Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Stock code: 000058, 200058 Stock abbreviation: SHEN SEG, SHEN SEG B Notice No.
Summary of Annual Report 2015 of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
I. Important Notice
This summary is based on the full text of annual report. To totally understand the Company's operating results, financial position, and
future development and plans, investors should carefully read the entire annual report through the media designated by China
Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
Statement of Objections by Director, Supervisor and Senior Executives
Name Title Content and Reason
Except the following directors, all the directors have personally attend the meeting of the Board of Directors to deliberate on this
annual report.
Title of director not attended
Name of director unattended Cause of absence Name of attorney
Li Luoli Independent director Business trip Song Pingping
Non-standard audit opinions and tips
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Plan of ordinary share profit distribution or plan of transferring capital reserve to share capital within the report period under
deliberation of the Board of Directors
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Is it required to transfer capital reserve to share capital?
□ Yes √ No
The ordinary share profit distribution plan passed by the Board of Directors is to issue cash RMB 0.30 (tax included) as dividends
with 0 bonus shares per 10 shares (tax included) to all shareholders with 784,799,010 shares of share capital as the base without
transferring the capital reserve to shares.
Preferred share profit distribution plan within the report period passed by the Board of Directors
□ Applicable □ Not applicable
Company Profile
Stock abbreviation Shenzhen SEG, Shenzhen SEG B Stock code 000058, 200058
Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact information Secretary of the Board of Directors Securities affairs representative
Name Zheng Dan Zhang Xin
31/F, Tower A, Stars Plaza, Huaqiang Road (N), 31/F, Tower A, Stars Plaza, Huaqiang Road (N),
Office address
Futian District, Shenzhen Futian District, Shenzhen
Fax 0755-83975237 0755-83975237
Phone 0755-83747939 0755-83747939
II. Overview of Main Business or Product within Report Period
(I) Main business and operation model
Main business of the Company includes development and operation of specialized electronics market and supporting projects,
property lease service, trade and channel service, e-commerce, value-added microcredit service, and hotel service.
Operation model: Developing the three commercial operation platform that focuses on electronics market, commercial real
estate and Chuangpinhui, expanding externally to mainstream industries relating to electronic information industry and relevant
industries, participating in the manufacturing and operation of relevant contents instead of only serving as a single commercial
Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
platform, and creating a combined type operation mode with multiple industries’ interaction involving maker demonstration, children
experience, culture and education, entertainment and sports, intelligent science and technology, and e-sports games.
(II) Competition situation and development trend
In recent years, the development of the Internet - particularly the rapid development of mobile Internet and popularity of
terminal services - has profoundly influenced people's thinking mode, behavioral pattern, shopping mode and consumption customs.
Meanwhile, the rapid development of e-finance, collection and application of big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing,
e-commerce oligopoly and vertical segmentation of e-commerce market have created many new business models and changed
consumption customs and impacted the traditional business model. Now the traditional business model cannot satisfy diversified
consumption demands in modern times. The physical electronics market that adopts traditional business and service models is
declining in the technological revolution and is suffering impact to certain extent.
Toady the science and technology are developing rapidly, the physical electronics market is developing from a single mode to a
commercial combination of electronics, science and technology, culture, catering and entertainment. An experiential, interactive and
social business operation model has become a mainstream of the electronics market.
The Company's main business is involved in perfectly competitive industries. Significant changes in the external market
environment have brought more challenges to the Company's main business. The Company is urged to seek new strategic business
and new profit growth points through intensional innovation and extensional expansion and alliance between giants to effectively
strengthen core competences and promote the sustainable development.
(III) Industrial position
Through 27-year hardworking operation in electronics market industry, ith rich market business resources and mature market
operation and management experience, the Company has developed a professional electronics market chain that covers the Pearl
River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and even the entire country. SEG Electronics Market has successfully combined IT complex
self-construction, leasing and trusted management, combined market service and value-added financial service, and combined
professional market, SEG factory store and distribution channels. SEG Electronics Market stood out as the largest specialized
electronics markets in China and even in Asia covering electronic components, IT products, and communications products and has
great brand influence at home and abroad.
III. Main Accounting Data and Financial Indexes
1. Main accounting data and financial indexes in recent three years
Are retrospective adjustments made to previous financial statements due to accounting policy changes or accounting errors?
□ Yes √ No
Unit: RMB Yuan
2015 2014 2013
Operating income 741,533,676.93 681,343,920.99 8.83% 597,358,257.82
Net profit attributable to
74,242,090.49 48,380,294.05 53.46% 54,338,735.35
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
84,931,560.68 45,920,252.23 84.95% 48,912,658.58
after deduction of non-recurring
gains and losses
Net cash flow from operating
-12,453,523.82 -427,933,620.94 -97.09% -122,530,546.70
Basic EPS (Yuan/Share) 0.0946 0.0616 53.57% 0.0692
Diluted EPS (Yuan/Share) 0.0946 0.0616 53.57% 0.0692
Weighted average ROE 5.36% 3.80% 1.56% 4.44%
End of 2015 End of 2014 End of 2013
Total assets 2,614,660,524.37 2,659,717,718.28 -1.69% 2,134,940,597.85
Net assets attributable to
1,475,126,229.16 1,298,970,719.85 13.56% 1,250,224,375.08
shareholders of the listed company
Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
2. Major quarterly accounting data
Unit: RMB Yuan
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Operating income 191,029,218.56 183,525,917.05 194,784,480.30 277,336,268.42
Net profit attributable to
21,348,553.12 13,557,580.49 7,280,509.44 32,160,825.24
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
21,168,892.76 13,529,361.55 6,782,338.84 43,450,967.53
after deduction of non-recurring
gains and losses
Net cash flow from operating
-37,829,627.54 -60,758,206.08 52,310,864.17 33,823,445.63
Are there any significant differences between the financial indexes or their totals in the preceding table and those described in the
disclosed quarterly reports or semi-annual reports?
□ Yes √ No
IV. Share Capital and Information on Shareholders
1. Number of ordinary shareholders and preferred shareholders restored with the voting right and
particulars about shares held by top ten shareholders
Unit: Share
Total number of
Total number of Total number of
preferred shareholders
Total number ordinary preferred
restored with the
of ordinary shareholders at the shareholders
voting rights at the end
shareholders at 82,269 end of the month 87,327 restored with the 0 0
of the month
the end of the immediately before voting rights at
immediately before the
report period the disclosure of the the end of the
disclosure of the
annual report report period
annual report
Particulars about shares held by top ten shareholders
Quantity of Information on pledged or frozen
Name of Shareholding shares
Nature of shareholder Total shares restricted shares
shareholder percentage
held Share status Quantity
Shenzhen SEG State-owned legal
30.24% 237,359,666 0
Group Co., Ltd. person
Domestic natural
Liu Guocheng 0.85% 6,691,302 0
Domestic natural
Liu Guohong 0.43% 3,354,558 0
Domestic natural
Zeng Ying 0.42% 3,300,000 0
Overseas natural
Gong Qianhua 0.37% 2,940,000 0
China Securities Domestic
Finance Corporation non-state-owned legal 0.29% 2,271,900 0
Limited person
NORGES BANK Overseas legal person 0.24% 1,890,226 0
UMBRELLA Overseas legal person 0.23% 1,811,274 0
Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
Overseas legal person 0.23% 1,780,969
Domestic natural
Zheng Anzheng 0.22% 1,750,000 0
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd has no associated relationship with other shareholders,
Explanations on the association relationship nor it is a concerted action unit as described by the Management Methods for
or concerted action among the Disclosure of Information on Changes of Shareholding Status of Shareholders of
above-mentioned shareholders Listed Companies It is unknown whether other shareholders have an associated
relationship or are concerted action units or not.
Among the above-mentioned top 10 shareholders, Zheng Anzheng holds 0 shares of
Information of the shareholders
the Company by the ordinary account and 1,750,000 shares by the credit account of
participating in financing business (if any)
the financing bill investor, totaling 1,750,000 shares of the Company.
2. Total number of preferential shareholders and information of top ten preferential shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No shareholders hold preferred shares in the report period.
3. Block diagram of the property rights and controlling relationship between the Company and its actual
State-owned Assets
Supervision and Shenzhen SEG Yuanzhi China Orient Asset China Great Wall Asset
Administration Commission Investment Co., Ltd. Management Corporation Management Corporation
of Shenzhen Municipality
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
V. Management Discussion and Analysis
1. Overview of operation within report period
In 2015, the world economy remains being profoundly adjusted, and China's economy witnesses the critical phase of
restructuring and transformation. Trending decline of potential growth rate together with long-term structural and short-term
periodical problems aggravates the economic downturn. On the other hand, confronted with the economic downturn, China continues
proactive fiscal policies and stable monetary policies to boost the real economy, advances economic restructuring, emphasizes the
power of consumption to promote economic growth, and advocates the concepts of "Public Enterpreneurship and Mass Innovation"
and the “Internet+" to solve the problems of slowdown in economic growth as well as economic restructuring, transformation and
upgrading by deepening reforms and innovation.
The Company has re-positioned its existing business according to its advantages and realities. In 2015, thanks to joint efforts
made by the Company and investors, the Company witnessed stable growth and intensified efforts in industrial transformation and
Summary of 2015 Annual Report of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
upgrading as well as operation model innovation.
During the report period, the Company achieved a total operating income of RMB 846,675,900, a 12.53% increase over the
previous year, mainly due to: (1) substantial increase in the income of the small loan business; (2) substantial increase in the income
of the microcredit; and (3) growth in the income of property rental and hotel business.
During the report period, the Company achieved a total profit of RMB 143,068,600, a 28.01% increase over the previous year,
mainly due to: (1) increase in the income and profit of the small loan business; (2) Huakong SEG holding 20% shares made profit
within the report period, contributing RMB 1,400,000 to investment income of the Company, while Huakong SEG suffered losses
within the same period last year, which reduced the investment income of the Company.
2. Is there any significant change in the main business within the report period?
□ Yes √ No
3. Major products taking over 10% of the revenue or profit from main businesses
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Is there any noteworthy seasonal or periodical characteristics?
□ Yes √ No
5. Information on operating income, operating cost, total net profit for ordinary shareholders of listed
companies or significant changes within the previous report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6. Information on listing suspension or abortion
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. Financial Report Related Issues
1. Information on changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods compared
with the financial reports of 2014
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no change in the Company's accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods in the report period.
2. Information on retroactive restatements in corrections of major accounting errors in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no retrospective restatement due to corrections on significant accounting errors in the report period.
3. Information on changes in the scope of consolidation compared with the financial report of 2014
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no change in the scope of consolidation in the report period.
4. Explanations of the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors to the Non-standard Audit Report
made by the accounting firm in the report period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable