Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2015-83
Reminder of Holding the first Provisional Shareholders’ General
Meeting of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. in 2015
The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.
As adopted at the 24th meeting of the 6th term of Board of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., the
first Provisional Shareholders’ General Meeting 2015 will be held in the 2nd meeting room of the
Reception Center of the Company at 13:30 December 4, 2015 (Friday). The notice for calling the
meeting(Announcement No. 2015-79) was served by Securities Times, Shanghai Securities Daily,
Hong Kong Commercial Daily as well as on November 17, 2015. This
is a repeating notice for calling the same meeting.
I. Profiles of the meeting
1. Description of the meeting: The First Provisional Shareholders’ Meeting of Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Co., 2015 (the Company)
2. Caller of the meeting: Board of Directors of the Company. The 24th meeting of the sixth
Board of Directors was held on November 16, 2015, The meeting examined the Proposal of the
Holding First provisional shareholders' general meeting in 2015. For details please find the
Resolutions of the 24th Meeting of the sixth Board of Directors.(Announcement No. 2015-77).
3. Legality and validation of the meeting Calling of the shareholders’ meeting is complying with
the laws and regulations, government documents, standards, as well as the Articles of Association
of the Company.
4. Time, date of the meeting
(1) Time/date of the onsite meeting: December 4, 2015, 13:30pm, meeting will be half a day.
(2) Time/date of online voting:
Online voting through the trading system of SSE will be 9:30~11:30, 13:00~15:00 December 4,
Votes can be made anytime between 15:00 December 3, 2015 and 15:00 December 4, 2015
through the online voting system provided by SSE.
5. Way of meeting
This shareholders’ meeting will be held both onsite and online. Online voting system will be
provided through the trading system and website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
( Current shareholders may vote online in the period as provided
6. Qualification for the meeting:
(1) All of the state-owned shareholders and B-share holders registered by China Securities
Depository & Clearing Corporation Ltd. Shenzhen Branch at the closing of stock market at 3:00
PM, November 30, 2015. Shareholders may attend the meeting personally or empower proxies to
present the meeting. The proxies are not necessarily shareholders of the Company.
(2) Directors, supervisors, and executives of the Company.
(3) Legal consultant of the Company: Zhejiang Tiance Law Firm
7. Venue of the meeting: Meeting Room No.2 Reception Center. 357 Shiqiao Road, Xiacheng,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
II. Proposals to be examined at the meeting
1.The meeting examined the Proposal on Extending of Suspending Period of the Company’s
Stocks ”
See relevant contents of Proposal 1 in the announcement disclosed by the Company’s specific
medias on November 17, 2015.(Announcement No.: 2015-78).
2.The Meeting examined the Proposal on Electing Ms. Zhang Xiaoyan as the 6th Independent
Director of the Company
See relevant contents of Proposal 2 in the announcement disclosed by the Company’s specific
medias on August 25, 2015.(Announcement No.: 2015-48).
3. The meeting examined the Proposal on Applying to the Group Company for Using MTN to
Raise Funds
See relevant contents of Proposal 3 in the announcement disclosed by the Company’s specific
medias on August 25, 2015.(Announcement No.: 2015-54).
Specific medias for disclosing information of the Company: Securities Times, Shanghai Securities
Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
Special remarks: Proposal 1 and 3 concerns of related transactions. Hangzhou Steam Turbine
Power Group Co., Ltd. – the holding shareholder of the Company, shall waive from voting.
Proposal 2 is common proposals which can be adopted by over half of valid shares at the meeting.
III. Registration issues
1. Way of registering: Shareholders please bring their ID card and shareholding account card to
register at the Company. Registration at the Company or through mail or fax are acceptable both
for shareholders or their attorneys.
2. Registration time limit: 15:30 December 1, 2015
3. Registration place: Board Office of the Company
4. Documents for registration:
(1) Shareholders please bring their ID card and shareholding account card to register at the
Company. An “Power of Attorney” is essential for attorneys. Attorneys of shareholders shall take
the shareholders’ account card, ID card of the consigner, the Power of Attorney, and his/her own
ID card to register.
(2) Legal person shareholders shall be represented by the legal representatives or the proxies
empowered by the legal representatives to attend the meeting. Legal representatives shall provide
their ID card, and effective evidence for his/her position. Proxies shall provide their ID cards and
the Power of Attorney issued by the legal representative.
(3) When attorney of a shareholder is carry on consigning a third person to present at the
shareholders’ meeting, the Power of Attorney or other authorization papers shall be notarized. The
notarized papers and the Power of Attorney shall be filed to the Company’s house or place
assigned by the notice.
IV. Procedures of online voting
Shareholders may use the trading system and internet voting system to vote for the meeting
( Details are:
(I) Voting procedures through SSE voting system
1. Voting code: 360771
2. Stock ID: Hangqi Voting
3. Voting time: 9:30-11:30 AM, 13:00-15:00 PM, December 4, 2015.
4. At the day of voting, the numbers under “Hangqi B Voting” and “Closing Price Yesterday” are
the number of proposals to be voted upon.
5. Voting process using the trading system:
(1) Choose “buy”
(2) Input No. of proposals under “entrusted price”. RMB100 represents all of the proposals,
RMB1.00 represents proposal 1, RMB2.00 represents proposal 2, and so on. Each proposal shall
be voted separately by related entrust price. List of proposals corresponding to prices:
No. of Title of the proposal Voting prices
General All proposals
proposal 100
Proposal 1 Proposal on Extending of Suspending Period of the Company’s Stocks
Proposal 2 th
Proposal on Electing Mrs. Zhang Xiaoyan as the 6 Independent Director of
the Company
Proposal 3
Proposal on Applying to The Group Company for Using MTN to Raise Funds 3.00
(3) Filling voting options under “Amount of Shares”, 1 represents voting in favor, 2 represents
voting objection, 3 represents waiving.
Corresponding between votes and amounts:
Type of option Amount of vote
In favor 1 share
Objection 2 shares
Waive 3 shares
(4) By voting on “all proposals” shareholder means collective opinion on all proposals.
The 1st vote shall prevail when votes are repeated at general vote and individual vote. Votes on
individual proposal shall prevail when it is voted before the general vote. Un-voted proposals are
default to the vote on general. The general vote shall prevail when it is voted before individual
(5) The 1st vote on particular proposal is prevail and irrevocable.
(II) Procedures of voting through the internet voting system
1. Online voting starts at 3:00PM December 3,2015 (a day before holding of onsite meeting), and
ends at 3:00PM December 4,2015 (the day when the meeting is closed).
2. Shareholders’ who want to vote online shall go through the identification procedures and obtain
SSE Digital Certificate or SSE Investor Service Code, in accordance with SSE Guide of Online
Services (Revised September 2014).
Shareholder identification procedures:
(1) To apply for a service code
Connect your browser to and click on “Service Code Application” .
Input relative information into fields under “Name”, “Securities Account No.” and so on. The
system will feedback a 4-digit verification code if successful.
(2) Activate the service code
Service code can be activated with the verification code by the same way as purchasing of shares
through the trading system.
Service code, securities to purchase Purchase price Amount
369999 RMB1.00 4-digit verification code
5 minutes after activating of the service code, it can be used. The code is valid permanently and
does not need to be reactivated when voting for others. Report for loss of service code is
acceptable upon activation. New service code can be activated by the same way.
(3) Digital certificate may be applied from Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd. or its agents.
Call these numbers for application of service code by telephone:
Send e-mail to this address to inquire about digital certification:
Inquiry number for online voting service: 0755-83991022/83990728/83991192
3. With a service code or digital certificate, shareholders may vote through the Internet service by
login at
(1) Login to, select “Voting for the First provisional Shareholders’
Meeting in 2015 of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.” under “List of Shareholders’ Meetings of
Listed Companies”;
(2) Click “Login to vote”, select “Login by ID and password”, key in your “Securities Account
No.” and “Service Code”; Investors have digital certificates may select to login by CA certificate.
(3) Click on “To Vote”, and follow instructions on the screen;
(4) Confirm to submit voting results.
(5) To check the voting results please login Shenzhen Stock Exchange Internet Online Voting
System ( after 18:00 on the voting day and click on “Check for Voting
Results”, or, check through the stock broker.
V. Misc. issues
1. Shareholders and attorneys shall bring the original copies of papers when presenting the
2. Contact:
Mail address: Board of Directors’ Office, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., No.357 Shiqiao Rd.,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China;
Post code: 310022
Tel: Yu Changquan (0571)85780432
Wang Gang (0571)85780198、85784758
3. The meeting will last half a day. Shareholders shall pay their own travel and accommodation
The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
December 1, 2015
Power of Attorney
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
This is to entrust Mr./Ms. to present at the First Provisional Shareholders’ Meeting in 2015
of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. and vote on behalf of me.
Name of the consigner: (or name of the legal person entity)
ID number (or Business License No.) of the consigner:
Signature of the attorney:
ID number of the attorney:
Date of signing:
Name of the
Amount of shares
No. of proposal Title of the proposal Votes
In Waive Objection
1.00 (Proposal 1) Proposal on Extending of Suspending Period
of the Company’s Stocks
2.00 (Proposal 2) Proposal on Electing Mrs. Zhang Xiaoyan as
the 6th Independent Director of the Company
3.00 (Proposal 3) Proposal on Applying to The Group Company
for Using MTN to Raise Funds