
来源:深交所 2016-03-19 00:00:00

杭州汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2016-22

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

Auditors’ Report 2015

Table of Contents

I. The Auditors’ Report

II. Financial Statements

(I) Consolidated Balance Sheet

(II) Balance Sheet of the Parent Co.

(III) Consolidated Income Statement

(IV) Income Statement of the Parent Co.

(V) Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

(VI) Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Co.

(VII) Consolidated Statement of Change in Shareholders’ Equity

(VIII) Statement of Change in Shareholders’ Equity (Parent Co.)

III. Notes to the Financial Statements

杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Auditors’ Report

Tian Jian Shen No.〔2016〕978

To the entire shareholders of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

We have audited the Financial Statements of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) attached hereafter,

including the Balance Sheet and Consolidated Balance Sheet ended December 31, 2015, Income Statement and

Consolidated Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, Statement of

Change in Share Equities and Consolidated Statement of Change in Share Equities of year 2015, as well as the

notes to the Financial Statements.

I. Executives’ responsibilities on the Financial Statements

Preparing and appropriately presenting of the Financial Statements are the responsibilities of the management of

The Company. This responsibilities are including: (1) Preparing the financial statements according to Enterprise

Accounting Standards and make them reflecting a fair basis. (2) Design, implement and maintain the internal

control system related to producing of the Financial Statements, to prevent the Financial Statements from major

false presentation due to cheating or error.

II. Responsibilities of the CPA

Our responsibilities are to issue auditing opinions on the Financial Statements basing on the auditing works we’ve

done on them. We carried out the auditing works with compliance to Chinese CPA Auditing Standard, which

requires us to plan and implement our works on the basis of professional ethic standards, and obtain reasonable

guarantee that the Financial Statements are free of major false statements.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the

financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the

risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk

assessments, we consider the internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of financial statements in order to

design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the

appropriateness of the accounting polices used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by

management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit


III. Auditors’ Opinions

We believe that the Company has been following with the Enterprise Accounting Standard in preparing of the

Financial Statements. The Financial Statements is reflecting, both of the Company and the consolidated, in all

important aspects, the financial situation of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. as of December 31, 2015 and the

business performance and cash flow of year 2015 both of the Company and the consolidated.

Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (Special common partnership) CPA China Jiang Xiaodong:

Hangzhou China CPA China : Zhu Guogang

March 17, 2016

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements:RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by::Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

December 31,2016


Items At the end of term Beginning of term

Current asset:


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Monetary fund 751,596,796.24 613,958,063.91

Settlement provision

Outgoing call loan

Financial assets measured at fair value with variations

accounted into current income account

Derivative financial assets

Bill receivable 680,518,943.49 701,109,938.01

Account receivable 2,096,090,157.61 2,388,919,641.98

Prepayments 139,267,324.65 172,022,768.39

Insurance receivable

Reinsurance receivable

Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other account receivable 25,574,057.29 25,382,223.32

Repurchasing of financial assets

Inventories 1,826,869,838.60 1,594,074,228.69

Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset 427,203,835.44 382,070,235.56

Total of current assets 5,947,120,953.32 5,877,537,099.86

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed

Disposable financial asset 509,409,741.77 498,990,862.94

Expired investment in possess

Long-term receivable

Long term share equity investment

Property investment

Fixed assets 642,155,636.34 678,033,380.86

Construction in progress 119,187,107.52 89,469,259.14

Engineering material

Fixed asset disposal

Production physical assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 304,949,207.18 304,100,619.77

R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be amortized 2,029,471.80 1,041,796.52

Differed income tax asset 158,924,887.70 102,885,927.93

Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets 1,736,656,052.31 1,674,521,847.16

Total of assets 7,683,777,005.63 7,552,058,947.02

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 85,350,000.00 198,600,000.00

Loan from Central Bank

Deposit received and hold for others

Call loan received

Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations

accounted into current income account

Derivative financial liabilities

Bill payable 194,226,049.73 150,763,452.14

Account payable 810,420,381.45 763,085,718.92

Advance payment 1,736,820,949.19 1,374,736,209.67


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Selling of repurchased financial assets

Fees and commissions receivable

Employees’ wage payable 70,257,474.46 65,672,706.09

Tax payable 36,008,109.09 126,091,260.73

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other account payable 29,705,125.51 29,597,889.12

Reinsurance fee payable

Insurance contract provision

Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due in 1 year 300,000.00

Other current liability

Total of current liability 2,963,088,089.43 2,708,547,236.67

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loan 123,400,000.00 18,500,000.00

Bond payable

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Long-term payable 330,000.00 330,000.00

Long-term payable employees’s remuneration

Special payable

Expected liabilities

Deferred income 6,804,425.00 8,252,705.00

Deferred income tax liability 1,017,473.05 1,017,473.05

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 131,551,898.05 28,100,178.05

Total of liability 3,094,639,987.48 2,736,647,414.72

Owners’ equity

Share capital 754,010,400.00 754,010,400.00

Other equity instrument

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Capital reserves 139,590,345.09 139,590,345.09

Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income -852,752.00 -640,401.72

Special reserves 31,764,920.51 24,603,149.96

Surplus reserves 621,112,807.78 621,112,807.78

Common risk provision

Undistributed profit 2,673,711,591.42 2,911,921,943.21

Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 4,219,337,312.80 4,450,598,244.32

Minority shareholders’ equity 369,799,705.35 364,813,287.98

Total of owners’ equity 4,589,137,018.15 4,815,411,532.30

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 7,683,777,005.63 7,552,058,947.02

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader:

Zhao Jiamao

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet



杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Items At the end of term Beginning of term

Current asset:

Monetary fund 387,916,202.79 248,509,410.84

Financial assets measured at fair

value with variations accounted

into current income account

Derivative financial assets

Bill receivable 365,504,827.88 385,543,218.94

Account receivable 1,637,391,672.98 2,010,980,253.99

Prepayments 53,440,645.95 72,514,421.98

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other account receivable 12,245,371.97 33,537,812.35

Inventories 1,454,420,457.64 1,159,102,793.67

Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due in 1 year

Other current asset 170,653,680.58 30,000,000.00

Total of current assets 4,081,572,859.79 3,940,187,911.77

Non-current assets:

Disposable financial asset 465,604,378.26 454,010,862.94

Expired investment in possess

Long-term receivable

Long term share equity

investment 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03

Property investment

Fixed assets 334,677,256.20 354,282,465.72

Construction in progress 79,982,551.34 67,302,264.59

Engineering material

Fixed asset disposal

Production physical assets

Gas & petrol

Intangible assets 177,872,266.49 181,918,239.41

R & D petrol


Long-germ expenses to be

amortized 761,660.66 1,015,547.54

Differed income tax asset 120,771,991.85 74,164,090.15

Other non-current asset

Total of non-current assets 1,682,589,482.83 1,635,612,848.38

Total of assets 5,764,162,342.62 5,575,800,760.15

Current liabilities

Short-term loans 100,000,000.00

Financial liabilities measured at

fair value with variations

accounted into current income


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告


Derivative financial liabilities

Bill payable 13,500,000.00

Account payable 436,004,535.90 448,755,575.94

Advance payment 1,428,724,224.76 977,630,617.45

Employees’ wage payable 51,373,858.57 44,164,067.67

Tax payable 3,538,126.39 88,238,458.17

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other account payable 20,338,742.44 19,738,024.51

Classified as held for sale debt

Non-current liability due in 1


Other current liability

Total of current liability 1,953,479,488.06 1,678,526,743.74

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loan 100,000,000.00

Bond payable

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Long-term payable

Long-term payable to employees

Special payable

Expected liabilities

Deferred income 22,250.00 111,250.00

Deferred income tax liability 1,017,473.05 1,017,473.05

Other non-current liabilities

Total of Non-current liabilities 101,039,723.05 1,128,723.05

Total of liability 2,054,519,211.11 1,679,655,466.79

Owners’ equity

Share capital 754,010,400.00 754,010,400.00

Other equity instrument

Including:preferred stock

Sustainable debt

Capital reserves 138,953,250.09 138,953,250.09

Less:Shares in stock

Other comprehensive income

Special reserves 13,098,989.67 10,511,915.73

Surplus reserves 602,356,402.65 602,356,402.65

Undistributed profit 2,201,224,089.10 2,390,313,324.89

Total of owners’ equity 3,709,643,131.51 3,896,145,293.36

Total of liabilities and owners’

equity 5,764,162,342.62 5,575,800,760.15


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader:

Zhao Jiamao

3.Consolidated Profit statement


Same period of the previous

Items Report period


I. Income from the key business 2,600,072,151.63 3,722,331,920.13

Incl:Business income 2,600,072,151.63 3,722,331,920.13

Interest income

Insurance fee earned

Fee and commission received

II. Total business cost 2,820,446,852.60 3,280,418,813.78

Incl:Business cost 1,805,941,522.77 2,363,125,652.50

Interest expense

Fee and commission paid

Insurance discharge payment

Net claim amount paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Insurance policy dividend paid

Reinsurance expenses

Business tax and surcharge 12,014,265.08 30,181,499.93

Sales expense 156,702,806.61 158,590,899.44

Administrative expense 608,221,129.48 592,118,584.23

Financial expenses -7,563,749.45 15,255,789.99

Asset impairment loss 245,130,878.11 121,146,387.69

Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss) 48,366,797.30 44,749,895.58

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

Gains from currency exchange(“-”for loss)

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss) -172,007,903.67 486,663,001.93

Add :Non-operational income 29,025,777.14 24,073,116.78

Including:Income from disposal of non-current


Less:Non business expenses 5,206,380.51 9,404,298.16

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets

IV.Total profit(“-”for loss) -148,188,507.04 501,331,820.55

Less:Income tax expenses -24,157,778.85 77,385,100.71


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

V. Net profit -124,030,728.19 423,946,719.84

Net profit attributable to the owners of parent

company -162,809,311.79 352,077,352.23

Minority shareholders’ equity 38,778,583.60 71,869,367.61

VI. Other comprehensive income -498,713.66 -183,791.92

Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributab

le to owners of the parent company. -212,350.28 -78,257.87

(I)Other comprehensive income items that will not

be reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent

accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes

in net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under the equity meth

od investee can not be reclassified into profit or loss.


Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified i -212,350.28 -78,257.87

nto profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under the equity meth

od investee can be reclassified into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value availabl

e for sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains an

d losses of available for sale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial stateme

nts -212,350.28 -78,257.87


Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributab -286,363.38 -105,534.05

le to Minority shareholders’ equity

VII. Total comprehensive income -124,529,441.85 423,762,927.92

Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner

of the parent company -163,021,662.07 351,999,094.36

Total comprehensive income attributable minority

shareholders 38,492,220.22 71,763,833.56

VIII. Earnings per share

(I)Basic earnings per share -0.22 0.47

(II)Diluted earnings per share -0.22 0.47

If there are entities merged under common control, their net profit realized before the merger were totaled to

RMB***. While it was RMB*** previous period.

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader:

Zhao Jiamao

4. Profit statement of the Parent Company


Items Report period Same period of the


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

previous year

I. Income from the key business 1,555,496,371.53 2,584,209,968.34

Incl:Business cost 1,178,553,025.63 1,799,938,721.33

Business tax and surcharge 1,398,294.87 17,427,285.87

Sales expense 106,769,296.56 105,371,526.65

Administrative expense 381,197,193.85 356,505,227.23

Financial expenses -2,524,709.34 14,178,027.98

Asset impairment loss 210,969,678.28 89,634,090.49

Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss)

Investment gain(“-”for loss) 149,604,635.99 196,903,483.48

Incl: investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss) -171,261,772.33 398,058,572.27

Add :Non-operational income 12,361,410.34 9,768,097.16

Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets 10,283.00

Less:Non business expenses 1,955,547.08 4,565,898.06

Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets 41,138.39 10,307.63

III.Total profit(“-”for loss) -160,855,909.07 403,260,771.37

Less:Income tax expenses -47,167,713.28 30,379,474.06

IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss) -113,688,195.79 372,881,297.31

V.Net of profit of other comprehensive income

(I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be

reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent

accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes in

net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method

investee can not be reclassified into profit or loss.

( II )

Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified int

o profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method

investee can be reclassified into profit or loss.

2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available f

or sale financial assets

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and

losses of available for sale financial assets

4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial statement



VI. Total comprehensive income -113,688,195.79 372,881,297.31

VII. Earnings per share:

(I)Basic earnings per share -0.15 0.49

(II)Diluted earnings per share -0.15 0.49

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader:

Zhao Jiamao


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement


Same period of the previous

Items Report period


I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or rending of

2,631,164,968.80 3,095,800,715.65


Net increase of customer deposits and capital

kept for brother company

Net increase of loans from central bank

Net increase of inter-bank loans from other

financial bodies

Cash received against original insurance contract

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Net increase of client deposit and investment

Net increase of trade financial asset disposal

Cash received as interest, processing fee and


Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

Tax returned 11,497,951.32 1,578,096.69

Other cash received from business operation 30,394,059.57 24,600,078.90

Sub-total of cash inflow 2,673,056,979.69 3,121,978,891.24

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and

1,231,551,085.85 1,650,151,599.93


Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings n central bank and brother


Cash paid for original contract claim

Cash paid for interest, processing fee and


Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 667,800,831.48 669,696,270.69

Taxes paid 235,921,800.21 332,251,371.45

Other cash paid for business activities 182,105,489.10 186,150,677.25

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 2,317,379,206.64 2,838,249,919.32

Cash flow generated by business operation, net 355,677,773.05 283,728,971.92

II.Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving 1,174,636.49

Cash received as investment gains 48,366,797.30 44,749,895.58

Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,

478,632.20 927,320.02

intangible assets, and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or

other operational units

Other investment-related cash received 1,744,905,999.95 1,813,194,104.88

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment

1,794,926,065.94 1,858,871,320.48


Cash paid for construction of

fixed assets, intangible assets 87,236,497.77 86,598,823.54

and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 11,593,515.32 26,641,036.07


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other

operational units

Other cash paid for investment activities 1,792,105,999.95 1,871,400,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment

1,890,936,013.04 1,984,639,859.61


Net cash flow generated by investment -96,009,947.10 -125,768,539.13

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment 11,740,000.00 1,260,000.00

Incl: Cash received as investment from minor

11,740,000.00 1,260,000.00


Cash received as loans 200,650,000.00 249,800,000.00

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received 300,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities 212,390,000.00 551,060,000.00

Cash to repay debts 208,700,000.00 409,600,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 143,465,665.55 247,818,256.90

Incl: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to

56,211,585.00 80,461,415.00

minor shareholders

Other cash paid for financing activities 300,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing

352,165,665.55 957,418,256.90


Net cash flow generated by financing -139,775,665.55 -406,358,256.90

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash

6,568,940.63 232,741.14

and cash equivalents

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 126,461,101.03 -248,165,082.97

Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the

562,763,561.50 810,928,644.47

beginning of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the

689,224,662.53 562,763,561.50

end of term

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader:

Zhao Jiamao

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company


Items Amount in this period Amount in last period

I.Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 1,635,853,743.22 1,900,714,754.53

Tax returned 9,328,982.41

Other cash received from business operation 3,889,695.82 8,818,961.35

Sub-total of cash inflow 1,649,072,421.45 1,909,533,715.88

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 703,949,384.41 1,013,159,494.53

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 458,460,020.00 469,600,583.04

Taxes paid 97,136,615.44 163,533,253.01

Other cash paid for business activities 113,710,360.58 105,859,510.42

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 1,373,256,380.43 1,752,152,841.00

Cash flow generated by business operation, net 275,816,041.02 157,380,874.88

II.Cash flow generated by investing


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Cash received from investment retrieving

Cash received as investment gains 149,604,635.99 196,903,483.48

Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible

assets, and other long-term assets 296,808.00

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other

operational units

Other investment-related cash received 440,000,000.00 510,357,990.86

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 589,901,443.99 707,261,474.34

Cash paid for construction of

fixed assets, intangible assets 58,565,139.10 45,567,613.80

and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment 11,593,515.32 7,261,036.07

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational


Other cash paid for investment activities 580,000,000.00 538,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 650,158,654.42 590,828,649.87

Net cash flow generated by investment -60,257,210.43 116,432,824.47

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment

Cash received as loans 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received 300,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities 100,000,000.00 400,000,000.00

Cash to repay debts 100,000,000.00 260,000,000.00

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 80,041,734.46 160,324,080.00

Other cash paid for financing activities 300,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities 180,041,734.46 720,324,080.00

Net cash flow generated by financing -80,041,734.46 -320,324,080.00

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash

equivalents 3,889,695.82 -273,191.65

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 139,406,791.95 -46,783,572.30

Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning

of term 248,509,410.84 295,292,983.14

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 387,916,202.79 248,509,410.84

Legal Representative:Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader:

Zhao Jiamao


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity

Amount in this period


Amount in this period

Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other Equity

instrument Minor

Items Less: Comm Total of owners’

Capital Share


Specialized Surplus on risk Attributable shareholders’

Share Capital prefe Susta Comprehen equity

Ot reserves s in reserve reserves provisi profit equity

rred inabl sive Income

her stock on

stock e


754,010,400.0 139,590,345. 24,603,149.9 621,112,807.7 2,911,921,943. 364,813,287. 4,815,411,532.3

I.Balance at the end of last year -640,401.72

0 09 6 8 21 98 0

Add: Change of accounting policy

Correcting of previous errors

Merger of entities under common



II.Balance at the beginning of 754,010,400.0 139,590,345. 24,603,149.9 621,112,807.7 2,911,921,943. 364,813,287. 4,815,411,532.3

current year -640,401.72

0 09 6 8 21 98 0


III.Changed in the current year -212,350.28 7,161,770.55 4,986,417.37 -226,274,514.15


-162,809,311.7 38,492,220.2

(1)Total comprehensive income -212,350.28 -124,529,441.85

9 2

(II)Investment or decreasing of 19,740,000.0

capital by owners 19,740,000.00



杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

1 . Ordinary Shares invested by S 19,740,000.0

hareholders 19,740,000.00


2 . Holders of other equity instru

ments invested capital

3.Amount of shares paid and

accounted as owners’ equity



(III)Profit allotment -75,401,040.00 -131,612,625.00


1.Providing of surplus reserves

2.Providing of common risk


3.Allotment to the owners (or -56,211,585.0

shareholders) -75,401,040.00 -131,612,625.00



(IV) Internal transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of capital reserves

(or to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves

(or to capital shares)

3.Making up losses by surplus


4. Other

(V). Special reserves 7,161,770.55 2,965,782.15 10,127,552.70


1. Provided this year 3,591,976.18 13,630,734.81



杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

2.Used this term 2,876,988.08 626,194.03 3,503,182.11


754,010,400.0 139,590,345. 31,764,920.5 621,112,807.7 2,673,711,591. 369,799,705. 4,589,137,018.1

IV. Balance at the end of this term -852,752.00

0 09 1 8 42 35 5

Amount in last year


Amount in last year

Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

Other Equity

instrument Minor

Items Less: Comm Total of owners’

Capital Share


Specialized Surplus on risk Attributable shareholders’

Share Capital prefe Susta Comprehen equity

reserves s in reserve reserves provis profit equity

rred inabl Other sive Income

stock ion

stock e


I.Balance at the end of last 139,590,34 17,276,201.1 583,824,678.0 2,736,802,630. 380,677,958.0 4,611,620,068.7

year 754,010,400.00 -562,143.85

5.09 5 5 30 0 4

Add: Change of accounting

policy 11,132,170.41 -11,132,170.41

Correcting of previous errors

Merger of entities under

common control


II.Balance at the beginning of

current year 754,010,400.00 139,590,34 -562,143.85 17,276,201.1 583,824,678.0 2,747,934,800. 369,545,787.5 4,611,620,068.7


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

5.09 5 5 71 9 4


III.Changed in the current year -78,257.87 7,326,948.81 37,288,129.73 -4,732,499.61 203,791,463.56


(1)Total comprehensive 352,077,352.2

income -78,257.87 71,763,833.56 423,762,927.92


(II)Investment or decreasing

of capital by owners 1,260,000.00 1,260,000.00

1 . Ordinary Shares invested b

y Shereholders 1,260,000.00 1,260,000.00

2.Holders of other equity inst

ruments invested capital

3.Allotment to the owners (or



(IV) Internal transferring of -188,090,209.7

owners’ equity 37,288,129.73 -80,461,415.00 -231,263,495.00


1. Capitalizing of capital

reserves (or to capital shares) 37,288,129.73 -37,288,129.73

2. Capitalizing of surplus

reserves (or to capital shares)

3.Making up losses by surplus -150,802,080.0

reserves. -80,461,415.00 -231,263,495.00


4. Other

(VI )Special reserves

1. Provided this year

2.Used this term


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告


IV. Balance at the end of this


(V) Special reserves 7,326,948.81 2,705,081.83 10,032,030.64

1. Provided this year 11,060,486.26 3,721,068.19 14,781,554.45

2.Used this term 3,733,537.45 1,015,986.36 4,749,523.81


IV. Balance at the end of this 139,590,34 24,603,149.9 621,112,807.7 2,911,921,943. 364,813,287.9 4,815,411,532.3

term 754,010,400.00 -640,401.72

5.09 6 8 21 8 0

Legal Representative:Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

8.Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

Amount in this period


Amount in this period

Other Equity instrument Other


Items Capital Less: Shares Surplus Common risk Attributable Total of owners’

Share Capital preferred ehensiv

Sustainabl Other reserves in stock reserves provision profit equity

stock e

e debt Income

754,010,400. 138,953,250. 602,356,402. 2,390,313,324.8 3,896,145,293.3

I.Balance at the end of last year 10,511,915.73

00 09 65 9 6

Add: Change of accounting


Correcting of previous errors


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告


II.Balance at the beginning of 754,010,400. 138,953,250. 602,356,402. 2,390,313,324.8 3,896,145,293.3


current year 00 09 65 9 6

III.Changed in the current year 2,587,073.94 -189,089,235.79 -186,502,161.85

(I)Total comprehensive income -113,688,195.79 -113,688,195.79

(II) Investment or decreasing of

capital by owners

1 . Ordinary Shares invested by


2.Holders of other equity instru

ments invested capital

3.Amount of shares paid and

accounted as owners’ equity


(III)Profit allotment -75,401,040.00 -75,401,040.00

1.Providing of surplus reserves

2.Allotment to the owners (or

-75,401,040.00 -75,401,040.00



(IV)Internal transferring of

owners’ equity

1. Capitalizing of capital

reserves (or to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of surplus

reserves (or to capital shares)

3.Making up losses by surplus


4. Other

(V) Special reserves 2,587,073.94 2,587,073.94

1. Provided this year 4,484,209.97 4,484,209.97

2.Used this term 1,897,136.03 1,897,136.03


IV. Balance at the end of this 754,010,400. 138,953,250. 13,098,989.6 602,356,402. 2,201,224,089.1 3,709,643,131.5

term 00 09 7 65 0 1

Amount in last year


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告


Amount in last year

Other Equity instrument



Items prefe Compreh Surplus Common risk Attributable Total of owners’

Share Capital Sustain Capital reserves Shares in

rred Other ensive reserves provision profit equity

able stock

stock Income


754,010,400. 7,295,765.2 2,205,522,237.3 3,670,849,925.5

I.Balance at the end of last year 138,953,250.09 565,068,272.92

00 0 1 2

Add: Change of accounting policy

Correcting of previous errors


II.Balance at the beginning of current 754,010,400. 7,295,765.2 2,205,522,237.3 3,670,849,925.5

138,953,250.09 565,068,272.92

year 00 0 1 2


III.Changed in the current year 37,288,129.73 184,791,087.58 225,295,367.84


(I)Total comprehensive income 372,881,297.31 372,881,297.31

(II) Investment or decreasing of

capital by owners

1 . Ordinary Shares invested by shar


2.Holders of other equity instrumen

ts invested capital

3.Amount of shares paid and

accounted as owners’ equity


(III)Profit allotment 37,288,129.73 -188,090,209.73 -150,802,080.00

1.Providing of surplus reserves 37,288,129.73 -37,288,129.73

2.Allotment to the owners (or

-150,802,080.00 -150,802,080.00



(IV)Internal transferring of owners’


1. Capitalizing of capital reserves

(or to capital shares)


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves

(or to capital shares)

3.Making up losses by surplus


4. Other


(V) Special reserves 3,216,150.53



1. Provided this year 5,330,910.95


2.Used this term 2,114,760.42 2,114,760.42


754,010,400. 10,511,915.7 2,390,313,324.8 3,896,145,293.3

IV. Balance at the end of this term 138,953,250.09 602,356,402.65

00 3 9 6

Legal Representative:Zheng Bin Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

Notes to the Financial Statements

Year 2015


I.Company Profile

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) was incorporated as a joint stock limited company exclusively

promoted by Hangzhou Steam Turbine & Power Group Company Limited (“HSTG”) approved by the Securities

Regulatory Commission of the State Council with the Document SRC [1998] No. 8 by offering domestically

listed foreign currency ordinary shares (B Shares), with registration date: April 23, 1998, legal entity business

license No.: QGZZZD No.002150. The number of Business License was changed to 330000400001023 on May 6,

2009. The Company’s registered capital is now increased to RMB754.0104 million with total capital share of

754.0104 million shares (face value RMB1.00). Among which state-owned legal person shares were 479.8248

million shares and 274.1856 million shares of current B shares. The shares were issued and listed for trading in

Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 28, 1998.

The scope of main businesses of the Company: The design, manufacturing, and service of steam turbine, gas

turbine, other rotating and reciprocate machinery and auxiliary equipment, and spare parts and components.

Wholesale, import & export, and service of packaged equipment in electric power supply, industrial driving, and

industrial turbine.

These Financial Statements are released upon approval at the 28th meeting of the 6th term of Board held on

March 17, 2016.

24 subsidiaries including Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technologies Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam

Turbine Power Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Co., Ltd.,

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd., and

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industry Co., Ltd., were consolidated to the Financial Statements. For details of

changing consolidation range and equity position please go to the Notes to the Financial Statements.

II. Basis of compiling the finance report

(1) Basis of compiling

The Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.

(II) Assessment on perpetuation

No issue or situation, in 12 months since the end of report period, composes major doubt on the perpetuation

assumption of the Company.

III. Principal Accounting Policies and Estimations

Important prompt: The Company utilized detailed accounting polices and estimations on providing of bad debt

provisions, fixed asset depreciation, intangible asset amortization, recognition of revenue, and so forth, according

to its business practices.

1. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

The finance report produced by the Company is accordance with the Enterprise Accounting

Standard, and reflects the Company’s financial state, business performance and cash flow

frankly and completely.

2. Fiscal year

The Company uses the calendar year for its fiscal year. A fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.

3. Operational period

The Company’s relatively shorter operational period, which is 12 months, and is used as division of liquidity of

assets and liabilities.

4. Standard currency for bookkeeping

The Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.


5. Accounting treatment of the entities under common control and different control

1. Treatment of entities under common control

Assets and liabilities acquired in merger of entities are measured at book values at the date of merger. The

difference between the net book value of asset and the offered price (or total of face value of shares issued) will be

adjusted into capital reserves; when the capital reserves is not enough to reduce, it will be adjusted into retained


2. Treatment of entities under different control

The difference of takeover cost over the fair value of recognizable net asset of the acquired entity is recognized as

goodwill at the day of takeover; in case the takeover cost is lower than the fair value of recognizable net asset of

the acquired entity, the measuring process over the recognizable asset, liabilities, contingent liabilities, and

takeover cost, shall be repeated, if comes out the same result, the difference shall be recorded into current income


6. Method for preparing the consolidated financial statements

The parent company puts all of its subsidiaries under its control into the consolidated financial statements. The

consolidated financial statements are prepared according to the “Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 33 –

Consolidated Financial Statements”, basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subsidiaries, and after

adjusting the long-term investment equity in the subsidiary on equity basis.

7. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

Cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term, strong liquidity and lower risk of

value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.

8. Foreign currency trade and translation of foreign currencies

1. Translation of foreign currency

Foreign currency trades are translated into RMB at the rate of the day when the trades are made. Those balances

of foreign currencies and monetary items in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rate of the balance

sheet date. Exchange differences, other than special loans satisfying the conditions of capitalization, are accounted

into current income account. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on historical cost are translated at the

rate of the trade day. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on fair value are translated at the rate of the

day when the fair value is recognized, where the differences are accounted as gain/loss from change of fair value.

2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements

Asset and liability items in the balance sheet are translated basing on the exchange rate of the balance sheet date;

Owners’ equities other than Retained Profit are translated at the exchange rate of the date when the trade

happened. Income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the similar rate of the date when the

trade happened. Differences generated by the above translating of foreign currencies are demonstrated separately

under the owners’ equity in the balance sheet.

9. Financial instruments

1. Type of finance asset and finance debt

Finance assets are divided initially into four types of financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value with

their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance asset and financial

asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts),

transactional financial assets, debt and account receivable, finance asset saleable.

Finance debts are divided initially into two types of financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with

their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance debt and financial debt

appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), other

finance debt.


2. Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset and finance debt

When the Company is one part of the finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized. When

on recognizing initially finance asset or debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt which

appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the related

transaction expenses are directly accounted into current gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the related

transaction expenses accounted into the initial recognition account.

The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future possible transaction fee but

with exception: (1) Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by actual interest rate according to

the amortized costs. (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value

can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and

which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by cost.

The Company conduct successive measure of finance debt according to amortized cost by actual interest rate with

exception as following: (1) finance debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are

accounted into current gain/loss accounts, is measured at fir value without deducting possible future transactional

fee at settlement; (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value

can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and

which are closed off through the equity instrument, are measured by cost. (3) finance debt sponsorship contracts

which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss

accounts, or debt agreements at rate lower than market rate and which are not appointed to be measured at fair

value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, are measured at the higher value between

the optimal estimated value payable according to current obligations and the surplus value from which the initial

recognition value deduct the accumulated amortized amount according to the actual interest rate.

Gain or loss from fluctuation of financial assets or liabilities are handled at the following ways, except for relating

to hedge instrument.

(1) Gain or loss from fluctuation of fair value of financial assets or liabilities and accounted into current gain/loss

account, are accounted into gain/loss of fluctuation of fair value. Interests or cash dividend received in the period

of holding these assets are recognized as investment gains. When they are disposed, the difference between the

amount actually received and initially booked value is recognized as investment gains, and adjust the gain/loss

from fair value fluctuation.

(2) Fluctuation of fair value of sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves; interests gained at actual

interest rate are accounting into investment gains; the cash dividend received from sellable instrument investment,

are accounted into investment gains when distributed; At disposal of these investment, the difference between

actual amount received and book value are recognized as investment gains after deducting of accumulated change

of fair value which are originally accounted into capital reserves.

As soon as the contract rights of acquiring the cash flow of particular financial asset have been terminated or

almost all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been transferred, recognition of the

financial asset is terminated; as soon as the current liabilities attached to the financial liability have been

completely or partially relieved, recognition of the financial liability or part of is terminated.

3. Basis of recognition and accounting of financial asset transferring

The Company stop recognizing the finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are transferred to the

receiver; and continue to recognize the transferred finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are

kept, and recognize the value as one finance debt. For the finance assets which risks and remuneration of

ownership are not transferred or kept, the Company recognize them as following: (1) stop recognizing the finance

asset which are given up the control; (2) continue to recognize the finance asset and related finance debt according

to the extend which involved into the transferred finance asset for the finance asset which are not given up control.

The Company measured the surplus between the following two values for the transferred finance assets which

fulfill the stop recognition requirements into current gain or loss: (1) Account value of the transferred finance

asset; (2) Consideration plus the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership

rights. For the transferred finance assets which partly fulfill the stop recognition requirements the Company

amortized the stopped recognition part and the not-stopped recognition part of the account value of the whole

transferred finance asset, and account the surplus between the following two values into current gain or loss: (1)

Account value of the stopped recognition part; (2) consideration plus the corresponding stopped recognition part


of the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership rights.

4. Basis of recognition and accounting of fair value for the main finance asset and finance debt

For the finance asset or debt which active market exists, the Company recognize the fair value according to the

quote on the active market; for the finance asset or debt which active market not exists, the Company recognized

the fair value using estimation technology (including reference of the latest market prices from freewill

transactions by persons familiar with conditions, reference of the current fair value of other similar finance

instrument in characteristics, discounted cash flow models and Option Pricing Model); for the initially acquired or

initial finance asset or finance debt, the Company recognize the fair value basis on the market trading price.

4. Recognition of fair value of financial assets and liabilities

The Company utilizes evaluation technologies supported by sufficient data and information to recognize the fair

values of financial assets and liabilities. Values inputted to the evaluation technology are divided into following

levels and used in sequence:

(1) Level 1 input: unadjusted quotations obtained from an active market of the similar asset or liability at the date

of measurement;

(2) Level 2 input: values of the asset or liability observable, directly or indirectly, other than level 1 input,

including: quotation of similar asset or liability in an active market; quotation of similar asset or liability in an

non-active market; other observable value other than quotations, i.e. observable interest or gain curves in normal

intervals of quotations.

(3) Level 3 input: non-observable input value of the asset or liability, including interest rates which are not

observable or not testified by observable market data, fluctuation of stock prices, future cash flow of disposal

liabilities undertaken from merger of entities, or financial predictions upon data itself.

5. Impairment test and impairment reserves plan

(1) The Company conduct impairment test to the finance asset other than which appointed to be measured at fair

value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts on balance sheet day. Impairment provision

is provided as long as evidence showing that impairment has happened to the financial asset.

(2) The Company conduct independently impairment test for single finance asset with large value for single

finance asset with little value the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset

composition which have similar credit risk characteristics; for the non impairment assets which are tested

independently, the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset composition which have

similar credit risk characteristics.

(3) For the finance asset accounted by amortized cost which have subject impairment evidence at the end term, the

impairment loss was recognized according to the difference between the account value and the anticipating future

cash flow, for the finance asset which have little difference between its short term account receivable anticipating

future cash flow and its current value, the Company don’t discount the future cash flow when recognizing related

impairment loss. When there is impairment loss for the Equity instrument investment which have no quote in

active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably and its derived finance assets which are connected

with the equity instrument and which are calculated through the equity instrument, are measured by cost, the

difference is recognized as impairment loss between the account value of the equity instrument investment and its

derived finance asset and the current value discounted by the future cash flow according to the market profit rate

of the similar finance asset. The Company recognize the impairment loss for the saleable finance asset which fair

value have sharp decreasing and the anticipating decreasing trend is not temporary, and account it into impairment

loss together with the accumulated fair vale loss which was accounted into owner’s equity directly.

When impairment occurred with a sellable financial asset, the accumulated losses caused by decreasing of fair

value which have originally been written into owners’ equity shall be carried over to current gain/loss account. If

practical evidence showing that the value of a particular financial asset has recovered in value after a impairment

loss has been recognized and practically related to the issues occurred after recognition of the loss, the impairment

loss recognized shall be restored and accounted into current gain/loss. Impairment loss of sellable equity inves

tment instrument will be restored to owners’ equity when the fair value has increased afterward.


10. Receivable accounts

1. Recognition and providing of bad debt provision on individual receivable account with large amount

Basis of recognition or standard amount of

Accounts take over 10% of the book balance of receivable accounts

individual account with large amount

Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be provided at

Basis of bad debt provision

the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book value.

2.Recognition and providing basis of bad debt reserves for group of receivable accounts with similar

characteristics of credit risks

Name of the Group Basis of bad debt provision

Group by age analysis Age analysis method

Combined range of association Other method

Bad debt profisions are provided on age analyze basis in the group

Rate of provision on receivable Rate of provision on other receivable


account account

Within 1 year)included) 5.00% 5.00%

1-2 years 10.00% 10.00%

2-3 years 30.00% 30.00%

3-4 years 60.00% 60.00%

4-5 years 80.00% 80.00%

Over 5 years 100.00% 100.00%

Bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis in the group

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Bad debt provisions are provided on other basis in the group

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provisions are provided individually

When there is significant difference between the current value of future

Basis of providing bad debt

cash flow of the receivable account and the current value of future cash


flow of the group

Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be

Basis of bad debt provision provided at the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book



(1) Inventory classification

Inventories include saleable finished goods or merchandise, product-in-process , consumption material and goods

in manufacturing procedure or working procedure.

(2) Pricing of inventory to be delivered

Pricing basis:

Delivered out materials are accounted by weighted average method, issued out finished products are accounted at

individual price.


(3) Recognition of realizable net value of inventory and providing of inventory impairment provision

At the balance sheet day, inventories are measured at the lower of costs and cashable net values, the individual

difference between the cashable net value and cost are provided as inventory impairment provision. For finished

product, merchandise, saleable material and other saleable merchandise inventory, their cashable net values are

recognized by their estimated sale price in normal operation deducting estimated sale expenses and related taxes;

for material inventory which need processing, it cashable net value are recognized by the estimated sale prices of

its finished products in normal operation deducting the estimated cost, sale expenses and related taxes due to the

end of processing; At the balance sheet day, for inventory item which part has contract price and part has no

contract price, the cashable net value is accounted separately, and recognize the inventory impairment provision

or returnable cash..

(4) Inventory system

Inventory system: perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials

1.Low price consumable

Basis of amortizing: one-off

2.Packaging materials

Basis of amortizing: one-off

12. Long-term equity investment

1. Recognition of common control and substantial influence

According to the contract, if the invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy need to be agreed by the

other investing party, the investment is common control investment; if only have participating decision rights in

invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy but have no own control or common control with other

investing part, the investment is investment with substantial influence.

2. Recognition of initial investment costs

(1) For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger under common control, if it is the long-term

equity investment obtained from the corporate merger by paying cash, transferring non-cash asset, bear liability

and issuing equity securities, the share of book value of owner's equity of the merged party on the merger date

shall be taken as the initial investment cost. The asset reserve is adjusted according to the difference between the

initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of paid combined consideration or

issued securities; if the capital is not enough for deduction, the remain earnings are adjusted.

Recognition of “one-off” trade when long-term equity investment is composed by merger of entities under

common control by multiple steps.

Transactions under an “one-off” trade are accounted as a common trade of ownership.

Transactions which are not “one-off” trades are recognized for their initial investment cost basing on the share of

book value of net asset in the consolidated financial statement of the entities acquired. Balance between the initial

investment cost and the book value of the long-term equity investment before merger and the premium paid for

the new shares after merger, is adjusted to capital reserves; when the capital reserve is not enough to offset,

retained profit shall be adjusted thereof.

(2) For the long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises under different control, the initial

investment cost is recognized by the fair value of combined consideration on purchasing day and related expenses.

Long-term equity investment formed by acquisition of entities under different control by trade in multiple stages

are accounted separately in the financial statements and consolidated financial statements.

1) In individual financial account, the sum of book value of original equity investment plus new investment cost is

recognized as the initial investment cost on cost basis.

2) Recognition of “one-off” trade in consolidated financial statements

Transactions under an “one-off” trade are accounted as a common trade of ownership. Transactions which are not

“one-off” trades are re-measured for their fair value at the day of acquisition. Balance between the fair value and

the book value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted to current investment gains; other gains from equity

on equity basis before the acquisition day are written over to current gains of at the day of acquisition, but not the

gains from re-calculating of changes in net liability or asset by the invested entity.

(3) Formed by means other than entity merger:


Acquired by cash payment – initial investment cost is the actual amount of payment;

Acquired by issuing of equity certificates – initial investment cost is the fair value of equity certificate issued;

Acquired by debtor restructuring – initial cost recognized as according to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

No.12 – Debtor restructuring;

Acquired by trading of non-monetary asset - initial cost recognized as according to the Enterprise Accounting

Standard No.12 – Trade of non-monetary assets;

3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

Cost basis is adopted in accounting of long-term equity investment in entities under substantial control of the

Company; while equity basis is adopted in accounting of investment in affiliates and joint-ventures.

4. Treatment of disposal of subsidiaries by stages till losing of control power

(1) Individual account

At disposal of equity shares, the balance between book value and actual consideration received is recorded to

current gain/loss account.

When the retained share equity is composing major influence or joint control with other parties on the invested

entity, accounting will be on equity basis;

When none of substantial control, joint control, or major influence on the entity, it will be recognized as sellable

financial asset and accounted on fair value.

(2) Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements

1) Losing of controlling power on a subsidiary through disposal of equity by multiple trades, and not recognized

as “one-off” trade:

Before losing of control power, the balance of disposal consideration and the share of net asset attributable to the

Company on continuous basis since purchasing or merger, is adjusted to capital reserves (capital premium),

whereas if the capital premium is not enough to offset the amount, retained profit will be offset at corresponding


At losing of control power over a former subsidiary, the retained equity shares shall be re-calculated according to

the fair value at the day of losing power. Sum of the consideration obtained from disposal and fair value of the

retained equity shares, less the share of net asset attributable to the Company on continuous basis since purchasing

or merger, is accounted into investment gains of the period when the control power is disposed, and goodwill shall

be offset meanwhile. Other gains related to the equities in formal subsidiary shall be written over to current

investment gains at the period when control power was disposed.

2) Losing of controlling power on a subsidiary through disposal of equity by multiple trades, and recognized as

“one-off” trade:

The multiple trades are treated as one trade that causes losing of control power on a subsidiary. However, the

balance between the consideration received from each trade and corresponding share of net asset is recognized as

other gains in the consolidated accounts, and transferred collectively to gain/loss account of the period in which

the control power was lost.

13. Fixed assets

1. Conditions for fixed asset recognition

Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, providing

services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one year of service life. Fixed assets are

recognized at satisfying of great possibility of benefit inflow and costs are accountable.

2. Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation age Annual depreciation

Categories Basis of depreciation Retain value rate

(year) ratio

Straight average on

Houses & buildings 20-30 4% 4.8%-3.2%


Equipment & Straight average on

8-15 4% 12%-6.4%

machinery period

Transportation Straight average on

4-8 4% 24%-12%

equipment period

Straight average on

Office equipment 5 4% 19.2%



14. Construction in process

1. Construction in process is recognized on the basis of characteristics: very possible economic benefit flow in,

cost can be measured reliably. Since the date when the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected,

the construction in process is measured by the happened cost Since the date when the construction in process

reaches its useful status as expected.

2. When the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, it is transferred into fixed asset at actual

cost. If the construction in process has reached useful status but with completion of project settlement process, it is

transferred to fixed asset at the value estimated, and adjustment will happen after completion of project settlement

process but no adjustment on depreciation provided previously.

Notes :Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the asset is ready for its intended use.

15. Loan expenses

1. Capitalizing of loan expenses

Loan expenses occurred in the Company, which can be categorized to purchasing or construction of assets

satisfying the conditions of capitalization, shall be capitalized and accounted into capital costs; while other loan

expenses are recognized as expenses and recorded into current income account.

2. Capitalization period of loan expenses

(1) Capitalization started as soon as all of these conditions are satisfied: 1) Capital expenditures have occurred; 2)

Loan expenses have occurred; 3) Necessary purchasing or construction processes have been started to make the

asset usable or sellable.

(2) If irregular interruption occurred in the purchasing or construction process of the assets satisfying the

capitalizing conditions, and suspended for over successive three months, capitalizing of loan expenses is

suspended; loan expenses occurred during the suspension period are recognized as current expenses until the

purchasing or construction process resumes.

(3) Capitalizing of loan expenses is terminated as soon as the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions reaches

the state of usable or sellable as expected.

3. Rates and amounts of loan expense capitalization

Special loans raised for purchasing or construction of assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization, interest to

be capitalized will be the actual interest expenses occurred in the current period of loan (including the discount,

premium, or amortizing decided on actual interest rate basis), less the interest income from the unused loans in

bank account or provisional investment gains; common loans used for purchasing or construction of assets

satisfying the conditions of capitalization, the interest to be capitalized will be the weighted average of balance

over special loans multiply capitalization rate of common loans.

16. Intangible assets

(1)Pricing Method, service life and impairment test

1. Intangible assets are land using rights, patents, and non-patent technologies, which are measured at cost basis.

2. For intangible assets with limited useful life, during the use life it is amortized according to the anticipating

implementation method of the economic benefit of the intangible asset systematically and reasonably. If can’t

recognize the anticipating implementation method, the straight basis is deployed.

Items Amortiing years

Land using right 50

Other 5

(2) Accounting policy for internal research and development expenditure

Expenditures of internal researching projects are accounted into current term gain and loss when happens. The

development period expenditures are recognized as intangible assets when fulfill following conditions: (1) The

intangible asset is completed and technically possible to be used or sold; (2) With intention to complete the

intangible asset for purpose of use or sale; (3) Evidence showing that there are markets or the products produced

with using of the intangible asset, or markets of the intangible asset itself, by which the intangible asset may

produce financial benefits. Intangible assets used inside the Company must be approved for their usable characters.

(4) Developing of the intangible assets are supported by sufficient technical, financial, and other resources, and

the intangible assets can be used or sold. (5) Expenditures occurred in developing of the intangible asset may be

reliably measured.

17. Impairment of partial long-term assets

For those long-term assets such as equity investment, fixed assets measured on cost basis, construction-in-process,

intangible assets with limited service life, their recoverable amount shall be evaluated as soon as there was

evidence indicating impairment at the balance sheet day. For intangible assets such as goodwill from merger or


intangible assets with uncertain service lives, impairment test is performed each year whatever there is evidence

of impairment or not. Impairment test on goodwill is performed on combination of related assets.

When the result of prediction shows that the recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the balance shall be

provided impairment provision and accounted into current gain/loss.

18. Long-term amortizable expenses

Long-term amortizable expenses which have been paid but with amortizing period over 1 year (not included).

Long-term amortizable expenses are recorded at actual amount occurred, and straight amortized to stipulated

periods. In case a long-term expense was not benefiting the succeeding periods, then the balance of the account

shall be transferred over to current income account.

19. Employees’ wage

1. Employees’ wage composes of short-term wages, after-job welfare, dismiss welfare, and other long-term


2. Accounting of short-term wages

In the fiscal period when an employee is providing services, short-term wages actually occurred is recognized as

liability, and recorded into current gain/loss account or cost of related asset.

3. Accounting of after-job welfare

After-job welfare composes of stipulated saving plan and stipulated beneficiary plan.

(1) In the fiscal period when an employee is providing service, the payable amount calculated by the stipulated

saving plan is recognized as liability and recorded into current gain/loss or cost of related asset.

(2) Accounting of stipulated beneficiary plan is on following steps:

1) On basis of expected accumulation of welfare, estimations on population variables and financial variables,

calculating of liabilities from stipulated beneficiary plan, and recognition of the period of related liabilities, are

performed on basis of non-bias and accordance actuary. Meanwhile, discount is performed on the liabilities from

stipulated beneficiary plan to recognize the current value and service cost of the liabilities from the stipulated

beneficiary plan.

2) When there is asset involved in the stipulated beneficiary asset, the deficit or premium from the balance of the

current value of liabilities of stipulated beneficiary plan over their fair values is recognized as its net liability or

net asset. When there is a premium with a stipulated beneficiary plan, the lower one between the premium and the

upper limit of the asset is recognized as the net asset of such stipulated beneficiary asset;

3) At end of period, employees’ wages from stipulated beneficiary plan are recognized by three parts including

service cost, net interest of net liability or net asset, and recalculated net asset or liability variation. The first two

are recorded into current gain/loss or related asset cost, the third is recorded to other gains, which will not be

written back to gain/loss in successive fiscal periods, but the amount can be transferred with the range of equity.

4. Accounting of dismissing welfare

Welfares for employees who are dismissed, the earlier one of the following is recognized as employee wage

liability, and recorded to current gain /loss:

(1) When the Company cannot, on its own call only, retrieve the dismissing welfare provided by dismissing of

service plan or suggestion;

(2) When the costs or expenses related to restructuring involved in the dismissing welfare are recognized by the


5. Accounting of other long-term employees’ welfares

As of long-term welfares provided to the employees, those which satisfy conditions of the stipulated saving plan

are treated according to related regulations of stipulated saving plan; those which other than the aforesaid, are

treated according to the stipulated beneficiary plan. In viewing of simplifying accounting treatment, employee

wage costs are recognized as service costs, the net amounts of interests of other long-term welfare net liability or

asset, along with recalculated variations of the both are recorded to the related gain/loss or cost of related asset.

20. Expected liabilities

(1) When it is very much likely to cause economic interests which can be reliably calculated outflow from

the company to fulfill the obligation which is due to giving security outside, contentious matter, quality guarantee

of products, onerous contract and other contingency, the company will regard the obligation as anticipation


(2) The company will make an initial measurement of anticipation liabilities according to needed expense

of best estimation when fulfilling related obligations and check the book value of anticipation liabilities on the

balance sheet date.


1. Recognizing of revenue


(1) Sales of goods

Sales income is recognized when all of these conditions are satisfied: (1) Major risks and rewards attached to the

goods have been transferred to the purchaser; (2) The Company holds neither successive management power

which is normally attached to ownership, nor effective control, over the goods which have been sold out; (4)

Amount of income may be reliably measured; (5) when the costs, occurred or will occur, may be measured


(2) Providing of services

At balance sheet day, those service trades (simultaneously satisfying the requirements of those: income can be

measured reliably, related economic benefit will flow in very possibly, transaction procedure can be confirmed

reliably, happened and happening cost can be measured reliably) which can be reliably estimated are recognized

at the percentage of completion, and progress of completion of service is decided by the portion of costs occurred

over the estimated total costs. At balance sheet day, those service trades which can not be reliably estimated, if the

happened services cost will be compensated, the services income are recognized according to happened service

cost and transited to service cost according to same amount; if the happened services cost will not be compensated,

the happened services cost are accounted into current term’s gain or loss and the services income will not be


(3) Giving of asset using rights

Income from giving of assets is recognized when satisfying requirements: related economic benefit flows in very

possibly, income can be measured reliably. Amount of interest income is calculated according to the time and

actual interest rate of the monetary capital is used by other party. Income of using fee is calculated upon the

charge period and calculation provided by the related contract or agreement.

(4) Construction contracts

1) When the result of the construction contract is able to be evaluated reliably at the balance sheet date, the

income and cost of the contract are recognized on completion percentage basis. If the result of the construction

contract is not able to be evaluated reliably, but the contract cost may be recovered, the income is recognized at

the cost actually recovered, and the cost of the contract is recognized as contract expenses of the current period

when it is occurred.

2) When all of the following conditions were satisfied, the result of a fix-amount contract is regarded as can be

evaluated reliably: the total income of the contract may be measured reliably, there is great possibility that the

financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the actual contract costs may be identified and measured

clearly and reliably, the construction progress and the cost to occur are able to be measured reliably. When all of

the following conditions are satisfied, the result of a cost-plus-commission contract is regarded as can be

evaluated reliably: there is great possibility that the financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the

actual costs may be identified and measured clearly and reliably.

3) Contract progress is recognized at the ratio of accumulative actual cost on the predicted complete cost.

4) In case the expected total cost is greater than the total income, the expected loss will be recognized as expense

of the current period. If the construction is in process, the balance is accounted as inventory impairment provision;

if the contract is not executed, the balance is accounted as expected liability.

2. Practical basis for recognition of revenue

Particular methods for recognition of revenue. The Company is mainly engaged in designing, manufacturing,

sales, and service of steam turbines and gas turbines falling in the range of rotating and reciprocating machinery,

and parts. Recognition of sales in the country shall satisfy: products had been delivered to the buyer and the

amount had been fixed. Payment was received or documents received with great possibility of cash inflow. And

the cost of the products is able to be measured appropriately. Recognition of sales outside the country shall satisfy:

The goods had been filed by the custom and departed with bill of lading obtained. The amount had been fixed, and

payment was received or documents received with great possibility of cash inflow. And the cost of the products is

able to be measured appropriately.

22. Government subsidy

1. Recognition basis and accounting of asset-related government subsidy

Government subsidies to the Company for purchasing or acquiring by other means of long-term asset are

asset-related government subsidies. They are recognized as deferred income and amortized straightly to their

service lives and accounted in current gain/loss. Whereas government subsidy measured by nominal amount are

recorded to current gain/loss account.

2. Recognition basis and accounting of income-related government subsidy

Government subsidies other than asset-related subsidies are recognized as income-related government subsidies.


Those, which are used to cover costs or losses in subsequent periods, are recognized as deferred income and

accounted to current gain/loss to the periods of related expenses. Those, which are used to makeup expenses or

losses already occurred, are recorded to current gain/loss account.

23. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities

1. Deferred income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or

paying the liabilities according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be

recognized, the difference is between the tax basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or

liabilities and the tax basis.

2. Deferred income tax assets are recognized limitedly by the income tax which very possibly deduct deductible

temporary difference. At balance sheet day, the not-yet recognized deferred income tax assets in previous fiscal

term are recognized if have evidence to prove there is enough income tax very possibly to deduct deductible

temporary difference.

3. At the balance sheet day, verification will be performed on the book value of differed income tax assets. If it is

not possible to obtain enough taxable income to neutralize the benefit of differed income tax assets, then the book

value of the differed income tax assets shall be reduced. Whenever obtaining of taxable income became possible,

the reduced amount shall be restored.

4. Current income tax and differed income tax are accounted into current gain/loss account as income tax

expenditures or gains, but exclude the following income taxes: (1) Merger of enterprises; (2) Transactions or

events recognized directly in owners’ equity.

24. Lease

Accounting of operational lease

When the Company is the leasee, the amount is recorded to asset cost or recognized as gain/loss of current period

on straight basis to the periods of lease. Initial direct expenses are accounted into current gain/loss. Contingent

rentals are recorded to current gain/loss at actual occurrence.

When the Company is the leaser, the amount is recorded to current gain/loss at straight basis to the periods of

lease. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current gain/loss other than those with greater amount which are

capitalized and recorded to gain/loss of different periods. Contingent rentals are recorded to current gain/loss at

actual occurrence.

25.Other important accounting policies and accounting estimates

According to document CQ〔2012〕No.16 issued by National Department of Finance and National Safety

Inspection Bureau General, the Company was categorized as machinery production enterprise. Providing of

workplace safety funds are to be provided on monthly basis according to the following schedule: 2% provided on

the turnover less than RMB10 million; 1% on the amount over RMB10 million and less than RMB100 million;

0.2% on the amount over RMB100 million and less than RMB1 billion; 0.1% on the amount over RMB1 billion

and less than RMB5 billion; 0.05% on the amount over RMB5 billion.

The above safety expenses are drawn according to national regulations and accounted to costs of related products

and recorded to “special reserves” at the same tine. At providing of safety expenses, expense-related costs are

deducted from the special reserves. When a safety fund was drawn and composes part of a fixed asset, they are

collected under construction-in-process, and recognized to fixed asset when the asset reaches usable status.

Meanwhile, the special reserve is deducted by the costs which compose part of the fixed asset, and accumulative

depreciation is recognized at the same amount. This fixed asset is not subject to depreciation in successive


26. Change of main accounting policies and estimations

(1)Change of main accounting policies


Content and Reason Vetting process Suitable Time


In order to adapt to the change of market

environment, better prevent and control accounts The above changes have been

receivable risks and make Company’s receivable examined and adopted at the 19th

March 26,2015

accounts accord with relevant risks situation and meeting of the 6th term of Board

the proportion of actual loss. The Company 2015.

decided to change the accounting evaluation of


provision for bad debts set up on accounts

receivable, reduce and raise the percentage it in 3

years and over 3 years respectively and make

devaluation provision for full accounts receivable

in line with cautious and objective principle.

1) The use of an aged analysis of bad debts of accounts receivable for the changes in accounting estimates

before and after comparison:

Aging Proportion(%) Proportion of change


Within 1 year 5 5

1-2 years 20 10

2-3 years 40 30

3-4 years 60 60

4-5 years 60 80

Over 5 years 60 100

2) Report items and amounts affected

Report items subject to significant impact Amount

Balance sheet ites (December 31, 2015)

Account receivable 46,087,385.33

Other receivable -744,443.85

Undistributed profit 36,582,571.20

Profit statement items in 2015

Assets impairment loss -45,342,941.48

Income tax expenses 8,760,370.28

VI. Taxation

1. Main categories and rates of taxes

Category of taxes Tax base Tax rate

VAT Sales of goods or providing of taxable labor service 17%

Operational tax Taxable turnover 5%

City maintenance and

Turnover tax payable 7%

construction tax

Enterprise income tax Amount of income taxable 15%、25%

For those on price basis, taxes are paid at 1.2% of the balance of

House tax original value of the property after deducting of 30%; for those on 1.2%、12%

rental basis, taxes are paid at 12% of the rental.

Educational surcharge Taxable turnover 3%

Local education

Taxable turnover 2%



Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

Name Income tax rate

The company and the subsidiary of Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power

Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology Development Co., Ltd.,


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine

Machinery Co.,Ltd. and Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co.,Ltd.

Other Subsidiary(Domestic) 25%

(II) Preferential tax

1. According to the document “Notice for Qualification of High-tech Enterprises” (GKHZD〔2015〕No.29) issued

by Department of Science and Technology High-tech Development Center, the Company along with Hangzhou

Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Packaged Technologies Development Co., Ltd. –

subsidies of the Company, were qualified as high-tech enterprises for term of three years. Therefore they enjoy

15% of tax for 2014-2016.

2. According to the document ZKFGD〔2013〕No.294 titled “Notice for Recognition of 491 High-tech

Enterprises” issued jointly by Zhejiang Bureau of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Bureau of Finance, Zhejiang

National Tax Bureau, and Zhenjiang Local Tax Bureau, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. was

recognized as a High-Tech Enterprise, therefore enjoys 15% of income tax rate from 2013 to 2015.

3. According to the document “Notice for Qualification of High-tech Enterprises” (GKHZD〔2015〕No.36) issued

by Department of Science and Technology High-tech Development Center, Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine

Machinery Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. – subsidies of the Company,

were renewed or their qualifications as high-tech enterprises. Therefore they enjoy 15% of tax for 2014-2016.

3. Other

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. registered in Indonesia overseas subsidiaries,

the applicable local relevant tax laws and regulations.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary capital


Items End of term Beginning of term

Cash in stock 391,106.17 307,654.85

Bank deposit 688,833,556.36 562,455,906.65

Other monetary fund 62,372,133.71 51,194,502.41

Total 751,596,796.24 613,958,063.91

Incl:Total of accounts saved overseas 9,182,145.32 9,198,137.90

Other statements

Other monetary fund composes of RMB59,872,133.71 of security for bank acceptance notes and

RMB2,500,000.00 of security for bank guarantee letter. Both under limitation of using.

2. Bills receivable

(1) Notes receivable listed by category


Items End of term Beginning of term


Bank acceptance 637,528,943.49 689,241,938.01

Total 680,518,943.49 701,109,938.01

(2) Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due

on the balance sheet date at the period-end


Amount of recognition termination Amount of not terminated


at the period-end recognition at the preriod -end

Bank acceptance 400,375,131.86

Total 400,375,131.86


3. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category


Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportio Proportio Book value Proportio Proportio Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount Propo

n n n n




portfolio subject 2,861,049,700.73 98.97% Amount 2,096,090,157.61 2,969,407,602.57 99.01% 580,487,960.59 19.55% 2,388,919,641.98

to impairment by n

credit risk


receivable of

individual not


29,819,607.69 1.03% 29,819,607.69 100.00% 29,819,607.69 0.99% 29,819,607.69 100.00%

subject to


assessment for


Total 2,890,869,308.42 100.00% 794,779,150.81 27.49% 2,096,090,157.61 2,999,227,210.26 100.00% 610,307,568.28 20.35% 2,388,919,641.98

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided

Not applicable

Account receivable in the portfolio which are provided bad debt provision on age basis


End of term


Book balance Bad debt provision Providing rate%

Subitem within 1 year

Within 1 year 780,946,769.51 39,047,338.50 5.00%


Subtotal within 1 year 780,946,769.51 39,047,338.50 5.00%

1-2 years 852,535,246.15 85,253,524.61 10.00%

2-3 years 615,601,136.27 184,680,340.89 30.00%

Over 3 years 310,992,707.13 186,595,624.29 60.00%

3-4 years 157,955,634.19 126,364,507.35 80.00%

4-5 years 172,837,815.17 172,837,815.17 100.00%

Over 5 years 2,890,869,308.42 794,779,150.81 27.49%



(2)Accrual period, recovery or reversal of bad debts situation

The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB190,166,947.80 ; recovery or payback for bad debts

Amount is RMB0.00.

Where the current bad debts back or recover significant amounts:

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


Items Amount

Difficult to recover 5,695,365.27

Of which the significant actual write-off accounts receivable:


Arising from

Nature of account Amount written Reason for Verification related


receivables off write-off procedures transactions


Zhejiang Jiahua The examined an

Difficult to

Energy Chemical Goods 1,920,000.00 d adopted to No

Co., Ltd. recover

Board of directors

Oriental The examined an

Electrical Difficult to


Group .Beijing Goods 1,599,316.10


d adopted to

Company Board of directors


Petrochemical The examined an

Difficult to

Group Sichuan Goods 290,000.00 d adopted to No

Vigny Lun recover

factory Board of directors

The examined an

Difficult to

Other Goods 1,886,049.17 d adopted to No


Board of directors

Total -- 5,695,365.27

Explanation for write-off of account receivables:

The amount of the account receivable actually written off in this period was of RMB


(4)The ending balance of other receivables owed by the imputation of the top five parties

Name Amount Proportion(%) Bad debt provision

Client 1 767,883,553.92 26.56 218,791,022.90

Client 2 338,964,890.80 11.73 128,687,041.80


Client 3 118,867,104.21 4.11 11,886,710.42

Client 4 49,710,305.99 1.72 3,657,185.10

Client 5 40,110,000.00 1.39 4,011,000.00

Subtotal 1,315,535,854.92 45.51 367,532,960.22

4. Prepayments

(1)Age analysis


Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin


Amount Proportion(%) Amount Proportion(%)

Within 1 year 107,708,874.45 77.34% 145,672,687.02 84.68%

1-2 years 25,792,370.60 18.52% 23,007,830.11 13.37%

2-3 years 2,763,347.80 1.98% 2,055,629.60 1.20%

Over 3 years 3,002,731.80 2.16% 1,286,621.66 0.75%

Total 139,267,324.65 -- 172,022,768.39 --

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment ages over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:


(2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment colleted according to the prepayment target

Name Amount




Hangzhuo Xuesong Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. 7,120,000.00 5.11

Shanghai Jiebiao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 5,941,642.66 4.27

Beijing Jingcheng Zeyu Energy Protection Engineering 5,370,000.00 3.86

Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhongguang International Engineering Co., Ltd. 4,918,271.09 3.53

Subtotal 30,902,958.65 22.19

5. Other account receivable

1) Detailed categories


End of term Beginning of term

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportio Proportio Book value Providing Proporti Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount

n% n% rate % on %

Major single amount and bad

debt provision provided 3,710,320.94 10.97% 3,710,320.94 100.00% 3,710,320.94 10.92% 3,710,320.94 100.00%


Bad debt provision provided on

30,117,186.12 89.03% 4,543,128.83 15.08% 25,574,057.29 30,275,426.55 89.08% 4,893,203.23 16.16% 25,382,223.32

risk groups

Total 33,827,507.06 100.00% 8,253,449.77 24.40% 25,574,057.29 33,985,747.49 100.00% 8,603,524.17 25.32% 25,382,223.32

Other receivables with individually significant amount and provision for bad and doubtful debts individually provided at the end of the reporting period.


End of term

Other account receivable(Other Unit)

Other receivable account Bad debt provision Providing rate% Reason

Shanghai Customs Waigaoqiao Office 3,710,320.94 3,710,320.94 100.00% Difficult to recover

Total 3,710,320.94 3,710,320.94 -- --

Other receivable accounts in the group on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis


End of term


Other receivable account Bad debt provision Providing rate %

Subitem within 1 year

Within 1 year 16,866,162.42 843,308.14 5.00%

Subtotal within 1 year 16,866,162.42 843,308.14 5.00%

1-2 years 6,449,811.70 644,981.17 10.00%

2-3 years 4,655,921.60 1,396,776.48 30.00%

Over 3 years 910,500.00 546,300.00 60.00%

3-4 years 615,136.80 492,109.44 80.00%

4-5 years 4,329,974.54 4,329,974.54 100.00%

Over 5 years 33,827,507.06 8,253,449.77 24.40%


(2)The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB -64,824.40; recovery or payback for bad debts Amount is RMB 0.00.

(3) The actual write-off other accounts receivable


Items Amount

Difficult to recover 285,250.00

Of which the significant write-off other accounts receivable:



Whether occurred

Name Nature Amount Reason Process from the related


Luoyang Jinlong

The examined

Electric Power Difficult to

Deposit 200,000.00 and approved of No

extension recover

board of directors


Total 200,000.00

(4) Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts


Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance

Deposit 21,439,653.49 23,526,521.57

Provisional payment receivalbe 5,862,759.48 4,720,051.08

Petty cash 1,371,901.86 920,428.38

Other 5,153,192.23 4,818,746.46

Total 33,827,507.06 33,985,747.49

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable colleted according to the arrears party


Proportion of the total

Closing balance

year end balance of

Name Nature Closing balance Aging of bad debt

the accounts



Shanghai Customs Waigaoqiao Deposit in Over 5

Office custom 3,710,320.94 10.97% 3,710,320.94


Investment from Indonesia

Investment 3,246,800.00 2-3 years 9.60% 974,040.00

Company receivable


Within 1

Export drawback receivable Export Rebates 2,581,750.03 7.63% 129,087.50


Guoxin Bidding Group Co.,Ltd. Bidding deposit 1,659,500.00 0-5 years 4.91% 120,100.00

Guodian Trust Bidding Co., Ltd. Bidding deposit 1,455,150.00 0-4 years 4.30% 365,115.00

Total -- 12,653,520.97 -- 37.41% 5,298,663.44

6. Inventories

(1) Details


End of term Beginning of term

Items Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision


materials 458,779,130.89 458,779,130.89 461,117,423.30 461,117,423.30

Product in

process 564,392,004.76 564,392,004.76 539,174,718.21 539,174,718.21

Products in

stock 856,686,717.61 52,988,014.66 803,698,702.95 593,940,331.76 158,244.58 593,782,087.18

Total 1,879,857,853.26 52,988,014.66 1,826,869,838.60 1,594,232,473.27 158,244.58 1,594,074,228.69

(2) Inventory depreciation provision


Beginning of Increased this period Decreased this period

Items Written back or Others End of term

term Provided Others


Product in

process 2,198,984.63 2,198,984.63

Products in

stock 158,244.58 52,829,770.08 52,988,014.66

Total 158,244.58 55,028,754.71 2,198,984.63 52,988,014.66

The rotary pin for inventories of the company for the period due to the disposal of suspension units, corresponding to marketing costs and

inventory provision have occurred.

7. Other current asset



Items End of term Beginning of term

Bank financing products [note] 426,000,000.00 378,800,000.00

Input tax deductible 1,089,566.15 2,385,481.70

Prepaid income tax

113,279.98 884,753.86

Prepayment of other tax



427,203,835.44 382,070,235.56

[Note]: Financial products are financial products and trust financial products, are in non-guaranteed floating-income short-term (or short-term redeemable) financial

products, and no active market price.

8. Sellable financial asset

(1) Details


End of term Beginning of term

Items Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provision provision

Available-for-sale equity

509,409,741.77 509,409,741.77 498,990,862.94 498,990,862.94


On cost basis 509,409,741.77 509,409,741.77 498,990,862.94 498,990,862.94

Total 509,409,741.77 509,409,741.77 498,990,862.94 498,990,862.94

(2) Sellable financial assets on cost basis


Book balance Impairment provision Shareholding

Beginning of Increased this period Beginning of Increased this Decreas End

term term period ed this of

proportion Cash bonus of the

Company invested in

period term among the reporting period


Bank of Hangzhou Co.,Ltd. 390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00 6.92% 27,742,368.00

Greenesol Co.(India) 5,534,773.22 5,534,773.22 37.00%


Hangzhou Changdi Equity Investment

27,522,049.72 11,593,515.32 39,115,565.04 2.97%

Partnership(Limited liability)

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co.,

30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 15.00%


Zhejiang Sanxin Automatic Engineering

600,000.00 600,000.00 6.00%

Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Zhongkong Solar Energy

15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 5.27%

Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Tianhang Steam Turbine Auxiliary

10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 33.33% 1,000,000.00

Machinery Co., Ltd.


Wuxi Xinchang Steel Tube Co., Ltd. 19,380,000.00 18,205,363.51 18.00%



Total 498,990,862.94 11,593,515.32 509,409,741.77 -- 28,742,368.00


9. Fixed assets



Items Houses & buildings Machinery equipment Transportation equipment Office equipment Total

I.Original value

1.Opening balance 426,487,329.57 931,262,735.06 33,152,494.69 96,116,812.56 1,487,019,371.88


2.Increased amount of the

4,352,583.36 41,537,856.16 1,046,145.39 4,020,784.69 50,957,369.60


(1)Outsourcing 3,222,341.23 866,427.74 1,478,306.75 5,618,357.77

(2)Inventory, Fixed assetsand

4,352,583.36 38,221,497.84 179,717.65 2,542,477.94 45,339,011.83

Construction project into

( 3 ) Enterprise


3.Decreased amount ofthe

2,800,783.43 4,412,665.00 587,651.54 7,801,099.97


(1)Disposal 2,795,603.43 4,412,665.00 587,651.54 7,795,919.97

Other 5,180.00 5,180.00

4.Closing balance 430,839,912.93 969,999,807.79 29,785,975.08 99,549,945.71 1,530,175,641.51

II.Accumulated depreciation

accumulated amortization

1.Opening balance 151,139,947.58 560,699,909.96 19,348,619.55 71,014,360.27 802,202,837.36

2.Increased amount of the

12,389,372.17 62,046,111.40 2,340,792.98 9,052,764.56 85,829,041.11


(1)Withdrawal 12,389,372.17 62,046,111.40 2,340,792.98 9,052,764.56 85,829,041.11

3.Decreased amount ofthe

period 2,279,459.72 2,784,692.57 1,824,891.76 6,889,044.05

(1)Disposal 2,279,459.72 2,784,692.57 1,824,891.76 6,889,044.05

4.Closing balance 163,529,319.75 620,466,561.64 18,904,719.96 78,242,233.07 881,142,834.42

III. Impairment provision

1.Opening balance 1,504,928.24 4,074,858.43 1,203,366.99 6,783,153.66


2.Increased amount of the



3.Decreased amount of the



4.Closing balance 1,504,928.24 4,074,858.43 1,203,366.99 6,783,153.66

IV. Book value

1.Closing book value 265,805,664.94 345,458,387.72 10,881,255.12 20,104,345.65 642,249,653.43

2.Opening book 273,842,453.75 366,487,966.67 13,803,875.14 23,899,085.30 678,033,380.86

10. Project under construction

(1)Project under construction


End of term Beginning of term

Items Impairment

Book balance Book value Book balance Impairment provision Book value


Construction in process of parent

79,982,551.34 79,982,551.34 31,563,732.35 31,563,732.35

Company(127 projects)

Completed project of parent

35,738,532.24 35,738,532.24

Company(109 projects)

Tangxi Workshop PhaseII,

19,540,353.62 19,540,353.62 13,036,376.35 13,036,376.35

Gouneng Company

Project of steam turbine heavy

18,177,025.86 18,177,025.86 5,718,626.32 5,718,626.32


Minor purchasing of equipment

1,780,341.88 1,780,341.88

by subsidiaries


Prepayment for equipment or

1,487,176.70 1,487,176.70 1,631,650.00 1,631,650.00


Total 119,187,107.52 119,187,107.52 89,469,259.14 89,469,259.14

(2) Changes of significant construction in progress


Capital Including


isation :Current


Progre of amount Sour

Beginning of Increased this Transferred into Other Proportion( of

Project Budget RMB x10000 End of term ss of interest of ce of

term period fixed assets decreases %)

work accumu interest

capitaliza funds


lated tion of


balance interest


Construction in process of Othe

180,359,400.00 31,563,732.35 48,418,818.99 79,982,551.34 44.35% Constr

parent Company(127 projects) r



Completed project of parent Othe

42,710,600.00 35,738,532.24 2,441,502.30 38,180,034.54 89.61% plete

Company(109 projects) r




Tangxi Workshop PhaseII, Othe

30,000,000.00 13,036,376.35 9,743,979.74 3,240,002.47 19,540,353.62 75.93% Cons

Gouneng Company r





Project of steam turbine heavy Othe

1,794,100,000.00 5,718,626.32 12,458,399.54 18,177,025.86 1.01% Cons

industry r





Minor purchasing of Othe

3,331,551.41 1,780,341.88 1,551,209.53 3,331,551.41 100.00% plete

equipment by subsidiaries r




Prepayment for equipment or Othe

2,604,195.84 1,631,650.00 972,545.84 1,117,019.14 1,487,176.70 Cons

projects r



Total 2,053,105,747.25 89,469,259.14 75,586,455.94 45,868,607.56 119,187,107.52 -- -- --


11. Intangible assets



Items Land using right Patent Non-patent right Software Total

I. Original price

1.Opening balance 332,298,312.33 200,000.00 260,000.00 332,758,312.33

2.Increased amount ofthe

period 8,000,000.00 68,376.07 8,068,376.07

(1) Purchase 68,376.07 68,376.07

(2)Internal Development

(3)Increased of Enterprise


Capital invested by stockholder 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00

3.Decreased amount of the



4.Closing balance 332,298,312.33 200,000.00 8,000,000.00 328,376.07 340,826,688.40

II.Accumulated amortization

1.Opening balance 28,456,359.23 58,000.00 143,333.33 28,657,692.56

2.Increased amount of the

6,662,865.37 28,000.00 466,666.67 62,256.62 7,219,788.66


(1) Withdrawal 6,662,865.37 28,000.00 466,666.67 62,256.62 7,219,788.66

3.Decreased amount of the



4.Closing balance 35,119,224.60 86,000.00 466,666.67 205,589.95 35,877,481.22

III. Impairment provision

1.Opening balance

2.Increased amount of the


(1) Withdrawal

3.Decreased amount of the




4.Closing balance

IV. Book value

1.Closing book value 297,179,087.73 114,000.00 7,533,333.33 122,786.12 304,949,207.18

2.Opening book value 303,841,953.10 142,000.00 116,666.67 304,100,619.77

The intangible assets by the end of the formation of the company's internal R & D accounted for 0.00% of the

proportion of the balance of intangible assets

12. Long-term amortize expenses


Amortized expenses

Items Balance in year-begin Increase in this period Other loss Balance in year-end

Redecoration 1,041,796.52 1,050,172.00 310,672.72 1,781,295.80

Afforestation fees 372,263.00 124,087.00 248,176.00

Total 1,041,796.52 1,422,435.00 434,759.72 2,029,471.80

13. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set


Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Items Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

difference assets difference assets

Provision for Asset

862,665,829.01 134,087,883.30 6,783,153.66 1,017,473.05


Internal trade profit not

51,540,875.71 7,731,131.35 31,366,833.60 4,784,324.37


Deductible loss 109,318,315.61 16,427,657.71 0.00 0.00

Bad debt provision 4,521,435.59 678,215.34 6,567,225.16 985,083.78

Inventory impairment

1,028,046,455.92 158,924,887.70 663,708,944.40 102,885,927.93


Temporary difference

such as amortizing of 4,521,435.59 678,215.34 6,567,225.16 985,083.78

software expense


1,025,181,586.07 158,924,887.70 663,708,944.40 102,885,927.93

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set


Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Items Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deductible temporary Deferred income tax

difference liabilities difference liabilities


depreciation: 6,783,153.66 1,017,473.05 6,783,153.66 1,017,473.05



6,783,153.66 1,017,473.05 6,783,153.66 1,017,473.05

(3)Details of the un-recognized deferred income tax assets


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Deductible provisional differences 137,939.89 77,605.05

Recoverable losses 5,606,704.52 2,086,222.26


5,744,644.41 2,163,827.31

(4)Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years


Year Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin Remark

2017 873,013.84

2018 1,088,275.32 744,962.67

2019 903,272.74 468,245.75

2020 3,615,156.46

Total 5,606,704.52 2,086,222.26 --

17.Short-term loans

(1)Category of short-term loans


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Loan by pledge 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

Mortgage loan

75,350,000.00 88,600,000.00

Guarantee loan


Total 85,350,000.00 198,600,000.00

15. Notes payable


Category Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Bank acceptance 194,226,049.73 150,763,452.14


194,226,049.73 150,763,452.14

The amount payable at the end of this term is RMB 0.00.

16. Account payable

(1)List of Account payable


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Goods 796,106,637.10 689,452,672.67


Payment for equipment and projects 14,313,744.35 73,633,046.25

Total 810,420,381.45 763,085,718.92

17. Advance from customers

(1) List of advance from customers


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

Goods 1,736,820,949.19 1,374,736,209.67

Total 1,736,820,949.19 1,374,736,209.67

18. Payable Employee wage

(1)Payable Employee wage


Items Year-beginning Increase in the Decrease in the

Year-end balance

balance current period current period

I. Short-term

43,878,015.68 593,701,438.73 590,935,963.73 46,643,490.68


II.Post-employment b

enefits - defined contr 21,794,690.41 72,391,638.02 70,572,344.65 23,613,983.78

ibution plans

Total 65,672,706.09 666,093,076.75 661,508,308.38 70,257,474.46

(2)Short-term compensation


Items Year-beginning Increase in the Decrease in the

Year-end balance

balance current period current period

1.Wages, bonuses,

28,767,519.81 443,703,113.87 437,798,876.14 34,671,757.54

allowances and subsidies

2.Employee welfare 45,687,602.76 45,687,602.76

3. Social insurance

7,648,459.07 42,249,920.56 44,512,706.69 5,385,672.94


Inlduding :Medical

7,056,425.63 35,725,121.71 38,034,663.13 4,746,884.21


Work injury insurance 194,756.44 2,233,265.14 2,208,986.39 219,035.19

Maternity insurance 397,277.00 4,291,533.71 4,269,057.17 419,753.54

4.Public reserves for housing 220,900.96 50,275,861.00 50,385,867.00 110,894.96

5.Union funds and staff

6,606,703.84 11,784,940.54 11,916,479.14 6,475,165.24

education fee

7.Short-term profit shareing

634,432.00 634,432.00


Total 43,878,015.68 593,701,438.73 590,935,963.73 46,643,490.68


(3) Details of fixed provision scheme


Increase in this Payable in this period Balance in year-end

Items Balance in year-begin


1. Basic old-age

4,681,929.48 48,045,727.87 47,760,587.35 4,967,070.00

insurance premiums


664,347.08 5,439,117.17 5,571,348.34 532,115.91


3.Enterprise annuity

16,448,413.85 18,906,792.98 17,240,408.96 18,114,797.87


Total 21,794,690.41 72,391,638.02 70,572,344.65 23,613,983.78

19. Tax Payable


Items Balance in year-end Balance in year-begin

VAT 14,415,685.85 64,272,374.25

Business Tax 26,734.00 5,570.00

Enterprise Income tax 13,503,170.56 48,371,910.29

Individual Income tax 2,576,708.03 2,395,496.64

City Construction tax 1,039,687.83 4,901,454.49

Property tax 39,647.76 1,944.00

Education subjoin 453,914.47 2,113,092.00

Locality Education subjoin 303,713.60 1,398,939.85

Stamp tax 19,236.84 43,704.27

Local water source foundation 2,382,364.75 2,584,778.06

Land use tax 1,245,105.20

Disabled security fund 2,140.20

Price adjustment foundation 1,996.88

Total 36,008,109.09 126,091,260.73

20. Other account payable

(1) Other accounts payable listed by nature of the account


Items End of term Beginning of term

Deposit 1,462,038.45 2,424,372.25


Provisional account payable 22,729,311.10 26,127,465.27

Others 5,513,775.96 1,046,051.60


29,705,125.51 29,597,889.12

21. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year


Items End of term Beginning of term

Long-term loans due within 1 year 300,000.00

Total 300,000.00

Other explanation :

22. Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loan


Items End of term Beginning of term

Mortgage loan 23,400,000.00 18,500,000.00

Guaranteed loans 100,000,000.00

Total 123,400,000.00 18,500,000.00

23.Long term payroll payable

(1)List of long term payroll payable


Items End of term Beginning of term

Drawing in administrative

330,000.00 330,000.00


23. Deferred income

(1) Details


Items Beginning of Increased this Decreased this

End of term Cause

term period period

Government Government

subsidy 8,252,705.00 1,448,280.00 6,804,425.00 subsidy


8,252,705.00 1,448,280.00 6,804,425.00 --

(2) Details of government subsidies


New Amount

Other Asset-related

subsidy in transferred to

Items Beginning of term change End of term or

current non-operational

s income-related

period income


Government subsidy Asset-related

for casting project 5,901,165.00 997,380.00 4,903,785.00

Subsidy for industrial Asset-related

upgrading by 800,000.00 160,000.00 640,000.00

provincial government

Government subsidy Asset-related

for industrial entities

from Yuhang District 534,650.00 106,930.00 427,720.00

Government in the

2nd half of 2009

Government finance Asset-related

for industrial project 345,360.00 28,780.00 316,580.00

in the 2nd half of 2006

Finance for casting Asset-related

345,360.00 28,780.00 316,580.00


Government subsidy Asset-related

136,920.00 11,410.00 125,510.00

for recycling economy

10K ton casting line Asset-related

78,000.00 26,000.00 52,000.00

enlarging project

Government fund for Asset-related


111,250.00 89,000.00 22,250.00



Total 8,252,705.00 1,448,280.00 6,804,425.00 --

25. Stock capital


Increase/decrease this time (+ , - )

Balance Transferr

Issuing of Bonus Subtota Balance year-end

Year-beginning ed from Other

new share shares l


Total of

754,010,400.00 754,010,400.00

capital shares

26. Capital reserves


Items Year-beginning Increase in the Decrease in the Year-end balance

balance current period current period

Share premium 81,815,220.00 81,815,220.00

Other capital reserves 57,775,125.09 57,775,125.09


Total 139,590,345.09 139,590,345.09

27. Other comprehensive income


Occurred current term

Less: accounted

Amount Less:

Beginning of as other gains Attributable to

Items occurred Income Attributable to End of term

term previously but minority

before income tax the parent co.

transferred to shareholders

tax of the expense after tax

gain/loss this after tax

period s



Later reclassified into profit an

-640,401.72 -498,713.66 -212,350.28 -286,363.38 -852,752.00

d loss of other comprehensive i


Difference of translating of

-640,401.72 -498,713.66 -212,350.28 -286,363.38 -852,752.00

foreign currency accounts

Total of other comprehensive

-640,401.72 -498,713.66 -212,350.28 -286,363.38 -852,752.00


28. Surplus reserve


Items Year-beginning Increase in the Decrease in the Year-end balance

balance current period current period

Labor safety

expenses 24,603,149.96 10,038,758.63 2,876,988.08 31,764,920.51

Total 24,603,149.96 10,038,758.63 2,876,988.08 31,764,920.51

Other notes, including changes and reason of change::

(2) According to the “Notice for Provision of Labor Safety Fund” (.〔2012〕CQ No 16) issued by the Department

of Finance and Safety Inspection Bureau General on February 14, 2012, the labor safety fund provided this period

was RMB10,038,758.63, and RMB2,876,988.08 was used.

29. Surplus reserves


Beginning of term Increased this Decreased this End of term


period period

Statutory surplus

reserves 621,112,807.78 621,112,807.78

Total 621,112,807.78 621,112,807.78

Statement on surplus reserves. Please state the related resolutions of the Board on capitalizing of reserves, making

up losses, and dividends:

30. Retained profits



Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Adjustment on retained profit at end of previous

2,911,921,943.21 2,736,802,630.30


Amount of retained profit at beginning of period


adjusted (+,-)

Retained profit at beginning of term after

2,911,921,943.21 2,747,934,800.71


Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the

-162,809,311.79 352,077,352.23

parent company

Less: Statutory surplus reserves


Common share dividend payable

75,401,040.00 150,802,080.00

Retained profit at the end of term 2,673,711,591.42 2,911,921,943.21

As regards the details of adjusted the beginning undistributed profits

(1)As the retroactive adjustment on Enterprise Accounting Standards and its related new regulations, the affected

beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(2) As the change of the accounting policy, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(3) As the correction of significant accounting error, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

(4) As the change of consolidation scope caused by the same control, the affected beginning undistributed profits

are RMB 0.00.

(5) Other adjustment of the total affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

31.Operation income and operation cost


Amount of this period Amount of last period

Items Income Cost Income Cost


operation 2,590,940,234.32 1,801,566,917.72 3,712,245,023.30 2,356,223,787.76


operation 9,131,917.31 4,374,605.05 10,086,896.83 6,901,864.74

Total 2,600,072,151.63 1,805,941,522.77 3,722,331,920.13 2,363,125,652.50

32. Business tax and subjoin


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Business tax

168,455.47 395,605.17

Urban construction tax

6,811,793.17 17,274,570.78

Education surcharge 3,020,314.16 7,506,915.80

Locality Education surcharge 2,013,702.28 5,004,408.18

Total 12,014,265.08 30,181,499.93


33. Sales expense


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Employees’ remunerations 55,578,994.47 59,145,939.95

Transportation 46,831,719.53 36,715,265.29

Business trips 21,738,647.26 23,629,326.46

Business reception expenses 6,581,264.62 7,147,501.90

Conferences 3,090,197.44 4,657,261.07

Consulting service fee 12,052,251.77 12,069,902.23

Insurance for turbine unit 513,268.74 808,458.03

Warranty expense 3,092,751.43 7,713,784.14

Product exhibition 1,262,003.93 887,305.80

Office expenses 887,755.72 476,111.80

Others 5,073,951.70 5,340,042.77

Total 156,702,806.61 158,590,899.44

34. Administrative expense


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Employees’ remunerations 310,949,457.62 315,672,788.11

R&D 179,039,951.91 160,360,992.99

Asset depreciation and amortizing 21,438,092.85 19,576,145.22

Business reception expenses 14,480,442.18 15,642,585.41

House rental, property management, water

and power 14,901,746.04 18,319,231.84

Traveling fees 7,094,343.92 6,262,888.00

Tax 9,623,889.66 8,356,544.03

Material, low-value-consumable 4,181,569.01 4,192,567.96

Office expenses 4,877,897.81 3,790,444.45

Maintaining 2,811,447.33 4,167,891.59

Others 38,822,291.15 35,776,504.63

Total 608,221,129.48 592,118,584.23

35.Financial expenses


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Interest expense 11,853,040.55 16,566,219.27

Less: Incoming interests 7,263,343.36 8,389,049.84

Exchange gains/losses -14,356,533.14 5,179,576.54


Commission 2,203,086.50 1,899,044.02

Total -7,563,749.45 15,255,789.99

36. Asset impairment loss


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Bad debt losses 190,102,123.40 121,146,387.69

Fixed assets impairment losses



245,130,878.11 121,146,387.69

37. Investment income


Items Amount of this period Amount of last period

Investment gains from holding of

sellable financial assets 28,742,368.00 24,118,640.00

Gains from financing products

19,624,429.30 20,631,255.58

Total 48,366,797.30 44,749,895.58

38. Non-operational income


Amount accounted into

Items Current term Same period of last term non-recurring gain/loss of

current term

Total of gains from disposal of

non-current assets 55,683.00

Incl. Gains from disposal of

fixed assets 55,683.00 510,865.15 55,683.00

Government subsidy 15,752,977.27 12,268,275.22 15,752,977.27

Compensation income 11,181,491.50 10,791,741.62 11,181,491.50

Payment not to be paid 1,462,564.00 404,380.80 1,462,564.00

Others 573,061.37 97,853.99 573,061.37


29,025,777.14 24,073,116.78 29,025,777.14

Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses


Whether the Asset-related or


impact of Whether

Amount of this Amount of last

Subsidy items subsidies on the special period period

current profit subsidies

and loss

Transferred from deferred income No No 1,448,280.00 Asset-related

Coal chemical industry, iron and steel industry COGEN

No No 5,060,000.00 Income related

50MW steam turbine series development level

Enterprise Funding by Hangzhou Economy & No No 1,330,900.00 Income related


Technology Development Zone Finance office

Refunding of property tax No No 1,253,825.27 Income related

Award for Enterprise R&D Investment 2011 No No 971,000.00 Income related

Land use tax return No No 868,205.00 Income related

Water fund return No No 786,093.91

Science and technology overall plan fund robot project No No 635,000.00 Income related

Financial support fund No No 635,000.00 Income related

2015 FINANCIAL Subsidy No No 500,000.00 Income related

Hangzhou Industrial and fiscal 2015 financial

No No 500,000.00 Income related

information development funding

2015 Quality and Technical Supervision grant funds No No 300,000.00 Income related

Yuhang District 2013 annual enterprise training the first

No No 287,700.00 Income related

batch of financial support fund

Quality award financial incentives No No 200,000.00 Income related

2013 second batch of quality and technical supervision

No No 120,000.00 Income related


Stable employment social securitysubsidies No No 116,589.42 Income related

Hangzhou Xiacheng District financial subsidies granted

No No 100,000.00 Income related

for safety production financial subsidies

Production safety standards of financial reward fund No No 100,000.00 Income related

2014 The first safety standardization standards

No No 100,000.00 Income related

(re-evaluation) enterprise financial assistance

Other small amount subsidies No No 440,383.67 Income related

Deferred revenue transfer No No 1,448,280.00 Asset-related

Exemption of local water preservation found 2013 No No 3,536,744.90 Income related

Subsidies to Major Innovative Projects from Hangzhou

No No 1,122,000.00 Income related

Industrial Fund 2013

Award for Technical Innovative Enterprise 2013 No No 1,115,000.00 Income related

Government subsidy for 1st production of special

equipment manufacturing of strategic new industry No No 1,000,000.00 Income related

Subsidy for industrializing of technologies, Hangzhou

Economy and Technology Development Zone No No 800,000.00 Income related

Subsidy for enterprise R&D 2012

No No 630,000.00 Income related

Award for technical standard 2013

No No 540,000.00 Income related

Subsidy for innovative industrial projects 2013 of

Hangzhou No No 500,000.00 Income related

Property tax exemption 2013

No No 358,486.06 Income related

Subsidy for R&D from Hangzhou Economy &

Technology Development Zone 2012 No No 206,400.00 Income related

Exemption of Land-using Tax 2013 No No 117,059.68 Income related

Award for the Enterprise of Year 2013 No No 110,000.00 Income related

Special fund for international trading 2013 from

No No 100,000.00 Income related

Zhejiang Provincial Government

Award for Technical Projects No No 100,000.00 Income related


Other small amount subsidies

No No 584,304.58 Income related

Total -- -- 15,752,977.27 12,268,275.22 --

39. Non-operational expenditure


Amount accounted into

Same period of

Items Current term non-recurring gain/loss of current

last term


Total of loss from disposal of

non-current assets 497,599.66

Incl. Loss from disposal of fixed

assets 497,599.66 427,820.27 497,599.66

Donations 370,000.00 610,000.00 370,000.00

Penalty paid out 506,973.23 1,495,921.10 506,973.23

Local water source foundation 3,656,045.61 5,084,356.89

Penalties 37,457.69 317,968.45 37,457.69

Others 138,304.32 1,468,231.45 172,239.32


5,206,380.51 9,404,298.16 1,550,334.90

40. Income tax expenses

(1) Details


Items Current term Same period of last term

Income tax of current term 31,881,180.92 89,793,577.50

Deferred income tax -56,038,959.77 -12,408,476.79

Total -24,157,778.85 77,385,100.71

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses


Items Current term

Total profit -148,188,507.04

Income tax expenses calculated on legal / applicable tax rate -22,228,276.06

Impact of different tax rates of subsidiaries 3,160,197.56

Impact of income tax adjustment in previous periods 1,235,288.54

Impact of non-taxable income -4,411,355.20

Impact of un-deductible costs, expenses or losses 2,978,439.52

Change on open balance of deferred income tax asset by change of


tax rate

Impact of provisional differences by using unrecognized deferred


income tax asset of previous period

Impact of extra deduction of R&D expenses -5,665,533.49

Impact of deductible temporary difference of un-recognized


deferred income tax asset of current period


Income tax expenses -24,157,778.85

41. Other Comprehensive income

Please find the statement in the notes of consolidated balance sheet.

42. Notes Cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received from business operation


Items Occurred current term Occurred in previous term

Deposit interest 7,263,343.36 8,389,049.84

Government subsidies received 11,396,573.09 10,849,995.22

Deposit for bidding and other 9,164,486.54 3,669,590.00

Compensation income 204,038.50 1,594,307.63

Other 2,365,618.08 97,136.21

Total 30,394,059.57 24,600,078.90

2. Other cash paid for business activities


Items Occurred current term Occurred in previous term

Travel expenses 48,696,007.83 38,445,727.11

Transportation 27,665,861.80 28,646,346.08

Business trips 21,637,189.33 22,417,855.72

Maintaining 2,824,225.05 4,191,987.22

Property management and civil

15,113,839.76 25,466,837.10


Deposit for bidding and others 1,086,259.96 7,277,860.47

Office expenses 5,767,669.91 6,754,541.50

Conferences 3,308,152.54 4,473,984.77

Consulting service fee 12,970,940.60 12,316,585.78

Transportation and vehicles 7,467,278.69 6,970,905.17

Other 35,568,063.63 29,188,046.33

Total 182,105,489.10 186,150,677.25

3. Other investment-related cash received


Items Occurred current term Occurred in previous term

Repurchasing of trusteeship 1,744,905,999.95 1,810,600,000.00

Principal and interest of loans

retrieved from Hangzhou Hengsheng 2,594,104.88

Thermal Power Equipment Co., Ltd.

Total 1,744,905,999.95 1,813,194,104.88

4. Other cash paid for investment activities



Items Current term Same period of last term

Purchasing of financial products 1,792,105,999.95 1,871,400,000.00

Total 1,792,105,999.95 1,871,400,000.00

5. Other financing-related cash received


Items Current term Same period of last term

Financing notes received from

HSTG 300,000,000.00

Total 300,000,000.00

6. Other cash paid for financing activities


Items Current term Same period of last term

Repayment of financing notes to

HSTG 300,000,000.00

Total 300,000,000.00

43. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement



Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous

Supplementary Info.

Term Term

I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating

-- --


Net profit -124,030,728.19 423,946,719.84

Add: Impairment loss provision of assets 245,130,878.11 121,146,387.69

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and

85,829,041.11 82,042,922.86

consumable biological assets

Amortization of intangible assets 7,219,788.66 6,742,865.49

Amortization of Long-term deferred expenses 434,759.72 264,386.48

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other

435,942.14 -83,044.88

long-term deferred assets

Loss on scrap of fixed assets


Financial cost 5,284,099.92 16,322,020.76

Loss on investment -48,366,797.30 -44,749,895.58

Decrease of deferred income tax assets -56,038,959.77 -12,408,476.79

Decrease of inventories -287,824,364.62 -71,411,960.25


Decease of operating receivables 135,158,915.99 -98,723,280.79

Increased of operating Payable 382,311,670.05 -149,391,703.55

Other 10,127,552.71 10,032,030.64

Net cash flows arising from operating activities 355,677,773.05 283,728,971.92

II. Significant investment and financing activities that

-- --

without cash flows:

3.Movement of cash and cash equivalents:

-- --

Ending balance of cash 689,224,662.53 562,763,561.50

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents 562,763,561.50 810,928,644.47

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 126,461,101.03 -248,165,082.97

(2)Composition of cash and cash equivalents


Items End of term Beginning of term

1) Cash 689,224,662.53 562,763,561.50

Incl: Cash in stock 391,106.17 307,654.85

Bank savings could be used at any time 688,833,556.36 562,455,906.65

3) Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of

689,224,662.53 562,763,561.50


(3) Monetary capital not categorized as cash or cash equivalents

Items End of term Beginning of term

Security deposit not attributable as cash or cash equivalent 62,372,133.71 51,194,502.41

Sub-total 62,372,133.71 51,194,502.41

44. Assets with limitation on ownership or using rights


Items Closing book value Causation of limitation

Used as security for issuing of acceptance

Monetary capital 62,372,133.71

drafts and bill of guarantees

Fixed assets Securities for loans


Intangible assets Securities for loans



209,899,747.41 --

45. Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1) Details


Items Balance at end of period Exchange rate Translated to RMB at

end of period


Monetary capital -- -- 119,133,836.90

Incl. USD 16,745,776.61 6.4936 108,740,375.00

EURO 1,167,219.44 7.0952 8,281,655.37

HKD 5.51 0.8378 4.62

JPY 3,531.00 0.0539 190.22

Indonesia Rubi 4,505,170,987.00 0.000469 2,110,878.30

SWF 114.56 6.4018 733.39

Account receivable -- -- 167,308,082.78

Incl:USD 24,131,152.87 6.4936 156,698,054.27

Euro 1,334,724.51 7.0952 9,470,137.34

Indonesia Rubi 1,965,545,080.00 0.000469 920,947.60

SGD 47,726.12 4.5875 218,943.57

Account payable 9,835,665.12

Incl:USD 1,395,108.56 6.4936 9,059,276.95

Euro 4,150.86 7.0952 29,451.18

Indonesia Rubi 1,594,160,546.00 0.000469 746,936.99

Other receivable 3,246,800.00

Incl:USD 500,000.00 6.4936 3,246,800.00

Other payable 253,156.40

Indl:Indonesia Rubi 540,302,517.00 0.000469 253,156.40

(2) Note to overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities, which should be disclosed

about its principal business place, function currency for bookkeeping and basis for the choice. In case of any

change in function currency, the cause should be disclosed.

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. has its business located in Indonesia Rupee is

the pricing and booking currency of business operation.

VIII. Change in consolidation scope

1.Change in consolidation scope due to other cause

Description of consolidation scope changes and other causes (eg, the new subsidiary, the subsidiary liquidation, et

c.) and related conditions:

Way of

Increased of Consolidation scope Date of acquiring Capital input Proportion %

acquiring equity

Zhejiang Zhongrun Fuel Engine Newly

May 22, 2015 10,000,000 55.55%

Technology Co., Ltd. incorporated

IX. Equities in Other Entities

(I) Equity in major subsidiaries

1. Composition of major subsidiaries

Share proportion %

Main business Business Way

Name of the subsidiaries Reg. Add. Direct Indirect

location property




Zhejiang Steam Trubine Packaged Technologies Incorp

Hangzhou Hangzhou

Development Co., Ltd. Manufacturing 70.86% oratio

Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 60.83% oratio

(Zhongneng Co.) Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Hangzhou

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. Manufacturing 51.00% oratio

Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery Equipment Co., Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 52.00% oratio

Ltd. Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 87.53% oratio

Ltd. (Auxiliary Machinery Co.) Zhejiang Zhejiang



Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd. (Turbine Hangzhou Hangzhou

Commerce 100.00% oratio

Co.) Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 100.00% oratio

(Steam Turbine Heavy Industry) Zhejiang Zhejiang



Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co., Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 75.00% oratio

Ltd. (Huayuan Co.) Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 75.00% oratio

Ltd. (Guoneng Co.) Zhejiang Zhejiang



Xinjiang Taifeng Hangzhou Steam Turbine Packaged

Xinjiang Xinjiang Manufacturing 51.00% oratio

Technology Development Co., Ltd.



Hangzhou Bypass Mechanical & Electrical Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 70.00% oratio

Equipment Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhejiang



Shijiazhuang Hangneng Steam Turbine Technology Shijiazhuang Shijiazhuang

Service 60.00% oratio

Service Co., Ltd. Hebei Hebei


Kunming Hangzhong Steam Turbine Technology Incorp

Kunming Yunnan Kunming Yunnan Service 60.00%

Sevrvice Co., Ltd. oratio




Wulumuqi Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine Qulumuqi Qulumuqi

Service 60.00% oratio

Technology Sevrvice Co., Ltd. Xingjiang Xingjiang



Tangshan Hangneng Steam turbine Technology

Tangshan Hebei Tangshan Hebei Service 60.00% oratio

Sevrvice Co., Ltd.



Jilin Hangzhongneng Steam turbine Technology

Jilin Jilin Service 60.00% oratio

Sevrvice Co., Ltd.



Guangxi Hangzhongneng Steam turbine Technology

Nanning Guangxi Nanning Guangxi Service 60.00% oratio

Sevrvice Co., Ltd.



Chengdu Hangzhongneng Steam turbine Technology

Chengdu Sichuan Chengdu Sichuan Service 60.00% oratio

Sevrvice Co., Ltd.



Luoyang Hangzhongneng Steam turbine Technology

Luoyang Henan Luoyang Henan Service 60.00% oratio

Sevrvice Co., Ltd.



Hangzhou Hangzhou

Hangzhou Steam turbine Boiler Co., Ltd. Manufacturing 50.00% oratio

Zhejiang Zhejiang



Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam turbine (Indonesia) Co.,

Indonesia Indonesia Manufacturing 70.00% oratio




Hangzhou Hangzhou

Hangzhou Kaineng Casting Co., Ltd. Manufacturing 100.00% oratio

Zhejiang Zhejiang



Zhejiang Runhong Burming Machine Engineering Hangzhou Hangzhou

Manufacturing 58.00% oratio

Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhejiang



Zhejiang Zhongrun Burning machine Technology

Huzhou Zhejiang Huzhou Zhejiang Manufacturing 55.55% oratio

Co., Ltd.


(2)Major non-fully-Owned subsidiaries


Share protion Gains/loss of the Dividend announced Balance of eqiuty of

Name of the subsidiaries

of minor period attributable to in the period to minor minor shareholders at


shareholders minor shareholders shareholders end of period

Zhejiang Steam trubine Packaged

29.14% 2,701,452.58 4,459,185.00 33,022,226.42

Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam

39.17% 8,947,688.57 11,751,600.00 145,574,590.73

turbine PowerCo., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting

49.00% 2,777,180.98 9,800,000.00 74,254,700.04

Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine

48.00% 22,960,442.64 21,600,000.00 70,770,558.32

Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary

12.47% 2,589,696.45 7,980,800.00 26,789,819.41

Machinery Co., Ltd.


According to the articles of association of Huayuan Co., Hong Kong Ruiyun Enterprise Co., Ltd. – the overseas

investor – will no longer enjoy the equity of the joint-venture as soon as the return reaches RMB10.50 million. As

of December 31, 2012, Hong Kong Ruiyun Enterprise Co., Ltd. had received RMB10.50 million of dividend,

therefore the minority shareholder’s equity is neutralized to zero.

According to the articles of association of Guoneng Co., Hong Kong Ruiyun Enterprise Co., Ltd. – the overseas

investor – will no longer enjoy the equity of the joint-venture as soon as the return reaches RMB20 million. As of

December 31, 2011, Hong Kong Ruiyun Enterprise Co., Ltd. had received RMB20 million of dividend, therefore

the minority shareholder’s equity is neutralized to zero.


3 Material financial information of major non-fully-owned subsidiaries


End of term Beginning of term

Subsidiaries Name Non-current Current Non-current Total of Non-current Non-current Total of

Current assets Total of assets Current assets Total of assets Current liabilities

assets liabilities liabilities liability assets liabilities liability

Zhejiang Steam trubine

260,227,660.6 282,936,750.3 190,272,137.4 190,272,137.4 242,916,104.7 184,460,725.

Packaged Technology 22,709,089.71 30,828,926.61 273,745,031.39 184,460,725.05

3 4 9 9 8 05

Development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam 804,557,533.7 886,147,802.2 548,736,452.5 549,066,452.5 654,074,224.9 114,095,212.1 442,548,457.

81,590,268.49 330,000.00 768,169,437.01 442,218,457.32 330,000.00

7 6 5 5 1 0 32

turbine PowerCo., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine 223,797,190.8 199,438,595.7 423,235,786.6 224,664,623.5 254,419,078.5 249,835,889.1 212,563,075.4 26,106,805.0 283,603,772.

29,754,455.00 462,398,964.61 257,496,967.62

5 8 3 2 2 2 9 0 62

Casting Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine

185,381,983.0 206,715,259.0 138,628,223.5 76,377,497.0

Machinery Equipment Co., 21,333,275.97 59,276,595.83 59,276,595.83 20,941,588.24 159,569,811.80 76,377,497.04

6 3 6 4


Hangzhou Steam Turbine

400,114,948.2 112,067,629.6 512,182,577.9 272,629,536.6 273,057,256.6 135,991,610.1 49,629,812.1

Auxiliary Machinery Co., 427,720.00 62,538,428.35 198,530,038.54 49,629,812.11

4 8 2 3 3 9 1


In RMB 元

Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Subsidiaries Name Cash flow for business Cash flow for business

Turnover Net profit Total Misc Gains Turnover Net profit Total Misc Gains

activities activities

Zhejiang Steam trubine Packaged

216,220,744.25 10,511,797.60 10,511,797.60 16,070,589.71 231,731,289.67 18,414,619.99 18,414,619.99 23,432,599.74

Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam turbine

704,991,946.83 20,863,372.38 19,240,043.27 39,621,832.18 713,411,107.53 81,996,808.93 81,996,808.93 -21,698,214.35

PowerCo., Ltd.


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co.,

293,407,553.21 5,944,783.76 5,944,783.76 36,007,460.88 307,664,308.13 12,028,805.45 12,028,805.45 6,568,378.24


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery

190,469,672.28 47,834,255.49 47,834,255.49 26,726,329.69 193,261,167.91 46,709,357.68 46,709,357.68 13,968,622.41

Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary

393,879,695.72 33,520,334.09 33,520,334.09 78,733,368.09 152,984,962.37 52,105,904.36 52,105,904.36 18,621,347.18

Machinery Co., Ltd.


X. Risks related to financial instruments

The objective of the Company’s risk management is to achieve a balance between the risk and gains. Constrain

the negative influence on business operation to the lowest limit, and maximum the interests of shareholders and

other equity holders. With regard to this target, the basic policies of the Company are; locate and analyse the risks,

set appropriate bottom line for risks, and manage and monitor on each risk and constrain them in a certain extent.

Risks attached to financial instruments are mainly credit risks, liquidity risks, and market risks.

The following risk managing policies have been examined and approved by the management:

(I) Credit risks

Credit risks are introduced when one party of the financial instrument failed to exercise its liabilities and then

caused financial loss to another.

The credit risks of the Company are mainly composed by bank savings and receivable accounts. Following

measurements are adopted to control these risks:

1. Bank deposit

The Company puts its bank savings in financial institutions with higher credit ranks, therefore with lower risks.

2. Account receivable

The Company performs credit assessment on the clients on periodic and constant basis. Results suggested by the

assessment are used by the Company to determine clients with higher ranks and to overlook the rest. This was

conducted to avoid risks brought by material bad debts.

(1) Keep constant awareness on risks and supervising receivable accounts.

(2) Keep tracking every detail of business and accounting practices. Trade payment records are maintained as

important references to the ranking of client credit. Dynamic management is performed on the clients latest

situation and policies are made relatively.

(3) Keep on with direct sales and ensure every contract is followed by corresponding personnel.

For the Company only trade with parties with good credit ranks, no security property is needed. As of December

31,2015, the credit risks feature collectiveness within the Company. 45.07%(48.95%,December 31, 2014) of

the receivable accounts were attributable to top 5 clients. The Company holds no property as pledge or other

credit ranking up.

Analyzing of receivable accounts neither due nor impaired, and those have due but not impaired:

Items End of term

Not overdue and not Overdue but not impaired Total

impaired Within 1 1-2 year Over 2 years


Bill receivable 680,518,943.49 680,518,943.49

Subtotal 680,518,943.49 680,518,943.49


Items Beinning of term

Not overdue and not Overdue but not impaired Total

impaired Within 1 1-2 year Over 2 years


Bill receivable 701,109,938.01 701,109,938.01

Subtotal 701,109,938.01 701,109,938.01

(II) Liquidation risks

Liquidation risks are the possibilities of short in cash at fulfilling liabilities of payment or settlement for financial

assets. They may be caused by failing to cash financial assets at fair value instantly; debtors’ failing of paying

debts due; debts due before schedule; or failing of generating expected cash flow.


To handle these risks, the Company adopted multiple measures such as note clearance and bank loans.

Long-term and short-term financing approaches were used to maintain balance between constancy and flexibility.

The Company has obtained credit from multiple banks to satisfy the needs of business operation and capital


Categorizing of financial liabilities on remained period to due

End of term

Items Book value Contract amount not within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3

discounted years



Short-term loans 85,350,000.00 89,602,537.84 89,602,537.84

Notes payable 194,226,049.73 194,226,049.73 194,226,049.73

Non-current 300,000.00 331,550.05 331,550.05

liabilities due to 1


Long-term loan 123,400,000.00 142,672,805.36 142,672,805.36

Account payable 810,420,381.45 810,420,381.45 810,420,381.45

Other account 29,705,125.51 29,705,125.51 29,705,125.51


Subtotal 1,243,401,556.69 1,266,958,449.94 1,124,285,644.58 142,672,805.36


Items Beginning of term

Book value Contract amount not within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3

discounted years



Short-term 198,600,000.00 205,225,558.91 205,225,558.91


Notes payable

150,763,452.14 150,763,452.14 150,763,452.14

Long-term 18,500,000.00 21,917,202.85 21,917,202.85


Account 763,085,718.92 763,085,718.92 763,085,718.92



Other account

payable 29,597,889.12 29,597,889.12 29,597,889.12


1,160,547,060.18 1,170,589,821.94 1,148,672,619.09 21,917,202.85

(III) Market risks

Market risks are those brought by change of fair value or expectable cash flow of financial instruments due to

change of market prices, mainly interest risks and exchange rate risks.

1. Interest risks

Interest risks are those brought by change of fair value or expectable cash flow of financial instruments due to

change of interest rates, mainly regards the loans at floating interest rates.

As of December 31, 2015, the Company had raised RMB83,850,000.00 (Dec 31 2014: RMB58,700,000.00) on

floating interest rates. In case of other variables remain unchanged, if the interest rates change, reasonably and

possibly, for 50% of the benchmark, the total profit and shareholders’ equity will be free of major impact.

2. Foreign currency risks

XI. Related parties and related transactions

(I) Related parties

1. Parent company of the Company

Name of the Shareholding of Voting rights of the

Reg. Add. Business property Registered capital

parent co. the parent co. parent co. %

Hangzhou Steam

Hangzhou China Manufacturing 800 mil 63.64% 63.64%

Turbine Group


(1) Place of registration, organizational form and address of headquarters.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co. Ltd., is a solely state-owned limited liability company approved

by Hangzhou government. It was registered in Hangzhou administrative bureau for industry and commerce on

May 7, 1998, with the License of The Business Corporation now numbered 330100000031779. Place of

registration: Hangzhou. Legal representative: Zhonghai Nie. Registered capital of the company is 800 million

Yuan, fully contributed by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hangzhou


The predecessor of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co. Ltd., is turbine factory, and it was built to be

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Power Co. Ltd., on Dec. 14, 1992, officially replied and approved by files

numbered [1992]68 by Hangzhou Commission for Structural Reforms, numbered [1992]883 by Hangzhou

planning commission and numbered [1992]705 by Hangzhou economic committee. In June, 1995, Hangzhou

Steam Turbine (Group) corporation reorganized to be Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co. Ltd., according to file

No. [1995]61 published by Hangzhou government and file No.[1995]112 published by the government of

Zhejiang province and state economic and trade commission, becoming solely state-owned corporation with

registered capital 156.85 million authorized by Hangzhou government. In Jan. 2008, according to decisions of the

second-session 32nd board meeting and the brief response note of the official document processing issued by the

Hangzhou government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission “SASACJF [2008] No.

2 ”, and respond opinion and revised regulation of No.4 Hangzhou government State-owned Assets Supervision

and Administration Commission, the registered capital of the Group increased by 343.15 million. In Feb. 2008,

the Group completed industrial and commercial change procedure, with registered capital 500 million after

change. In Sept. 2012, according to the Group’s board decision and the brief response note of the official

document processing issued by and revised regulation received from the Hangzhou government State-owned

Assets Supervision and Administration Commission “SASACJF [2008] No. 33 ” , the Group increased by 300


million in registered capital. In Nov. 2012, the Group settled the industry and commercial change procedure, with

registered capital of 800 million after change.

(2) Nature of business and main business scope

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group is a group company, whose business covers manufacture, process and textile

machine, paper manufacturing machine, pump, casting, electric tool, variable gear devices, heat exchanger,

numerical control and digital display devices and spare part of above equipment. It undertakes overseas machinery

industry and domestic international bidding projects and equipment, material export, appointing contract workers

needed by above foreign projects. It also involves thermoelectric project contracting and whole set of equipment,

wholesale and retail products, spare parts and technology development, consulting, service of products mentioned

above produced by group member enterprises. It provides raw materials, equipment, spare parts needed by group

member enterprises for production and water, electricity and gas supply for subordinate companies.

Hangzhou Municipal Government State-owned Asset Supervisory Committee is the ultimate controller of the



For details of subsidiaries please go to the statement of equities in other entities.

3. Other related parties

Name of the related parties Relationship with the Company

Hangzhou Steam turbine Automobile sales service Co.,

Affiliate of the Group


Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Co.,

Affiliate of the Group


Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrical Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Technologies Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

HSTG Technology Association Affiliate of the Group

angzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

HSTG Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Relian Group Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Zhejiang Hanglian Steel & Iron Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Electronic Valve Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

HSTG(Hangzhou) United Institutes Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group

Hangzhou Wandong Electric Co., Ltd Affiliate of the Group

Greenesol Co.(India) Affiliates of the auxiliary Co

Other explanation

4.Related transaction

(1) Sale of goods/rendering of labor services/labor service offering

Purchase of goods and service


Related parties Content Reporting period Trading limit Over the Prior period


approved trading

limit or not

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile freight,

Sales Service Co., Ltd. repairing fee 58,984,034.85 64,000,000.00 No 59,249,879.59

Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Generators

Equipment Co., Ltd. 126,685,952.21 120,000,000.00 Yes 119,833,954.27

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Packaging

Co., Ltd. materials 11,948,339.94 12,000,000.00 No 12,526,915.52

Hangzhou Nanfang Tongda Gears Co., Gear boxes

Ltd. 5,421,380.35 16,000,000.00 No 16,252,887.19

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co. Raw


Industrial 1,286,863.61 945,078.92


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Equipment

maintenance 331,131.48 182,857.89

HSTG Technology Association Industrial

cooperation 16,923.08 3,760.68

Greenesol Co. (India) Generators 25,924,364.86 50,000,000.00 No 49,868,293.64

HSTG (Hangzhou) United Institutes Co., Technical

Ltd. service 200,000.00 11,400.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering

Law material 1,538,461.54

Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Electronic Tube

Law material 770,000.03

Co., Ltd.


Hangzhou Wandong Electric Co., Ltd. 13,743.59


Subtotal 233,121,195.54 No 258,875,027.70

Related transactions regarding sales of goods or providing of services


Subjects of the related

Related parties Current term Same period of last term


Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Cast parts, industrial

Equipment Co., Ltd. co-operation 11,111,122.55 10,527,798.78

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Steam turbine

188,034,438.04 25,040,660.40

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Industrial cooperation 94,339.62 94,339.62

Hangzhou Steam Turbine

Small amount materials 408.87 982.30

Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden

Small amount materials 854.70

Packaging Co., Ltd.

Greenesol Co.(India) Steam turbine 1,885,925.23 2,198,986.74

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor,Industrial


Compressor Co., Ltd. cooperation

Subtotal 201,747,822.77 37,862,767.84

2. Rental with related parties


The Company as leasee


Category of asset Rental recognized this Rental recognized

Name of the owner

for rent period previous period

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Houses & plants 3,241,447.16 6,433,118.75


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 1,760,683.76


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Land using right 3,545,791.00 3,545,791.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile

Site leasing 5,464,123.22 5,242,213.66

Sales Service Co., Ltd.

Subtotal 14,012,045.14 15,221,123.41


3. Guarantees among the related parties

The Company as the provider


Guarantee Guarantee Completed or

The beneficiary Amount guaranteed

Start date Expired on not

Hangzhou Steam

100,000,000.00 December 18,2017 December 18,2019 No

Turbine Group

4. Remunerations of key managements


Items Current term Same period of last term

Remunerations of key managements 8,825,900.72

5. Other related transactions

(1) Service and power supply

HSTG supplies water and power to the Company and some of the subsidiaries amounted to RMB15,348,844.59

this period.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales & Service Co., Ltd. provided transportation to the Company’s

employees and RMB2,475,553.85 was paid this period.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industry Co., Ltd. provided cleaning services to the Company and RMB1,166,665.00

was paid this period.

(2) Using of trademark

The Company pays RMB1,698,113.20 to HSTG for using of the registered trademark.

(3) Expenses paid on behalf the Company

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales & Service Co., Ltd. paid RMB9,797,655.09 of tarrif on behalf of

Turbine Co. during the period.

5.Payables and receivables of the related party



Projects Related parties End of term Beginning of term


Bad debt Bad debt

Book balance Book balance

provision provision

Account Hangzhou Steam Turbine

49,710,305.99 3,657,185.10 8,351,855.99 1,693,436.30

payable Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Hangfa Power

16,174,291.35 972,428.47 10,824,277.96 541,213.90

Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden

310,060.00 186,036.00 1,017,560.00 447,753.00

Packaging Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 236,000.00 11,800.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 258,500.00 163,500.00 258,500.00 115,100.00

Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears

16.48 0.82 1,149.30 57.47

Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears

4,434.00 2,660.40

Co., Ltd.

Greenesol Co. (India) 14,642,682.67 8,785,609.60 13,797,981.90 5,519,192.76

Subtotal 81,331,356.49 13,776,059.99 34,255,759.15 8,319,413.83

Hangzhou Steam Turbine

Prepayment 2,270,000.00

Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine

Electronic Valve Co., Ltd. 26,834,825.00 22,009,425.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine

Electronic Valve Co., Ltd. 900,900.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 107,715.92

Subtotal 29,104,825.00 23,018,040.92



Projects Related parties End of term Beginning of term

Account Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment

payable Co., Ltd. 100,434,643.05 79,049,778.95

Greenesol Co. (India) 8,495,882.02 11,133,713.63

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 5,251,995.90 1,134,000.82

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales

2,737,416.93 1,458,189.74

Service Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd. 404,433.00 313,983.80

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. 380,000.00

HSTG (Hangzhou) United Institutes Co., Ltd. 153,000.00

Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. 112,273.00 982,000.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co. 8,440.00 203,484.86


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 1,134,000.82

Subtotal 117,978,083.90 94,275,151.80


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. 55,573,740.00 15,979,200.00


Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor Co., Ltd. 14,235,000.00 14,190,000.00

Subtotal 69,808,740.00 30,169,200.00

Other account

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 6,050,024.82 5,688,406.79


Subtotal 6,050,024.82 5,688,406.79

6. Related party commitment

XII. Commitment and Contingency Issues

(I) Material commitment issues

Significant contingency at balance sheet date

1. External investment contracts engaged but not exercised or not fully exercised and related financial outflow

The Company invested RMB10 million to be one of the partners of Hangzhou Changdi Share Investment

Partnership (with limited liabilities) in 2011. This was the initial input of capital, and the Company committed to

input supplementary capital when necessary according to the portion of interests, but not greater than RMB50

million accumulative in 8-11 years during the existing period of the firm. Extra RMB11.5935 million was inputted

in , accumulated to RMB39.1155 million thereof.

2. Outsourcing contracts engaged with large amounts and are under processing or preparation

Capital commitment related to construction of workshops or purchasing of equipment by the Company or

subsidiaries is amounted to RMB25. 138 million.

XIII. Major contingencies on balance sheet date

1.Major non adjusting events


Items Content Influence Reason

To improve the return on investment of

company funds, the company intends to use

its own funds of RMB 50 million to invest

in Hangzhou Jushi investment partnership

Major overseas (limited partnership), the company as a

limited partner, in order to limit the amount Yet the actual contribution

investment of capital subscribed by foreign limited

liability. The 26th session of the 6th matter

by the company Board of Directors. As

financial report, the company has not yet

actual contribution to the partnership.

1. Profit distribution


XIV. Other Material Issues

A.Segment information

1. Recognition of segments and accounting policies

Business segments are determined according to the administration structure, management requirement, and

internal reporting mechanism. Segments are parts of the Company’s business satisfying all of the following


(1) Generate revenue and expenses in daily operations;

(2) Operational results can be assessed by the management to decide the resources to be allocated;


(3) Financial position, business results, and cash flow of the part is accessible through analyzing.

2. Reasons of not being able to report about the segments

The Company’s business range is relatively narrow and mainly involved in producing and selling of steam

turbines, gas turbines and auxiliary machinery and parts. It is regarded as an integral business by the management.

Therefore segment report is not included in this report.

B.Other important impact on investor decision-making transactions and events

Controlling shareholder of the company, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group, is planning mixed ownership

reform. We are the biggest shareholding subsidiary corporation in manufacturing industry of subordinate company

of the Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group . In this mixed ownership reform, it will be involved into reform range as

the core business and property taking-in company of the Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group industry plate. If the

ownership structure of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group changes significantly, it will have a profound influence on

the government structure and operational mechanism for the company’s future. But that matter is now being

pushed on, and there is still pretty much uncertainty in mixed ownership reforms.


XV. Notes s of main items in financial reports of parent company

. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category


Closing balance Bad debt provision

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision


Book value Proportio Book value

Amount Proportion Amount Proportion Amount Proportion Amount


Accounts receivable

portfolio subject to

2,236,823,799.21 98.68% 599,432,126.23 26.80% 1,637,391,672.98 2,455,949,951.86 98.80% 444,969,697.87 18.12% 2,010,980,253.99

impairment by credit


Account receivable

of individual not

significance subject

29,819,607.69 1.32% 29,819,607.69 100.00% 29,819,607.69 1.20% 29,819,607.69 100.00%

to individually

assessment for


Total 2,266,643,406.90 100.00% 629,251,733.92 100.00% 1,637,391,672.98 2,485,769,559.55 100.00% 474,789,305.56 19.10% 2,010,980,253.99

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided

Not applicable


Account receivable in the group which are provided bad debt provision on age basis


End of term


Book balance Bad debt provision Providing rate%

Subitem within 1 year

Within 1 year 488,212,821.42 24,410,641.07 5.00%

Subtotal within 1 year 478,212,821.42 23,910,641.07 5.00%

1-2 years 526,046,749.31 52,604,674.93 10.00%

2-3 years 517,304,017.26 155,191,205.18 30.00%

3-4 years 243,626,138.33 146,175,683.00 60.00%

4-5 years 118,292,313.95 94,633,851.16 80.00%

Over 5 years 156,235,678.58 156,235,678.58 100.00%

Total 2,049,717,718.85 629,251,733.92 30.70%

Receivable accounts combined within consolidating range for providing of bad debt provisions

End of term

Name of the Group Providing

Book balance Bad debt provision

rate %

Combinations of related 216,925,688.05

transactions in consolidation




Remarks on deciding of combinations:

Receivable accounts and other receivable accounts within the consolidation range are tested for impairment

individually. No bad debt provision is provided in case there is no impairment occurred.

(2)Accrual period, recovery or reversal of bad debts situation

The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB159,201,949.70 ; recovery or payback for bad debts

Amount is RMB0.00.

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


Items Amount

Difficult to recover 4,739,521.34

Of which the significant actual write-off accounts receivable:


Nature of

Reason for Arising from related

Name account Amount written off Verification procedures

write-off transactions (Y/N)


Difficult to The examined and adopted to

Zhejiang Jiahua Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. Goods 1,920,000.00 No

recover Board of directors

Oriental Electrical Group .Beijing Difficult to The examined and adopted to

Goods 1,599,316.10 No


recover Board of directors


China Petrochemical Group Sichuan Vigny Difficult to The examined and adopted to

Goods 290,000.00 No

Lun factory

recover Board of directors

Difficult to The examined and adopted to

Other Goods 930,205.24 No

recover Board of directors

Total -- 4,739,521.34 -- -- --

Explanation for write-off of account receivables:

(4)The ending balance of other receivables owed by the imputation of the top five parties

Portion in balance of receivable

Name of the companies Book balance Bad debt provision

accounts (%)

Client 1 710,533,035.92 31.35 199,807,870.90

Client 2 338,964,890.80 14.95 128,687,041.80

Xiuping Company 142,218,190.42 6.27

Complete company 68,455,845.24 3.02

Client 5 77,454,736.96 3.42 56,802,786.87

Subtotal l 1,337,626,699.34 59.01 385,297,699.57


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category


Closing balance Opening balance

Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision


Proportio Proportio Book value Proportio Book value

Amount Amount Amount Amount Proportion

n n n

Accounts receivable

portfolio subject to

18,100,881.19 100.00% 5,855,509.22 32.35% 12,245,371.97 35,956,830.09 90.65% 2,419,017.74 6.73% 33,537,812.35

impairment by credit


Account receivable of

individual not

significance subject to

3,710,320.94 9.35% 3,710,320.94 100.00%


assessment for


Total 18,100,881.19 100.00% 5,855,509.22 32.35% 12,245,371.97 39,667,151.03 100.00% 6,129,338.68 15.45% 33,537,812.35

Other receivables with individually significant amount and provision for bad and doubtful debts individually provided at the end of the reporting period.

Not applicable


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Other receivable accounts in the group on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis


End of term


Other receivable account Bad debt provision Proportion%

Subitem within 1 year

Within 1 year 5,874,981.66 293,749.08 5.00%

Subtotal within 1 year 5,874,981.66 293,749.08 5.00%

1-2 years 3,432,681.62 343,268.16 10.00%

2-3 years 1,031,692.00 309,507.60 30.00%

3-4 years 700,000.00 420,000.00 60.00%

4-5 years 554,999.80 443,999.84 80.00%

Over 5 years 4,044,984.54 4,044,984.54 100.00%

Total 15,639,339.62 5,855,509.22 37.44%

Other receivable accounts combined within consolidating range for providing of bad debt provisions

Name End of term

Bad debt

Book balance Providing rate %


Combinations of related 2,461,541.57

transactions in consolidation


Subtotal 2,461,541.57

Remarks on deciding of combinations:

Receivable accounts and other receivable accounts within the consolidation range are tested for impairment individually. No bad debt provision is provided in case

there is no impairment occurred.


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

(2)Accrual period, recovery or reversal of bad debts situation

The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB11,420.54 ; recovery or payback for bad debts Amount is RMB0.00.

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period


Items Amount

Difficult to recover 285,250.00

Of which the significant actual write-off accounts receivable:


Nature of Arising from

Amount written Reason for Verification

Name account related

off write-off procedures

receivables transactions (Y/N)

Luoyang Jinlong

The examined and

Electric Power Difficult to

Deposit 200,000.00 adopted to Board No

Extension recover

of directors


Total -- 200,000.00 -- -- --

(4)Other account receivable classified by account nature


Nature Closing book value Opening book value

Deposit 15,557,676.02 17,537,246.23

Pretty cash 66,000.00 237,970.00

Provisional payment receivable 2,461,541.57 21,438,383.99

Other 15,663.60 453,550.81

Total 18,100,881.19 39,667,151.03

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable collected according to the arrears party


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告


Percentage in

Account Bad debt

Name of the company Book balance Age total other

property provision

receivable %

Shanghai Customs Waigaoqiao Over 5

Deposit 3,710,320.94 20.50% 3,710,320.94

Office years

Advance With in 1

Casting Company 2,124,732.77 11.74%

in cash year

Guoxin Bidding Group Co., Ltd. Deposit 1,659,500.00 0-5 years 9.17% 120,100.00

Guodian Trust Bidding Co., Ltd. Deposit 1,455,150.00 0-4 years 8.04% 365,115.00

Jiangsu International Bidding Co., Within 1

Deposit 800,000.00 4.42% 40,000.00

Ltd. year

Inner Mongolia Bidding Co., Ltd. Deposit 550,000.00 1-2 years 3.04% 55,000.00

Total -- 9,749,703.71 -- 53.86% 4,235,535.94

3. Long-term share equity investment


End of term Beginning of term

Impair Impair

Items ment ment

Book balance Book value Book balance Book value

provisi provisi

on on

Investment on

502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03


Total 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03

(1) Investment on subsidiaries


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告


Curr Provided


Increas ent current

t provision

Company invested in Beginning of term ed this term End of term term

End of

period decr Impairmen


ease t provision

Zhejiang Xiuping Import and export

20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00

trade Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Heavy Industry 360,000,000.00 360,000,000.00

Hangzhou Auxiliary Machine Co. 46,286,513.41 46,286,513.41

Zhejiang Turbine Packaged Co. 29,800,389.56 29,800,389.56

Zhongneng Co. 27,644,475.06 27,644,475.06

Machinery Co. 7,968,000.00 7,968,000.00

Casting Co. 11,220,000.00 11,220,000.00

Total 502,919,378.03 502,919,378.03

4.Business income and Business cost


Items Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Income Cost Income Cost


business 1,530,893,344.10 1,156,539,776.01 2,562,005,959.74 1,781,188,582.14


business 24,603,027.43 22,488,463.30 22,204,008.60 18,750,139.19

Total 1,555,496,371.53 1,179,028,239.31 2,584,209,968.34 1,799,938,721.33

5. Investment income


Items Current term Same period of last term


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis 118,708,415.00 170,983,585.00

Investment income received from holding of

27,742,368.00 23,118,640.00

available-for –sale financial assets

Gains from financing products 3,153,852.99 2,801,258.48

Total 149,604,635.99 196,903,483.48


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

XIV. Supplementary Information

(I) Non-recurring gain/loss

Items Amount Remarks

Gain/loss from disposal of non-working capital, including

the neutralized part of the impairment provision provided -441,916.66


Refunding and exemption of taxes in excess of authority

or without official approval documents

Government subsidies accounted into current income

account (except for those government subsidies closely


related to the Company’s business, and received at

national statutory standard and amount)

Capital adoption fee collected from non-financial

organizations and accounted into current gain/loss

Gain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprise

merger and the fair value of recognizable net asset of the

invested entities

Gain/loss from non-monetary assets

Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets

Asset impairment provisions provided for force-majeur

Gain/loss from debt reorganization

Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee

placement fee and integration fee

Gain/loss from trade departing from fair value

Current net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same control

from beginning of term till date of consolidation

Gain/loss generated by contingent liabilities without

connection with main businesses

Except for effective hedge instruments held for routine

operation, the financial assets on fair value with changes

into current gain/loss, gains from change of fair value of


financial liabilities, disposal of financial assets on fair

value and changes into current gain/loss, and investment

gains from sellable financial assets


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Restoring of receivable account impairment provision

tested individually

Gain/loss from commissioned loans

Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment

property measured at fair value in follow-up


Influence of one-time adjustment made on current

gain/loss account according to the laws and regulations

regarding tax and accounting

Consigning fee received for cosigned operation

Other non-business income and expenditures other


than the above

Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of

non-recurring gain/loss account

Sub-total 47,099,871.54

Less: Influence of enterprise income tax (??for


decrease of income tax)

Influence on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax) 5,191,956.32

Net non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the


owners of the parent company

(II) Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

1. Details

Earnings per share (yuan/share)

Weighted average net

Profit of the report period Basic earnings per Diluted earnings

income on asset %

share per share

Net profit attributable to

common shareholders of the -3.77 -0.22 -0.22


Net profit attributable to the

common owners of the PLC

-4.53 -0.26 -0.26

after deducting of

non-recurring gains/losses

2. Calculation process of weighted average net income on asset

Items No. Current term

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the

A -162,809,311.79



杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Non-recurring gain/loss B 33,354,659.87

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the

C=A-B -196,163,971.66

Company after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss

Net asset attributable to the common shareholders of

D 4,450,598,244.32

the Company at beginning of term

Net asset increased by issuing of new shares or

converting of debt to shares, and attributable to the E

common shareholders of the Company

Total number of months from the next month of when


the asset was newly added to the end of report term

Net asset decreased by repurchasing or cash dividend

and attributable to common shareholders of the G 75,401,040.00


Total number of months from the next month of when

H 7

the asset is decreased to the end of report term

Change of other misc. gains I1 -212,350.28

Accumulative number of months from

the next month when the change of net J1 6

asset to the end of report term


Change of special reserves I2 7,161,770.55

Accumulative number of months from

the next month when the change of net J2 6

asset to the end of report term

Number of months in the report term K 12

L= D+A/2+

Weighted average net asset E×F/K-G×H/K±I×J/ 4,328,684,358.56


Net income on asset, weighted M=A/L -3.76%

Weighted average net income on asset after deducting

N=C/L -4.53%

of non-recurring gain/loss

3. Calculation formula of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

(1) Calculation process of basic earning per share

Items No. Current term

Net profit attributable to common shareholders

A -162,809,311.79

of the Company

Non-recurring gain/loss B 33,354,659.87

Net profit attributable to common shareholders C=A-B -196,163,971.66


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

of the Company after deducting of non-recurring


Total of shares at beginning of shares D 754,010,400.00

Shares increased due to capitalizing of reserves


or share dividend

Increasing of shares by issuing of new shares or


converting of debt to shares

Total number of months from the next month of

when the shares are increased to the end of G

report term

Decrease of shares caused by repurchasing H

Total number of months from the next month of

when the shares are decreased to the end of I

report term

Amount of shares reduced J

Number of months in the report term K 12

Weighted average of common shares issued to L=D+E+F×G/K


the outside -H×I/K-J

Basic earnings per share M=A/L -0.22

Basic earning per share after deducting of

N=C/L -0.26

non-recurring gain/loss

(2) Calculation process of diluted earnings per share is the same as that of the earnings per share.


杭汽轮机股份有限公司 2015 年年度报告

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

March 17, 2016



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