment in real estate

Items House, Building Land use right Construction in process Total

I. Original price

1. Balance at

254,042,931.46 254,042,931.46


2.Increase in the current

60,000.00 60,000.00


3.Decrease in the current

1,817,038.92 1,817,038.92


4 Year-end balance 252,285,892.54 252,285,892.54

II.Total accumulated

depreciation accumulated


1. Year-begin balance 113,137,656.01 113,137,656.01

2.Increase in the current

6,575,312.40 6,575,312.40


(1).Provision or

6,575,312.40 6,575,312.40


3.Decrease in the current

1,817,038.92 1,817,038.92


4 Year-end balance 117,895,929.49 117,895,929.49

4. Balance at period-end

III. Impairment provision

1. Balance at


2.Increased amount of

the period

3.Decrease in the

current period

4. Balance at period-end

IV.Book value 134,389,963.05 134,389,963.05

1.Book value at period 140,905,275.45 140,905,275.45


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


2.Book value at

140,905,275.45 140,905,275.45


12. Fixed assets

(1)Fixed assets


House and Machinery Transportation

Items Equipment and Total

buildings equipment equipment


I.Original book value

1. Year-beginning 477,461,993.94 633,688,396.11 3,691,157.72 18,266,876.86 1,133,108,424.63


2. Increased at this 18,163,742.62 19,105,781.35 1,630,732.31 38,900,256.28


(1)Purchase 903,094.00 3,571,969.74 1,630,732.31 6,105,796.05

(2) 17,260,648.62 15,533,811.61 32,794,460.23


3. Decreased at 5,573,724.08 622,103.56 434,356.71 6,630,184.35

ion in -progress

this period

(1)Disposal or scrap 5,573,724.08 622,103.56 434,356.71 6,630,184.35

4 Year-end balance 490,052,012.48 652,172,073.90 3,691,157.72 19,463,252.46 1,165,378,496.56

II. Accumulated


1. Year-beginning 76,531,202.95 217,981,340.78 2,363,208.73 11,126,071.22 308,001,823.68


2. Increased at this 13,946,557.06 58,087,101.46 365,764.49 1,324,654.47 73,724,077.48


(1)Provision 13,946,557.06 58,087,101.46 365,764.49 1,324,654.47 73,724,077.48

3.Decreased at this 5,573,724.08 444,802.17 348,365.51 6,366,891.76


(1)Disposal or scrap 5,573,724.08 444,802.17 348,365.51 6,366,891.76

4. Year-end balance 84,904,035.93 275,623,640.07 2,728,973.22 12,102,360.18 375,359,009.40

III. Impairment


1. Year-beginning 235,233.62 235,233.62


2. Increased at this


3. Decreased at this 235,233.62 235,233.62


4. Year-end balance

IV.Book value


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


House and Machinery Transportation

Items Equipment and Total

buildings equipment equipment


1. Closing book value 405,147,976.55 376,548,433.83 962,184.50 7,360,892.28 790,019,487.16

2. Book value at year 400,930,790.99 415,707,055.33 1,092,715.37 7,140,805.64 824,871,367.33


(2)Fixed assets with un-completed property certificates

Items Book Value Reasons for un-completed certificate

TFT-LCD polarizing film project phase 1 fixed Need to improve the relevant accreditation

288,049,723.38 information

assets of houses and buildings


Current depreciation is RMB73,724,077.48 .The issue of fixed assets transferred from

construction in progress original price is RMB32,794,460.23.

2.Fixed assets with un-completed property certificates

Items Book Value Reasons for un-completed


TFT-LCD polarizing film project phase 1 fixed Need to improve the relevant

assets of houses and buildings 296,998,079.44 accreditation information

13.Project under construction

(1)Project under construction

Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Items Book balance Provision for Book Net value Book balance Provision for Book Net value

devaluation devaluation


36,212,078.79 36,212,078.79 32,436,160.45 32,436,160.45

polarizing film II



39,004,527.58 39,004,527.58 31,482,502.19 31,482,502.19

Building project


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Research and


14,745,915.59 14,745,915.59

center expansion


Other 586,980.33 586,980.33 1,157,571.11 1,157,571.11

Total 75,803,586.70 75,803,586.70 79,822,149.34 79,822,149.34

(2)Changes of significant construction in progress


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Including: Source of fund

Including: Current


The year amount of Capitalizat

Amount at Transferre ion of

Increase at Other Balance in Proportion Progress of amount of capitalizati ion of

Name Budget year d to fixed interest

this period decrease year-end (%) work capitalizati on of interest

beginning assets accumulat

on of interest ratio(%)

ed balance


TFT-LCD Collect and Self-

polarizing 1,470.93m 32,436,160 3,775,918. 36,212,0

2% 2%

film II illion .45 34 78.79


32,436,160 3,775,918. 36,212,0


.45 34 78.79


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

14.Intangible assets

(1)List of intangible assets

Items Land use right Proprietary technology Software Total

I. Original price


48,765,130.50 11,825,200.00 1,876,780.00 62,467,110.50



amount of the 61,500.00 61,500.00


61,500.00 61,500.00

(1) Purchase

3.Decreased at


4. Balance at

48,765,130.50 11,825,200.00 1,938,280.00 62,528,610.50




1. Balance at

8,417,706.45 11,825,200.00 452,801.16 20,695,707.61


2. Increase in the

965,603.28 240,363.27 1,205,966.55

current period

(1) Withdrawal 965,603.28 240,363.27 1,205,966.55


amount of the


4. Balance at

9,383,309.73 11,825,200.00 693,164.43 21,901,674.16


III. Impairment


1. Balance at


2. Increase in the

current period


amount of the


4. Balance at


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


IV. Book value

1.Book value at

39,381,820.77 1,245,115.57 40,626,936.34

period -end

2.Book value at

40,347,424.05 1,423,978.84 41,771,402.89



1.General information

Increased at this .Decreased at

Investee Balance in year-begin Balance in year-end

period this period

Shenzhen Beauty Century

Garment Co., Ltd. 2,167,341.21 2,167,341.21

Shenzhen Shenfang Import and

Export Co., Ltd. 82,246.61 82,246.61

Shenzhen Shengbo

Optoelectronic Technology Co.,

Ltd 9,614,758.55 9,614,758.55


11,864,346.37 11,864,346.37

(2)Impairment allowance

Increased at this .Decreased at

Investee Balance in year-begin Balance in year-end

period this period

Shenzhen Beauty Century

Garment Co., Ltd. 2,167,341.21 2,167,341.21

Shenzhen Shenfang Import and

Export Co., Ltd. 82,246.61 82,246.61

Shenzhen Shengbo

Optoelectronic Technology Co.,

Ltd 9,614,758.55 9,614,758.55


2,249,587.82 9,614,758.55 11,864,346.37

Notes :

The company has purchased 52.05% stock equity of Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. In

June 2009, and has paid the consideration with the difference RMB9,614,758.55 after the shares of the fair value


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

of the identifiable net assets deducted, which shall be recorded into the goodwill. the company has made the

impairment test for the assets group combination including the goodwill, After testing, the goodwill impairment

provision is RMB 9,614,758.55.

16. Long term amortize expenses

Amortized expenses

Increase in this

Items Balance in year-begin Other loss Balance in year-end


Renovation fee 245,050.54 350,688.00 246,709.20 349,029.34

Other 315,826.52 14,616.00 45,930.36 284,512.16

Total 560,877.06 365,304.00 292,639.56 633,541.50

17. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1)Details of the un-recognized deferred income tax assets


Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Items Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

difference assets difference assets

Assets depreciation

7,334,802.71 1,833,700.67 8,661,780.26 2,165,445.08


Unattained internal sales

2,858,879.80 428,831.98 2,947,994.35 442,199.15


Total 10,193,682.51 2,262,532.65 11,609,774.61 2,607,644.23

(2)Details of the un-recognized deferred income tax liabilities


Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin


Temporarily Deductable Deferred Income Tax Temporarily Deductable Deferred Income Tax

or Taxable Difference liabilities or Taxable Difference liabilities

Stock equity disposition

of the temporary

42,291,900.69 10,572,975.17

taxable difference and

the taxable income

Changes in fair value of 1,113,878.29 278,469.57 42,225,680.94 10,556,420.24


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

financial assets

available for sale

Total 43,405,778.98 10,851,444.74 42,225,680.94 10,556,420.24

(3)Details of un-recognized deferred income tax assets

Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Deductible temporary difference 85,512,740.17 81,167,910.31

Deductible loss 495,605,796.60 411,615,401.60

Total 581,118,536.77 492,783,311.91

Due to the uncertainty which exists in whether sufficient taxable income can be obtained in the future ,

therefore, delay-tax capital has not been confirmed.

(4)Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years

Year Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin Remark

2017 134,292,559.16 134,292,559.16

2018 129,226,944.33 129,226,944.33

2019 148,095,898.11 148,095,898.11

2020 83,990,395.00

Total 495,605,796.60 411,615,401.60 --

18. Short-term loan

(1)Categories of short-term loans


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-Beginning

Credit loans 53,866,521.87 24,676,594.72

Total 53,866,521.87 24,676,594.72

19.Account payable

(1)Account payable


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Within 1 year 221,732,534.76 147,154,864.20


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

1-2 years 339,044.59 364,150.98

2-3 years 64,917.00 281,468.35

3-4 years 187,643.43 48,196.00

4-5 years 38,046.00 33,784.50

Over 5 years 5,166,622.82 5,144,218.32

Total 227,528,808.60 153,026,682.35

(2)Significant accounts payable that aged over one year

The reason for not repaid or carried fo

Items Balance in year-end Age


Will Taco Corporation 5,089,267.83 Over 5 years Quality dissension

Total 5,089,267.83

20. Advance account

(1) Advance account

Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Within 1 year 27,505,005.53 40,457,864.19

1-2 years 45,161.00 27,012.70

2-3 years 10,224.00 968.40

3-4 years 9,072.57

4-5 years 50.76

Over 5 years 639,024.58 640,541.38

Total 28,199,415.11 41,135,510.00

21.Payable Employee wage

(1)Payable Employee wage

Items Balance in year-begin Increase in this period Payable in this period Balance in year-end

I. Short-term employee 37,736,705.46 121,924,801.52 125,103,684.58 34,557,822.40



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

II. Post-employment 9,307,301.55 8,557,301.55 750,000.00


III. Termination benefit 175,175.00 175,175.00

Total 37,736,705.46 131,407,278.07 133,836,161.13 35,307,822.40

(2)Short-term remuneration

Items Balance in year-begin Increase in this period Payable in this period Balance in year-end

107,369,504.10 111,363,785.59

1.Wages, bonuses,

36,466,410.58 32,472,129.09

allowances and subsidies

2.Employee welfare 5,323,050.11 5,323,050.11

3. Social insurance 2,457,634.32 2,457,634.32


Including:Medical 1,899,806.38 1,899,806.38


Work injury insurance 169,446.03 169,446.03

Maternity insurance 388,381.91 388,381.91

4. Public reserves for 4,452,911.39 3,932,911.39 520,000.00


5.Union funds and staff 1,270,294.88 2,321,701.60 2,026,303.17 1,565,693.31

education fee

Total 37,736,705.46 121,924,801.52 125,103,684.58 34,557,822.40

(3)Defined contribution plans listed

Items Balance in year-begin Increase in this period Payable in this period Balance in year-end

1. Basic old-age 7,030,420.62 7,030,420.62

insurance premiums

2.Unemployment 545,800.73 545,800.73


3. Annuity payment 1,731,080.20 981,080.20

Total 9,307,301.55 8,557,301.55


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

22.Tax Payable

Items At end of term At beginning of term

VAT 135,460.12 475,624.79

Business Tax 510,707.45 658,958.83

City Construction tax 31,836.84 58,577.68

Enterprise Income tax 12,570,466.83 6,320,905.10

Individual Income tax 480,334.74 386,166.15

House property Tax 750,607.19 750,603.03

Education surcharge 22,964.43 85,549.33

Other 180,265.49 176,209.64

Total 14,682,643.09 8,912,594.55

23.Interest Payable

(.1)Interest Payable

Items At end of term At beginning of term

Interest on long-term borrowings payable 39,000,625.75 32,806,459.08

Interest on short-term borrowings 88,262.21 230,759.60

Total 39,088,887.96 33,037,218.68

24.Other payable

(1)Disclosure by nature

Items At end of term At beginning of term

Engineering Equipment fund 59,222,758.80 44,921,304.26

Unit account 24,819,916.41 38,703,210.28

Deposit 19,151,806.04 11,209,176.63

Drawing expenses 2,879,640.37 2,872,752.99

Other 19,701,602.18 14,948,418.90


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Total 125,775,723.80 112,654,863.06

25.Non-currentliabilitiesdue within 1 year

Items At end of term At beginning of term

Long-term borrowings due with in 1year 40,000,000.00 75,346,136.30

Total 40,000,000.00 75,346,136.30

The long-term borrowings at the end of period are the borrowings extended to the Company by Pingan

Bank.Shenzhen Jiangsu Building Branch. Entrusted by Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co.,Ltd.

26.Long-term borrowings

(1)Long-term term borrowings

In rmb

Items At end of term At beginning of term

Credit borrowings 120,000,000.00 124,653,863.70

Total 120,000,000.00 124,653,863.70

The long-term borrowings at the end of period are the borrowings enxtended to the Company by Pingan

Bank.Shenzhen Jiangsu Building Branch. Entrusted by Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co.,Ltd.


Balance in Increase at this Decrease at this

Items Balance in year-end

year-begin period period

Govemment Subsidy 66,546,079.96 45,202,608.00 12,224,522.38 99,524,165.58

Total 66,546,079.96 45,202,608.00 12,224,522.38 99,524,165.58

Details of govemment subsidy:


Balance in New grants

Items non-operating Balance in Income related to

amount of this Other changed

year-begin revenue amount year-end assets


of this period

Textile special

1,142,857.16 142,857.14 1,000,000.02 1,142,857.16 Related to assets



Industrialization 1,000,000.00 200,000.00 800,000.00 900,000.00 Related to assets



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


National grant

fundsfor new flat

5,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,500,000.00 Related to assets

panel display



1,209,722.08 241,944.44 967,777.64 1,088,749.87 Related to assets


Government R &

7,909,980.00 7,909,980.00 3,954,990.00 Related to income

D subsidies

Grant funds for


9,533,333.34 1,300,000.00 8,233,333.34 8,883,333.34 Related to assets

polarizer industry


Grant funds for


polarizer narrow 4,000,000.00 500,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,750,000.00 Related to assets

line (line 5)


Purchase of


1,377,377.58 175,090.20 1,202,287.38 1,289,832.48 Related to assets

equipment and


Innovation and

venture capital

400,000.00 50,000.00 350,000.00 375,000.00 Related to assets


polarier project




polarizing 500,000.00 37,500.00 462,500.00 500,000.00 Related to assets

material and





5,000,000.00 375,000.00 4,625,000.00 5,000,000.00 Related to assets

l and technical



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Capital funding

for Technology 3,000,000.00 225,000.00 2,775,000.00 3,000,000.00 Related to assets


Subsidy funds to

support the

introduction of a 115,104.80 14,388.10 100,716.70 107,910.72 Related to assets

dvanced technolo


Grant funds for


polarizer narrow 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 Related to assets

line (line 6)


Grant funds for


polarizer narrow 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Related to assets

line (line 6)


Grant funds for


polarizer narrow 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 Related to assets

line (line 6)



equipment and

technology of 857,705.00 857,705.00 857,705.00 Related to assets

discount interest


key technology

research and deve

lopment projects

5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 Related to assets

of optical


film for polarizer




20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 18,152.00 Related to assets

fund of




Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Grants of


equipment of

20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 Related to assets


polarizing film

phase II project

Energy saving

transformation 202,608.00 52,762.50 149,845.50 Related to assets

grant funds

Total 66,546,079.96 45,202,608.00 12,224,522.38 99,524,165.58 65,926,431.57 --


(1)According to the "Notice on National Development and Reform Commission to the General Office of the

textile project management of the special funds" (Faigaiban [2006]2841), on December 22, 2006, the Company

received "Textile special" funds RMB 2,000,000.00 from Shenzhen Finance Bureau. The company will use 14

years as asset depreciation period for amortization with the corresponding equipment in current period. The

amortization in accordance with the corresponding equipment, The non-operating income in current period is

RMB142,857.14, the ending balance of uncompleted amortization is RMB 1,000,000.02 .

(2) According to the document of Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission 【2009】 No. 416

that "The Notice On issued the Governmental Investment Plan in 2009 on Zhong Ke New Industrial Internet

Security Audit System and Other High-tech Industrialization Demonstration Project and the Public Testing and

Consultation Service of Information Security Industry and other National High-tech Industrial Base Platform

Projects”, on May 2009, the company received the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission

high-tech industrialization demonstration project supporting Capital RMB 2 million allocated by Shenzhen City

Bureau of Finance for the construction of “The Project of the Construction Line of Polaripiece for TFT-LCD”.Our

company will use 10 years as asset depreciation period for amortization in current period. The non-operating

income in current period is RMB 200,000.00 and the balance amount of unfinished final amortization is RMB


(3) According to the document of the Office of the State Development and Reform Commission on "The Office of

the State Development and Reform Commission on the Reply of New Flat-Panel Display Industrialization Special

Project” (Development and Reform Office High-Tech【2008】No. 2104), the company obtained the state subsidies

RMB 10,000,000.00 from the State Development and Reform Commission New Flat-Panel Display

Industrialization Special Project for the construction of “The Project of Polaripiece Industrialization for

TFT-LCD”. On June 2009, December 2009 and April 2010, the company received the special subsidies of State

Development and Reform Commission RMB 10,000,000.00. Our company will use 10 years as asset depreciation

period for amortization. The non-operating income in current period is RMB100,000.00, the balance amount of

unfinished final amortization is RMB 4,000,000.00;

(4)On December 2009 ,June 2011 and February 2013, the Company received a loan interest discount funds of

RMB 992,000.00, RMB 850,000.00 and RMB 483,000.00 allocated by Shenzhen Bureau of Finance for phase-II

alteration project. Our company will use 10 years as asset depreciation period for amortization in current

period.The non-operating income in current period is RMB 241,944.44 and the balance amount of unfinished final


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

amortization is RMB967,777.64.

(5)The Company received R&D subsidy of RMB39,549,900.00 from the government according to Shen Cai

Jian (2010) No. 101 Document - Circular of Plan for Use of Special Funds for the 14th Group of Significant

High-tech Projects in 2010. The Company plans to invest these funds in R&D in five years from 2011. The

non-operating income in current period is RMB 7,909,980.00, The final allocation has been completed。

(6)In accordance with the Notice of Forwarding the Reply of General Office of State Development and Reform

Commission Regarding Special Plan for Strategic Transformation and Industrialization of Color TV Industry

issued by Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission (Shen Fa Gai (2011) No. 823), State Development

and Reform Commission approved including the project of industrialization of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD of

Shengbo Optoelectronic Company into the special plan for strategic transformation and industrialization of color

TV industry in 2010 and appropriated national aid of RMB 10,000,000.00 to Shengbo Optoelectronic Company

for the research and development in the process of the project of industrialization and the purchase of required

software and hardware equipment. On June 2012 and September 2013, the company received the national grants

of RMB 10,000,000.00.. According to the Notice of Issuing the Governmental Investment Plan for 2011

Regarding Demonstration Project of High-tech Industrialization Including Specialized Services Such As Disaster

Recovery of Financial Information System issued by Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission (Shen Fa

Gai (2012) No. 3), the Company received subsidy of RMB 3,000,000.00 for the project of industrialization of

polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD in April 2012. Our company will use 10 years as asset depreciation period for

amortization in current period.The non-operating income in current period is RMB1,300,000.00. and the balance

amount of unfinished final amortization is RMB8,233,333.34.

(7)According to the Notice about the Plan for Supporting the Second Group of Enterprises in Biological,

Internet, New Energy and New Material Industries with Special Development Funds (Shen Fa Gai (2011) No.

1782), the Company received subsidy of RMB 5,000,000.00 for the narrow-width line (line 5) of phase-I project

of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD on February 2012. The Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years

according to the depreciation period of relevant assets. The non-operating income in current period is

RMB5,000,000.00 and the balance amount of unfinished final amortization is RMB3,500,000.00.

(8)On October 2013, The company received the grants for the purchase of imported equipment and technology

in 2012 of RMB 1,750,902.00, the Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years according to the

depreciation period of relevant assets.The non-operating income in current period is RMB175,090.20 and the

balance amount of unfinished final amortization is RMB1,202,287.38.

(9)On December 2013,The company received the funds for innovation and entrepreneurship of of TFT-LCD

polarizing project from Pingshan New District Development and Finance Bureau of RMB 500,000.00(matching

funding category),the Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years according to the depreciation

period of relevant assets. The non-operating income in current period is RMB50,000.00 and the balance amount of

unfinished final amortization is RMB350,000.00.

(10)On December 2013,The company received the funds for innovation and entrepreneurship of of TFT-LCD

polarizing project from Pingshan New District Development and Finance Bureau of RMB 500,000.00(matching

funding category),the Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years according to the depreciation

period of relevant assets. The non-operating income in current period is RMB37,500.00 and the balance amount of

unfinished final amortization is RMB462,500.00.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(11)According to the Approval of Application of Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. for

Project Funds for Shenzhen Polarization Material and Technology Engineering Laboratory (Shen Fa Gai (2012)

No. 1385), Shenzhen Polarization Material and Technology Engineering Laboratory was approved to be

established on the strength of Shengbo Optoelectronic with total project investment of RMB 24,390,000.00. As

approved by Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, this project was included in the plan for supporting the

fourth group of enterprises with special fund for the development of strategic new industries in Shenzhen in 2012

(new material industry). According to the Notice of Issuing the Plan for Supporting the Fourth Group of Enterprises

with Special Fund for Development of Strategic New Industries in Shenzhen in 2012 (Shen Fa Gai (2012) No. 1241),

the Company received subsidy of RMB 5,000,000.00 on December 2012 for purchasing instruments and equipment

and improving existing technological equipment and test conditions. The fund gap will be filled by the Company

through raising funds by itself. the Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years according to the

depreciation period of relevant assets. The non-operating income in current period is RMB375,000.00 and the

balance amount of unfinished final amortization is RMB4,625,000.00.

(12)According to the “Announcement on the Identification of Technology Centers of 24 Enterprises including

Shenzhen Yuanwanggu Information Technology Joint Stock Company Limited as the Municipal Research and

Development Centers (Technical Center)” (SJMXXJS [2013] No.137), the research and development center of

Shenzhen SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd. has been regarded as 2012 annual municipal R&D center. In December

2013, the company has received the funding subsidy of RMB3 million for the construction of the technical center.

the Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years according to the depreciation period of relevant assets.

The non-operating income in current period is RMB225,000.00 and the balance amount of unfinished final

amortization is RMB2,775,000.00.

(13)On March 2014 the company received the introduction of advanced technology import subsidy funds of RMB

143,881.00 from Shenzhen Finance Committee, the Company planned to amortize the subsidy over 10 years

according to the depreciation period of relevant assets. The non-operating income in current period is

RMB14,388.10 and the balance amount of unfinished final amortization is RMB100,716.70.

(14)According to the "Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission Reply for Shenzhen

Shengbo Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. application for local matching funds of TFT-LCD polarizing film II

project (Line 6) " (Shenzhen DRC [2013]No. 1771), the company obtained TFT-LCD polarizing film II project

(line 6) local matching funds of RMB 15,000,000.00 in April 2014.The fund gap will be filled by the Company

through raising funds by itself. The subsidy will be amortized over the depreciation period from the day when

relevant assets get ready for intended use.

(15)According to "National Development and Reform Commission issued on industrial transformation and

upgrading projects (2nd industrial restructuring) notify the central budget for 2014 investment plan" (NDRC

Investment [2014] No. 1280), the company obtained TFT- LCD polarizer II project (line 6) state grants of RMB

10,000,000.00 in December 2014.The fund gap will be filled by the Company through raising funds by itself. The

subsidy will be amortized over the depreciation period from the day when relevant assets get ready for intended


(16)In December 2014, the company received innovation venture capital (matching funding category) for Ping

Shan District Development and Finance Bureau of TFT-LCD polarizing film II project (line 6) of RMB

500,000.00.The fund gap will be filled by the Company through raising funds by itself. The subsidy will be

amortized over the depreciation period from the day when relevant assets get ready for intended use;


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(17)On September 2014,The company received a discount of imported equipment and technology funds of

RMB 857,705.00.The fund gap will be filled by the Company through raising funds by itself. The subsidy will be

amortized over the depreciation period from the day when relevant assets get ready for intended use.

(18) On Jan. 2015, the company received RMB 5 million of grants for key technology research and development

projects of optical compensation film for polarizer from Shenzhen Scientific and Technological Innovation

Committee. The company will defer income share transferred in the current profit and loss on the basis of

depreciation life as of the date of the predetermined workability state the related assets reach.

19. According to “Reply on Congregating Development in Emerging Industrial Area Strategic Pilot Implement

Scheme of Guangdong Province ”(Reform and Development Office High-Tech [2013] No.2552, the Company

received 20 million RMB of the pilot project fund( period II project of TFT-LCD polarizer).The company will

defer income share transferred in the current profit and loss on the basis of depreciation life as of the date of the

predetermined workability state the related assets reach.

20. According to Reform and Development Commission of Shenzhen Municipality sending the notice of “Reply

of National Reform and Development Office on Investing in Petrifaction and Medicine Project within Central

Budget of 2013 for Industry Structure Adjustment Special Project”(Reform and Development Commission of

Shenzhen Municipality [2013]No.1449) , the Company received 20 million RMB of new production line of

TFT-LCD polarizer project period II and equipment purchase subsidy in August 2015 and December 2015.The

company will defer income share transferred in the current profit and loss on the basis of depreciation life as of

the date of the predetermined workability state the related assets reach.

21. In 2015, the Company received the subsidy funds of 202,608.00 RMB on energy-saving reconstruction,

amortized by 8-year depreciation life of the relevant asset, the no business income was 52,762.50 RMB at the

current period, the ending balance without amortization was 149,845.50 RMB

28.Stock capital


Balance in Balance in


year-begin Issuance of

Bonus shares of public Other Subtotal year-end

new share


Total of capital

506,521,849.00 506,521,849.00


29.Capital reserves

Items Year-beginning balance Increase in the current Decrease in the current Year-end balance

period period

Share premium 1,574,407,414.34 1,574,407,414.34

Other 10,722,637.03 10,722,637.03

Total 1,585,130,051.37 1,585,130,051.37


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

30.Other Comprehensive income

Amount of current period

Less :

Previously rec

Amount for After - tax a After - tax a

Year-beginni Year-end

Items ognized in pro

the period Less: ttributable t ttributable t

ng balance balance

fit or loss in ot

before inco Income tax o the parent o minority s

her comprehen

me tax company hareholders

sive income

1.Other comprehensive income will

be reclassified into

income or loss in the future

Including: remeasurement of net

assets or net liabilities of defined

benefit plans

Share of other comprehensive income

of the investee that cannot be

transferred to profit or loss accounted

for using the equity method

2.Other comprehensive income

33,389,117.4 1,923,588.7 -30,176,930 3,212,187

reclassifiable to profit or loss in 31,669,260.70 431,258.19

6 8 .11 .35

subsequent periods

Including : Share of other

comprehensive income of the

investee that cannot be

transferred to profit or loss

accounted for using the equity


Gains and losses from changes

33,421,401.1 1,725,032.7 -30,375,486 3,045,914

in fair value of financial assets 31,669,260.70 431,258.19

1 5 .14 .97

available for sale

Held-to-maturity investment

that is reclassified as financial

assets available for sale

Effective gains(losses) arising from

cash flow hedging instruments

Translation differences of financial -32,283.65 198,556.03 198,556.03 166,272.3


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

statements denominated 8

Total of other comprehensive income 33,389,117.4 1,923,588.7 -30,176,930 3,212,187

31,669,260.70 431,258.19

6 8 .11 .35

31.Surplus reserve

Items Year-beginning balance Increase in the current Decrease in the current Year-end balance

period period

Statutory surplus reserve 64,403,027.10 6,136,292.76 70,539,319.86

Total 64,403,027.10 6,136,292.76 70,539,319.86

The increase in the surplus reserves for the current period is caused by the legal surplus reserves withdrawn as per

10% of the net profits of the parent company.

32.Retained profits

Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Before adjustments: Retained profits at 6,805,203.33 124,997,823.59

the period end

Adjustment: Total unappropriated

profits at the beginning of the year

After adjustments: Retained profits at the 6,805,203.33 124,997,823.59

period beginning

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of 8,497,227.40 -113,591,328.26

the Company for the period

Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus 6,136,292.76 4,601,292.00


Appropriation to discretionary

surplus reserveCommon risk provision

Appropriation to

Common stock dividend payable

Common stock dividends Converted to


Retained profits at the period end 9,166,137.98 6,805,203.33

33.Business income, Business cost

(1)Business income

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Income from Main Business 1,220,983,979.24 1,205,218,842.69


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Other Business income 5,762,812.38 5,733,705.88

Total 1,226,746,791.62 1,210,952,548.57

Main business cost 1,136,902,952.29 1,149,096,458.05

Other business cost 5,608,060.55 5,647,004.79

Total 1,142,511,012.84 1,154,743,462.84

(2)Main business(Industry)

Amount of current period Amount of previous period


Business income Business cost Business income Business cost

Domestic and foreign

trade 429,639,819.01 423,199,182.16 418,662,598.31 415,021,559.43

700,600,503.65 690,228,637.37 697,875,210.57 710,855,827.41


Property management,

90,743,656.58 23,475,132.76 88,681,033.81 23,219,071.21


Total 1,220,983,979.24 1,136,902,952.29 1,205,218,842.69 1,149,096,458.05

(3)Main business(Production)

Amount of current period Amount of previous period


Business income Business cost Business income Business cost

Property and rental

income 90,743,656.58 23,475,132.76 88,681,033.81 23,219,071.21

Textile income 25,205,284.70 27,117,500.23 36,871,877.02 30,147,926.39

Polaroid income 803,719,803.87 787,302,128.29 734,488,663.78 752,645,742.75

Trade income 301,315,234.09 299,008,191.01 345,177,268.08 343,083,717.70

Total 1,220,983,979.24 1,136,902,952.29 1,205,218,842.69 1,149,096,458.05

(4)Main Business(Area)

Amount of current period Amount of previous period


Business income Business cost Business income Business cost

Domestic 446,846,597.09 396,404,251.87 427,602,892.57 343,117,315.91

Oversea 774,137,382.15 740,498,700.42 777,615,950.12 805,979,142.14

Total 1,220,983,979.24 1,136,902,952.29 1,205,218,842.69 1,149,096,458.05

(5)Operating income from top five clients


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Name Income Proportion

First 318,888,124.08 25.99%

Second 300,886,664.10 24.53%

Third 141,768,566.85 11.56%

Fourth 40,520,628.95 3.30%

Fifth 33,128,839.03 2.70%

Total 835,192,823.01 68.08%

34.Business tax and subjoin

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Business tax 4,569,235.38 4,627,582.53

Urban construction tax 456,427.96 534,309.40

Education surcharge 282,652.28 381,647.42

Other 2,316,656.14 2,362,429.89

Total 7,624,971.76 7,905,969.24

35.Sales expenses

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Wage 3,328,467.06 4,363,205.11

Transportation changes 3,570,014.59 5,836,916.82

Exhibition fee 214,273.75 427,035.70

Advertising expenses 21,367.52 47,821.93

Business expenses 803,058.95 796,292.50

Samples and product loss 153,275.77 131,439.90

Other 3,653,457.09 2,464,913.21

Total 11,743,914.73 14,067,625.17


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

36.Administrative expenses

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Wage 43,599,715.93 39,927,512.63

Property insurance 531,310.04 520,476.41

Repair charge 1,040,496.65 320,063.00

Business entertainment 1,436,619.00 1,839,218.23

Travel expenses 1,135,661.35 1,415,640.88

Office expenses 1,487,998.89 1,731,141.43

Water and electricity 3,839,832.91 655,053.39

Tax 1,364,877.14 1,222,081.41

Lawsuit expenses 120,304.55 412,056.24

Agency expenses 1,710,285.57 2,457,575.02

R& D 30,867,294.24 55,070,970.28

Board fees 65,515.20 73,289.60

Other 7,945,060.22 6,300,185.37

Depreciation of fixed assets 6,370,639.10 4,948,505.73

Amortization of intangible assets 1,205,966.55 2,298,368.48

Amortization of long-term deferred

expenses 134,803.96 49,821.45

Low consumables amortization 188,323.00 254,145.90

Total 103,044,704.30 119,496,105.45

37.Financial Expenses

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

6,843,784.81 9,608,435.14

Interest expenses

-38,467,889.51 -33,143,531.65

Interest income

Exchange loss 6,356,852.45 -7,497,707.98


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

818,934.15 639,963.89

Fees and other

-24,448,318.10 -30,392,840.60


38.Loss of assets impairment

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

3,364,121.82 -5,232,365.43

I .Losses for bad debts

48,814,110.58 56,794,403.85

II. Losses for falling price of inventory


III. Goodwill impairment

Total 61,792,990.95 51,562,038.42

39.Investment income


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Investment income from the disposal of

2,431,042.20 1,788,818.78

long-term equity investment

Investment income arising from disposal of

long-term equity investment

Hold the investment income during from 4,374,824.87 4,609,627.57

available-for-sale financial assets

Investment income gain from available for sale

88,006,690.51 16,896,190.19

financial assets

Total 94,812,557.58 23,294,636.54

2.Long-term equity investment income by costing

Amount of current period Amount of previous

Name Reason to increase or decrease


Shenzhen Haohao Property Leasing Co.,

635,434.15 574,502.13


386,836.52 350,422.87

Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Amount of current period Amount of previous

Name Reason to increase or decrease


Shenzhen Changlianfa Printing and 55,707.44


dyeing Company

-76,209.23 395,273.09

Jordan Garment Factory

Yehui International Co., Ltd. 1,427,762.45 412,913.25

Total 2,431,042.20 1,788,818.78

40. Non-Operation income

1.Non-Operation income

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period Recorded in the amount of the

non-recurring gains and losses

Total gains from disposal of

235,533.62 135,925.51 235,533.62

non-current assets

Including:Gains from disposal

235,533.62 135,925.51 235,533.62

of fixed assets

Government Subsidy 21,420,940.38 16,688,387.98 21,420,940.38

Other 2,465,865.62 4,335,675.77 2,465,865.62

Total 24,122,339.62 21,159,989.26 24,122,339.62

2.Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses


Amount of this Amount of last

Items income

period period


Related to the

Grant funds for TFT-LCD polarizer narrow line (line 5)

500,000.00 500,000.00 assets


Related to the

175,090.20 175,090.20 assets

Purchase of imported equipment and technology

Related to the

142,857.14 142,857.14 assets

Textile special funds


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Related to

7,909,980.00 7,909,980.00 income

Government R & D subsidies

Related to the

200,000.00 200,000.00 assets

High-tech Industrialization demonstration projects

Related to the

1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 assets

National grant fundsfor new flat panel display industry

Related to the

Loan subsidy interest allocated by Finance Commission

241,944.44 241,944.44 assets

of Shenzhen Municipality

Related to the

Subsidy amortization of the projecto of TFT-LCD

1,300,000.00 1,300,000.00 assets

polarizer industrialization

Innovation entrepreneurship fund amortization of

Related to the

TFT-LCD polarizer period I project for Pingshan New

50,000.00 50,000.00 assets

District Development and Finance Bureau

Related to the

Financing aid amortization of introducing advanced

14,388.10 28,776.20 assets


Related to

Innovation entrepreneurship subsidy of Pingshan New

590,000.00 income

District Development and Finance Bureau

Related to

Reward funds for innovation of SASAC of Shenzhen

300,000.00 income


Related to

Special fund subsidy of industry development of Futian

63,000.00 32,000.00 income


Financing aid of Finance Commission of Shenzhen

Related to

Municipality for optimizing foreign trade export

74,623.00 income


Related to

6,380.00 income

Financing aid of the domestic market development

Related to

93,543.00 60,460.00 income

Subsidy of the exhibition

Related to

250,000.00 income

Financing aid of science and technology platform

Related to

88,152.00 100,000.00 income

Interest subsidy

Related to

200,000.00 income

Subsidy of dyeing polarizer project


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Related to

Incentive of outstanding science-and-technology

50,000.00 income


Related to

8,287,100.00 4,140,900.00 income

High-tech major projects Special funds

Shenzhen Engineering laboratory polarizing material and Related to

technical engineering 37,500.00 assets

Related to

Shenzhen polarizing material and technical engineering

375,000.00 assets

Related to

Capital funding for Technology Center 225,000.00 assets

Related to

Energy saving transformation grant funds amortization

52,762.50 assets

Total 21,420,940.38 16,688,387.98

41.Non-current expenses

The amount of non-operating


Amount of current period Amount of previous period gains & lossed

Total of non-current asset

Disposition loss 260,642.59 83,643.89 260,642.59

Incl: loss of fixed assets

disposition 260,642.59 83,643.89 260,642.59

Other 23.02 113.60 23.02

Total 260,665.61 83,757.49 260,665.61

42.Income tax expenses

(1)Income tax expenses


Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Current income tax expense 24,352,326.20 14,590,550.96

Deferred income tax expense 10,302,193.13 36,941,833.66

Total 34,654,519.33 51,532,384.62

(2)Reconciliation of account profit and income tax expenses:



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Items Amount of current period

Total profits 43,151,746.73

Income tax computed in accordance with the applicable tax rate 10,787,936.68

Effect of different tax rate applicable to the subsidiary Company 905,254.95

Influence of income tax before adjustment 69,480.07

Influence of non taxable income -3,054,186.40

Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses 3,862,227.82

Affect the use of deferred tax assets early unconfirmed

deductible losses

The current period does not affect the deferred tax assets


recognized deductible temporary differences or deductible loss

Income tax expense 34,654,519.33

43.Other comprehensive income

1.Other comprehensive income items and income tax effects and transferred to profit and loss

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

I. Net amount included in other comprehensive

income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss

in the future

I.Share of other comprehensive income of the investee that

cannot be transferred to profit or loss accounted for using

the equity method

II. Net amount included in other comprehensive

income that can be transferred to profit or loss in -30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17

the future


Share of other comprehensive income of the

investee that can be transferred to profit or loss

accounted for using the equity method

Less : Previously recognized in other comprehensive

income, Profit or loss in current period



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

2. The income gains (losses) amount of available for sale

1,725,032.75 30,124,854.43

financial assets

Less: Recognized in other comprehensive income that tax

431,258.19 7,531,213.61

effect amount

Less : Previously recognized in other comprehensive

31,669,260.70 12,707,013.00

income, Profit or loss in current period

Subtotal -30,375,486.14 9,886,627.82


198,556.03 -32,283.65

Translation differences of financial statements

denominated in foreign currencies

Less : Previously recognized in other comprehensive

income, Profit or loss in current period

Subtotal 198,556.03 -32,283.65

III.Total of other comprehensive income -30,176,930.11 9,854,344.17

2.Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

Gains and losses from

Foreign currency

changes in fair value of

Items translation differences Subtotal

available for sale

of financial statements

financial assets

I. Beginning balance last year 23,534,773.29 23,534,773.29

II.Changes in the amount last year 9,886,627.82 -32,283.65 9,854,344.17

III.Beginning balance this year 33,421,401.11 -32,283.65 33,389,117.46

IV.Changes in the amount this year -30,375,486.14 198,556.03 -30,176,930.11

V.The year-end balance 3,045,914.97 166,272.38 3,212,187.35

44.Items of Cash flow statement

(1)Other cash received from business operation

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

54,399,026.00 31,641,326.00

Government Subsidy


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

41,127,157.51 44,113,060.32

Bank deposit interest income and other

Total 95,526,183.51 75,754,386.32

2.Other cash paid related to operating activities

Other cash paid relating to operating activities this period was RMB 50,155,116.37, mainly for the payment of the

cost of sales and administration expenses.

3.Other Cash received related to investment activities

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Structure deposit and income 30,591,780.82 201,803,986.29

Other 567,210.00

Total 30,591,780.82 202,371,196.29

(4)Cash paid related to other investment activities


Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Structure deposit investment 490,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

Other 59,223.58

Total 490,059,223.58 100,000,000.00

45.Supplement Information for cash flow statement

(1)Supplement Information for cash flow statement

Supplement Information Amount of Amount of

current period previous period

I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities

Net profit 8,497,227.40 -113,591,328.26

Add: Impairment loss provision of assets 15,178,431.93 -24,728,253.16

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and consumable biological

80,299,389.88 78,523,175.42


1,205,966.55 2,298,368.48

Amortization of intangible assets

Amortization of Long-term deferred expenses 292,639.56 385,402.12

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term -52,725.62


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Supplement Information Amount of Amount of

current period previous period

deferred assets

Loss on scrap of fixed assets 25,108.97 444.00

Loss on fair value changes

Financial cost -12,222,940.66 5,937,407.06

Loss on investment -94,812,557.58 -23,294,636.54

Decrease in deferred income tax assets 192,322.96 36,941,833.66

Increased of deferred income tax liabilities 10,572,975.17 -52,384,071.50

Decrease of inventories -80,315,474.20 -7,352,419.31

11,626,183.95 -49,608,590.83

Decease of operating receivables

99,045,226.43 102,121,539.16

Increased of operating Payable

Other -3,897,638.73

Net cash flows arising from operating activities 39,584,500.37 -48,701,494.05

II. Significant investment and financing activities that without cash


Debt-to-capital conversion

Convertible loan due within 1 year

Fixed assets acquired under financial lease

3.Movement of cash and cash equivalents:

Ending balance of cash 748,658,875.60 1,098,232,359.02

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents 1,098,232,359.02 943,913,951.68

Add:Ending balance of cash equivalents

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -349,573,483.42 154,318,407.34

(2)Composition of cash and cash equivalents


Items Year-end balance Year-beginning balance


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

I. Cash 1,098,232,359.02 943,913,951.68

Including:Cash at hand 8,588.42 85,537.12

Demand bank deposit 1,097,734,798.40 941,362,518.21

Demand other monetary funds 488,972.20 2,465,896.35

Depositing performs

Loan to performs

II. Cash equivalents

Including:Debt instrument matured within

three months

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at

the period end

1,098,232,359.02 943,913,951.68

46.Foreign currency monetary items

(1)Foreign currency monetary items

Closing foreign currency Closing convert to RMB

Items Exchange rate

balance balance

Monetary funds

Including:USD 8,497,366.48 6.4936 55,178,498.97

JPY 5,371,949.00 0.053875 289,413.75

HKD 154,976.76 0.83778 129,836.43

Account receivable

Including:USD 9,770,547.62 6.4936 63,446,028.03

JPY 240,306.00 0.053875 12,946.49

HKD 278,280.00 0.83778 233,137.42

Other receivable

Including:HKD 330,841.65 0.83778 277,172.52

Account payable

Including:USD 17,319,633.39 6.4936 112,466,771.38


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

JPY 1,731,904,956.09 0.053875 93,306,379.51

Other payable

Including:USD 81,000.00 6.4936 525,981.60

JPY 24,567,800.00 0.053875 1,323,590.23

HKD 1,530,628.30 0.83778 1,282,329.78

Euro 51,500.00 7.0952 365,402.80

Short –term loans

Including:USD 2,226,967.88 6.4936 14,461,038.63

JPY 731,424,283.00 0.053875 39,405,483.25

Interest payable

Including:USD 260.20 6.4936 1,689.63

JPY 1,606,915.99 0.053875 86,572.60

VI. Change in consolidation scope

No change of scope of consolidation from last year.

VII. Equity in other entity

1. Equity in subsidiary

(1)Constitute of enterprise group

Share-holding ratio

Subsidiary Main operation Registered place Business nature Acquired way

Directly Indirectly

Shenzhen Lishi

Domestic trade,

Industry Establish

Shenzhen Shenzhen Property

Development Co.,


Ltd 100.00

Accommodation, Establish


Shenzhen Shenzhen restaurants,

Huaqiang Hotel

business center; 100.00

Shenfang Establish

Property Property

Shenzhen Shenzhen

Management Co., Management

Ltd. 100.00


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Shenzhen Beauty Production of Establish

fully electronic

Century Garment Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00

jacquard knitting

Co., Ltd. whole shape


Shengbo Operating import

Ophotoelectric Shenzhen Shenzhen Purchase

Technology Co., and export

Ltd business 100.00

Shenzhen Operating import

Shenfang Import

Shenzhen Shenzhen and export Establish

& export Co.,

Ltd. business 100.00


(Hongkong) Production and

Hongkong Hongkong Establish

Co.,Ltd. sales of polarizer


2.Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

(1) Significant joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

Holding proportion(%) The accounting

Joint venture or

Place of treatment of

associated Place of operation Nature

registration Directly Indirectly investment in



Shenzhen Haohao

Property Leasing Shenzhen Shenzhen Property leasing 50.00 Equity method

Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Xieli

Automobile Co., Shenzhen Shenzhen Property leasing 50.00 Equity method




Shenzhen Shenzhen Property leasing 40.25 Equity method

Printing and

dyeing Company

Jordan Garment

Jordan Jordan Manufacturing 35.00 Equity method



International Co., Hongkong Hongkong Manufacturing 22.75 Equity method


(2)Key financial information of significant joint venture or associated enterprise


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Year-beginning balance/

Year-end balance/ Amount

Amount of previous

of current period


Joint venture:

Total book value of the investment 8,193,144.85 6,720,327.40

Total amount of the pro rata calculation of the following


--Net profit 1,022,270.67 924,925.00

--Other Comprehensive income

--Total comprehensive income 1,022,270.67 924,925.00

Dividends received from joint ventures this period 474,378.22

Associated enterprise:

Total book value of the investment 14,686,124.21 4,614,853.99

Total amount of the pro rata calculation of the following


--Net profit 1,408,771.53 863,893.78

--Other Comprehensive income 198,556.03 -32,283.65

--Total comprehensive income 1,607,327.56 831,610.13

Dividends received from joint ventures this period 545,386.50

3. Significant common operation

Proportion /shareportion

Name Main operating place Registration place Business nature

Directly Indirectly

Guanhua Building Shenzhen Shenzhen Cooperate 50.16%

According to the company along with Hongkong Qiaohui Industries Co.,Ltd. signed "Agreement on cooperative

development and construction of Guanhua building", jointly developed Guanhua building construction, the compa

ny invested 50.16%, Hong Qiao Hui Industrial Co., Ltd. invested 49.84%, the two sides need to agree matters affe

cting the cooperation projects. In addition, the two sides agreed to the project is completed in accordance with the

ratio of the actual investment allocation or co-operation, specific programs need further deliberations.

As of the reporting period, Guanhua unfinished building projects.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

VIII. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

The company has the main financial instruments, such as bank deposits, receivables and payables, investments,

loans and so on. Please refer to the relevant disclosure in Notes for the details. The risks associated with these

financial instruments mainly include credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk. The company’s management shall

manage and monitor these risks and ensure above risks to be controlled within certain scope.

(I)Credit Risk

The credit risk of the company is primarily attributable to bank deposits and receivables. Of which, the bank

deposits are mainly deposited in the medium and large commercial banks with strength, high credibility. For the

receivables, the company has developed the relevant policies to control the credit risk, and set up the

corresponding debt and credit limit after the credit status of debtor is evaluated based on financial condition of

debtor, credit history, external ratings, possibility of guarantee obtained from the third party. Meanwhile, the

company shall regularly monitor the debtor’s credit history. With regard to the bad credit record for the debtor, the

company shall adopt the written reminder, shortening or cancel of credit period to ensure the overall credit risks

within the controllable scope.

(II)Market risk

Market risk of financial instrument arises from changes in fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments

affected by market price . Market risks includes foreign exchange risk and interest risk.

(1) Interest Rate Risk

The interest rate risk faced by the company is mainly from the bank borrowings. The company is faced the interest

rate risk of the cash flow due to the financial liability of the floating interest rate, and faced the interest rate risk of

the fair value due to the financial liability of the fixed interest rate. The company shall determine the relative

proportion in the fixed and floating interest rate contracts.

(2) Foreign Exchange Risk

The foreign exchange risks faced by the company are mainly from the financial assets and liabilities based on the

price of US dollar and JPY. The company matches the income and expenditure of foreign currency as far as

possible in order to reduce the foreign exchange risk.

(III)Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk refers to fund shortage problems when fulfilling obligations settled in cash or other financial assets.

The company shall guarantee to have the sufficient funds to repay the debts through monitoring the cash balance,

the marketable securities available to be cash and the rolling forecast for the future cash flow.

IX. The disclosure of the fair value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

Closing fair value

Items Fir value measurement Fir value measurement Fir value measurement


items at level 1 items at level 2 items at level 3

I. Consistent fair value


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


(1).Available for sale

financial assets 10,054,476.60 10,054,476.60

1.Equity instrument

investment 10,054,476.60 10,054,476.60

Total of Consistent fair

value measurement 10,054,476.60 10,054,476.60

2. Market price recognition basis for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level

The fair value of financial assets available for sale at the end of period is measured based on the closing price of

Shenzhen Stock Exchange on December 31,2016.

X. Related parties and related-party transactions

1.Parent company information of the enterprise

The parent company The parent company

Registered capital

Name Registered address Nature of the Company's of the Company’s


shareholding ratio vote ratio

18/F, Investment Equity investment ,


Building, Shennan Real-estate

Investment Holdings 2,145,000.00 46.21% 49.39%

Co.,Ltd. Road, Futian Development and

District, Shenzhen Guarantee

The company is authorized and approved to be state-owned independent company by Shenzhen Government, and

it Executes financial contributor function on state-owned enterprise within authorization scope.

The finial control of the Company was Shenzhen People’s Govemment state owned assets supervision &

Administration Commission.

2.Subsidiaries of the Company

Details refer to the Note VII-1, Interest in the subsidiary

3. Information on the joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company

Details refer to the Note VII-2, Interests in joint ventures or associates

4.Other Related parties information

Other related party Relationship to the Company

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. Subject to the same party controls


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Shenzhen Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board Is the Vice Chairman of the Company

Shengbo (HK)Co., Ltd. The Company Executives are Director of the company

Shenzhen Xiangjiang Trade Co., Ltd. Sharing Company

Shenzhen Xinfang Knitting Co., Ltd. Sharing Company

Shenzhen Dailishi Underwear Co., Ltd. Sharing Company

Anhui Huapeng Textile Co., Ltd. Sharing Company

5. Related transactions.

1.Sales of goods and vendering of services

Related party Content

Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Shenzhen Tianma 2,077,019.45 3,169,202.48

Sales polarizer sheet

Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

2.Entrusted loans to related parties

For the construction of the project of polarizer sheet for TFT-LCD, the Company signed Entrusted Loan Contract

with Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Jiangsu Building Sub-branch of

Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd. in 2010. According to the contract, Shenzhen Shenchao Technology

Investment Co., Ltd. entrusted Shenzhen Jiangsu Building Sub-branch of Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd.

to extend a loan of RMB 200 million to the Company. The term of the loan is 108 months from the day when the

first installment of entrusted loan is transferred to the account of the Company. The interest rate of the entrusted

loan is the rate of commercial loans with a term of 5 years quoted by People's Bank of China minus 2%. In case of

adjustment of such commercial loan rate, the rate of commercial loans with a term of 5 years after adjustment

minus 2% shall apply as interest rate of entrusted loan from the first day of the next month after the adjustment of

basic interest rate.As of December 31, 2015, The Company actually received a loan of RMB 160 million.

3. Rewards for the key management personnel


Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Rewards for the key management 4.3809 million 5.5268 million


6. Receivables and payables of related parties


Amount at year end Amount at year beginning

Name Related party

Balance of Book Bad debt Provision Balance of Book Bad debt Provision

Shenzhen Tianma

Account receivable 349,938.59 17,496.93 568,133.34 28,406.67



Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Co., Ltd.

Other Account Anhui Huapeng

3,600,000.00 270,000.00 1,800,000.00 90,000.00

receivable Textile Company

Other Account Shenzhen Dailishi

277,172.52 13,858.63 257,450.22 12,872.51

receivable Underwear Co., Ltd.



Amount at year end Amount at year beginning

Name Related party

Shenzhen Xinfang Knitting Co.,

Other payable 244,789.85 244789.85


Shenzhen Xiangjiang Trade

Other payable 40,000.00 40,000.00

Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Changlianfa Printing

Other payable 916,673.69 584,644.49

and dyeing Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Haohao Property

Other payable 4,179,489.85 3,479,489.85

Leasing Co., Ltd.

Other payable Yehui International Co.,Ltd. 1,137,966.35 1,071,546.49

Other payable Shengbo (Hongkong)Co., Ltd. 315,000.00 315,000.00

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology

Interest payable 39,000,625.75 32,806,459.08

Investment Co., Ltd.

XI. Subsequent events

During the reporting period, the company received the No.28 respondent notice issued by Shenzhen Intermediate

People's Court (2014) Foreign legislation, the plaintiff association of Hong Kong Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd

liability disputes has been formally accepted. The company as the first defendant, Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Co.,

Ltd. was the second defendant. The plaintiff requested: 1, the economic loss of tort liability by the total amount of

RMB 31.8579 million; 2, the second defendant involved in joint liability of the amount of compensation; 3, the

litigation fee paid by two co-defendants. As of December 31,2015, this case was in process.

XII. Post-balance-sheet events

According to the dividend distribution preplan made by the board of directors of the Company, the Company will

neither distribute profits nor capitalize capital surplus for the current period.


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

XIII. Notes s of main items in financial reports of parent company

(1)Account receivable

1.Classification account receivables.

Year-end balance

Book balance Provision for bad debts


Proportio Proportion( Book value

Amount Amount

n(%) %)

Accounts receivable of

individual significance and

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Accounts receivable subject to

impairment assessment by

862,162.70 100.00 43,108.13 5.00 819,054.57

credit risk characteristics of

a portfolio

Accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Total 862,162.70 100.00 43,108.13 819,054.57


Book balance Provision for bad debts


Proportio Proportion( Book value

Amount Amount

n(%) %)

Accounts receivable of

individual significance and

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Accounts receivable subject to

impairment assessment by

credit risk characteristics of

a portfolio 493,566.28 100.00 24,678.31 5.00 468,887.97


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


Book balance Provision for bad debts


Proportio Proportion( Book value

Amount Amount

n(%) %)

Accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Total 493,566.28 100.00 24,678.31 468,887.97

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

Balance in year-end


Account receivable Bad debt provision Proportion(%)

Within 1 year 862,162.70 43,108.13 5.00

2.Other receivable

(1)Category of Other receivable

Year-end balance

Book balance Provision for bad debts


Book value

Amount Proportio Amount Proportion(

n(%) %)

Other Accounts receivable of

individual significance and

11,981,464.60 12.98 11,981,464.60 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Other Accounts receivable

subject to impairment

assessment by credit risk 79,979,624.27 86.68 7,435,914.49 9.30 72,543,709.78

characteristics of a


Other Accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

311,486.35 0.34 311,486.35 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Year-end balance

Book balance Provision for bad debts


Book value

Amount Proportio Amount Proportion(

n(%) %)

Total 92,272,575.22 100.00 19,728,865.44 72,543,709.78


Book balance Provision for bad debts


Book value

Amount Proportio Amount Proportion(

n(%) %)

Other Accounts receivable of

individual significance and

11,981,464.60 14.30 11,981,464.60 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Other Accounts receivable

subject to impairment

assessment by credit risk 71,511,079.72 85.33 6,929,687.26 9.69 64,581,392.46

characteristics of a


Other Accounts receivable of

individual insignificance but

311,486.35 0.37 311,486.35 100.00

subject to individual

impairment assessment

Total 83,804,030.67 100.00 19,222,638.21 64,581,392.46

(1)Other Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided

Balance at year-end

Other receivable (Unit)

Other receivable Provision for bad debts Proportion% Reason

Jiangxi Xuanli String Co., 11,389,044.60 11,389,044.60 Unable to


Ltd. recover

Shenzhen Tianlong Industry & 592,420.00 592,420.00 Unable to

100.00 recover Unable

Trade Co., Ltd.

to recover

Total 11,981,464.60 11,981,464.60


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(2)In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:

Amount in year-end


Other receivable Bad debt provision Withdrawal proportion

Within 1 year 70,741,994.77 3,537,099.74 5.00%

1-2 years 1,800,000.00 180,000.00 10.00%

Over 3 year 7,437,629.50 3,718,814.75 50.00%

Total 79,979,624.27 7,435,914.49

2.The amount of allowance for bad debt recovered or reversed during the current year is RMB506,227.23.

(3)Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts



Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Internal current account 75,889,102.97 69,244,280.72

Unit account 16,251,300.27 14,431,577.97

Other 132,171.98 128,171.98

Total 92,272,575.22 83,804,030.67

(4)The ending balance of other receivables owed by the imputation of the top five parties

Bad debt

Portion in total

Year-end provision

Name Nature Age other

balance Year-end



63,644,822.25 3,182,241.10

First Internal current account Within 1 year 68.98

Second Unit account 11,389,044.60 Over 3 years 12.34 11,389,044.60

Third Internal current account 7,168,680.72 Over 3 years 7.77 3,584,340.36

5,000,000.00 Within 1 year 5.42 250,000.00

Fourth Internal current account

75,600.00 Over 3 years 0.08 37,800.00

1,800,000.00 Within 1 year 1.95 90,000.00


Unit account

Total 1,800,000.00 1-2 Year 1.95 180,000.00


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Total 90,878,147.57 98.49 18,713,426.06

3.Long-term equity investment

Year-end balance Year-beginning balance

Items Bad debt Bad debt

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision

Investment to the

1,772,806,395.91 16,582,629.30 1,756,223,766.61 1,779,106,095.91 2,249,587.82 1,776,856,508.09


Investment to

joint ventures and

23,145,924.05 266,654.99 22,879,269.06 21,061,712.32 266,654.99 20,795,057.33



Total 1,795,952,319.96 16,849,284.29 1,779,103,035.67 1,800,167,808.23 2,516,242.81 1,797,651,565.42

(1)Investment to the subsidiary


Closing balance


Name Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance of impairment

provision in the


reporting period

Shenzhen Shengbo


Technology Co.,

Ltd. 1,716,663,070.03 1,716,663,070.03 14,415,288.09 14,415,288.09

Shenzhen Lisi


Development Co.,

Ltd. 8,073,388.25 8,073,388.25

Shenzhen Beauty

Centruty Garment

Co., Ltd. 30,867,400.00 30,867,400.00 2,167,341.21


Shenfang Import

& Export Co., Ltd 6,299,700.00 6,299,700.00


Huaqiang Hotal 15,489,351.08 15,489,351.08

Shenfang Property

1,713,186.55 1,713,186.55

Management Co.,


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


Total 1,779,106,095.91 0.00 6,299,700.00 1,772,806,395.91 14,415,288.09 16,582,629.30

(2)Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

Increase /decrease in reporting period



Withdraw balance

Decreas Gain/loss nt of Declarati

Opening Add Other n Closing of

Name ed of other on of cash

balance investme equity impairme Other balance impairme

investm Investme comprehe dividends

nt changes nt nt

ent nt nsive or profit

provision provision


I. Joint ventures




Leasing Co., 3,762,406. 635,434.1 4,397,840

Ltd. 73 5 .88



Automobile 3,675,122. 386,836.5 4,061,958 266,654.9

Co., Ltd. 44 2 .96 9

7,437,529. 1,022,270 8,459,799 266,654.9


17 .67 .84 9

II. Associated enterprises



Printing and

dyeing 1,814,158. 1,871,377

Company 78 57,218.31 .09


Garnent 3,262,744. -76,209.2 197,479.0 3,384,014

Factory 69 3 3 .49


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report


International 8,547,279. 1,427,762 545,386.5 9,430,732

Co., Ltd. 68 .45 1,077.00 0 .63

13,624,18 1,408,771 198,556.0 545,386.5 14,686,12


3.15 .53 3 0 4.21

21,061,71 2,431,042 198,556.0 545,386.5 23,145,92 266,654.9


2.32 .20 3 0 4.05 9

4.Business income and Business cost

(1)Business income

Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

59,936,965.65 58,390,060.58

Income from Main Business

4,536,386.18 4,734,258.31

Other Business income

Total 64,473,351.83 63,124,318.89

Cost from Main Business 7,797,417.08 7,748,598.15

Other Business cost 4,536,386.16 4,734,258.26

Total 12,333,803.24 12,482,856.41

(2)Main business(Industry)

Name Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Business income Business cost Business income Business cost

Rental industry 59,936,965.65 7,797,417.08 58,390,060.58 7,748,598.15

Total 59,936,965.65 7,797,417.08 58,390,060.58 7,748,598.15

(3)Main business(Production)

Amount of current period Amount of previous period


Business income Business cost Business income Business cost

Rental industry 59,936,965.65 7,797,417.08 58,390,060.58 7,748,598.15

Total 59,936,965.65 7,797,417.08 58,390,060.58 7,748,598.15


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

(4)Main business(Area)

Amount of current period Amount of previous period


Business income Business cost Business income Business cost

59,936,965.65 7,797,417.08 58,390,060.58 7,748,598.15


59,936,965.65 7,797,417.08 58,390,060.58 7,748,598.15


(5)Operating income from top five clients

Name Business Income Proportion(%)

First 26,979,808.44 41.85%

Second 1,778,880.00 2.76%

Third 1,680,000.00 2.60%

Fourth4 1,110,014.77 1.72%

Fifth 890,400.00 1.38%

Total 32,439,103.21 50.31%

5.Investment income

Items Amount of current Amount of previous

period period

Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting


the cost method

Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting

2,431,042.20 1,788,818.79

the Equity method

Investment income arising from disposal of long-term eqiuty



Investment income received from holding of available-for –sale

3,030,660.52 3,377,273.30

financial assets

The investment income procure from the available-for-sale

44,345,614.09 16,896,190.19

financial assets

Total 58,283,064.18 22,062,282.28

6. Supplement information of Cash Flow Statement


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Supplement information Amount of Amount of

current period previous period

I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities

61,362,927.65 46,012,920.02

Net profit

14,939,945.14 -5,163,448.04

Add : Impairment loss provision of assets

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and consumable biological

8,301,759.87 8,255,226.95


Amortization of intangible assets 310,526.55 614,528.48

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses

Loss on disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term

assets(“-“for gains)

Loss on discard of fixed assets -222,212.70

Loss on fair value changes

Financial expenses -8,307,625.26 -1,392,989.91


Loss on investment -58,283,064.18


Decrease of deferred income tax assets 352,502.39 1,653,775.47

Increase of deferred income tax assets -52,384,071.50

Decrease in inventories

Decrease of operating receivable -4,280,901.95 -1,764,126.72

Increase of operating recivable 17,119,385.28 9,804,230.15

Other -3,897,638.73

Net cash flows arising from operating activities 31,293,242.79 -20,323,876.11

II. Significant investment and financing activities that without cash flows

Debt-to –capital conversion

Convertible loan due within 1 year

Fixed assets acquired under financial lease


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

Supplement information Amount of Amount of

current period previous period

3. Net Changes of cash and cash equivalents

Ending balance of cash 271,582,749.03 457,379,886.16

Less: Beginning balance of cash 457,379,886.16 365,620,681.34

Add:End balance of cash equivalents

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -185,797,137.13 91,759,204.82

XIV. Supplement information

1. Particulars about current non-recurring gains and loss

Items Amount Notes

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss -25,108.97

Government subsidies recognized in current gain and

loss(excluding those closely related to the Company’s 21,420,940.38

business and granted under the state’s policies)

Except for effective hedge business relevant to

normal operation of the Company, gains and losses

arising from fair value change of tradable financial

assets and tradable financial liabilities, and 88,006,690.51

investment income from disposal of tradable financial

assets, tradable financial liabilities and financial

assets available for sale

Single impairment test for impairment of receivables

transferred back to preparation 790,775.00

Other non-business income and expenditures other


than the above

Influenced amount of income tax -11,902,114.51

Total 100,757,025.01


Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report

2. Return on net asset and earnings per share


Profit as of reporting period Weighted average ROE (%)

EPS-basic EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to the Common

0.39 0.02 0.02

stock shareholders of Company.

Net profit attributable to the Common

stock shareholders of Company after -4.22 -0.18 -0.18

deducting of non-recurring gain/loss.


深圳市纺织(集团)股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告全文

XI.Documents Available for Inspection

1.Financial statements bearing the seal and signature of legal representative, General Manaager and financial


2.The original of the auditor’s report bearing the seal of the certified public accountants and the signature of


3.The originals of all the Company’s documents and the original manuscripts of announcements publicly

disclosed on the newspapers designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period.

The above documents were completely placed at the Office of Secretaries of the Board of Directors of the


The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

March 31, 2016



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