
来源:深交所 2015-12-23 00:00:00

Stock Code: 000024, 200024 Stock ID: ZSDC, ZSJB

Announcement No.: [CMPD] 2015-168

China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.

Announcement on B-shareholders Fulfilling Formalities for

Transfer-Registration Restricted Accounts (for the Second


The Company and all members of its Board of Directors hereby guarantee the authenticity,

accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed, without any false records, misleading

statements or material omissions.

Important Notes:

The Announcement only involves the Company’s B-shareholders who have been

allocatedan account restricted intransfer-registration (“transfer-registration

restricted account”),specifically: (1) the domestic investors who had not confirmed

the correlations between Yimatong Account and A-share and B-share accounts by

Dec. 7, 2015; (2) all foreign investors involved in domestic transactions; and (3) all

foreign investors involved in non-domestic transactions. All of them are hereinafter

referred to as the “Relevant Shareholders”.

The Relevant Shareholders intending to conduct a transaction on the first day when

CM Shekouis listed shall fulfill relevant formalities before Dec. 29, 2015. (The

application for listing is to be approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE). The

listing date will be separately announced.)

In the Announcement, the Company’s A-shareholders and the B-shareholders who

had confirmed the correlations between YimatongAccount and A-share and

B-share accounts before Dec. 7, 2015 are not involved.

The Proposal of acquiring and merging China Merchants Property Development Co.,

Ltd.(“China Merchants Property Development” or the “Company”) by China

Merchants Shekou Holdings Co., Ltd. (“China Merchants Shekou Holdings”) via stock

for stock method has been reviewed and approved by China Securities Regulatory

Commission (the “CSRC”) with the approval document ZJXK [2015] No. 2766, and

the stock conversion of B shares of China Merchants Property Development to A

shares of China Merchants Shekou Holdings is now in the implementation stage.

China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. (CSDCC) has issued

transfer-registration restricted accountsfree of charge to the Company’s domestic

B-shareholders and all the foreign B-shareholders who had confirmed the correlations

between Yimatong Account and A-share and B-share accounts by Dec. 7, 2015,

under which CM Shekou’sAshares so converted will be registered. CSDCC has

delivered the information about the transfer-registration restricted accounts to each

securities company, with which the Relevant Shareholders may get in touch to fulfill

the formalities as follows before conducting transactions of the shares under the said

restricted account:

(1)Domestic investors: They need to confirm that the business department of the

securities company concerning the original B-shares has enabled the RMB

settlement function of the original B-share capital account, and fulfill the

formalities for the third-party custody of the capital account regarding the

transfer-registration restricted accounts with the said business department.

(2) Foreign investors involved in domestic transactions: They need to confirm that

the business department of the securities company concerning the original

B-shares has enabled the RMB settlement function of the original B-share capital


(3) Foreign investors ofnon-domestic transactions (the securities company has been

designated): They need to fulfill formalities for opening the capital account

regarding the transfer-registration restricted accounts with the designated

securities company.

(4) Foreign investors not involved in domestic transactions (securities company has

not been designated): They need to fulfill formalities for opening the capital

account regarding the transfer-registration restricted accounts with the Securities

Business Department of China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. located in

Duty-free Business Building, Yitian Road, Shenzhen.

Domestic service phone: 95565

Overseas hotline: 86-755-26951111

Fax: 0755-26450088

E-mail: sbox@cmschina.com.cn


Securities Business Department of China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.

9F, Duty-free Business Building, Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

Tel.: 0755-82766301

In order to implement the conversion of stocks and accounts as required, the

Company hereby has the following special notes to the Relevant Shareholders:

1. CSDCC has delivered the information about the transfer-registration restricted

accounts to each domestic securities company, so the Relevant Shareholders may

get in touch to fulfill the formalities as required.

2. The investors should fulfill the formalities for the transfer-registration restricted

accounts as required by each securities company.

3. The Relevant Shareholders intending to conduct a transaction on the first day

when CM Shekou is listed shall fulfill the above formalities before Dec. 29, 2015.

(The application for listing is to be approved by SZSE. The listing date will be

separately announced.)

In addition, in the process of account conversion, three transfer-registration restricted

accounts have been closed, covering altogether 17,310 shares (CM Shekou’s

A-share), which therefore cannot be registered under the corresponding restricted

accounts. The Company will directly get in touch with the above three investors or

their securities companies. The cooperation of the relevant investors and securities

companies in the registration will be appreciated.

For more details about the conversion of the account and stock, the different

categories of the B-shareholders, the transfer-registration restricted accounts, the

confirmation of the correlations between Yimatong Account and A-share and B-share

securities accounts, andthe formalities for the transfer-registration restricted accounts,

etc., please refer to Operational Guidelines for Account Conversion Investors Related

to the Stock-for-stock Merger of CMPD by China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone

Holdings Co., Ltd. and the Listing of A and B-shareSecurities in SZSE(Announcement

on Dec. 2, 2015).

China Merchants Property Development Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors

December 23, 2015


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