大 冷B:2016年度日常关联交易预计情况公告(英文版)

来源:深交所 2016-03-30 03:39:27

Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Short Form of the Stock: Daleng Gufen; Daleng B; No: 2016-026

Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

Public Notice on Estimated Routine Associated Transactions for

Year 2016


The directors and the Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd. hereby confirm that

there are no any important omissions, fictitious statements or serious misleading carried in this


I. Brief of forecasting the routine associated transactions in the whole year 2016 (Unit:



Type of Proportion to amount

Estimation of the

associated Associated party the similar in the

total amount

transaction transactions previous


Panasonic Refrigeration (Dalian)Co., Ltd. 3,400

Panasonic Cold-Chain(Dalian) Co., Ltd. 14,600

Panasonic Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd. 200

Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd. 50

Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration


Equipment Company Limited

Dalian No.3 Refrigeration Equipment Factory 1,000

Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Company

purchasing 200



BAC Dalian Company Limited 4,500


Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co.,

for 8,500


package 38,000 36% 36,636

Dalian Mach level control electric appliance

projects 20

Co., Ltd.


Beijing Bingshan Refrigeration Serial

associate 30

Equipment Company Limited


Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co.,



Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration


Equipment Co., Ltd.

MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd 20

Changzhou Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co.,



Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd. 100

Panasonic Refrigeration(Dalian) Co., Ltd. 5,300

Panasonic Cold-Chain(Dalian) Co., Ltd. 12,900

Panasonic Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd. 800

Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration


Equipment Company Limited

Dalian No.3 Refrigeration Equipment Factory 300

BAC Dalian Company Limited 100

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co.,




Beijing Bingshan Refrigeration Serial

auxiliary 60

Equipment Company Limited

spare parts

Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration 39,000 24% 29,818

to 6,000

Equipment Co., Ltd.


Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co.,

parties 2,800


Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd. 30

MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd 1,300

Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Company



Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal Technology


(Dalian) Co., Ltd

Changzhou Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co.,



Total 77,000 66,454

II. Introduction to the associated parties and description of the association relationship

Name Association relationship

Panasonic Refrigeration(Dalian)Co., Ltd.

Panasonic Cold-Chain (Dalian)Co., Ltd.

Panasonic Compressor (Dalian)Co., Ltd.

Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics Co., Ltd.

Dalian Fuji Bingshan Vending Machine Co., Ltd. associated company to the Company

MHI Bingshan Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd

Changzhou Jingxue Freezing Equipment Co., Ltd.

Keinin-Grand Ocean Thermal Technology (Dalian) Co., Ltd

Beijing Huashang Bingshan Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.

BAC Dalian Company Limited

Beijing Bingshan Refrigeration Serial Equipment Company Limited

Dalian Mach level control electric appliance Co., Ltd. subsidiary controlled by Bingshan

Dalian Bingshan Group Refrigeration Equipment Company Limited Group and associate of Bingshan Group

Dalian No.3 Refrigeration Equipment Factory

Dalian Spindle Cooling Towers Company Limited

Dalian Bingshan Metal Technology Co., Ltd.

Dalian Bingshan Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd.

For details of the above associated parties, see the annual report of the Company.

III. Pricing policy and basis

The Company makes the agreed prices for purchasing goods from or selling products to the

associated parties by reference to the market prices.

IV. Transaction purpose and influence of the transactions on the listed company

The routine associate transactions of the Company involve a number of Associate parties, which

reflects the aggregated industrial production mode of the company. With the products of the

company expanding and developing increasingly, an industrial chain of fair scale in connection

with refrigeration and air-conditioning has taken shape. As the refrigeration and air-conditioning

package plants for customers involve a high requirement for the production technology, the

accessories, contracted-out parts for some products come from our associate parties to ensure the

quality of our products and the market stability.

Associated transactions of this Company with the associated parties are necessary for normal

production and operation, and of positive significance for normal development of the Company

and will continue in future. Associated transactions are confirmed by signing economic contracts.

The methods of pricing and settling accounts are based on the market prices, and having no harm

to the interests of the Company and of the shareholders.

V. Reviewing procedure

1. The Company held the 3rd meeting of the 7th Board of Directors on March 29, 2016, and

adopted the above proposal for routine associated transactions. Related directors, Mr. Ji Zhijian,

and Mrs. Xu Junrao obviated in examination.

2. The Company’s independent directors reviewed this proposal in advance on March 18, 2016

and agreed to submit it to the 3rd meeting of the 7th Board of Directors for review. Their opinion is:

the above routine associated transactions of the Company are normal and necessary, complying

with the relevant stipulations of the Rules for Listing Shares and the Company’s Articles of

Association and with the public, fair and candid basis, and being valid for the Company’s actual

operation and development conditions; and the transaction prices are reasonable, having no harm

to the interests of the Company and of the non-associated shareholders.

3. The routine associated transaction requires approval of the shareholders’ general meeting. The

associated shareholders having interest in the transaction will waive its right to vote for the related


VI. Signature of the agreement for associated transaction

For the agreement for associated transaction, the Company will sign on schedule with the

associated party, depending on the process of production and operation.

VII. Reference Documents

1. The resolutions of 3rd meeting of the 7th Board of Directors of the Company;

2. The opinion of the independent directors.

Board of Directors of Dalian Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

March 30, 2016


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