
来源:深交所 2016-03-26 09:21:30

国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

Stock Code: 000028/200028 Notice No.:

Short Form of the Stock: Sinopharm Accord /Accord B

China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

Summary of Annual Report 2015

I. Important Notice

The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details of operating results, financial condition and future

development plan of the Company; investors should found in the full-text of annual report that published on media appointed by


Objection statement of directors, supervisors and senior executives

Name Position Content and reason


Other directors attending the Meeting for annual report deliberation except for the followed

Name of director absent Title for absent director Reasons for absent Attorney

Prompt of non-standard audit opinion

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Profit distribution pre-plan of common stock or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the reporting


√Applicable □Not applicable

Whether has capitalizing of common reserves carried out

□Yes √ No

The profit distribution plan that deliberated and approved by the Board is: based on total stock issued 362, 631, 943 shares,

distributed 3.00 Yuan (tax included) bonus in cash for every 10-share hold by all shareholders, 0 shares bonus issued (tax included)

and no capitalizing of common reserves carried out.

Profit distribution pre-plan of preferred stock deliberated and approved by the Board in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Company Profile

Short form of the stock Sinopharm Accord, Accord B Stock code 000028、200028

Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Person/Way to contact Secretary of the Board Rep. of security affairs

Name Chen Changbing

Accord Pharm. Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si

Office add. Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong


Fax. +(86)755 25195435

Tel. +(86)755 25875195




II. Main business or product introduction in the reporting period

The main business of China National Accord Medicines includes pharmaceutical

distribution and pharmaceutical industry; the company adheres to the joint

development of technical research and development, industrial manufacturing and

marketing and trade, and commits to become a provider for pharmaceutical and


国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

healthcare products and services with international competitiveness.

(I) In the pharmaceutical distribution field, the company continues to integrate the

distribution and logistics business, deeply penetrates into the end markets, improves

the multistep distribution network, creates intelligent supply chain, and devotes to

become a provider for pharmaceutical and healthcare products and services with the

strongest influence, the highest share, the most complete variety, the best service, and

the fastest delivery in south district of China.

(II) In the pharmaceutical industry field, the company continues to integrate the

research & development and marketing and take the technological innovation as a

guide so as to become a provider for pharmaceutical and healthcare products and

services with quality leadership, core competitiveness, transverse diversification,

complete lengthways industry chain and brand influence in the domestic and

international markets

III. Main accounting data and financial indexes

1. Main accounting data and financial indexes for recently three years

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting

error correction or not

□Yes √ No


Changes over last

2015 2014 2013


Operating income 25,993,139,277.84 23,954,331,028.05 8.51% 21,199,466,399.21

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the listed 761,312,261.06 652,497,176.03 16.68% 520,488,198.80


Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the listed

715,212,681.54 611,245,652.69 17.01% 505,828,794.23

company after deducting

non-recurring gains and losses

Net cash flow arising from

1,047,979,102.98 -796,697,032.43 231.54% 465,028,099.83

operating activities

Basic earnings per share

2.10 1.90 10.53% 1.81


Diluted earnings per share

2.10 1.90 10.53% 1.81


Weighted average ROE 14.94% 16.41% -1.47% 26.00%

Changes over end of

End of 2015 End of 2014 End of 2013

last year

Total assets 13,218,349,735.31 12,828,941,540.90 3.04% 11,057,896,941.31

Net assets attributable to

5,453,393,694.55 4,764,607,822.09 14.46% 2,244,757,658.03

shareholder of listed company

2. Quarterly main financial index



国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter

Operating income 6,261,714,700.23 6,552,088,466.54 6,866,003,376.77 6,313,332,734.30

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the listed 197,026,237.82 190,293,014.51 186,753,078.44 187,239,930.29


Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the listed

192,315,542.07 181,343,611.72 183,019,662.66 158,533,865.09

company after deducting

non-recurring gains and losses

Net cash flow arising from

182,179,606.70 266,059,972.13 -40,080,428.91 639,819,953.06

operating activities

Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial

index disclosed in the company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report

□Yes √ No

IV. Shares and shareholders

1. Particulars about common stock shareholders, preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and

top ten shareholders

In Share

Total preference

Total common Total preference

Total common shareholders with

stock shareholders

stock voting rights

shareholders at with voting

shareholders in 14,861 14,861 0 recovered at end of 0

end of last month rights recovered

reporting last month before

before annual at end of

period-end annual report

report disclosed reporting period


Top ten shareholders

Amount of Number of shares

Full name of Nature of Proportion of pledged/frozen

Amount of restricted shares held

Shareholders shareholder shares held shares held

State of share Amount



Holding Co., 51.00% 184,942,291 74,482,543



National Domestic

Council for non

2.29% 8,300,000

Social Security state-owned

Fund-116 Corporation


China Securities


Finance Co., 2.12% 7,704,972




National Domestic

Council for non

2.01% 7,298,555

Social Security state-owned

Fund-106 Corporation




FIRST STATE 1.94% 7,032,720






1.58% 5,737,088

CLASSIC Corporation


CITIC Domestic 1.38% 5,009,037

Securities Co., non


国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

Ltd. state-owned


New China Life

Insurance Co.,


Ltd. – Bonus –


Individual 1.16% 4,199,772


bonuses -




Central Huijin State-owned

1.05% 3,804,400

Investment Ltd. Corporation

China Life

Insurance Co.,

Ltd. – tradition Domestic

–general non

1.03% 3,750,090

insurance state-owned

products Corporation



Explanation on associated It is unknown that there exists no associated relationship or belongs to the consistent actionist

relationship among the among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the Management Measure of Information

aforesaid shareholders Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

2. Total preferred stock shareholders of the Company and shares held by top ten shareholders with

preferred stock held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no shareholders with preferred stock held in the reporting.


国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

3. Property right and controlling relationships between the actual controllers of the Company and the

Company is as follows:

The State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of the State Council


National Council for Social

China National Pharmaceutical Security Fund &public

Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Corporation shareholder

(Group) Co., Ltd.

49% 51% 43.11%

Sinopharm Industry

Investment Co., Ltd. 0.10%


Sinopharm Holding Co., Ltd.


China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

V. Discussion and analysis by the Management Team

1. Introduction of operation in the reporting period

2015 is the last year of "the 12th Five-Year Plan". In the past year, the company has

always faced the challenges beyond imagination and changeable environment, the

pressure of macro economy downturn was increasing, the financial field was

unordered and turbulent, and the changes of various policies including clinical drug

verification, new versions of GMP / pharmacopeia, unannounced inspection,

electronic supervision code, and decrease of bid price make us have no time for them.

In face of the harsh environment and unfavorable situation, the company has ensured

the performance growth, the managers at all levels and staff have assumed


国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

responsibilities and responded actively, the company’s annual sales has exceeded 30

billion yuan in the joint efforts of all staff, the net profit has continued a steady and

rapid growth, and the cash flow has got the best level. At the same time, in the

company’s published major asset restructuring programs, the company has been

determined to engage in the distribution business in Guangdong and Guangxi, create

the unique national retail platform of China National Pharmaceutical Group, and

participate in pharmaceutical industry. All these depend on the support of

shareholders, the endeavor of team, and the hard work of all staff; our market position

has established the company's scale, and our efforts have supported our values.

In 2015, the Company realized operating income of RMB 25.993 billion,

representing a year-on-year increase of 8.51%; net profit attributable to shareholders

of listed company of RMB 761 million, representing a year-on-year increase of

16.68%. The Company has continued to keep growth.

As for distribution segment, operating income was RMB 24.325 billion, representing

a year-on-year increase of 9.10%; net profit of RMB 439 million, representing a

year-on-year increase of 24.16%.

As for pharmaceutical segment, operating income was RMB 1.677 billion,

representing a year-on-year decrease of 0.30%; net profit of RMB 254 million,

representing a year-on-year increase of 12.51%.

The major works done throughout the year:

1. Innovate management ideas, promote quality and efficiency

2. Optimize industry structure, and product mix becomes more reasonable

3. Speed up the distribution network sink to form complete network coverage

4. New distribution business has significantly enhanced and formed new scale


5. Promote the construction of industrial base and expand the space for

industrial development

6. Establish an international brand, and strengthen the competitive advantages

of domestic species

7. Focus on the strategy of large variety, and drive the industrial transformation

8. Major asset restructuring of the Company

More details can be seen in the full text of annual report of “I-Introduction” in

“VI-Discussion and Analysis by the Management Team”

2. Whether the main business had major change in the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

3. About the industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the company’s operating income or

operating profit

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Whether the characteristics of management seasonal or cyclical need special attention

□ Yes √ No


国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告摘要

5. In the reporting period, note of major changes in operating income, operating cost, total net profit

attributable to common stock shareholders of listed company or composing the previous reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6. Particular about suspended and delisting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Relevant items involving financial report

1. Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method compared

with the financial report of last year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates or calculation method in Period.

2. Major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.

3. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s scope

√Applicable □Not applicable

Enterprise newly established: Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Medical Management Co., Ltd.

4. Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report period by the

Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable



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