Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2015-84
Announcement of Resolutions of the First Provisional shareholders'
general meeting of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. in 2015
The Company and all members of its board of directors hereby guarantee that the content of
information disclosure is real, accurate, complete and free from any false record, misleading
representation or material omissions.
Special remarks:
1. Notice and reminder of the shareholders’ meeting were released on November 17 ,2015
and December 2, 2015 respectively with Securities Times, Shanghai Commercial Daily, Hong
Kong Commercial Daily, and, titled Announcement 2015-79 and
2. No proposal was rejected at the meeting.
3. No resolution of previous shareholders’ meeting was changed by this meeting.
I. Holding of the meeting
1. Time of the meeting:
(1) Time of the onsite meeting: December 4, 2015(Friday) 13:30;
(2) Time/date of online voting: Online voting through the trading system of SSE was 9:30~
11:30, 13:00~15:00 December 4, 2015.Votes can be made anytime between 15:00 December 3,
2015 and 15:00 December 4, 2015 through the online voting system provided by SSE.
2. Venue: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (No.357 Shiqiao Road, Hangzhou)
Meeting Room No. 2, the Conference Center
3. Way of meeting: This shareholders’ meeting was held both onsite and online.
4. Convener: the Board of Directors of the Company
5. Host of the meeting: Chairman of the Company, Mr. Zheng Bin
6. The calling and holding procedures were complying with the Company Law, Rules of
Listing of SSE, and the Articles of Association.
II. Delegates at the meeting
1. Presenting of the meeting by shareholders
Totally 151 shareholders and attorneys presented the meeting, representing 505,759,297
shares, accounted of 67.08 % of the total voting shares. Among them there was 1 state-owned
share holder holding 479,824,800 shares, accounted of 63.64% of the total voting shares;
B-stock 150 holders, representing 25,934,497 shares, accounted of 3.44 % of total voting shares.
Totally 59 shareholders and attorneys presented at the onsite meeting, representing
499,337,536 shares, accounted of 66.22 % of total voting shares.
92 shareholders presented the meeting by online voting system, representing 6,421,761
shares accounted of 0.85 % of total voting share.
2. Presenting of other delegates
The directors, supervisors and executives of the Company, as well as the law consultant –
Zhejiang Tiance Law Firm presented the meeting.
III. Proposals and voting results
The following proposals were voted and adopted at the meeting by means of online and
onsite voting.
1. The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal on Extending of Suspending Period of the
Company’s Stocks.
The proposals of company's largest shareholder Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Ltd. –
the related party holding 479,824,800 shares, waived from the voting process. The results of
voting by non-related shareholders are as the following:
In favor Objection Waive
Number of Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion
shares of shares of shares
/ / / / / /
B-share holder
25,820,996 99.5624% 112,001 0.4319% 1,500 0.0058%
25,820,996 99.5624% 112,001 0.4319% 1,500 0.0058%
Including: votes by mid-small shareholders:
(shareholders with 5% or lower of the capital shares)
shareholders 25,820,996 99.5624% 112,001 0.4319% 1,500 0.0058%
2. The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal on Electing Ms. Zhang Xiaoyan as the 6th
Independent Director of the Company
In favor Objection Waive
Number of Proportion Number Proportion Number of Proportion
shares of shares shares
Domestic 479,824,800 100% 0 0 0 0
B-share holder 22,438,224 86.5188% 68,500 0.2641% 3,427,773 13.217%
Total 502,263,024 99.3087% 68,500 0.0135% 3,427,773 0.6777%
Including: votes by mid-small shareholders:
Mid-small 22,438,224 86.5188% 68,500 0.2641% 3,427,773 13.217%
3. The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal on Applying to the Group Company for Using
MTN to Raise Funds
The proposals of company's largest shareholder Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Ltd. –
the related party holding 479,824,800 shares, waived from the voting process. The results of
voting by non-related shareholders are as the following:
In favor Objection Waive
Number of Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion
shares of shares of shares
Domestic / / / / / /
B-share holder 25,305,688 97.5754% 14,000 0.5398% 488,809 1.8848%
Total 25,305,688 97.5754% 14,000 0.5398% 488,809 1.8848%
Including: votes by mid-small shareholders:
Mid-small 25,305,688 97.5754% 14,000 0.5398% 488,809 1.8848%
IV. Legal Opinions from the Solicitors
1. Name of the law firm: Zhejiang Tianche Law Firm
2. Names of the lawyers: Du Wen, Yao,Zhensong
3. Conclusive opinion:
In the lawyers’ opinion, the convening and holding procedures, the qualification of attendees,
and voting procedures of the First provisional Shareholders’ Annual Meeting in 2015 was
complying with the laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company. Therefore
the resolutions are legal and valid.
V. Documents for Reference
1. Resolutions of the First provisional Shareholders’ Meeting in 2015 carrying the signatures
of the directors and secretary of Board;
2. Legal opinion issued by Zhejiang Tianche Law Firm on the shareholders’ meeting.
The above is for the attention of the shareholders.
The Board of Directors of
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
December 4, 2015