Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report
Stock code: 000045,200045 Stock Abbreviation: Shen Textile A, Shen Textile B Announcement No. 2016-07
Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.
1. Important notes
The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details information , investors should found in the full-text of
annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website appointed by CSRC.
Other directors attending the Meeting for annual report deliberation except for the followed:
Name of director absent Title for absent director Reasons for absent Attorney
Chao Jin Director Health reasons Zhu Jun
Non-standard auditor’s opinion
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the common shareholders or turning the capital reserve into the share capital for the
reporting period, which has been reviewed and approved at the board meeting
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company has no plan of cash dividends carried out, bonus issued and capitalizing of common reserves either.
Preliminary plan for profit distribution to the preference shareholders for the reporting period which has been reviewed and approved
at the board meeting
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Company Profile
Stock abbreviation Shen Textile A,Shen Textile B Stock code 000045、200045
Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact person and contact manner Board secretary Securities affairs Representative
Name Jiang Peng Mo Xiayun
6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang 6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang
Contact address
North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Tel 0755-83776139 0755-83776139
Fax 0755-83776043 0755-83776043
II. Brief introduction to the main business or products in the reporting period
In 2015, the company's main business covered such the high and new technology industry as represented by LCD
polarizer, its own property management business and the retained business of high-end textile and garment
Polarizer is the upstream raw material for liquid crystal panel, also is one of the key materials for flat panel
display industry, and it has been widely used in smart phones, liquid crystal display panel of tablet computers and
TVs and so forth, OLED display panel, instrumentation, sun glasses, filter of photographic equipments and so on
many fields. The company’s five existing production lines of polarizer with mass production have products
covered the fields such as TN, STN, TFT, OLED, 3D, dye plate, optical film for touch screen, and the products
mainly used in TV, NB, navigator, monitor, automotive, industrial control, instrumentation, smart phones,
wearable devices, 3D glasses, sunglasses and so forth products, becoming the qualified supplier to Huaxing
Optoelectronic, BOE, Ivo, Shenchao Optoelectronic and so forth panel companies.
During the reporting period, on the one hand, the company’s production capacity of polarizer increased 22.7%
compared with the same period last year due to improvement of the existing production line speed and
scientifically arrange the production schedule; on the other hand, in order to ensure the second phase of the project
having good market prospect and the profitability, the company had carried out extensive market research,
technical exchange and customer visits to optimize the original construction scheme and organized experts to
Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report
verify the optimized scheme, then decided to continually carry forward the project construction of No.6 line,
expanding the production scale of polarizer.
Upon the dual effects of the product line construction and the enormous downstream market, the core of the global
display industry has speeded up the transfer to the Mainland China, thus Mainland China has become the
investment hotspots for the global panel display industry. The panel display industry is one of the most important
development projects listed in Medium and Long Term Development Outline for Information Industry form 2006
to 2020, and is also an industry encouraged by the country. In the future, the company will rely on more than 20
years of industrial operation experiences and location advantages to continually improve the technology level and
cultivate the independent innovation ability and market development ability.
III. Accounting and financial highlights
1.Accounting and financial highlights for the past three years
Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate the accounting data of previous years due to changes in the
accounting policy or corrections of accounting errors?
□Yes √ No
Changed over last year
2015 2014 2013
Operating Gross income(RMB) 1,226,746,791.62 1,210,952,548.57 1.30% 1,131,098,580.37
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company 8,497,227.40 -113,591,328.26 107.48% 47,222,590.97
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
-92,259,797.61 -148,855,363.05 38.02% -161,473,020.61
to the shareholders of listed
Cash flow generated by business
39,584,500.37 -48,701,494.05 181.28% -186,726,206.07
operation, net(RMB)
Basic earning per
0.02 -0.22 109.09% 0.10
Diluted gains per
0.02 -0.22 109.09% 0.10
Net asset earning ratio(%) 0.39% -5.06% 5.45% 2.31%
End of Changed over last year
End of 2015 End of 2013
2014 (%)
Gross assets(RMB) 2,969,394,978.70 2,884,531,917.28 2.94% 2,851,759,735.91
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed company 2,174,569,545.55 2,196,249,248.26 -0.99% 2,297,846,577.11
2.Main Financial Index by Quarters
First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter
Operating income 302,735,429.91 318,257,903.57 322,076,321.92 283,677,136.22
Net profit attributable to the
4,339,711.63 3,328,316.32 -1,485,394.97 2,314,594.42
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
-19,099,161.16 -14,285,064.31 -13,045,798.66 -45,829,773.48
to the shareholders of listed
Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report
Net Cash flow generated by
42,290,099.22 -37,996,971.22 35,199,887.93 91,484.44
business operation
Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial
index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.
□ Yes √No
IV. Share capital and shareholders
1. Numbers of the common shareholders and the preference shareholders with resumed voting rights as
well as the shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
In shares
Total number Total Total
of common The total number
shareholders at preferred sharehold
shareholders at of preferred shar
the end of the ers at the end of the
the end of the 30,984 32,443 eholders voting ri 0 0
month from the month from the date
ghts restored at p
reporting date of disclosing of disclosing the
period the annual report annual report
Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders
Number of Number of share
Nature of Proportion of shares held pledged/frozen
Shareholders Amount of restricted shares held
shareholder shares held(%) at period
-end State of share Amount
Investment State-owned
46.21% 234,069,436 51,457,976
Holdings Co., legal person
Qianhai Life
insurance Co.,
Ltd.-Self Other 4.02% 20,384,816 0
funds Huatai
Shenchao State-owned
Technology 3.18% 16,129,032 0
Investment Co., Legal person
Anhui Guofu Domestic
Industrial non
Investment State-o 0.73% 3,708,341 0
Funds wned
Co., Ltd. Legal person
Anhui Chujiang non
Investment State-o 0.65% 3,304,545 0
Group Co., Ltd. wned
Legal person
Xia Keyun Nature 0.60% 3,028,912 0
CO. 0.53% 2,689,464 0
Legal person
Sun Huiming Domestic 0.48% 2,432,526 0
Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report
China Foreign
Economic Trade
Trust Co., Ltd.
Other 0.41% 2,100,000 0
Trust plans
Liu Fei Nature 0.28% 1,417,996 0
Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen
Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and a person taking concerted action. Except this, the Company did
Related or acting-in-concert
not whether there is relationship between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted negotiable
parties among shareholders
shares and between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted negotiable shares and the top 10
shareholders or whether they are persons taking concerted action defined in Regulations on
Disclosure of Information about Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.
Explanation on shareholders 1.The Company Shareholder Liu Fei holds 202,400 shares through ordinary stock account. holds
participating in the margin 1,215,596 shares of the Company through stock account with credit transaction and guarantee of
trading business(If any) Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd.,The total amount is1,417,996 shares.
2.Number of the preference shareholders and the shareholdings of the top 10 of them
□ Applicable √Not applicable
No preference shareholders in the reporting period
3.Relationship between the Company and its actual controller in the form of diagram
V. Management’s Discussion and Analysis
1.Business review for the reporting period
In 2015, due to the continuous fierce competitions in the polarizer market and the constant upgrade of the
mainstream products and increasingly weak economic environment for traditional garment and textile industry
and so forth adverse factors, the situation of the production and operation was very severe. Upon the goal of
“Deepening the cooperation and Self-enhancement and Sparing no effort to reduce losses”, through raising the
speed to release the production capacity, improving the technical process to reduce the losses, deeply exploring
the market to develop the customer groups, promoting the equity transfer to support the industrial transformation,
all kinds of indicators on the company’s operation had been obviously turned around.
In the year of 2015, the company achieved the operating revenue of RMB 1226.7468million, an year-on-year
increase of 1.3%; total profits of RMB 43.1517million, an year-on-year increase of 169.53%; net profits
attributable to the owner of the parent company was RMB 8.4972 million, an year-on-year increase of 107.48%.
Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report
The main reasons were the sales of the available for sale financial assets and the transfer of 18% stake of
Shenzhen Tongyi Silk Co. Ltd held by the company’s subsidiary-Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd,
which led to an big year-on-year increase on investment income; meanwhile, the yield rate and utilization rate of
the polarizer had a certain-extent of improvement and the losses of the polarizer business decreased compared
with the same period of the last year.
During the reporting period, the company mainly completed the following works: the first was to improve the
production line speed, schedule scientifically, reduce the consumption and control costs, improve production-line
capacity and the product yield, thus the business operation of the polarizer improved significantly; secondly,
comprehensively promoting the property enterprise for openly leasing and enhancing the efficiency, thus the
operation state of the property enterprise rose steadily; thirdly, initially completing the "13th Five-Year" planning
work, which specified the development strategy of unswervingly developing the polarizer industry; the fourth was
the scheme of the phase-two construction of the project for TFT-LCD polarizer had been demonstrated and
optimized, and the optimized No.6 product line covered the polarizer product used for TFT-LCD and OLED,
which can meet the needs of the company’s business development, further in line with the industrial development
path, meanwhile reducing the business risk; the fifth was the completion of equity disposal of 18% stake of
Shenzhen Tongyi Silk Co. Ltd held by the company’s subsidiary-Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd,
which was for fully supporting the main business development of the polarizer.
2.Significant changes in the main business in the reporting period
□ Yes √No
3.Products contributing over 10% of the main business revenue or profit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
of revenue in the of business cost of gross profit
Gross profit
Name Turnover Operation cost same period of over the same rate over the same
the previous period of period of the
year(%) previous year (%) previous year (%)
Polarizer sheet 803,719,803.87 -59,740,845.91 2.04% 9.43% 59.39% 4.51%
Trade 301,315,234.09 765,597.28 0.77% -12.71% -49.86% 0.16%
4.Seasonal or periodic characteristics in the operating performance that need special attention
□ Yes √ No
5. Significant YoY changes in the operating revenues, operating costs and net profits attributable to the
common shareholders or their composition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6.Listing suspension or termination
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. Issues related to the financial report
1. YoY changes in the accounting policy, accounting estimation and measurement methods
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates or calculation method in the period.
Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Summary of 2015 Annual Report
2.Note to the situation that it is necessary to make retrospective restatement to order to correct the serious
accounting errors in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.
3.Note to the change of the scope of the consolidated statements in comparison with the previous year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No Changes in consolidation statement’s scope for the Company in the period.
4.Statement of the Board and the Supervisory Committee on the Non-standard Auditors’ Report issued by
the CPA.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.
March 31, 2016